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SOUTHOLD LANDFILL POST CLOSURE PLAN FOR _ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK PREPARED FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PREPARED BY WHITMAN 7 PLEASANT HILL ROAD CRANBURY, NJ 08512 JUNE 2015 REVISED SEPTEMBER 2015 WHITMAN PROJECT#140615T I 7 Pleasant Hill Road, Cranbury, NJ 08512 www.whitmanco.com G•1PR0JECTS11014114-06-15T Sun Edison Southhold Landfill\Landfill Closure Reports'Southold Landfill Post Closure Plan-FINALdoa SOUTHOLD LANDFILL POST CLOSURE PLAN FOR THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Site Description and History 1 1.2 Landfill Closure Design 1 1.3 Purpose and Scope 3 2.0 SITE INSPECTION GUIDELINES 4 2.1 Cap Integrity 4 2.1.1 Soil Cover 5 2.1.2 Vegetation 5 2.2 Storm Water Collection and Recharge System 5 2.2.1 Diversion Swales and Gravity Storm Water Drains 6 2.2.2 Recharge Basins 7 2.3 Access and Maintenance Roads 7 2.4 Landfill and Gas Monitoring 8 2.5 Ground Water Monitoring Wells 8 2.6 Site Perimeter Fencing 9 3.0 MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR PROCEDURES 9 3.1 Maintenance 10 3.1.1 Landfill Gas Control 10 3.1.2 Drainage and Erosion Control 10 3.1.3 Vegetative Cover 11 3.1.4 Re-Grading 11 3.1.5 Vector Control and Aesthetics 11 3.1.6 Access 12 3.1.7 Fencing 12 3.2 Repairs 12 3.2.1 Storm Water Structures 12 3.2.2 Geomembrane 12 3.2.3 Gas Venting System 13 3.2.4 Landfill Gas Monitoring Wells 13 3.2.5 Ground Water Monitoring Wells 14 4.0 GROUND WATER MONITORING PLAN 15 5.0 LANDFILL GAS MONITORING PLAN 15 6.0 PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS 16 6.1 Staffing Plan 16 6.1.1 Staff Training 17 6.1.2 Safety Plan 17 6.2 Equipment 20 6.2.1 Minimum Requirements for Maintenance 20 6.2.2 Firefighting Equipment 21 A WHITMAN G\PROJECTS12014\I4-06-IST Sun Edison Southhold Landfill\Landfill Closure Reports\Southold Landfill Post Closure Plan-FINALdoa 6.2.3 Solar Array 21 7.0 CONTINGENCY PLAN 21 7.1 Ground Water Contamination 22 7.2 Landfill Gas Migration 22 7.3 Fire and Explosion 23 7.4 Emergency Response 23 7.5 Notification Procedure 24 7.6 Telephone Numbers 24 8.0 POST-CLOSURE COST ESTIMATE 24 8.1 Inspection Costs 25 8.2 Maintenance Costs 25 8.3 Monitoring Costs 26 8.3.1 Ground Water Monitoring 26 8.3.2 Landfill Gas Monitoring 26 9.0 COMMUNICATION PROCEDURES 27 9.1 Vandalism 27 9.2 Fires 27 9.3 Natural Disasters 28 9.4 Vectors 28 9.5 Methane 29 9.6 Dust 29 9.7 Storm Water Control System 29 9.8 Excessive Landfill Settlement 29 9.9 Ground Water Contamination 30 9.10 Solar Array 30 10.0 RECORD KEEPING AND REPORTING 30 10.1 Record Keeping 30 10.2 Reporting 30 10.2.1 Ground Water Quality Reports 31 10.2.2 Landfill Gas Reports 31 10.2.3 Annual Monitoring and Maintenance Report 32 10.2.4 Solar Array Vertical Survey 32 FIGURES 1. Site Location Map 2. Site Layout Plan 3. Existing Recharge Basins 4. Road Crossing ® WHITMAN G 1PROf ECTS11014114.06-l5T Sun Edison Southhold Landfill\Landfill Closure Reports'Southold Landfill Post Closure Plan-FINALdoco SOUTHOLD LANDFILL POST CLOSURE PLAN FOR THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK 1.0 INTRODUCTION In accordance with Title 6 New York Codes, Rules and Regulations (6 NYCRR) Part 360- 2.15, Landfill Closure and Post Closure Criteria, this Post Closure Plan has been prepared to describe the proposed modifications to the closed Southold Landfill, Cutchogue,New York. 1.1 Site Description and History The Southold Landfill is an inactive municipal landfill located between Oregon Road and North Road (also known as Middle Road and County Road 48) to the north and south, respectively, and Cox Lane and Depot Lane to the east and west, respectively, Suffolk County; New York (see Figure 1). The landfill is situated in a rural, agricultural area of Cutchogue, approximately 2.5 miles east of Mattituck and 8 miles west of the Incorporated Village of Greenport. The landfill property is approximately 62 acres, including the 17 acres north of the landfill which was formerly used for Town operations and 11 acres south of the landfill currently used as , a waste collection and recycling center and transfer facility. The area formerly used for landfilling, including two former scavenger waste lagoons located in the western portion of the landfill, comprises 34 acres. • The Town of Southold initiated operations at the landfill site in 1920 for the disposal of municipal solid waste, refuse, debris and scavenger (septic system) waste, and operated the landfill continuously until 1993, when it was closed. 1.2 Landfill Closure Design The current contour elevations and drainage characteristics of the closed Southold Landfill (see Figure 2) reflect the intent of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) approved Final Closure Plan design and the results of construction activities for closure/capping of the landfill. For the purposes of the following discussion, and consistent with design of the subgrade grading plan, the landfill is divided into eastern and western sections, which are delineated by the main access road which runs in a north/south direction through the center of the landfill cap area. l ®® WHITMAN G\PROJECTS\2014\14.06-15T Sun Edison Southhold Landfill\Landfill Closure Reports\Southold Landfill Post Closure Plan-FlNALdoa The final cover for the Southold Landfill was designed to: (1) support vegetation; (2) protect the hydraulic barrier layer (i.e., the geomembrane) from physical damage; (3) restrict precipitation from infiltrating the landfill waste'mass; and (4) provide collection and passive venting of the landfill gases. The installed capping system consists of the following, from the surface downward: • Topsoil Layer: A 6-inch surface layer of un-compacted soil capable of supporting vegetation; • Barrier Protection Layer: A 12-inch layer of clean fill; • Geocomposite Drainage Layer: A fabricated composite consisting of a geosynthetic (polyethylene) drainage layer (geonet) core with a nonwoven geotextile (8 oz./sq. yd., polyethylene) permanently bonded to each side of the geosynthetic drainage layer, which was installed in all drainage swales and over areas with slopes of 20 percent or greater; • Geomembrane Cap: A high-density textured 60-mil flexible polyethylene (HDPE) geosynthetic liner; • Gas Venting Layer: A 12-inch layer of sand with a minimum coefficient of permeability of 1 x 10-3 cm/sec. Passive gas vents are placed within the sand to collect gas from this layer and vent the gases to the atmosphere; and • Prepared Subgrade: The prepared subgrade surface serves as the graded and compacted surface upon which the veneered layers of the capping system are sequentially constructed. The prepared subgrade surface was achieved through a combination of activities which included: excavation of waste in areas of cut, re- landfilling of excavated waste in areas of fill, and placement of contour grading material (general fill) to achieve the proposed subgrade contours. The subgrade was completed within a 6-inch layer of soil. Because the final subgrade layer and gas venting layer comprised the same material, no geotextile was used between these two layers. The above-described capping system was constructed over the entire landfill waste mass. The addition of the solar panels on the site will have minimal impact to the load to the landfill. The existing conditions are sufficient to support the proposed load of the solar panels and associated equipment Based on the load provided by RBI,the worst case scenario has the solar rack load at 300.5 lbs/sf. The cap is constructed of approximately 2.5 feet of compacted silty sand with up to 10 2 ®® A WHITMAN G 1PROJECTS12014114-06-15T Sun Edison Southhold landfillllandfill Closure Reparts\Southald landfill Post Closure Plan-FINALdoa feet of compacted fill. The cap and fill layers should bridge over any localized soft spot in the underlying landfill material. 1.3 Purpose and Scope The purpose of the Southold Landfill Post Closure Plan is to provide information to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) on the proposed solar farm at the Southold Landfill site. The installation of the solar farm will allow for a site that is currently undeveloped to become a more productive site, producing up to 1.1408 MW DC of renewable power. This power will be sufficient to supply the landfill needs, as well as providing for revenue from the sale of excess power, to offset the maintenance cost of the landfill. All work associated with the installation of the solar panels will be conducted consistent with the revised Southold Landfill Post Closure Plan. The purpose of the Southold Landfill Post Closure Plan is to define the procedures for personnel performing routine inspection, maintenance or repair work on the landfill following its closure. The Manual is based upon the installation of the solar farm, which will allow for a site that is currently undeveloped to become a more productive site, producing up to 1.1408 MW DC of renewable power. This power will be sufficient to supply the landfill needs, as well as providing for revenue from the sale of excess power, to offset the maintenance cost of the landfill. All work associated with the installation of the solar panels will be conducted consistent with the revised Southold Landfill Post Closure Plan. Any change in use requires Town and NYSDEC approval and revision, update and/or modification of this Manual. This Manual has been prepared in accordance with 6 NYCRR Part 360 requirements at the time of its writing. The Manual is intended to ensure the following: • Site is maintained effectively and efficiently; • Site is monitored for the prescribed parameters; • All parties are aware of the specific monitoring and maintenance needs of the site; and • Provide a smooth transition of the site from the closure construction phase to the post- closure monitoring and maintenance phase. The guidelines and procedures presented in this Manual are based on site-specific information, including: • Site visits • Southold Landfill Final Closure Plan 3 W WHITMAN G\PROJECTS12014\14-06-15T Sun Edison Southhold Landhll1Landfill Closure Reports\Southold Landfill Post Closure Plan-FINALdoa • As-built construction conditions The Post-Closure Monitoring and Maintenance Manual includes the following information: • Site Inspection Guidelines • Maintenance and Repair Procedures • Ground Water Monitoring Plan • Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan • Personnel and Equipment Requirements • Contingency Plan • Post-Closure Cost Estimate • Communication Procedures _1 • Record Keeping and Reporting 2.0 SITE INSPECTION GUIDELINES Following the closure of the Southold Landfill, the site will be monitored in accordance with 6 NYCRR Part 360-2.15 criteria. The monitoring process requires the inspection of the site at least four times a year by qualified,trained landfill personnel. In addition, inspections will also be performed after a specified rainfall event(5-year storm or greater as required by NYCRR Part 360). The results of these inspections will be recorded on the Post-Closure Site Inspection Checklist, a copy of which is provided in Appendix A. The location and extent of any damage discovered during an inspection will be noted on the inspection checklist form, along with any necessary additional information. Any irregularities found during these site inspections will be remediated according to the guidelines provided in Section 3 of this Manual. A copy of all the inspection reports will be maintained on file in the offices of the Town of Southold Solid Waste Coordinator, located at the landfill site and included in the facility's annual report. 