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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBAYBERRY ESTATESHENRY P. SMITH, -' - - ' JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, "III, President John Bednoski, Sr. ..,~ .~. :.. . .~.,. .!~ .... .... '2':' ~.'~,.' .~.,..% :.>~ '!'!' ".'i '"..:: ."....,':: . :~' .' ', ":ii.' '?... ",;' . .... ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. , Vice-President TELEPHONE (516) 765'1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 March 21, 1988 Mr. Bennett Orlowski Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 RE: Bayberry Estates, SCTM No. 1000-56-1-1 Dear Mr. Orlowski: Transmitted herewith are Comments regarding the above referenced project as requested by your Department as follows: 1. No drainage discharge into the wetlands. Discharge is to be made to man-made drainage areas and should have pre-treatment if possible. 2. Wetland line does not appear identified as to agency? The Trustees would like a Trustees/NYS DEC approved line with a 100' buffer minimum around same. 3. Suggestions of the Southold Town Planning Dept. and the Suffolk County Dept. of Health Services, Office of Ecology, are well founded. Very truly yours, ~/' ~hn M. Bredemeyer, III g ident [~:'~ -~'~ of Town Trustees JMB:ip PI D Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 MEMORANDUM To: Jay Bredemeyer ,III, President Board of Trustees From:Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner RE: Proposed subdivision of Bayberry Estates, SCTM $ 1000-55-6-35 and 36, 1000-56-1-1. Date:March 4, 1988 The enclosed map shows a subdivision layout adjacent to a fresh water wetland. The Planning Board has requested design changes in this layout; namely the moving of Lot 1 away from the wetland and the reduction of lot areas to 40,000 square feet further, it was suggested that the retention pond be moved out of Trustee's jurisdiction because of the regrading involved in its construction. I have recommended that the stormwater runoff at least be filtered before being allowed to overflow into the wetland. Your input is requested on two items: 1. Does the wetlands line as shown ~on this map agree with the Trustee's line? 2. Under what terms would Trustees allow stormwater runoff to be introduced into the wetland if at all? Inasmuch as the layout is being changed now, your Board's comments would be most welcome. For your background I am enclosing correspondence from the County ~ffice of Ecology and the State Department of Environmental COnservation regarding this wetland. If you~ have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. cc: Francis D. O'Mally Howard Young Donald A. Rettaliata Planning Board Valerie jt New York State Department of Environmental Conservation SUNY, Bldg. 40 Stony Brook, New York 11794 (516) 751-7900 Thomas C. Jorling Commissioner July 21, 1987 Ms. Valerie Scopaz Planning Board - Town'Hall Town of Southold Southold, New York 11971 Dear Ms. Scopaz: Thank you for your letter of 7/13 regarding the Francis O'Malley subdivision, near Laurel Avenue, Southold, N.Y.. I have reviewed our files for information concerning endangered and threatened species at this site, and find no record of nesting, breeding, and/or significant use by currently listed species in the area as outlined on your map. Please be advised that the above statement should in no way be construed as precluding current, not documented use or future use by state listed species. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me at 751-7900, ext. 248. Sincerely, MSS/sjmr Michael S L-Scheibel Wildlife Biologist RECEIVED BY JUL DATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES COl~.TY Of SUFFOLK'-~ Michael A. LoGrande SUFFOLk COUNTY EXECUTIVE DAVID HARRIS. M.D.. M.P.H. COMMISSIONER July 16, 1987 Mr'. Bennett Orlowski Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. RE: Preliminary Subdivision Map for Francis O'Malley S.C.T.M..' 1000-055-6-(35, 36) looo-56-1-(1) Orlowski: Servi preli regar As per your request, the Suffolk County Department of Health ces (SCDHS) Office of Ecology has reviewed the above-referenced minary subdivision map, and we submit the following comments ding the sanitary code and natural resources concerns. I. Sanitary Code There is no record of an application being received on this project. The site plan does indicate that the project meets the yield requirements for the use of individual sewage systems. This project must comply with all other regulations under Article 6 of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code. SCDHS maintains jurisdiction over the final location of sanitary disp'osal and water supply systems. Therefore, the applicant should not undertake the construction of any such system without Health Department approval. II. Natural Resources A · The following two sources should be contacted in order to ascertain whether or not any rare, special concern, threat- ened or endangered species of plants and/or animals occur on the site: COUNTY CENTER Dr. Robert Zaremba NYS Natural Heritage Program The Nature Conservancy P.O. Box 72 Cold Spring Harbor, NY li724 (516) 367-3225 RIVERHEAD. N.Y. 1 1901 ~etter to July 16, Page 2 Bennett 1987 0~-,"o ws k i ~. Mr. Michael Scheibel NYS Department of Environmental Conservation SUNY at Stony Brook Stony Brook, NY 11794 (516) 751-7900 B · The wetland line represented on the subdivision map does not indicate the source used in delineation. This is a State- regulated wetland--boundaries should be delineated or approved by the Division of~Fish and Wildlife of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). Activities undertaken within 100 feet of this approved boundary would require an NYSDEC Freshwater Wetlands Permit. C · In the interest of preserving the integrity of the wetland, we recommend that no construction or clearing activities be undertaken within 100 feet of the approved boundary. Furthermore, we strongly suggest that no sani~tary systems or stormwater recharge areas be located within this lO0-foot buffer zone. Specifically, we are in opposition to the location of the "ponding area" adjacent to the wetland and suggest that other alternative sites and methods of sto.rmwater recharge be explored. To lessen the capacity needed in the ponding area, an increase in on-site recharge through the use of a more extensive leaching ring series along installed drainage lines and leaching capability at each catch basin may be one viable option. D · We sug~gest that an alternative site plan that maximizes the buffer around the freshwater wetland be submitted for consideration. This may be accomplished by transferring open space areas outlined on the current site plan to the wetland buffer zone. We appreciate the opportunity to review subdivision map. Should you have any questions feel free to contact the Office of Ecology at your this preliminary or concerns, please convenience. Sincerely,. Louise W. Harrison Supervisor, Bureau of Environmental Management Office of Ecology LWH/ta Richard LOt 40 33¸5 Lot 59 459,8 ark" ed No. 5187 Surf. Co. subalV' ision-' / / ~CS?~-. / Lot43 N 830 2 0 Lot 4-7 ~8 now or formerly H.& Loureen E Wheeler NO~TES= I. SUFFOLK CO TAX MAP DIS'~ I000 SECT ~ BL 06 LOT 035 8~ 056 DIS'~ I000 SECZ 056 BL OI LOT OI 2 TOPOGRAPHY SHOWN HEREON JS FROM "TOPOGRAPHIC MAP- FIVE EASTERN TOWNS" PREPARED FOR THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPZ OF PUBLIC WORKS 2G,O ~'S 88o57J$O"W now or formerly Florence Moffct / 572,83 - - -so-~ ~0000 ~ 0 ® ® ' 36,0 000~ ' SITE DATA Total Area = 50 Ac.+ Zoning Use District - A-Residential Agricultural Total No. Lots = 20 Length of Rood= 2020 FT, -- I %. LOCATION MAP SCALE=I" = 600' OLHDTE ' SUBDIVISION SKETCH PLAN PREPARED FOR FRANCIS O'MALLEY AT SOUTHOLD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y YOUNG ~ YOUNG 400 OSTRANDERAVE. ALDEN W YOUNG,N.YS. RE NO. IBC4§ HOWARD W. YOUNG, N.~S. L.S.LIC N0.'45895 . 50058