HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-2207 GF2 Board Of Southold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK Mooring No. N/A PERMIT NO ........... ~..2...0..'~. ............ DATE: .&~.g.~...g.~.~....~!8.6 ' 1(~1 g~ TC% Henry Wf Burden ' Pursuanffofhe PLACJ )S and the 'OTHER' MATERIALS 'FROM WATERS? and !in accordance Wlth the Resolution of The Board adopted a~r a meeting '" Aug. 28, nma on ........... : ........... : ...... :.' 86, .... f SL5'0°" 'pald by 19....,.~...., and m cons derahon of lhe sum o ................................................. ~.~L.~.:...?.~i~%......:....~ .......... :.: ............ : .................................. Of Orient · ................................................................................ N. Y. and sub ect to the Terms and Cond~tons Isled on thee reverse s de hereof of Soufhold Town Trustees authorizes and ~ermltsfhe following: Approval to secure a permit f~r a'S%ip 45' wide x 50' long , ,yith a l~2'...x 6' floating .doqk & ramp 20' X 22' and 2nd. slip 25' wide witht a 24ft. x 6' floating dock and ramp at0. ft. x %2" all in accordance with~ t.h.e application submitte J in accordance with ~he defaiJed specif[Cahons as presented in ~r The 0riglnafing applicaflon. IN ..WITNESS WHEREOF, The s?.idi Board of Trustees here- by causes, ifs Corporate S.e. al to be aff}~e~l and:: these p.r&sents to be subscr bed by'a~majordy ~f the sa d Board ~s of, fhs date. ' Trustees Please tear off and return to the Trustee Office. Board Of Southc ld-Town Trustees' $OUTHOLD, NEW YORK Mooring Permit No. Date: Mooring No. I, certify that'the-work as authorized in this permit has been completed and is now ready for your inspection. Also, the number required on this project is clearly visible. I further unders=and this permit is not valid until ~his tear off sheet is returned to the Trustee Office.. ~£ ~reek BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York I i971 GRANDFATHER APPLICATION IELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 8ock 1. Name o£ Applicant: /7/~A//~y tx! ,/'~ ~//~e/t/ 2. Address of Applicant: y~ /'~/f//~ f~.~/~/d~/~/~yT//~f 4. Year of Construction: /.~9~? .-~/ 5. Sketch of the work including sizes: 6. Mark off on the map attached, where your property is located using an X. Please no~e tha~ therelis a $5.00 filing fee, which fee, for this applicatXon. zs a one time ~'~B'(~ARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES ! TOW~ o~ so~r~o~u 53095 Main Road Phone 7654892 Date ~For O~_ /~ ~~ BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Cash ~ ~_eck ~ ~~~, Dollars $ ~ ' BOARD OF TOWN' TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold. New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516} 765-1801 PLEASE FILL OUT THE FOLLOWING FORM AND RETURN WITH YOUR SIGNED STATEMENT: / 1. Was the str~ture put in in accordance to the plan submitted? Yes No If no, please explain on the reverse side. 2. Was structure placed on the applicant's property according to the plan submitted? ( The distance must be at least 15 feet from hi~ neighbor's line. ) Yes ~/ NO If no, please explain on the reverse side. 3. Is there easy access over or around the structure, so that pedestrians can move along the public's right of way below. high water marc2. Yes ~// NO If no, please explain on the reverse side. 4. Is the structur~/fiigh enough so as not to inhibit the growth of the natura/1/grasses along or below the structure? Yes ~/ NO If no, please explain on the reverse side. 5. Additional comments: