HomeMy WebLinkAboutGIS Application LGRMIF .Grant Award 2013-2014 GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM Application Type Shared Services Project Category Geographic Information Systems Project Type First-Time Inventory: false ;Electronic Records Inventory: false !Email Management: false ��'� -ads .�#wa':�1�• rte tas �:•t,..a' '�ti:- ��-" ��� �ri�c- 'x �,4. 1_.,w -- • � �'_,z.- -:-.1�._l? fid- :.� � � �{,�.�� t�;� -ice,T,,._ - scoff ,�=,a� ���" ri_���::�i�di �:_�--o��°�€'�_ c�r +�;��,.==�,, °•���ti�` c�.=1 }'�`_�1°�' = ©��1"���:=t�:_. 4.���L-_�, �-:.� -.;.: _ ,„r•1:r_,..;_ _,,e�:� '�»fe Li-sr`d`"fi'.,�..i:� y„' �. : ngx:b ,,.. ;•'�-"i".__•" _ _ _<i.._.-•-J...:wd r�iiii:i :F.�?_„', �,.};, a4� 1, -ru'�i+:, '-i"_' :•r, F'T' ...�5{�y �_,y , . r 4Mia,��ill•=Sl���ary r lfif!k: �;�"_W_�lt=�'�i.3 ,'?!L•i a- _ :_"i,;'ni L�9_��• 1 1 The Town of Southold and theVillageof Greenport are requesting funding in the amount of :$64,503.to: 1. Implement a shared enterprise level GIS records management system; 2. 'Integrate the shared enterprise level GIS records management system with their existing ,shared enterprise levpldigital document records management system; and 3. Scan, digitize and ' ,convert paper maps records to GIS format. The project will increase their records management , capacity with a system that allows them to manage, access, maintain, retrieve, organize, preserve and recover GIS and spatially based records. It will also enhance their records management capabilities by providing a platform for public access to Town and Village GIS ;and spatial records via the web. Recommendations from a ceomprehensive GIS user needs !assessment funded by a previous LGRMIF grant used as the basis and justification for this !project. The shared enterprise GIS records management system will include hardware, software and training. The system will be hosted and managed by the Town and access will be :provided to the Village. Hardware and software purchased as a result of funds received from i ;this grant will be used to establis/a system that can be used by all town and Village employees as part of their records management system. This shared enterprise GIS implementation will =address records management issues by centralizing spatial records; improving access to spatial ! ,records for Town and Village staff as well asa the punlic; enhancing the ability to distribute ;spatial records; providing the abiity to integrate, distribut and access spatial records within a ` i geographical context in order to make the records more meaningful; improving decision ; making throughincreaseda&ess and display of records. Training services purchased will ;provide key town and Village employees with the proper education and knowledge necessary ;to effectively manage, secure and distribute GIS and spatial records using the new GIS records ;management system. The scanning, digitizing and-cOuversion•of paper map records to GIS j :format will address records management issues by creating back up copies of the records; !facilitating access and retrieval; and preserving the records. ! CF121 GRANTS FINANCE ENTRY DATE 09/10/13 PROJECT STATUS REPORT RUN DATE 09/10/13 PROJECT 0580144561 LOCAL GOV'T RECORDS MANAGEMENT SED CODE 581005640067 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NYC DOC # BUDGET DETAIL INFORMATION PROF SALARY 15 0.00 BEGIN DATE 07/01/13 i- NON PROF SALARY 16 0.00 END DATE 06/30/14 PURCH SERVICES 40 23,613.00 AMENDMENT # j SUPP & MATERIAL 45 31,242.00 CONTRACT # TRAVEL EXPENSE 46 0.00 STOP DATE j EMP BENEFITS 80 0.00 REFUND CHECK # INDIRECT COST 90 0.00 IND COST RATE 0.0 BOCES SERVICES 49 0.00 INT ELIG N REMODELING 30 0.00 I EQUIPMENT 20 9,648.00 BUDGET SUMMARY INFORMATION FUNDYEAR BUDGET SPLITS PAID TO DATE OUTSTANDING ENC 058014 64,503.00 32,251.00 32,252.00 ' 058013 0.00 0.00 0.00 l 058015 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 64,503.00 32,251.00 32,252.00 LOG AND CONTRACT DATES RECEIVED ENTERED APPROVED BUDGET 09/06/13 09/09/13 CONTRACT INTERIM FINAL CASH DETAIL ENTRY DOC # TRANS ENC RPT LINE AMOUNT FUNDYR MIR PD DT STAT 091013 339896F INIT 000 09/13 01 32,251.00 058014 090613 ENT RECEIVED SEP 1 7 2013 ',outholll Town Cle,Ii THIS BUDGET HAS BEEN PROCESSED BY THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. THIS SUMMARY REPLACES THE SIGNED COPY. The University of the State of New PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY FOR A FEDERAL OR York STATE PROJECT THE STATE EDUCATION FS-20(12/05) DEPARTMENT (see instructions for mailing address) project Number: 0580-14-4561 I i Funding Source: Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund Report Prepared By: Elizabeth Neville Name of Applicant: Town Of Southold Mailing Address: 53095 Main Rd City, State: Southold NY 11971 Telephone#: 631-765-1800 County: Suffolk E-Mail Address: - e.neville@town.southold.ny.us j Project Funding Dates: Start 7/1/13 End 6/30/14 I INSTRUCTIONS Submit the original FS-20 Budget Summary,and 3 copies,all with signatures in blue ink,along with the completed application directly to the appropriate State Education Department office as indicated in the application instructions for the grant program for which you are applying.DO NOT submit this form to the Grants Finance. • i Please submit the FS-20 Budget Summary as a two page form(not back-to-back on a single sheet). E i For changes in agency or payee address contact the State Education Department office indicated on the application instructions for the grant program for which you are applying. An approved copy of the FS-20 Budget Summary will be returned to the contact person noted above. j A window envelope will be used;please make sure that the contact information is accurate,legible and confined to the address field. For information on budgeting,including 2005-06 REVISED guidelines for equipment and supplies, i refer to the Fiscal Guidelines for Federal and State Aided Grants at www.oms.nyscd.gov/cafe/. - - i RECEIVED S EP 1 7 2013 vd4itd E_;°�:!_.:.ic�i:_,�.._ cr}L";:rr< v3ti�.1`. f "wE:cliI Town Oedk f LGRMIF Narratives LGRMIF Award 2013-2014 GIS Page I of 46 Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) Project Narratives Project Number 0580-14 -4561 Institution Town Of Southold - Ia.Describe records management problem The Town of Southold has a population of approximately 23,175 and a land area of 53.7 square miles. The Village of Greenport is located wholly within the Town and has a population of approximately 3,500 and a land area of 1.2 square miles. The Town of Southold and Village of Greenport have a successful partnership in place to share Town and Village land management records with an integrated land/property management system which was implemented in 2009-2010 using LGRMIF grant funding and the Town's digital document management system implemented in 2001. In addition the Town provides tax assessment and tax billing services to the Village and has provided these services to the Village since 1989. The Town has also provided police services to the Village since 1994. The Town and Village have executed an inter-municipal records management agreement that confirmed and established a permanent relationship dedicated to the access,maintenance,retrieval and preservation of our records. A copy of this agreement is included as part of this application. The Town and Village are both subject to New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System(MS4)requirements for storm water discharges. In 2012 the Town assisted the Village with stormwater retrofit plans required by the permit and began discussing a formal MS4 partnership to assist both municipalities with MS4 compliance and MS4 records management issues including map and spatial records required by the DEC. Records Management Problems: The Town has seen an increase in population of close to 1 I%over the past eight(8)years according to the United States Census Bureau. The Village has seen an increase in population of close to 5% over the past eight(8)years according to the United States Census Bureau. This increase in population has resulted in an increased number of inquiries to Town Hall and Village Hall for access to Town and Village records including GIS based records. This is the largest increase in the Town's population since 1980 and has resulted in increased workload for many departments including the Assessor's Office, Building Department, Highway Department, Public Works,Land Preservation, Planning Department, Police Department, Recreation Department,Tax Receiver, Town Clerk, Waste Management, and the Zoning Board. As the Town provides certain services for the Village (e.g., Police services, tax assessment and billing), the Town and Village government employees are being asked to provide more services to more people each and every year with little to no increase in funding and/or staffing. This increased demand for services has placed increased demands upon our government to increase Out- capacity urcapacity and develop new and better more efficient ways to manage and distribute our records to meet littps:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/l/201_3 i LGRMIF Narratives Page 2 of 46 these demands for access for our government employees and the general public. This shared records management LGRMIF application for this Enterprise Level GIS Records Management System is a prime example of our efforts to accomplish this. In the 2010-2011 Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) grant cycle, the Town of Southold and Village of Greenport received a cooperative grant from the LGRMIF to conduct a cooperative Geographic Information Systems(GIS)User Needs Assessment(UNA) for the Town and Village. As a result of the needs assessment,it was apparent that access to geographic records developed within both the Town and Village was very limited because the records were not being efficiently managed and maintained by municipal staff or distributed to end users including both municipal staff and the public due to the lack of the Town and Village having the appropriate information technology in place. Detailed Records Management Problems Access,Retrieval,Sharing and Maintenance Problems The Village has no ability to access or maintain GIS based and spatial Town and Village records such as tax assessment and billing, land use,storm water infrastructure data, trail systems, etc. that relate to Village properties because the Village lacks GIS software. For the same reason the Town cannot Share GIS records that it maintains with the Village. The Village currently relies on outside consultants and the Town to create geographic records such as Village zoning,land use and trail maps in paper, Adobe PDF or JPEG formats. When changes are made to such records they have to have updated copies created because they have no ability to maintain the records directly. This involves Village costs to pay the consultants or Town costs in staff time to update the records as well as Village costs in staff time to put the requests together and coordinate with the consultants and/or the Town. The Town has limited ability to access and maintain GIS based and spatial Town and Village records. This is limited to 10 employees using stand alone copies of Mapinfo. Nine of the ten employees using MapInfo use the version of Mapinfo available back in 2001 which lacks the ability to use any of the digital aerial sets available to the Town created since 2004. One uses the version available in 2010 which can use current digital aerial sets and therefore this employee is the only one with access to the digital aerial sets created since 2004. 41 Town and Village employees were identified in the GIS Needs Assessment completed in January 2011 as needing access to GIS based Town and Village records which means that 31 do not have access to them at all. This results in the users that have access to the GIS records having to not only handle their own duties but assist other employees that lack access to GIS records with retrieving GIS records in order for the employees without access to handle their duties. The Town and Village lack the ability to provide access to GIS based and spatial Town and Village records to the public. The Town's existing GIS abilities provided by MapInfo do not include features allowing the public to access GIS records via the web. In addition, MapInfo is a very technical software package that would not be appropriate for the public to use for accessing records on the Town's public computer stations. This means that the Town employees with access to the GIS records often have to retrieve the records for the public. Since the employees with access to the GIS records are in https://eservices.nysed.gov/ld(,rants/PrintAppServIet?i=nary 3/1/2013 LGRMIF Narratives Page 3 of 46 professional positions with higher level salaries such as Director of Planning. Land Preservation Coordinator, Senior Planner and GIS Coordinator the Town is spending much more than is necessary to provide basic access to the GIS records. Access,Retrieval,Disaster Management,Recovery and Preservation Problems The Village has records management issues with access, retrieval,disaster management, recovery and preservation of their sewer,water and electric utility records which consist of approximately 6500 hardcopy maps and sketches. Due to a shortage of space available to store these records centrally they are currently stored at multiple locations. These maps are only available on paper and there are no duplicate copies so it may be necessary to visit multiple locations in order to retrieve the maps needed for particular jobs. The maps are only indexed by job number and not street address or tax parcel which results in additional time to find needed maps since the job numbers do not indicate the geographic area the maps apply to. Since the maps are only available in hardcopy form there is no way to query them by location. The lack of duplicate copies of these vital records is a flaw in the records preservation component of the Village's records management program since any sort of disaster at any of the locations the records are stored at could damage or destroy them with no ability to restore them. Even day to day usage of the records which includes bringing them out in the field and exposing them to the elements could damage or destroy them with no ability to restore them. Since the Village sewer system extends beyond the Village boundaries and services some sections Df the Town,the Town also experiences the same issues noted above as the Village for this subset of the records since the Town has to rely on the Village to provide access to these records. The Town needs access to these records for both review purposes related to land use applications and overall Town planning purposes. An example of this being an issue is an incident where the Town needed maps of the Village's sewer system where it extended into the Town for a Town-wide planning study being conducted but the Town didn't receive the maps until after the study was completed. Access,Retrieval and Management Problems While the Town and Village have access to their land use based records such as building permits, subdivision approvals, variances and wetlands permits via the existing integrated land/property management and digital document management systems this access does not provide the ability to organize these records geographically