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Windrow Turner
,gil OFR 4- ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE,MMC ► y. Y. .y:� Town Hall,53095 Main Road ►� �°' 0,V;; P.O. Box 1179 TOWN CLERK * '' ,r Southold,New York 11971 613 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS :; 4 �� Fax(631)765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER � -' ®��,' Telephone(631)765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER we.,FiNg �► .1. www.southoldtownny.gov FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 26, 2015 James Butler Simplicity Engineering, Inc. 249 Union Street Westfield, MA 01085 Dear Mr Butler: Congratulations. At the regular Town Board meeting held on October 20, 2015, the Town Board accepted the bid of Simplicity Engineering, Inc. for supplying a windrow turner. A certified copy of the resolution is enclosed. The bid deposit is being returned to you. Thank you for your bid. Very truly yours, Lynda M Rudder Deputy Town Clerk Ens. •11 VFOLAP 49:- % ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE,MMC ++ �® ` +rte" ��; Town Hall,53095 Main Road +� x � '• P O. Box 1179 %TOWN CLERK ; ® v .s.!tf t r .'� , Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICSet '' '" `F.." �t�� Fax(631)765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER ;�� =i.,. ,•.0 Telephone(631)765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER 001 www.southoldtownny.gov FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER �,,,,.•� OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 26, 2015 Maureen Jamieson Ecoverse Industries 1265 Lear Industrial Parkway Avon, OH 44011 Dear Ms. Jamieson: At the regular Town Board meeting held on October 20, 2015, the Town Board accepted the bid of Simplicity Engineering, Inc. for supplying a windrow turner. A certified copy of the resolution is enclosed. The bid deposit is being returned to you. Thank you for your bid. Very truly yours, (1 Lynda M Rudder Deputy Town Clerk Ens. Southold Town Board- Letter Board Meeting of October 20, 2015 8ovrair RESOLUTION 2015-859 Item# 5.3 ytiLso-a ADOPTED DOC ID: 11202 A THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2015-859 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON OCTOBER 20,2015: WHEREAS two (2) bids were received in response to the Town's bid advertisement of August 20, 2015 for a self-propelled windrow turner for the Cutchogue Compost Facility; and WHEREAS the bid received by Ecoverse Industries is out of compliance with no fewer than seven (7) critical specifications issued by the Town for such equipment, and in addition fails to demonstrate compliance in at least six (6) other critical and/or important specifications as issued by the Town, and further did not include all information required for consideration as a complete response to the Town's solicitation; it is hereby RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby rejects the bid of Ecoverse Industries to supply the Solid Waste Management District with a self-propelled windrow turner as it does not meet the Town's specifications for said equipment; and, it is further RESOLVED that the Town Board accepts the bid of Simplicity Engineering, Inc. for such equipment at a cost of$484,000, all in accordance with the approval of the Town Attorney. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: James Dinizio Jr, Councilman SECONDER:William P. Ruland, Councilman AYES: Ghosio, Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Evans, Russell Generated October 21, 2015 Page 9 KomptechShredders SIMPLICITY GS mplicityr Screens rmills Recycling Systems James Butler Office(413)562-8653 SIMPLICITY ENGINEERING(N E)Inc Fax(413)562-3282 249 Union Set Mobile(413)478-2525 Westfield,MAA001085 www,SimplicityEngmeermgNEcorn simplicityengineering@gmail.com TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BID Description Unit Price One (1) Komptech X63 Leaf Windrow Turner One (1) Warranty—Two (2)Years or 2000 Hours (per attached) One (1)Five Year CAT C13 Engine Warranty One (1)Five Year X63 Machine Warranty Firm Name: Address: Fed. Tax T.D. # Signed by: Printed Name: Title: Date: - -- - LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF BID NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town of Southold Solid Waste Management District is seeking a qualified bidder to provide one (1) new"straddle"type, self- propelled windrow turner. Bid specifications are available at the Town Clerk's office during regular business hours, Monday thru Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. The bid must be accompanied by a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate, which may obtained at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, PO Box 1179, 53095 Main -. Road, Southold, N.Y. 11971 (631) 765-1800, and a bank draft or certified check in the amount of$100.00. The sealed bid(s)will be received by the Southold Town Clerk, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road,PO Box 1179, Southold,New York 11971,until 2:00 P.M., Thursday, September 3, 2015 at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked, "Windrow Turner", and submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. Dated: June 16, 2015 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK * * PLEASE PUBLISH ON AUGUST 20,2015,AND FORWARD ONE(1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE,TOWN CLERK,TOWN HALL, 53095 MAIN ROAD, PO BOX 1179,SOUTHOLD,NY 11971. Copies to the following: Suffolk Times Town Board Members Town Attorney Comptroller DSW Dodge Reports Burrelle's Information Data Construction Town Clerk's Bulletin Board INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS • All public bids must be submitted to the Southold Town Clerk in sealed envelopes which clearly identify the bid project number and the title of the service/product being bid. Any other writing on the envelope, with the exception of Company logs, etc. may result in bids being misplaced and otherwise rejected. • Unsigned bids may be rejected as informal. • Questions regarding ambiguities or the propriety of these specifications should be addressed, in writing, to the buyer, prior to the formal bid opening. Such questions will not be entertained after said bid opening. • Where a Bid Security is indicated on the face of the Proposal,the security must be attached to the Proposal as an earnest of good faith. In this case, any bid without a bid security may be rejected as informal. The Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informality in the bids and to make awards in the best interest of Town of Southold. NON-COLLUSION BIDDING CERTIFICATION ' L_Ctv-fkzA+A-1 By submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder, certifies and in the case of a joint bid, each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under penalty of perjury,that to the best of knowledge and belief: 1. The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without collusion, consultation, communication, or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder or with any competitor. 2. Unless otherwise required by law, the prices, which have been quoted in its bid, have not been knowingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be disclosed by the bidder prior to opening, directly or indirectly, to other bidder or to any competitor. 3. No attempt has been made or will be made by the bidder to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition. [Type text] Page 1 of Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner August 2015 CERTIFICATION REGARDING DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION AND RESPONSIBILITY The undersigned certified, to the best of his/her knowledge and belief,that the Contractor and its principles: 1. Are not presently debarred, suspended,proposed for debarment, and declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded by any Federal department of agency; 2. Have not within a three-year period preceding this transaction/application/proposal /contract/ agreement been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain or performing a public (Federal, State or local)transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery,bribery, falsification or destruction or records, making false statements or receiving stolen property; 3. Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity, (Federal, State or local)with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph 2 of this certification and; 4. Have not within a three-year period preceding this transaction/application/proposal/contract/ agreement had one or more public transactions, (Federal, State or local)terminated for cause or default. Date: �,q ( � ?.O is S("&P ,iciC1 �f4-6. .1€0 `nr6- �l.% /„r c (Print Name of Contractor) By: cJ (Nn, 1 (Signature) sc3 &Fr (Print Name) V (Print Title/Office) VENDOR MUST COMPLETE THIS FORM AND SUBMIT WITH BID Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner August 2015 TERMS AND CONDITIONS BID ITEM: SELF-PROPELLED WINDROW TURNER FOR: Solid Waste Management District DEPARTMENT CONTACT: James Bunchuck, (631)734-7685 DUPLICATE COPIES: PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR BID IN DUPLICATE; THE ORIGINAL AND ONE (1) COPY. BID INFORMATION: At the time of bid,the bidder shall supply detailed specifications covering the item(s)contained herein and shall clearly indicate any areas in which item or items offered do not fully comply with the specifications contained herein. SUBMITTAL OF FORMAL PROPOSAL: Bid proposal must be legible and submitted in the original form, bearing an original signature. EMAILS AND FACSIMILES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. All bidders must submit proof that they have obtained the required Workers'/ Compensation and disability benefits coverage or proof that they are exempt. SPECIFICATION Specifications will be construed to be complete and be considered the entire ALTERATIONS: description of goods or services upon which the Town of Southold is now seeking bids. Only formal written addenda can materially alter this set of specifications. No verbal statement made by a Southold Town employee or anyone else is binding nor shall such statement be considered an official part of this public bid proposal. BRAND REFERENCE: References to a manufacturer's product by brand name or number are done solely to establish the minimum quality and performance characteristics required. Bidders may submit bids on alternates, but must attach two (2) copies of manufacturer's specifications for any alternate at the time of the bid. Further,the bidder must demonstrate that the alternate proposed has a sufficient operating track record to show the equipment will perform per the specified brand and provide minimum of three references of customers using the exact machine being bid. The acceptance of a bidder's alternate rests solely with the Town of Southold. QUALIFIED BIDDER: Each bidder must be prepared to present satisfactory proof of his capacity and ability to perform this contract. Such proof may include, but is not limited to, an inspection of the bidder's facilities and equipment, financial statements, customer references and performance of similar contracts. Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner August 2015 The Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any bid where the bidder cannot satisfy the Town as to their ability to perform. The Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids if the Town Attorney deems said action to be in the best interests of the Town of Southold. METHOD OF AWARD: The Town of Southold intends to award a purchase order to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder based on the TOTAL. Bidder must bid on all items in order to be considered. DELIVERY: Delivery to be F.O.B. destination as specified by Purchase Order. Delivery must be completed within ninety (90) days after receipt of order. A delivery in excess of ninety (90) days may be grounds for rejection of a bid. PURCHASE ORDER Delivery of goods may be directed by the receipt of a Purchase Order ISSUANCE: only. Items that are not part of this bid will not be paid for by the Town of Southold. As to all purchase orders issued by the Town of Southold, exceptions may only be authorized, in writing,by the Supervisor or his authorized agent prior to delivery. WARRANTY/ GUARANTEE: All warranties by Manufacturer shall apply. Bidder shall, as part of its proposal, furnish its warranty/guarantee for all goods/services to be furnished hereunder. As a minimum, Bidder shall warrant all goods for a period as stated herein. Bidder shall be obligated to repair or replace all defects in material or workmanship, which are discovered or exists during said period. All labor, parts and transportation shall be at Bidder's expense. SUBCONTRACT: The Contractor shall not subcontract any work without first obtaining the written consent of the Southold Town Attorney. INDEMNIFCATION: The Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify and save harmless the Town, its officers, agents, servants and employees from and against any and all liability, damages, costs or expenses, causes of action, suits,judgments, losses and claims of every name not described, including Attorneys' fees and disbursements,brought against the Town which may arise, be sustained, or occasioned directly or indirectly by any person, firm or Corporation arising out of or resulting from the performance of the services by Contractor, arising from any act, omission or negligence of the Contractor, its agents and employees, or arising from any breach or default by the contractor under this Agreement. Nothing herein is intended to relieve the Town from its own negligence or misfeasance or to assume any such liability for the Town by the Contractor. Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner August 2015 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WINDROW TURNER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 Scope 1 1.1 General Description 1 1.2 Acceptable Manufacturers 1 2.0 Bidder Requirements 1 2.1 General Experience 1 2.2 Minimum Qualifications 2 2.3 References 2 2.4 Evaluation of Bid 3 3.0 Machine Specifications 3 3.1 Operating Specifications and Dimensions 3 3.2 Safety Features 4 3.3 Hydraulics 4 3.4 Operator's Station 4 3.5 Engine 5 3.6 Rotor 5 3.7 Undercarriage 6 3.8 Platform 6 4.0 Warranty 6 5.0 Delivery 7 6.0 Operator Training 7 7.0 Equipment Manuals 7 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WINDROW TURNER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1.0 SCOPE (gm Pi-N1 1.1 General Description -- Town of Southold Solid Waste Management District is seeking a qualified bidder to provide one (1) new"straddle"type, self-propelled windrow turner. It is the intent of these specifications to describe a unit, suitable for operation at the Southold Town Yard Waste Compost Facility. All parts and components of this unit shall be engineered and classified as HEAVY DUTY and shall be of the size,material, and strength to sustain the load limits and severe operating conditions encountered in organic composting, while resulting in minimum wear and failure. The windrow turning machine must be self-propelled"straddle type", single pass machine that will aerate and mix windrows fully and completely in a single pass operation. The phrase "fully and completely" is intended to describe a process wherein material in the middle of a windrow tends to be y cs moved toward the sides, and material at the sides tends to be moved inward in a single pass Each Model bid shall be new and unused direct from the factory, of the current 2015 production year and shall be supplied with any optional and ancillary equipment as necessary to meet the '1/41 ES requirements of this specification. 1 Notwithstanding the details presented in these specifications, it is the responsibility of the bidder to verify the completeness of material lists and suitability of devices to meet the intent of the specifications. Any additional equipment or service required, even it not mentioned herein, shall be provided by the bidder without claims for additional payment. It is to be understood that a fully functional operating unit satisfactory to the user is required. 1.2 Acceptable Manufacturers Acceptable manufacturer is any manufacturer of self-propelled windrow turners on the scale described herein, who can meet the specifications described herein, including the required demonstrated sales and service experience. These specifications are intended to describe a Komptech 65 Topturn X63, or direct functional equivalent. 2.0 BIDDER REQUIREMENTS 2.1 General Experience Consideration will be given only to products of Manufacturers who can demonstrate that their equipment complies with the following specifications. The Manufacturer must demonstrate that they have been in the business of designing and manufacturing"straddle type" windrow-composting machines as a regular part of their business. Page 1 of 8 Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner August 2015 2.2 Minimum Qualifications All bidders must meet the following minimum qualifications: • A manufacturer or a manufacturer's authorized dealer must furnish all equipment and have experience in sales and service of heavy equipment. • The manufacturer of the equipment being bid must maintain a factory authorized service dealer capable of servicing all components of the machine. • THE BIDDER MUST HAVE EXPERIENCE IN SELLING AND SERVICING SELF- PROPELLED COMPOST TURNERS. This experience shall be defined as having at least 3 years experience in the sale and service of the model being bid. In addition, if the Bidder is an authorized service dealer, then it is the dealer, NOT the manufacturer,that must demonstrate this experience. As evidence of acceptable experience,bidders must provide as references three (3) customers who have purchased the model of windrow turner being bid, or 46 a comparable model,from the bidder. These references shall be listed in Section 2.3 of this specification, below. • Bidder must satisfy the Town that the bidder can arrange for an experienced service representative to be on site within eight (8)hours of the Town's request for service and can provide delivery of parts within (24)hours of receipt of order, or bidder may be disqualified by the Town. Service and parts may be provided directly by the bidder or in conjunction with 1("S the area authorized service dealer. 2.3 References 1) Organization: M014k0E ®kid`Ci E S Address: I ! 6f' Pay`- , Ito Lei Zclt, °�. 06t y- Phone: ( 5g5)-3-y3 - 9 5t cel( (5-$-) 5o7 _ 2833 e-mail: e.' Cl.r ci i+� e hon t'o e(®„,,±7 e q a v. Contact Name: Eck H-curcQ%veJ U 2) Organization: l®0.1-n 4 t C,z.&c o-, Address: 31,4 Ro 5te 4 Deur Ca.•aa C1 D681° Phone: (2--®3) S 'El e-mail: J °e , (kJ new ca.AQanct r0;o Contact Name: `. 9 L'� S 3) Organization: A'EL iN t r LJG01 AT S Ci- j c e- Co o_P Address: 358 a_e��G�c,.-� Wk./el Svi l ) !� j dd(ese ,L1 d c�lgdt Phone: ( 1- 3) 96q — 329 eeU : (q14) 83) — si5o9 e-mail: n l GI, t �5 �1'cne e g yv►cd`f 1� eon. Contact Name: 1' " K Ve e Page 2 of 8 Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner August 2015 2.4 Evaluation of Bid APIA All bidders for this project shall submit to the Town a technical specification for the proposed equipment at the bid opening. The technical specification shall address how the proposed equipment meets each section of these specifications. The Town shall have the sole responsibility for determining from the information submitted by all the bidders if the proposed equipment meets the contract specifications. Should the apparent low bidder fail to meet the requirements of the contract vl specifications as determined by Town's review of the bidders technical specifications,the bid shall be rejected and the next lowest bidder shall be considered as the low bidder. Bidders will not be allowed to submit the technical specifications a second time. However, additional supplementary information may be submitted, if required by the Town. 3.0 MACHINE SPECIFICATIONS 3.1 General Description The purpose of these specifications is to describe a self-propelled,4 Wheel Drive compost windrow turner capable of processing organic materials. This unit shall be straddle type Turner which turns the windrow inside out with each pass of Turner through Windrow which enables uniform exposure and mixing of composting materials. The windrow turner shall be regular production for which published specifications are available. Machine modifications to meet operational and capacity requirements of this specification shall be limited to the manufacturer's published standard and optional equipment. All operating specifications are based on current SAE standards and shall be the basis for determining compliance 1E3 with specified requirements. The windrow turner shall meet all OSHA requirements in effect on the date of the bid opening. 3.1 Operating Specifications And Dimensions A. Engine to have a minimum 390 net horsepower. \(*(5 B. An electrical disconnect switch shall be standard. 4e-5 C. Operating Machine must be capable to turn a windrow width of 18'8". 4.0 D. Operating Machine must be capable to turn a windrow height of 9'2". t E. Transport overall machine length not to exceed 20'-2". 1.65 F. Transport overall machine width not to exceed 9'-10". G. Transport overall machine height not to exceed 11'-11" for easy loading onto lowboy for transport. H. No assembly or cranes needed for machine use when delivered on-site. Page 3 of 8 Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner August 2015 CBMp i.,%1 3.2 Safety Features 463 A. Minimum for(4)halogen lights,two front/two rear. 16 B. Amber rotating beacon. C. Back-up alarm. 