HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-344 TOWN OFSOUTHOLD BOARD OF SOUTHO,LD TOWN TRUSTEES SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK WETLANDS PERMIT This.Wetlands Permit No..3_4_4. ............ has been granted by the Town Trustees according to information furnished in Application No. 441 f' ~ I~ A ' t Costello ~r±ne fo~. on file in the Trustee Office under the application number given. Creek, Bay or Harbor frontidg property .... ~.°.7.5~..~.a.7. ............................ ; ......................................... i .... Size of work: Length .......... .1..3..O.,'....a.~.d....t.~.o....2..7.~...~.e.~.u..r..n..s .................................................................... 15" Width ............................................................................................................................. Height Above High Water ............................................................................................ Depth Below L~w Water ................................................................................................. - yards to be Excavated ;. ................................................................................................... Yards to be Filled ........ .~..~..0....c.~.:..:¢..d.s..: .......................................................................... Manner in which material is to be removed or deposited ......................................................................... Residential ............................. ~ntended use of prope~y ............................................................................................ Conditions if amy ._.7.7.7.?.7.?~=?.=¥.====~==~===c===== ............................................................................ October 30, 1987 if work has not commenced ,b~. ~%~..~,t,~o_...T~¢ ............. Expiration Date .................................................. Trustees are ~'~"'~'g'"~'~'~'i'~'ied up~n"~"~'etio~ of the work. ~mber of Inspections Required ..,2=.~.~,u.s. ~..e~.e..s.~.e.~t.~.~..b..e.~.~.e..d.~p~.~.~r"~mp~o~f ..... Inspection Fees .......... .$..5.: .g..0.. 2.a..~..~. ........................................................................................................ Liability Policies in the Amount of ......................................................................................................... The validity of this permit is or may be subject to the approval of other governmental or municipal authorities. The Town accepts no responsibility in applying for or obtaining such approval. In the event that such approval is necessary, the holder of this permit shall not commence operations here- under un til such approval has been obtained in writing. The failure to obtain such other approval when required shal subject this permit to ~mmediate revocation by the Trustees upon receipt by the Trustees- of written notice from such other governmental or municipal authorities of its refusal or disapproval. The applicant does by the acceptance of this permit, assume all responsibility for operations under- taken pursuant to this permit, and shall take all precautions for the prevention of injuries to persons and ~roDerty resulting from such operations. By such acceptance, the applicant also agrees to 'ndemni- fy and save harmless the Town, and its officers, agents and employees from any and all claims arising from operations under this permit and any and all ac~s or omissions of applicant, his agent and employees. The applicant and the owner and occupants of the premises upon which the operations authorized by this permit are being conducted, do, by the acceptance of this permit, give consent to the Town, and its officers and employees to enter upon the premises where such operations are being conducted to make such inspections as the Town may deem necessary to insure that such operations are being con- ducted in conformity with this permit. This operation will not substantially: A. Adversely affect the wetlands of the town, B. Cause damage from erosion, turbidity or siltation. C. Cause saltwater intrusion into the fresh water resources of the town. D. Adversely affect fish, shellfish or other beneficial marine organisms, aquatic wildlife and vege- tation or the natural habitat thereof. E. Increase the danger of flood and storm-tide damage. F. Adversely affect navigation on tidal waters or the tidal flow of the tidal waters of the town. S. Change the course of any channel or the natural movement or flow of any waters. H. Weaken or undermine the lateral support of other lands in the vicinity, I. Otherwise adversely affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town. President ' ' Board of Southold Town Trustees Date .....~...~.....; .....'.....,. ·/.-.~.-. -~-~' ........................... Public NOtiCe ~fs Army Corp~ Engineers In replying refer to: New York District 26 Federa~ Plaza Public Notice No. 1967-i'~P-R N~w York, N.Y. 102~8 ~,'n'N: Published:May 18 1987 Expires: N/A TO WHOM IT. MAY CONCERN: During the month of April 1987, 35 Individual Department of the Army Permit Authorizations and 8 Authorizations for work under a Regional General Permit were issued for work in Waters of the United States, pursuant to Section 10 of the River and Harbor Act of 1899 (33 U.S.. 403); Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (U.S.C. 1344 et.seq.) and Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (86, Stat. 1052, P.L. 92-532), as appropriate, to the permittees IiSted on the Uattached enclosure. During this month, no applications were denied, 27 applications were considered withdrawn and 38 applications did not require Department of t~e Army approval or the proposed work is authorized by a Nationwide General Permit. Prior to issuance of the individual permit authorizations, evaluatio~ was made on factors affecting the public interest, including,' but not limited to, conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, historic values, fish and wildlife values, flood damage prevention, land use, navigation, recreation, water supply, water quality, energy needs, safety, food production, and in general, the needs and welfare of the people. Marion L. Caldwell, Jr. Colonel, Corps of Engineers District Engineer Enclosure DATE PERMIT NO. APPLICANT WORK AUTHOPuiZED ISSUED 14224A A1 Barone Permission to modify permit 4/2/87 The Villas at Harts Cove no. 14224 to allow the construction 3680 Route 112 of two 6 foot by 200 foot timber floats, Coram, NY 11727 and with twenty 3 foot by 16 foot timber pier extensions, instead of permitted timber concrete assembly 13723A The Island Boat Yard, Inc. Permission to modify permit 4/16/87 75 Menantic Road South no. 13723 for the addition to six Shelter Island, NY 11964 tJ/nk~r floats, 3 feet by 20 feet and two floats of 3 feet by 16 feet 14322 Gudz~k's Marine Permit to dredge with upland_ 4/1/87 217 West Broadway disposal and construct a ramp ex- Port Jefferson, NY 11777 tension ~n Port Jefferson Harbor Public Notice No. at Port Jefferson, Suffolk County, 12805-86-1370-L6 New York 5 December 1986 14323 William R. Pell Permit to d~edge with upland 4/1/87 P.O. Bex 341 disposal and construct a bulkhead Greenport, NY 11944 in Shinnecock Bay at Southampton, Public Notice No. Suffolk County, New York 12815-86-1398-L1 10 December 1986 14324 ~Richard J. Lewis Pern~t to dredge with upland 4/1/87 30 Crescent Drive disposal in Navesink River, Red Bank, NJ 07701 Shrewsbury River Basin at Middletown Public Notice No. Mor~aouth County, New Jersey 12570-86-443-J1 27 March 1986 08G-14325 Al Cohen Authorization under a district 4/3/87 c/o Eh-Consultants, Inc. to construct a recreational pier in 1329 North Sea Road Moriches Bay at Westhan~pton, Suffolk Southampton, NY 11968 Counny, New York 14326 Margare~ Dove-Scribner Letter of Permission to in- 3/31/87 P.O. Box 1057 stall a recreational pier ~n West Shelter Island, NY 11964 Neck Bay, Shelter Island Sound at Shelter Island, Suffolk County, New York 14327 NYS Dept of Transportation Permit to place fill, r~prap 4/3/87 Veterans Memorial Hghwy and dredge with upland disposal Hauppauge, NY 11788 in Gardiners Bay at East Marion, Public Notice No. Suffolk County, New York 12750-86-416-L2 9 October 1986 14328 Port Authorit~ of NY & NJ Permit to dredge with ocean 4/6/87 One World Trade Cen%er disposal in Bergen Basin, Jamaica Now York, NY 10048 Bay at Kennedy International Air- Public Notice No. port, Queens County, Now York 12721-86-862-OD 9 Septembe~ 1987 14329 George T~hl Pemit t~ maintain as ~ 4/7/87 P.O. Box 74 pleted rampsr foats and piles in Franklin Square, NY 11010 Newbridge Creek, Hempstead Bay at Public Notice No. Bellmore, Nassau County, New York 12674-86-380-L3 18 July 1986 14330 Joseph Hurtubise Permit to construct a bulk- 4/9/87 26 Harned Drive head, dredge with upland disposal in Centerp°rt, NY 11721 L!;Dd~le C~rt Canal, Moriches Bay P~iblic Notice No. at Shirley, Suffolk County, Now York 12738-86-904-L6 26 September 1986 14331 Alan M. Radi Permit to maintain as ~ 4/8/87 597 BoEaner Street pleted piles, floats and ramps in Oceanside~ NY 11572 in Strum Channel, Hempstead Bay at Public Notice No. Oceanside, Nassau County, New York 12833-86-1463-L3 13 January 1986 14332 Sea Girt Bar & Grill, Inc. Permit to maintain as ~ 4/9/87 Beach 5th Street pleted piles, floats and a pier ~i~a.