HomeMy WebLinkAboutBAXTER, MARK (2)HENRY P. SMITH, President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, Vice-Pres. PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 November 7, 1986 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Mr. Mark Baxter 30 Wellington Place Amityville, New York 11701 Re: Wetland Application No.433 Dear Mr. Baxter: The following action was taken by the Board of Trustees during their regular meeting held on October 30, 1986 regarding your above referenced application. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees DENY without prejudice the wetland application no. 433 submitted by Mark Baxter to mow vegetation on property located at-3135 Main Bayview Road, Southold. The Board will allow you to maintain a 4' wide walkway to the water. However, there is to be a natural buffer within 50' of the water on~.the remainder of this property at all times. Very truly yours, ' Smith, President Board of Town Trustees HPS: ip cc: Bldg. Dept. Justice Court Clerk.~[~~t file HENRY P. SMITH, President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, Vice-Pres. PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M, LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 August 11, 1986 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Mr. Victor Lessard Southold Town Building Dep't. Main Rd. Southold, N. Y. 11971 Dear Mr. Lessard: Please be advised that Mark Baxter of Main Bayview Road, Southold, N.Y. has applied for a Wetland Permit in compliance with the Notice of Violation issued on Aug. 7, 1986. Therefore we see no reason, at this time to hold up his building permit. Please re-issue, so that the applicant may commence work. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Very tr~' yours, Board of Town Trustees HPS:ao cc: Supervisor Town Board Trustees File ,~ .... LEGAL'NOTiC~ "/,i ~OT!CE OF. HEARING ~ ~ ....... ~,'~ ON WETLAND .EN THAT PUBLIC' HEAR, :HALL; ':.MAIN :ROAD, :30, 1986, ON' THE FOLEOW-. lNG APPLICATIONS ~ ,FOR ' R'T~E ~RO-~,~'~? 'ISlONS OR6iNANCs :30 P. Mc INTHE. MATTER ' ~'[~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK SS: Patricia WoOd, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southoid, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Travels-Watchman once each week for ........................... weeks successively, commencing on the ...................... · pond. · Property is located bti:':O~an - z~"~:'~'v~W Ay.enue, FiShers 'Island, ~' (~ ~ New York. (385) ' SworH before me , ' ~ 7:32 P.M: IN THE'MATTEred.;. ~ to this day of OF THE NATUR~?CoN~R~,?~ ~ ~ VANCY c/O ANDREW' "~B':~'~'~'~<:fl . · ....... ~. ~ ...... ] 9 ' ' ,' oat. do'ck' Property ~s' lo'cared ·" ' ..... WALKER to construct a boa~- "'~'on'H' '"' ..... - '?' ?~'~:: :lb~'~[~'d''~ on Main' ..R~ · .,.' ome Pike Road, Mattituck, ., -.---.: walk and observation deck for' " ' . .... Mmtimck Creek. (438)...< .. :. .'.:c:.- ~ .', ~. . .: ............ ~ S~uthold. (444) ,.,,~,~-~,,:. :')~?~bserving'wildf°wl °n H°rt°n ' ':' 7:" 7:" P'M' IN THEM'~TTER" . ': ~~ ~~ ?::~:~:S2p'M~: iN THE MATTER ' ~:~:/'~reek. Property is .located' on ........... ' ..... · ...... the east side of Peconi~ OFSTANLEY CHASE to~'~oh'~'. "?:'~ OF GRACE K. BOURGIN to ~ivd., opposite the Mattituck" struc~ a '4'~' X'45' :fixed dock.' .~ .......................... construct.,;, ~,,,.: :..:,a ,bulkhead., , ~.t° -be:]~oo .... leadi~ to a Y X 16 ram " Notary Public hn."fL'and.to'HllWnh-q25cu. Yacht Club, Matti~uck. - ...............P :'; Yd~'~':flil behind "X'20) float d0Ck'[' :ty'.is lOCated at 51Y Horton Creek. ,,~ · ..... . .......~ '",-.~a ~,- ,~, ~u~ ,,~ g*~'bo .... ' lock will bd a minimum.of ,?;? BA~A~ FORBES . -~ ..... ~v~ n~ h,~ ~,,~;;.~.:~::,~ · , ". ..... ' ,~;~;~ Way,' Sbuthoi'~, 0n Pec0nic Bay. OF RICHARD A L .... '~ ':~; (,r. e~st-ing ,marsh- which~'~ Notary -- - ..... .... . UHRS.to..~ :., ... : ... ........ .:, .; ...... ,.. ~ ;;~. Public, State of New York (442), .:~':~..'~';3:/.;?:-?,. :'~" .~,:,.:<'~ construct 'a 3' X 50' eatwalZ' a-', ".i.:shall be secured.; ~y,,~p,.~.,~,;,.6~ No. 480~84~ IN THE ~A~TER 10' X 8' ramp'and a 4' X 28' spiles, Mattituck C?$~k:, Pr6~: j.~:;~ Qualified in Suffolk Co= ' ~ ':< ' :' "' ..... Commission Expires f~. ~ ~9 ~' ~' .;,~,: .floating dock in ,JameS: Creek,,:,.~) ~' Drive, '~:~ - ',,?roperty is located at 360 NorSk 1. IN THE MATTER Riley Avenue, Mattituck. (429) ] ~ . L.~,,7:36 P.M.- IN THE MATTER ~.. .~. ~ ,? r. :.~.. .-,bulkhead .with (2) 27~, xeturns ;0v MAGDALEN' ~EVAS'"i~'~:~'?~ 'i 2 t0~ of rock at 2 3~t6~S':~e~ ' ~na to b3ck(i!! with 110 cuYyds construet',wo0den stairs frO~%.,.;::.,~ ~ . ~ .~ ~ ......... ~.., of upland sand,-PeconFBay. ' .... ' ' · -' 'foot-'.- Proper~-'. i~- lobat,i~ Property is located on Paradise) the top of the bluff to the beach _ .'. , : ................ on Long Island Sound. ~ ~:. ~2r~ise Point, S0~thgld,,~:(440) ~-Point,- ty is located :on the. Long. Way, ':~ (:'',':: ')'~8-RM'i;'iN THE~MATTER 7:5,6gM~:IN THE MATTER Eas~ Marion"(432) . ~ ..... ~.,,..~,: .... OF,}~ORACE:;A.:.FiNOKA;:to OF MARK BAXTER to mow 7!38 P.M.-IN THE M~+~R"~<:~: ':~:,~0h'~imct a slhgle family ~w~'ti[ .' ' V'e~etati;h on :~;oPerti,'!o6~ed OF ]RENE & 'DANIEL -'"/jng. and a~sociatedsepticsystem; ~, at 3135 Main Bayview MCKASTY to construct a PropdriviS'located._Onthe;fib~tfi_ ..... <gouthold, %~tst Creek. (405) - ~ ', east .'corner, of East. garage (34' X 22') and a pool:~; - .. AI.L PERSO'NS ' IN- 20, X~,onp[oPert[..!0ca}edat A~:eS~t~,-'N;att. i(t.,ck, Ja'n!e~ TiRES!ED IN SA}D~;MAT- 132-20 Main Road, East" Creek.(443) . .,~TERSSH0~[,p,.A~A.~.:,~T Uari0ni' ~rlent "Hfirbdr_ (436)': -:~ ~.'"'~:'~:'50' p.M,, IN THE M'ATTER .... '~HE'" TIME ~AND 'PLA'CE 7:40 RM.- IN THE MATTER OF' HELEN, REITER j(THE ABOVE SPECIFIED AND OF STANLEY CHASE to con- ORIGINAL BARGE)' to con- WILL BE'' GIVEN AN OP- struct a fixed dock 130' X 4' a struct within 30" of PORTUNITY TO' BE ramp 3' X 16' and a float dock storm damaged st?ucture,~ HEARD. COMMENTS MAY 6' X 20' on Mattituck Creek. proximatelY27' of timber retmn- BE SUBMITTED WRITING PRIOR'/~,~O':THE Pr~erty is located on Home ing wall. East side shall have an pike Rpa~,. ~attituck, on Mat- 8' return and West side shall have DATE OF THE tituck Creek. (437) a I2' return: Said ~tmcture shall ''~ Henry P. Smith, 7:42 P.M~ IN THE MATTER then be backfilled With approx- Board of Tow~ Trflstee~ OF STANLEY CHASE to con- ..-jmately 5 cu.. Yds. of clean sand Dated: October 3, 1986: struct a 4' X 140' fixed dock, a to be trucked in from an uplacd ' '~ ;"': .... :1T-10/9/86(32 ' 'l'r ,,~~ amp and a 6' X 20' sourc~ Southold Bay. Property LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING ON WETLAND APPLICATIONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT PUBLIC HEARINGS WILL BE HELD BY THE TOWN TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. AT THE. SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL, MAIN ROAD. SOUTH- OLD. NEW YORK. ON THURSDAY. OCTOBER 30, 1986 ON THE FOLLOWING APPLICATIONS FOR PER- MITS UNDER THE PROVI- SIONS OF-THE WETLAND ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTtIOLD: --_ 7:30 P.M.- IN THE MAT- TER OF GEORGE D. F. LAM- BORN to pump water from a spring fed non "xvetland' pond to higher level man made pond. Piroperty is located on Ocean View Avenue. Fishers Island, New York. ~385) 7:32 P.M. - IN THE MAT- TiER OF TItE NATURE CON- SERVANCY c,o ANDREW B. WALKER to construct a boardwalk and observation deck for observing wildfowl on Horton Creek Property is located on the East side of Peconic Bay Blvd., opposite the Mattituck Yacht Club, Mattituck. (408) ttorton Creek. 7:34 I'.M. - IN Tile 51A'i'- TEll¢~ :' RICHARD A. LUHRS. :onstruct a 3' x 50' catwalk a i~b' x 8' ramp and a 4' x 28' floating dock in James Creek. Property is located at 360 North Riley Avenue, Mat- tituck. (429) 7:36 P.M. - IN THE MAT- TER OF MAGDALEN LEVAS to construct wooden stairs 'from the top of the bluff to the beach on Long Island Sound. Property is located on the Long Way, East Marion. (432) 7:38 P.M. - IN THE MAT- TER OF IRENE & DANIEL MCKASTY to construct a gar- age (34' x 22') and a pool 20' x 40' on property located at 132- 20 Main Road, East Marion. Orient Harbor (436) 7:40 P.M. - IN THE MAT- TER OF STANLEY CHASE to construct a fixed dock 130' x 4' a ramp 3' x 16' and a float dock 6' x 20'-on Mattituck Creek. Prop- erty is located on Home Pike Road, Mattituck, on Mattituck Creek. (437) 7.:42 P.M. - IN THE MAT- TER OF STANLEY CHASE to construct a 4' x 140' fixed dock, a 3' x 16' ramp and a 6' x 20' float dock. Property is located on Home Pike Road, Mat- tituck, Mattituck Creek. (438) 7:44 P.M. - IN THE MAT- TE R OF STANLEY CHASE to construct a 4' x 45' fixed dock leading to a 3' x 16' ramp leading to a 6' x 20' float ddck. Said dock will be a minimum of 4' over existing marsh which shall be secured by two 8" spiles; Mat- tituck Creek. Property is lo- cated on South Drive, Mat- tituck. (439) 7:46 P.M. - IN THE MAT- .TER OF J. LANE CURRY to armor 210' of existing bulkhead with 1-2 ton of rock at 2-3 tons per foot. Property is located at Paradise Point, Southold. (440) 7:48 P.M. - IN THE 'MAT- TER OF GRACE A. FINORA to construct a single family dwelling and associated septic system. Property is located on the north east corner of East Legion Avenue, Mattituck, James Creek. (443) 7:50 P.M. - IN THE MAT- TER OF HELEN REITER (THE ORIGINAL BARGE) to construct within 30" of existing storm damaged structure, ap- proximately 27' of timber retain- lng wall. East side shall have an 8' return and west side shall have a 12' return. Said structure shall then be backfilled with ap- proximately 5 cu. yds, of clean sand to be trucked in from an up~ land source. Southold Bay. Property is located on Main Road, Southold. ~444} 7:52 P.M.- IN THE MAT- TER OF GRACE K. BOUR- GIN to construct a bulkhead to be 100 lin. ft. and to fill with 125 cu. yds. of fill behind same. Property 'is located at 5i5 Wat~rse'dge Way, So,'~ "old on Peconic Bay. (442) ~ ~ 7:54 P.M.- IN THE:' MAT- TER OF J. LANE CURRY to repair within 18"-130 lin. ft. of deteriorated and broken timber bulkhead with (2) 27' returns- and to backfill with 110 cu. yds. of upland sand, Peconic Bay. Property is located on. Paradise Point, Southold. (441) 7:54 P.M. - IN THE MAT- TER OF MARK BAXTER to mow vegetation on property lo- cated at 3135 Main Bayview Road, Southold, West Creek. (405) ALL PERSONS IN- TERESTED IN SAID MAT- TERS SHOULD APPEAR AT THE TIME AND PLACE ~_. ABOVE SPECIFIED AND .WILL BE GIVEN AN OPPOR- TUNITY TO BE HEARD. COM- MENTS MAY BE SUBMITTED .IN WRITING PRIOR TO THE DATE OF HEARING. Henry P. Smith, President ": Board of Town Trustees DATE: October 3, 1986 1T09-5378 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Carol Sqarlata of.Greonport, in' said County, being duly sworn, says that he/she is. Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a Weekly Newspaper, published at Greenport, in the Town of Southold, County of SUffolk and State of New York, and that tho Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for one weeks successively, commencing on the ~ dayof October 19 86 ? ~ I -- -, . '~ ~.__~_ .,. al Clerk Sworn to before~e this ~ ~ .¢ ~ / / NOTARY PUBLIC, St)te of ~' '~ .~ , Suffolk ~un~ No HENRY P. SMITH, President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, Vice-Pres. PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN TELEPH ONE (516) 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 DATE: Sept. 25, 1986 S.E.Q.R.A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION "~oTICE OF NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT! NAME: MARK BAXTEK This notice is issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law State Environmental Quality Review and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Trustees, as lead agency for the action described below has determined that the project will not have a~significant effect to the environment. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar.-project. TYPE OF ACTION: UNLISTED DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: To mow vegetation on property. LOCATION OF PROJECT: 3135 Main Bayview Road, Southold, New York, CONDITIONS: A 50' buffer is to be maintained from the H.W.M. landward. REASONS SUPPORTING THIS DETERMINATION: 1. An environmental assessment form has been submitted which indicated that there would be no adverse effect to the environment should the project be implemented as planned. 2. Because there has been no response in the allotted time from the Southold Town Building Dept. and the N.Y.S.D.E.C. is is assumed that there are no objections nor comments from those agencies. TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 Town Hall., 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL September 22, 1986 To: Southold Town Trustees From: Linda J. Cooper, CAC Secretary The following recommendations were made by the Conservation Advisory Council at their regular meeting held Thursday, September 18, 1986: Wetland Applications NO. 429 - Richard A. Luhrs - Recommed approval with the stipulation that the catwalk is elevated by the standard 4'. NO. 431 - Frank Frankola - Recommend disapproval. Spartina growth would be destroyed. No. 432 - Magdalen Levas - Recommend approval. _ NO~ ~433- Mark BaXter -Recommend disapproval. DO NOT DO AGAINi!! NO. 434 - Harold Wilsberg - Recommend disapproval. DO NOT DO AGAIN!! Waiver Requests Egan Residence and Anne Mason - CAC recommends that these requests for waivers be denied. Applicants should go through Wetland Application and Permit process. Next meeting of the CAC will be held Thursday, October 16, 1986 at 7:30 P.M. HENRY P. SMITH, President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, Vice-Pres. PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 September 12, 1986 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Mr. Mark Baxter 30 Wellington Place Amityville, N. Y. 11701 Re; Wetland Application No. 433 Dear Mr. Baxter: This is to advise you that your letter of September 6, 1986 has been placed on the September~25, 1986 agenda under Communications ~ 10. If you wish to attend this meeting the Board will hear your comments and concerns. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, /~'~e~n 'r y~p .~S m~e s~[ Board' of Town Trustees IP:ao Clerk to Board September 6, 1986 Dear Board of Town Trustees, This letter is sent regarding the N'otice of Violation dated August 8, 1986 concerning vegetation on my property on Main Bayview Rd. Upon receiving said Violation on Sat., August 9th, I came to your office on Monday, August 11th, to respond to the Notice. The Clerk, Ilene Pfifferling, was on vacation at that time, and I was told to file a Wetlands Application which I immediately did. Having done what I thought was sufficient to gain a hearing before the Board, I came to the regular meeting on August 28th, only to find that my application did not accomplish what I was hoping it would. Fully conscious of my personal fault in this matter, I would request that the Board graciously consider hearing me at the next meeting to be held on September 25th. I still desire to build a home in Southold this year, and hOpe that this matter can be expedited speedily. Sincer'ely, FIELD REPORT -- POLICE DEPT., TOWN OF SOUTH:OLD, N.Y. Central Complaint No. Ha Otc. Sector Grid No. Day of Date of Ocm Time of Occ. Date of Report Name Complainant Victim D.O.B. ~M Address Phone Place o~ Occurrence '" P~'~"'2"-~ Confi'nuation"Rei~ort Attached? r'l Yes R'e~ing Officer Shiel~ No. Su pervi~r Form PDTS 1 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Aukgust 29, 1986 Mr. Mark Baxter 30 Wellington Place Amityville, New York 11701 Re'; Wetland Application No. 433 Dear Mr. Baxter: The following action was taken by the 'Board of Trustees during their regular meeting held on August 28, 1986 regarding the Wetland Application referenced above. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees declare itself lead agency in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act in the matter of the application of Mark Baxter to mow vegetation on property located at 3135 Main Bayview Road, Southold. Very truly yours, Henry P. Sa~ith, President Board of Trustees HPS:ip cc: file RESOLUTION: August 14, 1986 Mark Baxter RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees declare itself lead agency in regard to the State Environmental Quality REview Act in the matter of the application of Mark Baxter for a Wetland Permit on certain property located at 3135 Main Bayview Rd., Southld, N.Y. S~'£CIAL CONDITIONS 1. There is to be NO disturbance to VEGETATION or TOPOGRAPHY within 50' of TIDAL WETLANDS. . SPECIAL CONDITIONS A THROUGH J ATTACHED. SPECIAL CONDITION M'ATTACHED. PER~IT ISSUE DATE 11/13/84. PERMIT ADMINISTRATOr. (.A~~t~)_,.,. / _ ADDU~SSBldgo 40,Suny President ,YER, Vice-Pres. TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 BOA[ID OF TOWN T[IIJSTEE$ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 Date: May 19, 1986 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Attached hereto is a Short Environmental Assessment Form submitted by Mark Baxter in connection with his appl.ication for a wetland permit to construct a single family residence, sanitary system and well on property located o~n Main Bayvi~w Ro~d~ Soft, old. .tenry PC Smith, President' ,Board of Town Trustees Posted: May 19, 1986 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES~: TOWN OF. SOUTHOLD ., SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM · Project Information (To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) 1. Applicant/sponsor 3. Project location: Municipality ~)' *C/~.~ ~? 4. Is proposed action: i--I Newr-i Expansion l;~od~ficat~onialteration S. Describe project briefly: 2. Project Name County 6. Precise location (road intersections, prominent landmarks, etc. or provide map) 7. Amount of land affected: Initially y~ acres Ultimately yq acres ;.._W~proposed action comply with existing zoning or other existing land use restrictions? ' "'"'~J Yes [--] -No If No, describe briefly 9. What is present land use in vicinity of project? ' ~ Residential [-] Industrial [::] Commercial Describe: [-'] Agriculture r'-] Parkland/open space r-] Other 10. Does action involve ~j~irt/approval, or funding, now or ultimately, from any other governmental agency (Federal, state or local)? [-~ Yes L~ No If yes, list agency(s) and permit/approvals 11. Does any aspect of t.,be action have a currently valid permit or approval? [] Yes ~" No If yes, list agency name and permit/approval type 12. As result of pror~.d action will existing permit/approval require modification? [] Yes -I~ No CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDCE Applicant/sponsor. name: ~/l'~blJc 6C~-~~ Date: // ~/~ Signature: ~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) STATE OF NEW YORK )SS: BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND SAYS THAT HE I'S THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMITS., AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, THAT THE WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE . MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 'AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT, IF GRANTED. in completing this application I hereby authorize the Trustees~ agent-or representative to enter onto my property to inspect the premises in conjunction with revie o /eh s- p icat±on. ~IGNATURE OF APPLICANT SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS ELIZABETH ANN NEVILLE Notary Public, State of New York No, 52-8125850, Suffolk Term Expires October 31, EXAMINED APPROVED 'i'WETLANDS" PERMIT (CHAPT£R 97) APPROVED "BOAT,DOCKS, WHARVES" PERMIT (CHAPTER 32) DISAPPROVED "WETLANDS PERMIT" (CHAPTER 97) DISAPPROVED "BOATS,DOCKS, WHARVES" PERMIT (CHAPTER 32) CONDITIONS, IF ANY EXAMINING BODY SIGNATURE OF CHAIRMAN COMPUTATION OF FEES Approved. 2/27/85 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTItOLD 53095 Main Road Phone 765-1892 Southold, N. Y. 11971 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Cash he~ ~ HENRY P. SMITH, President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, Vice-Pres. PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ._ ALBERT'KRUPSKI, JRt% .~: ELLEN M. LARSEN . . - . BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 August 14, 1986 Mr..Charles T. Hamilton Alternate Regional Permit Administrator N.Y.S.D.E.C. Building 40, SUNY - Room 219 Stony Brook, New York 11794 Dear Mr. Hamilton: Transmitted herewith is wetland application no. 433 submitted by Mark Baxter TEl?PHONE-- We would like to coordinate with you in our rol-e~-as lead agency regarding this application. May we have your comments on same by September 17, 1986. Thank you for your input. ;Ve~ trul~ y~urs, ~P '/~"Sm/~zt~, ~sident Board of Town Trustees ene Pfiff/~Z~ling / Secretary to Board Attachments cc: Commissioner Williams Southold Town Building Dept. file _..~ HENRY P. SMITH, President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, Vice-Pres. PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town-Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 August 14, 1986 To Whom It May Concern: Attached hereto is a Short Environmental Assessment Form submitted by Mark Baxter in connection with his application for a Wetland Permit to mow vegetation at 3135 Main Bayview Rd., Southold, N.Y. Smith, President .... Board of Town Trustees HPS:ao Posted 8/14/86 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES .. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road ', P.O. Box 728 ..' Southold, New York 11971 August 14, 1986 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Mr. Martin Garrell, Chairman Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council Southold Town Hall : Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Garrell: Tragsmitted herewith is application 'no. 433 a wetland permit submitted by Mark Baxter.... for Please prepare a written report of findings and recommendations with respect to this application. Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees Secretary to Board Attachment BOA~ ~,~F TONN TRUSTEES ...... , TOWN. ,.O~. SOUTHOLD SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL AS~F. SSiVtENT FORM · Project Information (To be completed by APplicant or Project sponsor) 1. ApplicanUsponso~l~,~.~ ~/' ~ ~ ///t,,'~' ~'~~~ 2. Project Name 3. Project location: Municipality 4. Is ~sed action: ~New ~ Expansion ~ Modification/alteration 5. Describe project briefly: 6. Precise location (road intersections, prominent landmarks, etc. or provide map) · 7. Amountofl d ~ecte : , ', ~ 8. Will proposed aCtion Comply with existin8 zonin8 or other existin8 land use res~rictions~ ~~ Yes ~ No If No, describe briefly 9. What is present land use in vicinity of project.~ ~ Residential r'-I Industrial E~ Commercial Describe: E] Agriculture ['-] Parkland/open space [] Other 10. Does action involve a p_ermit/approval, or funding, now or ultimately, from any othe~ governmental agency (Federal, state or Iocal)~ Yes L.~' No If yes, list agency(s) and permit/approvals 11. Does. any aspect of the action have a currently valid permit or approval~ I~Yes El No If yes, list agency name and permit/approval type 12. As result of pro~.