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1. Bic ck exterior stud walls at half story heights and at unsupported edges of exterior NAILING SCHEDULE Notes and Specifications sh athing PER TABLE 3.1 WFCM 2001 2. Provide cross bracing at joists, studs, and rafters when spans exceed 8'-0" It is the contractor's responsibility to keep this construction document on site at all tunes. It is 3 To plates to be doubled and lapped at corners. JOINT DESCRIPTION NUMBER OF NAILS NAIL SPACING GENERAL NOTES: also the contractor's responsibility to read all notes, specification and be familiarized with the 1.All work shall conform to national, 4. Apply all conditions addressed in fastening schedule as necessary. ROOF FRAMING plans prior to work. 5. Pr vide all nailing and strapping as per the drawings and as required by codes. state,and local codes. Rafter to top plate (toe nail) 4 -8d CommonPer joist Ceiling joist to top plate 6. At "wet wall" parallel to joists frame double joist as per code. Generally, separate double ( toe nail) 4-8d Common Per joist JA 2.All unnoted or non-visible easements General: joist the thickness of wall above. Sub floor shall never exceed a 16" span. 1. No work to start until approved plans are obtained from the building department. 7, At rough openings provide all applicable nailing and strapping. Ceiling joist to parapet Rafter (face nailed} 4 - 16d Common Each lap � contractor.are the nsibilityofthe owner/ 2. All construction shall be performed in a workman like manner. All dimensions, conditions Ceiling joist laps over partitions (face nailed) 4 - 16d Common Each lap 3. It is the contractors responsibility to and applicable information of existing site shall be field verified by general contractor. Glazing, vuindows and doors: Collar be to Rafter(faced nailed) 3 -10dCommon Each connection familiarize himself with all aspects of 3. All work shall conform to national, stat:, and local codes and all authorities having 1. All glass to be insulated low-E. Unless otherwise specified. Blocking to rafter (toe nailed) 2 -8d Each end these documents prior to beginning any j urisdiction. 2. GI ss doors and windows shall not be installed until proper clearances and provided. Rim board to Rafter (end nailed) 2 -16d Each end work. 4. All unnoted or non-visible easements are the responsibility of the owner/builder. 3. All sliding glass doors, skylights, and any glass unit installed within 18" of finished floor shall 4. These drawings are the property of 5. Any omissions or discrepancies of plans and/or job conditions shall be clarified with the belof insulated tempered glass unless otherwise noted. WALL FRAMING Victor Cuneo Architect PC.Victor Cuneo architect/engineer before proceeding with the work 4. Allglassunits shall be installed in strict accordance with manufacturer's specifications. Top to Top plate (face nailed) 2 - 16d per foot Architect PC retains all common law 6. No deviations or changes to the structural system shall be made unless approved by the 5. All windows to be caulked and sealed as per New York State energy conservation code. Top plates at intersections (face nailed) 4 -16d perjoint/each side statutory and other reserved rights, architect/engineer. 6. Provide flashing pans under all sliding glass doors, windows, or any other type of glass unit Stud to Stud (face nailed) 2 -16d 24" o.c. including the Copyright therein.Victor 7. Contractor to verify dimensions of foundation with floor plans before the start of framing. when within 6" of an exterior surface. Header to Header (face nailed) 16d 16" o.c.along edges uneo Architect PC bears no 8. Dry wells to be installed as required by state and local codes 7. All exterior doors are to be weathered stripped and provide all screens and hardware To or Bottom Plate to Stud end nailed 2- 16d per x4 stud responsibility for their unauthorized use. 9. Do not scale drawings, written dimensions take precedence ne essar for proper function of such units. p ( } p 