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Peter A.Young,Chairman N • Town Hall,53095 Main Rd.
Lauren Standish,Secretary , . P.O.Box 1179
O Southold,NY 11971
Conservation Advisory Council
Town of Southold RECEIVED
MINUTES OCT 1 4 2015
Wed., September 9, 2015
Southold Town Clerk
4:30 PM
Down's Farm Preserve
A meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council was held Wed., September 9,
2015 at Down's Farm Preserve.
Present were: Doug Hardy, Acting-Chairman
Jack McGreevy, Member
John Stein, Member
Keith McCamy, Member
Lauren Standish, Secretary
Absent were: Peter Young, Chairman
Peter Meeker, Member
James Dinizio, Town Board Liaison
The meeting was called to order at 4:30PM by Acting-Chairman Doug Hardy.
Peter Meeker attend the Board of Trustees meeting held on Wed., August 19th. (See attached
meeting notes.)
Moved by John Stein, seconded by Keith McCamy to Approve the Minutes of August 12, 2015.
Moved by Ketih McCamy, seconded by John Stein, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of THE BELETSIS RESIDENCE for the existing stairs
to beach and to remove where stairs encroach on neighbor's property (about 40' long stretch); a
replacement stair is proposed to be constructed in part from top of bluff to an existing wood
Located: 380 The Strand, East Marion. SCTM#21-5-4
Inspected by: Doug Hardy, Keith McCamy
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by Keith McCamy, seconded by John Stein, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of KONSTANTINOS ZOITAS to construct 4'X 52' stairs
to beach with 6 landings.
Located: 980 The Strand, East Marion. SCTM#30-2-78
Inspected by: Doug Hardy, Keith McCamy
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by Keith McCamy, seconded by Doug Hardy, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of WILLIAM H. PRICE, JR. to construct a 30'X 60'
dwelling with a 722 sf. attached deck and septic system. Applicant would extend public water and
install drywells for stormwater control.
Located: 100 Bay Rd., Greenport. SCTM#43-5-10
Inspected by: Doug Hardy, Keith McCamy
The CAC Supports the application with the Condition the project complies with FEMA regulations
for a coastal flood area.
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by Doug Hardy, seconded by Keith McCamy, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of DENIS & NANCY COLE to construct a 16'X 36' in-
ground swimming pool with 5' stone patio along the northerly and southerly side of the pool, 13.5'X
14.5' westerly side of the pool and 50' from the bulkhead.
Located: 655 Albacore Dr., Southold. SCTM#57-1-17
Inspected by: Doug Hardy, Keith McCamy
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by Doug Hardy, seconded by Keith McCamy, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of WILLOW POINT ASSOCIATION, INC. for a 10-Year
Maintenance Permit to dredge and widen the channel entrance to a depth of 5' below mean low
water and place the resultant 500 cy. of dredge spoil on the upland portion of the association
Located: 765 Willow Point Rd., Southold. SCTM#56-5-28&14
Inspected by: Doug Hardy, Keith McCamy
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by John Stein, seconded by Doug Hardy, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of RONALD E. CASSARA for the existing restoration
along 230' of bluff.
Located: 30185 Cabot's Wood Rd., Peconic. SCTM#73-4-1 •
Inspected by: John Stein, Doug Hardy
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by John Stein, seconded by Doug Hardy, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of ROBERT & MARGARET SLIFKIN for the existing
4'X 123' timber catwalk and 3'X 12' ramp and to modify floats and conform catwalk "as-built" to
existing conditions. Add 2 new piles and 4 new stop beams to existing floats to keep 2 floats off
Located: 2520 Beebe Dr., Cutchogue. SCTM#103-3-11
Inspected by: John Stein
The CAC Supports the application with the Condition the floating docks are seasonal.
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by John Stein, seconded by Doug Hardy, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of RYAN HUTCHINSON to construct a fixed timber
dock (equipped with water and electricity), consisting of a 4'X 78' fixed catwalk (with open-grate
decking); a 3'X 14' hinged ramp; and a 6'X 20' "T"float, secured by (4) 8" dia. pilings (with chocks
to support float).
Located: 1030 Broadwaters Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#104-9-1
Inspected by: John Stein
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by Jack McGreevy, seconded by John Stein, it was'
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of CORCHAUG VIEW, LLC for the existing gazebo to
be relocated and relocate mechanicals to north side of existing dwelling; construct raised pool and
patio and propane pool heater; existing covered porch to be removed and converted to enclosed
expanded mudroom; construct covered porch addition. Install propane generator with transfer
switch. Provide new drywells for covered porch and pool/patio. Install new inground 1000 gallon
propane tank and remove trees for pool and solar project.
Located: 3000 Moore's Lane, Cutchogue. SCTM#116-1-8.3
Inspected by: John Stein, Jack McGreevy
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
FBO ASSOCIATES LLC to construct a new armor layer riprap revetment along the length of the
western boundary for the purpose of shoring up the bank along West Harbor and mitigating
coastal erosion. The revetment will extend approx. 215' along the bank and tie into the existing
revetment on the north neighbor's property.
Located: 3300 Clay Point Rd., Fishers Island. SCTM#7-1-2.1
The CAC did not make an inspection, therefore no recommendation was made.
FBO ASSOCIATES LLC to construct a new 20'X 40' swimming pool to the rear of the existing
dwelling. An existing deck will be removed as part of this work. The swimming pool will be 80'
away from the limits of coastal wetlands and approx. 105' away from freshwater wetlands.
Located: 3300 Clay Point Rd., Fishers Island. SCTM#7-1-2.1
The CAC did not make an inspection, therefore no recommendation was made.
John Stein will attend the next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees scheduled for Wed.,
September 16, 2015 at 5:30 PM.
The next meeting of the Conservation Advisory Council has been set for Wed., October 14, 2015
at 4:30 PM to be held at Down's Farm Preserve.
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at
Respectfully submitted by,
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Lauren M. Standish, Secretary
Conservation Advisory Council
Trustee Meeting 8-19-15
Present: Domino, Bredemeyer, King, &Bergen
Administrative Permits, Extensions/Transfers, and Amendments approved in mass.
Wetland & Coastal Permits:
1. Karacostas—approved height of bulkhead"not an issue in this case"
2. Southold Sunsets—disturbance of primary dune is unacceptable. As a procedural
matter Board needs more information and therefore tables permit.
3. Sack—En Consultants testified that everything proposed is good for this property.
Cesspool near bluff to be pumped and filled with sand.
4. Boatyard at Founders Landing—regarding jetties, trustees were privy to an
updated survey and work plans which showed jetties. Mr. Costello said that one
of the jetties is holding up a public beach now. Costello wants to work with
Town to manage road runoff. The Town now has one drain that empties into Bay
near his boatyard. RCA is porous. "impervious" cap around bulkhead must have
been a typo. Costello testified that RCA will allow water to percolate down;
however,he prefers sand for that purpose. Homeowner in meeting raised the
same point about pervious and impervious.
5. Emery—as built creates many problems. Come back with possible alternatives to
hardened returns, smaller platform, and reduced height of upper bulkhead.
Except for Southold Sunsets and Emery, all approvals.