and display the records with other spatial records available from the State, County and other agencies such as tax maps,aerial photography and wetlands maps. Land use based Town and Village records need to be accessed and retrieved within the geographic context of other such records in order for the records to be fully understood and in the case of new land use applications, reviewed comprehensively in the context of the Town and Village's zoning, comprehensive plans, Local Waterfront Revitalization Plans and overall community goals by both staff and the public. Currently this is done manually by reviewing the location of an application on the Town's Mapinfo to determine the tax map numbers of parcels in the area of the application that are then researched in both the land/property management system and the digital document management system for other records related to past approvals, natural resources, easements, planning documents, etc. This process is very cumbersome and time consuming. It should be noted that since the Village does not have any GIS software at all that they have to rely on paper tax maps for the first step of this process https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrints/PriniAppServlet?i=narr 3/1/2013 L.GRMIF Narratives Page 4 ol'46 making it even more cumbersome and time consuming for them. Management Maintenance Retention Security and Control Problems The Town and Village lack the ability to efficiently manage their GIS based records at the enterprise level. The Town and Village do not have the ability to store their GIS based records in a consolidated database that would facilitate security,maintenance,retention schedules,management and control of the records and provide auditing abilities to track changes made to the database. The Town's current GIS functionality is limited to stand alone Mapinfo software that accesses individual GIS files located on multiple servers and PC workstations but cannot manage the GIS files as an enterprise level database. Mapinfo does not have the ability to track changes made to the records by individual users and security is limited to Microsoft Windows based security to provide broad edit and read only privileges. This causes problems with records being improperly edited with no way to track who was responsible for the edits. Currently GIS records are stored on three different servers as well as multiple PC workstations and organized in folders. The current organization of these records is inconsistent and inefficient as in some cases similar records end up being filed on different servers due to space limitations on the servers. This often causes confusion with users when they try to obtain historical information such as farmland inventory information and forget that the historical inventories are located on a different server than the current inventory. This often results in GIS records not being reviewed because the user did not check the right location or historic records being reviewed instead of current records because the user did not realize that more current records were available. All of this can lead to poor decisions being made by the departments reviewing the applications. This project is a high priority for the following reasons: 1. Immediate need for the preservation of paper maps of municipal infrastructures, i.e.sewer, water and electric. Maps are currently taken in the field to make inspections and notes are made on them. Bringing them out into the field could damage or destroy them with no ability to restore them. Any sort of disaster at any of the multiple locations the records are stored at could damage or destroy them with no ability to restore them. It is difficult to update, correct,or add to these paper maps. It is imperative these records be managed properly. 2. Reduced workforce The employee workforce has been decreased by 69 employees in 2012 through attrition and cut- backs. This will further adversely affect the quality of access and retrieval of records to constituents requiring information. https://eservices.nysed.gov/idgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/1/2013 LGRMIF Narratives Page 5 of 46 3. Increased number of FOIL requests received Over the past three (3)years the number of foil requests received has increased for both the Town and Village of Greenport. More people are submitting requests for larger amounts of information with greater detail. It is estimated that the Town and Village process between 250 and 300 FOIL requests per month. "On January 3, 2012 Governor Cuomo signed Chapter 603,Assembly Bill A 72-B; Senate Bill S 3225-B into law amending .the Public Officers Law, in relation to requiring certain records which are the subject of a discussion conducted at an open meeting be made available to the public prior to or at the meeting". This new law is certain to further increase the number of foil requests to the Town and Village additionally in the coming months and years. 4. 2%Property Tax Can Legislation effective in 2012 Budget This legislation has adversely affected the ability of Towns and Villages to finance increased costs with Real Property Taxes. For the most part,labor costs and the price of goods and services have risen substantially more than 2%in 2012. Since the Town's ability to finance those additional costs through Real Property Taxes is limited,the Town has been forced to eliminate all but the most essential expenses and use reserve funds to finance operations. The long-term impact will probably be a shortage of funds to meet future town expenses, resulting in further cuts and reorganization of Town operations. 5. Consumer Price Index rate of inflation has been adjusted at 2%for 2012 In addition to the 2% Property Tax Cap,there is an additional 2% rate of inflation to deal with. Since the town's ability to finance these additional costs through Real Property Taxes is limited,the Town has been forced to eliminate all but the most essential expenses and use reserve funds to finance operations. The long-term impact will probably be a shortage of funds to meet future town expenses, resulting in further cuts and reorganization of Town operations.This will further burden the Town budget over and above the 2%property tax cap. 6. No significant increase in Town revenues received from the County for"Interest and Earnings" and"Mortgage Tax" https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServiet?i=narr 3/1/2013 LGRMIF Narratives Page 6 of 46 Town "Interest and Earnings" revenue received in 2012 was $54,719.59 vs.the$ 65,505.12 in 2011. For the Town's share of"Mortgage Tax" paid by the County the Town received$989,153.86 in 2012 vs. $974,927.71 in 2011. In prior years, real property taxes, together with these Interest and Earnings and Mortgage Tax payments received from the County comprised a large part of the Town's operating budget.The decline in Interest and Earnings and Mortgage Tax represented a substantial loss in the recent past and has adversely affected the Town's operating budget. 7. Increased regulatory requirements from GASB related to asset management and the FPA and DEC related to MS4 storm water management These Federal and State Mandates have placed a great financial burden upon the Town and Village without any source of funding or financial assistance the Town and Village must pursue GIS inventories and condition assessment of municipal assets resulting in the creation of GIS records and the need for improved management and access to these records. Failure of the Town or Village to comply with DEC MS4 requirements will result in heavy fines being leveled against the Town and/or Village. Ib.Identify records involved 1 b Identify the specific records that will be involved and any previous grant funded projects related to these records and this project. (5 pointsl The Town and Village, as part of their 2009-10 LGRMIF grant award implemented a property information system that involved the following records: MU-1 Schedule [847] —Real property history data file contained in taxation/assessment data system. MU-1 Schedule [657]—Building/property history data file contained in building/property history system MU-1 Schedule [663]—Planning action data file MU-I Schedule [665]—Zoning action data file The Town and Village,as part of their 2010-2011 LGRMIF grant award completed a GIS User Needs Assessment which forms the basis of this application. https:/Ieservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 33/1/2013 LGRIVIIF Narratives Page 7 of 46 1 he list of all Town and Village GIS based and spatial records anticipated to be involved in the proposed project is included in the table below. Town/Village Description Date Retention MU-1 Records Size (M= Record Set Schedule megabytes,G gigabytes) Sewer,water and Village maps and 2012 Permanent [867], [188] 6500 Paper only electric utility drawings of the sewer maps system(which extends into the Town),water system and electrical utilities. Seaview Bike Designated bike routes 2001 Permanent [904] 51 <1 M Trails in the Town and Village Town Preserve Preserve habitats 2010 Permanent [242] 24 20 M habitat types classified by type Shoreline visual Pictures and videos of 2008 Permanent [398] 6900 20 G Inventory the Town's shoreline with all structures keyed o GIS map Nature Trails All nature trails within 2010 ermanent [398] 130 2 M he Town and Village Historic Mile Location and pictures of 2010 ennanent [3361 23 50M Markers mile markers on Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities SPLIA) list Significant Trees Locations of all 2010 Permanent [242] 154 700 M significant, historic, rare, specimen trees with attributes related to size. age and health. Covers both the Town and Village. Land Locations of points 2010 Permanent [475] 50 1 M Preservation where photos for Photo Points easement monitoring were taken for omparison to past https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/Print/\ppServlet?i=narr 3/1/201 3 LGRMIF Narratives Page 8 of 46 conditions Protected Lands All lands within the 2000 ermanent [475] 418 11 M Town and Village that e considered preserved d not available for development Protected Lands 11 lands within the 2001 Permanent [475] 463 11 M own and Village that re considered preserved d not available for development Protected Lands All lands within the 2002 Perrrianent [475] 492 13 M Town and Village that re considered preserved d not available for evelopment Protected Lands All lands within the 2003 Permanent [475] 591 14 M Town and Village that re considered preserved and not available for development Protected Lands All lands within the 2004 ermanent [475] 622 12 M Town and Village that re considered preserved and not available for development Protected Lands11 lands within the 2005 Permanent [475] 664 12 M wn and Village that rile considered preserved and not available for development Protected Lands All lands within the 2006 ermanent [475] 729 14 M Town and Village that re considered preserved d not available for development Protected Lands All lands within the 2007 Permanent [475] 747 13 M Town and Village that re considered preserved and not available for development littps://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/1/2013 LGRM1 F Narratives Page 9 of 46 Protected Lands All lands within the 2008 Permanent [475] 776 13 M Town and Village that re considered preserved d not available for evelopment Protected Lands All lands within the 2009 Permanent [475] 785 14 M Town and Village that e considered preserved and not available for evelopment Protected Lands All lands within the 2010 Permanent [475] 801 12 M Town and Village that e considered preserved d not available for evelopment Protected Lands All lands within the 2011 Permanent [475] 817 12 M Town and Village that re considered preserved and not available for evelopment Protected Lands All lands within the 2012 Permanent [475] 817 12 M Town and Village that e considered preserved d not available for evelopment Farmland Lands in active 2003 Permanent [398] 563 l M Inventory agriculture categorized y crop Farmland Lands in active 2008 Permanent [398] 716 1 M Inventory agriculture categorized y crop Farmland Lands in active 2010 Permanent [398] 987 1 M Inventory agriculture categorized y crop Fresh waterIn-house map of Town 2011 Permanent [242] 538 1 M wetlands and Village fresh water wetland areas - Tidal wetlandsIn-house map of Town 2011 Permanent [242] 92 1 M d Village tidal wetlands https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=parr 3/1/2013 LGRMIF Narratives Page 10 of 46 Community Map of Town and 1998 Permanent [398] 685 IOM Preservation Village parcels eligible Project Plan for preservation under real estate tax Community Map of Town and 2001 Permanent [398] 867 11 M Preservation Village parcels eligible Project Plan for preservation under real estate tax Community Map of Town and 2003 Permanent [398] 827 13 M Preservation Village parcels eligible Project Plan for preservation under real estate tax Community Map of Town and 2005 Permanent [398] 840 13 M Preservation Village parcels eligible Project Plan for preservation under real estate tax Community Map of Town and 2006 Permanent [398] 947 11 M Preservation Village parcels eligible Project Plan for preservation under real estate tax Community Map of Town and 2008 Pennanent [398] 971 12 M Preservation Village parcels eligible Project Plan for preservation under real estate tax S4 Catch Inlets to Town's MS4 2010 Permanent [618], [904] 2139 308 M Basins (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System). Required by EPA/NYS EC regulations. MS4 Illicit Illicit connections and 2011 Permanent [618], [904] 102 150 M Discharges discharges to the Town's MS4 with photos MS4 Connections between 2010 Permanent [618], [904] 1456 <1 M Conveyances Town MS4 elements. Required by EPA/NYS EC regulations. MS4 Outfalls Town Outfalls to water 2010 Permanent [618], [904] 451 3.2 G bodies with photos. Required by EPA/NYS EC regulations. https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgi-ants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/1/2013 LGRMIF Narratives Page 1 1 of 46 MS4 Recharge MS4 Town recharge 2010 Permanent [618], [904] 130 142 M areas basins with photos. Required by EPA/NYS EC regulations. MS4 parking lots Parking lots that are 2009 Permanent [618], [904] 21 <1 M swept and must be reported as part of the Town's MS4 program Boat ramps Public and private boat 2004 Permanent [398] 29 <1 M amps within the Town d Village Marinas Private marinas within 2004 Permanent [3981 51 <1 M he Town and Village LWRP Reaches Town Local Waterfront 2004 Permanent [398] 10 <1 M Revitalization Program LWRP)reaches defined sections of the Town keyed to the LWRP plan) Estuary access Vehicle,boat,pedestrian 2010 Perinanent [398] 277 <1 M points access points to the econic Estuary water bodies within the Town and Village LISS Land Land cover categories by 2011 ermanent [242] 1721 1 M Cover type covering the Long Bland Sound Study area f the Town Agricultural Lands enrolled in NYS 2012 ermanent [398] 537 <1 M District Agricultural District Nematode Areas subject to 2008 [ermanent [398] 54 <1 M Quarantine nematode quarantine Hamlets Boundaries of the 2010 Permanent [398] 11 <1 M hamlets that comprise he Town and Village Hamlet Centers entral business areas of 2006 Permanent [398] 11 <1 M he hamlets HALO zones Hamlet Locus Zones 2006 