HomeMy WebLinkAboutBEACHCOMBER MOTEL TRUSTEES Jolm M. B~edemeyer, t~I, President Albert J. Krapski, Jr., Vice Presidem Henry P. Smi~ John B~ Tuthill W'~tl/am G. Atbensoa Telephone (516) 765-1.892 Fax (516) 765-1823 SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. B0× 1179 Southold. New York 11971 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 18~ 1992 Henry Raynor 320 Love Lane Mattituck NY 11952 RE: Beachcomber Motel SCTM 983~2-I Dear Mr~ Raynor: After an on site inspection the Southoid Town Trustees found that the proposed work as per plan dated December 1991 and dated as received May i1~ 1992~ is out of the Trustees jurisdiction~ If you have any questions~ please do not hesitate'to contact this office Very truly yours~ John ~. Bredemeyer~ President, Board of 2'rustees J~: j mt cc: Building Dept. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski. Jr.. Chairman · Gtorge Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L_ Edwards Telephone (516) 765-1938 IIIi AIJ¢ g !992 n. UARmS ']'0W~] 0[ S0[J'[J~t 53095 Main Road P.O, 'Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax f516/ 765-1823 August 18, 1992 RE: Lead Agency Coordination Request for Expansion of Existing Motel by Adding 86 New Units in Eight Buildings S/E/c Long Island Sound and Duck Pond Lane, Cutchogue, SCTM ~1000-083-1-1, 2 & 17 Dear Reviewer: The purpose of this request is to determine under Article $ (State Environmental Quality Review Act-SEQRA) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617 the following: 1. Your jurisdiction in the action described below; 2. Your interest in assuming the responsibilities of lead agency; and 3. Issues of concern which you believe should be evaluated. Enclosed please find a copy of the proposed site plan, and a long Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) to assist you in your response. Project Name: Beachcomber Motel - Expansion of S/E/c Long Island Sound & Duck Pond Lane, Cutchogue, New York Description of Requested Action: To expand an existing-motel that consists of thirty six motel units, three apartments, an office, a fifty seat restaurant and a swimming pool with a large cabana. The motel complex with the exception of the swimming pool and its cabana is on a separate parcel of 2.1 acres I~ 1000-83-2-1). The proposed expansion will add eighty six new rooms in eight buildings, which will be placed on 14.1 acres of land. The 14.1 Description continued: acres and the motel lot are zoned Resort Residential. The remainder of the land involved in the project is zoned Agricultural-Conservation. The total amount of land under review is approximately 45.622 acres. The largest parcel is 31 acres in area and has a residence at its southern end. SEQRA Classification: (x) Type I .( ) Unlisted Contact Person: Valerie Scopaz (516)-765-1938 The lead agency will determine the need for an environmental impact statement (EIS) on this project. Within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter, please respond in writing whether or not you have an interest in being lead agency. Planning Board Position: (x) This agency wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. ( ) This agency has no objection to your agency assuming lead agency status for this action. (x) Other. ( See comments below). Comments: The enclosed site plan does not show the entire 31-acre parcel. Also, the long environmental assessment form needs to be revised to include the fact that the property lies over a sole source aquifer (~ A. 2). And there is some question as to whether the site has locally important scenic views (% A. 14). The negative answers to questions ~ B. 16 and 17 will have to be reconsidered during this review because there will be some solid waste generated by this proposed expansion. The responses to ~ B. 1.e, and 1.f, and 1.h and %B. 4., were left blank. They will be completed during the course of this review and the answers disseminated to all coordinating agencies. CC: * Building Department, Southold / * Board of Trustees, Southold ~/ * Board of Zoning Appeals, Southold * Suffolk County Dept. of Health Services - Mineo, Costa, Ponturo * Suffolk County Planning Commission * Department of Environmental Conservation, New York Albany & Stony Brook (Evans) * Department of State, New York - Persaud, Walsh * Suffolk County Wate~ Authority - LoGrande, Rosavitch ~. * Maps are enclosed for your review CUTCHOGUE FIRE DISTRICT New Suffolk Road. PO Box 930. Cutchogue, NY 11935 Telephone (516) 734-6907 · Fax (516) 734-7079 June 22, 1993 Glenn Spetta Assoc. PO. Box 94 Bohemia, NY 1176 Beachcomber Study Dear Mr. Nolan, Reference your Ietter of ~ay I4, 1993 and based upon the prelim/nary i~formation you have provided, at this time, T~e Cutchogue Fire Department feels that it cannot provide adequate fire protection for this site. The water supply in that area is inadequate to handle that many units and without a site plan we cannot dete=mine the actual water requirements and access. If you can provide us with a site plan we will be happy to continue the study. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the BOard or our Chief. Thank you, we remain, Very truly yours, Board of Fire Commissioners Matthew J. Martin SecretarF cc: Chief Martin Planning Board Trustees Beard 7_ UndoI -- A~icle 15. ~tie 5: A~cie 17, Titles 7, 8: ~ A~e 27. ~tie 9: 8NYCRR 273: __ ProYection of Water __ SPOES { ~ H~dous Was~ Management -- Article 'I5, ~tte 15: __ Water Sucmy -- A~icle 15. Title 15: __ Water Transoor~ -- Amicie 15, Title 15: __ Long island Wefts Article 15, Title 27: __ Wild. Scenic and Recreational Rivers 6NYCRR 608: - Water Quality Certification ['-'~ Article 19: Air P~tlutian Contrm ["~--~ Articte 23, Title 27: Mined Land Reclamation -- Article 24: __ Freshwater Wetlands ~ ArUcle 35: Tidal Wetlands ~-'~ Ar~icte 27. TiUe 7: 6NYCRR 360: S0tid Waste Management -- A~cle 34: __ Coastal Erosion Management -- Aracte 38: __ Floodplain Management [-'-'~ Ar~cies 1, 3, 17, 1~, 27, 37: 8NYCRR 380: Radiation Control (,57~ ) 79"V-/c/9'f' TELEPHONE ~/~ ~ LOCATION OF PROIECTiFACILIT~ Remove and replace in the same configuration ~ linear feet of existin~ damaged By acceptance of this permit, the 13ermittee agrees that the permit is contingent uccc s~rict compliance with the ECL. ail applicable regulations, the General Conditions specified (See Reverse Side) and any Special C~nd. iticns includec[ as part of this permit. eR/onal ~R,~rr AO*a~M~S'rm,~TOe J AOORESS Regulatory Affairs - Region One, Bldg. ~-0 Robert A. Green~-) [ Stony Brook, N.Y. 11790-2356 10 12. 16 If granted under Article 36. this oermit does not signify in any way that the project will be free from flooding. 17 [f granted under 6 NYCRR Part G0& the NYS Deoartment of Environ~ mental Conservation hereby certifies that the subiect pro,eot will not Sections 301.3~2. 303. 306 and 307 of the C~ean Wate~ Act of 1977 [PL 95-217) =rov~ded that all o~ the conditions Iis~ herein are ruer. with :he approvee plans submitted by ~e app[icant or his agent as ~art SPECIAL CONDITIONS A copy of this permit with supplementary conditions and approved plans must be available at the project site whenever authorized work is in progress. The permit sign enclosed with the permit or a copy of letter of approval must be protected from the weather and posted in a conspicuous location at the work site until completion of authorized work. At least 48 hours prior to contmencement of the project, the permittee must complete and return the top portion of the enclosed receipt form certifying that he is fully aware of and understands all provisions and conditions of this permit. Within one week of completion of the permitted work, the bottom portion of that form must also be completed and returned. If the permittee intends to undertake any project design modifications after permit issuance, the permittee must submit the appropriate plan changes for approval by the Regional Permit Administrator prior to undertaking any such modifications. The permittee is advised that substantial'modification may require submission of a new application for permit. Page 3 of 6 ? NEW YOL~,~,,TATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERV,~ SPECIAL CONDITIONS For Article 25 ( Tidal get:lan, ds All repairs to existing, structures are confined to replacement of existing structural elements with no change in design, dimension or materials unless specifically authorized herein. Construction of bulkhead and return walls must be completed prior to placement of any fill material behind such structures. e Use of timbers (wood) treated with pentachlorophenol is strictly prohibited. Ail fill must be from an approved source and consist of clean gravel and soil. Use of asphalt, slag, flyash, broken concrete or demolition debris is prohibited. Ail fill must be graded to match the elevation of the land immediately adjacent to the bulkhead. 10. Contamination of tidal wetlands and the waters of New York State by suspended solids, sediments, fuels, solvents, lubricants, epoxy coatings, paints, concrete, leachate or any other environmentally deleterious materials associated with the project is prohibited. Any debris or excess material from construction of this project must be immediately and completely removed from the adjacent area and disposed of at an approved upland site. Disposal of debris in tidal wetlands is prohibited. 12. Any bulkhead constructed directly adjacent to vegetated tidal wetlands is to be jetted in with minimal disturbance to the tidal wetland. Trenching is strictly prohibited. 13. Unless specifically authorized, there shall be no dredging or excavation in the area seaward of the bulkhead to regain lost fill. 14. Prior to the ultimate expiration of this permit, the permittee will cause all fill and exposed faces to be vegetated to prevent erosion. 15. The permittee may install a stone "scour pad" to protect the bulkhead backfill in case of overwash.~ The scour pad shall consist of a minimum 1 foot layer of cobble size stone set on filter fabric. DEC PERMIT NUMBER PROGBANuFACILITY NUMBER J Page 4 SPECIAL CONDITIONS For Article 25 r Tidal Wetlands ) 16. There shall be no disturbance to existing tidal wetland vegetation, bluff vegetation or submerged aquatic vegetation as a result of the permitted activity. 17. Equipment operation below mean high water is strictly prohibited. Supplementary.Special Conditions (A) thru (J) attached. Regional Permit Administrator NYS Dept.of Environmental Conservation Building 40, ST/NY - Room 219 Stony Brook, NY 11790-2356 DEC PERA41/T- NUMBER PROGRA/~FACILITY NUMBER Page 5 of PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski. Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latharn. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone (516) 765- I938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCOTt' L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Halt_ 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax ~516) 765-1823 Henry Raynor Raynor Surer Hardware 320 Love Lane Mattituck, New York 11952 February 23, 19993 $CTMgl000-B3-2-1 Dear Mr. Raynor: Attached to this letter is an annotated version of the Scoping Checklist that was used at the January 22nd scoping session. The enclosed Checklist will be used by the Planning Board and the reviewing agencies as the official synopsis of that meeting. In the absence of any written objections from either your client or any of the coordinating agencies, the enclosed outline will stand. Accordingly, I suggest that you review the Checklist with your client and his consultants. If there are any questions or objections, please bring them to Valerie Scopaz's a-ttention immediately, in writing. If the enclosed slrnopsis must be amended, will be transmitted to all involved parties. the revisions Sincerely, Richard 4. Ward Chairman Board of Trustees~ Southold Zoning Board of Appeals, Southold Building Department, Southold Highway Department, Southold Department of Health Services, Suffolk County S. Costa, V. Minei, P. Ponturo Planning Con~nission, Suffolk County - F. Dowling Department of Environmental Conservation, New York K. Munze Department of State, New York - M~ Persaud ~uffolk County Water Authority -M. LoGrander E. Rosavitch roundwater Resources Committee, Southold Planning and Zoning Committee, $outhold O SEQR SCOPING CHECKLIST pLAI~INING BOARD APPLICATION OF BEACHCOMBER II MOTEL AMENDED FEBRUARY 22, 1993 INCLUDING SCOPING MEETING ISSUES This outline has been amended to include comments made ax scoping meeting of January 22, 1993. Additions to the previously distributed outline are in italics. This 6utline is based upon 6 NYCRR Part 617.21 as p~repared by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.to prmade a f6~mat and guidelines for the preparation of a Draft Environmental Impac~ Statement. The,subject Draft EIS should co~orm to this outline m terms of format as Well as c0ntem.. ,.The doCUment should be consistent and concise and-all data and aq.-,u m 9rich, Sl~otfld Ii6 .ifistiried and/or referenced. All information shown on maps or i)]ttns and ,in thc t~x,I ~houh,[ bc consistent. Keep in mind that~this'document will be rex/iewed by gcncr,fl .mbli¢ ,ts xscll ,ts sc,veral governmental agencies. A conci,c mid .,implx written text is prol'crtlblo to ti x~orm' or obtuse one. A~ccordingty, it would hc[p m I;rovid¢ .'t Glossm'v so that tho hlv rea~.ler can, interpret the acronyms that tiro .xpica,l> u¢cd i I:~ E~vir0n~ ~e~.~ ~t~, Impa~ $~a~.ment. Upon cQmpletiom seven (7) copies of.the document shffu~d be Subm[t[eg tO ~e'glan~mg Board for review to determine a&eptance. Cover Sheet All EIS's (Draft or Final) shall begin with a cover sheet that includes: A. Whether it is a draft or final s~tatement B, Name or other descriptive title of the t?rojecr C. Location (county and town) of the project D. Name and address of the lead agency which required preparation of the statement and the name and telephone number of a person at the agency to be contacted for further information E. Name and address of the preparers of any portion of the statement and a contact name and telephone number F. Date of acceptance of the Draft EIS G. In the case of a Draft EIS, the deadline date by which comments are due should be indicated II. Table of Contents and Summary A table of contents and a brief summary are required for Draft and Final EIS's. The summary should include: A. Brief ~lescriptlon .of. the action B. Significant beneficial and adverse impacts, (issues of controversy must be specified) C. Mitigation measures proposed D. Alternative considered E. Matters to be decided (permits, approvals, funding) HI. Description of the Proposed Action A. PROJECT PURPOSE, NEED AND BENEFITS Pagel Beachcomber II Motel Scoping Outline Background and history - Discuss in detail, include zoning districts and amount of land in each d/strict as well as parcel locations and areas. T1/e relationship of the proposed project to the existing project must be explained, particularly with reference to the potential change of intensity of use of the existing facilities, such as the restaurant, the swimming pool, etc. Public need for the project, and municipality objectives based on adopted community development plans Objectives of the project sponsor Benefits of the proposed action a) social b) economic LOCATION 1. Establish geographic boundaries of the project (use of regional and local scale maps is recommended) 2. Description of access to site - Provide detailed discussion of adjacent road. 3. Description of existing zoning of proposed site DESIGN AND LAYOUT - A detailed table of anticipated site coverage quantities is recommended. 1. Total site area a) proposed impervious surface area (roofs, parking lots, roads) b) amount of land to be cleared and regraded c) open space - wetlands/water areas, natural and/or covenanted areas. Discuss the sterilization of land in order to meet Suffolk County Sanitary Code Article 6. 2. Structures a) total building area b) layout of buildings (design concept, units per building, orientation, building footprint, etc.) c) site plans d) drainage plans 3. Parking a) pavement area b) number of spaces and layout 4. Sanitary System Design (existing and proposed) a) location and setbacks, and uses (motel, restaurant) b) system design, leaching capability, depth to water c) Health Department compliance 5. Water Supply Design (existing and proposed) a) depth ofwetl . b) potential salt-water intrusion c) Health Department compliance CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION 1. Construction a) total construction period anticipated b) schedule of construction c) future potential development, on site or on adjoining properties Page 2 Beachcomber II Motel Scoping Outline Operation a) type of operation . b) sche .dule 0f operation c) fertilization of landscaped areas d) seasonaluse and maintenance APPROVALS 1. Required changes or variances to the zoning regulations 2. Other permit approval or funding requirements and status of required permits a)- Town Pi ,a~,'ng Board site plan b) Z~,A,sp. ecial permit ~- applicant should seek to resolve property division issue with'ZBA and state terms in Draft EIS. c) Town Trustees Coastal Erosion Hazard Act d) Suffolk County Health Deparmae~t sani,tary and water permits - al~lieant shonfd seek to determine SCDHS density requirements v~i?th regard tO exigting molet, 'aerein referred to as Beachcomer I. e) New York State ~ll~hnd dischhrge, permits ' f) NeW York State W~tlandgper~ Note: P16as~ include an Ap2endlx to the. Environmental Impact Statement that contains a copy of the cpm~leted;appliCafion form for each permit that must be obtained befor~ this proje~ran be constructed. For instance: T0Ym~B0ard: of;TrUstees: Coastal Erosion Hazard Application Zoning Board of g~ppeals: SpeCial Exception application Plqnning Board: Site Plan application Suffolk conniy Department of Health'Services: Water Supply and Wastewater applications N~w York State Department of Environmental Conservation: Tidal Wetlands application IV. Environmental Setting Natural Resource A. GEOLOGY 1. Subsurface a) composition and thickness of subsurface material b) test hole in accord with SCDHS requirements 2. Surface a) List of soil types b) discussion of soil characteristics - physical properties (indicate hydrological (infiltration) capabilities);of the soils on site - engineering properties (soil bearing capacity) c) distribution of soil .types at project site d) suitability for propdsed use 3. Topography a) description of topography at project site - slopes particulhrly on east sidg of site, shall be described - prominent or unique features ~ beach, dune and bluff type environment Page 3 Beachcomber II Motel Scoping Outline WATER RESOURCES 1. Groundwater a) location and description of aquifers and recharge areas - depth of water table - seasonal variation - (address potential malfunction of sanitary system due to same) - quality - suitability for consumptive use - quantity - flow b) identification of present uses and level of use of groundwater - existing water and waste disposal supply for Beachcomber I, including restaurant o Surface water a) location and description of surface waters located on project site or those that may be influenced by the project - classification according to New York State Department of Health and/or NYSDEC - consult Town Wetlands inventory b) identification of uses and level of use of all surface waters - recreational, shellfish, etc. description of existing drainage areas, patterns and channels discussion of potential for flooding, siltation, erosion and eutrophication of surface water - include FEMA/FIRM flood zone maps and resultant land use restrictions TERRESTRIAL AND AQUATIC ECOLOGY 1. Vegetation a) list vegetation types on the project site and within the surrounding area b) discussion of site vegetation characteristics - species presence and abundance - age - size - distribution - dominance - community types - unique, rare and endangered species value as habitat for wildlife - productivity o Wildlife a) list of wildlife species on the project site and within surrounding area, including migratory and resident species b) discussion of wildlife population characteristics - species presence and abundance - distribution - dominance - unique, rare and endangered species productivity Wetlands a) list wetland areas within or contiguous to the project site Page 4 Human Resources A. Co b) Beachcomber II Motel :Scoping Outline discuss wetland characteristics - acreage - vegetative, cover - classification - benefits of wetland such as flood and erosion control, recreation TRANSPORTATION 1. Transporting sen, ices a) desCript~0n of the size, capacity and condition of services - access/.egress from site b) description of current level of use-of services - source of existing traffic - seasonal~influence and use LAND USE AND, ZONING 1, Existing land,~ie and zoning a) description Of the existing land use of the project site and the surrot~nding area - residential- - vacant;open space b) description-of e~isting zoning of site and surrounding area 2. Land u~e plaBs: a) description of any laud use plans or master plans which include p.ro~ect iite and' surrounding area b) diseussiOa:of future development trends or pressures c) 208 sm~y~ reCOmmendations and Article 6 implementation d) NURPS ~tudy iecommendations