HomeMy WebLinkAboutRetention & Disposition Schedule for Highway Dept Schedule MU-1 Transportation and Engineering b.Substance testing records: RETENTION: 3 years c.Approvals from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (or other agency) for storage and dispensing of fuel and other substances: RETENTION: 7 years after expiration or termination of approval or denial of application d.Records relating to non-significant leakage, spillage and runoff: RETENTION: 6 years e.Records relating to significant leakage, spillage and runoff, or any leakage from underground storage tanks: RETENTION: PERMANENT NOTE: For other petroleum bulk storage records, see item no. 493 in the Public Property and Equipment section. f.Plans to control leakage, spillage, or runoff, or to deal with accidents and emergencies: RETENTION: PERMANENT HIGHWAY, ENGINEERING, AND PUBLIC WORKS NOTE: Records relating to water, wastewater, and landfill projects may be found in the Environmental Health section. Records relating to publicly owned property and equipment may be found in the Public Property and Equipment section. NOTE: Certain records found in this section may be needed for litigation involving personal injury incurred by minors. Where appropriate, these records should be retained for 3 years after the individual involved attains age 18, even if the specified retention period has expired. 1.\[613\]Highway or other transportation structure maintenance and repair records covering routine maintenance and repair activities and pavement marking: RETENTION: 6 years 2.\[614\]Snow and ice removal records, including log or report of weather conditions: RETENTION: 6 years 3.\[615\] Highway or transportation structure history file containing summary 180 Rev. 2003 Schedule MU-1 Transportation and Engineering information on highways, roads, streets, bridges, elevated railways, overpasses, underpasses, culverts, and other structures, except records covering routine maintenance and repair activities a.All records in file, except draft or intermediary records documenting other than significant changes and those closely duplicating other records in file: RETENTION: PERMANENT b.Draft or intermediary records documenting other than significant changes, or closely duplicating other records in file: RETENTION: 0 after no longer needed 4.\[616\]Project file for capital transportation improvement covering highways, roads, streets, bridges, other structures, parking lots and garages, and public transportation system improvements a.Feasibility studies; successful bids; plans, specifications and designs; project description; in-progress and completion photographs; inspection reports; environmental impact statement; annual project statement; fiscal and other final reports, and significant correspondence: RETENTION: 6 years after highway or structure no longer exists or is abandoned b.Supplementary documentation, including application for assistance, project budget, interim fiscal reports, claims, contracts, vouchers, work orders, memoranda, worksheets, routine correspondence and detailed construction specifications: RETENTION: 6 years after last entry in project file c.Unsuccessful bids: RETENTION: 6 years after bid rejected d.All records, when project is proposed but not undertaken: RETENTION: 6 years after last entry NOTE: For additional plans, maps, designs, sketches, designs, architectural drawings and photographs of buildings and facilities, see item nos. 618 and 904, below. 5.\[617\]Master summary record (index, log or register) of transportation improvement projects: RETENTION: PERMANENT 6.\[618\]Official maps, plans, diagrams, drawings, photographs, surveys, engineering and survey notes, detailed specifications, profiles or cross-sections of highways, roads, streets, bridges, or other structures including indices or finding aids, 181 Rev. 2003 Schedule MU-1 Transportation and Engineering when not relating to specific project design files, covered by item no. 904, immediately below a.Final or "as built" plans, maps, designs, sketches, architectural drawings and photographs, for significant highway or structure: RETENTION: PERMANENT b.Final or "as built" plans, maps, designs, sketches, architectural drawings and photographs, for other than significant highway or structure: RETENTION: 6 years after structure no longer exists c.Other related non-graphic design file documents, including correspondence, cost estimates, reports, planning studies and other records: RETENTION: 6 years after completion of project NOTE: Some of these non-graphic documents may need to be retained for 6 years after the highway or structure no longer exists, if they document significant changes with long-term fiscal and other implications. Local governments should review these records for these possible uses prior to disposition. d.Template or other similar automated framework or reference files used in conjunction with more specific automated design files: RETENTION: Retain as long as the related specific automated design files are retained. e.Index or similar record used to locate, identify and access plans, maps, designs, sketches, architectural drawings, photographs and other existing records: RETENTION: Maintain as perpetual data file or other record, deleting information only relating to records that have been disposed of. 7.