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HomeMy WebLinkAbout4864 f ? APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS ��,��,�fF®� ` ®S �C Southold Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman ���b�®� `, ; Gy 53095 Main Road �� � � A , P.O. Box 1179 James Dinizio, Jr. � ®eta �-„ • ,�Y y 4 � . IvoSouthold,New York 11971-0959 Lydia A.Tortora Lora S. Collins 4, `W �' ZBA Fax(631)765-9064 George Horning ®� � ��®oi'�� Telephone(631)765-1809 °mac' gyp. BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 12, 2001 William F. Bonesso, Esq. 330 Old Country Road P.O. Box 31 Mineola, NY 11501 Re: Appl. No. 4864—Rosen Application Dear Mr. Bonesso: The above project has been inactive for many months. Since you have indicated in your last correspondence to the Board (dated February 15, 2001) that the applicant is not proceeding with the project plan, and that a different plan may be submitted for review to the agencies, we are returning the above application. If your new plan is going to be the subject of another appeal of a Building Department's determination, you may submit a new application for review, after submission of all the application documents listed on the attached instruction sheet. The inactive application is returned and deemed obsolete an withdrawn. ery truly yo s, j GERARD P. GOEHRINGER CHAIRMAN Enclosures . DI tf � ' � ti For Office Use Only: Fee$ �D -.-".' _ ,� Assigned No. f�G TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORKsees,,. / k '-/3--c APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR DATE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR'S DECISION APPEALED: .4 gust 14, 2000 Martin Rosen TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS: I (We) (Appellant) of 5472 Weidner Avenue? Oceanside, NY 11572 (Tel #, ) HEREBY APPEAL THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR N DATED DATED August.•1 FOR:R14 WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED AN ( ) Permit to Build j� () ,,ti .( ) Permit for Occupancy ( ) Permit to Use �`( ) Permit for As-Built ( x) Other: Revocation of Permit No. 265{62 to onstruct an acce sort' ham radio tower. LI 1. Location of Property 11780 Sound Avenue, Mattituck Zone District 1000 Section...1G.l...Block..a..lot(s) 44 Current Owner Martin Rosen 2. Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. (Indicate Article, Section, Subsection and parwraph of Zoning Ordnance by numbers. Do not quote the law.) Article lection 100- . :2.. .Sub-Section ....8 100-/'41-G 100-141A 3. Type of Appeal. Appeal is made herewith for: ( ) A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map ( ) A Variance due to lack of access as required by New York Town Law Chap. 62, Cons. Laws Art. 16, Section 280-A. ( ) Interpretation of Article S ch n 100- (X ) Reversal or ®titer• Reversal of re ()cation of Permit No. 265462 4. Previous Appeal. A previous ap eal (has) (has n been made with respect to this property or with respect to this decisi f the Buildin nsp \tor(Appeal # Year ) is maybe us d with at, cant's signature): REASONS FOR APPEAL (Additional she ,,REA VARIANCE REA ..S: (1) An undesirable chan ill not be produced in th- CHARACTER of the neighborhood or a detriment to rearb •r•perties, if granted, becaus� (2) The "hi, sought by the applicant C '1 •1be achieved by some method feasible for the app ca t to pursue, oth\ han an ,r=a variance, because: (3) The amou t of rel of requested i no substantial because: (4) The vari nce w II NOT 04- •n adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental -onditi ns in the -'-hborhood or district because: (5) Has the alleged diffiCultt been self-created? ( ) Yes, or •( ) No. This is the MINIMUM that is necessary and adequate, and at the saritielime preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood and the- health, safety, and welfare of the community. ( ) Check this box if USE VARIANCE STANDARDS are compYeted' ' CIttach ?i7adk---IL-1 'bt4tt------- before e this (Signature of Appellant or Authorized Agent) 915-'‘day of .1;;lir .. , Odd. (Agent must submit Authorization from Owner) ,- Martin Rosen War `u TBA A.A . 0; s o JOSE F.BUZZELL Notary Public,State of New York No. 028U5041390 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires April 3,2001 t • . • Appeal Application, Continued BOARD OF APPEALS : TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK:STATE OF NEW YORK x Application of Martin Rosen Appeal Application (Continued) Property ID# 1000-141-3-44 REASONS FOR USE VARIANCE x Continuation of Appeal Application for a Use Variance (when applicable): For Each and Every Permitted Use under the Zoning Regulations for the Particular District Where the Project is Located (please consult your attorney before completing): (1) The applicant CANNOT realize a REASONABLE RETURN because: N/A • (2) The HARDSHIP relates to the property and does not apply to a substantial portion of the district or neighborhood because: N/A (3) The relief requested will not alter the essential CHARACTER of the neighborhood because: N/A (4) Has the alleged difficulty been self-created? ( ) Yes, or (X) No. (5) This is the MINIMUM that is necessary and adequate, and at the same time will preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety, and welfare of the community because: N/A • (6) The spirit of the zoning ordinance will be observed. (7) The public safety and Welfare will be secured and substantial justice done. // D,_ (Signature 7. -d Agent) Martin kl j Swor to before,�a this SES - I; 13" day of,/./),/7"..'a�... ., 2044. 2000 �I _ ►• Pu ic) Nota JOSEPH F.BUZZELL rY ublic,State of New Yp� Plo• 028Ut,4 f 390 } . Quas, in Suffolk Cou t%ommission Expires April 3.,20®1 ZBA App 08/00 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT r .41,� 40 SOUTHOLD, N.Y. NOTICE OF REVOCATION DATE; August 14, 2000 TO Martin Rosen 3472 Weidner Ave Oceanside NY 11572 Please take notice that your permit dated June 1, 2000 For permit to construct an accessory ham radio tower(permit#26546Z) Location of property 11780 Sound Avenue Mattituck County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 141 Block 3 Lot 44 Subdivision Filed Map# Lot# Is returned herewith and revoked on the following grounds pursuant to Article XXVIII Section 100- 282B which states; § 100-282. Revocation of permit. The Building Inspector may revoke a building permit theretofore issued and approved in the following instances: B. Where he finds that the building permit was issued in error and should not have been issued in accordance with the applicable law. Subject property, in LI zone, had a pre-existing non-conforming dwelling as principle use. This use was lost pursuant to Article XXIV Section 100-241G. Subject property does not contain a permitted principle use pursuant to'Article XIV Section 100-141A. An accessory use cannot exist without a principle use. Authorized Si ure + '' , • ��`. NPPLIISCT TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE 17,' _ The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics pcoh�.bits conflicts of .1 interest on the part of town officers atid""e'ii:ployees. The purpose of this form is to provide information which can 9 alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. Y YOUR NAME: Rosen. Martin (Last name, first name, middle initial, unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a company. If so, indicate the other person's or company's name.) , • NATURE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Tax grievance Variance Change of zone Approval of plat Exemption from plat or official map t Other (If "Other," name the activity.) Appeal of Building Inspector's decision Do (or revoking Permit NO 265462 youpersonally throughyour company, spouse, sibling, parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. "Business interest" means a business, including a partnership, in • which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the shares.. - YES NO X • If you answered "YES,". complete the balance of this form and • date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself (the applicant) and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A) through D) and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check all that apply): A) the owner of greater than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant . is a corporation); $) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a noncorporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); . C) an officer, director, partner, or employee of the applicant; or D) the actual applicant. j DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP 17 :d /� LI li7a7 //Nl_Y P ''.E7//2 s Submitted th s day, f _ / 1 Signature /` L � Print name Martin Rosen . , ; t 4 • QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR Z.B.A. APPLICATION A. Please disclose the names of the owner(s) and any other individuals (and entities) having a financial interest in the subject premises and a description of their interests: (Separate sheet may be attached.) N/A B. Is the subject premises listed on the real estate market for =. sale or being shown to prospective buyers? { } Yes ( X } No. (If Yes, please attach copy of "conditions" of sale. ) C. Are there any proposals to change or alter land contours? { } Yes ( x) No D. 1. Are there any areas which contAin wetland grasses? NO 2. Are the wetland areas shown on the map srhmitted with this application? NO _ 3 . Is the property bulkheaded between the wetlands area and the upland building area? NQ 4. If your property contains wetlands or pond areas, have you contacted the Office of the Town Trustees for its determination of jurisdiction? NO E. Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the area of •proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea level? N/A (If not applicable, state "N.A.") F. Are there any patios, concrete barriers, bulkheads or fences which exist and are not shown on the survey map that you are submitting? None If none exist, please state "none." G. Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning ng your premises? No If yes, please submit a copy • of your building permit and map as approved by the Building Department. If none, please state. H. Do you or any co-owner also own other land close to this parcel? No If yes, please explain where or submit copies • of deeds. I. Please list present use or operations conducted at this parcel rpcidantial dwellings and proposed use �Qrrecsnry Ham Radio Tow .> -Q ..oi,.12adio Signals. !1! 1---172ak "44 • Authorized Signature and Date 14 Martin Rosen 3/87, 10/901k .�_�_�. ... ,of eNy CSG; JEAN W. COCHRAN GREGORY F.YAKABOSKI ���_ , yd: �• ®� ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE �� � p` ��; Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK s� P.O. Box 1179 % • Southold, New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS k P MARRIAGE OFFICER : I" Fax(631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER --2.169.1 • ,1• Telephone (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER ,, psi '� OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Elizabeth A.Neville DATED: September 7, 2000 RE: Zoning Appeal No. 4864 Transmitted herewith is Zoning Appeals No. 4864—Martin Rosen -Zoning Board of Appeals application for reversal of Revocation of Building Permit. Also included is a cover letter from Forchelli, Curto, Schwartz, Mineo, Carlino, & Cohn, a request for refund letter from Forchelli, Curto, Schwartz, Mineo, Carlino, & Cohn, a Notice of Revocation from the Building Department, a building permit application, an applicant transactional disclosure form, a ZBA questionnaire, two Notice of Appeals, two property surveys, and a copy of plans. 2/3/0, - a,„ -761 Town Of Southold is M P.O Box 1179 t Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 09/06/00 Receipt#: 2212 Transaction(s): Subtotal 1 Application Fees $600.00 Check#: 2212 Total Paid: $600.00 Name: Rosen, Martin 11780 Sound Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 Clerk ID: LYNDAB Internal ID: 17537 Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 : ,,. Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 09/06/00 Receipt#: 2212 Transaction(s): Subtotal 1 Application Fees $600.00 Check#: 2212 , Total Paid: $600.00 • Name: Rosen, Martin 11780 Sound Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 Clerk ID: LYNDAB Internal ID:17537 / _,_, It - , - q -ale' Jo, A' , r'd ,,,, , 0„c#A.1 1 _,„ ., 4 c- . rb 600°"0:d\1 9/10/01 ZBA Internal Updates/Reminders for Chairman and Members: , I A) Re: Rosen — Please advise if the incomplete application before the Board should be returned. Please see attached letter from Town Attorney asking for ZBA action. If you do not want application returned, please advise the procedure that you wish to take as an alternative. , B) Re: Walz— Markers have been placed to show height of dwelling as requested by ZBA (by Fairweather-Brown). Chairman has been there to view markers and recommends Board Members visit the property to view the markers also. ZBA Hearing is 9/20. Thank you. cc: ZBA Members n ,„ ��. ��v CSG JEAN W. COCHRAN GREGORY F.YAKABOSKI ���_ 5 y-: Supervisor TOWN ATTORNEY . T 1 Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 • \� � 1� P.O. Box 1179 ��k' CO MARY C.WILSON y* ' - �0- is Southold, New York 11971-0959 \21 ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY ' 0'` �'��'� Telephone (631) 765-1889 /�� _ '..,,,•a' Fax(631) 765-1823 �1 > , 1- fl'; 1 E-mail: r..-_ ---'1!I I r` [ lilt SEP 1 2001 ;FFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY �� TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 10, 2001 • Zoning Board of Appeals Southold Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Re: Applicati.- o. 4864 Appeal by Martin Rosen of Building Department's revocation of a permit to construct an accessory ham radio tower (permit#26546Z) Dear Zoning Board of Appeals Members: The Building Department revoked Martin Rosen's building permit #26546Z by "Notice of Revocation" dated August 14, 2000. Mr. Rosen appealed. The matter was scheduled for a public hearing on November 16, 2000; however, this hearing was adjourned at the request of Mr. Rosen's attorneys to amend his application. On February 15, 2001, Mr. Rosen's new attorney notified the Zoning Board of Appeals of the change in counsel and stated "we are preparing the necessary appeal documents and intend to submit them to the Town in short order". Since then, Mr. Rosen has submitted a building application to the Town's Building Department for a "radio repair shop with an accessory radio tower". Mr. Rosen's constant delays constitute an abuse of the appeal process. The applicant is using a "pending appeal before the Zoning Board of Appeals" to shield himself from the Town taking all necessary steps to enforce its zoning and building codes. I respectfully request that the Zoning Board of Appeals take appropriate action to stop this abuse of process. Very truly Gr-•o. akaboski, Esq. n Attorney • G FY/md cc: William F. Bonesso, Esq. — P.O. Box 31, Mineola, NY 11501 _ FORCHELLI, CURTO, SCHWARTZ, MINEO, CARLINO & COHN, LLP COUNSELORS AT LAW JEF^REY D FORCHELLI 330 OLD COUNTRY ROAD ASSOCIATES ANTHONY V CURIO P.O.BOX 31 _ WARRENS.ARTHUR DONALD JAY SCHWARTZ MINEOLA,NEW YORK 11501 r] /7IN� RAID BITSIMIS PETER R.MINEDTELEPHONE: (516) 248-1700 A �- Li \y/ ER CHARD A BOGLIOLI RD A BLUMBERG 1 �' JOSEPH F CARLINO(Retired) FACSIMILE: (516) 248-1729 �.— I BARBARA SHAHEEN ALESI W i4 IAM F BONESSO PETER ALPERT WEB 1 ANDREW E.CURTO ANTHONY B.BARTON EMAIL info® 1 1 FEB ° 6 200! �� L�IAM A DiCONZA JOSEPH F BUZZELL l • J VANA R FANTANO VINCENT J.PIZZULLI,JR. l AARON GERSHONOWITZ BRIAN R SAHN _.�_ MICHAEL J GREENBERG JOHN V.TERRANA �'-' 'JANET M INSARDI ROCHELLE LAUFER COUNSEL MATTHEW G ROSEMAN WILLIAM S COHN February 15, 2001 JUDY L SIMONCIC LESTER COOPER STEVEN G.GAEBLER OF COUNSEL ROBERT A MELILLO TERENCE E SMOLEV Mr. Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman Town Of Southold Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Street P. 0. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Re: Application No. 4864 - Rosen Application Dear Mr. Goehringer: This firm represents Mr. Martin Rosen in his applications before the -Southold Board. of Appeals . , 2 . • Du•e to. ,certain personal conflicts which have arisen in this. matter;--Mr.• Buz-zell- will , no longer be. the attorney handling this matter. In his place, I will undertake to f-ile _the necessary revised appeal application documents. .and present the applications to the Board of Appeals . I apologize for the delay in submitting the required documents . As a result of the change which has occurred, it has taken me some time to familiarize myself with the full history of Mr. Rosen' s premises and his applications and dealings with the Town of Southold. I have reviewed Mr. Rosen' s options to determine the best means of seeking relief from the Board in order to bring his property into compliance with the zoning ordinance. Presently, we are preparing the necessary appeal documents and intend to submit them to the Town in short order. I recognize that this is a matter of great concern to the residents of the Town of Southold as well as to the Board members themselves . On behalf of Mr. Rosen, we appreciate the patience which the. Board and the Town have shown to date and ask for the Board' s,further indulgence while we complete the preparation .of our documents ,for submission. , . , , ,, Thank you for. your consideration in this matter. Vly Yours . WFB:cad W u F. BONESSO AF16EALS BOARD MEMBERS �''",,,, ,,I�O�QSVFFO���,O Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman r/.y James Dinizio, Jr. o ; P.O. Box 1179 ft Lydia A.Tortora Southold,New York 11971-0959 Lora S. Collins0,r, �`����� ZBA Fax(631)765-9064 George Horning 'p1 ',�.�D��i� Telephone(631)-765-1809 apt BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 12, 2001 William F. Bonesso, Esq. 330 Old Country Road P.O. Box 31 Mineola, NY 11501 Re: Appl. No. 4864—Rosen Application Dear Mr. Bonesso: The above project has been inactive for many months. Since you have indicated in your last correspondence to the Board (dated February 15, 2001) that the applicant is not proceeding with the project plan, and that a different plan may be submitted for review to the agencies, we are returning the above application. If your new plan is going to be the subject of another appeal of a Building Department's determination, you may submit a new application for review, after submission of all the application documents listed on the attached instruction sheet. The inactive application is returned and deemed obsolete an withdrawn. ery truly yo s, GERARD P. GOEHRINGER CHAIRMAN Enclosures • FORCHELLI, CURTO, SCHWARTZ, MINEO, CARLINO & COHN, LLP • COUNSELORS AT LAW 330 OLD COUNTRY ROAD JEF TREY D.FORCHELLIi --.5) �w ,.. ASSOCIATES r ANTHONY V CURTO P.O.BOX 31 f WARREN S ARTHUR I ("=? r� r=-� rte- -"----�--..a DONALD JAY SCHWARTZ MINEOLA,NEW YORK 11501 ;I, & c r,.� t; k A (Nt j RYA RAIO BITSIMIS PETER R.MINEDTELfiPHONEI J -•� ! ; D A.BLUMBERG : (516) ?