HomeMy WebLinkAboutZ-7087FORM NO. · TOWN OF $OUTHOLD BUH.I~ING DEPARTMENT Town Clerk's Office $outhold, N. Y. Certificnte Of Occupnncy No..Z7.0.8.? ..... Date .............. J..un..e .... .~ ?...., 19..~.~. THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at ...C..~.d.a.r...P.o.~.n.t...E.a.? .t..D.r.~.veStreet Map No..C.~.d.~..r..~.~.~..C~l§~, No ........... Lot No,9~;~..~ ..... .S.o~t.~..o.~...~.,~; ...... conforms substantially' to the ~- - ' ' X certificate of occupancy built before April 23 , 19.57 pursuant to which ]~t~No. ~.70[i7.. dated ......................... dated .......... J~me... 17 .... , 19.2.6, was issued, and conforms to all of the require- ments of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is ...P.r.i..v~..t.e...o.n.e..f..a.m.i.l.~r..d.w.e.!.l.i .rig... (.s:,~-..o.c¢~tp.az~¢y) .............. The certificate is issued to ...J..tflX....E~. u .c..o.~[a.t.e., .~.r. ...... . .~.e. r ..................... (owner, lessee or tenant) of the aforesaid building. Snf~olk County Department of Health Approval .p..rs.-..e.xi.s.t.i..n.~. ................... UNDE2WH~TF~S CE2TIF[CATE No..p..r.e.-..e.x..i.s.t.i..n.~ ............................ HOUSE NU~SFa ..... ~ ?.7.~ .... Street ..... C,e..~.a.r...~.o. ,~.t.. 0.r.~.v..~. ,~.a.s..t ........... HOUSING CODE INSPECTION June 17, 1976 1775 Cedar Point Dr. East Southold, N.Y. Sub. Div. Tax Roll: Seasonal - Cedar Beach Park Lots 92-95 incl. John J. Colgate, Jr. Upon request of Gary F. Olsen, Attorney, Mattituck, New York for a Pre-Existing Certificate of Occupancy I made an inspection of this two story framed dwelling with attached one and one half story three car garage. I was admitted to building by Mr. COlgate and began inspection at approximately 9:15 A.M. The first floor of dwelling consists of a kitchen with laundry facilities, dining room, living room, bedroom with full bathroom, and toilet room off hallway. Second floor has two bedrooms and a full bathroom. Building is constructed on cement block piers. Three car garage is attached by breezeway and second floor half story has two bedrooms and a full bathroom. The following violation of the Housing Code, Chapter 52, Town of Southold, were found: Garage - two windows on south side, upper sash, bottom rails deteriorated and broken away at joints of sash. Article III, Section 52-31 B. EH:mm Inspection completed at approximately 9:40 A.M. ReSpectfully s~mitted, Building Inspector ./ Lot 95