HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 8566 P 452 Wf I i THIS AGREEMENT made the �«� dad of June 1969 between x STANLEY C. RYSKO and JENNIE RYSKO, his wife, residing at East Cut- chogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, parties of the first part, and FRS FUMIL7.,N0, residing at Cutchogue, Town of South- old, Suffolk County, New York, party of the second part: . WHEREAS, the parties of the first part are the owners of cer- tainproperty at East Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York as described in deed from Howard E. Overton, dated December 6, 1947 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk' s Office on. Decem- ber 8, 1947 in Liber 2782 page 375 and as described in confirmation deed from Mildred Smith and others dated February 5, 1966 and re- corded in the Suffolk County Clerk' s Office on February 17, 1966 in Liber 5193 page 92 and, WHEREAS, the party of the second part is the owner of certain premises at East Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, as described as Parcel 2 in deed from Roswell Corwin, as ex- ecutor, dated June 6, 1967 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk' s v Office on: June 8, 1967 in. Liber 6164 page 354 and; WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to fix and definitely es- tablish the boundary line between the two parcels above mentioned, respectively owned by them as aforesaid. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the sum of one dollar by each of the parties...hereto to the other in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said parties, hereto, for themselves, their heirs, successors and as i signs, covenant and agree that the said boundary line be and. the '{ same hereby. is established as aline described as follows: FAGA5,3 party of the second part described as parcel 1 in deed Liber 6164 page 354 The said parties of the first part hereby remise, rel.,ease, and quitclaim, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever, all their right, title and interest 'in and to any , land lying to the southwest of said boundary line so established. The said party of the second part hereby remises, releases and' quitclaims to the parties of the first part, their heirs and assigns, all the right, title and 'interest in and to any land lying to the northeast of said boundary line. so established, The parties of the first part do hereby remise, release and quitclaim to the party of the second part a right of way 50 feet � in, width for access between said premises and Eugene' s Road, the southerly line being the northerly line of Eugene' s Road running from said land of W. G. Stepn.oski to the point of beginning of the above described bounda line; the northerly line being 50 feet therefrom and parallel thereto and extending westerly from said _land of W. G. Stepnoski to the premises of the party of the second part. Reserving, however, to the parties of the first part, the right to dedicate said ,easement parcel or any part thereof to the, Town of Southold for highway purposes.. 0 .A REED ewe the part- ies IS MUTUALLY' COVENANTED .A�TD G by and. between en e par w ies to these presents that this agreement shall run with the land and be banding upon and enure to the benefit of the respective n heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of each a of the parties hereto ill IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands anal. seals the day and year first above written. tan ey Rysko Al _ ..' L STATE OF NEW YORK: i • SS, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK.- On UFFOLK:On this/,/', day of ��' � 1969, before me, the subscri- ber, personally appeared STANLEY Co. RYSK0 and J'ENNIE RYSKO, his wife, to me personally known, and known to me, to be the same persons described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledge( to me that they executed the same* i Notary Public _ VRARY ODIC,STATE OF NEW YORK No. 0-4259000 Qvdlffed In. Suffolk CountT Tera apires Maxx► 30, 3971 STATE OF NEW YORK: •• S COUNTY OF SUFFOLK On this day of f �. 1969, before me, the subscri-- ber, personally appeared FRANK PUMILLO to me personally� known and known to me to be the same persons described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he.,,,'-,,executed the s acne o to � 1 _- NOTARY i'urzj'_,t�,,S.aty cx_Pdew Yoal, Z.. NQ. 52-05°48fl Qualified in Suffc,k County. Term Expzrep Marrh RO, 12 - �