HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA-09/25/1958 APP£AL BOARD MEMBERS Roberf W. Giil[spie, Jr,, Chairman Roberf Bergen Herbed- Rosenberg Charles Gregonis, Jr. Serge Doyen, Jr, SOUTHOLD, L. I., N.Y. Telephone SO S 2660 ~INUTE$ Southold Town Board of Appeals September 25, 1958 A reg-,l~ meeting cf the Southold Town Board of Appeals was held on Thursday evening, September 25, 1958, at 7130 P.M. in the Town Clerk's O~fice, South,Id, New Y~k, There were pre~entl Messrs. R. W. Gi].lispie, Jr., Chair,~, Robert Bergen, Herbert Rosonberg and Charles Grigonis, Jr. Ahsent~ Mr. ~erge Doyen, ~r. Also present~ Mr. ~oward M. TeA-A~2, Building Inspectors PUBLIC ~RINGI Appeal 1~o. 101 - Application of Kenneth Rhodes of Peoonio Bay Blvd., Laurel, New York, for a variance under the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300 and Section 309, to erect a garage on a 50 foot lot less th-- the required three feet from the property It-e, Fee paid - $15.00. Chairaan opened the hearing by reading application for appeal, legal notice with affidavit from the official newspaper attesting to its publication. There was no one present who wished to speak either fer or against the appeal. Board studied application with accompaz~ing sketch of the proposed garage. Board then ~--t~ously agreed to grant the variance as it was the findings of the Board that the b*~dship was undue and --~que because a garage wa~ a necessary accessory to the dwe~wg and dwelling has been erected long be fore the enactment of the Zoning Ord~-a-~e. The variance does observe the spirit of the Ordinance stuce most lots ia the area are of the same or ~aaller width a~ other garages have been built in this area-directly on the property lines. This property located in Laurel, N.Y., lot 50'x200', bounded on south by Peoonic Bay, ca west b~ land of H. Brush, on east by ~_~-ds of Morrell, & Saith and on the north by private road. B~ resolution the Board agreed to set the time and place for hearin~ on the application of Sprio Zuohlich for a variance, in accordance with the Zomtu~ Ordinanoe~ Article III, Section 303e and time --~ place was f~ed for 8 P.M. (E.D.S.T.) on October 9~ 1958, at the Tow~ Clerk's Office, Seu.thold, N.Y,, _-_-d legal notice to be published in the official newspaper on October 2, 1958. $euthold Town Board o£ Appeals MINUTES, Continued September 25, 1958 Ttme and place was then fixed for a public hearing on application of Robert G. amd Bertha S. R~ckefeller for a variance to the Zo,f-g Ordinance, Article III, Zection 303, for permit to use for residence certain property located at Arsh;~moque, N.Y. By resolution Board determined that public hearing is to be held at 8:15 P.M. on October 9, 1958, at the Town Clerk's Offise, Seuthold, New York, smd legal notice is to be ~ublished in the official new~paper on October 2, 1958. Time and place was then fixed for a public, hearing on application of Guido ¢iacia for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ord~;~ce, Artictb X, Section 1007, paragraph (e), for an addition to a non-conforming business. By resolution Board determined that a public hearing is to be held at 8:30 P.M. on October 9, 1958, at the T~wn Clerk's Office, Southold, New York, and legal notice is to he published ia the official newspaper on October 2, 1958. Minutes of the September 18th meeting were then read. On motion made by Mr. Bergen, seconded by Mrs Rosenberg, and carried, Minutes were approved as suh~ittede ChaPman then dictated a letter to the secretary to be sent to the Town Board requesting that they arrange to issue a check in the amount off $15.00 to Otto ~.t~ermayer of Horton~ s Point, Southold, New York, representing a refund of fee paid on Appeal No. 103, as Mr. Lindermayer had withdrawn his application and no publication was made of the application. PUBLIC ~ARING: Appeal No. 94 - Application of Nella Williams and others for a variance to the ~.o-t~g Ordinance. Nearing was held on September 11, 1958 and continued to this date at the request of the applicants' attorney, Mr. Stanley S. Coreino Mr. Corwin appeared before the Board amd asked for further postponement because his clients were met available at this time. Board agreed to this postponement and will fix a time _-w~ date for the continuance of this hearing when further word is received from Mr. Cerwine The next regular meeting of the Board is scheduled for 8 P.M. on Thursday, October 2, 1958. Meeting adjourned at 9~30 P.M. Grace~B. Meyer Secretary