~.y, NY 11691 in Reynolds Channel at Fai Rockaway icNotice No. Queens County, Now York 12735-86-605-Y5 23 September 1986 14333 Charles S. Cohen Letter of Permission to con- 4/10/87 3270 Judith Drive struct a float, ramp and piles ~n Bellmore, NY 11710 Bast Bay, He~npstead Bay at. Hempstead, Nassau County, New York 14334 Amerada Hess Permit to dredge and place 4/9/87 1 Hess Plaza riprap in Gowanus Creek, Gowanus woodbridge, NJ 07095 Canal at Brooklyn, Kings County, Public Notice No. Now York 12824-86-1015-Y1 19 December 1986 14335 Dunewood Property Owners Permit to construct a bulk- 4/10/87 c/o Sidney Henner head in Great South Bay at Fire 163 Half Hallow Drive Island, Suffolk County, New York Deer ParR, NY 11729 Public Notice No. 12787-86-982-L2 18 November 1986 3 14336 John Sepe Permit to install a break- 4/15/87 326 Lido Prc~enade West water in American Venice Canal, Lindenhurst, NY 11757 Great South Bay at Copiague, Suffolk Public Notice No. County, New York 12862-86-1464-L4 19 February 1987 14337 I~in Fuchs Permit to construct a bulk- 4/15/87 P.O. Box 853 head, dredge and place fill in Quogue Quogue, NY 11959 Canal, Quantuck Bay at Quogue, Public Notice No. Suffolk County, New York 12846-86-1211-L1 20 January 1987 14338 Baverstraw Marina Corp. Permit to insf~ll breakwaters 4/14/87 Beach Road rmprap, bulkheads and dredge with West Haverstraw, NY 10993 upland disposal in the Hudson River Public Notice No. at Haverstraw, Rockland County, t2693-86-269-YS New Yo~k 28 July 1986 08G-14339 Stuart Katz Authorization under a district 4/1/87 73 Overlea East general permit to install a re- Massapequa Park, NY 11762 ereational pier in South Oyster Bay at Massapequa Park, Nassau County, New York 08G-14340 A~nold R. Bank Authorization under a district 4/14/87 26 Skylark Road general permit to install a Massapequa Park, NY 11762 creational pier ~n South Oyster Bay at Massapequa Park, Nassau County, New York 14341 NYC Dept of Sanitation Permit to dredge with ocean 4/15/87 51 Chambers Street disposal in the East River at New York, NY 10007 Manhattan, New York County, New York Public Notice NO. 12649-85-347-OD 19 June 1986 14342 North Arlir~ton- Permit to install a pipeline 4/17/87 Lyndhurst Joint Meeting and place fill in the Passaic River 214 Ridge Road at North Arlington, Bergen County, North Arlington, NJ 07032 Belleville~ Essex Count/, N~ Jersey Public Notice No. 12561-86-120-J1 19 March 1986 4 14343 Daniel Sullivan Permit to relocate an existing bu3Jchead and 4/20/87 456 Ocean Avenue construct a pier, float and ra~p in shrewsbury River Sea Bright, NJ 07760 at Sea Bright, Mor~nouth County,New Jersey Public Notice No. 12849-85-320-J1 30 January 1987 14344 U.S. Navy Permit to dredge with ocean disposal and 4/21/87 Dept of the Navy beach nourishmant and pier construction mn Sandy Naval Facilities Hock Bay at Middletcx~n, Monmouth Count~, New Jersey Er~ineer C~m~d Philadelphia, PA 19112-5094 Public Notice No. t2790-86-638-RS 24 November 1986 14345 International Paper Co. Pe~nit to place f~ll in Lachute Piver, Lake 4/22/87 - 77 West 45th Street Champlain Basin at-Ticonderoga, Essex County, New York, NY 10036 New York Public Notice No. 12886-86-556-YS 21 July 1986 14346 George Morrell Letter of Permissionto install a recreation- 4/23/87 Robei~son Drive al pier in Shelter Island Sound at North Haven, Sag Harbor, NY 11963 Suffolk County, New York 14347 U.S. Tr~st Company Permit to dredge with upland disposal in 5/6/87 45 Wall Street Gardiners Bay at East Hampton, Suffolk County, New York, NY 10005 New York Public Notice No. 12777-86-1214-L4 10 November 1986 14348 not used 14349 McCormack Aggregates Permit to install a mooring buoy in the East 4/23/87 P.O. Box 252 River at Tb_rogs Neck, Bronx County, New York Lower Main Street South Amboy, NJ 08879 Public Notice No. 12845-86-940-Y2 20Junuary 1987 08G- 14350 Richard Rosker Authorization under a district general per- 4/24/87 c/o En-Consultants~ Inc mit to install a recreational pier in Moriches Bay 1329 North Sea Read at Remsenburg, Suffolk County, New York 5 14351 The Mariners En!~orlt~n Permit todredge with upland disposal in 4/24/87 590 Patten Avenue Branchport Creek, Shrewsbury P~iver at Long Branch, Long Branch, NJ 07740 Monmouth County, New Jersey Public Notice No. 12826-86-1095-J1 19 December 1986 14352 not used 14353 Robert Nagler Permit to construct a bulkhead and dredge 4/27/87 Box 317 Bayview Dr. in Shinnecock Bay at Quogue, Suffolk County, Qougue, NY 11959 New York Public Notice No. 12857-87-0026-L1 13 February 1987 14354 Julia Sinzieri Permit to install a bulkhead, dredge and place 4/27/87 108 Cary Place fill inCary Canal, H~L~stead Bay at Freeport, Nassau - Freeport, NY 11520 County, New York Public Notice No. 12877-86-680-L3 2 March 1987 14355 Harbour Green Shore Club Letter of Permission to install a pier 5/6/87 P.O. Box331 facility in Grand Lagoon, South Oyster Bay at Massapequa, NY 11758 Massapequa, Nassau County, New York 09G- ~ 14356 Paul & Mary Vercesi Authorization under a district general permit 4/27/87 39 Grar~nercy Park to constr~ct $ crib pier in Lake Champlain at New YorR, NY 10010 Cleverdale, Wsrren County, New York 09G- 14357 Yates & Sheryl Lansing Authorization under a district general permit 4/27/87 c/o John Mason to construct a crib pier in Lake Champlain Basin PO Box 86 at Lake George, Warren County, New York Cleverdale, NY 12820 14358 National Devetopmant Co. Permit to install a bulkhead, dredge and place 4/27/87 80 Smith Street fill in Hairpin Canal, He~apstead Bay at .HentDstead Farmingdale, NY 11735 Nassau County, New York Public Notice No. 12746-86-988-L3 2 October 1986 14359 Mr. & Mrs. Liebman Letter of Permission to construct a recreat- 4/24/87 122 East 42nd Stree% Tonal pier in Shelter Island Sound at Noyac, Suffolk New York, NY 10168 County, New York 6 14360 Matchaponix Water Supply Permit to ins~ll a ~ter supply ~ntake and 4/28/87 P.O. Box 249 pipelines ~n South P~ver Basin at MaD~%lapan, Mullica Hill, NJ 08062 Monmouth County, Nc~ Jersey 14361 Henry Kibel Permit to construct a bulkhead, ra~p, place 4/29/87 4487 Douglas Avenue fill and dredge with upland disposal in Quantuck Bronx, NY 10402 Bay at Bronx, Bronx County, New York Public Notice No. 12843-86-1286-L1 20 January 1987 / 08G- &/14362 Bernh~r~ peper Authorization under a district qeneral permit 4/30/87 C/o En-Consultants, Inc. to install a recreational pier in Deep Hole Creek, Great Peconic Bay at Mattituck, SuffoLk County, 1329 North Sea Road South~n~Ptbn0 NY 11968 New York j08G- 14363 'Joan LaCaille Authorization under a district general permit 4/30/87 c/c En-Consultants, Inc. to install a recreational pier in Shelter Island 1329 North Sea Read Sound at Southold, Suffolk County, New York Southampton, NY 11968 14364 Baker Properties Per, it to place fill in %~tlends adjacent to 4/30/97 485 Washinton Avenue the Saw Mill River, Hudson River Basin a5 Greenburgh, Pleasantville, NY 10570 Westchester County, New York Public Notice No. 12830-86-1080-YW 31 December 1986 D~ THE MONTH OF APRIL 1987 THE FOLLOWLNG APPLICATIONS W~qE WITHDRAWN. DATE APPLICANT PROPOSED WOP~K OF ACTION N. Csrlisi & H. Seymour TO construc~ a bulkhead end place fill in 4/2/87 Public Notice No. Hcg Island Creek, Hempstead Bay at Island Perk, 12879-87-0102-L3 Nassau County, N~ York 2 March 1987 J. Lane Curry To construct a bulkhead and place riprap in 4/7/87 Public Notice No. Southold Bay, Shelter Island Sound at Southold, !2861-86-1259-L2 Suffolk County, New York 19 Februsry 1987 Sto~ ~he~ To install riprap, dredge replace an existing 4/10/87 ?ubtic Notice No. b~lkhead and pier end backfill in Awixa Creek, 12855-86-1476-L2 Great South Bay at Bay Shore, Suffolk County, 11 February 1987 New York Eugene Y~o~kew To replace an e~isting bulkhead, ramp,piles 4/9/87 end dredge in Great Sou~h Bay at West Islip, Suffolk County, New York 7 Gregory & Ellen Stang To construct a bulkhead and back fill in 4/7/87 Shell Creek, H~L~stead Bay at Her~pstead, Nassau County, New York Diane Koshefsky To replace a float syst~ in He~pstead Bay at 4/14/87 Freeport, Nassau County, New York Lou Rc~eo To replace a float syst~ in H~stead Bay at 4/14/87 Freeport, Nassau County, New York Matthew Ferrigno To replace a bu3_khead and backfill in Great 4/13/87 South Bay a% Babylon, Suffolk County, New York Internationat-Matex