for surface qvater protection COMMUNITY SERVICES (for this section include a list of existing facilities and a discussion Of existing levels of usage and projected future needs) 1. Educational facilities 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Police protection Fire protection Healthcare facilities Social services Recreati0nal' facilities Utilities Public water supply - explore options with regard to Suffolk County Water Authority public whter main extension and other water supply options. Solid waste disposal CULTURAL RESOURCES 1. Visual resources a) description of the physical character of the community - views Of area resources associated with site - visibility of site from waterways and surrounding a~eas b) descriptidn of natural areas of significance 2. Historic and hrchaeological resources Page Mo Beachcomber II Motel Sc.ping Outline a) b) c) Noise a) location and description of historic areas or structures listed on State or National Register or designated by the community, or included on Statewide Inventory identification of sites having potential significant archaeological value based on contact with State Parks contact local archaeological society with regard to historic/archaeological resources identification of existing level of noise in the community - use published references SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Identify those aspects of the enwronmenmI setting in Section IV that may be adversely or beneficially affected by the proposed action and require discussion. Areas of primary concern are listed as follows: Potential for erosion and/or siltation to the site waterway as a result of site construction. Topographic disturbances and potential for sedimentation due to slope destabilization of erodable soils on slopes. Alteration of ,ground or surface water quality from inadequate sanitary setbacks and/or unsaturated depth and potential water quality impacts due to water supply pumping. Nitrogen budget in consideration of recharge zones and groundwater flow. Describe existing motel sanitary facilities. Include a history of SCDHS approvals, and location of existing as well as proposed sanitary system. Ecological impacts resulting from use and occupation of the site for motel purposes, as related to identified species. Loss of unique wooded areas of site for water supply and grading envelopes. D. Conformance of proposed project to land use plans, with particular regard tp Town zoning and Article 6 requirements for density/discharge requirements. VI. MITIGATION MEASURES TO MINIMIZE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Describe measures to reduce or avoid potential adverse impacts identified in Section V. The following is a brief listing of typical measures used for some of the major areas of impact. N~tural Resource A. GEOLOGY 1. Subsurface a) use excavated material for land reclamation 2. Surface a) use topsoil stockpiled during construction for restoration and landscaping b) m/nimize disturbance of non-construction sites - propose covenants c) design and implement soil erosion control plan Page 6 Beachcomber II Motel Scoping Outline WATER RESOURCES 1. Groundwater a) propose system of treatment for stormwa~er runoff of wastewater prior 1o recharge of groundwater b) promote per?pable areas on the site tlxrough use of alternative road and parking base specifications 2. Surface water a) ensure use of soil erosion control techniques during construction and operation to avoid siltation _-. hay~bales ~ - tcm[)of-arv rcs'toratiol} of'vci,etuLim} LO disturbed areas - larlosca )i~1o - xeric type Ilat[vC )lalldrlg suggested b) design adeqt.~ate smm~watcr control s~stbm, ~odify sewage Irc:t n~c ~t l'tcdl Its. an¢l/~ r avl ti ti rcct discharges to surface water l~esources TERRESTRIAL ~ AQUATIC ECOLOGY 1. Vegetation a) restrict clearip? to only those areas necessary b) . preserve part:i~site a~ a fiatural.area c) kfte~! cor~t~etion, landscape ~ite with naturally occurring vegetation 2. Wildlife a) provide adequate habitat (shelter and food) for remaining wildlife species b) s~hedule construction to avoid ~ensitive periods of fish, shellfish and wildlife cycles Human Resources TRANSPORTATION 1. Provide adequate horizontal and vertical road geometrics for anticipated traffic 2. Provide mitigation for traffic impacts as identified through traffic evaluation. The discussion must include road safety aspects as well as physical traffic impacts. LAND USE AND ZONING 1. Existing land use and zoning a) design project to comply with existing land use plans b) design functional and V~sually appealTmg facilit~ to set standard and preCedent for future surrounding land use COMMUNITY SERVICES 1. Fire protection a) use construction materials that minimize fire hazards b) incarporate .sprinkler and alarm systems into building design c) provide eqmpment, funds or sen, ices directly to the community 2. Utilities a) !nstall utility services underground b) ~.ncorporate water saving fixtures into facility design c) incorporate energy-sawng measures into facility design Page 7 Beachcomber II Motel Scoping Outline 3. Solid Waste disposal - discuss means of reducing solid waste generation CULTURAL RESOURCES 1. Visual resources a) design exterior of structure in a manner which will not detract from the natural and human setting of the site minimize visual impact through thonghtful and innovative design (consider: height, size) design landscaping to be visually pleasing and to serve as a buffer between surrounding land uses, parking areas, operational eqmpment and facilities b) c) Noise a) b) schedule construction/operation to occur during "normal business" hours minimizmg noise impact during sensitive times (early morning, night) assure adherence to construction noise standards VII. ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS THAT CANNOT BE AVOIDED IF THE PROJECT IS IMPLEMENTED Identify those adverse environmental effects is Section V that can be expected to occur regardless of the mitigation measures considered in Section VI. VII. ALTERNATIVES This section contains categories of alternatives with examples. Discussion of each alternative Should be at a level sufficient to permit a comparative assessment of costs, benefits and environmental risks for each alternative. It is not acceptable to make simple assertions that a particular alternative is or is not feasible. ALTERNATIVE DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGIES 1. Site layout a) location and types of structures b) location of access routes, parking and utility routes - Consider toy. of residents and vehicles between existing and proposed sites ALTERNATIVES SIZE 1. Increase or decrease project size to minimize possible impacts NO ACTION 1. Impacts of no action a) effect on public need b) effect on private developers' need c) beneficial or adverse environmental impacts IX. IRREVERSIBLE AND IRRETRIEVABLE COMMITMENT OF RESOURCES Identify those natural and human resources listed in Section IV that w/Il be consumed, converted or made unavailable for future use. X. GROWTH INDUCING ASPECTS (if applicable) Describe in this section the potential growth aspects the proposed project may have on the surrounding community as well as the school and fire district. Page 8 Beachcomber II Motel Scoping Outline APPENDICES Following is a list of materials typically used in support of the EIS. A. List of.underlying studies, reports and information considered and relied on in preparing statement B. Lis~ all federal, state, regional, or local agencies, organizations, consultants and private persons consulted in preparing the statement. C. Technical exhibits (if any) at a legible scale D. Relevant correspondence regarding the projects may be included (required in the Final EIS) Page (516 ~ 734-6370 (516) 744-1448 Resort Motel & Restaurant DEPOT LANE ON L.I. SOUND R.R. #1. BOX 161 H CUTCHOGUE, N.Y. 11935 December 19, 1992 To DEC and Southold Town Trustees: Regarding Storm Damage December 1992 It is my intention to replace and repair all damage due to storm(see survey attached). I do not intend to add 1" to that which was damaged. I do however question the intense scrutiny of each and every project I have ever attempted to complete in thisTown and wonder how you allow R~lboCompany to parade back and forth across the front of myMotel. High Tide, Low Tide and use Depot lane and the west side of my building to store, dump and remove tons of rocks, bulkheading, huge dump trucks, earth movers and what have you. Very effectively waking up and disrupting the entire West Wing. My guests have no access to the front beach of our motel for fear of being r~n over. I have complained numerous times to Mr. Samuels of Rambo and to Ray Jacobs. Mr. Jacobs had done his best to curtail such activities such as when they dumped huge loads of bulk- heading half way across the road directly in front of my entrance and left it there on M~morial Day Weekend. t complained that these huge dump trucks carrying tQns of rocks were using my entrance for a turn-a-round effectively busting my entrance asphalt and interfering with my~uests entering and leaving. I had go block off half my driveway all sunm~r to put a stop to it but to no avail. Mr. Sa~aels excuse that they are sub-Contractors and he can't helotry as he may. When I asked for a No-Parking zone in this area because of noise of cars and trucks and blocking emergency entrance to beach, the Fir~Departm~nt stated that they c-on cut through farms in any emergency. So,Why then didn't you give Rambo this information? I respectfully submit my $40,000.~Tax Bill and expect bo be compensated by way of a reduction since my business has been severely affectsd~both this year and in the past. Very truly, ~icholas Aliano Vacation Paradise on Long Island Sound PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski. Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham. Jr_ Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone (516 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OFSOUTHOLD SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall. 53095 Main' Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold_ New York 11971 Fax (5161 76.5-1823 oune tl, 1992 Henry Eo Raynor, Jr. 326 Love Lane Mattituck, New York 11952 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Motel located on E/s Duck Pond Lane, Cutchogue, N.Y. SCTM ~ 1000-83-1-2 & 17 Dear Mr. Raynor: This is in response to your letter dated March 6, 1992, in which you raised a number of objections to information contained in prior correspondence from this office going back to October of 1989. Your letuer has been reviewed, along with the application file itself. We find the situation to be as follows: To date, there has been no Planning Board action on the subject application becaus~ the site plan that was submitted in August'of 1989 was incomplete. Our letter of October 3, 1989, explained what material was needed to complete the application. Further, in researching the file for this letter, we noticed that the application involves three parcels of property, each of which is in separate~ownership. But, only one of the owners, Nicholas Aliano, owner of Parcel C, is named on the application form and on the site plan. The owners of Parcel A (Pond Enterprises, Inc.) and Parcel B (Patricia Krupski) must be included on the application for it to be valid. In sum, until the Planning Board receives a complete application submission; (one that includes the correct fee, technically complete site plans, and the consent of all the property owners to the proposal shown on the plans,) the application that is in this office is incomplete, hence inactive. Your letter also discussed Section 100-61. of the Zoning Code which stipulates that a Special Exception must be obtained for a motel in the Resort Residential District. Our review of the records, revealed that the motel use has been established on only one of the three parcels; Parcel A, which is owned by Pond Enterprises, Inc. Since the proposal is to expand the motel use onto Parcels B and C, both Patricia Krupski (owner of Parcel B) and Nicholas Aliano (owner of Parcel C) must apply to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a Special Exception. The application to the Zoning Board s~ould be made concurrently with the site plan application or shortly thereafter. This suggestion is made because Section 100-254 B. (3) (a) of the Zoning Code prohibits the Planning Board from granting site plan approval before the Zoning Board of Appeals has granted a Special Exception. Finally, with regard to your client's application to the Department of Health Services for water supply and disposal permits, it has been our experience that their review of an application will not proceed beyond a certain point without a determination oi environmental significance from this Board. Since we have not received a complete and valid site plan application for the expansion of the Beachcomber Motel, we have not been able to start the environmental review procedure, much less reach a determination of significance. I trust this clarifies the prior correspondence from this office. Sincerely, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman cc: Nicholas Aliano, Owner Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspecuor John M. Bredemeyer, III, President, Board of Trustees~/ Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals Dennis Moran, SC Dept. of Health Services Stephen Costa, SC Dept. of Health Services Roger Evans, NY State Dept. of Environmental Conservation, at Stony Brook TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer. IlL President Albert J. Krapski. Jr.. Vice President Henry P. Smith John B. Tuthill William G.'Albertson Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax 11516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUP~ERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 TO: FROM: RE: Southold Town Planning Bgard Southold Town Trust Beachcomber. Motel Expansion SCTM ~1000-83r2-1 DATE: January 21, 1993 The Southold Town Trustees wiI1 be unable uo attend the scoping session in this matter tomorrow lf22/93. This Board issued an emergency repair authorization for this facility on December 21, 1992 under the Town's Coastal Erosion HaZard and Wetland Ordinances. The owner is authorized to perform emergency repairs to the foundation of the existing motel undermined by the December 1'1, 1992 storm and must submit a full permit application to the Trustees for this work. The Board specifically limited the repair to the foundation and . recommended that the owner submit an application for an erosion protection structure (bulkhead/revetment) capable of withstanding severe storms over a 30 year period. In light of the recent storm of December 11, 1992, this office suggests that this facility should consider a selective retreat at this time in order to property fortify the shoreline with such a structure noted above. The Coastal Erosion Hazard area line should be placed on the site plan by the project engineer or architect so that in future applications or permit discussions its' location is readily apparent. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski. Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone (516,765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax ~516) 765-1823 October 6, 1992 MEMORANDUM TO ALL COORDINATING AGENCIES: RE: Beachcomber Motel Expansion SCTM 1000-83-1-1, 2 & 17 Duck Pond Lane, Cutchogue, New York Dear Coordinating Agency Reviewer: Please add the attached letter from Henry E. Raynor, Jr. to the Lead Agency Coordination letter sent to you on August 18, 19'92, and the Clarification letter sent on September 28, 1992. The enclosed letter contains a~tionai information about the historical water flows of the exising motel and aprtments. As mentioned in our last letter, the Planning Board tentatively plans on making an environmental determination, at its October 19, 1992 meeting, unless we receive a written request for either more review time or information. Accordingly, we would appreciate receiving your responses by the 13th of October in order to give ourselves adequate time to review them. Questions about this project should be directed to Valerie Scopaz at 765-1938. CC: Board of Trustees, Zoning Board of Appeals, Southold * Building Department, Southold Highway Department, Southold Department oi Health Services, Suffolk County Sincerely, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman / Southold * ~/ - S. Costa, V. Minei *, P. Ponturo Department of Planning, Suffolk County - F. Dowling~ Department of Environmental Conservation, New York Albany, Commissioner Jorling and Ston~ Brook, Re Evans * SufEolk County Water Authority - M. LoGranda, E. Rosavitch * Groundwater Resources Committee, Southeld * Plan~ing And Zoning Co~muittee, Southold* * Person to whom copy of letter was sent~ 520 Love Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 September 26, 1992 Valerie Scopaz Southold Town Planning Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Board RE: Beachcomber Motel at Cutchogue 1000-83-1,2 & 17 Dear Ms. Scopaz: In response to your letter of last week, the historical data provided herein is an estimate based on seasonal occupancy and average water flow. The motel consists of 33 motel rooms which are open four months throughout the year and are approximately 50% occupied throughout the season. On the basis of 125 gallons per day, comprised of 60 days per season occupied, the usage would total 7500 gallons per unit or 247,500 gallons for the 33 rooms over the season. The three apartments in the complex break down as follows: One apartment is occupied full time for four months at an estimated consumption of 250 gallons per day. This would generate approximately 30,000 gallons usage throughout the season. The remaining two apartments are occupied approximately 50% of the.time, thereby generating an additional 30,000 gallons of water consumption. The totals given would be annual usage as the motel is closed during the remaining eights months of the year. If you have any questions concerning the above data, please do not hesitate to contact me. iery truly yours, HER:mt CC: Nicholas Aliano PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski. Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L Edwards telephone (516) 765-1938 SE~ 2 0 199~_ RIS TOWN 0F SOU 0 53095Box 1 Main, 79 Road Southold. New York 11971 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 1992 MEMORANDUM TO ALL COORDINATING AGENCIES: RE: Beachcomber Motel Expansion SCTM 1000-83-1-1, 2 & 17 Duck Pond Lane, Cutchogue, New York Dear Coordinating Agency Reviewer: Please add the attached Clarification of Project Description, which is dated September 28, 1992, to the Lead Agency Coordination letter that was sent to~ou..o/~August 18, 1992. ~ne clarification includes additional information about the proposal which will provide a better understanding about the relationship of the existing motel complex to the proposed expansion. This application involves three separately owned parcels. The owners of two of the parcels are part of a single application to develop their land as one unit. Although no additional development is proposed for the smallest parcel with the existing motel and restaurant, it is being included in the environmental review. Also enclosed is a copy of additional material that has been submitted by the applicant as paru of the environmental assessment submission: a report entitled "Water Resource/System BEACHCOMBER II, Cutchogue, Town of Southold" July t991. H2M Group. Data on existing water usage at the site is still forthcoming. It will be sent to you under separate cover. The Planning Board tentatively plans on making an environmental determination at its October 19, 1992 meeting. Accozdingly~ we would appreciate receiving your responses by the t3th of October in order to give ourselves adequate time to review them. Questions about this project should be directed to Valerie Scopaz at 765-1938. CC: Sincerely, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman / Board of Tzustees, Southold Zoning Board of Appeals, Southold Building Department, Southold Highway Department, Southotd Department of Health Services, Suffolk County - S. Costa, V. Minei ~%, P. Ponturo Department of Planning, Suffolk County - F. Dowling Department of Environmental Conservation, New York Albany, Commissioner Jorling and Stony Brook, R. Evans ~ Suffolk County Water Authority - Groundwater Resources Committee, Southold~ Planning And Zoning Committee, Southold~ * Person to whom copy of Water Report was sent.. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski. Jr. Chairman George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L, Edwards Telephone (516. 