~d action will existing permit/approval require modificationi' El Yes ~No ApplicantJsponsor Signature: I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE name~~ /~X 7~'/~ Date: BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 1 1971 S.E.Q.R.A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION NOTICE OF NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT DATE: June 26, 1986 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 APPLICATION NO: 405 NAME: MARK BAXTER This notice is issued pursuant to the provisions of article 8 of the Envrionmental Conservation Law, State Environmental Quality Review and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold. Notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Trustees, as lead agency for the action describg~d below has determined that the project will not have a significant effect to the environment. please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. CONDITIONAL NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Subject to C.A.C. comments. TYPE OF ~CTION: Unlisted DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: To construct a single family residence, associated sanitary system and well. LOCATION OF PROJECT: Main Bayview Road,~Southold, New York 11971 REASONS SUPPORTING THIS DETERMINATION: 1. An environmental assessment form has been submitted which indicated that there would be no adverse effect tot he environment should the project be implemented as planned. 2. The D.E.C. has given approval of this application for the Project proposed, Copies to the following: Commissioner Henry G. Williams, D,E.C., Albany Charles 'Hamilton, D.E.C., Stony Brook Aram Terchunian, Coastal Management Program Stephen Mars, Corps of Engineers, New York Dist. Conservation Advisory Council Town CLerk's Bulletin Board Trustees // T-.ii ao OF ]0~ TRUSTEEs TOWN OF SOUTItOLD 53095 Main Road Phone 765-1892 ~uthold, N. y. 11971 Cash ,,/ HENRY P. SMITH, President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, Vice-Pres. PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 August 8, 1986 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Mr. Victor Lessard Southold Town Building Dep't. Main Rd. Southold, N. Y. 11971 Dear Mr. Lessard: Please take appropriate action to secure a stop work order on any Building fermit in effect to subject parcel of Mark Baxter, Main Bayview Road, Southold, District 1000, Section 78, Block 2, Lot No. 11. Alleged Wetlands violations in notice of violation are attached.' As surveys on file in the Trustee Office propose house placement 70' from surface waters, questions of the house construction impacting the creek through the disturbed area will have to be addressed by the entire Board of Trustees at their next meeting. A stop work order is justified as the rear of the house and foundation excavation will be within our jurisdiction. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. JMB:ao Att; CC: Supervisor Town Board Trustees File Sincerely, "/John M. Bredemeyer I~iI Vice-President (Under the Authority of the President) Board of Town Trustees NOTICE Police Dept. -'Bay Constable Town of Southold Peconic, New York 11958 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Date: ..... To: (Owner or authorized agent of owner) ! AddreSs:---(Ad~r~ss o~ owner o~ ~th( ~gent of owner) Please take notice there exists a violation of the Code of the Town of Southold, Chapter 97 Article at premises hereinafter described. - ~ - _ ~- -. ~f ........ ~ .......... ~- ...... You are therefore directed and ordered to copply with the :: fo 1 loewi ng r~- -~' ' --' '--~-~ .................... ...... /. on or before day of The premises to which this Notice of violation refers are situated at: Suffolk COunty, NL¥. (Suff. County,Tax Map Designation: Dist. /a~a Section: -?~'------ Block:- --- ~ Lot: // k. Failure to comply with the applicable provisions-of the law may constitute an offense punishable by fine or 'imprisorkment or both. NOTICE: You'haVe the right to apply for a hearing 'before the Board of Trustees of 'the 'Town of Southold, provided that you file a written request with .the Clerk of the Trustees within l0 days after service' of the Notice of Violation. Such request shall have annexed thereto a copy of the Notice of Violation upon which a Hearing is requested and shall set forth the reasons why such. notice of violation should be modified or rescinded,. ./? ~x, CC'. ~' ~. ~'y Constable, Tq~.-.~' of Southol~, NY LEGAL NOTICE septic system and well on prop-. IONS · . HEREBY GIVEN t PUBLIC HEARINGS will, Town Trustees of of South01d,~'at the Hall, Main Road, New York; On 'Thurs- 1986 on the follow- ,?',rog 'appliCations foF' permits ,.:? under the prdgmmns: bt the w et- · -land' Ordinance of'the' Town df ~. Southold: .... i.~i~::i ~ ',~. · ·~::. 7:30 P.M;,In the matter ofthe to the beach for ~is' located Driye, Orient. ~:., · matter of the ..... :!:aPPlic~ti0n~'~f the. Land Use -:.'~Company on behalf of Vernon · "application of Greenport Dock for to ~to fill with 350 cu. ydsl. to be placed between the walls and to . construct a 8' x 10' deck at the. · ~ base of.the ex~,s, ting stairs..Walls"".~ i.:to consist of 60 and 65' with two. :'!.. ':: (5) ft. returns, and two (8) ft~ .re-'.".-;! turns. Property 'is 'loc;~tbd !'o~{ Soundview ·Avenue, .SOuth~ :': Old.' · ': .'. '::'i"' .:':,.::.:i,":'/.~.,!"/:!'~:.',-'.,'i::".:'~?i · :'., .7:46 P.M.L~n the' matter, of~h~':' · '~.appli~{ti0n Of the Land Use .? ": Company on behalf ofHenry :'-C. Bornemann to construct a i' single family dwelling ~nd ~anit- · ! 'dry system and well, and to con- .?.:~!:/~?.:tO reconstruct Within 9 struct a 4' x 100' fixed dock a 3' · .,:'~.'.~.i,'.'~.(~: .'. '": :~'**';':~iL..'...' !.",'.::: ...' '" ' - ........ i · '" ' ' ' '"' ' , ~.!:~,~.~-,~'.~,;~-~TS~h~,,r^~:- ..... '~,. ...... ,.~ x 15 ramp and three 6 :x 20 :.i:~?~'bolk~'~'i~'~u~, ;:t:::~onm~, ! '. floats. ,H, ouse 'is iocated",:.mor~ .'~(!~!ili.,.~'i~d"'a'nd ~o backfill ~,ith 'a-- !'.'.' "than 75 from the Wetland'Li. ne.~':. · i.~!~r~,matelv 40~ ¥~.?~ ~. i'....Property'is located at' the, "~: '.*;:~:,'?j: ..... · -- o' .~---~'. .... v~,~ ... ' · .. . ' ' '~I ~..::.<:i;:,~:.~'sand to be trucked in from'an d- ' "of a R.O.W. off of Manhassett · !i!!.'?ii~:i?iland source Prooertv i- ~,' ~i Ave., Greenport.."'-: ?:':,:":::)~'? :'.:?"'i ::'?:':"~ :(~.:,?i)?~' Cated on P~rk A'venu~e ~:'~' i."::".".?:48 P.M.--In the · :.: .!-" tituck, ' ....... . ."application of the Land ...U. se.'/~;~, STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS: ' COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) Mary Ellen Kelly of Greenport, in said County, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a Weekly Newspaper, published at Greenport, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 1 weeks successively, commencing on the 17th day of July 1986 PNrlcipal Clerk / i.i;~.'¥)~'i.~.~. 7:34 P.M.-4n the n~atter of the ... Company on behalf · Of "" " Leonard SChlegal to c0nstru~t ' ' '" application of the Land Use i'~''I*, '":.:' Company On behalf of Frank :;a.'~ihgle family dwelling, sanit- ? Sworn to befo~ me,his i~!i:'~./':~7:R. Reilly .,to_ reconstruct aPprox- ~..' dry system and well on property ~i~.i"i,::dmately 30 ofretainingwall and ' located on the. south west ~i.: day of :.'?'?tO add a 4' addition to the north: 'corner bf East·Side Avenue ;~.'~ /)~ ~/ /~/~~V ~.~~~ .~'.-i:.':.i?.'eim'wall of the ~out,hern cabin, and Baile Beach Ro~d, Mat- [~0T~RY ' !: ":!.iiII'T° ~nstruct a 4 x 8 fixed dock :tituck. ,....:. '.. ....... . ~-,..,. .... '. " ' . .'/:50 P~M.-~in the' ~atter o'f ~h~ 'ii::(:..-..,." leading to a 3' x 20' ramp lead/~g ~"". ':'..' to a 6' x 10' flaOtin~ ~t~ 'o,,,~, '~. ~-appiica~ion o~. r~nwronment · "' *"' '-"~" e · ' --o ~_,~ .... }*' ,-:'i '.¥~,E aSr ','Inc:~on behalf of Riehar& ~..: :. ,rty ~s located on East Si ' ''~ ~' ...... , ' ." · ~,..~';:.'~"·Avenue, Mattituck ".:., '. de,. i".: ,Anderson m" cons~ruc.~ a .Cat. :/' '?'.'::':' 7-36 P M --In th~ '_' _,LL _',J~ "",! ':". walk, ramp and float on property :.. ....... a~ccro~ne !: located on Wunneweta Road, . '~' ~ application of Eh-Consultants, .~i....m .... Point, Cutchogue. ~' ~i:~,: ~ ',/~ linc. on behalf of Roger Vorce .: ~: ....... u ~ YVi-!to Const + ;_ "'..'7.52 P.M.-In the matter of the" :,,! , . ruct 200_ l,.. ft. of '.. '. · ~'~i:~ .~,t~mber retainin~ wall · ..... ~.;'. apphcatton of Mark Baxter'.to . ?-/~neci with wall-~--° .... ~Y .... '. '.'!i:,ii~ construct a single family dwell: ,-~' ~ ·erty Armor ret°~;~a;-aj-a-c-e-~ pr.o~- .ilii.' lng with associated sanitary sys-' "' ' a~]q4 Wall Wll;n ~:,.,~' .... ed ~ · one ton ofri,,-ra- an-] ....... :.~.'.'v, tern, and well on property locat. ' '., 18' return ;~ t~ w~s~°s~c~%~ .:ii",':i" .on . Main Bayview. Road,! ' ": proximately 350 cu' --~- ' '~ ~' "'": ..i .:' Southold.. ' . .' ' .; .'. .... : .... ' sa . yu~ o~ciean ' i..~' ~... 7'54 P.M.-..In the matter of the i : nd will be trucked in for back-i.'"i'~: ?.. ao~'{icatiOnon behalf°}' En-Consul~aencht°f John ~ts fill. Property is' located on ~t '.: !i!~.l~. con" R.O.W. offofBridgeLane, Cutch- *.'" ;'" to construct a timber dock - Ogue' ~::: sisting ora 4~' x 32' fixed elevated' 7:38 P.M.--In the matter ofthe:':i~ l?~aik a 4'_x 16'i ramp and 6~ x i6' application of. HenrY E~ 7 ~',, :., :: .... ~:' , .... ~ f '~ float securedby two 6 x 6 spiles. ' Raynor, Jr. on behalf of Fre- ''~ i' iii~bpertyislocated °nHoward : : derick Koehler, Jr. to ~onstruct ~ ~.:A~enue, Mattituck, ' -' ~,~'J,..:.i ", ',: - ~. a beach house above the bul- :, I '~i ()7:56P.M.--Inthematterofthe iii'ikhead on property on Old Hat. · ~ ~ ~{{~iicati0n of Eh. COnSultants, - bor Road, New Suffolk.., - ~ Inc. 'on behalf of Goldsmith's - · '~; 7:40 P.M.--In the matter of the .. application of the Land Use'Com- -pa~ly.L on.-behalf -of :,,Margaret Cukor to reconstruct within 18" approximately 122' of timh~, bulkhead and to backfill with proximately 30 cu. yds. of clean sand to be trucked in from upland source. Property is located on Indian Neck Road, Peconic. 7:42 P.M.--In the matter of the application of Dimitrios j. Sariyiannis to construct a single family residence and associated Boat Shop, Inc. to maintenahce dredge entrance ~channel 'manna to4' below MLW, Dimen- sions of channel are 300' long by 45' wide, Approx. 1200 Cu. Yds. '.'of spoil' .will be removed and placed on adjacent upland site. ~-Property is located on Main Road, Southold.- '--: All persons interested in said matters should appear at the time and place above specified and will be given an opportunity to be heard. Comments may be ' submitted in writing prior to the date of the hearing. - ': :':. Henry P,.Smith, President -'..'. Bo~rd~of TOwn Trustees Dated: JUly 3, 1986 1TJy17-5305 -, LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING ON WETLAND 'APPLICATIONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN that PUBLIC HEARINGS will be held by the Town Trustees of the Town of Southold, at the ' '.-Southold Town Hall, Main .."' Road, Southold, New York, on ':": Thursday, July _31, 198____6, on the ..... following applications for per- '::'mits under the provisions of the .... ~ Wetland Ordinance of the Town "'of Southold: : ':' '7:30 P.M.- In the matterof the &pplication of Mathias Mone to 5.construct steps to the beach for · private use, property is located on Grandvie_._w .Drive. Orient. - :"7:32 P.M.- In'the matter of the application '0'f~-'th~ Land Use~ Company 0ri b~hhlt; of Vernon G, Strub to reconstruct within 18" approximately 73 'of timber :' bulkhead with a 10' return on .. the east end and to backfill with approximately 40 cu. yds. of ..5. ,clean sand to be trucked in from .. an upland source. Property is .located on Park Avenue, ,':. Mattituck. " 7:34 P.M.- in the matter'of the "!.".application of the Land Use Company on behalf o(FTi, ik R. Rcillv_to con.s! z'uct ly 30' of retaining wall and to add a 4' addition to the nor- thern wall of the southerfi cabin. To construct a 4' X 8' fixed dock leading to a 3' X 20'.ramp leading to a 6' X 10' floating dock. Property is located on East Side Avenue, Mattit_.uc~.-- a~,7.436:P,.Mc, tn. the matter df the:~ ~;Ine. on behalf of Ro:~r ~Vorce tti~ .