5.ntrolnctor Cchargeuneo of ha shall not p Y p p 10. Builders are responsible for all inspections, approvals, certificates, cert. of occupancy or 8. All glass is to be free of scratches and imperfections. Glass should be guaranteed by the 3- 16d per 2 x 6 stud control nor charge of and shall not be 4 -16d per 2 x 8 stud responsible for construction means, completion and U.L. approval. mJnufacturer for a period of 5 years. Bottom plate to Flr.jst, Bandjst, EndjstorBiking {face nail} 2 - 16d per foot methods,techniques, sequences,or 11. This set of drawings is the property of Victor Cuneo, Architect. 9. All windows to be Andersen unless otherwise noted. If contractor is to substitute with nd 12. The contractor shall obtain all inspections necessary for a certificate of occupancy. anther window manufacturer it is the responsibility of the contractor to verify that the FLOOR FRAMING procedures,orsafctionety thtprecautions or 13. The contractor shall keep premises reasonably clean at all times. At the completion of characteristics of the window match the characteristics of the Andersen window specified. Joist to sill to late or girder toe nailed 4 -8d programsacts omissions I p p g ( ) per joist the acts or omissions of the contractor, work, the contractor shall remove all rubbish, waste materials, tools, etc., clean glass and The characteristics are as follows, but not limited to: Design pressure, rough opening, u- leave work floor clean, fa�tar, light area, vent area, and egress requirements. Bridging to joist (toe nailed) 2 -8d each end subcontractors or any persons performing 14. The contractor shall carry workman's compensation and general liability insurance. All shall Blocking to joist {toe nailed} 2 -8d each end them tocarryo out any of the work,or work eofany of comply with state and local codes sand ordinances. Gypsum lillboard: Blcoking to sill or top plate (toe nailed) 3 - 16d each block them h carry out the work s. accordance p y with the contract documents. 15. The contractor should fully guarantee his work and the work of the sub-contractors for a 1. G�psum wall board systems shall be of a tape joint and joint compound method. Ledger strip to beam (face nailed) 3 -16d each joist period of at least one year after complietion of project. 2. All gypsum board shall be Y2" on walls and ceiling, unless otherwise noted. water resistant Joist on ledger to Beam (toe nailed) 3 -8d per joist 16. The contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the owner, architect/engineer and their (WR.) at bathrooms and where deemed applicable. Band joistto joist( end nailed) 3 - 16d per joist agents and employees from and against all claims, damages, loses and expenses, including 3. 5/8"; one hour rated, type `X' gypsum board on ceiling and walls (where applicable) at heat lBandjoistto sill or top plate (toe nailed) 2 - 16d per foot attorney's fees arising out of or resulting from the performance of the work provided that producing equipment to extend three feet in each direction beyond the unit(s). Also at any such claim, damage, loss or expense (A) is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, heat producing equipment, concrete floor or if placed on wood frame, install concrete I ROOF SHEATHING disease or death or to injury to or destruction of tangible property (other than the work panels of 5/8" thickness minimum. Structural panels interior zone 8d 6" Edge 112" Field itself including the loss or use resulting there from). (B) is caused in whole or in part by 4. Fi ish joints, j-beads, nail dimples, corners, and edges shall be taped and receive three Structural panels perimeter edge zone 8d 6" Edge/6" Field any negligent act of omission of the contractor, any subcontractor, anyone directly or c ats of joint compound. Allow 24 hours to dry between coats. Final coat to be sanded indirectly employed by any of them, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable moth. I CEILING SHEATHING regardless of whether or not is caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder. 5. M6tal corner bead to be used on all outside corners and around all openings. Gypsum Wallboard 5d coolers 7" Edge / 10" Field 17. All materials, assemblies, and method of construction including but not limited to form- 6. FJsten gypsum board as per fastening schedule. work, block-work, framing, nailing, placing of concrete, etc. are to be carefully supervised WALL SHEATHING b the contractor to be sure the are lin accordance with the drawings, specifications, Asphalt roofing shingles: Structural Panels 4' Edge zone 8d 6" Edge 112" Field Y Y applicable codes and good practice. Deviations from the drawings and specifications will 1. Al sloped roofing shingles shall be GAF-class-a asphalt roofing shingles or approved Structural panels Interior Zone 8d 6" Edge/ 12" Field w not be permitted without written authorization of the architect/engineer. ec ual. I Gypsum wallboard 5d coolers 7" Edge / 10" Field A 18. The contractor shall be responsible for any shop drawings needed, unless otherwise 2. Singles shall be applied over 15# building felt. lhless other noted. Also apply GAF- FLOOR SHEATHING specified. All dimensions and conditions pertaining are to be field verified. wather-watch ice and water barrier 2 feet from eaves, valleys, and flashing. Structural Panels 1" or less 8d 6Ede 112Field " " 19. Contractor to remove and relocate as required all existing work which interferes with new 3. P ovide flashing necessary for water tight and weatherproof construction. g °z construction in a workman like manner 4. R ofing is to be applied in strict accordance with manufacturer's specifications Strctural panels greater than 1" 10d 6" Edge 6" Field 20 .All materials are to be installed as per manufacturer's specifications, unless noted 5. N iling of roofing shall be to code. otherwise. Site work: 1. Stakeout is to be performed by a licensed surveyor, or by qualified sub-contractor, 2. V rify all given data on drawings. If there is a discrepancy, receive clarification form z 0 Foundation Concrete and Masonry architect/engineer prior to proceeding. 1. Contractors to verify all dimensions of existing foundation as it applies to the new work being performed 3. E cavate and back fill for work indicated on drawings. Stockpile topsoil obtained from 5 and shall coordinate the sub-contractors in such a manner to assure that the conditions of the first and stripping driveway and building site. Stockpile all excavated materials. second floors are taken into account. 4. Nw and existing back fill material is to be free of weeds, tree roots, rocks, and debris. 2. All footings to bear on firm, virgin, undisturbed soil All surplus material that is unsuitable for back fill material shall be removed from site. 3. Soil to have min. bearing capacity of(1) ton/sq. ft. 4. Footings to rest a min. of 3'-C' below grade, unless otherwise noted. 5. Walls to be poured concrete of size shown on drawings. Minimum Uniformly Distributed Design Loads A 6. No back fill shall be placed against foundation walls until 1 SI tier of framing is in place. Based on Tables R301.5, R301.6, R301.7 } I 7. Footings to poured concrete of size shown on drawings. H2.5 Each r.r. to header ° Z 8. All openings for beam pockets, utilities, etc. to be filled solid with concrete. Live 9. Anchor bolts shall be in accordance with page foundation plan and details. Use Dead Load I I/4" X 20 GA strap from king H2A Each r.r. to to plat to 10. All concrete to have an ultimate compressive strength at 28 days of 3,000 P.S.I. Load stud to header to top plate stud 11. Exterior slabs, garage slabs, and steps shall be 3500 psi. Exterior alconies 6Q PSF_ 15 PSF -- - Roof rafters I I/4" X 20 GA strap from hack License/ Seal 12. Concrete shall be air entrained to 5%to 7%. Decks 40 PSF 15 PSF 1 13. Concrete slabs to rest on min. of 6"fine gravel or sand with 6 mil. Polyethylene vapor barrier under Attics wi hout storage 10 PSF 15 PSF EXTERIOR WINDOW AND DOOR stud to header to top plate occupied space. Roof b low 3 itch HEADER OPENIN65. 