2.1 Cap Integrity During closure construction, a minimum of 18 inches of soil cover was placed over the geomembrane. The cap must be inspected to assure its continued integrity. 4 NEAV WHITMAN G.\PROJECTS\2014\14.06-15T Sun Edison Southhold Landfill\Landfill Closure Reports\Southold Landfill Post Closure Plan-FINALdoa The proposed solar array design does not require any penetration of the cap for the installation. However, it's understood that during construction the cap entirety must be maintained and repaired immediately if disturbed. This section was revised. 2.1.1 Soil Cover The soil cover will be visually inspected for signs of erosion damage, settlement, cracking, vectors, leachate or waste breakthrough, vandalism, litter and unauthorized dumping. Erosion, settlement or cracking of the cover soil will be considered damaging, based upon whether the function of the fmal cover had been impaired in the affected area, e.g., ponded storm water. The minimum fmal cover thickness must be maintained at 18 inches. The Town will perform visual observation to determine if settlement has occurred. The following will be noted on inspection logs: • Visible debris or litter(housekeeping); • Visible waste (indication of damage to the cap); • Signs of unauthorized dumping or vandalism, such as vehicular tracks or disturbed cover soil; and • Evidence of surface leachate(indication of damage to the cap). 2.1.2 Vegetation The soil cover was vegetated during the cap construction according to the seeding specifications approved through the submittal process. Inspections of the vegetation will be performed to monitor the vegetative growth and identify problem areas which require reseeding. The vegetative cover will be inspected for bare spots, dead species and undesirable species. Bare or dead areas of vegetation will be further examined for the possibility of landfill gas, erosion or vector damage. The apparent cause of any damage will be noted in the inspection report. 2.2 Storm Water Collection and Recharge System The storm water collection system for the Southold Landfill closure construction consists of open drainage swales, subsurface piping and drainage structures (such as a stilling basin, catch basins, headwalls and manholes), which convey collected storm water runoff to the three on-site ground water recharge basins (see Figure 3). Each of these structures will be monitored for wear or damage, and the results of these inspections will be reported in the inspection logs. Any 5 WHITMAN G\PROJECTS12014114-06-IST Sun Edison Southhold Landfill1Landfill Closure Reports1Southold Landfill Post Closure Plan-FINALdoa necessary repairs will be performed according to the guidelines provided in Section 3 of this Manual. All of the storm water collection, conveyance, drainage and control structures will be visually inspected for obstructions, siltation, ponded water and erosion damage, such as washouts. The location of any obstruction or damage and its cause, if known, will be noted in the inspection logs. Drainage swales will also be inspected for loss of vegetation, collection of debris or damage to the erosion control fabric. The drainage swales for Recharge Basin 2 consist of a section of reno mattresses and stone fill. The drainage swales for Recharge Basin 3 consist of a section of reno mattresses and stone fill followed by riprap aprons. The stilling basin, manholes and catch basin for Recharge Basins 1 and 3 are constructed of precast concrete. The headwalls and apron for Recharge Basins 1 and 3 are constructed of cast-in-place concrete followed by riprap and stone fill. These structures will be examined for damage or instability which could affect their performance. Erosion of soil beneath or around the structures or reno mattresses, or signs of slippage of the structures,will be noted on the inspection logs. I 2.2.1 Diversion Swales and Gravity Storm Water Drains Open drainage swales were constructed to convey storm water runoff from the landfill without damaging the integrity of the cap. The northern swales receive storm water runoff via diversion swales from the northern portion of the eastern and western halves of the landfill. Storm water from the northeastern and eastern portions of the landfill is discharged to Recharge Basin 3 and storm water from the northwestern portion of the landfill is discharged to Recharge Basin 2. The southern swales receiving storm water runoff discharge to a drain system which discharges to Recharge Basin 1. Recharge Basins 1 and 3 also receive storm water from gravity storm water drains along the southwestern and eastern edges of the landfill, respectively. The drainage swales, stilling basin, catch basins and manholes will be examined on a regular basis for signs of debris erosion and/or sediment buildup, and noted in the inspection logs. On occasion, storm water control structures may become damaged and diminished in function by intense rainfall events or by alternating freeze-thaw cycles. Stone fill is particularly susceptible to movement by erosion and undermining. Care should be taken to inspect reno mattresses, as well as the diversion swales, after intense rainfall events. If erosion or undermining is observed, the Town should notify NYSDEC immediately and corrective action should be taken. Any obstructions found in and along the storm water collection route will be promptly removed. 6 ISTN WHITMAN G 1PROJECTS12014114-06-1ST Sun Edison Southhald landfill1landfill Closure Reports'Southold Landfill Post Closure Plan-FINALdoa Eroded vegetated areas will be promptly filled with imported soil fill, compacted and seeded. Eroded or undermined armored channels, such as areas with reno mattress, will have the subgrade material repaired with material equivalent to the,Original construction and the mattress area repaired or replaced, also with material equivalent to that used in the original construction. Any sediment buildup will also be promptly removed with hand tools and will be spread over existing grassed side slopes. 2.2.2 Recharge Basins The ground water recharge basins, located on the northeast, northwest and southwest corners of the landfill, receive storm water discharge from the landfill. Periodic removal of silt and other fmes may be necessary to maintain the proper functioning of the three recharge basins. The recharge basins' side slopes will be periodically inspected and monitored for signs of erosion and repairs will be made, if required. 2.3 Access and Maintenance Roads The access and maintenance roads for the Southold Landfill consist of a main access road, • an east maintenance road, a west maintenance road and a middle maintenance road. Portions of the west maintenance road and the main access road are paved, while the remaining roads are constructed of a recycled concrete aggregate having a minimum thickness of 6 inches. Visual inspections of the roads will be conducted for potholes, erosion gullies, loss of aggregate cover and obstructions. The results of these inspections will be noted on the inspection logs and repairs made, if required. The electricity from the solar cells will need to be transmitted across the paved access road to make the connection to the grid. To facilitate this crossing, a cable trench will be installed across the road. No cap penetration is planned during the construction. See Figure 4 for the road crossing details. Typically maintenance will be performed as needed to maintain manufacturer warranty utilizing their guidelines, and surpassing these where necessary based on field experience best practices. Frequency and schedule will be included in the Sun Edison Contract. All initial repair work, related to workmanship, would be covered under Engineering, Procurement, Contractor (EPC)warranty, and EPC would be responsible for repairs. NAV WHITMAN G\PROJECTS12014114-06-15T Sun Edison Southhold LandfilRlandfill Closure Repom'Southold Landfill Post Closure Plan-FINALdoa 2.4 Landfill and Gas Monitoring A passive venting system was installed on the landfill to allow venting of landfill gases through the geomembrane. During the post-closure monitoring period, these vents will be inspected for damage, such as excessive settlement which causes stress on the geomembrane, or signs of vandalism. The vents will also be inspected for signs of vector infestation. The inspection report will reflect any damage noticed during the inspection. The functioning of these vents will be monitored during air quality testing, which will be performed at the site according to the guidelines provided in Section 5 of this Manual. Perimeter landfill gas migration control trenches are located in areas along portions of the northern, southern, western and eastern property boundaries. These trenches were constructed to control off-site migration of landfill gas. These trenches were constructed to a depth of 10 feet, lined with geotextile and filled with gravel. These trenches will likely not require any maintenance during the post-closure period. , Fifteen perimeter gas monitoring wells are located at approximately 200-foot intervals along the southern, western and eastern property boundaries. These wells are located at the property boundaries beyond the gas migration control trenches. Explosive gas monitoring at these wells will be performed regularly during the post-closure period. Explosive gas monitoring will also be performed in the scale house and at the six gas vents,in the collection center. The intent of the regular monitoring at these locations is to identify the presence and concentration of explosive gases and determine the extent of landfill gas migration, and to determine if corrective action is necessary to mitigate gas migration. Gas monitoring wells will be visually examined during each routine inspection and.the functioning of each well will be checked during each monitoring event. The details of the gas monitoring program are presented in Section 5 of this Manual. If a monitoring well sustains damage or cannot provide a representative gas reading, the well will be examined to determine whether the problem can be corrected. This determination will be facilitated by comparing data from previous monitoring activities. The inspection report will include the details of any gas monitoring well damage and the appropriate action that will be taken to correct the problem, as presented in Section 3 of this Manual. 