HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1580ALL I:OO.RI::GS AND STA!~S ~IUST DISPLAY VISIBLE biOORiNG NU~.IB~RS ALL DCC~-.~ AND Bu~EADS MUST DISPLAY ViSiBLE P~P,-~IIT NUbLBE~,S Board Of 5outhold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD. NEW YORK OORZ G XO. PERMIT NO. !.~.Q ................ DATE: .....~Z~.....3...t ISSUED TO .....~o~ ~:ah~n~:...~...~Eo~s.ul~a~ ................................ Putsu~n~ fo %he provisions of Chaplet 6J5 of fhe Laws of fha Sfafe cf New York, t893: ~n~ Cha?er 404 of fhe Laws of fha Sfefe of New York ~952: and fha SouTno,d" ~ Town OrdNance en- R=GU=ALN~ AND TH~ PLACING OF O~STRUCTJONS ~N ~ND O~ TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS an~ fha REMOVAL OF SAND. GRAVEL OR OTHER ~ATERIALS. FROM ~ ~AZ~RS and in accordance w;fh fha LANDS UND=,, TOWN ~ Reso]unon of The Bo~r~ aaoofe~ afa meef[ng he[~ on ...~h....l~ 19.83_, en~ in cons[6er~fion ...............~o~..--~ba~p~...~....C OhS u It ~t s,.....~n~ .................................. of ......... S~u.~hamD~, ........... N Y. ~nd sub]ecl fo fhe ,erms and Cona~t~ons [isled on fne reverse s~de hereof ~ouzno~a Town Trusfees aumonzes and permffs fha following: ~ith the ~rovision that this is ~ one time ~eflging, an~ not i0 years, as per appl$cation~ ali b accordance ~'~ ' ' ' ' .... win: rue deTa~[ea fhe erlginafL~g appJ~caf[on. iN WIiN~SS WH,-R~_OF, The said Board of '- ' here- ',by causes ir~ Corporafe Seal fo be affixed, and fhese prese~fs fo ~e subscribed by a ma[or~fy of ~d Board as of fhk daf.e. Board Of MOOR_~G NO. PER~IT NO. ISSUED TO ' I Sou ho, d Town SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK Trustees ........... DATE: ...... I certify that the work as authorized in this permin nas been cornpleued and is now ready for your inspec- tion. Also, the number requzred on this DrojecE is clearly visible. ~u~her understand 5hls perm--s non valid un~il nnls near sheet is returned to the Trus'~ees. INC. 28>6 60 EUGENE'S CREEK BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town 0£ Southold Main Road Southold. New York 11971 A/4 - P~v. ~/72 APPLICATION TO DREDGE and or FILL 1. Does this prol~eN-i~voive the use of WETLANDS as definee in the Southold Town Ordinance Office.in Wetlands? E~.~r NO. If it does, your applica~'ion must be filed through t'he Town Clerk's 2. Applicant's nome and address: ...... ~.r.~.Q~q.t~.~8..~..~.G... ..f.o..r.......J..O.~ Bt~..... 6,4 North. Main Street P.O. Box 49 .................................................................. Stm/th'alkuton'; ' ' NY' · T1~t5%~ ..................... 3 Contractor's nome and address: .......... ~.S.[..H.:...~.~....I~...C..: ¢ .B..~.oJp. s...~.e., Sq.u.~ton, Nec York 11968 4. Expa n briefly the purpose of this application: ..~.n..t..e..n...aD...c~......d~...e...d.g.e......a~......a:~....a....a..p..p...r~..~tely 25'- x 5Ct'- to deptk'4k': belowZ~LW wi~n existing heat slip. Approxir0ately 100+_ .......................................cubic yar~of materzAT wzII .................. Td~.'"2~'d~'cI '~cT'c/~f55~£f~cq"~ t~'ancl Dortton- af 'let where 5. After issuance of Permit, I expect to: (mark with an X) (a) Commence work ATONCE ........... ; ASAP ...... .X.....; UNKNOWN TIME ........... (b) Complete work in -- 1 DAY............2 ..d~....y.? 1 MO ............. ; 1 YR .............. · FUTURE ............. 6. Secure the correct Area Map from the Secretary of this Board, and by using an X WITHIN A CIRCLE as a mark, indicate os closely as possible the location of this work. On the reverse side of (his map, provide a SCALE DRAWING which will s'how the Ordinary High Water Mark and the size and shape of the structure or work. All dimensions offshore of the O. H. W. M. should also be shown and inc',ude any free standing pilings which will remain at completion. 7. Provide the following documents: (a) A Licensed Engineer's Survey of the property involved. (b) A copy of the Contractor's Plans and Specifications. 