HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-01/23/2002Albext J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Fester Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town I{all 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 MINUTES Wednesday, January 23, 2002 7:00 PM PRESENT WERE: Albert J. Krupski, Jr, President Jim King, Vice-President Ken Poliwoda, Trustee Peggy Dickerson, Trustee Artie Foster, Trustee (Absent) Charlotte Cunningham, Clerk CALL MEETING TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NEXT FIELD INSPECTION: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 at 8:00 a.m. TRUSTEE KING moved to Approve. TRUSTEE DICKERSON seconded. ALL AYES NEXT TRUSTEE MEETING; Wednesday, February 20, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. WORKSESSION: 6:00 p.m TRUSTEE KiNG moved to Approve. TRUSTEE DICKERSON seconded. ALL AYES TRUSTEE POL15VODA noted that he would be on vacation February 15th through February 25th, 2002. APPROVE MINUTES: Approve Minutes of October 24. 2001, November 20, 2001, December 19, 2001 TRUSTEE KING moved to Approve with corrections noted November 20,2001 minutes. TRUSTEE POLIWODA seconded. ALL AYES. MONTHLY REPORT: The Trustees monthly report for December 2001: A check for $10,517.58 was forwarded to the Supervisor's Office for the General Fund. IlL PUBLIC NOTICES: Public Notices are posted on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board for review. AMENDMENT/WAIVER~'CttANGES: MICHAEL CORDASCI request a One Year Extension to Permit #5087 dated 12/2/99 Located: 435 Private Road off Soundview Avenue, Southold, NY SCTM#59-9-4.2 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to Approve the one year extension to Permit #5089 dated December 2, 1999 to construct a single family dwelling as per survey with the condition that a 30' setback from freshwater (sohd line drawn on survey] be maintained. TRUSTEE KING seconded, ALL AYES DOUGLAS DEFEIS request a one year extension for Permit #5141 expires 3/22/02; Located: 1165 Cedar Point Drive, Southold, NY SCTM# 90-1-3 TRUSTEE KING moved to Approve. TRUSTEE POLIWODA seconded. ALL AYES 3. DAL Construction Corporation on behaifofFRANK PELLEGRI1NO request a one year extension to Permit #5109 expires 2 24/02 Located: 330 Minnehaha Blvd. Southold, NY SCTM# 87-3-38 TRUSTEE KING moved to Approve. TRUSTEE POLIWODA seconded. ALL AYES 4. Land Use Ecological Services, Inc. on behalf of BREEZY SOUND request an Amendment to Permit #5439 to propose a 4'x72' fixed timber walk and access stairway - access ~nstallation is proposed to coincide with destroyed access location. The timber walk is proposed to be supported by (36) 4"x4" CCA timber posts with a depth of penetration of 6 feet + - proposed 360 +/- vs. proposed to be backfilled with 20+/- cubic yards of clean fill tracked in from an upland source and then planted ~vith Cape American Beach Grass on 18" center. Propose a 3' wide +/~ x 3' deep ~-/- x 30' long +/- trench with gravel to catch and control 'upland runoff. 10 --,- cubic yards of gravei (1/2"+/- to 1" +/- in Diaz.) is proposed to be utilized for a 2 foot wide +/- xl.5' high +/- x 90 feet long +/- berm to aid in channeling and controlling the upland runoff. Located: 61475 County Road 48 Greenporr, NY SCTM#45-1-2.1 TRUSTEE POLIWODA moved to Approve. TRUSTEE KING seconded. ALL AYES PAUL LOEB requests an Amendment to Permit #5350 for expansion of driveway. Located 1215 Main Street, Greenporr, NY SCTM#34-1-10 TRUSTEE POL1WODA moved to Approve TRUSTEE DICKERSON seconded ALL AYES ROBERT MOSQUERA request an Amemdment to Permit #5297 for a 20'x20' extension, 20'x21' garage. Located: 370 Hobart Road, Sonthold, NY SCTM#62- 03-06 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to Table the application because property was not staked the day of inspection also to place drywells and gutters on property for mn-off also a ro~v of hay bales. TRUSTEE KING seconded ALL AYES DEBRA & PHILIP RYBECKY request a change of name from June L. Hussey to Debra & Plfilip Rybecky transfer Permit #186 & 1911 also Amendment to Permit # 1911 and 186 to replace 165 feet of existing bulkhead and allo~ving sand to fall into creek Located: 1065 Fleetwood Road, Cutct~ogue, NY SCTM# 137-4- 24 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to Approve change of name and transfer permit #1911 and #186 to replace 165 feet of existing bulkhead as shown on plans and to amend that bulkhead as per discussion at meeting 1/23/02 - plans to show what was discussed 3 feet wider on this site, cutting back property line in the front and material tracked off site. TRUSTEE KING seconded. ALL AYES 8. MATT-A-MAR MARINA request an Amendment ro Permit #5083 to assemble an open steel boat rack, consisting of three bays on the left side of storage building and seven bays on the right side of storage building (west side of building) the dimensions of bays are 12' wide, 12' high, 25' deep maximum height 25' Located: 2255 Wickham Avenue, Mattituck, NY SCTM#114-3-1 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to Approve. TRUSTEE POLIWODA seconded ALL AYES. 9. EDWARD FOX request an Amendment to Permit 5084 to allow extent of work including spread of fill and topsoil 15 feet into survey indicated wetland area at north and east property line. Located: 2504 Camp Mineola Blvd. Mattituck, NY SCTM#122-09-9.4 TRUSTEE KRLrpSKI moved to Approve the plans dated 1/23/02 with the restoration of the disturbed area 12" culvert to allow water to flow no more fill to be brought in TRUSTEE KING seconded ALL AYES 10. MANZI HOMES, INC. requests an Amendment to Permit #4986 for the change in the Side yard from 30' to 2T7' southwest side only, well and well water line screened through wetland area, and cesspool in front of house instead of rear, as per the Health Dept. Located: 400 Rene's Drive, Southold, NY SCTM#54-6-4.4 TRUJSTEE KING moves to Approve. TRUSTEE POLIWODA seconded. ALL ASYES 11. J. Kevin McLaughlin, Esq. on behalf of MARK L. LAMPL & PATRICIA LAMPL request a Coastal Erosion Permit for "as built" chain link fence surrounding in-ground swimming pool and Amendment to Permit #5197 for stairs. Located: 910 The Strand, Pebble Beach Farms, East Marion, NY SCTM#30-02-81 TRUSTEE POLIWODA moved to Approve TRUSTEE KING seconded ALL AYES 12. Eh-Consultant, Inc. On behalf ofKIMBERLY MUELLER request an Amendment to permit #5119 to shorten proposed catwalk in its seaward extent and lengthen in its landward extent (to completely traverse the high marsh area). Located: 1445 Bungalow Lane Mattituck, NY SCTM#123-3-19 TRUSTEE DICKERSON moved to Approve. TRUSTEE KING seconded ALL AYES 13. Mark Schwartz Architect on behalf of LEONARD & JOYCE BECKENSTEIN requests an Amendment ,.o Permit 75307 to extend deck to the north. Located: 830 Jackson Landing, Mattituck SCTM#113-06-04 TRUSTEE KING moved to Approve TRUSTEE DICKERSON seconded. ALL AYES 14. Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. onbehalfofROGER COOMBE request an Amendment to Permit #5177 proposed dwelling reduced in size and shifted away from above ground power lines and other minor changes. Located: 4294 Wmmeweta Road, Cutchogue, NY 111-14-27.1 TRUSTEE POLIWODA moved to Approve with the stipulations that there be drywells and gutters for roof run off TRUSTEE DICKERSON seconded. ALL AYES. 15. James H. Rainbo, Inc. on behalfofROBY & THOMAS GLUCKMAN request an Amendment to Permit #5240 to construct a 4' wide dock-walk seaward of the lower bulkhead running from existing lower deck to the dock, stairs at the deck will be removed, access to beach would be from pedestrian access to allow passage along the shore by the public. Located: 1340 West Cove Road, Cutchogue, NY SCTM#111-5-2 TRUSTEE DICKERSON moved to Approve. TRUSTEE POLIWODA seconded. ALL AYES THIS IS A PUBLIC HEARING IN THE MATTER OF THE FOLLOV~ING APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS UNDER THE WETLANDS ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. I HAVE AN AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION FROM THE SUFFOLK TIMES. PERTINENT CORRESPONDENCE MAY BE READ PRIOR TO ASKING FOR COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC. PLEASE KEEP YOUR COMMENTS ORGANIZED AND BRIBF FIVE (5) MINUTES OR LESS IF POSSIBLE JOANB. LACAILLE request a Wetland Permit for a low structure to protect wetland grasses from further erosion, construction of one foot high retaiulng wall, approximately 60 linear ft. on north-west side of catwalk, 4 and approximately 30 linear f~. retaining wall 1.5 high north east of catwalk. Located: 1255 Waterview Drive, Southold, NY SCTM#78-7-17 Postponed per Applicant's request - will reinspect 2/13/02 Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf of WILLIAM H. PRICE, JR. ESQ. requests a Wetland Perm'zt to construct a 1725 s.f. Single family dwelling (footprint) with a 550 s.f. A~ached deck (footprint) an 865 s.f. Gravel driveway, septic system and waterline, and place 125 CY of fill to elevate the septic system. Located: 100 BayRoad, Greenport. SCTM#43-5-10 Postponed per Agent's request 3. Patricia Moore, Esq. onbehalfofEDWARDWERTHNERrequest a Wetland Permit to construct a single fanfily residence 61 feet to bulkhead and 60 feet to MHWL (partially bulkhead property) sanitary system 108 feet to bulkhead (outside jurisdiction) Located: Windy Point Lane, (180- Private Road) Southold SCTM#78-6-2&3 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone here who would like to speak in favor of the application? PATRICIA MOORE: Thank you Patricia Moore on behalf of Mr. Wertlmer. We had a revision the location of the house has actually been pushed away from the bulkhead and wetland area. The sanitary system that was the issue at the time. When we started the hearing we were not sure where the sanitary might end np. We have the final location of the sanitary, There was issue related to this had to be resolved have been resolved. The sanitary is not in the same location. I think I gave yon a recent survey. I dropped it off- did you get that. CHARLOTTE CUNNINGHAM: Yes it is in the file. PATRICIA MOORE: That survey actually shows sevemy-seven feet to the wetland line. Seventy-nine and a quarter, it varies from seventy-five so that should be the survey that you are going to be referring to. It is dated January 15th. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: What is the date on it? PATRICIA MOORE: The last date on it where it says Job Number was revised January 15th, 2002 that is the latest one. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I just want to make sure that we are looting at the same. Here we go. PATRICIA MOORE: You have two things - you have the survey - which the surveyor actually filed on Wednesday. The sanitary being a shallow system and the fact that we have dra'mage concerns. This plan here the new one it is designed by an engineer and that is shown as a septic system design and it is also important that it is a drainage system. Because the hef[y capacity infiltrator which allots drainage collection system. This plan is not to scale. It is a little difficulty. He did the engineering. The survey does the scale. TRUSTEE ICRUPSKI: Pretty fancy. 