2.5 Ground Water Monitoring Wells Twelve ground water monitoring wells are installed at six locations at the landfill. Each location comprises two wells, one shallow (water table) and one deep (approximately 100 feet below the water table). Two wells are located upgradient of the landfill to determine 8 ®* WHITMAN G\PROJECTS12014114-06-1ST Sun Edison Southhold LandfitRLandfill Closure Reports\Southold Landfill Post Closure Plan-FINALdoa background/ambient ground water quality, and the remaining wells are downgradient to monitor the landfills impact on ground water quality. Ground water monitoring wells will be visually examined during each routine inspection and the functioning of each well will be checked during each quarterly sampling event. The details of the ground water sampling program are presented in Section 4 of this Manual. If a monitoring well sustains damage, or cannot provide representative ground water samples, the well will be evaluated to determine whether the problem can be corrected. This determination will be facilitated by comparing data from previous monitoring activities to determine the cause of the problem. In particular,the following signs of damage or deterioration will be examined: • Encrustation and corrosion; • An exceptional increase in solids content(e.g., from the breakdown of the screen); • An appreciable decrease in ground water elevation, perhaps the result of these problems. The inspection report will include details of any well damage and the appropriate action that will be taken to correct the problem, as presented in Section 3 of this Manual. Damaged wells that cannot be rehabilitated will be decommissioned by appropriate methods (i.e., overdrilling, pulling of casing or grouting in place) and replaced by construction of a replacement ground water monitoring well to re-establish the integrity of the sampling plan for ground water monitoring. I I 2.6 Site Perimeter Fencing Site perimeter fencing consists of 6 or 12-foot high chain link fence and temporary fencing on the eastern boundary of the landfill. The gates for the site,are located on the east side of the landfill on Cox Lane and on the south side of the landfill on Middle Road. The fencing will be visually inspected for any signs of vandalism or trespass including, but not limited to, damaged or cut fence fabric, bent fence posts, rails or gates, damaged locks or chains, etc., and repairs will be made, if required. 3.0 MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR PROCEDURES The need for maintenance or repair work will be governed by the observations made during the regular site inspections previously described in Section 2, and records of this work will be 9 WHITMAN G-\PROJECTS\2014\14-06.15T Sun Edison Southhold LandfilAlandfill Closure Reports\Southold Landfill Post Closure Plan-FINALdoa maintained in the permanent landfill files at the Town. This section describes the maintenance and repair procedures which will be followed during the post-closure inspection and monitoring period for the Southold Landfill. The personnel and equipment requirements for this 30-year period are presented in Section 6 of this Manual. 3.1 Maintenance Routine maintenance work will be performed, as necessary, during the 30-year post closure monitoring period. Mowing, re-grading of the cover soils, access and maintenance road repair, additional seeding, vector control and the removal of undesirable vegetation species are considered typical maintenance tasks and are discussed in this section. 3.1.1 Landfill Gas Control In addition to the landfill gas monitoring program that will occur at the perimeter monitoring wells, maintenance of the gas vents will also occur. During the post-closure period, the vents will be inspected and maintained on a regular basis. 3.1.2 Drainage and Erosion Control Surface drainage features to control and convey storm water runoff have been designed for the 100-year,24-hour storm. The ground water recharge basin system has also been designed for the 100-year, 24-hour storm. The drainage swales will be maintained with grassed channels. Complete vegetative coverage will be maintained and will be inspected at the same time the landfill cap is inspected. Areas of erosion will be noted and repaired as soon as possible to maintain the integrity of the cap. Discharge areas will be inspected for foreign debris and sediment which may interfere with its proper functioning, and for areas of erosion which may degrade the integrity of the cap. The recharge basins will be kept free of litter and foreign objects that would inhibit ground water recharge and degrade the integrity of the side slopes and basin floors. Vegetation species that would inhibit access for maintenance purposes will be removed. In addition, the accumulation of silt on the basin floors, which interfere with recharge, will be removed by periodic scraping of the basin bottom. The gravity storm water drain piping, catch basins, stilling basin and manholes will be periodically inspected for debris, sedimentation and visual settlement of the catch basin, stilling basin and manhole structures. Debris and sediment in the piping, catch basins, stilling basin or manhole structures will be periodically cleaned. The cleaning will consist of rodding or flushing of the pipeline with appropriate sewer cleaning devices and hand or equipment excavation of the interiors of manholes and catch basins. If entry into any of the catch basins, stilling basin or 10 "113'; WHITMAN G\PROJECTS12014114-06-I5T Sun Edison Southhold landfill1Landfill Closure Reparts\Southold Landfill Post Closure Plan-FINALdoa manholes is required, continuous gas monitoring and ventilation of these structures with an explosion proof blower will be implemented, along with confined space entry procedures. 3.1.3 Vegetative Cover The vegetative (grass) cover will be mowed at the discretion of the Town to control the growth of wild and deep-rooted species, and to minimize the potential for the introduction of vector habitats. The frequency of each mowing event will be determined by the site conditions. Undesirable species, such as saplings or other vegetation with penetrating roots discovered during inspections, will be removed if their presence poses a threat to the integrity of the final cover system. Herbicides and insecticides will not be used to control undesirable plant and/or animal species unless the nonchemical methods do not yield desired results. NYSDEC will be notified of the use of herbicides and insecticides prior to use. Areas of the cap with dead vegetation or lack of vegetation will be inspected by qualified personnel for possible causes of defoliation and devegetation. Bare areas of the cap will be seeded according to the seeding specification provided in the Landfill Closure Construction Contract Documents (Contract No. 2000). 3.1.4 Re-Grading The effects of landfill subsidence, vandalism or gullying from minor precipitation events (i.e., not causing extensive damage to the site) may result in the need to reestablish the affected areas of the cap system. The areas of erosion or landfill subsidence which affect the performance of the cap system will be restored to original grade to prevent surface ponding and further collection of water on the cap membrane. Deterioration of the access and maintenance roads will be repaired by re-grading where possible, by the placement of additional RCA or repaving, if necessary, to provide access for routine inspections and maintenance activities. If vandalism is detected on the site, such as off-road vehicle tracks,the Town will pursue additional efforts to further restrict access to the site. 3.1.5 Vector Control and Aesthetics Vectors common to active landfill operations are not expected,to be a problem at the closed landfill. However, suspected rodent or insect infestation will be addressed by contacting qualified licensed exterminators. Prior to initiating an extermination program, the Town will advise the NYSDEC of the situation and, if necessary, develop and submit to NYSDEC an extermination work plan for review and approval. Details of the communication procedures for non-routine events are provided in Section 9 of this Manual. • 11 ' WHITMAN GIPROJECTS12014114.06-I5T Sun Edison Southhold LandfilRLandfill Closure RepartslSouthold landfill Post Closure Plan-FINALdoa 3.1.6 Access Access to and onto the landfill will be continually maintained. Vehicular access will be limited to authorized personnel and will only be accomplished through the main site entrance off County Road 48 and exit onto County Road 48, Cox Lane or the Town's Compost Facility along the western boundary of the landfill. The access and maintenance roadways will be inspected for foreign objects and vegetative growth which could degrade their integrity and inhibit access. 3.1.7 Fencing A 6-foot high chain link security fence surrounds the majority of the perimeter of the site with 12-foot high chain link fence in the vicinity of the collection center/transfer station. Two 20-foot wide double leaf gates are located at the entrance from Middle Road and Cox Lane. Periodic inspections will be made of the fences to determine if they have been damaged by vandals or the weather. Routine repairs will be made to damaged sections using the same type and quality materials as were used in the original fence installation. 