HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnchor Inn (Alfred Cooke) SUPERVISOR'S OFFICE 16 South Street Greenport, N. Y. Tel. Greenport 7-0550 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Main Str..t Soutfoold, N. Y. T .1. Southold 5-3783 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. BUI'LOINS I'NSPECTOR'S OFFICE .A~~1F~ T.....t::...rt... J ..**.. .*.... Southo1d. N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY " s1x ~otel unite" No. 118 Date 11111 18 19~ THIS CERTIFIES that the building located atH/. Map No. __* I Block No. ... Mill 10M - Willett .Or-u,k , Lot No. MoL' lLuu~J N.Y. Street. office with Application for Building Permit dated **..*....................*......* ...*'.t'i.... in the Town of Southold, conforms substantially to the *a:&.'i;rj-'lli'i.liiR.~Wii'iJw*fiiww~. I 9_DW:sUAni .0 which *~.**.*~~.~~...www......._____ ififth'~..... ments of the applicable provisions of the law. ........".l'i._.~ued.and conforms to All of t~e require- --9.*.**.. .*****.*.i~""'" The occupa ncy for which this certificate is issued is Tranl!l1eftt ream rsatale (l!l\imllle:p 9&1.y) This certificate is issued to lLlt'ps4 Oe.e ( f.WR8Pl (owner, ess.. or enant) of the aforesaid building. //~. .~- (}-1</ (~o. _ lIu.ldlng In.p.ctor 1 (The C.rrtificat. of Occupancy will be issued only after the Buildin9 Inspector is convinced of the completion of the construction in compliance with the Multiple Residence Law and with other laws, ordinances .or regulations affecting the premises, and in conformity with the approved plans and specificetions.) , .~.1."'f~::. ... ~ ..- Original far Municipal Building Department STATEMENT OF REGISTRY To he filed in duplicafe with Ihe municipal building department or local enfarcemenl agency by ."""Y owne, of a multiple dwelling, a. defined In subdlv.ion 33 of ..etion 4 of Ihe Multiple R..ide.... Law. Within 30 day. aft.r lhe filing of Ih. 1ft:Ifemen#,lhe municipal building department or enforce"*,, ...., i. . required by..etion 300, Multiple Bald..... Law, Ie> flI. .. duplicale capy h.reof wllh lhe. SfQN. Build. ing Cad. CommIuion, 1740 8roadway, N_ Yorll 19, N_ Yorll. . I. Location.of multiple d~elnng: / h .. /' ,/- / IC?o I- . ( J./ L If}/l_ 1.1_ (a) Streetandnumber ~S ~~ .f _.(y1fIS~) (b) Municipality --1YI ~4::. tY-y, 2. Description: (a) Typeofconmuction A/~ r~<?~ (b) Height of budding. including number of stori.. . ~ (c) Type of heating facilities f ~ (d) Number of apartments ~ ___ (e) Number of living rooms _/ (f) Number of kitchenettes (g) Number of bathrooms (h) Number of water closet. (I) ~p: I" . Number of occupants for which building was designed or intended to be oceuplecl.or used /8" 3. Age of .multiple dwelling: (a) Date when conmuct8d (b) /<tJ/Y Dates of substantial additions, alterations or modifications of dwelling. with b,lef descrip- tion thereof h/~ (c) If now under conmuction. itcIte when c:oftstruction commenced and anticipated date of completion / .. J J J I /// ./ . 4. Use: Describe the. principal use made, or. in the case of buildings under construction. to. be made, of the multiple dwelling (such as aportment holise, hotel. apartment hotel. lodging house, board. . ing house. IChool. convales_t. old age. 0( .nursl!lll.home. private dwelUng two or more stories in height with five or more boarder.. room......Clr'lo<1~rs. or other clcmlficatiO!i of multiple dwelling including those specllied In sectiiln 4, subdivision 33, Mu 'p1e Residence law): . ~. .....l/Lt~d;.;, ,"":.:n /~?'~ ~~;/ (Address of Owner) ENT OF FILING ~. of the on the 1951- ( Ignature and Oesignafion of Official with whom Statement of Registry .01 Filed) ~ ""'-i. ..."