~2eom. tr~. % .290± lin. ft. of timber retam,ng x~ll to connect with wall on adjacent property. Ar- : mot retaining wall with one ton :, of rip-rap and to place an 18' : return on the west side. Approx- imately 350 cu. yds. of clean sand will be trucked in for backfill Property is located on a R.0.~_V. pff.of l~rid, ge Lane. ~utch~ue: 7:38 P.M.- In the matter of the apPlication of Henry E. Raynor, Kochle~. Ir. I~) cons(~ ucl a b~'dch ~'o~}e-,above the bulkhead on property on Old Harbor Road, ]~eW Su ffqlk. 7:40 P.M.- In the matter of the application of the Land Use Company on behalf of Margaret Cukor.to reconstruct within 18' approximately 122.' of timber bulkhead and to backfill with &Pproximateiv 30 cu. yds. of dean sand to be trucked 'in from COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watchman once each week for ..................... ./. .... weeks successively, commencing on the ........... /..V.. ........ _ Sworn to before me this .... f? day of ......... ' '¢'7 ....... Notary Public BARBARA FORBES Notary Public, State of New York No. 4806846 Qualified in Suf£o[k County Commission Expires~ ~/ 19 ~' ! --7:42 ~M.-Ii{ the matter of the. .- pphcat~on, of~'.. Dlm~tnos' J. · 'Sariyhnnis to cohstruct a single :il;~7;.hmiI~ residen~e~nd associated and B~LVsnor~ · 7:44 P.M.- In t. he matter of'tile application, of to in, .. 350 cu. placed bet, a 8' X'10! sist -of ~ 'f t: 'returns. to con- .~wo (5) (8)' ft. : $o_u._th.~[d. 7:4 applic. Land' Use COmpany on behalf of Henry C. Bornemann to :construct a - · single and- ' sani~ and to construct a 4- X 100.,. fixed dock a 3' X 15' ramp and,~three 6' X · 20' floats. House is located more than 75' from the Wetland Line. Property is lOcated at the foot 84r -a~:O,Wi oflU' of anhasset Ave., Greenport. -~-:/.~:Pa'gL~.~2 In the m~tter {~ the application of the:[ :'I Sand Use Comrmny on behalf 0~' Le$ri~tr~' Sc~gli&_ to. construct a sing-i'~' family dwelling, sanita~d system and well on property located on the southwest eorner o4 East ' '~ide A. venEe- and_Bai~le Beach Road, Mattituck. '):50 P.}vI~-' in 'tile m~tt~r of t~he application of.' EnvirOnment East, Inc. on behalf of Richard. Anderson.to construct:, a cat- walk, ramp and float on proper-' ty located on Wu~n. eweta Road, Nassau Point, CUteho__o.o.o.o.o.o.o.~&~. '- 7:52 P.N. ITh{ tt~-e-n~atter of the apUlia'S{iS, of ~ark_I30l;ter to construct a single family dwell- ing with associated sanitary system and well on property located on Main Bayview Road, Southold. · · 7:.34.p.M.- In the matter 6f the ap'pi'i~~tti'on 'of En-Consul~ants, Inc. on behalf of John B~-6ht-'to . construct a timber dock con- sisting of a 4' X 32' fixed elevated walk a 4' X 16'.. ramp and 6' X 16' float secured by two 6" X 6" spiles. Property is located on Howard Avenue, Ma.[titu_ ck. - . 7 -~5~~In the matte~"~:the'' ap~tio[ of En-Consultan_ts, !_n.c._ .o~n behalf 'of GoldtmjJh's, .. Boat Sh~f~ to maintenaqce. 1~ '~ ...... I.' ..,, "' ..... ~rccl~e cnrrancc .. channel to :. marina f6 4' b~low MLW.' Dimensions of channel are 3~' long by 45' wide. Approx. '!2~ Cu. Yds. of spoil Mll be remov- ed and 'Placed on .adjaCent upland site. . .. , Property is located on Road, Southold. ~ Ali persons inferested in ~aid matters should appear at the time and place above specified and will be given the opportuni- ty to be heard. Comments may be submitted in-writing als0 prior to the date of the hearin~ DATED:. J¢ly. 3, .1986. Henu P.' Smith ' President.. Board of Town Trustees~] 1T-7/17/86(15)~ RAYMOND L. JACOBS Superintendent Highway Department Town ,of Southold Peconic Lane Peconic, N.Y. 11958 Tel. 76'5-3140 · 734-5211 July 3, 1986 Mr. Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees TOwn Of SOuthold Town Ha!l~ Main Roa6 Southold, NeW'YOrk 11971 Re: Wetland Application No. 405 Dear Henry: I have been in contact with Mr~ Baxter in reference to replacing the drainage pipe within our easement area adjacent to his property on Main Bayview Road, Southold. Mr Baxter agreed and is in full compliance with the drainage pipe replacement. The replacement was completed on June 27, 1986. Very trulY yours, RAYMOND L. JACOBS Sup't of Highways BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 $.E.Q.R.A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION NOTICE OF NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT DATE: June 26, 1986 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 APPLICATION NO: 405 NAME: MARK BAXTER This notice is issued pursuant to the provisions of article 8 of the Envrionmental Conservation Law, State Environmental Quality Review and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Sout~hold. Notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Trustees, as lead agency for the action described below has determined that the project will not have a significant effect to the environment. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. CONDITIONAL NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Subject to C.A.C. comments. TYPE OF ACTION: Unlisted DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: To construct a single family residence, associated sanitary system and well. LOCATION OF PROJECT: Main Bayview Road, Southold, ~ew York 11971 REASONS SUPPORTING THIS DETERMINATION: 1. An environmental assessment form has been submitted which indicated that there would be no adverse effect tot he environment'should the project be implemented as planned. ' 2. The D.E.C. has given approval of this application for the project proposed. Copies to the following: Commissioner Henry G. Williams, D.E.C., Albany Charles Hamilton, D.E.C., Stony Brook Aram Terchunian, Coastal Management Program Stephen Mars, Corps of Engineers, New York Dist. Conservation Advisory Council Town CLerk's Bulletin Board Trustees BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 July 2, 1986 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Mr. Mark Baxter 30 Wellington Place Amityville, New York 11701 Re: Wetland Application No. 405 Dear Mr. Baxter: Transmitted herewith is the Non-Significant Environmental Assessment declared by the Board of Trustees during their regular meeting held on June 26, 1986 regarding the above captioned matter. "% · · Please be further advised that the Trustees recommend that you contact the Southold Town Highway Dept., Mr. Raymond Jacobs, in regard to the replacing the pipe on the property prior to construction. If you have any questions, Mr. Baxter, please do not hesitat.e to contact this office at the telephone number listed above. Very truly yours Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees Ilene Pfifferling, Clerk HPS:ip ~ cc: Southold Town Highway Dept. Trustees file HENRY P. SMITH, President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, Vice-Pres. PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road-.. P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York ,11971 June 6, 1986 Mr. Mark Baxter 30 Wellington Pl. Amityville, N.Y. 11701 Dear Mr. Baxter: The following action was taken by the Board of Trustees at their meeting on May 29, 1986 regarding your ~etland application no. 405. Moved by Trustee H. Smith, seconded by Trustee A. Krupski it was .... ~. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees declare itself lead agency in regard to the State EnVironmental Quality Review Act in the matter of the application of Mark Baxter for a Wetland Permit on certain property located on Main Bayview Road, Southold. HPS:ao Very truly yours, enry/P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees CC: Trustees File RESOLUTION - May 29, 1986 RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees declare itself lead agency in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act in the matter of the application of Mark~Baxter for a Wetland Permit on certain property located on Main Bayview Road, Southold, New York. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) STATE OF NEW YORK )SS: BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND SAYS THAT HE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMITS~, AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, THAT THE WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF $OUTHOLD. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARIS~ING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT, IF GRANTED. In completing this application I hereby authorize the Trusteesj agent 'or representative to enter onto my property to inspect the premises in conjunction with rev~~lic. ~.a~i°n- SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS ;~/~/~1 DAY OF //~d/ , I 9 ~'~ NOTARY PUBL I(2 EXAMINED APPROVED "WETLANDS" PERMIT (CHAPTER 97) APPROVED "BOAT,DOCKS, WHARVES" PERMIT (CHAPTER 32) DISAPPROVED "'~ETLANDS PERMIT" (CHAPTER 97) DISAPPROVED "BOATS~DOCKS~ WHARVES" PERMIT (CHAPTER 3~) CONDITIONS, IF ANY EXAMINING BODY SIGNATURE OF CHAIRMAN COMPUTATION OF FEES Approved 2/27/85 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES.: .... -- ' , TOWN .OF_ SOUTHOLD .. SHORT ENViRONmENTAL ASSESSiVtENT FORM , Project Information (To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) 6. Precise location (road intersections, prominent landmarks, etc. or provide map) 7. Amount of land affected: ~'1 8. W~proposed aCtion Comply with existin8 zonin~ or other existin8 land use res~ricUons~ ~ Yes ~ No If No, describe briefly 9. Wha, t is present land use in vicinity of project? ~ Residential r-'] Industrial E~] Commercial Describe: [-'] Agriculture F-] Parkland/open space [-~ Other 10. Does action involve ~_~ermit/approval, or funding, now or ultimately, from any other governmental agency (Federal, state or local)? r'-] Yes I_~ No If yes, list agency(s) and permit/approvals 11. ~.~ any aspect of the action have a currently valid permit or approval? I~J Yes r-] No If yes, list agency name and permit/approval type 12. As result of pro~ed action will existing permit/approval require modification? ~ Yes ~No CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant/sponsor name: ~ ~~'~ Date: Signature: ~~ Dear Southold Town .Trustees, Approximately two year..,s.~_ago ! purchased some Town of Southold with the assurance that it cou~d.~~b~e Since the time of purchase I have persistently sought :~o ibe able to build upon this property. This can clearly be ~see~i/by the enclosed DEC approval & Board of Health appro~al...,,~.~.l.t~ was 'my sincere hope that this surnmer~ I would be~able fO ~'b.uild a house ~. . · upon my property. Yef now I have-become pai~fu~Hy aw,are, of the distinct possibility. Of another summer-passing~:'~'~/o be~h~/~.able to build. This is especially distressing in .tighff~[ th'e-.:i~a¢:t that recently ! have re'mortgaged my home in ~A'mi:~Yvit!e ~'in 'b~rder to build upon this land. In light of these factors, and many others ~'Ot~mentioned, I would respectfully request that you considerexp~dien~.!y granting approval of my enclosed application. ~? .... ~.~ ~ ~ ~' ~h'a~k you for'i, your kind consideration in this matter. ! will anxiously await for your decision. Sincerely, Mark Baxter PERMIT ISSUED TO · ~EW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ARTICLE 15, (Protection of Water) ARTICLE 24, (Freshwater Wetlands) PERMIT 1 PERMIT NO. 10=84-0732 UNDER THE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION LAW ]ART!CLE 25, (Tidal Wetlands) ARTICLE 36, (Construction in Flood Hazard Areas) Ernest Wilsberg O1~ Jul~ T.an~ ADDRESS OF PERMIIIEE Mattituck, NY 11952 - LOCATION OF PROJECT (Section of stream, tidal wetland, dam, building) East side of Bay View Rd. 122' So. of its intersection w±th Glenn Rd. on lots 2 & 3. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT approximately Construct two single' family dwellings.78' & 76' from tidal wetlans,,with sani- tary systems a minimum of 100' from said wetlands. All work is to be in ac- cordance with plans entitled, "ProDosed Single Family Dwellings, lots 2 & 3, Map of West Creek Est." received 9/11/84.. COMMUNITY NAME (City,.Town, Village) Southold COUNTY ' Suffolk TOWN FIA COMMUNITY NO. ' Southold DAM NO. GENERAL CONDITIONS · 1. The permittee shall file in the office of the appropriate Regional Permit Administrator, a notice of intention to commence work at least 48 hours in advance of the time of commencement and shall also notify him promptly in writing of the completion of the work. 2. The permitted work shall 6e subject to'inspection by an authorized representative of the Department of Environmental Conservation who may order the work suspended if the public interest so requires. 3. As a condition of the issuance of this permit, the applicant has ac- cepted expressly, by the execution of the application, the full legal respon- sibility for all damages, direct or indirect, of whatever nature, and by whom- ever suffered, arising out of the project described herein and has agreed to indemnify and save harmless the State from suits, actions, damages and costs of every name and description resulting from the said project. · 4. Any material dredged in the prosecution o'f the work herein permitted shall be removed evenly, without leaving large refuse piles, ridges across the bed of the waterway or flood plain, or deep holes that may have a tendency to cause injury to navigable channels or to the banks of the waterway. 5.'~ Any material to be deposited or dumped under this permit, either in the waterway or on shore above high-water mark, shall be deposited or dumped at the locality shown on the drawing hereto attached, and, if so prescribed thereon, within or behind a good and substantial bulkhead or bulkheads, such as will prevent escape of the material into the waterway. 6. There shall be' no unreasonable interference with navigation by the 'work herein authorized. 7': That .if future operations by the State of New York require an alteration in the position of the structure or work herein, author-ized, or if, in the opinion of the Department of Environmental Conservation it shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation of said waters or flood flows .or endanger the health, safety or welfare of the people of the State, or loss or destruction of the natural resources of the State, the owner may be ordered by the Depart- merit to remove or alter the structural work, obstructions, or hazards caused thereby without expense to the State;and if, upon the expiration or revocation of this permit, the structure, fill, excavation, or other modification of the watercourse hereby authorized shall not be completed, the owners shall, without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Department of Environmental Conservation may require, remove all or any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore to its former condition the navigable and flood'capacity of the water, course. No claim shall be made against the State of New York on account of any such removal or alteration. PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE 12/31/86 8. That the State.of New York shall in no case be liable for any dama~ or injury to the structure or work herein authorized which may be caused by result from future operations undertaken by the State for the conservation improvement of navigation, or for other purposes, and no claim or right compensation shall accrue from any such damage. 9. That if the display of lights and'signals on any work hereby authoriz is not otherwise provided for by law, such lights and signals as may be pr scribed by the United States Coast Guard shall be installed and maintaim by and at the expense of the owner. 10. All work carried out under this permit shall be performed in accc dance with established engineering practice and i'n a workmanlike manner. 11. If granted under Articles 24 or 25, the Department reserves the rig to reconsider this approval at any time and after due notice and hearing continue, rescind or modify this permit in such a manner as may be found be just and equitable. If upon the expiration or revocation of this permit, ti modification of the wetland hereby authorized has not been completed, tl applicant shall, without expense to the State, and to such extent and in su~ time and manner as the Department of Environmental Conservation may requir remove all or any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore ti site to its former condition. No claim shall be made against the State of N~ York on account of any such removal or alteration. 12'. ThiS~'i'p~'rmit shall not be construed as conveying to the applicant a~ right to trespass upon the lands or interfere with the riparian rights of othe to perform the permitted work or as authorizing the impairment of any right title or interest in real or personal property held or vested in a person not party to the permit. 13. The permittee is responsible for 'obtaining any.,.other permits, a provals, lands, easements and rights-of-way which may be required for th project. 14. If granted under Article 36, 'this pe, rmit is granted ..solely on the bas of the requirements of Article 36 of the EnVironmental Conservation Law a. Part 500 of 6 NYCRR (Construction in Flood Plain Areas having Special FIo: Hazards - Building Permits) and in no way signifies that the project will free from flooding. 15. By acceptance of this permit the permittee agrees that the pern is contingent upon strict compliance with the special conditions on t reverse side. 95-~0'-4 (9/75) (SEE REVERSE SIDE) '~ ' / The following cond/ ~D,~ shal.1..apply ~f~checked-am-applicable by the .... R~gioual Permit Adm~ n~ ~trator. ~ K. Ail dredging shall be conducted so as to leave a uniform bottom elevation free of 'mounds or holes. L' All spoil material Shall be disposed of either in the Atlantic Ocean or at an apprgved U.S. Government Dumping'Ground, as directed by the. District Engineer, U.S. Department of the Army, Co~'s of Engineers. Any spoil material not intended for such water dis-' posal shall be removed frOm the site and .disposed of at an approved V~.M,~ "'upland site. Ail. fill and'spoil material shall be suitably.contained a~ the work site so as to prevent its eroding, leaching or otherwise 'entering tnto~dJaaent wetlands and waterways. N.-.All peripheral'rip-rap berms, cofferdams, rock revetments,.gabions, bulkheads, etc. shall be completed prior to placement of any fill material behind.such structures. __...0.. 'ALL repairs-.-to existins structures shall be confined to replacememt:. of .exist/rig structural, elements with no change im...d2sign~d~ens~on~ or materials,, unless specifically, authorized herein.. ___.P,._,-The 'following Water Quality Certtfication'shall.-apply-~f"zequtred:.._. by one or more agencies of the United States' Gov~rmment and if .. --ch,eked as"applicahle by the Regional Permit-Adm~imtrators.:' In-accordancewith-Section. 401(a)(1) of the Clean;Water-Act of · '° 1977 (PL 95-217) the ~ew York State Department of Envirommental _. _.Conservation hereby'certifies that 'the. subject proJecJr-proposal"will not contravene effluent Lt, mitations or other 1/mitations~'.or--.s~snds~- · - .-.under Sections...3Ol, 302, 303, 306 or 307 or the Act. ...o Charl'es T. Hamilton .Alternate · Division of Regulatory Affairs NYS. Depa rtmer~C' ~[_Envirxnnnenta]~ Conserva~n 'm:i~Ltug 40 ,. 'SUNY--Room-,:2Ig" Stony Brook, NY 11794 (516) 751-7900'" · · .~.- ..... · 5' '- " .. , .. FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Clerk's Office £outhold, N.Y. Certificate Occupancy No..g$2,.~.-~.fi ......... Date ~.c;,}3 32.,..19~.4. 19 THIS CERTI?IE$ that the,~q~.......M.A.C..A.¥? ........................................ Location o£ Property .. ~ .1.3,5. ?.a.i..n..B.ey.M~e..w' ~.o.a.4. ~ ................ ~ .o.u.t.h.o.~. ~. · ........ Hou~ AIO. Street blam/a~ County 'Fax Map No. 1000 Section .0.7.8 ......... Block ...0.2 ........... Lot ...0.~ ........... SubdivJsion~/Q..W.e.s.t:,..CAe. qk..$.s-.g.a~.e.s. ...... FJJed Map No. ,3..8.4.8 .... Lot No..~ ........... con£6rms substantially to ~he app'i~cable prowisions o£ the Zoning .... Code bf the Town of Southotd. The premises are located in the ....... A-~e~denL~.~l~A%~icu!tu~a.~. Zoned .... District and may bemused.. for such uses as are pre~ntlM~ authorized bM the Zonin~o Code i~ such. district subject to, however, all o£ the. requirements o£ the Zoning.. . Code. The certificate k issued to E. & H. I~4!LSBERG of the afores~i.~ .2d¢... ~.' '-- New York State DepadmentofEnvironmental Conse~ation Building 40, State University of New York Stony Brook, NY 11794 (516) 751-7900 Henry G. Williams Cornn3issioner November 13, 1984 Ernest Wilsberg Old Jule Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 RE: 10-84-0732 Dear Sir: In conformance with the requirements of the State Uniform Procedures Act (Article 70, ECL) and its implementing Regulations (6NYCRR Part 621) we are enclosing your permit. Please read all conditions carefully. If you are unable to comply with any condi- tions, please contact the Regional Regulatory Affairs Office, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Building 40, Stony Brook, NY 11794. Also enclosed is a Permit sign which you are to conspicuously post at the project site, protected from the weather. Very truly yours,/ Charles T. Hamilton Alternat~'R~9'ional Permit Administrator CTH/rb T~ LEDYN~ P~ST N61239 ,\ "SUF'FO~.._/C'O: HEALTH DEP;f'. A"PPROVAL · H.S,.-NO':_. . . , ., ,. . STATEMENT OFINTENT' THE WATER SUPPLY, AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS FOR" THIS 'RESIDENCE WILL CONFORM T'O: THE STANDARDS OF THE SUFFOLK, C©. 'DEPT. OF' HEALTH SERVICES, '.' APPLICANT . · . . . . :."sUFFOLK" (~OuI~Ty DEPT. 'OF. 'HEAI.:TH ." SER'VICES--: FOR'. "AppRO:vAL O'F : CO.STRUCTIO"~ONLY '' .' , ~ .'"'DATE: :., · ::, , ':' .: ....... '~' ':'": · :'"AP~OVED!i '.'~, ,·'".:-,',-:,.':: :' .: '~.'i'.:'.,· ... ,...,.·' . ,, · '-Dt~"" .,::SECT. ,'., BLOCK'':.: - OWNERS ADDRESS: ' ' ' ' O~suthori~ed atter~fiCn or ' Educ ~tio~ Lew. ' :- ~h~ ~nd su~avor's ink~ ~al or embossed seal ~ll no~ ~ co~d~ to be a valid true copy. only to th~ person for w~m the su~ey is Cre¢ored, and On his behalf to the tide compony, governmental lending insti[utJo~ listed her~n and t~ the ~s~igneos ~ the lending ln~l- ~udon. Gu~r~ntt~s ere no~ tren~era~ SEAL RODERICK VAN TUYL, P.C. ,"~_--,, V~...__.~ '-/':-,....,./( LICENSED LAND SURVE"YORS GREENPORT NEW YORK I PEI~MIT NO. PERMIT ISSUED TO ADDRESS OF PERMITTEE STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSE~V~ATION PERMIT 10'84-0732 Ernest Wilsberg Old .Ju]~ T,ane Mattituck, NY 11952 'UNDER THE ENVIRONM~r~TAL cONsERVATION LAw ARTICLE 15, (Protection Of Water) ' J~ ARTICLE 25, (Tidal Wetlands) , ARTICLE 24, (FreshWater Wetlands) L_J ARTICLE 36, (Construction in Flood 'Hazard Areas) . LOCATION OF PROJECT (Section of stream, tidal wetland, dam, building) East side of Bay View Rd. approximately 1'22' so. of its intersection with Glenn Rd. on lots 2 & 3. DESCRIPTIONOFPROJECT Construct two single'.family dwellinqs.78' & 76' from tidal wetlan~¥with sani- tary systems a minimum of 100' from said wetlands. All work is to be. in ac- cordance with~plans entitled, "Proposed Single Family Dwellings, lots 2 & 3, Map of West Creek Est." received 9/11/84.- COMMUNITY NAME (City, Town, Village) Southold .. COUNTY Suffolk TOWN FI.A COMMUNITY NO. Southold DAM NO. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. The permittee shall file in 'the office-of the appropriate Regional Permit Administrator, a notice of intention to commence work at least 48 hours in advance of the time of commencement and shall also notify him promptly in writing of the completion of the work. 2. The permitted work shall be subject to inspection by an authorized representative of the Department of Environmental' Conservation who may order the work suspended if the public interest so requires. 