Minutes of Sep 28, 2015 meeting
• Meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm by Bill Grigonis
• Present were: Bill Grigonis, John Slattery, William Ryan, Joseph Conway,
Chief Martin Flatley, James Dinizio
Absent were: Henry Hinter
• Minutes:
o Minutes from September 14, 2015 meeting were approved
• Old Business:
o Gathered reach/contact information for committee members present
o Discussion of 2015 police budget based on previously requested reports
o Reviewed five year budget trending by line item
o Finalized and prioritized list of potential short term and long term budget
cost savings (attached)
o Bill Grigonis and John Slattery will draft document reflecting prioritized
list of potential short term and long term budget cost savings
o James Dinizio will provide guidance as to the transmission of the list of
potential short term and long term budget cost savings.
• Specifically, who will be the recipient of our list and what is the
process to deliver the list
o john Slattery was asked to research the status of board member applicant
John A. O'Brien.
• New Business
None discussed
• Next Meeting:
o Monday October 26, 2015
• Meeting was adjourned at 6:15 pm
Respectfully submitted
John J. Slattery
Police Advisory Committee
Recommendations for Cost Savings for 2015 and Beyond
28 Sep 2015
In attendance: John Slattery, Bill Grigonis, Joe Conway, Bill Ryan,
Chief Flatley and Councilman Jim Dinizio.
1) Do Not Replace/Fill Lieutenant Position when Officer Bill Sawicki
retires. Hire a Patrolman and keep manning level at 52.
2) Eliminate Full Time TCO and replace with 2 Part-Time TCOs at less
than 17.5 hrs per week.
3) Consider those on sick leave/injured officers to serve on light duty
during a 4-12/12-8 shift to have "Sworn Officer" presence in the Police
4) Consider charging fully loaded costs for events: Base future charge
on $118.00 plus costs for fuel, vehicle maintenance, insurance,
supervision, etc.