Tank Terminal To dredge with open water disposal in Kill Van 4/16/87 Kull at Bayonne, Hudson County, New Jersey Shrewsbury Manor, Inc. To dredge with upland disposal in Navesink 4/16/87 River, Shrewsbury River at Red Bank, Monmouth Counry, New Jersey Maravista Condc~inlun Assoc. Inc. To dredge with upland disposal in Navesink 4/16/87 River, Shrewsbury River at Red Bank, Monmouth County, New Jersey Assoication at the Bluffs To dredge with upland disposal in Navesink 4/16/87 River, Shrewsbury River at Red Bank, Monmouth County, New Jersey 138 Bodman Place, Inc. To dredge with upland disposal in Navesink 4/16/87 River, Shrewsbury River at Red.Bank, Monmouth County, New Jersey Monmouth Boat Club To dredge with upland disposal in Navesink 4/16/87 River, Shrewsbury River at Red Bank, Monmouth County, New Jersey Thc~nas Parissidi To repair an existing bulkhead and dredge with 4/16/87 upland disposal in Champlins Creek, Great South Bay at East Islip, Suffolk County, New York Fred scho~nhut To construct a pier, float, dolphins, ramp and 4/3/87 piles in shelter Island Sound at North Haven, SuffoLk County, New York Beverly & Nicholas Billotti To construct a bulkhead and place fill ~n 4/16/87 Great South Bay at Lindenhurst, Suffolk County, New Work Morania Shipyard, Inc. To dredge with ocean disposal in Kill Van Kull 4/17/87 Public Notice No. at Staten Island, Ridmrond County, New York 12874-86-824-0D 27 February 1987 Pironi Custc~ Hc~es, Inc. To construct a bulkhead, dredge and place fi114/28/87 Public Notice No. in Parsonage Creek, Hempstead Bay at Baldwin, i2899-87£0204-L3 Nassau Count~;~ New York 18 March 1987 To place fill in the Passaic Rive at Montville,4/24/87 Ibwnship of Montville Morris County~ New Jersey Bay Properties Associates To construct a'bulkhead, dredge and place fill 4/30/87 Public Notice No. in New York Harbor at Brooklyn, Kings County, 12889-87-0040-YI New York 16 March 1987 North Channel Co. TO construct a bulkhead, floats, dredge and 4/28/87 Public Notice No. place fill in Reynolds Channel at Island Park, 12891-87-0100-L3 Nassau County, New York 17 March 1987 Roy Siegel To install a r~p, float & piles in East Bay 4/17/87 Public Notice No. Hempstead Bay at Bellwore, Nassau County, New York 12888-87-02!1-L3 16 March 1987 Aninep Corp. in~. To place fill in the l?assaic River au ~VDntville 4/24/87 Morris County, N~ Jersey Florence Manfra To construct a bu3]chead in Reynolds Channel at 4./28/87 Beach, Hempstead, Nassau County, New York Crow-Foody Central To place fill Lq Troy Brook, Whippany River 4/24/87 Passaic River at Parsippany/Troy Hills, Morris County, New Jersey Jan~s Karmas To construct a pier assembly in She~ter Island 4/24/87 Sound at North Haven, Suffolk County, New York THE FO~ PROPOSALS, WHICH WERE REVIEWED DUP/NG THE MONTH OF APP~IL 1987 ARE AJYI~ORIZED UNDER NATIONWIDE GEAKSLAL PEP~4ITS OR DO NOT REQUIRE DEPARllMENT OF ARMY D~PROVAL. DATE APPLICkNT PROPOSED WOPJ< OF ACTION Robert Arnold To repair an e~xisting bulkhead and backfill 4/2/87 in Old Fort Pond, Shirmecock Bay at Southampton, Suffolk County, New York Richard Strauss To replace an existirg bulkhead and backfill 4/1/87 in Moneybogue Bay, Quantuck Bay at Westhampton Beach Suffolk County, New York George Dirkes To reconstruct an existing bulkhead and back- 4/1/87 Quogue Canal, Quantuck Hay at Southsmpton, Suffolk County, New York Erwin Brandt To replace in-kind, in-place an existing 4/1/87 bulkhead in Jamaica Bay at Lawrence, Nassau County, New York Harold Weinberg To construct a restaurant on the upland 4/3/87 property near Gravesend Bay, New York Harbor at Brooklyn, KingssCounty, New York Norman Ember To reconstruct an existing bulkhea and back- 4/3/87 fill in Stone Creek, Shinneccok Bay an Quogue, Suffolk County, New York Inter Sportsman Corp To construct a family dwelling landward of 4/1/87 the spring high tide line with backfill near East Channel, Freepert Bay, H~npstead Bay at Freeport, Nassau Count_v, New York Willis Marine Canter, Inc. To replace an existing bulkhead and backfill 4/6/87 in Huntirgton Harbor, Suffolk County, New York Charles Andreski To replace an existing bulkhead and backfill 4/6/87 in South Oysner Bay an Dysner Bay, Nassau County, N~W York Forest Hill Village To place fill in wetlands above the heed- 4/9/87 waters in the Passaic River BasJ~n at hardysto~, Sussex County, New Jersey Hedy Height Construcnion Co. To place fill material into freshwater wet~ 4/13/87 lands above the headwaters of sa~ unnamed tributary of the Raritan River at Mt. Olive, Morris County, New Jersey Eric Meyen To replace in-kind, in-place an existing 4/14/87 bulkhead and backfill in Woodcleft Bay, Hempstead Bay a~ Hempstead, Nassau County, New York Alfonso Rivera To replace in-kind, in-place an existing 4/1/87 bulkhead and backfill in Hempstead Bay ar Hempstead. Nassau County, New York 10 Valmore B. Jacob To place riprap landward of the spring high 4/3/87 tide line along shinnecock Bay at Southampton, Suffolk County, New York Charlie's Boat Bas3_n To replace in-kind, in-place an existing bulk- 4/13/87 head and backfill in Merrick Bay, H~mpstead Bay at Hempstead, Nassau~County, New York Harry's Marina TO repair an existing bulkhead and backfill 4/6/87 in Great South Bay at Islip, Suffolk County, New York Abe Berstein To replace an eXisting bulkhead and backfill 4/15/87 in Moriches Bay at Center Moriches, Suffolk County, New York Mountain View Associates To place fill ~n freshwater wetlands above 4/17/8y the headwaters adjacent to an ~ tributary to Baldwins Creek, Raritan River at Hopew~ll, Mercer County, New Jersey Westwir~ Estares TO place filI in freshwater wetlands locate~ 4/17/87 above the headwaters in Hackensack River at Westwood, Bergen County, New Jersey AT & T Resource Manag~n~-nt Corp TO place fill in freshwater wetlands located 4/17/87 above the headwaters in the Passaic River at Warren, Scmerset County, New Jersey Wyoming Gate, Incc To place fill in wetlands above the headwaters 4/13/87 of an unnamed tributary of the Passaic River au North Caldwell, Essex County, New Jersey Hartz Mountain Industries, Inc. To place fill above the headwaters in an 4/15/87 ditch emptying into Overpeck Lake, Hackensack River Basin at Ridgefield Park, Bergen County,New Jersey William Grimsldi To place fill above the headwater of an un- 4/17/87 named tributary of Hackensack River at Washington Township, Bergen County, New Jersey Whitney Estates To construct a minor road crossing fill to 4/17/87 Warnes Brook, South River Basin at Old Bridge, Middlesex County, New Jersey H & M Inves~n~nt co. To place fill above the headwaters of an 4/17/87 unnan~d tributary of the Lanington River, Raritan River Basin at Chester, Morris County, New Jersye 11 Town of Southanpton To resurface an existing ramp and bulk- 4/28/87 head in Old Fort Pond, shinnecock Bay at Southampton, Suffolk County, New York Robert W. Kanser To replace an existing bulkhead and backfill 4/28/87 in Great South Bay at West Islip, Suffolk County, New York Town of Southan~pton To resurface an existing ranp and extend an 4/29/87 existing bulkhead in Shinnecock Bay at East Quogue, Suffolk County, New York George McCarthy To replaee in-kind, in-place an existing 4/30/87 bulkhead in Great South Bay at Islip, Suffolk County, New York William J. Heins To replace in-kind, in-place an existing 4/28/87 float in Randall Bay, H~mpstead Bay at Hempstead, Nassau County, New York Richard Chuhrack To replace in-kind, in-place an existing 4/24/87 bulkhead and backfill in Hen!0stead, Nassau County, New York Old Country Road Realty Corp To construct a bulkhead and backfill land- 4/20/87 ward of the spring high tide off Parsonage Creek, - H~mpstead Bay at Baldwin, Nassau County, New York _~be~rt Grossman To construct a bulkhead and backfill land- 4/14/87 word of ~e spring high tide line in Newbridge Creek, Hempstead Bay at Hempstead, Nassau County, New York John A. Stratta To place fill above the head, raters ~n Pine 4/27/87 Lake, Hackensack River Basin at Washington, Bergen County, New Jersey Joseph Frederick Gazza To replace in-kind, in-place an existir~ 4/28/87 boat slip and dredge in Shinnecock Bay at Quogue, Suffolk County, New York Town of Southampton. To resurface a boat ramp in North Sea Harbor 4/28/87 Little Peconic Bay at Southau~pton, Suffolk County, New York Town of Southampton To re~lrface a boat ramp in Mill Creek, 4/28/87 Shelter Island Sound at Noyack, Suffolk County, ~ New York Chubb Corporation To' place fill above the headwaters of ~n un- 4/27/87 named tributary of the Dead River, Passaic River Basin at Wazren Township, Sc~rset County, New Jersey 12 BOARD OF TOW~ TRUSTEES TOWN or SOVT~OLO ~ro Y ~ 1574' 53095 Main Road Phone 765-1892 . . . Southold. N. Y. 11971 Date //~ /~ 19~ ~ BOARD OF TO~; I~USTEES HENRY F. SMITH, President TELEPHONE JOHN M. BREDEMEYER. Vice-Pres. f516~ 