HomeMy WebLinkAboutPolicies and Procedures 2015 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROGRAMS POLICIES AND PROCEDURES July 2015 Town of Southold Affordable Housing Policies and Procedures Introduction: Because of escalating costs of real estate in the region, the Town of Southold developed legislation to promote affordable housing opportunities for households that may not be able to remain in the Town without some form of assistance. Much of this legislation provides the framework to develop a formal Housing Policies and Procedure manual to further explain housing practices and expectations. All income eligible households who qualify for available housing will receive a copy of this manual and they will be asked to attest to receiving this document. The goal of the Town’s Affordable Housing programs is to provide housing opportunities for those households with a demonstrated need based on income. In addition, the programs are designed to retain an inventory of affordable housing that will continue to provide housing below the market rate for future generations. Affordable housing is not limited to home ownership but also includes apartment rentals. The development of affordable housing will be fostered through several factors. The Town will partner with the County of Suffolk’s Department of Economic Development and Workforce Housing to obtain funding towards the purchase of land and/or the improvement of infrastructure. In addition, the Town’s Subdivision Code mandates that affordable housing be provided in residential subdivisions involving the creation of five (5) or more lots. Housing will be built through regional non-profit housing providers as well as for-profit housing developers. The office of Special Projects Coordinator (SPC) administers the Town’s affordable housing programs. Information garnered from housing applications is maintained within the Town of Southold’s Housing Registry database. The registry functions as the Town’s “waiting list” for persons certified as eligible for affordable housing. Applicants are responsible to ensure that updated information is provided to the SPC such as changes in income, address, etc. Periodically the waiting list is updated and applications are purged if 2 Town of Southold Affordable Housing Policies and Procedures applicants cannot be contacted by mail. Some of the housing administration will be shared with or provided by non-profit housing providers that specialize in specific housing procedures (income verification, credit counseling, mortgage counseling, lottery administration, etc.) These Affordable Housing Policies and Procedures may be periodically changed by resolution of the Town Board. To the extent that any provision herein is in conflict with any provision of the Town Code, the Town Code provision shall govern. GUIDELINES FOR ALL HOUSING ASSISTANCE Qualifications Necessary to Apply for Housing Assistance: To qualify for affordable housing assistance from the Town, households must verify that they are United States citizens or have eligible immigration status. In addition, the following limitations and restrictions are necessary to qualify: Income:  Annual household income for year 2015 is no greater than the following: Household Size Annual Income 01 $ 91,550 02 $ 104,650 03 $ 117,700 04 $130,800 05 $141,250 06 $151,750 Note: The Office of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) establishes income guidelines yearly for the counties of Nassau and Suffolk. The above noted amounts represent 120% of the Nassau and Suffolk median income. However, the Town Board has mandated that at least one-half of affordable housing must be targeted to households earning less than 80% of the Nassau and Suffolk median income. The Town Board may determine specific income targets as affordable housing developments are proposed. In addition, income guidelines 3 Town of Southold Affordable Housing Policies and Procedures may be site specific according to proposed developers (e.g. 80% median income, 100% area median income, etc.) In addition income restrictions may vary due to subsidies affiliated with specific projects such as the Cottages at Mattituck that requires that resale of unit are provided to either 100% or less median income or 80% or less (i.e. households earning 120% or less would not qualify for subsidies.) Residency Requirements/Priority Population: 1. Income eligible individuals or families who have lived in the Town of Southold in the same school district as the proposed affordable housing dwelling unit or lot for a period of at least three (3) years prior to application submission. 2. Income eligible individuals or families who have lived in the Town of Southold for a period of at least three (3) years prior to application submission. 3. Income eligible individuals or families who have been employed in the Town of Southold for a period of at least three (3) years prior to application submission. 4. Income eligible individuals or families who previously lived for a minimum of three (3) years in the Town of Southold and wish to return. 