HomeMy WebLinkAboutBREWER YACHT YARD TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer, III, President Henry P. Smith, Vice President Albert J. Kmpski, Jr. John L. Bednoski, Ir. John B. Tuthill Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Boxl179 Southold, New York 11971 TO: FROM: RE: Valerie Scopaz Yard. SCTM ~1000-43-3-2 DATE: August 2, 1991 Inc. for Brewer Yacht The Southold Trustees reviewed the proposed preliminary plan of the above referenced site and offer the following: Jurisdiction: Ail new and or altered structures which are within 75' of surface waters will require a Town wetland permit (Chapter 97) or waiver therefrom. Therefore most all items "a" thru "L" on Daniel Natchez letter of 7/17/91 will be jurisdictional under Chapter 97. CONCERNS: Most areas of Trustee concern center around waste disposal. Pumpout facility: We are under the impression that the County Health Department will require liquid wastes from a pumpout to go directly to an approved subsurface disposal system. The Trustees would prefer a fixed location for the pumpout which is always accessible such as a fuel dock or similar dedicated space which is easy to navigate to and can provide for proper signage and supervision. Swimming pool: Backwash waste water must be routed to an approved subsurface disposal system. Boat wash down: Boat wash down operations if concentrated at the concrete pad and travel lift area must be provided with drainage to a readily serviceable drywell or containment facility to minimize wash waste from re-entering the harbor (include plans with permit apps.) Runoff: Ail building and impervious surfaces should be provided with rainfall~runoff containment for at least a 2 inch rainfall or as otherwise provided by law or policy. (include plans with permit apps.) Pollutants: The waste oil facility might if feasible allow for other boat toxic storage such as zinc and metal for recycling, anti-freeze and other fluids which could periodically be brought to the Town S.T.O.P. facility. Other issues: Need for other permits in addition to NYSDOS, Army Corp., NYSDEC, Trustee and Planning approvals the Town Zoning Board should be consulted for their jurisdiction on setbacks to the vegetated tidal wetlands on the southern side of the property. Parking areas: Ideally parking areas Should be sloped or configured to minimize direct overland discharge of major rain runoff events into vegetated wetlands to the south. Water dependant uses versus water enhanced uses: Where possible only water dependant uses should be encouraged for the site; particularly since the lack of a communal sewer system hook up means most all human wastes will be only partially treated in conventional subsurface disposal systems. SEQRA Coordination: Provided the satisfactorily the Trustees will Board be lead agency under SEQRA. above issues can be addressed likely prefer the Planning Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this application early in the submission process. JMB: ] mt PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski. Jr. Chairman George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDOnald Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone (516, 765-1938 PLANNING BO'ARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HARRIS upervlsor 53095 Main Road P.O. BOX 1179 Southold. Neu York 11971 Fax ~516) 765-1823 May 20, 1992 James S. Siesfeld Daniel S. Natchez and Associates, 916 East Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, NY 10543-4109 IIlc. RE: Proposed Site Plan Amendments for Brewer Yacht Yard, Greenport SCTM~ 1000-43-3-2 Dear Mr. Siesfeld: The Planning Board has reviewed the drainage requirements for the above referenced project. The Board proposes that you make new calculations based on the porosity and percolation rate of the soils at the site. While the entire site must be included in these calculations, the percolation rate might require fewer rings then previously indicated. Please include the calculations on the site plan, along with the proposed location of the leaching rings. A vegetated buffer must be placed between the parking area and the bulkhead. If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact this office. cc: John M. Bredmeyer, Very truly yours, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman III, Chairman, Town Trustees PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski. Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L_ Edwards Telephone (516/ 765-1938 MEMORANDUM PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCOTI' L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (5t6 765-1823 TO: FROM: RE: DATE: Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner ~ Brewers Yacht Yard Greenport, N.Y. SCTM ~ 1000-43-3-2 September 20, 1991 On September 19, I met with Daniel Natchez, Larissa Moskowitz and Mike Acebo at their request. They had some questions regarding certain issues that were raised in the September 12th letter from this office. Since the presubmission meeting of July 23rd, the owner of the yard decided to apply for a use which will require a Special Exception from the Zoning Board. Accordingly, the Zoning Board should be brought into the pre-application discussions.to ensure smooth coordination. It was agreed that it would be constructive to have another meeting, within a week if possible; with a representative from each of the following present: the Board of Trustees~ the Zoning Board and the Building Department. The purpose of the meeting would be to help the applicant in the preparation of his applications to each office. (Brewer's Yacht Yard is going to submit its applications simultaneously, so that the environmental review can be coordinated efficiently.) Specifically, the areas of jurisdiction of the Trustees and the Zoning Board regarding setbacks from wetlands and bulkheads must be defined clearly so as to avoid any delays or confusion. (There is no confusion about the Special Exception application.) Presumably, the Trustees' office, the Zoning Board office and the Building Department will arrange to meet on this matter before the joint meeting with the applicant. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone t5161 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOU~OLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-18~_3 3eptember 12, 1991 Daniel S. Natchez, President Daniel So Natchez and Associates, 916 East Boston Post Road Mamarofieck, New York 10543-4109 Inc. Re: Proposed Site Plan Amendments for Brewer Yacht Yard, Greenporu SCTM ~ 1000-43-3-2 Dear Mr. Natchez: This is in response to your pre-submission conference with Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner, on July 23, 1991. The comments that follow are based on the Planning Board's inspection of the site, and its review of the Trustees' report about those portions of the proposal within their jurisdiction. The propcsal presented at the July 23rd meeting, and se~ forth in your draft site plan an~ cover letter dated July 17, 1991, seems to be satisfactory. When you submit the application, the Board would like to see more landscaping shown on the site plan, specifically a ten foot deep landscaped strip along the perimeter of the bulkheading, and a ~en foot deep strip of landscaping with street trees along the property boundaries bordered by Manhasset Avenue and Beach Road. While provision of this landscaping is likely to reduce the number of parking spaces provided, the proposal shows an excess Of sixty one parking spaces. While we are not requiring this change, we noted that it is possible to shift the "club house" in a northerly direction along the bulkhead so that only the proposed pool and deck lie within 75 feet of the wetlands to the south. Finally, would it be possible ~o restrict access to Beach Road for emergency (fire) purposes only? In general, the site plan and the environmental assessment form should address all the concerns of the Board of Trustees. have enclosed a copy of the Trustees' report, so that you can use it as a checklist. The other outstanding information that is needed on the site plan can be provided by checking the p~.a/~?.~agains~ the site plan ordinance itself, a copy of which I belei~e you .obtained when you were in the office on July 23rd. T~e dralnage calculations and the drainage' plans for retaining all stormwater runoff onsi~e can be shown on the site plan or on a separate set of plans if you prsfer. Please make an application to the Trustees at the same time that you submit the site plan application to this office, so that the two boards can coordinate on the environmental review at the same ~ime. When you submit the application to the Trustees, ~he¥ Will advise you whether you will need to make an applicatio~-to the Zoning Board of Appaals. (In their report, you will notice that there was some question as to whether all of the wetlands were within their jurisdiction.) If such should be necessary, this office will include the Zoninq Board in its coordination of the environmental review. It also is recommended that you make applications to the County Health Department, the State Department of Environmental Conservation at the sam~e time you apply to the Town, because these agencies will be asked to comment on your application during the coordinated environmental review. The Village of Greenpor~ will be included in the coordinated environmental review alsc. If you have any questions or concerns about this letter or how to proceed, please consac~ Valerie Scopaz of this office. Very truly yours, Bennett ©rlowski, Jr. Chairman VS/vs cc: William Pell, Mayor, Village of Greenpor~ John M. Bredemeyer III, President, Board of Trustees Victor Lessard, Prlncipal Building Inspector Larissa Moskowitz, Projec5 Manager Jack Brewer, Owner Michael Acebo, Yard Manager, Brewers Yacht Yard DANIE L] A TCHEZ an Inc. Office ~ He President Ms. Valerie ScoFaz Town Vlanner Town of Soumhold 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Ms. Scooaz: Federal Express Airbill 916 East Boston Post Road Mamaroneck. New York 10543-4109 914-698-5678 FAX Number (914) 698-7321 July 17, 1991 # 0537492281 RE: BREWER YACtlT YARD AT GREENPORT In anticioation of our pre-application meeting, enclosed please fine two (2) copies of the preliminary Site Plan Map we will be discussing. Mike Acebo, Manager of BREWER will be accompanying DSN&A at the meeting. As per our telephone coversation with your office, the purpose of the meeting is to discuss, tn a pre-application approach, the activities desired to be undertaken by BREWER. The proposed activities center around: a) v~l b) ,/ c) d) ,/ e) constructioF oF a new Storage and Work Building; completion of an Extention to Existing Storage and Work Building; constructioF oF a new Batnroo~ Facility; relocation of the Club House Building; construction of a Swimming Pool and Deck with associated Bathroom Facilities f) construction oF a g) construction of Mast Shed: h) construction of & work buildings; J) k) 1) Picnic Area with a Gazebo and Brick Walk; a new Mast Shed & Shop; removal of the existing a Paved Access Way from main entrance to storage construction of two additional Concrete Pads; minor modification of some of the Floating Docks without creating any additional slips and without extenting beyond the previously presented reconfiguration perimeter area: completion of Planter Boxes to be placed between the bulkhead and parking spaces, ano in various other areas of the property; placement of a 5'x 8' 275 Gallon Waste Oil Containment Facility; placement of a :ixea or Portable Pump-Out Facility and a Septic Holding Tank to handle boat sewage. This Site Plan ts modifying the Site Plan Dated May 19, 1984 as Revised Through 9/1E./86 which was previously presented to the Town of Soutnold. If you have any ouestions, please do noc hesitate to contact the undersigned. DSN/1 nm Enclosure cc: Mike Acebo Jack Brewer brwr-92\town-01 Daniel S. Natchez // ~ President _ -"'