HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1718 GF ALL ~:~OORI.NGS AXD STAKES ~iUST DISPLAY VISIBLE ~IOORING NU~-iBERS ALL DOCKS AND BULKHEADS MUST DISPLAY VISIBLE PER~IIT NUMBERS Board Of Southold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK Moorzng ~ PERMIT NO .... 3,.7~%.~ ........... DATE: ..O..C.~.......~.~.~.......19 8 3 ISSUED TO Edwar'd M. Cummings Ault ri alinn PUrsuanf fo fhe pr0v[s[ons of Chaplet 615 of fhe Laws of fhe Stat~ of New York, 1893; and Chapf~ 4.04 of fhe Laws of fhe ~afe of New York 1952; and fh~Sou~hod Town Ordinance en- f,fled "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC ~NDS and the REMOVAL OF SAND, ~RAVEL O~ OTHER MATERIALS LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS: a~'d ~in accordance w,fh fhe Resolufbn of The Board adopfed afa' meefing he~d on .~q.~.~... %.%..,.. 19..B.3..., and in consideration of the sum of $. ~..~..9.9. ......... pald by ~d~.~ C~ings of. L.g.~r.~ ................................................................. N. Y. and su ie:* *o Terms end Conditions lisfed on fhe reverse s~e hereof, of SoufhoJd Town Trusfees aufhoHzes and permffs fhe followbg: Application approved under the Grandfather Clause to secure a pe~it for a bulkDead in Brushes creek. all [n accordance w[fh fha derailed specif[cafions as presenfed in fhe or;ginafing application. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trusfees here- by causes ifs Corporafe Seal fo be affixed, and {hese presenfs fo be subscribed by a maiority of fhe said Board as of {his daf.e. Please tear off an~ return ~6-~-h~r-us't~e-s-- .............. Board Of 5outhold Town Trustees Grandfather SOUTHOLD, NE%V)~,~.'LO~,~'DCKS AND Clause MOORIiCG NO. DISPLAy ViSjB.~ ~LKHEADS MUST ISSUSD TO Edward M. C~inqs I, cer=ify tha~ the work as authorized in tkis permz% has been ccmp!e~ed and is now ready fcr your inspec- ticn. Also, tke number required on tkin project is clearly visible. I furtker understand tkis permit is no~ vaii~ un;il this tear sheet is re=urned to the Trustees. ALL QOCg~ n~,n ~,. ~c~ ..... TELEPHONE {516', 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold. New York 11971 October 25, 1983 Mr. Edward M. Cummings 520 Franklin Avenue Garden City, New York 11530 Dear Mr. Cummings: Transmitted herewith is your permit which was granted under the Grandfather Clause, for your structure. Please post your permit number on your structure, so that it can be seen from the water. Thank you for your co-operation, in regard no this ma~ter. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees Ilene Pfifferl~ng~ ~ Clerk to Trustees Attachment TELEPHONE f 516', 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold. New York 11971 September 12, 1983 Edward M. Cummings D.D.S., P.C. 520 Franklin Avenue Garden City, New York 11530 Re: Bulkhead Application Dear Dr. Cummings: Thank you for your prompt attention, in regard to this matter. It will be necessary for you to give us a sketch of the work that you have now, along with the sizes of same. There is also a notation on the survey that was done, that you have a dock also. If you do, I have enclosed the proper application for you to fill out also, putting the year 02 construction, sketch with sizes of work and your signature. There is a $5.00 filing fee for this application also. Again, my thanks to you. If I can assist you further, please give me a call. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees Ilene Pfiffer~i~g~ F Clerk Attachments BOAI~D OF TOWN TRUSTEES~ ' Town Of Somhold Southold. h'e~v York 1'/971 k~ain lload APPLICATION FOR A BULKtfEAI), DIKE, 011 JETTY 1. Doesd: thiSe~oin~er [ftheit use of W~LANDS as defined ir! the Soutk~te Town Wetlands Or_,nmnc maes, you must file through the Town ~ ~'~ ~ ark ~ Office. - Ap~c~nt s name and address. ~e~ ~ ~o~_ -- 5. ~D[oin briefly the purpose of this application: 6. After issuance rerm~r,~ork muse be completed w&th~ri one 7Secure th~ correct Area Map from the Clerkpossib[eO~ this Boar~ and by uslnga/ X A CIRCLE as a mark, indicate as closel~ as the ~ r reverse side, ~rovide a SCALE D~VING