16 D. Heated exterior mirrors. '0-3 E. A SINGLE, LEVEL service platform from which service and maintenance of the engine and/ \I Es hydraulic system can be performed. 1 3.3 Hydraulics A. Hydraulic cooling system shall be a totally separate enclosed compartment from the engine \,I 0 cooling system. B. Hydraulic tank 50 gallon minimum. 10 C. Hydraulic cooling system shall be equipped with a programmable reversing fan/self cleaning. 16 3.4 Operator's Station I A. Operator shall be located on the front centerline of the machine. 16 B. Cab must allow 180 degree panoramic unobstructed view. \' 0 C. Cab must be easily accessible with safety rails. 6 D. Cab shall have the ability to be raised and lowered hydraulically to an approximate transport height of twelve (12 ft.) so it fits on Town-owned Lowboy trailer for easy transport without 16 special permits. E. Cable shall be pressurized air filtered, air-conditioned and heated. \' F. Tined safety glass. l G. Adjustable operator's seat. ' S H. Keyed door lock. ",1 (1 I. Wipers and washers on front, side, and rear glass windshields. J. First Aid Kit. C Ci Page 4 of 8 Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner August 2015 CO 0MLM K. Joystick controls integrated into armrests. 1 o5 10 L. Minimum 80 gallon diesel fuel tank with vandal-proof locking cap. 10 M. Automatic central lubrication system. N. Rear view camera viewable via the control panel display. y 3.5 Engine A. The engine is to be located in an enclosed compartment on the side of the turner. '1(5 B. The engine is to be CAT C13 ACERT or equivalent, minimum 390HP @ 2100 RPM, Tier 3a 1 63 compliant. C. The engine should meet all current State and Federal regulations. 1, D. The engine shall include all of the following: 1. Turbocharger and intercooler. V5 2. Automatic shut down for low oil pressure. 3. Low coolant level shut down. 0 4. High coolant temperature shut down. qrS 5. Pressurized cooling system. q rs 6. Heavy-duty two stage air filter with restriction indicator on control panel. `to 8. Auto Reversing/Self Cleaning Fan. ' ES The machine shall be equipped with an engine fan that can reverse automatically as per programmed cycle in order to blow foreign material off the radiator screen/self cleaning. 3.6 Rotor A. Fully hydraulically driven, must be able to stop, start, and reverse rotation while under full i 65 load. B. Rotor design for uniform and thorough composting of material using tool placement for maximum effect, effectively mixing, blending and turning the organic material in windrow 1) "inside-out"during each pass. C. Rotor speed 0-195 RPM minimum, with diameter minimum 45". Ii5 Page 5 of 8 Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner August 2015 COM?LI D. Rotor speed infinitely variable and adjustable under load using operator's joystick. 1(5 E. Rotor tools, minimum 70 wear plates,high-strength steel, mounted to tool holders welded to j drum,minimum 2 bolts on each plate. F. Rotor height hydraulically adjustable with the chassis from 0"-14"height. Ability to raise the whole machine up out of the windrow, stop Rotor and reverse machine and restart Turning 96-5 operations, if needed. 3.7 Undercarriage A. Four-wheel drive hydraulically driven, speed 0-2.5 MPH, controlled by joystick in cab. 165 B. Automatic, central grease distribution to key lubrication points using pressurized system. C. Plows must be able to move material from in front of wheels into the path of the rotor. Plow ki Must be able to be hydraulic controlled from operator's station in the cab. D. Tires, foam-filled, essentially puncture proof. 3.8 Platform A. Operator's platform shall provide safe and convenient access to cab. kf65 B. Access to platform shall be by minimum of one ladder with grab rails. 4,65 C. Deck shall be of non-slip steel mesh or Town-approved equivalent. ki D. Deck shall have safety guardrail system. 4.0 WARRANTY The bidder shall, as part of its proposal, furnish the standard manufacturer's warranty for all goods to be furnished here under. Additionally an extended warranty or a"Total Machine Warranty"of five (5) years 13000 hours shall be offered. Bidder shall attach a copy of the different warranties. The extended warranty shall include all parts, fluids,labor and incidentals necessary to provide the owner with a fully operational unit. The supplier shall perform warranty inspections every six months to verify that the equipment is being maintained in accordance with the warranty. These inspections will be performed at no extra cost. A written report of these inspections shall be submitted to the Town. The warranty shall also include any travel time to the owner's facility. In the event that the unit needs to go to the bidders repair facility for warranty repair the bidder shall be responsible for transportation to and from the owner's facility at no cost to the Town. • Page 6 of 8 Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner coom Li August 2015 5.0 DELIVERY The unit shall be delivered to the Southold Town Solid Waste Management District, located at 6155 Cox Lane, Cutchogue,NY 11935 within ninety(90)days of receipt of the purchase order. If the unit cannot be delivered, a loaner unit of similar size and equipment shall be provided to the Town on an "as needed"basis. Free delivery and pick up shall be included. The Town shall give the bidder five (5)business days advance notice for delivery of the loaner unit. 6.0 OPERATOR TRAINING Bidder will provide on-site instruction for operation and preventative-maintenance procedures for equipment at a date to be scheduled by the Town. Following delivery of equipment, the services of ,y' the manufacturer's factory trained representative shall be provided at a Town Facility for the purpose of this instruction. The Manufacturer shall conduct a training program, including both classroom and"hands-on" training for the Town's personnel covering operation and preventative maintenance of the equipment. The training shall include two (2) days initially and two (2) days after six (6) months operation for each piece of equipment supplied. This time shall be in addition to any time required for delivery, inspection, testing, and adjustment of equipment. The Town reserves the right to require the replacement of the manufacturer's y representative who is providing operation and maintenance instruction if the services are found to be I inadequate. 7.0 EQUIPMENT MANUALS All information, instructions and data necessary for the proper and complete care, operation, maintenance and repair of the equipment shall accompany equipment when delivered to the Town. The required information, instructions and data shall be prepared and compiled by the manufacturer k of the equipment and shall hereinafter be referred to collectively as"Equipment Manuals". The provided equipment manuals shall describe the standard series specified,performance data, environmental requirements, technical installation; drawings and assistance manuals, replacement part manuals, technical service, maintenance,troubleshooting manuals, and warranty documentation. For each unique piece of equipment and its components, the following shall be included in the bid le5 price: three (3)technical repair manuals, three (3) operational and maintenance manuals and three (3)parts catalogs. If available the bidder shall provide one set each of the above manuals and parts catalog on a CD, readable by the owner's computer system. Equipment manuals shall clearly and specifically identify the equipment or item which is the subject of the manual, including, as applicable, the model name and number, size, serial number(2) and optional features oraccessories actually included with the furnished equipment. Equipment manuals shall also include the following kinds of information, as applicable to the item which is the subject of the manual: Page 7 of 8 Town of Southold Bid Specifications CO L� Self-Propelled Windrow Turner �^ August 2015 a. Table of Contents b. Theory of Operation, Functional Diagrams `b‹. Li c. Design and Operating Specifications, Criteria d. Normal and emergency operating instructions, procedures and sequences for each possible 16 mode of operation. e. Normal operating parameters, indications, settings adjustments, voltages, currents, etc. 1 0 f. Troubleshooting procedures. g. Preventative or routine maintenance requirements or recommendations, h. Parts layout, identification, assembly diagrams, including exploded views with parts I(' referenced by name and/or number. i. Parts lists of each assembly and subassembly showing part name, number, size, composition and quantity required, down to discrete components. j. Recommended spare parts stocking lists. k. Names, addresses and telephone numbers (including emergency numbers) of factory () authorized or recommended service representatives and parts suppliers. 1. Major overhauls or repair procedures including diagrams, measurements, clearances, 1 adjustment settings, alignment procedures, etc. m. Wiring diagrams and schematics. 40 n. Recommended or required special tools and maintenance, alignment, calibration or safety equipment. o. Any other information necessary or recommended for the complete and proper operation, `i,e1 maintenance and repair of the equipment by the Town's personnel. p. Where an item of equipment includes components or subassemblies manufactured by other than the equipment manufacturer, all pertinent information for the subassemblies shall be 1 (5 included in the equipment manual prepared and complied by the equipment manufacturer. Supplied equipment shall be highlighted in the equipment manual. An instruction plate covering such items as oil specifications, filter specifications, and '165 maintenance requirements will be affixed to each piece of equipment supplied. Page 8 of 8 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WINDROW TURNER BID ADDENDUM ADDENDUM#1 August 31, 2015 The Town of Southold Windrow Turner Specifications dated August 20, 2015 are hereby amended to include the following item(s): ® One (1) complete set of wear plates,bolts, and any other hardware necessary for their full and complete installation on the rotor. «o-v►7 e-p t PILLe S 7 . "-Ckk-,-e--J (BP----1-4°- cs 1.....ellCit-1 (1/\IL0_r\ ''L (rF ) Lc. AUTHORIZATION: 9 i Z- f 1S Lynda Rudder Date Deputy Town Clerk TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BID Description Unit Price One (1)Komptech X63 Leaf Windrow Turner 811-1 0 610 One (1) Warranty—Two (2)Years or 2000 Hours (per attached) One (1)Five Year CAT C13 Engine Warranty LCL One (1)Five Year X63 Machine Warranty kDD * 4 1 5 C d Firm Name: (M P t--)I L l—& Ef`C62.1-1 --(ar`r13— er\r- ) II Address: 2 4 9 U iNir 1-0 ,3 5-ritee 7 / L1€€T P-71:0 - (D 10 5 5 Fed. Tax I.D. # 0 q — 3399 2 9- 3 Signed by: <: i _5 C --t-L-✓ Printed Name: -1--.TA-NAS� SCIA— Title: V P Date: 2- i 5 1/4.,,„„),,,,r1 ,. _ .(:),K , uN(DE=[1 ..... / ii,,...,---. ... TECHNOLOGY FOR A BETTER ENVIRONMENT U. _I-27 U . 2 N x55x(33 TURNER FOR TRIANGULAR WINDROWS PERFECT MIXING WHEEL OR TRACK ON TOP OF THE SITUATION MAINTENANCE MADE EASY i, 1 - , y ,, : ,, „ „., _Y t ., 17 f1 y : .: s 99 }, , , , k [I' u ' b . 1,-,-'-',r.-ra, - ----..` lc,.. I ,,,,...0,,4,,,„ .1, -: . ., .....„• 1 'i --- .'fal „...11;---i.,;ri,'is:s\:' '' L asci \\Ni.t.I..... 'Hz—t - ; 3 / ,1 1 1;A.,%" 2 a-,r{,'P i ,d ,r,- ,.... •.,,,, Ai �s ,`• - - .'r"'-.-; - 4 - - _ of °.g`. , tL, a':r-'�,� �.fi_ r•.,. n, :-]e.n -' a Y L. '<r ... ;"F..-7,-,,,:r...,,...7...,.,+,r �' ,+,x..5:1 -; !r-A,° FCS(i�' 4.5� /-. ''{V}-y� T„r' ,-,Q' t, ' -.);,(.r".`.1' f,k;,,,-,`� ''%,,i•a r- '6; ,14,- • ' , •.:''rfi' c1r4"- ,a.y, .N "I!�-`'a.FA' III' •dry-'" `2+: 'i 1 I. 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APPL,rik TllON II • 1 F '� rr :'L'''' .. v m€ v 'e».�:, Int _ ,, , ., „..,_ • ,, - ri FE i ,, , ,-.4-„,f ,,.t. 1 R T � � 'yam a,. , :. r ' , ' ,f;,,� ''",:•'' '- ray _ ,F, ."»e Wt 1 . ry ” r,:i,• r ,�.t•. -Y.,.1 • S-r il, . a.r.+re :, r, .4 yin • ,.' f -.1.,...7,..s4r .A .,,,,� .- 4 .l 104",, �`.ie 4� .,♦ 1: e4.T fix, a' 4-•x' . v rr -"p Wfin ,..4,1" r ,rV ra,`n .� t r.,,.,,,„„,,..,,42 .tr+-i —* " •'11 4 i" Y ''c' ., ,,.> WEWIIJSr tr-F-145.r°-» Large-dimensioned turning ), '`'- 4i. , k 1I r drum for high throughput o I ,.. _a ° and complete mixing .., o., '" ! .c' t . »Wheel drive or +''i ;< " = Track drive - m, ` ��`` " = kr,,,, .."i,. ,_ » Comfortable cabin with more space and new intuitive controlsTO PT......, R\ X55/63 » Easy maintenance access with ladders and platforms integrated in the body IN OPERATION »Wide application area: Composting of MSW, green waste, biowaste, The Topturn is one of the most widely The engine meets the latest emissions sewage sludge, used compost turners in the world. standards,and the new cooling system treatment of contaminated With the new X55 and X63 we are further keeps everything cool even under heavy soils mixing of ores extending our position Inspired by our loads and high outside temperatures customers,this third generation of the Further plus points are the larger, Topturn offers top performance with comfortable cabin and new automatic complete comfort and convenience, drive for relaxed working,and the An even sturdier telescopic frame,high hydraulically extendible maintenance performance hydraulics and generously platforms for fast,easy maintenance. dimensioned turning drum mean high throughput in all working scenarios . : ' A ` �j ` i, F ,i,4Spaclous comfortable cabin 4 Ni - ' f ,1, ,r 1.9' 1 ''''''conal with lift function), --. • )IISA •-•''' I 1 / F,. � X c /r F., Powerful diesel engine with i \\NI., F t' r- l;, , 1 °k'- !+ -,-.4, , . , r'newest emission stage f q = - ' 'a moi; ',. {yt, ! d $"',awe Yr# _ a� ,D `-Service steps and platform '11 . 1,a tl simplify maintenance --= . D:. max. :_ a j Turning drum 4 w kti with large diameter i /38 ]E i,Robust I pIough.blades , fs . - ,.1 rII � l r i { '' t l 1n_ t r ,. _ . aii, S''4m, - 0 — 1 14 fk l0 J Wheel or track On top of the situation Maintenance made easy The wheeled chassis has impressive Work made easier-the new cabin A press of a button turns the left and right benefits on asphalt and concrete. is a comfortable workspace,with more body panels into roomy maintenance Power is delivered to all wheels,providing room,powerful air conditioner and platforms with convenient access steps so high traction and quick maneuverability air-cushioned seat. the operator can reach all maintenance Combined with the comfortable ride The new information system can be points safely and easily. provided by tires,these are persuasive intuitively operated using a large colour The drum blades have a very long service arguments.The tracked chassis is the display,so the machine can be adapted life,after which they are easy and ideal option for unpaved ground to any working conditions. inexpensive to change Engine power is converted effectively into forward movement and the open track design enables simple cleaning. Turner for triangular windrows 03 0 • ° TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Topturn X55 , NIVE-rMAVI - - - --voriwa,. ,,,-. !Au ei, r. ‘ip1SVI I . . ''.6_.,,,,,., _. 0 ja.:ft r 2548 mm 5000 or 5300 mm(others on request) 2996 mm s Track transport dimensions Working position Wheel transport dimensions ; TOPTURN X55 TOPTURN X63 Drive - -_ Diesel engine CAT®C9 3 CAT®C13 Tier 4f/EU Stage IV or Tier 3/EU Stage Illa Tier 4f/EU Stage IV or Tier 3/EU Stage Illa Power(kW/HP) 242/330 287/390 Turning.device Drum diameter(mm) 1200 1400 Drum rpm 0-195 0-195 Windrow dimensions Max windrow width(mm) 5000 or 5300(others on request) 5700 or 6000(others on request) Max windrow height(mm) 2500 2800 Max windrow cross-section(m2) up to 7 8 up to 9 Travelling speeds(I standard,II optional) , Wheel(km/h) I 0-4 II 0-6 I.0-4 II 0-6 Track(km/h) I 0-4 I 0-4 Dimensions Lx W x H Transport dimensions Wheel(mm) 5457 x 2996 x 3284 6155 x 2996 x 3635 Transport dimensions Track(mm) 5457 x 2548 x 3253 6155 x 2548 x 3607 Working dimensions Wheel(mm) 4300 x 5350 x 4525 4303 x 6091 x 4815 Working dimensions Track(mm) 3980 x 5350 x 4380 3973 x 6003 x 4780 Weight Wheel(t) 16 -18 Track(t) -16 5 -18 7 - Throughput(dependent on material) Throughput performance(m3/h) up to 4000 up to 4500 'Options Mixing drum,two speed levels,lateral displacement device,central lubrication,scraper,protective ventilation,watering etc 1I(OMPTECH ,_ TECHNOLOGY FOR A BETTER ENVIRONMENT Komptech GmbH Komptech Vertriebsgesellschaft Deutschland mbH Kuhau 37,8130 Frohnleiten,Austria Carl-Zeiss-StraBe 2,D-59302 Oelde [t] +43 3126 505-0 [t] +49 2522 92197-0 [f] +43 3126 505-505 [f] +49 2522 92197-320 [e] info@komptech.com [e] info@komptech de www.komptech.com We reserve the right to make technical changes in the course of ongoing development E2014 6ALI eke ©c Ake0S-r � "f `lr --(;) e1/`� Nti ri 171nlC blCri il"ty - --- - --- -- -- 1PE $ 1(e©iii a®U®gay ikon. ea E�egttey enrwroo ov�el�i • And_ the Oscar goes to ... ,, Ft,� - �� �„.. ,,, x KOMPTECH f{ " , , , , KOMPTECH does not just have the best machines, they also have the most t .EJ., appealing designs. -0 ' < TOPTURN X, the self-propelled com ost �, i �• . - " MTP eil . _a °'its,------:----- '1 .-. : turning machine for triangular windrows, s At-!,4,,,,-,i.-.,- e prerd world- stigious -,--;-4,,4 44-"� wide for industrial design, theIndustrial + Design Excellence Award IDEA in Gold. In ,4 close cooperation with industrial designer f x M ,i:,�k M , �, ,. Gerhard Heufler, the development department at 1 'x" r KOMPTECH was able to bring the design Oscar to J IiI Austria for the first time. I - = The American „design Oscar" was awarded to Gerhard Heufler, head of the - . 9 ^4�r1H, 5�A45L I3E5�1��7;C€IJaiiE F+M14h➢:G "Industrial Design" course at the Joanneum College of Further Education in Graz, and KOMPTECH Managing Director Rudi Pretzler in Washington on 27th i_ August 2005."Business Week"also published details of the competition win by the Styrian company. 0 e, Heufler, in close cooperation with the development team at KOMPTECH, has 3. succeeded in creating a truly wondrous design on a large scale. To quote the ,' - i. • decision of the jury:„Heavy machinery can be gracious,intelligent and ergonomic. The"TOPTURN"compost turner is more.It is extremely elegant and provides an all-round overview." "We can be very proud", comments KOMPTECH Managing Director Rudi ,,v, : , ,,,,, Aft ifii 4,•M iBiisq Pretzler. "Not only can we offer outstanding cost-effectiveness and superior �''R �.. n. 5.�.: , aj-.--4-, technology when compared to competitive products,we can also come up with the -�—� -_..,.._,._.—.•...._..„---;:.. best design". ' t - "All aspects must fit", adds Gerhard Heufler. "because the most important step ' '16r lel- towards success in the market is that technology, functionality and design go - hand in hand during product development." This is most certain the case with �^ 'T TOPTURN X... _ _ ' **1-**--114: - -_ ill411 ' it• fir' 'eZt'e M '" - *171 1 , L Lt e', • t, ,,%r r f 4 t i 1 to .. +..r'.'rt. Yom.; _ - _ e'jk- w 10 page , NI Fg-1 c ii9-t•I 2) L�� 1 61c`i PlIrlh" Li/ W if\FEk Designed by Gerhard Heufler of heufler design,Austria,for KOMPTECH,Austria ,?_ TOPTURN X Self-Propelled CompostTurner +, ;vit gig' .4 t- ' I— OFTHE :.,... ,---,,=_-, , H EAP �.,p)• ......_ . ., - ike many countries, Austria has strict guidelines for I Eh`'°Y, ' ` � recycling biogenic waste. Biogenic waste is convert- • ; ,C,p " —f - :, j ed into soil by composting, a controlled biological degradation and conversion process that results in a rich humus. ,E• -- Hence, composting represents an important component in clos- : °.`� ilk ing material cycles. Improving conditions for both humans and the environment, requires practical, ecological and economical ".', solutions as well as machinery and systems for modern waste \ - I ,. treatment. '-_^,•,', ` 'r-.,,9 1 if 1.Transport:Design innovations have made the IOPTURN X as compact as a container.When in the b - transporting position,the cab is swiveled into the turning channel and the guide blades are moved `.r - "j in. ■ 2.Access.The cab is easy to get into from ground level without the need for a ladder or steps. �`` Users can access the cab through the front windscreen,designed as a frameless door. ■ 3.Swivel: • ,, 14111 ti I Two hydraulic lever arms swivel the cab from the access position on the ground to the working posi- ' tion The cabin is positioned at the machine's center,directly above the tunnel,and provides optimal °` }v^ - i` ` ;t • # at-around visibility • 4 Operation.360-degree visibility ensures operator safety.Control is easy and , ergonomic using two multifunctional joysticks s 5.Maintenance:Covers can be raised hydraulically j to replace the air filter or to meet other maintenance needs Photos Gerhard Heufier i , t1, t , 4 I 'i a:1;, 4 e,. 4z`•,..r+''.' r 1';t, ..?;„+ ?err :r +';"a Ie, Vii, ,, —.1.. s `L F 41 4' o'"'. ,,,";',';1,4,,i; 4 r'�' ' 'a+ is 4 1, , k + a r iP ,” l'` -, 'i'''`, '. ",1..:_-'y ::014""'••'''41''' r t d "ri :' , t4'+ Utz , -t r *4 F,sr71� o- .�" S f "J."' l "�r, b r rte;'V V�,` ,','r +,.h-.- :,,, 11- I ` • fit %-,..:2:----.!--' ,(" t—,s— L I k "a ItCMDY,ECl1 °'''.'4,, a Jt ° t #1` =xr3 4 r �J,q r I' 41 to 41.vstarit i;ti \` It f { ro i. if - r +, i:14:-'-':- 1 • • Ire • ,. 1` 'PI '2,"`. Iy .i „ror d► .1., a >�5.y— ., :.°4",i'..,,., ���`,��'tgr�'� ��:74:` •` �ti`�52-•:=I ��+sy-� ,0-1.. ~f`l`y�:.( w 7 ,'-•A1 * -1 • orf .. ' 4 h A <: A V y • 7', I" 1 ;''` ,d, ✓7 �1 f t n Y4 , ,,,ii'� y ,s .Mt -4' y 4r4 . ,-4r, , t.. + ,.,_h1'4 g t n k' '' • .,' r 1r-,e` i ." • t `0,''''YO .n ,� ,.: u1)'w"�'�,,„ , r ' ;4'`, 4NiS •,i;'.4.1.;'0'4 ,' '4 4 r_ 1 fa:' t;y c''v'10 i 11 '.,,t,l :e ��� 7�TX"'. !� k' ♦ q 771,11t 1 f 4 .+' ,4. .I f`'"t . a ,:"4l�w ,,,dot __',;' ,''',:•:;1. .l' „ .M '�� ± 1y1 .A ..-..f.w , ,s" / .1y"`, ;: iI ' . * b", As a self-propelled turnin ,1 ,.'A .o. ., �.