HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOLAVITO, MICHAEL Telephone 516 - 765-3783 L~71 July 14, 1975 Southold Toga Board 16 South Street Gr.eenport, New York Gentlemen'. by Please be advised that the following resolution was passed the Board o£ Southotd Tow~ Trustees at a special meeting held I · July 12, 975. "IT WAS RESOLVED that-the Board of Southold Tovm Trustees £avorably recommends the approval o£ WetlamdApptication # 23 by Michael F. Cotavito, om his property located on Corey Creek at Bayview Road, Southold, N.Y." Respect£ulty submitted, _~L.'l..va;.~. B. Goldsmith, Chairm~ Board o£ Southold To~n Trustees ~U3O/bn Telephone 516 - 765-3783 October 21~ 1975 Michael F. Co_avmso 198 Derby o~ree~ East '57 ~ + N.Y. W__t~s~on~ 11596 Dear Mr. Co!avito: In reply 6o your letter of October 14, 1975, please be advised o£ the following: Your wetland appt_cavmon no. 23 was made to the Southo!d Wown Board, not ~heb_~ Boa_m of Souvho_d Tox~ _rusoees. The Board of Southold _owm TPasve~s was requested qo make a '5 ~ _ow~ Board on ohms app!icaqion. recommendav_on only, to ~he ~Souohotd w .... I have been advised by the Souvho_d Tow~ Clerk that ~he Souohold '~ ~ '- ~ _ _ hear~ng on Tom~_ Board ex~eo~ to set a zu~u~ e da~e for a pub~5o ~ this apoiicat~on at Zheir next rego_lar meeqing on October 28, I975. _T azn enolos~n_ g=a copy of our recommendaZion to the Southo!d To-wn Board on this application. Yours %ruly, Alvah B. Goldsmith Y3G/bn c /Iicl ael F. Colavito October 14, 1975 Board Of Town Trustees Town of Southold Southold, N.Y. 11971 Gentlemen: On September 15, I wrote you a letter requesting information concerning my application No. 23. I specifically asked~ke-%h~r my request to erect a bulkhead had been formally approved by the Board. To date I have not received a reply. I would appreciate it if you would let me know if my application was approved as was indicated in the Long Island Traveler. Thank you. Very truly yours, /~-~ ?' 7.5 /~, /~' 198 Derby Street East Williston. N.Y. 11596 TOWN OF SOUqH©t~D: [iFF] 9 rJUTHOLD, L. _ERK E) N. Y. ]1971 June 18~ ~4r~, .~%vab B, Gg]ds~ith Chalz~m.,mn Southoid Town Trustees To;,m Clerk~s Office M~in Road S~a~hold~ N~ York 11971 submitted by Michael ~ Colavlto= Please prepare e written report of £1mdlngs and reco~datlons with ~espect to this app!!catio~ and suSmlt said ~eport to the Sou~ho!d To~m Clerk ~4thln 20 d~ys of receipt of this letter= J-T~ '?aleI bone 516 - 765-3783 July 8, 1975 Mzc.~ae_ F. Co!avi%o 198 Derby Street Easb Wi!lis%on, N.Y. 11596 Co] av!to. Dear Mr. '' ' Please be advised_ %ha{ your wetland app]icasien ne.'s 22 & 25 were reviewed as a £egoAar Nearing er %he Board of Sous_bold Tovaa Trustees heJd on ~onaay~ gu!y s~ 197~. Tn~ Board ex%esds %help apo!egies o~a% they sere ~ ~ -5 ~ ~e July- 4%h" ~'~ bO ~ee-b l~_ bh yOU over -~ ~he Board will be ms_king property inspections on Saturday ~u~y 12, 1975 They will begin ~n Mav~uck a~ ~0 P.?4. ~,o~ easv=rty~ The~emo_e, they are ~_aole to give you a definite appozn~men~ ~me~ However, ~he Board wS~t be at your prop~roy on Corey Creek, Southold some~myo~ Saturday a_~ermoc, n, July I2~h a~d would like ~o meev w~vm you to nspecm }our propervy. cc: file Very vruly yours, B~tcy ~tevi~le, Secretary Board of Southold To-v~n Trustees JUDITH T, BOKEN r'IFFI~ERK c:OUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. 119~1 June !$~ 1975 Dear M.r, C~ldsmi~h: T~ansmltted herewith is app!icatlon No. 23 for z ~et!~md permit submitted by ¥~chael Me Colavlto, Please prepare a ~itten report of findings and recomm~datlons respect to this app!icatlo~ amd submit said report to the S~u~ho!d Clerk t~thin 20 days of rece~p~ of this !e~er. Very truly yourss J~d!th Tc Bo~n Town C!erk c Tc3 .aelF. Cola ito June 10, 1975 Board of Tovm Trustees To-~n of Southold Southold, N.Y. 11971 Gentlemen: Enclosed is my executed application for a permit to erect approximately 70 feet of bulk heading on the banks of a dredged canal located on my property. The put-PoSe of this construction is to afford me a docki/lg facility for my boat. This facility will be used for my ovm private purposes. The tidal action, particularly in the winter months causes portions of the bank to collapse into the canal. Therefore, this bulkhead