HomeMy WebLinkAboutZabohonski, Henry (FI)SUPERVISOR'S OFFICE 16 South Street C~reenport, N. Y. Tel. Greenport 7-0550 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Main Street Southold, N. Y. Tel. Southold 5-3783 BUILDING I'NSPECTOR'S OFFICE Tel. Gr~ Southoldt N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. 1~0 THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at ~/~ FO~ .~.%'O Street, Map No. XXXXXXX~ , Block No, in fha Town o~ Soufhol~, conforms substantially fo the approve~ plans and speclficafions heretofore office with Application for Building Permit dated A~ ~0 19 ~, pursuant fo which Building Permit No. ~ ~ , dated ~e ~ 19 ~, wes issued, end conforms fo all of the require- ments of the applicab~ provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued APART~ HOUSE ( pe~mtn~n~ This ce~iflcafe is issued fo ~en~w Za~honsk~ (owner, lessee or tenant) of the aforesaid building. gui,lding Inspector (The CeH'ificafe of Occupancy will be issued only after the Building Inspector is convinced of the completion of the construction in compliance with the Multiple Residence Law and with other laws, ordinances .or regulations affecting the premises, and in conformity with the approved plans and specifications.) SUPERVISOR'S OFFICE 16 South Street C~reenport, N. Y. Tel. Greenport 7..0S50 BUILDIN '~ DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. TOWel CLERK'S OFFICE Main Street Southotd, N. Y. Tel. Southold S-3783 BUILDING rNSpI~CTOR'S OFFICE Tel. 8outholdt CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at -~./-~ F~" A.~'- Street, Map No. ]r~xix. Y.~r.x~ , Block No..~-~ , Lot No. in the Town of Southold, conforms substantially to the approved plans and specifications heretofore filed in this office with Appl;cefion for Building Permit dated a~t~_e~ _~1 19..~, pursuant to which Building Permit No. ~ -~_~ , dated --~3~1~--~__ 19 -~, wes issued, end conforms to all of the require- ments of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is APARTI~NT HOIISE ( _~m~ln~t: ~ Th~s certificate is issued to~ ~t enenJl 'l of +Ne aforesaid I~uild{ng. Building Inspector [The Ce.Fiflcete of Occupancy will be issued only after ffi~ Building Inspector is convinced of the completion of the construction in compliance with the Multiple Residence L~w and with other laws, ordinnnces,or regulations affecting the premises, end in conformity wlth the 4pproved /gens end specifications.) TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Multiple Residence Law Permit PERMIT NO, · ~'~ Application having been made on --"'-=: 30 covering construction on a {new, altered, or converted) multiple residence building, by or in behalf of appl;caf]on havincj been examined and recommended for approval on ~- 30 is hereby issu~dLfor the performance of the It. F13~tl]~ work described in the above numbered application and any accompanyln9 plans and specifications. If no work is performed within one year from the time of its issuance, this PERMIT shall exp're by I'm~tafloe. , for a dwelling located as above stated, and the said , 19_~, · PERMIT Approved EnfOrcement Officer q Flre escape plan approved lrloor plan F/re alar~ System 8everage disposa! ~'r l'~ ~ August ?, 1957 April 10~ 19%8 " 10, li~58 ~une 1958 'k'~'~oz"eement off:reef THE: FISHERc: 15LAND ELI='OTRIC ORRPORATION F'IS H E~R S ISLAND N~W YORK June 2, 1958 TO WHOM IT MAY C(fNCE.RN: This is to certify that the Fishers Island Electric Corporation, Fishers Island, New York, has completed the installation of the fire alarm system and exit lights in the Highland Hotel, Fishers Island, New York, as directed by the owner, ~. Henr2 Zabohonski, and that all materials used were UL approved. All work done was in accordance with the Underwriters re- quirements and an application for inspection has been filed with the Under- writers for their approval. The original wiring and entrance service in the building was approved by the Underwriters some time ago. THE FISHerS IS~IND ELLCTRIC CORPOI~TION H. Lee Fergason, ~r. Vice President HL~,Jr;!a TOWN OF SOUTHOLD APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT PURSUANT TO MULTIPLE RESIDENCE LAW Altered or Converted Multiple Residence Building APPLICATION NO. LOCATION ' House Number Street Distance from Nearest Corner (I} Type of Occupancy of Building to be altered or converted (Perm4nenf, Transient, or Private) (2) Type of Construction (Fireproof or Non-fireproof) (3) Use and Occupancy after Alteret;o'n~~. or Conversion ?T'r~.,m~.