HomeMy WebLinkAboutNorth Road Nursing HomeSUPERVISOR'S OFFIOE 16 South Street Greenpod, N. Y. Tel. Greenpo~ 7-0550 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF $OUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. TOV~N CLERK'S OFFICE Mal. Street So. timid, N. Y. TeL Southold 5-3783 BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY To~n Ha3.3.t Boutholdt ,thi..u~ez, eedes C/O) N o · ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ Date ~IL~ ~ THIS CERTIFIES that the building located a+ ~+._~_ .u.~,,~ ~. ~.~.~...~ a_.q~_ Street, Map No. ~ , Block No. ~ , Lot No, in the Town of Southold, conforms substantially fo the approved plans end specificeflons heretofore fi~d in this office wlfh Application for Building Permlf dated 19~, pursuant fo which Building Permit No.~,~a~ dated~'19 ~, w~s issued,- end conforms fo ~11 of {he requlre- merits of the applicab~ provisions of the law. ~e occupancy for which this certificate ;s issued This certificate is issued fo of the afore~id building. ~ld~ ~spected ~e 2~ 1~6 (owner, lessee or tenant) B~,i,ld;ng Inspector {The'Certificate of Occupancy will be issued only aHer the Building Inspector is convinced of the completion of the construction in compliance with the )Vlulfiple Res;dance Law and with other laws, ordinances.or regulations affecting the premises, and Tn conformity with the approved Idans end specifications.) SUPGRVISOR'S OFFICE 16 South Street Greenporf, N. Y. Tel. Greenpor~ 7-0~0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWel CLERK"S OFFICE Meia Street Seutheld, N. Y. Tel. Soethold 5-3783 TOWN OF $OUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. BUILDING rNSPECTOR'S OFFICE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. *, :0 Date ~y 1.~ 19 ~r THIS CERTIFIES Sat the building Iocafod arm/- ~t_.-,, ..... .~ t .... -- "~'t Street, Map No.~ , B~k No. - ..... ~ ~ ..... ~ ~ v in the Town of Sou~old, conforms substantially to the approved plans and specifications heretofore fi~d in this o~ce with Application for Building Permit dated .T~a 1~. 19~ pursuant to which Building Permit No. ~ O~ , da~d ~ 19 ~, was issued, end conforms to all of the require- ments of the applicab~ provisions of the law. ~e occupan~ for which this ~ificate is issued is This certificate is issued fo of the aforesaid building. Bufld, ng Inspector/ (The Certificate of Occupancy will be issued only after the Building Inspector is convinced of the completion of the construction in compliance with the Multiple Residence Law and with other laws, ordinances,or regulations affecting ~ne premises, and in conformity with t~e approved I~ans and specifications. SU PERVISOR"E OFFICE 16 South Street Greenport, N. Y. Te~. Greenporf BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF $OUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. TOV~N CLERK'S OFFICE Ma1. Street So.thold. N. Y. Tel. Southold B-3783 BUrLDING I'NSPECTOR'S OFFICE To,an Clerk' s O£flce 8outhold, ~i. ~. so -a66o CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. 3.~6 Date ~ a9 19..,~ THIS CERTIFIES that the building located a~_/R .%V~t~ g~.m~l ~ ~nh~e~~ ~ S~eet, Map No. in the Town of So~old. ~nfo~s substantially te the approved pl.ns end specifications heretofore fi~ in this o~ce wi~ App~;~tion for Building Permit dated A~il 28 19~, pursuant fo which Building Permit No. ~9 ~ dated A~ ~ 19~, was issued, end conforms to all of the requi~- ments of the eppliceb~ provisions of the I~w. ~e occupancy for ~ich this ~ifice~ is issued is This certificate is issued to of the aforesaid build;ns. (owner, lessee or tenant) Bu,~lding Inspector (The Certificate of Occupancy will be ;ssued only after the Building Inspector ;s convinced of the completion of the construction in compiielte~ with the Idult;pla Residence Law end with other laws, ordinances.or reguJafions affecting the prem;ses, end in cd~rmlty with the approved p'lans and spe¢ifications.) TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Multiple Residence Law Permit PERMIT NO. '119 A~l~. 