14. Flash all joints where slab abuts framing. Attics with storage 20 PSF 15 PSF Roof move 3 itch I 15. Apply(1) coat of tar based waterproofing to exterior of found from footing to 2" above finish grade, �_. -.- ..f?�. .__........_..� __,._....µ____.__.__....._..._................. ...._____ m Rough Notation 16. No concrete or masonry work is to be performed in temperatures of 40°F and falling, unless approved by Roams Cher than 40 PSF 15 PSF Opening b i:r stee in rf ccs. ___ _ (l arch itectlengineer. No concrete shall be placed on frozen su a -- D 17. No additives shall be laced in concrete unless specified by architect/engineer. Slee in Rooms 30 PSF 15 PSF R.O. A B G D E Fs. if p Stairs 4Q PSF 15 PSF 18. Provide bituminous joints between slabs and foundation walls and where ever applicable. __ _ _ 19. Unless otherwise indicated, all foundation footings are to be a min. 10" deep projecting 6" on each side of Guards is and Handrails 200PSF 15 PSF 2'-0" 2 I I I I I i he foundation wall. Provide two#4 deformed bars continuous in the footing. All 4" thick concrete slabs to 12 PSF for attic 4'-O" 4 I 2 2 2 2 t Roof ioa"ding 45 PSF 15 PSF for Cathedra! 6'-O" 5 1 5 5 2 5 �` have 6 x 6 10/10 welded wire reinforcing cl 8'-O" 1 -7 1 2 3 1 4 2 4 E Insulation: __._. ..___......._...__... .._._.. 1. All exterior walls and roofs shall be insulated with faced fiberglass batt insulation by john Manville or Notation: approved equal facing to be placed toward warm side. Structural Member Allowable Deflection A - Number of 5d nai Is (g) each F 2. Generally, unless noted otherwise, insulate es follow: end of strapping. B !tatters s o es areater than 3112 B - Number of sill studs on flat. I I/4" X 20 6A strap from hack / king - 9"R-3Q for flat ceilings opes � t - 8.25" R-30C for vaulted and cathedral ceilings No finis ed clg.Attached - _ L/ 180 G - Number of full h g king studs. stud to rim 5t. to under sill - 3.5" R-15 for 2"x4"wall construction - _ D - Number of 16d naiils end plate VICTOR CUNEO - 5.25" R-19 for 2"x6" wall construction Interior alts and partitions 1-1/ 180 nailed through adjacent king stud to end of header � each side. 1 1/4" X 20 GA strap from each ARCHITECT P.C. 5.25" R-19 for floors -- -�;- - --- _ E - Number of jack studs © each Stud to rim st. to under SiII 3. PVC Air channels for all sloped and cathedral ceilings. Floors=� d_plastered cl'__ a6f1 I end of header. -_ plate Carpentry: All otherstnictui-al mentbcrs L/240 F - Number of 16d nails end 154 LAUREL ROAD 9 1. All lumber shall be Douglas fir larch #2 and better(Fb =875) unless otherwise noted. nailed through adjacent jack stud 2. All lumber in crawls aces to be 18" above scratch coat. Maintain 8" min. foundation exposure. ----- ------ to end of sills at each side. EAST NORTHPORT,NY 11731 p Ext.wall �N ith plaster or stucco 11/360 3. Sills to be ACCT and securely flashed with a termite shield, Also provide sill seal/insulation. Size of sill to ---____..._..... _M..__.... _.__-._._._..- .. - - ___ _......_____. " 6" unless 1 2" x 6" is necessary to match floor heights with the existing structure. ___... .__....�............... __.�... 631 261-2744 be(2)2 X ( ) rY I:it.Wally-grind loads with brittle. finish L/240 4. At flush framing use 16 gage metal joists hangers by"Simpson"or equal. FRAMED OFENN I NC7CJ' 5. Minimum, double headers and trimmers around all openings in floors, roofs, and walls. _.___.___._ 6. Double all joists under parallel partitions, posts, and bath tubs. Ext, F''al! - ;Prod lottflS with flexible tintshes 1,/ !20 AI I model numbers refer to Simpson brand products. Project Name and Address 7. All beams, girders, etc. to have min. of 3" bearing 8. Min. header to be (2) 2" x 10" unless otherwise noted. 