765-1892 PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 - Southold, New York 11971 November 6, 1986 Costello Marine Contracting Corp. c/o John A. Costello P. O. Box AK Greenport, New York 11944 Re: J. Lane Curry Wetland Application No. 441 Dear Mr. Costello: The following action was taken by the Board of Trustees during their regular meeting held on October 30, 1986 regarding the above referenced matter. WHEREAS, Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of J. Lane Curry applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated August 4, 1986 , and WHEREAS said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect no said application on October 30, 1986 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the pre~mises in question and the surrounding area, and WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the projecn as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the Town, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of J. Lane Curry BE AND HEREBY IS GRANTED PERMISSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE WETLDiqD ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Construct 130' of timber bulkhead, with (2) 27' returns and to backfill with 110 cu. yds. of upland sand. Said structure is to be constructed within 18", property is located on Paradise Page 2. Board of Trustees Point, Southold. This permit will expire on October 30, 1987 if work has not commenced by said .date. There are two inspections required and the Trustees are to be notified upon the completion of the work. Prior to the issuance of said permit by the Clerk, the applicant shall file with the Clerk a certificate that he has public liability insurance policies insuring against any liability which may arise in the performance of the operations pursuant to such permit mn such amount as shall be fixed by the Trustees, which said policies shall name the Town as a name insured. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. Please be advised that there is a $5.00 Wetland Inspection fee now due and payable. Upon remittance, your permit will be forwarded by mail. Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees HPS:ip cc: Robert A. Greene, D.E.C., Stony Brook Commissioner Henry G. Wi%liams, D.E.C., Albany Stephen Mars, Army Corps of Engineers Thomas Hart, Coastal Management Conservation Advisory Council Bldg. Dept. Board of Appeals File Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 ~ELEPHONE Southold, New York 11971 t516) 765-1801 SOUTttOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL October 22, 1986 To.: ltene Pfifferling From: Linda Cooper, Secretary CAC The following recommendations were made by the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council at the regular meeting held Thursday, October 16, 1986: Wetland Application NO. 435 - Robert N. Durso - Table - no cesspool system shown on plans. Wetland Application No. 436 - Irene and Daniel McKasty - Approve with stipulations Wetland Application No. 437 - Stanley Chase Wetland Application No. 438 - Stanley Chase Wetland Application No. 439 - Stanley Chase The Council approves only one application (may be the applicants choice) but cannot approve all three. Need is not shown for all three. Wetland Application No. 440 - J. Lane Curry - Approve Wetland Application No. 441 - J. Lane Curry - Approve Wetland Application No. 442 - Grace K. Bourgin - Approve Wetland Application No. 443 - Grace A. Finora - Table - Cesspool system is not shown. Wetland Application No. 444 - Helen Reiter - Approve with stipulations. Wetland App ication No. 445 - David Merz - Approve with stipulations. Wetland Application No. 447 - Brewer Yacht Yard - Approve with stipulations Wetland Application No. 448 - Carloe and Albert Roke - Approve with Stipulations. Wetland Application No. 449 - Louise Tashjran - Approve with stipulations. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: STATE OF NEW YORK Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Travels-Watchman once each week for ........................... weeks successively, commencing on the ~ z~' ay o ... ..... ~:. Sworn to before me this ..................... da5 of ~ ~ 7:32 P.M.- V~NCY c/o ANDREW ............ 19 .~. WALKER to eo~s~u~ a bo ~"- ~ :.'-* ......... · "~ T6ca?~ on' Mal~ R~ ~lvd. 6 motary ~umic : %-~ ...... ...... hn '~ '~.lo fllt WttNFt25 ct yds: Ot~l behind sa~}~ iy-is ldcate~ at 515'W~{~ minfmum of BA~ FO~ES '~Way, Southold; 6nPeeonic Not~ Public, Sta~ of New York {~2) "~"g 10' X 8'<ramp and a 4 .X ¢~'~5 ~; ~ 8~/o~ Co~w ,~. - - ~mmission ExoDes ~ ~ / 19 ~ ~,J>][A~ CURRY:to'~b~r Ril~ Avenu~ Mattituck. (429) --: ............. · ~-bulkhead .w~th (2) ~27~,~et~ms %hd to ~ckfili,wim l iO ConstruCt wooden 'itiri or uplhnd.~]hd]~Pecom'e,Bay. the top of the bluff t0 the beach * '*P~' 'J ,o located on P~dise,. on~n Island Sound Pro er'' ~ara~is~Point. Southold.'(~0) t7 is lo~ated'on the Long ~ ;'~ ~:56~'MclN T~U~TER y, -¢ ~- 7:48-P.M.- IN THE MAWR East Mat on ~4~2' r O~ ~,GRACE A FINO~,.to ~..~b~ ~A~k-~TE~ ~N THE MA~ER ''~ ~ c°nsfNct a.single fmily ~aelN .,ve~etatioK on brop/rt~'i~ied. OF' I~E~E .& DANIEL ()~n~sodated:~ficsyst~ .J __a~ 3135 Main Bayview Road.. MCK~STY t0 ' construct a ' Propertv is located on thenorth .Southold 5,Est Cree~. (405} ~ east ~rner of East. ~gion A~L'7. PERSONS~ garage (34 X 22 ) ~d a pool' ~ .- 20' X ~' on ~ A~en.u~,. Matt tuck, -James TEREST~D iN SAI~MA~2 132-20 Main' Road, East Creek.(443) .- ?~':'*'" ~ERSSHOU~A~P~g~ Marion. Orient Harbor (436t :'5'¢:S0' P.M.- IN THE M'A~ER ~HE" TiM~ 7:~ P,M,- IN THE ~TTER OF HELEN REITER (THE 'ABOVE,.~SPECIFIED AND OF STANLEY CHASE to con- ORIGINAL BARGE to con- WILL ~ ~E struct a fixed dock 130' X 4' a struct within 30" ~f ~ting "'~ORTUNIT~ ,./'~0"' ~HEARD. ram~ 3' X 16' and a float dock storm damaged s~ructu~,. 6' X 20' on Mattituck C~ek. proximately 2T o~timber ~t~n~ BE SUBMITTED '~IN Pr~erty is located on Home mg wall. E~t side shaIi have ~ DATE OF THE HE~9- Pike Road Mattituck, on Mat- g' return and wes~ side shall have : ' ~ ~enry tituck Creek. (437) a 12' ~tu~n~,g~d ~ctu~ sh~l ~ Boa~ of Town'Tf~ 7:42 P,M: IN THE MA~ER then be backfilled wRh approx- ' 'Da~ed:' O~ob~r OF STANLEY CHASE to :on- jmately ~ cu. y~s, of clean sand ~ struct a 4' X 140' fix~ doc~ a.. to ~ tr~c~ed in fm~ upland < ' ~;!~ romp and a 6' X 20' ~urc~ Southold Bay. Probity 7:34 [).~L - 1N f}tE 2dAf- Property is Locates at 31.5 TEll tf ~ lllCHARD A. Watersedge Way, Sob'S%Id LUHRS\~ ~onstruct a 3 · 50' on Peconic Bay t442 catwalk a 10' x 8' ramp and a 4' 7:54 P.M. - IN THE ~AT- x 28' floating dock in James TER OF J~ LANE CURRY to Creek. Property is located at repair within 18"-13fl lin. ft. of 360 North Riley Avenue, Mat- dezeriorated and broken Limber tituck.{429) bulkhead with 12 27' returns 7:36 P.M. - IN THE MAT- and to backfill with 110 cu. yds TER OF MAGDALEN of upland sand, Peconic Bay LEVAS to construct wooden Property is located on stairs [rom the top of the bluff to Paradise Point, Southold. the beach on Long Island Sound. (441) Proper~y is located on the 7:54 P.M. - IN THE MAT- Long Way, East Marion. 1432 TER OF MARK BAXTER to 7:38 P.M. - IN THE MAT- mow vegetauon on properly 1o- ' TER OF IRENE & DANIEL cared a~ 3135 Main Bayview MCKASTY to cons~ruc~ a gar- Rea& Southold, West Creek. age~34 x 22' and apool 20'~ 405 40' on property located at 132- ALL PERSONS IN- 20 Main Road. East Marion. TERESTED IN SAID MAT- OrientHarbor(436) TERS SHOULD APPEAR AT 7:40 P.M. - IN THE MAT- THE TIME AND PLACE TER OF STANLEY CHASE to _. ABOVE SPECIFIED AND construct a fixed dock 13ff x 4' a WILL BE GIVEN AN uPPeR- ramp 3' x 16' and a float dock 6' TUNITY TO BE HEARD. COM- x 20'. on Mattituck Creek, Prop- MENTS MAY BE SUBMITTED erty is located on Home Pike IN WRITING pRIOR TO THE Road. Mattituck. on Mattituck DATE OF REARING. Creek. (437) Henry P. Smith, President 7:42 P.M. - IN THE MAT- Board of Town Trustees TER OF STANLEY CHASE to DATE: October 3, 1986 construc~ a 4' x 140' fixed dock 1T09-5378 a 3: · 16' varnla and a 6' x 20' float dock. Property is located on Home Pike Road. Mat- tituck. Mattituck Creek. (438) 7:44 P.M. - IN THE MAT- TER OF STANLEY CHASE to construct a 4' x 45' fixed dock leading to a 3' x 16' ramp leading _ - ~o a 6' x 20' float dock. Said dock will be s minimum of 4' over existing marsh which shall be ..... secured by two 3' spdes, Mat- tituck Creek. Property is lo- LEGAL NOTICE cared on South Drive. Mat- NOTICE OF REARING ON tituck. (439) WETLAND APPLICATIONS 7:46 P.M, - IN THE MAT- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TER OF J. LANE CURRY to THAT PUBLIC REARINGS armor 210' of existing bulkhead WILL BE HELD BY THE with 1-2 ton of rock at 2-3 tons STATEOFRIEWYORK ) TOWN TRUSTEES OF TRE per foot. Proper~y is located at TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, AT Paradise Point, Southold. } ~S-' THE SOUTHOLD TOWN 1440) COUIgl'Y OF SUFFOLK ) HALL. MAIN ROAD, SOUTH- 7:48 P.M. - IN THE MAT- OLD. NEW YORK. ON TER OF GRACE A. FINORA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30. ~o construct a single family Carol Sqarlata of Greeflport, 1986 ON THE FOLLOWING dwelling and associated septic APPLICATIONS FOR PER- system Propertv is located on said County, being duly sworn, says that he/she MITS UNDER THE PROVL the north east corner of East Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a Weekly SIeNa OF THE WETLAND Legion Avenue. Mattituck, ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN James Creek. 