HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1682 GFALL DC'Zi~ A~{D BU~{~.~ES .~o, ~iS~,~ ViS-nr~ PEF~'~!T dO S ' d i I SOU~HOL-, NoW YORK PERMIT NO .... ~.~.~.~. .............. ~ DATE: ~_. '1 Pursuanf fo fhe provisions of Oho:far 6IS of fhe Laws of fha Sfafe of New York, 18,°3: and ' ' ' Oeao~er 404 Sfefe of New Yerk t~52: a~d fhe Sou~ho[d Town OrSNence eh- fffiea "REGULATIN~ AND T~E PLACING OF O[STRUCT[ONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and fhe REMOVAL OF SAND, G~Vc~ OR OTHER MATERIALS. FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" ~nd inaccor~an=e' w[~h fhe Resolution of The Board ado~fed afa m~efing he[~ on ~.p.t.,....~3.~ 19....8~., and }n consiSerafion of fha sum of $...~.,.9. Q.. ._ pa~d by ............................... ~ar.g~ri~...~...~o ..................................................... of ......... Lair. ill ........................................................ N. Y. and sub[eof fo fhe Terms and Condffions Ii[fed on fhe reverse side hereof, of Soufhb]a Town Trusfees aufhorkes and permks fee following: Application approved under ~e Grandfather Clause to secure a pe~it number for a dock 14'10" x 16' 7" in Brushs Creek. ali in accordancew,m'" ~U,,e de~a~[e:' ' ' s=ecmca:,ons'" ' as presenfed ~he origlnaf[ng appl[caflon. IN WITNESS W ...... vt, The said Boar~ o~ Trus+ees here- · by causes ifs Cor~orafe Seal fo be affixed, and -[hese' pres'eels fo be ' " ' ' ' ,he said ~oaro of .......... .i'. Grandfather Clause Board Of $outhold Town .Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK MOOP. I:[G NO. N/~ ' _- PERMIT NO ............ :L682 .... DATE: ~.pt. 2~i,.....1983 ' - ' - i ' D MUST ISSUED TO Mar~uerlte ~,.S AN BULKHEADS .............. : ................ j ......... ~}~'P'~i~'~-VISIBLE PERMIT NUMBERS I, certify Unau the war}: as authorized' · ~s - ~ has been ccmsle~ed and is now r~a~v for vour !~sDec-- rice. Also the n'um~er recuired on ~e{- ....... projec~ is clearly visible. I furthe~ understand this -,~ . per ..... is not valid until this tear sheet is reuurned to the Trustees. TERMS ~nd CONDITIONS /-'ne Perm2~ Marguerite M. Cato r~dingat North Oa-kwood Road~ Box 27, Laurel N. Y, as pan of thc consideration for ~= ~ce of ~= P~: d~ ~de~d ~d p~ to ~: ~ol- ' lowing: 1. That the Southold Trustees Permit must be prominently disD!ave~ cn the premises effected thereby during the period of 2- ~Ka: ~e ~d B~ of T~s ~d ~= Town of ~u~ofd ~ ~cd froca ~y ~d work ~ damages, or da~ for d~ag~, of ~ a~g ~7 or ~2y ~ a zw~t of ~7 o~- under agon ~rfo~d p~t to ~s ~% ~d ~e ~d Pe~r~ wfl4 at~ ~her own ~ with r,spec~ ~er==o, to ~e ~mpl~e ~ci~ion of ~= ~d of T~em of ~e Town of ~oldPacmm~' 3. That tNs Perc~r 5 yard for a W-~od o~ _O~? v~AR whfrb is com~.'det~ to be sufficient time required to comDiate the work ha¥otved, but should c~camzcmac¢~ warrm~ zequ~ for an ex-ren.slon may be made to the Board at a later daR. - 4. That this Permh should be retain~'~cI indefinhety, or as long as th~ said Pe~aitree wishm to mainmm the su'ucmze or p~je~ involve, to provide e~dmnce orhadon w~ ori~tly obt~ned. 5. 'l~nat the work involved wilI be suhje~ ~o the inspection znd approval of the Board or ia agents, and non-com=Eance with the provi~io~ of the origlt~affng application, may be revocation of this Permit by resotuHon of the ~ald Board. 6. I/nat there will be no unto=sortable inter£eresce with navig-adon a~ a result of the-work-= herein authorized. 7. That there shall be no interference with the right of the public :o pass and repas~ along the beach be[ween high and Iow water caarks. 8.. That if future opera, zoos of the Town of Sou~old require the' removal and/or alreration~ in the location of the work herdn author, zed, or if, in the opiaio-a of the Board of Tm.~em, the work shall cause uare~onable obsm:uc~on to free navigation, the ~aid P=zmi=ee ~II be requlzed, upon due notice, m remove or alter =his work or project herein stated wi~ou: ext, er-~.s to the Tovm of $ou~old. 9. Thas the said Board will be noff/ied by the Pe~=ee o: '~e comple~oa o£ the work ~u~- orked. (See tear off sheet.) !0. That the Permlrtee will obtain all other pe~ and comen:s ~at may be requi_md plemenral :o this Fern:fit which ma7 be subj.