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Peter A.Young,Chairman Town Hall,53095 Main Rd.
Lauren Standish,Secretary P.O.Box 1179
*' Southold,NY 11971
Conservation Advisory Council
Town of Southold RECEIVED
MAY 1 4 2015
Wed., April 15, 2015
Southold Town Clerk
4:30 PM
Down's Farm Preserve
A meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council was held Wed., April 15,
2015 at Down's Farm Preserve.
Present were: Peter Young, Chairman
Jack McGreevy, Member
John Stein, Member
William McDermott, Member
Doug Hardy, Member
Keith McCamy, Member
James Dinizio, Councilman
Lauren Standish, Secretary
Absent was: Peter Meeker, Member
The meeting was called to order at 4:30PM by Chairman Peter Young.
Interviews were conducted to fill the one (1) vacancy on the committee. A
recommendation will be sent to the Town Board for consideration at the next Town Board
The Town Board has requested each committee of the Town review their mission
statements and assess their relevance to the committee. The Board also requested that
each committee provide them with their accomplishments for 2014 and their goals and
objectives for 2015. John Stein was assigned the task of preparing the accomplishments
for 2014 and Doug Hardy will prepare a list of goals and objectives for 2015.
Doug Hardy proposed a walk along the shoreline from Town Beach to Horton's Point in an
effort to assess the shoreline for coastal erosion. Councilman Jim Dinizio recommended
they obtain permission from the Town Board and the Town Attorney. Doug will coordinate
a date with the committee members and Peter Young will notify the Town Attorney. The
Board of Trustees, Town Board and possible environmental groups will be invited to
participate in the near future.
Moved by John Stein, seconded by Keith McCamy, it was
RESOLVED to elect Peter Young as the Chairman and spearhead the activities of the
Conservation Advisory Council.
Vote of Council: Ayes: John Stein, Jack McGreevy, Keith McCamy, Doug Hardy
Motion Carried Recused: Peter Young
Moved by John Stein, seconded by Keith McCamy to Approve the Minutes of March 11,
Moved by Doug Hardy, seconded by John Stein, to NOT SUPPORT the application of
JOAN PRAGER to construct 95' of 2 to 4 ton rock revetment extension from end of
existing rock revetment east to property line.
Located: 39823 Main Rd., Orient. SCTM#14-2-1.10
Inspected by: Peter Young, Keith McCamy
The CAC does Not Support the application because the project will endanger the adjacent
properties due to an accelerated bluff blow-out, which is already evident on the site. This
is an example of a piece-meal approach to the problem and is not an adequate solution.
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
LEWIS & HELAINE TEPERMAN for a 24'X 32' deck.
Located: 1225 Aquaview Ave., East Marion. SCTM#21-2-16
The CAC did not make an inspection, therefore no recommendation was made.
Moved by Peter Young, seconded by Doug Hardy, it was
RESOLVED to NOT SUPPORT the application of GREG CAHILL to replace dock with 6'X
20' floating dock with composite decking to a 4'X 10' aluminum ramp to 4'X 36' catwalk
with composite decking to a 4'X 10' ramp with composite decking. Remove and replace
timber retaining wall 22' high 62' long. All undercarriage will be constructed out of ACQ
and hot galvanized hardware will be used; and for the existing stone gabion revetment
with native stone 6'X 124'X 2'. Establish and maintain a non-turf buffer zone 8' wide
proposed along the landward edge of the gabion. Twelve (12) pilings will be installed and
will be 6-8" in dia.
Located: 1180 Sage Blvd., Greenport. SCTM#53-5-9
Inspected by: Peter Young, Keith McCamy
The CAC does Not Support the application because the project was not staked making it
difficult to visualize the impact of a lengthy dock.
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by Keith McCamy, seconded by Peter Young, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of TOM BRENNAN to add a one-story 13'X 14'
addition to existing two-story house on the southeast side.
Located: 235 Carole Rd., Southold. SCTM#52-2-7.4
Inspected by: Peter Young, Keith McCamy
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by Keith McCamy, seconded by Peter Young, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of JOHN PETROCELLI, SR. to construct a
single-family dwelling with front porch and rear patio on semi-developed property; new 5'
wide beach access stairs and 14'X 25' deck to allow access to beach; new sanitary
system; and install hay bales and silt fencing around the construction area.
