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Franklinville Rd, Laurel
fray C.ern 0- September 3, 2015 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gerdts PO Box 184 225 Franklinville Road P Laurel, New York 11948 U Scott A. Russell, Supervisor i 8 C i.0 i'm - Town of Southold 53095 Main Road SUPERVISOR'S OFFICE PO Box 1179 TOWN OFSOUTHOLD Southold, New York 11971 Re: North Fork Early Learning Center 475 Franklinville Road, Laurel Dear Supervisor Russell and Members Southold Town Board: We are the homeowners at 225 Franklinville Road, Laurel which is the house immediately west of the North Fork Early Learning Center (NFELC). Our letter of July 13, 2014 (copy enclosed) resulted in a meeting last summer with Supervisor Russell. Unfortunately, many of our concerns still exist and, in fact, have increased. On a daily basis there are traffic violations associated with the NFELC: the stop sign at the western exit from the parking area to Franklinville Road is ignored, the "Do Not Enter" sign at this same location is also ignored as several drivers each day enter from eastbound Franklinville Road against the sign and designated flow of traffic; drivers eastbound on Franklinville Road regularly cross the double yellow line to park facing the wrong way on the north side of Franklinville Road in front of our home; several of these same drivers then make u-turns, again across the double yellow line, to head westbound on Franklinville Road. There should only be one entrance into and one exit from the parking area of NFELC. It is an extremely dangerous situation that needs to be addressed. In addition, installing a speed bump at the one entrance to and one exit from the parking area would discourage use of the parking area as a throughway to Franklinville Road. As an illustration of the existing dangers, we enclose for your review copies of Town of Southold Police Accident Reports dated August 13, 2015 and August 14, 2015. Please note that the August 14th accident occurred just minutes before children began toarrive at NFELC. Further note that the Police Report states that vehicle 1 "....was traveling the wrong way on a one way street while texting..." Franklinville Road is not a one way street. This accident took place in the parking area of NFELC. Furthermore, the driver of vehicle 1 was subsequently arrested for DWI. This parking area is a pending disaster site. Again, we request that these seven (7) concerns, listed in our letter of July 13, 2014, be addressed: 1. A concrete curb in front of 225 Franklinville Road 2. No parking, standing and stopping signs in front of 225 Franklinville Road 3. Alternate parking for staff of NFELC 4. No parking on public sidewalks 5. Enforcement of the stop sign and one way requirements for the parking area in front of NFELC 6. A single entrance into and single exit from the parking area in front of the NFELC 7. Speed bumps at the single entrance into and single exit from the parking area in front of the NFELC. Thank you, AQ,,44 orm„ Robert and Kathleen Ge dts (631) 298-5087 saltydog34@optonline.net c. Vincent M. Orlando, Superintendent of Highways Martin Flatley, Chief of Police Peter Doherty, Code Enforcement Director, North Fork Early Learning Center Mattituck-Cutchogue Union Free School District July 13, 2014 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gerdts PO Box 184 225 Franklinville Road Laurel, New York 11948 Scott A. Russell, Town Supervisor Southold Town Board 53095 Main Road PO Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Re: North Fork Early Learning Center 475 Franklinville Road, Laurel Dear Supervisor Russell and Members Southold Town Board: We are the homeowners at 225 Franklinville Road, Laurel which is the home immediately west of the North Fork Early Learning Center (NFELC). Recently, we placed 6" X 6" wood landscaping ties along the front of our property which prompted a quick call from Southold Town Code Enforcement. We were aware that our action would elicit a response from the Town. However, we hoped that the response would result in productive discussion and measures to alleviate the traffic dangers for the children as well as the parking situation in front of our home and the NFELC. To date, this has not happened. The NFELC provides inadequate parking for its staff and no parking for individuals that are dropping off and picking up children for the morning and afternoon sessions. The Transportation Form which is part of NFELC's Application For Admission contains a notification that "each child's parent or guardian is responsible for the child's transportation to and from the North Fork Early Learning Center". Further, Mattituck- Cutchogue Union Free School District's (MCUFSD) most recent Universal Pre- Kindergarten Application mailing contains a similar notification, i.e., "(Parents must provide transportation)". Yet, neither NFELC or MCUFSD provide a safe manner to accomplish this. Monday through Friday multiple cars and trucks pull up in front of our home four times a day to drop off and pick up. Many pull all the way onto the sidewalk. As a result, the area between the sidewalk and road is badly eroded, grass cannot grow, tire tracks are constant and it is littered with cigarette butts. In the spring of 2013, we had a contractor install steps from the sidewalk and a stone path to our front door. We have an adult physically handicapped son and in the winter months our driveway is frequently blocked with snow and ice that he cannot navigate. The steps and path were designed so we could maintain a cut path through the snow piled along the edge of the road directly to the walkway. This past winter that path was used not only by parents dropping off children at the NFLEC, but also by staff of the NFLEC, so that our son was frequently denied access. We request that, pursuant to Code of the Town of Southold Chapter 260, Article IV, section 260-15, the entire frontage of our property be designated no parking, standing and stopping, Monday - Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., with appropriate signage provided by the Town of Southold. Traffic control signage has previously been installed on the east side of the NFELC parking area to stop driving through the unpaved area in front of the property bordering the east side of the NFEC. This also effectively reduced parking there. Also, staff parking must be provided so that the parking area in front of the NFELC remains available for the dropping off and picking up of the children. Each and every parking space is used by staff. In fact, there is one individual who habitually parks directly on the sidewalk so that pedestrians must go into the parking area on their way to the NFELC. The license plate number of this vehicle is: DBJ-4903. How can someone completely block a public sidewalk on a nearly daily basis and not receive a ticket? Staff should be directed to park in the Aldrich Lane lot by the basketball court and south portion of the soccer fields, which is owned by MCUFSD, and use the rear entrance to the NFELC