28, ~g ~8 APPLICATION NO.~ 19~ LOCATION Application having been made on covering construction on a multiple residence building, by or ;n behalf of , for a perm;t (o~,..~) , for a dwelling located as above stated, and the said appI;catlon having been examined and recommended for approval on A_~'I~ ~.~ , 19 ~, a PERMIT is hereby issued for the performance of the II~.t~IL~ :l. nlt~l, llt~.On {archl+ectur~l, str~cturat, mechanical, ere,) work described in the above numbered application and any accompanying plans and specifications, If no work is performed within one year from the time of ifs issuance, this PERMIT shall expire by limitation. Approved ~nforcemen+ Officer TOWN OF $OUTHOLD APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT PURSUANT TO MULTIPLE RESIDENCE LAW Altered or Converted Multiple Residence Building APP',CAT,ON .O. / / LOCATION House Number Street DTs+ance from Nearest Corner (I) Type of Occupancy of Building fo be altered or converted (Perman~ent, Transient, or Private) (2) Type of Consfrucfion (Fireproof or Non-fireproof) (3) Use and Occupancy after Alteration or Conversion (4) A new C of O (will) (will not) be required .Story (include EXISTING OCCUPANCY PROPOSED OCCUPANCY Cellar & Basement) Persons to be Apts. Rooms Apts. Rooms Accommodated Cor B Firs+ Second Th;rd Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh TOTAL (5) State generally in what manner the Build;nc will be altered or converted (6) Estimated Cost of Alteration or Conversion -- (7) Is Application made to remove violations? If yes,: State Violation Number (8) State what disposition will be made of waste and sewage . (Public sewer, private sewer, cesspool, etc.) Page I (Typewrlfe Name) being duly sworn, deposes and says: ]'hat he resides at ~ / / ~" C~ty of ~~"'--- Jn the State of .~"/c~./' Y0~//(~'~- · that he is makJncj th~s in the application for the approval~/of ?~' c~.~,~_ & ~ (Architectural. structural, mechanical, etc.) plans and specifications herewith submiffed and made pert hereof, end that fo the best of his knowledge and belief, the work or construction will be carried out in compliance with such plans and specifications, and that it will conform to all applicable provisions of the laws governing mu)fiple residence construction. (SIGN HERE) , Owner Sworn to before me, this day of , 19 Notary Public or Commissioner of Deeds If application is to be executed by someone other than owner, ecting in his behalf, the following additional inform- ation should be supplied: Owner's Name ~ .~.~ ~'~t..// ~_~Address/~.~.fl[_ ~~ (1{ a corporat~on~ g~ve full n~ ~ '" ame and address of at least two offlcers) Sworn to before me, this ~/~ '~ day of / ~ - , Applican~ Notary Public or Commissioner of Deeds No. ~ ~ommission Ex,till MIl:h ~0, lg FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Examined and Recommended for approval on Approved on , ( '' 19 ~ Superintendent. Work commenced on I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above report is true in every respect and that the wor~ indicated has been done in the manner required by law and Rules and Regulations of this Dqpartment. Signed , ¥ ' ~ C_~. '~ Intpector. Page 2 ISLAND FIRE DETECTION Distributors of Fire Alarm Systems SERVICES ~ on ROUTI; il2 · P.O. BOX 217 HEDFORD STATION, L. I., N. Y. TELEPNON~ .... GROVER 5-4720 _ ISLAND FIRE Distributors of Fire .41arm Systems DETECTION SERVICES on ROUTE 112 . P.O. BOX 217 MEDFORD STATION, L. I., N. Y. TEL~PNONI~ .... G ROVI~R 5-4720 ! H~LL ISLAND FIRE DETECTION Distributors of Fire Alarm Systems SERVICES on ROUTI~ 112 · P. O. BOX 217 HED~ORD STATION, L. L~ N. Y. T~LI~PHONI~ .... GROVI:R 5.4720 ISLAND FIRE DETECTION Distributors of Fire Alarm Systems SERVICES on ROUTE Il2 · P.O. BOX 217 NEDFORD STATION, L. I., N. Y. SPECIFICATIONS FOR INSTALLATION OF FIRE DETECTION SYST~2~ NORTH ROAD NURSING HOME First Floor.....................14 U.L. Thermal Units 2 8" U.L. Bells 1 Break Glass Station 1 Indicator Panel-4 Stations showing location of fire. 1 Master Control Panel-housing AC/DC power and employing trouble Signal Light. 