HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/2015 TOWN OF SOUTHIO :C RECREATION DEPART ENT MONTHLY REPORT: OCTOBER 2015 WINTER 2016 BROCHURE: The brochure will be an insert in the November 19 edition of the Suffolk Times. Working on the winter brochure has taken up most of my time this month. Following is a list of programs being offered: •Aerobics/Pilates *Digital Photography •Youth Basketball •Tai Chi •Guitar Lessons •Yoga •Singing Program •Watercolor •Dog Obedience •Youth Boating •Golf Fitness •CPR Class •Defensive Driving •Dog Obedience PUPPY •Aerobics •Weight Training •Youth Basketball •Greeting Cards •Ballroom Dancing •Pre-Therapy Dog Obedience •Smart Driver Program •Weight Loss •Developmental Disabilities •Watercolor •Visit Santa •Santa's Mailbox •Poetry •String Orchestra •Children's Theatre •Herbs for Health&Nutrition •NY Jets Tickets •Painting on Fridays •Children's Storytime •The Art of Tea •Drop Set Strength Training •Circuit Based Workout BUDGET MEETINGS: were held at various times throughout the month. The submitted budget was gone over in detail for the upcoming year. ONLINE REGISTRATION: We are in the process of finalizing online registration and hope to have it up and running in time for spring registration. Lloyd,Judy, and I have been working with BAS to iron out all the details and make sure things are in order. RECREATION DEPARTMENT DEPOSITS & EXPENDITURES: Following are copies of our monthly bank statement,deposits made for the month,instructor payroll sheets, and 2015 purchase orders submitted to date. Please note that any withdrawals on the bank statement are program refunds for those participants who paid with a credit card. Respectfully Submitted, I+ 1 i , Ken Reeves Recreation Supervisor Balances as of 08:20:31 AM EST on 11/13/2015 Available $15,378.11 Date Last 11/07/2015 Balance: Deposit: Closing $15,378.11 Current $15,378.11 Ledger: Balance: Date Last 08/26/2015 Last $14,603.11 Check: Statement Balance: Date Last 10/30/2015 Interest $16.59 Statement: Earned YTD: Total Float: $0.00 Days 0 Overdrawn: Interest .05% Interest Paid $24.66 Rate: Last Year: ,ii ,.✓t. , , i ii tri ,N, , ,i. . , ,//., a/,ins / � ///// / / / �lr/%v✓o/i,,/i,ri�/,i,//,//O/i////o, ,1,,/////////i/�///,,/: //�, � . .d;/�e , i/./ � I1,11 , Date Status 1 DeseriPtion Number ,.. ,, Amount_ ..„0EPOSIT �,,.a �w, ro M ,1. ..... $907 00 $14 452;54, 10/16/2015 �� �„� m Y.�� <,—„",° wo.,, ,�,,, (PH:94; October 16, 2015 Deposit Breakdown Receipt Datep, AARP Checks Check Cash Credit Card 10/1/15 6046 Cash 15.00 4 Check 35.00 _ ... 