property. Individuals dropping off and picking up children must be given priority parking access to the NFLEC at the Main Road entrance to the property. In addition, on a daily basis, there are traffic violations associated with the NFELC: the stop sign at the western exit from the parking area to Franklinville is ignored; the "Do Not Enter" sign at this same location is also ignored as several drivers each day enter from eastbound Franklinville against the sign and designated flow of traffic; drivers eastbound on Franklinville regularly cross the double yellow line to park facing the wrong way on the north side of Franklinville in front of our home; several of these same drivers then make u-turns, again across the double yellow line, to head westbound on Franklinville. There should only be one entrance into and one exit from the parking area. It is an extremely dangerous situation that needs to be addressed. In addition, installing a speed bump at the one entrance to and one exit from the parking area would discourage use of the parking area as a throughway to Franklinville Road. Prior to the merger of Laurel Common School District (LCSD) with MCUFSD, and the current use of Laurel School by the NFELC, these traffic concerns did not exist. LCSD offered K-6 education with full day kindergarten. All children were eligible for transportation. Two or three busses arrived at the start of the school day to deliver children to school and two or three busses arrived at the end of the school day to pick them up for return home. During the summer, only one or two cars would be in the entire parking lot. There were no summer programs associated with the LCSD. Compounding traffic concerns inherent with the NFLEC are those associated with Franklinville Road itself. Westbound drivers exiting Main Road onto Franklinville regularly cross the double yellow line into the eastbound lane of Franklinville. Some drivers even accelerate while doing it. The stop sign at the south end of Aldrich Lane entering Franklinville is mostly ignored. The traffic through this area has increased dramatically over the years with the success of Mattituck-Laurel Veterinary Hospital and the complete residential build out along the length of Aldrich Lane and the Farmveu at Mattituck subdivision at its north end. Again, placing those 6" X 6" ties was an attempt to call attention to a traffic situation which has gotten out of hand. Young children are involved and a safe method of delivering them to the NFELC needs to be implemented. It is foolish to offer these programs and provide totally inadequate parking. In summary, we would greatly appreciate that the following concerns be addressed:. 1. A concrete curb in front of 225 Franklinville Road 2, No parking, standing and stopping signs in front of 225 Franklinville Road 3. Alternate parking for staff of the NFELC 4. No parking on public sidewalks 5. Enforcement of the stop sign and one way requirements for the parking area in front of the NFELC 6, A single entrance into and single exit from the parking area in front of the NFELC. 7, Speed bumps at the single entrance into and single exit from the parking area in front of the NFELC. Thank you , Robert and Kathleen Gerdts (631) 298-5087 saltydog34@optonline.net c. Vincent M. Orlando, Superintendent of Highways Martin Flatley, Chief of Police Peter Doherty, Southold Town Code Enforcement Linda W. Ruland, North Fork Early Learning Center Mattituck-Cutchogue Union Free School District Page 1 of 3 Pages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Local POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT Codes I SH-14 1213-15 1 MV-104A 3/04 x 0QST78000469 �w '.MENDED'REPORT ' I Mon — n n 13 2 015 t)Thursday Military I12 Vehicles 2i No.InOjured No,O l rtd Accident tReconst clad Scene Left Scene 0 0 ❑YeNot s Month Day 1`""Year VEHICLE Vel lr,les f VEHICLE 2 0 BICYCLIST 0 PEDESTRIAN 0 OTHER PEDESTRIAN w�.