3.2 Repairs This section details the procedures which could be used to perform non-routine repairs of the cap system and, as such, are considered to be outside of the scope of the normal maintenance procedures for the landfill. These activities may include, but are not be limited to, repair of storm water structures, the geomembrane, gas vents, landfill gas monitoring wells, groundwater monitoring wells and the vegetative cover. 3.2.1 Storm Water Structures Should settlement of the gravity storm water drain piping, manholes, catch basins or stilling basin be observed during routine maintenance and cleaning of the pipeline and structures, the Town will monitor the area where the settlement has occurred in order to determine the nature of the settlement and whether the geomembrane cap may have been damaged or disrupted. 3.2.2 Geomembrane If the geomembrane cap has been damaged or disrupted, the Town will immediately notify the NYSDEC of the problem and propose a plan to repair the liner. This proposed plan will incorporate the requirements for repair of the cap membrane. Upon approval by the NYSDEC of 12 Vio WHITMAN G\PROJECTS\2014\I4-06-15T Sun Edison Southhold Landfill1Landfill Closure Reports1Southald Landfill Post Closure Plan-FINALdoa the proposed repairs, the Town will proceed and implement the repairs as set forth in the proposal. Once the geomembrane cap has been repaired, or if excavation reveals that the geomembrane cap has not been damaged, the Town will backfill the area of settlement with compacted backfill material. Proper construction procedures will be followed as set forth in the closure design drawings and specifications for the Southold Landfill. 3.2.3 Gas Venting System Landfill gas vent damage will most likely occur during normal maintenance of the site, such as during mowing. If damage occurs to a gas vent, the vent will be replaced according to the approved closure construction documents. Breakage of landfill vents, which can damage the membrane beneath the cover soils or the watertight seal around the pipe penetration, will be examined. The cover soils will be removed and the membrane and pipe penetration boot inspected for damage. If damage has not occurred, the soil layers around the vent will be replaced by,hand and compacted to a minimum thickness of 18 inches. All repairs will be such that replacement layers will match and tie directly into the undisturbed portion of the cap. Damage to the membrane or the pipe penetration boot will be repaired according to the guidelines provided in Section 3 of this Manual. I 3.2.4 Landfill Gas Monitoring Wells The repairs required for the landfill gas monitoring wells may involve installation of a new monitoring well. Repair of the well will be based on the extent of the damage observed and the corrective action will be discussed with and approved by the NYSDEC prior to their implementation. Abandonment of the well will be performed in accordance with the closure construction documents and will include,but not be limited to,the following procedures: • Removal of surface protective casing and concrete slabs, as appropriate; • Overboring and removal of the casing, if present, to the greatest extent possible (minimum 5 feet); • Perforation of any casing remaining in the borehole; • Pressure grouting of the borehole from the base of the borehole with cement/bentonite grout to a depth of 5 feet below the ground surface using the tremie method; 13 vvr, NAV WHITMAN G\PROJECTS12014114-06-15T Sun Edison Southhold Landfi111Landfill Closure Reports\Southold Landfill Post Closure Plan-EINALdoa • Backfilling the remaining 5 feet with native soil and compacting to avoid settlement; • Grouted area will be periodically inspected for possible settlement; and • If subsequent settlement occurs, soil will be placed into the depression and repacked to grade level. If severe settlement occurs, the settled portion will be re-grouted and backfilled with soil. 3.2.5 Ground Water Monitoring Wells The repairs required for ground water monitoring wells may involve: 1. Redevelopment of the well; 2. Removal and replacement of the well screen; or 3. The installation of a new monitoring well. The repair technique used will be determined by the extent of the damage observed. However, any corrective measures will be discussed with and approved by the NYSDEC prior to implementation. Damaged monitoring wells that cannot be rehabilitated will be abandoned in accordance with the closure construction documents to prevent potential contaminant migration downward through/along the monitoring well. The monitoring well abandonment procedures will follow NYSDEC protocols and comprise the following: • Removal of surface protective casing and concrete slabs, as appropriate; • Overboring and removal of the casing, if present, to the greatest extent possible (minimum 5 feet); • Perforation of any casing remaining in the borehole; • Pressure grouting of the borehole from the base of the borehole with cement/bentonite grout to a depth of 5 feet below the ground surface using the tremie method; • Backfilling the remaining 5 feet with native soil and compacting to avoid settlement; • Grouted area will be periodically inspected for possible settlement; and 14 WHITMAN G\PROJECTS12014114.06.15T Sun Edison Southhold LandfiH\Landfill Unsure Reports\Southold Landfill Post Closure Plan-FINALdoa • If subsequent settlement occurs, soil will be placed into the depression and repacked to grade level. If severe settlement occurs, the settled portion will be re-grouted and backfilled with soil. 4.0 GROUND WATER MONITORING PLAN The procedures described below will be followed during the sampling and analysis of samples associated with the ground water monitoring plan. These procedures are expected to continue to be followed for all routine sampling and analysis of ground water conducted at the landfill. The ground water monitoring well network consists of 12 existing monitoring wells at the landfill. Ground water sampling will be conducted on a quarterly basis, with three of the quarters consisting of analysis for 6 NYCRR Part 360 Routine Parameters and one quarter consisting of analysis for Baseline Parameters. Quarterly sampling will be conducted for a minimum of 2 years. Once a baseline has been established, the results will be evaluated to determine if the frequency, number of wells and monitoring parameters can be modified/reduced. During each sampling event, each well will be purged a minimum of three well volumes prior to sample retrieval. Either dedicated or disposable bailers will be used to collect samples after this purging procedure. Chain of custody documents for each sample retrieved will be maintained by both the Town and the laboratory performing the quarterly sampling and analysis. i { I Field measurements will be obtained for temperature, conductivity and pH, and the static water level of each well will be determined prior to purging each ground water monitoring well. The results of the ground water sample results will be provided to NYSDEC. 5.0 LANDFILL GAS MONITORING PLAN The purpose of the landfill gas monitoring plan, which will be conducted on a quarterly basis for the first 3 years of the post-closure period and modified accordingly thereafter, is to detect the possible migration of methane gas across the boundaries of the site to neighboring properties before the gas becomes a hazard to the public safety. The procedure for methane gas monitoring and the Landfill Gas Monitoring Form are contained in Appendix C. Each of the 15 landfill gas monitoring wells will be monitored for the percent of methane accumulated in the well's atmosphere. In addition, explosive gas monitoring will be performed at - the scale house and the six gas vents located in the collection center. The results of the 15 WHITMAN GIPROJECSS12014114-06-IST Sun Edison Southhold Landfill1Landfill Closure ReportslSouthold Landfill Post Closure Plan-FINALdoa monitoring will be submitted to the NYSDEC. Any indication of dangerous levels of methane in the wells will be reported to the appropriate authorities for immediate action. The lower explosive limit (LEL) of methane is 5 percent by volume in air. When levels of methane reach 25 percent of this amount,the Contingency Plan, as described in Section 7, will be implemented. The Contingency Plan identifies the appropriate authorities to contact should excessive levels of methane be detected. 6.0 PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS The post-closure monitoring of the portions of the property not associated with the solar array Southold Landfill will be performed by the Town of Southold personnel or subcontractors retained for this purpose. The reaming areas of the array, around and under the arrays will be maintained with normal grass mowing operations, performed by Sun Edison's operation and maintenance subcontractors. Town personnel, subcontractors and or Sun Edison's operation and maintenance sub contractors retained for this purpose will be responsible for the entire site's routine operation and maintenance. In the event that a component of the landfill becomes damaged, inoperative or requires repair, the procedures outlined in Section 3 of this Manual will be followed. The personnel, and equipment requirements described below represent an estimate of the time that will be required to maintain and repair the landfill closure system. This estimate assumes that major storm events (i.e., those causing extensive damage to the landfill site) will not occur during the post-closure period and that other contingencies will not occur as discussed in Sections 7 and 9 of this Manual. 6.1 Staffing Plan The personnel required to conduct quarterly inspections and perform routine maintenance and repairs will be furnished on a part-time basis. Periodic training will be provided to Town personnel to satisfy the requirements for the monitoring and maintenance activities at the landfill. Equipment needed for operations and maintenance activities will be provided by the Town on an as-needed basis during the post-closure period. For events occurring outside the scope of the routine maintenance and repair program, the guidance described in Sections 7 and 9 of this Manual will'be followed. Sections 6.1.1 and 6.1.2 provide a summary of the required training for monitoring and maintenance personnel. Records will be routinely kept for Town personnel and are described in Section 10 of this Manual. 