HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix B - Final Scope, Stipulation of Settlement �� ■ A endix B pp Stipulation of Settlement, Final Scope �'���G�'�C� ��r�";���':f:" ��C�T� �M1�����"��" �:���«W"��11�C��'�°I��1�`I°'����.��1Rw�1�'���:""���" e����"�'�"�1�a1�1�"��C�l�"��'� ''`"I�������'e �����;:��������C:�l�" .�"1� ��"�,�"1"���[�I�l�������a°'� �;��"°1`���9� d"^���a. ��;d�1��w1Gj":�..�-tii�,:� l'�:°���a��aii�i:al "�iG� ���;�i� ;����r�,��M���l :i�a AIa��M°�1��� �ita�xo��.a�� ����;ir��ti°� �!�.�r��w, ���'11�''�'�Cl�r� "h�J"���`��:`'a�:���d��;a���e.�tl���" �t�l��", ��d`�1T�1��'1 o."a���,��'l.�lK'�1i�mE�`l.��a'„ "��"�u��s��a��c�1"�����1����,:����, �;�x1t'��9�, �:'°an�,�i�l��, p����r� '°��"`�,�.�. _. ���°c�,���pP:�r��o�� �".���.� ��l�ti-�m��� �� 8�������., �'"�.���.�::' �;"�.? `'��^'"K���1�t� ���m°1�����r���z���I?�rwzbc� I�'p��l`�il���, �.1�:��� �a"�:rd�� � ti s^:;�� �.�a�;]� -�:"`i �r���'i,�; . .,� , _ L'�:a���at�:.R: �,�,����Y➢���c����-, N'.�", ���r��-°r�w�a,��`����: "I'i:���,��� c�f`��:����1'�:���c� k'l�Mn����7� k��,c����1. ��.��. 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RUSS�ELL, LOU�ISA P. EVANS, THOMAS H. WICKHAM, AL�ERT J. KRUPSI�I, JR., WILLIAM P. RULAND, and VIIVCENT 1'��1. C7RLANDO, individually and as meznbers c�f�he TOWI� BO.ARD OF THE TQViTN OF SCIUTHOLD, TtJWN BC7ARD 4F THE TOWN OF SUUTHC?LD, JERILYN B. W(JOl7HQL.TSE, C�E(:�RGE S(7LpM(JN, JOSEPH L. TOWNSENT7, KENNETH L. EDWARDS, MARTIN H. SII}�JR, individually and as �aaembers afthe PLANNII�TG �3(�ARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTH4LD; �'LANNING BC7ARD OF THE TOWN UF SOUTH:(�LD, and TC7'�VN C3F SOUTHQLD, Suffolk County, New York, Res�ondents/Defendants. ________.._____________....________________________________________---X WHF�ZE�,S, NC7CRC?, Ltd. (hereina�'ter "NC1C�.0") is the owner ofa certain parcel of vacant ��eal propertY, ap�raximately 45.99 acres in area, �ocated on the nartherly side of Schac�l Hc�use Lane, at the intersectzon af Schaol �-Iouse Lane axad Griffing Str�et, �r� the Hamlet of Cutchague, Tawn c�f Southold, Suffolk County, I�ew York, which parcel is currentl� designated as Parcel No. 1000-1�2.00-01.00-133.�03 an the Suffolk Gounty Tax Map (herei��after tihe "Subject�Propert�y"); and WHEREAS, The Herita�e at Cutchogue, L,LC (hereir�after "The Heritage"), is a contract vend�e, by assignment, from N4CRC.�, with respect to the Subject Praperty; and 2859438.1 WHEREAS, the Subject Property is classified in the "1-�amlet�ensity(HD} Resic�er�tial" zoning district ofthe Tc�wn of Southold (hereinafter the "To����►") under�'lzapter 280 ("Zonitzg'>) af the Code of the Tawn of Sauthold (hereinafter the "Town Cade") and the "Z,nning Map" incorpox�ated in Cl�a�at�r 2$0 ofthe Town Cade; and WHEREAS, The Heritage has had pending before the Town and Planning Board of tlae '1�own of Southold (hereinafter the "Planning Board'"}, since June ]5, 2005, an ap�lication far site plan appraval far t11e prapased develapment of residential units and re�ated faciliti�s on the Sub�ect Property (hereinafter•the "Site P1an Application"), and has paid to the Tawn a $"7U,OSO.QO applicataan fee in canz�ection with such Site Plan Applicatian; and WHEREAS, th� Site F'lan Applieatiar� has been amendec� since its initial submission and, in its last iteration, propases deveiopment of l_39 residential units and related facilities an the Subjcct Property; and WHER.EAS, on July 16, 2007, �h� Plannin� Bt�ard {1) established itself as "lead agency," under the State E�viroazmental Quality Review Act ("SF�RA" _- Article 8 �f the Environmental Canserv�tion Law} and the SEQRA i7nptementing r�gulations at 6 NYCRR Part 617, f'c�r review of tl�e enviranmental impacts of t�e development proposed in the Site Pla� Application, (2} desig�lated the Site �'lan Applicatian as a "Type I" actian under the SEQ�.A regulatiox�s, and (3) issu�d a "pasitive declaration" far the Site Plan Applicatian under the SEQRA re�lations, which required preparatian of an Envi��onmental Impact Statement (";�TS") fc�r the Sit� Plan�pplicatian; and _�_ 2859438.1 WHEREAS, subsequer�tly, the 'Town Pla�ning I7epartment issued a report tl�at tk�e Dz�aft Environmental Impact Statement ("I7E�S"} prepared by The Heritage and last revis�d January 16, 2009 (her�inafter the "]i09 revis�d DFIS"), was acceptable far public review, and WHEREAS, on .Ian�ary 2Q, 2009, the Town Bc�ard oftl�e To�vn of Southold (��ereinafter the "Toc�n FSoard") purported ta enact three 1oca1 laws (Laca1 Law 1-2009, Lc►caI Law 2-2009, and Local Law 3-2009) that made amendn�ents ta Chapter 28U ("Zoning'>) of the Town Code, which arnendments, if valid, wc�uld render th� Site P1an Applicatian non- appravable; and WHEREAS, NOCRC7 and The He�•itage, on iv1ay 15, 2009, commenced this �roceec�ing/action challen�;ing the aforesaid puarparted ic�cal laws, and asserting other claira7s, �y filin� af a ""Ve�°ified Petitian/Complaint" dated and verified May 15, 2009 (hez-einafter th� "Petitio��/Complaint"); and �VHE�tEAS, alI claims asserted in this proceediz�giactian against th� individual Respc�ndents/Defendants, in their ir�dividual capacities, have heretofore been dismissed by the Court, ieaving the Tawn �3oard, the 1'lanning Board, and �he Town of Southold (he��einafter the "remalning Respond�ntsCDefendants") as the re�naining Respc�ndents/ Defendants in this proceeding/action, but appeals from such dismzssal have not been exhausted, and _3_ 2859438.1 WHEREAS, the P�tition�rs/1'laintiffs and the �-ernainin�; Respondents/Defendants (�erei�na�fte�- c�llec�ively "the pa��ti�s") desire to s�ttle this proccedingtaction, and t�e ciaims th�rein, upon tl�e follawing terms and canditions; NC1W, THERE�'ORE, the parties and their undersigr�ed attorneys, stipulate and agree as fallows: 1. Upon the executian of tl�is stipulation by all par�ties, the parties shall immediately suspend the prasecution/defcnse c�f this proceeding/actian and all appellat� proceedin�;s, such proce�ding/action shall be stayed upan "so ardering" ofthis stipulatian as pravid�d later in this stipulatian, and such su�pension and stay shall continuc untyl 60 days aftcr tl�e issuance arad �ling�vith the Town Clerk af`site plaz� approval for the I�zoc�ified developmer�t propc�sed far the Subject Praperty under this stipulatio�l, unless such suspension and stay shall be sooner terminated pursuant to the further t�r�n� af this stip-�latian. At the end of the 60-day period speci�ed in the first sentence af this para�,�raph, the par�ies shall discantinue this proceeding/actic�n, subject tc� recon�mencement of this proceedin�/actian in the event that a11y ofthe ev�nts specified in Paragrapl� 33 afthis stipulation accur. Ifthis proceedingiactian is dismissed for inactivity or any ather reason during the peric�d ot`its suspension and stay, as set farth 'tn this para�raph, this proceeding/actian may thereafter�be reco�nmenced by NOCR+C) and0or The Heritage against t�a� reznaining Respondentsf I7efendants, and the re�nainin� Respondents/Defendants a�,�-ee nat to assert, individually or jointly, any and a11 claims and/or defenses invalvin�; standing, the statut� nf Iimitations, laches, other tirnelincss ar�uments, and/or callateral estoppel or r�es judicata argum�nts based -4- zsssa3$,� on dismzssal afthis praceeding0action during its suspension and stay i�� or with respect ta su�h recommenced praceeding/action andlor any or ail of the recomm�nced clairns. 2, With�n �ne yea1� after tlae "sa ordering" af this stipulation, T11c I�eritage sha11 submit to the Planning Bcrard an amencied Site Plan Application that pr�pases development af the Subject Pi•aperty (h�reinafter the "Contemplated Develr�pment"} substantially cor�sistent with the cc��lce�tual development plan anne�ed hez•eto as F,xhibit "A" (hereinafter �he "Conceptual I7evela�ment Plan"), includes tl�e following elemen�s, and is subject ta the following restrictians: (a) the Cont��nplated Uevelopment will incl�c�e, after completion af all devel�pment phases, no more than 13Q re�identia] unzts, each cc�mprisecl of one ar mc�re stories, al1 o�'whicl� units shall b� condominiurn units; (b) th� Contemplated I�evelapzner�t shall not include mare than 245,000 sc�uare feet af"floc�r area, livable," as such tern� is defined in Section 2$0-4 af the Town Cac�e as ofthe date af first execution of this stipulation, and the paz�ties expr�ssly acknov�ledge and agree that such "floor area, livable" shall nat be deemed to include community facilities, g�ra�es, breezeways, unhea�ed porches, cellars, heater raoms, a�d approved basenzents having a window area of less than l0% af the square foot area ofthe room, al� of`which are speci�cally excluded from "�oor �rea, Iivable", (c) the �ar�templated Develapanent shall znclude the settin� asid� of at �east 50% ofthe Subject Pra�erty as "open space," and the�arties expressly -5- za�sasa.� acknawiedge and a�ree that the open space shawn on the Canceptual Development �"la�, and th� setbacks shawn therefor, satisfy a11 open s�aace requir�mez�ts, {d) tl�e Subject Property s�all be rnade subject to a cavenar�t and restriction limiting occupancy of alI the residential units t� persons ofthe a�;e af SS years or older; a s��ouse of a��y age, provided the spause of such person resides in the u��it and is the a�;e c�f 55 years or alder, chilc�ren or grandchildren residing with a. permissible c�ccupant, provided such children ar grandchildren ar� 19 years af age or c�lder; and individ�als, re�;ardless o�`age, residing �uith and providin�;physical support to a per�nissible occupant; and (e} thc Subject Property wi]1 be developed in one or rnore phases and in accordanc� with the use, ar�a, dimensio��al, parking, dz�ainage, and ather regulatians applicable to the Town's "Hamlet I7ensity (HD) Residential" zoning district, and pra�aosed development therein, as provided by this sti�ulatic�n. The parties slxall discc�ntinue this procee�i�g/actic�n if The H�ritage fails to submit an amended Sate P1an Application to t1�e Planning Board within one year after the "so ordering" of this stipulation. 3. Alsa withan one yeaz- after the "sa orderin�'> of this stipulation, The Heritage shall sub�nit ta tla� Plannir��Board a rewised UEIS for�he Site Plan Applicatic�n that evaluates the potential adverse envirnnmental impacts of the Contemplated Development, 4. The Planning Board has reviev�ed the Conceptua� Develc�pment P1an and finds it to be gen�rally acceptable. Hawever, the parties �xpressly ac;l�nnowledge that the Conceptual _�_ zs�s4sa.