HomeMy WebLinkAboutHenry, John FSUP~VISOR'S OFFICE 16 Smith Street Greenporf. N. Y. Tel. Greenporf 7-0~0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF $OUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Mai. Strut Seuth~d, N.Y. Tel. Southold 53783 BUILDING rNSP~GTOR'S OFFICE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. I~:)~ Dele ,Ts,I .,, IP 19 ~"j' THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at _~,/~ t~_~ ~: ~, A%h ~e~: Street, in the Town of Southold, conforms substantially to the menfs of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is This certificate is issued to of the aforesaid building. Bu,~ld~ng Inspector (The Ce~ficate of Occupancy will be issued only after the Building Inspector is cony;aced of the completion of the construction in compliance with the Multiple Residence Law and with other laws, ordinances ,or regulations affecting the premises, and in conformity with the approved ideas end specifications.) SUPERVISOR'S OFFICE 16 South Street Greenporf, N. Y. Tek Greenporf 7-0550 BUILDIN~ DEPARTMENT TOWN OF $OUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. TOW~N CLERK'S OFFICE Mai. Street Socthold, N. Y. Tel. Soufhold 5-3783 BUILDINC- I'NSPECTOR'S OFFICE Southold, .... CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY "two family d~_,c].lln~" No. 121 Date JUl? 18 1957 THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at R,/R ~Tnq n ~% ~t.h 'f~t. Street, Map No. , Block No. , Lot No Nr~w S~tffolk~ ~.Y. in the Town of Soufhold, conforms substantially fo the a~~~~~:~ merits of the applicabM provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this ceffJficafe is' issued is Apn_~,m~ntn for s~mmer rental Th~s certificate is issued fo ~-~__ r ~z--~ of the aforesaid building. Bui,lding Inspector (The Certificate of Occupancy will be issued only after the Building Inspector is convinced of the completion of the construct;on ~n compliance w;fh the ~4ulfiple ResTdence Law and with other laws, ordinances .or regu}af~ons affecting the premises, and Tn conformlfy w~th the approved Flans end specifications.) Original for Municipal Building Department STATEMENT OF REGISTRY To be filed in duplicate with the municipal building department or local enforcement agency by every owner of a multiple dwelling, as defined in subdivision 33 of section 4 of the Multiple Residence Law. Within 30 days after the filing of this statemegt, the municipal building department or en- forcement agency is required by section 300, Multiple Residence Law, to file a duplicate copy hereof with the State Building Code Commission, 1740 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y. 1. Location of multiple dwelling: , ~'4 a Street an n /~/ ~ /// () d umber ..... ~...~. ..............!......~......Z ........................................ (b) Municipality ......... ~.. ~...~d........~...~.. ~..~...~...~....~..,......~.. ,...~.*... :. ~....../~..:...~/. ........... 2. Description: (a) Type of construction ......... ...~'.....~...~.....,~....~. .............................................................. (b) Height of building, incJading number of stories .............................................. (c) Type of heating facilities ..~.~?.....~...~.?..~ ~..~.~ ~..~.~ ./.'.~-....~-.~..-~...~.¢.%~....~'~'...~.:..~--'~'~7' (d) Number of apartments ....... ~.....~.?...Z'.~./ .......... (. ....... ..~...~.:.<L'q"~' ......~/~.~...~., ........... (e) Number of living rooms ........ ../. ............................................................................. (f) Number of kitchenettes ....... ..~. ............................. (g) Number of bathrooms; ...... ~., ................................................. ........................ (h) Number of water closet ...... (i) Number of occupants for which building was designed or i.ntended to be occupied or used ............ ~'..~. ........... ~ ........ ~.../~.... ............................................................ 3. Age of multiple dwelling: (a) Date when constructed ........ ~..~.m~.f:../~.. ...... ./.~....~'...~..J. ~ .................................... (b) Dates of substantial additions, alterations or modificotions of dwelling, with brief description thereof ...... .~.../~:.¢.~...~.. ........ ./..