10/2/15 . I - : Cash 15.00 IIIIII 10/5/15 6049 Cash 80.00 10/5/15 6050 Visa 80.00 10/5/15 6051 Visa 80.00 10/5/15 6052 Check 280.00 10/6/15 6053 Visa 120.00 10/6/15 6054 Visa 15.00 10/6/15 6055 Check X24.00 10/6/15 6056 Check 50.00 10/6/15 6057 MC 27.00 10/6/15 6058 Check 108.00 10/8/15 6059 Check 50.00 10/8/15 •6060 Check 60.00 10/8/15 6061 Check 60.00 10/9/15 6062 MC I 35.00 10/9/15 6063 Visa 8.00 10/14/15 6064 Check 35.00 10/14/15 6065 Check 10/16/15 6066 Cash 60.00 Totals 737.00 170.00 365.00 0.00 Date Prepared By: 10/16/15 Date Reviewed By: 10/16/15 Ken l eivks, Recreation Supervisor Judy McCleery, Principal Clerk Checks: $737.00; Cash: $170.00 CC: 365.00 Total Deposit: $907.00 m _ PAYROLL FALL 2015 TOWN BOA ' I : 10/20/15 INSTRUCTOR NAME MO TU WE I TH FR SA ! SU MO TU WE i TH FR I SA j SU # I $$$ TOTAL &CLASS DATES s 9/28 9/29 9/30 ' 10/1 10/2 10/3 ; 10/4 10/5 10/6 ; 10/7 I 10/8 10/9 10/10 10/11 HRS RATE jAMOUNT, No Class 11/3/15 9/15-11/10/15 l Tuesdays 1.5 hours ( _ Beck-Witt,Antoinette f $30/hour Fictional!W'ritena Balance:5110 [ _ No Class 10/11/15 Sundays -9/13-11/1/15 Bennett,Dawn -- Dog Obedience Puppy STAR j _ $70/person 9/15,29,10/13,27,11/17,12/1 Tuesdays 2 hoursF Bloom,SaraD $30/hour l Memoir Writin. A — I l ( 9/16,30,10/14,28,11/18,12/2 jr). 1 Wednesdays 2 hours Bloom,Sara $30/hour Memoir Writing B 9/9-10/28/15 Wednesdays 1 hour Boucher,Thomas X 1 III Guitar Youth $30/hour 9/9-10/28/15 Wednesdays 1 hour Boucher,Thomas F X X Guitar Adults $30/hour 9/8-10/13/15 Tuesdays 1.25 hours 1 [ X X Cusack,Heather ( Herbs for Health _ € $30/hour 10/1-11/19/15 i Thursdays 1.5 hours --- Dowling,Claire t , ESL i $30/hour No Class(0'5,10/12,11/11,11/25, 12/2 9/9-12/21/15 j Mondays&Wednesdays 3 $35/class Eagle.Martha Aerobics No Class 11/4&27 9/11-12/18/15 Tuesdays&Fridays Eagle,Martha Pilates $35/class 9/9-10/21/15 ] iit- Wednesdays 1.5 hours '� Eckert,Linda ,t € 1 5 Finances �� [ I $30/hour j i m PAYROLL WINTER 2015 TOWN BOARD: 10/20/15 INSTRUCTOR NAME MO . TU WE 1 TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH ' FR SA SU # 1 $$$ TOTAL , &CLASS DATES I 9/28 9/29 9/30 10/1 10/2 10/3 10/4 10/5 10/6 10/7 10/8 10/9 I 10/10 10/11 I HRS , RATE AMOUNT , 9/9-10/7/15 Wednesdays Fish,Bill(Island's End Golf Club) X Golf Lessons A $100/person 9/13-10/11/15 . ' Sundays Fish,Bill(Island's End Golf Club) Golf Lessons B F $100/p e r s o n yedo Fridays 3 hours Fokine,Suzzanne .—...7 -- Plein Air A . . ! $30/hour 10/2-10/23/15 lu- Fridays 3 hours ,Jb Fokine,Suzzanne Plein Air B 6 $30/hour I re6 9/9-10/28/15 Wednesdays 2 hours Forte,Susan X X EbayI $30/hour No Class 9/26,10/10,11/14,11/281 1 Saturdays:9/19-12/12/15 Gat ,Bill ) C t'A°"' ) c Youth Basketball ,--N' i CV $30/hour -7 C 9/9-10/21/15 Wednesdays Gebbia,Dan Dog Obedience 1 $70/person 1(53 9/17-11/5/15 1 Thursdays 1.25 hours Gillies,Denise 2 Tai Chi A ! ' \ r\ ., c $30/hour 9/17-11/5/15 Ok4 1 t Thursdays 1.25 hours IJ .Y Denise Tai Chi B i $30/hour 9/11,25,10/9,23,11/6,20,12/4,18 1 -I [ Fridays 1.25hours (t 137/.1; Gladstone,DaniPI J-----_ li)S . )5I , Northforkestra 1 $30/hour I 1 , __, PAYROLL WINTER 2015 TOWN BOARD: 10/20/15 INSTRUCTOR NAME MO MI WE TH FR SA SU MO TU ' WE TH FR SA SU # $$$ i TOTAL &CLASS DATES 9/28 9/29 9/30 10/1 ' 10/2 10/3 10/4 10/5 10/6 1 10/7 10/8 10/9 10/10 10/11 HRS RATE AMOUNT] No Class 9/26,10/10,11/14,11/28 r. Saturdays:9/19-12/12/15 \4 e----' I Izzo,Eric I ‘.