HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOLAVITO, MICHAELBOAI Telephone 516 - 765-3783 july 14, 1975 Southold To~n Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York Gentlemen: Please be advised that the following resolution was passed by the Board of Southold Town Trustees at a special meeting held on Jvuly 12, 1975: "IT WAS RESOLVED that the Board o£ Southold Town Trustees does not recommemd the appuoval of Wetlands Application # 22 by Michael F. Cola¥ito on his property located om Corey Creek at BayviewRoad, Southold, N.Y." The Board of Southotd Town Trustees requested o~Mr. Colavito that he not fill the wetlands area that he proposes. We have agreed to contact the Mosquito Commission on his behalf and suggest to them that they open a mosquito ditch through this area and oonneot it to the main part of Corey Creek. This would eliminate the mosquito problem and the flow o£ current would prevent any stagnation. ~BG/bn Respectfully submitted, Alvah B. Goldsmith, Chairman Board of Southotd Town Trustees Telephone 516 - 765-3783 [1971 October 7, 1975 Suffolk Cour~tyDept. of Health Bureau of Vector Control Yaphar~kAvenue Yaphank, New York 11980 Services A~ten~mon. Joseph S8_nzone, Bureau Chief Dear Mr. Ssmzone: We acknowledge receipt of your letter of October 2., 1975 with reference to the proposed ditch on the property of Michael F. Colavito located on Corey Creek, at B[ayvie~ Road, Southold, New York We appreciate your prompt attention am_d consideration in this matter, as we feel certain that it will be of mu~uat assiatance to all concerned. ABG/bn cc:file Cordially yours, Alvs_h B. Goldsmith, Chairman Board of Southold Tovm~ T_r~..stees~ Felephone 516 - 765-3783 September 16, 1975 Suffolk Co~mtyDept. of Health Services Bureau of Vector Control Yaphank Avenue Yaphsm_k, New York 11980 Dear Sirs: Enclosed here-with, please £ind copy of wetlands application #22 submitted by Michael F. Co!avito on his property located on Corey Creek, at Bayview Road, Southo!d, N.Y. This application has been transmitted %o the Board ce Southold To-~n Trustees by the Southold Town Board, together with a request for our recommendation. Also enclosed, please find a copy of recommendation which we sent to the Southold Town Board recommending that he not fill the wetlands area as proposed. Would you gonsider a drainage ditch for mosquito protection in this area? ge wo~ld appreciate the opport~o_ity to discuss this matter with a representative from yoow commission. If you would contact us, we would like to set up an appointment with you to inspect this property and work out a solution. ABG/bn cc: Michael Colavito Town Board file Very truly yours, Alvah B. Goldsmith, Chairman Board of Southold Town Trustees Telephone 516- 765-3783 July 8, 1975 Michael F. Colavito 198 Derby Street East Williston, N.Y. 11596 Dear Mr; Colavito: Please be advised that your wetland application no.'s 22 & 23 were reviewed at a regular meeting o£ the Board o£ Southold Town Trustees held on Monday, July 7, 1975. The Board extends their apologies that they were ,Jmable to meet with you over ~he July ~th weekend. The Board will be making propervy inspections on Saturday July 12, 1975. They will begin in MattiZuck at 1:30 P.M. smd work easterly° There£ore, they are o~able to give you a de£inite appointment time. However, the Board will be at your property on Corey Creek, Southo!d sometime Saturday afternoon, July 12th ~ad wbuld like to meet with you to inspect your property. cc: file Very truly yours, , i~le, SecreTary Board of SouZhold Town Trustees BOAF T~ephone 516 - 765-3783 L971 June 6, 1975 Michael Colavito 198 Derby Street East Wiltiston, N.Y. Dear Mr. Colavito: 11596 Please be advised that your applicg~ion Noo 22 for a w~tlan~ permit has been transmitted by the Southold Town Board to the Southold Board of Town Trustees, together with the inst~nctions to prepare a written report of findings and recommendations with respect te this application. The Board members would meeting with you so that you with respect to the proposed Ilke to arrange an on premises can fully explain your intentions filling on your property.. Please contact Mr. Alvah Goldsmith,_ Hobart Road, Southold, New York Tele. No. 516 765-3429 and advise him of a date which would be convenient. Yours truly, Secretary cc: file SUFFOLK COUNTY DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES LEE DENNISON EXECUTIVE OFFICE BUILDING VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY JOSEPH SANZONE October 2, 1975 Alvah B. Goldsmith, Chairman Board of Southold Town Trustees Southold, L. I., New