HomeMy WebLinkAboutCrestwood (Posner)SU PI~RVISOR'S OFFIOE 16 Souf~ Street C-reenport, N. Y. Tel. Greenport 7-OSEO BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. TO~A~N CLERK'S OFFICE Main Street Southold, N. Y. Tel. Sou~old 5-3783 BUILDING I'NSPECTOR'S OFFICE Tel~ J Southold~ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at ~/~ V~S~,O~- ~o~d Street, Map No.Nassau Po:Lnt,, Block No. , Lot No. NAB8~ ~$ntt Cutoho~ in the Town of Soufhold, conforms substantially fo the approved plans and specJ{icetlons heretofore fi~d Jn office wi~ Application for Building Perm;+ dated ~ ~OF ~O ~ 19~, pursuant ia which Building Permit No. ~ , dated ~ 19 , was issued, and conforms fo all of the require. ments of the applicab~ provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this ~rfificale is issued ~t~le ~e.~denee. - m~mme~ bo~d~n~ ho~e~ ~o~s~ homet hote~ eta This ce~Jficale is issued fo (owner, lessee or tenant) of the aforesaid building. Bui,lding Inspector (The Certificate of Occupancy will be issued only after the Building Inspector is convinced of the completion of the construction Jn compliance with the Multlple Residence Law and with other laws, ordinances .or regulations affecting the premises, and ]n conformity with the approved p'lans and specifications.) 1971 ~eur ~o~oF or Sep~ 3 Bit 'l~omioJs or .R~l~ z,oee~vod thio p~el~nar~ &ppreva2 e ' the a~v· vill ~ heXpfUl EDWARD G. MAHLER September 3, 1971 Building Department Town of Southold Main Road Southold, Long Island, N.Yo Re: Property of Ann Rudin Consisting of 4.283 acres located on the southeast corner of Carrington Road and Vanston Road, Southold, N.Y. known as "Crestwood" Gentlemen: I recently spoke with your office by telephone relative to the above referred to property. At that time we discussed the fact that I could obtain from your office a letter indicating that the structures erected upon the subject premises pre-existed your zoning resolutions and that the same do not require Certificates of Occupancy. I would appreciate it very much if you would forward the subject letter to me at your earliest convenience as I represent the persons who are in the process of buying such property. We intend to close title in approximately one week and I wish to have the letter before such time. I would also appreciate it if you could indicate on such letter the permitted use and occupancy of the premises. I understand that it had been used continually in the past as a hotel, guest and/or boarding house. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, G. Mahler EGM:mat N.o TOWN nlm SOUTHE)LD SUFFOLK BOUNTY, NEW YORK OFFIr. E OF BUILDING INSPF-OTOF~ NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND ORDER TO REMEDY SAME Location: ..."...g...~...-.~...~....Qg.D.."...o..... E/S...¥ana~;on..R~ad ~...t~a~ sa~./~o~..~e.ao~c.,...£f, y, Date .....J'_..~........~. ~.. s......1..~. ~.i~. .................... Please take notice that there exists a violation of the Multiple Residence Law and/or Labor Law at premises above mentioned os follows' (CHARACTER OF VIOLATION) Section: Section: Section: Multiple Residence Law Cellar ce!ing over water heater & electric panel should be covered with sheetrock or asbestos board, and the cellar stairs should be enclosed with sheetrock or asbestos board ~lth self closing fire resistant door at the bottom Section: 521 Stairs between second floor and attic should be enclosed with fire resistant material & self closing z'ire resistant door at Section: the most convenient location. Section: 5), a room or close should be fire retarded for storage of blankets, mattresses etc~ Surplus bedding, mattresses~ furniture Etc Section: s~ould be disposed of or stored outside of the living quarters. Section: 72, ¥,at,r supply and sewerage etc should be approved by the health dept., Oriffing Ave, Riverhead. YOU ARE HEREBY DIRECTED AND ORDERED to comply with the law and remedy the con- ditions above mentioned on or before the O]:~rlZI~ay of ~ ~ea~n o~ 19~'~.... Failure to remedy the conditions aforesaid and comply with the applicable provisions of law may constitute an offense punishable by fine or imprisonment or both. Enforcement Officer / Original for Municipal Building Department STATEMENT OF REGISTRY To be filed in duplicate with the municipal building department or local enforcement agency by every owner of a multiple dwelling, as defined in subdivision 33 of section 4 of the Multiple Residence Law. Within 30 days after the filing of this statement, the municipal building department or en- 'forcement agency is required by section 300, Multiple Residence Law, to file a duplicate copy hereof with the State Building Code Commission, 1740 Broadway, New York !9, N. V. 1. Location of multiple dwelling: _,, /~ , ~ . (a) Street and number/~ ~ ~.~...... _............~:..~.~._................................'..[.~..~...~~ ~'~ro~ ~ ~.~e~..~ ~}~t.~' 2. Description: (b) Height of building, including number of stories ...~.....~.~m~. (e) Number of living rooms ...~ .............................................................................. (f) Number of kitchen~ .~.Z...~..~.~ ............................................ (g) Number of bathrooms .... .~ ................................................................................ (h) Number of water closets ....~ .............................................................................. (i) Number of occupants for which building was designed or intended to be occupied or used ~ ~ - 3. Age of multiple dwelling: (a) Date when constructed (b) Dates o~ substantial additions, alterations or modifications of dwelling, with (c) I{ now undor construction, store whon construction commenced ond onticipoted 4. Use: Describe the principol use made, oh in the cose o{ buildinos under construction, to be mode~ of the multip[o dwellin~ (such os oportment house~ hotel, opo~mont hotel, Iod~in~ house, boordino house, school, convoloscent, old o~o or nursino home, pri- vate dwe[lin~ two or more stories in height with five or more boorders~ roomers or Iodoers~ or other clossificotion of multiple dwellin~ includin~ those s~cified in sec- tion 33, Multiple Residence ~ STATEMENT OF FILING ......... ~..~~..~...~on the ......... ./~...,~....-.~.., ...... L'....~.. ............. 195.~ e ~ ~U' 'p 'y) ~ ~teof ~Ii~) ~hom S~ent of ~ w~