\[904\]Design file for capital transportation improvement project, including plans, maps, designs, sketches, designs, architectural drawings, and photographs for highways and other transportation structures maintained by local government a.Final or "as built" plans, maps, designs, sketches, architectural drawings and photographs, for significant highway or structure: RETENTION: PERMANENT b.Final or "as built" plans, maps, designs, sketches, architectural drawings and photographs, for other than significant highway or structure: RETENTION: 6 years after highway or structure no longer exists c.Detailed schematic drawings, not covered by parts "a" or "b," including detailed specifications not appearing on plans, maps, designs, sketches, 182 Rev. 2003 Schedule MU-1 Transportation and Engineering architectural drawings: € RETENTION: 6 years after highway or structure no longer exists € d.Other related non-graphic design file documents, including correspondence, cost estimates, reports, planning studies and other records: RETENTION: 6 years after completion of project NOTE: Some of these non-graphic documents may need to be retained for 6 years after the highway or structure no longer exists, if they document significant changes with long-term fiscal and other implications. Local governments should review these records for these possible uses prior to disposition. e.Template or other similar automated framework or reference files used in conjunction with more specific automated design files: RETENTION: Retain as long as the related specific automated design files are retained. f.Index or similar record used to locate, identify and access plans, maps, designs, sketches, architectural drawings, photographs and other existing records: RETENTION: Maintain as perpetual data file or other record, deleting information only relating to records that have been disposed of. 8.\[905\]Highway, road, street or transportation structure management automated maintenance, repair and inspection system records, also containing information such as on motor vehicle accidents, highway safety, highway-related permits, complaints and requests for service NOTE: This does not apply to automated systems used by public transportation systems, see item no. 908 in the Public Transportation subsection, below. a.Detailed data file containing information such as on maintenance and repairs: RETENTION: 0 after no longer needed NOTE: Because of the amount of detailed data collected by such systems, such data may only be maintained online for a limited period of time. Some of this data may need to be retained longer to meet both administrative needs and legal requirements, unless official copies are maintained outside the system and are disposed consistent with item nos. 613, 614, 623, 625, 627, 628, and 630 in this section. It is recommended that local officials store this data offline long enough to meet audit or any other requirements. Also, maintenance of a history file (see below) containing the most significant data elements may satisfy these administrative and legal needs. 183 € Rev. 2003 Schedule MU-1 Transportation and Engineering b.Automated system operation history file, containing significant data and/or periodic data snapshots, generated from detailed system data: RETENTION: 6 years NOTE: Appraise these records for archival value. History files may contain valuable information to document highway, road, street or transportation structure management over a period of time. Contact the State Archives for additional advice in this area. c.Logs, schedule, reports, and queries (including macros, queries and necessary documentation used in report and query generation), which contain information of legal or fiscal value: RETENTION: 6 years d.Logs, schedules, reports, and queries (including macros, queries and necessary documentation used in report and query generation), which do not contain information of legal or fiscal value, such as when no work is performed and no funds expended: RETENTION: 0 after no longer needed e.Geographic Information System (G.I.S.) street/road data file used as base maps for system operation, derived from official G.I.S. data maintained by other unit of local government: RETENTION: 0 after no longer needed NOTE: Appraise these records for archival value. If G.I.S. data layers contain "value added" information on highways, roads, streets and transportation structures not found in the source files from which they were created, they may have secondary uses. Contact the State Archives for additional advice in this area. f.Copies of maps, plans, diagrams, drawings, photographs, surveys, engineering and survey notes, detailed specifications, profiles or cross- sections, where official copies are maintained elsewhere, and are covered by item no. 618, above: RETENTION: 0 after no longer needed 9.\[619\]Right-of-way records, including legal description of right-of-way, copies of deeds, maps and photographs: RETENTION: PERMANENT 10.\[620\]Property acquisition records, documenting acquisition of real property obtained through eminent domain proceedings for transportation-related project, including record of public hearing, findings and determination, appraisal information, copy of court proceedings and correspondence: RETENTION: PERMANENT 184 Rev. 2003 Schedule MU-1 Transportation and Engineering 11.