1443) / Newspaper, published at Groenpor~, in the Town OF SOUTHOLD: 7:50 P.M. - IN rilE MAT- / of Southold, County of S~ffolk end State of New 7:30 P.M - IN ~HE MAT- TER OF HELEN REITER TER OF GEORGE D. F. LAM- (THE ORIGINAL BARGE) to[ York, and that tho Notice of which tho annexed is BORN to pump water from a construct w~thin 30" of existing - e printed copy, has been regularly published In [ed non "wetland" pond to storm damaged structure, ap- spnnghigher level man made pond. proximately27'oftimberretain- - said Nowspapor once each wook for qne Property is located on Ocean mg wall East s~de shall have an View Avenue, Fishers Island. 8' return and wes[ side shall weeks successively, commencing on the New York.~385 have a 12' return. Saia structure day of October 19 8 6 7:112 P.M. - IN THE MAT- shall then be backfilled with ap- TER OF TttE NATUllE CON- proximately 5 cu. yds of clean SERVANCY ANDREW B. sand to be trucked in from an up- WALKER ~o construct a land source. Southotd Bay. '/ ' /~ /-- · boardwalk and observation deck Property is located on Main ( ~- '422'q~Tz~ ~/'~, ~C-~,~ ~Z × for observln~ wddfowl on Herren lload. Southold./444 ~ 'Prinpyal Clark Creek. Property is located on 7:52 P.M. - IN THE MAT- the E~st side of Peconic Bay TEE OF GRACE K. BOUR- Blvd.. opposite the Mattituck GIN to construct a bulkhead to Yacht Club. Mattituck. 408/ be t00 lin ft and tc fill w~th 125 Sworn to before%no this ttorto~Creek, cu. yds. of fill behind same. dayof '~ ~ 19 M~IRYK. DE~NA.N.. /.~ // , i/./] --NOTARypUBklC,$tatep~w~. ~.~Suff01~ 9~unt~ No. / .... HENRY P ~MITH. President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER. Vice-Pres. TELEPHONE PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD (516~ 765-1892 ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 DATE: Sept. 26, 1986 $.E.Q.R.A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION NOTICE OF NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT APPLICATION NO'. 441 NAME: J. Lane Curry This notice is issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law State Environmental Quality Review and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Tow~. of Southold, notice is hereby give~ that the Southold Town Trustees, as lead agency for the action described below has determined that ~he project will not have a-significan~ effect to the environment. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar projecE. TYPE OF ACTION: Unlisted DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: repair within t8" 130' deteriorated and broken timber bulkhead with (2) 27' returns and backfill with 110 c.y. of upland sand. LOCATION OF PROJECT: Paradise Point, Southold, N.Y. REASONS SUPPORTING THIS DETERMINATION: 1. An environmental assessment form has been submitted which indicated ths~ there would be no adverse effect to the environment should the project be implemented as planned. 2. Because there has been no response in the allotted time from the Southold Town Building Dept. and the N.Y.S.D.E.C. is is assumed that there are no objections nor comments from those agencies. New York State Depa~mer~t of t~'"~ironmental Conserva~.ion ~/ Regulatory A~ ' · ~falrs Unit Bldg. 40, SUNY, Roo~ 219 Stony Brook, N.Y. 21794 Tel. (516) 751-7900 Comrrss,on~, September 16,1986 Mr. J. Lane Curry 14 North Street Greenwich, Connecticut 11985 ~Re: Permit No.10-86-1138 TW, PW, WQ DearMr. Curry: In conformance with the requirements of the State Uniform Procedures Act (Article 70, ECL) and i%s implementing Regula- tions (6NYCRR, Part 621) we are enclosing your permit. Please read all conditions carefully. If you are unable to comply with any conditions, please consac~ us at the above add~ess. Also enclosed is a permit sign which is to be conspicuous- ly posted an the project site and protected from the weather. Very truly yoursj Timothy R. Cooke Deputy kegional Permit Administrator Region 1 TRC: csr Enclosure 95-20.6 [91851 ~.,,Z YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CO~<~VATION MIT NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE 10-86-1138 9/~16/86 FACILITY[PROGRAM NUMBER(si PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE[s) Under tl~ Environmental Conservation Law 12/31/87 [~Article 15, J--IArticJe 17, Titles 7, 8: SPDES [--1Article 27, Title 7: Protection o[ Water N [~]Articie 19: Solid Waste Management ~ArticJe 15, :Title 15: Air Rollution Control ~A~icle 27. Title 9: Water Supply ~Article 23. Title 27: Hazardous ~Art~[e,15. Title 15: Mined Land Waste ~anagement Water Transport Reclamation ~Article 34; ~Ar[icle 15, T~le 35: ~Article 24: Coastal Long Island Wells Freshwater W~tlands Erosi~ Man~ement ~Article 15, Title 27: ~Article 25: ~Article 36: Wild. Scenic Tidal Wetlands N Floodplain Management and Recreational R~vers ~Atticles 1, 3, 37; 6NYCRR 380: ~6NYCRR 608: N--New R--Renewal. M--Modification Radiation Control Water Quality Certification N C-Construction, OmOperation, (If Applicable) PERMIT ISSUED TO J. La~e ~rry ADDRESS OF PERMITTEE AGENT FOR PERMITTEEICONTA~T PERSON TELEPHONE NUMBER LOCATION OP PRO)ECT lCOUNT¥ TOWN/CITYPv'ILLAGE UTM COORDINATES Noyack Bay, Paradise Poin~ Suffolk Southold DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT/FACILITY .f J bulkhead in kind, in place, and two 27' timber returns. Backfill with 110 cubic yards upland sand trucked in. GENERAL CONDITIONS By acceptance of this permit, the permittee altrees that the permit ii co~tinger, t upon strict compliance with the ECL. all applicable reBulations and the conditions ~peCifind herein or attached hereto. The perm/tree shaft file in t~officeof the appropriate reg:onal Detroit administratoL or other officede~ignated m the special conditions, a noticeot intention to commence work a~ least 48 hours in advance of the time of commencement and shall al~o notify him[her promptly in writing of the completion of the WORK. 2~ The permitted work shaU be subjecttomspec~ionbyanauthorizedrepresentativeofthe Departmentof EnvironmentalConservafionwhichmayorder thework su$oendecHI suffered, ansing out of the project described herein and has allreed to indemnify and sa~e hirmless the S~ate from suR~, actions, damaiJes and costs of every name and descrip- ER I ISSUANCE DATE PER)~IT AI~MENISTk'"~TOR ADDRESS Bldg. 40, SUNY, R. oom 2 lq q./16/86 J Timothy R...Cooke J Stony Brook, N,¥. ] ] 704 ~ x of 4 cc: C.T. Hamilton ADDiTiONAL GENERAL CONDITIONS EOR ¼~,~ICI~S 15 (Title S}, 24, 25, 34 and 36 1 '~ ) if. in t~ Opinion of the Department of EqvironmentaJ Conservati~ the b~ of a waterway or flood~ain or deep holes t~t may have a resources of the S~te. ~e owner may be ordered by ~he Depa~ent to in thewate~ay ot on shore ~e hig~ater m~k, it shall be de~sit~ revocation of t~is ~rmit, the s~uctore, fill, ~avation,~or oth~ ~ bulkhead or bulkheads ~ch~ Will ~m~ent escape of the matera pleted, the owners, shall without ~ense to the State~ an~ to such T na¢l ~ '~, ~*k ~ ~ [='~=k ~k ~ ~ ~, ' ~ vocationo~,this~iLm~ifcati~ofthewetandhereb author~e the State of New York ~ a co ' ~f ~ ~ ~ .... ' ' ~ ~as not peen comp eted the appl~nt s~ w~hout expense to the by or resu t from future 6perat ohs U~ertaken by the State for the P~ ~ . h sbe r -- to its rormer condition_ No ~claim shall be m~e asainst th~ S~te of conserva~on o~ im~ov~ent of navigat~n orfor other purposes and ., ., . ~ ' ~ew tOrK on account ot any such removal or alteration, no c~aim or right to compensation shah accrue from ~y such dama~; ~8 ~. If granted und~ Article 36 this permit does not signify Jn any way 12. ThaL if the display of lights and ~gnals oo anywork heCeby ~uthod~ed ' that the project will be free from finding ~s not o~he~ise provided for bv law. such ~ights and signals as may be prescribed by the ~nit~d States Coast Guard sh~ll be'instal[~ and 39 AIl activities authorized by t~s ~rmit must be in s~ict conformance maintained wi~ the ~pproved ~ans submi~ed by tee applica~ or his ~ent as paK of the pe~it appE~aUon. 13. Ali nece~y precautions shal} be taken to preclude c~n~matlon of any wetland or wate~av by suspended 5o ds. sediments, fuets, Such approved ptans were p~amd by ' - _ ~lvents lubdcantk epox~ coatings, paints, concrete, le~chate or an~ ~a~e ~c~ ~o~ other environme~llv deleterious materials a~s~iated with the project. SPECIALCONDtIIONS Supplementary Special Conditions (A) through (J) attached. Additional ~Supplementary Special Conditions [M),(N),attached. N/A J Page ,2 of ~ ~FPLE~AR~ SPECIAL C05~TION$ The following conditions apply to all permits: ' A. If any of the permit conditions are unclear, the permittee shall contact the Division of P, egulatory Affairs atthe address and taiephone noted below. B. A copy of this permit or approval and supplemenTary~co~diTions shall be available' at theDroject site whene~er authorized ~ork is in progress. C. The permit sign enclosed with the permit or a ~0PY of letter of ~pproval shall be 5protected from The weather and posted in a conspici~us location at the wark site until completion of aughorl~ed work. D. At least 48 hours prior ~o Commencement of :ha project., the permittee shall completed'and :r~t~rnth~ top p~o~tion of the. ~nctosed'reCeipt form certifying that he' is ~ult~ awa~e of and u~derstands a~l p~ovision~' and conditions of this permit.