` - t,�u,; `.w 4 t" turning machine for composting (i 1, -' - ' ` �=;�.;•..,....4..41.1^`;',-6‹,.3.A ..4.,`' . . '1,1, t ;^ ,�.-�. :.w ,s�?�,. biogenic waste, TOPTURN X is well positioned to r- ,,,'. ''.•;,n`, ;'f,,,,;,:"N;,yi tr :;:4,fe; the ,$,,,,y, x � �k a sky address these �i "; a �� problems During the turning process,the ‘s%:'''' t•'', 1�x >�? A `" heterogeneous compost is mixed thoroughly and broken i..,.:„,,, •` '` ` i.` i .� ._ ' up into optimum triangular windrow shapes. Aself-pro t� .� s,,� . pelted turning machine allows significantly shorter rotting I s times and higher compost quality than the traditional pile , - '' .0 , composting method.The high turningcapacity and the low ,, I , Gaza' ". P 9 9 P tY space requirements provide an efficient solution for every i' • waste composting plant. ', { ' n Sharing t` No one composting facility needs to have the compost I - { : ' • ,-., turned enough to merit having a dedicated turning machine, so the optimum situation is to have one turning '' machine that is shared among several sites. To enable A new environmental technology:TOPTURN X is a self-propelled turning machine for composting biogenic waste • AD units of the TOPTURN X are easily accessible As a result,maintenance and repair work can be carried out quickly and easily 1 i 1 40 Yearbook of Industrial Design Excellence INNOVATION FALL 2005 1 4 . i i ii l' f` Article by Gerhard Neufier gerhard heufler@utanet at Gerhard Heufler is a freelance industrial designer in Graz,Austria,and has been i fprofessor of industrial design and head of the degree programme at the University , I of Applied Science FH JOANNEUM in Graz since 1995.He has won five Austnan , I state prizes for design and numerous other national and international awards,and he has published several books,including Design Basics From Ideas to Products easy transportation, a compost turner iivolume—thecab, 330-horsepower has to be compact—no larger than 5 3 engine, cooler, 400-liter fuel tank and II l meters long, 2.5 meters wide and 2 8 Heavy machines can be hydraulic pumps Just how do you meters in height. This would enable graceful, intelligent and deal with 13 tons of bulky steel9 The ( users to transport the machine without ergonomically correct. danger was that the unit, with its high a special permit This became the first design, would become visually top- ,1 design problem. The TOPTURN Compost heavy. The solution was to arrange 4 i; Yet another design challenge was Turner goes beyond. container modules on both sides of I: to provide easy access to the cab and the cab, divided into an upper cover- excellent visibility,both essential for rea- " ing and a lower base pan by the sons of safety Easy maintenance was curved frame, This structure is j another important issue. A final prob- Celso Santos, I/IDSA emphasized by the distinctive color of i, lem:Self-propelled turning machines for the green frame, the sleek, dark gray �' composting biogenic waste are new to the market A new lower parts and the structured,light gray coverings at the i, - and individual design—a product personality—would help top. This gives the machine a powerful elegance and I, to highlight its innovative use.The challenge was to make functional clarity. ` perceptible the inner qualities of the product. Since the basic function of the TOPTURN X is essen- ,i Following intensive research undertaken in conjunc- Bally as an environmental product, we were focused on {' tion with the client,a design briefing defined the concept further pursuing environmental benefits All materials The design—a striking gatelike frame with a central used in the compost turner are recyclable.The body is of 1 Y panoramic cab—minimized the technical complexity and welded sheet steel, the cab a steel frame structure with emphasized the function and nature of the product. bonded safety glass.The hydraulic system is designed to The cab posed a big problem Initially it was to swiv- use biologically degradable ester-based hydraulic fluids, ! el down sideways, but this solution required too much so the compost quality will not be impaired if hydraulic , space and was mechanically complex Yet,in the original fluid escapes technical concept, there was insufficient room below the KOMPTECH has systematically used technological frame in the central area.Only after intensive discussions innovation and industrial design since its first in-house with design engineers was a viable solution found. The development in 1992 and has grown from a small local large turning roller was moved back a little, the profile of company with just seven employees into an international the guide blade was modified to free up space for the market leader that employs 330 people In addition to cab when swiveled, and the cab was designed so that it technology and marketing, design is the third key ele- would not to collide with the turning roller and the blades ment of the company's successful business strategy. +� when in the transport position.The result is easy operator KOMPTECH has stated its corporate values access,the cab and operator swivel hydraulically into the Environmental responsibility, innovation,usability and top operating position performance. The TOPTURN X design meets and Another design problem was coping with the large exceeds expectations in all these areas.■ INNOVATION FALL 2005 Yearbook of Industrial Design Excellence 41 �1\. ' I(OMPTECH TECHNOLOGY FOR A BETTER ENVIRONMENT 146..._,,,......_ Topturn X63 Wheel Tier 3 1,, ---,,.„.- :kfl• T--1'- ,ili'''.t 4'.:I'LL._I,/ ‘1 „'',.\ ' -/I're'lir' '. i--:-,.'4'"'411 , A6, f. ` - ,\:,:',;:„.`:_7'.;/: tµ rf ',bit .-.. . e.'7'-' , k S 4 ' w. t Symbol picture KOMPTECH TOPTURN X63 F417X Self-proppelled compost turner for triangular windrows General conditions of use: Temperature range -20°C/+60°C(4°F/122°F) Tunnel dimensions. Width. 4780 mm(15'8") Height 2600 mm(8'6") Drum dimensions* Diameter. 1400 mm(47") Length: 4900 mm(161") Height adjustment 380 mm(15") Windrow dimensions: Intake width* up to 5 7 m or 6 0 m(18'8"-19'8") (others on request) Windrow height: up to 2 8 m(9'2") Windrow cross section up to 9 0m2(96.9 ft2) Electrical system Engine monitoring unit Voltage 24 V Three-phase alternator 95 A 2 Cold start batteries a 180 ampere-hours Lockable battery main switch Roller drive: The roller drive is hydraulic and thus infinitely variable or reversible. Maximum speed at nominal engine speed. 195 RPM Brakes* Service and parking brake hydrostatical Steering: Hydrostatically by control of the variable displacement pumps Rotation about the machine axis is possible Cab and service step* Service step for safe access for maintenance at the front in integrated in the frame in the driving direction Service platforms: integrated in the left and right side trims (engine cover) Plow shields: Hydraulically folding plow shields for track clearance Paintwork: Final coat Hydroprimer,3-colour, RAL 6029 mint green page 2 of 5 \• Y KOMPTECN RAL 7042 traffic grey A RAL 7021 black-grey Total layer thickness-80 my Tank capacity:400 I(105.5 gal) Drive unit C13 CAT Euro 3a F417M3 Engine Tier3, EU IIIA: Brand. Caterpillar Type C13 Rated power. 287 kW(385 hp) Displacement. 12,5 I(537 cid) Cylinder. Six in-line Cooling system. Liquid cooling and intercooling Nominal speed. 1900 RPM Machinery documents incl.CAT FZ011 Delivery contents: lx hardcopy with lx electronic version for end customer lx electronic version for sales partner Consists of: -Operating instructions in english language -Spare parts list(priority assembly groups and wearing parts)in german and english language -Technical documentation(electrical and hydraulical) in german and english language -Assembling instruction in german and english language -CAT operating instructions -CAT spare parts documentation in german and english language Comfort cabin F415Z09 Comfort cab with insulating glass specially adapted to the application. Consisting of: -Integrated sound insulation and sound insulation glazing ' -Preparation Filtered ventilation -automatic climate controle -CD/MP3/radio -4 Windscreen wipers(front, rear, right,left) -Thermal glass rear window -Access platform mounted on the cab page 3 of 5 )1 �, Cabin lift F417Z0903 The cabin has been installed swivel-mounted (hydraulically)on the machine Rear view camera on the cab F415Z0906 Additional equipment: A rear view camera at the rear of the cab View via the control panel display Operating temperature.-20°to+70°C Protective ventilation FX001 Protective ventilation specially adapted for use in compost turning mode -Monitored overpressure system with min.20 m3/h of fresh air supplied(up to 80 m3/h) -EN15695 Class 4 filter system -Dust(G4 and H13)and activated carbon filter for removing particulates and odors Wheel drive X63 F417XZ01 Drive: Hydrostatic wheel drive High-pressure variable displacement pump and fixed "Displacement motor Speed I:0-4 km/h(0-2 5 mph)VR infinitely variable Tyres. 14,5x2012PR rim• 11 x 20,with foam-filled wheels Turning drum X63 F417Z03 system with rectangular wearing segments throwing parts of high strength steel Wear parts X-drum standard F417Z0301 throwing parts of high strength steel page 4 of 5 ), dr PTEH Cap for irrigation cover opening SW F415Z0703 Basic equipment. Cap to close the opening for the side offset device preparation in the cover Central lubrication system F417Z06 Additional equipment Automatic central lubrication NOTE! For the operation of a'lateral displacement device with central lubrication"necessary! External filling lubr.tank+coupling plug FMZ0101 Additional equipment Consists of. External filling connection on the lubrication tank for easy maintenance filling it_ _ , *rtkr(-rr, -. -------1 -0. 1,,i'"10.,,,, ,, . , ,...0-4044'.7:7,„.„, ' 1-,:' —=',.,'-, it- atkra e'" •- f wl. _ - u -Fill p contra)lubrication fat container` i A. Fetlbehalter Zentratschmaerung Buffo len Picture External filling lubr tank+coupling plug Preparation for irrigation system F417Z01 Additional equipment Preparation piping on the basic machine: page 5 of 5 I it -,, s °VIM f i 1111, • 1 II,* i.--"''."--""*.--'s.s."''rs'''...'"'''''...''''''''''''N'N...,,,.s..7%%..*s, \ AO" ° 1111 i:-, #0000 ..... 12.11, ,, , :IT ' 4 . i EEE Cllr 1 • * V .11 . . • . • . . ivai4„,, 11: .... $ . ,. , •. . , , . ,.. .. 3,....„.. . .: . .• ,.. I. . ,..tor, . ,, _. r . • ,. ,.. . -- -, ,• .• . y Y! ,, . , .. ...1 . . t fir ' C • • tf \ . 1 , Nr NI -till ‘ ,.\ i , 4 \, .4,i 1 a :*c > , I . , , \,,,,, , . .t.t.:._ , . _, ,,... ,.f , Ilk IP 4 \., - " • +'0'01. N 61 11 *Ili Itilli 4 C)1 i *.....,.....4 Au* 4 1 1 _ _. _i • At Obk sa... v , C-4 T �� CeANt) -1:- n 1 ULI-t- __ `O �Ve-A S�y�C- , ?' is" + Ci1-19 ,, / t e) „deo , Al — ,to 4„,,,, / / }, /Ner- . �` a) ' , s e 7 ' .. .. 46 id 401) OP) / ' ' iii,•112110.14 ' , . Illr' \ ,.), I .1 ; : , i. 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A , ' I �yy ,, . •ki: ,.,. �y • 4: 25e0 4c3,,,k/ s \tNiv� Ft.,-A-c-iNiu-,v, pLu S ic^� Effective with sales to the first user on or after March 1,2008• •^ CATERPILLAR LIMITED WARRANTY New 3000 Family, C0.5 through C4.4 and ACERT Industrial Engines Worldwide Caterpillar Inc. or any of its subsidiaries ("Caterpillar") first user, and (ii) used on new C7, C9, C11, C13, C15, Note: Items replaced under this warranty become the warrants new 3000 Family, CO 5 through C4.4 and C18, C27, C32 engines is 24 months or 3000 hours, property of Caterpillar. ACERT industrial engines sold by it, to be free from whichever occurs first (with the first 12 months at un- • Replace lubricating oil,filters,coolant and other service defects in material and workmanship. ACERT industrial limited hours)after date of engine delivery to the first user items made unusable by the defect. engines esd refer C3tonthe ne models. C9, C11, C13, C15, C18, The standard warranty period for Petroleum Power • Provide reasonable or customary labor needed to C27, Systems is 12 months after date of delivery to the first user. correct the defect, including labor to disconnect the This warranty does not apply to engines sold for use in Extended Warranty product from and reconnect the product to its attached marine applications, engines in machines manufactured equipment, mounting, and support systems, if re- by Caterpillar, or Caterpillar brand batteries These For new 3034, 3044, 3054, 3056, C3.4, C4.4, and C6 6 quired, provided that (i) for new 3003, 3011, 3013, products are covered by other Caterpillar warranties. engines: 3014, 3024, C0.5, C0.7, C1.1, C1.5, C1.6, and C2 2 This warranty is subject to the following. •Low Usage. In cases where the engine use does not engines, labor to disconnect and reconnect the exceed 500 hours per year, the warranty period is product is provided up to 10 hours(labor to disconnect Warranty Period extended for an additional year or until the engine use and reconnect the product in excess of 10 hours is the The standard warranty period for new 3003,3011,3013, reaches a total of 1500 hours, whichever occurs first, user's responsibility),and(ii)for new 3034,3044,3054, 3014, 3024, CO.5, CO 7, C1 1, C1.5, C1.6, and C2 2 after date of delivery to the first user 3056, C3 4, C4 4, and C6 6 engines, the labor to dis- engines used in mobile agricultural, industrial, For all new 3000 Family,C0.5 through C4.4,and ACERT connect and reconnect the product is provided up to locomotive and petroleum application (excluding engines' 15 hours(labor to disconnect and reconnect the product Petroleum Power Systems)is 24 months or 2000 hours, in excess of 15 hours is the user's responsibility). whichever occurs first (with the first 12 months at •Major Components: A major components extended unlimited hours)after date of delivery to the first user, warranty applies solely to the following components. For new 3000 Family and C0.5 through C7 engines. cylinder block casting, cylinder head casting, •Provide travel labor,up to four hours round trip,if in the The standard warranty period for new 3034,3044,3054, crankshaft (excluding bearings), camshaft and opinion of Caterpillar, the product cannot reasonably 3056, C3.4, C4.4, and C6 6 engines used in mobile connecting rods These parts are warranted against be transported to a place of business of a Caterpillar agricultural, industrial, locomotive and petroleum defects in material and workmanship for 36 months dealer or other source approved by Caterpillar (travel application (excluding Petroleum Power Systems) is after date of delivery to the first user.This warranty runs labor in excess of four hours round trip,and any meals, 24 months or 3000 hours, whichever occurs first(with concurrently with the standard warranty period. mileage,lodging,etc.is the user's responsibility). the first 12 months at unlimited hours) after date of delivery to the first user. Caterpillar Responsibilities For new C9,C11,C13,C15,C18,C27,and C32 engines. The standard warranty period for new C7,C9,C11,C13, If a defect in material or workmanship is found during the • Provide reasonable travel expenses for authorized C15, C18, C27, and C32 engines used in industrial standard warranty period or the extended warranty mechanics, including meals, mileage, and lodging application is 24 months or 3000 hours, whichever period if applicable, Caterpillar will, during normal when Caterpillar elects to make the repair on-site. occurs first(with the first 12 months at unlimited hours), working hours and through a place of business of a User Responsibilities and 24 months for mobile agricultural applications,after Caterpillar dealer or other source approved by p date of delivery to the first user Caterpillar: The user is responsible for. The standard warranty period for rotating electrics (i) •Provide (at Caterpillar's choice) new, Remanufactured • Providing proof of the delivery date to the first user. used on new 3000 Family, C0.5 through C4.4 and C6 6 or Caterpillar-approved repaired parts or assembled engines is 12 months from date of engine delivery to the components needed to correct the defect (continued on reverse side) ,$34?is, gt‘.it irp.:41,„ SELF5420 E,A, 0,D • Labor costs, except as stated under "Caterpillar •Giving timely notice of a warrantable failure and •Failures resulting from abuse, neglect and/or improper Responsibilities". promptly making the product available for repair repair. •Travel expenses not covered under "Caterpillar • Performance of the required maintenance(including use •Failures resulting from user's delay in making the Responsibilities". of proper fuel, oil, lubricants and coolant) and items product available after being notified of a potential •All costs associated with transporting the product to replaced due to normal wear and tear. product problem and from the place of business of a Caterpillar dealer or •Allowing Caterpillar access to all electronically stored • Failures resulting from unauthorized repair or other source approved by Caterpillar. data. adjustments,and unauthorized fuel-setting changes • Premium or overtime labor costs. Limitations •Damage to parts, fixtures, housings, attachments, and • Parts shipping charges in excess of those that are usual Caterpillar is not responsible for accessory items,which are not part of the engine and customary • Failures resulting from any use or installation which • Local taxes, if applicable. Caterpillar judges improper • Costs to investigate complaints, unless the problem • Failures resulting from attachments, accessory items is caused by a defect in Caterpillar material or and parts not sold or approved by Caterpillar. workmanship. For products operating outside of Australia, Fri, Nauru, New Caledonia, New Zealand, For products operating in Australia,FM,Nauru,New Caledonia,New Zealand,Papua New Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Tahiti,the following is applicable' Guinea,the Solomon Islands and Tahiti,the following is applicable: NEITHER THE FOREGOING EXPRESS WARRANTY NOR ANY OTHER WARRANTY THIS WARRANTY IS IN ADDITION TO WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS IMPLIED BY CATERPILLAR, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS APPLICABLE TO ANY ITEM BY STATUTE AND OTHER STATUTORY RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS THAT BY ANY CATERPILLAR SELLS, WHICH IS WARRANTED DIRECTLY TO THE USER BY ITS APPLICABLE LAW CANNOT BE EXCLUDED, RESTRICTED OR MODIFIED MANUFACTURER. ("MANDATORY RIGHTS").ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS THIS WARRANTY IS EXPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ANY OTHER WARRANTIES,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED(BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE),ARE EXCLUDED. OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS NEITHER THIS WARRANTY NOR ANY OTHER CONDITION OR WARRANTY BY FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, EXCEPT CATERPILLAR EMISSION-RELATED CATERPILLAR, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED (SUBJECT ONLY TO THE MANDATORY COMPONENTS WARRANTIES FOR NEW ENGINES, WHERE APPLICABLE. RIGHTS), IS APPLICABLE TO ANY ITEM CATERPILLAR SELLS WHICH IS REMEDIES UNDER THIS WARRANTY ARE LIMITED TO THE PROVISION OF WARRANTED DIRECTLY TO THE USER BY ITS MANUFACTURER. MATERIAL AND SERVICES,AS SPECIFIED HEREIN. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED UNDER THE MANDATORY RIGHTS,IF CATERPILLAR CATERPILLAR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL IS THE SUPPLIER TO THE USER, CATERPILLAR'S LIABILITY SHALL BE LIMITED DAMAGES. AT ITS OPTION TO(a)IN THE CASE OF SERVICES,THE SUPPLY OF THE SERVICES CATERPILLAR EXCLUDES ALL LIABILITY FOR OR ARISING FROM ANY AGAIN OR THE PAYMENT OF THE COST OF HAVING THE SERVICES SUPPLIED NEGLIGENCE ON ITS PART OR ON THE PART OF ANY OF ITS EMPLOYEES, AGAIN,AND(b)IN THE CASE OF GOODS,THE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF THE AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES IN RESPECT OF THE MANUFACTURE OR SUPPLY GOODS,THE SUPPLY OF EQUIVALENT GOODS,THE PAYMENT OF THE COST OF OF GOODS OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES RELATING TO THE GOODS. SUCH REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OR THE ACQUISITION OF EQUIVALENT IF OTHERWISE APPLICABLE,THE VIENNA CONVENTION (CONTRACTS FOR THE GOODS. INTERNATIONAL SALE OF GOODS)IS EXCLUDED IN ITS ENTIRETY. CATERPILLAR EXCLUDES ALL LIABILITY FOR OR ARISING FROM ANY NEGLIGENCE ON ITS PART OR ON THE PART OF ANY OF ITS EMPLOYEES, For personal or family use engines operating in the USA,its territories and possessions, AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES IN RESPECT OF THE MANUFACTURE OR SUPPLY some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty may last nor allow OF GOODS OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES RELATING TO THE GOODS. the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. Therefore, the CATERPILLAR IS NOT LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES previously expressed exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other UNLESS IMPOSED UNDER MANDATORY RIGHTS. rights,which vary by jurisdiction.To find the location of the nearest Caterpillar dealer or IF OTHERWISE APPLICABLE,THE VIENNA CONVENTION (CONTRACTS FOR THE other authorized repair facility,call(800)447-4986.If you have questions concerning this INTERNATIONAL SALE OF GOODS)IS EXCLUDED IN ITS ENTIRETY. warranty or its applications,call or write This warranty covers every major component of the products Claims under this warranty should be submitted to a place of business of a Caterpillar dealer or In USA and Canada: Caterpillar Inc, Engine Division, PO Box 610, Mossville, IL other source approved by Caterpillar. For further information concerning either 61552-0610,Attention: Customer Service Manager,Telephone(800)447-4986. Outside the location to submit claims or Caterpillar as the issuer of this warranty, write the USA and Canada: Contact your Caterpillar dealer. Caterpillar Inc, 100 N E.Adams St., Peoria, IL USA 61629 SELF5420 MANUFACTURER'S REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES Komptech GmbH Kiihau-37 8130 Frohleiten Austria Phone: +43 3126 505 - 0 Email: info@komptech.com These Representations and Warranties are applicable to all end-customers (the "Customers" and each, individually, a "Customer") purchasing products (the "Products") manufactured by Komptech GmbH (the "Company"). 