ermanent [398] 9 1 M (areas near the hamlet https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=nan- 3/1/201-3 LGRM1 F Narratives Page 12 of 46 centers for possible expansion of the Hamlets) Zoning Town Zoning map as per 2011 Permanent [648] 262 <1 M Chapter 280 of Town Code Planning Map depicting original 2011 Permanent [663] 948 1 M Approvals extent of all Planning subdivisions, lot line changes, set offs, site Tans, etc. Cell Towers All existing cell towers 2010 Permanent [398] 20 <1 M and ranges with the Town Docks All docks within the 2008 Permanent [398] 273 <1 M Town and Village Mosquito Wetland areas covered 2008 Permanent [242] 115 <1 M treatment areas by the Fishers Island mosquito treatment program Sidewalk hazards Locations of hazardous 2010 ermanent [398] 100 50M sidewalks with photos Geo Features Local water body names,2011 Permanent [398] 208 <1 M points, lighthouses, etc. Deer Locations and hunting 2010 Permanent [398] 58 <1 M Management stations for Town's deer Program management program Police map Areas including the 2001 Permanent [790] 86 <1 M references Village of Greenport, defined in Town Police Department's computer aided dispatch system to roup statistics. Bay to Sound Locations of existing 2012 Permanent [398] 120 <1 M Project and proposed trails and infrastructure forjoint Town/Village/County rail system located ithin the Town and il]age https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServiet?i=narr 3/1/2013 LGRMI F Narratives Page 13 of 46 Osprey nests Location of all osprey 2011 Permanent [242] 180 <1 M nests and nesting platforms in the Town and Village Real property Locations of real estate 2012 Permanent [847], [848] 25000 3 G sales,addresses, sales in the Town and photographs Village grouped by sale rice,mailing addresses, property photographs Moorings Town approved 2004 Permanent [398] 262 <1 M moorings Totals 60728 27.8 G The Town has an extensive collection of GIS based and spatial records that it has obtained from other agencies such as Suffolk County,New York State,the Peconic Estuary Program, Audubon New York, Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities,FEMA, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Suffolk County Water Authority, the Long Island Sound Study,United States Geographical Survey and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. While these are not Town or Village records they are necessary to be included in the overall project as they provide the ability to overlay Town and Village GIS and ,spatial records onto other records such as the County tax maps,New York State Wetlands and Peconic - "Estuary Watersheds to provide the ability to retrieve, access and manage Town and Village records in a geographic context. The following table lists these non-Town and Village records. Source Description Records Size(M= megabytes,G= gigabytes) Suffolk County Current tax map 19801 25M Suffolk County Historic tax snaps from 2000-2012 230000 151 M Suffolk County School Districts 6 < 1 M Suffolk County Fire Districts 8 < 1 M Suffolk County Special Groundwater Protection Areas 2 < 1 M Suffolk County Zip Codes 10 < 1 M Suffolk County Municipal boundaries 30 < t M Suffolk County Soil types 2301 5 M https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServiet'?i=narr 3/1/2013 LGRM1F Narratives Page 14 of 46 Suffolk County Master preservation map 130 < 1 M Suffolk County Topo maps 4388 5 M Suffolk Aerial photography (multiple years) 12252 12 G County/New York State Cornell Cooperative Historic eelgrass beds 492 < 1 M Extension Cornell Cooperative Eelgrass.restoration sites 6 < 1 M Extension Cornell Cooperative Existing eelgrass beds 270 < 1 M Extension New York State Streets 4227 88M New York State Critical Environmental Areas 23 4 M New York State Significant Fish& Wildlife Habitats 22 44 M New York State DEC 1974 Tidal Wetlands Inventory with 800 3 G aerials New York State DEC Coastal Erosion Hazard areas 151 < 1 M New York State DEC Natural Heritage Program maps 332 2 M New York State DEC fresh water wetlands 340 < 1 M New York State DEC shellfish closure areas 382 < 1 M New York State DEC Water quality classifications 78 < 1 M New York State DEC Water body inventory 3020 129 M New York State DEC bird conservation areas 49 < l M New York State OPRHP Archeological areas 15 < 1 M New York State OPRHP Historic register 30 2 M New York State Open Space Conservation Plan 29 < 1 M Peconic Estuary Critical lands protection strategy 1968 5 M Program https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServiet?i=narr 3/1/2013 LGRMIF Narratives Page 15 of 46 Peconic Estuary Critical habitats 17 < 1 M Program Peconic Estuary Duck habitats 26 < I M Program Peconic Estuary Hardened shoreline 3811 1 M Program Peconic Estuary Land cover 4617 3 M Program Peconic Estuary Hydrology 6905 2 M Program Peconic Estuary Submerged aquatic vegetation 1418 1 M Program Peconic,Estuary Groundwater contributing areas 1 < 1 M Program Peconic Estuary Benthic mapping 1300 127 M Program : Peconic Estuary TMDL watersheds and subwatersheds 24 < 1 M Program Audubon New York Important Bird Areas 138 < 1 M FEMA Flood maps 12538 340 M Long Island Sound Long Island Sound Study area 1 < 1 M Study United States Fish National Wetlands Inventory 2659 14 M & Wildlife Service United States Fish Beach nesting species areas 25 < 1 M & Wildlife Service United States USGS Quad maps 9 129 M Geological Survey Suffolk County Installed Water mains 2983 10M Water Authority Suffolk County Planned Water mains 3 1 M Water Authority https://eservices.nysed.gov/idgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/1/2013 LGRMIF Narratives Page 16 of 46 40 Suffolk County Hydrants 849 < I M -Water Authority Suffolk County Wells 30 < 1 M Water Authority Society for the Historic structures and places 987 2 M Preservation of Long Island Antiquities Totals 319543 16G Ic. Explain why funding is essential 1. c. Explain why funding from this grant program is essential to accomplishing the pro.iect. (For example, explain why you need funding if you have previously received funding for a similar project.) (5 points) With the economy faltering the past few years the Town has had to take serious measures to protect its taxpayers. These measures have included maintaining strict control over expenditures,using reserve fund monies and negotiating significant concessions from one of its two unions. As of January 1, 2012 the Town is required by New York State law to keep annual property tax levy increases to no more than 2%or the rate of inflation,whichever is less. This new requirement increases the burden on the Town to maintain strict control over its expenditures. As a result of these issues the Town Board has agreed to fund projects such as the one being applied for here only if the costs of the projects are significantly offset with grant funds. The Town has been unable to identify any other grant funding that would cover this project beyond the LGRMIF grant program,therefore without these funds the Town Board will not support moving forward with the project. The Town had been awarded a LGRMIF grant in the 2009-10 grant cycle for the implementation of a land management software product(Mumcity), which is similar to this project in the fact that software is being implemented to support the growth of our overall records management plan. This grant was done in cooperation with the Village of Greenport, however, the grant's focus was specific to supporting land based data and departments within the Town and Village and did not include GIS capabilities. The implementation of a shared enterprise GIS environment, while a software implementation,provides the foundation for managing and distributing spatial records throughout the entire Town and Village. Additionally, our GIS records implementation plan includes integration with the Town's land management software product implemented as a result of funds received from the 2009-10 grant cycle application. Ila. Intended results/anticipated benefits The overall intended result of this project is the implementation of a shared enterprise GIS records https://eservices.nysed.gov/idgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/1/2013 LGRMIF Narratives Page 17 of 46 management environment for the Town and Village tailored to meet their specific records management deneeds and resolve the existing issues identified as part of this application. This project will create a centralized GIS records repository that can be accessed by all Town and Village employees that need access to the GIS records. It will also create a web based interface that will allow the general public as well as employees to access the records from outside Town offices or at the Town's public computer terminals. The enterprise GIS records management environment will allow easy administration of access to the GIS records by allowing administrators to grant the appropriate access rights to the records and audit any changes made to the records. The result of this project will be to improve the Town's and Village's records management program with regards to accessing, retrieving, securing,controlling, managing, maintaining and preserving GIS based and spatial records. In addition these records management improvements will yield improved operational efficiencies,more effective decision making, increased collaboration among Town departments, and increased inter-municipal sharing between the Town of Southold and the Village of Greenport. Detailed Intended Results and Anticipated Benefits Intended Result: Creation of a shared enterprise level centralized GIS records management system. Anticipated Benefits: • Cost savings resulting from the shared environment. By implementing this project and having the Town handle the hardware and software necessary as well as the administration of the records management system and providing secure access to the Village as per the recommendations of the GIS Needs Assessment the need for the Village to obtain,configure and maintain their own system is eliminated. Based on the costs to implement an enterprise GIS in a Village of similar size to the Village of Greenport this will result in a savings of approximately $40,000 in up front costs and additional savings in the overall administration of the system due to economies of scale moving forward. • Will allow the ability to organize GIS records into a single database and group different records into logical categories making access and retrieval of these records much more intuitive to the end users. This will eliminate the issues caused by the current environment where GIS records are stored in multiple locations and users have issues finding them or forget that the records exist but in a different location. This in turn will reduce the time necessary to obtain the records needed and reduce the chances of the incorrect records being retrieved. • Will facilitate the ability to retrieve Town and Village records within the geographic context of the records based on their locations. This will streamline review of land use applications and planning studies by both staff and the public by presenting all relevant land use records necessary for the reviews or studies in one place and making it easier to understand the records within a neighborhood or regional areas. • Will allow records in the GIS database to be assigned the appropriate retention schedules and for staff to manage records retention accordingly. • Will allow centralized administration of the GIS based and spatial records. This will facilitate secure access to the records,allow for appropriate editing and retrieval rights to be assigned to individual users,and provide auditing capabilities to track changes made to GIS records. • Provides the ability for the Town and Village to share GIS based records. • Will allow the database to be backed up in one operation and eliminate the need for multiple backups currently required now due to the records being spread out over multiple servers and work stations. https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=parr 3/l/2013 LGRMIF Narratives Page 18 of 46 • Allows the ability for users with the appropriate access rights to edit the records as needed in order to add additional/missing information and correct mistakes. • Cost and time savings in records retrieval and accuracy in conjunction with the web based viewer that is also an intended result of this project. Implementing this project will provide the ability to retrieve and access Town and Village GIS based records and integrate this with the land use/property management system and digital document management system so that the records can be reviewed in a geographic context making the information in the records much more valuable. As one example of the cost savings here the Town's Planning Department receives 250 requests for information related to their records per year. It takes an average of one hour per request to research and compile the information because the information is stored in different systems and not accessible via a central database. Assuming the cost savings noted for the web based viewer below for requests for records that do not require any actions by Planning staff will reduce the 250 requests to 50 that end up requiring Planning staff time,for instance to handle requests from members of the public without computer access or skills and providing the Planning Department access to Town and Village GIS records and integrating this access with the other existing records databases will reduce the research time per request to 15 minutes because the GIS will compile the records geographically. This would result in a time savings of over 37 hours per year. With a typical hourly pay rate including benefits of$50 for Planning staff this would result in a cost savings of over$1,850 per year. This means implementing the enterprise GIS records management systems and the web based viewer for providing public access would save a total of$11,850 per year for the Planning Department. Based on overall records activity in Town and Village departments as per the GIS Needs Assessment conducted, approximately 7,500 transactions occur each year that involve retrieving Town and Village records and evaluating these records with paper-based tax maps and/or aerial photography. Based upon 20 minutes per transaction,this equates to a total of 2,500 hours per year. By implementing a shared enterprise level GIS records management system as outlined in this application it is anticipated that the time to complete these tasks can be reduced by at least 50%. This equates to a total of 1,250 hours in time saved or approximately 0.65 Full Time Equivalents (FTE). Assuming an average salary of $40,000 per employee,this equates to a savings of approximately $26,000 per year. Intended Result: Creation of web based viewer to facilitate access to GIS based records for employees and the general public. Anticipated Benefits: • Allows the public direct access to Town and Village GIS based and spatial records • Reduces the need for and time spent by Town and Village employees to retrieve GIS based records for the public. As one example of the cost savings provided by a web based viewer, the Town's Planning department receives 250 requests for information related to their records per year. It takes an average of one hour per request to research and compile the information because