~ Wi[hi~'one~eek~of completion of ~he permit~dwork, the ~ott~ portion of ~that fnrm Shall also be completed and r~turned. E. For projects involving activities to be accomplished over a period ,r more than on? ~eari the parmitt~e shall notify the Regional Permit Adminis~rat0? in wri~ingat least 48hou~rs to the commencement of resump.~ion of wor~ eacn year. F. If project design modifications take place after permit issuance, the permittee shall submit the appropriate plan changes for approval by the Regional Permit Administra~or prior =o undertaking any such modifications. The permittee is advised that substantial modification may require sub- mission of a new appticationfor permiT. G. ~11 necessary precautions shall be ~aken to preclude con[~m~nation of any wetlands or water*ay by suspended Solids, sedimenT, fuels, solvents, lubricax%Ts, epoxy coatings, paints, concrete, leachaTeor any other er~zironmenTally deleterious materials associated with the proj act work. H. ofthe~.E=viro~mental ConservaTion Law. I. The permitTee is advised toobTain any permits or approvals that may be required from The U.S~ Department of Army Corps of Engineers, NY Districg, 26 Federal Plaza, ~ew York, NY 10278, (ATtention: Regulator), FuncTions Branch), prior go commencement of ~Drk authorized herein. J. The granting ofthis permit does not relieve :~e permittee of the responsibility of obtaining a grant, easement, or oghar necessary approval from the Division of Lend Utilization, Office of General Services, Tower Building, Empire STate Plaza, Albany, NY 12242, which may be required for a~y encroachment upon State-owned lands under wa~er. Deputy Regional Permit NYS Dept. of Environmental..Conservation Bldg. 40, SU~--Room 219 Stony Bro~k,~ 11794 (516) 751 790~ DEC # o~ ~ 10-__-_1 8 Page 3 of 4 · he following conditio~.s shall apply if checked as applicable by the Re§lonal Per. it Administra~tor: ¸K. L. Ail spoil material shell be disposed ,of either in the Atlantic Ocean or at an approved U.S. Govermment Dumping Ground, as directed Department of the ALmy, Corps of ~r such an approved All ,fill,and spoil material shall be suitably contained at the work site so aS to entering into adjacent % and ~waterways. N. A!I peripheral rip-~ap berma~ cofferdams, rock revetments, gabions. bulkheads, etcl Shall be =ompleted p~ior to Placement of any fill material ~ehi~d such structures. O~ Ail repairs to exi~sting structures shall be confined to replacement of existing structural elements with no chan~e in design, dim~nsion, or material~, unless ap~!fically authorized herein. P. The following Water Quality Certification shall appl~ if required by one or more agencies Of the United States Government and if checked :as applicable by the ~egional Permit Administrators: In accordance with Section 401 (a)(1) of the Clean Waters Act of 1977 (?L 95-217) the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation hereby certifies that the ~ub]a=t project proposal will not =ontravene effluent lim~tationa or other limitations or standards under Sections 301, 302, 30~, 306 or 307 of the Act. Timothy R. Cooke Deputy Regional Permit Administrator D~ision of ReEulatory Affairs 10-86-1138 MYS Department of Environmental Page"~ of 4 ~- -- ~ Conservation Building 40, SUNY--Room Stony Brook, NY 11794 (516) 751-7900 HENRY P. SMITH, Ptesidenl TELEPHONE JOHN M. BREDEMEYER. Vice-Pres, f5161 765-1892 PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKi, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 September 4, 1986 Mr. John A. Costello Costello Marine Contracting Corp. P.O. Box AK Greanport, New York 11944 Re: J. Lane Curry - Wetland Application No. 441 Request for emergency permit Dear Mr. Costello: The following action was taken by the Board of Trustees during their regular meeting held on August 28, 1986 regarding the above referenced matter. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees declare itself lead agency in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act in the matter of the application of Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of J. Lane Curry for a Wetland Permit on certain property located at Paradise Point in Southold. Please be further advised that the Trustees would consider the emergency permit pursuant to a copy of the D.E.C. permit, comments from the Conservation Advisory Council and a majority vote of the Board of Trustees. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to con~ac~ this office. Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees Ilene Pfifferling, Clerk HPS:ip cc: C.A.C. Trustees RESOLUTION - Request for Emergency Permit/Lead agency Declaration? RESOLVED that'the Southold Town Trustees declare itself lead agency in regard to the S~ate Environmental Quality Review Act in the matter of the application of CostelloMarine Contractin§ Corp. on behalf of J. Lane Curry for a Wetland Permit on certain property located on Paradise Point, Southold. APPLICATION I$ HEREBY MADE TO THE TOWN TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT PURSUANT TO THE LAWS, ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONs GOVERNING THE COASTAL AND INTERIOR WETLANDS, FLOODPLAINS AND DRAINAGE AREAS QF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, AND THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS PURSUANT APPLICATION NO. --h----L .......... DATE OF A~PLIGATION August 4, 1986 IDENTITy APPLICANT'-~"--~Le'--C~ ........... ~ ........... PHONE No Ch. 06850 4_____~_D_~______wich~_~_~±hStret Green -- ....... . _ TAX MAP NO. 1000-081-03-1.1 A~T_.aJ...~ Costello, Costollo M~rino Cont. 477-1199 ..................... .__PHONE NO. PERMIT REQUESTED TO Emergency repalr ' . k' · ~ ~ ~ - e ' 0~ deteri0rat~d and broken timber bulkhead with (2)~.~,7%~=eturns ~-~l~f~lA--~-ll0 c LOCATION OF PROPERTy FOR WHICH PER~IT WANTED Paradise Point ...... Za~k~k~ NY 11971 ..... ~ ~orth 8tree~ Green~±ch~ Cno SIZE OF PROPOSED WORK ~ _a~ (~ 27' returns 130' WIDTH 18" H~IGHT ABOVE HI. CH ~ ........... ~ ~____~__~ ,, -- YARDS TO ~g FILLED__~_~,V~__. WIDTH OF CANAL, CREEK OR BAy FRONTING PROPERTy__~_~ater~ DEPTH AT LOW TIDE AVERAGE RISE IN TIDE 2.5m DISTANCE TO THE NEAREST CHANNEL 400m + from Paradise Point Yacht Club I~ T~,~/g}--i~r°nt of one adj. structure, 71/2' behind the ~_~%~..~FT. ,- r~ ~iVATS OR ~U~INE~ USE? structure. AREA ZONING Residential MANNER IN WHICH MATERIAL WILL SE REMOVED OR DEPOSITED Trucked in sand INTENDED USE OF PROPERTy AND WHETHER OR ANY TO PRIOR DREDGE LICENSE OR OR PERMITS HAVE eEEN ISSUED TO ERRECT STRUGTURgS DEPOSIT FILE ON ~AID P~EMI~ES AND WHETHER ANy PERMI T~ OR LICEN~E~ WERE EVER SUSPENDED OR REVQKED BY A GOVERNMENTAL AGENDy FULLY REHABILITATION AND PRO~OBED CONDITION OF THE AN ADOI TI DNAL ~URV~y OF Bulkhead replacement on ~~-~--~--~e~ co~_~. ..... ~~_~d bulkhead. IF NOT THE SAME BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TO~N OF ~0UT['{OLD SHORT ENVIRON .E ;,ITAL ASS,'='SSi JtENT FORM Project Information [To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor} J_ Lane Curry , I ~mergency bulkhead repair ,~u,~,c,pal~lv ~outhold Coun~ Suffolk ~ ~ New ~ [xpans,on ~ ModdicatJonl~ller~tmn X in-kind, in-place replacement Request deteriorated, emergency broken timber bulkhead,~lo[2) 27 ~eet returns and backfill with 110 c.y. upland sand. Private road off N~. Bayview in Paraadise Point See attached SCTM copy Moderate densi y rese~ential seasonal waterf~on% NYS DEC DEC Tidal wetlands ~-4-86 PART I11 Determination el Signtlicanco {To be completed by Agency} INSTRUCTIONS: For each adve¢~e elfect tuuntdied above, determihe-wht!ther it is substantial, large, important of otnefw~e, signdicant. Each er{eot ~hould be assessed in connection w~th its fa} setting (i.e. urban or rural); (b] pfobabdity of