HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5472 P 461 ~I 01 S-7~.a.s-G 891-:=':,.~~.~d~~~~=~;di~~':"pior. / x ~L~~~:;~:::'f,"""..:ci;c,;T LS"..~:~::'~.p~:;,,,.;O~:: .' l"..... IUf. R S ..:~..~:2:.()..__ uefR5472 PAGf461 TIDS INDENTURE, made the ~ ~day of December , nineteen hundred and sixty-three . BETWEEN Hi\RQU) BJI.R, residing at aS14-89th street, _, _ Vorl< a1'0 kaown a8 HAROLD J. BJUR. , I' III I" ,Ii ii, Ii' ,II I" " ,II ,II Ii' iii' II' ill Ii ,II: " 'I' I, :,1 i'l ii: Iii 'I' Ii I'.' I' III Ii I" !, il L .II III II ,II II' 1'1 ,II Iii Ii, Iii III ,I Iii party of the first part, and HERM\N C. SQRODER and M\RIE B. ~, his wife,- and . ROBmT J. saBODER, all residing at 650-37 .Admiral Avenue, Middle Village, N.Y. WITNESSETH, that the parties of the first part, in consideration of _.part~ of the second part, Q]e !lJndred ($1.00.00>---------"---------- Dollars, lawful money of the United States, and other good and valuable considerations paid by the part - ies of the 5eCond part do hereby grant and release unto the part ies of the second part. their heirs, execUtors and assigns, forever, ALL that certain pIJE!pa. or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Fleets Neck, Oltchogue, in the Tam of Soutmld, Caunty"of Suffolk, and State of NeW Yor..<:, k:ncJMl and designated as Lot:s 22, 23 and 24 on a certain map entitled ,_ of. Property of Ravatone Realty ~ion " sod filed in the. Suffolk 0Junty Clerl.c.s OOffiC:e on December 22 1930 as Map No. 539. 'l'OOEl'ileR with the right to the use of the following described strip of land to be. used . '.J :in oc:mnon with others as a right of way to Engene Creek; BIDINNm::; at a point di.st:ant 449.83 feet easter1y,. Wen measured al.ong the Norther1y 'line of F1.eetwood Road fran t~ intersection of the. E'as~1y side of Pequash Averroe with the Northerly line of Fleetwood Road and fran said point of beginning running in a straight: line. and at rigti: angles to the Northerly line of Fl~ Road to the mean highwater nmk line of El1gene Oreek; . running thence in a general easterly direction and along the nraan high- water nmk line of JWgene Qoeek a ~ which ooul.d he equivalent to a distance when measured at right angles to the first c:ourse.here.i.n, 13 feet 6 incles: running thence in a general soUtherly direction and parallel. to the first COUrse herein to the northerly side line of FJ:ee_ Road _ running thence westerly, along the northerly line of Fleetwood RDad, a distance of 13 feet 6 inches to the point or place of beginning. = to _ state of facta an accurate survey may show. BEING the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part hereto b1 deed recorded in 1iber 1813 cp.493 and 1950 cp. 211 respeotively.