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FRANK A. KUJAWSKI, JR., President ALBERT J. KRUPSKI, JR., Vice-President JOHN M. BREDEIIfEYER, III JOHN L. BEDNOSKI, JR. HENRY P. SMITH TELEPHONE {516) 765-1892 J.M.O. Consulting P.O. Box 361 Wading River, NY BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 June 2, 1989 11792 Re: Beverly Road, Southold N.Y. Dear Sir: The following action was takenby the Board of Town Trustees during their regular meeting held on May 31, 1989 as follows: WHEREAS the Town Trustees have conducted an on site inspection of the subject property, Beverly Road, Southotd, NY. RESOLVED that the Town Trustees approve the request made by J.M.O Consulting for a waiver to construct single family dwelling landward of concrete seawall on above mentioned property. Please return to the Building Department for a determination on the need for any other permits which may be required for this project. FAK:kjw cc: Bldg. Dept. Board ~ Appeals filer/ Very truly yours, Frank A. Kujawski, Jr. President Board of Town Trustees j.m.o: consulting box 361 · nortfi country road wading river, n.y. 11792 (516) 929,J~ll telefax (516) 929,5621 Building 40.---SUNY, Stony New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Brook, New York 11794 :~~/~= ~,~ 'Thomas C. Jorling . ~ ~'> ,~. ~ ~ Commissioner the New York State Department that the parcel eased on the information you have submitted, of EBvironmental Conservation has determined .~,X project is: Greater £han 300' from inventoried tidal wetlands. ~X Landward of a substantial man-made structure greater than 100' in length which was constructed pr~or to 9/20/77. Landward of the 10' above mean sea level elevation consour on a gradual, natural slope. Landward of the topographic crest of a bluff, cliff or dune which is greater than 10' in elevation above mean sea level. Therefore, no permit is required under the Tidal Wetlands Act (Article 25 of the Environmental Conservation Law). Please be advised, however, that no construction, sedimentation or disturbance of any kind may take place seaward of the 10' contour or topographic crest without a permit. It is your responsibility to ensure that all necessary precautions are taken to prevent any sedimentation or other alteration or disturbance to the ground surface or vegetation in this area as a result of your prelect. Such precautions may include providing adequate work area between the 10' con~our or topographic crest and the project (~.e. a 15' to 20' wide construction area) or erection of a 5emporary fence, barrier, or hay bale berm. Please nose that any additional work, or described, may require authorization by this office if such are contemplated. modification ~o the project as this Department. Please contact Please be further advised that this letter does no5 relieve you of the responsibility of obtaining any necessary permits or approvals from other agencies. Very truly yours, Deputy Regional ~rmit Administrator Assessed as: 5. Date sent to CAC: 6. CAC Comments: 8. 9. 10. 11. 12: Declared Lead Agency: D.E.C. permit/ Letter: Army Corp Permit: Public Hearing Date: De t e rmina t i on :/.6~.~L/~ ~//C Fees paid - Permit issued: NORTH ROAD ( C.R. 48 N/O/F' GEORGE & MARY SANTI$ SL~OLI( COUI~Ff D~-~A~qL~I~T O~ HEALTil FC)~ AF~P, OVA[ OF CO?~T~UCTtON ©fqtY DATE APPROVED H$ EEF. NO, ment of Health Services, -- V£Y OF PROPERTY 'CERTIFIED TO . ._~ ..&~~~, ~'.,..',~.Am, A T A. RSHA MOMA Q U£ ~,~~~~= TOWN OF SOUTHOLD t prepared in ~ith th, ~inimu~ SUFFOLKCOUNTY N.Y. standards for title as establish~ by I000 - tha L. Nov. I~, 198Z[rev~edJ :-~-~ ~ Nov. 28, 198~ J~JJ FEB. 3, 1989[revise) ~IN ROAD~;;:-'' ": Ct LINE AND ELEVATIONS A R( REFERENCED TO N.G.V.D. SOUTHOLD~ N.Y. 11971 8Z - 786