�48-1700 ! R1H;, - 3 JOSEPH F CARLINO(Retired) 3I ^—�;(( ESA BOGLIOLI BARBARA SHAHEEN ALESI FACSIMILE: (516) 248-1729 ' as W IAM F.BONESSO PETER ALPERT WEB : DREW E CURTO ANTHONY B BARTON E-MAIL 1 FEB 16 ')0 I` A/ ' IAM A.E A JOSEPH F.BUZZELL i 1 ; �- ttt ,'• :IS R FANTANO VINCENT J.PIZZULLI,JR. AARON GERSHONOWITZ BRIAN R.SAHN - ._ 'MICHAEL J.GREENBERG JOHN V.TERRANA i-- 'JANET M INSARDI ROCHELLE LAUFER COUNSEL MATTHEW G ROSEMAN WILLIAM S COHN February 15, 2001 JUDY L SIMONCIC LESTER COOPER STEVEN G.GAEBLER OF COUNSEL ROBERT A MELILLO TERENCE E SMOLEV Mr. Gerard P . Goehringer, Chairman Town Of Southold Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Street P. 0. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Re: Application No. 4864 - Rosen Application Dear Mr. Goehringer: This firm represents Mr. Martin Rosen in his applications before the Southold Board of Appeals . - Due to certain personal conflicts which have arisen in this matter,- Mr. Buzzell will no longer be the attorney handling this,matter. In his. place, I will undertake -to file the necessary revised appeal application documents and present the applications to the Board of Appeals . I apologize for the delay in submitting the required documents . As a result of the change which has occurred, it has taken me some time to familiarize myself with the full history of Mr. Rosen' s premises and his applications and dealings with the Town of Southold. I have reviewed Mr. Rosen' s options to determine the best means of seeking relief from the Board in order to bring his property into compliance with the zoning ordinance. Presently, we are preparing the necessary appeal documents and intend to submit them to the Town in short order. I recognize that this is a matter of great concern to the residents of the Town of Southold as well as to the Board members themselves . On behalf of Mr. Rosen, we appreciate the patience which the Board and the Town have shown to date and ask for the Board' s further indulgence while we complete the preparation of our documents for submission. Thank you for your consi. -ration in this matter. V-{,. A1 yours, ir / +c;��` WFB: cad W ` Ru F. BONESSO of VF014fr ��0 N, CSG • JEAN W. COCHRAN It- • ---. •• i GREGORY F.YAKABOSKI `��_ 'f'�: Supervisor TOWN ATTORNEY Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 t j `py i�� P.O.Box 1179 MARY C.WILSON ac. Southold, New York 11971-0959 Rl ) ,,i Telephone(631) 765-1889 ASSISTANT,TOWN ATTORNEY - Fax(631) 765-1823 ‘) 1-E r +{I 1 E-mail: ar{ 1SEP I� 2001i, FFICE OF :TO:ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 10, 2001 Zoning Board of Appeals Southold Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Re: Application No. 4864 Appeal by Martin Rosen of Building Department's revocation of a permit to construct an accessory ham radio tower (permit#26546Z) Dear Zoning Board of Appeals Members: The Building Department revoked Martin Rosen's building permit #26546Z by "Notice of Revocation" dated August 14, 2000. Mr. Rosen appealed. The matter was scheduled for a public hearing on November 16, 2000; however, this hearing was adjourned at the request of Mr. Rosen's attorneys to amend his application. On February 15, 2001, Mr. Rosen's new attorney notified the Zoning Board of Appeals of the change in counsel and stated "we are preparing the necessary appeal documents and intend to submit them to the Town in short order". Since then, Mr. Rosen has submitted a building application to the Town's Building Department for a "radio repair shop with an accessory radio tower". Mr. Rosen's constant delays constitute an abuse of the appeal process. The applicant is using a "pending appeal before the Zoning Board of,Appeals" to shield himself from the Town taking all necessary steps to enforce its zoning and building codes. • I respectfully request that the Zoning Board of Appeals take appropriate action to stop this abuse of process. Verytruly Gr-•o► . akaboski, Esq. /- n Attorney GFY/md cc: William F. Bonesso, Esq. — P.O. Box 31, Mineola, NY 11501 2-16-2I1 2.45A1•1 FROM P. 1 ,/\ /.,ili;,‘\\J;)).,"\ ' I 1) i P____:._ __-10JE, r,i I/ x�. I �/ L : iFEB 200100 ,J ) ii 77 \\kf\V 3 .7----,,_ _, _ _ _---Pill 2-2 i FORCHELLI,CURIO,SCHWARTZ,MINK., CARLINO&COHN,LLP COUNSELORS AT LAW 0 OLD COUNTRY ROAD ASSOCIATES J`EF"REY D.FORCHELLI P.O.BOX 31 WARRENS ARTHUR ANTHONY V.CURIO M1NEOL�,NEW YORK 11501 Gllv'A RAD BTtSID4ES DONALD JAY SCHWARTZ RICHARD A, &IS S pETER1MINED TELEPHONE:(516)2484700 ;ARD , aUGLE0G jOSEPHF.CARLINDfRetr�1 FA SB 1LE:(516)24St721 WILLIAMP.BONESO BARBARASHAHEENALFSi WEB SITE:fcsmcc.cor ANDREW E.CL'RTD ANTHONYPRr EMAIL:info@ksmcc,com WILLIAM A.ThCONZA JOSEPAHOY B.U BARTON CIANAR FANT4N0 VINCE F.BUZ!UL A 9RON CERSH0NOWITZ BRANNY J.P3T2ULLI,JR. MICHAELJ CY.E VEERC JOHN V S.HN JANET M.INSAA DI JOHN V Yr.tRANA ROCHELLE LAUAER MATTHE N C.rOSEMAN COcu EL COHN February 15, 2 0 01 JUDY L SIMONCIC =ER COOPER OF COUNSEL St-U./NG GAEELEP AOY ERT A.MELILLO IERENCE E.SLIOLEV Mr. Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman Town Of Southold Southold Town hall 53055 Main Street P. O. Box 1:79 Southold, New York 11971 'R.e• Ai.vv13cation Nom 16Q A PPea Aran7,s,cc tion, Dear Mr. Goehringer: This firm repr..sents Mr. Martin Rosen in his applications before the Southold Board of Appeals. Due to certain personal conflicts which have arisen in this matter, Mr. Buzzell will no longer be the attorney handling this matter. In his place, a will undertake to file the necessary revised appeal application documents and present the applications to the Board of Appeals. S apologize for the delay in submitting the required documents. As a result of the change which has occurred, it has taken me some time to familiarize myself with the full history of Mr. Rosen's premises and his applications and dealings with the Town of Southold. 1 have reviewed mr. Rosen's options to determine the best means of seeking relief from the Board in order to bring his property into compliance with the zoning ordinance. Presently, we are preparing the necessary appeal documents and intend to submit them to the Town in short order. Z recognize that this is a matter of great concern to the residents of the Town of Southold as well as to the Board members themselves. On behalf of Mr. Rosen, we appreciate the patience which the Board and the Town have shown to date and ask for the Board's further indulgence while we complete the preparation of our documents for submission. Thank you for your corlsi :.ration in this matter. vi ,ly yours, WPE:cad W — F. BONESSO , APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS s' N.0 10 A• 0e.; Southold Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman ��ji �� : 53095 Main Road James Dinizio,Jr. t ,4.y P.O. Box 1179 Lydia A. Tortora �; :- �'�1 Southold,New York 11971 Lora S. Collins : ',' .,: , ®!/r� ZBA Fax (631)765-9064 George Horning -:* Als *toil Telephone(631) 765-1809 °°° I BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 7, 2001 Joseph F. Buzzell, Esq. Forchelli, Curto, Schwartz, Mineo, , Carlino & Cohn, L.L.P. 330 Old Country Road P.O. Box31 Mineola, NY 11501 Re: Appl. No. 4864 — Rosen Application Dear Mr. Buzzell: On November 14,'2000, a postponement was requested by your office in order to allow time for preparation and submission to the ZBA of an amended application. As of today, our Department is not in receipt of the revised Notice of Appeal papers. Please confirm when the amended Notice of Appeal will be filed in order that the amended Appeal I may be advertised in complete form for a public hearing at the next available hearing calendar. Thank you. S.- erely yo , Sds DER: _ ° I also wish to receive the follow- u) ❑ omplete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services ai omplete items 3,4a,and 4b. Ing services(for an extra fee): not your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this > card to you ai d Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece,or on the back if space does not 1' Addressee's Address ai permit > . Cl Wnte°Return Receipt Requested°on the mailpiece below the article number 2. Restricted Delivery y e 13 The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date N o delivered a '! m 3.Article Addressed to. 0 4a.Article Number " • oSeeN F. jazz- eLL ESQ. t, °' , >76oe 600 00 2� acs- Tors g-b( C I4 e LL.I C LL r TOS , C--,u.ce -TZ, 4b.Service Type • i n P b,an ei.-)no, CDH/0 LL, 0 Registered111-Certified i 2 33 OL b Coan I,1 ?op1> 0 Express Mail °' i ® �p 80 31 ❑Insured C lr I 0 Return Receipt for M chandise ❑COD P to Q An /a, /► Lf /5-0l 7 Date of Dehvep�/ 2. �� w (e o z c, o w Ref celvedp By. (Print Name) 8 feAddressee's s sse s Ad ress(Only if requested and Cg EcCikK a �/1 _1( zL1 p ) r c6.Signature(Addressee or Agent) ~ y PS Form 38113 December 1994 102595-99-B-0223 Domestic Return Receipt , 4 � x. ',,///Iii,,- { _ APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS ��� �4)1 (®,e Southold Town Hall Gerard P Goehringer, Chairman �� �° 53095 Main Road James Dinizio,Jr. % ° • ; P.O. Box 1179 Lydia A. Tortora y' ��% Southold,New York 11971 Lora S. Collins v177ZBA Fax(631)765-9064 George Horning ®./ - F -0,00 Telephone (631)765-1809 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 7, 2001 Joseph F. Buzzell, Esq. Forchelli, Curto, Schwartz, Mineo, Carlino & Cohn, L.L.P. File Copy 330 Old Country Road P.O. Box 31 Mineola, NY 11501 Re: Appl. No. 4864 — Rosen Application Dear Mr. Buzzell: On November 14, 2000, a postponement was requested by your office in order to allow time for preparation and submission to the ZBA of an amended application. As of today, our Department is not in receipt of the revised Notice of Appeal papers. Please confirm when the amended Notice of Appeal will be filed in order that the amended Appeal may be advertised in complete form for a public hearing at the next available hearing calendar. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Gerard P. Goehringer Chairman `1katfil 2900 066606 2.j 3o5--s- 26/c 11/14/00 TUE 15:59 FAX 1 516 248 1729 FORCHELLI CURTO SCHWARTZ 21002 b .4 lFORCHELLI, CURIO, SCHWARTZ,MINEO, CARUNO & COHN, LLP • COUNSELORS AT LAW JEFFREY DR FFOCHELLI, 330 OLD COUNTRY ROAD ANTHONY V.CURTO P.O.BOX 31 WARREN SART UR DONALD JAY SCHWARTZ MINEOLA,NEW YORK.11501 LINA RA1O BITSIMIS ESTER R.M -TELEPHONE:(5I6)248-1700 RICHARD A.BLUMBERG JOSEPH F.SHAHE O ALESd) - FACSIMILE: (516) 248-1729 JAMES A,BOGUOLI BARBARASItAFIEFNALIISI WEB SITE:fG4>YI�.COIII WILLIAM F.BONESSO PETER ALPERTJOSEPH F.BURRELL ANTHONY B.BARTON ANDREW E.CURTO VINCENT 1.FIZZULLI,JR. WILLIAM A.DICONZA BRIAN R.SA11N DIANA A FANTANO JOHN V.TERRANA AARON GERSNONOWITZ MICHAEL J.GREENBERG COUNSEL JANET M.INSARD] WILLIAM S.COHN ROCHELLE LAUFER JOHN A.BURNS,JR. MATTHEW G.ROSEMAN LESTER COOPER JUDY L•SIMONCIC STEVEN G.GARBLER November 14,2000OP COUNSEL ROBERT A.MELILLO TERENCE E.SMOLEV • VIA FACSIMILE Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Street P.O. Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 Re: Application of Martin Rosen 11780 Sound Avenue,Mattituck SCTM#1000-141-3-44 Dear Members of the Board: We represent the applicant in the above-referenced matter. The application at issue concerns an appeal from a determination of the Building Inspector which revoked a building permit issued to my client and upon which my client constructed an amateur radio tower. The hearing is scheduled for Thursday,November 16,2000. My client, however,would like to include-in the application a request forvariance relief from the provisions of the Ordinance cited by the Building Inspector. It seems clear that combining the variance application with the administrative appeal would be in the best interest of all concerned. By disposing of all issues within one hearing would result in a swifter,more efficient resolution of the overall situation. A second hearing on a variance application would result in a second round of proceedings. Further,there is major overlap between the two the administrative - appeal and a variance application as they both concern the same construction located on the same property. What action the Board may wish to take on either the administrative appeal or a variance application would,of course,rest with the Board following the conclusion ofthe hearing(s). However,to draw out the process and to have two hearings would result in unnecessary complication and would not serve the best interest of anyone involved. 11/14/00 TUE 16:00 FAX 1 516 248 1729 FORCHELLI CURTO SCHWARTZ L1003 FORCHELLI, CURTO, SCHWARTZ, MINEO, CARLINO & COHN, LLP COUNSELORS AT LAW Page 2 November 14,2000 • Accordingly, my client has prepared a revised Notice of Appeal and revised application which reflect the addition of the request for variance relief. It is respectfully requested that the hearing be adjourned to allow all issues to be heard together. If the Board has any questions,please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, --•14‘ • JFB/ka 11/14/00 TUE 15:59 FAX 1 516 248 1729 FORCHELLI CURTO SCHWARTZ t1001 FORCIIELLI, (. ITO, SCHWARTZ, MINED, CAR) ) & COHN, LLP COUNSELORS AT LAW 330 OLD COUNTRY ROAD P.O. BOX 31 MINEOLA, NEW YORK 11501 (516) 248-1700 ASSOCIATES ' JEFFREY D.FORCMILLI WARREN S.ARTHUR ANTHONY V.CURTO FACSIMILE(516)248-1729 GINA RAID BITSD.ILS DONALD JAY SCHWARTZ ' _ WEB SIZE: RICHARD A.BLUMBERG PETER R.MI NEO - JAMES A.BOGLIOLI JOSEPH F.CARIJNO(Reared) WILLIAM F.BONESSO BARBARA SHAHEEN ALM JOSEPH F.BUZZEII.L PETER ALPERT ANDREW E.CURTO ANTHONY B.BARTON WILLIAM A.DICONZA VINCENT J.PIZZOLLI,JR. DIANA R.FANTANO BRIAN R.SALIN - AARON GERSHONOWITZ JOHN V.TIRANA MICHAEL J.GREENBERG JANET M INSARDI COUNSEL. ROCHELLE LAUFER WILLIAM S.COHN MATTHEW G.ROSEMAN JOAN A.BURNS,JR. - JUDY L.SIMONCIC LESTER COOPER STEVEN G.GAEBLFR - OF COUNSEL. ROBERT A.MEIAL O TERENCE E.SMOLEV eFA X COVER SHEET TO: Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Southold FAX NO: 631-765-1823 FROM: Joseph F. Buzzell, Esq. FILE NAME: Rosen DATE: November 14, 2000 - FILE NO. : , _15693 SUBJECT: ***************f*************,rte*4e** NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING THIS FAX COVER SHEET) : 3 IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR PROBLEMS REGARDING TiIIS TRANSMITTAL, PLEASE CONTACT KAREN ADLER (EXT. 203) . COMMENTS: CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE The deecmoate eeaompanyiag chis tax tre—. seiea contain iatesmaeion labial IA eonfideatial and/or legally privileged. The Information is intended only for the uaa of the individual or entity named on this transmission sheat. If you are mot the. intended recipient, yea are hereby notified thee any reliance on the contents of this faxed information is strictly prohibited, , and that the deeumenes should be returned to this fin immediately. 'Zn this regard, if you have received this fax La ester, ylaa.e notify us by telephone immediately so that we can arrange the return of the documents. FORCHELLI, CURTO, SCHWARTZ, MINED, CARLINO & COHN, LLP COUNSELORS AT LAW JEFFREY D FORCHELLI 330 OLD COUNTRY ROAD ASSOCIATES ANTHONY V.CURTO P.O.BOX 31 WARREN S ARTHUR DONALD JAY SCHWARTZ MINEOLA,NEW YORK 11501 GINA RAIO BITSIMIS PETER R MINEO TELEPHONE: (516) 248-1700 RICHARD A BLUMBERG JOSEPH F.CARLINO(Retired) JAMES A BOGLIOLI FACSIMILE: 516 BARBARA SHAHEEN ALESI ( )248-1729 WILLIAM F.BONESSO PETER ALPERT WEB SITE•fcsmcc corn JOSEPH F BUZZELL ANTHONY B.BARTON E-MAIL: info@fcsmcc corn ANDREW E.CURTO VINCENT J.PIZZULLI,JR. WILLIAM A DICONZA BRIAN R.SAHN • DIANA R.FANTANO JOHN V TERRANA AARON GERSHONOWITZ MICHAEL J.GREENBERG COUNSEL JANET M.INSARDI WILLIAM S COHN ROCHELLE LAUFER JOHN A BURNS,JR. MATTHEW G.ROSEMAN LESTER COOPER STEVEN G.GAEBLER November 15, 2000 JUDY L SIMONCIC OF COUNSEL ROBERT A MELILLO TERENCE E SMOLEV Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 Att: Linda Kowalski Re: Martin Rosen Premises: 11780 Sound Avenue, Mattituck SCTM# 1000-141-3-44 Appeal to the Zoning Board of Appeals Dear Ms. Kowalski: The letter will serve to confirm our conversation today,wherein you advised that you were in receipt of Joseph F. Buzzell's letter requesting an adjournment for the above-referenced matter dated November 14,2000 and did not anticipate any problems with the granting of an adjournment. Pursuant to that request,you advised that it would not be necessary for any representatives for Martin Rosen to be present at the hearing scheduled for Thursday,November 16, 2000. Please advise,at your earliest convenience,the date for which the above-referenced hearing will be rescheduled. If you have any additional questions or require anything further;please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, (J) MES A. BOGLIOLI JB:caf = ; 11-16-200 3: I6AM FROM P. 1 - . FORCHELLI, CURIO, SCHWARTZ, IVMINEO, CARLINO &i COHN, LLP COUNSELORS AT LAW • JEFFREY D.FORCHELLI 330 OLD COUNTRY ROAD ASSOCIATES ANTHONY V.CURTO • P.O.BOX 31 WARREN S.ARTHUR DONALD JAY SCHWARTZ MINEOLA,NEW YORK 11501 GINA RAIO BITSIMIS PETER R.MINED TELEPHONE: (516)248-1700 ,RICHARD A.BLUMBERG JOSEPH F.CARLINO(Refired) FACSIMILE;(516)248-1729 JAMES A.BOOLIOLU BARBARA SHAHEEN ALESI WEB w11.I IAM F.BONESSO PETER ALPERT E-MAIL:info©fcsmoc,fom JOSEPH F.BUZZELL ANTHONY B.BARTON ANDREW E.CURTO VINCENT J.PIZZULLI,JR. SUFFOLK COUNTY OFFICE WILLIAM A.DiCON7A BRIAN R.SAHN ONE HUNTINGTON QUADRANGLE DIANA R,FANTANO JOHN V.TERRANA MELVILLE.,NEW YORK 11747 AARON GERSUONOWITZ MICHAEL J.GREENBERG COUNSEL JANET M.INSARDI _WILLIAM S.CORN ROCHELLE LAUFER JOHN A.BURNS,JR. MATTHEW G.ROSEMAN LESTER COOPER JUDY L SIMONCIC STEVEN G.GAEBLER OF COUNSEL. ROBERT A.MELILLO TERENCE E.SMOLEV FACSIMILE COVER SHEET • • TO: LINDA KOWALSKI • r1 vE • FAX NUMBER: 1-631-765-1823 ✓ NOV 6 6 2000 FROM: JAMES A.BOGLIOLI,ESQ. ;o0 • DATE: NOVEMBER 15,2000 • RE: ROSEN- 15693 NUMBER OF PAGES(including this facsimile cover sheet): 2 If you have any questions or problems regarding this transmittal,please contact Cora: (516) 248-1700 x226 Comments: • • • • • CONFIDEN77ALITYNOTICE ' • The documents aecompanying this telecopy transmission contain information which is confidential and/or legally privileged. The information ts intended onlyfor the use of the individual or entity named on this transmission sheet. Ifyou are not the intended recipient,you are hereby notified that cozy reliance on/he contents of this telecopled information is strictly prohibited and that the documents should be returned to this firm rmmediatety, In this regard if you have received this ieleeopy in error,please notify as by telephone immediately so that we can arrange the return of the documents. 