~-~ ~/, --~ / (4) A new C of 0 (will) (will not) be required (include EXISTING OCCUPANCY PROPOSED OCCUPANCY Cellar & Basement} Persons to be Apts. Rooms Ap~s. Rooms Accommodated C or B _ ~ ;~'~' Second /,~.., / ~- .~ ~" / ~ FiSh Sidh Seventh TOTAL (5) State generally in what manner the Building will be altered or converted (6) Estimated Cos+ of Al+e£a+ion or Conversion {7) Is Application made to remove violations? If yes,: State Violation Number (8) State what disposition will be made of waste and sewage ~ ~'J~' ~g (Public sewer, private sewer, cesspool, etc.) Page I STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he resides at (Typewrite Name) in +he City of~,~,~~ in the State of ~_ ¢~'' 'that he is making thls application for the approval of IArchltectural, structural, mechanical, etc.) plans and specifications herewith submiffed end made part hereof, end that to the best of his knowledge and belief, the work or construction will be carried out in compliance with such plans end specifications, and that if waft conform to ail applicable provisions of the Jaws governing multiple residence consfru~on.f / Sworn to before me, this ~o ~ , 19 ~'~ If application is ~o be executed by someone other than owner, ectlng in his behalf, ~he following eddiflonel inform- ~fion should be supplied: Owner's Name ASdress (If · corporation, cjive fu'll n~e ~nd address of ~t Je~s~ two officers) (SI¢=N HERE) Sworn to before me, this day of , Applicant , 19 Notary Public or Commissloner of Deeds FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Examined end Recommended for approval on 19 &pproved on 19 Superintendent. Work commenced on 19 Dete Completed 19 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the ebove report is true in every respect end that the work indicated has been done in the menner required by law end Rules and Reguletions of this Department. Signed Inspector. Page 2 N.o /,3o TOWN OF' ROUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND ~ TO REMEDY SAME Please toke notice that there exists a violation of the Multiple Residence Low and/or Labor Low at premises above mentioned os follows' Section: Section: ~ection: ~ection: ~ection: Section: Section: Section: YOU ARE HEREBY DIRECTED AND ORDERED to comply with the law and remedy the c0h- ditions above mentioned on or before the ~f~,~ da¥~ , 1~.~. Failure to remedy the conditions aforesaid and comp~ith th~applicoble proviSions of law may constitute an offense punishable by fine or imprisonment or both. Fex ~e. ~pon aa la~pectieu of year apartma~ heuee S/$ F~x ~e. % fiad tl~t you are relmleliag the klildiag vithout a pemit m-aer I~lttpll Rel~le~e ~. · hea app~ ha~ be~ given ~ ~oth Sewerage A~ml a~d ~ldiag pla~m a Multtplo lleti~eace ~ildlng l~er~it will ~e imbued. ~ of the thtz~e whl4lh ~iat ~e dele ia t~e lluildL~g ~1~: p~ ~e ~t~ ~, ~t~ cel~ ~11~ n~ ~ p~ster o~ ~t~, ~lo~e ~e~a lelf clel~z~ d~l~e at citer t~ or ~t~ of ~h ~l~,. a ~ mil ia ~ mir at all po~ts of ~tt ~ ~ ~oor, a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~lter~ ce~ifl~te of ap~ off the el~e ~ tn t~ ~i~t~. ! ~ill do e~e~ ! c~a to ~eed your p~oJe~t along &m eoen ~1 I get the p__l~? fr~ ~. STATE OF NEW YORK, County of ~uee,~lk 'fern of ~outhold Be ~! Bememberek That ~ ............. .~.~-.~..-.._~'~:_--~.?.--~- ............................................... residing in the....-T"s.m___o/ ..... ~_o~.old .................... suffolk County of ................................... N. Y. now come before...._ E~ P_~F~ of the...~_..~..~_ ..... of Tom o£ N. Y., and ~ive information under oath as follows: ., Esq., a Juot,t. co That one .......... ti~...Z4~s~h~al]~ ............................................. on the ..