Main Road
Southold, New York 11971
To. En-Co.ns,u. 1..t.a.n, ts~ Inc. for .Lud. wig Becker-Hunt '
1. Your application, dated. 7/4/8? has been reviewed by
i e · · · · I e e e e e i · e · e e e · · · e e e · · I · · - ·
this Board, at a meeting of the Trustees held on. ~.u.l.~'..1.8.,...]..~.8.~. ..............
and resulting in the action, as indicated below-
( ..... ) Application approved.
( ..... )
Application denied.
Application tabled.
If your application is approved above, a Permit Fee is now due, and
should be made payable to the order of the Board of Southold Town
Trustees. This fee is computed below according to. the Schedule of
Rates as set forth in the Instruction Sheet (Form I/1). This fee must
be paid Within 90 days or reapplication and additional fee will be
If the Permit Fee is paid in person to the Clerk of the Board, the Permit
will be obtainable at the same time. If the fee is paid by mail, the Permit
will be mailed in reply.
4. Computation of Permit Fee'
Total Fee for this application ............................. $ ..................
Signed .............................................
President, Board of Southold Town Trustees
By.... l... e.. i I l........., l....., l.........,.....-
Clerk, Board of Southold Town Trustees
.... . . : : _ ......................... , ..... ,, ~ ~,-,, ~,~,,~,..~,.~,~:~ ~ ..... - ..... ......... ,.--~-- r~ :..~ - z :,:-.-:.,-- -: -',~- :- '-. , ' ~- ....
SP~. sT
~g$- 5'0
,,~o'/~. O. (.~.
&it. co
Jou~,.~ey Creek / Property at P~e Neck~'koad, Southold
Town Of Southold
Southold, New York 11971
3~ain Road
l. Does this proiect involve the use of WETLANDS as' defined in the Southold Town Wetlands
Ordinance? ~ or NO. If it does, you must file through the Town Clerk's Office.
· 2. Is. the proposed work entirely within the boundaries of your own property as substantiated
by your Deed or Survey? .Y_f.$_or NO. if it i's, a Permit' is NOT required from this Board,
but the Town Building Inspector should be contacted for full details.
55 West Hills Rd.,
pplicants name and address: En-Consultants Inc. for Ludwi~ Becket-Hunt. Station, N.Y.
64 North Main Street, Southamp. ton, New York 11968 . ......... Tel. (516) 283-6360
4. Contractor's name and address: Not ~et selected.
5. ~xp]~im briefly ~he purpose of ~h;s application: Construct ll0+l.f, of timber retaining wall
4~5PlUS'x"~(2)~'~*~g~ ~ ~ ~o, ,25' returns all above line of ~ & wetlands. Construct a timber dock consisting of a
"~ ' --- ~ ; ~-.ca t~a lk,...~6..x..~..k~~.~p.,..24_~.~.'fRm at
secured by (2) 8"diam.x 25'pilings. Place (2) mooring pilings 16'east of E/S of float & 40'
_~.a r.t .~D~me~,~.. ~.e~...1.2.5. L x...~. ~...t ~.. ~.x.-.7. l~e.t~.. M~W.. ~ mom.-e rig..e f-..e~t, wa. 1.k...t ~. c~e.1...i a..J aa key
Creek. Approx 694 cy of spoil will be removed & placed behind proposed retaining wall as
6. After issuance of Permit,work must be completed within one year.'
: T..JiRGE
7. Secure th~ correct Area 'Map from the Clerk of this Boar'~, and by u. singa/X WITHIN
A CIRCLE as a mark, indicate as closely as possible the location of this project. On the
reverse' side, provide-a SCALE DRAWING which will show Ordinary High Water .Mark as well
as the size and shape of the structure or work to be done. Also include all dimensions for
portions which extend offshore from the O. H. W. M. State Adjacent property
8. Provide the following documents:
(a~ A Licensed Engineer's Survey of the property involved.
(b) A copy of the Contractor's Plan and Specifications.
(c) Short Environmental Assessment Form.
9. Does this project extend into Town lAzar, rs beyond an imaginary line 9m,~oundary formed
by existing works: of a similar nature along this area s shorei,ne:. YES o N~~
' ' > f it does, state
the approximate distance beyond, ............ ft.