York, 11971 Dear Mr. Goldsmith:- This letter is to follow up our meeting of September 30th concerning the property of Michael F. Colavito located on Corey Creek, at Bayview Road, Southold, New York. As we discussed, the rear of Mr. Colavito's property can be adequately maintained for mosquito control purposes by the installation of a ditch. We will install this ditch some time this fall or winter. If I can be of further assistance to you in this matter, do not hesitate to contact me. JS/gl Veery truly y9urs, ~OSEPH SANZONE Bureau Chief c~OUTHOLO, L. I, N. Y. 11~'71 March 28, 1975 Mr. Alvah B~ Goldsmith, Chairman Board of Southold Town Trustees Town Clerk's Off~ce Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear M_~. Goldsmith: Transmitted herewith is application no. 22 for a wetland permit submitted by Michael F. Colavito. Please prepare a written repor~ of findings and recommendations with respect to this application and submit said report to the Southold Town Clerk within 20 days of receipt of this letter. Very truly y~ou~s~ Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk New York State. De partment of Environmental Conservation Atbany~ N, Y, 12201 ~ . D~ce~ber-17;--1974 --' James L. Biggane Mr. Michael F. Colavito 198 Derby Street West Williston, New York 11596 RE: Petition No. TW-15276-0106 'Dear Mr. Colavito: Notice of a public hearing on the above petition was duly published, ~n accordance with Article 25 of the Environmental Conservation Law and, having received no objections from this Department or elsewhere, the scheduled hearing was cancelled. Enclosed is your permit to construct a one family home, fill approximately 260 cubic yards and bring to grade and construct a septic system'on Main Bayview Road, near Corey Creek, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, ~. Please read all conditions carefully, with particular attention to Condition No. 2. If you are unable [o comply with any conditions, please contact the Local Tidal Wetlands Permit Administrator i~n~ediatelyo He is Daniel Larkin and may be reached at our Stony Brook Regional Office, State Univarsity of ~ew York at Stony Brook, Building 40; telephone 75%-7900. Also enclosed is a permit sign which you are to conspfcuously, post at the project site, protected from the weather. Very truly yours, Louis M. Concra, Jr. Central Tidal Wetlands Permit Administrator LMC:scs .-'-cC: D. Larkin be .l~able for any damage or injury to the work ' as conveying to tile Applicant any ril;hc herein aulhorized which may be caused by or result: from future operations undertaken by the State-for any pnrpose, and no claim or right to compensation shall accrue from any such damage. ~_f 9. I£ the display of lights and signals on any work hereby authorized is not otherwise provided for by law, such lights and signals as may be prescribed by the United .Skates Coast GuaKd shall be installed and main{ained by and at tile expense of the Applicant. . . to trespass upou the lands of ochers t perform the permitted work or as autm ~ng the i~pairment oI amy rigl~t, title interest in real or personal property or vested ~n a person not a party to th permit. 12. Nothing in this perm.4t .~;hall b deemed to affect the responsibility el the Apl~licant to comply with ap.>' applJc_ Rules and Regulations of the U. S. Arm? - _ ......... z . ~_Corps of Engineers. or an)' other govern- work carried out under this permit ' mental agency hav~ng jurisdiction. shall be performed in accordance with established engineering practices and in a workmanlike manner. ADDIT I~,~~ CONDITIONS: construction or disturbance o~ 14. No disruption of adjacent tidal marshes is to take place. vegetatzon south of line 570' ~rom Hain Bmyview ]load.~ The,Applicant in accepting this p6rmit signified his agreement to abide by forth above. ' ' ' , - APPLICATION DATE the conditions set December 31, t975 Dtctmbcr 17 1974 'BY (PER1~ IT A )H1NIS'I'RATO~.)D-------7-~2Ll,._ ~,~ /" t7~ [NAME AND AI)DI~E~fi .... -- / DEPARTMENT OF. ENVIRONMER~rAL CONSERVAT] 0N PERMIT UNDER AR]ICLE 25, TITLE 2 (TIDAL WETlAnDS) OF TIlE L~VIRONMEb]AL CONSERVAllON LAW PEP, NIT ?:o.TW- 15276- 0106 APPL]CA~' Michael F. Colavito APPLICAN] 'S ADDRESS 198 Derby Street, Wast Williston, New York 11596 APPLICA.:CI' JS HEREIIY PER?.I1TTED TO: Construct 1-family home, fill approximately 260 cubic yards to bring to grade, and S~c systems, in accordance with amended work plan. LOCATI ON TOWN, COUNTY Main Bayv~ew Road SECTION OF TIDAL WETLAND TO WHICH THIS PERN1T APPLIES Southold, Suffolk County Corey Creek NOTE (a~ This permit does not relieve the Applicant of responsibility for damages re riparia~ owners or others. (b) If the structure or work herein authorized is tlot completed on or before Dece::~ber 31. 