11-16-200 3:4GAM FROM - P. 2 FORCHELLI, CURTO, SCHWARTZ, MINED, CARLINO & COHN, LLP COUNSELORS AT LAW JEFFREY D.FORCHELLI 330 OLD COUNTRY ROAD ASSOCIATES ANTHONY V.CURTO P.O.BOX 31 WARREN S AF:THUR DONALD JAY SCHWARTZ MINEOLA,NEW YORK 11501 GINA RAIO BITSIMIS PETER R MINE° TELEPHONE:(516)248-1700 RICHARD A.BLUMBERG JOSEPH F.CARLI NO(Mired) JAMES A.BOGLIOLI FAC BARBARA SHAHEEN ALES! ) WILLIAM F.RONPSSO PETER ALPERT WEB SITE! JOSEPH F.BUZZELL ANTHONY B.BARTON E-MAIL infoEfesmcc.eom ANDREW E.CURTO WILLIAM A.D.CONZA BRXAN R.SANN J. ZULLI,IJR _ DIANA R.PANTANO RlAN R. JOHN Y.TERRANA AARON GLRSHONOWITZ MICHAEL J.GREENBERG COUNSEL JANET M.!MARDI WILUAM S.COHN ROCHELLE LAUFER JOHN A BURNS,JA MATTHEW G.ROSEMAN LESTER COOPER JUDY L.SIMONCIC STEVEN C.CAEBLER November 15,2000 OP COUNSFL ROBERT A.MELILLO TERENCE E.SMOLEV To of Southold NOV 1 6 2000 Zoning Board of Appeals kDo 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 Att: Linda Kowalski Re: 'Martin Rosen Premises: 11780 Sound Avenue,Mattituck SCTM# 1000-141-3-44 Appeal to the Zoning Board of Appeals Dear Ms.Kowalski: The letter will,serve to confirm our conversation today,wherein you advised that you were in receipt of Joseph F.Buzzell's letter requesting an adjournment for the above-referenced matter dated November 14,2000 and did not anticipate any problems with the granting of an adjournment. Pursuant to that request,you advised that it would not be necessary for any representatives for Martin Rosen to be present at the hearing scheduled for Thursday,November 16,2000. • Please advise,at your earliest convenience,the date for which the above-referenced hearing will be rescheduled. If you have any additional questions or require anything further,please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, • AMES A.BOGLIOLT JB:caf U1/28/98 AEL) 14:4U FAA JUlluu--01J Lvn-nWu. �vVl Y DESIGN LOAD a� _i ` i 1.111r.I — 85' Design wind load per AN51/EIA-222-E,85 MPH basic wind r �� speed,1;2"radial Ice. Quantity Antenna Type Elevation _ ALP9212 on 15'Rotatable Leg Mounting Frame Top 6N:r5 Same L-- 12' . i 1.' ! 1100,, IONS TS1 i 12' `; BILL OF MATERIALS Necessary flower Sections 'I Anchor Bolts Step Bolts For climbing Standard EIA Base Grounding 44\ P.E.Seal State of New York 1 7N j 11110.. 1 ' d 11 [ - = - , .11 -- , �_ it I $ i '--- I . - I` A _---_ IV , ROHM ItI Ii .� F i 85 Self Supporting Tower 9NE�l I For: Rosen, M II - "'°� `. sen, & R i '�, _ Site: Suffolk County, N.Y. I I '� ^rhis drawing is the property of UNR-RO Nand is not to be Ij ,�''° '� reproduced in any way without written permission from UNR-ROHN .�"' N V I Date 11 z.8 17 Drawing# 52008 -.n==r-r=,)i=t{vx% Drawn by Mit PRELIMINARY L Nominal Base Spread: 10 70' DO NOT USE �_� _ Approved by FOR CONSTRUCTION tlfs!'.I�hl� .illlils ! _ ; - - - —_l •A � •:, tilti,21_►_' -__ i•••••••\,....:._._______:t . i , ,1 ' I0 br•.1111;1l+r1ur11dlul Imo-AI IffititIA 2)i f'l lln 1.11 I I1.•.-,, ,. ., Ihliltnri, lir IA(IInI 1•;•1.i 1 • , ialI1Tp(lly =— ,AIlll,nnn IyliIl i Lo�J Jail -- - • . 1 121 / , 1 I• • ! / I 1 ' �` 1 ,� '• • ` I II $tx . ' I ' 1.151J, i'o I \< IIV' 'X'' I. j ' _ ' i_�i[ I_ I: Mi\II •I 'I�PI , 1 r — __ -- — , IleLd:nuuy Ir• tow ,'' • n,,,,• . . i ---— A .Ixll Nc1II11 • >\ ,' tarp tlulln (',u (:IIInMi,ll '-----1 llniJMlr.t•tiIA IItln; lirl .;H..;1 '...S.4"-e-41,2177 ea ® \ i. ii I1 60 ><, I; 1, __ . . SEP a-,I -,l; Izlt J_1 �� I I _ i ` I � r . I I i ' 1 I \•' . 1 - l > s, ' • I1IIIi;i_) S. 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SOUND AVENUE;�T Ar4ATTITUCK I •- ""= �o�rid4fian P/Q� E _ ��`� MARK SIZE NUMBER TYPE LENGTH REMARKS = .Sf7 p wn 1 WAX II: A's I wu�uw SO. .-_ .,. / I ler--IS cc„r• TOWN OF SOOT OL®' - - Vl 8 16 =.e Lei G'-0" Verticals D''=,5 17 00 1 a�IK/ dO��J-J _ - ' _. In SCTM # 1000-141-03-44 Hi 4 10 12"GY+ 20 '- 8" Horizontal Bands offiSSlp4, L"P�o PR- sr F • 112A 8 8 STR 6"-6" Top &Bott Mat z z. , � `c z v , ,—, - m - H2B -8 8 STR 5'-37) « !ti1� ;, i� `'� H2C 8 8 STR 4'-0)) aL « � ,,. \ ;g1/1 (-74[ 0/.' ba_ a'g ( �-k VI)s 4039• y4'�. _ 044-1. . / ,, -\ \ i i I I-o Dto,wierg-r Ct. -)4< >/:- - -r6/4-i--61,1 0 sr • `. ! •- - .-- - - _- - �, r6 e t r1 `rl , - -: _-� \- - . ;-_ /' - __ - _ --- - =� ' r , - -- - _ A 62nc(S W'r/17 l i-i- r i - �- so - - -- r t s et • - • \ //- - -- - _-- -- - _--_ -- - =_ f�, la 6C we ';l A - S-/ pla/'i. �achar 601f.5 • 4_ �• ,� - _ - 6`�O. . (ill aK e Wi ,3 DO le / G 1 ��.� -=_ -— --- = N. 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A-... ---- . - .• - - - FORCHELLI, CURTO, SCHWARTZ, MINED, CARLINO & COHN, LLP COUNSELORS AT LAW JEFFREY D.FORCHELLI 330 OLD COUNTRY ROAD ASSOCIATES ANTHONY V.CURTO P.O.BOX 31 - WARREN S ARTHUR DONALD JAY SCHWARTZ MINEOLA,NEW YORK 11501 GINA RAIO BITSIMIS PETER R.MINEDARD A.BLUMBERG TELEPHONE: (516) 248-1700 JOSEPH F CARLINO(Retired) \V/ JAMES A.BOGLIOLI BARBARA SHAHEEN ALESI FACSIMILE (516) 248-1729 u LLIAM F BONESSO PETER ALPERT WEB SITE• JOSEPH F BUZZELL ANTHONY B BARTON E-MAIL: e \c (ANDREW E.CURTO VINCENT J.PIZZULLI,JR ��� 6 2fl00 I ,I�LLIAM A. A BRIAN R SAHN elJ IANA R.FANTANO JOHN V.TERRANA A• N GERSHONOWITZ _ I AELJ.GREENBERG COUNSEL JANET M.INSARDI WILLIAM S COHN I ROCHELLE LAUFER JOHN A BURNS,JR MA HEW G.ROSEMAN LESTER COOPER October 5, 2000 JUDY L SIMONCIC STEVEN G.GAEBLER OF COUNSEL ROBERT A.MELILLO VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS TERENCE E SMOLEV Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Southold 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold,New York 11757 Re: Application of Martin Rosen Premises: 11780 Sound Avenue, Mattituck SCTM#1000-141-3-44 Dear Sir/Madam: The above-referenced application is scheduled for a public hearing on Thursday,October 19, 2000. Enclosed please find the original public notice, Affidavit of Mailing, and the white postal receipts from the certified mailing. Additionally,please be advised that on October 3,2000,we requested an adjournment of the above-referenced hearing until November 16, 2000 due to scheduling conflicts. Please advise regarding the adjournment request. If you require anything further prior to the hearing, please do not hesitate to call me. Ve truly yours, C. 4,74.1. AMES A. BOGLIOLI JB:caf Enclosures y� Com' NB - Ed Vtd /o//o/®v �-e )1(11/ m< - d -° 9` ' ""' FORCHELLI, CURTO, SCHWARTZ, MINE(),CARLINO & COHN, LLP COUNSELORS AT LAW JEFFREY D FORCHELLI 330 OLD COUNTRY ROAD ANTHONY V.CURTO P.O.BOX 31 ASSOCIATE SR S ARTHUR DONALD JAY SCHWARTZ MINEOLA,NEW YORK 11501 GINA RAIO BITSIMIS PETER R.MINED TELEPHONE: (516) 248-1700 RICHARD A BLUMBERG JOSEPH F CARLINO(Retired) FACSIMILE 248-1729 JAMES A BOGLIOLI 516 BARBARA SHAHEEN ALESI ( ) _-- PETER ALPERT WEB SITE WILLIAM F BONESSO JOSEPH F.BUZZELL ANTHONY B BARTON E-MAIL: info@fcsmcc. AND EW E.CURTO VINCENT J PIZZULLI,JR WILLIAM A DICONZA BRIAN R.SAHN DIANA R.FANTANO JOHN V TERRANA AARON GERSHONOWITZ ' � /I 11 MICHAEL J GREENBERG WILL COUIIAM S COHN SEL �' JANET M INSARDI ROCHELLE LAUFER JUDY L SIMONCIC JOHN A BURNS,JR MATTHEW G.ROSEMAN LESTER COOPER STEVEN G.GAEBLER OF COUNSEL ROBERT A MELILLO TERENCE E SMOLEV October 3, 2000 VIA FACSIMILE 631-765-1823 Chairman and Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Southold 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold,New York 11757 Re: Martin Rosen Premises: 11780 Sound Avenue,Mattituck SCTM#1000-141-3-44 Dear Chairman and Members of the Board: We represent Matin Rosen in connection with the appeal to the-Board of Appeals for the revocation of Building Permit Number 265462 to construct an accessory ham radio tower on a parcel of property known as 11780 Sound Avenue,Mattituck. The parcel is designated SCTM#1000-141- 3-44. The above-captioned application is scheduled to be heard on October 19, 2000. However, on behalf of the applicant, I would like to request an adjournment thereof. This adjournment is requested because Joseph Buzzell, Esq. the attorney attending the hearing, and two of the experts that will be testifying at the hearing, are engaged in other matters on October 19th. Accordingly,I would like to respectfully request that the matter be adjourned to November 16, 2000. If the Board has any questions,please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, 61‘-, , AMES A. BOGLIOLI JB/caf 1 0-011-200 0=aaAM I-kUM P. 1 FORCHELLI, CURTO, SCHWARTZ, MINEO, CARLINO & COHN, LLP COUNSELORS AT LAW JEFFREY D.FORCHELLI 330 OLD COUNTRY ROAD ASSOCIATES ANTHONY V CURIO. P.O.BOX31 WARREN S.ARTHUR DONALD JAY SCHWARTZ MINEOLi4 NEW YORK 11501 GINA RAIO BITSIM] PETER R.MINED TELEPHONE (516)2411.1700 RICHARD A.BLUMBERG JOSEPH F.CARLINO(Rsn;..d) FACSIMILE:(516)24e-1729 JAMES A.BOGLIOLI BARBARA SHAHEEN ALESI WEB WILLIAM F.BONESSO PETER ALPERT EMAIL:info(g( JOSEPH F.BUZZELL ANDREW E.CURTO ANTHONYINCEJ BARTON SUFFOLK COUNTY OFFICE WILLIAM A.GICONZi BRIVINCENT J.PIZZULLI,JR. ONE HUNCNOTON QUADRANGLE DIANA R.FANTANO JOHN VR. ER.RsmiAARONGERSKONOWI-I JOHN V.TSRRANA MELVILLE,NEW YORK 11747 MICHAEL J.GREENBERG COUNSELJANET M.MARL WILLIAM ROCHELLELAUFER JOHN . S.U COHN I.(ATI W G.ROSEMAN BNS.JR. JUDY L.SIMONCIC LESTER COOPER _ STEVEN G.GAEBLER OF COUNSEL ROBERT A.MELILLO TERENCE E.SMOLEV FACSIMILE COVER SHEET TO: CHAIRMAN COCHRAN AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD FAX NUMBER: 1-631-765-1823 FROM: JAMES A.BOGLIOLI,ESQ. DATE: OCTOBER 3,2000 RE: ROSEN- 15693 NUMBER OF PAGES(including this facsimile cover sheet): 2 If you have any questions or problems regarding this transmittal,please contact Cora: (5 16) 248-1700 x226 Comments: CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE The documents accompanying this telecopy transmission contain information which is confidential and/or kgally privileged The information is buended onlyfor the use of the individual or entity named on this transmission sheet. Ifyou are not the intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any reliance on the contents of this telecopied itlformadon is strictly prohibited and that the documents should be returned to this firm immediately. In this regard(fyou have received this telccopy to error,please not us by telephone immediately so that we can arrange.the return of the documents fit 10-04-200 0:dBAM FROM P. 2 FORCHELLI, CURTO, SCHWARTZ, MINEO, CARLIN° & COHN, LLP COUNSELORS AT LAW JEFFREY O.FORCHELLI 330 OLD COUNTRY ROAD ASSOCIATES ANTHONY V.CURIO P.O.BOX 31 WARREN S.ARTHUR DONALD JAY SCHWARTZ MINEOLA.NEW YORK 11501 GINA RAIO=SEMIS PETER R.MINED TELEPHONE: (516)248-1700 RICHARD A.BLUMBERG JOSEPH F.CARLINO(Retired)BARBARA FACSIMILELES( :(516)248-1729 LAMES A.BOCLIOLI F.BONESSO PER ALPERTH EEN A WEB WILLIAM ETJOSEPH F.UTA+ LL ANTHONY&BARTON ANDREW E.CURTO VINCENT I.PI22ULU,JR. WILLIAM A.DICONZA BRIAN R.SAWN DIANA R FANTANO JOHN V.TERRANA AARON CERSHONOWrrl MICHAEL J.GREENBERC COUNSEL JANET M DISARM WILLIAM S.COHN ROCHELLE LAUFER JOHN A.BURNS,JR. MATTHEW G.ROSEMAN LESTER COOPER JUDY L.SIMONCIC STEVEN C.GARBLER OF COUNSEL ROBERT A.MELILLO TERENCE E.SMOLEV ' October 3, 2000 VIA FACSIMILE 631-765-1823 Chairman and Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Southold 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold,New York 11757 Re: Martin Rosen Premises: 11780 Sound Avenue,Mattituck SCTM#1000-141-3-44 Dear Chairman and Members of the Board: We represent Matin Rosen in connection with the appeal to the Board of Appeals for the revocation of Building Permit Number 265462 to construct an accessory ham radio tower on a parcel of property known as 11780 Sound Avenue.Mattituck. The parcel is designated SCTM#1000-141- 3-44. The above-captioned application is scheduled to be heard on October 19, 2000. However, on behalf of the applicant, I would like to request an adjournment thereof. This adjournment is requested because Joseph Buzzell,Esq.the attorney attending the hearing, and two of the experts that will be testifying at the hearing, are engaged in other matters on October 19th. • Accordingly,I would like to respectfully request that the matter be adjourned to November 16.2000. If the Board has any questions,please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, (,J/AMES 4Z----A. BOGLIOLI JB/caf 10-03-208 9:39PM FROM P_ 1 FORCHELLI, CURTO, SCHWARTZ, MINEO, CARLINO & COHN, LLP COUNSELORS AT LAW 310 OLD COUNTRY ROAD ASSOCIATES ANTHONYN V CURTOO NTHD.FORCHP.O.BOX 31 WARREN S.ARTHUR DOMINEOLA,NEW YORK 11501 GINA RAIO BITSIM1S PETER R. MI SCHWART/. TELEPHONE. (516)248-1700 RICHARD A.BLUMBERG JOR,MIN&O FACSIMILE'(516)248-1729 JAMES A BOGLIOLI BARB i F.CARLINO(Retired) WEB SITE;fu;ancc corn WILLIAM F BONESSO pBARBARA SHnI3F>rN ALES! E-MAIL.mfo(r� JOSEPH F.BU//ILL FTER ALPERT ANDREW E CURL O ViNCEANTHONYNY B.ZZULLLBARTON SUFFOLK COUNTY OFFICE WILLIAM A DICONY�1 BRIAN R J Pll�ULLI JR, ONE HUNTINGTON QUADRANGLE DIANA R.FANTANO JOHN , ERR AARONGERSHONOWITL JOHN V,TERRANA MEI V1LLE,NEW YORK 11747 MlC14AEL J.GREENBFR(r JANET M 1NSARDI COUNSEL ROC((ELLE LAUFER JOHN A. S BURNS,JR.N MATTHEW(1.ROSEMAN LESTE A. JUDY L.SIMONCIC LESTER COOPER STEVEN G.GARBLER. OF COUNSEL ROBERT A.MELILLO TERENCE,E.SMOLEV FACSIMILE COVER SHEET TO: CHAIRMAN COCHRAN AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD 2 FAX NUMBER: 1-631-765-1823 FROM: JAMES A.BOGLIOLI,ESQ. DATE: OCTOBER 3,2000 RE: ROSEN- 15693 NUMBER OF PAGES(including this facsimile cover sheet): 2 If you have any questions or problems regarding this transmittal,please contact Cora: (516) 248-1700 x226 Comments: pm@rEowL-ff3i-- OCT - 3 2000 CONFIDEN77A1,177 NOTICE The documents accompanying this lelecopy transmieston contain information which as confidential and/or legally privileged The Information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named on This transmission sheet. If you are no:the intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any reliance on the contents of this telecopted information is strictly prohibited and that the documents should be returned to this firm immediately. In this regard,If you have received this telecopy m error.please notify us by telephone immediately so that we can arrange the return of the documents. 10-03-200 9:39PM FROM P- 2 FORCHELLI, CURTO, SCHWARTZ, MINED, CARLINO by COHN, LLP COUNSELORS AT LAW JEFFREY D.FORCHELLI 330 OLD COUNTRY ROAD ASSOCIATES ANTHONY V.CURIO P.O.BOX 31 • wARREN S.ARTHUR DONALD JAY SCHWARTz MINEOLA,NEW YORK 11501 GINA RAIO BITSaf1S PETER L MINED TELEPHONE: (516)248-1700 RICHARD A.BLUMBERG JOSEPH P.CARLINO(Retired) FACSIMILE: (516) 245-1729JAS A.BOGLIOLI BARBARA SHAHEEN ALERT WILLIAM F.BONESSO • PETER ALPERT WEB JOSEPH P.BUZZELL ANTHONY a BARTON ANDREW E.CURTO WILLIAM A.DiCONZA B R L PIZZUI.Li,JL DIANA R.PANTANO BRIANAN R.A SAWN JOHN V.TERRANA AARON GERSHONOWITZ MICHAEL I GREENBERG COUNSEL JANET M.INSARDI WILLIAM S.COHN ROCHELLE LAUPER JOHN A.BURNS,JR. MATTHEW G ROSEMAN LESTER COOPER , JUDY L SIMONCIC STEVEN G GAEBLER OP COUNSEL ROBERT A.MELILLO TELENCE E.SMOLEV October 3, 2000 VIA FACSIMILE 631-765-1823 (r . E OU' IE TI Chairman and Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals OCT - 3 2000 Town of Southold 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold,New York 11757 Re: Martin Rosen Premises: 11780 Sound Avenue,Mattituck SCTM#1000-141-3-44 Dear Chairman Cochran and Members of the Board: We represent Matin Rosen in connection with the appeal to the Board of Appeals for the revocation of Building Permit Number 265462 to construct an accessory ham radio tower on a parcel of property known as 11780 Sound Avenue,Mattituck. The parcel is designated SCTM#1000-141- 3-44. The above-captioned application is scheduled to be heard on October 19,2000. However, on behalf of the applicant, I would like to request an adjournment thereof. This adjournment is requested because Joseph Buzzell,Esq.the attorney attending the hearing,and two of the experts that will be testifying at the hearing, are engaged in other matters on October 19`h. Accordingly,I would like to respectfully request that the matter be adjourned to November 16, 2000. If the Board has any questions,please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, L._ d • 4/4.------- JAMES A.BOGLIOLI JB/caf FORCHELLI, CURTO, SCHWARTZ, MINED, CARLINO & COHN, LLP COUNSELORS AT LAW JEFFREY D FORCHELLI 330 OLD COUNTRY ROAD ASSOCIATES ANTHONY V.CURTO P.O.BOX 31 WARREN S ARTHUR DONALD JAY SCHWARTZ MINEOLA,NEW YORK 11501 GINA RAIO BITSIMIS PETER R.MINED TELEPHONE: (516)248-1700 RICHARD A.BLUMBERG JOSEPH F CARLINO(Retired) 516 248-1729 JAMES A BOGLIOLI FACSIMILE: BARBARA SHAHEEN ALESI (516) WILLIAM F.BONESSO PETER ALPERT WEB JOSEPH F BUZZELL ANTHONY B BARTON E-MAIL:info@fcsmcc corn ANDREW E CURTO VINCENT J.PIZZULLI,JR. WILLIAM A.DiCONZA BRIAN R SAHN DIANA R FANTANO JOHN V TERRANA AARON GERSHONOWITZ MICHAEL J.GREENBERG COUNSEL JANET M.INSARDI WILLIAM S COHN ROCHELLE LAUFER JOHN A BURNS,JR ANDREW J.LEVITT LESTER COOPER MATTHEW G.ROSEMAN STEVEN G GAEBLER September 5, 2000 JUDY L.SIMONCIC OF COUNSEL ROBERT A.MELILLO I /© mi 0 W E TERENCE E.SMOLEV SEPI Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals 53095 Main Road -- P.O. Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 Att: Linda Re: Martin Rosen Premises: 11780 Sound Avenue, Mattituck SCTM# 1000-141-3-44 Variance Application Dear Linda: - Pursuant to our conversation regarding the overpayment of the application fee for the above- referenced application, please continue to process the application. Additionally,please refund the $200.00 overpayment at your earliest convenience and make the refund check out to"Martin Rosen". Please forward the refund check to this office to my attention. If you have any additional questions or require anything further in connection with the application,please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, _ " ' ii---- 6( 'A.----------- JAMES-A. BOGLIOLI , JB:caf - - ' --Pat_44-24-*A-,,./•4 ---Lid 0�v�at.--4-0,-' A-'''"A 11 6 1-Q-'°.-11-- .1LP'lee-..'t'cL-—---- ao - i6�d, GdG�i .i'//0d J-e-t0. ce1,4-1r. FORCHELLI, CURTO, SCHWARTZ, MINEO, CARLINO & COHN, LLP COUNSELORS AT LAW JEFFREY D.FORCHELLI �J 330 OLD COUNTRY ROAD n w ASSOCIATES ANTHONY V.CURTO P.O.BOX 31 WARREN S ARTHUR DONALD JAY SCHWARTZ MINEOLA,NEW YORK 11501 U GINA RAID BITSIMIS PETER R.MINED TELEPHONE: (516) 248-1700 • CHARD A.BLUMBERG JOSEPH F.CARLINO(Retired) f+ JAMES A.BOGLIOLI BARBARA SHAHEEN ALES! FACSIMILE: (516) 248-1729 ! 