� Dev�lapment Plan is subject ta t�ath substantive and SEQRA review, public hearin�s, and adoption of�requisite fi��dings at tl�e canclusian af that process. As such, the parties ex�ressly recagni�e that this stipulatian does not cr�nstitute a farmal approva] aftlle �anceptu�l I7evelapment Plan nor c�t�ligate the Planaling Board ta grarat formal apprc�val af the Gonceptual Development Plan. 5. The Planning Baard shall make, within the required time periad(s) and in the required manner(s), all required referrals anc3 notifications to the Suffolk Caunty Plan�in�; Commission, the Suffol� Caunty Superintendent of Highways, the Suffolk County Commissiane��of Pul�lic Works, and other relevant Suffollc County c�fficials wit1� respect to the an�ended Site �'lar� Applicatior�. The Plar�ning Boa�-d sha11 alsa schedule, natice, and hald a preliminary hearing on the amended Site Plan A�plication, as required by Section 280- 137(D} r�fthe Town Code, and shall atherwise comply with the site plan application procedures af Ghapter 2&0, Article X�IV of the Town Cade. 6. Within ten (10} business da�s after its receipt ofthe amended Site Plan Application, the Plan�iing Bc�ard ar its staff shall notify The Heritage, ar its successors or assigns, in writing, whether the artr�e;n�ed ap�alication is complete, and, if it zs not com�alete, what additional infor���ation c�r submission(s) is/are required ta complete it. 7. The Plannin,� Board shall, within 60 days after its receipt of tl�e afaresair} revised I7EIS, review the revised DEIS ancl det�rmine whether it is adequate with respect to its scope and cantent for the pur�ase of commencing public review. In the ev�nt the Planni��g Board determines tl�at the revised DEIS is not adequate with respect to its scope -7- 2s�s��e.� and cantent, the Plannin� Board shall, wathin the afaresaid 6U-day periad, provide to The Heritage or its successors or assigns a complete and detailed list of rcquired revisions tc� thc revised DEIS. Fallc�win�;receipt of th� last described i1� the preeeding sentence, The Heritage shall, within 1 SO days of its receipt of such list, subrnit a fizrCher revised 1�E1S to the Planning Board, and the Planning Board sha11, within 60 days after its recerpt of the further revised I)EIS, (a) review the further revised DEIS, (b) determine whether the further revised DEIS is adequate with respect ta its scope and content far the purpose of commenein�puhlie review, and (c} if the Planning Board determines the further revised DEIS is not adequate with respect ta its scope and cantent, ��rovide ta The Heritage or its successors or assigns, wzthzn such 60-day period, a complete and detailed list of required revisions ta the further revised DEIS. The procedure set far�h in the px�eceding sentence may cc�ntinue as mar�y times as necessary to achieve a DEIS that the Planning Bc�ard deems adequate witla respect ta its scope and content far the purpose of commencing pubiic r�view. However, if the Planning Bnard shall require z��c�z•e t�an two revisions tc� the amended I3E�S, I'�tOCRC? andlor Tl�e Heritage may petition the Court ta review the propriety ofthe Planning�3oard's requests for z�evisians and n�akc such arders as may be appropriate with regard thereto. 8. The Planning Board shall, within 30 days after its receipt of a DEIS that is adequate with respect to its scope and cc�ntent, or that ac�equately responds ta the Planning Board's aforesaid requ�sts fo1-l-evisions, as the case may�e, adapt a resol�tion that (a) detern�i��s that tl�e DE�S is adequate witka respect to its scope and content for the purpose of _g_ 2859438.1 cammencin�;�ublic review, and (h) sets a dat� for a cambined pubtic hearin� on the DEIS and the am�nded Site Plan Application. �. Within five (5} business days after the T'lanning Baard's ado�tian aftl�e aforesaid r�solution deemin�that the 17EIS is adequate with respect ta its sc�pe and cantent for the purpose of co�nmencing public review, the Planning Board shall (a) issue a Conibilz�d Natice af Cor�pletion af I.�EIS/Natice of Con2bined Hea�°ing on SEQR�4 and Site Plan A�plication (�he "Combined Notice"), which Combirled i�Fotice shall p��ovide far the holdi�ng of a public hearing on the earliest date, allowed by law, that is a regularly scheduled meetin� of th� Planning$oard, (b) �ublish and �1e the Ga�nbined Natice, and (c) distribute capies c>f the Cambined Notice and I7ETS, all in accorda��ce with 61vYCRR �617.12. The Combined I�lotice shall establish a public comment peric�d for the I�EIS, ofa duration af`�o fewer than 30 days and no mare than 4S days, comm�ncrng from the date of the �rst filing and circulation of the Combined NQtice, and e�tending to a date no fewer than 10 days and no greater than 14 days after the close af fihe p�blic hearing. 10. The aforesaid co��lbined public hearing on S�QRA and the am�nded Si�e Plan Applicatic�n sha11 be clased nat more than 6Q days after the hearing is apened. 11. Within 20 days afte�� the close af the afaresaid combined pub�ic hearing, t�e Pla�ining Board sha11 farward to Th� Heritage, by letter, the substantive comments received on the I7EIS duri��the public hearing and the associated public camment period and th� transcri�ats of the public hearing. -9- zs��a��.� 12. Witl�in 1 a days aft�r its r�ceipt of the letter, list, tra�scripts, and substantive comments referred ta in the pr�ceding�ara�rapl�, The Heritage niay advise the Town, i�� writing, whether 'rt wishes to prepare a proposed Final Fnviranmeiatal Im�act Staternent ("FE�S") for the amended Site Plan A�plication. 