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCOTt L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (516~ 765-1823 September 28, 1992 CLARIFICATION OF PROJECT DESCRIPTION FOR: Project Name: Beachcomber Motel - Expansion of: S/E/c Long Island Sound & Duck Pond Lane, Cutchogue, New York $CTM ~ 1000 - 083 - 1 - 1, 2, 17. Description of Requested Action: To expand an existing motel that consists of thirty six motel units, three apartments, an office~ a fifty aeat restaurant and a swimming pool with a large cabana ~hat holds five units, which the motel owner says are not rented out as motel units but have the potential to be used as such. The iR91 Water Resource System study includes water demands of these five units. A sign on the restaurant notes that it is not open to the public, but is for motel patrons only. The existing motel and restaurant are on a separate parcel of 2.1 acres in area (~ 1000-83-2-1) that is zoned Resort Residential (RR). The swimming pool and cabana with five units is located on an adjoining parcel of about 12.3 acres (~1000'083-2-2). The proposed expansion of 86 new rooms will be located on part of boththis 12.3 acre parcel and another, adjoining parcel of about 33.8 acres (~ 1000-83-17), each of which is in different ownership. These units will be placed on 14.1 acres of RR-zoned land. The total amount of RR-zoned land is about 16.2 acres, of which part is developed with the aforementioned motel containing thirty-six units and three apartments, a fifty seat restaurant, a swimming pool and a five unit cabana. The Town's Zoning Code allows motel units in this district by Special Exception of the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Code permits a density of one unit per each 6,000 s~aare feet of land area where there is no public water or sewer. A density of one unit per each 4,000 square feet of land is permitted where there public water and sewer. The Planning Board has not endorsed the proposed density of new units in this proposal because we do not know how the current impacts of the groundwater resource demand by the well(s?) and septic system(s?) for the existing motel, apartments, restaurant and pcolside cabana units will be viewed by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. in conjunCtion with the anticipated demand ~or water and septic disposal for the expan position will be distributed to agencies when it is received. The remainder of the land involved in this project (about 29.42 acres) is zoned Agricultural-Conservation (AC). There is a residence at its southern end. Thus, the total amount of land under review in this application includes all three properties, which incorporate approximately 45.622 acres of land in two zoning districts. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski. Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham..ir. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards telephone (516,765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 119~1 Fax (516 765-1823 August 18, 1992 Henry E. Raynor, Jr. 320 Love Lane Mattituck, New York 11952 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Expansion of Beachcomber Motel E/s Duck Pond Lane, on Long Island Sound Cutchogue, N.Y. SCTM $ 1000-83-1-2 & 17 Dear Mr. Raynor: The following resolution was adopted at the Planning Board's August 17, 1992 meeting: BE IT RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the provisions of the State Enviror~ental Quality Review Act, start the coordination process on this Type I action. A copy of this site plan is being sent to our enviroDmental consultants for their review. An estimate of the cost of this review will be sent to you for payment before the work is started. I~ there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Valerie Scopaz of this office. cc: Sincerely, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman Board of Trustees, Southold Zoning Board of Appeals, Southold Building Department, Southold Highway Department, Southold · Department of Health Services, Suffolk County ~ $. Costa, V. ~inei, P. Ponturo PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski..Ir.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham..Ir. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1t79 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (516/ 765-1823 TO: FROM: RE: All Involved Agencies Richard G. Ward, Chairman ~/~ Scoping Session for Beachcomber Motel SCTM$1000-83-1-2 & 17 DATE: January 6, 1993 A Scoping Session has been set for 2 P.M., Friday, January 22, 1993, for the above mentioned site plan application. The meeting will be held in the conference room of the Town Hall which is located at 53095 Main Road in Southold. A copy of the Positive Declaration may have been sent to you on November 4, 1992. Another copy is enclosed with this letter for your convenience. If you are unable to attend the Scoping Session, please send any comments you may have as to items you wish addressed in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, to the Planning Board office. The Board's facsimile number is 765-i823. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Board office at 765-1938. Encl. cc: John M. Bredemeyer, III, President, Board of Town Trustees~ Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals Raymond Jacobs, Superintendent Highway Department, Southold James Richtez, Engineering Inspector Suffolk County Department of Health Services - Steven Costa, Vito Minei, Paul Ponturo Frank Dowling, Suffolk County Department of Planning Michael LoGrande, Ed Rosovitch - SC Water Authority David Morrell, NYSDEC, SUNY Stony Brook Cramer, Voorhis & Associates, Inc. Henry Raynor, Agent for Applicant Planning and Zoning Committee, Southold PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski. Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD POSITIVE DE(.:LARATION Notico of Intent to Pr .parc a Draft EIS Dctt:rmlnation o' SignificanCe SCO'IT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall· 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Lead.4gency: .4ddr¢~s: Plann ng Board of the Town of Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. i ,ox 1179 South ~ld, New York 11971 November 2, 1992 to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Rev;¢ x9 of the Environmental'Conser.'ation Law. The lead agen~ h~ determined ~hat the pro¢osed action described below may have a slgmflcant effect on the euv~ronment eno t mt t D~aft Environmental ~mp,o. ct Statement will be prepared. Title of Action: SEQR Statu:;: Project Description: Beachcomb¢r Motel II Type I action The oroject' ~hich is the subject of this Long EAF involves a rec{uest fo~ site plan approval to construct 86 motel unltfon a 14,1 acre para. el. The proposed project calls for construct on of 86 motel units accessed ~rom a circular patt~ m driw~ .way which surrounds t~e recreation complex. A oral of .eight buildings areproposed of which five w111 contain 12-units, two will contain 9-units, and one will .'ontain 8-units. Seven of the. buildings have a footprint o '30'xi20' and one building w;ll have a footprint of ~ 0'xS0'. It is noted that the 9-unit buildings (but'dings I .:nd 2) have 6-units which appear to be 2- stow, and co ,Id function as apartments.fi~.'ving floor areas of 1,2C' ! square feet. Ail other umts appear to have · floor areas o. approximately 600 square feet. Beachcomber Motet Il $CTM Number: District 100l -S¢cdon 083 - Block 0I-Lots 1, 2 ~ 17 Loc~fion: The site of t,;~e subje~:t application is located on the east side of Duck Per ~ Lane and the Long Island Sound in Cmchogue.. ~e~v Ye, ~. Reasons Supporting This Determination: This determination is issued in fall consi ~eratlon of the criteria for determination of significance contained in 6 NYC.R.R Part 617.11 the Long Eavironmenta!-:~sessment Form Parts t; II and the following specific reasons: The l:,roposed project represents a m,j.o,r inc~rease in intensity qfuse of the parcel. The Part !I Lov. g EAF provides an outt~r e or several.areas of s.',$ni.qcant en~Sronment?l i~pact ~xpect~d as a resu t of theproject. B~etI on review, it has been determined that an Envy: onm.emal tmpa~ ~ate~nent ~ approprmte m o.~der, ass.~s., lmp,.ct.,, pro~ ~de. a n,.an~ oz re.e. ~g~n~ cpu. Gh,at. on and ,~,or~ mt~.g,~.lon measures eno atternattves. ~0uildrn~ 1, 2 and 3 are iocated in a stee'; $Io¢e area (>25%). Grade ~4itlons of -25 feet are a~aarent e. cro~s the lengtfi of b~fld;n~s 2 and 3, and bui!din~s 1 ~d ~ have zrade tran~tlo~ of 10-!5 feet cm-o~ ~ the !engt~ of the bui!dn~s. ~q~ area is com,~red [o oe s..smve d~ to coarse, .,od~bL ~o~l....~ area must be eYe.pod o~ developed in ,n extremely sensitive man ~er. g~ srovcsed significant excavation and ~soaa.ea .o.l d~ stab~tlz~t.~n ~s :,,p~ct~ ~, a,.d o~ve,cp.,ent wc~. ~qu.~ ~xtens,ve s~ctu~e reta~r~ent or other measures t ) allow construction ~ proposed ~e area ~s somewhat proximate to ~ng ~sland o( und, and de-stabilization could nave ram~5.cat~ons ;n ?rms of trav_q~ort of sec meat to the ~x~stmg s~te ~d gotentxmly to the Sound. Addmonal con~deratmn she sld be g~ven to design m tins ama to m~nmuz~ loss ofvegetatmn~ and reduce { ro~o~l and sedtmematmn. Design akernat~es,shou}dbe considered. Thee project i:nvolve$ construction of 86-u ~its on !4,t acres. SCDHS indicates that motel umts m excess o, 400 square feet h ~e a dc~a ~vw of !5~ (j~pd), This would result ~n aflow of 12,9 )0 galtons}per day which exqeed~ the - a]lo~able flow for 14.1 acre~ (4,230 gpd). A preliminary report subrmtted by the applicant addresses th~s ~ssue through te~ ~po, a,,y ~ter, hzauon or adjacent lands o~ the owne~ until uch t~me as pubhc wa,e~ su[ v~y ~ available however, th~s shoulo oe in~orporate~ irito the rite plan review pn cess ~n terms of acreage proposed for use. In adc ido~,' he allowable flow would ~£f, ctively be doubled ifv~b)ic ~ater avmlable, ~h :refore, the design .flow wou: ~ sgll exceed tee allowable flow b~ecfon 14:1 acres, !ti erefo[e,-some portmn of th~ adjacent landis must remain undeveloped in perp_etmry. , ~oerdmatmn w~th $CDho:u rough the s~,e plan row. ow and E:$ process would be-b~ efi¢ial. - 4. Ir: addmon to design flow ,.nd dens:ty ~ ~' )r,dt E/S sho:ld cons,der samtary system desigr sh0ula be considered 'n ~erms of ~ 'spersal of sanitary waste, depth to ~ater Page 2 of 3 and aeslga constraints ior Brats In 15 foo~ ~]evfiiion ~rca, and m~rcgen lo~a w~th tra~port of contam!nanls to ~ng Islaud Sound. Water use issues are critical in lh~ To'~]a if Somhotd. A prelimina~e water use repo~ submitted by th, apph~nt provides m~;g ;t lnto.lmende~ w~ter supply. ~,~ report howe~er is not cofis~stent ~tk the site pk n, depicting altea~ate ac?ss roans ~d well field bcation which dO not correspond ~h the site plan. in addiuo~ ~u~ to the anttcipated s]gmficaat water use, po,ohm I m~vement of m~ s~lt woter ,;,.qr~ac~i need ior wok pumping control and dis,rtl a,on w~[er qual.ry, ~,d mt~.~n ~mth Beachcomber-1 pro' ject, discussion of wot :r su¢¢ly i~u~s should be incorporated in~o the EISproces~ for-inter-agent' review a ~d mB)~ detailed analys~s by ~e lead ~d involved agencies. . ~e ¢.ro~ect will result in the removal'of i erhaps up to 2 acres of vegetaticn in a sensmve slppp ~ea. Ia admtmn depend ng uFon the toc~,,?