\[621\]Recommendation of Highway Superintendent or Commissioner of Public Works for expenditure of highway or road fund money: RETENTION: 6 years 12.\[622\]Report or "inventory" received from and submitted to New York State Department of Transportation on status, mileage, improvements, or other characteristics of highways and bridges: RETENTION: 5 years NOTE: Appraise these records for historical significance prior to disposition. These records may constitute a valuable summary listing of highways and structures. Contact the State Archives for additional advice. 13.\[623\]Complaint or request for service, including notification (including communication log and telephone call log) of unsafe, dangerous or defective condition of highway, street, road, bridge, sidewalk, or other capital improvement, including but not limited to inspection report and record of abatement of condition a.Summary record (such as log or register) of complaints or requests: RETENTION: 6 years after disposition of all complaints, petitions or requests listed b.Complaint or request for service, including follow-up records, where remedial action is taken: RETENTION: 6 years after remedial action taken or condition otherwise abated, whichever occurs first c.Complaint or request for service, including follow-up records, where no remedial action is taken: RETENTION: 1 year 14.\[624\]Transportation- or engineering-related reports, studies or data queries, including their supporting documentation, covering subjects such as traffic congestion studies, traffic safety studies, traffic sign or signal survey, speed limit change request, including but not limited to information gathering forms; copies of accident reports and court records; copies of maps, plans and surveys; and correspondence a.Reports, studies or queries having legal or fiscal value: RETENTION: 6 years NOTE: Appraise these records for historical significance prior to disposition. Some of these reports and studies, including their detailed documentation, may contain significant information on such subjects as traffic congestion and traffic safety, and may reveal long-term trends and 185 Rev. 2003 Schedule MU-1 Transportation and Engineering accident-prone areas and vehicles. Contact the State Archives for additional advice. b.Reports, studies or queries having no legal or fiscal value, such as daily activity, individual "crew" or "shift" reports," daily communications or other routine internal reports: RETENTION: 0 after no longer needed 15.\[625\] Traffic sign or signal erection, relocation, or removal records a.Records relating to individual or group of interconnected signs or signals, such as authorization for actions taken, photographs, copies of accident reports, copies of maps and surveys, sketches and diagrams, traffic surveys and correspondence: RETENTION: 6 years after sign or signal replaced or no longer exists, whichever is shorter b.Road sign or signal listing: RETENTION: 0 after superseded or obsolete c.Reports and other records of malfunctioning or missing sign or signal: RETENTION: 1 year after sign or signal repaired, removed or replaced 16.\[627\]Copies of motor vehicle accident reports received from law-enforcement or other government agency a.Accident reports where design or maintenance of highway or structure is relevant to accident: RETENTION: 6 years b.Routine accident reports: RETENTION: 1 year 17.\[628\]Highway related permit file covering handling of oversized vehicles or equipment, or temporary barricading, obstruction, closing, excavation, construction or encroachment: RETENTION: 6 years after expiration or denial of permit 18.\[629\]Public improvement permit file covering construction work which improves facilities benefiting the public: RETENTION: 6 years after expiration or denial of permit NOTE: This does not apply to building permits or environmental health related permits. See the Building and Property Regulation and Environmental Health sections of this Schedule. 186 Rev. 2003 Schedule MU-1 Transportation and Engineering 19.\[630\]Inspection records for bridges, elevated railways and similar structures: RETENTION: 6 years after structure no longer in use or inspected features have been replaced 20.\[631\]Intergovernmental agreements, contracts or orders relative to highway maintenance, and sharing of equipment, materials or services: RETENTION: 6 years after expiration 21.\[632\]Engineer's reference files, usually arranged by topic, name or number of road, or name of municipality or other government agency: RETENTION: 0 after no longer needed NOTE: Appraise these records for historical significance prior to disposition. These records may contain valuable information on a variety of highway- and transportation- related subjects. Contact the State Archives for additional advice. 22.\[633\] Parking lot or garage usage records a.Summary record of usage: RETENTION: 6 years b.Traffic counts, permit applications, or other records of original entry: RETENTION: 6 years c.Tickets, copies or stubs of tickets: RETENTION: 1 year 23.\[634\] Handicapped parking permit records a.Copies of permits, applications and related records: RETENTION: 3 years after expiration b.Master listing of permits or designated parking spaces: RETENTION: 0 after obsolete or superseded 24.