13. If, within the 1 S-day period set fortl� in the preceding paragraph, the Planning Bc�ard eitlaer receives a writing fram The Herita�e declinin�to submit a proposed PEIS far the amer�ded Site Plan Application, or, alternatively, does not receive written natice from The Heritage that The Heritag� wishes ta prepare an FEIS for the amended Site P1an Application, the Plan�ning �Baa�-d shall, within 45 days a�fter the expiration of such 15-day period, pr�pare ar caus� to be prep�red and file an FEIS for the amendec� Site PIan Application. 14. If, hawever, The Herita�e advises the Planning Baard, in writin�, during the 1 S- day period set farth in I'ara�nraph 12, above, that The Herita�e wishes ta submit a prcrposed F�EIS for the amended Site Plan App]icatiQn, then, wit�in 3� days af�er its receipt, from The I��ritag�, af a�roposed �°EIS for the arnended Site Plan Application, the Planning Board shal] (a) review the �ropased FETS, {b) cietermine whether the proposed FEIS adequatcly responds ta the �ubstantive coznments on the DEIS, and (c) advise The Herita�e, in writing, of such determination. 1 S. If the Planning Boarc� determines that the prapased FEIS daes not adequately r�spond to the subs��nti��e comments on the DE�S, the Planning Board shall, within the 30- day period set forth ir� the pr�cec�ing para�raph, provide to The Herita�e a complete and -10� 2$59438.1 detailed list afrequired revisions to the prapased FEIS. Thercafter, The Heritage sha11, within 120 days of its recei�t of such list, submit to the �1at�ning Board a proposed revised FEIS ar advise the Planning Board, in writin�, that it declines ta submit a fiarther prc�posed FEIS. 16. The procedure for submission ar�d review of prc�posed FEISs set forth in Paragraphs 14-15, abave, may be re�eat�d, �avithin the salne tim� frames, until either �a) the Planning Baard advises The Hez�ita�;e, in writing, that the proposed FEIS adequately respc�nds to the substantive com�nents on the DEIS, in which case the P�annin�;Board shall, within 10 days after suc� written nota'ce to Th� Heritage or at the �rst scheduled Plannin�;Board naeetfng after such written natice, adapt a resolution accepting the FEIS for filing; ar (b) The Heritage advises the Planning Br�ard, in writit��;, that it dec�ines to submit a further propased FEIS, ir� whicl� case the Plannin� Board shall, within 45 days after the Planraing Board receives such writt�n notice from 'Th� Heritage, prepare ar cause to be prepared and �le an FEIS for thc amended Site Plan Application. 17. Within five (S) business days after the Planning Board's adoption of a resolution accepting, far �lin�, an FEIS for the amended Site Plan �pplicatiot�, the Planning Board shall (a} issue a Notice of G'ompletion ofFEIS, (b} publish and file the Notice of Co�npletion of FEIS, and (c) distribute cc�pies afth��Notice of'Cam��l�tia7z of FETS an� FE7S, all in accardance with 6 NYCR.R §61�.12. The aforesaid Natice of Gompletion oe f FEIS sha11 esta�lish a public consideration period for th� F�IS t�at extends to a date no �'�wer than 10 -11- 2859438.1 days and nc� greater tl�an 14 days after the date af thc frst filil7� and circulation c�fthe Notice of Ct�rn�alet�a"on af'FEIS, I 8. Ncatwithstanding 6 N`�'CRR §6l 7.13, the Plannin�Boai-d agrees that any additianal fees or costs to be cl�ar�ed tc� The Heritag� with respect ta tl�e SEQRA pracesses undertaken pursuant to this stipulation {other than fees for preparation af an FEIS by the Planning Board in the event that The Herita,�e declines to prepare the FEIS) shall nat e�ceed $20,000.(�0. Pursuant to � N�'CRR §6 2 7,13, if the Planning Board charges The Heritage fai- preparation of the FEIS, it will not charge The Heritage f�r review af the FEIS, 19. At t11e next �'lanning Board m�etin�; aftea�the expiration of the afaresaid public cansideration period far the FEIS, but in na case mare than 30 days after the filing ofthe FEIS, tk�� Plannin�Board sl7all issue a findings statement, in accordance with 6 NY�R.R. §617.11, a�d shall fil� and distribute the �ndings statement, in accc�rd�nce with 6 N5'CRR §617.12, within �ve (5) business days after the issuance of the findin�;s statement. At the same lneeting at which it issues the aforesaid �ndings statement, but subsequent to issuance ofthe �ndings state��nent, the Planning Board shall rend�r a detennination on the amended S�te Plan Applicatian and any initial approval af the arz�ended Site Plan Application sha11 be far a�ninimuz� o�f thr�e (3) years' duration. 20. Within thirty (30) days after The Hez•ita�e's receipt a�`the Plannin�Soard's deterrninatiQn on the arnended Site Plan Ap�lication, The Heritage sha11 advise the Planning Baard, in writin�, wlaether it accepts ar rejeets the Planning BQard's deterrnination an tl�e amend�d Site Plan Application ar the conditions of such -12- 2859438.'I deterrnination (he�•einafter a "Notice ofAcceptanc�" c�r "Natice c�f Reje�tion," as t1�e case may be). 2l. After the Planning Board has issued its, findin�s state�nent and final decisi�n, any project modi�cation w��ich was not addressed in tl�e FEIS but which may 1�ave signi�cant adverse env�ironmental impacts, �r�aay be subjeet to a supplernental EIS (or a new EIS, ifthe modificatian is so substantial as to be essentially a new project}. 