HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015 Landfill Groundwater and Gas Sampling RFP Groundwater/Gas RFP Page 1 of 6 Southold Landfill November 2015 Announcement of a REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS For LANDFILL GROUNDWATER AND GAS SAMPLING, ANALYSIS, AND REPORTING Town of Southold Solid Waste Management District \[DUE DATE: Friday, November 20, 2015 – see page 4 for Submission Info\] Objective and Scope The Town of Southold is required under New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Part 360 regulations to provide quarterly sampling and analysis of groundwater taken from 12 groundwater monitoring wells and 15 gas monitoring wells on the perimeter of the Town’s capped municipal solid waste landfill in Cutchogue, NY. Through this RFP the Town of Southold seeks to engage a NYSDEC certified contractor to perform these services for a period of four (4) years beginning in the fourth quarter of calendar year 2015. Description of Work The work consists 1) of semi-annual sampling and analysis of groundwater from 12 wells, and 2) quarterly sampling and analysis of gas from 15 wells, around the landfill perimeter (see Attachments B and C – last two pages of this document) and the preparation of reports on the results of sampling for NYSDEC and the Town. The groundwater work will consist of two rounds of analysis for 6 NYCRR Part 360 Baseline Parameters per year, with reports to be prepared pursuant to the specifications in the Southold Landfill Groundwater QA/QC Plan, attached. All sample collection, field data collection, laboratory analysis, data validation and reporting shall be completed in strict accordance with the NYSDEC-approved Southold Landfill Groundwater QA/QC Plan, attached. The work will be accomplished one time in 2015 (4 th quarter), and two times each in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 (in the 2 nd and 4 th quarters of each year). Gas sampling will be conducted quarterly and will test for oxygen indicated in total % of gas, carbon monoxide indicated in parts per million (ppm), combustible gases indicated as % of lower explosive limit (LEL), and hydrogen sulfide indicated in ppm for each well. Groundwater/Gas RFP Page 2 of 6 Southold Landfill November 2015 Responders To This RFP The Town seeks from responders quotes for costs, itemized per event and totaled as indicated on the Contractor Cost Proposal – Semi-Annual Groundwater Schedule (page 5) for conducting a total of nine semi-annual groundwater sampling events over the four-year span starting with the 4 th quarter of 2015 through the 4 th quarter of 2019, consisting, as noted above, of sampling, analysis, and reporting; along with quotes for costs, itemized per event and totaled as indicated on the Contractor Cost Proposal – Quarterly Gas Monitoring Schedule (page 6) for conducting a total of 17 quarterly gas sampling events. The Town intends to award a contract for the full four-year time span. Summary of Sampling Activity Groundwater sampling will be conducted consisting of analysis for 6 NYCRR Part 360 Baseline Parameters. All sampling activities must be completed in strict accordance with the attached NYSDEC-Approved QA/QC Plan, including but not limited to: Equipment preparation and decontamination Field instrument calibration and the documentation of the calibration Purging a minimum 3 well volumes from each well prior to sampling with pumping rates not exceeding 5 gallons per minute (gpm) Utilizing calibrated water quality meters to document field parameters and the stabilization of these parameters prior to sample collection Documenting field sampling and field parameter stabilization with the use of the attached well sampling form Collection of filtered groundwater samples for metals analysis when necessary due to sample turbidity Collection of groundwater samples using dedicated hand bailers Collection of required QA/QC samples including trip blanks and MS/MSDs Sample labeling, preparation, preservation, chain of custody and shipping See required Field Management Forms provided in Section 1.21 of Appendix B, attached. Note that in accordance with Section 8.0 of the QA/QC Plan, the Town will elect to perform a field audit at any time during the completion of field activities to ensure compliance with the Scope of Work and the QA/CQ Plan. Data Reporting/Deadlines A bound report must be prepared for each groundwater sampling event, a letter report for each gas sampling event. The groundwater report must include, at a minimum, the information listed below. A copy of each report must be provided to the Town of Southold Solid Waste Management District and the DEC Region 1 Office not more than 45 calendar days after the sampling has occurred, and not later than the 20th day of the third month of the subject calendar quarter (i.e., reports must be submitted by the 20 th day of March, June, September, and December). Groundwater/Gas RFP Page 3 of 6 Southold Landfill November 2015 Required Groundwater Sampling Report Information: A description of the sampling methods used for obtaining groundwater samples A