5. Other income eligible applicants. Asset Limitations:  Applicants may not own real property** (including vacant land or a mobile home secured to the ground) and,  Total net worth of applicant’s household cannot be greater than 25% of the purchase price of the home (if applicable). Total net worth of applicants shall include all liquid assets (including personal property valued at $10,000 or more—cars, boats, jewelry, etc.) less debt. Note: Liquid assets shall not include sheltered assets, trusts, Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA’s), 401K’s and other federally recognized tax-deferred vehicles. **Not applicable for residents seeking age-restricted housing. Determination of Eligibility: Applications for housing assistance will be reviewed to determine eligibility for qualified households. In some instances the determination of eligibility will vary by sites, as specific funding resources leveraged for affordable housing will have different 4 Town of Southold Affordable Housing Policies and Procedures eligibility requirements. All determinations will be made in writing. Reasons for denying eligibility may include the following:  Not income eligible  Poor credit history  Inability to verify income and/or residency  Inability to procure mortgage or other financing (where applicable)  Lack of legal immigration status  Materially false statements or omissions on the application  Previously committed fraud with other housing programs  Breached an agreement to repay other housing agencies Certification of Eligibility: Households that meet the above mentioned threshold would receive a Certificate of Eligibility issued by the Special Projects Coordinator. The Certificate is issued not until housing inventory (rental and home ownership) is available or nearly available for occupancy. RENTAL PROGRAM GUIDELINES The following regulations apply to apartment rentals to qualify for affordable housing assistance:  Household income may not exceed income guidelines as noted on page 3. All proposed rental applicants must have a letter from the Office of Special Projects Coordinator certifying income eligibility.  Landlords have the ability and responsibility to select income eligible tenants from the Housing Registry or identify households who would qualify for eligibility on the housing registry. When necessary, the Special Projects Coordinator will provide landlords a list of prospective tenants (e.g. those households requesting rental assistance within the Town’s Housing Registry)  Landlords and tenants are bound by the terms of the negotiated lease that they sign. All leases must be provided to the Town Clerk and will be reviewed by the Special Projects Coordinator. As such, the lease should stipulate agreed upon expectations by both parties.  In some instances, funding sources and finances used for the construction and rehabilitation of apartments may further 5 Town of Southold Affordable Housing Policies and Procedures determine or restrict income eligibility and family composition (e.g. age/sex of children/number of children, etc.)  When necessary, landlord/tenant disputes will be addressed by the Housing Advisory Commission in the event that the Special Projects Coordinator is unable to resolve an issue. Rental Pricing Guidelines: The Town utilizes the U.S. Dept. of HUD-Nassau/Suffolk LOW HOME rental guidelines. For 2015, rental costs*** may not exceed:  Efficiency - $953  One bedroom - $1,021  Two bedroom - $1,226  Three bedroom - $1,417  Four bedrooms - $1,581 ***May or may not include utilities; this is at the discretion of landlords. HOME OWNERSHIP PROGRAM GUIDELINES Home Ownership Sales Price: Listed below are the maximum sales price for homeownership opportunities for 2015: Households earning 80% or less of the HUD median income (for Nassau/Suffolk) $218,000 Households earning 100% or less of the HUD median income (for Nassau/Suffolk) $272,500 Households earning 120% or less of the HUD Median income (for Nassau/Suffolk) $327,000 Note: The sales price limitation may change annually by resolution of the Town Board as HUD income guidelines change. Note that sales prices are for housing units created in 2015, not housing units built before 2015. 6 Town of Southold Affordable Housing Policies and Procedures Lottery Selection Process Lotteries may be necessary when demand exceeds supply for affordable housing programs. A Certificate of Eligibility is required to participate in the lottery selection process. Determination of eligibility for prospective homebuyers is articulated above (pages 4 & 5), including the ability to obtain a mortgage at closing date. Those households who are certified as eligible and able to get financing (mortgage commitment) to purchase homes offered through the Town’s Affordable Housing Programs will participate in a lottery. Waiting Lists Housing providers will have the option to establish site-specific waiting lists for properties once all units have been filled. Households on waiting lists will still have the opportunity to avail themselves of any other proposed affordable housing developments while on the waiting list. When demand exceeds supply for available housing units, a lottery is administered for all qualifying applicants (income-eligible, priority school district, etc.) in order to award a unit. Additional drawings will be held as necessary to establish a waiting list of those households not selected (#2, #3, #4, etc.) Those households will retain their eligibility based on their rank after the lottery should additional housing units become available. As units become available, applicants will be further vetted to ensure that they remain “qualified” (income- eligible, priority school district, etc.) An additional lottery will be administered to new applicants once names of eligible households