16NA . WHITMAN G\PROJECTS\2014\14-06-15T Sun Edison Southhold Landfill\Landfiill Closure Reports\Southold Landfill Post Closure,Plan-FINALdoa 6.1.1 Staff Training Selected Town personnel should be trained on specific duties at the site. These personnel should be given additional training in the recognition of, and response techniques to first aid, confined space entry and basic firefighting. These training programs will be updated annually and as newly developed procedures are implemented. The Town's personnel training will include conducting comparative data (laboratory and field) analyses and identifying when significant changes occur in data from period to period, as well as identifying unusual occurrences. If unusual circumstances or conditions occur, the Town will make arrangements for and acquire professional assistance, if required. Evaluations of alternatives and implementation of solutions will be directed by the Town. 6.1.2 Safety Plan The Southold Landfill after closure is not expected to expose personnel to waste or hazardous substances, and routine monitoring and maintenance activities are expected to be conducted using general site safety equipment and personal protective equipment under normal conditions. Health and safety procedures for the performance of routine operations and maintenance of the site are outlined in this section. A site specific health and safety plan for the closure of the landfill was prepared by the construction contractor to address the conditions associated with the construction of the landfill capping system and appurtenances. This plan is provided as a reference document and as a resource in the event that extensive or invasive activities or repairs become necessary in the future. The document may need to be updated to address the activities to be undertaken. Personnel involved in the post closure monitoring and maintenance of the landfill should familiarize themselves with the health and safety program which was implemented during closure construction, but should recognize that it represents conditions with heavy construction, earthwork and activities directly involving the excavation and re-landfilling waste. Based on available information, it appears that the landfill contains the following potential chemical and - physical hazards: • Methane gas; • Open drainage swales; • Large diameter drainage piping, manholes, catch basins and stilling basin; • Recharge basins; • Severe weather; and 17 Ntli' WHITMAN G-1PAOJECTS12014114-06.15T Sun Edison Sauthhold landfillllandfill Closure AeportslSouthold landfill Post Closure Plan-FINALdoa • Deer ticks. The items listed above are not meant to be all inclusive, but are a minimum listing of hazards which should be taken into consideration during the post-closure monitoring and maintenance period, and which should be considered in the approach taken during post-closure activities. The Town should include other hazards as it determines appropriate. The landfill personnel must be made aware of these potential hazards, given special instructions as needed, and utilize issued safety equipment(as necessary), all in conformance with the Town's health and safety program, and in conformance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)requirements. Methane Gas Methane, an odorless, colorless and tasteless gas, is an asphyxiant under high concentrations. There are no systemic effects, either at 5 percent concentration or for long-term exposure. Neither are there any OSHA Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL),National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommended exposure limits, or American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) threshold limit values. The prime concern associated with methane is the hazard of fire and explosion. The Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) for methane is 5 percent of air by volume and the Upper Explosive Limit (VEL) is 15 percent of air by volume. Post-closure monitoring personnel must be aware of: 1) the presence of methane gas on site; 2) the potential hazards associated with methane gas; and 3) the procedures to be followed to detect methane. Personnel must avoid generating arcs, sparks or flames in areas where methane gas is detected at levels of 10 percent of the,LEL or greater and are prohibited from smoking on site. An explosive gas/oxygen analyzer will be used to detect the presence of methane gas and determine its concentration. Open Drainage Swales/Recharge Basins There are drainage swales, approximately 2 to 3 feet deep, located throughout the landfill. Three recharge basins are located at the site. Consistent with typical industry practice, the swales and recharge basins are not fenced and, therefore, could be a potential physical hazard to personnel traveling across the site. Personnel performing inspection, maintenance or repair work at the landfill should be aware of this potential hazard and the necessary precautions needed to be taken to avoid it becoming a hazard. 18 wv- NT WHITMAN GIPROJECTS11014\14.06-15T Sun Edison Southhold Landfill\Landfill Closure Reports\Southold Landfill Post Closure Plan-EINALdoa Large Diameter Drainage Piping,Manholes, Catch Basins and Stilling Basin Along the southwest and eastern portion of the landfill are drainage systems,which include a series of open drainage swales which discharge into a buried 24- to 36-inch diameter gravity storm water drain. There are several manholes, catch basins and a stilling basin as part of the buried gravity storm water drain systems which provide access to the pipe system. It is expected that all of these buried structures will require periodic inspection, cleaning, and maintenance. Prior to entering any of these buried structures for any purpose, it is imperative that they be tested for the presence of gases, particularly methane. Confined space procedures should be implemented by personnel when entering and working in these areas. Severe Weather The Southold Landfill is open and exposed to both the sun and the wind, which can aggravate extremes of temperature. In the winter, there is little protection from the wind, and in summer, there is no screening from the sun. These conditions can potentially contribute to physical hazards, such as hypothermia, dehydration and frostbite in the cold weather, and heat rash, heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke in hot weather. Personnel performing inspections, maintenance and repair work at the landfill will be advised of the severe weather hazards and necessary precautions as part of the safety orientation program. Deer Ticks Personnel working at the landfill should take the precautions described below against possible deer tick bites. Deer ticks are carriers of the spirochete (borrelia bergdorfi), which causes Lyme disease,that can be transmitted to humans when bitten. Signs and symptoms of Lyme disease may include the following: • The most well-known warning sign is a rash, classically described as a small red area that starts at the site of a tick bite and gradually enlarges over several days. The rash, which does not appear until three to 30 days after the tick bite, may grow to several inches in diameter and is circular with a central clearing. It may be obvious or very faint. Multiple, usually smaller, rashes without central clearing may develop in some individuals. • Flu-like symptoms may precede or accompany the onset of the rash. Symptoms may include chills and fever, headache, malaise and fatigue, stiff neck and, in some cases, pain in the joints. 19 NAN WHITMAN G\PROJECTS12014\I4-06-1ST Sun Edison Southhold Landfill Landfill Closure Reports'Southold Landfill Post Closure Plan-FINALdoa • If the initial stage is not discovered and treated promptly, later stages may develop. Chronic arthritis, and in some cases heart and nervous system disorders may develop weeks to months after the tick bites. Some infected individuals may not develop either a rash or symptoms. Therefore, anyone bitten or thought to be bitten by a deer tick, or developing signs or symptoms of Lyme disease, is advised to see a physician promptly for an examination and possibly a blood test. To prevent tick bites, personnel should wear long pants made of light-colored, tightly woven cloth; tuck pants legs inside of socks; use an insect repellant; check themselves frequently; and wash themselves thoroughly at the end of each day. 6.2 Equipment The equipment utilized for post-closure monitoring and maintenance of the Southold Landfill will consist of standard construction equipment from the Town's inventory or from that of subcontractors retained by the Town for monitoring and maintenance purposes. In addition, the Town's standard maintenance equipment, such as mowers and trimmers, will be used at the discretion of the Town to maintain the site following its closure. 6.2.1 Minimum Requirements for Maintenance The principal operations to be performed by the Town on a regular basis during the post- closure period will be maintenance of the vegetative cover and the repair of cover soil erosion. Mowing operations will require the use of a heavy equipment mower which can be operated safely on steep side slopes. The soils repair will be accomplished with a front-end loader, a vibratory drum roller and a grader, as necessary, depending on the size and depth of the area which has been eroded. This equipment may be available in the Town's inventory or will be ,_ rented or leased, or provided by subcontractors retained by the Town for monitoring and maintenance purposes. The equipment must be outfitted with rollover protection cabs and backup alarms meeting the OSHA requirements for this type of machinery. The equipment will be maintained according to the Town's current maintenance schedule and additional equipment for emergencies should be available from the inventory of subcontractors retained by the Town. Because the Town will utilize necessary additional equipment from its subcontractors, resources will not be designated solely for landfill post-closure activities at the landfill. 