will also serve to shore up the bank. I estimate that there will be minimal filling in back of the bulkhead since it will conform to the contour of the existing bank. Attached is my check for $25 and a photo- copy of the original survey indicating proposed location of the bulkhead and the possible addition of a floating dock which will be removed during the winter months. Since this is a man made dredged canal I wasn't sure ~nether it is considered "tow~ water'~ however, I thought it best not to go ahead with the erection until I received permission from the Board. I would appreciate it if you could review this application as soon as possible as I would like to moor my boat in the canal and utilize it this su~er. E/lC . Very truly yours, 198 Derby Street East Williston, N.Y. 11596 Town O~ $outlxold Town Clerk's OffSee $eu~old, N. Y. APPLICATION FOR WETLAtNDS PEP~IIT ldentity of Applicant ..... ~ch~el...~...._Go]~a.~.i.to ......................................................................... 198 Derby Street, East Will±ston, Lt,NY. 11596 Address of Applicant ............................................................................................................................. IMSTRLICTION$ FOR P~RMIT A. This application is to be completely filled in by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Town Clerk in quadruplicate, accompanied by writter permission from the owner of the property if not the same as the applicant. B. Pi~ot Plan must be drawr- to scale on the reverse side of this application showing the location of oroperty, the names and locations of owners of adjoining properties, and a detailed description of proposed prelect. (Note: Copies of the Pilot Plan may be made by o copy machine and attached to the Permit Application") C No operation shall be initiated by the applicant until all permits that are required are issued. D. A detailed statement of d~e rehabilitation and , ' pruposeo condition of the premises after the work is completed must be given, including o survey 'E required. E. It permit is being sought for a more sizeable excavation than the construction of a private smgie dock or jetty, then this application must be accompanied by o survey and topographical map certified by a registered land survey or Professional Engineer. Z~he horizontal control of survey shall be based upon an approval local coordinate system. The vertical control for elevation a~d sound- inSs shah be based upon United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and/or United States Geological Survey datum. F. A statement must accompany the application describing any known prior operations conducted or the p?emises in question and whether any prior licenses or permits have been issued to erect structures or to dredge or deposit fill on said premises and whether any such permits ar licenses were ever revoked or suspended by o governmental agency. G. A filing fee of $25.00 shall accompany the application. This filing fee includes one inspection, t-here is e $5.00 fee for each additional inspection. H. The Town Board upon request of the applicant for a permit, may wo~ve in whole or in part, the provisions of A~icfe ti, Section 210, subdivisions (d) and (g) where [t finds that nature of the proposed operations are such that the requirements of such provisions ore not necessary for a proper consideration of a permit application. Upon approval oF this application the Town Clerk will 'ssue a permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be available for inspection at any time, upon request. Examined .................................................. 19 ....... Approved ................................................................ Disapproved ........................................................... Conditions, if any ............ Examining Body ............................................................................................................ S~gnature of Cha' rmarl ......................................................................................................... APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to t~ Town Board of the Town of ~uthold, Suffolk New York, for the ~uance of a pe~it pu~uant to the La~, Ordinances a~ Regul~s gov~ lng the Coastal and interior Wetlands, Fio~ Piains and Drainage ~as of ¢he To~ of So,hold: Permit ~u~t~o construct .a bulkhead ~a.t th~ e~d of 'a dredge' canal + +-- Ba~iew Ave. & Corey Creek Home address of permit applicant if different fram aforesaid location East Williston, LI, NY 11596 Creek, Bay or Harbor fronting properrg ........ .C.q~'.~.y....C.I:e.o.k .............................................................. Size of proposed work: 23'--~-- To the corner of the canal and then 35' Length ................................................................................................................................ the mouth of the canal Width .................................................................................................................................................... + Height Above High Water ....~' Foot I Foo~ - Depth Below Low Water ........................................................................................................................ Yards to be Excavated ......... lk]P~, ........................................................................................................ ..... None - B~lkhead to be erected a~ainst bank Ye rds to be rmea ........................................................................ w ................................................... Width of canal, creek or bay frondng property ........ C~'~a.],..~g:..gO.....gg~ ....... C~aa,k..~rgntage is 75' . Depth at Low Tide 3 feet + Average Rise in Tide ..-.3 ~e~-~..-+- ...................................................................................................... Is this for private or business use? Private use ' residential Area Zoning Manner in which material wiJJ be removed or deposited ...... - ................................................ -r .... The existing bank is coll'apsing into the cana% intended usa of I want to secure the bank so ~[ can moor my boat. Written consent of owner of proper~y, if not the same os the eppJicont ......................................... No~ applicable COUNTY OF -S~ ") STATE OF NEW YORK ) SS: end soys t~hat he is the applicant for the above described permit, and that all statemen~ contained herein are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; that the work Will be done in the rr~nner set foCdn in this application and os may be approved by the Town Board of the Town of '$outhold. The applicant agrees to hold the Town of Somhold and the Town Board harmless and free from any and all damages and claims arising under or by ,yir'rue of said perm~t,~/gra~ted. /.~SiSneture o Pi~ icon Sworn to before me this ........ L4..'~..~.~.: ............. day of ............... ~:.~4 ....................... , 19J~... ~td'ta ry Public :JOHN T. WHITE N~tary Pub'.ic, State of New Ym~ No. 41-9543425 Orange Counf:~ Certificate fil~d in New York CouPS.~ Ze~m ~2ires ~arch 30,. !97~ To~vn Clerk's Seumo_d, ~ Y. APPL~CAT~©N FOR WETL)P-~--~DS PER~4iT Application No. .a~n~ty of Applicen~ ..... M:Lc~eZ..._~......C~LaT~.to ......................................................................... 198 Derby Street, East Williston, LI,NY. 11596 Address of AppUcant ............................................................................................................................. A ~ms application is to be com~, ~ly -aded in by typewr.'ter or ink end ~=bm ~ ea the Town Clerk ,n ~uadrq: cote, ~ ~ ~ ' .... ac_,~m~amea by writter permission from the owner o[ the property, it not the same es the applicant. B Pilot Plan must be drawn to scale on the reverse side of reis application showing the loc-~tion el: property, the names and ~ocations of owners of adio]ning properties, and a detailed descrip.rlon of p,opased prelect. (Note: Copies of the Pi~ot Plan may be made by a copy machine an~ at~sched to the Permit Application ) C. Ho operationsnaP' ~ be initiated by the applicenl un'i a'~ permits that" are required are issued. D. A data= '~ed se~'-,~eme,,~- ~ of ~u~,,e rents. ..... {ar~on andp~-opo~ea- ' condition of;'~n_~ premises after [he work is completed must be given, including c survey 'f required. E. It permit is being sought for a more sizeable excavation than the construction of a private single doc[( or ietty, then this