5 PATRICIA MOORE: Yes it is. He apparently does this type of system in Upstate New York and it works very well. So he recommended this to the client and then to be submitted to the DEC as well as the Health Department. tRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Before we comment is there any other comments on this apphcation? Does the Board have any comment? The only thing that we need on the survey is the buffer area, PATRICIA MOORE: Okay, Given that the appropriate height a twenty- five buffer. Since you are going to have this elevation system. The house is seventy-five. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: What do you think about that Ken? TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Since there is a bulkhead existing it is a little different than a 100 feet system. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Since there is development on either side. I would rather see thirty feet and I would kind of split the difference. You will have to show it on the survey PATRICIA MOORE: We can have that survey revised at the thirty-foot buffer. That is no problem. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: As you know on the undeveloped parcels the fifty-foot buffer. PATRICIA MOORE: These are kind of tight. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Our concern is surface water run-offinto the creek. This lot is really not givens to that. PATRICIA MOORE: No it is pretty flat. So for the most part we are dealing with roof mn-off structures. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: How much fill is supposed to be brought in? PATRICIA MOORE: Actually I do not believe there is any fill that is going to b required at all. The design of the sanitary system does not require any fill. Some regrading along the foundation that is about it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do I have a Motion to close the hearing? TRUSTEE KING: So moved. TARUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I will make a Motion on behalf of EDWARD WERTNER to construct a single family residence 61 feet to the bulkhead and 60 feet from the MHWL sanitary system 108 feet to bulkhead there will be a thirty foot non-disturbance buffer beh'md the bulkhead located Windy Point Lane. Southold NY TRUSTEE KING: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES Samuels & Steelman Architects on behalf of RONALD CASSARA requests a Wetland Permit and Coastal Erosion Permit to renovate the existing frame residence and add new additions, resulting in a new one and one half story residence. Located: 30185 Cabot Wood Road. ?econic, NY SCTM#7-4-1 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone who would like to speak in favor or against the application? This is another application that we are awaiting on more information on and if there is no other comment I will make a Motion to Table until next month. TRUSTEE KING: Seconded. TRUSTEE ICRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES. Proper-T Pernftt Services on behalf ofANGELO PADOVAN requests a Wetland Permit to construct a single farrdty dwelling, partially on pilings, with on site sewage disposal system and public water. Located: 22455 Soundview Avenue, Southold. NY SCTM#135-1-23&24.1 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone who would like to speak in favor or against this application? This is another application that the Board is waiting for additional information on and I will make a Motion to Table the application. TRUSTEE POLYWODA: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES Proper-T Permit Services on behalf of SALVATORE GUERRERA requests a Wetland Permit to construct a dwelling with on site sewage disposal system and public water. Construct frxed walkway 4'x178', hinged ramp 4'x. 16'. and floating deck 6'x20'. Floating dock to be secured by two piles. Located: 1450 Ole Jule lane, Mattituck, NY SCTM#122-4-44.6 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone who would like to speak on behalf of or against this application? This is another application that the Board is waiting on more information on and it will also come up automatically next month. I will make a Motion to Table the apphcation. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Ail in favor. ALL AYES 7. PAUL & PATRICIA AItLERS request a Wetland Permit to relocate front entrance adding front porch -front bay window add 2'x12' bay 7 window on side of house - reconfigure rear entrance and ~vooden steps and increase patio area add 12'x16' shed - reconfigure a portion of existing roof line to accommodate second floor bedroom. Located: 1905 Gull Pond Lane Greenport, NY SCTM#35-04-1 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there any one who would like to speak on behalf of or against this application? PAUL AHLERS: Paul Ahlers, if there are any questions? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I do not think that we had any questions I think the only recommendations the Board that I could see was that you add drywells and gutters to contain the roof run-off on the water side of the house. I do not know if the Board had any questions? Do I have a Motion ro close the hearing? TRUSTEE KING: So moved. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All I favor. ALL AYES Would someone likes to make a Motion. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I will make a Motion to accept Michael Costello request for a Wetlands for a single one family house TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No. The wrong number seven. Wish full thinking that we are on number eight. tRUSTEE DICKERSON: I move to Approve PAUL & PATRICIA AHLERS request for a Wetland Permit to relocate front entrance adding. Front porch front bay window add 2'x12' bay window on side of house reconfigure rear entrance and wooden steps and increase patio area add 12'x16' shed -reconfigure a portion of existing roof line to accommodate second floor bedroom also add drywells and gutters to the creek side of the house. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES 8. MICHAEL COSTELLO request a Wetland Permit for a pre-existing one story frame dwelling, bulkhead and wood jetty as per survey also removal existing deck. Located: 350 West Lake Drive, Southold, NY SCTM#90- 01-21 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone who would like to speak in favor of the application? MR. BARBATO: Yes. I would like to ask a question on it? There is conflicting report on this. On number eight it was to remove it. On the notice to the adjacent property owners which I am west of the applicant. On that it is stated, "Remove and repair existing deck". My question is? If they are going to remove and build existing deck ~vhat are the elevations? TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I looked at this today, in the field and I looked through the file. I noticed that the mason is going to work on it. The deck is going to replace that. In front of where the wood deck is now. MR. BARBATO: Is it going close to the bulkhead? TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Sure, that is what it looks like. It is staked out that way. MR. BARBATO: This is why I am questioning this? I thought you had the set rules so far from the bulkhead back. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: No. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It shows that it is 28x24 wood deck on the survey. Is there anyone here to represent the applicant? I thought the deck was going to be removed. MR. BARBATO: This is conflicting. One says remove and the other one says remove and rebuild. Now which of the two apphcations are you going to go by. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: In the actual legal notice. The project description in the application says "Pre-existing one story frame dwelling bulkhead and wood jerry as per survey also removal existh~g deck." It just says to remove the deck. It does not say to rebuild it. What we just read was also removal of existing deck. Where did you read to rebuild it? MR. BARBATO: The notices that we have say removal and rebuild it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We are just going to approve the removal and not the rebnilding of it. MR. BARBATO: All right that is all I wanted to know. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: That is different from What they had applied for. MRS. BARBUTO: Did you say something about a bulkhead that they are going to be building. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: That was the deck that they had staked out. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Actually in the application in itselfremove existing deck. It does not say to rebuild it. MR. BARBATO: I certainly want to thank you for clarifying that. M_RS. BARBATO: Thank you very much. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. TRUSTEE POL1WODA: As far as the bulkhead is concerned it is original there is no bump outside. I do not know how they worded it. As far as rebuilding in time and place. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: They just want a permit for pre-existing. The CAC recommends Approval with a ten-foot non-turf buffer behind the bulkhead. What is behind it now? TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Sand. TRUSTEE ICRUPSKI: Do I have a Motion to close the heating? TRUSTEE KING: So moved. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I will make a Motion to Approve the Wetland Permit for a pre-existing one story frame dwelling, bulkhead and wood jetty as per survey also removal of existing deck with the stipulation that there be a ten foot non-disturbance buffer. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES 9 9. CItARLES & LYNN HILL request a Wetland Permit to construct approximately 10'x50' area of deck/ng offthe bulkhead, ne cement- only l"x6" flooring over l"x6" pressure treated joists deck will be free standing - ground level. Located: 655 Lake Drive, Southold, NY SCTM#80-3-20 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone who would like to speak in favor of the application or against the application? TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I went there and met the applicant on the site. He explained what he wanted to do. He wants to put 10 feet decking behind the bulkhead. Instead of a ten foot non-turf buffer. I did not see a problem with it. There is spacing between the decking. TRUSTEE KI~UPSKI: Okay, the CAC recommends disapproval because the project was not staked. Although the decking behind the bulkhead would be kind of self-explanatory. Since it is behind the bulkhead. We are trying to find' the survey here. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I have the feeling that the bulkhead extends behind the property line by approximately 15 feet. I believe that the Peconic Land Trusts owns that land. Who can he contact regarding the bulkhead. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I am not on the Board anymore. If his bulkhead extends over the property line. Ihs bulkhead extends which way? Down here to the Block Property. TRUSTEE POL1WODA: To the Southeast. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Would you like to comment? Sir. CHUCK HILL: I am Chuck Hill. You talked about the end. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: What you explained tc me. CHICK I-IILL: I think it goes into the Peconic Land Trust. This is the basin down here. This bu[lchead extends about 15 feet into this area and I cannot touch that. But it has undermined my bulkhead. So I am new to the area, and I would like to ask the Board ~vhat would you do. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I was on the Board of the Pecohic Land Trust. But I am no longer. I did my two years. What does the property look like right here right .above the bulkhead? CHUCK HILL: That is grass. There is a fence here and this is wild grass. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there an elevation change? CHUCK HILL: No TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: What do you suggest Ken? Just put a return on his property. Sometimes you can - how far is this bullheaded? CHUCKHILL: It comes about 15 feet. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: The rest, what does this look like? CHUCK HILL: Then this goes out into a beach. But this is necessary our in this area because if you take this down this is holding up earth. About five feet. 10 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I think you should contact Peconic Land Trust and ask them. What happens sometimes is the neighbor or they can get a permit in their name and you can just rebuild that to protect yourself. Or otherwise to protect yourself you going to have to build a return in and let that land go. So you should work that out with the neighbor. I am sure that they will be happy m. CHUCK HILL: What neighbor? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: The Peconic Land Trust. CHUCK HILL: Or I can request that they want to participate. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: You should contact Tim Caulfield. CHUCK HILL: Is he in Southold? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: He lives in Greenport. I believe the number is 283-3195 that is his Southampton number. That is where the main office is. He wouldbe the one to talk to about making some arrangements. If you ~vant? Your application is only for the deck. CHUCK HILL: Mine is only for the deck. It has nothing to do with that end. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: So we can approve this tonight. The purpose of the non-turfbuffcr is so that when people put a lawn to the edge of the bulkhead. They tend to fertihze and put pesticides on the lawn to treat the lawn and so in the course in treating the lawn two things can happen. One is that you can just apply to the lawn and if you get a sudden heavy rain before the nutrients are absorbed into the soil or taken up by the plants. The nutrients material can wash right into the creek directly. Or if it is a sloppy apphcator on a windy day. Half of the materials can get blown into the creek right offthe bat. So in an existing bulkhead. We hke to see a ten-foot non-turf buffer. Just so that fertihzers and pesticides o~ anything that is put on the lawn is not going to be apphed within ten feet and really lirnit your margun. This Board does not have a problem with a non-turf buffer being a deck. As long as there is sufficient drainage under the deck. So that the deck just pulls the water up and runs off. So we would have to specify the spacing of the boards. CHUCK HILL: I am a landscape architect. I can arrange the joists, so that they go perpendicular to the bulkhead. To allow the drainage. IfI would go the other way that would block it. So this way by putting the joists perpendicular solves that problem. As well as I can pm it on two foot center not 16 inch center and allow for extreme drainage. IfI put a fascia on the outside towards the house. Ifil do a 2x4 fascia instead of 2x6 again that allows for more drainage. That is what I had plans to do. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: That makes sense for you to. Because you want that drainage. Xt is to your advantage. Our Board policy is always been a deck is a non-turf buffer. A lot of people put gravel. Some people plant ground coverage as long as it it non-turf. Good luck with the bulkhead. Any other comment? TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I will make a Motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES 11 TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I will make a Motion to Approve the Wetland Permit on behalf of CItARLES & LYNN HILL to construct . . approximately 10'x50' of area decking off the bulkhead and I"x6" floOring over l"x6" pressure treated joists space between boards Located: 655 Lake Drive, Southold, NY TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Seconded. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: All in favor. ALL AYES 10. VINCENT O'NEILL request a Wetland Permit for existing deck too close to property Located: 3500 Cox Neck Road, Mattimck, NY SCTM#113-18-01 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone here who would like to speak in favor or against this application? ~TAPE CHANGE) TRUSTEE KING: Environmentally, I cannot seeing it having any affect at all. I will make a Motion to Approve. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We have to close the heating. TRUSTEE K/NG: I will make a Motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE POLlWDOA: So moved. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: You get a second. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES TRUSTEE KING: I will make a motion to Approve the application of VINCENT O~NEIL for a deck. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES 11. SUSAN M. MAGG request a Wetland Permit for 2" layer of topsoil to plant grass within 100 feet of wetlands. Located: 495 Halls Creek Drive, Mattituck, New York SCTM#116-7-4 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone who would like to speak in favor of the application? Or against the application. This is the one that we saw a good deal of violations. Did you send the Bay Constable? CHARLOTTE CUNNINGHAM: Yes, they are checking it. They saw it Ken went down and looked at it. But Don is going to look at because he took the original request on it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I will make a Motion to Table it. Until they can make their report. TRUSTEE KING: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Ail in favor. ALL AYES. I2 12. Century Tennis on behalf of SHAWN FITZGERALD request a Wetland Permit remove access ramp in wetlands area and natural buffer to restore to original state (grass). Located: 495 Paddock Way, Mattituck, NY SCTM#107-4-2.1 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone would like to speak in favor of the application? WILLIAM DICONZA: William Diconza on behalf of the Fitzgerald's. Mr. Fitzgerald had received your permit to construct a tennis court at the rear ofthepremises. They accessed, the construction vehicles accessed the premises within one hundred feet of the wetlands of the pond. At the front of th property. The twenty foot right of away that is Mr. Fitzgerald's property is within eighty feet of the pond. The application this evening is for approval for the remediation of that. Immediately upon that he was given a stop work order. The work was stopped and bales w~re put up and we completed the appropriate procedures to rectify that. We did not realize that was going on was not permitted. As soon as we were told we stopped. We certainly want to correct it. We have been in dialogue with the DEC and worked out a consent with them to allow us to get immediately to the problem and that is basically it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there any other comments? Yes before we comment. CHRIS KELLY: I am Chris Kelly I am the neighbor that is right adjacent. I have spoken with Mike before. My question is regarding the restoration is whether the restoration has been done through the Natural Resource Conservation Smwice office. Because I know there is a letter that was written on 8th or 9t~ of this month. That had been referred to Alan Connell office. It is the reason that I bring this up. Is because of the amount of fresh concrete that was place down. My understanding is thal there are going to remove three or four inches? Is that right? What I would like is seme sort of plan because it is a conservation area. Is to insure that is really adequate Natural Resource Conservation Service is a preserve and they give a free guideline. They come om and gave there recommendations I am delighted that they are commg to remedied this entire situation. I would like to make sure that it happens correctly. I see no reason why not. To consult with Alan Connoll or his office and get an actual guide line so that it is done correctly and it is done. It is said and done. WILLIAM DICONZA: We were saying that Steve Lawrence of the DEC has been out to the site. He has spoken to me and said that there would be no problem in his view. That the removal of stone and replacement of topsoil and planting of perennial grass seeds would not be a problem to us. In fact I am getting a letter of consent mailed to me. It was suppose to be in the mail as of yesterday. TRUSTEE KRLrpSKI: I will take other cotrunents? Before I comment. Let me take all the other comments. This gentlemen behind you wanted comment. Sir, no okay. So the applicant owes the property. From the 13 Boards understanding that was the driveway only there. I can remember cars driving on there and parking. That is when the Park District put the telephone poles there. So no one would drive into the lake. Where the parking area there it was used for years as a parking area. I think that the telephone poles that were placed to prevent people from actually driving into Wolf Pit. So ro us it looked as an improvement over the driveway. The DEC is going to make the applicant remove the gravel? WILLIAM DICONZA: Yes and pay approximately $1,200.00 fine for using that as the entrance way to the property. The State is tight for money now. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI Because historically that was a driveway. If that is what the State is going to make you do. We certa'mly are noI going to comment on that. Our concern would be sedimentation in it. The problem of it would be all the road nm-off into that area. You would be getting a lot of sediment from the other side. WILLIAM DICONDZA:: We will put it back the way it was. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It is lower, we could not see how that could drain into Wolfl~it because it is higher elevation. Between Wolf Pit and the road and the driveway. If there is no further comment? I will take a Motion to close th hearing. TRUSTEE KING: So moved. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Ail in favor. ALL AYES. I will make a Motion to Approve the application to remove the access ramp and restore to the original state. All in favor. ALL ASCES WILLIAM DICONZA: Thank you very much. 13. Architecnologies on behalf of CHRISTOPHER M. & GLORIA GROOCOCK request a Wetland Permit to construct an addition to the existing first and second floor. Located: 1030 West Creek Avenue, Cutchogue, NY SCTM#103-13~8 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Would anyone like to speak in favor of the application? CHRISTOPHER GROOCOCK: Good evening. I am Christopher Groocock (cannot understand) I am submitting plans for fixed walkway around. The main part of our application which is the building extension to the house. (cannot understand) approval to change the major part of the addition of house. If there are any further questions. Which you would like to answer. My wife is here and we would be happy to answer them. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. I do not know if we have any other questions. We met you in the field last week. You are endorsed by ail of your neighbors and surrounding community. TRUSTEE KING: That was a shock. 14 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It is a first, I think. You do not get letters of endorsement from the neighbors. If there is no other comment I will make a Motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE KING: So moved. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I will make a Motion to Approve the Wetland Permit for Mr. Christopher Groocock to construct an addition to the existing first and second floor. Located 1030 West Creek Avenue, Cutchogue. TRUSTEE tCR_UPSKI: It should also say for a dock- construction of a dock also. It should say that so we should include that. TRUSTEE POLIWDOA: What type of material TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: As per plans for a 48 foot plus the ramp and the float.6×20. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: What size post, 4x4, 4 inch by 4 inch in that location. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It does not say. CHRISTOPHER GROOCOCK: It is going to be round - six inch poles. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Six inch poles - low profile. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do you want to get into that. With a handrail. TRUSTEE POLIWDA: There are no docks that could be built on now. MRS. GROOCOCK: Yes right next door. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: To the south - right. TI~.USTEE POLIWODA: Are they legal? TRUSTEE KRUPSLI: I think that in this case. We will have to let it go and discuss this. Actually we will discuss it tomorrow. CHRISTOPHER GROOCOCK: It will only be on one side. Handrail on one side. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: What kind of height do they show. Again this is a big prestine creek. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No it is appropriate. We looked at this. TRUSTEE ?OLIWODA: Not the dock though. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Get me all the files. You submitted pictures. What years is this? MRS. GROOCOCK: 1977 TRUSTEE POLIWODA: This has to come down here. It looks like 3 foot 9 and over here it looks like almost double it. that is six or seven feet. So you are looking at a catwalk about this high at the edge of water. That has to come down three foot. CHRISTOPHER GROOCOCK: If we did that then with high tide the scale at the other end would be. It is 42 inches above the mean high water mark and the low water mark. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Forty two plus. CHRISTOPHER GROOCOCK: Forty two plus. The actual high water actually comes a lot more steps. The actual high water comes to the 15 bottom of the steps and in fact. At Spring high tide it is up against the bottom of that catwalk. It is a very shallow creek. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do you have a problem with it Jim? TRUSTEE KING: No. HRISTOPHER GROOCOCK: You can actually walk out on the old broken dock. That was at 48 feet. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: That is what they had. CHRISTOPHER GROOCOCK: The forty eight feet takes you to the edge of spartina .drop. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I am just looking at the piece of paper and it seems that it is five feet up from the edge of the marsh at the edge of the water. TRUSTEE ICRUPSKI: Well actually at high water it would only be four feet. Actually the dock itselfI cannot see how they could make it lower. At high water they are showing a couple of feet above the high water. How can they change it though. TRUSTEE POLIWODA; Scale it down one step CHRISTOPHER GROOCOCK; The center portion here. It is four feet nine, This will be the main point here and it is three feet nine from there to there. So it is only four feet. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I think what he is saying maybe the handrails could be three foot. Instead of four feet. Would three feet be high enough? Three foot handrails. TRUSTEE KING: Standard counter height in the kitchen is three foot. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: That drops the whole thing down a foot. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Anything helps. TRU8STEE KRUPSKI: Because I do not see how you could lower the dock too much. CHRISTOPHER GROOCOCK: No you can't. In terms of the high water will actually hit the bottom of the steps. We can drop the handrail. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: That will help. Just for the eutectic view of the creek. If you are out in the middle of the creek and you look and see these big docks. They are not too appetizing, TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I am going to mark this on here then. Just mark the distance on here of three foot high showing the handrails three foot up. TRUSTEE KING: Have you been to the DEC with this yet. CHRISTOPHER GROOCOCK: No not yet. TRUSTEE KING: You might be back with us. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: They have a funny thing about heights too? TRUSTEE KING: Sometime they are hard to deal with on heights? CHRISTOPHER GROOCOCK: Well that is not tree. I have not officially been to them. But I have discussed it with them. When we were drawing up the plans. TRUSTEE KING: So you have already talked to them. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do I have Motion to close the hearing? ATRUSTEE KING: So moved. 16 TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Before we vote I would just like to say we would like to have drywells and gutters on the addition to the house. To contain all roof run-off standard for any application. All in favor. ALL AYES TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I will make a Motion to Approve the application on behalf of CHRISTOPHER & GLORIA GROOCOCK for a wetland permit to consumct an addition to the existing first and second floor located 1030 West Creek Avenue, Cutchogue, NY with the stipulation that there be drywells and gutters on the addition to contain roof run off also include a dock that is 48 feet in length with ramp and float as per submitted plans and the pilings be no greater than 6 inch by 6 inch and the handrails be no greater 3 feet handrail one handrail no greater than three feet above the decking of the dock. TRUSTEE KING: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES 14. Charles Thomas. Architect on behalf of JOHN & ELIZABETH REARDON request a Wetland Permit for a one-story addition approx. 453 sq. ft.- enclosed masonry patio with trellis over approx. 692 sq. ft. Located: Cedar Point Drive East, Southold, NY SCTM#90-2-19 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone who would like to speak in favor or against the application? CHUCK THOMAS: I am Chuck Thomas the arch/tect for the applicant. I have the notice of posting. I would also like to make a comment on that the one story addition will be a small addition and it includes a masoury patio. It is an open trellis. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Ken you inspected this? TYRUSTEE POLIWODA: Yes, I was out there today, jnst for the record I confused the masonry work here with the Costello pernfit. It was staked and I did not have a problem with it. Do you want anything beyond the plastic PVC? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do you want drywells and gutters Ken? TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Sure, yes TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We would like the drywells for the roof run-off. No other comment? TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I will make a Motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Seconded. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: All in favor. ALL AYES I will make a Motion to Approve the Wetland Perrrdt on behalf of JOHN & ELIZABETH REARDON for a one story addition approximately 453 sq. ft. enclosed masonry patio with trellis over approx. 693 sq. ft. Located: Cedar Point Drive East with the stipulation that there be gutters for roof 17 run offand drywells on the addition and not to disturb the seaward of the DEC landscaping border. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Is there a second on that? TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: The CAC for the record recommends disapproval because the project was not staked and labeled. Did you close the hearing or is that a motion. TRUSTEE POL1WDOA: That is a Motion. TRUSTEE ICRUPSKI: ][ was reading too far ahead. We got a Motion and a seconded. All in favor. ALL AYES 15. JMO Environmental Co~tsulthtg on behalf of CATHERINE A. McGOVERN LUCARELLI recguest a Wetland Permit to remove +/- 70 feet of concrete bulkhead and reconstruct in place 70 feet of C-Loc 4500 Vinyl Sheathing and to backfill structure with +/- 20 c.y. Of clean sand to be trucked in from an upland site. Located: 830 Oak Avenue, Southold, NY SCTM#77-1-4 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone here to comment on this application in favor or against. We have the pictures from Field Inspection. I th'ink we should see if there are any CAC comments? They recommend disapproval - project requires 200 cubic yards of excavation as opposed to twenty yards. But I tlfmk what we envisioned and they can do this without being invasive they can drive the plastic sheath'mg in behind it. We do not want any fill. What we envision, or what I envision anyway is that they take a section at a t/me. All this cement in the front should be taken out and removed. Towards the front, see how wide that is. The C-Loc is about that wide. Kind of like this it has a little C- Loc here. It goes Yfice this and like this, The next piece fits into that. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Oh - I see. TTUSTEE KRUPSKI: It just goes, I am not sure if that is totally accurate. But you get the idea. TRUSTEE KING: You look down at Kenny's bulkhead it was the first. That is where it gets it strength. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: So if you take this out. The marsh is going to spread up. TRUSTEE KING; You are going to gain a little wetlands all on the face. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: You are just going to put plastic in. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I was going to recommend remove silt with plants behind it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Just keep it the way it is. TRUSTEE KING: A non-turf buffer. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It wouldbe plastic instead of cement. That willbe gone and you have gained that much because it will revegetate into it. We 18 do not envision them to change the grade at all. It is a plus because you are taking all the cement out Because once they put this in, there is going to be A void. Because the old wall is here and you got a void to fill here. I still do not know where they want all that fill to go? TRUSTEE DICKERSON: That is what they were questioning. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: The project requires 200 cubic yards of excavation and fill. That is why they should be here. Because whoever did those calculations could expla'm to us. Maybe they envision a different prqiect that from what we saw. Maybe they think somehow it is going to do. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Maybe they thought theywere going out m front of it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: That is possible. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: But we have to specify that the C-Loc go. The front side they fill it or the backside. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: But in place I am sure that you can take out a section and drive that in and then take out a section and drive that it. The plastic drives right in Peggy- it drives it fuirly simple. TRUSTEE POLlWDOA: We will specify in place in the landward position of. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It shows both but the plan shows some bulkhead to bulkhead on either side. Here is the house it is twenty feet from the limit 0fdisturbance and fill. So they have to put tie rods into this and it shows. Here is the vinyl sheathing just put a little cap on it with a whaler with a tie rod. So they are going to dig out all behind it and put the fie rods in. But the plan also shows going from comer bulkhead to comer of bulkhead so that is where it goes. The plan does not say that it is going to remove all in the front. But we are going to recommend. We are going to specify that, TRUSTEE DICKERSON: How do they remove that? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: They can backhoe it. It is all fragmented. It would be easy to pick up a comer and then break it in half. It works. So we are going to close the hearing. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: [ will make a Motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE KING: So moved. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. All ayes TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I make a Motion to Approve the Wetland Permit on behalf of CATHERINE A. McGOVERN LUCARELLI to remove 70 +/- feet of concrete bulkhead and reconstruct in place 70 feet of C-Loc 4500 Vinyl Sheathing and to backfill structure with +/- 20 cy of clean sand to be trucked in from an upland site. Located: 830 Oak Avenue, Southold with the stipulation that there be ten foot non-turf buffer at the completion and all cement shall be trucked away and the new C-loc will be placed on the landward side of existing bulkhead. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Before the Motion is seconded. Before we vote. This is down in Goose Creek where they have that paper road along the 19 beach. This goes into it. Quite a bit. Maybe we should get something from - we had tiffs for years. In front of this little sub-division. There is a paper road. It is owned by everyone. TRUSTEE FOLlWODA: Do you want me to rescind it? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No we do not have to rescind. We just motion to Table it. Environmentally this is the best way to go. Because if you make it on a comer you are going to have erosion. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Give him apermit it is on his property. It goes back to the theory because it is not on his property. We can issue the permiL TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I know. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: So that is the truth, cannot give him a permit to public property. Let Greg look at. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: So the motion is lost and we table this and please send this to Greg for a determination on ownership of that road? I need a second on the table. TRUSTEE POLYvVODA: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES 16. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of JAMES GRATHWOHL request a Wetland Permit to construct a two-story one farnily dwelling with attached pomh and pervious driveway install a sanitary system with approximately 240 cubic yards of clean sand fill to be retained with concrete retaining walls according to Suffolk County Department of Health Services standards connect to public water services and establish a 25' non- disturbance/non-fertilization buffer adjacent to tidal wetland boundary. Located: 545 Williamsburg Road, Southold, NY SCTM# 78-5-16 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Would anyone like to speak in favor of the application? JIM GRATHWOHL: Mr. Chairman and members of the Board. I am Jim Grathwohl. I appreciate the time that you are taking to review this application. I have owned the property for more than thirty-five years and I plan now to build a retirement home there. In the interest of time I would like to introduce Rob Herrmarm and Fred Keith who will speak in more detail to the application. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. ROB HERRMANN: Rob Herrmarm of Eh-Consultants 1329 North Sea Road, Southampton, New York 11968. As Mr. Grathwohl alluded I am spealdng in support of the application. We do realize the time that the Board has been here. I will ask the Board to indulge both my testimony and that of Fred Keith the Project Design Engineer. In order to provide the Board with the complete record of information upon which it can make an informed decision on the application before you. I will break the testimony down into some very basic parts to walk the Board through the 20 application and will begin logically first with the description of the site plan that is before you and the relevant facts of the site itself. The parcel is in an R40 Zone and it is in a flood zone under the FEMA Regulation of 88. Which means there is a based flood elevation requirement of eight feet. The proposed dwelling is a little less than 1100 sq. ft. with the proposed first floor elevation of 12.5 house will sit on an exposed foundation. There will be no additional fill brought to the site to raise the grade. The foundation will be exposed changing from a foot to five feet. It will be unexposed on the west side. The house could be elevated lower but the New York State DEC requires all septic system components to be elevated a minimum of two feet above ground water. It means, therefore, to elevate the sanitary system above ground water necessities raising the house to a higher elevation. As a practical component in order to enter the house at the proposed first floor elevation there is a proposed landscape terrace on the west side of the house. That will require approximately 3 foot high retaiu/ng wall. The proposed grade within which will slope gradually upward from the driveway to the entry porch. You may note that there is access stairs designed determined as to the driveway. The proposed sanitary system is situated in the only feasible location on the parcel where it maximizes the wetland setback of 55 feet. There is a minimal structural set back of 40 feet proposed with a twenty-five foot wide non-disturbance, non-fertihzation buffer adjacent to the title wetlands. (TAPE CHANGE) ROB HERRMANN: Which is the first and most fundamental test to pass, so to speak. There are no variances required to construct proposed dwelling as it appears before you on the site plan. This parcel is a recognized lot. Pursuant to Section 100-24A1 of the Town Code. The parcel was created by deed around 1952 and held in single and separate ownership by James Grathwohl since prior to 1983. There are no bulk sectiun requirements for parcels created prior to 1957. Therefore, it is a lawfully pre-existing non-conforming under sized lot. Whose structures must conform to the set back requirements set forth in Section 100-244B All such setbacks were either met or exceeded. Section 100-239 -4B2 indicates that as far as a required set back from the wetlands because this is a non-bullheaded parcel. The code essentially leads it to this Board to make a determination as to the set back of the structures. That brings us then to this Board's requirements. In addition to those in the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. Those are the three agencies whose development restrictions. The site plan must meet. On an environmental level. As the Board obviously knows. There is no specifically mandated numerical setbacks dictating how far structures and septic systems must be located from the wetlands in your own Chapter 97. It is ultimately at the Board's discretion based upon whether the proposal. Whatever it's setbacks meet the standards for permit issuance, set forth in 97.28. Under 2t the statutory authority of Article 25 of the New York State Environmental Conservation taw however 661.6 or I should read into the record 6NYCRR Part 661.6 which is the Tidal Wetland Land Regulations. As the Board also knows that the section does set forth among other development restrictions. The commonly know set backs of 75 feet per structure from wetlands and 100 feet for sanitary systems. 661.6A1 does provide an exception however to the 75 foot setback. I will read that section into the record. "Where numerous and substantially all structures which are - one, of the type proposed by the apphcant - two, lawfully existing on August 20th 1977 and - three, within 500 feet of the subject property . Are located closer to the subject title wetland than the minimum setback required by this paragraph, which is 75 feet. Placing of a structure as close as the average setback of these existing structures from the subject title wetlands shah fulfill the requiraments of this paragraph." The requirements necessary for this so called DEC average set back rule to apply to the subject property were met and the required set backs determined to be 35 feet. We have proposed a greater set back of 40 feet and it is worth just showing the Board this exhibit. Not only because of the power pertaining to the DEC rules and regulations but also because it does protect the general location of the homes in this waterfront community relative to the wetlands. For the sake of time I will not go into the detail measurements of how the DEC average set back calculations work. But as a general concept. They look at all the dwellings within 500 feet of the subject site, which is here, and they ask how many of those dwellings on those parcels where lawfully present prior to 1977. Then how many of those homes are affected by the Title Wetland Regulations at all. How many of them are less than 75 feet from the wetlands. What they do is they make a determination that you may include all the homes whose set backs are less than 75 feet. If more than 50% of all the homes within that 500-foot radius are closer than 75 feet than that average set back rule applies. The difference between the set back of 35 feet versus what we are proposing of 40 comes from the fact that in order to limit the number of homes that are included in the formula. They take out the properties whose set backs are greater than 75 feet. Which in this case are 90 feet and 82 feet what it does it kind of stacks the deck against the apphcant as far as the numerous test is concerned because very really do you actually have more than 50% of the dwellings within a 500 foot radius actually prior to 1977 less than 75 feet but if it does pass that numerous test. It ends up shrinking the average set back. So the DEC would have had to allow by law the set back of 35 feet on this parcel. But 40 feet is proposed. Forty feet is also the set back that is achieved if you include these two greater setbacks. You can see as a general node that most of the homes in this neighborhood have been for a vei'y long time as close or closer to the wetlands. Then what is proposed to the Board today? TRUSTEE K1RUPSKI: In all your comments on that. They are regarding DEC regulations. 