22. In the event �'he Heritage issu�s a "Notice of R�j�ction" with re�ard to the Plataning Baard's dcterminatian of the amended Site I'lan Application, The Herita�e shall have, in addition tc� whatever other ri�hts or r�medies it may have, the ��ight ta continue or recan�rnence this proceeding/action upon thirty (30) days advance notice to the z�ernainin�; RespondentsiDefendants. 23. If The Heritage issues a "Notice of Acceptance" with regard to tt�e Planning Board's determinatian of the am�nded Site Plan ��plication, tl�e Tawn and its variaus boards, departments, ag�r�cies, and of�cials shall issue; (a) al� building permits (1) af�er issuance of site plan appraval for the amended Site P1an Application and (2) within 10 business days after submissian to the Town's Building D�partment of a cc�mplete ap�rlication for such a permit; and (b) all certi�cates af occupancy within 30 days after (1} satisfacti�n of all requiremenfis and canditia�as of(i) this stipulation that must be met��-ior ta issuance of a certificate of oceupancy, (ii) the site plan appraval, and (iii) th�building permit far th� unit, �uilding, or structu��e in questian, and (2} submission to the Town's -13- 2859438.1 �3uilding Department of a complete application for such certif cate, sewage or wastewater a�proval of the Suff�ll� Caunty Departn�ent of Health Serv�ces (he��einafier the "SCDHS"), an approved storm�vatcr management control plan, pursuarlt to C:hapter 236 of the Town Code, a plumber's cerlification, and an electrical certification. 24. The parties contemplate tl�at, �vithin the seven (7)-year peric�c� follo�Ting the "sc� ardering" of this stipulation, the Planning Board shall �,�rant, pursuant to Section 280-132 of the Tc�wn Code oY� oth�rwise, al1 reasanabie requests for extensian ofany site p]an approval and/or the time for campletion of work propased on the appraved site plan, provided t�at The Heritage has substantially completed any wark requir�d to be co�r�pleted by the time of such request(s). 25. The parties acknowledge and agree that the application fee for the amended Site Pian Application has bee�1 previc�usly paid in full, and no additiona� a�plication fee will be rec�uirec�. The parties further agree t�at (a) a total of$2,000,0OO.OQ shall be payable by NOCRC7 andlor The H�ritagc far all park, recreatian area, affordable housing, professional, and other �'ees associated with the Co�atemplated D�velop�nent and the amended Site P1an Applicatic�n, c�ther than past-site plan building permit and inspection fees; (h) the Tc�wn Board and Planning �aard sl�all issue all waivers (e.�., pursuant ta S�ction 280-137[�] of the Tc�w�1 Cc�de} as are or may be required to establish the for��;oing $2,0OO,OQ0.00 cambin�d fee; (c) 1/130 of the aforesaid $2,OQO,OQ0.00 total fees shall be paid tc�the Town up�n issuance af eacll certificate af occupancy far the 130 residential units includ�d ira the -14- 2s�sasa.� Canternplated I7evelopment; and (d) tlze P�a�znii�g Baard may, if appropriat�, require, as a condition of site plan approval, that a guarantee afperforrnance be�aravided pursuant t�a Section 280-131(K) of the Town Cc�de. Notwithstanding the for�going, �ny balane� of fihe $2,OOQ,OOU.00 in tc�tal fees that is not paid as c�f the seven {7)-year anniversary of ti�e "scr orde�•ing" of this stipulatian shall be paid in fu11 an az•befare suc1� seven ("7)-year ant�iversary dat�. 26. T�e par�ies acknowledge that (a) water supply n�ains a�d related facilities, owned or c�perated by the �uffolk County Water Autharity, currently exist in the area afthe Subject Pro�erty, and (b) the Towz� Board, by Resolutia:r� 2007-603 adapted July 3, 2007, adopted a map entitled "Sc�uthold Water �upply Plan Map," dated Juz�e 1, 20a6, that, ar�ong atP�er things, provides for public water service tc� the Subject Property. The Town and Town Board agree to, without any fee or charge to the P�;titianers/Plaintiffs or their successors in interest, (a) all�w the physical extension ofthe foregoing water supply mains and related facilities, as necessary, to the Subject Prapez-ty, and (b} provide consent, if re�uired, ta allow the co�nection af tl�e Subject Property ta such wat�r supply mains and related facilities. 27. 1�1OCR(� and The I-�eritage agree, far themselves and their successars and assigns, that, upon issuance of final site plar� approva� far the Conte�npiated Development, which ap�r�nval is entirely beyond judicial challen�;e or review, the ther� owner afthe Subj�ct Praperty shall execute and r�cord against the Sub�ect Property, in the Office af`the Suffalk County Clerl�, a "Decla:ration af Covenants and Restrictions," rur�ning with the land and enforceable by the Towr�, which shall set forth the abligatic�ns o£N(�CRt� and The I-�crifiagcy _��_ 2859438.1 a��d their respective successors, far��ayment of fces set forth i�1 Para�raph 25 of this stipulation, the restrictic�ns an occupancy set foi-th in Paragraph 2(d) afthis stipulation, and the r�striction an sale ar transfer set forth zn P'aragraph 34(d) ofthis stipulatic�n. The parties agree that any �na1 site plan approval shall be contin�;ent upon the recording of such Ueclaration in a form acceptable to the Town Attc�rney. Nothin�; in this paragraph shall be dcemed to preclude t��e