application must be accompanied by a survey and topographical map certified by a regis'tared rand sunzey or Professional Engineer. ~he horizontal control of survey shall be based upon an approval l~al coordinate system. The radical control for elevation and sound- ings shall be based upon United States Coast and Geodetic Su~ey and/or United States geological Su prey datum. F_ A slatement must accompany the application describing any known prior operations conducted on Iht p?em~ses in question and whether any prior licenses or permits have been issued to -~rect structures or to dredge or deposit fill on said premises and whether any such permits or licenses were ever revoked or suspended by a governmental agency. G. A filing fee of $25.00 ' ;' accompany the oppNcaNon. This filing rea mcludes one ,n~p~c~ion, there is a $5.00 fee for each~dumo,.al-"~' ~ inspection. H. The Town 8oord upon request }f the applicant for c permit, may waive in whole or in t;'~e provisions of ArNcie II, Section ~10, subdivisions (d) and (g) 'vhere it finds that nature of the proposed operaiions ore such that the requirements of such provisions are not necesso~ for a proper consideration of o permit appNcefion. uxon approval of ~hls app~ cat:on ~n~ Town Cterk will issue o permit to the applicant. Such shall be available for inspection at any time, upon request. Approved ................................................................ Disapproved ........................................................... Cond,t!ons, if any Exombing Body Signature of Chairman APPLiCAT!ON tS n,_R~_B¥ MAD= me Town Board or the Town of Southo!d, Suffolk Count,/, New York, for the issuance of a permit pumuant to ihe Laws, Ordinances end Ragu'arians govern- ing ~' ,n= Cocsta[ and Interior Wetlands, Flo~ Permit ~a~ues~,~ ~o construct a bulkhead.:at the end of a dredge canal ~- · ,- Ba v~ew Ave & Corey Creek LOCut On Of properTf Totwa cn permit uwon~,,ed ................. 77 .7 ....... ~:.....1 . . . - Home address of ..... ;e ' ' if ' ' app~ carz dkferen't fram aforesaid ' Eas~ Yilliston, LI, iqY 11596 ~re=m, ~ay or HcrworYrommg ~ =" properi-/ ........ ~Qzey..~re.a~ ........ Size of proposed work: Length .2.~ T To une _orner of cna canal and then 35 u~~e mouth of the canal Vfidth + 7 FOOE Height Above High W~er ...7 .................................................................... : ............ Depth Below Low V, rater 1 Foot - Yards ~o be Excavated ......... Yards to be Filkd None - Bulkhead to be erecte~ a~ainst bank Width of canal, creek or bay fronting p.mp~.~/= ........ Caz,e~L.e~s..50' ~ -' - ...... ' -~¢~d~= ....... C~e~..~raP. tage 75' Depth at Low Tide 3 feet + Average Rise in Tide ----B Fo~.-& ........................................................................................ is this far private or business use? ................ ?.?..~ .v..a.'g..e....~.s...e. .............................................................. ' zesidential Area Zoning ....... - ...................................................................................................................................... Manner [n which mamfiaJ wH[ be removed or deposited ........ The ex%sting bank is !ntended useof Drapery ..... I want to secure the bank so ~ can co!l'apsing i~to moor my boat. the caz~ Vfrltten consent of owner of propepb/, if ~ot the same os the cpp!icant ........................................ ~ot applicable COUNTY OF -Sk)~ - ) STATE OF NEW YCRK ) SS: ................ J ........................................................... ~-' - , , - , be;rm. = duly sworn deposes and says that he is ~he applicant for the above described permit, and that all statements contained herein ore ~rue to the best of his knowledge and belief; that the work will be done in the manner sei fo.th :n this application and as may be approved by the Town Board of the Town of $outhold. The applicant agrees to hold the Town of Southold and the Town Board harmless and free from any and ail damages ~nd cla',ms arising under or oy~,,~e x~"-77'~ ~ .... ; 7"~ ........................................ ~ignature o, Appiican~ Sworn to before me this ........ .]..,~.?.~...~Z ............. ~OHN T. WHITE ~'ol'ary Public, State of New YO~4 No. 41 9543425 Orange C0t]nt~' :7/