20 • WHITMAN GIPROJECTS12014114-06-15T Sun Edison Southhold LandfillM.andfill Closure Reports\Southald Landfill Post Closure Plan.EINALdoa 6.2.2 Firefighting Equipment Fire extinguishers will be carried on all equipment used on the site for maintenance or repair work. In addition, the local fire company will provide assistance and/or equipment, as needed,to control any fires which may occur at the site. 6.2.3 Solar Array As part of the contract between Sun Edison and the Town of Southold, Sun Edison will provide operation and maintenance of the solar array, as they will own the system. Once the solar array is installed and operational, there will be no daily employee requirements to be on site. During the operation of the array, regular maintenance will be handled by an approved subcontractor to Sun Edison, which will conduct periodic site inspections and routine maintenance tasks. 7.0 CONTINGENCY PLAN The objective of the Contingency Plan is to address the events which may occur outside of the scope of the routine maintenance program. The Contingency Plan will be implemented following the discovery of a condition at the landfill which cannot be covered by routine scheduled maintenance and repair. Natural occurrences, such as storms, drought and landfill settlement, are considered "expected occurrences" and have been addressed in the previous sections of this Manual. Other situations, such as war, an earthquake or other catastrophic events, cannot be reasonably expected to occur and, therefore, are not specifically addressed in this Manual. The Contingency Plan which follows addresses new degradation of the ground water quality, the migration of methane gas and the possibility of a fire on the landfill. The guidelines which follow will be used to determine when the Contingency Plan should be implemented and which corrective measures should be implemented. The appropriate regulatory agencies and public officials will be notified of any emergency which is governed by this plan. During construction of the solar array,the following contingency plans are in place: In the event of an unexpected construction work delays caused by precipitation and other adverse weather conditions, the landfill will be maintained in accordance with this plan, and no degradation of the cap will be allowed. 21 W WHITMAN G IPROJECTS12014114-06-IST Sun Edison Southhold Landfill\Landfill Closure Reports'Southald Landfill Post Closure Plan-FINALdoa Any damaged construction materials and/or equipment will not be allowed to be installed on the landfill without the expressed consent of the licensed engineer onsite confirming that any defect will not impact the project or the effectiveness of the camp. If unavailability of approved construction materials and/or subcontractors impact the work schedule, only materials approved by the engineer will be substituted and only pre-approved subcontractors will be allowed to work on site. Any on-site personnel injury will be addressed in compliance with applicable regulations. In the event of an injury that requires more than first aid, 911 will be utilized to access assistance. If excessive dust is generated during construction, dust control will be implemented by using water to minimize dust. j f Excessive noise is not anticipated due to the lack of receptors. Any noise issue will be addresses as required but applicable laws and regulations. If there is an equipment breakdown or unavailability of equipment an alternate unit will be acquired. 7.1 Ground Water Contamination Ground water will be monitored quarterly during the first 2 years of post-closure period according to the provisions of Section 4 of this Manual. In the event that a statistically significant increase in the level of contamination emanating from the landfill via the ground water pathway occurs, the Town will notify the NYSDEC. Based on this occurrence, the next , round of sampling will include testing of the wells for the Part 360 Baseline Parameters. Should the elevated levels continue, or if new contaminants are discovered, a work plan may be - developed that will investigate the nature, extent and cause of the contamination, including the possible installation of additional ground water monitoring wells. Upon development of the work plan and completion of the investigation involved, a report will be prepared describing the findings of the investigation and providing recommendations for corrective measures, if necessary. At a minimum, any corrective measure will be accomplished in accordance with 6 NYCRR Part 360-2.20. 7.2 Landfill Gas Migration Methane gas that is vented to the atmosphere does not present a risk to human health. However, migration of gas off-site and a buildup of gas within a confined space may create an 22 IN WHITMAN G\PROJECTS12014114.06-IST Sun Edison Southhold Landfill\Landfill Closure Reports\Southold Landfill Post Closure Plan-FINALdoa explosion hazard. If it is suspected that methane gas, generation poses a health hazard, the NYSDEC will be notified and an investigation undertaken to determine whether the vent system is functioning properly. The possible responses to a gas venting problem include replacing portions of the venting system, adding new vents or venting trenches, or installing an active gas withdrawal system. Currently, a gas monitoring system exists along the southern, western and eastern boundaries of the landfill. The landfill gas monitoring wells are designed to detect the presence of methane migration. A description of the routine gas monitoring plan is provided in Section 5 of this Manual. In the event that methane gas is detected at a level equal to, or greater than 25 percent of the LEL (5 percent by volume) during the monitoring period, the NYSDEC will be notified and all steps necessary will be immediately undertaken to ensure safety and protection of human health. If deemed necessary,the following will be implemented: • Within seven days of detection, the Town will submit to the NYSDEC a report of the — methane gas levels detected and provide a description of the steps that will be taken to protect human health; and • Within 45 days of detection, the Town will submit a plan to implement a remediation plan for the methane gas releases and a schedule for implementation of the plan within 60 days after date of detection. The plan will assess the nature and extent of the gas release problem and describe the proposed remedy. 7.3 Fire and Explosion The Southold Landfill has been inactive since 1993. As a result, the likelihood of an underground fire in the waste is low. However, an aboveground (vegetation) fire is a possibility and will be reported to the local fire department immediately if it occurs. The appropriate response measure, including the safety of the personnel on the site, will be the responsibility of the Fire Department. Any damage to the landfill closure structures will be repaired according to the guidelines in Section 3 of this Manual after extinguishing the fire. 7.4 Emergency Response Emergencies are events which fall outside of the reasonable range of occurrence and have not been included in the Contingency Plan. Such events may include, but are not limited to, a catastrophic failure of one of the storm water control features or a catastrophic failure of the landfill cap. 23 ®N. WHITMAN G.\PROJECTS12014\14-06-15T Sun Edison Southhold Landfill1Landfill Closure Reports1Southold Landfill Post Closure Plan-FINALdoa 7.5 Notification Procedure For emergencies that present an immediate danger or threat to human health and welfare, the Police and Fire Departments will be notified, the affected area(s) secured and local residents warned or evacuated. For emergencies that do not present an immediate threat or danger, the NYSDEC will be notified. 7.6 Telephone Numbers Telephone numbers for emergency response personnel are provided below. Table 7-1 s ,4 Contact Numbers Town of Southold Landfill Contact: Southold Solid Waste Management District Solid Waste (631) 734-7685 Coordinator Southold Police Department (631) 765-2600 Local Emergency Response 911 Cutchogue Fire Department 911 Ambulance 911 Medical Services 911 Eastern Long Island Hospital 201 Manor Place, Greenport,NY 11944 (631)477-1000 NYSDEC Region 1 Division of Solid and (631)444-0375 Hazardous Material NYSDEC Albany—Division of Solid and (518) -402-9706 Hazardous Waste Suffolk County Department of Health Services (631) 853-3081 Whitman(Solar Consultant) (732) 390-5858 Sun Edison (888) 786-3347 8.0 POST-CLOSURE COST ESTIMATE This section of the Manual provides an estimate of the costs expected to be incurred during the post-closure monitoring and maintenance of the Southold Landfill. This annual cost estimate is based on 2015 dollars. The projected cost of the three basic components (inspection, 24 v 16, WHITMAN G 1PROJECTS11014114.06-15T Sun Edison Southhold LandfilRlandfill Closure ReportsSSouthold Landfill Post Closure Plan-FINALdoa monitoring and maintenance) is presented below. The total projected cost during the 30-year ' post-closure period, based on quarterly inspection and monitoring, and an escalation rate of 5 percent annually, is approximately $2,654,136. However, certain variables may affect these estimated costs: • The extent or severity of storms which exceed the design standards and result in severe erosion or other natural calamities; • Weather extremes, such as drought or extensive frozen ground; • A change in ground water quality which could require the installation of additional monitoring wells or additional testing of the existing wells; • A change in ground water quality which could require less testing; • Migration of landfill gas beyond the perimeter of the landfill which could require the installation of additional monitoring wells or additional testing; and • Increase in annual escalation rate, fees, special levies, changes in insurance rates or other unexpected administrative costs. 