Plannin�; Board from requiring, as a candition of`site�Ian approval, such cc�venants and re�strictions as the Planning Board typically requires in residential site plan appravals, 28. Na site�a1an approval or other appraval, authorizatian, or permit, or any extezlsian thereaf, with respect to the amendec� Site Plan Ap�alication or the Cantemplated Devel�pment ar any portion thereaf shall require (a) dedication ofany pc�rkion oftlae Subj�ct P��operty, (b) establishn�ent of any parlc, playground, recreatioraal facility, canservation easem�nt (cather than s�.r�h conservation easement as tl�e Planning Baard typically requires for the p�-otection anc�/or maintenanc�af open space), and/or public right of access or use on any portion af the Subject Property, and/or (c) provisian of public water sup�ly to any lands other than the Subject Property. 29. The parties contemplate tP��t the Town and its various baards, d�partrn�nts, agencies, emplayees, and cansultar�ts �i1i, at al] times after the date of"so ardering" af this s�ipulation, acknouw]edge and take inta cc�nsideration the existence afthis stip�lation in all comprehensive plans, land use and zoning studies, and proposed and adapted changes in la�d use and zonin� laws, ordinances, and ather regulations that are prepat�ed, considered, or _��_ 2859438.1 ado�rted by the Town or its various �oards, departments, and ag�ncies. The parties further ccantemplate that, for a periad af seven (7) years after the �ate af"so ardering" ofthis sti�ulatiQn, any and a11 chan�es to Tawn laws, ordinances, and otl�er regulatic�ns that aff�ct the land use requirelncnts or restrictions applicable to the Subject Praperty shall e�empt the amended Site Plan A�plicatian, any site plan approved for the Subject Property, ar�d development and use c�fthe Subject �'roperty in accordance with this stipulatian and a site plan a�7praval for the Subject Property. Natwithstandi��the foregoi�g, this para�raph shall nat be a�aplicable ta any chang�s in laws, ordinances, or other regulations that are adapted by th� Town and/�1- its various boards, departments, or agencies more than three (3} years after the date of"so ardering" of'this sti�ulation unl�ss, within such three (3}-year period, buildin�; permits sha11 I1ave been issued a1• applied far with resp�ct to at least 20% of the residential units appraved thrr��gla the Site Plart Application and certificates of occupancy shal� have been issued or applied for with respect to at least 14% of the residential units appraved through tl�e Site Plan Application. 30. Notwithstanding any othel�provision of this sti�ulatian, any and all dates and time periods set forth in this stipulatian for the laoldin� af 17earings, the taking af actians upon petitians and ap��lications, and ather actians and procedures may be�r�odified or extended, without need for an��ndment af this stipulation rar any further arder o�`the Gourt, upon the mutual cans�nt, in writing, of the �'etitioners/Plaintiffs ar their respective successors and assig�s and the applicable board, agency, or of�cial ofthe Town. -17- 286943$.1 31. The Tor�-n and its variaus boards, agencies, and afficials (a) s11ai1 nat appose the Contemplated Develaprnent anc� the amended Site I'lan Application be:Fore the Suffolk County P�anning Commissior� and i.n cc�nnection witl7 any repart or recammendation issued by the Cozaamission, and (b} shall no� object ta any applicatians ofNQCRU, The Herita�;e, a��d/c�r their successors or assigns, for ar in co�nection with the Cantelnplated Development or development pursuant ta any site plan approval issued �'ar the Subject Property, to non- Town agencies and af�cials, including, �ut not limited ta, app�ications ta the SCT)7HS for approval of`water supply and/ar sewage and wastewater dispasal facilities, applicatians to the�iew Yorl� State Department ofEnvirc�nmental Gonservation and/or the SCDHS for State Pollutant I�ischarge Eliminatior� System ("SPDES"� �ermits, anc� applications to the Suffolk CUunty Water A�athority or any other water purveyc�r far water service or fc�r constructian or extension of, ar connectic�n to, any and a11 water mains �nd/or other facilities to provide such service, sc� lor�g as a�1y such application is consistent with the Planning Board's SEQRA findin�;s and the Plannin� Board's �nal site plan approval.. 32. Tl�e paz-ties cantemplate �hat, except as oth�rwise provided in this stipulation, any and all applicatzons for approvals, permits, authorizations, certifications, and ext��nsions in c�nnectio� with tlae a�aiended Site Plan Applic;atian or the Contem�lated lJevelopment wi11 be reviewed, pracessed, and c�etermined by the Towr� and its various boards, departments, agencies, of�cials, employees, and cansultants in accordance with the site plan revi�w procedures o�`the Tc�wn Codc, as such procedures exist or are in �ffect on the date of first signing af this stipulatic�n, notwithstanding any subsequent cl�anges ta, or additians to, such -1$- 2859438.1 procedu�-�s, and the parties further conte�nplat� that the Town Baard and Planning Baa�-d will ensure that any subsequent changes to such procedures recc�gnize and pro�ide that develo�ment of the Subject Praperty in accordance with either the Cante�a�plated Devel�pm�nt or any site plan approval is e�empt frc�m such changes. Notwithstanding the for.egoing, any such application shall be subject ta the fe�s applicable at the time of the filing of the applicatian. In a�d"ztian, thzs paragraph shall nat be applicable to any suc� changes adopted by the Town and/oz- its variaus bc�ards, departments, or agencies n�ore than three (3) years a�ter the date of"so orderin�" af this stipulation unless, within such three (3}-year period, building perr��its shall have been issued or appli�d for with respect to at least 20°/Q of the residentzal units appraved through the Site Plan Application and certificates of accupancy sha11 have been issued or applied fai• with respect te� at least 1Q% ofthe residential units appraved thraug� the Site Plan Application. 