~....~...~.. ....... .~'.~.~¢.,...~'..~',c~..g~.~. '.~.<.~.' ........... z'.'./.~,-z.e.,,z.,....,:~/......,...~..~.,,.~..c .r.~.~.G, ....... :~.. ...... ..~'.,~.r..~,. ............... (c) If now under construction, state when construction commenced ond anticipated date of completion ............................................................................................ 4. Use: Describe the principal use made, or, i n the case of buildings under construction, to be made, of the multiple dwelling (such os apartment house, hotel, apartment hotel, lodging house, boarding house, school, convalescent, old age or nursing home, pri- vate dwelling two or more stories in height with five or mare boarders, roomers or lodgers, or other classification of multiple dwelling including those sl~ecified in sec- tion 33, Multiple Residence Law). .................. ......... ........... , .............................. ...... JUDITH T. BOK~/ Notary Public, State of New /j~/~/_~o~j(Addres~ of Owner) I~:~JO'~ ~'~ ~'~'~ STATEMENT OF FILING Filed with the ............................................................................................................ of the ................................................................ on the ..................................................... 195 ...... (Name Of l~iunlc£pall~y) (~sge of l~Jli~B') (Signature and D~tgnation Of Official with whom Statement of Registry was l~Lled) MULTIPLE RESIDENCE INSPECTION August 25, 1972 16500 New Suffolk Avenue (Main St.) New Suffolk, N.Y. Owner: Joseph H. Fudjinski and wife Describe - N by Main Street; E by Fourth Street; S by Irving Acker; W by G. D. Damien. - 1972-72 Tax Book City Address - 564 1st Street, Brooklyn, N.Y., 11215 The office requested me to make this inspection. About 1~00 P.M., Mrs. Fudjinski admitted me to this dwelling. The main house has their apartment and six others, total of seven and two apartments in a rear accessory building. I didn't inspect the accessory building. Mrs. FudJinski said a Mr. William Davis was the former owner and the apartments have not been changed. They bought it in October 1966. We have no record of this owner registering a multiple residence. In their apartment, I notice one room used as sleeping area is also a passage to other rooms and their bath. The sleeping area must be partitioned off as a bedroom. Also the master bedroom must have a door into the living room so as not to use another bedroom as a passage route. In apartment %6 on the second floor they are using extension plug to run the refrigerator. This refrigerator must be plu~ged into an approved electrical outlet. In apartment %5 and %6 on the second floor, three rooms have ceiling lights on a switch but no plug outlets. The third floor, once used, is looked and used for storage only. In the cellar the switch plate to the pump is loose. There is no cover over the pressure cut off switch on the pump. There was a fire, evidently caused by electrical, now being corrected. In their apartment there are several floor plug outlets. A qualified electrician should correct all violations of this electrical system. This was last registered by William Davis filed under: Henry, John F. A sketch of the main dwelling floor plan is in the file of this owner. The owner must file with the Southold Town Building Department a "Statement of Registry" for this dwelling with seven apartments and an accessery building (su~ner cottage) with two apartments - total of nine units. George H. Fisher ~ GHF:tle Building Inspector ~T Original for Municipal Building Department STATEMENT OF REGISTRY To be filed in duplicate with the municipal building department or local enforcement agency by every owner of a multiple dwelling, as defined in subdivision 33 of section 4 of the Multiple Residence Law. Within 30 days after the filing of this statement, the municipal building department or en- forcement agency is required by section 300, Multiple Residence Law, to file a duplicate copy hereof with the State Building Code Commission, 1740 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y. I. Location of multiple dwelling: (a) Street and number ....... .~l~.~..~.~..~...........~../~.(.~...~...~t.i'..~........~...! .............. (b) MunicipaJity ................. .