19_75 , or upon the completion of the inventory of tidal wetlands for this area pursuant to Article 25 o~ the Environmental Conservation Law, whichever occurs first this permit, if not specifically extended, shall cease and be nell and void. CONDITION~ l. The permitted work shall be subject to inspection by an authorized representative of the Department of Environmental Conserva- tion who may order the work suspended if the mblic interest so requires. - 2. The Applicant shall file in the office pf the Local Tid'al Wetlands Permit Administrator notice of intention £o commence work at least days i~ advance of the time of con~encement ~nd-shall also notify him promptly in writing of ~he completion of the work. 3. As a condition of the issuance of this ~ermit, the Applicant has accepted expressly, ! the~execution of the petition, the full legal responsibility for all damages, direct or indirect, >f whatever nature, and by whomever suffered, ~rising out of rile'project described herein and ~as agreed to indemnify aud save harmless the State Cram suits, actions, damages and costs of every ame a~d description resulting.from the said pro- .' Any matsrial to be dredged*under this roposal sisal I bt~ remnved evenly without 'leaving ~rge.:rt. fuse pil'es, rldges~or deep holes acrnss 5. Any material to be placed as fill either in the waters of the State or on shore above the high-water mark, -~nall b= contained by a suitable bulkhead or other structure to prevent any erosion of the fill back into the waters of the State. 6. There shall be no unr~asonable interference with navigation by-the work herein authorized. 7. The Department reserves the right to reconsider this approval at anv time and after due notice and hearing to con- tinue, rescind or modify this permit in such a mantner as may be fouud to be just and equitable. If upon the expiration or revocation of this permit, the modificat!~ of the tidal wetlaud hereby authorized not been comp!~ted, the Applicant shall. without expense to the State, und to such extent and i~ such time mud manner as thc Departmeut of Environmental Conservation may require, remove all or any portion the pncomple~ed st,,,crure or fill and rostorp the site to its former cmldition. No claim slml] be mudo against the bed of the tidal' wetland,.. .... ?.. .~., New York on aceount~of lilly such removal : -... : or alteration, Michael F. Colavito 198 Derby Street East Williston, N~Y. March 25~ 1975 11596 Town of Southold Town Clerk's Office Southold, N.Yo Gentlemen: Until I received your "Notice of Apparenn Violation of Wetlands ordinance chapner 97". I was totally unaware of the towns Wetlands Ordinance. The fill that I had brought onno the properny was done so under the State Permit. I assumed that once I received the ~S Deoartment of Enviornmental Conservations OK, the~e were no other regulations no conform to. The state proceedure as you know is quite thorough and very time consuming. One of the State Permit conditions, #13, states that "no construction or disturbance of vegetation south of line 570° from Main Bayview Road" is per- mitted. The house is approximately 490 feet from the road and I have no intention of disturbing the beautiful wetlands in front of in. My request for a Town Permit~ b~sides being a legal requirements centers around my concern over a iow area along the southern boundary line of my property The area is above the ordinary high waner mark (see attached survey). The location collects rain water and during unusually high tides, salt water. There is no natural drainage and stagnation does occur. The area was created by the erection of a bulk-head along the property line by my southern neighbor and his subsequent filling-in behind it. Consequently, pis land is over 3 feet higher Than mi~e and run off ain water from his property collects zn thus low rea. ~ I~am not requesting permission to raise ~he level ~f my land to my neighbors - that would ruin the zharactor of the property and besides the cost would pe prohibitive. What I'd like to do is to raise the ~rea approximately 1~ feet and slope the fill toward the creek to creane drainage and eliminate the water zotlection problem. Cont'd .... _ERK SDUTHE]LD, L. [ N. Y. 11c371 March 28, 1975 Mr. Alvah B_ Goldsmith, Chairman Board of Southold Town Trustees Town Clerk's Office Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Goldsmith: Transmitted herewith ms application no. 22 for a wetland permit submitted by Michael F. Colavito. and and within 20 days Please prepare a written report of findings recommendations wi~fn respect-to this application submit said report to the Southold Town Clerk of this letter. of receipt Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk New York State Department of Environmental Conservation -- December--17,-1974 ........ Mr. >~ichael F. Colavito 198 Derby Street West Wiltiston, New York 11596 RE: Petition No. TW-i5276-0106 Dear Mr. Colavito: Notice of a public hearing on the above petition was duly published, in accordance with Article 25 of the Environmental. Conservation Law and, having received no objections from this Department or else~¢here, the scheduled hearing was cancelled. Enclosed is your permit to construct a one family home~ fill approximately 260 cubic yards and bring to grade and construct a septic system on ~:ain Bayview Road, near Corey Creek, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, ~. Please read all conditions carefully, with particular attention to Condition No. 2. If you are unable no comply with any conditions, please contact the Local Tidal Wetlands Permit Administrator immediately. He is Daniel Larkin and may be reached at our Stony Brook Regional Office, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Building 40; telephone 751-7900. Also enclosed is project site, protected a permit sign which you are to conspicuously post at from the weather, Very truly yours, Louis M. Concra, Jr. Central Tidal Wetlands Permit Administrator the LMC: scs ce: D. l~rkin ~ '~ '' x ~ - Corps of Engrs. ~]'~TE DEFARTI,iENT OF. ENVI]{ONHEN~FAL CO?,~SERVATiON PERHIT UNDER A!G1CLE 25, TITLE 2 (TIDAL WETLANDS) OF THE ENVD1ONMENT)i CONSERVAI1ON LAW pER,?-~IT ::f3,TW-] 5276-01 36 APPLI CANq' Michael F. Colavito ~-~ APPLICAX] 'S ADDRESS 198 Derby Street, Wast Williston, New York 11596 APPLICAirP IS tiEREgY PER;-llTTED TO: Construct 1-family home, fill approximately 260 cubic yards-to bring to 'grade, and · septic system, s, in accordance with ~raended work plan. LOCATION TOWN, COUNTY Main Bayview Road Southold, Suffolk County SECTION OF TIDAL WETLAND TO W~I!CH Tills PER.~-ItT APPLIES Corey Creek (a) This permit does not relieve the Applicant of responsibility for damages ro ~fparia: owners or others. (b) If the structure or work herein authorized is not completed on or before Dece:',ber 19 75, or upon the completion of the inventory of tidal wetlands for this pursuant to Article 25 of the Environmental Conservation Law, whichever occurs this permit, if not specifically extended shall cease and be null and void CONDITIONS !. The permitted work shall be subject ~o ~nspection by an authorized representative of the Department of Environmental Conserva- tion who may order the work suspended if the >ublic interest so requires. 2. The Applicant shall file in the office >f the Local Ti&al Wetlands Permit %dministrator ~ notice of intention to commence work at least 5 days i~ advance of the time of con~mencement ~nd shall also notify him promptly in writing ut the. completion of the work. 3. 'As a condition of the issuance of this permit,Lthe Applicant has accepted expressly, by the execution of the petition, the full legal responsibility for all damages, direct or indirect, of whatever nature, and by whomever suffered, urising out of the'project described herein and }as indemnify and save harmless thc State to ~om suits, actions, damages and costs of every !~me hnd description resulting.from the said pro- . · ~. ~ Any m~t~rial re be dred~lcd under this ego .refuse pitch, ridges_or deep holes across e bed of the tidal wetland.' 5. Any material to be placed as fil either in the wa%ers of the S%ale shore above the high-water ~aark, contained by a suitable bulkhead or structure to prevent any erosion of the fill back into t~e ~aters of tho State. 6. There sb_all be no unreasonable interference ~ch navigation by-the ~'ork herein authorized. 7~ The Department reserves the right to reconsider this approval at any and after due notice and hearing to con- tinue, resc.ind or modify this permit in such a manuer as may be found to be just and equitable. If upon tho expiration revocation of this permit, the modifica~. of the tidal wet!and hereby authorized not been comp!~ted, the Applicant shall, without expense re the State, and the 9ncomplctcd st~'ucrurc or fill or alteration, York shall ~n no case be .llable fur any daraagc or injury to the work herein a.jhor~zed which may be caused by or result from fort/re' operations ondertaken by the State for any pnrpose, and no claim or right to compensation shall accrue from any such damage. ~__~ 9. 