10. Will this construction require ih, Filling of any land offshore of the Ordinary High Water
Mark or 'the Dredging of any material from Town 'Lands under water? YES or NO. If it does,
FOrm A/4 (Application for Dredging/Filling) must be completed and attached as part of this
11. In requesting, approval of this application, ! su.bm,," 'that: the information presented herein
is true and correct to the best' of my knowledge and belief; i am the person accountable for
the performance of the work in accordance wi[-h the pbns and specH:icat~ons attached; I have
read or am familiar with the provisions of on~, Sot~thoJd Town Ordinance pertinent to the work
. involved; and further, I intend to adhere to .and abide by the Terms and Conditions of ~he
Permit, when and if issued to me.
June 27 1984 Presid ,
' '~ onsultants Ina
~/3 Rev. 2/82
I~AME OF CREEK Jock~ Cre~k / Property at Pine Neck i .d, Southold
Town O£ Southotd
Blain Road
Southold, New York 11971
55 West Hills Rd.,
1. ApPliCant's nome and address: ~.~.c~as~.u~t..a.n.~.~n~.~£ar.~.~.w.£~.~.e~.~~:.~.9.~.~n, N.Y.
' · 11746
64 North Main Street, 8outhampton, New York 11968 ' Tel. (516) 283-6360
2. Contractor's nome and address: .....................................................................................................
--I ..... Construct 110+1 f of timber retaining '
pl,~4__ (~[ie~l~,explain_.__ the p_urppse of. this ap~p.,car,on: ................ ....., ..... m..:,..: ................. ........... ,.~
returns ail above line o~ MHW & wetlands.Construct a tir~ber ~ck ~o~ksting
float secured by (2) 8"diam. x 25' pilings. Place (2) mooring pilings~.16'east of E/S of float
& 40 ' 'aparg_..Dr~..~.~..l~2~.3D.' ' '
....to..~.2 ..... ho%ou.~..Br~m.~.~ ...... t~~.~o..ahamnal in
Jockey Creek. Approx 694 cy of spoil will be removed' and placed behind proposed retai~ing
wa 11 a~..~e~.i.~;~v...Pu.~e..~.f..T~.je~.~..5~..e~..~.~.~.w.~sr..a==~..e~..~~~..~pem~y..{~
his 50' sailboat.
4~ After issuance of a Permit, work must be completed within one year.
5. Secure the correct Are~ Mup from the Clerk of this 8o~rd, and by
A CIRCLH indicate os c~osely ~s Dossib{e the Iocotion of this dock, On the reverse side o~ this
mop, provide ~ 5CAL50RAWI~G which will show Ordinary High Water M~rk, the shape
ond size o~ the dock ~nd any supplemental pilings which ore needed to ho[do floctim~ dock
o~ tie-am m boat. Give ~ dimensions necessary to determine the oreo o~ the dock sur~ce
~ICH EXTENDS OFFSHO~ from the O. H.'W. M. If adjacent prope~y owners have-
dockS, specify location and length to scale.'-
6. Will uny portion of this construction extend offshore into Town Waters beyond
l~ne or bo'undc~ ~ormed by other similar st~ctures olong the or, o's shoreline? '{[B~i' ~O.
ff it does extend beyond this so-called d~k line indicate by how far, opproximo~e¥, ..........
7. Provide the following documents:
(a) A Licensed Engineer's Survey o~ the prope~ involved.
(b) A copy of the Contractor's Plans and Specifications.
(c) Short Environmental Assessment Form.
$.d). Netlands .Applicat~on~,,
8. Will mis con.s~rucdoh require the ri~ing of any land offshore of the Ordina~ High Water
Mark or the Dredging of any material from Town Lands under water? YES or NO. If it does,
Farm A/4 (Application for Dredging/Filling) 'must :b~ completed and att~d as part of this
9. In requesting approval of this application, I subrdit that: the information presented herein
is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief; I am the person accountable far
the' performance of the work in accordance with the plans and specifications attached; lhave
read or am familiar with the provisions of any Southold Town Ordinance pertinent to the work
involved; and further, I intend to adhere to and abide by the Terms and Conditions o:f the
Permit, when and if issued to me.
:(::~':.;~'~::::f'"t'A'/2: ~¢'.:-usLncJ:2/82 a :...--:,!;;."'. ,.. terapor ~ryi .:.. marker...:,,;.:: :---.-'...
L. S .... ...... ..... ,;.'...'.;:. ......................
Jockey Creek / Property at Pine Neck Road, Southold.
