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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCEDAR BEACHBOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 1197t March 26, 1987 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Mr. Donald Dzenkowski Bay Constable Town of Southold Southold, New York 11971 Dear Don: In 1986 thc._number of Least Tern Colonies on Long Island decreased to 50*. This protected species of water bird is rapidly approaching the endangered cacagory. Recently, at the request of the Town of Southold, Board of Trustees, we met with Dr. Charles McCarthy, Associate Professor of the Suffolk County Community College Marine Technology Center to discuss the benefits associated with the re-openmng of the second inlet at Cedar Beach (see attached survey) to isolate the Least Tern Colony. This site, established by the Tern, and also hsed by the Piping Plover and Osprey is an ideally sparsely vegetated sand beach, however, due to 0RV use during nesting periods and the County Park immediately East of the nesting area this site becomes increasingly susceptible to abandonment. Isolation of the colony, through the re-opening of the inlet minimizes the disturbance to the colony and provides numerous associated benefits as well. Tidal flushing within the habitats is at a minimum, especially around the bulkheaded channels. Increased flushing action, provided by the second inlet, will enhance marine productivity within the creek and provide the nutrients needed for the various species used in the Marine Aquaculture Programs. Enrolled students will more fully appreciate the potential value of the intertidal marsh. The New York State D.E.C., Suffolk County Health Dept., and S.U.N.Y. at Stony Brook are actively involved in the monitoring of the "Brown Algae" bloom within the Peconic System. Steve Megar of the group for the South Fork has -2- actively antempted to coordinate efforts between the agencies involved to consolidate the data obtained to date. Access to the ?econics~ as well as docking space could be provided to those agencies in gonjunction with m second inlet. The area is a designated Significant Habitat by the New York State Dept. of State. (See Attached). While the precise location and financing of this inlet is yet to be determined we are sure you will also realize the benefits of our proposal. The detriments inolude the potential pressure to dredge inside the 'Cedar Beach marsh as well as the costs associated with the maintenance of two inlets. In an effort to ensure that the Least Tern Colony remains viable a~d'to serve the overall population we look forward to your input and comments during this preliminary "Brain storming" effort. HPS:ip Attachments Very truly yours, He~r~ry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees * preliminary figures 2850 Cedar Beach Rd S outhold, NY, !1971 July 29,1981 Mr Wit!lam Peli Southold Town Supervisor Town Hall Southold,NY,1!9?l Dear Mr Pell: P~u.closed is ~ picture .of the Cedar Beach inlet that. was taken in June 1981, approxzmately six weeks after the inlet was dredged by the Cot~uty. The County did a great ~ob-with tke dredging and upon' completion the inlet was wide open from shore to shore. As you can see from the picture, it has only taken six weeks for the troublesome shoal to form from the west as it has always done and.already block one-third of the opening. As of this date, the shoal has progressed to the point of i blocking hail the nlet and is already making it hawardous to navigate the inlet. i This points out the u~.ique probt.em we .have with this ' nlet and why we ~1 submitted a petition to you last November to reques~t ~he County. to place a Jetty to stabilize the inlet, which it a~ears~hey will do ~i~h no cost to Southo!d ~own- Un~o~ately] the study that was requested by Southold Tgwn has~.n9~ been c~mP~ete~d as yet and we are hopping that it will be i~ the near future. We.understand t~at Professor Smith ~t ~he_~Ce~ar~BeaQh Extensi~n~i~'.to pe~6rm th~~ Study ahd we are present.ly1 contacting~ ~zm to discuss it.s' progress. W.e are confident the stud~.w~li Show that a Jetty w$ll stabilize the inlet, a~ we have wi~.eSse.d the shoal- formatmon from t.he west for years.- In addition, we are also concerned .that if some action $s not taked in the near future to stabilize the inlet it will be unnavigable again Aext year as it has been the past few. We are al~ ~cgncerned th.a~ the County may. f~i~d the cost of annual dredgia[g prohibitive and that the inlet m~y even close, causing the ru~_nation of a beautzful harbor and wetland compleƗ with environmental amd finanoial consequences causiR~g the lowering of 1.~d val~es in the ar~a. . . _We k~ow tsar you ~are approachi~ this ~ subject with an op. en mind and w0?ld ~ot ~ke a dec~sion one way or t.he othe~ wmt.hout ~irst. ~being appri~ed of ali the facts, which we are hopzng~you Wmil receive Without too much delay. $*e also hope we can cGunt onyour c~nt~nued once and for all. Thank you. cc:Southotd To~m Councilmen Southo!d Town Trustees Rep Greg Blass Mr Jo~hn Guldi DPW ~Mr Fred Adler, support to resolve this problem Ver~v truly~ours~ ~obert G~zza?.. . Pres., Cedar Beach Civic Association