1. Warranty and Limitations: 1.1. Company warrants solely to the original purchaser of the Products that for the Warranty Period (as defined below), the Products will be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use, and will conform to Company's published specifications of the Products. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Company retains its right to deviate from its published specifications due to the latest innovations and improvements in function and design of the Products. Company does not warrant or represent that the Products incorporate approved activating mechanisms, operator safety devices, safety guards or other safety features as required by OSHA or any other governmental agency or otherwise. It is Customer's responsibility that the products be so safeguarded to meet OSHA and any other requirements before placing the Products into operation. 1.2. The foregoing warranty is subject to the proper storage, transportation and operation of the Products, and does'not include defects due to normal wear and tear or deterioration. 1.3. Customer shall immediately, but in any event no later than ten (10) days following delivery, inspect the Products for conformity and visible defects. Customer shall give Company immediate written notice of any non-conformities or visible defects regarding the Products and contact the Company in writing concerning return or repair, as the case may be. In the event that Customer fails to provide the Company within (10) days following delivery with notice any non-conformities or visible defects, any warranty claims in this regard shall be deemed waived. 1.4. Customer shall notify Company in writing of any other defects of the Products. Company's sole obligation Under the foregoing warranty is, at Company's option, to repair or correct any such covered defect or to replace or exchange the Product. Any repaired, corrected, replaced or exchanged Products shall be subject to the warranty set forth in 1.1., following their repair, correction, replacement or exchange. If Company has received notification from Customer, and no defects of the Product could be discovered, Customer shall bear the costs that Company incurred as a result of the notice. 1.5. With respect to orders made to custom, any defects of the Products caused by Customer's specifications are excluded from the warranty set forth in 1.1. 1.6. Company also makes no warranty that the Products manufactured under an order made to custom do not infringe the intellectual property or other proprietary rights of any third party and Customer is solely responsible for assuring that such Products do not so infringe. 1.7. The "Warranty Period" begins on the date on which the Delivery Protocol and Warranty Card are executed by Customer, and continues to be in effect for the lesser of twelve (12) months or one thousand (1,000) operating hours. 1.8. Company does not authorize any person or party to assume or create for it any other obligation or liability in connection with the Products except as set forth herein. 1.9. All requests and notices under this Warranty shall be directed to: Komptech Americas LLC. 10855 Dover Street Suite 1000 Westminster, CO 80021 Phone: (720) 890-9090 Fax: (720) 890-5907 Email:warranty@komptechamericas.com 1.10. THE WARRANTY SET FORTH IN SECTION 1.1 IS MADE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES (WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED), RIGHTS OR CONDITIONS, AND CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT EXCEPT FOR SUCH LIMITED WARRANTY, THE PRODUCTS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS." COMPANY SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, AND THOSE WARRANTIES ARISING FROM A COURSE OF PERFORMANCE, A COURSE OF DEALING OR TRADE USAGE. 2. Limitation of Liability: 2.1. IN NO EVENT SHALL COMPANY BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, REVENUE, GOODWILL OR USE, INCURRED BY CUSTOMER OR ANY THIRD PARTY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION IN CONTRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR IMPOSED BY STATUTE, OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. COMPANY'S LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT SHALL IN NO EVENT EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCTS. IT IS AGREED AND ACKNOWLEDGED THAT THE PROVISIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT ALLOCATE THE RISKS BETWEEN COMPANY AND CUSTOMER, THAT COMPANY'S PRICING REFLECTS THIS ALLOCATION 'OF'RISK, AND BUT FOR THIS ALLOCATION AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY, COMPANY WOULD NOT HAVE ENTERED INTO THIS AGREEMENT. 2.2. IN JURISDICTIONS THAT LIMIT THE SCOPE OF OR PRECLUDE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSION OF REMEDIES OR DAMAGES, OR OF LIABILITY, SUCH AS LIABILITY FOR GROSS NEGLIGENCE OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT OR DO NOT ALLOW IMPLIED WARRANTIES TO BE EXCLUDED, THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF WARRANTIES, REMEDIES, DAMAGES OR LIABILITY SET FORTH ABOVE ARE INTENDED TO APPLY TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. CUSTOMER MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS THAT VARY BY STATE, COUNTRY OR OTHER JURISDICTION. *********** SIMPLICITY ENGINEERING (N.E.) INC. 28 Hawk Circle Phone: (413) 562-865c Westfield, MA 01085 Fax: (413) 562-328: SALES CONTRACT AND SECURITY AGREEMENT INVOICE TO: SHIP TO: ZIP PHONE DATE CUSTOMER P.O.NO. F.O.B. SHIP VIA DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT MOUNT ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS WITH WARRANTY OF SUB D NEW ❑AS IS TOTAL EXEMPTION SALES CERTIFICATE ATTACHED TAX A FINANCE CHARGE OF 11%MONTHLY FREIGHT (15%ANNUAL PERCENT. 0 AGE RATE)MAY BE CHARGED TO ACCOUNTS TOTAL OVER 30 DAYS. NOTE—THIS CONTRACT IS NOT EFFECTIVE UNTIL ACCEPTED BY AUTHORIZED _ REPRESENTATIVE OF SELLER. Purchaser Accepted by: SIMPLICITY ENGINEERING(N.E.)INC. By Name and Title By By Herne end Title Mame and Title Phone: Purchasing noe reed,understands.and acknowledges that descant/set b.Ioo cub).ct be the terms and cerutitiorm en the reverts side hereof,and TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE .co. e,>tmevr,demobbed rou Mo. • TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE Purchaser agrees to reimburse the Seller for any end all sales or excise-leans. whether imposed by Federal. State dr Local Laws, which it may be required to pay or reimburse to others by reason of the manufacture. purchase or sale of any property delivered under the contract. The amount of said tax maybe billed as a separate item or may be included in the invoice price of the property and as required by state or Federal law. In case of failure to make any payment when due the entire balance of the purchase price and all notes given therefor shall, at the option of the Seller, become at once due end payable. The Purchaser further agrees that from the date of delivery and until the entire purchase price is paid in lull, he will maintain fire. theft and collision insurance for the benefit of the Seller to the amount of the unpaid purchase price and deliver said policy to the Seller. Failure to provide Seller with said policy does not constitute a waiver of this provision. It is agreed that the title to all property sold under this contract remains it the Seller until payment in full settlement is made. II is also agreed that no matter in what manner such property shall became attached to real estate it shall not become a fixture or part thereof, and in case of any breach under this contract by the Purchaser, then the Seller may, at its option, enter upon the pram ices where such property is located, or pursue same wherever it may be found. and take possession of and remove same with- out legal process and all payments made shall be retained by the Seller as liquidated damages for the use of such property and not as a penalty. The Purchaser agrees that the Seller shall not he responsible for delays or failure to supply said property due to strikes. fire. war conditions, governmental actions or other causes beyond its control, nor for damages of loss during transportation. Ac- ceptance of delivery from the carrier by Purchaser shell constitute a waiver of all claims for damage or delay from whatsoever cause. This contract contains the entire agreement between the parties and no other or prior agreement. guaranty. or warranty. oral or written, shall bind the parties hereto. PURCHASER ASSUMES FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR AND AGREES TO INDEMNIFY SELLER AGAINST AND SAVE HARMLESS SELLER FROM ANY AND ALL LOSS. LIABILITY. DAMAGE AND EXPENSE IN CONNECTION WITH ANY INJURY TO PERSONS. INCLUDING EMPLOYEES OF PURCHASER. OR PROPERTY ARISING FROM OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR OPERATION OF THE EQUIP- MENT SOLD HEREUNDER OR OTHERWISE IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. AND PURCHASER WILL AT ITS OWN EXPENSE DEFEND SELLER AGAINST ALL CLAIMS AND SUITS RELATING TO SUCH ALLEGED LOSS. LIABILITY. DAMAGE OR EXPENSE. INCLUDING SUCH CLAIMS AND SUITS WHEREIN SELLER IS CLAIMED TO HAVE BEEN NEGLIGENT OR BREACHED WARRANTIES IN CONNEC- TION WITH THE SALE OF SAID EQUIPMENT. WARRANTY DETAIL I - NEW: Manufacturer's standard Warranty to apply AS-IS: No warranty whatsoever. LIMITATION OF WARRANTIES AND LIABILITIES—SELLER MAKES NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. ORAL OR WRITTEN. EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. WITH RESPECT TO THE EQUIPMENT, ITS CONDITION. ITS MERCHANTABILITY. ITS FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. OR WITH RESPECT TO INFRINGEMENT OR THE LIKE. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED ABOVE. UNDER NO CIR- CUMSTANCES SHALL THE SELLER BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL. INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. INCLUDING LOSS OF USE OR PROFITS. HOWEVER ARISING. • • • • • . • ,•. • • • • • • • • Komptech Shredders SIMPLICITY Gruendler Hammermills Simplicity Screens • Recycling Systems James Butler Office(413)562-8653 SIMPLICITY ENGINEERING(N E.(Inc. Fax(413)562-3282 249 Union Street Westfield,MA 01085 Mobile(413)478-2525 WWW SimplicityEnguneenngNE corn simplicityengineeringegmail.com , • Bank of America "- Cashier's Check No. 1374402920 . b-- -2•117'pAtr'''‘IP - • •# ••th:t--eadl`e's"P# try ./"...1-..4t-41)4/14041,,,4,:t,„:,-,,,z,,44 3/, 4rk970,,,*" ti4iiier114,4,if be Feliyinocizz • iiirtt§rkitecaqlit.I1Os Chqsk sh6u,lp b5negofiated!violin 09 1; i I 111;%.M1410,-;z /1 61) • ; f• 4 : t;*,•;;;,;,:,$1; - • • • 1 % -' • ; 11 ...VD; •- • + e BAKK OF ; • : le,i;-- n • ic'St004)(1'.';:db • .:••• Pays-- „ 'AMERICA0N ERO Rd:0Ts "• ';' „ - , , • ToTh,e TOWN OF,SOUTHOLD • „1, ”• - . • _ Order Of „ ; :„ - • : 11•.".:"' •'• /, - • • • • • • l• .; • ,•4 • I \s •:•"•„ ''' „ ••• ;•: • „),rw „•.: -,•; - 'al • Remitter(Purchased 13y)i SIMPLICITY ENGINEERING-NORTHEAST ECICr, ' •=• • ;•'• „' - " • • - • ", • • - •Lks, 2 • , ' • ; • /":•,▪, , • •,01 , ,, , / r ,Bank of Atuarica,i•i.A. . ••• ' • /-•-•SAN ANTONIO,TX - • „; „•• i55r •.,,,„ S.. ,AUTHORZEbSIGNt(JRE II. 137440 29 20111 1: 1 40000 L91: 00 164 10049 ? 711' • ortim.metrurnmar.nnr9RIFkrr.i.mq CIFFI.FMIVF,WaTFCHUIARICA6.1,114PRIArtItaiSIZR4frarrywrataquonvp.rmviww.wmplellifpnviratt'Irl4p:FmneteMMINCI4.1TCM-Wi .., , .\ N , . , . 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LH° 1:0440000 241: 0 L8925 L 724711° - „ oil° WOO( ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE,MMC /�yo� ol/y Town Hall,53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK o ; P.O.Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS APyr 1 0 Fax(631)765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER = "y ����� Telephone(631)765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER `= O.1 * `Ir/ www.southoldtownny.gov FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER ..,,,,,,,� OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BID OPENING 2015 Windrow Turner September 3, 2015 @ 2:00 PM Two bids received Simplicity Engineering, Inc. 249 Union Street Westfield, MA 01085 On file in the Town Clerk's Office Ecoverse Industries 1265 Lear Industrial Parkway Avon, OH 44011 On file in the Town Clerk's Office SOUTHOLD TOWN WINDROW TURNER ORIGINAL WITH THE EARTH IN MIND Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179, 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 WINDROW TURNER • • pi , . 1 4 IC _ aac4us 5 • 4 r • 1b4, 4 Ecoverse Industries 1265 Lear Industrial Parkway Avon, OH 44011 LEGAL NOTICE I NOTICE OF BID NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town of Southold Solid Waste Management District is seeking a qualified bidder to provide one (1) new"straddle"type, self- propelled windrow turner. Bid specifications are available at the Town Clerk's office during regular business hours, Monday thru Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. The bid must be accompanied by a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate, which may be obtained at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, PO Box 1179, 53095 Main Road, Southold, N.Y. 11971 (631) 765-1800, and a bank draft or certified check in the amount of$100.00. The sealed bid(s)will be received by the Southold Town Clerk, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, PO Box 1179, Southold,New York 11971, until 2:00 P.M., Thursday, September 3,2015 at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked, "Windrow Turner", and submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. Dated: June 16, 2015 ELIZABETH'A.NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK * * * PLEASE PUBLISH ON AUGUST 20, 2015,AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE,TOWN CLERK,TOWN HALL,53095 MAIN ROAD, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD,NY 11971. Copies to the following: Suffolk Times Town Board Members Town Attorney Comptroller DSW Dodge Reports Burrelle's Information Data Construction Town Clerk's Bulletin Board INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS • All public bids must be submitted to the Southold Town Clerk in sealed envelopes which clearly identify the bid project number and the title of the service/product being bid. Any other writing on , the envelope, with the exception of Company logs, etc. may result in bids being misplaced and otherwise rejected. • Unsigned bids may be rejected as informal. • Questions regarding ambiguities or the propriety of these specifications should be addressed, in writing, to the buyer, prior to the formal bid opening. Such questions will not be entertained after said bid opening. • Where a Bid Security is indicated on the face of the Proposal,the security must be attached to the Proposal as an earnest of good faith. In this case, any bid without a bid security may be rejected as informal. The Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informality in the bids and to make awards in the best interest of Town of Southold. NON-COLLUSION BIDDING CERTIFICATION By submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder, certifies and in the rr case of a joint bid, each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under penalty of perjury,that to the best of knowledge and belief: 1. The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without collusion, consultation, communication, or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder or with any competitor. 2. Unless otherwise required by law, the prices, which have been quoted in its bid, have not been knowingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be disclosed by the bidder prior to opening, directly or indirectly, to other bidder or to any competitor. 3. No attempt has been made or will be made by the bidder to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition. [Type text] Page 1 of Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner August 2015 CERTIFICATION REGARDING DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION AND RESPONSIBILITY The undersigned certified, to the best of his/her knowledge and belief,that the Contractor and its principles: 1. Are not presently debarred, suspended,proposed for debarment, and declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded by any Federal department of agency; 2. Have not within a three-year period preceding this transaction/application/proposal /contract/ agreement been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain or performing a public (Federal, State or local)transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction or records, making false statements or receiving stolen property; 3. Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity, (Federal, State or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph 2 of this certification and; 4. Have not within a three-year period preceding this transaction/application/proposal /contract/ agreement had one or more public transactions, (Federal, State or local) terminated for cause or default.lt Date: 7 i ai5 Ecoverse Industries LTD (Pri t Name of Contractor) • l By: / f:.LPIA !/i/ 111 ('ignature) aureeri K7M/ )t (Print Name) 7 /liu n e l ctaci-hr (Print Title/Office) VENDOR MUST COMPLETE THIS FORM AND SUBMIT WITH BID Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner August 2015 TERMS AND CONDITIONS BID ITEM: SELF-PROPELLED WINDROW TURNER FOR: Solid Waste Management District DEPARTMENT CONTACT: James Bunchuck, (631) 734-7685 DUPLICATE COPIES: PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR BID IN DUPLICATE; THE ORIGINAL AND ONE (1) COPY. BID INFORMATION: At the time of bid,the bidder shall supply detailed specifications covering the item(s)contained herein and shall clearly indicate any areas in which item or items offered do not fully comply with the specifications contained herein. SUBMITTAL OF FORMAL PROPOSAL: Bid proposal must be legible and submitted in the original form, bearing an original signature. EMAILS AND FACSIMILES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. All bidders must submit proof that they have obtained the required Workers' Compensation and disability benefits coverage or proof that they are exempt. SPECIFICATION Specifications will be construed to be complete and be considered the entire ALTERATIONS: description of goods or services upon which the Town of Southold is now seeking bids. Only formal written addenda can materially alter this set of specifications. No verbal statement made by a Southold Town employee or anyone else is binding nor shall such statement be considered an official part of this public bid proposal. BRAND REFERENCE: References to a manufacturer's product by brand name or number are done solely to establish the minimum quality and performance characteristics required. Bidders may submit bids on alternates, but must attach two (2) copies of manufacturer's specifications for any alternate at the time of the bid. Further,the bidder must demonstrate that the alternate proposed has a sufficient operating track record to show the equipment will perform per the specified brand and provide minimum of three references of customers using the exact machine being bid. The acceptance of a bidder's alternate rests solely with the Town of Southold. QUALIFIED BIDDER: Each bidder must be prepared to present satisfactory proof of his capacity and ability to perform this contract. Such proof may include, but is not limited to, an inspection of the bidder's facilities and equipment, financial statements, customer references and performance of similar contracts. Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner August 2015 The Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any bid where the bidder cannot satisfy the Town as to their ability to perform. The Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids if the Town Attorney deems said action to be in the best interests of the Town of Southold. METHOD OF AWARD: The Town of Southold intends to award a purchase order to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder based on the TOTAL. Bidder must bid on all items in order to be considered. DELIVERY: Delivery to be F.O.B. destination as specified by Purchase Order. Delivery must be completed within ninety (90) days after receipt of order. A delivery in excess of ninety (90) days may be grounds for rejection of a bid. PURCHASE ORDER Delivery of goods may be directed by the receipt of a Purchase Order ISSUANCE: only. Items that are not part of this bid will not be paid for by the Town of Southold. As to all purchase orders issued by the Town of Southold, exceptions may only be authorized, in writing,by the Supervisor or his authorized agent prior to delivery. WARRANTY/ GUARANTEE: All warranties by Manufacturer shall apply. Bidder shall, as part of its proposal, furnish its warranty/guarantee for all goods/services to be furnished hereunder. As a minimum, Bidder shall warrant all goods for a period as stated herein. Bidder shall be obligated to repair or replace all defects in material or workmanship, which are discovered or exists during said period. All labor, parts and transportation shall be at Bidder's expense. SUBCONTRACT: The Contractor shall not subcontract any work without first obtaining the written consent of the Southold Town Attorney. INDEMNIFCATION: The Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify and save harmless the Town, its officers, agents, servants and employees from and against any and all liability, damages, costs or expenses, causes of action, suits,judgments, losses and claims of every name not described, including Attorneys' fees and disbursements, brought against the Town which may arise, be sustained, or occasioned directly or indirectly by any person, firm or Corporation arising out of or resulting from the performance of the services by Contractor, arising from any act, omission or negligence of the Contractor, its agents and employees, or arising from any breach or default by the contractor under this Agreement. Nothing herein is intended to relieve the Town from its own negligence or misfeasance or to assume any such liability for the Town by the Contractor. Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner August 2015 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WINDROW TURNER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 Scope 1 1.1 General Description 1 1.2 Acceptable Manufacturers 1 2.0 Bidder Requirements 1 2.1 General Experience 1 2.2 Minimum Qualifications 2 2.3 References 2 2.4 Evaluation of Bid 3 3.0 Machine Specifications 3 3.1 Operating Specifications and Dimensions 3 3.2 Safety Features 4 3.3 Hydraulics 4 3.4 Operator's Station 4 3.5 Engine 5 3.6 Rotor 5 3.7 Undercarriage 6 3.8 Platform 6 4.0 Warranty 6 5.0 Delivery 7 6.0 Operator Training 7 7.0 Equipment Manuals 7 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WINDROW TURNER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1.0 SCOPE 1.1 General Description Town of Southold Solid Waste Management District is seeking a qualified bidder to provide one (1) new"straddle"type, self-propelled windrow turner. It is the intent of these specifications to describe a unit, suitable for operation at the Southold Town Yard Waste Compost Facility. All parts and components of this unit shall be engineered and classified as HEAVY DUTY and shall be of the size,material, and strength to sustain the load limits and severe operating conditions encountered in organic composting, while resulting in minimum wear and failure. The windrow turning machine must be self-propelled"straddle type", single pass machine that will aerate and mix windrows fully and completely in a single pass operation. The phrase "fully and completely" is intended to describe a process wherein material in the middle of a windrow tends to be moved toward the sides, and material at the sides tends to be moved inward in a single pass/ Each Model bid shall be new and unused direct from the factory, of the current 2015 production year and shall be supplied with any optional and ancillary equipment as necessary to meet the requirements of this specification. Notwithstanding the details presented in these specifications, it is the responsibility of the bidder to verify the completeness of material lists and suitability of devices to meet the intent of the specifications. Any additional equipment or service required, even it not mentioned herein, shall be provided by the bidder without claims for additional payment. It is to be understood that a fully functional operating unit satisfactory to the user is required. 1.2 Acceptable Manufacturers Acceptable manufacturer is any manufacturer of self-propelled windrow turners on the scale described herein, who can meet the specifications described herein, including the required demonstrated sales and service experience. These specifications are intended to describe a Komptech Topturn X63, or direct functional equivalent. 2.0 BIDDER REQUIREMENTS 2.1 General Experience Consideration will be given only to products of Manufacturers who can demonstrate that their equipment complies with the following specifications. The Manufacturer must demonstrate that they have been in the business of designing and manufacturing"straddle type" windrow-composting machines as a regular part of their business. Page 1 of 8 Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner August 2015 2.2 Minimum Qualifications All bidders must meet the following minimum qualifications: • A manufacturer or a manufacturer's authorized dealer must furnish all equipment and have experience in sales and service of heavy equipment. • The manufacturer of the equipment being bid must maintain a factory authorized service dealer capable of servicing all components of the machine. • THE BIDDER MUST HAVE EXPERIENCE IN SELLING AND SERVICING SELF- PROPELLED COMPOST TURNERS. This experience shall be defined as having at least 3 years experience in the sale and service of the model being bid. In addition, if the Bidder is an authorized service dealer, then it is the dealer, NOT the manufacturer,that must demonstrate this experience. As evidence of acceptable experience, bidders must provide as references three (3) customers who have purchased the model of windrow turner being bid, or a comparable model,from the bidder. These references shall be listed in Section 13 of this specification, below. • Bidder must satisfy the Town that the bidder can arrange for an experienced service representative to be on site within eight(8) hours of the Town's request for service and can provide delivery of parts within (24)hours of receipt of order, or bidder may be disqualified by the Town. Service and parts may be provided directly by the bidder or in conjunction with the area authorized service dealer. 2.3 References 1) Organization: City of Raleigh Address: 900 North New Hope Road Raleigh, NC 27602 Phone: (919) 625-3175 e-mail: edward.wright@raleighnc.gov Contact Name: Edward Wright 2) Organization: Brazos River Authority Address: 2405 East Sixth Street Belton, TX 76513 Phone: (254) 493-0557 e-mail: dblandbrazos.org Contact Name: Dirk Bland 3) Organization: Y-Bar Enterprises Address: 380 Hwy. 25 Sutherland,, NE 69165 Phone: (308) 530-7035 ��. e-mail: larry@y-barenterprises.com Contact Name: Larry Yost Page 2 of 8 Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner August 2015 2.4 Evaluation of Bid All bidders for this project shall submit to the Town a technical specification for the proposed equipment at the bid opening. The technical specification shall address how the proposed equipment meets each section of these specifications. The Town shall have the sole responsibility for determining from the information submitted by all the bidders if the proposed equipment meets the contract specifications. Should the apparent low bidder fail to meet the requirements of the contract specifications as determined by Town's review of the bidders technical specifications, the bid shall be rejected and the next lowest bidder shall be considered as the low bidder. Bidders will not be allowed to submit the technical specifications a second time. However, additional supplementary information may be submitted, if required by the Town. 3.0 MACHINE SPECIFICATIONS 3.1 General Description The purpose of these specifications is to describe a self-propelled, 4 Wheel Drive compost windrow turner capable of processing organic materials. This unit shall be straddle type Turner which turns the windrow inside out with each pass of Turner through Windrow which enables uniform exposure and mixing of composting materials. The windrow turner shall be regular production for which published specifications are available. Machine modifications to meet operational and capacity requirements of this specification shall be limited to the manufacturer's published standard and optional equipment. All operating specifications are based on current SAE standards and shall be the basis for determining compliance with specified requirements. The windrow turner shall meet all OSHA requirements in effect on the date of the bid opening. 3.1 Operating Specifications And Dimensions A. Engine to have a minimum 390 net horsepower. B. An electrical disconnect switch shall be standard. C. Operating Machine must be capable to turn a windrow width of 18'8". D. Operating Machine must be capable to turn a windrow height of 9'2". E. Transport overall machine length not to exceed 20'-2". F. Transport overall machine width not to exceed 9'-10". G. Transport overall machine height not to exceed 11'-11" for easy loading onto lowboy for transport. H. No assembly or cranes needed for machine use when delivered on-site. Page 3 of 8 Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner August 2015 3.2 Safety Features A. Minimum for(4)halogen lights,two front/two rear. B. Amber rotating beacon. C. Back-up alarm. D. Heated exterior mirrors. E. X SINGLE, LEVEL service platform from which service and maintenance of the engine and hydraulic system can be performed. 3.3 Hydraulics A. Hydraulic cooling system shall be a totally separate enclosed compartment from the engine cooling system. B. Hydraulic tank 50 gallon minimum. C. Hydraulic cooling system shall be equipped with a programmable reversing fan/self cleaning. 3.4 Operator's Station A. Operator shall be located on the front centerline of the machine. B. Cab must allow 180 degree panoramic unobstructed view. C. Cab must be easily accessible with safety rails. . D. Cab shall have the ability to be raised and lowered hydraulically to an approximate transport height of twelve (12 ft.) so it fits on Town-owned Lowboy trailer for easy transport without special permits. E. Cable shall be pressurized air filtered, air-conditioned and heated. F. Tined safety glass. G. Adjustable operator's seat. H. Keyed door lock. I. Wipers and washers on front, side, and rear glass windshields. J. First Aid Kit. Page 4 of 8 Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner August 2015 K. Joystick controls integrated into armrests. L. Minimum 80 gallon diesel fuel tank with vandal-proof locking cap. M. Automatic central lubrication system. N. Rear view camera viewable via the control panel display. 3.5 Engine A. The engine is to be located in an enclosed compartment on the side of the turner. B. The engine is to be CAT C13 ACERT or equivalent, minimum 390HP @ 2100 RPM, Tier 3a compliant. C. The engine should meet all current State and Federal regulations. D. The engine shall include all of the following: 1. Turbocharger and intercooler. 2. Automatic shut down for low oil pressure. 3. Low coolant level shut down. 4. High coolant temperature shut down. 5. Pressurized cooling system. 6. Heavy-duty two stage air filter with restriction indicator on control panel. 8. Auto Reversing/Self Cleaning Fan. The machine shall be equipped with an engine fan that can reverse automatically as per programmed cycle in order to blow foreign material off the radiator screen/self cleaning. 3.6 Rotor A. Fully hydraulically driven, must be able to stop, start, and reverse rotation while under full load. B. Rotor design for uniform and thorough composting of material using tool placement for maximum effect, effectively mixing, blending and turning the organic material in windrow "inside-out" during each pass. C. Rotor speed 0-195 RPM minimum, with diameter minimum 45". Page 5 of 8 Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner August 2015 D. Rotor speed infinitely variable and adjustable under load using operator's joystick. E. Rotor tools,minimum 70 wear plates,high-strength steel, mounted to tool holders welded to drum,minimum 2 bolts on each plate. F. Rotor height hydraulically adjustable with the chassis from 0"-14"height. Ability to raise the whole machine up out of the windrow, stop Rotor and reverse machine and restart Turning operations, if needed. 3.7 Undercarriage A. Four-wheel drive hydraulically driven, speed 0-2.5 MPH, controlled by joystick in cab. B. Automatic, central grease distribution to key lubrication points using pressurized system. C. Plows must be able to move material from in front of wheels into the path of the rotor. Plow Must be able to be hydraulic controlled from operator's station in the cab. i D. Tires, foam-filled, essentially puncture proof. 3.8 Platform A. Operator's platform shall provide safe and convenient access to cab. B. Access to platform shall be by minimum of one ladder with grab rails. C. Deck shall be of non-slip steel mesh or Town-approved equivalent. D. Deck shall have safety guardrail system. 4.0 WARRANTY The bidder shall, as part of its proposal, furnish the standard manufacturer's warranty for all goods to be furnished here under. Additionally an extended warranty or a"Total Machine Warranty" of five (5) years/3000 hours shall be offered. Bidder shall attach a copy of the different warranties. The extended warranty shall include all parts, fluids, labor and incidentals necessary to provide the owner with a fully operational unit. The supplier shall perform warranty inspections every six months to verify that the equipment is being maintained in accordance with the warranty. These inspections will be performed at no extra cost. A written report of these inspections shall be submitted to the Town. The warranty shall also include any travel time to the owner's facility. In the event that the unit needs to go to the bidders repair facility for warranty repair the bidder shall be responsible for transportation to and from the owner's facility at no cost to the Town. Page 6 of 8 Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner " August 2015 5.0 DELIVERY' The unit shall be delivered to the Southold Town Solid Waste Management District, located at 6155 Cox Lane, Cutchogue,NY 11935 within ninety (90) days of receipt of the purchase order. If the unit cannot be delivered, a loaner unit of similar size and equipment shall be provided to the Town on an "as needed"basis. Free delivery and pick up shall be included. The Town shall give the bidder five (5) business days advance notice for delivery of the loaner unit. 6.0 OPERATOR TRAINING Bidder will provide on-site instruction for operation and preventative maintenance procedures for equipment at a date to be scheduled by the Town. Following delivery of equipment, the services of the manufacturer's factory trained representative shall be provided at a Town Facility for the purpose of this instruction. The Manufacturer shall conduct a training program, including both classroom and"hands-on" training for the Town's personnel covering operation and preventative maintenance of the equipment. The training shall include two (2) days initially and two (2) days after six (6) months operation for each piece of equipment supplied. This time shall be in addition to any time required for delivery, inspection, testing, and adjustment of equipment. The Town reserves the right to require the replacement of the manufacturer's representative who is providing operation and maintenance instruction if the services are found to be inadequate. 7.0 EQUIPMENT MANUALS All information, instructions and data necessary for the proper and complete care, operation, maintenance and repair of the equipment shall accompany equipment when delivered to the Town. The required information, instructions and data shall be prepared and compiled by the manufacturer of the equipment and shall hereinafter be referred to collectively as "Equipment Manuals". The provided equipment manuals shall describe the standard series specified,performance data, environmental requirements, technical installation; drawings and assistance manuals, replacement part manuals, technical service, maintenance, troubleshooting manuals, and warranty documentation. For each unique piece of equipment and its components, the following shall be included in the bid price: three (3)technical repair manuals, three (3) operational and maintenance manuals and three (3)parts catalogs. If available the bidder shall provide one set each of the above manuals and parts catalog on a CD, readable by the owner's computer system. Equipment manuals shall clearly and specifically identify the equipment or item which is the subject of the manual, including, as applicable, the model name and number, size, serial number(2) and optional features or accessories actually included with the furnished equipment. Equipment manuals shall also include the following kinds of information, as applicable to the item which is the subject of the manual: Page 7 of 8 Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner August 2015 a. Table of Contents b. Theory of Operation, Functional Diagrams c. Design and Operating Specifications, Criteria d. Normal and emergency operating instructions, procedures and sequences for each possible mode of operation. e. Normal operating parameters, indications, settings adjustments, voltages, currents, etc. f. Troubleshooting procedures. g. Preventative or routine maintenance requirements or recommendations. h. Parts layout, identification, assembly diagrams, including exploded views with parts referenced by name and/or number. i. Parts lists of each assembly and subassembly showing part name, number, size, composition and quantity required, down to discrete components. j. Recommended spare parts stocking lists. k. Names, addresses and telephone numbers (including emergency numbers) of factory authorized or recommended service representatives and parts suppliers. 1. Major overhauls or repair procedures including diagrams, measurements, clearances, adjustment settings, alignment procedures, etc. m. Wiring diagrams and schematics. n. Recommended or required special tools and maintenance, alignment, calibration or safety equipment. o. Any other information necessary or recommended for the complete and proper operation, maintenance and repair of the equipment by the Town's personnel. p. Where an item of equipment includes components or subassemblies manufactured by other than the equipment manufacturer, all pertinent information for the subassemblies shall be included in the equipment manual prepared and complied by the equipment manufacturer. Supplied equipment shall be highlighted in the equipment manual. An instruction plate covering such items as oil specifications, filter specifications, and maintenance requirements will be affixed to each piece of equipment supplied. Page 8 of 8 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WINDROW TURNER BID ADDENDUM ADDENDUM#1 August 31, 2015 The Town of Southold Windrow Turner Specifications dated August 20, 2015 are hereby amended to include the following item(s): • One(1) complete set of wear plates,bolts, and any other hardware necessary for their full and complete installation on the rotor. AUTHORIZATION: Lynda Rudder Date Deputy Town Clerk Ecoverse Industries 1265 Lear Industrial Parkway ECD Avon, OH 44011 Phone: 440-937-3225 WITH THE EARTH IN MIND Town of Southold 53095 Main Road/P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 SELF-PROPELLED WINDROW TURNER BACKHUS A.55-XL Compost Turner for Windrows Window: • Windrow Width up to: 19' • Windrow Height up to: 8'-3" • Track-Clearing Share: 1.4 % of heap cross-section • Grain Size up to: 12" • Turning Capacity: 5,200 yd3/h • Longitudinal Displacement: 8' • Engine: • Engine: 6 cylinder Volvo turbo diesel • Model: TAD-8X3 VE (water-cooled) EPA Tier IV Final • Maximum Capacity: 315 HP at approx. 2,200 RPM • Cooling: Programmable, Reversing Fan Electrical System: • Batteries: (2) 12 Volt batteries each 180 Ah • Generator: (3) Phase, 24 Volt, 110 Amp Fuel Capacity: • Fuel Tank: 132 Gallon • Security: Locking Fuel Cap Hydraulic System: • Filtration Type: Reflux Suction Filtration, High Pressure Filtration • Filtration Monitoring: Electronic Level and Filter Status • Filter Locations: Together for ease of replacement • Device Monitoring: All hydraulic devices have LED position indicators in cabin • Security: Locking hydraulic filler cap 1 of 17 • Safety: Low Fluid Shutdown • Cooling: Programmable, Reversing Fan r ' ' _ Rotor: • Rotor Power: Fully Hydraulic • Rotor Diameter: 47" • Rotor Speed: 0-230 RPM • Rotor Speed Adjustment: Infinitely Adjustable • Rotor Direction: Fully Reversible Under Load • Height Adjustment: 0—21" Tailgate: • Type: Steel Construction • Control: Hydraulic, raised and lowered by operator Undercarriage: • Type: Four Wheel Drive • Speed: Up to 2.5 mph • Wheel Dimensions: 12.5" X 33" Flexport® Puncture Proof • Drive Power: Independent Hydraulic Drives in closed circuit, Infinitely Adjustable speed control • Interchangeable: Fully Interchangeable with Backhus tracked undercarriage • Track Clearer Width: 14" • Track Clearer Operation: Fully Independent of turner frame • Track Clearer Controls: Independently, Hydraulically controlled to Raise and Lower, Swing inside and outside as required by the operator Frame: • Type: Box Construction Type, Portal Frame • Surface Preparation: Steel Surfaces Blasted to Sa 2 1/2, Coated in accordance to DIN 12944-5 Category 2. • Lacquer Coating: Base coat to be a two-component Epoxidharz-zinc- Phosphate primer, the intermediate coat to be a two- component acrylic Polyurethane protective coat, and the finishing lacquer to be a two-component acrylic Polyurethane protective coat. • Coating Thickness: Extra Thick 240 Microns to prevent damage due to corrosive environment. Cabin: • Cabin Type: Panoramic • Protective Ventilation: Equipped with a cabin ventilation system (G4 [EU 4] according to EN 779 standard [DIN 24185]). Two pocket-type filters (525 x 280 x 100) guarantee a separation efficiency of 96 %. • Acoustics: According to DIN ISO 6393 and 6394 2 of 17 • Air Conditioning: Automatic/ Electronic Temperature Control, Separate fan controls. NC unit specially designed for use in a pressurized environment. • Heat: Warm Air Heating with multi level fan • Radio: AM/FM/CD/MP3 Stereo with (2) Speakers • Machine Controls: Ergonomically Designed, Smooth • Lighting: (6) Halogen Headlamps on cab roof, (4) Halogen Lamps on front of turner, (2) Halogen Lamps on back of turner, Amber Safety Beacon • Acoustic Warnings: Machine "Start Up", warning, "Back Up" warning • First Aid Kit: According to DIM 131 57 C • Tool Box: Containing basic tools required for maintenance of turner • Jump Seat: To facilitate safe training • Mirrors: Remote Controlled, Heated • Wipers/Washers: Front, Sides, and Rear • Camera: Rear view with monitor General Dimensions: • Dimensions in Working Position: Width: 20'-4" Length: 16' Height: 15'-7" • Dimensions in Transporting Position: Depth: 29'-6" Width: 8'-4" Height: 10'-2" (with Elevating Cabin) • Weight Approx.: 20 Metric Tons 7 , 111112:111- VI,; : 41%1 at 4 1. 