1£ the display of lights and signals on any work hereby authorSzed is nor otherwise nrovided for by law, such tiguts and signals as may be 'prescribed by the United 'Sqates Coast GuaKd shall be installed and maintained by and at tire expense of the Applicant. 10. All ~ork carried out under this permit shall be performed in accordance with established engineering practice~ and in a workmanlike .manner. ADDIT±ONA~ COND!T!ONS: 13..~ No constructkon or disturbance of vegetation south of t4}'*k~No disruption of adjacent tidal marshes is to take place. 11. This permit shall not bc con~;.~ . as conveying to the Applicant any r~.~;b..: to trespass upon the lands of others t-- perform thu permitted work or as iag the i~apairment o1 any r ]~gJg~ ;~ t i t 1 e interest in real or person31'~pbopertv or vested in a person not:~a party to permi t. 12. Nothing in this permit slml! kw deemed to affect the responsibility of the Applicant to comply with an> applfc Rules and Regulations of the U. $. Arnr. CorBs of Engineers or any other govern- mental agency having ju.risdJction_ line 570' from Hain Bayview Rea'cl. { £ The Applihant forth above. ih accepting this parmit signified his agreement to ab~de by tire conditions set APPLICATION I)ATE * [ EXPIRATION DATE f PERHIT ISSUED October 8, 1974 December 31, t975 - December 17, 1974 i~ ~'eL!ands itl'mit Admiuistratbr Michael F. Cotavito 198 Derby Street East Williston, N.Y. March 25, 1975 11596 To~n of Southold To~ Clerk's Office Southold, N.Y. Gentlemen: Until I received your "Notice of Apparent Violation Of Wetlands ordinance chapter 97", I was totally unaware of the to~s Wetlands Ordinance. The fill that ! had brought onno the properny was done so under the State Permin. I assumed that once ! received the NYS Department of Enviornmental Conservations OK~ there were no other regulations no conform ~o. The state proceedure as you know is quite thorough and very nime consuming. One of the State Permit conditions, #13, states that "no construction or disnurbance of vegetation south of line 570© from Main Bayview Road" is per- mitted. The house is approximately 490 feen from the road and I have no intention of disturbing the beautiful wetlands in front of it. My requesn for a Town Permit~ besides being a legal requiremenn~ centers around my concern over a Iow area along the southern boundary line of my properny The area is above the ordinary high waner mark (see attached survey). The location collects rain waner and during unusually high tides~ salt waner. There is no natural drainage and stagnation does occur. The area was created by the erecnion of a bulk-head along the property line by my southern neighbor and his subsequent filling-in behind it. Consequently~ his land is over 3 feet higher than mine and run off rain water from his property collects in this low area. I 'am not requesting permission to raise uhe level of my land to my neighbors that would ruin the charactor of the properny and besides the cost would be prohibitive. I~nat I'd like no do is to raise nhe area approximately 1~ feet and slope the fill howard the creek to create drainage and eliminate the water collection problem. Cont'd .... To~v~ of Southold March 25, 1975 Page 2 I feel that nhis is a reasonable request, and it still leaves almosn a full acre of wetlands, which I pay tax on, in it's natural wildli[e state. I have enclosed the following for you consideration: (1) Executed application ( 4 copies). '(2) My check for S25.00. (3) Copy of the Permin t received from the New York State Department of Enviro~menta! Conservation. If you hgve any questions t may be contacted at my office (212) 725-8100 during business hours. Town O~ Sout~olcl Town Clerk's Office Sauthotd, N. Y. APPLICATION FOR WETLA~q3S PER,fIT Dote of App cat on March Identity of Applicant ..... Michgel..F_....CQl.avi.tQ ........................................ [ ................................ Address of Applicant ...... .]...9..8....?..?~..b..Y.....S..t:?...e.?.5,' .