on the waiting list have been offered affordable units and the list of names on the waiting list is exhausted. Perpetual Affordability: In an effort to maintain an inventory of affordable housing, the Town of Southold has mandated that when homes are resold, market forces cannot dictate the profits one can realize. (The resale at market prices has allowed previous recipients of affordable housing to sell their homes for significant profits.) The Town’s current 7 Town of Southold Affordable Housing Policies and Procedures affordable housing legislation attempts to balance the need to keep homes affordable while also fairly rewarding homebuyers. Resale Guidelines: Homes may be sold only to households that are certified as needing housing on the Town’s Housing Registry. In addition to realizing benefits of home ownership through income tax deductions, the Town allows the resale of homes to reflect the percentage increase of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from the date of purchase to the date of resale. The CPI is issued by the United States Department of Labor- Bureau of Labor Statistics to capture cost of living increases as well as other economic variables. Permanent Fixed Home Improvements: The Town of Southold is pleased to support its Affordable Housing Programs and expects that its recipients will make every effort to keep their homes and apartments in excellent condition through maintenance, general repairs and upkeep. While a goal of the Town’s Affordable Housing Programs is to create and rehabilitate affordable housing, another goal is to keep housing units perpetually affordable. Therefore the Town does not encourage many improvements to its affordable housing inventory that will make the units no longer affordable at resale. The Town recognizes that homeowners may wish to make some limited permanent fixed improvements to their properties. A permanent fixed improvement is defined as an improvement to a property, including the dwelling unit, which frequently cannot be removed, and which may add value to the property and may result in a reassessment of the property. Prior to completing any improvements, homeowners must seek approval of the Housing Advisory Commission, appointed by the Town Board, which is charged with making decisions regarding permanent fixed improvements. Criteria guiding decisions made by the Housing Advisory Commission include:  Will the proposed improvement comply with current zoning?  Will the proposed improvement have an adverse impact on physical or environmental conditions within the community? 8 Town of Southold Affordable Housing Policies and Procedures  Will the proposed improvement create an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties?  The reason(s) for the requested improvement. The Special Projects Coordinator will provide homeowners with policy guidelines regarding permanent fixed improvements. The policy is designed to minimize the return of financial equity on permanent fixed improvements to ensure that properties remain affordable in perpetuity. To further ensure perpetual affordability, the Permanent Fixed Improvements policy mandates that the total increase of value of permanent fixed improvements may not exceed 5% of the original purchase price of the home. Maintenance and Upkeep: Dwelling units shall be maintained in accordance with the provisions of the Property Maintenance Code of New York State. A copy of this document will be provided to all households who participate in the Town’s Affordable Housing Programs. Failure to comply with this section shall be a violation punishable by a fine of not less than $250.00 and not more than $1000.00. Enforcement and Penalties: The enforcement of policies and procedures relating to the Town’s affordable housing initiatives rests with the Town Attorney and the Special Projects Coordinator. The Town requires that all prospective housing opportunities comply with federal, state and local fair housing laws. Penalties for offenses shall be punishable in the following manner: A. First offense: by a fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $5,000. B. Second offense and for any offense thereafter: by a fine of not less than $5,000 and not more than $10,000 for each offense. C. Any offense may be punishable by revocation of an existing certificate of occupancy. D. Any household/individual who violates affordable housing program policies and procedures (including covenants and 9 Town of Southold Affordable Housing Policies and Procedures restrictions) shall be prohibited from further participation in the Town’s affordable housing opportunities and benefits. Covenants and Restrictions: Households that avail of home ownership opportunities from the Town of Southold’s Affordable Housing Programs must execute covenants and restrictions that will be filed with the County of Suffolk and run with the property. This legal document governs the many policies articulated herein (e.g. perpetual affordability terms, etc.). Covenants and restrictions are recorded in the deed between buyer and seller. The provisions of covenants and restrictions legally bind prospective buyers. Questions Concerning the Policies and Procedures Manual: If you have any questions concerning this document, please contact the Special Projects Coordinator at #765-5806. Any changes to the Town of Southold’s Affordable Housing Policies and Procedures are subject to approval of the Town Board. 10