° 3 Y 5 Youth Basketball I 1- $30/hour No Class 11/3,11/24 1 9/22-12/15/15 e. Tuesdays 1.5 hours 1 1 . Jens,Rebecca Volleyball \, C ,Sr % $25/hour '''/-• 10/3-10/24/15 1-' Saturdays 3 hours Levy,Lois Creative Sketching 3 $30/hour 11/7/15 Saturday — Manfredi,Chris . . Defensive Driving I --- 1 $30/person 10/10/15 1 Saturday Manfredi,Chris CPR Course . $55/person No Class 10/12 Mondays:9/14-11/9/15 Martilotta,Rosemary i Hatha Yoga \ 1 . $62/class v , No Class 10/12 Mondays:9/14-11/9/15 , Martilotta,Rosemary Chair Yoga ‘ $62/class 9/2-10/21/15 Wednesdays 1 hour i McDowell,Kate 1 1 Tennis A $30/hour 9/5-10/24/15CI IF i. Saturdays 4 hours McDowell,Kate ii 1( Tennis B ' $30/hour ]... 10/19-11/23/15 Mondays 1.5 hours Nemeth,Linda .--- — Watercolor $30/hour . No Class 10/11 1 i 9/13-11/8/15-Sundays 1X ( Poplarski,Dr.Jeffrey Golf Fitness 1 $55/class cC i PAYROLL WINTER 2015 TOWN BOARD: 1.0/20/1. . INSTRUCTOR NAME MO I TU WE * TH FR F SA I SU ' MO ' TU WE TH j FR SA SU # i $$$ TOTAL &CLASS DATES 9/28 j 9/29 9/30 10/1 10/2 i 10/3 j 10/4 10/5 10/6 10/7 10/8 10/9 10/10 10/11 ; HRS : RATE AMOUNT No Class 9/14,10/12&11/26 1 9/10-12/17/15 Mondays&Thursdays 1 hour j [ Short,Laurie . E i kk. 1 I $30/hour Circuit Based Workout No Class 9/14,10/12&11/26 ] j 9/10-12/17/15 J Mondays&Thursdays 1 hour t Short,Laurie i $30/hour Dro. SetTrainin. [ No Class 10/12&11/26 9/21-12/17/15 3 l � Mondays&Thursdays 3 i Smith,Steve Weight Training [ $55/person 1 ' No C asl s 9/26,10/10,11/14,11/28 Saturdays:9/19-12/12/15 Suglia,Jocelyn j c [ ., l .5" Youth Basketball $30/hour i 9/15-10/20/15 Tuesdays 1.5 hours I ] 3 F Terranova.Barbara 5 ] Knitting b `C $30/hour 10/14/15 Wednesday ' � Tettelbach,Lisa � I Greeting Cards [ i F $30/hour No Class 9/28,10/5,10/12&10/26 ! 3 Mondays:9/14-11/16/15 - Triggiani,Alfonso Ballroom Dancing [ i $65/person 9/30&10/7/15 ( Wednesdays 1.5 hours [ LC Truglio,AngeloS90 Homework Help $30/hour . 3 9/12-10/24/15 Saturdays 3 hours Watts,Christine Children's Theatre A $30/hour 3 � � No Class 11/28 i i 10/31-12/19/15 Saturdays 3 hours Watts,Christine $30/hour Ci hildren's Theatre B [_ 10/20,21,27,&28 E Tuesdays&Wednesdays 2 hours ] �� Weber,Adrienne 1 1 I Crochet A Market BagI $30/hour Date PO # Amount Vendor # I Reason Budget Line 1/12/15 27585 1299.00 Tobay Printing 20463 Spring Brochure Printing A.7020.4.400.300 1/12/15 27586 800.00 1 Times Review Newspapers 20331 Spring Brochure Insert A.7020.4.400.300 3/11/15 27587 2584.00 1 NY Yankees 14187 52 tickets to 8/4 game A.7020.4.500.420 3/16/15 27588 105.00 Twin Fork Tire 20877 Aeolus 205 70 R15 Tire A.7020.4.400.650 3/25/15 27589 1275.00 Hampton Jitney 7913 Bus to Yankee Stadium- 8/4 1 A.7020.4.500.420 3/25/15 27590 55.00 LILSA 12247 Registration Fee-4/17 Conference A.7020.4.600.200 4/7/15 27591 1299.00 Tobarinting 20463 Summer Brochure Printing A.7020.4.400.300 4/7/15 27592 800.00 Times Review New_papers 20331 Summer