occurring; {c) duration; rd} irreversibility; (e) geographic ~cape; and ({} magmtude. I{ necessary, add attachments or reference supporting materials. ~nsufe that explanations condom suffictent detad to shew'that all relevant a~vefse impacts have been identified and adequately addressed. ~ Check this box ~{ you have identdied one or more {)otentially large or significant advecse impacts which MAY occur. Then proceed directly to the FUL~LONG FORM EAF and/or prepare a positive declaration. ~ Check lh~s box ~f you have determined, based on the infom~ation and analysis above and any $uppofti{lu ~ that tho pr01:o~(l action WILL NOT result in any ~nificant adverse environmental imp~cl~ AND provide here, ......... attachments as necessary, the reason~ su0poftng this deterlninauon; ~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~HOR~TENVIRONMEN,TAL ASSESSMENT ,INSTRUCTIONS: (a) In order to answer the questions in this short EAF it is assumed thatthe preparer wzii' use currently avaiiabie information concerning the project and the like.ly impacts of the action. It is not expected that additional studies, research or other investigations wiii be undertaken. (b) If any question has been answered Yes the project may be sign'iFicant Envlronmental Assessment Form is necessary. ,ns have been answered No it is likely that this nificont. (d) J-- ssessment in a Iarge physicai change to'' project slte or physicaIIy aiter more / acres of Iand? ........................ Yes No ~.' [ ~ ~e a major change to ~ny Unique or '---7 unusua! land Form found on the site? .......... _. Yes.~No 3. Will Project alter or have a !arge effect on -' Yes /No ex~st~g body o~ wa~er? ....................... 4. ~ll project have a potent~aiiy large impact n groundwater.quality? ....................... Yes / No 5. Will projec{ s~hz~zcantiy effect drainage - ' - flow on adjacent sites? ........................ Yes ~ No ~6. WilI project affect any threatened or endangered plant or animaI species? ........... Yes /No result in a ma or adverse ~F~ect U l'ty? on air q a · ............................... Yes 8. Will prO~ect have a ma~or e~Fect on visual '~ character o~ the community or scenic views or vistas know~ to be i~portant to the community?.__Yes ~No ~. Will project adversely impact any site or structure of historic, prehistoric or paleontological £mportance or any s~te designated as a cr£ticai environmental area 10. Will project have a major effect on existing ' or Future recreationai opportunities? ......... Yes /No 11. Will project result in major traffic problems or cause o major effect ~o existing tronsporto'tion systems? ....................... Yes 12. Will project reguloriy cause objectionable odors, noise, glare, vibration, or electrical disturbance as a result 0f the project's operation?;.. Yes / No or.safety? .................................... Yes /No 14. Will project a~fect the existing community by directly causing a growth zn permanent popUlar'ion of mare than 5 percent over o one ~eor period or hove a major negative effect on the chara~-~er of ~he community or neighborhood? ................................. Yes. /No 15. Is there public controversy concerning the PREPARER'S SIGNATURE REPRESENTING~. T, '~-', . - =ne Cur~'>--~'.z..~;~t.=.-·... _ DATE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~~_~ ~~ LINDA C. WILTON ~ot~ Public. S~te of New York Qu~ifi~ in Suffolk C~ty ~on E~es M~eh 80, - Authoniza=ion · · Lgtter propergy. FOR ADJOINfNG AREA SEE MAP NO. 27 0 HENRY P. SM[TH, President TELEPHONE. JOHN M. BREDEMEYER. Vice-Pres. (516) 765-1892 PM[LLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT'KRUPSKL JR; ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 August 25, 1986 Mr..Charles T. Hamilton Alternate Regional Permit Administrator -N.Y.S.D.E.C. Building 40, SUNY Room 219 Stony Brook, New York 11794 Dear Mr. Hamilton: Transmitted herewith is wetland application no. 441 submitted by CosteltoMarine Contracting Corp. on behalf of J. Lane Curry. We would like to coordinate with you in our rol~-as lead agency regarding this application. May we have your comments on same by September 17, 1986. Thank you for your input. Ve,r!~',truls~ y,~urs, ~4Yenry/P. ~m~th, pi~fsiden Board of Town Trustees Secretary to Board Attachments cc: Commissioner Williams Southold Town Building Dept. file BOARD O~ TO,W~` q·RUSTEES TOX~ N OF SOU l IIOLD ~.?O 31442 ~nthola, ~. Y. 11971 ~ d=fl BOARD OF rOaN TRUSTEES' TELEPHONE {516) 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, $3095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 August 25, 1986 Mr. Martin Garrell, Chairman Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council Southold Town-Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Garrell: Transmitted herewith is application no. 441 for a wetland ~ermit submitted by Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of J. Lane Curry. Please prepare a written report of findings and recommendations with respect to this application. Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees Ilene Pfifferling Secretary to Board Attackment HENRY P. SMITH. President TELEPHONE JOHN M. BREDEMEYER. Vice-Pres. (5161 765-1892 PHILLIP J. GOUHEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI. JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 Date: August 25, 1986' To Whom It May Concern: Attached hereto is a Short Environmental Assessment Form submitted by Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of J. Lane Curry in connection with his application for a Wetland Permit to repair in kind, in place 130' of deteriorated and broken timber bulkhead with (2) 27' returns and to backfill with 110 cu. yds. of upland sand, to be constructed within 18" on property located at Paradise Point, Southold.H~ ~~/~ith~, ~President ~ Board of Town Trustees HPS: ip Posted: August 25, 1986 HENRY P. SMITH. President TELEPHONE JOHN M. BREDEMEYER. Vice-Pres. (516) 765-1892 PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI. JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 DATE: Sept. 26, 1986 S.E.Q.R.A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION NOTICE OF NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT APPLICATION NO. 441 NA~E: J. Lane Curry This notice is issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law State Environmental Quality Review and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 6t7.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby give~ tha~ the gouthold Town Trustees, as lead agency for the action described below has determined that the project will not have a~si§nificant effect to the environment. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made fo~ any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar-projecT. TYPE OF ACTION: Unlisted DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: repair within 18" 130' deteriorated and broken timber bulkhead with (2) 27' returns and backfill with 110 c.y. of upland sand. LOCATION OF PROJECT: Paradise Po:iht, Southold, N.Y. REASONS SUPPORTING THIS DETERMINATION: 1. An environmental assessment form has been submitted which indicated that there would be no adverse effect to the environment should the project be implemented as planned. 2. Because there has been no response in the allotted time from the Southold Town Building Dept. and the N.Y.S.D.E.C. is is assumed that there are no objections nor comments from those agencies. Further information can be obtained by contacting'Henry P. Smith, Pres., Board of Trustees, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, NY 11971~ or by calling (516) 765-1892. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees HPS: ao CC: Bldg. Dept. C.A.C. Planning Bd. DEC Albany DEC Stony Brook Army Corps Aran Terchunian, Coastal Mgmt. Town Clerks Bulletin Bd. Zoning Board Trustees File HENRY P. SMITH. President ~%~~-~-~5 tELEPHONE JOHN M. BREDEMEYER. Vice-Pres. ~ (516) 765-1892 PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 1197t Date: August 25, 1986 To Whom It May Concern: Attached hereto is a Short Environmental Assessment Form submitted by Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of J. Lane Curry in connection with his application for a Wetland Permit to repair in kind, in place 130' of deteriorated and broken timber bulkhead with (2) 27' returns and to backfill with 110 cu. yds. of upland sand, to be constructed within 18" on property located at Paradise Point, Southold. H~enry~P.