___2~_..t~.._ ........ day of .......~.~ .................... 19 57 ~ ~~d Ho~ol on 8/o of Fox A~, ~ ......... ~' -~'~-~-"~T'~;' .................... ' ~e .... ~ ............. of ..... ~ .................... Coun~ of ......... ~.~.~_~ ......... N. Y., at about._..~ ................... o clo~ m the~.~.__noon of said day, ~d commit ~e ~ .__~0._~i_~_~..~ ~t~ t~e ~~..~..~...~..~_~..~. by *~ wrongfully, u~wf~l,~, wil/~ly, ~~, ~ ~ly _.. ~.~_~m~;.~.._~m~_...~q~_..~~ ~.~ ~. ~_ ............ WHEREFORE Your Informant prays that the depositions of this Informant, and. ................... kl,Cka,,'~_.~:ka~...:.~...S..~ff__.~_~.t_..h. ................................................................. .......................................................................... witness, may be reduced to ,,Htin~ and daly subscribed, and that a warrant issue for the arrest of said accused, and that h~ be dealt with pursuant to the provisions of the Code of Criminal procedure. dayo, ..... ......... J~st:Lce of the Peaco STATE OF NEW YORK, Count~ of 5u~£olk '£o~a of aouthold re~idinz in the....~ ..... of_ 5o~o~ , Coun~ oi ..... ~ ........... N. Y, now come bdor~...~~ ........... ~q., a of ~e..~e_~ ...... of. T~ ~ 5ou~o~ ., in the Coun~ of-~~__ N. Y., and ~ve info~tion under oa~ ~ follows: That one ............. ~-~~ ...................................... on ~e ..... ~ ..... of ...... ~_~ .................... 19 ~7 , at t~e ......... ~~..H~.L ........ , ~e ...T~ ................ of ....... ~ .................. Coun~ of ..... ,aute, l~ .......... , N. Y., at about__..~ ................... o clo~ ~ the~~_.noon of said day, ~d comet ~e .... ~.~..~._.~..~i~.~~.~i~.~~_~ by *~ wrongfully, u~w/~ly, ~l/~ly, ~,~:~- ~- ..- - .. ~ .._:~.~...~__~..~..~_.~2__e~_~_~..~_~..~,_~..~k.~..~ ..... .._~;~..~..~__.~:..t~..~_.ta~g.~t~ ........................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................ WHEREFORE Your Infomant prays ~at ~ depositions of ~s ~omant, and subscribed, and ~at a wa~ant issue for ~e ~est of ~d ~, aad ~t ~ be d~ ~ pursuant W the pro~sio~ of ~e Code of Crimin~ proc~e. ........... , ........................ ~ .......................................................... Igc ..~., ., ~ ~.., STATE OF NEW YORK, ] County of _.__fia~LtL~LK~I ss. ..... _Tp_..wn_ .... of $outhold he ~A of Soat~io~d , County of Suffolk residing in t ............................................................................................................ N. Y., now come befor~.._.~-....P-e-r.~-..-E~--.~-e~--d~.- ................... Esq., a ........ ~tice of the..~.9.~ .......... of._._~9~._~..~9_~.~ .............................in the CounW of..__~9~ ........... N. Y., and ~ve info~ation under oath as follows: Z ' That one ........... ~_¢~..-~b~.~ ..................................................... on the ...._~_~ ............. day of .......... 4~k~-~ .............................. 19 57 , a~ the~.$~_~.~A.)~Pg~.~..9.6..~...e~...~9~..~_~., ...... in F~hers Isled, N. Y. the ...... T~ ............... of .._.~ ............................. County of ........... ~uffo~ ............. N. Y., a ou ......... ~ _9 ....................... ' at b t ~ ~ o clock in the.~.~.~P~......noon of said day, did commit ~e ~ by *~ wrongfully, mdawf~l~, wi~f'zdly, __~ ...... a~ ~ingly -Z~.v~..b~_ ~.v~..~t~..~-.~e--~.-~r~e~--~-.c~---5~--~--~---~ ............. ~esidence ~w enforcement offic~. WHEREFORE Your Info--ant prays that the depositions of this Informant, and ............................ .............. ~mar~..~l~ad._an~.~ ~ .~ .................................................................................... .............................................................................................. witness, may be r~ueed to writing and duly subscribed, and that a warran~ issue for the arrest of said acc~ed, and that he be d~lt with pursuant to the provisions of the Code of Criminal procedure. Swo~ to before me this ........ ~ .................... ] ~J ~ · , - '~. ~yof ...5S6~} ....................... ~9 ~:~'~-"'-'o~-':'~;--C'mp'g~nt .... ...