1 Supervisory Panel. Second Floor.......... ......... .12 U.L. Thermal Units Z 8# U.L. Bells 1 Break Glass Station Attic,.,,.,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,.,., 2 U,L, Thermal Units Basement.......................L. 3 U.L. Thermal Units 1. All wiring will be 16 guage U.L. Approved. 2. All equipment will be U.L. Approved and will comply with the New York State Multiple Residence Law, and will also comply with local requirements, Town of Southhold, Mr. Howard Terry, Building Inspector. 3. Ail wiring to be concealed. 4. Islan~Fire Inc. will obtai$ all certificates and permits. Very truly ypurs, ISLAND FIRE DETECTION SERVICES INC. Michael R. Verrilli PRES I DENT / TOWN OF $OUTHOLD APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT PURSUANT TO MULTIPLE RESIDENCE LAW Altered or Converted Multiple Residence Building APPL,CAT,ON NO. /~,'~ LOCATION Nnlt~ House Number Height: 8 Street Distance from Neare~ Corner Area (I) Type of Occupancy of Building to be altered or converted (2) Type of Construction (Permanent, ~ranstent, or Private) (FireprOof or Non-fireproof) Use and Occupancy after Alteration or Conversion (4) A new C of O (will) (will not) be required .Story {include EXISTING OCCUPANCY PROPOSED OCCUPANCY Cellar & BasementJ Persons to be Apts. Rooms Apts. Rooms Accommodated Cot B First ~ ro o~l~ Second ThUd Fourth ,. Fifth Sixth Seventh TOTAL ($) State generally in what manner the Building will be altered or converted Addition for owners private use. (6) Estimated Cost of Altesation or Conversion {7) Is Application made to remove violations? If yes,: State Violation Number (8) State what disposition will be made of waste an~ sewage (Public sewer, private sewer, cesspool, etc.) .//.h~'//nuc .~bP'~'~ ,~t ,,~'./r~-.gZ ?'4 ./]Z:/~ ?' Page ST,~TE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK being duly sworn, deposes an~l says: Thet in the City of epplication for the approval of (Typewrite Name) he resides at in the Stere of ·thet he is making this (Architectural, structural, mechanical, etc.) plans end specifications herewith submitted and made part hereof, and that to the best of his knowledge and belief. the work or construction will be carried out in compliance with such plans end specifications, end.that it will conform to all applicable provisions of the lews governing multiple residence construction. (SIGN HERE) , Owner Sworn fo before m~, this day of . 19 Notary Public or Commissioner of Deeds If application is to be executed by someone of her than owner, acting in his behalf, the following additional inform- etlon should be supplied: Owner's Name ~-.~/- ~- .~ Address (SIGN HEREJ ' ~' Sworn to before me, this \ ~ '~ day of , Appficanf ~ ELB[RT E. LUCE Residing in Suffolk Co. Official No. ~ ~,-- ~,,U~ ~ ~$ ~ Cemmi~sion Expires March 30, 19 ~ ~; FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Examined and Recommended~... for approval on ~/ ~ Approved on Superintendent. Work commenced on ~ /~ IO..~Date Completed 19 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above report is true in every respect and that the work indicated has been done in file manner required by law and Rules and Regulations of this Department. Signed Inspector. Page 2 PLUMBING HEATING ~. .,. CONTRACTING E. F. HOMMEL ORIENT, L. I. NEW YORK TELEPHONE OaIENT 1335 Specifications for a 22'x32' addition for ~ed W. Benze. 8"x20" Cement footing Cemen~ Block Fondation 2"x6" Sills 2-~"x8" Girders 2"x6" Floor Timber 16" 0. C. 2"x~" Studding 16" O.C. ~"x~" Plate 2"x8" Collor Beams 16" O.C. 2"x6" Rafters 16" O. C. Yellow pine roofers to cover whole building Asbestos side wall shingles Asphalt Poof shingles Sheet ro~k side wall and CeiAing Yellow pine rough floor with 5/16" ply wood 6. Storm King Windows 1. Picture Window 2. Sliding Doors 2.~wing lng Doors ji