~it/~h~, ~President ~ Board of Town Trustees HPS: ip Posted: August 25, 1986 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN 6F ~OUTHOL~ SHORT ENVIRON 3EHTAL ASSES$ iENT FOR i Project Information [To be completud by ApplicanL or Project spon~or) j. Lane currv I Emergency bulkhead repair ~umc,pa y Southold c~un&~ Suffolk ~ New ~ [xpan,,~n ~ M0d,nca~,en/~ltela~,on X in-kind, in-place replacement Request emergency authorization to replace 130 ii'ns,al feet of deteriorated, broken timber bulkhead, (2) 27 feet returns and backfill with 110 c.y. upland sand. Private road off N. Bayview in ~ara~dise P'oint See attached SCTM copy L~ Yel LJ Ho II HO, ,~elc~b~ Moderate density resedential seasonal waterfront N¥S D~.C DEC Tidal wetlands PART I11 Determination ol $ignillcance (Tobe completed by Agency) INSTRUCTIONS; Fo[ each adverse effect ide~)ti(ieu above, deLermi~e-wb.~ther it is substantial, large, imp~tal~t o¢ oL~e{~u~se. s~um~cant Each el[ect should be assessed ,n cannecuon with its re) setting (Le. urban or rural); lb] pro~aUfl~ty or occurring; (c) duration; {d) i,eversibilily; (e) geographic scope; and (i) magnitude, if necessary, add attachments or reference suppomng materials. ~nsu~e that explanations contain sufficient detail to show that all relevant adverse impacts have beeo identified and adequalely addressed. ~ Check this box d you have identified one or mo~e potentially large or ssgnificant adverse impacts which MAY occur. Then proceed directly to ~he FULL/LONG FOI~ EAF and/or prepare a positive declaration. ~ Check this box d you have determined, based on the intom~ation and analysis above and any supporting ~ that tl~e prol~o~ed action WILL NOI ~esult in any significant aave~se environmental imp~tsAND provide her~. altacl~ments as necessary, the reasons supportng thB dele~nlination: ~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR~ ]~S,TRUCTIONS: (a) In order to answer the questions in thls short EAF it is assumed the preparer will use currently available information concerning the impacts of the action. It is not expected that s~ research or other investigations wil! be undertaken. been answered Yes the project may be .eted Envi~onmenta'l Assessment Form is necessary. i. If aZ[ questions have'been answered Mo it is [ike[y that this s Leant. onmental Assessment · n a ia=ge physica! change t'o p: ect site or physically alter more~'/No ~s of land? ........................ Yes 2'['' be a mai.or change to any unique or ' unusual ~and form found on the site? .......... Yes. 3. Wi~! ~ro~ect o~er o~ hove o ~?~?e effec~ on ex[~Sting body of water? .................. Y~s / No 4. Wil[ pro~ect have o potentlo[1y large impact ' ' on groundwa[e~ quality? .................. Yes / No 5. Wzli pro3ec{ s~gnzfzcontly effect drainage flow ' ' ~ Yes / No on ad3acent sztes ......................... - &. Wilt p~oject offec~ an~ threatened or endangered plant or on,mai spec£es? ........... Yes ~No '7. Wi~[ p~o~ect result in o mo~or adverse %ffect ' on air quality? ............................... Yes /No 8. W£[1 pro~ect hove o mo~or effect on character of the community or scenic views or vistas ~nown to be ~mportant to the community? Yes //No ~. Wit[ pra]ect adversely impact any site or ~truc~u+e of hls[o¥ic~ prehistoric or pa[eon'~a[ogica! importance or any site designated as a c~itica! environmenta! area ~yla local agency? ....................... .-.-.. ' ....... .. Yes / No [0. W~[! pro~ect have a major e~fect on existing or Future recreatlona~ opportunities? ......... Yes / No [[. Wi~[ project resu]t in majar traffic problems or cause a ma~or effect to existing ~ransportatS. on systems? ....................... Yes ,/No ~2. Will project regularly cause ob]ectlonab[e odors~ no~se~ glare~ vlbrat~on, or electrlca! disturbance as a result of the project's operation? .................................... Yes / No 13~ Wil! project have any impact on pub!lc hea!th or safety? .................................... Yes ~No [4. W~[[ project affect the existing community by directly causing a growth in permanent popular'ion of more than 5 percent over a one year period or have a major negative effect on the chbracter of the community or neighborhood? ................................. Yes /No [5. ts there public controversy concerning the / PREPARER'S'SIGNATURE ~0 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING ON WETLAND APPLICATIONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT PUBLIC M~ARINGSWILL BE HELD BY THE TOWN TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, AT THE SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK, ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1986 ON THE FOLLOWING APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE WETLAND ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 7:30 P.~ - IN THE MATTER OF GEORGE D. F. LAM]tORN to'pump water from a ~pring fed hon P~etland" pond to:higher level man~made pond. Property is located nn Ocemn View Avenue~ Fishers Island, New York. (385) 7:32 P.M. -- IN THE MATTER OF THE NATURE CONSERVANCY c/o ANDREW B. WALKER to constr~ct a boardwalk and observation deck for observing wildfowl on Horton C~'eek. Property is located on the East side of Peconic Bay Blvd., opposite ~he Mattituck Yacht Club, Mattit~,r~. (408) Horton Creek. 7:34 P.M.- IN THE MATTER OF RICHARD A. LUHRS to construct a 3' x 50' catwalk a 10' x 8' ramp and a 4' x 28' floating dock in James Creek. Property is located at3~O North Riley Avenue, Mattituck. (429) 7:36 P.M~ - IN THE MATTER OF MAGDALEN LEVAS to construct wooden stairs from the top of the bluff to the beach on ~ong Island Sound. Property is located on the Long Way, East Marion. (432) 7:38 P.M. - IN THE MATTER OF IRENE & DANIEL MCKASTY to construct a garage (34' x 22') and a ~pool 20' x 40' on property located at 132-20 Main Road, East Marion. Orient Harbor (436) 7:4~ P.M. IN THE MATTER OF STANLEY CHASE to construct a fixed dock 130' x 4~ a ramp 3' x 16' and a float dock 6' x 20' on Mattituck Creek. Property is ~ocated on Home Pike Road, Mattituck, on Mattituck Creek. (437) 7:42 P.M. IN THE MATTER OF gTANLEY CHASE to construct a ~' x i40' fixed dock, a 3' x 16' ramp and a 6' x 20' float dock. Property is located on Home Pike Road, Mattituck, Mattituck Creek. (438) 7:44 P.M. IN THE MATTER OF STANLEY CHASE to construct a 4' x 45' fixed dock leading to a 3' x 16' ramp leading to a 6' x 20' float dock. Said dock will be a minimum of 4' over existmng marsh which shall be secured by two 8" spiles, Mmttituck Creek. Property is located on South Drive, Mattituck. (439) 7:46 P.M. - IN THE MATTER OF J. LANE CURRY to armor 210' of existing bulkhead with i-2 ton of rock at 2-3 tons per foot. Property is located at Paradise Point, Southold. (440) 7:48 P.M. IN THE MATTER OF GRACE A. FINORA to construct a single family dwelling and associated septic system. Property is located on the north east corner of East Le~ion Avenue, Mattituck, James Creek. (443) 7:50 P.M. IN THE MATTER OF HELEN REITER (THE ORIGINAL BARGE) to construct within 30" of existing storm damaged structure, approximately 27' of timber retaining wall. East side shall have an 8' return and wesn side shall have a 12' return. Said structure shall then be backfilled with approximately 5 cu. yds. of clean sand to be trucked in from an upland source, Southold Bay. Property is located on Main Road, Southold. (444) 7:52 P.M. - IN THE MATTER OF GRACE K. BOURGIN to construct a bulkhead to be 100 lin. ft. and to fill with 125 cu. yds. of fill behind same. Property is located at 515 Watersed~e Way, Southold, on Peconic Bay. (442) 7~54 P.M. - IN THE MATTER OF J. LANE CURRY to repair within 18"-130 lin. ft. of deteriorated and broken timber bulkhead with (2) 27' returns and to backfill with 110 cu. yds. of upland sand, Peconic Bay. Property is located on Paradise Point, Southold. (441) Public Hearings Page 2 - October 30, 1986 7:54 P.M. - IN THE P~ITTER OF MARK BAXTER to mow vegetation on property located at 3135 Main Bayview Road, Southold, West C~eek~ (405) ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN SAID MATTERS SHOULD APPEAR AT THE TIME AND PLACE ABOVE SPECIFIED AND WILL BE GIVEN AN OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD. COMMENT~ MAY BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE HEARING. Henry t~. Smith, Preside t Board of Town Trustees DATE: October 3, 1986 PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, OCTOBER 9, 1986 AND FORWARD ONE AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TC HENRY P. SMITH, PRESIDENT, BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES, SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971. Copies to the following: L. I. Traveler-Watchman Suffolk Times George D. F. Lamborn, John H. Thatcher, Jr., Richard A. Howard, Steve Malinowski R~ymond Edwards, Frank Burr, Attorney Michael J. Hall Andrew Walker c/o Nature Conservancy Richard A. Luhrs Magdalen Levas Irene & Daniel McKasty Land Use Company fo= Stanley Chase (3) Costello Marine Contracting Corp. for J. Lane Curry (2) Land Use Company for Grace Finora Helen Reiter Peconic Contracting Inc. for Grace K. Bourgin Mark Baxter Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Trustees file