HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA-12/04/1958 APPEAL BOARD ~t El,,4 B E RS Robert W. ®]l]]spie, Jr., Chairman Roberf [~ergen Herbert' Rosenber9 Charles Gregonis, Jr. Serge Doyen, SOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. T~lephone SO 5-2660 M;NUTES Seutheld Tewl Beard ef Appeals December 4, 1958 A regular meetiig ef the Seuthold Town Beard ef Appeals was held at the Tewa ¢lerkts Office, S~utheld, New Yerk, en Thursday, December 4, 1958, at 7:30 P.M. There were present= Messrs. Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Chairm~_~, Robert Bergen, Herbert Resenberg and Ch~_rles Gregenis, Jr. Also preseat= Mr. Howard M. Terry, Building Inspector. PUBLIC HEARING~ Appeal No. 122, Application ef Alexander Blaschak, for a variance in accordance with the Ze,~ng Ordinance Article IV, Section 400, for per,it te use for residential purposes property lecated on the east side of New Suffolk Lane, Cutchegue, N.Y. Fee Paid $15.00. Chairman opened the hearing by reading application for the variance, notice cf disappr.val issued to applicant by the Building Inspector and legal notice ~f hearing with affidavit attesting te its publication in the official newspaper. Howard Terry shewed a sketch ef the property and described same. Chair~n: "Is there anyone present who wishes to speak for this application? Mr. Howard Terry showe~ a sketch of the property and described same. ~. and Mms. Blaschak spoke and stated that they wished to use the upstairs for residential purposes, on a building now used as a garage and for storeage purposes. Mr. Blaschak stated that the property was bounded en the North by Overton; South by Horton; east by Billard, ~nd West by New Suffolk Avenue. Mrs. Blaschak stated that they did not intend to transfer the property. Southold Town Board of Appeals -2- December 4, 1958 Resolution offered by Mr. Rosenberg, and seconded by Mr. Bergen, Whereas the application ef Alexander Blaschak, having been considered at Public Hearing Nc. 122, on December 4, 1958, and the Board finding that strict application ef the Ordinance would produce undue hardship because the building meets all the requirements for residential purposes e~cept the north side line. The situation is unique because it is a larger let tham the neighboring lots and is the only one net used for residential purposes. The public convenience and welfare and Justice will be substantially served, and the legally established or permitted use ef neighborhood property and adjacent use districts would not be substantially or permanently injured and the spirit of the ordinance would be observed° B~ it RESOLVED, that the application be granted with the condition that the twe feet (2') side yard on the north side presently existing on this buildimgmay net be construed as permissable in the event the present building is altered. Vote of the Beard: Ayes-Mr. Gillispie, Mr. Rosenberg, Mr. Gregonis, and Mr. Bergen. PUBLIC HEARING: Appeal Noo 123, upon application of Gillman Hallenback~ for right ef access, in acerdance with the Town Law, Section 280 a, Subsection 3, on property located on a private road, bounded north by land of Rob~m~en, east by Peconic Bay~ South byScalia, and west by private road, Paradise Point, Southold, N.Y. Chairman read application for right of access, notice of disapproval issued to applicant by Building Inspector and legal notice of hearing with aflfidavit attesting to its publication in the official newspaper. No one wished to speak for er against the application° Chairman read a report made by Mr. Herbert Rosenb~rg. It was determined that there were about ten other dwellings on the road: and that it was a paved read, pawed by Mr. Robinson, Resolution offered by Mr. Gregonis, and seconded by Mr. Bergen, Whereas the application of Gillman Hallenback, having been considered at Public Hearing No. 123, on December 4, 1958, and the Board finding that strict application of the Ordinance would produce undue hardship because k~. Hallenback wishes ts build before cold weather sets in, and the matter is before the Town Planning Board, and will not be settled for some time. The situation is unique, because the other dwellings were built before the enactment of the Zoning Ordinance, and have access to the same private road. The public convenience and welfare and Justice will be l. substantially served, and the legally established or permitted use of neighborhood property and adjacent use districts w,uld not be substantially or permanently injured and the spirit of the ordinance would be served° Be it RESOLVED t~t the application be granted as applied for. Vote of the Board: Ayes- Mro Gillispie, Mr. Rosenberg, Mr. Gregonis, and Bergen. ~outhold Town Board ef Appeals -3- December 4, 1958 By Resolution offered by Mr. Rosenberg, seconded by Mro Bergen, minutes of the previous meeting held ~--~ber 20, 1958, were approved as submitted. Vote of the Board: Ayes~Mro Gillispie, Mre Rosenberg, ~. Gregonis, and_ Mr. Bergeno By resolution offered by Mr. Rosenberg, se~nded by Mr. Bergen, time and place of next meeting was fixed. Meeting to be held at the Seuthold Town Clerk's Office on December 18, 1958, at 7:30 P.N. 7:30 P.M. (E.S.To) upon application of New Suffolk Shipyard, Inc., New Suffolk Read, New Suffolk, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance Article III, Section 300, Subsection 11, for permit tm enlarge advertising sign on land of Suter on the south side of Main Read, west of Manor Hill, bounded north by Mzin Road, East by District Line, South by New Suffolk Avenue, West by L~cust Avenue, New Suffolk, N.Y. 7:45 P.Mo (E.S.T.) upon application of New Suffolk Shipyard, Inc., New Suffolk Read, New Suffolk, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance Article IV, Section 405 and Article V~, Section 703a for permit to use advertising sign already constructed on land of Jchn Boucher, south side Main Road, west of Mattituck Village, bounded north by Reeve Bros., East by Creek, South by Sutter, West by ~in Road, ~attituck, N.Y. 8:00 P.M (E.SoT.) uoon application of Peter Kreh, Jr., Camp Mineola Road, Mattituck, ~ ~ N.Y for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ord~_~uce, Article III, Seetion 300, Subsectimn 3A, for permit to~a~ a marina located on James Creek, Ma ttituck, N.Y. ¢~- ~~. Vote ef the Board: Ayes- Mr. Gillispie, Mr. Rosenberg, Mr. Gregonis, Nrc Bergen° Meeting adjourned at 9:$0 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~ Barbara M. Andrade Secretary