Located: 2240 Paradise Point Rd., Southold. SCTM#81-3-19.6
Inspected by: Peter Young, Keith McCamy
The CAC Supports the application, however, questions whether the placement of the
proposed deck is appropriate on a sensitive slope. The CAC also questions the removal of
trees within 100' of the wetland boundary.
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by Doug Hardy, seconded by John Stein, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of MARY VAN COTT to construct a dock
adjacent to existing bulkhead, consisting of a 4'X 6' platform (cantilevered off existing
bulkhead), 3'X 14' ramp, and 6'X 20' float secured with two (2) 8" dia. pilings.
Located: 4080 Wunneweta Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#111-14-23
Inspected by: Doug Hardy, John Stein
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by John Stein, seconded by Jack McGreevy, it was
construct approx. 64 If. of vinyl bulkhead in place of existing timber bulkhead to be
removed (including +/-16' section of lower bulkhead forming seaward wall of step-down
platform, which is to be raised approx. 18" higher than existing); construct +/-22 If. vinyl
return in place of existing timber return; construct approx.. 34 If. of vinyl retaining wall in
place of existing timber walls forming 8'X 17' step-down platform to be removed and
replaced (in-place and 18" higher); backfill with approx. 40 cy. clean sand/loam to be
trucked in from an approved upland source; and upon project completion, recover backfill
lost during construction through incidental dredging (to max. depth of-4'ALW) of 10' wide
area adjacent to +/-64' section of new vinyl bulkhead.
Located: 4150 Wunneweta Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#111-14-24
Inspected by: Doug Hardy, John Stein
The CAC Supports the application with the Condition the height of the bulkhead is not
raised unless it conforms to the height of the neighboring bulkheads.
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by John Stein, seconded by Doug Hardy, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of KEVIN & PAULA FLAHERTY for the
demolition of east side extension, majority of foundation and connecting interior walls;
construct a one-story expanded addition for a bed/bath replacement and add 8' dia.
drywell. Request permit for as-built 90' in length fieldstone retaining wall with steps of
varying height located approx. 10' landward of existing bulkhead and just landward of
flood zone AE6.
Located: 1250 Lupton Point Rd., Mattituck. SCTM#115-11-12
Inspected by: Doug Hardy, John Stein
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by John Stein, seconded by Doug Hardy, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of RICK NAPPI to remove roof, existing siding,
doors and exterior wall, demolish first floor interior, remodel first floor, add second floor
addition with deck and new exterior windows, doors and siding. Remove existing concrete
stoop from southeast corner of house, and add two (2) cellar window airways to south
side of house.
Located: 5218 Peconic Bay Blvd., Laurel. SCTM#128-2-22
Inspected by: Doug Hardy, John Stein
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
375 EAST END ROAD REALTY TRUST to upgrade the sanitary system by pumping out
the existing septic tank if needed and fill with sand, install new sanitary system, remove
concrete slab and install a new sewer line from house and install a man hole cover, install
approx. 50' of boulder retaining wall with a fence on the landward side, install new water
service and buried utilities, install stone parking area and graded path, install construction
entrance, remove overhead utilities (electric and telephone) and to clear area of
vegetation for access to garage.
Located: 33 Treasure Pond Rd., Fishers Island. SCTM#3-7-5
The CAC did not make an inspection, therefore no recommendation was made.
Moved by GEORGE NICHOLAS CORITSIDIS to Amend Wetland Permit#759 to include
the existing wood walk 2.7'X 31.6', wood ramp 4.1'X 17.4', and the "T" shaped 2 floating
wood docks, 134 sf. 4.1'X 16.2' and 4.1'X 16.5'.
Located: 1800 Cedar Beach Rd., Southold. SCTM#89-2-5.1&3
Inspected by: Keith McCamy, Peter Young
The CAC Supports the application with the Condition appropriate materials are used for
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
John Stein will attend the next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees scheduled for
Wed., April 22, 2015 at 5:30 PM.
The next meeting of the Conservation Advisory Council has been set for Wed., May 13,
2015 at 4:30 PM to be held at Down's Farm Preserve.
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned
at 6:50PM.
Respectfully submitted by,
Lauren M. Standish, Secretary
Conservation Advisory Council