HomeMy WebLinkAboutLevy, RolandTDWN DF SDUTHE]LD OFFICE OF ]=IUILOING INSP£OTOR TOWN OLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. ~pt. 19, 1~. Roland Levy North Road 6reenportt L.I., registry. Enclosed please find yo~ copy of the ,rate,ant of An in~peetton of you~ p~operty on ~ept. loth ehowa that it subetantialy ~eeta the requirements of the zmltiple ~ealdenee law. Baaed on said tn~peettol th~a letter will serve as · eerttfieate of occupancy and should be kept with your eopy of ~eglat~y atat~entt available to any future tnapeetors. If at any ti~e in the future you ahould wiah to ~e~odel or alter the p~operty in any way pleas, contact thia office for pe~lta and lateat ru~es and regulationa. Thank you for your aooperatlon. Yours t~uly ~tldtng inspector Original for Municipal Building Department STATEMENT OF REGISTRY To be filed in duplicate with the municipal building department or local enforcement agency by every owner of a multiple dwelling, as defined in subdivision 33 of sect/on 4 of the Multiple Residence Law. Within 30 days after the filing of this statement, the municipal building department or enforcement agency is required by sect/on 300, Multiple Residence Law, to file a duplicate copy hereof with the State Build- ing Code Commission, 1740 Broadway, New York 19, New York. I. Location of multiple dwelling: (a) Street and number ~ (b) Municipality ~7'^ u~ 2. Description: (a) Type of construction Height of bu;Jding, including number of stories ~~ =~-~t ~ ~ ~'%~ Type of heating focilities Number d apart~nts Number of living rooms Number of kitcheneffes Number of bathrooms Number of water closets (b) (d) {e) (f) (g) (h) Number of occupants for which building was designed or intended to be occupied or used 3. ,&ge af multiple dwelling: {o) Date when constructed (b) Dates of substantial additions, alterations or modifications of dwelling, with brief descrip- tion thereof (o) If now under construct;on, state when construction commenced and antic;pared date of completion Describe the principal use made or in the case of buildings under construction, to be made, of the mult;ole dwellin; |such as apartment house, hotel, apartment hotel, lodging house, board- in" house s'chool con~,c~lescent, oJ'd aae or nurslna home, odvate dwe lng two or more stor'es in height with five or more boarders, roomers or edgers, or other class~ficahon of mulhple dwelling including those specified in section 4, subdlvis;on 33, Idulfiple Residence Law): Dated at (~-~'e.~r; ~"~' , New York , (Name of Owner) (Address of C~wner) ~ ?TATE~MENT DF FILING · Filed wffh the. ~ '__-"____qL-- .... ~--./J , "~ of the / ~uiJding~epaHm4nt or Other ~ntorc~t Agency~ (Signature and Designation of Offlclol wffh whom Statement of Registry was ~led)