<;_...~_2..~:_.~:~:~..~..~./.~.~%~.(~ ................ ' ' .......... g~_~...9.L..~h~...~.9.~ .................................. STATE OF NEW YORK, County of Suffolk I ss. .... rol~l_ ........ of Southold That I ...................... ~9~.~..[~,._!9~.~ .................................................... r~iding in the__~.~ ......... of ......... ~R~ .......................... County of ....... ~.~[fg.~ .................... N. Y., now come befor~.._~.,_.~.9~i~-~d~- ................... Esq., a .~.~iQg_ .... of the_~_5~ ........... of.._~._~[~9~-9~ ............................. in the Coun~ of.-~$~ .......... N. Y., and ~ve infomation under oa~ as fellows: That one .............. ~-.~hQ~a~ ................................................... on the ..... Hilled Hotel on the of ....... A3E~.~- ................................... 19 ~7 , at the ............ ~r~__~4..~,.-I ................. in the ...~= .................. of ....... ~ka~ ............................ County of ....... a~f~ ................ N. Y., at about..._~.Q ...................... o clock in the__~xnaon_.-noon of said day, did commit ~e by *~, wrongfully, un.wrYly, wil/~ly, ' . ~ "' a.~ ~i~gly .............................................................................................................................................................................. ....................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... WHEREFORE Your informant prays t~at the dcpos/tions of ~his informant, and ............................. .............................................................................................. witness, ~y be r~uc~ W ~ting and d~y subscribed, and tha~ a warrant issue for the arrest of said acc~ed, and t~ he be d~lt with pursuant to the provisions of ~he Code of Crimina] procedure. ._ y _.._'..._.Z_.~. ___ ........... ~Z ........ :----: ....... ,. .................... ......... ............... ......................................... ........ ...................................... STATE OF NEW YORK, County of ..... ~ ss. <Co__~l_. of ~- .. emembereh. That I ................. tio~:az'd~_~l,_.T~r~- ...................................................... ....................................................................... ' C'u residing in th~ Tow~ of Sou~hold County o~ ....... ~...K~.~J~ ........................ N. Y., now come befor~..__~_~.~--~-~- ..................... Esq., a ......~2 ~ ~h Peace ~, Town of Sou~o~ o~ ~.e ..................................................................................... in the CounW of...~P~P~ N. Y., and ~ve info~ation under oa~ as follows: ' ~ o ' 20th .... day That one .................. ~.?~._e~..)~kx .................... on the Hi~nd Hotel on s/s of Fox Ave., the .... '~. ................. of ...... ~9.~.~ ............................. CounW of .......... .~.~LO~k ............ N. Y., about ................................. at ' ~ ;~O o'clock in the__..~o.o~___..noon of said day, did commit ~e by ~, wrongfully, un,wrYly, wiif~ly, ~ '' and a multiple dwe~ ~thou~ firs~ obtaini~ a ce~ificate of occu~gy~ .................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................... WHEREFORE 'Your Info~nant prays that the depositions of ~his Info,ant, and Ri~d Bol~ and Sidn?y ~c~th ............................................................... witness, ~y be r~uc~ to wEting and duly subscribed, and tha~ a ~varrant issue for the arrest of said accused, and that i~e be d~lt with pursuant to the pro~sions ot the Code of Criminal proc~ure. Sworn to beforo me thi~....~9~h .................... } ~ . ~y of ...... ~ ..................... ,1957 ~i/~.~ ~.. ~ <',//--t.. . _ ,' . , ....................................... ~ ........................ ~ ~. ,~ ~ ~ice of ~e Pe~ce E F © © ALTERATIONS TROUBLE '/ 'x/ , , , 0 0 0 e e e ,0 0"0 CAT* NO, USED ON z 28536 ~ 2 i ~Vor~. C,~ 7: Nos/244 .0.,~ l ii I I r I I I I I J I I I I I I ~" I~l~lc 6 28 ~oo 4 3 8 28601 5 4 EDWARD$~'COMPANY C- F lPEI,q L OF tl 1 ~0 F F, oFF, ,/ pbfal~ ApPRo~"~D ~