3. As a condition of the issuance of this permit, the applicant has ac- cepted expressly, by"the' execution of the application, the full legal respon- sibility for all damages, direct or indirect, of whatever nature, and by whom- ever suffered, arising out of the project described herein and has agreed to indemnify and save harmless the State from suits, actions, damages and costs of every name and description resulting from the said project. 4. Any material dredged in the prosecution c~f the work herein permitted shall be removed evenly, without leaving large refuse piles, ridges across the bed of the waterway or flood plain or deep holes that may have a tendency to cause injury to navigable channels or to the banks of the waterway. 5. Any material to be 'deposited or dumped under, this permit, either in the waterway or on shore above high-water mark, shall be deposited or dumped at the locality shoWn on the drawing hereto attached, and, if so prescribed thereon, within or behind a good and substantial bulkhead or bulkheads, such as will prevent escape of the material into the waterway. 6. There shall be' no unreasonable interference with navigation by the work herein authorized. 7'. That if future operations by the State of New York require an alteration in the position of the structure or work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Department of Environmental Conservation it shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation of said waters or flood.flows .or endanger the health, safety or welfare of the people of the State,-or loss or destruction of the natural resources of the State, the owner may be ordered by the Depart- ment to remove or alter the structural work, obstructions, or hazards caused thereby without expense to the State; and if, upon the expiration or revocation of this permit, the structure, fill, excavation, or other modification of the watercourse hereby authorized shalJ not be completed, the owners shall, without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Department of 'Environmental Conservation may requir.e, remove all or any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore to its former condition the navigable and flood capacity of the water, course. No claim shall be made against the State of New York on account of any such removal or alteration. PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE 12/31/86 ' 8. That the State of New York shall in n.o case be liable for any damage or injury to the structure or work herein authorized which may be caused by or result from future operations undertaken by the State for the conservation ot improvement of navigation, or for other purposes, and no claim or right to compensation shall accrue from any such damage. 9. That if the display of lights and 'signals on any work hereby authorized is not otherwise provided for by law, such lights and signals as may be pre- scribed by the United States CoaSt Guard shall be installed and maintained by and at the expense of the owner. 10. All work carried out under this permit shall be performed in accor- dance with established engineering practice and in a workmanlike manner. 11. If granted under Articles 24 or 25, the Department reserves the right to reconsider this approval at any time and after due nOtice and hearing to continue, rescind or modify this permit in such a manner as may be found to be just and equitable; If upon the expiration or revocation 0f this permit, the modification of the wetland hereby authorized has not been completed, the applicant shall, without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Department of Environmental Conservation may require, remove all or any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore the site to its former condition. No claim shall be made against the State of New York on account of any such removal or alteration. 12. This permit shall not be construed as conveying to the applicant any right to trespass upon the lands or interfere with the .riparian rights of others to perform the permitted work or as authorizing the impairment of any rights~ title or interest in real or personal property held or vested in a person not a party to the permit. 13. The perrnittee is responsible for obtaining any other permits, ap- provals, lands, easements and rights-of-way Which may be required for this project. 14. If granted under Article 36, ·this permit is granted solely on the basis of the requirements of Article 36 of the EnvirOnmental Conservation Law and Part 500 of 6 NYCRR (Construction in Flood Plain Areas having Special Flood Hazards - Building Permits) and in no way signifies that the project will be free from flooding. 15. By acceptance of this permit the permittee agrees that the permit is contingent upon strict compliance with the special conditions on the reverse side. 9 S-~O'-4 (9/75) (SEE REVERSE SIDE) The following conditto~m shall-applY Sf-Checked~.am-~pplicable by the .~. dredging-~shalI be conducted so as to leave a uniform bottom --..:: ?.~...,..¥~:,~.,..,:~:,:~.~. or holes. ' :. ; ,~.~'~ spoil material Sh~ll 6posed of either Ocea~ or aC a, approved the ~8CricC l~tineer, ~.S. ~aparc~,C ~t~eers. ay 8~oil uCer~l ~oc posal shall be removed from the site and disposed of at an approved . ' ""uplana site. ~'M.. All .fill and'spoil material .shall be suitahly'..~ntained a{ the work site so as to prevent its eroding, leaching or, otherwise 'entering into-adjacent wetlands and waterways, N, .. All peripheral' rip-rap betas, cofferdams, rock revetments,-gabiona, bulkheads, etc. shall be completed prior to placement of any fill material behind such structures. ? .0, 'AI~ repatrs-~to extstin~ structures-shall be confined: to replacement,... of ,existing structural, elements with no change in...design~.~d~mens~on: or materials,, unless specifically, authorized herein,. The 'fo~owtng Water Quality Certification-shalI.-appl~lf krequ~.. by one or more agencies of the United States~ Goverument and if. ch-eked as' 'applicable by the Regional Permtt-Ad~tnisCla~o£s.:' In ,accordance with-Section. 401(a) (1) of the Clea~,Water~Act of ...... .... 1977 (PL 95-217) the ~ew York State Department of Euvi~ental .:,.Conservation hereby'certifies that 'the subject pro~eclr-- proposal" wil l not contravene .effluent 14[, mitations or other lfmtta~~'or,-.s~a.~d~rds~~ -.._under-SeCtions._301, 302, 303, 306 or 307 or the: Act. Charles ?,. Hamilton .,Alternate -- Region~l..P~~ ~0 ~ n t ,~:al:~----':"' -Divi.~on .of Re~ato~ Mfairs ~S. Depa~~'~~_~ 'm~~g 40,-'~~-.:219'" Stony Br~k, ~ 11794 (516) 751.-7~0" - ............... ....~.. ..... - ..... · "' ;'."::,:'.',,;~':'?:.,;',':'.'.:,: .(;';',~" :-'-7":.:'.?-::" ",':'"" ::.' .."~:: ';.; .:.'? '.'.: ~. :, ;:.. ';;..;:i'-'..' :;' .'.'"'.": ; ' ..' '"-' ' ;-,:. ': ~."..'...: ..... '. '...':" ' .:'.. .. i:,.'? ....: . tO.., ............ ". ". '.:.;. ',: ' · ::' :.':",:-;.'.::i':t" ':.~.?'~.: ' ,.;~ · ~..~'~ ?. ~".'.;: ~,;, ..¢~.... ; .."' ,~" , ;...,, .: ....'.~ ,. ,~.... ,...:..,...,, :'. , · '... ' ..' '. '," '.. .,'~ ,.., . ~ . . .,'..- ,.'.- · ·~} 'I~.~'. - ."-' . - ' .' ' .... · ..... ,,..4'; ." ' '.'<. ?.' ~, ....~.¢.,I,.,..r;.,.,..,c '-,r:~...;', ..."?...~.~ 'Z..'*'"" ' ' ""," '"'"': ' i."*' ~ .... -: ~",; ' ...... .... " '' 7." .... . , : ' ....... . : .....'~ ;'"'~"7. ~.. '. · . '" . ~"' ~. ;,~... 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' ' ' .... · ~1~ ' .. . . .,gl, ./.' · _.~ . ."-2'~-"1-~ , , ' _l · i.T. /, je'-', '~1.. ./ "' q'- ' ....:- /_ - .~l$.~.i.e..i... · · ",~'.?.t,"~,,.e ..-,-,,~ ,,,..,.~,,.~ "+' ":, ' · .... · .... · "" ' - '~ ' ' '~' STATEMENT 'OF INTENT THE WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS FOR THIS RESIDENCE WILL DUE TO ,h;uH u~OUI'!~MAT~R uu!~,DtTioNs/POOR ..... ~,~,,,,,,,.,~u~D P~,,uR TO THE IN- ,:~:La~ION u, ,r~E SEWAGE DISPOSAL 24,726 ~.~ CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS OF -THE:':~ SUFFOLK CO/DEP,~, OF HEALTH SERVlCES~ : /(PP~'I C ANT " *_. SUFFOLK COUNTY' DEPT. OF HEALTH r SERVICES - FOR APPROVAL OF .CONSTRUCTION ONLY ~'~ DATE: ~' H. S. REF. NO.: A~ROVED: ~, ,,., ~ .. SUFFOLK CO. TAX MAP DESIGNATION: - DIST. ~CT. BL~K OWNERS ADORE~: . .. _ .- DEED' TEST HOLE STAMP Unauthorized alteration o~ ~o~io¢1'. ' to this eur,/~ ts a violation of Section 7209 ~ ~ ~w Y~ i, Ed~ati~ ~. the ~a~ ~~ ~ ~! ~ to ~ a vet~ ~ ~. TOWN OF' SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Clerk's Office Southold, N.Y.. Cerh~lcate O~ Occupancy No..g ~233,,~ ......... Date M~'¢I~. ,1.2.,..J,~f~.4 .................. 19... THIS CERTIFIES that the, J;q~. ,.-,,,.V.~C.A.. ~. Location of P~oPcrty 31:3,5 ~.ain B,a.~,view Road - . Southold . County 'r~ Map No. 1000 Section P~.' ........ Block .. Q2 ............ ~t ...0.~% ........... SubdMsion~Q..~. ~g.~e:~ .$~'~D~D.~ ...... F~ed Msp No. $~ .... Lot No..~ ........... conf6rms substantially to the appl~cabie pzowmsions of the Zoning .... COde ~f'the Town of Southoid. The premises are located in the ____2k=~es~dent-£D!-A~qE~,~%ura! zone~ .... District and may be used.. for such uses as are presently authorized by the Zoning Code in such. district subject 'to, however, all of the requirements of the Zoning.. Code. The ce~ificate js issued to of the aforesaid .i6~..- Eo & H, WiLSBERG .... .¥,4 ~2>..,.~ ......... ?.t,,. :.:.,.. ........ Buflding Inspector New York State Department of Environmental COnservation Building 40, State University of New York Stony Brook, NY 1179'4 (516) 751-7900 Henry G. Williams Commissioner November 13, 1984 Ernest Wilsberg Old Jule Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 RE: 10-84-0732 Dear Sir: In conformance with the requirements of the State Uniform Procedures Act (Article 70, ECL) and its implementing Regulations (6NYCRR Part 621) we are enclosing your permit. Please read all conditions carefully. If you are unable to comply with any condi- tions, please contact the Regional Regulatory Affairs Office, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Building 40, Stony Brook, NY 11794. Also enclosed is a Permit sign which you are to conspicuously post at the project site~ protected from the weather. Very truly Yours, Charles T. Hamilton Alternate Regional Permit Administrator CTH/rb HENRY P. SMITH, President JOHN M: BREDEMEYER, Vice-Pres. PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall; $3095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Date: May 19, 1986 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Attached hereto is a Short Environmental Assessment Form submitted by Mark Baxter in connection with his application for a wetland permit to .construct a single family residence, sanitary system and well On property located on Main Bayvie~ Road, SotLthold Henry PU Smith, President ' Board of Town Trustees Posted: May 19, 1986 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 May 19, 1986 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Mr. Martin Garrell, Chairman Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council Southold Town Hall $outhold, New York 11971 Dear Mr.-Garrell: Transmitted herewith is application no.405 a wetland permit submitted by Mark Baxter. for Please prepare a written report of findings and -' recommendations with respect to this application. Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees Ilene Pfifferling Secretary..to~.~oard . Attachment BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 May 19, 1986 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Mr. Charles T. Hamilton Alternate Regional Permit Administrator N'.Y.S. D.E.C. Building 40, SUNY - Room 219 ~ Stony Brook, New York 11794 Dear Mr. Hamilton: Transmitted herewith is wetland application no. 405 submitted by Mark Baxter. We would like ~o coordinate with you in our role as lead agency regarding this application. May we have your comments on same by Thank you for your input. Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees Ilene Pfifferling Secretary to Board Attachments cc: Commissioner Williams Southold Town Building Dept. file HENRY P. SI¥IITH, President JOttN 1~. BREDEMEYER, Vice-Pres. PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN 1~. LARSEN TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 DATE: Sept. 25, 1986 S.E.Q.R.A. ~ "" NEGATIVE DECLARATION .... ' NOTICE OF NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT/ APPLICATION N~: 405 NAME: MARK BAXTER This notice is issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 8 of the Environmental Conservat:ion Law State Environmental Quality Review and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Trustees, as lead agency for the action described below has determined that the project will not have a-significant effect to the environment. Please take further nolice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar~project. TYPE OF ACTION: UNLISTED DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: To mow vegetation on property. LOCATION OF PROJECT: 3135 Main Bayview Road, Southold, New York. CONDITIONS: A 50' buffer is to be maintained from the H.W.M. landward. REASONS SUPPORTING THIS DETERMINATION: 1. An environmental assessment form has been submitted which indicated 'that there would be no adverse effect to the environment should the project be implemented as planned. 2. Because there has been no response in the allotted time from the Southold Town Building Dept. and the N.Y.S.D.E.C. is is assumed that there are no objections nor comments from those agencies. Board of Trustees - Mark Baxter Page 2 - September 25, 1986 Further information can be obtained by calling (516) 765-1892 or by contacting Henry. Pi Smith, President., Board of Trustees at Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, P. O. Box 728, Southold, New York 11971. ce: Robert A. Greene, DoE.C., Stony Brook Commissioner Henry G. Williams, D.E.C., Albany Army Corps of Engineers Coastal Management 'Trustees file Bldg. Dept. Town Clerk's Bulletin Board HENRY P. SMITtt, President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, Vice-Pres. PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKIi JR. ELLEN M, LARSEN TELEPHONE (516} 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 August 14, 1986 To Whom It May Concern: Attached hereto is a Short Environmental Assessment Form submitted by Mark Baxter in connection with his application for a Wetland Permit to mow vegetation at 3135 Main Bayview Rd., Southold, N.Y. . Smith, President Board of Town Trustees HPS:ao Posted 8/14/86 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES-: TOWN..OF. SOUTHOLD .. Project Information (To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) 3. P~oject location: . Mun|cipaliW 4. Is proposed action: ['"] New F] Expansion 5. Describe project briefly: 2. Project Name ModificatiOn/alteration 6. Precise location (road intersections, prominent landmarks, etc. or provide map) 7. Amount of land affected: ~/ Initially yq acres Ultimately ~/~ = acres 8. Will proposed action comply with existing zoning or other existing iand use restrictions? ~ Yes I~:No If No, describe briefly 9. What is present land use in vicinity of project? - ~ Residential 0 Industrial F'l Commercial Describe: r-~ Agriculture r-~ Parkland/open space F-I Other 10. Does action involve a p~'~t/approval, or funding, now or ultimately, from any other governmental agency(Federal, state or local)? '- 0 YeS 'J~ No If yes, list agency(s) and pe~rmit/approvais 11. Does any aspect of.,M~ action have a currently valid permit or approval? --~ Yes ~ No If yes, list agency name and Permit/approval type 12. As result of pro ction will existing permit/approval require modification? r-'] Yes ~ No I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant/sponsor. name: ~?tV~- 2~-~'~¢~[,/ Date: &~'O I/ (~',,~ BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO THE TOWN TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT PURSUANT TO THE LAWS, ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE COASTAL AND INTERIOR WETLANDS~ FLOOD PLAINS AND DRAINAGE AREAS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, AND THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 32 OF THE CODES OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. APPL, I CAT 1 ON NO. IDENTITY OF AP PLICANT~__~~/ 'J~ __~.~,,~,-.- PHONE NO , TAX MAP NO.______.____LOOO '-' ~'~" ~ -' '/./' AGENT PHONE NO · PERMIT REQUESTED TO HOME ADDRESS OF PERMIT APPLICANT IF DIFFERENT FROM AFORESAID LOCATION CREEK, BAY OR HARBOR FRONTING PROPERTY SIZE OF PROPOSED WORK LENGTH 120'~ WIDTH HE'I'GHT ABOVE'HIGH WATER DEPTH BELOW LOW WATER YARDS TO BE EXCAVATED__b__--- ..... YARDS TO BE FILLED WIDTH OF CANAL, CREEK OR BAY FRONTING PROPERT'Y_J'~'(~! DEPTH AT LOW.' TIDE / DISTANCE TO THE NEAREST CHANNEL FT, DISTANCE F'ROJECT EXTENDS BEYOND SIMILAR PROJECTS IN THE AREA / iS THIS FOR PRIVATE OR BUSINESS USE~,' ..... ~ ~'0~.~ ~ FT. MANNER IN WH"iCH MATERIAL WILL BE REMOVED OR' DEPOSITED DESCRIBE ANY KNOWN PRIOR OPERATIONS CONDUCTED ON THE PREMISE AND WHETHER ANY PRIOR LICENSE OR PERMITS HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO ERRECT STRUCTURES OR TO DREDGE OR DEPOSIT FILL ON SAID PREMISES AND WHETHER ANY PERMITS OR LICENSES WERE EVER SUSPENDED OR REVOKED BY A GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY DESCRIBE FULLY THE REHABILITATION AND PROPOSED CONDITION OF THE PREMISES AFTER THE WORE IS COMPLETED INCLUDE AN ADDITIONAL SURVEY OF THE PROJECT SITE IF NECESSARY WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, IF NOT THE SAME AS THE APPLICANT. ARE THERE ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS ~IN YOUR DEED THAT WOULD PROHIBIT THIS PROJECT? HENRY P. SI~IITH, President JOHN 1~. BREDEI~IEYER, Vice-Pres. PHILLIP J. GOUBE^UD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN ' ~,,~ ~'.','""~,';~i , BOARD OF TOWN T~USTEE$ TO~ OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 August 4, 1986 Mr. Mark Baxter 30 Wellington Place Amityville, New York 11701 Dear Mr. Baxter: The following action was taken by the Board of Trustees at their regular meeting held on July 31, 1986 regarding your Wetland application. Moved by Trustee Smith seconded by Trustee Bredemeyer WHEREAS, Mark Baxter applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold application dated May 19, 1986 , and WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on July 31, 1986 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heeard, and WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area; and WHEREAS, the Board considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the Town, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Mark Baxter BE AND HEREBY ARE GRANTED PERMISSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE WETLAND ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK TO CONSTRUCT A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING, SEPTIC SYSTEM AND WELL ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON MAIN BAYVIEW ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK WITH THE PROVISION THAT CONSTRUCTION CONFORMS WITH THE D.E.C. PERMIT ISSUED. This permit will expire on July 31, 1987 if work has not commenced by said date. There are two inspections required. The Trustees are to be notified upon the completion of the work. -2- There is a $5.00 Wetland Permit now due and payable. Upon remittance your permit will be forwarded by mail. HPS:ip cc: Bldg. Dept. D.E.C., Stony Brook D.E.C.'F-Albany Army Corps Coastal Management Trustees file Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees Ilene Pfifferling Clerk to Trustees TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL July 28, 19 86 To: Southold Town Trustees From: Southold Town CAC Re: Applications reviewed by CAC at the regular meeting held July 22, 1986 No. 398 - Harold Wilsberg - Recommend disapproval - The Council would like the applicant to either , resubmit or ~:amend the application '~-~,"~.~ . for only a floating dock and no bulk- head. The Council recommends the floating ~ dock instead of the bulkhead to allow for the extensive colonization of spartina which would stabilize the land and reduce the need for any bulkhead. No. 400 - Sal Caiola - Recommend id'i]Sapp~roVal -The Council feels it is a naural shoreline with no other bulkheads adjacent to the property and the structure could cause erosion of the adjacent beaches. The Council suggests' the applicant plant natural vegetation instead. No. 402 - Gerald Rupp - Recommend 'di's'appro'yal -The COuncil disapproves because the slope is' in good condition and is holding as is. I'f the applicant does anything further it could disturb the natural vegetation which would lead to serious erosion problems. The Council does' recommend the repair of the stairs and existing bulkhead. They suggest the applicant either amend or resubmit the applicati to do the repairs suggested and placing a small deck at the base of the stairs b-ut proposing no retaining, walls. No. 3~9_- Ted Dowd - The Council feels a full' 'EIS is neccessary. Significant Type I action. It should be discussed public~ and allow imput from interested parties at the hearing. No. 388 - Leonard Schlegal - Recommend '.a. ppro'val with stipul'ations. Page 2 The applicant mu gnize the sensitivity of t~he area. There should be leering during construction; no lawns on the wetl~ house (area between~ house and marsh); plant vegetation on wetlands side of house; and ~ nutr flow (firom'~fertitizers, etc.) into the creek be min~iimal. No. 394 - Frank R. Reilly - Recommend approVal With stipulations. The cabin and 'retaining walls are approved. The ramp and dock are de- pendent upon neighbors approval for- access. If th'e path is to cross wetland 'the Council does not approve. No. 403 - John Becht - Recommend approval provided the applicant follows the plans as sketched with elevation over the spartina No. 404 - Goldsmith's Boat Shop - Recommend iappro'val. 2,~.~.: ....... .¥ ,.~¥..... · .., .: ... .,,.... :.~ ·.....:. -~,..:. ~i.~.~,~¥~,.~,~.~:, ?~.-.?~..~:.;..:~,~?.,~.~:,.?,.~.~,~,~.~,.,~.~ ?,?~., No. 406 - Richard Anderson - Recommend' ap'Pr'o'Val. No. 407 - Arnold Blair - Recommend .ap'p'r'o'va~ >ut keep the retaining wall in a straight line. No. 408 - The Nature ~Conservancy -' 'Tabl'ed. No. 409 - Douglas Miller - Tabled. The Council is to request additional info from applicant, but, at this time does feel it will need an EIS, Type I No. 410 - Sal R. Varano - Recommend ..app'ro~a~ ~i'th 'sti'pqlation, Replace bulkhead in place, do not move out as shown in plans. No. 4_11 - John Morse- Recommend a_pproval. No. 412 -Nicholas J. Cutron - Recommend 'd'iSa'P~r'oi~,~!. No need for bulkhead - the slope is Vegetated, there is no erosion, it is not subject to extreme sto=m conditions and there are no other bulkheads to either side. No. 413 -Douglas Moore - Recommend .approval. . .. No. 414 - C & L Realty - Recommend iapproval. BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO THE TOWN TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT PURSUANT TO THE LAWS, ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE COASTAL AND INTERIOR WETLANDS, FLOOD PLAINS AND DRAINAGE AREAS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, AND THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 32 OF THE CODES OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. IDENTITY OF APPLICANT~~....