HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5627 P 4 so .....,........c.wn....F�.u..... e.e.=+....n..a.r a....wer.n.w r... ' U.5.1.R.5............ t PLEASE D3 LOT PUJUS11i PLEASE DO VOT PU-Lisa Tbtr� Jnbenfufe, Made the day of October, nineteen hundred and sixty-four, Nettneen GEORGE G. BROOKS and JOANNE J, BROOKS, his wife, both residing at Mattituck, Suffolk County, New York, part is a of the first part, .ad JOHN W. DU`dNOWSKY (also known as John W. Duhnowski) and ,CAROLYN DUHNOWSKY, his wife, both residing at 523 Hallett Street, Riverhead, Suffolk County, New York, parties oftheaecondpart, Mitntmath, that the part les of the first part,in consideration of -------TEN.and no/100 ($10.00) --- ---------- -----Dollars, lawful money of the United States, and other good and valuable considers tion, paid by the part lee of the second part �! do hereby grant and release unto the parties of the second part, SII rw their heirs, and assigns forever, _ that certain piece or parcel of lend, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, -in thy; area known as "Westview" and described as follows: II BEGINNING*at a monument on the westerly side of Wood cliff.Drive die-' ISI tent 225.0 feet northerly as measured along said westerly side of j Wood-- cliff Drive from Brower Road, said point of beginning being the north- easterly'corner of land now'or formerly of Kander; and from said point of beginning; running along said land of Kander, south 710 421 40" west 135.0 feet to a monument; thence along land now or formerly of A. Reilly ! _and'Sons, 'Inc.; and band of Schmidt, north 110 17' 20" west 100.0 feet Ili to a monument and 'land of Orloski; thence along landof Orloski, north 710 42' 40" east 135.0 feet to an iron pipe on said westerly side of Woodcliff Drive; thence along said westerly side of Woodcliff Drive south'110 17' 20" east 100.0 feet to the pgint or place of BEGINNING,- TOGETHER with all the right, title and interest of the parties of the first part, if any, in and to the highway known as Woodcliff Drive in fignt"df geld premises to the center line thereof. TOGETHER with any rights as now exist or may be created and laid out leading to the waters of Mattituck Creek, to be used in common with all —, other owners at'Westbiew.- - �. SUBJECT to the following covenants and.restrictions: ! 1., No buildings other than one private dwelling for the use and occu- pancy of one family and one private garage shall be erected on said prem.. '.i ises. Any dwelling erected thereon shall coet.not less than Eight Thou- ' sand ,(pS,000-.00) ,Dollars and. any. detached garage shall coat not less than Five.I3undred (°"x500.00) Dollars. - - twR56 PAGE 5 I o 2. The premises s$all not be used for the manufacture or sale of mer- - a_ ndise. or goods of any kind, or for any trade or business whatsoever,- G3^ for the display of any advertising or commercial signs. ,Z 3. No stables or outside toilets shall be erected on said premises and no nuisance shall be created or allowed on said premises, and no use shall be made thereof that shall be dangerous to the health of, or of- fensive to the senses of sight or smell of the parties of the first part their heirs and assigns,,or the owners of the premises adjoining the premises hereof and neighboring properties. cit 4. No fence or hedges over 4 feet in height shall be erected on any of the said premises and said fence or hedge shall be maintained and kept In good appearance, 5. No part of any dwelling or garage shall be constructed on said prem- ises within 25 feet of the street frontage, or within 5 feet of the gthe boundaries of said premises, and no part of any cess pool shall be withi 10 feet of any boundaries of said premises. 6. No :owl, poultry, animals or liyestock shall be kept on said premise other than domestic pets. 7. No trailers shall be kept, used or allowed on said premises except when kept in in enclosed garage. ' _ I 1'PDiSL covenants and restrictions shall run with the land herebycon- veyed and shall bind and inure to the benefit of the said parties hereto thei{^ heirs, administrators and distributees until January 1, 1970. Said covenants and restrictions may be enforced by action for damages or in- Junctions, or both, until the first day of January, 1970.TfiESB covenants and restrictions herein imposed shall apply solely to the premises here!n conveyed andthey may be modified, changed or re- leased by the parties of the first part herein, their heirs and assigns and the owners of the. promisee for the time being. The said parties of the first part reserving and retaining all restricting rights of neigh- boring properties now owned by them, or which may be acquired by them. BEING AND ID`TEbDED TO BE the premises conveyed to the parties of the first part by Deed dated April 2, 1959, recorded April 14, 1959, in the Suffolk County Clerk's office in Liber-4812 of Deeds at Page 90..-