8. Has any previous application far this work been denied byanyother local government agency? YES or NO. If it has been, name the agency ........................................................................... Date of denial ........................................ 9. If dredging is contemplated, give your estimate of the following. (o) Average depth of water at M. L. W. where dredging, 0' ......... · ....-...-. ...... .. ....... ....... ..... ft. (b) Maximum depth of dredging below the bottom, .......4.+_'.....b~...1....o~..,..M~....W...!,s..e..e.....w~...r..k..~.l..a~t)' 5.0~+' (a) Maximum length of dredged area ......... ............................................................ ft. (d) Maximum width of dredged area 2.5~+.' (e) Maximum amount of material to be dredged 100+ ......................................... c. yds. !f filling is expected, give your estimate of the following: (a) Maximum amount of material required,. .................................................................. c. yds. (b) Explain how fill will De obtained and where it will be placed. In requesting approval of this application, I submit ~net: J am the person accountable for the performance of t'he work in accord with the alerts and specifications attached hereto; J have read or am familiar with the provs ohs ~f any Southold Town Ordinance pertinent to the work involved; and further, I intend to adhere to,~d, abide~by the Terms and Cond tions r~'~ °f the Permit' ~ I-IA3E k.s ...... ;! ' ' pted by. Dote ruary 10, 1983 January t4,1983 James H. Rambo, Inc. Bi'shop's Lane Southampton, N.Yo Gentlemen: As requested during our recent telephone conversation, enclosed are copies of our most recent property surveys. As agreed, we hereby give permission for E.N. Consultants to pursue the permits necessary for dredging our basins. We understand that the charges for this wo,rk, in the amount of S250.00, will be billed to us through you. Any efforts on our behalM would be appre- ciated. Very truly yours, ~ ,~0 ) APPENDIX B NA~ OF PROJECT ._S.HORT ENVIRONNENTAL ASSw.~NT FO~4 JOHN BUBANY ~N. STRUCTI0~S: (a) In order ~o answer the quos=ions in this short EAF is ia assumed that the 1Lkel ~ a ~ ~ g pr ~ec~ ~d the {b) If any qume=ion ~s been angered Yes the o~jec~ ~y be si$~icant and a competed En~ro~! Assessmsn= Fc~ is necessa~ (c) If ~l quos=ions have ~en ~e~d No i= is l~e!y =~ =~ projecm no= slgn~ican~. (d) ~vir ov~en~ 1. ~1 ~cJec% rss~ ~ ~ lar~ ohys~ai to =he p~jee= sime or ~hFsic~iy al:er ~ lO ac~s of land? . ~ . , . . . . . . , , , Yes X 2. W~! $here he a ~or c~mnge =o any ,~nique or unusu~ land fo~ fo~d on =he si:s? , . . . .... Yes 3. ~l proJec= ~=ar or ~va a large effect on an existing b~y of wa=mr? , , , , ~ , . , · Yes .,. 4. ~ec~ have . po~.~t~iy !ar~ ~a~ on ~ w ta~ q~i~9 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ "' · Yes 3, W~I project si~ican~Iv effect dra~ag~ ~ on adJac~n~ sites? . ~ , , , .~ .... . Yes No 6, W~I proJecE affec~ any t~ea~sned ~ en~ngersd plant or anal.spec!es? ~ , , ' ~ ' ~ · ~ · Yes 7. W~l projecm res~ in a ~Jor adverse effect on , Yes Nc 8. W~l proJec~ ~ve a ~j~ effect on visual c~ ~n~ ~o be ~portant =o the co~nl~y? · · · Yes ,, Nc 9, W~i proJec~ adversely ~c~ ~y site or s~ruc~ ~e cf historic, ~hfstoric, 'or ~leontologic~ ~mportance or ~y si~e desm~a~ed as a critical enviror~ental area by a ~ocal agency? , · Yes--- lO. W~l projecn ~ve a ~Jor effec= on exist~E or future recrea~io~ opport~ities? · , , Yes . 11, W~t proJec= result ~ ~Jor traffic problems or cause a ~jor effec~ =o exis~g =~nsporta=ion 12~ W~! project reg~arly cause objectionable odors, nclse~ ~are, vib~tion, or electric~ anco as s reset of the project's opera,ion? . ~.. Yes - -- No 13~ Will projec~ have ~y ~pacu on public heal=h or W~t nfo jet= Affecu ~he ex!s~inE co~uity by d~ec~iF caus~g a graph in oe~anen= period ~ h~ve a ~jor negative of f ecu on characusr ox t~o~i~ or neighborhood?, . Yes_---- }~c pubt ~ o~s~ 15. Is conc.~ing ~he project? Y.S- No ' . ~, ', ~ ~? ? ~ITL~. president of ~-~t~ts - ~ DATE~ ,, ~zu~y