414I 2f��1P1 WILLIAM F BONESSO PETER ALPERT WEB _ CfU(9 JOSEPH F.BUZZELL ANTHONY B.BARTON E-MAIL: / / , ANDREW E CURTO VINCENT J.PIZZULLI,JR r WILLIAM A.DiCONZA BRIAN R.SAHN / DIANA R.FANTANO JOHN V.TERRANA ,AARON GERSHONOWITZ -�l MICHAEL J.GREENBERG COUNSEL JANET M INSARDI WILLIAM S COHN ROCHELLE LAUFER JOHN A BURNS,JR September 1, 2000 MATTHEW G ROSEMAN LESTER COOPER JUDY L SIMONCIC STEVEN G GAEBLER OF COUNSEL ROBERT A MELILLO TERENCE E SMOLEV BY HAND Town of Southold 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 Re: Martin Rosen Premises: 11780 Sound Avenue,Mattituck SCTM# 1000-141-3-44 Variance Application Dear Sir/Madam: Enclosed please find the Application of the Zoning Board of Appeals and supporting materials in connection with the above-referenced property. Please process this application as soon as possible. If you require anything further,please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, cke AMES A. BOGLIOLI JB:caf Enclosures 4 Y' - 4`4 _ BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD D t/ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK : STATE OF NEW YORK SEp ,„;, 2000 In the Matter of the Application of ,4 . MARTIN ROSEN NOTICE OF for administrative appeal concerning APPEAL certain property located at 17780 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. x SIRS : PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the undersigned hereby appeals from the August 2, 2000 Determination of Director of Code Enforce- ment Edward Forrester which revoked Building Permit Number 265462 and concluded that an accessory ham radio tower is not permitted without a permitted principal use and by concluding that the pre- existing non-conforming use was lost. Said appeal is taken from the whole of said determination, as well as each and every part thereof. The grounds for the appeal are as follows: The Inspector incorrectly revoked the building permit by incorrectly concluding that an accessory ham radio tower is not permitted without a permitted principal use and by incorrectly concluding that the pre-existing non-conforming use was lost . Dated: Mineola, New York August 31, 2000 Yours, etc. , FORCHELLI, CURTO, SCHWARTZ, MINEO, CARLINO & COHN, LLP ES A. BOGLI LI, ESQ. ttorneys for MARTIN ROSEN 330 Old Country Road P.O. Box 31 Mineola, New York 11501 (516) 248-1700 TO: Gerard Geohringer Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Southold 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Edward Forrester Director of Code Enforcement Town of Southold 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 N - 2 - dTI`IMOD w uNY O `O `ZUIVAMOS `OL LL J `I'I'I�IIO Od c • ALLSTATE.INTERNATIONAL,INC 07181 BF•07182-BL•07183-GY•07184-WH • • a 800-222-0510 Index No. Year 20 BOARD OF APPEALS :TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK:STATE OF NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of MARTIN ROSEN For administrative appeal concerning certain property located at 17780 Sound Avenue,Mattituck,Town of Southold,County of Suffolk,State of New York. NOTICE OF APPEAL FORCHELLI, CURTO, SCHWARTZ,MINEO, CARLINO & COHN,LLP COUNSELORS AT LAW Attorneys for 330 OLD COUNTRY ROAD P.O BOX 31 MINEOLA,NEW YORK 11501 (516)248-1700 (516)248-1729(fax) Pursuant to 22 NYCRR 130-1.1, the undersigned, an attorney admitted to practice in the courts of New York State, certifies that, upon information and belief and reasonable inquiry, the contentions contained in the annexed document are not frivolous. Dated: Signature Print Signer's Name Service of a copy of the within is hereby admitted Dated: .. . .. .. .. .. .. . Attorney(s)for PLEASE TAKE NOTICE 8 Am that the within is a(certified) true copy of a i NOTICE OF entered in the office of the clerk of the within named Court on 20 ENTRY L3 that an Order of which the within is a true copy will be presented for settlement to the NOTICE OF Hon. one of the judges of the within named Court, SETTLEMENT at on 20 ,at M. Dated: FORCHELLI, CURTO, SCHWARTZ,MINEO, CARLINO & COHN,LLP COUNSELORS AT LAW Attorneys for 330 OLD COUNTRY ROAD P.O.BOX 31 To: MINEOLA,NEW YORK 11501 Attorney(s)for •STATE OF NEW YORK,COUNTY OF ss:• I,the undersigned,am an attorney admitted to practice in the courts of New York,and certify that the annexed o Attorneys has been compared by me with the original and found to be a true and complete copy thereof. ra Certification o say that:I am the attorney of record,or of counsel with the attorney(s)of record,for .I have read the annexed • g Attorney's know the contents thereof and the same are true to my knowledge, except those matters therein which are stated to be alleged on information m vefificotion and belief, and as to those matters I believe them to be true. My belief, as to those matters therein not stated upon t by Affirmation knowledge,is based upon the following. The reason I make this affirmation instead of is I affirm that the foregoing statements are true under penalties of perjury. Dated: (Print signer's name below signature) STATE OF NEW YORK,COUNTY OF ss: being sworn says:I am o in the action herein;I have read the annexed m Individual know the contents thereof and the same are true to my knowledge, except those matters therein which are stated to be alleged on S Verification information and belief,and as to those matters I believe them to be true. n the of a a corporation,one of the parties to the action;I have read the annexed u• Corporate know the contents thereof and the same are true to my knowledge, except those matters therein which are stated to be alleged on Verification information and belief,and as to those matters I believe them to be true. My belief,as to those matters therein not stated upon knowledge,is based upon the following: Sworn to before me on (Print signer's name below signature) 0 STATE OF NEW YORK,COUNTY OF ss: being sworn says:I am not a party to the action,am over 18 years of age and reside at On , ,I served a true copy of the annexed in the following manner: Service by mailing the same in a sealed envelope, with postage prepaid thereon, in a post-office or official depository of the U.S. Postal Service by Mail within the State of New York,addressed to the last-known address of the addressee(s)as indicated below: g Peal by delivering the same personally to the persons at the address indicated below: • Service oby transmitting the same to the attorney by electronic means to the telephone number or other station or other limitation designated by the a Service by attorney for that purpose.In doing so I received a signal from the equipment of the attorney indicating that the transmission was received, • Electronansic and mailed a copy of same to that attorney,in a sealed envelope,with postage prepaid thereon,in a post office or official depository of the � Me U.S.Postal Service within the State of New York,addressed to the last-known address of the addressee(s)as indicated below: by depositing the same with an overnight delivery service in a wrapper properly addressed.Said delivery was made prior to the latest time Overnight designated by the overnight delivery service for overnight delivery.The address and delivery service are indicated below: Delivery Service Sworn to before me on (Print signer's name below signature) 1 T L _ BOARD OF APPEALS : TOWN OF SOUTHOLD spD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK : STATE OF NEW YORK ''!, 1410 In the Matter of the -Application of - MARTIN ROSEN NOTICE OF for administrative appeal concerning APPEAL , certain property located at 17780 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. x SIRS : PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the undersigned hereby appeals from the August 2, 2000 Determination of Director of Code Enforce- ment Edward Forrester which revoked Building Permit Number 265462 and concluded that an accessory ham radio tower is not permitted without a permitted principal use and by concluding that the pre- existing non-conforming use was lost. Said appeal is taken from the whole of said determination, as well as each and every part thereof. The grounds for the appeal are as follows: The Inspector incorrectly revoked the building permit by incorrectly concluding that an accessory ham radio tower is not permitted without a permitted principal use and by incorrectly concluding that the pre-existing non-conforming use was lost! Dated: Mineola, New York August 31, 2000 Yours, etc. , FORCHELLI, CURTO, SCHWARTZ, MINED, CARLINO & COHN, LLP By: JOSEPH F. BUZZELL, ESQ. Attorneys for MARTIN ROSEN 330 Old Country Road P.O. Box 31 Mineola, New York 11501 (516) 248-1700 TO: Gerard Geohringer Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Southold 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11757 Edward Forrester Director of Code Enforcement Town of Southold 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11757 - 2 - -,may BOARD OF APPEALS : TOWN OF SOUTHOLD r o 44. J COUNTY OF SUFFOLK : STATE OF NEW YORK coj �y Cokos--,114D x j p,e-M-n417�ikkO^can-oam" In the Matter of the Application of �,ye `�-+�7 MARTIN ROSEN NOTICE OF for administrative appeal concerning APPEAL certain property located at 17780 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. x SIRS : PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the undersigned hereby appeals from the August 2, 2000 Determination of Director of Code Enforcement Edward Forrester which revoked Building Permit Number 265462 and concluded that an accessory ham radio tower is not permitted without a permitted principal use. Said appeal is taken from the whole of said determination, as well as each and every part thereof. The grounds for the appeal are as follows : The Inspector incorrectly revoked the building permit by incorrectly concluding that an accessory ham radio tower is not permitted without a permitted principal useriu y rnc0,01 Dated: Mineola, New York August 31, 2000 Yours, etc. , FORCHELLI, CURTO, SCHWARTZ, MINEO, 4/1tHL CARLINO & COHN, LLP - pte.-z ,-sstr fIA- By:— vSQ �44,7 1,20 JOSEPH F. BUZZELL, ESQ. Attorneys for MARTIN ROSEN 330 Old Country Road P.O. Box 31 Mineola, New York 11501 (516) 248-1700 TO: Gerard Geohringer Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Southold 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11757 Edward Forrester Director of Code Enforcement Town of Southold 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11757 - 2 - A TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT SOUTHOLD, N.Y. SEp o.r Q NOTICE OF REVOKATION DATE; August 14, 2000 TO Martin Rosen 3472 Weidner Ave Oceanside NY 11572 Please take notice that your permit dated June 1, 2000 For permit to construct an accessory ham radio tower(permit#26546Z ) Location of property 11780 Sound Avenue Mattituck County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 141 Block 3 Lot 44 Subdivision Filed Map # Lot# Is returned herewith and revoked on the following grounds pursuant to Article XXVIII Section 100- 282B which states; § 100-282. Revocation of permit. The Building Inspector may revoke a building permit theretofore issued and approved in the following instances: B. Where he finds that the building permit was issued in error and should not have been issued in accordance with the applicable law. Subject property, in LI zone, had a pre-existing non-conforming dwelling as principle use. This use was lost pursuant to Article XXIV Section 100-241G. Subject property does not contain a permitted principle use pursuant to Article XIV Section 100-141A. An accessory use cannot exist without a principle use. Authorized Signature p -.,.. . }, BOARD _OF HEALTH c. .. " .1 p ° f E EI FORM NO. I'' - ' 3 SETS' OF PLANS' ' MAY 17 2000 'II TOWN 01? SOUTHOLD SURVEY f , ' :~"BUILDING DEPARTMENT CHECK 1 L__. _ .�._., ___ �_._�aN TOWN HALL SEPTIC FORM, kr _:� SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 "---"—:--t-''''--.--- TEL: 765-1802 NOTIFY: CALL 1 Examined , 2( .... MAIL TO- 1.18i 700 Approved 611/C'U .... Permit No. Q155 I . Disapproved a/c t , i206.,.., ' (Building Ins or) , APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT ' Date , 20 J ' INSTRUCTIONS / . a. This application must be canpletely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Ikiilding Inspec 3 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. . b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises 'or puhl streets or areas, and giving a detailed description of layout of property must be drawn on the diagram which is pal this application. c. The work covered by this application may not be cannenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout-the work. , ' e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose whatever until a Certificate of Occupancy shall have been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS lEl BY MAIL ,to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances o Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions or alterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necesinspections. t-'itt j .0-62--c---•--- ' . (Signature of applicant, or name, if a corporal / . (Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is(owne. lessee,'agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, pluitx-r.or Name of owner of premisesG'0���'Le-4 ( .4.-4,2.a 1` (as on the tax roll or latest deed) • If applicant is a corporation, signature of duly authorized officer. (Name and title of corporate officer) . Builders License No. Plumbers License No. ' Electricians 'License No. Other Trade's License No. 1. ?c-acia.: of :act, on which proposed work will bedone 1/ 2510 go (/i1/}' M �� c.. /2f %/`e %(,'L`.-E / ft.,Y Louse Number Street ' , Hanle~ County Tax Map'No. 1000 Section /"7//• 626 ' Block 'C7:;'°() Lot - G 5V.,Q d e2 , SubdivisionFiled Map No. Lot (Nape) - . 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy ,�'' / h. T n tendo d use and occupancy'1,7 i�)/�'t /?/4'/7%C) / 01//'/( " '/? Re-L' y ' C7,i.:' 7t7)/ ) �I 7tt _ (51 0 '3 /g ) 7)1 C—,? 7-0 4/6/7 i 'Er ,� uP A f-f" G t;..-L/ (.h wti. � 0- & 3 0. vv-e--is y 3. Nature of work (check which ap able): New Building Addit.,,, AltPrat/MI Nepal r . .. . . . ... Removal Demolition Other Work/V!V( '8/113' ' 7C)/o F•;': 1 (Description) ,, Est.invited Cost ' ' fee (to be paid on filing this application) 5 If dc,el I ing, rxrri)er of dwell ing units Nurber of dwelling units on each floor . . - I I garage, r><arter of cars 6 If business, conrrercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent_of each type of use 7. Dimensions of exist ing structures, i f any: Front Rear / Depth Height . . . . . . Wilber of Stories Dimensions of sate stricture with alterations or additions: Front Rear . .. .. Depth 1 Height Number of Stories 8. Downs ions of entire new construction: Front Rear Depth . . - ., . . Height I Nuriber of Stories ( --, . /5- c2 ) , ) J r > 9 .Size of lot: Front Rear Depth ' 10. (kale of Purchase .e'.i)./. !/.:: (..(='!:Y. Nae of Former Owner -...e3 c.'!A W.... . ..- _ H .. Zone or use district in,'which premises are situated 4.1 s 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning lana, ordinance or regulation: M <:"..,) 13. Will lot be regraded Will excess fill be removed from premises: YES NO 14 . Hanes of Owner of premises l)�1(�%i t /�i'''$i��- Address e 7_ %>:'Z' `1oc,•t// /-510 C'_ 63' " 1,„/,..41.-.:9\-77 -7'.,,-,4 7y Phone No. .7.,x.2.—- 6 r thine of Architect F Address Phone No. Nacre of Contractor , Address Phone No 15. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland? * YES No 7) <-- *I F YES, S(1J11 UA 1) TM TRIJS'IL'GS PERMIT MAY BE RGQUIRFE). / PLOT DIAGRAM locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether existing or proposed, and indicate all set-back dimensions I-run property lines. Give street and block number or description according to deed, and show street nares and indicate Acether interior or corner lot. \ ` !' . _ _ LriK eis : V \ t � \ /o'Frv LL S ' C\ \' vim., ra�K ��j (0ere�c I \r1 I'M OF t'81.1 YORK, i 41-/ ...,"../.,4,' • 1 being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is tire applicant Hare of individual signing contract) bove named, e is the -. . . . . . :. . . . . . . . . .. Contractor, agent, corporate officer, etc.) f said owner or owners, nix) is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this pplication; that all staterrents contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and hat the work wi I 1 be performed in the manner set forth in tile application filed therewith. worn to before ne this 6- day of ' '{}� lCt 1 20 0(._ Notary Public .i-- .. . . SCJ.IMF Vin ,//), ))(1'.. --t""1, I �;�'l�\,r. WIMP:Mtt,Sl14ci( Yr* of Applicant) t\la.4R4StiTi OrrIT<1d In Suf%Corer - It 0,4,''';',:;.: �� ;., Gym Town Hall,53095 Main Road p ry ', ;,',,: - % Fax(516)765-1823 P.O. Box 1179 % ti r".4,1:14- r; Telephone(516)765-1802 Southold,New York 11971-0959 O w -;;;41,—;e, .0006 o l IS BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STOP WORK ORDER TO: Mr. Martin Rosen 3472 Weidner Avenue Oceanside, N.Y. 11572 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED TO SUSPEND ALL WORK AT: 11780 SOUND AVENUE, MATTITUCK, N.Y. TAX MAP NUMBER - 1000-141-3-44 Pursuant to Section 100-13 & 100-141A of the Code of the Town of Southold,New York, you are notified to immediately suspend all work and building activities until this order has been rescinded BASIS OF STOP WORK ORDER: ACCESSORY HAM RADIO TOWER IS NOT PERMITTED WITHOUT PERMITTED PRINCIPAL USE. CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH WORK MAY BE RESUMED: WHEN ALL ZONING REQUIREMENTS ARE MET. Failure to remedy the conditions aforesaid and to comply with the applicable provisions of law may constitute an offense punishable by fine or imprisonment or both. )26:„...,40.-NAL AT DATED: AUGUST 2,2000 EDWARD FORRESTER C © C 'ECTOR OF CODE ENFORCEMENT (CERT. MAIL) D OWE C (41)'1 AUG t 4 2000 FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT • (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) 'pERMIT NO. 26546 Z Date JUNE 1; 2000 � permission ' is hereby granted to: BOOKER (ROSEN) 755 ROGERS AVENUE BROOKLYN,NY 11226 Y . '`rACCESSORY HAM RADIO TOWER FOR PRIVATE USE. • , ,atpremises 'located at 11780 SOUND AVE MATTITUCK County Tact Map 'Noe 473889 Section 141 Block 0003 Lot No. 044 '.pursuant to application dated MAY 17, 2000 and approved by the Building 'lnepector. • Fee, 35. 00 Author ad Signature ' Ravi 2/19/98 - T © [E OWCOPY c-if AUG w 42000 T-13nA) , � . arvey P. Stark, l�.E., j'.C. Consulting Engineers Civil Design Structural 535 Bedford Avenue Construction Architectural Bellmore. New York 11710-3544 Reports Tel: (516)785-6053 Fax: (516)785-6163 ; [0 August 2, 2000 , n ; I - 4 •L000 Town of Southold 1 L- Building Department _, Town Hall Main Road, P. O. Box 1 179 Southold, New York 11971 Attention: Mr. Michael Verity. Building Inspector Building Permit Number 26546 Z 11780 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, New York Tax Map No. 473889, Section 141, Block 0003, Lot (L44 FOUNDATION INSPECTION CERTIFICATION This is to certify to you that the reinforced concrete and anchor bolts were installed under my personal sujpervision and in accordance with the approved plans, the New York State Building and Fire Prevention Code and the Town Code and further that said construction is acceptable to this office. The Tower steel was erected after twelve (12) to thirteen (13) days of the curing of the concrete foundation supports, under my approval, whereby the concrete had achieved an acceptable compressive strength of a minimum of 2,000 p.s.i. We trust this certification is self-explanatory; however, please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions or require any further assistance. Veiy truly yours, of�ssroN �.46.1E stole < Harvc P. Staff k 410it&‘.12j 7411rig g ;tint: �` 2 Y , . C. E. , P. E. i �� ��Ea I ; LE "E file-a:a�„-ntauilud; .:,we 40399 t} �/ rF or NON�° AUG b 4 2000 CEN Ji&:: ' Below ate your Amateur Radio snses in sizes suitable for your------f let and for framing. Carefully cut the documents a/c- 'the lines as indicated. Each lit e carries equal operating authority. The Commission suggests that the wallet size version of the license be laminated (or other similar document protection process) after signing. The Commission has found, under certain circumstances, laser print is subject to displacement. N-- Cut Along This Line Call Sign Effective Date Expiration Date THIS LICENSE SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS OF GRANT ON KC2ENT 01/05/99 01/05/09 THE REVERSE SIDE. THIS LICENSE IS NOT TRANSFERABLE. Operator Privileges Station Privileges cc = TECHNICIAN PRIMARY ?u'l SPECIAL CONDITIONS J MARTIN M ROSEN r 3472 WEIDNER AVE 0, OCEANSIDE NY 11572 a - U • `.TW:1i• .SfA. . • (Li ' Signature) „ ` f i .) cl "= FCC AMATEUR RADIO LICENSE FCC FORM 660 (Licensee's g � �:. MAY 1994 ._ FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION s%=- AMATEUR RADIO LICENSE KC2ENT MARTIN M ROSEN 3472 WEIDNER AVE OCEANSIDE NY 11572 16 CC C C •J J NC • : Special Conditins - •• - - I U . U Effective Date . ` • '• Expiration Date 01 /05/99 01/0. 