~ o, the w~,e, supp,y swtem, add~itoa~ acreaae, possibly m th~ steep slope heavily wooded ~ea may ~'reraoved. Pt0per deign, and c~earlng limitations should be considex-ed. ~a stgnificr , anco of th~ small man-made pone should be comi~ered~ anti a~. pro~riate~ setbac~ obse~ed. ~e ~rnpact on l~r~lruct~,e an~ .cmmu ~,y 5..~.l.es ~,,c~d ~ de,er.,~...~d. - ~ '~,- i ' f* e~',rround: ~ roa~ system to accom ~ ~date mcre~ed on uaturaav, ~e ab Iffy o ,h. ~ · ,. g , t~aff~c should be determined. ~e ar~a r ~as ~.~..~a., ru,~l in ,n~,a~er, ~u aye ccnstralnts noted in terms of horizon' a! and vertical alignment, and traffic control s~!ana~e on Duck-Pond Road Other dcm lnd for commumty ~e~ices should be d~termined in connection wxth a motel u: e of th:s For Further ][nform~tlon: Contact Person: Address: Phone No.: Bennett Orlc wski, Jr. Chairman, P: arming Board Town of Sou hold Town.Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Town Hail, ~ lain Road, $outhold (516) Conies of thi; Notice Sent to: Comm:s~!on(?D?.partment of lE.,v, roamental C reserver;on Re;:ional Office-New York St.ate the Depm'tme,~ t o~ Environmental Conservation So~thotd Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Applicant , ' ..... c Suffolk County Department ct ~ealt~ ~ep, u es $uffolk Cour..tv Department of Ptanmng : NYS Legisla,:i:¢e CSmmission.on Water Resourt ~' ,',leeds for l_ong Island SoutholdTo~vn Board of Zoning Appeals Southold Town Trustees Southold Town Building Department Page 3 oi'3 TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer. III. President A/bert J. Krupski. Jr.. Vice President Henry R Smith John B. Tuthill William G. Albertson Telephone ~516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 M~n Road ED. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COASTAL EROSION HAZARD AREA AND TOWN WETLAND EMERGENCY AUTHORIZATION ( S ) Applicagion NO~.SCTM .91000- Name: ~9.~ Date: December 21, 1992 RESOLVED that pursuant to the Town Code ~n relation to Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas, Chapter 37, Section 20, 21 and Town Code Chapcer 97, Wetlands, the Southold Town Trustees, as Administrator, have determined that the activities proposed by your emergency activity request a~e necessary to protect property and important coastal natural resources. DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: Reasons supporting this determination: ~z:~f /.~:~, ~r'7.~:'.."'-, t'~*(~c~-~, C4:'~':'~: 1. An on site inspection has been conducted by the board of Trustees or their authorized representative. 2. The Trustees have considered the emergency request and find that if the work is not completed as authorized and measurable loss of property and important coastal natural resources is likely to occur. This authorization is not a permit. You must complete the Coastal Erosion and wetland permit process where applicable all authorizations given under this section. for This authorization should no~ be considered a determination made for any other department or agency. (516) 734-6370 (516] 744-1448 Resort Motel & Restaurant DEPOT LANE ON L.i. SOUND R.R. #1. BOX 161 H CUTCHOGUE. N.Y. 11935 December 19, 1992 To D~EC_ ~and~Soubhold To~ Trustees; Regarding Storm Damage December 1992 It is my intention to replace and repair all damage due bo storm(see survey attached). [ do nob intend bo add 1" to that which was damaged. I do however question the intense scrutiny of each and every project I have ever attempted to complete in this Town and wonder how you allow Rambo Company to parade b~ck and forth across the front of my Motel. High Tide, Low Tide and use Depot Lane and the west side of my building to store, dump and remove tons of rocks, bulkheading, huge dump trucks, earth movers and what have you. Very effectively ~raking up and disrupting the entire West Wing. My ~uests have no access to the front beach of our motel for fear of being run over. I have complained numerous times to Mr. Samuels of Rambo and to Ray Jacobs. Mr. Jacobs had done his best go curtail such activities such as when they dumped huge loads of bulk- heading half way across the road directly' in front of my entrance and left it there on Memorial Day Weekend. I compla£nedbhat these huge dump trucks carrying tQns Of rocks were using my entrance for a turn-a-ro~d effectively bustinq my entrance asphalt and interfering with my guests entering and leaving. I had to block off half my driveway all sua~er to put a stop to it but to no avail. Mr. $~aels excuse that they ere sub-contractors and hecan'b hel~ try as he~y, When I asked for a No-Parking zone in this area because of noise of cars and trucks and blocking emergency entrance to beach, the Fir~Departmenb stated ghat they can cut through farms in any emergency. So,Why then didn't you give Rambo this information? I respectfully submit my $40,000.-~Tax Bill and expect to be compensated by way of a reduction since my business has been s~verely affected~both this year and in the past. m Poem i.Very truly2 Nicholas Aliano New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Building 40--SUNY, Stony Brook, New York 11790~2356 (516) 751-1389 FAX (516) 751-3839 _TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 7.. 1992 Thomas C. Jorling Commissioner Mary and Henry Raynor 275 Cardinal Drive Mattituck, NY 11952 RE: NYSDEC Permit Application ~1-4738-00511/0000!-0 Raynor Motel - Addendum to Notice of Incomplete Application Dated 11/9/92 Dear Mr. a~d Ms. Raynor: The'Department has made an initial review of your- application for a motel. The Department has jurisdiction over portions of the project. Please address the following i~ems: ?ne Department will require a cross section showing the proposed condominium unit installation. How will they be built? (By adding fill or by building then on pilings, by excavating the slope Lo provide a level base?) The Department does not plan to approve any projec~ that will alter the bluff or slope without a plan for stabilization of the existing naked and eroding bluff face (preferably by plantings). Dzywez~s~ shouid be shown on the cross section that can retain a 2 inch rainfall. Will you want access catwalks from building ~1 to the beach? If so, this should be shown on plans (and cross section). Revised plans must show how you will cause all fill and exposed faces to be vegetated to preven~ erosion, as this will be a special condition of any permit issued. Revised plans must ~ a permanent vegetated buffer zo~e.~ith~no d~sturbance to the natural vegetation or tDpography within an area extending 70 linear feet landward of the tidal wetland b~undary. If development exceeds 20% of the adjacent area~ parking areas and roads must be pervious. The Department will require roof runoff ~o~be directed to drywetls a minimum of 100 feet landward of the tidal wetland boundary for i.nunediate on-site recharge. t0. Ail fill mus~ be "clean" gravel and soil (not asphalt, slag, flyash or broken concrete or demolition debris. 11. The Department does not plan to approve bulkheads or hard stabilization structures this site. 12. The Depar~men~ will require vegetation of fill in front of the restaurant with beach grass. Please direct a response to each item to my attention. Plans must be submitted in triplicate. By copy of this letter I am notifying the Town of Southold Planning Board, the Lead Agency for the purpose of the State Environmental Quality Review, of the Department's concerns. This letter may serve as an initial scoping co~l~ent letter. ~ery truly yours, ~aren ~unge ~ Sr. Environmental Anatys~ I<14/rw cc: B. Oriowski, file Jr. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone(5161 765-1938 SCO' 7r L. HARRIS gupermsor TOWN OF $OLilHO 'l?~w~ ~iall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box t179 Southold. New York 11971 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 December 4, 1992 Henry E. Raynor, Jr. 320 Love Lane Mattituck, New York 11952 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Expansion of Beachcomber Motel E/s Duck Pond Lane, on Long Island Sound Cutchogue, N.Y. SCTM ~ 1000-B3-1-2 & 17 Dear Mr. Raynor: On November 2, 1992 the Planning Board adopted a resolution which requires your client to write a draft environmental impact statement for the Beachcomber expansion. In our notification letter, we asked that you let staff know when your environmental consultant would be available for a scoping session. Since we have not heard from you, we have gone ahead and set up meeting dates that are convenient for our consultant and staff. Please call the office and let my secretary, Holly, know which of the fellowing days is most convenient for you: December 16 and 15 at 2:00 P.M. Any weekday at 2:00 P.M. during the lltb and 12th. the month of January except Sincerely, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. / Chairman Please see next page for list of agencies copied with this letter. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski. Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham. Jr. * Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town HalI. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (516 ~ 765-1823 July 1, 1992 r E. Raynor, Jr. 320 Love Lane iMattituck, New York 11952 D~ar Mr. Raynor: Re: Proposed Site Plan"for Expansion of Beachcomber Motel located on E/s Duck Pond Lane, Cutchogue, N.Y. SCTM % 1000-83-1-2 & 17 This is in response to your inquiry of June 16th in which asked for clarification of perceived points of conflict ~tween the Planning Board's letter of June llth and the Zoning pard of Appeal's letter of February 28, 1992. It is my hope this letter and the letter being sent to you by the Zoning will eliminate any perception of conflict between the two )ards. The Planning Board has considered your request that Parcel which is the site of the existing motel, not be included in site plan application. We find that the existing motel ~operty should be included in the application, for the )llowing reason: the proposal before us is essentially an of the existing motel use. Accordingly, Pond should be a party to all the applications. This office will need eight copies of correctly drawn site [ans for distribution during the coordinated environmental process. All the Plans that have been submitted to date, those submitted on the 17th o~ June are at the 50" scale, not the 1" = 20' scale required by the Code. The plans we are requiring must be drawn to the correct scale order for us to proceed. Finally,, the long environmental assessment form should ~flect the situation at the entire site. When we receive the site plan applications signed by all the parties to the project, the revised environmental assessment form and the eight copies of the revised site plans, along with t~e corrected application fee, we will start the coordinated .environmental review. The amount of the environmental review fee will be determined after we receive the complete application. I trust this answers the questions you put to the Planning Board. Sincerely, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman Nicholas Aliano, Owner Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector j John M. Bredemeyer, III, President, Board of Trustees Gerard P~ Goehringer, Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals Dennis Moran, SC Dept. of Health Services Stephen Costa, SC Dept. of Health Services Roger Evans, NY State Dept. of Environmental Conservation, at Stony Brook HENRY E. RAYNOR JR. 3~0 LOVE LANE MATTtTUCK~ N~Y. 11952 TO~ SOUTHOLD TOWN 'TRUSTEES RE~ BEACHCOMBER MOTEL ENCLOSED HEREWITH ARE THREE COPIES OF A~ENDEiJ TO YOUR REQUESTS. PLEASE ADVISE OF Y~UR DECiSiON DF IN mY PRIOR LETTER. ]'HANK YOU. ! MAY ?, i992 THE PROPOSED SiTE PLAN JURISDICTION AS REFERENCED TRUSTEES - John M. Breclemeyer, III. President Albert J. Kmpski, Jr.. Vice President Henry R Smith John B. Tuthill ~William G. Albertson Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road EO. Box 1179 Southold: New York 11971 BOAILD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOW~ OF SOUTHOLD April 23, 1992 Henry Raynor 320 Love Lane ~attituck, ~f 11952 RE: Beachcomber Motel SCTM 91000-83-2-1 Dear Mr. Raynor: The Southold Trustees inspected the abovereferenced site and site plan for the Beachcomber Motel and recommend the Proposed struct~are be moved an additional 50~ landward than shown on the survey of ~noroas J. Filazzo dated Decen~ber 1991. Absent the ability to move the proposed building further landward, the proposal must fully comply with Chapter 37 of the Town Code: Coastal Erosion Protection. It would appear that the activity as planned is prohibited under that ordinance as falling too close to the bluff. Minimal bluff setbacks for this site are 50' for movable structures under the Coastal Erosion Hazard Law and 100~ for building under the Zoning Boards jurisdiction. Closer setbacks than these will likely require variance appiication~}. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours~ "John I~l. Bredemeyer, I&i President, Board of Trustees JMB:jmt cc: Planning Board Zoning Board Buildin~ Dept. 320 Love Lane Mattituck, NY March 6, 1992 John M. Bredemeyer III, Chairman Southold Town Trustees Main Road Southold, MY 11971 Dear Mr. Bredemeyer: Enclosed please find a site plan of the Bemchcomber at Cutchogue, for the proposed expansion New York. We have been advised by the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals that tkis action may come under your 3urisdiction under Chapters 37 and 97 (Coastal Zone Managemenn Law and Wetlands Ordinance, respectively). Please advise as to whether this site plan requires application to your Board and if so, the procedures and applications to be submitted. HER:ml Encs. CC: Nicholas Barrett, Southold Scnthold S~acerely, Aliano Lanzisera, Beckman & Hyman Town Planning Board Tewn Zoning Board o~ Appeals 'I-t~~GROUP '. , ~!.~'~' .:,: !:',' , ..... ...... JULY 1."9'91 ' '~ '""' ' : - Ù\I\\ 1\\ <:) <:) UI I I I I I I f I I I I I , I I , : S_4~~/p! 00:" £ _ I I I I I " I I ' I I I I \ ( I I I \ ,II., \ ....---__ :~ \ ~ ,-... -- -- ---- -- I I \ \ --./ I , ' , , I I \ ' , \ \ (\ - - ~ ~ \~ /30' \ 'L . (f00' REQUIRED \ - \.., \ :: -~ ~ - :sç:T~~fl.'--UFF) . \ '-'~....... '- I . - - _ _ _ '- - \ ~~- \ \ \ ..... ..... 0\ .... . ::::: ~ t\i I I I I I : f ~ I I " I I " , " I I L I L : I I :1 :, I " I , , : I I I tu .. .. 01 ~ .. ~ o ~ <: CI) I I " I I 1'1 I I I I /1 I ~'I It). ~I ~I '" fÈl "'- gl ~/ ~ '/ ..., ~ ~. ~I ^'5 ~ ~ ~ I / I // I ,'/ I , I I /1 I /1 / I / // / " I . ~ ... .. ~I .. ~ o 18 ~ cs "-J '- / I I I I I , I \ . _# , / / " / ~ . , " " " 25' BUlLþÍJ / / / -..... 1- .....-" 3 &_~ ./10' - ...... - - - - - .. t¡rJ6; ;'1"2... ..... Þ ..... ...... ..... _._ / / \- ~ .-. ~ '- - - .... 6~1 _It-- ",- -- t..I <:) ~ I I \ \ \ \ \ \ '\ " " - ~ ~ \ \ \ \ " ...... , ~ (J I \ \ '\ ..... 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Lonmg: Proiecf Areë: - 14 1 + 2Crp.~ - Prop. unit f.: 85 u"ifs (;EN",J,.L NOTtS: . / / / / / / "...--; / / / / / I / / / / I / / I ~~ ",..,~ ~ .,>~ '..::--,:~ ~ \ """ 'J... ~z tÑ o . , " , "- , .... - /?e ® ~ ~'?O- <?O~ / I / / I I - / I / I I I I I , , I I I I , I I I \ I I , I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , , I ....... <:) ~va ~ ~~\ I / / 1 / I . " ~Q . ,\. ~.o _I ~ c: -- __3 . ..... ..... ~~ E . ~ - 1 .... J . I .... --- " I / / / I / 1 I / / I I / I I I I / / I I I I I I I I I , , , , I I I I I I I I , I I I I I r I I I I I I I I , I , 1 , I I I I I , I I I , I I I I , , I I t I I - ..... N 40,- 25' Þ I , I ( I , J .1 ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I I / I , : 000 - os:>. - 2 - 1 (pðrc~f A) 100C - 05~ - 2 - 2 (perce! C- 1 t C-2.' 1000 - 083 - 2 - 1 7 (parcel B-1 Ó B-2) RR (Resort Residenfial) and AC (Agrit":ufrur21 Con5erv~f"on) Pl5 shown - o l' / / I f I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I \ , \ ,"C;,u_M'"' I I , I , , I ~ I ~ - va . o Q) \ , I I ( I 15 -'" z ~ \.0 U\ o - U\ o . \ \ \ \ \ \ I , \ , I I I , I , I I to the $O~fhO!d , ! ~ ". I I tpl I J I - - -- -' To \l'ln C'f 1. CO" '0" r'rl AI! dr,¡"ø"f '''ci '/ti~!; $ how.., sr~ sch~m2tic only. sto."'mwat~r runoff 51'81/ be co,..,faÎnec' in drywells with Town of Soufhold critprið. AI! on-site con~tr{J~t;o" tohc"fl Standard Highwøy Specif¡'cationf... 2. ., 3. I-Iorizontøl surv~y Greef1þorl N. ~'. dats 'eApn from refer to the 4. AIf øleva1;of) $hown U$C & G datum}. .Ift i I ... II NASSAU SUFFOLK BLUEPRINTING I,',.'", , -- .~ surveys by R. I /',' b . ,..! ,~'1-~/tp in ecc!rdrmc(: I I Van Tulyl, P.C... I ! Nod (fermerly ",fJ -.- '" , " I ...- " " MSL datum NGS I , , / ! ! ,. .I , , i , I , , I I I / I I I - - / / / I I I I I I - rfõJ œ @ U WI Œ,fij) Wi AUG I B /992 ¡J( ¡p,'! I . SOUTH(J~·-.,,~¡ ! -~~-fl.Ql1r1g.~__. j JACK LONDON LAND NOW OR FORMERL Y OF JOHN ZUHOSKI - --- ..".,...-- ---- - I I ,. - / ". ...... ,;' ..... ........ ...... "" ...... 490.0' / " I ...... S 440 4/' /0" £ " ....... " " 890./4' , - " " ..... ...... ......... ...... - ........ ........ ........ ........ .... ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... íf~ ...... .... .... ........ . .... , ...... '" l' it2, ..... ........ .... - - - - -- '\ - - - - - I - 25' BlAL¡;JÍNG SéTBAC~ - '" / " .... ...... " ...... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... , " " " "- " ........ 857' ..... ...... ........ ...... ..... ./ "" .... ...... / /. - -- - -- - - --------- -- - ...... - tI.1 . 0- - ,. ..... ....... WOODED AREA ..... ...... - - ..- -............ .... .........--......... ..... .... 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J "'- - - - - 466' REVISIONS !J/1/92 Mt:)\.Ia) SLDGS. I TO " D œ @ ftfLJZ. 1ì II. AlIG I 8 1992 i souñiüÛÏfoïi¡i¡f '-"-~INCBOAI?D ~- --.._~" ,,-..... " , I I - - ,. .. -- . ) LAND NOW OR FOImfERLY OF JOHN AND MARY TABER /44~ 75' , LAND NOw OR RICHARD .J. $P~Hi. Y OF PLAN l@ ~ - SCALE: /"= 50' --. , ,.., '-:JltI IIMØN.'~ li va 3lYJS 0'.' 'ON 1:J3I'OW -.,--. NI'7d J.N3Wd073A30 .:I() 0::,10,tJ 'jt:¡;~"J,~"?;~ -.~ '. IiJ n m @ ID a . , . . ., , lSS€-tZ6<9LS) :XV:f œæ-v~(9LS) :13J. L96LL AN 'a6p!~ peo~ÁJ¡Unoo aIPP!~ LOOL 0 09L8-£6S(9LS) :XV:f £9g£-66S(9LS) :131 S9SH AN auJe^,e~ 1864S 4:)Jn4~ SZL . illHS ~ 11'·0:1 J/7G161' 'Q70H.l.nø.:l0 NAtO.l. 3nÐøH:J~n3 .I. ~ 73.1.0W .1.1108311 113BW03H3 ~3B ~.I~¡ms pufY¡ puv ~.Iðd1l!1JU:'¡ 1ÎU! I1i~Uc.a ~ÎìlÂB't:'W aa9~¡lø{IÍUI'(.ÎJaL.. o 0 Q3a1l10~d S17~.J.S 09J dØ:J/PUfit.¡ P' + 'P¡'i gg J P';';P,fI1().Jd 1f/)Ol a3~/n()3J:1S77P'.J.S 81'J )Ui:iwø.J,mbaJ ¡e)Ol p_.J!nbaJ 5'Þ' 'ilUiJWwlmb_J ::)/I/:Jiid5' ou . ..1. -;JiJ$n ,(.Q£,::"äI:J.?þ' pa.Jjnb.J 'iIJfí1 'i 9 'dUJ<ti / I ¥ 'dw~ J "".J/ ¡(~"':::J ,;:)~gl''-' ..I"'~.;;¡ , ¡)fiJ!nOwJ 'ill'i â ~a ¡r..Jn / t x ';J/un 98 , i)/un ,a~C'u.J P¿h'CJC10.id p..J¡nb,n ';/Je s e . 'Ùe¡' I ~. , "I"'roo .... t Í"':>; I,.J II' " ~·luawJ..ii::'(/'t ð'...,·,'J~!X3 , pa.J!nowJ S/lf:lJS L t S iJii'i e / t x 5'Jé'_~ 09 , ~ui:!.meJ:;~& ,; U.'J 'i.,'. \3 }Jri.J!l1baJ 'illirlfi ge ¡fun / t ~..; )fUn 'J~ .~ i.a J ¡)w':; ~i.tJ;; /-< 3 :~NOj.J.. i7 ì¡;:) "711''':' Ð/'.,'/)fe;ivJ ÁJ'i ·ltí è /(J~ II è .... ....., 'i".'..iO~;; .1 v :f uoinu..~I,(e"v C' ~, I ¡;r .., L~ ~.... I ¡;r .., ...... "J(,Ô!dLl ðÜ:,P/fnq ~nw!-( f!jV °ÁJ ,; %9~ ..,,,..... a6e.Jililw:J fO; UmLiJ!.'( 2¡V P-PfIlOJd p_J¡nbatj . " -;J..N3,'/:32J¡¡'ì03~ DNit.iC.! 'pfJ/tOJcidø pü~ pa¡-;.¡ jP~//~J'iUf i:.Ia.:ìq 'ieLl '.-UrJJ~/f; lirjJr;~ .. ;JJE',\1 . p/es ì/Jun JU_UIdo¡;;/t_p ;\Ui1 õU/J:J/.JJ'iaJ PdP'/,10Jd aq /,'i/t.¡S JL¡¡¿Ua,WJ 11 'W_J'ili ¡(Iddn~ '¡;;JliM J!lqnd aJ~nb;;pfl Uiil 4Jt,'rtt PiiifldJn'i ;,/ ~J!:; P';P,MO.id pdt] o:;~ Ie t . pJõ ooa i~ J + pdð age + pdtS 009 'VlOll ;UriWJI)¡rih1dp JSQJ, c!JÛ.J. pdô 006 óe J - ndpaD OS J x :i;,lUn 98 ~J!l..Jn ja)íJ/..J..J p~-.;c,jQ.J.d pdð OSC . ndpdó Or;C( J!un J ¡1J~WJ~i..'J;: ÔU/J':;;./Xri (l,.Jo.Jj ,Vo.v/.:i ¡;çjð 00; · ndpdð ¡JC t x ;;fun 9 - ¿U¡'':':Jii,:J óJU!f~~n -:) ~"'.:)-') ~IL-'b pdÕ O$~iS J ,. edpdð ¡JOS.( '3ø.J:Je t '9ÿ ;}JJ-'; .N.J) .......,)¡j <:Ÿ/':¡¡¿,'.At..'!.'~ (íidpdt3) øJ;;ii/"{¿>p/;L.o/;e.ò OO~ . SHO;) $ j,,¡d s·e·.Hç/j~¡qeiÝ""')II~· ;;';.I:.Ja t 'l)? - , í J.i i:} J..:J" J J.:J (:' d .Ú3 I é,;'j ¡J .1 1 J : ~·NOI.J. '{ 7n;J 7'1:) 1~1 0 7.;/ ~Ð çri~3S' ,\{;;{'V..I.,'.V 1S .It:;/7..::i -=¿/.- o t8 .lINn &3110 .lINn = 9/ t;~ "* 3.:id.J. an6HS ¢ 37"ìd ¡ 11;1, n """,' I/~,, ....;/ v . If III --- -''-r ,-1 - , - ...J..... w_::i 3N/7 000,11 . /1/,,. -t frO .1/f.¡/7 ti3A10 7/ f'" liNn t:i3ddl7 H 77";115' d~:J¡ONvh' w ,U'ß NI S77tr:LS::10 83fJJiVn¡../ ti38JVnN DN/CJ7/ns o . @ 77311-1-"" 7ddl7S' 631 ri11 3tJnl:Jnt:i.1S 3Ðr.'N/trtiCJ 1'- p- /~ flII1- .1N3¡,\'3Lí "v'd.1 Î":'ridSt" . . . . . . >t7t:'~1'aO!S 313tK)NC:J ~. . , - -- - -- ;:¡, IJ 7 c ¡¡'. I,'f í .'-ì -; ..I~' -",,, l/'-'~ - -- . 3N17 )J..t:i3dOtid Il.'- _ ---........-. 3/\//7 &0011\'0:) DNIlSIX3 03S0dOl:ici -.--- -_. ..- ON3D37 --- MtlJI tI. AS 03) :J3H~ AS ~a ;/r .J. AS 03NSlS30 MHrI/ 51 W7 NOIJ.~ SAN :J() 6œI. NOIJ.3iS HlJM 3:JtMJJJO.XJ; NJ 1:B1NI&Ð. MŒSHJIJd tBSND7 ~ AS JsB::»(J 'UBlVn:xJO SIH1 :J() NOIltIBJ.'W ¿ /' ,/ / / / / / I I I , \ \ \ \ \ '\ '\ " / / / / / / I I I I \ \ \ \ \ \ '\ \ '\ '\. '\. " " , ,. OJ. 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" 73~~t7'd 1 I I - I I I I I , ~ , I < û~o SO EXISTING BEACHCOMBER MOTEL AND RESTAURANT S.C. T.M. # 1000-83-2-1 r>~O IS\.. SHAOED PARCELS INDICA TE PROPOSED PROJECT AREA ,_ ',IPARCEL C-I B B-1! -, 5li.ESHEET20F2 , " , IR-BO! " /T --- / ( (A-C) I . \..O~G APPROXIMATE ZONING LINE , \ \ , , , , ---...... " " ',- \ \ I , I , , .' "' -) -- ......