33, In �he �vent that any one or more of the fallowing occur,NOCRO and/c�r Tlze �-Teritage s1�a11 have tl�e right to dec�Iare this stip�u�Iation r�ui1 and void (up�n which d�claratian the judiczal stay set forth in Paragraph 1 of this stipulation shall immediately and automatically dissolve} and thereafter cc�ntinue or rec�mmence this praceedin�;lactian, upan tl�irty (30) days' advance natice to tl�e remaining Respondents/I7efendants: (a) any procedure or action that is required ar cantemplated, by tllis stipulatian, to be followed, taken, or ct�mpleted by the Tawn, by the Town Board, by the Planning Board, ar by any other board, department, agency, of�cial, employ�e, or cansultant of the Town (1) is not actually followed, taken, or _19_ 2859438.1 completed, or (2) is not �`ollawed, taken, ar completed within or durin�; any time �eriad provided by this stipulatian, unless such time p�rioc� sha1117av� been ext�nded or mc�ditied by prior writt�n a�,�reement, as prc�vit��d far in Paragraph 30 c,f this stipulation; (b) ax�y procedure, action, or requirement that this stipulatzon either pro��ibits �ir cantemplates will not be fallaw�d, taken, or irnposed by the Town, by the Town Baard, by t��e P�anning Baard, c�r by any other-�aard, departmer�t, agency, afficial, emplayee, ar cansultant ofthe Tawn is actually followed, talcen, c�r imposed; (c} any site plan dete�rmination fozw the Subjecfi P'roperty r�quires treatm�nt c�f sanitary waste or wastewater by means otl�er than clustered individual sanitary disposal systems; (d} any site plan determinatian f'ar the Subject Property requires trcatnlent of sanitary waste or wastewater fram outside�he Subject Property; (e) 1�IQCRC7 andlor The Heritage issue a "Irlatzce c�f Rejection," as set forth in Paragraph 20 af this stipulatian; and (� this sti�ulatian and/ar the Plannin��oard's site plan deter�mination for t�e Subject Property islar� annulied or modifed by any one or more juciicial or administrative actions or proceedin�s. 34. Nothing in this stipu�ation shall prevent the Petitioners/Plaintiffs (a) from usin� t�e Subject Property, at any time, far any purpose that does not r�quire a permit, approval, or c�ther autharization �rom tl�e Tc�wn, (b) from using the Subject �'roperty pursuant to Town _�Q_ 2859438.1 perinits, appravals, andlor authariza�tions, (c) fi-c�m �nakin�; applications with respect to th� Subject Praperty or the develo�m�nt and/ar use ther�afto any jurisdiction, gavernmental su�division, boar�, body, d�partment, agency, or of�cial other than a board, bady, depa�-tment, agency, c�r of�cial of the Touwn, arad/or (d) fram selling ar otl�erwise transferrin� the Subject Property to any persc�n or entity at any time, pravided, however, that (1) the Tc�wn C]erk shall be pravided wriften notic� of any such sale or transfer of the Subject Pro�erty, anc� {2) any such sale or transfer must be expressly made subject to the terms and pravisions afthis stipulatian. 35. Except to the exte�t rights are s�peci�cally limited by this stipulation, n�thin�; in this stipulataon shall be deem�d to constitute a waiver of, �r to pr�clude the Petitioners/Plaintiffs from exercisin�; or assertin�;, any and all causes af action, c�aims, rights, azad remedies tl�at the PetitianerslPlaintiffs may have with respect t� a site plan determinatian, the appt•oved site plan, ar�d/or th� suhsequent development and use af the Subject Property, I�To�withstanding the foregaing, in the event the Petitzaners/Plaintiffs issue a S�Totice ofRejection of a cc,nditic�nal sitc plan app�-oval, the Petitioners/Plaintiffs' rem�dies, with respect to such approval, shall be lizrzited ta challen�ing the conditians r�f such approval. 36. The Court sha11 z�etain jurisdiction afthe parties to and the issues in this proceeding/action for purposes of interpretation and/or enforcement af th� terms and cc�zaditions of this stipulation, a�d the ca�tinuance or recan�mencement c�f this proceedin�/ action, as pravided in this stipulatia�. _��_ 2859438.1 37. The parties contemplate t�at, prior ta exccutian of this stipulation by any�arty, the Town Baard, as lead a�;ency, shall have completed review> pursuant tc� SEQRA and the SEQ�A ��egulataons at 6 NYCRR Part 6I 7 of the propased e�ecutic�n of t1�is sti��ulation. 