5/09 Operator Privileges Station Privileges TECHNICIAN . PRIMARY THIS LICENSE SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS OF GRANT ON THE REVERSE SIDE THIS LICENSE IS NOT TRANSFERABLE - - L� © i U�1/7 ii --D WE Aro � I (Licensee's Signature) —' B.�� 2000 FCC FORM 860 - MAY 1994 - ,111'11 t....,1:-{11. 1'1' 11 1 ' I . 1 0 : t, ' ., • I _ LjL3It7N I-c)nl ) ��. •, ' I – . . 135' I.4^,11111 td,,,I lotttl um Al I'M IA 277 fl Il•i 1.11 II I.-,-1, ,. :. t,l,,lnrI, 10•'IAtiIa)k i. , • Ulili1'li'ly '7_4.- • An IIiPil. I Yl") i of i11 t> / )< 11 X 11 , ' (14I> . , ' t:�11.1_ vl: MieIi 1 'Ii' 1 / \ — –- — -IlOCt1an111y Ipr,1,t `1t•• II.,,• , i _—— niva,ul L+ullh ›N, , •---- _�_G_IMp Ilan rut Uttn,l,i,,tt `—i <' ---. _-----_ UIt11ttIM1•_I 1'I. 11nvn ii,t,u„•ti,•,1 f.L, drrtl :3lttln t,l I low ,,••'I i . • l, ! >< • : \ c , (---iN•1:i ,--... • • I • 1 • �- • . '''>< . \/'. � . 1 ' I • �� , • ! I \--:46 It � J — 1�l;1I I I I 1 1 •_ • �I I • . . . It I • Ir t I `. • ' ' 1 : — I ••••,...3r;,'� --- in m , _ B.:0k I _I ut)It OLIN/Will Ic I I l ►v1 , , :11,• ;,. L9(J5� j<� FI R �v Irl, Iv1 ,G I �, I 1 1;Ilu! Jullt,llk t,i,ul,ly, 1 I.r 1 I I • t I ,l, • I X11,11 dowdy)IA 111b j,lubiltly,l 1!1111 ttii III ,,,,,I i,i,•.i I. 11 1 ' • , •111. :' •1 ' �", I1,1,It,t1tIcAli ttliy•/KIP V 111.1) �wtll,j,t,1,••i,t,l',•,I...,h..,,,t , C • _ ti-4; t l)tllA11111':,1,,,1 ,: 'Ill \ . , . I�1 }', t , y 7Tt.•v �tr�' '.r.4 .vt bitwin1Iy Ccl�f I'I'1 111111 I'Iondlltil tInnb illtlodd; IFI --)t' ,,I „` ,, I 1. _ •, . 1 -A11IIIbV�d Ili �t'(1 - ) I.1I 1 r r ,1 I' I I I. I j 1i. • - - I• It AUG n- 4 2000--.. L\c / i (9_41 .J) 1 fi t • 1 t `i I SFANDAHL) if- LAA UK b r 225 lb.20 Year guarantee bo�,oie q• = + asphalt Sell-sealing shingleS •• /i CO. X. • Plywood root trusses for unrnalcr,,,,2 • Overhang on in gout choice . :olors strength },) sheathing I all Idur sides eliminates t'.1 Sidewall streaking Irom ` ;,':';`, r wet r runoff `,���` 1 ��` ,,,• � �, J ��_= ' .�.�y�v I fir.. cc. IT lifyiliell01111"1611.1.11". , :1 • • ---1 . ' r 1 1 ar\ri .' //IF 0 0 t � I�nr �. z I /Kr22ii +� � $k> iiii %..till ('' •� I/j 'ti !� � Optional,NrndowS 1'' 'll +\ , CuSldrtt I-!Cement al ° I 41 ( \ F no Iddrlronal charge. nein�dreid Double boo ti I. r pain!'bd ort both Sidet\ \ ( fft,t t, 'hayOut tho ce olic f rior13 cohortain /' with iF, !taming ` t,,;,a; - - dt,tlaAt•4ealed PRESSt t•tMEAtED B C P ESSURE TREATED r {!"°; ,, 5 ply plOOod(loot,tecured 4 floor hoists 16'0 C ' 'I•:1.' Maintenance Free r with ting thank nailsPRESSURE TREAIi • 41' 1 1•I i fir Siding — ' lo,+^^al,on oearns .A Jacks 8 headers In all dooi (taming to meet all Stays and - - local Building Codes - s . ANjVfYeI1 S ,Y.7 t,p,� `, ta,,r9 l� r i I , 4$712•! 1 id d ,A) ply led i ).., ,,,i . . , :, 1 . „.., • • ., , „ ,_ . ,, a; 4.�C; V.,,,. • S'7-0 b s rid { d7-. / 41 Rytii 0 -041) . . '•as I+ i1 Apr f5 ./ X y , i / •.1 1 ‘, OLt 0 d±, „4. , , .1 k/C1 /4 t . 3 PI . w . . APt 6'1) 1 if r-- +11 el]: 7J -- s J ::;Ei'_:--.,...J yfib. I IfLO.00rOVI snv .\\- . -E,,:_ 8h-v•LQ iriP •7, I.: tt . �., 11�a �7ILj y1 Z ' -••4-...4..•47:'L 4 t�O� - ����_� ..-, SPS . O?�./� i l t 1 (--,,,, Pp=AS NOTED . DATE. B BY: :_ / NOTIFY BUILDING D 'ART' NT AT / .411 765-1802 3 AM TO PM FOR THE 111 I �G� FOLLOWING INSPECTIONS:REQUIRED _ , , 1 FOUNDATION - TWO CONCRETE 2 `E OR u5E / °,- .y # 2. ROUPOUREFDD CCO & PLUMBING tpE ND +� ,, °ti°6od- �,• . 3. INSULATION FRP I 1�� ,g9 rc �� , O <4, 4. FINAL -COMPLETEFOR C.O. ION MUST . . • 0/F \. s b BE co N� UNN '� r° �� I, • J ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET ICE F '� \° �� 67 THE...REQUIREMENTS OF THE N.Y. I AL _ N • 4' •�� • ( STATE CONSTRUCTION & ENERGY V I cE • .< - �.� • �� CODES. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR N uNK 1�p al No DESIGN OR CONSTRUCTION ERRORS 0 �" o z a o 15 3 I OglyQ `•.•Ca.- '�. \ , o S 1 a o P ���- � � S • '• o FCOC M \ \ rl u �) iiiJJJ .1.57-C' i/� ` -rOj1 ;� I� �` 1 r1 i g �o &2 5 1 I� \ �Z48 i=.p' "s,.. w•�---:0? • -6 a cTj ' a.l ��/ , �� - •' . a 19-0.---- \ _,a. 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TOWER LEG FOUNDATION=ALAN - �� -,:..:,:-'_--ALL- CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEAT- - :-- - - _�,� -. _,_....,,. ---- .-: _ _ _ _ .,T;_,-..- --�---- ,- USE-1S UNLAWFUL #` fl1NER SEG FOUNDATION ELEVATION (Mcric /--/e :THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE N.Y. .. - ,. ----�- - '�` RT9FICA� ----- -_u.. - �z.-�•.. � STATE CONSTRUCTION & ENERGY - _ WITHOUT-CERTIFICATE ... _ _ : .Wy .._— _- CODE8: NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR - -_ - - - Al:= OCCUPANCY - ` , " ` "eE M t1i��`n>Ncrat tenon FRRflRs - F , - __ ._ . 1 -- - -- - _ - . --- - I. rdM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 4U625 BUILDING DEPARTMENT r,. an SOUTHOLD,N.Y. NOTICE OF REVOCATION DATE; August 14, 2000 TO Martin Rosen 3472 Weidner Ave Oceanside NY 11572 Please take notice that your permit dated June 1, 2000 For permit to construct an accessory ham radio tower(permit#26546Z) Location of property 11780 Sound Avenue Mattituck County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 141 Block 3 Lot 44 Subdivision Filed Map # Lot# Is returned herewith and revoked on the following grounds pursuant to Article XXVIII Section 100- 282B which states; § 100-282. Revocation of permit. The Building Inspector may revoke a building permit theretofore issued and approved in the following instances: B. Where he finds that the buildingpermit was issued in error and should not have been issued in accordance with the applicable law. Subject property, in LI zone, had a pre-existing non-conforming dwelling as principle use. This use was lost pursuant to Article XXIV Section 100-241G. Subject property does not contain a permitted principle use pursuant to Article XIV Section 100-141A. An accessory use cannot exist without a principle use. Authorized Si ure 4(- 7 s... s" , CC© CIMG TOWN OF SOUTHOLD D 0 ., , • , • BUILDING DEPARTMENT AUG I, A AID SOUTHOLD, N.Y. .J, / , :d NOTICE OF REVOKATION //;in (yal-CIS byt DATE; August 14, 2000 TO Martin Rosen 3472 Weidner Ave Oceanside NY 11572 Please take notice that your permit dated June 1, 2000 For permit to construct an accessory ham radio tower(permit#26546Z ) Location of property 11780 Sound Avenue Mattituck County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 141 Block 3 Lot 44 Subdivision Filed Map # Lot# Is returned herewith and revoked on the following grounds pursuant to Article XXVIII Section 100- 282B which states; § 100-282. Revocation of permit. The Building Inspector may revoke a building permit theretofore issued and approved in the following instances: B. Where he finds that the building permit was issued in error and should not have been issued in accordance with the applicable law. Subject property, in LI zone, had a pre-existing non-conforming dwelling as principle use. This use was lost pursuant to Article XXIV Section 100-241G. Subject property does not contain a permitted principle use pursuant to Article XIV Section 100-141A. An accessory use cannot exist without a principle use. /9-4j----"A-'—e-CL ,.___ Authorized nature _ N NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2000 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Chapter 100 (Zoning), Code of the Town of Southold, the following application will be heard at a public hearing by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2000, at the time noted below (or as soon thereafter as possible): 8:20 p.m. Appl. No. 4864 — MARTIN ROSEN. Request to Reverse Building Department's Revocation of Permit No. 26546-Z dated August 14, 2000 regarding a ham radio tower which exists at 11780 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, NY; Parcel No. 1000-141-3-44. Zone: LI Light Industrial. The reasons stated in the Disapproval are as follows: "Pursuant to Article XXVIII, Section 100-282B, The Building Inspector may revoke a building permit issued in error when it should not have been issued in accordance with the application law. Subject property, in LI Zone, had a pre-existing nonconforming dwelling as principle use. This use was lost pursuant to Article XXIV, Section 100-241G. Subject property does not contain a permitted principle use pursuant to Article XIV, Section 100-141A. An accessory use cannot exist without a principle use." The Board of Appeals will at the above time and place hear all persons or their representative desiring to be heard or to submit written statements (before the hearing is concluded). This hearing will not start earlier than designated. Files are available for review during regular Town Hall business hours (8-4 p.m.). If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call (631) 765-1809. Dated: October 31, 2000. GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 . f—N...\7 ; IYr� j ' •�Sal.•t ;' ,A 1. _ i . . k� ) I _ • ,OA") �'� 1 •2j • I V 1� � 1AEft 'IV'•, ; al R0� CftOSstlld S'N rt 1 gto. or p► Ott f AA d 'y V, .t 1tl f: dy114 0 NCE ♦ 1 Y -« W1gF.S %'., CIW) UtIK � �' �rtnt+Eli? I; �• .I• FE1 E X71 ' r 1 ' 5:N. O.i'E. "^�._� 4. \.. ___,0: ,i ,,� • N �77• r 0'fid,+ / • ' J Arl' 1 1►� JaIIK Iei,,_... / 25,q:...— I ��11,1 1v�� • t /cot lc. r- .f L CJ iq , ' , a 1� •, a 1 �� U (1 '• , . 27.2' �� V� • ,• o '. : - 1 J 1.+ rt I? 1-3 )�b ' in v .< <� 2g�: • ''. main CA 1 lit' E �—, iiI ''' itri- • iii; x o . i; fit cNttAN ,�� • • . ',4 A 7 • 9,1 ^ ‘14. ; , 1 • " 7di kit X1.2' i 119 I p , rn 4 vi u \ cot,, cos"' ' Gam $ } _. coq • x 1 B1 4.4.t' ,e1 1 �` qi 10' W �O %. 0 Si w tE "' i o 4 y 1'l b • . Mg n1 • ' ' 73 in dt ;i 1 0• 5 fJ • �'vQ '� ��y�`' Z. o • • • 1. On 5', ' ,,,,e , t.,c,„\ ��rny \ '‘c-f-2 \ $ „r ! . i ,.. . . . ,, ,_ „ • , ., , • . .. ,... . ,. .....„ , , . . ,„,,,.„„„,„,„.,,,,,,„t,„,„„,...,,,,...; . , ,,,.„,.., ,,,,,..„.„„,.•..,„ ,.. .,,.. . '.\''.\)?. ' \ . ••: A ,.4. L.....) . 5 i \) �., • , l r N N PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS o.i" SVFfU(�► BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. �o°O,, Co Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 Chairman 141 t4\ P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 WILLIAM J.CREMERS ` N KENNETH L.EDWARDS ,. � • -- : rn• Telephone (631) 765-1938 y GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. : O .0 Fax(631) 765-3136 RICHARD CAGGIANO y1o1 NO-Of pee - --- — — 1 tA) /36) i • ) _ \... L..._g 1 t , 11 , \\I f PLANNING BOARD OFFICE NOV 42000 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD j' . , TO: Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman, Board of Appeals FROM: Bennett Orlowski, Chairman / RE: Appl. No. 4882—LAV-COR AGRICULTURAL INC. (Peconic Bay Winery) Appl. No. 4864—Martin Rosen DATE: November 14, 2000 Appl. No. 4882—LAV- COR AGRICULTURAL INC. The Planning Board is in favor of the requested width variance. The original intent of limiting the building width to 60' was to prevent multiple use buildings such as strip malls in business zoned areas. The purpose of the limitation was to break up the mass of the multiple use buildings. Single occupancy wineries, by their nature, require all operations to be under one roof. Several wineries, located in residential areas near the applicant, exceed the 60' limit. Appl. No. 4864—Martin Rosen The Planning Board is not in favor of reversing the Building Department's Revocation of Permit. The Code is clear when it states, "that an accessory use cannot exist without a principle use." J ' lor 42/.../(SsCA/ FOR BOARD AND STAFF USE a,,e%', Updated New Information c c)6 5, /6 l /0/./06aug,ove ///it ✓!(P -a�' Wf/'1/ 6e ' L/I�/2ea4 )61V00 1&.?.5Anit- 440_4401)/c_el",,_ H- U,s-royu-1,,-/a 1 zap/02,_ ati.ALP el 4/ . FORCHELLI, CURTO, SCHWARTZ, MINED, CARLINO & COHN, LLP COUNSELORS AT LAW, JEFFREY D FORCHELLI 330 OLD COUNTRY ROAD ASSOCIATES ANTHONY V.CURTO P.O.BOX 31 • WARREN S.ARTHUR DONALD JAY SCHWARTZ MINEOLA,NEW YORK 11501 GINA RAIO BITSIMIS PETER R MINEO TELEPHONE: (516) 248-1700 RICHARD A.BLUMBERG JOSEPH F.CARLINO(Retired) FACSIMILE (516) 248 1729 JAMES A BOGLIOLI . BARBARA SHAHEEN ALESI WILLIAM F BONESSO PETER ALPERT WEB JOSEPH F.BUZZELL ANTHONY B.BARTON E-MAIL: ANDREW E CURTO VINCENT J.PIZZULLI,JR WILLIAM A.DiCONZA BRIAN R.SAHN DIANA R FANTANO JOHN V.TERRANA AARON GERSHONOWITZ MICHAEL J.GREENBERG COUNSEL JANET M.INSARDI WILLIAM S.COHN ROCHELLE LAUFER JOHN A BURNS,JR October 10 2000 MATTHEW G.ROSEMAN LESTER COOPER ' JUDY L SIMONCIC STEVEN G GAEBLER OF COUNSEL ROBERT A.MELILLO TERENCE E SMOLEV Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Southold 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold,New York 11757 Re: Application of Martin Rosen Premises: 11780 Sound Avenue, Mattituck SCTM#1000-141-3-44 Dear Sir/Madam: The above-referenced application is scheduled for a public hearing on Thursday,November 16,2000. Enclosed please find the original public notice,Affidavit of Mailing,and the white postal receipts from the certified mailing. If you require anything further prior to the hearing, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours; (2,/, 15,7e.w(..,(C„ ,!JAMES A. BOGLIOLI JB:caf Enclosures CL . ituaLP i` C . ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD:NEW YORK • • In the Matter of the Application of AFFIDAVIT Martin Rosen - OF (Name of Applicants) - MAILINGS CTM Parcel#1000- 141 - 3 - - 44 ' Or_72A, , . . -., , . , .NASSAU• 0 COUNTY OF Ste ) ' . �°' STATE OF NEW YORK) 1 • - _ -- . . ____________j ' 1, CORA A. FREUDENBERG residing at Baldwin, ' , New York, being duly sworn, depose and say,that: On the • 10th day of October ,• 2000, I personally mailed at the United States Posi. Office in Mineola , New York, by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, 'a true copy of the attached Legal Notice in prepaid 1.nvelopes addressed to current owners shown on the current assessment roll verified from the official records on file with the (X) Assessors, or ( ) County Real Property Office, . , for every property which abuts and is across é public or private street, or vehicular right-of- way of record, surrounding the applicant' roper#v , 7 ALet , ' - 1-e-uat-e-41A-4.. . (Signature) CORA A. •FREUDENBERG,' ' - Sworn tote - - r a this • . ay oct:ob;�� , 200Q. 'DANA FANTANO (Notary F ublic) Notary Public, State of New York ' No.01FA5071432 Qualified in'Suffolk County_ ' Commission Expires January 13. 00' the tot numbersPLEASE list, an the back of this Affidavit or on a sheet of paper, • next,to the.owni;r names and addresses for which notices were mailed. Thank ' you. , Section 141 Block 3 Lot 44: Booker Clarence & Ors 755 Rogers Avenue Brooklyn,New York Lot 43: Alice Funn 11850 Sound Avenue P.O. Box 422 Mattituck,New York 11952 Lot 45: Mattie Simmons Box 926 11700 Sound Avenue 1 Mattituck,New York 11952 Lot 40: Andrew C. Fohrkolb 670 Holden Avenue Cutchogue,New York 11935 Lot 39: Robert Boasi 45 Alden Street Cherry Valley,New York 13320 Lot 18: Jeffrey J. Gregor 37 Squiretown Road Hampton Bays,New York 11946 The Metropolitan Transportation Authority �, 347 Madison Avenue New York,New York 10017 IL' i F":— d3 2000 01 r 1 . ' U.S:Postal Service` - CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT .. ' (Domestic'Maii`Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) 0- IL 7313SSIMMIIIIIIMMIMIIIIIIIMIIII7 0' = Postage $ ,d a+ ;` O Certified Fee �� 1� t}`;. I OQ�Postm i .i 111 Return Receipt 5Here ,-q (Endorsement RegO ) Lt ) ITY 'rzi 0 TMe,-Onc*mnu R_F<uc__.t --- -- -- _ a 0—I M ii Robert Boasi i : . a- sr 45 Alden Street 1 - IT __ Cherry Valley,New York 13320 Er 1 a for Insthuctions-' O Tote,0^.4. ..R_Faac- cg_ _ - –_ _—- I— - r - m Nar Andrew C. Fohrkolb 0- Stri 670 Holden Avenue I tC' ---- Cutchogue,New York 11935 'r Instructions' 1 rn Name J e ey J J. rG,"1 37 Squiretown Road Q Street,in ampton Bays,New York 11946 i City,S. y structiops ----,A1 .r 61 .PSFo- __.____ -C--.,......,, M1 _�., t - - - r+ ..mss ' fa �o�__^ I - Total S1117n1Ons -4\ Mattie crt Name .Box 926 Sound Avenue e stiee+ 11700 York 11952 I � -cry;Mattituck, -NOV ns il9tronl } Ps Fo .�. ...�.0 .venue n. Street _- P.O.B bx 422 o �,t; York 11952 nstructrons-i �` Ivlattitu k,New • —__`1 TanSpul to��vr� m Name The M etropohtan -----\ authority §tree n 10017 Avenu Er 347 Madiso York ` 5 En -cry; 1�ev,,York,New RS;F` :el • ITT" ' ' ' • '' ' )t5 -t`t.1 .� • t f� 1 t'l! '• • A 1 N01( -071 -y�-,11d skill A E OF 1,A ttACN1 1{f . . 1 �� fit` Rom CTS P all 'j • . . —'" HE V NtpF4 �,'r TO( 610 11K FET1Ct�� f UIEn CAO -w� .1, 41 �—. ' 7g 4W 5'" 0'E ---' J-!!--- I 1 1 ' �_ •,, • . , t. % ti� ' �# f • • 1a• // U, i- T 1 • 1. t - t `i , S( 1r `S' r , `►! coTtc. #I1,lx �, �6 4'� U�► ' Cti • s L r 21.1' �. to ill or _, r.� • rrl N Ty1' ;.. • . r I I, v 0 2,,I ' r T 3 in 01_1( 'te{� J t f�JA J // •1 '. ' z - - YI I . I iii EtItM110E / r' '}` I r fly u li tr)\ . CI ' r� . !0 F CIWATIF-Y R �'\ .• • 1 r,• ' op I I. `'' G 7',,15 ' ' . ' . • .4. -)1 .. •• N ., \ s b . k\ Na , D -1 1 rn 1.41' L � 'ti�1 1 p y FSSrt i CT , • W (-- ,..„„,, G .0 0 ir f,f, �o . • Ogal 0 • I ;,. `/ til 5. •, • I •Z J f stn U VO '' ttt 1 0 ' ,�;ucE t•t t 0 ; if t q t(, b 1 Ht4/)1 lid' • i�v� N • • d q x, .,� , , S in G, ,i •'! d Q Jp J l‘: • • <13°. !Kbd, 0.1t , \ � �f� •4\0-di. C,,� 11- ' ` ' /41.&4 \\\Y I y Ut t 'U-1 �a ati'te Q t(C) ,` 'S.1.,...4 ,.. . 1C34C'. 9°':' ::::. • \\A\ . ' • . I • r' `,' JV' • •, .•'..1.•s:•', .•• • I \N \ • ... j!' . .S)( ,I• 1 . tt �•\� ' 1' h . :.. i 6 i''''' r; 1' .1' . .Z t1OTICE OF PUB fC NEARING SOUT'-IOLD,TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS NOVEMBER 16, 2000 THURSDAY, GOTOBSR.141302000 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Chapter 100 (Zoning), Code of the Town of Southold, the following application will be held at a public hearing by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hail, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, on THURSDAY, MT :R*14* , at the time noted below (or as soon thereafter as possible): 8:20 p.m. Appi. No, 4864 - MARTIN ROSEN. This is an Appeal requesting a Reversal of the Building Department's Revocation of Permit No. 26546-1 dated August 14, 2000 regarding a ham radio tower which exists at 11780 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, NY; Parcel No. 1000-141-3-44. Zone: LI Light Industrial. The reasons stated in the Disapproval are as follows: "Pursuant to Article XXVIII, Section 100-2828, The Inspector may revoke a building permit issued in error when it should not have been issued in accordance with the application law. Subject property, in LI Zone, had a pre-existing ' nonconforming dwelling as princi Ie use. This use was lost pursuant to Article XXIV, Section 100- 241G. Subject property does not,;ontain a permitted principle use pursuant to Article XIV, Section 100- 141A. an accessory use cannot exist without a principle use." The Board of Appeals will at the above time and place hear all persons or their representative aesiring to be heard or to submit written statements (before the hearing is concluded). This hearing will not start earlier than designated. Files are available for review during regular Town Hall business hours (8-4 p.m.). If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call (831) 765-1809. October 10, 2000 Dated; , fedi* GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN SOU T HOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 . Southold, NY 11971-0959 r-\ � © D' 20001 OCT @ 3 J l , t,1 III III OFFICE OF ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 (631) 765-1809 fax(631) 765-9064 October 31, 2000 g\a-14-e7 i6d-er6f-:0-t-1;- .41 Re: Chapter 58- Public Notice Requirements - 4,2.4_,J s///G .