description/verification of the QA/QC procedure utilized by the laboratory. A description/verification of the chain of custody procedures utilized. A figure showing the location of each of the monitoring wells sampled. Field forms documenting well purging and sample collection A Data Usability Summary Report (DUSR) documenting the completion of data validation and the findings with regard to data usability A table or tables listing each monitoring well/sampling location, the date the sample was obtained, and the value obtained for each parameter analyzed. Any value that exceeds NYSDEC Class GA drinking water standards must be noted as such. A summary, with discussion, of the data with a comparison to the data from previous rounds of sampling taken in conjunction with the Southold Landfill Remedial Investigation.  A comparison of upgradient, side gradient and downgradient chemical data. Identification and discussion of real or apparent trends in the increase or decrease of chemical constituents over time at each sampled well and what this may indicate with regard to the dynamics of groundwater impacts. See Section 1.21 in the attached Southold Landfill QA/QC Plan for sample forms to assist in compiling this information. Data Usage The data generated from the field sampling program will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the landfill closure in accordance with Part 360. In addition, data will be used to monitor health and safety of workers at the site and the health and safety of persons off-site. Southold Landfill Groundwater QA/QC Plan This Plan, attached, details all procedural and reporting requirements that must be strictly followed for the proper completion of services requested in this RFP. The Plan also includes water quality analysis tables and sample forms to assist with data compiling and reporting. The Town WILL perform field audits of sampling activities to ensure adherence to the Scope of Work and the QA/QC Plan. Groundwater/Gas RFP Page 4 of 6 Southold Landfill November 2015 General/Miscellaneous Requirements The selected contractor must provide a certificate of appropriate insurance coverage. The selected contractor must pay the current prevailing wage as it applies. The laboratory used must be ELAP certified by the New York State Department of Health and USEPA CLP certified. All laboratory data must be provided as a NYSDEC ASP Category B Deliverable and in NYSDEC Electronic Data Deliverable (EDD) EQuIS deliverable format. The selected contractor must have on staff or as a subconsultant a qualified data validator that will perform data validation of laboratory data for this project in accordance with the QA/QC Plan. ALL RESPONDERS must demonstrate competency in performing water sampling of this nature, and must show verification of at least 5 years of experience in groundwater sampling pursuant to NYSDEC regulations in their proposal. Submission of Proposal Submissions in response to this solicitation should consist of completed CONTRACTOR COST PROPOSAL FORM(S) (pages 5 & 6 of this Announcement) and cover letter, to be mailed or hand-delivered to the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, NY 11971, Att: James Bunchuck, on or before Friday, November 20, 2015. Responders may also submit additional supportive statements or information at their discretion. Questions concerning this RFP may be referred to James Bunchuck at (631) 734-7685. Groundwater/Gas RFP Page 5 of 6 Southold Landfill November 2015 Town of Southold Solid Waste Management District RFP For Post-Closure Groundwater & Gas Sampling, Analysis, And Reporting On the Southold Town Landfill CONTRACTOR COST PROPOSAL – SEMI-ANNUAL GROUNDWATER SCHEDULE Cost Per Event Sampling (Labor and Laboratory Quantity Units Annual Total Expenses) Analysis Reporting Total Per Item Event 2015 4 th Qtr One Per Event Baseline Event 2016 2 nd Qtr One Per Event Baseline Event 2016 4 th Qtr One Per Event Baseline Event 2017 2 nd Qtr One Per Event Baseline Event 2017 4 th Qtr One Per Event Baseline Event 2018 2 nd Qtr One Per Event Baseline Event 2018 4 th Qtr One Per Event Baseline Event 2019 2 nd Qtr One Per Event Baseline Event 2019 4 th Qtr One Per Event Baseline Event Grand Total (9 sampling events) Proposal Submitted By: Firm Name: Authorized Agent (print name): Address: Title: Signature: Date: (Attach any additional supportive statements or documentation as desired) Groundwater/Gas RFP Page 6 of 6 Southold Landfill November 2015 Town of Southold Solid Waste Management District RFP For Post-Closure Groundwater Sampling, Analysis, And Reporting On the Southold Town Landfill CONTRACTOR COST PROPOSAL – QUARTERLY GAS MONITORING SCHEDULE Cost Per Event Item Estimated Units Annual Total Sampling Quantity (Labor and Expenses) Reporting Total Per Event 2015 Event one Per Event 2016 Event Four Per Event 2017 Event Four Per Event 2018 Event Four Per Event 2019 Event Four Per Event Grand Total (17 quarters) Proposal Submitted By: Firm Name: Authorized Agent (print name): Address: Title: Signature: Date: (Attach any additional supportive statements or documentation as desired)