- ......--. --- ...... N8S· I , , ' , I '- , \ / '\ I \ I <" '-I I '- "\"6",,- 9o~. 90"" "<'... , 90 ~~ "''\., '1.> '40NW 1',1- -83-2-17) IA-C! /---- , I I I I I , ................ \ --- - j ".---- , , w " " , , \ \ , \ I \ \ \ I \ I \ \ I I I \ I \ I \ \ , \ \ \ '- , , / ...~- ----- , , , <" 1; "6",,- 90, , "<' , ... .......- - ----~ - -- -- ~ - --- --, , , '- ......----- ---... , I I , , I , , I , '--, '--- ..., " o( ~J ># a (0;10; OC ~ ,l'~i~ .Q ;~ "~a ). QC' , , -, \ I , I I I I I I I I I _J , , I I I I I IA-C! , , , , , ' APPRO)IIMÀTE ZONING LINE - , ..., ,~ , / O( ~J O~~<¡; O~( l:.O<¡;~ Öc::- ~.Qi"V 0").( f- \. -, " \ , -, / \ \ \ \ \ , \ '- . PARCEL 8-2 " \ , , , , , ....---.......... , , , , , , , , , , I I > /, /' ,/--.;........ /' ( ~ , ~ ,,", , IAGRICULTURAL CONSERVATION) 30.lAC. , , , , , , I , , , I I , \ \ , , " I '-' , , , ' , '- \ , \ , \ , \ ' I " I ' I ' \ '. \ ' , ' " ' , ' \ \ \ " I " I \ t '. , , t I I I I I I " \ ' , ' \ ' \ ' \ ' , I , \ ' , ' \ ' , , , \ , \ \ , \ " \ \ \ \ ' , \ , \ , , \ , \ ' , I ' I I , I I I I I I I \ , \ I -' ,-, I , \ \ \ I I / I <" "b",,- 90 ~'" "<' ... 9,. "''I' / ... ·0. ..... j~\S'.. , / ~ ,-- " ~ %, ." '" '" '" ~ / /'-./' ~ / " I , , , , , , \ , \ \ \ \ , , , , , , , , \ \ , , , , , " SCALE: J" = 200' , ~ o O( ~J rJ~<¡; O~( O-tl~ .Q ~#\Q ,,~ ~' (. , Q( ~", ~~ (O~",Q O~ ~~~ O-tl ;0 " ~ ~ O( , \l~· '<",0 \, ¿;> , '1" /"? 0"" V~ ~ .....Ö\ ~.p.~~ \"""0 .... -......,...--.. \~. '--, -_/' 'éN'" I ,_I ...._VV\, \ \ \ , , / , , \ .... ....-...... - '- o~ ~G Oq.. , \ \ I , , I I \ \ \ \ \ \ , d<:> 00 o ...... .....-....... 'J \ , \ \ I \ \ , " '- -, \ , -- I I I I I " I '-' , \ \ \ , , , , PLAN · · · ~ NASSAU SUFFOLK BLUEPRINTING ROllO , , ....----- " , ---........... REVISIONS " ALTERATIONOFTHISDOGUMEN1;EXCEPTl!Y A UCfNSEDPROFESS/ONALENSINEERIN NJCORDANCfWITHSfCTION7209 OFNYS EDU~TIONl.AW.IS¡L1.EGAL DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY /lP Q LONe; foS¿AND 6CJUNL) BEACHCOMBER RESORT '" MOTEL 8r RESTRNT ~ ~ = r----'_" ~ J D~C60¡V >. 0 " ~ '" ~ D i\ ~ , ~ IOLE ~ " MAIN :~ I ~ IfD ---~ ~= " " o o ^ .....0 L /.,ff,/?, " ). t- ). t- ). .....0. LOCATION MAP SCALE' I"" 3/00' , B ì ttºL ~T1~Be .R ~},"~B ~ arj'e ,_ a~~ser~, e~al!, \.§' ,ym!8q Consulting Engineers and Land Suroeyors .125 Church Street Malverne, NY 11565 TEL: (516)599-3663 FAX: {516)593-8160 o 1001 Middle Country Road Ridge, NY 11961 TEL (516)924-3230 FAX: (516)924-3557 PROJECT NO, 1J1J3tJ SCALE All IIHtJWN _J , @1 \1. ® \1. ~ ~ \1. ~1 \& ¡.\~R' 0 \992 l® 1Q.\NN Of SOU1\-10lD SEA CHCOMSER RESORT MOTEL AT CUTCHOGUE TOWN OF SOUTHOLO, SUFFOLK CO., N. Y. SHEET SKETCH PLAN 1 PARCELS OF A, B-1, B-2; C-1 & C-2 2 I ~ ~ CI) ~ "t ~ "'-= ~ C) '-J 4J . . fgl . ~ . if? ~ , , , , ó E:ITEDt,T/.; Arp/icanl' SCTt.~ tJumber ;:Olll!h~ PICòjfCI/-'.'£:2· Pr", u'~,r: GENERAL NDTFS' :::: 0) C\i I ~ C) ..... . :g . Ie) ..... <:: II ,'1 ¡ ,'1 ¡ ¡ I ¡ /1 I ;;1 ",. Idl il ~ Itl " fl ~I '" Y ¡ ,'1 ¡ :1 , I{ , /1 , " / / / , / / , / ~, <:J t:). C)I ^i I ... ""richolas Ali¡;no 3800 DucK Pond Road CulchogJJf', AI ~' 11935 , 'I , :1 :1 I :/ I :1 i/ , II :, I :¡ :¡ I ,'/ , ,/ I ;¡ I , ¡ , ¡ ¡ I , , I I ¡ I I ¡ I I ¡ I I ¡ I I I I , I I I , , I '" <i , ~ I I I \ \ \ , , , , , .. '" I \ , , , .. 'T I \ , , , , , ~ c I I LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF JACK LONDON LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF JOHN ZUHOSKI --- - - - - - , - - - - , , , , , , , , - , , , , , , , - - "'0, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , - - - , , - - / , , , 18/19 eOI"! I I I I \ I -él!f ~ '¡i 18' ;ï- c, -- ~/"- I \ I I I I , I S 3,3- , !'!.:IO"¡ - - -- jB6 PROPOSED DRAINAGE DRYWELLS ITYPICAL! I I I I I I ¡ ¡ I I I I 3"/ ¡;jl Ojl I ¡ I , , EXISTING WELL --~- - 2?.3.01' £..,4 !< if " t! tJ <ç H ~ " ì;f~ " ~!< "if ~~~ t;~~ ~tJ::t 0J<ç1i} - ~ ~ - -~ ~ ~ -- , , , , , .......¿:>ó'o ·O~.. , , OÚC,f- >, " ~ os \ ..... Po-o/; , , , , , '. ~04 ,'0 , õ fOOD - DC:;! -::' - 1 (parcelA) 1 DOO - 063 - 2 - ;; (parcel C-j 8, C-2) 1000 - 083 - 2 - t ì (parcel B-1 ¿: B-2) RR (Resort Res¡dential) and AC (Agrirullulal C0I15en'a/;on) as shown I.: 1 + a{.,e~. [I: ,JI,it~ , '. ,(.1: on-sitE cOli.'>r/'lJc/ion sh,?f/ Standard Hlphway Speciflcalions. confarfll tl" the Soul/wId Town of ^ . AI.' drainer€- ~8C'¡'.',t¡e,< shown st("~nlwalf:r lunoff shEIN L'f ""dh Town of Southold criteria. are ~chpmat¡<:: onl.~ conta/nee! in drywelis in j'.,// on-silé- 8ccordf<n, € ^ ~, Horizon/al survey (3reenport N ¡., dalE. tð~,F-'1 fro/11 surveys by R Tuyl. P.C.. Van 4, Afl efef/a1ion shown refer to the MSL datunl NGS NOS (former!y use 3 G datum I · · o " · · N"'SS"'U SUFFOLK 8LUEPAINTING &> / , / , , I S 44" 4/' /0" E , '- , , 490.0' , . - - , '- , '- , , , ~--' , , -- , , '- , 25' 8UIL¡;/rNG SET8ACK' - / /' / - - , , , , ~ , , '- , - -------- - , / / ,- -_/ - , , , , , , , , , , - - , , / / / / / / , - , ,0' 6'9710.. , - / / , , , / / / / " / -_/ , '- '- " ", ~ ~ WOODED AREA ..-::<, , , , '- PROPOSED 8UILDING , (TYPICAL) "', , ' , " , PROPOSEo-GOO S.F. UNIT '- '- TYPICAL (30"'.11< 20~ "- , , , , APPROXIMAÆ .{:LEARING LlMn:S_ '- , - , -- - , / , , / , / , / .:¡//1Ì , , , / / / , / , , , , , , , , , , - - , '- " , , , , , , , , , , , , - o-CONC.P., '....-... r,.p-i/~ TO BE REMOVED- - - -¡¡'...._ , --"::¡;Þ- . -ASPHALT P/JVEMENT __ ...".J;, - , , 7....._ .... --V(,/ '..... , , ~ !i? i:!t . i,f '" H H , , , , EXISTING WElL - , !3/3<f , , - , '- , 0'"'--'~ " , , ~ , O· E~S~G . ~Slrê" 'lALL OURì ¡¡ , RêM41N 0 -.. PARCEL-'è",/ \ , \ , \ , , I , I f!}J _ '11/32 '" c " (ri 2,/30 ~ , , '- EXISTING BOULDERS TYPICAL PARKING STALL 19, 20) '- , '" \ C , , \ , 27124 \ \ \ \ \ , \ , ~ " ¿ ~ '" ¡ "it n i!I<ç tJf:? , , , 2!j/26 il ~ cr "it n i!I<ç tJf:? EXISTING GAZEBO tjAIN OOe: ' ìo J:. ~OUR;r . êAfOVê-O ~.... -" _- I / - I / , I " , , , , , / ~ ....-, I / ) I / / / /,/ / / ,/ ,/ // ,/ / / / '/,//,///' ,/.:. / ,/ / / / ~'.J,/ ~ / / / /~,///// ///....~/// o / / ;¡ / ~ / 2// // // / / / '- //O//A;I/ // ///'!J/ /' //// /.///0/' ////'A// """,,/,///~ ; /////,-0 N44-/6'/O"W ./' ./ / /' / / /'-' -- ... ./ / "" /" / / _/ "" ~ ""-./ /' ./ "" / / .... ""/"//.... / ..... ./././ "" .... / /' / /.... .... / ../ -.... / / ./ / / ./..../'// / APPROXIMArE CLE~fIING,L1Mjrs /,/ __ / / // / / "" " ./ "" / .... /./ /./ / ........ "" / "" /' / .... ..../ , / / /.... / / / / ! / /.... ,.. / // ,../ /~ ,.. / / ///// / / "'/,..,../ /" //,.../,.. A ,r7Í /'''' ././ PARC¡;:.L 13-// / / / /;! / / / " / / /./ ///.// ./ /////1 / / //11/ I / " / / / I I I / I / I " 1//1/// I / / / I.......... / I I / ~WOOOED AREA ---r 1/ II 1""-1 / 1 / I I / I I I I I I / I I I I I / I I I I II / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I / I 1 / / r-"'""--HEAVILY WOODED AREA I / II / I I I I CONTOUR LINES ESTIMAr~D I / I I / / I DUE TO LACK OF ACCES~ (TY? J I 1 I I I I I I / I I I 1- j I I I / I / j I 1- - / I / I I I I I I I / I / I I / I j / / I I I I I I / I / / I / I I / I j I I I / I I I I I I ¡ I I I " / ! I I I ¡ I I I:; / I I I \ I I \ I I I 11 \ I I I \ \ I I I I \ \ I I I I I \ \ \ I I I I \ \ I I \ \ I \ \ I I I \ \ I 1 I I I \ I 1 I ; t \ \ I I I I I 1 I I I J I I J I I I I ¡ , I I I I I / I I I J I I- N 10' ~5' Þo" W I I I I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H / / / , ì RoC-ON. ACCêS;~UCì WALl(. \Wìs 4s ;S AND REOb, / ¡,~ -- -- RECONSTRUCT ROADWAY AS SHOWN v~ .;--Y \ RELOCATE POL< I ® c'iÞz '" CO . , / , / / / / / , / , , , , / , / , , , , I I , I , I I I , / / I I I I 1/ ---10__ I -- -...:: - ~ ~'10 , , , PONG " EL. 8.3 \, , ~ \",~~ --- " \ , .J-'v...,.()J0 ..y-r'--' , PROPOSED WATER SUPPL Y WELLS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL THE REOUlREMENTS OF THE S.C.D.H.S. /5 , '" ~ CO '" ð ¡¡¡ " ,,~ ~~ èS ,,¡ 15 f J 01 <:) 01 <:) \ I I I I I I I I ~ , , I 0' r : -- / I ¡ I , 466' - , , -r I I -- - , ! /441. 75' ~ó LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF JOHN AND MARY TABER LAND NOW OR FORMERL Y RICHARD ..¡ SPELLMAN OF PLAN SCALE: 1"= 50' , , , , , , , , , - , , , , , , , , , '- , , , , . 890.14' -l 857' , , , , \ \ \ \}" ""',-l, "'0"" , PARCEL C-2 , , I ------L "'" - , , , , " .. , , , , "0, , - - - - .. , r "" ~, , '- , , , , , , \ \ , , , I I I I I / , , / / / :;;:: I ,.. 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REVISIONS 1 "\. , '- '- '- , \ \ \ \ \ \ I I ¡ l , , , , , , '- \ \ \ \ I I I I I / / / / / , / , ? / , I , , / / DESIGNED BY TJF DRAWN8V III' CHECKEOBY KPW LEGEND CONTOUR LINE PROPERTY LINE ZONING UtiE CONCRETE SIDEWALK ASPHAL T PAVEMENT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE WATER SUPPL Y WELL BUILDING NW.1BER NUMBER OF STALLS /N 8-1Y HANDICAP STALL UPPER UNIT E / LOWER UNIT" *" WOOD LINE FENCE UTILiTY POLE SHRUB ,TREE ;I< 5/6 = UNIT OVER UNIT -/7 Co FLAT PROPOSED EXIS TlNG -- - - ---15 --- - -- ~{ ..9/ ,¡ "" @ . o £ o H ,'1/6 ,,,-'-.,Dv-'..n ~ . . ¢ B> o S~NITAR\' SEWAGE FLOW C~L CUL~TICJN~: Tota/area of(>ropNI)' ,~lIowable fIOll'" as per SCDHS' A/lov.eble flov-.' for sitE FlaV'. from e>./sllng cabana Flay,: from Fxi:ting apartment Pr or.osee! motel units Tot2! post develLopmenf ftow 46.1 aue£ 300 gallons/day/acre (gpdpa) 46,1 acres); 300 gpdpa ~ 13, SSG Bpd 5 units>. 100 gpdpIJ· SOD fJpc{ 1 unit);' 350 BPdpu· 350 gpd 86 unitE>' 150 gpdpu" 12,900 gpd 500 gpd + 35(1 gpd + 12,900 gpd· 13,750 gpd PrOf/ided site i5 supplied with all adequate public water supply system. A covenant shall be provided restricting any development until said ~"atel 5lJpp/), system has been instal/ed, tested and approved. ZONING REOUIREMENT!, Ma~'imum 101 coverage. ... .... Ma."imum building height ...... Ma>.imum =- ofstofles, .... PAR/,'/l,,'C CALCUL -"TlnNS' E) is ting mDtel Required Plovided 25% 2% 35· 35' 21.;- sty 2 ~'2 sty S6 unds ~ t .I urilt 36 Malls required E'âslrnr;r Reftauranl 50 seats). 1/3 sears 3 stalls required E).is ting Apartments 17 stalls required S Ar,f::. ). 1/ apl. PI oposed malel unitE 86 unitE). 1 ;' unit 6 stalls required Emph)"ees F6 stalls required femp.;¡ 1/emp. Accessory uses Total requiremenl no specific requirements As, required Total providpd 148 STALLS REQUIRED 156 sid + 4 handicap B ì ºL ~JíJ.AIR ~}~~H ~ ar.rettU al9)ser~, D..;o!~!,a~ \.'J ,ym.!!~ Consulting En!{tneers and I...and SurvP)Vr~ :&I I t / ,£ '" '" \<> '" '" \ \ .125 Church Street Malverne, NY 11565 TEL (516)599-3663 FAX. (516)593-8160 D 1001 Middle Country Road Ridge, NY 11961 TEL (516)924-3230 FAX (516)924-3557 PROJECT NO 1I.3D DATE SCALE AIIIIHDWN DEC., '1111' 160 STALLS PROVIDED BEACHCOMBER RESORT MOTEL AT CUTCHOGUE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK CO., N. Y. SHEET pRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2 OF 2