the information is stored in different systems and not accessible via a central database. They estimate that approximately 80%of these requests are for very basic information and result in no further inquiries or assistance from Planning staff. With the information available directly to the public 80%of these requests would no longer need to be handled by Planning staff at all. This would result in a savings of 200 hours per year and assuming an average hourly rate including 40 benefits of$50 for Planning staff would result in a savings of$10,000 per year. Similar savings would be realized in other departments as well. • Allows employees identified in the GIS Needs Assessment as only needing the ability to access https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServiet?i=narr 3/1/2013 LGRMIF Narratives Page 19 of 46 but not edit GIS based records to access these records without the need for expensive GIS software packages. Such software typically costs approximately $2500 per license and based on the GIS Needs Assessment 29 users fall into this category meaning the licenses would cost approximately $72,500. Based on estimates of the typical time needed to develop web based GIS viewers this will cost about$15,000 in employee time assuming the development tools and services included in this application are implemented. This would result in a savings of$57,500. Ongoing maintenance costs would also be reduced compared to having to maintain software licenses and update software on multiple computers because the web based GIS viewer would be maintained by Town staff. . In conjunction with the centralized GIS records database that is another intended result of the project, allows employees and the public to access GIS based records and overlay them on other non-Town and Village GIS based records such as tax maps, aerials and wetlands maps and to display other Town and Village records from the integrated land use/property management system and digital document management system. This provides them the ability to access, retrieve and analyze the records in a geographic context. • All employees identified in the GIS Needs Assessment as requiring access to Town and Village records will have this access. • Should additional employees require access to GIS records in the future they can be granted access without the need to purchase any additional software since the web based viewer can be used with any standard web browser. Intended Result: Conversion of Village sewer,water and electric utility maps and sketches to digital, GIS and microfilm formats. Anticipated Benefits: • Will create backup copies of records for disaster recovery purposes in both digital and microfilm formats • Will reduce the potential damage to the original paper records from day to day usage of the records by eliminating the need to bring the original records into the field • Allows the records to become part of the shared enterprise GIS records management environment that is also an intended result of the project • Will allow the ability for the records to be updated, corrected and added to without the need for scanning paper records • Will allow the ability to add new information to the GIS records such as information needed for MS4 compliance • Will allow much easier and more efficient access to the records for both Village and Town employees • Will allow the records to be indexed, searched and queried by multiple indices such as tax map number and street address allowing them to be retrieved more easily, quickly and accurately • Provides cost savings in records retrieval to the Village. The hourly pay rate of the users that access and retrieve these records is approximately $41 an hour. It currently takes 15 minutes to find and retrieve each map needed for a particular request. Between one and four maps are typically required per request and there are on average a total of 100 requests per year. It is anticipated that by converting these records to GIS format and providing access to them via the enterprise GIS these requests would only take approximately 1 minute to process. Assuming an average of two maps required per job means that approximately $1900 per year would be saved in https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/1/2013 LGRMIF Narratives Page 20 of 46 retrieval costs_ so IIb. Contribution to program development of records management P g p >; The Town of Southold has made significant progress with its records management program over the past ten (10)years,with the implementation of a digital document management system and an integrated land use/property management system. These systems both dramatically improved the Town's records management system. The Village has benefited from these projects as well since they were part of the integrated land use/property management system project and now also have access to the digital document management system via the web. However, the Town and Village have not yet addressed their records management needs in regards to spatial and GIS records. The development of a shared enterprise GIS environment will expand and enhance our records management program by providing the ability to manage,maintain and control GIS and spatial records. This ability will allow staff to better manage records and manage more records without needing additional staff or staff time to do so. In addition this environment will allow us to link location data to our existing electronic records and digital images and provide enhanced access to these records by displaying them geographically so that the records can be reviewed within the context of the surrounding areas. The shared enterprise GIS environment will also provide the ability for the public to access and retrieve GIS and spatial records via the internet without assistance from staff. IIc. Contribution of Service to the public The shared GIS environment outlined in this application will improve the quality of services delivered to residents and increase overall efficiencies. Integrated within the workflow of the Town and Village's records management systems, an enterprise-focused GIS records management system provides tools to further goals toward services to the public. GIS technology,when effectively deployed within the Town's and Village's workflow,will provide the ability to analyze and present information spatially and visually,thereby increasing the effectiveness of the delivery of municipal services. Specifically,implementing the shared GIS environment as described in this application will improve local government services to the public as follows: The public will be able to retrieve information and records via the internet without having to come to Town offices. The public will be able to retrieve information and records via the internet on their own without the need for assistance from Town and Village staff. Reducing the amount of time that Town and Village staff spend on assisting the public with retrieving records will free up more time for staff to work on other tasks like reviewing and processing land use applications made by the public such as subdivisions, site plans and open space acquisitions 40which would reduce review and approval times for the applications and allow the public to receive their approvals faster. Easier access to GIS based and spatial records and the ability to view the records in a geographic https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/1/2013 LGRMIF Narratives Page 21 ol'46 context via maps will allow the public to better understand the records they are viewing and therefore make better comments on land use applications that require public hearings which will allow the Town and Village reviewing boards/departments to make their approvals stronger. Reducing the amount of time that Town and Village staff spend retrieving records needed for reviews of land use applications made by the public which will allow applications to be reviewed and approved quicker. Eliminating mistakes made by Town and Village staff when reviewing land use applications made by the public due to using outdated records or not being able to find the relevant records which will reduce delays in approvals. Time saved by the Village retrieving their water/sewer/electric utility records and allowing them to respond to and resolve public complaints sooner. 3. Plan of Work (maximum 30 points) 3 a Provide a detailed outline of the proposed work activities and a timetable that shows when each phase of the project will be completed, demonstrates the soundness of the method proposed, and demonstrates the project's goals are attainable by 30 June 2013.(15 points) The Town,as the lead agency for this shared grant,will procure the required hardware and software and work with a GIS consulting firm to support the implementation of the shared enterprise GIS environment and provide training of Town staff. The GIS consulting firm is necessary for this project because the Town and Village do not have the expertise or staff resources to complete a project of this magnitude in-house. The following specific tasks will be executed by Town and Village staff and the GIS consulting firm: Conversion of all paper based !Illage sewer, water and electric utility records to GIS format The Town will use its existing digital document management system to scan,organize and index all of the Village's sewer,water and electric utility records. The Village will be able to access these scans via the Town's existing web based interface for the digital document management system. These scans will provide backup copies of the records should any of the original records be damaged or destroyed. These records will be backed up to tape following the Town's existing computer backup procedures for disaster recovery purposes. In addition the Town will microfilm the scans using their existing microfilmer and following NYS Archives standards. The tapes and microfilms will be stored off site at a location outside of the Northeastern Coast for disaster recovery purposes. The Town and Village will utilize digital copies of these scans to convert them to GIS records for inclusion in the centralized GIS database noted below by georeferencing the scans and then digitizing the spatial and attribute information included in the records. It should be noted that with the exception of the hardware, software and training being requested as part of this application. funds for the tasks related to this part of the https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/1/2013 LGRMIF Narratives Page 22 of 46 project are not being requested. While these are important elements of the overall project the Town and 49Village already have the ability to handle the scanning and microfilming and will gain the ability to convert the records to GIS format if this project is funded and will be handling these tasks without the need for finds from this grant. Deliverables: The following deliverables will be completed under this task: Digital images of Village's sewer,water and electric utility records indexed and stored in the Town's digital document management system Tape backups of digital images of Village's sewer,water and electric utility records Microfilm copies of the digital images of Village's sewer,water and electric utility records Digitized and georeferenced GIS format versions of the Village's sewer,water and electric utility records that will be loaded into the GIS database noted below Procure, Install and Con i ure Required Hardware The Town of Southold will be responsible for procuring the required hardware as outlined in our grant application.These hardware items will be procured off NYS OGS contract or through a competitive bid process. Once procured, Town personnel_will be responsible for installing and configuring the hardware to meet the Town's standards as well as integrating the hardware into the Town's Wide Area Network. It is anticipated that all users at primary locations,secondary locations and the Village of Greenport will have secured access to the database server.The Town will work directly with Village of Greenport Information Technology resources to ensure a secure connection is established and operational. A database server and a network attached storage server for backups are being requested as per the needs assessment delivered in 2011. The Town's current servers are all dedicated to other applications and services and cannot accommodate the disk space needed for this project nor handle the additional applications required as part of this project. Deliverables: The following deliverables will be completed under this task: Procure Database Server and NAS, Rack Install and Configure Database Server,NAS,and Rack Integrate Database Server and NAS with Town's network Procure Required Non-GIS Software htips://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServiet?i=narr 3/1/2013 LGRMIF Narratives Page 23 0146 The Town of Southold will be responsible for procuring the required non-GIS software items including Symantec back-ftp software. These software items will be procured off NYS OGS contract or through a competitive bid process. Note that the Town is not requesting any funds for these items as part of this grant application as they are not eligible expenses under the grant but are necessary for the overall proj ect. Deliverable: The following deliverables will be completed under this task: Procure Symantec back-up software Procure Required GIS and Database Software The Town's GIS Coordinator will procure the required GIS and database software identified in the GIS Needs Assessment. The GIS software items will be procured off NYS OGS contract through Environmental Resource Systems Institute(ESRI),the industry leader in enterprise GIS software, and from a sole source application vendor. Note that the Town currently has 10 MapInfo users that will be upgraded to ArcGIS as part of this project. MapInfo is roughly the equivalent of the ArcView and ArcEditor ESRI products. The proposed project includes obtaining three concurrent ArcGIS licenses for the 10 MapInfo users instead of stand alone licenses. The Town acknowledges that replacing MapInfo for the 10 users is an upgrade,therefore the three concurrent licenses needed for ArcView and ArcEditor will be funded by the Town and are not included in the grant request. The ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Basic Edition is an advanced server based product necessary to provide the GIS records management abilities the Town and Village currently lack as described in this application and therefore is included in the funding request. ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Edition requires Micrsoft SQL Server 2012 which will be procured through NYS OGS contract or a competitive bid process. DocuNav GeoDocs is a software package that integrates ESRI's ArcGIS Server with the Town's existing Laserfiche digital document management system. DocuNav is currently the only vendor that has such a product and therefore,are a sole source. A letter confirming this is included in this application. The GeoDocs software is included in this funding request. Deliverable: The following deliverables will be completed under this task: Procure ArcGIS desktop software and ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Basic Edition. Procure Microsoft SQL Server 2012. Procure DocuNav GeoDocs software Install and Configure GIS and database Software,Administrative Training The Town's GIS Coordinator will be responsible for installing and configuring the GIS desktop software https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/1'rintAppServlet?i=parr 3/1/201 3 LGRMIF Narratives Page 24 of 46 for the required users. A total of twelve (12) Town and Village employees will have GIS desktop *software installed. A license manager with four(4)concurrent licenses (one for ArcInfo,two for ArcEditor and one for ArcView) will be installed and each desktop will be configured to access that license manager to obtain a valid desktop license. The Town's GIS Coordinator will install Microsoft SQL 2012 and ArcGIS Server Enterprise Basic Edition on the database server. ESRI will provide a customized training class for the GIS Coordinator in support of administering ArcGIS Server Enterprise Basic and MS SQL Server 2012. As ArcGIS Server Enterprise Basic integrates with SQL Server 2012 and includes a geodatabase structure,versions and security privileges, it is necessary for training in the use and operation of this product. As this software environment will be responsible for managing all the Town and Village spatial data, it is critical that the Town's GIS Coordinator has the appropriate training to administer this product. The training will include use and operation of ArcGIS Server Enterprise Basci; geodatabase concepts; loading data;managing storage; and administrating ArcGIS Server Enterprise Basic and MS SQL Server 2012. This training will facilitate implementing the recommended geodatabase identified in the GIS user needs assessment report. General Code,the regional reseller of the DocuNav GeoDocs application will work with the Town's GIS Coordinator to install and configure GeoDocs to provide the integration between ArcGIS and Laserfiche. • Deliverable: The following deliverables will be completed under this task: Install ArcGIS desktop software on twelve (12) computers. Install license manager and configure desktop software to access license manager. Administrative training for the Town's GIS Coordinator. Install ArcGIS Server Enterprise Basic and MS SQL 2012 on the database server. Configure ArcGIS Server Enterprise Basic and MS SQL 2012 to support recommended geodatabase. Install and configure DocuNav GeoDocs software Load Spatial Data The Town's GIS Coordinator will load all spatial data including the newly created Village sewer, water and electric utility records into ArcSDE and the configured geodatabase. The organization of spatial https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/Pi-intAppServiet?i=narr 3/1/2013 I,GRMIF Narratives Page 25 of 46 records will be based upon a government geodatabase structure recommended as part of the GIS user needs assessment. The recommended governmental geodatabase structure is one that has been successfully implemented in many other municipal organizations and will enable easy access to spatial records. The recommended geodatabase structure organizes spatial records based upon functional categories. These categories include basemap, land records,public safety, environmental and infrastructure. This logical organization of data will increase the ability of Town and Village users to more easily access spatial records. The Town will take advantage of technical support available from ESRI as part of the software purchases,ESRI local government GIS online user communities and ESRI training included in this project to assist with and provide as much knowledge transfer during this task as needed. This support will enable the GIS Coordinator to become knowledgeable in the process of loading data and allow the Town and Village to become self-sufficient in future data loading efforts Deliverable: The following deliverables will be completed under this task: Implement governmental geodatabase design Load Town and Village spatial data into ArcGIS Server Enterprise Basic Load non-Town and village spatial data into ArcGIS Server Enterprise Basic . Training of the Town's GIS Coordinator Provide End-User GIS Training The GIS Needs Assessment identified 12 users who would benefit from the use of desktop GIS software. ESRI will provide two(2)end-user GIS training classes. These training classes will be offered to both Town and Village users by a certified SSRI desktop GIS instructor. The first end-user GIS training class will be a beginner level class that will provide the basics of the SSRI GIS desktop products to Town and Village users. This class will be offered to all Town and Village users that have been involved in managing spatial data within the Town or Village. The second end-user GIS training class will be an advanced level class that will provide more advanced training for Town and Village users. Ongoing training needs will be identified and funded by the Town and Village after the implementation has been completed. Deliverable: The following deliverables will be completed under this task: Beginner training class for ESRI GIS desktop software. Advanced training class for ESRI GIS desktop software. GIS Portal Development https:Heseivices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet`�i=na►T 3/l/2013 LGRMIF Narratives Page 26 of 46 The Towns GIS Coordinator will develop and implement a GIS portal. The GIS portal will serve as the central location for Town and Village employees to access GIS information. project descriptions. static maps, interactive maps, links to other GIS related information, and GIS data available. The portal will be developed using the ESRI software acquired as part of this project. Deliverable: The following deliverables will be completed under this task: Development and implementation of a GIS Portal. GISApplication Development The Town's GIS Coordinator will design and implement a GIS Viewer that contains all Town and Village GIS and spatial records as well as other agencies' GIS records the Town and Village have access to as outlined previously. Records from the centralized spatial data management system will be used to support this viewer. The GIS Viewer will also incorporate Town and Village land use records from the integrated land use/property management, digital document management and assessment systems. This viewer will provide access to aerial imagery and have measurement capabilities. This viewer will have standard mapping tools that include pan, zoom in,zoom out,print, identify, search by address, search by intersection and search by tax map number. The GIS Viewer will make available GIS and land based • records from both the Town and the Village where access to the data can be controlled by security privileges. This viewer will be accessible as a website eliminating the need for desktop GIS software for users that do not require advanced GIS capabilities. Deliverable: The following deliverables will be completed under this task: Extraction, Transformation and Load(ETL)routines and procedures for integrated land use/property management, digital document management and assessment records. Development and implementation of a GIS Viewer. The"Town and Village will submit all required project reports and copies of any documentation to NYS Archives, which will conclude the project. The Town and Village are confident that the proposed project is of manageable scope,that it can be completed on schedule and that it will realize the anticipated benefits outlined within this grant application.To demonstrate the commitment by the Town to ensure the successful completion of this phase as well as future phases,the Town passed Resolution 2011-103 establishing a GIS Steering Committee with members recommended in the GIS user needs assessment.The Town and Village will conduct regular meetings in an effort to properly prepare for the initiation of this project. Copy is attached to this grant application. https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/1/2013 LGRMIF Narratives Page 27 of 46 The following schedule presents a reasonable timetable for successful completion of the proposed project before June 30, 2014. July 1,2013—August 31,2013—The Town will procure the required hardware and software as outlined in the grant application. July 1,2013—January 31,2014—The Town and Village will scan all of the Village's utility maps into Laserfiche and index them accordingly for retrieval. September 1,2013—October 31,2013—The Town will install and configure the required hardware and non-GIS software. November 1,2013—December 31,2013—The Town's GIS Coordinator will install and configure all the ESRI GIS software on the newly installed GIS hardware. The geodatabase design recommended in the GIS Needs Assessment will be implemented during this task and any security requirements will be configured to support the Town's and Village's needs. January 1,2014—February 15, 2013—The Town's GIS Coordinator,with ESRI support, will load all • spatial records within the Town and Village into the centralized geodatabase.During this time,ESRI will provide the Town with the required administrative training. January 1,2014—January 31,2014—The Town will implement the required data back-up and maintenance procedures required to ensure all spatial data stored within the spatial database management software is properly backed up and available in case of a disaster. January 15,2014—March 15,2014—ESRI will provide beginner and advanced end-user training to identified Town and Village employees. January 15,2014—March l5,2014—The Town's GIS Coordinator and General Code will install and configure the GeoDocs software and set up the integration with Laserfiche. February 1,2014—June 30,2014—The Town and Village will convert the Laserfiche images of the Village's utility maps to GIS format using ArcGIS Desktop and enter all attributes. The resulting GIS information will be loaded into the centralized geodatabase. February 1,2014—June 30,2014—The Town will develop the GIS Portal. The initial contents of the GIS Portal will be determined by the GIS Steering Committee and implemented as part of this task. February 1,2014—June 30,2014—The Town will develop and implement a web-based GIS Viewer https.//eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServiet?i=nary 3/1/2013) LGRMIF Narratives Page 28 of 46 for the Town and Village users. The task will include user acceptance testing and training for the end ,,*users at both the Town and Village. IIIa. Detailed outline/timetable for project The Town, as the lead agency for this shared grant,will procure the required hardware and software and work with a GIS consulting firm to support the implementation of the shared enterprise GIS environment and provide training of Town staff. The GIS consulting firm is necessary for this project because the Town and Village do not have the expertise or staff resources to complete a project of this magnitude in-house. The following specific tasks will be executed by Town and Village staff and the GIS consulting firm: Conversion of all paper based Village sewer, water and electric utility records to GIS format The Town will use its existing digital document management system to scan,organize and index all of the Village's sewer,water and electric utility records. The Village will be able to access these scans via the Town's existing web based interface for the digital document management system. These scans will provide backup copies of the records should any of the original records be damaged or destroyed. These records will be backed up to tape following the Town's existing computer backup procedures for disaster recovery purposes. In addition the Town will microfilm the scans using their existing microfilmer and following NYS Archives standards. The tapes and microfilms will be stored off site at a location outside of the Northeastern Coast for disaster recovery purposes. The Town and Village will utilize digital copies of these scans to convert them to GIS records for inclusion in the centralized GIS database noted below by georeferencing the scans and then digitizing the spatial and attribute information included in the records. It should be noted that with the exception of the hardware, software and training being requested as part of this application, funds for the tasks related to this part of the project are not being requested. While these are important elements of the overall project the Town and Village already have the ability to handle the scanning and microfilming and will gain the ability to convert the records to GIS format if this project is funded and will be handling these tasks without the need for funds from this grant. Deliverables: The following deliverables will be completed under this task: Digital images of Village's sewer, water and electric utility records indexed and stored in the Town's digital document management system Tape backups of digital images of Village's sewer, water and electric utility records Microfilm copies of the digital images of Village's sewer, water and electric utility records Digitized and georeferenced GIS format versions of the Village's sewer, water and electric utility records that will be loaded into the GIS database noted below Procure Install and Configure Required Hardware https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServict?i=narr 3/1/2013 LGRMIF Narratives Page 29 of 46 The Town of Southold will be responsible for procuring the required hardware as outlined in our grant application. These hardware items will be procured off NYS OGS contract or through a competitive bid process. Once procured,Town personnel will be responsible for installing and configuring the hardware to meet the Town's standards as well as integrating the hardware into the Town's Wide Area Network. It is anticipated that all users at primary locations, secondary locations and the Village of Greenport will have secured access to the database server. The Town will work directly with Village of Greenport Information Technology resources to ensure a secure connection is established and operational. A database server and a network attached storage server for backups are being requested as per the needs assessment delivered in 2011. The Town's current servers are all dedicated to other applications and services and cannot accommodate the disk space needed for this project nor handle the additional applications required as pari of this project. Deliverables: The following deliverables will be completed under this task: Procure Database Server and NAS,Rack Install and Configure Database Server,NAS, and Rack Integrate Database Server and NAS with Town's network Procure Required Non-GIS Software The Town of Southold will be responsible for procuring the required non-GIS software items including Symantec back-up software.These software items will be procured off NYS OGS contract or through a competitive bid process. Note that the Town is not requesting any funds for these items as part of this grant application as they are not eligible expenses under the grant but are necessary for the overall project. Deliverable: The following deliverables will be completed under this task: Procure Symantec back-up software Procure Required GIS and Database SoJhvare The Town's GIS Coordinator will procure the required GIS and database software identified in the GIS Needs Assessment. The GIS software items will be procured off NYS OGS contract through Environmental Resource Systems Institute (ESRI), the industry leader in enterprise GIS software. and https://eservices.nysed.gov/idgrants/PrintAppServiet?i=parr 3/1/2013 L.GRMIF Narratives Page 30 of 46 from a sole source application vendor. Note that the Town currently has 10 Mapinfo users that will be upgraded to ArcGIS as part of this project. Mapinfo is roughly the equivalent of the ArcView and ArcEditor ESRI products. The proposed project includes obtaining three concurrent ArcGIS licenses for the 10 Mapinfo users instead of stand alone licenses. The Town acknowledges that replacing Mapinfo for the 10 users is an upgrade,therefore the three concurrent licenses needed for ArcView and ArcEditor will be funded by the Town and are not included in the grant request. The ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Basic Edition is an advanced server based product necessary to provide the GIS records management abilities the Town and Village currently lack as described in this application and therefore is included in the funding request. AreGIS for Server Enterprise Edition requires Micrsoft SQL Server 2012 which will be procured through NYS OGS contract or a competitive bid process. DocuNav GeoDocs is a software package that integrates ESRI's ArcGIS Server with the Town's existing Laserfiche digital document management system. DocuNav is currently the only vendor that has such a product and therefore, are a sole source. A letter confirming this is included in this application. The GeoDocs software is included in this funding request. Deliverable: The following deliverables will be completed under this task: Procure ArcGIS desktop software and AreGIS for Server Enterprise Basic Edition. Procure Microsoft SQL Server 2012. Procure DocuNav GeoDocs software Install and Configure GIS and database Software,Administrative Training The Town's GIS Coordinator will be responsible for installing and configuring the GIS desktop software for the required users. A total of twelve(12)Town and Village employees will have GIS desktop software installed. A license manager with four(4)concurrent licenses(one for Arclnfo,two for ArcEditor and one for ArcView) will be installed and each desktop will be configured to access that license manager to obtain a valid desktop license. The Town's GIS Coordinator will install Microsoft SQL 2012 and AreGIS Server Enterprise Basic Edition on the database server. ESRI will provide a customized training class for the GIS Coordinator in support of administering ArcGIS Server Enterprise Basic and MS SQL Server 2012. As ArcGIS Server Enterprise Basic integrates with SQL Server 2012 and includes a geodatabase structure, versions and security privileges, it is necessary for training in the use and operation of this product. As this software environment will be responsible for managing all the Town and Village spatial data, it is critical that the Town's GIS Coordinator has the appropriate training to administer this product. The training will include use and operation of ArcGIS Server Enterprise Basci; geodatabase concepts; loading data; managing storage; https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServiet?i=narr 3/l/2013 LGRMIF Narratives Pagc 31 of 46 and administrating ArcGIS Server Enterprise Basic and MS SQL Server 2012. This training will facilitate implementing the recommended geodatabase identified in the GIS user needs assessment report. General Code, the regional reseller of the DocuNav GeoDocs application will work with the Town's GIS Coordinator to install and configure GeoDocs to provide the integration between ArcGIS and Laserfiche. Deliverable: The following deliverables will be completed under this task: Install ArcGIS desktop software on twelve (12)computers. Install license manager and configure desktop software to access license manager. Administrative training for the Town's GIS Coordinator. Install ArcGIS Server Enterprise Basic and MS SQL 2012 on the database server. Configure ArcGIS Server Enterprise Basic and MS SQL 2012 to support recommended geodatabase. Install and configure DocuNav GeoDocs software Load Spatia!Data The Town's GIS Coordinator will load all spatial data including the newly created Village sewer, water and electric utility records into ArcSDE and the configured geodatabase. The organization of spatial records will be based upon a government geodatabase structure recommended as part of the GIS user needs assessment. The recommended governmental geodatabase structure is one that has been successfully implemented in many other municipal organizations and will enable easy access to spatial records. The recommended geodatabase structure organizes spatial records based upon functional categories. These categories include basemap, land records, public safety,environmental and infrastructure. This logical organization of data will increase the ability of Town and Village users to more easily access spatial records. The Town will take advantage of technical support available from ESRI as part of the software purchases, ESRI local government GIS online user communities and ESRI training included in this project to assist with and provide as much knowledge transfer during this task as needed. This support will enable the GIS Coordinator to become knowledgeable in the process of loading data and allow the Town and Village to become self-sufficient in future data loading efforts https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServiet?i=narr 3/1/2013 LGRMIF Narratives Page 32 of 46 Deliverable: The following deliverables will be completed under this task: Implement governmental geodatabase design Load Town and Village spatial data into ArcGIS Server Enterprise Basic Load non-Town and village spatial data into ArcGIS Server Enterprise Basic Training of the Town's GIS Coordinator Provide End-User GIS Training The GIS Needs Assessment identified 12 users who would benefit from the use of desktop GIS software. ESRI will provide two(2)end-user GIS training classes. These training classes will be offered to both Town and Village users by a certified ESRI desktop GIS instructor. The first end-user GIS training class will be a beginner level class that will provide the basics of the ESRI GIS desktop products to Town and Village users. This class will be offered to all Town and Village users that have been involved in managing spatial data within the Town or Village. The second end-user GIS training class will be an advanced level class that will provide more advanced training for Town and Village users. Ongoing training needs will be identified and funded by the Town and Village after the implementation has been completed. Deliverable: The following deliverables will be completed under this task: Beginner training class for ESRI GIS desktop software. Advanced training class for ESRI GIS desktop software. GIS Portal Development The Town's GIS Coordinator will develop and implement a GIS portal. The GIS portal will serve as the central location for Town and Village employees to access GIS information,project descriptions, static maps, interactive maps, links to other GIS related information, and GIS data available. The portal will be developed using the SSRI software acquired as part of this project. Deliverable: The following deliverables will be completed under this task: Development and implementation of a GIS Portal. https•fleservices.nysed.gov/idgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/1/2013 LGRMIF Narratives Page 33 of 46 O GIS Application Development The Town's GIS Coordinator will design and implement a GIS Viewer that contains all Town and Village GIS and spatial records as well as other agencies' GIS records the Town and Village have access to as outlined previously. Records from the centralized spatial data management system will be used to support this viewer. The GIS Viewer will also incorporate Town and Village land use records from the integrated land use/property management,digital document management and assessment systems. This viewer will provide access to aerial imagery and have measurement capabilities. This viewer will have standard mapping tools that include pan, zoom in,zoom out,print, identify, search by address, search by intersection and search by tax map number. The GIS Viewer will make available GIS and land based records from both the Town and the Village where access to the data can be controlled by security privileges.This viewer will be accessible as a website eliminating the need for desktop GIS software for users that do not require advanced GIS capabilities. Deliverable: The following deliverables will be completed under this task: Extraction,Transformation and Load(ETL)routines and procedures for integrated land use/property management, digital document management and assessment records. • Development and implementation of a GIS Viewer. The Town and Village will submit all required project reports and copies of any documentation to NYS Archives,which will conclude the project. The Town and Village are confident that the proposed project is of manageable scope, that it can be completed on schedule and that it will realize the anticipated benefits outlined within this grant application. To demonstrate the commitment by the Town to ensure the successful completion of this phase as well as future phases, the Town passed Resolution 2011-103 establishing a GIS Steering Committee with members recommended in the GIS user needs assessment. The Town and Village will conduct regular meetings in an effort to properly prepare for the initiation of this project. Copy is attached to this grant application. The following schedule presents a reasonable timetable for successful completion of the proposed project before June 30, 2014. July 1, 2013—August 31,2013—The Town will procure the required hardware and software as outlined in the grant application. *July 1,2013---January 31,2014—The Town and Village will scan all of the Village's utility maps into Laserfiche and index them accordingly for retrieval. https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServiet`?i=narr 3/1/201 3 LGRMI F Narratives Page 34 of 46 September 1,2013—October 31, 2013—The Town will install and configure the required hardware and non-GIS software. November 1,2013—December 31,2013—The Town's GIS Coordinator will install and configure all the ESRI GIS software on the newly installed GIS hardware. The geodatabase design recommended in the GIS Needs Assessment will be implemented during this task and any security requirements will be configured to support the Town's and Village's needs. January 1,2014—February 15,2013—The Town's GIS Coordinator,with ESRI support, will load all spatial records within the Town and Village into the centralized geodatabase. During this time,ESRI will provide the Town with the required administrative training. January 1,2014—January 31,2014—The Town will implement the required data back-up and maintenance procedures required to ensure all spatial data stored within the spatial database management software is properly backed up and available in case of a disaster. January 15,2014—March 15,2014—ESRI will provide beginner and advanced end-user training to identified Town and Village employees. January 15,2014—March 15,2014—The Town's GIS Coordinator and General Code will install and configure the GeoDocs software and set up the integration with Laserfiche. February 1,2014—June 30,2014—The Town and Village will convert the Laserfiche images of the Village's utility maps to GIS format using ArcGIS Desktop and enter all attributes. The resulting GIS information will be loaded into the centralized geodatabase. February 1,2014—June 30,2014—The Town will develop the GIS Portal. The initial contents of the GIS Portal will be determined by the GIS Steering Committee and implemented as part of this task. February 1, 2014—June 30,2014—The Town will develop and implement a web-based GIS Viewer for the Town and Village users. The task will include user acceptance testing and training for the end users at both the Town and Village. IIIb. Requirements of relevant project category General Category Requirements https.//eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/1/2013 LGRMIF Narratives Page 35 oi'46 Records Focus: The goal of this project is to develop a records management system that has the ability 48to manage Town and Village records that are inherently spatial in nature. GIS is the appropriate tool to manage such spatial records efficiently and will allow Town and Village staff to access, create, share. and distribute digital geographic records based on the GIS user needs assessment completed in 2011. If funded, this project will greatly improve Town and Village records management practices by providing significant records management tools not currently in place. Adherence to Archives' Standards and Guidelines: In planning this project the Town and Village used the following resources: NY State Archives Publication 4GIS03, Local Government GIS Development Guides. GIS User Needs Assessment funded by a previous LGRMIF grant. The Seven Attributes of an Effective Records Management Program NY State Archives publication#61. Imaging Production Guidelines. Guidelines for Ensuring the Long Tenn Accessibility and Usability of Records Stored as Digital Images NY State Archives publication#22. • Producing High Quality Microfilm Publication#9 NY State Archives and Records Administration. Managing Imaging and Micrographics Projects Publication#77 NY State Archives and Records Administration. Geof Huth, Director, Government Services,New York State Archives—several telephone consultations with GIS Coordinator John Sepenoski and RMO Elizabeth Neville. Lorraine Hill,Regional Advisory Officer(RAO), Region 10, Long Island (Nassau, Suffolk Counties)—Site Meeting and telephone consultations with RMO Elizabeth Neville. LGRMIF Grant Application Information Session 12/6/2012 at Hauppauge, NY. LGRMIF Overview Webinar 1/2/2013, Town Board meeting unable to attend. Shared Services LFGMIF Webinar 1/7/201'), attending conference, unable to attend. All State Archives standards will be followed for the implementation of this project and moving forward after the implementation is complete. Increased Capacity:Development of a GIS records management system will enable the Town and Village the ability to access, create, share, and distribute digital geographic records. Currently the"Town and Village have very limited capabilities in this regard as outlined in this application. This will greatly https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet9i=narr 33/1/2013 LGRMIF Narratives Page 36 of46 enhance our capacity to manage records within both municipalities as well as provide us with the ability ONto more easily share information with each other as well as with other municipalities in our region. Intent and Ability to Maintain: A GIS Steering Committee that includes both Town and Village personnel has been created and will be responsible for implementing the recommendations put forth in the GIS user needs assessment and establishing and maintaining GIS policies and procedures. The GIS Steering Committee will also be responsible for review and maintenance of the GIS user needs assessment implementation plan as phases are completed. The Town has appointed a GIS Coordinator in the Land Management Coordination department who is responsible for all technical support related to GIS