�', Dear Applicants: Please find enclosed a copy of the Legal Notice describing your recent application. The Notice will be published in the next issue of the Suffolk Times. Pursuant to Chapter 58 of the Southold Town Code (copy enclosed), formal notice of your application and hearing must be mailed and shall include a map or sketch showing the new location with the setbacks and use noted. Send this Notice CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, within five (5) days of this letter, including a copy of the plot map of this project, to all owners of land (vacant or improved) surrounding yours, including land across any street or right-of-way that borders your property. Use the current addresses shown on the assessment rolls maintained by the Town Assessors' Office (765-1937) or the County Real Property Office in Riverhead. If you know of another address for a neighbor, you may want to send the notice to that address as well. Please submit your Affidavit of Mailing to us after the receipts have been postmarked by the post office. Later, when the green signature cards are returned to you by the Post Office, please mail or deliver them to us. If any signature card is not returned, please advise the Board at the hearing. ea-4$ town poster is available for posting (by 11/?. When picking up the sign, a $15 check will be requested as a deposit. When posting the sign, please place it no more than 10 feet from your front property line bordering the street or main access to your property. (If you border more than one street or roadway, an extra sign is enclosed for the front yard facing each additional street.) The sign(s) must remain in place for at least seven (7) days, and if possible, should remain posted through the day of the hearing. If you need a replacement sign, please contact us. After the signs have been in place for seven (7) days, please submit your Affidavit of Posting to us for the permanent file. If you do not meet the deadlines stated in this letter, please contact us promptly. It may be necessary to cancel your hearing if the required steps are not followed. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, Enclosure ZBA Staff 4.4_0,0 ANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPO oN Mt TIME : 10/31/2000 15:26 DATE,TIME 10/31 15:23 FAX NO./NAME 15164876539 DURATION 00:02:33 PAGE(S) 05 RESULT OK MODE STANDARD Section';=-'10 -231:-based_7on• ther!"-t, be setoff will contain an:-:j requesting: (a) an_Interpretation t'+--':De'arttme'nts- 6 :;*:-�k area;of;lessth ' `�`ft.when,<„Article-X, ection,100=103C;dere g':' P.,. r s4 , t► tice,ofi.Disapproval,regard= excluding any � a public=or=�'''miningthe yard•area;of`the propose fl _„dingpermit application fot;''•private'street ri€?l ay,pursuant,., •`accessory Wine Tasting Building" the,reason that='th'e paddockFfence. ,:'''toydefinition of lot_area Article•Y-_=_ be a-rear ar yard-instead of a front ya "height'is.propo''sed'gieater-tliati�four "}`,Section 100-13.Location of Property: - -based on the definitions of,Sectio 44) -high iii*front"..yard.areazat• ,Right�of-Way off the North'Side of, 100-13; and/or-(b) a''variance Lind -2100_ArborTLane;7MattituclaKto/,-.I-Main Road(State Route 25),Orient Article X, Section•100-103C, for ne 'Barn;in.additi( • 6:351 .Appl.'No.•4871- ,-;„P 715-rcel,No. 4887,.8 and ;-,,VIC--, to thenexiting-winery-productib •� 1 WILLIAIWZOUMAS(Owrie i Vehil-'.''•TOR.AND ELLA BECK.This is a' , building, which,- based.,,on ,-tl f �;Doroskil:(Continued'from'October:-;,•requestfor a Variance under'Article - Building Department's 1Septemb ,19;2000.hearing-calendar).;This:is;a., ;' XIV Section•100-244B, based on;.- "20;2000 Notice of Disapproval, i request"for'a Variarteeundef,XXIV, -`'the Building„Department's-•October.:: :proposed'-far;'!an c'overall-,leng { Section :100=244s based•••:on the:_.i-5 2000 Notice of Disapproval-for an:,;=exceeding 60 ft.-frontage lacing t ': T Building;DepaOrient's."SePtemrtber: addition:,to' dwelling,.which, mill._ ,„Main, Road "(State,. Route -2: i x"-11,;2000�Notice'of-:DisappFoval`to`''4exceed 20%•lot`eoverage'maxi ium,' '`Ciitchogue;-parcel 1000-103-1-19 locale-:a_new;dwellingwithaa=1(roitt, orall•Iluilding-''area.a'Location°.of"==and 19.11,- -" ``' __'' '-` 44862 STATE OF NEW YORK) �J+�d;setliack'at�le"ssrttiatr=the:40�ft}�F': opeirtyc'_ 2215 -•• ;;Minnehaha • •8:00 p.m: Appl.rI�o: )SS: yminimutri_code ;roquireme'nt;:;,and,y :Boulevard,Southold;P,arc 1100-87- SPRING••- °3PECTR ;""'s`l . -_rear`yard-setback:at,Tess than,.the:50. 3-56sv,.`. :�--4`-' '.1-,---:--.•- ;> a'L(Owners:.W Baxter&ors.);=_This .1 CO S FF .ft.minimum'requirement frit-a parcel:3e1;7:20;:p.m. -Appl..-No.4888 . , -•a=request-far--,a-=Variance-und .` , of.21,580..4",ft:ip`size::'Location of "1tICHARD W.-GOODALE.'This;is. Article III,-Section}100-33A,bas• C_Pro ert :.455,ice Beebe-. .Drive - -a,re uest_for an Accesso Bed arid-.• on`the.Buildinn j De artment's antCounty,be'.• • yeA-e. y sworn,says ti tcpogue;;NY ,C M Parcel No. a==,Breakfast L. se by-Special,Excepti•on;:.;?31;12000_Notice.of'Disapproval`I 1 clerk of THE 1 1000-97-7-14s <;r =,?M;? ,,_?':„tet ; ry;under Article VIII,,,,Section a�,100-_ removal of•the existing tower,and SUFFOLK TIMES,,�,w 645:"p m:`=App1'No:°;a:�4886,-'w 31B(14)-for the renting of up;to,five ° -construct newi-uwirel`ess-comniunic published at Mattituck, In the 'GLENN'ANp'YVONNE MGNAB- ;g(5)-.°rooms' •in an`_owner-occupied •:``tion"tower at.a height exceeding s County of Suffolk and State of 11".Contr`act,Vendees=(Elaine Abe son z. dwelling,ifor_lodging'and-serving,of - :feet,above-the average height [:Current Opener)Thus s a equestfor:::r breakfast to not more than 10 casual- - .buildings within 300 feet of-thelac Notice of which the annexed •i; \'ariatn_c'es5;�iunder =Article, LIIA and transient roomers;,providing that r,�g pity.;The's.helght;is.,proposedLat•11C � Section~;,10030A:3:•.and '100 30A4'r, the,`renting of such rooms is-clearly_r; feet: =Location ' been regularly published in s-�- �, �.-- �,-,�� - ' 9 Y �,_r.,.=,. -based•Erin:tlie_B-tWdingDepartment s'•!,Iiicidental.:and `subordinate-td-'the;_' Property: :415, Elijah s-i Lar 1. each week for 1 'Octoben'f ;i2;7;2000,1';NNot ce�?`+of=;,`principal use• zof' the ''dwelling.- --Mattituck: -County Tax_-Map•1 commencing on the { 'Dissapproval:of?an';applicatton`;tof Piocation of Property:`'8755,rFifth_;: 1000-108=4-11:3. •-'Zone':;Distri. O f ��y tt "locate a new-dwelling-with accessory! Street,•,=New -Suffolk, New York;- Limited Business. W ' 20 :buildin -The° wellin ed Parcel11300-117-10-13 nd'14,, ,5:20 m.-A i.No.4864 ' -fat less Jrin 5.0feet froifi=thefront and`',=:lot of 40,000+-sq ft.....-r ,y`5',. ,-'..Q'j-I}s1-•ROSEN.,,,an:Appe Rrear.�propertyalines and,the proposed.,: •,7.30_p.m:Appi:No.4881,-,GINA -.requesting a Reversal o£'theB,uildi. :accessory`:buildings=�a'�re r'op-o ed" =MAX'.%Fl I..-•This is a:request for µ"Department's Re'voc¢tion:of Pim ^r, x.;, -ya i"':< t1 n' �' V stivithtn he 'side:yar o iof'. ariances?iinder Aiticle;J II;Section+'A_. 26546-Z;datea Augnsf i4;?24 Property: 665'= • APPEALS BOARD MEMBElle �// . FFO... _;`, � amu• L FILED BKut old Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman _ OLD TOV° CLEBK53 5 Main Road James Dinizio,Jr. 177_ ;O iZ 3 . ,?M R . Box 1179 � Southol ,New York 11971 Lydia A.Tortora *. Lora S. Collins 0 • so O� �� ZBA F (516)765-9064 George Homing = 'V J , �• e(516) 765-1809 To l / rk, Town o 'cu o BO TOWt' OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF APPEALS DETERMINATION MEETING HELD OCTOBER 27, 1998 Appl. No. 4611 — Building Inspector's Request for Town-Wide Interpretation under Article XVI of the Southold Town Zoning Code. Date Building Inspector's Request Was Received: August 19, 1998. DATES OF PUBLIC HEARING: September 24, 1998; September 30, 1998; October 15, 1998. FINDINGS AND DETERMINATION 1. Zoning Code Article I, Definitions of"Wireless Communications" and Telecommunication Tower" read as follows: WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. Wireless communications shall mean any personal wireless services as defined in the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which includes FCC licensed commercial wireless telecommunications services including cellular telephone services, personal communication services, specialized mobile radio, enhanced specialized mobile radio , paging, and similar services that currently exist or that may in the future be developed. TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWER. A telecommunication tower is a type of wireless communication facility designed and constructed specifically to support an antenna array, and may include a monopole, self-supporting tower, guy-wire support, and other similar structures. A wireless communications facility attached to an existing building or structure shall be excluded from this definition. 2. Section 100-163 of the Code provides"Standards" for the above uses and towers. Sub-section "B" states that the application must be a "public utility." In this application, a "public utility use or tower" is not the issue. Instead, the applicant, Building Inspector has requested an in retation with respect to a tower"intended for the private use f'or of an owner who operates a VHF Radio under a Licensed issued to him/her by the FCC for the purpose of communicating, all as part of his/her business." t Page 2—Appl. Nodal& 1111 , I , Request for InterplIIEW Radio Tower) October . 27, 1998 ZBA Met:,iy 3. The Board heard testimony, and received a memorandum of law from an interested party who contends that a private VHF radio transmission tower is not subject to the Federal Communications Act of 1996 or the telecommu- nications provisions of Article XVI of the Southold Town Zoning Code because these laws relate to public utilities and telecommunications commerce. 4. The Board heard testimony by the Town Building Inspector that in his view a private VHF radio transmission tower is not subject to the telecommu- nications provisions of the Town Zoning Code because that law relates to public utilities. The Town Building Inspector also stated that he believed that there was an application before him which prompted this request for an interpretation and that that project does not fall under the current telecommunications laws. 5. The Board received into evidence a statement from the Federal Communications Commission that VHF radio transmission facilities are not subject to the provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Article XVI of the Town Zoning Code states that it is intended to regulate"wire communication facilities, and particularly telecommunications towers." The definition of"wireless communications" in the Code is tied directly to the types of communications that are subject to the Telecommunications Act of 1996. 6. This Board heard testimony from an individual Town Board Member that stated that she was involved with the drafting of the law and stated that it was the intention of the writers of Article XVI of the Zoning Code that all towers be included, however, there is no written or other evidence to support her testimony. WHEREAS, the Board has reviewed the Wireless Communication Facilities Law, Article XVI, of the Southold Town Zoning Code, and all other provisions of the Zoning Code, and after completing this review, on Motion by Member Dinizio, seconded by Member Collins , IT IS HEREBY DETERMINED that the Answer to the question in this application is: A private radio transmission tower and communication use does not fall under the Provisions of Article XVI, Wireless Communications, when it is intended for the private use of an owner who operates a VHF Radio under a licensed issued to him/her by the FCC for the purpose of communication, all as part of his/her business, within the Light Industrial (LI) Zone District." VOTE OF THE BOARD: AYES: MEMBERS DINIZIO, COLLINS and HORNING. NAY: CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER. ABSENT: TORTORA. This Resolution was duly adopted (3-1). Uz/hl' (it„ Aproved for 10/28/98 PLANNING BOARD MEM , // S.wFoL . /• ,". C'Q MP Town Hall, 53095 Main Road BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. P.O.Gift; P.O. Box 1179 Chairman co . % Southold, New York 11971 WILLIAM J.CREMERS % y CP - T Fax Fax(516) 765-3136 KENNETH L.EDWARDS % �� Telephone(516) 765-1938 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. '`. y �1 P RICHARD G.WARD . �Ql jig *;001 ; 1� ; 7I ,/Jj PLANNING BOARD OFFICE i i AUG Z 5 1! I, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD L '' f I9�� " �, til Ili (7.6 ,Y-v August 25, 1999 Charles R. Cuddy, Attorney at Law 445 Griffing Avenue Riverhead, NY 11901 - RE: Proposed Office and Radio Tower for Martin Rosen Sound Avenue, Mattituck SCTM# 1000-141-3-44 Zoning District Light Industrial (LI) Dear Mr. Cuddy, On November 4, 1998, you had requested that the Planning Board hold off requesting an expanded part III of the Long Environmental Assessment Form (LEAF) . However, in reviewing the Rosen file and your letter of January 8, 1999, we note your request for the specific variances required for this project. The Building Department will be able to tell you of the variances required as a result of your building permit application. If you have any questions, or require assistance, please contact the B 4 din Department or this office. 2 /1 olbi--jit G . Kass er Site Plan Reviewer cc: Edward Forrester, Director of Code Enforcement Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman. Board of Appeals • �.� ~^`" • ~I/_ Town Hall,53095 Main Road PLANNING BOARD MEMB Di' '=^� ` OG P.O.Box 1179 BENNETT ORLOWSKI, �� y Southold,New York 11971 Chairman ; o � _ Fax(516)765-3136 NNE WILLIAMS.CREMERSrn KENNETH L.EDWARDS `�O GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. Telephone(516)765-1938 y- O'' RICHARD G.WARD PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAY 13 TO: Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer RE: Riverhead Building and Supply Main Road, Greenport SCTM# 1000-45-1-1 DATE: April 1, 1998 The Planning Board has reviewed the above application with the applicants agent and has reached landscapingagreement nto�he fron thetove ya yuildiardg ten feet landscaped to the south and add ten feet area. In addition, the applicant's agent has agreed to place an evergreen to landscaped hedge across the entire length of the north parking screen the cars from view. The Board feels that with these changes they can proceed with the ij processing of this application. • 410March 23, 1998 Town of Southold Building Department 53095 Main Road, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Attention of Gary Fish, Building Inspector Re: Martin Rosen - Radio Tower SCTM 1000-141-03-044. 000 Dear Mr. Fish: My client, Martin Rosen, desires to erect a radio communications tower for his business (he has a private FCC radio license) at a site in Mattituck. He has made application to the Planning Board for site plan approval and also to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a set back variance as well as a interpretation/variance for the height of this 85' tower. Initially the application was based on the new provision of the Town Code relating to telecommunication towers (Local Law 26-1997) . Having reviewed the Federal statute referred to in the Town Code and the Code of Federal Regulations it would appear to me that any reference to the Federal Act is directed towards public utilities. Thus, the application as made and the determination set forth in your Notice of Disapproval of February 18, 1998 may not be correct. I am doubtful that the Town Code provision (Local Law 26-1997) applies to a private radio tower. This has significance because a determination must be made as to whether the tower is a primary use or simply an accessory use to a building at the site. Would you please review this matter and indicate to me whether a private radio tower used in connection with the applicant's trucking business falls under the provisions of the Town Code regarding telecommunications towers or is, in fact, to be considered as an accessory to the office building at the site. Very truly yours, Charles R. Cuddy CRC:ejc cc: Town Attorney `, MAR 11 '98 12:05 TOWN OF 'ITHOLD P.2/7 t OFFOL -et V; =_ Town Hall,53095 Main Road t - ria ` Fax(516)765-1823 P. O. Box 1179 w P Telephone(516) 765-1802 Southold, New York 119710 �,f, 'V oil OFFICE OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM TO: Robert Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer FROM: Edward Forrester, Building Department frel DATE: March 11, 1998 RE: Martin Rosen, Radio Communications Tower Sound Avenue, Mattituck Zoning District, L.I. ( Light Industrial ) SCTM# 1000-141-3-44 The proposed use is a permitted use in that zone pursuant to Sec 100-1620.3 of Town Code. Please be advised that the project must conform to the design standards outlined in Sec 100-165. .t APR 1 6 April 7, 1998 To: The Zoning Board of Appeals t Town of Southold,NY t From: G. E. GYLLENHOFF Igt Frequency Coordinator 'i _ Personal Communications Industry Association Subj: Radio license held by Martin Rosen; call-sign INNYY783. The subject license and call-sign was granted to Martin Rosen also + about 10 years or so ago. This license is a private license and allows Mr.wnRos n to trrocIcirig l his delivery vehicles. Mr.,Rosen is licensed as a private individual and does no receivean income from his radio license. He has informed me that he intends to expand his delivery3 c business and needs to construct a tower in the vicinity of Southold. The radio system there would be in the same category of private radio as Mr. Rosen's system in Oceanside, NY. -.,', I also believe Mr. Rosen will use the same frequency, i59.7951VMHz, that lie is present]' licensed on. y If there are any questions on this matter, 1 can be reached at 703-739-0300 ext. 3213. ` Respectfully, • / . ' i� Gustav E. Gyllez hoff at4-49 e /7 Frequency Coordinator - 1 Pout.