–VEHICLE 1-fklvmr ....... Stale of Lic. `VEHICLE 2-11110 01 ... ._.. State of Lic, License IDNumLiier 731300590 NY License IDNnrnlnar 531307758 NY J. "rtl Driver Name-exactly HENRY, SAMANTHA M asiprr Norm-kenos BRENES, IRMA J 13 as printed on license printed on keeuua , „ ,. ,,. ., . .. «.« ......... ,.,, ., ,}_... Address(Include Number and Street) � Apt.No. Address(Include Number and Street) �� Apt.No. 421 1ST ST 74 OAK AVE qex...«.. Unlicensed No.of Occupants . City or Town State ZipCode CI or Town r22 1 City State ZipCode GREENPORT NY 119440000 FLANDERS NY 11901 3 Mlle o!Ilrrlh ,3vs UnlicensediNo.of Occupants public public: Month ]oy "year F Property Month Day ear' Property 7 7 3 1997 ❑ 01 Damn'ed © 4 12 1961 F 0 05 Damaged lL a �°1 e" ....y p 9 ;arnx O C r"12 *° rasa nc u+e um+er an. rasion r 'erne-exec as pm-i'.,on regis ra ion HENRY CHRISTINE onthIIII ear BRENES, IRMA J 'ray Year 1965 1961 _....7r, � ama`axe y as pm e+:on regia ra ac I Released Address' (Include Number and Street) Apt N I�a7 i ie exsr7ayME l 4 535 SIGSBEE RD ccdc 0 174 OAK AVE Cod Code 0 1 Cityorown. � State Zip Code y ur own stn u RaEp Ve do•oa, inN nT7777r1- 722 FMB1736 State e Code MATTITUCK NY 11952 FLANDERS NY 11901 - uun.w�ir ����a e,:, it '!e n�a ear S '�a a �e is a ype� Ins.Code late Number � � Vehicle Type Ins,Code W GWL101 9 1 NY 2002 TOYT D4 SD NY X002 KIA SUBN 478 1 Number(s) ''llcket/Arrest TickeUArrest Number(s) Violation .... ... .... Violation ..._ ... ... __ Section(s) Section(s) �.. Check if involved vehicle is: Check if involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own 1 V El 0 operated withfe tlong; E 0 operated 34h feet of a dan ensionmiermnit Ra m inspat�#9. Number the vehicles. E more than 34 feet long; IYurrti Rad Angle Mod Tun Heed On -- Iwith 74— 1 erated h Le11 more thanT overweightpermit; th _ c Box 1 Pahl Illm01ctv®rdurzensla�i ermlt c Bpx 1 Point a>ro Impact I 6l r(gems directkrn) Lt � S ---_ { poverweight permit; H 0 L Box 2•Most Damage 1 Bc'x 2-Most Damage l 3 1 3 Turn Right 26 I Jg31L+1[1�7aT)If�TA1l4I+�Nla6+. sadewrtNe / 0 4 T ' L u y l 2 1 4ek— GdppdetMAlmrilwq 10 -4— f E Enter up to three 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 1 1 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM more damage codes 12 more damage codes 1 Vehicle By OREGON 2 Vehrnle Bv; 2,7 Towed. To OREGON Tuwerl To See the last page of the MV-104A for the P VEHICLEDAMaGEcoDING: 4 e e 'accident diagram. ._... r 1-13 SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14.UNDERCARRIAGE 17.DEMOLISHED 15.TRAILER 18.NO DAMAGE x 13 e 16.OVERTURNED 19.OTHER I b Cost of repairs to any one vehicle will be more than$1000. 