which will shaw Ordinary this prelect On the as the size and shape of me structure or work to be done. Also inciudeHigh Waferajl dlmen:'cn:M~rk as well ~orr~cnsownerswhicn. extend offshore from the O. H. W. M. Skate for - property Provide the folIow;nU documents: A Licenses Engineer's 5u:vev of the 3roDertv involved. A copy of the Contractor's Plan and ~ ltl~ec'"c~tions. Shore Environmental AsseSsment 9. ~oes this ~rojectworks c~exrendo simi;or[nt° nOrureT°Wn ~%"~tersthisbe/cnd on hno~ino~ ~ine or boundary [armed by existin~ o~on~ orea's shoreline? Y55 or NO. ~ ~t does, state the approximate d~rcnce beyond ............. lO. ~orkWi¢/thiner the constructiOnDred_~ require Ihe Filling. of any land offshore of the ud,~r"r:n~ ~ ng or any materic from Town Lands under water> YES or NO. If itVd~terd'oes. Form A/4 (Application for Dredging/Filling) must be aDDIicction, completed and attached as part of this 11. In requesting approval of this =pptication, I submit that: the . . ~,inform~*;¢n is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and behef: presented herein me performance of the work in accordance wnn~ny the p[enS7%w~and' I s',ec'fica~onsam~ -..,rna perSOnorrac, ~d;acc°unrable for reed or emandfamiliar withl intendme provisior Sro of Southole --~.Ord~nance have involved; further, adhere to and abide ~v the Terms endpertinentco~ditionsr° tneofWOrkthe Permit. when ~nd if issued re me. 12, WO ,E"XPEDITE FINDING SPECIFIC LOCATION~ INSPECTION, INDICATR ~z~ ~ BY USXNG A TEMPO~RY ~RKER. ~ ~ ~ ~ - · PERMIT NO.. [ - NEW yORK STATE DEPAI~r~NT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION TW 152.72-0121 -- PERMIT ~] ART,CLE 13, (Protection of Water) ~] ARTICLE 25, (Ti~a, Wetlands, FP-ERMIT iSSUED TO Ed C ......lngs and T~,n of Sou~hold w By: Patrick Carrig ~DORESS OF PEW ~EE 1Lichmond Road Pe¢ouie Bay Boulevard, Laurel, _New York 'Southold, New York _Bru~hes creek OESCRmTION OE Replaae/re~air 100 ~: ~,f, of axSsting fail/rig timber bulkhead in sam~ !ocatiom and eonfizura- ti_on (75' southeast side. of brid~e. 25' northeast side. o_f br_idge). , 'COMMUNITY NAN~E (City, TOWn, VHlage) } TOWN Laurel .] Southold i:COUNT¥ JF~A CO*!MUNITY NO. J DAM NO. PERA41T EXPIRATION DATE I , Suffolk : . --._ 6/30/.8t . GENERAL CONDITIONS · SURV~ FOR JOSEPH L. O'ROURKE SUFFOLK COUNTY~ SCALE: l''= 30' APRIL 22, ~968 NA~.LE OF' CP~EEK. · APPLICATION FOil FIXED anJ/o= FLOATI>~G DOCKS " I. Applicant's nome and address: ' ' 2. Cantraczor.'s name ondg~dr~e · .............................................. ............... ........ i ........ ..................................... ............... b~ ~- u. ~ecJ[~2.nS .correct Area ~Mop ~rcm the Clerk of thee o...~ .~, . . .LARGE ' .... ~ U~UL=. nd[cate cs clayey as ~csslb~e the Jet'rio -.-~.%~q~,~a,,a oy umng a/X W TH'N map provide a SCAL ~ ~r~ ,..~-:-t .,, . n~, ,h~ ea.k. On the rexers~ _ ~ck. - ....... r ~emen,al. pangs which are needed_ - +o, ho,d or tie-u~ ~ boar. Give all dimensions n=~- ....... DS ~c~- o~ ..... e the area of ...... 0 ..... 0.~ ~romtheO. H.W.~ If ad3acenn ....... s~r,~ce doc~s, specify Location and lea=nh_ ¢o scale, prope~y owners have 6. V/iii any oortion of this construct/on ex:end offshore into Tow~ Wc~ers bevcnd en line or bouncan7 formed by other sim~ilor structures a~ong the oreo's shore ne? Y~S or NO. If i: does exren~ beyond ~his so-co[lea d~k uae indicare by how ~ar, approximately,. ......... 7. Provide the foUowing documents: A Licensee Engineer's Survey oF the property [nvolvea. (b) ,~ copy of :ne Contractor's Plans cna S~e~ifi~sHans. 8. .: ~tlan~s .~pp] lcatlon Fo~m. ~ark or the Dredq[ng o~ an- mot--' =, ~ %'x ,urn. ortsnore or the Ord qo~ H~n Water ~ , , . - - ~ ur:a~ rrom town L~ndz under wa~*rP 'ffrq or NO. If ~ does Farm ,~/., ~Apphsotton For Dredging/Fil[ina; must be COrnmiered ~na , - 9. In requesting ODDrovQ[ Of ~his cp~Hcation. , , [ submit that: the ~nfc~ urban presented nerelr, 10. ~o expedite finding specific location fo= znSmacaion indicate -:.z.L;z¢,:.?....:,.L' by .using a tempo=cay m~rt:e=~, ' ' '"Z'7i'-:-,'.. R/2 Re<',.- 2/82 ~'~L.S. "- . SUFFOLK ? ? \ M~IN