~...a. st Williston, LI,NY 11596 FOR P[RM~T A. This application is to be completely fU[ed in by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Town Clerk in quadruplicate, accompanied by writter- permission from the owner of the properly if not the same as the applicant. B. Pilot Plan must be drown to scale on the reverse side of l'his application showing the location of property, the names and locations of owners af adjoining properties, and o detailed description of proposed proiect. (Note: Copies of the Pilot Plan may be made by a copy machine and attached to the Permit Application.9 C. No operation shall be initiated by the applicant until all permits that ore required are issued. D. A de?oiled statement of the rehabilitation and proposed condition of the premises after the work is comp[atari must be given, including a survey if required. E. If permit is being sought for a more s'zeoole excavation than the construction of a private single dock or jetty, then this application must be accompanied by a survey and topc<jrap'hical map certified by o registered land survey or Professional Engineer_ The horizontal control of surv.ey sha[! be based upon an approval local coordinate system. The vertical control for elevation and sound- Surveyings shallbatum.be based, upon United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and/or United States Geological F. A ~totement must accompany the application ~escribing any kr, own prior operations conducted on the premises in question and whether any prior licenses or permits hove been issued to erect structuqes or to dredge or deposit fitl on said premises and whether any such permits or licenses were e'/er revoked or suspended by o governmental agency. G. A flung fee of $2,%00 shoU accompany the application. This filing fee includes one inspection. there is o $5.00 fee for each addition~ inspection. H. The Town Board upon request of the applicant for o permit, may waive in whale or in parr, the pro~',islons of Arlicle I1, Section 210, subdivisions (d) end (g) where it finds tho~, nature of the proposed operations are such that the requirements of such provisions ore not necessary for a proper consideration of a permit application. }, Upon approval of 'this application the Town Clerk will issue a permit to the applicant. Such permit Jhall be available for inspection et any time, upon request. Examined .................................................. Appro~'ed Disapproved Conditions, if any Examining Body ......................................................... Signature of Chairman APPL F'AT!('~\! q t'~Fr~V ............ ~:--~, MADE to the Town Board of the Town of Southo[d, Suffolk CounW, Mew York, for the issuance of a permit pursuant to the Laws, Ordinances and Regul~Jons govern- ing fha C~stal and Interior Wetlands, F[o~ Prains and Drdnage Areas of the To'em of SouthoM: line to eliminate the collectiogof water, in a low area created by my neighbors bul~head and filling. ' ....................................................................... Locat[on of property for which permit wonted ..... ~.~ri~.i~W. Ave., ~ CgI:.e~. Creek Home address of permit applicant if different- from aforesaid location ...... -t-9&·-ge~:by...SC. ........... East Williston, LI, NY. 11596 Creek, Bay or Harbor fronting properly ....Caz. e¥....Cr~ek .......... - Size of proposed work: Length 50' tO 75' ° 50' to 75' Width Height Above High \~/ater ...... ~,ipt~r.g.x......$....f.(~e.t. ............................................................................ Depth Below Low Water .......... ..N./...A. . Yards to be Excavated ............ ,I~/.A ...................................·. . Yards to be Filled ...... .~-....5:0D. .............. Width of canal, creek_gr bay fronting property ........ ~?-~..d]ee.t ...................... Depth at Low Tide N/A Average Rise in Tide ....... N/A' ............................................................................................................... Is ~his for private or business use? Private use Area Zoning Residential N~onmer in which material will be removed or deposited ,ntendea use of property ......C..o_n...s..t...r_u..¢..t..i..~n o.z.=.....~..p..n..e..,.?...a,.~..%..1.%z,..y.D.~_r round home. Written.. consent of owner of property, if not the some os the applicant ............................................. ~fx COUNTY. OF SUFFOLK ) STATE OF NEW YORK ) SS: ........ ?...,. c:L ' ' ............... : ................................. : .... being duly swam deposes and says that he is the ~pplicont for the above described permit, and that oil s,etements herein 6re true to the best of his knowledge and belief; that the work will be done in the manner set forl-h in this application and os may be approved by the Town Board of the Town of Southo~d. The applicant agrees to hold the Town of Southold and the Town Board harmless end free from any and all damages ~nd cla'ms arising under or.by v,~,ue:'~ of so~d' Dermtt 'f ~r~ ,'7,/. t , /~; ~f -./ / ...... L.. J. L/t -": ,._-S~gno~ure of Applicant Sworn to before me this ~ .Z ............... ................ ;",5 .......... ' ......... - Notary Public /' ~ i!