12 11 10 ❑ Unknown/Unable to determine y Yes El No Reference Marker Coordinates(if available) Place Where Accident Occurred: 2 ' 5 Lattitude/Northing: Coulrty SUFFOLK ❑City ❑ Village , TT Town of SOUlif)LI"1 29 4538263 Road on which accident occurred FRANKLINVILLE RD 0 - 7 0 4 (Route Number or street Name) _____ Longitude/Easting: at 1)intersecting street,MAIN RD ❑N ❑S (Route tum er or Street Name) 1 , 5 ', ll. 3 705285 ort) 0E ❑W of feet miles (Milepost.Nearest intersecting]Route Number or Street Name) Accident Description/Officer's notes WI OPERATOR OF VEHICLE ONE REPORTS SEEING VEHICLE TWO TRAVELING W/B ON 25 WITH THEIR FOUR-WAY - FLASHERS ACTIVATED AND APPEARING TO BE PULLING OVER. VEHICLE 1 OPERATOR STATED SHE PROCEEDED TO MAKE A LEFT TURN E/B ON COUNTY ROAD 25 WHEN VEHICLE 2 DECIDED TO GO STRAIGHT AND STRUCK ,,,,1,, HER VEHICLE. VEHICLE TWO OPERATOR REPORTS TRAVELING W/B ON 25 WITH HER FOUR WAY FLASHERS ON "' WHEN VEHICLE ONE PULLED OUT IN FRONT OF HER. VEHICLE TWO OPERATOR DID NOT HAVE A REASON FOR ' HAVING HER FLASHERS ACTIVATED AT THE TIME OF INCIDENT, DUE TO A COMPUTER MALFUNCTION, THE ��'Y 1'�I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY T018 Names of all Involved Date of Death Only AA 1 1 .. 4 .. .. ... 11 18 F HENRY, SAMANTHA M L 13 2 1 4ORM 1 54 BRENES, IRMA J I C 2 6 4 1.. 31 Filia TORREZ, GLORIA N _ 2 4 4 1 X I` BRENES, KEYLA E V �0 E 2 3 4 1 24 Fi LOUATO, KARLA LF 2 5 4 1 35 FCARRERA, INGRID V a. E Officer's Rank o. a _� ��sia4Po Badge/ID No. NCIC No. PrecInct/Post Station/Beat Reviewing Officer Date/Time Reviewed D a�nd SI n�ature PO Troop/Zoete Sector Grattan, 8/27/2015 r°1arrett Lake 115 05159 Steven 09:36 Page 2 of 3 Pages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Local Codes POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT ww....w. I tt SH-141213-15 MV-104A(3/04) OQST78000469 '0, AMENDED REPORT 1646.6666... .8888018"8° Day of Week MItIldry Tune No.of No.Injured 1Ne.Killed Not Investigated at Scene 0 Lot 5mo6r Poke Phorios tI With , Day Year VeNdes 8 13 2015 Thursday 16:12 2 0 0 Accident Reconstructed 0 0 0 Yes 0 No VEHICLE VEHICLE I BICYCLIST ' PEDESTRIAN ... OTHER PEDESTRIAN ,.... VEHICLE 1-Driver State of Lie, VEHICLE 2-Driver State of Lie 2 License ID Number License ID Number Ti Driver Name-exactly Driver Name-exactly as printed on license as printed on license Address(Include Number and Street) Apt.No. Address(Include Number and Street) Apt.No.1 , City or Town State Zip Code City or Town State Zip Code ' 77271 3 a a a'41I ti. Sri unkin667110.0'6colipan S Public I ate 0 9)8 d SOX Unlicensed 0.of Occupants PuOlib MOMII1 7 Day- Yaw'''. Property ri Month Noy hear, Property El 1 CI Damaged "' 0 flotooveti ' .Name-exactly MS panted'on t'bOrstlrafiori4 Sex Lisle +,I lame-exa y as pun a on rag S .len sex Paa a III I 1 Month Pay • Year 1onifT15ay Year Address(Include Number add ttreel) Apt.No. HaR. Released Address(Include Number and Street) Apt.No. Hu 1 lireleaumf ..i. Mat. Mat Code 'City or/own SWIM"' Zip Code - CRY or Town State Zip Code -7,7- 1 . , m w , , u„, , _ A , _ , „. , . an'1.311311 a en :*dra, fa c e^ear i I a e I. Ins.Code ROM 'un,,mo ,'wale a log, von do TanI M68,0 Ivo roe Type Eas.k,fmte = m 1 Ticket/Arrest Ticket/Arrest Number(s) Number(s) Violation Violation it..75,1 Section(s) Section(s) Li Check if involved vehicle is: Check if involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own 0 V 0 more than 95 inches wide; V 0 more than 95 inches wide; diagram in space#9. Number the vehicles. E 0 more than 34feet long; E 0 more than 34feet long; Rear End Ledilern RIOU Angle Right Ttrn Heed On H 0 operated with an overweight permit H Et operated with an overweight permit; If ,,.., —N.-, s, 7r .-0.... .41— I 0 O'Orated with an OvOrOlotertslon,off olL I , a°Prated with an overdirnension pordA i 3 ,-1, 7. 1 c 14 goutooromritet folo* , c - VrfliCLE 2 DAMAGE'COOP' 2 -defoope Len.him i -Right Two Sid"wiRa Box 1.Point of Impact I I (wee eiregilent .ir___ --Pt- (oppoidte dirction) .,,..0.--- LL Box2-Most Damage , . 