based hardware, software and data. The Land Management Coordination department's operating budget includes funds for training of the GIS Coordinator as well as other employees who may require GIS related training and such training will be conducted on an as needed basis moving forward. The Town and Village will continue to budget funds to keep its hardware and software up to date as new technologies and upgrades become available. Should the need arise in the future to convert any GIS records to other formats due to new technologies that are developed the GIS Coordinator will handle these conversions, as they have since the Town first began using GIS technology in 1997. The Town and Village Records Management Officers will continue to be responsible for overseeing the GIS records from a records management perspective and will establish the appropriate retention and disposition schedules, disaster recovery procedures, security,etc. that will be implemented by the GIS Coordinator. Supporting Documentation: All supporting documentation necessary to justify the needs and costs associated with successfully implementing this project has been included in this application. This includes the GIS user needs assessment conducted in the 2010-11 grant cycle,the Town's Request for Quotes (RFQ)and RFQ responses and qualifications of relevant personnel assigned to implement the proj ect. Category: Geographic Information Systems All applications for funding to implement a GIS must be for Shared Services projects: The implementation of a shared enterprise GIS environment as per the recommendations of the GIS user needs assessment involves both the Village of Greenport and Town of Southold. Having both the Town and Village participating with the Town providing and maintaining ongoing hardware and software systems for the Village to use constitutes a shared proiect. The Town and Village have executed a formal inter-municipal agreement documenting this records management relationship. https://eservices.nysed.gov/Idgrants/PrintAppServiet?i=nary 3/1/2013 I-GRMIF Narratives Page 37 of 46 Fully explain why your government needs GIS and specific GIS applications: The Town and Village records that are the focus of this grant application are inherently spatial in nature. Due to this fact a GIS 40is the appropriate application of technology needed for managing these records. This is supported by the GIS Needs Assessment completed in 2011 and funded by a previous LGRMIF grant and included as an attachment to this application. The implementation of a shared, centralized GIS will properly organize GIS spatial records which can then be managed by industry-standard GIS software and accessed through GIS software and the web as described previously in this application. A GIS will enable Town and Village staff to access, create, share and distribute digital GIS records more efficiently and effectively thus providing better levels of service to the public. Specific Geographic Records Involved: The specific geographic records involved in this proposed project are outlined in section I b of this application. Imaging Component:Although imaging is a component of the overall project as it will be the first step taken in order to digitize the Village's sewer,water and electric utility records, the Town and Village will be handling this part of the project using their existing systems and staff and are not including this as part of this grant funding request. IIIc. Responsible parties and qualifications As the lead agency for this shared services grant application,the Town and Village have designated Elizabeth Neville Town Clerk/Records Management Officer as project manager. The project manager will oversee all aspects of the project for compliance with the NYS Archives Local Government GIS Development guidelines as well as the specific implementation details of this project. The Town's Records Management Assistant will be responsible for providing training to Town and Village personnel in the use of the Town's scanners for the scanning of the Village's paper sewer, water and electric utility records into the Town's digital document management system. They will also be responsible for setting up the folders and index templates for these documents and for microfilming them upon completion of the scanning. Town and Village personnel under the supervision of the Records Management Officer and Records Management Assistant, will be responsible for scanning and indexing the Village's paper sewer, water and electric utility records into the Town's digital document management system and for microfilming these records when the scanning is complete. The Town's GIS Coordinator will be responsible for configuring ArcGIS Desktop to facilitate the conversion of the scanned images of the Village's sewer and electric utility records to GTS format. In addition they will provide training to Town and Village personnel in the conversion process and conduct quality control of the work as it is completed. Town and Village personnel will be responsible for converting the digital images of the Village's water, https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/Pr*)ntAppServiet?i=iiarr 3/1/2013 LGRMIF Narratives Page 38 of 46 sewer and electric utility records to GIS format. The Town's GIS Coordinator will be responsible for procuring, installing and configuring all hardware and software components associated with the shared enterprise GIS environment. The Town's GIS Coordinator will be responsible for developing the GIS Portal. ESRI will be responsible for providing training using certified trainers in the use and administration of the ESRI products included in the project as well as supporting the GIS coordinator in installing and configuring the GIS server and database software and the desktop software for the required users. General Code will be responsible for working with the Town's GIS Coordinator on the installation and configuration of the GeoDocs software to integrate the existing digital document management system with the new enterprise GIS. The Town's GIS Coordinator will be responsible for the loading of the spatial data with assistance from ESRI as needed. • The Town and Village will support the project by providing staff,including the GIS Coordinator and monetary resources necessary for the timely completion of all tasks. Resources provided by the Town and Village will include responses to inquiries necessary for the timely completion of project deliverable and project oversight to ensure timely completion of each grant deliverable and final report preparation. The Town's Supervisor, Mr. Scott Russell, is identified as the Chief Administrative Officer and the government leader for this project. Resumes of Town staff have been included for review as attachment to this LG-NA form. 4. Local Government Contributions [maximum 10 points) It is important to demonstrate your commitment to records management. Types of support may include government funds,staffing, equipment, supplies or the allocation of space. Provide specific budget amounts whenever possible. Include information only on the support your local government provided and will provide with its own funds. Projects funded by the LGRMIF do not constitute local support. https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServiet?i=narr 3/1/2013 LGRMI F Narratives Page 39 of 46 MIVa. Contributions demonstrated The Town of Southold and Village of Greenport's commitment to records management is a permanent formal arrangement which will only flourish and continue under this project. The project will result in the implementation of a shared enterprise GIS environment which will enable the Town and Village to increase the access of relevant Town and Village records. The Town and Village will contribute to the project in the following ways: . The Town's RMO will serve as the project manager for the project. The Southold Town Clerk, RMO contributes a minimum of one third of her time to records management. This equates to a contribution to this project of a minimum of $31,666.67 Town and Village staff will handle the initial scanning and indexing of the Village sewer,water and electric utilities maps and sketches. It is estimated that including document preparation 20 maps can be scanned in one hour. With 6500 maps to scan this means that Town and Village staff will need 325 hours to complete the scanning. At a typical wage for clerical staff of$30 per hour this equates to a contribution of$9750 towards the project. It is estimated that the data entry required for the indexing of the maps will take approximately 2 minutes per map or a total of 13000 minutes or 216 hours. At the same clerical rate of pay this equates to a contribution of$12,960. • . Town and Village staff will handle the microfilming of the digital copies of the Village sewer, water and electric utilities maps and sketches and the Village will pay for the microfilm and development of the microfilm. It is estimated that it will take thirteen rolls of film with costs to purchase and develop the film being approximately $390. Staff will require approximately 8 hours to prepare and process the images at a salary rate of$30 per hour or$240. This represents a total contribution of$630. . Town and Village staff will be converting the digital images of the Village's sewer, water and electric utilities maps to GIS format. It is estimated that the Town's GIS Coordinator will require one week to configure the GIS software to facilitate the conversion of the digital images to GIS format and train other staff in the conversion process. At a pay rate of$73 per hour this equates to $2900 of Town contribution to the project. It is estimated that staff will require approximately 2 minutes per map to digitize the information and enter attribute information into the GIS database. At $30 per hour this equates to an additional contribution of$6500 in Town and Village staff time. . Town and Village staff will be attending all necessary training sessions for the new system. . The Town's GIS Coordinator will be actively participating in the project by ordering, installing and configuring GIS software,converting GIS records from MapInfo to SSRI format, loading the GIS records into the centralized database, developing the public web portal and GIS viewer and https://eservlees.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet'?i=narr 3/1/2013 LGRMIF Narratives Page 40 of 46 providing support for end users. It is estimated that the Towns GIS Coordinator will be spending at least one-third of their time on this project. With the project scheduled to take one year this equates to $32,000 of salary dedicated to this project based on the GIS Coordinator's current annual salary. . The Town's GIS Coordinator will handle ordering the hardware necessary for the project and performing the initial set up of the hardware. . The Town will be purchasing the ESRI software licenses necessary to replace the 10 Mapinfo licenses currently being used as well as the server backup software at an estimated cost of $13,000. The Southold Town Board adopted a capital budget item for 2013 in the amount of $73,019.00 for an upgrade to their current digital imaging system for Laserfiche Rio Suite which will further enhance and increase their records management capacites and access to records. Although this expenditure will create a substantial impact on the town budget and be a financial hardship,the Town Board is firmly commited to this software upgrade in 2013 and to records management in general. They recognize the importance and benefits of providing access to records in the fastest most efficient manner possible to both our municipal employees and the general public. o The 2013 budget line for records management is$102,750.00 which includes personal . services and contractual expenses. o The 2013 budget line for GIS Coordinator is$102,750. Which incluces personal services, equipment and contractual expenses. • The 15 member GIS Steering Committee consisting of Town and Village employees will meet as needed to discuss any issues related to the implementation of the project and recommend solutions. IVb. Program Maintenance To support future phases of the GIS records management implementation plan,the Town has initiated capital budget projects for 2013 and 2014. The funds available in these capital budget projects will be used to effectively support GIS records management in the near future and ensure the success of GIS records management over the long term. 40Future capital budgets will be established to upgrade, maintain and keep current all records management systems as hardware and software upgrades become available. littps:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/1/2013 LGRMIF Narratives Page 41 of 46 Operating budgets will be used to fund ongoing maintenance costs of the hardware and software used for the Town and Village records management systems anticipated as part of this grant application and already in place outside of this application. The Town/Village GIS Steering Committee will be responsible for making recommendations on budget, staffing and priority projects to the Town Board and Village Trustees. This includes the continued review and update of the GIS implementation plan derived from the GIS user needs assessment. Should the need arise in the future to convert any GIS records to other formats due to new technologies that are developed the GIS Coordinator will handle these conversions, as they have since the Town first began using GIS technology in 1997. This will also be the case should there be the need to convert any non-GIS records to new formats. The Town has appointed a GIS Coordinator who has been working with GIS since 1997 and will be in charge of all GIS related software,hardware and databases including the proposed project. The Town will continue to maintain and use its digital document management system that has been in place since 2001. The Town's GIS Coordinator will continue to handle technical support for this system and capital budget funds have been established to upgrade and expand this system as needed. The Village will continue to have access to this system via the web. The Town will continue to maintain and use its land use/property management system that has been in place since 2010 and provide access to this system to the Village. The Town has a Records Management Officer and Records Management Assistant and the Village has a Records Management Officer who will continue to implement the Town and Village's records management programs. The GIS Coordinator,Town Records Management Officer, Village Records Management Officer as well as all other departments will continue with our existing records management standards and procedures and will be working the new GIS related standards as outlined in this grant application into our normal work routines. The Town's GIS Coordinator,Land Preservation Coordinator, Planning Director and their respective staff as well as Village staff will be responsible for updating and maintaining GIS records. The Town Clerk/Records Management Officer is currently working with"Escrow Associates, Inc." to assure that all source codes for all town software are in order and insured for use should the need arise in the future. The Town Clerk/Records Management Officer nas worked with the Town Attorney's Office and