~....~.......~..k~. ~/~.~.,~. 2. Description: (a) Type of construction ...... .~.~...~..../~....v~:....~ ............................ (b) Height of building, nclud ng number of stories ~' ~" ........................... (c) Type of heating facilities ...C~...~.~ ....... .~'..~..~...~...~ ...... .~..!...e.?...~...?...~..../-~.. ............... (d) Number of apartments ........................................................................................ (e) Number of living rooms ......... ~ ................................................................ (f) Number of kitchenettes .......... ~. ................................................................. (g) Number of bathrooms ......... ..-~..~ ............................................................ (h) Number of water closets ............. /..'~..~ ........................................................ (i) Number of occupants for which building wa_,s designed or intended to be occupied or used ..~.....,.~.. J.~ .......................................................... 3. Age of multiple dwelling: (a) Date when constructed ........ ~.....,/...~..~....rO. ......................................... (b) Dates of substantial additions, alterations or modifications of~_dwelling, with bref descr pt on thereof .~...('1...-~...¢. .~...~...~.......~.....~/.~....~...?d..o (c) If now under construction, state when construction commenced and anticipated date of completion ~....~..~.~...~.....~....~....~-r~,-~..~_~' / j Describe the principal use made, or, in the case of buildings under construction, to be made, of the multiple dwelling (such as apartment house, hotel, apaffment hotel, lodging house, boarding house, sch~l, convalescent, old age or nu~ing home, pri- vate dwelling two or more stories in height with five or more boarders, roomers or I~gers, or other classification of multiple dwelling including those s~cified in sec- ........ ....... ............. ........................................................................ ........................ , ...... , STATEMENT OF FILING Filed with the ....... ~.~.~.~t, me~.~t~,~...~.m~..~ ........................ of the ...... ~~'.0.~o.~.~~.~... on the ........... ~.;.~.~; ............ 1 ......... Original for Municipal Building Department ST^TEh4ENT OF REGISTRY To be filed in duplicate with the municipal building department or local enforcement agency by every owner of a multiple dwelling, a; defined in subdivision 33 of section 4 of the Multiple Residence Law. Within 3.0 days after the flling~df this statement, the municipal building department or enforcement agency is reqmred by section 300, 'J~iple Residence Law, fo file a duplicate copy hereof with the State Build- ing Code Commission, 1740 BrOadway, New York 19, New York. h Location of multiple dwell;ag: {a) St,'eat and number ~' (b) Municipality 2e Description: (a) Type of construction (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Height of building, including number of stor;ns '~' ~/~// Type of heating facilities ~o/~.~ ,~ jO/c~'c jL~ Number of apartments ~ Number of Jiving rooms ~"~"J~ ~-~ Number of kitchenettes ~ ~t~ Number of bathrooms ~,/.O_,~ ~ Number of water closets ~ Number of occupan~or whj~ building was designed or intended fo be occupied or used 3. Age of multiple dwelling: Ca) Dote wh,. on u ,d Dates of substantial additions, a~erations or re, edifications of dwelling, with brief descrlp- tion thereof ''~! /~'-s~A--' ~'~f'~' ~'~/" ,/~',~' ~'~ (¢) If now under construction, state when construction commenced and anticipated date of / ~pletion ('2 / ~ibe the princi~l use made, or, in ~e ca~ of buildings under COheSion, fo be made, d the multiNe dwelli.g (such a* a~nt house: h~el, apa~me~ hatel: Iodg,n. honse, b~- lng h~, ~hool, convales~nf, old age ~ nutone home, private dwelhng ~o or more stems in height wlfh five or more boardem, roomers ~ Iod~m, or other dassific~ion of multiple ~elllng including those specified in se~ion 4, subdlvisi~ 33, ~ulfiple Residence Law): Dated . New York /'Y~_ ~'~amo of~wner~~/~/ (Address of Owner) of the ST^T,U NT Fl"Ne Filed . (Bui]ding Depa~ment or Other ~nforc~ent (Name of ~un~cipa~) ~/ - (~te of F~J~n~) (Signature on~ Des~na*Jon of Official wi~ whom Statement of Reg~st~ was