8 E Enter up to three 1 1 I 4 5 E 3 4 5 1 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM more damage codes 1 Vafik,..fe By; )2 Vehicle By: 27 irdokid,, ToTowed: To: „ 4 5 6 . VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: 7 3 1-13 SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT, 14.UNDERCARRIAGE 17.DEMOLISHED 2 1 ............. 13 15.TRAILER 18.NO DAMAGE 16.OVERTURNED 19.OTHER 1 s 1 ' , L ',,,,, I ® Cost of repairs to any one vehicle will be more than$1000. p2. 1 1 0 Unknown/Unable to determine 0 Yes 0 No Reference Marker Coordinates(if available) Place Where Accident Occurred: Lattitude/Northing: County SUFFOLK 0 City 0 Village 0 Town of ....„„2.. ' 1 Road on which accident occurred , ""— — (Route Number or Street Name) Longitude/Easting: at 1)intersecting street___,,.. (Route Number or Street Name( or 2) N S of . feetmiles E w ,. .. tmxopeig,8,040013111111ernaCtIng Roode Niaohor oS r freel NBP116) Accident Description/Officer's notes 30 INFORMATION FOR TWO PASSENGERS RIDING IN VEHICLE TWO IS NOT AVAILABLE. ATTEMPTS TO CONTACT VEHICLE TWO OPERATOR HAVE FAILED AT THIS TIME. OPERATOR 1 # 477-2904 ADDED PASSENGER S THREE AND FOUR ON 08/27/2015 N 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names of all involved Date of Death Only L 1 k LN IMI 1111 I ' M. -------- ------ 1 I C 1 N0 '1 ✓ 1 OB El I Mil 1 I L F I V . E Officer's,Rank No. NCIC No. PrecinctiPoet Station/Beat Reviewing Officer Date/Time Reviewed D at nature .P° Troop/Zone Sector Grattan, 8/27/2015 Print Name115 05159 G-Irret L. Lake Steven 09:36 ,LICLEUR ' " - ' " ,, Page 3 of 3 Pages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Local Codes ----* POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT SH-141213-15 MV-104A(3/04) 0QST78000469 AMENDED REPORT IT i voloni n'FtB Day of Week Military Time No.of No.Injured No.Killed Not Investigated at Scene 0 Left Scene Police Photos Month Day '1e- Vehicles 8 13 2015 Thursday 16:12 2 0 0 Accident Reconstructed 0 0 0 Yes 3 No Franklinville rd $ Ilir--11 VEM II '—"- { H2i County Road 25 Page 1 of 2 Pages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Local CodePOLICE ACCIDENT REPORT SFI-141245-15 MV-104A(3/04) IIII 0QST78000464 1 — „,.„ AMENDED REPORT 71717710-Dais ]Day ua"Week Military time Nu,of No.Injured No.Killed Not Investigated at Scene 0 Left Staine Poli e Photos i Month Day Yew 8 14 2 015 Friday 07:22 2 2 0 Accident Reconstructed 0 0 ❑Yes r',+No I VEHICLE11 -, VEHICLE 2 IS BICYCLIST Ill PEDESTRIAN Ilii OTHER PEDESTRIAN!, VEHICLE 1-Dem State of Lie VEHICLE2-Driver 802736295 State ofLic P License ID Numrrber 491803081 NY License ID NumberNY ,1 Driver Name-exkclip STEELE, LAUREN M DriverHeat'lar exactly sTOR, :DE:BORAII C". as printed[ m licearar mt es Pnnlnrt n m Ill noose Address(Include Number and Street) Apt.No. Address(Include Number and Street) 'pt.No. 634 STEPHEN HAND PTH PO BOX 334 City or Town State Zip Code City or Town State Zip Code EAST HAMPTON NY 119370000 LAUREL NY 11948 9 t e o - Sex Unlicensed `to,o Occupants Public into o Blllir Sex Unlicensed No of Occupants Putallu Month lay Year F Property I"1 Month Day ear:' I"�rnl.reitiy U 20 8 30 1988 0 01 Damaged LJ 5 21 1949 F 01 Damaged �ddre ELENAUREand SMtreet®ors Sex Fame-sxac yes pnn e' on rag's € on Sex bale 0 r r ds prn e:on ra sra N F I 3 0 ear -.... NNont bay Year 4 nth re i 1988 'SIOR, DEBO C F 5 21 1949 (include ) Apt.No Reloimsod Address(Include Number and Street) Apt.No. Mel, i ml ease(-, a� 1 634 STEPHEN HAND PTH r al 0 PO BOX 334 Cmorje 0 rt roll x 1 Oity or Town State Zip Code ty or own Sp Code HI NY ,EAST HAMPTON NY 119370000 LAUREL NY 11948 ""'a e 'miner you 'el), e ice'''ear,. a e .