~,q¢ _~/_-- ....... PHONE NO ADDRESS OF APPLlgANT __~ .... D_ __=-- ~ ...... TAX MAP NO._ " PHONE NO. LOCATION OF PROPERTY FOR WHICH PERMIT WANTED HOME ADDRESS OF PERMIT APPLICANT IF DIFFERENT FROM AFORESAID LOCATION WIDTH DEPTH BELOW LOW WATER YARDS TO BE EXCAVATED WIDTH OF CANAL, CREEK OR BAY FRONTING DEPTH AT LOW:TIDE AVERAGE RISE IN TiDE_~ DISTANCE TO THE NEAREST CHANNEL FT. DISTANCE PROJECT EXTENDS BEYOND SIMILAR PROJECTS IN THE AREAT~'~~~ FT. MANNER IN WHICH MATERIAL WILL BE REMOVED OR DEPOSITED INTENDED use OF PROPERTY___ _ DESCRIBE ANY KNOWN PRIOR OPERATIONS CONDUCTED ON THE PREMISE AND WHETHER ANY PRIOR LICENSE OR PERMITS HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO ERRECT STRUCTURES OR TO DREDGE OR DEPOSIT FILL ON SA~ID PREMISES AND WHETHER ANY PERMIT~ OR LICENSES WERE EV~R~SUSPENDED~ OR REVOKED BY A GOVERNMENTAL AGEN . DESCRIBE FULLY THE REHABILITATION AND PROPOSED CONDITION OF THE PREMISES AFTER THE WORK IS COMPLETED INCLUDE AN ADDITIONAL SURVEY OF THE PROJECT SITE IF NECESS'ARY WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, IF NOT THE SAME AS THE APPLICANT. ARE THERE ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS IN YOUR DEED THAT WOULD PROHIBIT THIS PROJECT? LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING ON WETLAND APPLICATIONS NOTICE ISHEREBY GIVEN THAT PUBLIC HEARINGS WILL BE HELD BY THE TOWN TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, AT THE SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK, ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1986 ON THE FOLLOWING APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE WETLAND ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 7:30 P.M. - IN THE MATTER OF GEORGE D. F. LAMBORN to pump water from a spring fed non "wetland" pond to higher level man made pond. Property is located on Ocean View Avenue, Fishers Island, New York. (385) 7:32 P.M. - IN THE >~TTER OF TilE NATURE CONSERVANCY c/o ANDREW B. WALKER to construct a boardwalk and observation deck for observing wildfowl on Horton Creek. Property is located on the East side of Peconic Bay Blvd., opposite the Mattituck Yacht Club, Mattituck. (408) Horton Creek. 7:34 P.M. - IN THE MATTER OF RICHARD A. LUHRS to construct a 3' x 50' catwalk a 10' x 8' ramp and a 4' x 28' floating dock in James Creek. Property is located at 360 North Riley Avenue, Mattituck. (429) 7:36 P.M. - IN THE MATTER OF MAGDALEN LEVAS to-construct wooden stairs from the top of the bluff to the beach on gong Island Sound. Property is located on the Long Way, East Marion. (432) 7:38 P.M..- IN THE MATTER OF IRENE & DANIEL MCKASTY to construct a garage (34' x 22') and a pool 20' x 40' on property located at 132-20 Main Road, East Marion. Orient Harbor (436) 7:40 P.M. - IN THE MATTER OF STANLEY CHASE to construct a fixed dock 130' x 4'~.a ramp 3' x 16' and a float dock 6' x 20' on Mattituck Creek. Property is located on Home Pike Road, Mattituck, on Mattituck Creek. (437) 7:42 P.M. - IN THE MATTER OF STANLEY CHASE to construct a 4~' x 140' fixed dock, a 3' x 16' ramp and a 6' x 20' float dock. Property is located on Home Pike Road, Mattituck, Mattituck Creek. (438) 7:44 P.M. - IN THE MATTER OF STANLEY CHASE to construct a 4' x 45' fixed dock leading to a 3' x 16' ramp leading to a 6' x 20' float dock. Said dock will be a minimum of 4' over existing marsh which shall be secured by two 8" spiles, Mgttituck Creek. Property is located on South Drive, Mattituck. (439) 7:46 P.M. - IN THE MATTER OF J. LANE CURRY to armor 210' of existing bulkhead with 1-2 ton of rock at 2-3 tons per foot. Property is located at Paradise Point, Southold. (440) 7:48 P.M. - I_N THE MATTER OF GRACE A. FINORA to construct a single family dwelling and associated septic system. Property is located on the north east corner of East Legion Avenue, Mattituck, James Creek. (443) 7:50 P.M. - IN THE MATTER OF'HELEN REITER (THE ORIGINAL BARGE) to construct within 30" of existing storm damaged structure, approximately 27' of timber retaining wall. East side shall have an 8' return and west side shall have a 12' return. Said structure shall then be backfilled with approximately 5 cu. yds. of clean sand to be trucked in from an upland source, Southold Bay. property is located on Main Road, Southold. (444) 7:52 P.M. - IN THE MATTER OF GRACE K. BOURGIN to construct a bulkhead to be 100 lin. ft. and to fill with 125 cu. yds. of fill behind same. Property is located at 515 Watersed~e Way, Southold. on Peconic Bay. (442) 7154 P.M. - IN THE MATTER OF J. LANE CURRY to repair within 18"-130 lin. ft. of deteriorated and broken timber bulkhead with (2) 27' returns and to backfill with 110 cu. yds. of upland sand, Peconic Bay. Property is located on Paradise Point, Southold. (441) Public Hearings Page 2 - October 30, 1986 7:54 P.M. - IN THE MATTER OF MARK BAXTER to mow vegetation on property located at 3135 Main Bayview Road, South°id' West Creek. (405) ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN SAID MATTERS SHOULD APPEAR AT THE TIME~AND PLACE ABOVE SPECIFIED AND WILL BE GIVEN AN OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD. COMMENTS MAY BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE HEARING. Smith, Presi Board of Town Trustees DATE: October 3, 1986 PUBLISH ONCE, OCTOBER 9, 1986 AND FORWARD ONE AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ~PLEASE.y_ P. PRESIDENT BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES, SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL, TO HENR SMITH, ' MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971. Copies to the following: L.~i. Traveler-Watchman uffolk Times , , · ~eorge D. F. ~Lamborn, John H. Thatcher Jr. Richard A Howard, Steve Malinowski Rmymond Edwards, Frank Burr, Attorney Michael J. Hall Andrew Walker c/o Nature Conservancy Richard A. Luhrs Magdalen Levas Irene & Daniel McKasty Land Use Company for Stanley Chase (3) Costello Marine Contracting Corp. for J. Lane Curry (2) Land Use Company for Grace Finora Helen Reiter peconic Contracting Inc. for Grace K. Bourgin Mark Baxter Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Trustees file TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF'SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK WETLANDS PERMIT 315 has been granted by the. Town Trustees according to This Wetlands Permit No ...... , .............. information furnished in Application No ..... ..4..0.5.~ ......... filed by Applicant .........M..a..r..k....~..a..x..t..e.r. ............... ........................................ on ....~.a..y...[.9.: ............. 19...8..6. .... A map of the proposed work will be kept on file in the Trustee. Office under the application number given. Permit granted to do the following'work ....~,--o~,._~ -- o~..~ ¢,=~_ ~~,~ o~,~¥.%~.t.~.~..?..2.?;~..~2~Z..~5~~5..~%[~..' ........ ~--system and well · · Main Bayview Rd., Southold, N.Y. Location of property on which work to be done ............................... ............................ - ..................... . ..... · , · II Illl i ill. ill ....1 lell....., l.lll.l.ll.llllll.i.l....1.11..11 ...11. I...... Ii. t....1 · ii...... · .1...... I. !...1. · · .....! .. lee. ii eli ...el.l...1......i .... · .· ... lC .lei 111. · · West Creek Creek, Bay or Harbor fronting property ................................................................................................. cee ,,....i,......*........ ·,,.............. i......, i,, .,, ..i,..,,.. ·...............,...... · .. I........ ,,.. · .....,,. ,i. · I.. i·... · .. i,,, ....,, ......,,· i..,, ....,, .,. 45' Size of work' Length ............................................................................................................................. 25' Width ............................................................................................................................. Height Above High Water ..... 7 ' iiiiiiiiii!! iiiiiii! iii i !111 ii ii ii iii i ii i IIi!111 ii!1 iiiii!111 Ii ii iiii iii i iiiiii!11111111 Depth Below Low Water ................................................. - .................................... --~Yards to be Excavated ............... .2..0....c.....y.:. ........................................................................ Yards to be Filled ....................2..0....c.:.~:. ........................................................................ Manner in wh ich material is to be removed or deposited .... ' ......... ~?..u..c.~ .................................................. Intended use of property Residential · . e...1 .. ·· .,, ,,.. ·.,,.... · .·. ·...... ~... ·. Conditions if any ......... .with provision that construction conform with D.E.C.-permit · ·. ·. · ....... · · · .. ·..... ·........ ~,...... · ~,.· · ·..... ·..... ,,... ·.. ·. · ·. ·., ...,, ... ·.....,,.. ·...,, issued · · ·, .,,... w, ·.. ,... ~. ·... · ·, ~., ·,.·.. ~. ·,, ·,· · ·......,.,,., · · · .. ~, ·, · .,. · ·,. ·... ·. ,·.. Expiration Date July 31, 1987 · , ·.. ~...., ... ·. · ·, .......·.. ·, .~ ,....,. · 2 inspections rquired trustees to be notified Number of Inspections Required ..... H~H"E&fJ~T&'~'i'6'{~"'6'f"~'6'~ ........................................................... Inspection Fees ..................................................................................................................................... · Liability Policies in the Amount of ......................................................................................................... The validity of this permit is or may be subject to the approval of other governmental or municipal .authorities. The Town accepts no responsibility in applying for or obtaining such approval. In the "eVent that such approval is necessary, the holder of this permit shall not commence operations here- under until such approval has been obtained in writing. The failure to obtain such other approval when required shall subject this permit to immediate revocation by the Trustees upon receipt by the Trustees- of written notice from such other governmental or municipal authorities of its refusal or disapproval. The applicant dOes by the acceptance of this permit, assume all responsibility for operations under- taken pursuant to this permit, and. si' prevention of injuries to persons and property resulting from such operations. By suc ,tance, the aPplicant also ag~ ht and save harmless the Town, and its officers, agents and employees from any and sing from operations under this permit: ·and any. and all acts or omissions of applicant, his agent .and employees. The applicant and the owner and occupants of the premises upon which the oper this permit are being condUcted, do, by'the .acceptance-of this permit, give its officers and employees to enter upon the premises where such operations make SuCh inspections as the T°wn maY deem' necessary to insure th ducted in conformity with this permit. · This operation will not substantially: A. Adversely affect'the wetlands of the town. B. Cause damage from erosion, turbidity or siltation. C. Cause saltwater intrusion into the fresh water resources of the town. D. Adversely affect fish, shellfish or other beneficial marine organisms, aquatic wildlife and vege- _ tation or the natural habitat thereof. E. Increase the danger of flood and storm-tide damage. ~ Adversely affect navigation on tidal waters or the tidal flow of the tidal waters of the town. F. Change the:C°urse of any channeI or the natural movement or flow of any waters. S. H. Weaken ne the lateral support of other lands in the vicinity. I. the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, Signed ... ' .......... President .-. Board of'Southold ToWn Tr'ustees i,.. wo.,,"'le"l""".".ll""l .....Jw · 4' ' · :. ,4 :. -:,.'; j I : :.-' ,- · ~'~._I"'.: a,.'...., ,. ~-~'.. i ":' : '~.~ . · ..... ~..~ ,~ · · . : ..... ' · ";.~ ! .,.:%. .~...~ · ,..,;.~ · .'i . .... ~ .. , · : ...,~ ... :;., . ,:':'," ~ .. ~ '~.. ; ~.;'~ ~,. 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