~-t to revoke upon £ailure-to obtain..same- BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF $OLryHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold. New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 PLEASE FILL OUT THE FOLLOWING FORM STATEMENT: AND RETURN WITH YOUR SIGNED 3. 1. Was the structure put in in accordance to the plan submitted? / Yes No~ If no, please explain on the r~erse side. / / 2. Was structure placed on t~e applicant's property according to the plan submitted? /~ The distance must be a5 least 15 feet from his neig~or's line. ) / Yes NO/ If no, please e~p~in on the reverse side. Is there easy a~cess/ over or around the structure, so that pedestrians c~ move along the public's right of way below high water mJrk? Yes / NO If no, pjease explain on the reverse side. Is t~e/structure high enough so as not to inhibit the growth of t~ natural grasses along or below the structure? No no, please explain on the reverse side. 5. Additional comments: Signature of Trust~ BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold. New York 11971 September 27, 1983 TELEPHONE f516) 765-1892 Mrs. Marguerite M. Cato North Oakwood Road Box 27 Laurel, New York 11948 Dear Mrs. Cato: Transmitted herewith is your permit which was granted under the Grandfather Clause, for your structure. Please post your permit number on your structure, so that it can be seen from the water. Thank you for your co-operation, in regard to this matter. Attachment Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees Ilene Pfifferling Clerk to Trustees BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southo!d 3Iain Rand Southold, ~'ew York 11971 NOTICE OF ACTION - ~OT A PE~iT To: Marguerite M. Cato 1. Your application dated 8/30/83 ........................ .......................................................................... has r;een reviewed by this Board, at a meeting of the Trustees held on ........ -S-~!g%.,....l~.~.. ~.9..~..3. ............. and resulting in the action, as indicated below: (..~X~) Application approved. ( ............ ) App cation denied. ( ............ ) Applicctien roblee. Application approved under the Grandfather Clause to secure a 'permit number for a dock in Brushs Creek. 3. If your ?.~pl~ is an ,-~ - , A PERi~IZT FEE to t~ order of ~- ~D..~ve~ 0D~VeL ~%m~ ' ' th~ ¢-he4-1~ z ~" ~oora of Sourho~d Town T~ ~Ow~u~ on~ should be mode .... pazd wzt~zn ~h~ ~ ~et ,orth ,n the In¢* ..... '~ ck e ,s computed be aw oc-~-4:- ~ If the P~.---~%~ ~ys or re-aD~Ig~.~,,eet~crm l/1) This ~== ~'YZ"~r° ' at the same hmo If , P ~o the ~ecretar or t ~ _. ~ .wl~ ~e necesn~-- ~,o¢~on or yermit Fee. ,, rep~y. ALL DOCKS AND BULKHEADS MUST DISPLAy VISIBLE PERMIT NUMBERS Total Fee far this applicarion .................. ~ d~ Pres. Board of £outhold 'fcwn Trustees by . - ..... ......... OF C.~K t~OARD OF TO~ ~ · uu ~ RUSTz~nS Town Of Southo~d SoutLo[d, ~'ew York 11971 APPLICATION FOR FLXED and/or FLOA.ING DOCK~ / - . ...... .~..~.~..~~ ~. ~ . ~ J ........................................ ............. ~'~'~'"~"~ · -~ ~ // " T .......................................................... ~ ................................................................. ~ ~ . . ,~ ~,c~,,cm ...... ~.~.~...~ .,~,:.~ ~ ~' ---*'~' ................... 4 A~-~_ iss-a~:e~ -- of a P~-m~,=~ ~ work mus~ be completed within one year. , ~ L~mG~ 5. Secure the correct Area ,aSap from the Clerk of this Bcarc. and by us]ag a/X WYH~N A C~RCLa ina~ca:e es cJoseh, as pcssibte the ocadcn of ?n~s dock. On the _reverse side of mop, provide; a SCALE DRAWING which will snow Ordinary High Water MGrk, cna size o. the dock and an' ~ · d : ..O.~ from rhea m W M ?~ ~ .... e area o. the d~c oc;<s, Specify ~ocatzon and !en~th to scale. ' -' a~e 6. %~J any porhon of th~s construction extend offshore into ~own ~aters beyond cn line or bounca~ formed by Other simi[sr structures along the area~s shore ne) ~5S or ~0. Jf ff does extend beyond z~is so-coiled dock line indicate uv how far, cpprox]mate[y, .......... 7. Provide the following documenrs: (b) -, COpy Of rme ConrractaFs Plans and o, ,n= Orama~, High .... ~/~ ,nppicat:on for Dr:~-' .~ ,- n kunds Under water~ Y(S or NO. if it do~s. oPpHcotion. :u~mg/rn,mg) must be completed and a,fccned cs port of this 9. in requesting approve{ of ' '~ ,hk c2~icst~on, ~ sub~ that: the infer !0. To expedite finding specifiu locauion for insDect~on by .Using a ~emporary marker& , indicate / t / / /