\[906\]Copies of highway, street, road or bridge records received from other governmental jurisdiction: a.Where construction or maintenance of highway, street, road or bridge in question is responsibility of local government which receives the records, including instances where highways, streets or roads under separate jurisdictions abut: RETENTION: 6 years after highway or structure no longer exists b. Copies of records received for information purposes only: 187 Rev. 2003 Schedule MU-1 Transportation and Engineering RETENTION: 1 year 25.\[907\]Child safety seat inspection records, including but not limited to requests for inspection, inspection reports and log or schedule of inspections performed: RETENTION: 3 years NOTE: Some of these records may need to be retained longer for potential legal needs, in case inspected vehicles are involved in personal injury accidents. Consult counsel to determine which records, if any, may need to be retained longer to meet these needs. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM 1.\[635\]Map, plan, schedule, diagram or sketch of entire system or specific branch or route providing information on stations, stops, dates of operation and times of arrival and departure a.Final or "as built" copies of official maps, plans and designs showing system route and details of structures, along with draft or intermediary copies that document significant changes: RETENTION: PERMANENT b.Draft or intermediary copies of official maps, plans and designs showing system route and details of structures, that do not document significant changes: RETENTION: 0 after no longer needed c.Schedules and diagrams showing individual routes and route and time changes: RETENTION: 1 year after superseded or obsolete NOTE: Appraise these records for historical significance prior to disposition. Records with historical value should be retained permanently. Local governments should consider permanent retention of samples only of schedules and diagrams covered by part "c" of the above item. Contact the State Archives for additional advice in this area. 2.\[908\]Automated operational system used to monitor and schedule operation of public transportation passenger vehicles (busses and subway vehicles), including Supply Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) or equivalent system, used to monitor environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, air quality) in vehicles or various areas accessible to the public NOTE: For reports and queries from system data, see item no. 909, below. For 188 Rev. 2003 Schedule MU-1 Transportation and Engineering alarm, problem and emergency records created from system data, see item no. 910, below. a.Detailed data file containing information such as on vehicle stops, usage, locations at specific times or intervals: RETENTION: 0 after no longer needed NOTE: Because of the amount of detailed data collected by such systems, such data may only be maintained online for a limited period of time. Some of this data may need to be retained longer to meet both administrative needs and legal requirements. It is recommended that public transportation systems store this data offline long enough to meet such requirements. Also, maintenance of a history file (see below) containing the most significant data elements may satisfy these administrative and legal needs. b.System operation history file, containing significant data and/or periodic data snapshots, generated from detailed system data: RETENTION: 6 years NOTE: Appraise these records for archival value. History files may contain valuable information to document system operation over a period of time. Contact the State Archives for additional advice in this area. c.Voice data maintained in or by automated system, including conversations between central operational unit and individual vehicle operators, and voice data used for annunciation on vehicles: RETENTION: 0 after no longer needed NOTE: Records custodians may wish to consult their attorney, counsel or law enforcement agency before these records are disposed of regarding any potential legal value. Recordings documenting serious incidents may warrant longer retention for legal reasons. These tapes should be retained until legal action is resolved, or the relevant specific communications should be transferred onto a separate tape. Contact the State Archives for additional advice. 3.\[636\]System operational records of original entry created in non-automated system or used for data entry or verification, where significant information is data entered or posted to reports and other summary records (including but not limited to passenger counts, tickets, and stubs): RETENTION: 0 after posted to summary record 4.\[909\]Operational reports and queries for public transportation system, including macros, queries and necessary documentation used in report and query generation a. Reports and queries dealing with serious incidents or problems, or major 189 Rev. 2003 Schedule MU-1 Transportation and Engineering issues with long-term implications: RETENTION: PERMANENT b.Reports on routine activities, which contain information of legal or fiscal value: RETENTION: 6 years c.Reports on routine activities, which do not contain information of legal or fiscal value: RETENTION: 0 after no longer needed 5.