22 ROB HERRMANN: Well my comments are regarding the DEC regulations for two reasons. One because they illustrate some thing that this Board always wishes us to look at. Which is what is the general character of the community? What are the setbacks of the other homes in the area in relations to the wetlands? The Board has certainly passed on a parcel where every home along a street is 70 feet away and somebody comes in and proposes it 50 feet away. The Board typically makes reference to those other lots. I am also making those comments regarding the DEC regulations to illustrate to the Board how we derive that 40 foot set back on this plan. Obviously it is a constrained lot. The wetlands are constrained what can be developed here. But we did not just arbitrarily decided upon 40 feet om ora whim. It was derived fi:om fimdamentally what is mandated to us by the State Law. Because it meets the average set hack rule. There is only one development reshScfion ar the State level. From which a variance is required for this site plan. Which is the DEC 100 foot rectuired set back for sanitary systems. Obviously, also a concern to this Board. Which brings us to the third tier of regulations, which is the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. The Health Department standards for approval of sewage disposal systems for single- family residence is similarly required. That sanitary systems belocated one hundred feet not fi:om the title wetland boundaries as for the DEC. But 100 feet fi:om surface waters. Also 150 feet fi:om both what would be proposed and neighboring drinking water well. Here it was necessary, to petition the Health Department Board of Review. Only for a variance for the required 100 foot separation from surface water. However, because the Suffolk County Water Authority indicated to us in a letter dated August 8, 2000. Thai public water connectionwonld be available to the parcel as of August 2000. The date of that letter~ Just as a note any of these documents that I make reference to I have handed up to Charlotte at the beginmng of the hearing. There is nothing necessarily need to review during this hearing. Bnt just so that you know that you have them in the record. So with the need for that variance fi:om 100-foot separation requirement between the sanitary system and surface waters. We did petition the Board of Review for a variance. There was a hearing held on October 11th, 2001 and October 19th 2001 the Board of Review granted the requested variance. Concluding" Approval of~a properly installed disposal system will bave no s~guificant adverse effect on surface or ground water quality. Despite the reduced distance to the shoreline". TRUSTEE POLIDOWA: Rob, was this office notified of that hearing? ROB HERRMANN: The Health Department notifies the Town of Sonthold by routine-yes.. So the Town should have been notified of that hearing. I do not know whom they notified. Bni the Towns are always copied on the hearings. We are not charged with that. The Health Department does that themselves. Obviously, the issue of the sanitary system is likely to be a s~gnificant concern to this Board. Because of the conclusion that was drawn by the Board of Review. I have asked the 23 project design engineer. Fred Keith of Sag Harbor Engineering to present the sanitary system design and function to the Board this evening and answer any questions that the Board may have regarding the sanitary system design and installation. So holding my fmal conclusions for a few momcmts I would ask Fred to present to the Board the information regarding septic systems. FRED KEITH: Thank you, my name is Frederick S. Keith I do business as Sag Harbor Engineering located at 381 Townline Road in Sag Harbor. I have over forty years experience in land and environmental engineerh~g work. Formally with the firm of Stems & Freudiander in New York State. Have been in Sag Harbor business for the last five years. This particular sewage system proposes two challengers basically. The way it is dealt within the Enl~neering Report which I have given to you is the challenge of essentially building the required five-pool cluster and retaining wall system. The site constraints both wetlands and the size and access to the site requires a very thoughtful and mythical two stage process for construction because the soils on site are relatively unpervious down to a depth of about 18 feet. The soils beneath the leaching pools will have to be excavated and replaced with a perm able sand. This pauses a construction process problem in that part of the excavation will be below ground water. So that the technique that is proposed here is that there be a preliminary excavation of the house area as well as a preliminary excavation of the septic system area down to the ground water level and that material would be tracked off site. That material would not be too wet for immediate tracking At that point, the crane with at least a one cubic yard clamshell would come in and excavate soils from below the ground water. Down to the 18-foot depth. Where it would intercept the natural sands and gravels below the silty sand layer. In the process of excavating that material. It is very important that it be done very rapidly. So that material does not slough and the holes does not become too large so rather than track out the wet material which is excavated from below the ground water level. It will be boomed over and deposited in the area that has been excavated for the house or at the house location. As a holding location where that material can drain before it is tracked from the site. It will also allow the crane to operate as quickly as possible so that the hole will not slough. The hole can be filled with sand. In the most expeditious way. As I mentioned the engineer's report outlines this process for building the system. But in addition to this. In the building aspect of the system. You heard Mr. Herm~aun indicate that the Suffolk County Department of Health Services agreed with us. That this particular design is not of major concern to the surface water quality. The reason for that is that the soils on the site are relatively impervious. So when the soils are excavated from the walls of the leaching pools. Filled with sand that will open a path of drainage that will go vertically through the sand column to the sand and gravel below. Rather than horizontally towards the surface water. I 24 have a small illustration of that. So you can get a sense of what I am talking about. Because of this material here is relatively maperious and because it extends out and under the canal. This excavation and replacement with sand will allow the percolator water to go down to the natural sand layer and then disburse at that point. Rather than it will take the path of least resistance rather than percolating laterally.. It is all within the ground water I will make mentiom Because ground water w/Il still come. But what I am saying is the path of the water coming from the leaching pools will move downward to the natural sand and gravel layer. Then will move in all directions. But will not move percolator down. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Is that proven? FRED KEITH: Yes that is the reason why the Suffolk County Departmen! of Health Services approved this. TRUISTEE POLIWODA: I have never seen one. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: First of all, we have got only one test hole on the survey. You show that silty sand area. Consisting flowing out towards the canal. How can you verify that? FRED KEITH: I cannot verify it with test holes. All I can say is that the geological characteristics of outwash point which this is because it is on this side of the Moran. These soils tend to be consistent for some distance. I have no test holes in the canal. No test holes that would verify that. But even then the bottom of the canal is also Ftkely to be filled with impervious. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: May I ask you a question? Is there another septic system around like that? FRED KEITH: Every one of these systems that are put in close to ground water requires the removal and replacement of unsuitable soil. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: However, not within our jurisdiction. If you measure from the edge of that actually it is only forty-two or forty three feet from the edge of the wetlands. FRED KEITH: I guess what I am saying is that the water is going to take the path of least resistance and once it gets to the ground water it has no gravity. To force it to go in any particular direction. It is going to take the path of least resistance. This material is perm able sand. This material is considerably less perm able than silty sand. So the bulk of the leaching that comes out of the system is going to flow down until it reaches the natural sand. Now at that point it is free and natural sand material to move in any directions it wants to. Naturally the general flow is towards the canal. But it's towards the canal at that level there is no force that I am aware of it. That would cause that flow to come upward. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Isn't there a natural flow of ground water into the creek? FPdED KEITH: Yes there is and you can see the ground water ingredients here it is very slow. There is also by the way an intermediate stream that comes in here into this area. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: From where? 25 FRED KEITH: It shows on the Five County Typo- Graphic Map. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Could you show it in the area? FRED KEITH: It is shown as little grass line. I do not have a copy of that proof. At any rate the canal is feed. But it is not feed from this layer. It is feed from the general ground water layer. The general ground water layer in those whole area moves to the extent. What I am saying is at this location the path of least resistance is gomg to be dominant. I th'ink that is the reason. TRUSTEE POL1WODA: How many years does that work for? FRED KEITH: Pardon. TRUSTEE POLIWDOA: How many years does that work for? FRED KE1TH: As long as it is there. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Doesn't it clog up eventually through flushing and sedimentation? FRED KEITH: No it does not. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: [s there any proof or data on this. That it does not leach sideways and out on upper levels. FRED KEITH: Some of this will move this way. But very little because it takes the path of least resistance. Because the perm ability of sand is much greater than the perm ability of the silt. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: [ am highly concerned of being that close to the wetlands and DEC did not measure each hole and water quality. Testing our creeks and it only takes that very minor amount maybe a billion to register and close our entire shellfish community. FRED KEITH: To give you an idea the amount of fluent flow, which comes from a three-bedroom house for a septic system like this. Is equivalent to an inch of water per day. We have 18 feet of vertical path before it gets to this point. So you are talking about 18x12 for a couple of hundred days. Just for a drop of water to get here. As it passes through soil as sanitary leaching passes through soil. It is treated by that soil whether it is aerobically above the ground water level or unaerobically below the ground water level. It is treated by that soil. Microorganism form on the surface of the grains of the soil and they consume organics from the waste... So that is why septic systems work. That is why they remove nutrients after the water goes through the leaching pool. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It is not only the nutrients that are the concern. It is also the amount of chemicals that get dumped into a normal septic system throughout the year. The amount of soaps and detergents. FRED KEITH: I understand your concerns I am not saying that your concerns are not reasonable but I do think that we have already dealt with these issues ~vith the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. They are satisfied that this is not a problem. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: How can I put it, I guess this a lot more important to us. Then it is to any other agency that you dealt with so far. Obviously the DEC has decided that they are willing to repeat the mistakes of the past.. They go back in the past and see what mistakes they have made 26 and they are willing. Based on what Rob said. They are willing to repeat those mistakes. While a lot of houses were placed close to the wetlands. That is okay. So we are looking at this at a little different angle. Even if another agency approves it. We feel that it does not necessary add weight to our review. FRED KEITH: In a way, when soil replacement is required. That is when the soils that are too impervious to met Suffolk County standards and have to be replaced. That is looked upon as a negative. In this particular case it is positive. In this particular case if the soil is on that site were sand. Not silty sand and not relatively impervious then your concern about the lateral flow of leached to the canal would be very sxgnificant and very true. I do not think that it would have been approved by the Department of Health Services. In this particular case. The soil replacement process works in our favor in terms of ta!dng the wastewater away from the canal. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Just one brief question. You show in your cross section and obviously as you have explained. When you excavate you are going to get a good deal of sloughing off from the sides because the ma~e~/als that you are digging through is silty sand. Is there any, and just for my own information, what kind of hydrologic force is going to be concentrated on the bottom. Because you are concentrating that force of water. So that it is relatively perm able sand material that the water is going to flow through relatively uninstructed compared to the finer materials on the sides. So you are going to get hydrologic pressure coming down. As opposed to opening it as a cynclinder. Straight cylinder with straight sides. You would be able to measure the flow of the force of water. FRED KEITH: I do not think what you are saying is I think is maybe with the velocity of flow where the area is 8 foot in diameter. It is greater than the velocity. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I am asking you if that is different. FRED KEITH: Yes it t would be highly measurable. As I mention an inch a day. At the upper level. Is still going to be a pretty slow process of flow at the lower level. We are not talking about flow (cannot understand) it is only going to have only significant effect. That the tapered nature of this. Is only because it is necessary that the size of the hole will sluffas the excavation takes place and that is why the report makes the point that the materials should be excavated as rapidly as possible and replaced as rapidly as possible. You talk with the contractors that do this soil replacement and they will all say that is the trick of the trade, ls to get in there and move the soil out of there and replace it. Not letting it sit and have something and that is why the procedure is outlined in the report. We are allowing that excavation to become as rapidly as possible TRUSTEE ICRUPSKI: Thank you. ROB HERRMANN: Mr. Chairman, I just wanted to conclude my comments but I also did want to respond to a couple of comments that you had made for purposes of clarification. One of which is that you briefly 27 summed up the presentation 0fthe average set back rules enforced by the DEC. As essentially allowing people to repeat the mistakes of the past. I would disagree with that. Not across the board but certainly in an instance such as this and other similar instances because this is an owner. Who has owned the property since 1966, which pre-dates the wetland laws? With both the town and state and the reason that the DEC has set that rule is not to perpetuate physiological to allow the mistake of the past to be repeated but rather because they are built into State Laws and most laws a balancing of economical and social benefit to a land owner verses ecological considerations and public benefit. While some might trim a strictly developmental perspective say to preclude an owner today from sharing the same benefit from their land as others who have developed their land in the past. Is essentially punishing an owner for not getting to the chase and developing their land. As rluickly as his neighbor's were willing too. Now as a biologist I am not going~to make Ihat statement. But I will say that statement can be accurate when the method of development that is mandated by today's regulatory and statutory environment. Will actually result in a development of this piece of land that is much more ecologically sensitive and much more ecologically benign than most of those properties that you are looking at of that aerial photograph. This is the irony of what I see as professional in pubhc heatings throughout the East End where there are neighbors who appear and oppose the construction of a house on the last piece of land on the street. They say look at this big terrible sanitary system and look at these terrible retaining walls and this must be causing some great .determent to the environment. It is very much to the contrary. The sanitary system that is designed here and is approved routinely by the Department of Health in a shallow ground water situation. Is actually much more effective at treating septic affluent. Protecting the wetlands and surface waters than most of the homes that have been around for twenty or thirty years who have probably have. I say this as a generahzation fi:om my experience. Probably one cesspool with no septic tank. Whose leach/rig is literally going untreated directly into the surface waters? Where this is not tree through some magic but basically through scientific fact not going to have that negative determinant. The second comment that you made. Which I would just note when you say that you do not see this system in your jurisdiction. Or they do not exist in your jurisdiction. That is a bit of a movin~ target because certa'mly m my experience. We used to have systems like this that were located more than 75 feet from the wetlands and thus out of your jurisdiction. Might today, be sitting in your jurisdiction. Your jurisdiction is now 100 feet. So this system is certainly well within your jurisdiction but I think that the question the Board has to ask. Is the system going to have a negative affect on the ground water and the adjacent surface waters and the wetlands not just a mirror looking at whatthe set backs is. I would tie those comments into my concluding ones. Appropriately, because ultimately this Board is charged with 28 making the determination as to whether this site plan. Based on the information and evidence before you can in fact met the standards for issuance ora wetland permit set forth by 97.8 Perhaps (cannol understand) I will allude to the DEC again but only because the DEC was charged with making the same determination. 661.9B of the State Tidal Wetland Land Use Regs. Setsforth a number of standards for issuance of wetlands permit whose language really is generally power with and essentially inclusive of the language of the relative standards for permk issuance under Chapter 97. They really are a httle bit long winded. But essentially the Town and the State are charged with making the same kind of determination against the same kind of standards. As an example I would saythat 97.8 mandates that the Trustees (cannot understand) a Wetland Permit that it determines that the proposed operations will not substantially adversely affect the wetland of the Town. Adversely affect shellfish or other beneficial marine organism aquatic wildlife and vegetation or the natural habitant thereof. Or adversely affecl the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the Town. 661.9B of the State Regs. Similar reads that the department can issue a permit for a proposed regulated activity on any title wetland only if it is determined that the proposed activity will and than the language is some what similar. I will just read into the record one portion of that because I tkink it is not to be taken lightly. It is what the State is charged with and they are charged with the same determination as this Board is. It says "that the permit maybe issued if the proposed activity is compatible with the policy of the act, which is the State Title Wetlands Act. To preserve and protect title wetlands and to prevent their despoliation with the destruction and such regulated activity ~vill not have any undo adverse impact on the present or potential value of the affected title wetlands area or adjourning or near by title wetland areas and them it goes onto say the various values associated with title wetlands". It is certainly our conclusion and position that this project - despite the constraints meets such standards for various reasons, which would include aside from the fact that we have discussed that this dwelling, is consistent with other in this community in size and setback. from the adjacent title wetlands and waters. But unlike most of those neighboring parcels as I alluded to before. This lot will not be cleared to the waters edge nor will it be bulkheaded. Thus the natural character and ecological fmaction of the shore line and adjacent wetlands will in fact be preserved to enhance that preservation. There will be a non-disturbance non-fertilization buffer. Established adjacent to the wetlands Which will serve as natural flood and storm type protection and also act a reservoir for absorption of nutrients and other potential anti-progenitor containments such as pesticides that otherwise might enter directly into the wetlands. There will be a modem drainage system with leaders gutters and drywells installed to collect run-off. Before it can travel even into this undisturbed protective buffer and there will be installed a modem sanitary system designed by Frederick Keith in accordance with the standards of the 29 Health Department to adequately treat septic affluent in a shallow ground water environment as again opposed to manyofneighboring parcels that probably that have only a single cesspool and no septic tank. Ultimately the New York State DEC agreed with our position. By granting a variance for the sanitary system setback and issuance title wetland permit #1-4738- 02385 which I have also provided you a copy of that permit is dated May 10, 2001 and we certainly expected this Board will reach the same conclusion based on the evidence presented to it. If you have any other questions regarding the site plan. I will be happy m answer them, Fred has remained available in answering questions and I am sure that Jim would be happy to address any other questions that the Board may have to the interests or history of property. TRUSq'EE KRUPSKI: Thank you. Is there any other comment before we have questions? Any other comments. This is the last application. This is your last chance. CARL VAIL: I just would like the Board to stick to their mutual set backs. ROB HERRMANN: Could the speaker state his name and address for the record please. CARL VAIL: [ am a humble resident of tiffs town. Carl Vail my address ~s 3234 Wells Avenue, Southold, NY. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you - a couple of questions for more information. One it is, I will do the simple ones first. One, I think our absent Board member could easily verify the method of septic system installation. He has got probably more years experience than Mr. Keith does in septic system installation. I would cert~fmly like to bring him on board for this application. Two, you spoke about the consistency of the adjacent soil and I asked whether they were consistent throughout. You had the diagram showing the silty sand and I was wondering the particular size of the adjacent soil is consistent flowing towards the creek or not. I think that is something we would have to look at. As far as how that septic system would operate. It is hard, we have got one test hole and Jim just brought this up. We have one test hole in one comer of the property and we kind of want to make sure that is representative of the surrounding area. I know what you said in a general statement that is correct. But I think thai the edge of the septic system is forty some feet away from the wetland area. I think we want to verify that. FRED KEITH: Sure that is tree. We ran a test hole it is only t~vo or three inches in diameter. So two feet away could be different. It usually isn'l because even on the south fork and uncork areas. The outwash areas .. are remarkable uniformed and although they may have difference in the upper horizons of soil. The first twenty-four or thirty inches of soil may differ some. Generally they do not vary a lot as you move in one direction of another. That is not to say they cannot. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I think that should be verified though. I agree with you in general terms, but also there is also my final comment would be 30 that there is and it goes back to Rob's original presentation of the State Regulations of placement of houses in these sensitive areas. I think you have to look m the accumulative affect of placing a septic system in this prox'nuity to title waters and how it would affect. Which has not been historically done by this Board even you mentioned the 75-foot mark. Which we used to have. Tiffs is b-ell within that. I think that you would have to lo0k at the accumulative affect of what other lots (tape change). How many other lots could be developed under those standards in these creeks and how the cumulative affect of these lots being developed would affect water quality in the creeks. Because this is considerable lowering the standards that we have been operating under for years. I think it would be smart to know these impacts. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I just like to comment also. Through this public hearing I am dissatisfied with this entire septic system. Your own engineer admits that if there be just a little bit leaching outward. Again for the health of our creeks and shellfish beds that little bit adds up to be a lot when it comes to water quality testing from the State standards. I find that unacceptable to allow in our creek. The creek shellfish beds are for the health of the system. ROB HERRMANN: Just in response Al, it would not take too much to ask McDonald Gee Science to take some more test holes. Locations that I would ask Fred to direct Mark to take them. In order to provide some more data to support what he is telling the Board. Certa'mly, I cannot respond more adequately to Ken's comment than Mr. Keith I would cerra'mly say that if there is some sort of information. If there were some technical information or evidence for analysis Of your own that you would want to present to us. That I could have Fred review. I understand your general concerns but we have to rely openly on the expertise of the design engineer. Who of course is working priyately for Mr. Gratwohl but then of course the Suffolk County Department of Health Services who I have certainly seen disapprove variances for one reason or another. They have to be the word of the people. So to speak as far as their own technical people agreeing with Mr. Keith's analysis. TRUSTEE POL1WODA: It would be a pain staking process to approve that this is a good system because you have to have similar conditions similar water types around the septic system that exists. That is why I asked Mr. Keihh if one existed already. Then you might have to go as far as testing for DNA in the water samples five, ten, fifteen feet, etc. Away fi:om that septic system at different levels and see how it infiltrates towards the salt-water marsh and you would have to have similar situations. You would have to do it maybe three or four different sites in the town or a surrounding area. ROB HERRMANN: This design is actually. It is not out of the creative mind of Fred Keith. It actually the standard design for alternative sanitary system. That is a system located where the ground water level is shallow than nine feet. This system is the common system in the water front 31 communities of all of the east end. They are all over Southold. They are all over Riverhead, Shelter Island, Southampton you name it. Now I understand. You are saying that you do not typical see one so close to the wetlands and if this were fifty feet farther away. We would still be standing here. I absolutely hear what you are saying but just in response ro your comment about whether these are around whether they are used. They are all over the place. They are the standard county system throughout Suffolk County for shallow groundwater. So that is clear. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: The ones that were built prior to our existence. They are all mistakes, as far as. ROB HERRMANN: No that is not tree. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: See that is the mason that development in Town is compromised the water quality in the creeks. We just do not want to keep reinforcing that. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Otherwise why are we here? Or not be twenty feet off the water. ROB HERRMANN: Well it should be and that you are not misunderstanding what is being presented to you. This is not some antiquated system that ~vas around before you had the chance to be involved. This is the current modem standard up-dated as recently as 1996, the sarfitary system by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. This is new. FRED KEITH: I should saythe soil replacement process that identifies that funnel shape hole. You may have not seen that before. Because people draw it vertically because they are not realistic about it. It is not vertical. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It cannot be - of course. FRED KEITH:. But that is the soil replacement process that takes place every time we run into silty or flaky material. We have to get that material out of there and replace it with sand. That process of removing and replacing is witnessed by a field representatives of the Suffolk County Department of Health Services.. They will not sign off on the full replacement. They have got to be there to see it happen. It is a day and day half work to do that. But as Mr. Herrmann indicated this is done all over the east end. These types of septic systems. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Do you have a copy of Suffolk County hearing? The health department. ROB HERRMANN: I also handed up to Charlotte with the vast papers that I handed up in the beginrfing of the heating. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: The copy of the Minutes. ROB HERRMANN: The copy of the Minutes no they do not provide me with that. But I do not know why they would not. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: If there is no other comment? I am going to make a Motion to Table the application. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I would like to make a comment. Table it for March. I will be back 32 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We have a problem with a full Board with winter vacations. ROB HERRMANN: It certainly would seem best that all five of you were here. If that is going to be March that is what it is going to be. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It also shows and this is just and it almost seems that it is being picky but it shows the driveway into the twenty-five foot non-disturbance. A minor issue. But nonetheless. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Another issue is that the Town Building Department has a minimal 800 sq. 1t. building plot and to protect the wetland further. To get that far is to push the house to a 50-foot set back and decrease the house size.. ROB HERRMANN: It is 850. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: 850. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Just:to complete the public hearing for tonight I have a~number 0f letters of concern from adjacent homeowners, which are available in the:file for you to review. I am not going to read them toaight~ !atsd hav~ the recdmmendation from the Southold Town Gonservati0~ ~dvisory Council, which recommends disapproval over the septio system r~e health of the wetlands and the proposed structure being the negative-: it says the proposed structure would have a negative impact in the Corey~Creek system. But, you can review that in the file also I am not going to:go over the whole thing.. ROB ~:; Could your office send us copies of those letters? CHARLOTTE.CUNNINGHAM: Do you want me to fax them in the morning: TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Sure. ROB~I-1BRRMANN: That wil/be fine. FRED ~IT.H: What is your date for the March meeting? CHARLOTTE CUNNINGHAM: March 20th. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I will make a Motion to Table. TRUSTEE ~G: So moved. T~USTEE ?OL1WODA: Seconded. T. RUST,EE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: That is that. Motion to adjourn. TRUSTEE KING: Seconded. ALL AYES Meeting Adjourned: 11:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, , Charlotte Cunnilighan, Cler~/ Board of Trustees 33