9. All wood sills and wood in contact with masonry/concrete to be ACQ treated. # 1265 10. All exterior sheathing shall be nailed as per fastening schedule. Generally, sheathing is of 1/2"thickness on walls and roof and is of cdx grade, unless otherwise noted. See floor plans for additional nailing or different CLIMATIC AND GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERIA nailing requirements when applicable. WIND BORNE DEBRIS PROTECTION FA5TENING SCHEDULE RYDER FARM LANE 11. Sub flooring, generally, to be of%" inch thicKness and of cdx grade nailing as per fastening schedule and Ground now Seismic Frost Ice Shield F1t3Q}d FOR wOOD 5TRUGTURAL PANELS glued. dept i Wind Speed Design Weathering Termite Underlayment Hazard ORIENT, NEW YORK 12. Exterior sheathing to be covered with"tyvek" house wrap or approved equal. Load category required FASTENER TYPE PANEL SPAN <= 4 FOOT 4' <PANEL SPAN >=6' 6'<PANEL SPAN <= 8' 20 PS 120 MPH B Severe T-01" Heavy to FEMA 2-I/2" # 6 I6° 12" 1° Heavy Yes ( Req'd) Wood Screws Electrical Notes and Specifications kNood # a 16° 16° 12° wood screws Date: Scale 1 . ODE: Structure shall be designed and built according to the AF&PA WFCM ( Wood Frame 10/ 13 / 15 1/4„= 1f-0" It is the contractor's responsibility to keep this construction document on site at all times. It is also the contractor's Notes: Construction Manual for One and Two Family Dwellings ) 2001 . I.) Based on 120 mph wind speed 2.) Fasteners shall be installed at opposing ends of wood structural panel Sheet No. responsibility to read all notes, specification and be familiarized with the plans prior to work. 2. Drawings comply with NYS Residential Code 2010, 2010 Energy Conservation Construction 5.) Nalls shall be lod common or 12d box nails. General: Code of New Y=ork State, The National Electrical Code. 4.) More screws are attached to masonry or masonry / stucco, 1. No work to start until approved plans are obtained from the building department. All local codes and Zoning Ordinancesthey shall be attached utilizing vibration - resistant anchors having o minimum ultimate . 2. All construction shall be performed in a workman like manner. All dimensions, conditions and applicable . withdrawal capacity of 410 pounds. information of existing site shall be field verified by general contractor. A ]" 000 3. All work shall conform to national, state, and local codes and all authorities having jurisdiction. 4. Ground Fault Circuit interrupter protection shall be used for all receptacles in the following locations: Bathrooms, Kitchen counter level, Outdoor, Crawl space (above flood plain), Bar sink. 5. Arc Fault receptacles shall be used in all other locations. GENERAL NOTES: SIDING — — — — — — — — — — WEATHER-RESISTIVE 1.All work shall conform to national, — — — — — — — — �. I BARRIER state,and local codes. METAL FLASHING 2.All unnoted or non-visible easements r USE BEARING PLATES, are the responsibility of the owner/ I contractor. 8" Concrete Found. on SEALANT WASHERS, OR PREFAB o I'-4" x 8" footi g w/ (2) 1 SPACERS TO ALLOW FOR o H2.5 son Strong-Tie 3. It is the contractors responsibilityto #5 Re bar cont n ous DRAINAGE o familiarize himself with all aspects of I I these documents prior to beginning any USE STAGGERED BOLTS o work. OR SCREWS o 0 4. These drawings are the property of 4" Slab on grade o o Victor Cuneo Architect PC. Victor Cuneo Architect PC retains all common law 4" Compacted porous fill statutory and other reserved rights, including the Copyright therein.Victor Match height of WOOD STRUCTURAL Cuneo Architect PC bears no existing garage slab PANEL a responsibility for their unauthorized use. I I o o TREATED LUMBER 5. Victor Cuneo Architect PC shall not ci a control nor charge of and shall not be responsible for construction means, methods,techniques, sequences,or I procedures,or safety precautions and programs in connection with the work,for 1 RAFTER TO BEAM the acts or omissions of the contractor, DECK TO WALL 5 I I Typical connector for every new rafter to Beam subcontractors or any persons performing "_Jconnection for front porch. any of the work,or the failure of any of them to carry out the work in accordance I I with the contract documents. I I I I Underpin existing foundation I / L - - - - - - - - - ('_7I L — — — — — — — — — - - _ _ _ _ _ Attach new foundation to Bottom of existing footing ine of deck above I I 2" Dry pack non-shrinking grout Lexisting with #5 re bar 12 o.c. vertical. II I IZ�Z _o I New I I I Remove existing found add new 2 x 10 f.1. I I I foundation to match existing Basement AC Q a 16" O.G. ix 2 x l f.'