Information Technology Department and is nearing implementation of a"Records Confidentiality and Security Policy" for all town employees. littps://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/1/2013 LGRMIF Narratives Page 42 of 46 MTraining funds will be budgeted for in the operating budgets to provide ongoing training of employees in all of the records management systems, procedures and policies. In addition,experienced Town staff will be available to train new staff as necessary. Professional Salaries Support Staff Salaries Equipment All items included in this project budget were recommended in the GIS User Needs Assessment delivered to the Town and Village in January 2011 as part of a previous LGRMIF grant. However, specific software releases and hardware model numbers have been updated where newer releases and models have been released since January 2011 in order to • obtain current software and hardware. The,items included in this budget are the current equivalents to what was included in the GIS UNA. Dell PowerEdge R515 Server The Town has standardized on Dell servers for enterprise level server systems. A new server is necessary for this project because all of the Town's existing servers were designed and sized to handle other specific applications and do not have the space or power to handle an additional enterprise level GIS records management database. This server has been designed to handle the anticipated space and loading requirements needed to implement the enterprise level GIS records management system recommended as part of the GIS UNA and being applied for as part of this grant application. The pricing of this server is based on New York State Contract#PT64100 pricing so three quotes are not required for this application and one quote is included as part of this application. Minor Remodeling Purchased Services Training litips://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/1/2013 LGRMIF Narratives Page 43 of 46 Training is essential to guaranteeing the success of any GIS records management initiative and was recommended in the GIS UNA. The training included in this project for the ESRI ArcGIS software is available from ESRI on the New York State contract# PT63832. Because this is available on the State contract three quotes are not required for this application. An RFQ and training quote are included as part of this application as per the grant requirements for Purchased Services. The following specific training courses are included as part of this application: ESRI Training ArcGIS I Introduction to GIS This training will cover a basic introduction to ArcGIS Desktop for the 12 employees identified in the GIS UNA as having the need for the ArcGIS Desktop software. Topics will include basic records inquiry; layering map records; creating prints; etc. This training will give the employees involved the skills necessary to perform basic GIS records management and retrieval tasks required as part of their work duties as per the GIS UNA. ESRI Training ArcGIS 2 Essential Workflows This training will cover more advanced topics for the 12 employees identified in the GIS UNA as having the need for the ArcGIS Desktop software. These topics will include workflows necessary for querying records; extracting records and creating reports; updating records; creating new records; etc. This training will give these employees more advanced GIS records management skills that are typically required for their duties as per the GIS UNA. ESRI Training Building Geodatabases This training will be for the Town's GIS Coordinator and will focus on the skills necessary for creating geodatabases to manage and allow access to Town and Village spatial records. This training will be applied by the Town's GIS Coordinator in the initial set up and loading of the geodatabase following the recommendations of the GIS UNA and for maintenance purposes of the geodatabases moving forward. ESRI Training Configuring& Managing Multiuser Databases This training will be for the Town's GIS Coordinator and will focus on the configuration and management of multiuser geodatabases in order to facilitate the management of GIS based records. It will include instruction in both ArcGIS Server for Enterprise Basic and Microsoft SQL 2012 and will be applied in the initial set up and loading of the enterprise geodatabase as per the recommendations in the GIS UNA. It will also be used moving forward for the maintenance and expansion of the enterprise level geodatabase. Purchased Services - BOCES https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServiet?i=nan• 3/1/2013 LGRMIF Narratives Page 44 of 46 40 Supplies and Materials All items included in this project budget were recommended in the GIS User Needs Assessment delivered to the Town and Village in January 2011 as part of a previous LGRMIF grant. However, specific software releases and hardware model numbers have been updated where newer releases and models have been released since January 2011 in order to obtain current software and hardware. The items included in this budget are the current equivalents to what was included in the GIS UNA. GXT3 UPS(Uninterruptable Power Supp The Town's standards for setting up enterprise level servers include connecting all servers to UPS units to prevent down time and protect the servers and their data from power outages and spikes. The focus of this project is an enterprise level records management server that will manage GIS based records and a UPS is necessary to ensure availability of these records to employees and the general public. This UPS unit is available from Dell off the New York State Contract#PT64100 so three quotes are not required for this application and one quote is included as part of this application. Dell PowerEdge Rack The Town has standardized on rack mounted servers in order to conserve space in its server room and requires a new rack for the Dell PowerEdge R515 Server and Buffalo Terastation Network Attached Storage Server needed for this project as the Town's other rack is currently full. The rack is available on New York State Contract#PT64100 so three quotes are not required for this application. and one quote is included as part of this application. ArcGIS Server for Enterprise Basic In order for the Town and Village to successfully implement the shared enterprise level centralized GIS records management system that is the subject of this application the GIS UNA recommended standardizing on ESRI GIS software products. The ESRI product suite is a powerful toolset that includes desktop mapping products, web based mapping solutions and spatial database products. ESRI also offers many local government templates and applications through their online user groups that are available for free and that will reduce the need for the Town and Village to hire consultants to develop geodatabases and applications or spend time developing these items in-house. ArcGIS Server for littps://eserv1ces.nysed.gov/1dgrants/PrintAppServiet?i=parr 3/1/2013 L(iRMIF Narratives Page 45 of 46 Enterprise Basic is the server product offered by ESR1 that will provide the functionality required to implement the project that is the subject of this grant application. This software is available on the New York State contract# PT63832 so three quotes are not required for this application and one quote is included as part of this application. Microsoft SQL Server 2012 This is an industry standard database server software package that is required to implement ESRI's ArcGIS Server for Enterprise Basic and noted in the GIS UNA. The Town obtained three quotes for this software and included the lowest of the quotes in this budget. Copies of these quotes are included as part of this application. DocuNav GeoDocs Software DocuNav offers software called GeoDocs that integrates Laserfiche, which the Town and Village use for their digital document management system,with ArcGIS Server,which is being requested as part of this application. This software will allow land use records stored in Laserfiche to be retrieved via a GIS interface using the enterprise GIS records management system that is part of this application. This will allow the Town and Village to retrieve records within their geographic context, one of the records management enhancements identified as part of this proposed project. This software is not currently available on New York State contract. The Town attempted to find other vendors that offered a similar product but was unable to find any. Laserfiche was contacted and they confirmed that that DocuNav is currently the only vendor that has software that provides integration between Laserfiche and ArcGIS. Since DocuNav is the only company that currently offers this integration they are a sole-source vendor so three quotes are not required for this software as part of this application. Documentation confirming the sole-source status of DocuNav and a quote for the software are included as part of this application. Buffalo TeraStation Network Attached Storage Given the shared enterprise level centralized GIS records management system proposed in this application coupled with the large amount of historical imagery, LiDAR, and oblique imagery currently available as well as anticipated in the future, a NAS (Network Attached Storage) server was recommended for back-up purposes in the GIS UNA. This will allow the Town to back-up all data to the NAS as opposed to a more costly solution that involves a tape drive and multiple back up tapes and facilitate faster restores when necessary. Based upon the Town standards in place for back up systems the Buffalo TeraStation III Rackmount NAS is a cost effective back up solution. Three quotes were obtained for this and the lowest quote was used for the budget. Copies of these quotes are included as part of this application. https://eservices.nysed.gov/idgrants/PrintAppServiet?i=parr 3/l/2013 I,GRMIF Narratives Page 46 of 46 DocuNav GeoDocs Software 10DocuNav offers software called GeoDocs that integrates Laserfiche, which the Town and Village use for theirdigital document management system,with ArcGIS Server,which is being requested as part of this application. This software will allow land use records stored in Laserfiche to be retrieved via a GIS interface using the enterprise GIS records management system that is part of this application. This will allow the Town and Village to retrieve records within their geographic context,one of the records management enhancements identified as part of this proposed project. This software is not currently available on New York State contract. The Town attempted to find other vendors that offered a similar product but was unable to find any. Laserfiche was contacted and they confirmed that that DocuNav is currently the only vendor that has software that provides integration between Laserfiche and ArcGIS. Since DocuNav is the only company that currently offers this integration they are a sole-source vendor so three quotes are not required for this software as part of this application. Documentation confirming the sole-source status of DocuNav and a quote for the software are included as part of this application. Travel Employee Benefits • Final Project Narrative https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServiet?i=narr 3/1/2013 PROJECT BUDGET - n Y G �e - n'-V7 AKj:;4:s,`t+^rft>.R- -ti:..-��_�.a>- C!�':-a�-._T.'wY�rts.(.{�V}T.<Ji.wv 'Say Y.T\ _; ]r.iry � , - •{v. - �.1.F4 �J• _, . \ S. r..- -.^'.a..�y�.�.22tc5�:a_:�i..�<-ri.'_a--��:•i»].'utY.._\8L.`Ga• LGRMIF Project Budget Page 1 of 3 Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund(LGRMIF) Project Budget Project Number 0580-14-4561 Institution Town Of Southold- Professional Staff Expenses Name Position/Title Rate of Pay Hours Worked $0.00 0.0 Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Professional Staff Totals Inst Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Support Staff Expenses Equipment Expenses Quantity Description Unit Price Vendor I Dell Power Edge $9,648.00 Dell Server R515 Inst'I Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $9,648 $0 $0 $0 Equipment Totals Inst Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved 0 $9,648 $0 $0 $0 Minor Remodeling Purchased Services Expenses Service Type Service Provider/Name of BOCES Calculation of Cost Consulting/Training ESRI 88 hours @$302.42 per hour Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $23,613 $0 $0 $0 Purchased Service Totals Inst Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServiet?i=budget&a=false 3/1/2013 LGRMIF Project Budget Page 2 of 3 0 $23,613 $0 $0 $0 Purchased BOCES Services Expenses Supplies,Materials Expenses Quantity Description Unit Price Vendor GXT3 l OOORT120 1 1000 VA $660.60 Dell Rack/Tower UPS Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $660 $0 $0 $0 Quantity Description Unit Price Vendor 1 PowerEdge Rack $2,749.01 Dell 4220 Deep Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $2,749 $0 $0 $0 Quantity Description Unit Price Vendor 1 Are GIS Server $8,160.00 ESRI Enterprise Basic Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $8,160 $0 $0 $0 Quantity Description Unit Price Vendor Buffalo *TB TeraStation III 1 Rackmount NAS $1,275.09 B&H Network Hard Drive Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $1,275 $0 $0 $0 Quantity Description Unit Price Vendor SQLSVRSTDCORE 1 2012 ENG OLP $2,598.76 TECH DEPOT 2LIC Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $2,598 $0 $0 $0 Quantity Description Unit Price Vendor 1 DocuNav/GeoDocs $15,800.00 General Code Software Publishers Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $15,800 $0 $0 $0 Supplies,Materials Totals hitps://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServiet?i=budget&a=false 3/1/2013 LGRMIF Project Budget Page 3 of 3 Inst Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved 0 $31,242 $0 $0 $0 Travel Expenses Employee Benefit Expenses Name Benefits Percentage 0 Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Employee Benefits Totals Inst Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Grand Total Inst Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $64,503 $0 $0 $0 https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=budget&a=false 3/1/2013 N LGRMIF Vendor Quote Form Page 1 of 1 Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) Vendor Quote Form Project Number 0580 -14-4561 Institution, Town Of Southold- Vendor Quote Form Description of Item Preferred Sole Quoted Selected Vendor or Service Contract# Vendor Source LGPR Price Quote Vendor SQLSVRSTDCORE C3� TECH DEPOT 2012 eng olp 2LICu5 false false false $2,598.76 alse Server DocuNav FeoDocs Software -e k'vl� false false false $15,800 else Solutions �o Dell/ASAP Dell Power Edge R515false false false $9,648.99 false Software Inc. Server Environmental Systems Consulting/Training false false false $23,613, false Research Services Institute,Inc. Dell/ASAP GXT31000RT120 C� Software Inc. 1000 VA Rack/Tower false false false $660.60 false UPS Dell/ASAP PowerEdge Rack 4220 � ;,, false false false , , EJ Software Inc. Deep ��❑� Environmental GIS2208 ArcGIS Systems Server Enterprise false false false $8,160, false Institute, Inc. Basic Buffalo 8 TB B& H Photo& TeraStation III false false false $1,275.09 false Video Rackmount NAS Network Hard Drive https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintApp8ervlet?i=vq 3/1/2013