8.1 Inspection Costs It is assumed that it will take one person to perform the inspection at an hourly rate of$50 per hour. Assuming that the inspection will be performed during a 4-hour period, this would amount to $200 per inspection. The landfill will be inspected four times per year; therefore, the annual estimated cost of performing the site inspections is estimated to be $800 per year. 8.2 Maintenance Costs Routine maintenance of the landfill cap is anticipated to include three activities: 1) repair of erosion damage to the landfill cap, drainage swales, access road and maintenance roads; 2) mowing landfill vegetation; and 3) removal of silt and debris from the drainage structures, including the gravity storm water drainage systems and recharge basins. Estimating this work requires assumptions based on previous post-closure monitoring experience, as well as knowledge of the site weather history. Repair costs will generally involve a minimum of two workers and appropriate equipment. Routine repairs are anticipated to involve one 8-hour day per specific component (e.g., drainage swales), and routine repair to the access and maintenance roads and landfill cover system is anticipated to take two days for each occurrence. On average, it is expected that the erosion repair and maintenance of the swales, stilling basin, manholes, catch basins and drainage outlet structures will be performed twice per year. 25 f2N. WHITMAN G\PROJECTS\2014\14.06-1ST Sun Edison Southhold landfill\landfill Closure Reports\Southold Landfill Post Closure Plan-FINALdoa Mowing (at the discretion of the Town) will occur once per year. Routine erosion repair of the vegetative cover and to the roads will probably occur twice per year. The cost of these maintenance services, including general site maintenance, is anticipated to average approximately$16,760 annually. Other costs which may be incurred during the maintenance period include groundwater and landfill gas monitoring, monitoring well repair or replacement, gas vent repair or replacement, reconstruction of drainage structures, or repairs to the geomembrane or barrier protection cover. These costs are contingent upon need and, therefore, are unable to be estimated at this time. However, an amount equal to approximately 25 percent of the routine inspection and - maintenance costs is estimated for contingencies. This amount for these non-routine (contingent)repairs is estimated to be approximately $4,240 per year. While it is not expected to be used each year, it is anticipated that over the post-closure life of the facility, non-routine repairs will occur that will necessitate the use of contingent monies. Unspent contingency budget monies should be carried over, and accrued, from year to year. 8.3 Monitoring Costs 8.3.1 Ground Water Monitoring Twelve wells will be utilized to monitor ground water during the post-closure period. It is anticipated that well sampling will be conducted by two field personnel, and that two (8-hour) days will be required for collection of a complete round of samples. With four rounds of monitoring required each year, a field labor budget of$6,400 is anticipated. Ground water sampling will be conducted on a quarterly basis consisting of analysis for Part 360 Routine Parameters. The annual budget for laboratory analyses of ground water samples is estimated to be $19,600. An estimated cost of$8,000 per year will be required to cover costs for sampling equipment resulting in a total annual groundwater monitoring budget of $34,000 per annum. 8.3.2 Landfill Gas Monitoring Gas monitoring will be conducted on a quarterly basis during post-closure period. This involves the effort of one individual for a 4-hour day for each monitoring event. This results in a labor and equipment expense of$9,600 on an annual basis. 2614. >a , WHITMAN G\PROJECTS\2014\I4-06-15T Sun Edison Southhold Landfill\Landfill Closure Reparts'Southold Landfill Post Closure Plan-FINALdoa 9.0 COMMUNICATION PROCEDURES During the 30-year post-closure period at the Southold Landfill,routine inspections will be performed quarterly as described in Section 2 of this Manual. In addition to these scheduled inspections, non-routine inspections may be necessary as a result of extraordinary incidences which may occur at the landfill, such as fires,natural disasters or significant vandalism. Sections 2 and 3 of this Manual identify the procedures to be followed for routine site inspections and scheduled maintenance and repair. The procedures outlined in Sections 2 and 3 will also be followed in the event that a non-routine inspection is required. This section of the Manual outlines the recommended communication procedures to be followed in the event that a component of the landfill site becomes damaged, inoperative or requires non-routine repairs. Table 7-1 lists the telephone numbers of the appropriate authorities to contact in case of , emergencies. 9.1 Vandalism Routine inspection of the soil cover will reveal if any unauthorized dumping or vandalism has occurred on site. Should this occur, inspection personnel will record evidence of such activity (e.g., vehicle tracks) or attempt to identify source of the illegally placed waste and those who caused the vandalism, and immediately notify the Town. One form of vandalism that may occur on this landfill during the post-closure period will be the result of off-road vehicles using the area. These vehicles tend to damage vegetation and create ruts, possibly exposing the geomembrane and damaging it. When vandalism, trespassing or unauthorized dumping has occurred, the Town will evaluate site security procedures to identify the probable access route and will augment the security procedures to prevent such access, as needed. If the site cannot be secured through the use of existing resources, and the Town determines that additional labor or materials are needed to protect the site,the Town will obtain an appropriate commitment of specialty resources. In addition, to determine if any of the landfill components have been damaged as the result of significant vandalism, an emergency site inspection will take place. The Town Solid Waste Coordinator will coordinate and direct all emergency repairs. 9.2 Fires All Town equipment, or equipment used by subcontractors retained by the Town, used for maintenance and/or repair work, will be equipped with fire extinguishers. However, should a 27 ®� WHITMAN G 1PROJECTS12014114-06-15T Sun Edison Southhold Landfill\Landfill Closure Reports\Southold landfill Post Closure Plan-FINALdoa fire occur which cannot be contained by on-site personnel or equipment, the local fire department will be contacted. In addition, the Town Solid Waste Coordinator will be notified immediately so that he/she can coordinate the other on-site activities. After a fire,the Town will determine if any of the landfill components were damaged. A site investigation will be undertaken according to the procedures outlined in Section 2 of this Manual. The Town will coordinate and direct all emergency repairs and notify the appropriate agencies of any adverse conditions at the site. 9.3 Natural Disasters Some natural disasters that might occur at the site may include, but not be limited to, hurricanes, heavy rains, ice storms, lightning strikes and/or floods. Other natural phenomena, such as tornadoes and seismic events, are unlikely to occur at the site due to its geographic location. Should one or more of these events take place, Town personnel (or personnel of subcontractors retained by the Town)will follow emergency procedures to ensure protection and prevent personal injury during the event, and will notify the Town of any evident damage or threatening conditions that have been created as a result of the event. Damage that might occur as a result of such events includes erosion of the cover system and clogging of storm water conveyance structures. Lightning strikes to trees could result in trees falling across site roadways and fire. If a severe storm event or other natural phenomena has caused significant damage to the landfill, or if the landfill has sustained significant damage, an emergency site inspection will be undertaken to determine the extent of such damage. When the Town determines that conditions are safe to inspect the site, it will dispatch a team of qualified personnel to inspect the site as described in Section 2 of this Manual. The Town will coordinate and direct all emergency repairs and notify the appropriate agencies of adverse conditions at the site. 9.4 Vectors During site inspections, vector infestation may be evidenced by the presence of burrow holes or nests. Should infestation be discovered to pose a potential threat to the integrity of the landfill cover system or other site components, the Town will be notified of these conditions. _ The Town will contact an appropriate extermination service to eliminate rodents or insects, as needed. 28 `N WHITMAN G\PROJECFS12014114-06.15T Sun Edison Southhold landfill1Landfill Closure Reports\Southold Landfill Post Closure Plan-FINALdoa 9.5 Methane The site will be monitored quarterly for methane at 15 locations to determine the percent of methane accumulated within the landfill gas monitoring well's atmosphere. Methane gas monitoring will also be performed in the scale house and six vents in the collection center. It is expected that these procedures will be followed throughout the 30-year post-closure period. In the event that the recorded methane levels exceed 25 percent of the lower explosive limit (LEL), contingency planning will be implemented as described in Section 7 of this Manual. 9.6 Dust Prolonged dry periods are not expected to present the same problems at the closed/capped landfill as at an operating landfill because of the presence of vegetative cover. To prevent blowing dust, the landfill cap must maintain complete vegetative cover. This will prevent the cap from desiccation under prolonged dry conditions. However, during such periods, the use of areas that are not vegetated(e.g., access roads)will be minimized. 9.7 Storm Water Control System The storm water control system will be inspected to determine if siltation has occurred or if debris has accumulated which would impede the flow of storm water through the conveyance system or recharge into the ground water. In the event that siltation has occurred, it will be noted on the inspection form and the Town will be notified so that the appropriate action can be taken to clean the conveyance system or clean the recharge basin. Drainage swales of the storm water conveyance system will be inspected for excessive build-up of silt; the gravity drain, manholes, catch basins and stilling basin will be cleared of silt and other debris; and the recharge basins will be scraped to remove silt and other fine particles that would prevent or impede ground water recharge. 