38. This stipulatic�n, upon its "sa-ordering," shall canstitute a jud�ment of the Caurt th�t "special facts" exist, whzch entitle� tlle PetitionersiP�aintiffs, exc�p� as otherwis� provided in this stipulation, t� develap and use the Subject P��operty in accordance with the Town Code and other p�-ovisions of law and land use regulatians that exis�ed priar tc� adaption af the aforesaic� Loca1 Law l-2009, 2-2009, and 3-2009, and the amen�ed Sit� Plan Application shall be reviewed based an such preexisting pravisians and regu]ations. This jud�ment shall be immediately and automatically vacated upc�n the cantinuance or rec;omm�ncement af this praceeding/action pursuant ta tl�tis stzpulatian. Such vacatur shall be without p�•ejudice ta issuance of a new jud�ment af"s�ecial facts" in the event the Petitic�ners/Plainfiitf`s are successful after the continuance or recammencement of this proceedinglaction. 39. Nothing in this stipulatian sha11 be cieezned to constitute an admissio� by ar against any party to this proceedingJaction. 40, 1`�otwithstanding anything in this stipulatian to the contrary, this stipuiation shall be deemed to have been drafted by all the parties hereto. 41. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms of this sti�ulation and the terms af the '�'c�w�n Code, the ternas of this stipulatian shall control. _��_ 2859438.1 �� � I F���.Z ` I N56������"E I �vOl,Al.09N F� I �T5.28' T ��T z I I� '�� ��9Z,6�-N I � �• -_ < ��'��� d) 6£N o `��� � �k�� �mn v�i� �,.pi6lf� �a � "s a N o�a I: --- _t` I�� ',,. C��03�301.!�.. nn� m� VAZ9S ...�t'�. « «`� � �� � -o� - --- < <��vni�do� �y eet�!+`' •7 x ,�v � :�o �I. i ;�� �°��� `.I g; ml� � I. ���� � ' '� �� ���� � �I. {-L--- ''-"-' --' " _ -------�-- ;��. '�N �� BRfDLE LANE I. _' ��� ��o" � _____ , j�'' 'x, fI�rvi � I�`'«'. `{ � ""'"_' F �➢o �os� I,. ` . `i i � y `.i ` 1=.—— . � L'.'.`.'; ��'�`�' '� ���������� � ����•.) � { f.��.,...Fa `.�`.`.`.`.'i cn , '.. ` '_���'.'���4 ;I. � ———�. �.�j j . ,' '.�o'.'.'.'.J � ,} n m . �. , i'.'.'. 1 o � � `�'�•' � ',Q`,','," � � o . . . . . ` I.`.'.'.`. � . . .,.� I,�,• •.I m D � Laµ�.�.:�tf i.' ` .f. ` (J�. ' . .� 1�.'�'�` m z y i i n S" ��oa ,^,', ; S « �j•` i u . . ` . « � . . . i. . o ���.�e � 6 .'� . ..'� .`I u „� ; '.`.'�'I �.` ' . .� r. o �. . , .� � ,f.�.��� ���, �`I N v . � . .� 1 . . � � ; `.�' �' n o I . . . , ; . . . � .� ','f 0 0 . . . . . . . . .� ;.� li�. ' � ,�I � , . . . � N ' � . 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(631)262-8541 �� � I F���.Z ` N56������"E I �vOl.Al.09N __����4528' �ti �—� �� d ' P a I -�_ m x€ Ol 9Z,6f N I �� In m 3,. o w€a � �, - ------�, -s ��v�i�u� 3..oi6�6� €°a,� � "s a N o�a I I ' 1�� �ma C°-�J^ ��m � �� � °s� � .� `�'C'�v�i�do`'b�g9 f� � x tiv � ��� � ; ���3 �,, I �; �� �� �, � � �_--`---_ - � � 9�' �� ��� � � I ���� _ ,� _ �� '� __ - " �mm . � . u r ----- � --- ' 0 os . I>o � _` " BRfDLE LANE �'--- __ I "� � a �: �._ a a � r-_ ---.__._._ � n -————� ���'------- �'� � q a�� ---___ Ic �08� I �=.—— z� � pgD I � gSBgm�_ � � -- - .' � � i p m �� � � oo %g g '3oa I ,. ._ I 88 : gg�� I ', 1 aa k n I I � �� - - --- I 'I I ���� � � ��, I gg o ��� I �'I —�--'_ ---_ � I a ; ,, � _ — — , _�,:. . .o� I � Q§ �.��� a , �� ��� � � o � �� .'1—_1 ; I.��..w� I g J � __ l r l I .��.,. 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K�EHN �� �n � _- � � � � �� ��������� �x � g N iHE HERITAGE AT�CUTCHOGUE �E.aEa,,�_�..�oEs�.=aE P.0.BOX 641 NORTI�IPOftT,N.Y. it]6& '' (631)262-85��0 F�H�. (631)262-8541 42. If any�rovision of this stipulation is invalidated c�r deemed os- adjudged uncnfc�rccable, the remainin�;provisians af this stipulatio� shall remain in full farce and eff�ct. 43. This stipulation shall be bindin�; u�on, and �nforceable by, tl�e successors and assigns of the��arties her�to. 44. This stipulation may be signed in caunterpa�ts. 4S. The parties acknatiuledge and agree that, fallowing its execution by a1l �rarties, this stipulation wiil be submitted for "sa ordering" by the Court, The parties further acknawledge and agree that no partian c�f this stipulation sha11 be ef�`ective unless anc� �ntil the Caurt sha11 ilave "so ordcred" the entirety of the stipulat'ran without modification ar r�dactian. 46. Except as ot��erwise speci�ca�ly�rovidcd �ax� in this stipulation, no pravision of this stipulation may be waived or m�dified except by a writing si�;ned by all the parties and "so ordered" by a Justice afthe Supreme Court, Suffolk Cou��ty. Dated: Hauppauge, New York , �014 NOCRO, LTU. � w.. �-. B , Preszdent ate of Si�naturc: �� ,!� /� f _�3_ 2859438.1 THE HERIT" CJE AT CUTCH(JGUE, LLG � �� � 'G�1 - By: �� k� � ,�_�, Managia�� Member Date of Signature; �� � ,�� .�� .�-..........— PLA.�IN,�ING �34ARU (�F THE�"�OWN (7F SOUTI�OLI7 , ��, � � r�� � , ��.., f � , � ����a��� ,,r �,, .� a,� � ,� � �� �.. �.,....m�, ._..__ �� ��1�,������ ��'�� :'�, �k � �'�`�' ��.�.��, ��1�1T'111aT1, �1U1"SUi1T1�tC? R�solution a�`tl�e Planning B ard af the T�ow�� of Southald, duly adapted on �� �� , 2014 r �,,� Date �f Si nature: �.� � ��`f� ;�`�;.. TC7WN B4ARD OF THE Tf�WN OF SOLTTHC►LD, and TOWN SOUTHOLD s"� �y: S tt A. Ftussell, T�wn Supervisc�r, pursuant t�o . '' Resolutian� � �` �°µ Town ofSc�uth� � . ..�`�">ofthe Town Board ofthe - ., � � ,� old, duly adoptec� on„�`�� �.����� � ����� �� .,� � r��a��� � 2(��l 4 � , �� ; , ,,,�.�...,. °i .��,� L�at� of Si�nature: �� "'� � f�,� �:��,'`� �,`�a ��.,� ���� �r� 1 �_' . ,.._.,._ s o o�a�:�� or� � ��-�:_ °� ��-.�...�.�:��, z a�4 d r��� " ' � ��� � ��y . �a �'�'���z ���F��.���:,� �:', �.. �.w� Hanorable JenJy Garguilc�, Justice a�'the Supreme Court _�4_ 2859438.1 ��I-�I��T�-1 Canceptual Develo�ament Plan _��_ zs��a�a.