. o I I I I 8 Concrete Found. on O B G D O O N g 16" C. F I I I 1'-4" x a" footing w/ (2) �� [~' v1N Slob on Gra pei #5 Re bar continuous �- ®O 4I� rn 4" renif. con ritl slab I # 5 top and bottom o N on 6 mil vap r b rrier wall Ty„P. (`I') I w and 5" compars e porous I I Attach new foundation n to °z 12 Dia. Con rete pier I existing with #5 re or a ( fill to 36" below grade o I I I 12" o.c. vertical. Bottom of underpinning 0 o I IX _ I { - - - - - - - I 2 UNDERPINING DET . I I a I NOTE: Place in order shown with a minimum j o I I I I clearance of 12 feet between simultaneous w I I i I Guts. A ' I j rn6 I I � I I N o Bluestone on I I z � j ID A S I I 4" Reinf. Concrete I I o IX cp M I I slab on compacted j N X M porous fill d�N N N I License / Seal I � . — — . — . — . — — — — . — — — — — 1-114" 20 gage strap attach � ..,�. i I with (5) 5d nails I Nra under and nail to interior 4 . Exist. 2 x 10 f j. ® 16" p `' face of wall { I I AGO sill on copper coated termite shield ° seal sill / I 5/5" Dia. anchor bolts 3'-0" O.G. IIm I 12" From sill ends, Min. 7" embedment 3" x 3" Bearing plate washer with each anchor bolt. 'I I VICTOR CUNEO 3 WALL STRAPPING ARCHITECT P.C. I I G ' I , :�. 4" Dia. drain to I — — — — — I AT SLAB ON 6RADE 154 LAUREL ROAD _ _ — J EAST NORTHPORT,NY 11731 N (631)261-2744 Attach new foundation to I existing with #5 re bar 12" o.c. vertical. Project Name and Address I I o # 1265 RYDER FARM LANE r i ORIENT NEW YORK Simpson H2A connector I , ° Date: Scale ° 10/ 13 / 15 1/4"= 1'-0" °° Sheet No. ('4_" RAFTER TO PLATE / STUDS NOTE: Verify existing floor height and Typical connector for every new rafter to plate to FOUNDATION PLAN adjust new foundation to match stud connection on second floor 1/4" = 1'-0'" new floor hgt. with the existing f loor hgt. E' Simpson HDUS GENERAL NOTES: 1. All work shall conform to national, state,and local codes. 2.All unnoted or non-visible easements ---- are the responsibility of the owner/ 2 x 6 r.r. 3068 j contractor. 2 x 3.It is the contractors responsibility to familiarize himself with all aspects of these documents prior to beginning any B work. - - - 4. These drawings are the property of - - - - 1J 1 2.0 Victor Cuneo Architect PC.Victor Cuneo I I Architect PC retains all common law statutory and other reserved rights, New including the Copyright therein.Victor O Storage Existing Garage Cuneo Architect PC bears no N 3068 Shed responsibility for their unauthorized use. 5.Victor Cuneo Architect PC shall not i control nor charge of and shall not be responsible for construction means, methods,techniques, sequences,or Roof Be low procedures, or safety precautions and programs in connection with the work, for the acts or omissions of the contractor, subcontractors or any persons performing any of the work,or the failure of any of _ ______________________ them to carry out the work in accordance Line of exi ting beam with the contract documents. to remain. Add new wall N under beorr . Simpson HDUS 6 vo Nl � SII � ry j > II x Existing r.r. i E I I ry O Roof Below Existing c.J. 61-,- I I N O 9 z civ to remain I I I rn Exi r.r. C in g �._._ m Exigng r, A2.0 w to rpmoinLU A Ad�1r-cire 30 insul. �I in I Existing z window = I Extend xistih New Deck 0 � O dormer to erg I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � d) I 2 x 8 r.r. _ - -- - - 2 x - - `�- - - - - - ( } - - - - - - - � Dbl. r.r. o _ _ r.r._ —�--- 5 i16" o.c. — — — — I --- �o,� 2 6 r.r. O i 2 x — � I � _. A � I,y � 2 � 16 c�. � m 2.0 - - ------ -------X x '/12xarid O �NA 6 \ I I cv O U) 