3 of 17 Functional Description: Power Transmission: The hydraulic system is constructed in a series of separate circuits which are constructed form high- grade (machinery quality) components. Hydraulic cylinder functions are electrically triggered and the switched condition of each magnetic valve is displayed in the cab by LEDs. The hydraulic system features reflux suction filtration with electronic level and filtration status monitoring. The fully hydraulic rotor-drive system in a fully closed system and provides power transmission with a high efficiency of approx. 85%. Through high-pressure axial-piston variable displacement pumps and high-pressure radial piston engines a full load torque is generated. N • ' .� ' mil ' I i i 5 pi--. j cY" • tt, Ak it AI $41.1k i:_ • f 6 _,..---- l- -i .: E . I * .. . .., 4 of 17 ROTOR: r �,. " ` 40 449r- 1 r--� ►► j • The rotor can be hydraulically lifted at infinitely variable increments. This allows driving out of the windrow easily. This also makes it possible to turn material on uneven surfaces, and to transport the machine on a center-axle trailer. Since only the rotor is lifted no material gets into the tracks. A rotor height level indicator indicates the rotor position to the driver. The large 47" rotor diameter offers a high degree of protection from entanglement. If desired the rotation direction of the rotor can be reversed. Even at full load torque the number of rotor revolutions can be easily adjusted from 0 — 230 RPM to match changes in material density by simply turning the control switch. Thus wear is remarkably reduced. The rotor is positioned near the rear of the machine which allows the composting material to be freely thrown out of the machine and forms new fluffy, oxygen-enriched windrows. ri' MM >> d - A t 3.14`,1(..-.US 111 III 1 1.1.1111..."111.111"C 'I —: c, — 7 _a o . •c4 '' i®► w 1 ice'..76- 'l'4_,-r, 5 of 17 Cooling Systems: The cooling system for both the Engine and Hydraulics are designed for operation in extreme conditions (tropic-proof radiator). The cooling-air induction takes in clean air from behind the cabin greatly reducing the risk of radiator contamination. The Hydraulic cooler is separate and located outside the engine compartment on the opposite side of the turner Both coolers are simply cleaned by means of hydraulically reversing fans. Clean Air Suction from Behind the Cabin Minimal Dust 4 Contamination R a ��.�, .L ll' ../ r ll . tY 0 "-.4. O�O� - Ip ei •. d4 / 3, 4 y( 4tkl ,, j ',. .rr. tl z i�.4i x,40 l. •IP" r -Rte... 6 of 17 Engine Compartment: The engine cover opens electrically to provide a safe working platform for performing maintenance and service activities 7 li )) , _ `1 .._. , wwi - i a \". + 7 ,.A.4 Ish- 1 IP . --, I _ _.,44,6, 25 m r / ir- 41 - Lk - 4.114; _ 4,.„__ t 1 ; $ :::::-,, ,, ,fi. ; : , 8 ,-1-1-4-:,/11,' ' ''-', re,-; ) .,1 ck-4151,:p =77"-r-F', " r r 1 , \ -Th- .', f' „, - .„,... i:ilYiiiiA\ • f r - 4 - : -e_C- -'1 - N 4.1g-fi'pill'i .' ...e. I .e 1111 111 4N4 N '- F., / 1 J�t7 GLS-$ - A / '1 %al a —74 Mil \..' a � � .. � r- �. aN. f 7 of 17 Hydraulic Compartment: Hydraulic Cooler Electronic Cabinet 04t : - �- 100Tool Box 4a6 •Illilw 111104 Fuel Tank ,_Ilklosice" . , 0101/N 111141%:••••• VIII I 1\ 1 .-----_ • 1' \ _. tl 2. , ook 00.....,.... .. - .. , , .,,,,, 440 ... i i 1 I 1 I I ' s s f G 8 of 17 Hydraulic Tailgate: i I \ \ilk:._ _:___NI- 1 . Ill 7 ` ' ' 1 105°Tailgate Angle Reduces the p- , s iii !_�.. Amount of Dust and -_ 1 Contamination behind the Cabin .:iiiiiitd1):: : - 1:„ ' A A M MAN MA A M The hydraulic tailgate safely controls the material during entry and exiting of the windrow. It protects both people and other equipment from thrown debris. It also allows the operator to shape the window during turning. The tailgate also reduces the amount of Dust and Contamination behind the cabin. n / ,,, .._,,....,.,,, ', "":„.„.„0. .A , ; I _ r �� ..,4,, ,,1:....", ,7, 4 sli, -.,,Illt 1 ,: ',,t.'"It---,;.4t4:.11.2:0'''''''';'1_ ' ::.,410°--1)1 )101 • Vtel\ ~~J / ._� ` ‘P , i , , ,,,,„) ..,4„ LAf 77 ,..� • , } ...... U J ` K t i 9 of 17 Tools: • 44 The bolted tools are constructed from wear resistant, high-alloy, heat-treated boron steel. Installed around the rotor are the throwing tools and in the middle of the drum are located the throwing rakes. Due to their arrangement material contact with the drum is minimized. As a result wear and energy consumption are greatly reduced. At the same time the best possible material mixture and optimum displacement of the windrows is attained. For turning soils and other abrasive materials the tools are available with wearing protection. The bolted tools can be exchanged quickly and easily with only an impact wrench, and their patented fixture assures no "throwing" as is commonly experienced in flail type turners. Frame and Lacquer Coating: l , 111 I The turner consists of a portal frame in box design. The construction is based on a frame calculation according to the finite element method (FEM)with which the stress limit is simulated. In conjunction with high-grade blister steel a long operating life is guaranteed. All frame and bonnet parts are sandblasted according to SA 2.5. Thus they are perfectly pre-treated for lacquering. The base coat is a two-component Epoxidharz-zinc-phosphate primer, the intermediate coat is a two-component acrylic Polyurethane protective coat, and the finishing lacquer is a two-component acrylic Polyurethane protective coat. The thickness of the different coats is controlled through state of- the-art technology. The area of the undercarriage and various mounting parts are lacquered in mint green (RAL 6029), the frame and the bonnets are lacquered in golden yellow (RAL 1004). This color coating guarantees reliable corrosion protection even in ammonia-rich environments. 10 of 17 Undercarriage: • Wheel Drive • Flexport®Tires • Puncture Proof • No moving parts between Frame and Undercarriage • Upper side of beam with angle for better cleaning • Full Interchangable with Tracked Undercarriage • Independant Hydraulic Drives • Joystick Controlled `is itail k. .`, limy , r�4 N - ,, . tx , r 1 _ . i . . .,,, ,, r 1 ,w _—r uC,y{ #� a } © IIIII .,4. *� •,?1k\V� �wVV'%yllLlrr';a 1 91.4*111. II F /! 0 I 0 t w 1.1 of 17 Track Clearer Plows: Specially constructed track clearers pick up the material in front of the crawler tracks and drop it onto the windrow in the area of the tunnel. This allows the windrows to be set up "toe-to toe" without the need for space between the windrows. The track clearers adjust hydraulically for pad unevenness and thus create a clear base which allows for optimum traction. For transportation the track clearers swing inside the tunnel hydraulically. • • Robust Design - _ �r.. • Constant Pad Contact prevents "Riding Up" of turner thus providing greater traction • All Contact areas are Stainless Steel ...� • Swing, Tilt, Lift, Lower independant of frame , position • Floating Position (follows pad contours) . 1 saw ‘444) • • ' 9 ^ T ti 12 of 17 Systems Operational Monitoring Unit: o A O :. .. » :— w • co) _ k - 0 _o O 4 Oor O110 OII 3 one K RI Ow - . cs.• Milk ii,,,..,_ -......„ii of W. 4 ;� :1 J wkftlirvp-1-z7 =,-- is eiiimi see _Vigati •` 1. ,-- k • i • 12" Display - . 1024 X 768 Resolution . , ov . Touchscreen • (13) Function Keys iliF‘ .. • Navigation Keyift al °4in'-,,, . --\. LED Background Illumination �'''�� �. ‘"--------LL„ , Ail h.... \ \ ___4 Ade 11 0 1 - Manuals and Drawings: • All Turner Manuals (Operator Manual, Spare Parts Manual, Engine Manual), also with all Drawings (Electrical, Hydraulic) are loaded into the operations system and easily accessible from the operators seat. Ui®St 414 cqoutin4 �kwwr:..o+l�s.'w.r.ve no RK y �, i lRKA=aa•,prc�vs<.,v....enww�kkgJse•PMMeMMk•k4Fky n OM1+ .___. R anthor•DKRyLLNReFee•.11 lf"S++A•'M's« yi' k" kM IU••kWI I I.U.alnlw• Ng t 14.111+1•411+4.4*Sti, IDS:*1•••••••••RRI 1446114IIW4r4414.4444 16M4 IDI 444•446•IeLLKe Ryes t10041114440•••.M••*41 -4404 ISS IIpnY:*Rww.•R••e k . k.X.I 10I5.4. Rye Ie ktSUISSI*kke.NS.MY•Rye I+ II :la* H4r k4 1111,KDerM}}•1 Kke+4 aNe KN:.I Ke Igab3nIS+s.6 M.}) I ' 4 b Ilae� yfinsm 1 • • • ■ ■ Vlsu Versbllmotorcn - 411110 "esDhom Sad vwee Recnls _'' !SS • a xi j m .10 •10 _10 w,...,«xe ®MEE=E C=1222 IEEE= x• ._. x• x• © I,M S k,ae O . . 7011 EN x3 C1 00C 0,.,, I 1 rt -10 s10 'J J ® SOS$5om =1111=111, —1 • 14 of 17 Panorama Cabin: 110 • r • r • 4 5. 114 • r1 • yi, poommis . -1011111111& The centric positioned cab provides a perfect panoramic 180° view which assures the operator is always able to see the material, and be aware of outside conditions. The conveniently located cabin door, offers comfort of entry, locking security, and is easily reached by wide slip resistant steps. All controls inside the cabin are ergonomically arranged and clearly labeled. The large operator's seat adjusts to provide optimum operator comfort. Stereo Radio: The cab is equipped with an AM/FM stereo radio —w- CD and MP3 player and two stereo loudspeakers. Cabin Ventilation / Filtration: The pressurized and equipped with a cabin ventilation system (G4 [EU 4] according to EN 779 standard [DIN 24185]). Climate Control: The cab comes equipped with an air conditioner which allows the temperature to be preset. This A/C is especially designed for high pressure cabins to condition the circulating air. The cab is also equipped with an electrical heater which provides a quick warm-up of the cabin air. Rotating Safety Beacon: A rotating amber beacon is located on top of the cabin to alert persons standing nearby. Back Up alarm: The turner is equipped with an acoustic backup warning system. Flood Lamps: Halogen lamps installed in front and at the rear of the machine ensure good working conditions even in case of poor visibility. The (6) flood lamps are mounted in shock proof mountings. Jump Seat: This cabin is equipped with a jump seat which provides extra comfort when training, or if additional persons are needed in the cabin. First Aid Kit: There is a first-aid kit according to DIN 131 57 C located under the jump seat. Heated Mirrors: Heated mirrors mounted on each side of the cabin. 15 of 17 Sun Protection: Pull down sun protection screens on all windows. Air Ride Operators Seat: The Operators Seat and Control Panels are mounted on an air ride suspension Rear View Camera: Provides complete view of rear a activities. BDC (Backhus Drive Control): This turner is equipped with an electronic drive control. In combination with an electric joystick it controls the rate of feed, depending on the load of rotor and engine. During the working process the joystick is used for steering correction only. The automatic drive control ensures good controllability and maximum working capacity. General Quality and Capability Characteristics: Since April 3, 1996 BACKHUS has been successfully certified according to the quality management system of ISO 9001. Acoustic Emission: According to DIN ISO 6393 and 6394 sound-pressure test certificates have been drawn up for each Backhus turner. They show the prevailing peak values instead of equivalent acoustic-pressure values. If requested, a corresponding test certificate can be made available. Machine Instruction/Training: Our typical instruction class imparts on each operator both theoretical knowledge (the whys and hows) as well as practical "hands on" knowledge of the machine. While on site we also train the maintenance technicians on how to operate, maintain and service the machine properly. All instruction takes part on site and will be tailored to meet your needs and requirements as per the bid document. Documentation: According to current EG directives (3) sets of operating instruction and spare-parts catalogue are provided with each turner in English an additional copy is furnished on CD / Stick. Documentation includes; Operators Manual, Parts Manual, electrical Drawings, Hydraulic Drawings, Engine Manual. Tool Kit: A basic tool kit is also provided with the machine which contains basic tools such as a Torque Wrench, Grease Gun, Socket Wrenches, Combination Wrenches, Hammer, Pliers, Compressed-air Pistol, etc. as required for the performance of maintenance and making simple repairs. Warranty: Warranty covers proven defects in workmanship and material for a period of 3,000 Hours / Sixty (60) months from date of delivery to the customer's site. The warranty includes Parts, Labor, Travel, and Shipping. The warranty does not cover Rubber Parts, Wear and Spare Parts and Glass 16 01 17 OPTIONS AS REQUIRED TO MEET SPECIFICATION: Elevating Cabin: The elevating cabin feature allows the cabin to be raised and lowered hydraulically by the operator from the convenience of his seat. The compost turner is fully operational with the cabin at any height setting. This allows easy loading and unloading from a transport vehicle. ttACluius I ' • lowaimahaimmishmirbatt Automatic Central Lubrication System: Delivery: Total price includes all Shipping, Trucking, Freight, Set-up charges, etc. to Cutchogue, NY Terms: Official Purchase Order to secure order 100% due upon delivery, new 30 days Pricing: • $431,000.00 Turner Price Respectively Submitted: Lyndell Pate Ecoverse Industries LTD 17 of 17 CECOVER�SE ......----- WITH THE EARTH IN MIND BACKHUS A 50 - 65 .. vot,,Till %Pk .4-• wYhtis Q 4 i wi. �/. BACKHUS A 50 - A 65 CONTENTS: • Frame a • Undercarriage • Drum • Track Clearer • Diesel Engine - - I ---- rs �� • Cooling Unit BABxrHus�<1 • Cabin ,----.,,,- ,E 'li • Standard Turner . f , ` .i , • Options11 4 . , ... • i 4 FRAME: Large Openings allow 21 Series Frame greater accessibility to piping and cable �: i ,� 1 ei. lopok, Frame Prepped for various options in an effort to reduce overall assembly time ECOVERSE 0 0 0 FRAME (4) Lifting Points on Top -411111 w • _ Barrier Free "Slants" ` for better Material Flow, and Ease of Cleaning Large Openings allow greater accessibility to piping and cable ECOV SE FRAME Optimized Throwing • 000000 Angle Less Material 1111.11114 Contact Lower Power Requirements 11111 0.1111 7 ECOV • E UNDERCARRIAGEII11111/4# if • Open Design Bolted from Below 0 , t No moving parts between Frame and Undercarriage Easy to Clean and Maintain 3. Accessible Interchanges with Wheel Drive ECOVE'RSE IWO UNDERCARRIAGE dir 146-10. J _ 1°.. A Series Undercarriage 21 Series Undercarriage i ----\ \ x'3__1 F ., _ --_ _ ' ^6 ECO VERSE UNDERCARRIAGE Pad Choices Bolted Rubber Pads Flat Steel (Welded) Triple Bar Grouser 4* impor- _ i 1 4411°) 1 6. ----„---- 440 '414 1 ix ) • . * CD n (0) CECOVERSE UNDERCARRIAGE I Heavy Duty Design No moving parts I , ;• V 4. "' . between Frame and Undercarriage 40 'asYy,�. ...a' ice". .."may„ 7 , . M - ~ � 1 ., , Grease Tensioning { :�F ¢ , jf . M. MEMMINIMMIMMINIM cECO---D V UNDERCARRIAGE ---- _. Wheel Drive i r f 1 t ,,� I '� i el- 11111111,id i ill PIIPPLA iripi4 1."4--, .._,. ig ,...„.__...„.. OAtOOVERSE i 1 UNDERCARRIAGE I Choices • .•- 4, , 4 . !i ii, - , ! , .. . - / , Landfill - ,. .... r l ..., G Standard Tracks o • 0 Wheels ECO VERSE DRUM 1 a ,s Identical to 17 & 21 Series : F .-401141111104Ahost i } Raises and Lowers _ .. • ik4. $: Independently of Frame -_, - � ,� . . Drum Diameters: ,� , ; 47" A50-A55 o 55" A60-A65 , 40 ,J „, c, L J) I a. eaa /. 1 ,,: ECOVERSE 41 1 1 DRUM A Series , 21 Series Simpler Drive Arrangement IP ;p7Pitak, ' i4It New Bottom Stop Design i ' (3) Preset Pad Height Position Choices ,../\ Display Shows 4.Rotation Speed -- Drum Height Drum Hydraulic Pressure , r fit Jam" , :., . . ......4. New Height Sensor :� 4.. r \ ,. r a En] CECOVERSE • TRACK CLEARERS New Simpler Controls Identical for Tracks or Wheels Swing, Tilt, Lift, Lower Float Feature, Constant Pad Contact Fold inside of tunnel for transport Landfill Version Available ECO VERSE TRACK CLEARERS • 41111 Transport Position - Working Position 411-111 Track Clearer and 411,i, undercarriage are go completely Sealed ' mom • m ECOVERSE ENGINE COMPARTMENT Self Contained Work Platform V, Enhanced Safety 4 - % i . V c ' ; _._Alt IIIL.':-,;it: . , 1 /fil - i r 25 m ti • ,. , S, ECD VERSE DIESEL ENGINE .......\ i ...., Volvo Tier IV ... .7......,.._ _ # , , .. -_.1..., • • y '- ,-. - ,.. --. . , - - , . • ----ww, , - ....,, _ ... .P . -.... r, • . - -..,* -....4-- 1 - ••- - :-,, . e„,...',4_•%,...r'''',_, .- , .- r • x• - • • -n. -, .. „inn:- - n -- 0 . ... '4,1111e)r; • i ,, „..-- t4..-- '''''"Nr•-, ''' ,;'. - •. . . . -2:. - - , I. , ir as '• g•.'''4.'" *, ',. ' -t I - 40 ;A' • i * . ' , .. t 1 --,. M • '41i1:a.,..1111.1000(‘' '''''', -,'. ' :'- '''' • P.- : ,......° , I., •"-- . ,, ....-7,-'7 .." • ..r • . - 4.1 .7....t:'' ':'''' '.." l'alLo• -,," • + ...,....,...?:...". Itass, -, - I '-----7• - i — — 6: - , COVERSE .... DIESEL ENGINE A iik .. ,.., , ... ....._ ._ . . ,....--- i , - ,- .,. . ii ' - ,„, *41111111 . ,. , . . . .. , , i . , . . , . . , , , , :i . ,,.„ .. , . , . .„ , , , (11 .1' 1101 -'4°-' .i.i..,....„00.., , -. . : _ , . {ti , . ► New Air Filter Design �' __ ..- '-,-.6-4-_e _ , � 4 ,ippip. ,. - , ,. , . ,i,. . '1 j ____.6.,............. ;isl°.0-'1.;ERS'i DIESEL ENGINE Basic Engine with Hydraulic Pumps iii PTO • , Track Drive Pump �7 - \ - Danfoss . " . F� "= iJ Fans, Cylinder - 1 Functions iti4 - - .' k .--e ''. N ..-- Drum Pump Danfoss f 3. ainw ECOV E DIESEL ENGINE Size Comparison • e: , i-........ 4.„ '" :„...„ 14- ' '-:.,. " , - . rAli* / Az' 1 s PM ' 11110 44- . 'a' .II" le, - P Ill ,)1 -,,,, s , 7 �, ( ., 4 _ �ts7ri i ::; �_ �w^ t , •f'f i • i * ) , 1 -_. • - _ Volvo TAD 87 - CAT C7 ECOVERSE DIESEL ENGINE 4o4. Size Comparison i a i 4r,1,- • 4., 111 r 14-•-- '"' ' : 4i•Mtow e _ 01*: * L„,,- •‘, 4. ) k• 41 °' '''\t - - ,iklOgiNimp- 1111/ I a, . • ,, st* - `, . ' r t ,r1 ii , , •. 4 am. !tw I CO\ ".• Lb. -, ,,.. . i 4P .. ! I. ' !- ) ,}'* ' r .., ..- \ a, ,,,.,,,t1„ ,g, .. t ., ,, ,. i . t . - .4. . ) ( iv . : f - , , 16. i, , 1 i 4 T I. 74 ,11 ' -g-' .....,-,,4, Ilk 1 1110,_ iar,--- . CAT C9 - - Cummins QSL9 VIII b.. ECOVERSE , 1 , , , , COOLING UNITS ., .. . _ Hydraulic Cooler Nom .. P 105° Tailgate Angle Reduces the INN £: r. Amount of Dust and Contamination . behind the Cabin area r� «' F 4• 47, is Xl "Aad �PYN- ...,.Y • ECOVERSE 1 COOLING UNITS Air Suction from Behind the Cabin - " tla oo. I t: ` ,Y4 ? s M1x art f ; s Fresh / Clean Air �' Flow from Inside to :`- Outside it �y , Minimal Dust _ , *: , i.,14„..44,,i _ Contamination �$ '",:4..,,i.0.,iiii.„,,41.%11i.t•,4t,,,,,. ` , EcaVE EE CABIN (6) Headlights. ;�� --- Backhus tip Alarm ,may lb o Wash and Wipe x,, Front Std. Jump Seat Left/Right Opt. \. Rear Opt. . Iliiii � ,,/'- • r k 6 Windows Fridge (Optional) Curved ` ' Low Noise (4) Blinds ECOVERSE CABIN i ��,a i,,\,.. - �� L i ` ,ir---4&-- -:* 1 � 1 imilimeni° ,, if.' WI' 360 ,.: ,_ „..,.,„ ,3 �� • , = :- Panoramic ry - , View ECOVE `E CABIN Drivers Seat t o 12" Display � ` ..e.: r '"P ' �yF rd. n. � F3'�* liti Display Controller T ate: Fingertip Controls (2) Keypads _ �� I.. G' •s l aw if Air Ride ECOVER E CABIN Left Armrest Engine Throttle L Tailgate Up BTC / BMS ,a— -18 ON / OFF ,. Tailgate DOWN 1,74 g # w 1 - 1 HMS a,'. > ECOVEPSE CABIN Right Armrest . _.. °14 I"4\1°74 If:" ,,,,...tt-,...."-. -,,--------- a ; - i a , II"-"-"'-,.114 I'CI 47\71 4 4 mak...- ``,` i e , ECOVEASE w w w CABIN Display 0 1 _ 0 12" Display _ is rail ai. 0 WI" lid �p wlMr ao " i ao A O EEE E 0 0 25: X 0 3: 1.°. y �r. w• ial� 4. 1024 X 768 Resolution o _._ >,D * o 0 EM 0 Touchscreen �- • • • - 0 (13) Function KeysO ?I Q s l' • Navigation Key LED Background Illumination ECOVLSE CABIN Right Armrest j Display Controller ,,. i to R (5) Preprogrammed Keys GREEN a HYBRID P!'''!-.:4' Joystick Encoder , , ,€ s _. Multifunction Controller i! The Psychology of the Human Interface Cab controls are taking operator intuition into consideration for design and layout in order to improve overall productivity and safety. ECOVE E :\ * ti...L.L. ___ CABIN Operating Concept 1 _ (4,40 Igh st (3) Modes of Operationa I..� Display Function Keys g , .tR } Display Controller a. Touch _. r .4; ECOVE SE CABIN Operating Concept i , Operational Information located on the 0 W'"" A 0 "Home" Screen O 10 ;� _-: w : . 0 0 w . 0 0 O 0 _ *IP ___ Display Function Keys .„ - ' L.‘....., iE Display Controller 0 ne •(- Touch ECUVERSE CABIN Operating Concept Home I Feature Unique to Backhus 0 o I"Menu" key for page selection O 0 4 ` i ' 3 "Home" goes directly to home page Plow Controls cii c Escape Menu cECO ----....) VE' i CABIN Service Screen Adjust Operating Parameters from one screen P g Requires Password Login VisuDieselmotorEinstellun9 en 4� �;=e Werrselnslellung � �) Parameter DEF.,ij eingestelller Bemerxungstext Name 4`:ea 4,m1 I4i tote _;r_laeer'aut-and f;la,:nnaldrehzanl I -- - _ I I I I II L:erlalf;r-hraIl CI I I -- 1 r< I I I I II Larr aufm.-h+aF,Di ^.:;I,I,.. ,II I MI. "M........e'4710=1 � 1 t:r r:a 0�-h_aFl C'-.-I:Dior .�.,ir�', Visu VerstelImotoren I 4. � mSlelhmgdes l;ld=_i 1 , I I -1,1,,,,,, Ila -Y ure I _F-L'_E =ete TRUE-,615 1 Taabtrom Rad verso Lift •.. Emote , f o 'uh J :1 ► • - •_'~� ,•',�. .,� U� nalwn0 aer Mo . .FeLSE-> -LIE->TIER It _. 0 %s of 1000 0 %4 Of 1000 - -- -^'- .,..._ _.