Augus~ 9}1961
Report of com~a!nv investigation:
~@s Eugster ~e: Blocking R.O.W. to Brushes Creek~
and o~eration of Marina in ~r~snes C~ee~.
s~J aide ~ etc
August 8~ i961~ received telephone complaint from Mrs. E~g~te~
No~th 0akwood Dr.~ Laumel Park~ Laurel That the Houser addmtiD
~Z1486) was being built in her right of way to Brushes creek~i
there were boat stakes being put in the chap~ael to the creek
interefered with navagation~ as well as some docks and landi~
that ~. Mumray was operating a marina in the creek on the sc
of ?ecomic Bay Blvd. I assured her that an investigation of ~
would be made. i~_
August 8~ !961~ Called Mr. ~iknmons Dean to m~<e an appointment
inspection of this complain2 and the entire creek area.
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, a ~0
August 9~ 196t~ 9:30~% went to North Oakwood Drive with ~',~ De,
checked our the Houser property and th~ right of way as shown
_~!ea map of L~urel ~r~. =he rlgh~ o~ wayna~ never been
and no improved access to the cree~ established. Ap~
have used only foot paths from the established road to the
have been trespassing on par5 of the Houser property to reach
dock extending out from the South east corner of the ~ouser
There is no boundary monument on the Northerly side~
the right of way~ there is a quite well defined system of
on the Southerly f Baumann) side of the right of way including
marker which we used to t~<e measurmen~s from.
The Houser home is very close to the southerly (R.0.W~
their propervy~ their existing porch may- extend into the
one foot o~ so~ The new addition is within the allowed limits
zoning ordinance and does nov interfere with a~yone's rights
to the creek,
There are several boat stakes av the end of this right
the small dock before mentioned v~hich is at an angle to the or~
lines~ apparently all ~ithout permits.
~n inspection of the entire length of the creek was
revealing that considerable dredging has quite recently been
boat stakes~ and landings built all without permits from the
this being on the northerly side of Peconic Bay Blvd.
We interviewed !~s. E~gster relative to her comoiaint:
her the Houser property was in compliance as far as the-
concerned$ She stated that they only keep a, rowboat at k~e land
the Right of way~ they have a 2Oft cabin boat which they have
at the news~3~folk shipyard as they cannot get u2ader the bridge:i
James MurraM is operating a marina on the South Side of the BuL
and has so many stakes in the channel that they cad,not get in
TEL, F::irlUTHrlLD ~
~OUTPI[3L[:>, N. ¥.
~AGE ~0 2~PORT of A~Agg~
She further stated that ~. }~ray had his strip of property filA~d i~
about a year ago and put in so~e stakes~ this year he put in additional
stakes and a launching ramp aha is re~ting mooring space to ~¥~e who
will pay for it~ also he has a la~uchmng r~mp that people from Ma%tituck
village area use.
An inspection cf the creek south of the Boulevard ~as mad%
disclosing new bulkheading on the westerly side of the cree~
landings and boat stakes~ one ne~ overhead monorail launching
bieng installed all without permivs. On the M,t~rray property
were several oak stakes on the ground ready to be instatied~ a
seven or more s~akes out in the ch~anel: two boats tied up~ and,a
ramp installed near the road~ there was floodlighting installed
We talked with M~s~ ~ray who stated that they ha~e had
landing dock (N/S Bird) and some boat strides on S/S of Road for s,
years she couldnt say exactly how many years - ~r how m~¥
she stated that one boat was theirs and the other was a friends
that they did not receive any fee for mooring space. We
permits must be secured for all st~{es~ docks evc~ s~d that
secure a special e~ceptien from the Board of Appeals so have a
two or more boats~ with or without compensation - in that "A~
area~ we told her to have ?~. M~s~ray contact both the Trustees
Board of Appe~!s as soon as possible and told of the next meeting
We also talked with Dr. Fieschutz about his tramraii
device~ he agreed to make application to the srustr~es for a I
locate the offshore piling as their next meeting.
On the easte~!y side ~t the enterance to the creek there ha~e f
three or more small ~ettys i~sta!led ~rojecting from the main
to the bay at an sp~!e into the channel of the creek: these have
mostly covered by sand~ the tops of the curer end pile~ do not
mere than one foot abo~e high tide mark~ a hazard in a~~ normal
or 3/!+ tide. The recently dredged main channel (a joint venture
and residents) has beg~ to fill in at the mouth: a bar about
er more has been built out in the char~el~ making na~agation at !/~
tide or lees difficult°
It appears ~ha~ the annual ~redg_~g is a waste of ~y if
main ch~anei enterance is not jettied or stabilized in some ~
=~ asp~o,~s that a closer wazch must be
m~p~ on this creeks:
that no stakes or docks or other struct~mes will be permitted to
the usable
Inspection completed 11:30 AM.
Building rnspector, t