2.0 0 ( Existing G N I w � S; w X � � Bedroom 2 � I I , N ; rn Dbl. r.r. a X nI o w X ' r - - Roof Below m z ' I N — — — Dbi. r.r. I � 'i'-�— — — — — — 3'-43"� I -—- r-�O'sl� -—- License/ Seal 6 16 r.r. New Bluestone I I I I ,1,+��� .2 I- r O _ 6I patio i t X �C 8 rid X m p �e-(----- � Roof Below LU I I X Dbl. r.r. W. I. ChI let m Existing 4-4 , Bathroom — — — -' I I l d (D tol,� 2 r.r. i I Q = Q I X ' 2 x Down i i I 0 •► m in Existin Existin I I N I I N w m Bothroo X I Dbl. r.r. -- VICTOR CUNEO j m ARCHITECT P.C. 154 LAUREL ROAD 4'-4° EAST NORTHPORT, NY 11731 o ° Roof Below (631)261-2744 rn (D,a 2 x 6 r.r. Project Name and Address X • Existing I �p1�+ I 11 2 x (0 c.p O w 6 Bedroom I X' u) 2 x1 ride — X m p i-i m O v O u, II # 1265 Dbl. r.r. RYDER FARM LANE Extend exist! - ORIENT, NEW YORK dormer to e III �r — — 2 x r.r. I I Existing window Date: Scale 10/ 13 / 15 1/4"= 1'-0" 2'-0" 24'-0 Ir Sheet No. NEW AREAS ADDED NEW AREAS ADDED FIRST FLOOR PLAN 60 5F 40051= 1 REAR, DEC< ADDED SECOND FLOOR PLAN 127 SF LIVING SPACE ADDED 1/411 = 1f-Off 240 SF FRONT GOVEREID PORCH ADDED 1/4" = 1'-011 1-16 5F ATTACHED REAR STORAGE ADDED k P GENERAL NOTES: 1.All work shall conform to national, state,and local codes. 3❑ ® 3❑ 2.All unnoted or non-visible easements i 1 are the responsibility of the owner/ — --t\------ ---------------------- contractor. 3. It is the contractors responsibility to K `---�----------------- ��. familiarize himself with all aspects of KD , i these documents prior to beginning any i�10 iO/> _Q_ (/ i work. 4. These drawings are the property of ® i /�,� O Victor Cuneo Architect PC. Victor Cuneo i i Architect PC retains all common law statutory and other reserved rights, (Dill i including the Copyright therein. Victor ® i i i Cuneo Architect PC bears no FIJLIU i ❑ i i i responsibility for their unauthorized use. L2 5.Victor Cuneo Architect PC shall not ❑ i 2❑ i i i control nor charge of and shall not be responsible for construction means, i 1 i i methods,techniques, sequences,or procedures,or safety precautions and programs in connection with the work,for ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 ZONE 4 the acts or omissions of the contractor, , subcontractors or any persons performing _ - FIELD 8" O.C. 12" O.C. 3" O.C. 4" O.C. any of the work,or the failure of any of them to carry out the work in accordance ❑ ❑ I I � PANEL EDGES 4" O.C. 6" O.C. 3" O.C. 3" O.C. with the contract documents. El 1:1 ❑ ❑ -- j P E I ROOF NA I L I Nr--7 SCHEDULE 120 MPH WIND ZONE (S SECOND GUSTS) USE 1/2" GDX ROOF SHEATHING T.O. Floor _ I LS 2" XT 1 1 21"6A.TH n COMMON PATTERN AS INDICATEDCATEID BELOW LJ Typical Each Column Simpson OMST14 Zmax coated Wrap over header and extend down min -7" on opposite side. Install 1/2 of total face nails on each side of beam Q Attach to bolt or embed into concrete 7" min. FRONT ELEVATION Siding lines indicate the extent of added 1/4" = 1'-0" construction but not the extent of work required ❑ i i to complete project 4' v, 4' I O ❑ 4 4 H d Q ZONE 5 ZONE 6 d � z FIELD 12" 0.C. 12" O.C. PANEL EDGES 6" O.C. 6" O.C. License/ Seal i 2 MALL SHEATH I NCS NA I L I N(5 5GHF1)UL �...< 120 MPH NIND ZONE (3 SECOND GUSTS) USE 1/2" GDX NALL SHEATHING - FASTEN WITH 8D COMMON GALVANIZED NAILS �FFHIFP 2" XII I/2" GA. - PATTERN AS INIDIGATEID BELON PFIR I I T.O. Floor 0 VICTOR CUNEO ARCHITECT P.C. fill 154 LAUREL ROAD EAST NORTHPORT,NY 11731 (631)261-2744 T.O. Floor i Project Name and Address i # 1265 RYDER FARM LANE ORIENT, NEW YORK REAR ELEVATION , Siding lines indicate the extent of added 1 construction but not the extent of work required 1/4" = 1'-0" to complete project Date: Scale : 10/ 13/ 15 1/4" Sheet No. I I i i Typical all New Roofs Ty�cal all New Roofs NOTE: Align roof rafters with Moisture Stop underlayment Moisture Stop underlayment studs. from eaves edge to 2'-0" GENERAL NOTES: from eaves edge to 2'-0" inside the exterior wall inside the exterior wa I I line of the house 1.All work shall conform to national, I ine of the house New Dormer Roof state,and local codes. 