// taus Gynenhof Ay Communications Frequency Cconttnation Indian, Services Specialise MEW ASsodatk a 100 Mantgamcry Swett Tel; 703439.0300(Oa 32l3) Suite 700 pax: Al�t�utdrife,VA 22314.1561 703-s36-145013wab Additta:http://www.,x:a can FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT SOUTHOLD, N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: February I8, 1998 To Charles R. Cuddy 445 Griffing Ave. v .8.ivetead, ./iev.Tort._11991 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated Januar-p 30, ___. .__ 19 98 for permit to construct a telecommunications tower at Location of Property 11780 Sound Ave. MattituGk House No. Street , Hamlet County-Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 141 BLOCK 3 LOT 44 Subdivision Filed Hap No. _ Lot No is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds 1) The proposed telecommunications tower being located on a non-confoyn - • _ '}, r„ LT 'N- ,:r, s -'ot peru►ittd.according_ to_ Section _100-165 B: . . _ The_proposed_tower.being-the.principal use $,required_ to- hav-e q, rear yard_setback_of_70_feet_pursuant _to_Article %IV_ . - - 100-142. 3) The proposed tower is required to be located at least one hundred ( 100) fee- from the nearest dwellins unit pursuant to Article XVI 100-162 C.3. Action required by. the.Zoning.Board.a.Appals. NOTE;. . Site,plan.approval required by the Planning Board. . L7(1)-P BUILDING INSPECTOR RV 1/80 = "' FORM NO. 1 3l :TS OF PIANS TOWN OF SOUTIIOLi) IVEY i1I1ii.1)iNC DEPARTMENT l.iilsCR TOWN ImLI. SEPTIC FORM SOIUTIIOLD, N.Y. 11971 TEL: 765- 1802 NOTIFY: A. CALL Exanined , 19.... MAI1. TO. Approved , 19. Permit. No. Disapproved a/c 0"a 1'J L5 • (Building Inspector) 111I!1j1 30 , ',r' APPLICATION FOR ROILD1NC PERMIT Hare Jan. , 19.9. . tg::: CCT. iNSTRUCTTONS a. This application nust be coriuletely filled in by typewriter or in ink and suhrni-Led to the Building inspector will 3 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premisea or public streets or areas., and giving a detailed description of layout. of property must be drawn on the diagram which is part of this appl icnticxr. c. The work covered by this application may rot be camr_nced before issuance of Building Permit . d. plias approval of this application, the Building inspector will issue a iuilding Permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No Ixrildlag stunt be occupied or used in whole or in part for any lxrrime whatever until a Certificate of Occupancy shall have been granted by the Building Inspector. APE't:iCATi(N IS HEREBY MNE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or iLegulalions, For the construction of buildings, additions or alterations, or for removal or derml ition, as herein described. 'ilre applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises aril in building for necessary inspections. C ignature of applic n , or name if a corpor io ion) Martin Rosen by Charles R. Cuddy, his agent, c/o Charles R. Cuddy, Esq, yerbead,.NA..11901 (Nailing address of applicant) Slate whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, 'Amber or builder. lder. .Martin.ROsPn.]_Wiltract.YPndee..a0d..dgent.fAr..the.owner Name of owner of premises 011ie Booker, Clarence Booker, et al . (as on the Lax roll or latest deed) if applicant is a corporation, aignnl:ure of duly allIKWIzed officer. (Name and title of corporate officer) Ikrilclers license No. Plcnbers License No. Electricians License No. Other Trade's license No. I. location of land on which proposed work will be done 201 Sound Avenue, Matti tuck 1221. house Umber Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 10(X) Section ..1R1.Ol1 Block ..(13,1)Q int 014:0QO Scrlx]ivisicxr Filed Nap No. lot (Nave) 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use aril occupancy Existing abandoned house at the site • • b. Intended use and occupancy Telecommunications tower r � N Mune of work (check which applicable): New Building; /Wit ion ... Alteriition• ..... • Il+:lxlir Ileriwal IkiitilWLion (H het woo( Telecommun1cations:(tower (Deicer ipt ion) Estimated Cost fee •j i (to be paid on fi l ing this ap)1 icalIon) 5. If dwell Ing, umber of dwell lug units Rabin 01 AA!!I jug raniIa on enc1, floor t i f garage, lumber of cars ': G. If Ixisiltess, ccnucercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and exLenL of each type of use .i,;'1. I)inie:nsicxis of exist Ing structures, if any: Profit Rear Depth Height !Amber of Stories Dimensions of sane attucture with alterations or additions: Front Rear :,1 Depth height Risher,er of :;iot les i' . Dimensions of enure new construction: Front Rear Depth T. Height. Umber of Stories ;Ic. Size of lot: Front Rear Depth !::.i 10. bile of Purchase Being purchased Name of Former Owner 011ie Booker, Clarence Booker et al . II. Zone or use district in which premises are situated Light Industrial '•12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regular ion: II. Will lot be regraded Will excess fill be rcicr>ved from premises: YES IX) alit. Names of ()Miner of premises Acklress 1ltone No. Nate of Architect Arklress Phone No. Name of Contractor Address • I1torte No. IS. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland? * YES IX) X *I F YES, SOL/1110M 'IUM '1RJSf1'ES pawl. HAY BE RE(ilW I RE D. PLOT DIAGRAM - Survey attached Icx:ale clearly ail distinctly all IxiildItigs, whether exist iug or ',mimed, and llxlicate all seg--lack dlinens Ione fiau properly litres. Give street arxi block r*iiber or description arcotding 10 deed, arxi eihxM at i act mines and indicate whether interior or corner lot. :HMV. OF tEW YORK, SS MINI/ O ..S.l1FEOLK CHARLES R. CUDDY lx,ing duly ,worn, deposes and nays that he is the applicant. (Nate of individual signing contract) above unarm, Ili, is dict ...Agent.for.apill i c.nta.Martis.RQsen' contract vendee (Contractor, agent,-corporate officer, etc.) of :mid (Mixer or owix;rci, taxi in duly authorized to perform or have pet formed the said work atxl to make and file this application; that. all slalenienta contained in this. appl icat ion are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; nixl that the work will be perforated in the manner set forth in the applicat ion filed therewith. Sworn to before me this • o-9 day of January 19 98 Notary Publ• JOANM.WCA (Siglad III e of Applic:ai - , Notary Public Stets o}f irk ...0.14,O.. . No.6�400m444 QuaA(led In Suflollc County A o r{il.iiiil.••1•,,Rm1•ne 1,, '11 Oro PLANNING BOARD MEMBEI �� OFFULk • CQ " Town Hall, 53095 Main Road BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. 1�i�,O �y�; P.O. Box 1179 Chairman Southold, New York 11971 WILLIAM J.CREMERS ti Fax KENNETH L.EDWARDS ‘4.- ' T i Fax(516) 765-3136 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. y 0��,��� Telephone (516)765-1938 RICHARD G.WARDelf� PLANNING BOARD OFFICE 1 AUG 2 5 1999 ii I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Cia /Y/ August 25, 1999 Charles R. Cuddy, Attorney at Law 445 Grilling Avenue Riverhead, NY 11901 RE: Proposed Office and Radio Tower for Martin Rosen Sound Avenue, Mattituck SCTM# 1000-141-3-44 Zoning District Light Industrial (LI) Dear Mr. Cuddy, On November 4, 1998, you had requested that the Planning Board hold off requesting an expanded part III of the Long Environmental Assessment Form (LEAF) . However, in reviewing the Rosen file and your letter of January 8, 1999, we note your request for the specific variances required for this project. The Building Department will be able to tell you of the variances required as a result of your building permit application. If you have any questions, or require assistance, please contact the By ldin Department or this office. -� F?/ 1 'f ' LJ 6,2C7)--/,-. obtrt G. Kass er Site Plan Reviewer cc: Edward Forrester, Director of Code Enforcement Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman. Board of Appeals • Southold Town Hall Zoning Board of Appeals Fax Cover Sheet (631) 765-1809 Office Tel. 765-9064 Office Fax TO: 9-CIA4(-- 24. OnTeAlfJ FAX: 576 a - 02 DATE: /0- a,- 66 PAGES to FOLLOW: :�B�.c� 2 Comments: yat . 53095 Main Road e P.O. Box 1179 4 Southold NY 11971-0959 OFFICE OF ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 (631) 765-1809 fax (631) 765-1823 (temp) ZR September, 2000 Re: Chapter 58— Public Notice for Thursday, October 19, 2000 Hearing Dear Applicant: Please find enclosed a copy of the Legal Notice describing your recent application. The Notice will be published in the next issue of the Suffolk Times. Pursuant to Chapter 58 of the Southold Town Code (copy enclosed), formal notice of your application and hearing must be now mailed with a map or sketch showing the construction area or variance being considered. Send the enclosed Notice CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, within five (5) days from the date hereof, enclosing a copy of the "project map" to all owners of land (vacant or improved) surrounding yours, including land across any street or right-of- way ightof- way that borders your property. Use the current addresses shown on the assessment rolls maintained by the Town Assessors' Office (765-1937) or the County Real Property Office in Riverhead. If you know of another address for a neighbor, you may want to send the notice to that address as well. By Friday, please submit your Affidavit of Mailing (copy enclosed) with parcel numbers noted for each, and return it to us with the white receipts postmarked by the Post Office. Later, when the green signature cards are returned to you by the Post Office, please mail or deliver them to us. If any signature card is not returned, please advise the Board at the hearing. When picking up the sign, a $15 check will be requested as a deposit. Please post the Town's official poster/sign no later than 10/11/00. Securely place the sign on your property facing the street, no more than 10 feet from the front property line bordering the street. (If you border more than one street or roadway, an extra sign is furnished for each front yard.) The sign(s) must remain in place for at least seven (7) days, and if possible, should remain posted through the day of the hearing. If you need a replacement sign, please contact us. After the signs have been in place for seven (7) days, please submit your Affidavit of Posting to us for the permanent file. Within 20 days after the hearing, the sign and stand should be returned to us. The $15 deposit will then be returned to you. If you do not meet the deadlines stated in this letter, please contact us promptly. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, ZBA Staff' Enclosures , � T § 58-1 NOTICE OF PUBLI MARINO § 58-1 Chapter 58 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING § 58-1. Providing notice of public hearings. [HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold 12-27-1995 as L.L. No. 25-1995. Amendments noted where applicable.] § 58-1. Providing notice of public hearings. Whenever the Code calls for a public hearing, this section shall apply. Upon determining that an application is complete, the board or commission reviewing the same shall fix a time and place for a public hearing thereon.The board or commission reviewing an application shall provide for the giving of notice: A. By causing a notice giving the time, date, place and nature of the hearing to be published in the official newspaper within the period prescribed by law. B. By requiring the applicant to erect the sign provided by the town, which shall be prominently displayed on the premises facing each public or private street which the property involved in the application abuts, giving notice • of the application, the nature of the approval sought thereby and the time and place of the public hearing thereon. The sign shall be set back not more than ten. (10) feet from the property line. The sign shall be displayed for a period of not less than seven (7) days immediately preceding the date of the public hearing. The applicant or his/her agent shall file an affidavit that s/he has complied with this provision. C. By requiring the applicant to send notice to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across from any public or private street • $ 58-1 SOUTIiOLD CODE § 58-1 from the property included in the application. Such notice shall be made by certified mall, return receipt requested,posted at least seven(7)days prior to the date of`the initial public hearing on the -application and addressed to the owners at the addresses listed for them on thanocaffidavit ida�� ent roil.that slhe has complied with shall this file provision. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2000 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Chapter 100 (Zoning), Code of the Town of Southold, the following application will be held at a public hearing by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2000, at the time noted below (or as soon thereafter as possible): 8:20 p.m. Appl. No. 4864 — MARTIN ROSEN. This is an Appeal requesting a Reversal of the Building Department's Revocation of Permit No. 26546-Z dated August 14, 2000 regarding a ham radio tower which exists at 11780 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, NY; Parcel No. 1000-141-3-44. Zone: LI Light Industrial. The reasons stated in the Disapproval are as follows: "Pursuant to Article XXVIII, Section 100-282B, The Building Inspector may revoke a building permit issued in error when it should not have been issued in accordance with the application law. Subject property, in LI Zone, had a pre-existing nonconforming dwelling as principle use. This use was lost pursuant to Article XXIV, Section 100- 241G. Subject property does not contain a permitted principle use pursuant to Article XIV, Section 100- 141A. an accessory use cannot exist without a principle use." The Board of Appeals will at the above time and place hear all persons or their representative desiring to be heard or to submit written statements (before the hearing is concluded). This hearing will not start earlier than designated. Files are available for review during regular Town Hall business hours (8-4 p.m.). If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call (631) 765-1809. Dated: September 26, 2000. GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 J ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD:NEW YORK -------------------- ----------x In the Matter of the Application of AFFIDAVIT OF (Name of Applicants) MAILINGS CTM Parcel #1000- COUNTY 1000-COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) I, residing at , New York, being duly sworn, depose and say that: On the day of , 2000, I personally mailed at the United States Post Office in , New York, by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, a true copy of the attached Legal Notice-in prepaid envelopes addressed to current owners shown on the current assessment roll verified from the official records on file with the ( ) Assessors, or ( ) County Real Property Office , for every property which abuts and is across a public or private street, or vehicular right-of- way of record, surrounding the applicant's property. (Signature) Sworn to before me this day of , 2000. (Notary Public) PLEASE list, on the back of this Affidavit or on a sheet of paper, the lot numbers next to the owner names and addresses for which notices were mailed. Thank you. 1 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD:NEW YORK ---- -_--------------------x In the Matter of the Application of AFFIDAVIT OF SIGN (Name of Applicant) POSTING Regarding Posting of Sign upon Applicant's Land Identified as 1000- - - — x COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) I, residing at , New York, being duly sworn, depose and say that: On the day of , 2000, I personally placed the Town's official Poster, with the date of hearing and nature of my application noted thereon, securely upon my property, located ten (10)feet or closer from the street or right-of-way (driveway entrance) -facing the street or facing each street or right-of-way entrance;*and that I hereby confirm that the Poster has remained in place for seven days prior to the date of the subject hearing date, which hearing date was shown to be (Signature) • Sworn to before me this day of , 2000 . (Notary Public) *near the entrance or driveway entrance of my property, as the area most visible to passersby. TRANSMISSION RESULT REPORT (OCT 02 '00 09:33AM) SOU. D TOWN HALL 516 765 1823 (AUTO) DATE START REMOTE TERMINAL TIME RE- MODE TOTAL PERSONAL LABEL FILE TIME IDENTIFICATION SULTS PAGES NO. OCT 02 09:30AM 15162481729 03'11" OK S 06 008 E)ECM >)REDUCTION S)STANDARD M)MEMORY C)CONFIDENTIAL *MATCH D)DETAIL $)TRANSFER F)FINE P)POLLING ormui lb;.pllau-ytirrig6 w,u I �i.; p„PBI.IC,�Iilr GS'• _ ,, .•.none ellen 8„ ii"r o t..:: „uat::c;E F.tssi:,ua<.,t.. ;i =c S=J �'a+caa�, o"^ �`,�--•4.. T'_!y�v L e r�z.,,,� -�,:. �•',-'r`a',�:ij90 s`�=,�1��? sa�,�ac(jacenl; FLmin �o�in��$,�, � s 1411IOL'D,tTOTI yr ; i_.. ,/ ` BOARDOIt'�,AP q, forming t!, d:,cotmn 41Y” ��:rVa,� . , ,-x ? 1'EAr,S,--...•'. ,Bhi vit th .07'-'ot atr my..I nt e. 1 fpm ,-?,l,i--? s=.,�OCTOBEpa1p zoti "�e i July 1 8.1,;i ntil_4he-total 4°.5We', ,:+14�f71� ),vi !•i!�Yll'�S!!vY`s�,cs. s',�.�. �. i ->..,,,z,rr{c: d e=eur_r tiOb = ? EHERE 3� ISE :i; cpnfaiu�s lW 4 e ' ,.. clsea ''.5'`q: -aa z of 1V?'�5 , -"fi s,i,' tion o / s A`u'`1'^�.� ; lll�`K;re u1IemCIILSi'=¢='�J�_x "ti°;; �=;j (\-/(n✓ ,. Fpiirsu*cti&e:#2.0,67 ,4he• , {• ,!-„,-e' qT" oieeii_Hi11'Y:ane`ana — 't,"11-11:4,4941-94.0-ap (zoniiig7�y a - � � ..�,t °;1. ,Drive' �� =Soutli :Si ea rof. ound'••t-` + eof•: µcbfigsthou the=x r` sv.�n= .tK:„_��•�:•,r3s-I'. - iyog:k,, STATE OF NEW YORK) following appl ratio nwill,be held for 3 public {}jure ' b_' M. t hT �C -::r�'<-ppi w �C d_ ari{igs._ y�'_they let' .105.5;p.m.,,:. ii.,44.1;1*., •7 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) I<.SO x •.Tt?WN,,BOARD•OF• WILLIAM�ZOUMA`S'(O iiiiiVe '' LK) ZJ y;, �• : ,�t �5�3-=,7D9�.....• zsya.•equesf+1foF:a�� �1CY'o ��11�1Sn�� :�. Main oad, Southoold;,;PTew York �Variance' under'+ Article r Y< <�u--� said , ���, �.., � .. .:L,�.,,�,•w , �,._, bei ri gi;on-T IUiRSD Y:OcrOB �, , ® r ; ..n-. county, ng duly sworn A l R: Section,, 0,-,,, ,- based on _,O. CI 4at'the'times''ated tieloui or -"Buildin'•fie art n �e n /e ,� _ ��„ p�.,� � ,:C`•�<, � j?�„merit's•Septemliei;l clerk of THE SUFFOLK T �i Pa 'assoon� eaft . `'�:--" `k�,•1, 'is published s'�`` ;fler�zi e�a®,possfble),�•,j=�'��"-.�w r11;•,_2Qt�Q�Notice=of;DisapprSva'1�tQ�{; p d at MattituCk, 6:30 r..�; tet ;. 'tr_,., _, . ,,,, per, p:oi •0:—.-—?o:' ,• ;1 te4,,,-1-1,-,,T,a,- e R, / � h01 A:�eiadaPA � �� .,'-°� q► iliv lhng-•with''a�frgnt' d, THOMAS` O . �, W s °t(�' �; Countyof Suffolk TItIcIA•Ni N"�;r;..,'y�ra�;sitact�at�ie`ss-,mei:ilte r4q�fa;; uff and Sti: It the s, ,; i`skis a:zequest`_'or raw-Akminimiiii ode rrequiremept;;:and Notice of which the Wariancel> ride Article IV :a�-rearyardsetback:at;ie iyiodthe¢5041print • / ' , has on 00-'244B� �, F;- -• -:m�.sir, r aparcel been regularly ublishe (�L, 7'1 'Seco �'� ,Ad.Aiiicle�XXl ,ifi ft niintmupxeQuuenient=for.aparcers g y D ( S once {. Win« t4,of,,: re •�.;: s,-,;y;•,;}••...gra li-,Of week for k Section 100------, ascii;�oarr,tlie. : of-„,-Q„ gr'ft.'lnssi------oc tiQn,,,,-- each A}' BuildingRDepartment's July2G;�2000 c T�Pr`o ertr,l :455 4µBeebe w,Drive commencing `�1 zCr�” j iveiy, core ap -.