� Xe c e ype" Ins.Code a e num,er Note of Reg„ YohdI ri nor 8 ake Wide'1'ype iris cute GKW1899 N 2012 KIA SUBN 766 GWL1249 NY 2001 BMW 4DSD 769 4 Ticket/Arrest ST7801KBOQ ST7801KCOQ Ticket/Arrest Number(s) Number(s) 777 Violation 11923 11941B VISelation Section(s) Section(s) Check if involved vehicle is: Check if involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own 6 V more than 95 inches wide; more than 95 inches wide; diagram In spew#9. Number the vehicles. long;0 more than 34feet long; Angle p I prurn Right An le I1t rf rut HOW Oe 1 E 0 oiuettewith a a fn evordhoaas un errrmlt. E 0 operated witth ani.vAGimension ermlt. —#P.1,1 r End In H operatedoverweight eamji; H 0 operatedan overweight permit; C Box 1-Pon of Impact p [1 4T r' 11, _ 2 c BOX 1 VEHICLE f Impact � I me Intal arj Tum Muhl tedIi lion) 3 7 L Box 2-Most Damage 2 2 L Box 2-Most Damage 1 1 2. t> i v r i r, ___ 1 E Enterreupl damageree codes f I re 2 t 3 E Enter more damage o o-ghl codes 1tl 3 M ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 1 Vehicle By RA TOWING 2 Vehicle Bv. (.i.1,2ON Towed r: To, BAY TOWING rowed: To: OREGON See the last page of the MV-104A for the 1 JI 4 d a accident diagram. VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: x ITITITIT,,,, 1 7 1-13 SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14.UNDERCARRIAGE 17.DEMOLISHED H 15.TRAILER 18.NO DAMAGE16.OVERTURNED 19.OTHERost of repairs to any one vehicle will be more than$1000. IIIII mx 11 ma 0 Unknown/Unable to determine 1l Yes 0 No 111 Reference Marker Coordinates(if available) Place Where Accident Occurred: ', 2 5 I, Lattitude/Northing: County SLik^`T"iiLK 0 City 0 Village CO Town of SOUTHOLD .. I i . 4538325 Road on which accident occurred MAIN RD 0 i 7 0 4I.I NV l l.ul"+E ROAD (Route Number or treet Name) L'RAN Longitude/Easting: at 1)intersecting street , . . . 0 N 0 s (Rosie Nether or Steel Hanle) 1 5 1 1 ' 3 705332 or2) of feet miles 0 E ❑W (Milepost„Natant Inlea'rsra.tlu RouteNurmrberor Street Name) Ac cident Dta t rritliWOI'krr o notes P1 OPERATING V1 WAS TRAVELING THE WRONG WAY ON A ONE WAY STREET WHILE TEXTING AND DID FAILIII TO SEE V2 WHICH WAS MAKING A LEFT TURN. V1 COLLIDED WITH V2 CAUSING SUBSTANTIAL DAMAGE TO BOTH VEHICLES. P1 WAS SUBSEQUENTLY ARRESTED FOR DWI. P1 631-324-8728 P2 631-905-8792 ho *THE SPELLING OF THE OPERATOR OF VEHICLE TWO, AS WELL AS THE VEHICLE OWNER OF VEHICLE TWO WERE CORRECTED. PROPERTY DAMAGE BY VEHICLE #01 - STREET SIGN, STATE OF NY 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names of all involved Date of Death Only A IIMI 1 26 F IM N 9997 5101 STEELE, LAUREN M L AIIIIIIIIIII L 11111111111 4 1 66 P 04 12 6 9997 5101 SIOR, DEBORAH C I N C tI V O E ill , V F ' E Officer's RankBadge/ID Nem No. Precinct/Post Station/Beat Reviewing Officer Date/Time Reviewed D arta SI.nature PO 7 / Troop/Zone Sector Santacroce, 8/20/2015 rant 6erne Gregory Simmons 106 05159 Henry 08:57 Ho Page 2 of 2 Pages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Local Codes POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT SH-141245-15 MV-104A(3/04) OQsT78000464 AildENDeD REPORT Accident 4D Day of Week MllitaryTIme No of I No.Injured No.Killed Nor Investigated at Scene ❑ Le Scene Police Photos Month thy, ...... Year Vehicles .. .. 8 14 2 015 Friday 07:22 2 2 0 Ar Idernt Reconstructed 0 1 0 I❑Yes O No Franklinville RD [F1tT] ^s SR 25 W/B V2 SR 25 E/B