2. All unnoted or non-visible easements New Dormer Roof F.G Asphalt Shingles are the responsibility of the owner/ F.G Asphalt Shingles Roofing paper contractor. Roof ine paper 1/2" Plywood 3. It is the contractors responsibility to 1/2" Plywood 2 x 6 r.r. 16" o.c. familiarize himself with all aspects of 2 x 6 r.r. 16" o.c. 2 x 6 c J. these documents prior to beginning any 2 x 6 c j. R-30 Insul. work. R-30 Insul. 1/2" Gyp. Bd. 4. These drawings are the property of 1/2" Gyp. Bd. / Victor Cuneo Architect PC. Victor Cuneo Simpson H2A at each Architect PC retains all common law Simpson H2A at each //// roof rafter --t— roof rafter ---- statutory and other reserved rights, xis in c.j. including the Copyright therein.Victor Porch Roof Cuneo Architect PC bears no Wal I Gonst. ---`- F.G Asphalt Shingles responsibility for their unauthorized use. Siding to match //// Roof Ing paper 5.Victor Cuneo Architect PC shall not Tyvek Housewrap / / 1/2" Plywood control nor charge of and shall not be 1/2" Plywood / / 2 x 6 r.r. 16" o.c. responsible for construction means, 2 x 4 studs 16" O.G. //// 2 x 6 cj. methods techniques, sequences,or procedures, or safe precautions and R-15 F.G. Batt Insul. / Vinyl beaded soffit pro ams in connection with the work, for 12 I/2" Gyp. Bd. / I/2 Gyp. Bd. the acts or omissions of the contractor, —� Simpson Strong-Tie subcontractors or any persons performing +4 T.O. Floor — from Straps H2.5 any of the work,or the failure of any of from 2nd floor to existing f irst f Ir. jst. them to carry out the work in accordance Min. 5 nails each end with the contract documents. LITE CJ i Typical Each Column Simpson CMST14 Zmox coated 5/4" x 6 Decking See Det. I Wrap over header and extend 2 x 10 Ar GO joist 16" o. I/AI.OI down min 7" on opposite side. o Install 1/2 of total face nails m T.O. Floor � on each side of beam Attach to bolt or embed into O concrete 7" min. cv 1 1 o Typical each pier m 4 X 4 AGO post with Simpson Zmax coated post base and Q caps on 12" did. concrete piers to 36" below grade o z L E F T ELEVATION Sidingllines indicate the extent of added 0 1/4" — 1'-0" construction but not the extent of work required to complete project w A SECTION A 1/411 = 1'-0" 0 z License / Seal Match Existing dormer l R \66 1 d r i Shed Roof F.G Asphalt Shingles Roofing paper 1/2" Plywood 2 x 6 r.r. 16" o.c. Existing roof and cig. 2 x 6 c.'. to remain Simpson Strong-Tie T.O. Floor J Vinyl beaded soffit H2.5 VICTOR CUNEO 1/2" Gyp. Bd. _ Simpson Strong-Tie I I Nall Gonst. ARCHITECT P.C. I I Siding to match "Tyvek Housewrap" Nall Const. I I 1/2" Plywood 154 LAUREL ROAD Siding to match I I 2 x 4 studs 16" O.G. Existing Garage New Storage g EAST NORTHPORT, NY 11731 area i "Tyvek Housewrap" I I R-15 F.G. Batt Insul. 1/2" Plywood Floor Const. I I 1/2" Gyp. Bd. (631)261-2744 2 x 4 studs 16" O.G. 3/4" Plywood Glue/` 4rew 2 x 10 fj. 16" o.c. I I 1-1/4" 20 gage strop attach R-Iri F.G. Batt insul.) I with (5) Sd nails from stud to T.O. Floor rim joist, Simpson LPT4 late from Project Name and Address Match new slab gt. I--See mid span See Oct. 3 / AI.OI J p p — — — — — rim foist to sills. with garage EcoLife sill on copper coated termite shie # 1265 p s Remove existing I I Seal sill cn slab and foundation I I 5/5" Dia. anchor bolts 3'-O" O.G. 12" From sill ends, Min. 7" embedment RYDER FARM LANE 3" X 3" Bearing plate washer with each ORIENT, NEW YORK Underpin existing found. anchor bolt. See Det. 2 / A1.01 #5 re bar continuous _�---Domproofing a" Concrete Found. on RIGHT ELEVATION Siding lines indicate the extent of added I'-4" x 8" footing w/ (2) Date: Scale 1/4" — 1'-0" construction but not the extent of work required #5 Re bar continuous 10/ 13 / 15 1/4" " = 1'-0 to complete project # 5 top and bottom of wa I I Sheet No. B SECTION C SECTION 1/411 = 1'-0" 1/411 = 1'-0" NOTE: Verify existing floor height and adjust new foundation to match new floor hgt. with the existing f Ioor het. it