-- ' Ma Sal 111E11 1111111 10 +10 -10 -. +10 Alauefer Strom Sol Strom ;f -Notorier o, 11111151.11- , -estototo teesRad Won Le ��.. ._T tl. , l'A4 ► '+._: Q ??? ??? ??? ??? an„`,•.,. %4 Of 1000 0 %/0f1000 ? +1 m MEI -10 +10 10 +10 451 00er Strom Sof-Strom _.. -; .:aa Faerpturp %s %a %a ECO VERSE CABIN Manuals and Drawings Drawings and Manuals pre-loaded in system '104.0########1.44# -,1.. .•,. 4.1144111 116..4-.14+1 or,., 44111414114444 444144 14. f.W 11M_ t4..4 111,141444. ... , Pq.s PI r W I IP IM>W1•.„enr44...41.r.,,I,'mo) Accessible from Drivers seat R1t lest " "f M]IfBba .4... 1P11W#II.44 Pw_, e.. .,I 4.14.. rr . .1 __ • o IIP■ o 1111 Lx,‘ 0 ■ ) r IIIIII tit,i• • CECOIEfSE STANDARD TURNER (6) Lights — - � .� Safety • -_ - _� Beacon Mirror r ' Framesi, ; .7-, Tailgate -- +`� ,moi Display f,.; - __ '� Tool Box . , ftill.,4.1 .01.1k - :-__ I.= ::::'‘.k. . 4 ' ill : ' ' '1-'-‘ • illIPI • _ .i,. 11,..... , . . __ goo •_ _ . , -= .. �' : - ,'Tracks d ✓ Tie Downs 6.`- yy ECOV E STANDARD TURNER Freely Accessible Work Platform Larger CoolingUnit - , �, .,A Road Legal Of 11.1'11111‘11' 114° ''-- . - : 1 '-'- Increased Comfort Ease of Maintenance j' �. 41k .4, i .4 , GCOVERSE i ......, ,........_ STANDARD TURNER Engine Compartment 1 .. . Newly designed Electric Hood /4 i . r . -__ -.- , .. ....., ..--- ,4 - - --,;0ii-------- llillapricielp-'7-N31 , / - - ,4111.WRIVIIIP •-..3,, / 4 11.4...44.,4- / 1. ,,,i ,.,.,.-.. '1,.•f*i.!4•:,.. MI Illow •-. .-- , - ---...4.1,10,4. _ . 'ilin - -c : Ar .• ..,Li• ,,,,-...y" {40! „-,•‘ iii' . ' •'";-; Larger, Safer working area .-..;--- 1*•%.- '4:::. 61 ,,.„-w. , ....m .....7.-, 71, , ;. ,,,. ...... 11111 1 :•I'illiii-iir4 'Vt.,- . ; --. 10 MI'''''i . ;I/ ,,L,i,,,,,,fr,;•••1;t•:..-1,,,,,' '• ', . 4 I .-- "i , L.I LI .: , . . .. „., r 1•: . / . .. IA 7-- - ,' !&.. v,.. .. \.• • • • - i . a, • , :, , _,,,,. -i•_'--- •••••••.,,, 1''141,411111,64 ' 141° ,....„. , ,, Olti it . . :._, . . ,- ----4;••A; - \l" • . / 4 P ' ti,"A 4 t3/4_,Ellitt 4 ,,,,,. -__ , '. p, . , A „ . 4 , . , , A ilic:) •......:ii . ...-' ..% , f s, ECOV ' E allat. I\ An. AWINSWINIIIIIIII STANDARD TURNER Hydraulic Compartment 1 Hydraulic Cooler �� , .� �. Electronic Cabinet , = ` —A Tool Box s , mit ill O,, ,,IPA+ _ , Fuel Tank - --- `'.4....mg. %_ . .i.. , , 4 . '-'t 4:,,,,,, „k,:. .„ , , \ „ ,.,,,., ...,,,,. __,\t : fhti'' . 111111 ' IN 1 ii( ill a illi.1 .111111.1:ii_illia:sv.• tk, -?.:t ._ . , 40,4",-1 . , :4'1' ECOVER E STANDARD TURNER Electrical Drawings , Place Orientation Drawings $I g s� g ; R I I • I if I • i V . as I 7 • w I $ � � - - _ l' yI , R _ A 1- t I s i re.. �.. 0.Z.7: w I l���� v li vim. M2.wS _ -f -� wa w .�r.5.. IR ar, :1-e 1 1 I Nv�Aa 1 W aulus lw_Y...r ECO VERSE STANDARD TURNER Electrical Drawings Function Orientation Drawings ,, °:�...: —_ .� t ._ .__ t t . ----------------- r-------------_----- ��.r.---- ------------_— _------._.__--- ii „,:,=- *.i .ma—e—�— ' » '°"'Rtzi «4"R I :.." �.y o ..R.. Hl i .�- n1 , ....:, _ -4 g. _4.4- . ECOVERSE STANDARD TURNER Electrical Drawings . _ .. . Place Descriptive Drawings I . UAUOiUS VGNIIN . 0 , •,l , ft ft jn.... . It ...... ..... ..........t„ , 77 vr.........., Z.,.... . Siaaw, imiThor=ms : : . L4.••••••••••• ..- , ECOVERSE I\ #14 I\ STANDARD TURNER Electrical Drawings • 4.' . ' 1 - '7' -''''! , - \ E-Plan Harness Pro-D L. t I,g el \I ----- , ......__ .. i / c--. 0 .. _ 1 —--- ) ""----- ' . a. i •I it , - .--,11 i-, J7 I g,,•!el,leg 4,1"'” /4.,„. 1 ....,_ -----4 fr• - - *-44•'.- *444.1..1_14INIMp.,_ 4 4..„. .40.,„,, ,,,,,„;.---i_...t:z:li 4'g'2'4,V2AVA14-1.4.;4`444/44-.:4- - 44404414444, - - , .- .,. . ' E ,. ., . lak 4. STANDARD TURNER Turner Evolution --- ,.' **A?. kilivilIL r-- , .,.. ,,,„mget:ao...._, 101110, ' , ie4k.'4":, , I 4 Ilk , 4 4 .... , 4 • .....- - 4 11101111111 vs. * .. .,..... 17 Series alb to 21 Series • —,---;-- 0.., 1 . ......„,,_ loot. A Series . - ECOVERSE .... AIM\ AIM. OPTIONS: Diesel Fuel Pre-Filter A30 — A75 It,. . # ��T g -_ . , '141.14 of '`it'ter..,..- ,�.,,,.r,s•�'�"°° ^" > �` -- ECOVERSE 1 OPTIONS: Elevating Cabin A50 — A75 1 IS i II 1. ii A , . ,_ . ....,,„ . . - . .el ilimmw• 4 f0/16/ 1 ,I il ' .. 1 t!Ii ! t ,) e ...... Lam- z ,, ..------ .----- . ,, 1 - - ----- .-„.„. ,,,' g, 16_ —7 '41:17-.; 1,1"' ' .r 00o iT Ti ! jA ECOV '- E OPTIONS: Wash / Wipe Device A50 — A75 Left, Right, Rear 1 ' ` Ailimmi....1 . Oil / . i °�'- i , - \% , \ I .. t ‘ ,t , lIl tt N, ' - .. it -ailliAll I iii ma.. alb . - daft c OVERSE OPTIONS: Protective Ventilation A43 — A75 Ifriii.. ., N , I , !..", \\ ''--::-.... ,, _ _ -4, A, r .--__ Aiiii01110.! 4ilia _ . or I ` / ‘/ i _ _ _ ._.! J-411111111111i fir fie � ` Alli `.V OW 0 kip,. , �p, ECOVE SE OPTIONS: Cool Box A50 — A75 ,k. • --veserigarseigq_,_ . . ,_ .... . ...... .... . N\ , ... i .. . _ . 4..- . . „- --**** • .. - %,..L. , --. te --*-k-,_ 4., . .- ... . - . . . .. s, . . ,. \ N , \\ */*- ..106.4.10.-+Sen ECOVERSE ii a . awl.Par i Ain WI-1-.-.........1.0••••..11.15*. OPTIONS: Mirrors A50 — A75 Electrically Controlled, Heated a - I •-• -, 11111"" • 1 -/ ! • , AMPIPPr ..• tg II 411 jco ....Mi Ih 4 ..."*"" . -‘ - JAM.yhit.1:- r . • AO , - - . , .. 11 \ r iii4 .‘ :\T711111161:iti:;i Iiiik .., OPTIONS: 1 Rear View Camera A50 — A75 x 1 7 I !: 11 , 3� � 1 .f o I r' t ;� - \\\\\ �• :. \\\\ -'\. ' R 4 ECOVERSE OPTIONS: BMS A50 — A75 Backhus Management System ''''' , . /4 '.--- ,,,,,,1,.„ ..,,,I0, :: aid?., (.77,*;ii, . k:s. - rem..... . ��.. ® of / • / I moi/ n:5.: II ' LitAft 1 • W ,D' i i (............., ECOV 'RSE AI OPTIONS: Landfill Undercarriage A50 — A75 a '.3 /0 ,7 1 IP- ' -" I alal I : /144), r \ vieut•*sal ii ��� U ,\ .: ., le ® 1 r Vw I � '.t M . ,,,, . , ,.--,-..„.,_-_, .,., rt, _____ 01.:, ,....--- - ,,k - , 1 1 In ` I L..- •-z -LI-s;i_z. ic--„dr-, - ; i ''' ti -• '1 . 1 I k, 4- SiP14.- '411.44_ .3:rill- . . 6 lar_--;1004,1 -- Iii it.00i Ili ' 1' ",V ' 1 _ ''''MI atlaatilittime; io ..,0000 . . 11"" ' ' .1 Ili 1-".' ,a,Tt.."7-7.2s 't, ---- 1 i I-----r,- 4, _dial i • " M : rtabiZlimil j .I .y ice. j F { V V 11 OPTIONS: 1 Wheel Drive A50 — A75 1 1 1111111. "IV ' ,.,,1 ,"I,' z - , .. "I .-r '‘ \.all I 2- / (. -: Ii e I� 1 • try----7-7--- 7--A r 0 -....i. 1 , , o ECOVE`RSE C w OPTIONS: Rubberized Tunnel A50 — A75 ,_� z / t ' - ! 1 �_ d 8� l- („..") /2 `� .. N, _ t ' '-' / earl .. r *` v:..- a -9 lf. co dC ECOVE' E OPTIONS: Stainless Steel Lined Tunnel A50 — A75 , --- - - 10.„ ,,,,,,.. .,....,_ ._ , . A. ., . ,1 ,4;;;1 _. . ,, I .,... ,.., ` , _ i Nil ill- - -. : t • tiI 9 �. ' __. . ' . , wilionsitimisairst__. _-. Ilk ECO ak OPTIONS: Windrow Irrigation Connection A30 — A75 In 4:0011 • . row Imik ser. • • • d •, 1 0 • ECO VERSE OPTIONS: Hose Reels (HD 63 / HD 90) A36 — A75 a m iImp , f�, i / s' - . s. . di,:at i BAC K'1Va i .ted F 1 lli b5��ii..�E ae. ^ a inr�w oy A x Tem _.. c, wyyob LM4 a __ate ✓ i I , k. \ t IIy f .i.II", ECOVERSE OPTIONS: Concentration Injection A30 — A75 oitV. i Irl /:,1" , , p , ‘,:' 1 ev4 oc,i, . 1 ' 4 * ` , 1. €, S , sY,' L (E-*COVERSE'ft.) 1* I OPTIONS: Safety and Dust Curtain A50 — A75 1t a' W . .= . • `R • • `�e • ihrivil_ ,.•, ,4 n tib• fN. _ � '•� ,t , ECOV ' " E C OPTIONS: Side Conveyor Belt A50 — A75 tAk .ai• 1tilkok 4 l if- ‘\I. IL / • y ..___ • I • • .1; `^, '''',._--*".1ti ..... a r - _. -iwip Igw- • . • CECOVE.".....R)SE OPTIONS: Fleece Winder A50 — A75 'i de � lla e �,_ i 41Fasairsgsser. j _ 6 ' -2.4 ty I .; 41110 .f.y ` �T ! t -� - _ __ ` Ifs` '` ..A �� �± Al //r eT i a T 0"..... rie-:------':''.1), _ . . ( *3 ti" "11‘,..--. , : I V. , , 4,ii L j .� •` "/—._ ' .... EOVERSE C OPTIONS: Diesel and Hydraulic Heater A36 — A75 4 ,k...i. 4 0 ,..... _,.,Ii i ... , , ECOVER$E - Iamb-_ All.,P11::_.:1 ari ER)-i/A-7.- '.. illrimoma mosimin low r•I = illiii,„ _, .., Questions? 1 ,,„,,,-,_ ,..,_ • =. FF' = .... ,,.., .,,, Ecoverse's key strength is the unparalleled experience and ability to providing ' "` - turnkey solutions that best suit our fire it customer's specifications. ' me ,.. Contact your regional manager today - -�-, by visiting ecoverse.net a 440-937-3225l ; , , .. .r► ,rr. '`i- ECO VERSE WITH THE EARTH IN MIND talk CIACICHUS1111 R .Et , 4 x . .- I !' sv IV.. 46' i . 141111111r11 67 ` Tor.f, 0117 -,,,, IL 1 � /Nor i ,i'. \\ S 11 - Ii m 1 Ecoverse Industries 1265 Lear Industrial Parkway Avon, 011 44011 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF BID NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town of Southold Solid Waste Management District is seeking a qualified bidder to provide one (1) new"straddle"type, self- propelled windrow turner. Bid specifications are available at the Town Clerk's office during regular business hours, Monday thru Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. The bid must be accompanied by a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate, which may be obtained at the Southold Town Clerk's Office;Town Hall, PO Box 1179, 53095 Main Road, Southold,N.Y. 11971 (631) 765-1800, and a bank draft or certified check in the amount of$100.00. The sealed bid(s) will be received by the Southold Town Clerk, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, PO Box 1179, Southold,New York 11971, until 2:00 P.M., Thursday, September 3, 2015 at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked, "Windrow Turner", and submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. Dated: June 16, 2015 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON AUGUST 20, 2015, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK,TOWN HALL, 53095 MAIN ROAD, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: Suffolk Times Town Board Members Town Attorney Comptroller DSW Dodge Reports Burrelle's Information Data Construction Town Clerk's Bulletin Board TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WINDROW TURNER BID ADDENDUM ADDENDUM#1 August 31, 2015 The Town of Southold Windrow Turner Specifications dated August 20, 2015 are hereby amended to include the following item(s): • One (1) complete set of wear plates, bolts, and any other hardware necessary for their full and complete installation on the rotor. AUTHORIZATION: Lynda Rudder Date Deputy Town Clerk #12392 STATE OF NEW YORK) ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Karen Kine of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that she is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 1 week(s), successfully commencing on the 20th day of August, 2015. 7e../.,"4:1,L.,/ Principal Clerk Sworn to before me this day of _I 2015. I. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF BID - ' } NOTICE-IS-HEREBY GIVEN that CHRISTINA VOLINSKI the Town of Southold Solid Waste Man-NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK agement District is seeking a qualified bidder to provide one(1)new"straddle" NO, 01 V06105050 type,self-propelled windrow turner. OUCslitied In Suffolk Count Bid specifications are available at the Y Town Clerk's office during regular busi= wt@ffiffiatiblI Expires February 28, 2016 j ness+hours,Monday thru Friday,8:00 am to 4:00 pm. The bid-must be accompanied by a 'Non-Collusive Bid Certificate, which may be obtained at the Southold Town ' Clerk's Office, Town Hall, PO Box ' 1179,53095 Main Road,Southold,N.Y. 11971(631)765-1800,and a bank draft I or certified check in the amount of , $100.00. The sealed bid(s)will be received by ' the Southold Town Clerk at the South- old Town Hall,53095 lain Road,PO Box 1179, Southold,New York 11971, until 2:00 EM.,Thursday,September 3, 2015 at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. ' The Town Board of the Town of I Southold reserves the right to reject any I and all bids and'waive any and all infor- malities in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of South- old to do so - • All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked,"Windrow Turner",and submitted to the Office of , the Town Clerk. Dated:August 11,2015 ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK I f 12392-1T 8/20 Rudder, Lynda From: Reisenberg, Lloyd Sent: Monday,August 17, 2015 11:17 AM To: Rudder, Lynda Subject: RE:Windrow Turner for publication Posted Lloyd H. Reisenberg Network and Systems Administrator Town of Southold,New York www.southoldtownny.gov Iloydr@southoldtownny.gov 0: 631-765-1891 1M:631-879-1554 IF: 631-765-5178 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication with its contents may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure is prohibited and may violate applicable laws including the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication. From: Rudder, Lynda Sent: Monday,August 17, 2015 10:27 AM To:Jim Dinizio; Beltz, Phillip; Cushman,John; Doherty,Jill; Duffy, Bill; Ghosio, Bob; Kiely, Stephen; Krauza, Lynne; Louisa Evans; Michaelis,Jessica; Reisenberg, Lloyd; Russell, Scott; Standish, Lauren;Tomaszewski, Michelle;Tracey Doubrava (tdoubrava@timesreview.com); William Ruland Subject:Windrow Turner for publication Please publish in the 8/20 edition of the Suffolk Times and the Town website 1 STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold,New York being duly sworn, says that on the 17th day of August , 2015, she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York. Bid for Windrow Turner CI:nail-UAL C lizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Sworn before me this 17th day of August 2015. 4,1411(Y1 otary Public 08/17/2015 10:49 AM FAX 6317656145 SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK P.0001 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$ Multiple Destinations $$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Job No. 0497 Sheets 1 Unsent Sent [$037] 18775588282 MCGRAH HILL [$038] 18005243329 BURELLE'S INFO [$039] 18882329941 DATA CONSTRUCT [$040] 18007685594 DODGE REPORTS [$041] 18009620544 CONSTRUCT INFO Error LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF BID NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town of Southold Solid Waste Management District is seeking a qualified bidder to provide one(1)new"straddle"type, self- propelled windrow turner. Bid specifications are available at the Town Clerk's office during regular business hours, Monday thru Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. The bid must be accompanied by a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate,which may be obtained at the Southold Town Clerk's Office;Town Hall,PO Box 1179, 53095 Main Road, Southold,N.Y. 11971 (631)765-1800,and a bank draft or certified check in the amount of$100.00. The sealed bid(s)will be received by the Southold Town Clerk,at the Southold Town Hall,53095 Main Road,-P0 Box 1179,Southold,New York 11971,until 2:00 P.M., Thursday,September 3,2015 at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked,"Windrow Turner", and submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. Dated: June 16,2015 ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK * * A PLEASE PUBLISH ON AUGUST 20,2015,AND FORWARD ONE(1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE,TOWN CLERK,TOWN IIALL,53095 MAIN ROAD,PO BOX 1179,SOUTHOLD,NY 11971. Copies to the following: Suffolk Times Town Board Members Town Attorney , Rudder, Lynda From: Cerria Torres <ctorres@timesreview.com> Sent: Monday,August 17, 2015 10:28 AM To: Rudder, Lynda Subject: Re:Windrow Turner for publication This notice has been scheduled for publication in the Suffolk Times on 8/20/2015. Thank you IF TIMES REVIEW MEM GROUP Cerria Orientale Torres Display Ad Coordinator 631.354.8011 (D) ctorres@timesreview.com legals@timesreview.com www.timesreview.com From: <Rudder>, Lynda Rudder<lynda.rudder@town.southold.ny.us> Date: Monday, August 17, 2015 10:26 AM To:Jim Dinizio <iim@jamesdinizio.com>, "Beltz, Phillip" <Phillip.Beltz@town.southold.ny.us>, "Cushman,John" <John.Cushman@town.southold.ny.us>, "Doherty,Jill" <iill.doherty@town.southold.ny.us>, "Duffy, Bill" <billd@southoldtownnv.gov>, "Ghosio, Bob" <bob.ghosio@town.southold.ny.us>, "Kiely,Stephen" <stephen.kiely@town.southold.ny.us>, "Krauza, Lynne" <lynne.krauza@town.southold.ny.us>, Louisa Evans <Ipevans06390@gmail.com>, "Michaelis,Jessica"<iessicam@southoldtownny.gov>, "Reisenberg, Lloyd" <Lloyd.Reisenberg@town.southold.nv.us>, "Russell, Scott"<scottr@southoldtownny.gov>, "Standish, Lauren" <Lauren.Standish@town.southold.nv.us>, "Tomaszewski, Michelle" <michellet@town.southold.ny.us>,Times Review <tdoubrava@timesreview.com>, William Ruland <rulandfarm@yahoo.com> Subject:Windrow Turner for publication Please publish in the 8/20 edition of the Suffolk Times and the Town website 1 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF BID NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town of Southold Solid Waste Management District is seeking a qualified bidder to provide one (1) new"straddle"type, self- propelled windrow turner. Bid specifications are available at the Town Clerk's office during regular business hours, Monday thru Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. The bid must be accompanied by a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate, which may be obtained at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, PO Box 1179, 53095 Main Road, Southold,N.Y. 11971 (631) 765-1800, and a bank draft or certified check in the amount of$100.00. The sealed bid(s) will be received by the Southold Town Clerk, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, PO Box 1179, Southold,New York 11971, until 2:00 P.M., Thursday, September 3,2015 at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked, "Windrow Turner", and submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. Dated: June 16, 2015 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK * * * PLEASE PUBLISH ON AUGUST 20, 2015,AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE,TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, 53095 MAIN ROAD, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD,NY 11971. Copies to the following: ° Suffolk Times Town Board Members Town Attorney Comptroller DSW Dodge Reports Burrelle's Information Data Construction Town Clerk's Bulletin Board INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS • All public bids must be submitted to the Southold Town Clerk in sealed envelopes which clearly identify the bid project number and the title of the service/product being bid. Any other writing on the envelope, with the exception of Company logs, etc. may result in bids being misplaced and otherwise rejected. • Unsigned bids may be rejected as informal. • Questions regarding ambiguities or the propriety of these specifications should be addressed, in writing, to the buyer, prior to the formal bid opening. Such questions will not be entertained after said bid opening. • Where a Bid Security is indicated on the face of the Proposal, the security must be attached to the Proposal as an earnest of good faith. In this case, any bid without a bid security may be rejected as informal. The Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informality in the bids and to make awards in the best interest of Town of Southold. NON-COLLUSION BIDDING CERTIFICATION By submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder, certifies and in the case of a joint bid, each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under penalty of perjury, that to the best of knowledge and belief: 1. The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without collusion, consultation, communication, or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder or with any competitor. 2. Unless otherwise required by law, the prices, which have been quoted in its bid, have not been knowingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be disclosed by the bidder prior to opening, directly or indirectly, to other bidder or to any competitor. 3. No attempt has been made or will be made by the bidder to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition. [Type text] Page 1 of Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner August 2015 CERTIFICATION REGARDING DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION AND RESPONSIBILITY The undersigned certified, to the best of his/her knowledge and belief, that the Contractor and its principles: 1. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, and declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded by any Federal department of agency; 2. Have not within a three-year period preceding this transaction/application/proposal /contract/ agreement been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain or performing a public (Federal, State or local)transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction or records, making false statements or receiving stolen property; 3. Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity, (Federal, State or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph 2 of this certification and; 4. Have not within a three-year period preceding this transaction/application/proposal /contract/ agreement had one or more public transactions, (Federal, State or local)terminated for cause or default. Date: (Print Name of Contractor) By: (Signature) (Print Name) (Print Title/Office) VENDOR MUST COMPLETE THIS FORM AND SUBMIT WITH BID Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner August 2015 TERMS AND CONDITIONS BID ITEM: SELF-PROPELLED WINDROW TURNER FOR: Solid Waste Management District DEPARTMENT CONTACT: James Bunchuck, (631) 734-7685 DUPLICATE COPIES: PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR BID IN DUPLICATE; THE ORIGINAL AND ONE (1) COPY. BID INFORMATION: At the time of bid, the bidder shall supply detailed specifications covering the item(s) contained herein and shall clearly indicate any areas in which item or items offered do not fully comply with the specifications contained herein. SUBMITTAL OF FORMAL PROPOSAL: Bid proposal must be legible and submitted in the original form, bearing an original signature. EMAILS AND FACSIMILES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. All bidders must submit proof that they have obtained the required Workers' Compensation and disability benefits coverage or proof that they are exempt. SPECIFICATION Specifications will be construed to be complete and be considered the entire ALTERATIONS: description of goods or services upon which the Town of Southold is now seeking bids. Only formal written addenda can materially alter this set of specifications. No verbal statement made by a Southold Town employee or anyone else is binding nor shall such statement be considered an official part of this public bid proposal. BRAND REFERENCE: References to a manufacturer's product by brand name or number are done solely to establish the minimum quality and performance characteristics required. Bidders may submit bids on alternates, but must attach two (2) copies of manufacturer's specifications for any alternate at the time of the bid. Further, the bidder must demonstrate that the alternate proposed has a sufficient operating track record to show the equipment will perform per the specified brand and provide minimum of three references of customers using the exact machine being bid. The acceptance of a bidder's alternate rests solely with the Town of Southold. QUALIFIED BIDDER: Each bidder must be prepared to present satisfactory proof of his capacity and ability to perform this contract. Such proof may include, but is not limited to, an inspection of the bidder's facilities and equipment, financial statements, customer references and performance of similar contracts. Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner August 2015 The Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any bid where the bidder cannot satisfy the Town as to their ability to perform. The Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids if the Town Attorney deems said action to be in the best interests of the Town of Southold. METHOD OF AWARD: The Town of Southold intends to award a purchase order to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder based on the TOTAL. Bidder must bid on all items in order to be considered. DELIVERY: Delivery to be F.O.B. destination as specified by Purchase Order. Delivery must be completed within ninety (90) days after receipt of order. A delivery in excess of ninety (90) days may be grounds for rejection of a bid. PURCHASE ORDER Delivery of goods may be directed by the receipt of a Purchase Order ISSUANCE: only. Items that are not part of this bid will not be paid for by the Town of Southold. As to all purchase orders issued by the Town of Southold, exceptions may only be authorized, in writing, by the Supervisor or his authorized agent prior to delivery. WARRANTY/ GUARANTEE: All warranties by Manufacturer shall apply. Bidder shall, as part of its proposal, furnish its warranty/guarantee for all goods/services to be furnished hereunder. As a minimum, Bidder shall warrant all goods for a period as stated herein. Bidder shall be obligated to repair or replace all defects in material or workmanship, which are discovered or exists during said period. All labor, parts and transportation shall be at Bidder's expense. SUBCONTRACT: The Contractor shall not subcontract any work without first obtaining the written consent of the Southold Town Attorney. INDEMNIFCATION: The Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify and save harmless the Town, its officers, agents, servants and employees from and against any and all liability, damages, costs or expenses, causes of action, suits,judgments, losses and claims of every name not described, including Attorneys' fees and disbursements, brought against the Town which may arise, be sustained, or occasioned directly or indirectly by any person, firm or Corporation arising out of or resulting from the performance of the services by Contractor, arising from any act, omission or negligence of the Contractor, its agents and employees, or arising from any breach or default by the contractor under this Agreement. Nothing herein is intended to relieve the Town from its own negligence or misfeasance or to assume any such liability for the Town by the Contractor. Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner August 2015 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WINDROW TURNER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 Scope 1 1.1 General Description 1 1.2 Acceptable Manufacturers 1 2.0 Bidder Requirements 1 2.1 General Experience 1 2.2 Minimum Qualifications 2 2.3 References 2 2.4 Evaluation of Bid 3 3.0 Machine Specifications 3 3.1 Operating Specifications and Dimensions 3 3.2 Safety Features 4 3.3 Hydraulics 4 3.4 Operator's Station 4 3.5 Engine 5 3.6 Rotor 5 3.7 Undercarriage 6 3.8 Platform 6 4.0 Warranty 6 • 5.0 Delivery 7 6.0 Operator Training 7 7.0 Equipment Manuals 7 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WINDROW TURNER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1.0 SCOPE 1.1 General Description Town of Southold Solid Waste Management District is seeking a qualified bidder to provide one (1) new"straddle"type, self-propelled windrow turner. It is the intent of these specifications to describe a unit, suitable for operation at the Southold Town Yard Waste Compost Facility. All parts and components of this unit shall be engineered and classified as HEAVY DUTY and shall be of the size, material, and strength to sustain the load limits and severe operating conditions encountered in organic composting, while resulting in minimum wear and failure. The windrow turning machine must be self-propelled"straddle type", single pass machine that will aerate and mix windrows fully and completely in a single pass operation. The phrase "fully and completely" is intended to describe a process wherein material in the middle of a windrow tends to be moved toward the sides, and material at the sides tends to be moved inward in a single pass Each Model bid shall be new and unused direct from the factory, of the current 2015 production year and shall be supplied with any optional and ancillary equipment as necessary to meet the requirements of this specification. Notwithstanding the details presented in these specifications, it is the responsibility of the bidder to verify the completeness of material lists and suitability of devices to meet the intent of the specifications. Any additional equipment or service required, even it not mentioned herein, shall be provided by the bidder without claims for additional payment. It is to be understood that a fully functional operating unit satisfactory to the user is required. 1.2 Acceptable Manufacturers Acceptable manufacturer is any manufacturer of self-propelled windrow turners on the scale described herein, who can meet the specifications described herein, including the required demonstrated sales and service experience. These specifications are intended to describe a Komptech Topturn X63, or direct functional equivalent. 2.0 BIDDER REQUIREMENTS 2.1 General Experience Consideration will be given only to products of Manufacturers who can demonstrate that their equipment complies with the following specifications. The Manufacturer must demonstrate that they have been in the business of designing and manufacturing "straddle type"windrow-composting machines as a regular part of their business. Page 1 of 8 Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner August 2015 2.2 Minimum Qualifications All bidders must meet the following minimum qualifications: • A manufacturer or a manufacturer's authorized dealer must furnish all equipment and have experience in sales and service of heavy equipment. • The manufacturer of the equipment being bid must maintain a factory authorized service dealer capable of servicing all components of the machine. • THE BIDDER MUST HAVE EXPERIENCE IN SELLING AND SERVICING SELF- PROPELLED COMPOST TURNERS. This experience shall be defined as having at least 3 years experience in the sale and service of the model being bid. In addition, if the Bidder is an authorized service dealer, then it is the dealer, NOT the manufacturer,that must demonstrate this experience. As evidence of acceptable experience, bidders must provide as references three (3) customers who have purchased the model of windrow turner being bid, or a comparable model,from the bidder. These references shall be listed in Section 2.3 of this specification, below. • Bidder must satisfy the Town that the bidder can arrange for an experienced service representative to be on site within eight(8) hours of the Town's request for service and can provide delivery of parts within (24) hours of receipt of order, or bidder may be disqualified by the Town. Service and parts may be provided directly by the bidder or in conjunction with the area authorized service dealer. 2.3 References 1) Organization: Address: Phone: e-mail: Contact Name: 2) Organization: Address: Phone: e-mail: Contact Name: 3) Organization: Address: Phone: e-mail: Contact Name: Page 2 of 8 Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner August 2015 2.4 Evaluation of Bid All bidders for this project shall submit to the Town a technical specification for the proposed equipment at the bid opening. The technical specification shall address how the proposed equipment meets each section of these specifications. The Town shall have the sole responsibility for determining from the information submitted by all the bidders if the proposed equipment meets the contract specifications. Should the apparent low bidder fail to meet the requirements of the contract specifications as determined by Town's review of the bidders technical specifications, the bid shall be rejected and the next lowest bidder shall be considered as the low bidder. Bidders will not be allowed to submit the technical specifications a second time. However, additional supplementary information may be submitted, if required by the Town. 3.0 MACHINE SPECIFICATIONS 3.1 General Description The purpose of these specifications is to describe a self-propelled, 4 Wheel Drive compost windrow turner capable of processing organic materials. This unit shall be straddle type Turner which turns the windrow inside out with each pass of Turner through Windrow which enables uniform exposure and mixing of composting materials. The windrow turner shall be regular production for which published specifications are available. Machine modifications to meet operational and capacity requirements of this specification shall be limited to the manufacturer's published standard and optional equipment. All operating specifications are based on current SAE standards and shall be the basis for determining compliance with specified requirements. The windrow turner shall meet all OSHA requirements in effect on the date of the bid opening. 3.1 Operating Specifications And Dimensions A. Engine to have a minimum 390 net horsepower. B. An electrical disconnect switch shall be standard. C. Operating Machine must be capable to turn a windrow width of 18'8". D. Operating Machine must be capable to turn a windrow height of 9'2". E. Transport overall machine length not to exceed 20'-2". F. Transport overall machine width not to exceed 9'-10". G. Transport overall machine height not to exceed 11'-11" for easy loading onto lowboy for transport. H. No assembly or cranes needed for machine use when delivered on-site. Page 3 of 8 Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner August 2015 3.2 Safety Features A. Minimum for(4)halogen lights,two front/two rear. B. Amber rotating beacon. C. Back-up alarm. D. Heated exterior mirrors. E. A SINGLE, LEVEL service platform from which service and maintenance of the engine and hydraulic system can be performed. 3.3 Hydraulics A. Hydraulic cooling system shall be a totally separate enclosed compartment from the engine cooling system. B. Hydraulic tank 50 gallon minimum. C. Hydraulic cooling system shall be equipped with a programmable reversing fan/self cleaning. 3.4 Operator's Station A. Operator shall be located on the front centerline of the machine. B. Cab must allow 180 degree panoramic unobstructed view. C. Cab must be easily accessible with safety rails. D. Cab shall have the ability to be raised and lowered hydraulically to an approximate transport height of twelve (12 ft.) so it fits on Town-owned Lowboy trailer for easy transport without special permits. E. Cable shall be pressurized air filtered, air-conditioned and heated. F. Tined safety glass. G. Adjustable operator's seat. H. Keyed door lock. I. Wipers and washers on front, side, and rear glass windshields. J. First Aid Kit. Page 4 of 8 Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner August 2015 K. Joystick controls integrated into armrests. L. Minimum 80 gallon diesel fuel tank with vandal-proof locking cap. M. Automatic central lubrication system. N. Rear view camera viewable via the control panel display. 3.5 Engine A. The engine is to be located in an enclosed compartment on the side of the turner. B. The engine is to be CAT C13 ACERT or equivalent, minimum 390HP @ 2100 RPM, Tier 3a compliant. C. The engine should meet all current State and Federal regulations. D. The engine shall include all of the following: 1. Turbocharger and intercooler. 2. Automatic shut down for low oil pressure. 3. Low coolant level shut down. 4. High coolant temperature shut down. 5. Pressurized cooling system. 6. Heavy-duty two stage air filter with restriction indicator on control panel. 8. Auto Reversing/Self Cleaning Fan. The machine shall be equipped with an engine fan that can reverse automatically as per programmed cycle in order to blow foreign material off the radiator screen/self cleaning. 3.6 Rotor A. Fully hydraulically driven, must be able to stop, start, and reverse rotation while under full load. B. Rotor design for uniform and thorough composting of material using tool placement for maximum effect, effectively mixing, blending and turning the organic material in windrow "inside-out" during each pass. C. Rotor speed 0-195 RPM minimum, with diameter minimum 45". Page 5 of 8 Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner August 2015 D. Rotor speed infinitely variable and adjustable under load using,operator's joystick. E. Rotor tools, minimum 70 wear plates, high-strength steel, mounted to tool holders welded to drum, minimum 2 bolts on each plate. F. Rotor height hydraulically adjustable with the chassis from 0"-14" height. Ability to raise the whole machine up out of the windrow, stop Rotor and reverse machine and restart Turning operations, if needed. 3.7 Undercarriage A. Four-wheel drive hydraulically driven, speed 0-2.5 MPH, controlled by joystick in cab. B. Automatic, central grease distribution to key lubrication points using pressurized system. C. Plows must be able to move material from in front of wheels into the path of the rotor. Plow Must be able to be hydraulic controlled from operator's station in the cab. D. Tires, foam-filled, essentially puncture proof 3.8 Platform A. Operator's platform shall provide safe and convenient access to cab. B. Access to platform shall be by minimum of one ladder with grab rails. C. Deck shall be of non-slip steel mesh or Town-approved equivalent. D. Deck shall have safety guardrail system. 4.0 WARRANTY The bidder shall, as part of its proposal, furnish the standard manufacturer's warranty for all goods to be furnished here under. Additionally an extended warranty or a"Total Machine Warranty" of five (5) years/ 3000 hours shall be offered. Bidder shall attach a copy of the different warranties. The extended warranty shall include all parts, fluids, labor and incidentals necessary to provide the owner with a fully operational unit. The supplier shall perform warranty inspections every six months to verify that the equipment is being maintained in accordance with the warranty. These inspections will be performed at no extra cost. A written report of these inspections shall be submitted to the Town. The warranty shall also include any travel time to the owner's facility. In the event that the unit needs to go to the bidders repair facility for warranty repair the bidder shall be responsible for transportation to and from the owner's facility at no cost to the Town. Page 6 of 8 Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner August 2015 5.0 DELIVERY The unit shall be delivered to the Southold Town Solid Waste Management District, located at 6155 Cox Lane, Cutchogue,NY 11935 within ninety (90) days of receipt of the purchase order. If the unit cannot be delivered, a loaner unit of similar size and equipment shall be provided to the Town on an "as needed"basis. Free delivery and pick up shall be included. The Town shall give the bidder five (5)business days advance notice for delivery of the loaner unit. 6.0 OPERATOR TRAINING Bidder will provide on-site instruction for operation and preventative maintenance procedures for equipment at a date to be scheduled by the Town. Following delivery of equipment, the services of the manufacturer's factory trained representative shall be provided at a Town Facility for the purpose of this instruction. The Manufacturer shall conduct a training program, including both classroom and"hands-on" training for the Town's personnel covering operation and preventative maintenance of the equipment. The training shall include two (2) days initially and two (2) days after six (6) months operation for each piece of equipment supplied. This time shall be in addition to any time required for delivery, inspection, testing, and adjustment of equipment. The Town reserves the right to require the replacement of the manufacturer's representative who is providing operation and maintenance instruction if the services are found to be inadequate. 7.0 EQUIPMENT MANUALS All information, instructions and data necessary for the proper and complete care, operation, maintenance and repair of the equipment shall accompany equipment when delivered to the Town. The required information, instructions and data shall be prepared and compiled by the manufacturer of the equipment and shall hereinafter be referred to collectively as "Equipment Manuals". The provided equipment manuals shall describe the standard series specified, performance data, environmental requirements, technical installation; drawings and assistance manuals, replacement part manuals, technical service, maintenance, troubleshooting manuals, and warranty documentation. For each unique piece of equipment and its components, the following shall be included in the bid price: three (3) technical repair manuals, three (3) operational and maintenance manuals and three (3)parts catalogs. If available the bidder shall provide one set each of the above manuals and parts catalog on a CD, readable by the owner's computer system. Equipment manuals shall clearly and specifically identify the equipment or item which is the subject of the manual, including, as applicable, the model name and number, size, serial number (2) and optional features or accessories actually included with the furnished equipment. Equipment manuals shall also include the following kinds of information, as applicable to the item which is the subject of the manual: Page 7 of 8 Town of Southold Bid Specifications Self-Propelled Windrow Turner August 2015 a. Table of Contents b. Theory of Operation, Functional Diagrams c. Design and Operating Specifications, Criteria d. Normal and emergency operating instructions,procedures and sequences for each possible mode of operation. e. Normal operating parameters, indications, settings adjustments, voltages, currents, etc. f. Troubleshooting procedures. g. Preventative or routine maintenance requirements or recommendations. h. Parts layout, identification, assembly diagrams, including exploded views with parts referenced by name and/or number. i. Parts lists of each assembly and subassembly showing part name, number, size, composition and quantity required, down to discrete components. j. Recommended spare parts stocking lists. k. Names, addresses and telephone numbers (including emergency numbers) of factory authorized or recommended service representatives and parts suppliers. 1. Major overhauls or repair procedures including diagrams, measurements, clearances, adjustment settings, alignment procedures, etc. m. Wiring diagrams and schematics. n. Recommended or required special tools and maintenance, alignment, calibration or safety equipment. o. Any other information necessary or recommended for the complete and proper operation, maintenance and repair of the equipment by the Town's personnel. P. Where an item of equipment includes components or subassemblies manufactured by other than the equipment manufacturer, all pertinent information for the subassemblies shall be included in the equipment manual prepared and complied by the equipment manufacturer. Supplied equipment shall be highlighted in the equipment manual. An instruction plate covering such items as oil specifications, filter specifications, and maintenance requirements will be affixed to each piece of equipment supplied. Page 8 of 8 Southold Town Board- Letter Board Meeting of August 11,2015 W"°`4- RESOLUTION 2015-726 Item# 5.17 y.*'f ADOPTED DOC ID: 11092 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2015-726 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON AUGUST 11, 2015: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk's office to advertise for a Self-Propelled Compost Windrow Turner for use at the Department of Solid Waste. 0440:4/4. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Robert Ghosio, Councilman SECONDER:Louisa P. Evans, Justice AYES: Ghosio, Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Evans, Russell Generated August 12, 2015 Page 24