Town Of 8onthold
Main .Road
Southotd, New yOrk 11971
1. Does this project Mvotve the use of WETLANDS as defined in the Southold Town Ordinance
in Wetlands? YES or NO. If it does, your application must be filed .thrOugh the Town Clerk's
Office. 55: West Hills Rd.,
En-Consultants Inc. for Ludwig Becker-Hun~.~. State, n, N.Y.
2. Applicant's name and address:
....... .6..4...~R.r..t..h....~.a..J:.n....S. ~.r..e..e..t..~.. §.o..u..~.h..a.m.p~.qR.,.. ~.9 ~.. %~ ~k .... ,.1. % ~.6.~. .................. .~.e,.1, ,...C.5.1,..6.)... 2.8..3 ::.6 3 6 0
3. Contractor's name and address: .... ~o.t...ye.t..aelected ..............................................................
................................................................................................................................. .......................
4. Ex,.lain brie, fly the purpose of this application: ...C.9..n..s..t..r..u.9..t....~..~.~-+~.'..f.'...9..f....t.i..m..b..e..r.."r.~.t.ai~ing
wall plus (2) 25' reku'rns all ab.ove line of MHW '& wetlands. Construct a timber dock
....... .c.p.~a J,a.~A~g...qt...~...45.'. ;~...6.'...££~;.¢.¢1...¢.~.¢.v.~.t.ed...( 3.'... oho.va., grade..o£..marsh.It,. ~a~.~aik.,..ltl.'. x 3'
hinged ramp, 24'x 8' float secured by (2) 8"diam. x 25' pilings. Place (2) mooring
....... pilan§s..16.:aas~;..o~..E./S:.o.f....f..loat...&.40.: apaet, v-.Deedge-.an..area..t..~5.'.x-.fi0.'-..eo'-max.-.Y" be low
MLW from end of catwalk to channel in Jockey Creek. Approximately 694 c.y. of spoil
...... w~'~'~-.be--eemoved"and'-p'laeed,-beh~nd"pro pos ~d" ra tatata~'-waTT"a ~"l~ael~fTT~'.'"~'S~'*be low)
5. .After issuance of Permit, work must be compl'eted within one yeast.
con't. Purpose of project is to allow owner access to wat. erfront
property for his 50'. sailboat. "
6. Secure 'the correct Area Map from the Clerk of this Board, and by using a/X WITHIN
A CIRCLE as a mark, indicate as closely as possible the location of this work. On the reverse
side of this map, provide a SCALE .DP, AWING which will show the Ordinary High Water
Mark and the size-and shape of the s~,'ucture or work. All dimensions offshore of the
O. H..W.M. shOuld also be shown and include any free standing pilings whiCh will remain
at completion. State adjacent property owners.
7. Provide the following documents:
(o) A Licensed Engineer,'s Survey of the property involved.
Sho'r~ ~nvironmental Assessment Statement.
((b A copy of,the Contracto.r s P-la~ns and Spec~f,cat OhS..
s any previous application for this Work been denied by any'other government agency?
~'or NO. If it hos-been, name the agency .............................................................................
., ,
Date of denial ........................................
9. If dredging is contemplated,' give your estimate of the following.
(a) Average depth of water at M. L. W.where dredging, ff~- ft.
(b) MaXimum depth of dredging below the b°ttom,. ............................... : .......................... ft.
(c) MaximUm length of dredged area. ........ 125 ......................................................... ft.
(d) .Maximum width of dredged area ........... .5..0. ......................................................... ft.
(~) Maximum amount of material to_be_ dredged ......... fi~..4 .... ~ ..................... ,.. ]~.. yds.
10. (~).,,Method a,,nd, location .of .diaposa~l. of dredge materza Ir' 'rl.t~ing is expectea, give your estimate ot the touowing:
(a) Maximum amount of material required,. ........ .~:././~'....i .............................. ' c. yds.
(b) Explain' how fill will be obtained and where it will be placed.
I 1. In. requesting approval of this application,-, ! submi{' that':-, i am the person accountable for the
performance of the work in accord with the plans and specifications attached hereto; 1
have read or am fatal.liar With the provisions of any Southold'Town Ordinance pe~tinen? to
thc work involved; and further, ! intend to adhere to-and~ ide ~:~t~/e Terms and Conditions
of the Permit. //z ~~' ' x
A/4 Rev. 2/82 L.S ...... ,.....~..~_ ~.~....c~.~ ................. .; ..............
Presia~t, En-C~nsultantsInc.
' ' June '27, 1984 ...,,
:. >/