�:..r,. `P.,. - -- C '� mencin on /g_ of_;, PProivalrregardine2a-,3itCutcliciiii V,1„b1.0-Parce)3No';• g day ul¢mg•.pe ,IT#Idlon-A0v,tlieLL; 1 R4 .4' . r,4'.A u; - '•rea'son?tha;th�� rojec 1•n0 ease,e' ,10' .in.A No.,�" 's' ;' the.40-#. .;1'of no nform•ancel s'�SlllljN/S �'It FYAItDi i:CC t+iPplicant��;proposang-;atdivellingY',�.,Tliis•r$a'iec�ues�ijtTa Variait`ce�iincle"t' � '`a'dditio" �' c y=wxtlr��iFcoui4tiipec sidetyatd Artiele4lla;:Section:100-'31Att;ba'sed=w ;. ,e r ,� � _. e. Principal Clerk of less tliaa $f 0,and; t�cove.ta eolfigi'Ait =B ' p r: .,9e- �.,,y,.,�. uil¢ing:.�epartment'sfulY`': 'exceeding lithe_,g,g76,,,code limitation ,4sr21;.2000•Notice of Disapproval'ottri,f. G-1-1-- • t ' •t oration..of;Property::'26350:Main -`11application 11 -an agricultural Sworn to before me this p/D '' oad''' :a Y `_r :,%-( a s .r::. viii M'- day •R ,�Cutcliog;, ,t%q:,, ,-, ,- Nol -,, ng:liy,.a,,--_,g, shove.faalifvr Of Y ,."vh'.i Ks? , ,tom'{ ,-4-,-,,,l-,, re.'x 7 ^.�, �'. ...g]'.,r. L 1000=10_9 4=5" .,x _-�;i': -.The`reasonfo'r',� �l 20©C� ,�• ,• ,� ,;_ bw,��-'' disapprogal•=is�tha°` yo- 6:31, '' .f u Y. :o a},-tu.; `fi 4 Appl,'.No: 4866„.t,tbe'iles_i 4andypt�esence•'of?a full»K,� .,,, � •i � �!' - •. CHRISTINA T.WEBER 'NORMA�MILLF.R.This is a request=' bath withips`the structure•constitutesF=-1 � �, I�� as, -_ x•,, . „-,• ;, ,•s o- Notary Public,State of New York 1. fort aSpecialtiExceptionunderArticle l�assecond?ydwellingl4unit,;on thetpaii a° No.01WE 54 0,(,5 ` �t restablis T •-: 6fo k ;III:,Section 100-31B(1.�'' o- ti_--';cel:"�Isocatioa•=of:e+Pro erry�?2000 ', Qualified in Suffolk Com', an•AccessoryFBe landBreakfast�use ys.Ore oiT.Rd:•�Mattitii ;�: Co,-,,,ston Expires D �:+2xr•- - .�.5 . 4k:: �I'aricel'..•_ ecemb.:r 1�, Torut o� bear ins°; c ,• •• >.; tr•F.,.;, . p t tliiee�(3)x oo ,'iii �a� a,1000�100�4=3,,-��,.,,.-a�����.3�•r:. • -` •s. ',-- 4`" ' • "'m" Ap ,_o t•.-r '' 33A, based onpursuant to ,Section I,dental� Si:{accessorX�WYapplicant=�/��.••�',-�+7:15;�:pm�'�Appl.t�'No.;���75'�"-s".-.'"�" III, Section 100- the Article X}GV; - � - ' t `# 1 "-iii- Buildingnt's IVI G. property:;,ovine s;res",de '�r$t 12910K � � -` �,r ~�`' ���- '�''' De artme - p �,. t, rL i Aces„, a� �;,�1ain �,'1;$LY 'A7.,�Q�;�1,'I�,�m.a fig. P ay 31,2000 1�-241 Subjectp does not�- �Road;_Eest'.ikerion, ;'-'parcel"lNo '-request fora Variance;under Article : Notice of Disapproval for removal of contain a permitted principal'use - °_ *• R-n=� "�t,, r � �•.t+ - . lith :�' the existingl; =i0003114:4��y,�, ,r, �,,� :;-�. �,�;:��-$ectiprr�,,>1()p.33;�':liased"'on�'`tti 4 tower and to.construct pursaant to Article XIV Sectiog 101>=- ��` • .5,�4'nf t'"� �, ,.,F':� c+i�t„` .,�w�`t}kµ f`f..r,.._r ��+.`ar+9�':�•hzrr!-'y. r�.�`'..r�,.�. ,eS;$., .. , -t,,. ,z �f ��P .APpL Nii,,,448„67-•STAPL_•"s<<Buildmg f;Departm'ent's:a Augustr2.1;�. new wireless communication tower 141A,An accessory use cannot exist' Y DROSKOS ??" x`_ ' -at a height exceeding " 'lt7E l��� ., � .DT �•�`� '�'�•pproval�of g '20 feet above without a principal use. a�-- --. - U „� � ;� c�:'2(BIU;<�oti" .,� Dtsa ��._ •ag��;�;, P P •- -�:;.•-ry:c��- reque'st for;i rtance'und Arta a lica ,` „, �'c"` the average height of buildings with- 91)0 p.m. Appl. No. 4880 -LL •, � ��-�.pp--r-�°�°x;tii:�izcatq� �'��' .� ., 'VUVNSection 1 2A'bansed'',o�, uil i"' r' in 300 feet of the facility,The height HEAD ,START CHILD'DEVEL:- •tfie•Buildin- a`�� =%,R�:��;. 2>iagt#'pgFtlg F=int;a��•side,,,yard.^,t�• tY Sh _ Nl __g Department'''Mar ': isproposed at 110+;:,_feet .from OPMENT SERVICES. INC�f(for-'� ,•� -;'r w ``A �,-.a•ce ground. Location ,2QOQ olof�Dtsapprgvtil;regard-1 �fane;`Sou-�holii �'�,Parcel��' o�"`• � of Property: 415 merly Church of the Open,"Door).;--- _ •;'f":, mg apphcant's,re�quest for;a bgildingj`w1000 78-5=4: ; y•.1 J • k Elijah s Lane,Mattituck,NY,County This is a request for a• Speciale ' `rt-. �permit1t e,reson.for.disapprov r;r�,7.20 p.mi:Appi.No.�—,-� ;,- Tax,Map No. 1000-108-4-11.3. Zone ExceptionNursery School activii• s; a],is � � for thaat°�the proposed°`".additionirrepre NETH= OBINS u43 is a'a est:E`f District Limited Business.• ties.A nursery school is listed as an, '' seatsn ' Re o >a x4 ,,�,. request. - a4*,e-e:sA i toximalci "op:&-ii''yowiti'i under,.' din,: T4 8:15 p.m. Appl. No.-, 4826 authorized use in the Zoning_Code, 2%-J#91',4 'eicis dotcoverage;;for Sectio ' onx,#hers:.WILLIAM PENNY/TIDY CA under Article III, Section-2-1004i .-2-;':::R• Section-:100_°.; a?proposed• eck-en ..atitb�e�rear,=of�:xBuildinig De ��►�,,ent ,-,W u st�21 'z'(Continued hearing-`postponement 31B(4).The property is zoned-R80,- the:dwelling.Locatio'of Pi'pe`rty;. ::2(00 Not_iCe Pods 'rovll,o n`,requested by agent 8/18/00). Corner Residential and is known•as'-1850• ,_, ;531`Sterliii " r «<�, f;sir...,_ , ,,.a ��,g�E'lace;�xCre�enport;1�I3���Yapplicatiou�fo�•-a�second't1ooL`addiM1` . of C.R. 48 and Youngs' BayviewRad,Southold,NY; _ _ _- :i ;°. Y •Avenue Main o N::1000:34='3-4Jx:'`�' ,m,,A'• `ccces - Southold NY; 1 Parcel o ? , ..•••-.;.•.;-v,'u,z,.•tion�to expctiagaceessory'gai'agerivith$��' 000-55-5-2.2. Zone: County Parcel No.1000-75-4-28..' ;- -� :r �x �7 w 4 - �,.. ,�., p'•,,B Genet 1 u Y�•6;5Q,t,=p.iu.;,,VA 4;�•illoay4873' a�3nediau.:�tig f•t4+' ll -ti s. Y,1, a Business. • "' "The Board of Appeals will at the,' • ETER tUG PP, x :P ,_ t,o •., eo aper p 3 9 ,�,, PP P Gana`itEREDITILI: `_feety' ,Pro a `43`6 =-,., " 8:20p.m.A pl.No:4864- - above time andplace hear all pe - .,,.�_, Irocation„ of� p it'yr, 5;"" P MAR: rsons •$U('aG is^'yrs jtatn?request fort;r;Pequash- Aveel r Cutchogiie, NY r,TIN ROSEN. This is"an,Appeal or their representatives,desiring rte 'Variances undertArticle LII,Sectiops' ;County Parcel No 1000-103'=7'29:f'+� requesting a Reversal of the Building be heard or to submit written state='-'=';':.(t" 1100,32 and,.100 33,ybased_on'=the?.;:;''.:7.25:;p'6" App1:s No: 4878 y Department's Revocation of Permit ments(before the hearing is conclude- =„ ;Building iDepartment'stVpSeptembe ii WILLIAM S`=KELLY.-,This';isla. No.26546-Z dated August 14,2000 ed).The hearing will not start earlier' - -' 513;3;,2000:Notioe of Disapproval:tow:`rrequest=for Variance:'under�Article; •regarding a ham radio tower which than designated. Files are'available' , 0 -""`"t Sound 'Avenue,locate K(a),of accessq Yilildin 41'a r igii;`;$4cti*A930=33A'base >~'exists at 11780 for review during regular_TowA Hall front•yard,and;(b)aproipied•garage;:a1:3uilding,Depatment'ss.Sep't�.emrer_:3•I tituck,NY;ParcelNo.,1000.141• - businesshours(8-4-p.m.),Ifyou'hav`e"_ i __ addition_.witunal`ront,y oiiiiitback at a 22,,;2000.Nooticie 01 Disapproval�;of an;+;�;reasonsstated Im ndustrial.The questions, please do not hesitate,;ta-! ,- ,. less than60�,fe`e T.fro�l he edge}of �application for. sc;iie famtly dwjillingr,X, theDisapproval are call(631)7651809. •. j rightioff way Locations oft Proiie�" 'proposed at-les_than 50fee o they=4'as':follows:' Pu Article Dated:September 25,2000'• , t< � c.�.t -.r:� ,.r: A..,• � �t,�.s'»s.���..,. >t,•. ,� �..•�, •�:, "Pursuant�to� r + Muiinatawkeper a (i, _ _ ro rty lines.-Locatio a#` XXVIII, Section' 100=282B The SOUTHOLD TOWN -' _ tui, n e cF,ishers-rq. 'street'tro i r pe ii BOARD Island,„NY County;Parcel,`No:1000 of•Pro a ri antinesD iv_ei <'`Building Inspector may revoke a , OF APPEALS. ct�, Y A•5 t,• '"0.if,.,cJ'"d s P `»s ,fid... r� y ,,�•F'• 3 x �Y. x A„n,• ,I, 000=03 p'�viefgr:4,".4 ut`2(�-a 4vo uo )persi ' e'=sotitlii d 1�building permit issued in error when' GERARD P. � � it have'been.issued on th Edi D ;file s "NY GPM;bI 1 �Z should not in GOEHRIN e th= ifleil'F�ontGfap,- ctT�•:-' U00=79.4�24 �,rn,,� ' • GER,CHAIRMAN- :,_y in;the.Suffol461—htys Clerk's-Offfce^� 5y'•8:00 `p:iu.:'jAppl:;No �4862=i✓•`-}'a,accordance with the application law. .1556-1TS28 - • r .:''E_: irs;File;N;o924 `�i``.'�"^{�"f ,=��`�'��:..'t PRI1V�""'���SPE �- �'` P��t�, property,in LI Zo --- 1�, ra.�,sts4%:, - + ,,.,5 �,v�; C'I'R[7M �: .SubjectZone, hada _ •i ''ttt:6:5S;;p m.App No 487?-LIS lel. (Owner 'W z' -`�t4 pre-existing nonconforming dwelling _ . k. SLSiizter.Ii orsl rs -; • ; „ K his is a`r,'tient�for;.a'z=q r quest,fora anance`undei1 :as principal use. This'use was lost ,- ,1 ;. �< • •••.r. •.f�"'.. 4. _ '�,.,•;� . �� r cue;..,'. , , . , . • , = 9 t r a _ y,`Yf.;d' Gr..c.}:•5�"• ur{�W»�r,••:Y'>s,a:,t`t .� -t.. '+ L. C•, 1;Variance;`tinti1er' Article.4090,y;1:3 is".�,:`;l,4'.,5-.:4 ,;,,,,,,';.:.At7i .5,.ret..y i,ivt n„<:: . - • :' „ - T.,/�r: 1i.01-0 , ,� �'.Sectio *x100-244• 'fused”on;`t 65 l r`ar:O° �cps�:�',/ �t �'e ' it ,q,,,,,,.-•,J, ,,, '--<-i,)-93-' �1. -- . ���,�, a•.. - ��•'t _ vi. ..,� � $•,�'_�e��SYr�+.�,��'3t :C$-�'�1_;;'I�fit�l'�Lfb:fi.`.`:�. _ r •'t.= ', _ ,. r,t'._', _ !*:'r'•1:�'ti-l; - _ Bnu 5.4-6 �rT'�epaitmen*♦s„,Septemnbe4?� ”-,.°,-�,,•^.•-: ` -<',^,*;'-r,x e;�^' ; `3.11°' :Notic i l :c; y ',-,-' ti G �.ti,44,1�:�`: +.zit-`; .r'..,m._ z _,� of= isa rev fog„ �``= ..::,.,;,�,; �,_ •,;[,�, '...'r, ,`-, yars ,,.p_ PP alp,.,._". .,��•�•,�..•���- .. - _ �_,M� ,'locate,a,,,proposedAladd tion=�to:tlie,` = - - . exist ngNdwellin rth-a-'front,'yard=- .. F4setlia"cicatle thau-35feet:.-I ocafion- . s.,,::••• •• *of`,Propert3r:1050`, hamomaque. ,:::1.. ' i-,-Aven`ueatinteis `; ection;,lcntli'(Oicliai'd;' ;'; it Street l eisidon Estat ,`r Southold ' ;,, ' Comity"Parc l?N` 2- ' ' •.,:TANAS , �TSATSO is a request;. •.,i,'Y i ,,; , F. al gt�of;Mer$e>'uridergiticle=� ' `,,., • . ;>%;.;c:,, -II,„Section100-26' con erninglo tsshowrnon the Maof,Eastern Shor. ` >l' :Iii&afoliVIliiiiii410611511Aiiritii4 • ” ;>,Clerk's;Office on December'31 968:, ,,,' ash File'l o ` ° is „'s•„ " � ThisY VYsiXe;%=o z :-Me gertlg,base�donlheJuly:28 X00;' ti --- Building,-Depairtment's ,Not~ic. of;s ,' . Dlsapp aval:fete miniing'that,ander ?'Article.II;,Section-;100-25,:Easter>;' '1S>faro®IS 1bdlvisi®n'"Lot No,13 � ' ' 'f•shown-as the•,;westerly portion'of .:1;!,,•,, , r ht ty rrr, y. �duR �''r,': ''f<iCountyk e;To 41,100(} 3=2.24'.'an Eastern•Sll y t. ' 'n OIeBjSllf>d1Y18t071�,`r'Ot:`-�0:;:? • •:,*:. • r4,a B'e8 tejy p'Q;Aon-ofl.I i r . MARTIN ROSEN REQUEST TO REVERSE REVOCATION OF BUILDING PERMIT 1000 - 141 - 3 -44 THURS , OCT . 19 , 2000 8 : 20 PM OCT 82 '00 09:32AM SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL 516 765 1823 P•5 7 f Z): ZONING BOARD 1)F APPEALS • TOWN OF SOUTHOLD:NEW YORK - • In othe Matter of the P,pplication of AFFIDAVIT F Martin Rosen MAILINGS (Name o�cants} CTM Parcel#1000- 141 - 3 - 44 ----.---�-- ------x NASSAU COUNTY OF s ) STATE OF NEW YORK) residingat Baldwin, =='1 �� CORA A. FREUDENBERG , New York, being duly svvom, depose and say,that: On the 3rd day of October , 2000, I personally mailed at the United States Posi, Office in Mineola New York, by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, a true copy of the attached Legal Native•in prepaid envelopes addressed to �s owners current assessment roll v';n'��dfro fcial records file with the (X) Assessorsor ( ) County Real Property for every property which abuts and is across a publicor private street, or vehicular right-of- way of record, surrounding the applicant' prope s • (Signatuif+e) / CORA A. FREUDENBERG Sworn to before me this Z0D0. 5ttday of October REGINA RUBENSTEIN %. L/,/' ��. ��� �a'► Public,State of New York • Notary F ubl c) No. 01 RU47s0267 ( • Qualifi in Nassau County Commission Expires October 31,20(- PLEASE 0QPLEASE list, on the back of this Affidavit ocon a r whict�otiees were of paper, the lot uThank next to the own�3r names and addresses f you. •• 'ostali Service CERTIF (Domestic Ma, AIL RECF1D U.S. Postal S .e I 4fii ? CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic.Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) . _ Section 141 Block 3 Article Sent To: 2 111 / ca Lot 44: -: 111111111111 .41 Postage 1 Booker Clarence& Ors U.S.. Postal Service ' 755 Rogers Avenue Q CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT Brooklyn,New York a 1 (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) n O — Article Sent To: . ' Lot 43: n o °- _,� m 1 U.S. Postal Service Alice Funn , CERTIFIED MAIL. RECEIPT 11850 Sound Avenue (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) P.O. Box 422 � ' Article Sent To: is' Mattituck,New York 11952 .13 Lot 45: Postage $ IN,e0 A O Certified Fee t . osa �'" 111 Return Receipt Fee Mattie Simmonsp h °�` r7 (Endorsement Required) " e,i CD' i Box 926in Restricted Delivery Fee ii 17 (Endorsement Required) a - o �� - ‘i o�' 11700 Sound Avenue i Mattituck,New York 11952 o T- — — . m Nf Andrew C. Fohrkolb ,- - Lot 40: s. 670 Holden Avenue CI Cutchogue,New York 11935 r ci f Andrew C. Fohrkolb I p- for Instructions, 670 Holden Avenue i.�w.iestic'Mail On/ ——� y;No Insurance Coverage Provided) I Cutchogue,New York 11935 Article Sent To: a— Lot 39: q, 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I Postage MIIIIIII Robert Boasi Certified FeeIIIIIIIII ~45 Alden Street r^: Return Receipt Fee riTYTYV, ostmaii< <g O (Endorsement Required) ' Here j Cherry Valley,New York 13320 Restricted DeliveryFee I r� Q (Endorsement Reuired) ICD `,O O 6r ay Lot 18. C7 'rota,' a- .A_____--- rm Nam Alice Funn - I Jeffrey J. Gregor o- Street 11850 Sound Avenue 37 Squiretown Road c P.O. Box 422 PS Hampton Bays,New York 11946 Fo i Mattituck, New York 11952 j t ' ' The Metropolitan Transportation ns`rUc`iO9S Authority 7 e tag. vie,-,P/Lac,---p- 347 /LJ`347 Madison Avenue ct..e ct 0160 New York,New York 10017 . .— - 1.,,cvs •vr..i • fi �LOTICE OF PUB IC HEARING SOUT-iOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2000 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Chapter 100 (Zoning), Code of the Town of Southold, the following application will be held at a public hearing by the 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS at thaTown the tune{i'notetl below (or as soon thereafter as 11971, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 20 01 at possible): 8120 p.m. Appl. No. 4864 — MARTIN R,OS .. This is an Appeal requesting a Reversal of the Building Department's Revocation of Permit No. 26546 -Z apdrAuguscel t 1 014 00, 2000 regard4. i g haLIm radio tower which exists at 11780 Sound Avenue, Matt Industrial. The,reasons stated in the Disapproval are follows:issued in error when its sho'Pursuant to Article uld not havet n 100-282B, The Building Inspector may revoke a building permit been issued in accordance with the application law, Subject lost pursuant to Article XXiV, Section 100g- nonconforming dwelling as princrDle use. his was 241G. Subject property does not i7,ontain a permitted principle use pursuant to Article XIV, Section 100- 141A. an accessory use cannot exist without a principle use." The Board of Appeals will at the above�time (before ace hear all the hearing is concluded).ersons or 1r This hearing wille desiring to be heard or to submit written state not start earlier than designated. Files area available hesitate review itw dura ) 765larT9wn Hall business hours (8-4 p.m.). If you have questions, please 4 Dated: September 26, 2000. GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 V j .1,. ;' f'' 1 • . , r0A ki 1 (N/1 l�111141, d ' a 1 ' 1 i ♦ • 1 Cnp551Nd SAH ,cry V A or pk�EI�EN, �; i T ��Lµ0M f n EbOE • :•1 , A 1, y. CHfJ V11K FESµ` ", NES V1tgf.S r,' - t� rcatN r i `4Qf ljs - —T NE 0.i'E. _-r.�-fl ^ 91 E 11, t N y7 • 1' ' 4 v� ' �= 4 Hfs rt 0 v°'� U! i, �t c WIC, x c� C. VI ‘. i ( ,' ' . ':i'"t'. ' ill • + ..: ,�i / ... ..: '..., . 73 C • ,, th '' U ii C11nANE� 'Z'', -.....- .\ . fk.1 i • ie.e \\\ 1, : . : .;:'.2 i', . . 1.1Akii 4143; ' 1 M CES —1 /1 M COIIC 1 1 . .4,, 4r • Carta 1 VI IUsi f 1 ` 10' :7 lD • • • ' i rt' cAP s , s E , • e ,,f cN� ..-% •i o . � ?1,y 'I y /? m �rCEN O z Ili IIC op it 0 • VF r � ' / � • ti• d atarg 0,/ �p .., i ,401i nibd. 0.4' �� , /f i • • • 11 • • ...A\ e . . • O� .� <0°��j fs ��` • iti :, �• • i :< LLti 111111 :)le ' ' 8- , ' , '..\ \.) • • V ` / ,r. `'r', i •t i1�SA ii,'tt Y,'• �1 • ' 1 \) Y''l ` O, 1 1 SURVEY OF PROPERTY VI N- � � SITUATED AT ROAD) a ° • MATTITUCK e • • SS Np SIGN . S NORU - -D TH • GRo - . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD F PAVEMEtT• 4 • �� R0� • EOGEO d ♦ 4�<,*. li SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YORK pOLE A e °i a NT\ 670 U "GE '� CNWN NK 2GJ8.47 '\ ° • 4 ` a ° YY S.C. TAX No. 1000- 141 —03-44 pItRES • pVERHEPOi FENCE O 3 E• I a a ` %78 8.484? 5.3'N i C3 o ,0 ��O� SCALE 1 " =20' �,2p,, E 4, 0 , APRIL 11 , 1997 d ; "‹,,,,,\Y FOUND Slit '��" a d° ° ? lf1 3 N � DECEMBER 4, 1997 ADDED PROPOSED COMMUNICATIONS TOWER NpN• V\ \\ °/ " aDECEMBER 18, 1997 REVISED PROPOSED COMMUNICATIONS TOWER MARCH 3, 1998 REVISED PROPOSED COMMUNICATIONS TOWER °g p� *1 d e 266° c31 O p1'S. (� (�/� Il (!'i C. JULY 13, 1998 ADDED PLOT PLAN eOtIC.waw i ° U! VI 2 27.2' e ��; ° '� o ii P- 'A a -a , O, AREA = 11 ,517.67 sq. ft. -� a 41 0.264 ac. a N crl Li) ....1 0 .1"4. \ .--!. --i• --4 4 o . '•,.,531 a a 8 �. 4 ._ 77/ jjr/77//4 29%° 0 �� / / :. ° �SCE °' 0 �4° j/// // � N � 1/. 4 �`/ ° J - n : / / // // N1MN 0 O ,/:/;////,: ° // A. /, Qa m C '/ w °� �+X 7 Z 1 a 'i 6/ Q \,n w ie° 411 ,,/,,//:,/,//♦y�.'_ /% a \ C z P ° G /° ° / !/ ' i// / ,/, '' � � ° CERTIFIED TO: �m� �'� �'�' 11 ° ° \ COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY -n o : 0 4 0 Va� V \ !i! ., ° MARTIN ROSEN .l ° ° V Z 'Ax yViTO ° ° a ° a a ,. \7° a q aw v1 rn „° Wi t� a 9 y il `32. \ 10' r ' o B`DG 2.6 E `pNG CESS.O R 0\ J // U-1 z., ttl v10 --"".----._________—??-s-- � \ •LO / Ul� � G o7 4` O -,l CWMNEY o .. v FE"CE ,w �o to��f �LA C-15 ' CONC � 8 7' \O `pP VC7-33,0 - is) CIPt /..,. ., tn O .\`'-' ./.. 4 0 C' /,. ' . BLDG. 0.4'E. \ �Cr �F�Gc , ',• \., ° \ i Q°6\ ,4 , ' '. \\' O `O ��, • , • r S ,,, UTOOTHIS RIZED SURVEYT SAION OR VIOLATION OF . ,�, • �\ SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE � ASI....1 . '` EDUCATION LAW. //• SEAL OR COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING • , ',, JPS' EMBOSSED SEAL STHE LAND HALL R'S INOT DBE CONSIDERED TO BE A VAUD TRUE COPY. ' •,,, ,s4c) CERTIFICATIONS INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN •• ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY � > IS• TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND ' , DEHALF TO , Y� LENNGA COMPANY, ED, TION USTED D ON HIS BHEREON, ANDS , TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTI— TUTION. CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE. • THE EXISTENCE OF RIGHTS OF WAY AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD, IF .. .C.) >O ANY, NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED. Y PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MINIMUM STANDARDS L.I.A.L.S. FOR TITLE RVS AS ESTABLISHED Joseph . Ingegno BY THE L.I.A.L.S. AND APPROVED AND ADOPTED N FOR SUCH USE BY THE NEW YORK STATE LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION. Land Surveyor Title Surveys — Subdivisions — Site Plans — Construction Layout PHONE (516)727-2090 Fax (516)722-5093 OFFICES LOCATED AT MAILING ADDRESS N.Y.S. Lic. No. 49668 One Union Square P.O. Box 1931 Aquebogue, New York 11931 Riverhead, New York 11901 97-204C