9.8 Excessive Landfill Settlement The landfill will periodically be visually inspected for cap integrity and differential settlement to determine if a change has occurred which could indicate potential malfunction of one of the landfill closure components. If it is determined through the evaluation that certain areas have settled to the point where the integrity of the cap system may be jeopardized, the Town will notify the NYSDEC. Upon a physical examination of the site by the Town and the NYSDEC, a work plan will be prepared to repair any damage that may have been caused to the landfill cover system. 29 WHITMAN G\PROJECTS\2014\14.06-IST Sun Edison Sauthhold Landfi111Landfill Closure Reports\Southold Landfill Post Closure Plan-FINALdoa 9.9 Ground Water Contamination Should there be a statistically significant increase in the level of contamination emanating from the site via the ground water pathway, the NYSDEC will be notified and the Town or its subcontractor will monitor the Part 360 Baseline Parameters during the next round of sampling. Should the elevated levels continue, or if new contaminants are discovered, the Town will prepare a work plan to investigate the nature, extent and cause of the contamination. The work plan will be submitted to the NYSDEC for approval. Following implementation of this work plan, the results will be evaluated and recommendations for corrective measures will be made to NYSDEC. 9.10Solar Array The solar array will be periodically maintained for equipment replacement issues and or testing. During these site visits, if any noticeable issues arise as it relates to the landfill, Sun Edison will report to the Town of Southold, at which point the Town will follow procedures within this report. 10.0 RECORD KEEPING AND REPORTING 10.1Record Keeping The Town will maintain records of inspections,maintenance(routine and non-routine), and monitoring of the landfill. Table 10-1 presents a schedule summary of the overall inspection, record keeping and maintenance schedules for operations and monitoring to be conducted at the landfill. This information will be recorded and maintained in the Town files. Some of the information will be reported to NYSDEC as presented in Section 10.2. The remaining information will be available in the files maintained at the Town offices. Records also will be maintained regarding the results of the environmental monitoring plan as presented in Sections 4 and 5 of this Manual. 10.2Reporting The Town will prepare and submit quarterly reports to NYSDEC on ground water and landfill gas monitoring, and an annual report to summarize the operation, maintenance and monitoring of the landfill as described below. 30 TNNI WHITMAN G 1PROJECTS12014114-06-l5T Sun Edison Southhold Landfill\Landfill Closure Reports\Southold Landfill Post Closure Plan-FINALdoa 10.2.1 Ground Water Quality Reports Ground Water Quality Monitoring Reports will be prepared and submitted to the NYSDEC Region 1 office quarterly. Summary ground water quality data will be included as a component of the Annual Monitoring Report. These reports will contain the following information: • Results of ground water sampling events; and • An analytical review of the data to determine exceedances of applicable water quality criteria, as well as discernable trends in data. Table 10-1 INSPECTION,RECORD KEEPING AND MAINTENANCE SCHEDULES Item Activity Frequency Inspect landfill area for litter dumping and integrity of perimeter fencing Weekly Equipment maintenance and repairs As Required Clean landfill access and maintenance roads As Necessary Maintain access and maintenance roads As Necessary ; Clean storm water conveyance systems and recharge basins to maintain As Necessary design capacity Mow vegetation As Determined by the Town Maintain and resurvey vertical and horizontal control monuments As Necessary Perform topographic survey of landfill As Necessary Update Emergency Contingency Plan As Necessary Solar Array Settlement Survey Annual Note: All environmental controls and monitoring systems are to be routinely checked for damage weekly, and inspected prior to forecasted major storms and after severe inclement weather. 10.2.2 Landfill Gas Reports Landfill Gas Monitoring Reports will be prepared and submitted to the NYSDEC quarterly and as a component of the Annual Monitoring Report, and will contain the following: • A compilation of the methane monitoring results; • An analysis of trends observed; and 31 ® WHITMAN G:IPROJECTS12014114-06-15T Sun Edison Southhold Landfill\Landfill Closure Reports\Southald landfill Post Closure Plan-FIRALdoa • An analysis of exceedances and a description of any special steps taken to respond to or remediate the exceedances. 10.2.3 Annual Monitoring and Maintenance Report An annual report for the Southold Landfill will be submitted to the NYSDEC no later than 60 days after the first day of January of each year. This report will include: • A summary of all routine operations and maintenance activities; • A summary of all routine inspections; • A summary of all non-routine inspections; • A compilation and summary of all emergency activities; • A compilation and summary of all groundwater quality data collected during the year; • A compilation and summary of all landfill gas data collected during the year; • A summary of all routine and contingent expenses incurred throughout the year; and • Any changes from the approved reports, plans and specifications will be listed, with justification provided for each change. 1 10.2.4 Solar Array Vertical Survey An annual report of a vertical survey of the ballast racks will be prepared and submitted to the Town of Southold by Sun Edison and or it approved sub-contractor,to monitor the settlement of the landfill at the location of the solar array. The survey will include elevation shots taken on various locations on the ballast blocks in order to monitor the effects of settlement on the solar array. ` 32 ®` . y WHITMAN G:\PROJECTS12014\I4-06-15T Sun Edison Southhold Landfill\Landfill Closure Reports'Southold Landfill Post Closure Plan-FINALdoa FIGURES ®` WHITMAN � , dol - ��� mar-: Duck Pond _ xr •L • 4\\ • {J ,-� ''' •-)Y " - • • ��� 56 } 64i ' i 5 O 'c ----"---- i `` ,� /- " -A, . ,„ ,-- , ^ 'os1TE ' '.---\\.N : , ,..,____:„. ,,,, . vulk% 1. !� s. . .-.'-f•i- 4r i° H •— ---'', 41\ itlii,": As*Z'l',-,-' ' % a- +� i '' .'. N 915 -.--,./ �r,tis ,f ) ..... ,... 4.�` j } ,,' � e,. .k f ./�o -'�...... ,.' i i Sacre51- earl ., sh u • �•• '-,Cern `' _ /- I I �. .. _ • ©Ely) 40I`tt1 :.'7;::: -'.....\-::: ..�0 \ L ,r:` 13 !. { /l - 5 ( ,..-1...:.\'',,c`,-- -.. i' ' • )• , __ `tom,. . s.. ` 34 SCALE 1:24000 1 1/2 0 1 MILE 1 I 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 FEET .5 .25 0 .5 KILOMETER * 14'14 GN 6155 COX LANE YORK W SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY 's 231 MILS 1'51' SITE LOCATION ON USGS 33 MILS WHITMAN SOUTHOLD & MATTITUCK HILLS, N.Y. QUADRANGLES s 1� ORIGINAL BY: DRAWN BY: DRAWING NO: UTM GRID AND 1981 MAGNETIC NORTH GSB GSB 14-06-15T DECLINATION AT CENTER OF SHEET QUADRANGLE LOCATION CHECKED BY: DATE: FIGURE NO: AE MARCH 2015 1 Z:\WHITMAN\2014\14-06-15T Sun Edison Southold Londfill\Environmental\140615 — Fig 1 — USGS.dwg 1 /I-- ° \�`\`\\\`- �P1`1\ I� l\V fi/! ;l \'' 11 , /c I I \) f'- -------_____-:,---:14/// \ J I�III'\` /j ��-' , ),..))A\ . , r-'r"r` 1 I � � j, I --- if, _._ `);--) ( / \_-c , / \ 1\ \ \ \ --/ I \ \ \ \ � j\\ NJ' 11` l \ \'� I i 1 / 1\\ - - ----'—',------ --v'----) _ /'�/`� IIIIIK" / i%—_-_-„-------=---�i '1( - II \\\ \ \• - -'----7_,/ I. ) ? n________'n----- --=-1- --<--- ,---_-:--------;---;-_ -_ -_, r___\ ,--2.-._ --___:-_-----_---_-_=-2---- ___ _-_----- - , 0 \\ ___ __, __ _))/ .-_.x.-„ L_„1_____ , ___-- _ ._---- .i 1 ci..„..„,„-- -2::''' \l's1 11 t A\ \_ ---!:---;--1:—:-;---- --:: 1.----_-7-_-_---__-::%----_____----------- ----L-=-----1 - -' 7------'------------- --7-\ -) ----i I --------- - -----4 \ ' ,, i 11 nit � ` \\�- �� _1- / r� , �/ ,/��.:l_�__ i,,,�k IIIii__I___, � ,�.�/ ' f; - i 1 ' - - %=� - ,, 1 % '" ....., .., 0 .,.....,, ,, ., „,,,, \ ,,,, 11--01 _\ ',11 , •.\--,.,, ___ - ___---7-___-- ----- 01,,,,_______.- -- i , _---_-_--- ---- -__-- _------ ._-__--- ---J----17__-2--------------------77:_ 0;,;------..0 --'7-`--\ \i\*..10',"'''' \ ' L - ik) 1,\ / / _____--, _, - ----- C !_411_ ,-.2:_,_______i___--- ,-__-___E---_,- -- _____.:2-__,:j_-_- _--1--7=_T- _____ _-:-;w___----;:01\Sc'kz,$,r_os,,,*$i",:*,,ZI:ez, \ \\\\\\\ \:'-,‘\, \\ \ - i i i / 1) `` \ / r__/ ____ / ------- r ! ��_� �— —� \\ t``.�� �t Y ♦`\% ♦% \ o O lot) 1 \ \ %\ `'I li / it i !!! ��' L-_R OPOSED SOLAR ARRAY(TYP) e, ♦"�,`,�)``- t<JO,�\`��`- ,oO,t`C�`♦`\,t``��``` I ,\�`�t``��,, ,t``�1,/' ,O`0�``�) l` �,,1 \ + , is. / �- _ \ `\♦`t♦CY ,\�O�,,t♦' ,\\♦`♦,C� ,♦,\`1O` ��t``♦`�Y ♦♦P`9`♦ /,♦`\jt,,i 1 ` EXISTING 1 A \vfx )1 'xl ' ` .I / --v LIMIT OF PROPOSED WORK/ ,,,,,t`�Ttt ♦``\�1�♦,?,,' O`��1,`' \P`N``'Y``` ,/,1‘11::'%%h":149/:31"‘.:11:: ``', '%%h `, 1 ♦, I --A,,...•--.,. ./1: t ---• f," 'c' c•E a, rr- \\ j'\ \ �E � ��• s�A�t�rtrm,�►� fb • f i \jIJ1,J f•!I•T.r1a f >y'rr•�'ri'r,A a�'a`�`n �•yn. 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PIPE AT INVERT• -'=\ \ uurt OF GP iI�Il1`~' • 'j- .'. - ".'u, i /yi,7_-,-_-_-.1. ,�_!A , '\ , \ / `lip. ,`i' kr 1', - _ .� \TO BE - 77 ,..4.1 , {.. : 11 111RECHARGE BASIN�, / \ AND REPLACED w711H �. L• � - ,n....`. � -_ _ ":11:11t-LiI \ G1.1 CULVERT ro BASIN Not / � 7 , •m,..^1pj*0... LAPIS oa wnum,nn6 NKA (ONE 16•/WPE) . � e�•L�v � , /-,,, ALE 2 s..,e. :rbc 7 pt CON MEA KLGMA W - •--- OFF __--- x€t..tx,'ti.�..:' .. 1 0 200 1B-. ,N WP[aF,9R PPE / - .£0.44y9r,L •, •, -l' L! ,q_y�y APPROXIMATE K •� - �T�_ tiTa'�'•.. 1 i E-OrNACE LAYER \ SOUTHOLD LANDFILL / 6155 COX LANE SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK WHITMAN EXISTING RECHARGE BASINS REFERENCE: PROJECT MANAGER: DRAWN BY: PROJECT NO: DRAINAGE PLAN TAKEN FROM PLANS ENTITLED "SOUTHOLD LANDFILL FINAL CLOSURE C.R. P.E. 14-06-15T CHECKED BY: DATE: FIGURE NO: PLAN" BY DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI CONSULTING ENGINEERS DATED DECEMBER 1998. C.R. MAY 2015 3 Z:\WHITMAN\2014\14-06-15T Sun Edison Southold Landfill\Environmental\140615— Fig 3 — Existing Recharge Basins.dwg PROPOSED CABLE TRENCH THRU ,- PROPOSED CABLE TRAY ROAD,TO BE OLDCASTLE ON SUPPORTS(TYP.) PLASTIBETON CABLE TRENCH(PBCS) OR APPROVED EQUAL VEGETATIVE - .�.MlVOTA..2i y.t.. r. - GROGYTHMED/UM ����.- •I�L1�1{'#��1 f f,• •1 .• • • I��.Iyf• 1`-1"44-7.-71---4".77.---.4,,„,_,.. 1-ill'nes11. •-3�-vis s `eY�7 tT4��, —�f. 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N.T.S. MAY 2015 4 Z:\WHITMAN12014\14-06-15T Sun Edison Southold Landfill\Environmental\140615-Fig 4-Road Cross Section dwg