HomeMy WebLinkAboutCleaves Point Condos 12119.u~qlT L ¢%4 ~ ',2 eye ": - U~IT El NOTIFY BUll_DING DEPARTMENT AT ALL CONSTRLICFION SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE N,Y, STATE CONSTRUCTION & ENPGY CODES. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR -1 KONTOKOSTA ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS & ARCHITECTS 43 WEST 54TH STREET , NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK 10019 ¸'1' ,[ 'l C~ (I [¢1;'¢¢rl /.---1 Revisions KONTOKOSTA ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS & ARCHITECTS 43 WEST 54th STREET NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK 10019 ~A¢Z HA~tAN, II Seale · Job No. Title ?LO{TF-,2 12L.AN Dwg, No. A OWNER OF ADJACENT PARCEL PARK~IDE HEIGRTf~ 60, %, /?*'..: p~z~p ~ ?/~l¢lCiktG , APPROVED AS 'N01'~ r NO ..... ': ' 8P GRAPHIC SCALE: I0 0 I0 ?-0~040~0 IOOFT 5GkLE: I" =50~ ZONING ANALYSIS', REFERENCE¢ ZONING, CHAPTER I00 FROM THE CODE THE TOWN OF 50UTHOLD 51TE; ZONE M-I~ ~ENEBAL RESIDENCE DISTRICT AR~: 9,199 ACEE5 ~r 400ilO& ~FT. ~T ~VERAGE: AL~WABLE: REF, P~KI~ &BU~ ~GHEDULE A~ Am~DED 5/~O~S (~)~OTEL BLO6= 15,050 (I )ACCESSORY = 4, zz5 ,, BLDG, TOTAL ~3,025 ~ % COVER&~E: 33,0z5 = ,o8 = 8% 400~708 DWELLING UNIT ALLOWABLE; ~T UNIT = 9000 ¢ LOT MOTEL UN IT= 6000 ~ LOT AREA (REP: 100,116) PROPOSEDJ 28APT UNITS = Z52,000 21 MOTEL UNIT$= lA6,000 378,000~ 378,000~ (400,~08~ /. DENSITZ OK BLD5 LENGTH ALLOWABLES lA5~ MAX, LENCTH SEPARATION REQUIRED J tO~0~ ZxBLDC. HEIC~' (R~F: 100,SZ) HEICHT OF BLOC, REP. I00.1~, FOR ~LOPEb ROOF MEAN MEICR~ BETWEEN EAVE AND RIBCE TO FINISH 6RAPE ~ FRONT OF BLOC. PROPOSED'. LEN5TH: I~~ HEI6RT', 20I DBTANCE BE%WEEN BLOC~=40I BIST, BET. BLD6. &A~E~¢, = ~0~ FLOOR ~lM, ALLOWED; 8~0 ~ PROPO~ED$ 980 ~ (SMALLEST UNIT) LIVABLE AREA', (REP. tOO, S~) OFF-STREET (REF. PARKING & BULK REOUIRED~ ?_.8 CAR5 - APT~ 34, CAR~ - MOTELS PROPOSED: ¢'B CARS-APTS 5~ CARS - MOTEL5 SET BACKS (REP, PARKING ~. E~ULK SCHEDULE) FRONT YARD: REQUIRED: PROPOGE D ', Do ON~ 51DE YARDIRE ~lOl R ED; ZO PRO POSED: ZO BOTH SI D6 y~RD:REQUI RE D~. P~OPOS[O¢ I00' REA~ YARD ~ RE~UIRED~ 50~ PROPOGED~IOO~ BLDG. HEIGHT :(R6F, PARKING & BULK SCHEDULE) P~POGED ~ ~01 I<~Y ~, ........... EZIST IN~ CON TOUg¢ > Revision~ KONTOKosTA ASSOCIATES' ENGINEERS & AR(~H, ITECTS 43 WEST 54TH STREET NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK 10019 PROPODED5 SHIPYARD LANE PROJECT ¢OUTHOC~, N.Y. Title SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Scale F*= 50~ Job No. Dwg. No. ? ° I _l -> i ZI - -I r -4 t 0 I T'I ,/ ,I i' ~..~.!,~NERAL NOTES Flood 0,amage Prevention Law letter from Fed. Emer. Managemenb Agency to W.R.Pell, Town Supervisor, dated 6/3/80 b. Fin. fl'obr el'eyation of first floor=9'0" above mean sea level. No 5asement d. Proposed cellar not habitable-5'-lO" clear height. e. Prof. Engineer will certify upon completion pf structure that standards of Sub-section 46-18B have been satisfied. f. Propdsed structures are floodproofed in such a manner that b~low the base flood level the structure is' substanially Watertight with walls and impermeable to the passage of water. g. Proposed anchor bolts are of sufficient strength so as to resist buoyancy. 