Brochure Insert A.7020.4.400.300 4/15/15 27593 1100.00 Hampton Jitney 7913 Bus to Bronx Zoo - 6/6/15 A.7020.4.500.420 4/20/15 27594 1235.00 Hampton Jitney 7913 Mets Bus Trip - 7/25/15 A.7020.4.500.420 4/21/15 27595 1625.00 NY Mets Ticket Office 14179 40 tickets to 7/25/15 Game A.7020.4.500.420 4/22/15 27596 862.00 Wildlife Conservation Soc. 23354 Bronx Zoo Tickets A.7020.4.500.420 5/14/15 28048 58.00 Peconic Postmaster 16542 PO Box Renewal Fee A.7020.4.600.600 5/19/15 28049 425.00 NY Mets Ticket Office 14179 10 tickets to 7/25/15 Game A.7020.4.500.420 5/28/15 28050 3929.00 NY Jets 14503 40 tickets to 10/18 game A.7020.4.500.420 5/28/15 28051 2989.00 Madison Square Garden Ent. 018010 Radio City Tickets A.7020.4.500.420 6/16/15 28052 400.00 Ken Reeves 18158 Reimburse Beach Supplies A.7180.4.100.100 6/22/15 28053 354.90 Masune First Aid 13119 First Aid Supplies A.7180.4.100.100 6/30/15 28054 533.70 Emerald Island 5427 Beach Supplies A.7180.4.100.100 7/15/15 28055 1299.00 Tobay Printing 20463 Fall Brochure Printing A.7020.4.400.300 7/15/15 28056 722.00 Times Review Newspapers 20331 Fall Brochure Insert A.7020.4.400.300 7/15/15 28057 45.00 Times Review Newspapers 20331 Annual Subscription A.7020.4.600.600 8/10/15 28058 533.70 Emerald Island 5427 Beach Supplies A.7180.4.100.100 8/11/15 28059 240.00 ARC Health& Safety 1451 Swimming Lessons Fees A.7020.4.500.420 8/21/15 28060 45.95 Peconic Auto 16130 Oil Change A.7020.4.400.650 8/21/15 28061 153.30 S&S Worldwide 18795 Youth Program Supplies A.7020.4.100.150 8/24/15 28062 462.00 Constant Contact 3560 Basic E-Mail Toolkit A.7020.4.600.600 8/26/15 28063 1150.00 Hampton Jitney 7913 Bus to MetLife Stadium- 10/18/15 A.7020.4.500.420 8/26/15 28064 1150.00 Hampton Jitney 7913 I Bus to NY City- 12/9/15 A.7020.4.500.420 8/26/15 1 28065 1100.00 I Hampton Jitney I 7913 I Bus to Radio City- 12/15/15 A.7020.4.500.420 8/26/15 28066 752.55 Suspended Aquatic 19827 Two Rescue Boards A.7180.4.100.100 8/31/15 28067 105.00 Twin Fork Tire 20877 Aeolus 205 70 R15 Tire A.7020.4.400.650 9/11/15J 28903 280.00 The Ink Spot 9531 Window Envelopes A.7020.4.100.100 9/30/15 28904 354.54 Staples Advantage 19711 Office Supplies A.7020.4.100.100 9/30/15 28904 73.78 Staples Advantage 19711 Office Supplies-Tables A.7020.2.500.100 10/9/15 28905 1297.00 Tobay Printing 20463 Winter Brochure Printing A.7020.4.400.300 10/9/15 28906 722.00 Times Review Newspapers 20331 Winter Brochure Insert A.7020.4.400.300 10/13/15 28907 699.99 Lifetime Products Inc. 12154 4 pack of 8 foot tables A.7020.2.500.100 11/6/15 28908 77.05 Ken Reeves 1 18158 Reimburse Mileage A.7020.4.600.300 11/10/15 28909 400.00 Ken Reeves 18158 ,Reimburse Youth Program Supplies A.7020.4.100.150 11/10/15 28910 194.86 Oriental Trading 15664 Youth Program Supplies A.7020.4.100.150 11/10/15 28911 169.85 Rhode Island Novelty Youth Program Supplies A.7020.4.100.150 11/13/15 28912 1 37.00 I Peconic Auto 16130 . Vehicle Inspection A.7020.4.400.650