\[910\] Public transportation system alarm, problem and emergency records a.Narrative records documenting serious problems or emergencies, including data necessary to support such records: RETENTION: PERMANENT b.Records documenting minor or routine alarms or problems, including detailed data generated by automated systems when certain parameters are exceeded: RETENTION: 3 years c.Contingency or similar plans to deal with emergency situations: RETENTION: PERMANENT 6.\[856\]Bus driver's daily work or tour of duty report, reporting road failures and any defects noted, created pursuant to 06MXBQQ Section 721.21 (b) a.If report indicates no maintenance problems, or when no significant work is performed and no funds expended: RETENTION: 6 months b.If significant work is performed and funds are expended: RETENTION: 6 years after vehicle no longer in use 7.\[911\]Public transportation safety plan files, covering plans submitted to New York State Department of Transportation pursuant to Part 975, 06MXBQQ a.Copy of plan, including all amendments: RETENTION: PERMANENT b.Background materials and supporting documentation: RETENTION: 6 years 8.\[637\]Operational certification and review records relating to approval and inspection by New York State Department of Transportation 190 Rev. 2003 Schedule MU-1 Transportation and Engineering a.Operations review records: RETENTION: PERMANENT b.Certificate of inspection and approval to operate: RETENTION: 6 years after invalid c.Copies of operational records received from private transportation companies serving local government under contract: RETENTION: 0 after no longer needed d.Data collected in preparation of annual fiscal and service data reports, including statistical sampling records: RETENTION: 6 years after submission of related report 9.\[912\]Special federal- or state-funded public transportation program records, covering Special Transportation Services for the Transportation Disabled, special mobility improvement projects related to transportation enhancements within the Metropolitan Commuter Transportation District, and Rural Public Transportation Assistance Program a.Service plans (including all amendments), final or annual reports, results of audits and reviews, and related policies and procedures, including eligibility requirements and documentation of provider or services coordinator selection: RETENTION: PERMANENT b.Background materials and supporting documentation: RETENTION: 6 years 10.\[857\]Commuter traffic reduction program records, covering Employee Commute Option (ECO), Transportation Demand Management (TDM), or similar program records a.Compliance plan (initial or consolidated), including but not limited to such records as worksite profile, survey results, average passenger occupancy (APO) calculations, forecasted participation, summary of trip reduction strategies, list of worksites and implementation schedule, and also covering revisions and updates, including records relating to agency review, approval, disapproval and appeal (copies maintained by local government acting as Local Administrative Agency): RETENTION: 6 years after superseded or obsolete NOTE: Appraise these records for archival value. These records may be useful in providing information on relieving traffic congestion problems in certain urban areas. Contact the State Archives for additional advice. 191 Rev. 2003 Schedule MU-1 Transportation and Engineering b.Compliance plan (initial or consolidated), including but not limited to such records as worksite profile, survey results, average passenger occupancy (APO) calculations, forecasted participation, summary of trip reduction strategies, list of worksites and implementation schedule, and also covering revisions and updates (copy maintained by local government employer): RETENTION: 3 years after superseded or obsolete c.Bi-annual maintenance report (copy maintained by local government employer or local government acting as Local Administrative Agency): RETENTION: 6 years d.Information on potential participants, including list of applicants and individual employee surveys: RETENTION: 3 years 11.\[913\]Special public transportation related studies, covering subjects such as commuter parking, car pooling, bicycle paths, bicycle lanes, and bus route changes a.Final reports, including all attachments: RETENTION: PERMANENT b.Background materials and supporting documentation: RETENTION: 6 years after completion of report or date of most recent entry in record 12.\[914\]Special bus trip records covering trips conducted outside normal public transportation schedule, such as "curb-to-curb" handicapped vehicle use; transportation provided by aging, youth, veterans' and other specialized services; and trips to special events; and including applications for service, lists of attendees, trip reports, and records of fees collected: RETENTION: 6 years 13.\[915\]Predecessor public transportation company records, covering private bus companies, trolley, horse-car railroad, or turnpike companies, held by successor local government agency: RETENTION: 0 after no longer needed NOTE: Appraise these records for historical significance prior to disposition. Some of these records will likely possess significant value for historical or other research and should be retained permanently. These records may contain valuable information which supplements records created by the local government itself, and may constitute some of very few existing records documenting these functions before the 1970s. Contact the State Archives for additional advice. 192 Rev. 2003