HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5418 P 450 ~. ( 'Y' ( "".c~ IIIm~I"''1Il'II. .i -....- ;;;_MI_ ~~ I~J \)'.'.,. .'''> '" ~ o ... 0 .:: S"nd'~d,N.y.B.:r.IJ.F;"in8001-'~62:iOM=thfB.in:-.ria5'1o~i'id.-~'i';~CoV.ri"ii-.g.~'5^':';':;~dUZ'C~'~-------- ----- -- - -- CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS.INSTRUMENT_THIS INSTRUMt SHOUlD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. UBE1l5418 p~GE~50 u, 9.1, fl, S, :tI,J.,,,;,,!1,Q,-- THIS INDEN1VRE. made the;;t ~ ~ay of August . nineteen hundred and sixty-three BE~ THOMAS B. REEVE, residing at Maiden Lane, Mattituck,New York; JANET REEVE FIELD. residing at 3315 Karen Avenue, Long Beach,California; ~ADOLIN FLEET BARTEAU, residing at Pequash Avenue, Cutchogue,New York, and KATHRYN FLEET, residing at West Creek Avenue, Cutchogue,New York, (Janet Reeve Field by Thomas B.Reeve, her Attorne~-ln-Fact underC Power of Attorney dated May 9, 1963, recorded in ~uffolk County lerk's otf'iee in Liber 5378 of Deeda,at Page 12.) ... party .of the first part, and .JOSEPH F'. KREUTZ and KATHERINE A. KREUTZ, his wife, residing at 94-40 22lst street, Queena Village, New York, party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party .of the first part, in considerat!on .of One and 00/100 - - - - dollars, lawful money of the United States, and other valuable 0 onsidera tion paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant arid release unto the 'party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of tbe second part f{)rever, AlL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, I ill I.oiL H' ......J P' --"I! situate, lying and being in the Town ot Southold, at F:1.eets Neek, Cutehogue, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and desorlbed aa f'ollows: 78 BEGINNING at a monument on the easterly line of' Pinewood Road,200.36 teet northerly along sa-id easterly line f'rom South Cross Road; saId. 'Ooint of beginning being the northwesterly corner of land conveyed or about to be oonveyed by the party ot the first part to Nugent; from said point of beginning running along sald easterly line of Ptnewood ~ Road N. 350 43' 50" W. 100.18 feet tn a monume~t and land of Shaw; thence along said land of Shaw, N. 570 42' 00" E. 178.0 feet to a monument and Lot 3 as shown on nMap of' Eastwood Estates", filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's office as Map No. 3683; thence along said Lot 3 and al-ong_Lot2 as shown on sald map S. 320 1'81 OOn E. 100.0 feet to a monument and said land conveyed or about to be conveyed to Nugent; thence along the last described land S. 570 42' oon W~ 172.0 feet to the point of begInnIng. SUBJRCTto the following oov,enantsand restrictions: That not more tlian one dwelling _shall be constructed on the premises for eaoh lOO_teet or road frontage; tbatany: house or bungalow erected or maintained shall _0081; not leS8 than $7000.00 and shall be at least. 35 feet bacltfrom the tront boundarY:Llne ot the 10t,includlng porch and piazza~ That nooutbuildlngsB~:n;be erectedotheiotban the~8ual p:arage, and said garage-Shall ,_b"e,~ncOlJl1ect:lO_llwi~h orjolued to the house, -or bunga1ow' or~soereotedthat\t;shall be a:l; least 90 teet bacltfrom the front bOund~ry 11ne~ofthelot,'; that the premises shall ~be, use~_ fo~:~e..iLlingp'l11"pC)ses 011ly;andnothlng whIchsball be a nuissncet ;U11lItt{o1:e.8om8 _or offensive, toth.S neb:hborhoodshall be permltteo 'onSatdlot; thatnor~lor plgssfiall be ~ept on saId prelll.1se8. ,.~'~:c.,~':~_