2. ENERGY NOTES .a. CONTROLS- Provide an adjustable thermostat for '' temperature regulation capable of being set at max. ~ ' 75 deg. for heating and a min. of 70 deg. for cool, : 'capable of operating the system of heating and cool- ' ing mo.des in sequence, it is to be adjusted to pro- ': vide a temperature range of up to 10 deg. between full heating and full cooling. b. All ducts f~r heating and cooling in cellar to be inslulated with min. 1" insulation. ' 6. Heat pump rating conditions to comply with Table : 4-6A of State Energy Code. , ,, d. Electric hot water storage heater shall have a standby loss not exceeding 4W/sq.ft of tank surface .i.e. Water beater to bave max. temp- setting of 140 deg, Re3~is~o~s KONTOKOSTA ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS & ARCHITECTS ~3 WEST 54TH STREET NEW' Y~Ki C:ITY, NEW YORk 10019 ' II i / KONTOKOSTA AsSOcIATES ENGIINEERS & ARCHITECTS 4:3 WEST S4TH STREET NEW YORK cITY, NEW YORK 10019 1'I~[ ,_ ,, _, .' ~,_.. A~~''~''r'~lP: ,:~/~'~ V.~L.UA~,~ - , ' :NEw,' YO~K': cITY. NEW yORK~ 1001'.g x I %. ,4/- II Revisions KONTOKOSTA ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS & ARCHITECTS 43 WEST 54TH STREET NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK 10019, Title Job No. Dwg. No. , %., F__. L.P__-VAT I ~N NOf-..T ~ I 4 I E- '4 ¢IMIMf~ ~ _L Title Job No. Dwi. No. N~W,,YO~K Job D wg. No. a. CONTROLS- Provide an adjustable thermostat for temperature regulation capable J)f being set' at max. 75 deg. for heating and a min. of 70 deg. for cool, capable of operating the system of heating and cool- ing modes in sequence. It is to be adjusted to pro- vide a temperature range of up to 10 deg. between ~full heating and full cooling. All ducts for heating and cooling.in cellar to a. Zone Designation-A-5:(a~ per map revision letter from Fed. Em~r.':~aoagemert Agency to ! ,~]-'W.R.Pell, Town Supervisor, dated 6/:3J80 b. Fin. floor elevation of first above mean sea level d. Proposed cellar not habitable-5'-l~"'.~lear e. Prof. Engineer will certify upon comple~i6n'" ' of structure that standards of Sub-section 46Tt8B have been satisfied. f. Proposed structures are floodproofed in such a manner ;hat below the base flood level the structure is subsbanially watertight with walls and impermeable to the passage of ~ater. ,.g. Proposed aqchor bolt~ are of ~uffi~ien~ ~trength ,]o as to resist ENERGY NOTES buoyancy. ~. N£RAL NOTES ...... .~ .~..~.,~]:- ,:', ' ',- ' ':' y~.~Z~~ .' ,,· ~i F~ood Damage Prevention Law ' .:.'-- · ii ERAL NOTi . 1 Flood Da, -- a. Zone : letter f [ W.R.Pell ~ b. F~ · -~ ~.$ above me ,. c. No'.ba