HomeMy WebLinkAboutPetitions & Complaints - Against the Coffee Pot at Orient 7-0 WILL SOLMIOLD PE OME A SUBUREAN SLUM JAME'S l3I'L'Sf;S If ,you want a. Southold that is forever rural, you must pay for it. That Is, first, you have to buy up all development rights and second, find a legal means to stop all future development. Here Is hour it can be done, without beim; unconstitusional. Lets start with the more difficult problem; how to stop all future development. One solution is to enact a General Referendum Law. You set aside the first Tuesday in August each year. as Rural Flection Day. All developments filed the prior year and placed under temporary moritorium are placed on voting machines in the spaces for propositions. Registered voters decide YEAS or 110 on these proposit:tons. A YES vote allows a development to go forward in the normal course of the law.A 110 vote terminates a development permanently as being contrary to the general welfare. In addition, a NO vote empowers the Town to make a reasonable offer to the denied developer for the purchase of the development rights to his nullified development. Such an election circumvents the temporary nature of the moritorium. A vote by the general electorate is a universal citizens veto that creates law by The Electorate is literally rezoning; the Town by their vote. general consensus,/Offering to pay a reasonable price for the development r5.ghts legally removes the question of confiscation of property without dun process. Assuming that such a law is enacted, where does the money come from to buy the development rights4 It comes from a new Rural Surcharge Tax. liere is how Mat works Ind hors you pay for a Rural Southold. You enact a Rural Surtax Law that divides the Town into three zones. A- WATLRFRONTi Any property abnttina, the mean high water line inc:l.ucl _nf-, property with deeded rights of way to the mean high water. line. `l.'he ;;tlx tax 's TiIREI; percent. B- IiUSIIIli,S5: Any property in a business of commercial zone. The Surtax is 'IWO percent. yE � C- ALL OTHPR including vacant lots. The Surtax is ONE percent. All money collected for the Rural Surtax is sequestered and kept sepa,ra.l:,o ari apart from the general funds in a separate accounting dosier, to be used only for the purchase of development rights and nothing else. 'There must be no conmingling. There will come a time when the development rights through out tile, 'Town will all have been purchased and the Rural Surta.x..will be abolished. The result of making Southold forever rural is that land values rise far above the cost of the Rural Surcharge,in retrospect making it a fabulous bargain. This plan will be uni.ver-- sally condemned by the politicians because it takes away part of their power to en- act and part of their power to tax. But if you really want a forever rural. Southold, their obstruction must be defeated. The Town I;oard will not act on its own initiatives it must be impelled by public pressure. As the Chineese say, 'Pestir thyself, If. is later than you think. ' 7— Box Box 473, Orient,New York, 11957 August 27, 2002 To: Members of the Town Board From: Freddie Wachsberger, Vice President of Southold Citizens for Safe Roads Re: Robert Ehrlich property, Coffee House application Councilmen: I would like to present the Town Board with copies of approximately 250 petitions from Orient residents to the.New York State Liquor Authority, requesting the rescinding of the license which was issued to Mr. Ehrlich on April 30 of this year for a coffee-house on the comer of Village Lane and the Main Road. We have been advised that the authority is investigating the award of that license;it would appear that it was awarded under the misapprehension,perhaps created by the applicant,that there was already a business on that site. In fact,the only current certificate of occupancy is residential, as the site has never been commercially used. But if planning approval is issued for the proposed restaurant/cafe, one can assume that the liquor authority would see no reason for not reinstating the license. On behalf of the.Orient Association, Southold Citizens for Safe Roads, and the 250 members of the Orient community who have objected in writing to having; a cafe/restaurant at this location,we ask the Town Board,Planning Board, and Zoning Board of Appeals to disapprove any such proposal. There have been many letters written to you and to the Planning Board, listing the reasons why this site is inappropriate for the kind of operation Mr. Ehrlich proposes: a restaurant which would seat 30, operate seven days a week from 7 :00 am to 10:30 pm, and have live and piped-in entertainment. The reasons are succinctly stated in the petition: it would permit an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood,at a site with no previous commercial occupancy,with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersecton, On the advice of the Planning Board,you,the Town Board, advised the Liquor Authority that you neither approved nor disapproved the license. But Mr. Ehrlich did not then, and still does not(at least last I checked)have an official application before the Planning Board. The fact that you took no position must suggest to the Authority that you are unconcerned. We urge you to support the residents of Village Lane and the Orient community by advising the Authority that you do not in fact approve of this license. We further urge the Planning Board and ZBA, if this proposal should come before them, to disapprove the dispensing of alcohol,which is admissible by special exception only. Mr. Ehrlich has continued to develop the property for his stated purpose,most recently tearing down the garage and scraping the ground clear to his west and south property lines,presumably to create more parking;there is every suggestion that he intends to push this project down the throats of the community. We urge all relevant Southold Town boards to reject this proposal within the zoning laws of the Town. Further,we ask you to revisit the zoning of this site, for which the description of "General Business District is entirely inappropriate. a�a.a•1 a Vata� IJaA1aJ L/i�V Va\ f'"aV iaaVa\ai a OFFICE OF COUNSEL I 1 PARK PLACE-R66m S-IR NEW YOM NEW YORK 10007 Thomas G.McKeon,Counsel (222)4174i49 Fax(212)417-2254 July 26, 2002 Barry Mallin, Esq. Mallin& Goldstein, P.C. 132 Nassau Street New Fork, NY 10038 re: Orient Coffee Company. Inc. Serial No. Suff OP 1126712 Dear Mr. Mallin: This will respond to your letter of July 15, 2002 and will confirm the message 1 left on your answering machine on July 17, 2002. The subject license certificate was issued on April 30, 2002. Once the license certificate is issued there is no procedure to rescind the approval or to reopen the inquiry into the application. 'We have conducted an investigation into the question of false material statements being made in.the application. This may result in charges to revoke the license. If you wish to discuss this matter further,please do not hesitate to contact me. Very oG. cKeon. Counsel TGM/rn ESTABLISHMENT QUESTIONNAIRE .gee instructions for diagrams required in support of this application 1 . PREMISES - PHYSICAL LAYOUT a,nv opcning to other parts of the building? 0 17 YES r e: vcscrtbc and show on the floor plan: ny owstdc area or sidewalk raft used for the sale and consumption of alcoholic NCS YES ^e�'•ragcs' t yrs. arc same in compliance with local municipal ordinance? n NO YES Dc and show on the floor plan: 2. VQTTHEN " a ?,ochen be operated by the applicant? Na D-4ES :.:oc avaiiable for sale? S GttM.�tN0 YES ..es Describe the type of food: t Aere 3. PROPOSED METHOD OF OPERATION 7r5crsae your proposed.method of operation(include the following: principal business to be conducted,dawn open,hours of :peration,capacity of premises,ryas of any�ntsrsaitlment,ntamber of staff including manager, how much time the licenser w,it devote to she business): (anach additional sheets as necessary) 783 L n dad 10 •L 'TO T. �..{ if +f. 41 l � r MIJ I b 1 3« . \41 A \ 1 . . z. . To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place,New York NY 10007 Re: License#SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with noprevious commercial occupancy, with r inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature_" 41,16 rrz Name (print)6ith, A,UiTI�E Address Je>0bX 3q2-2- Q LL 110 To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUIT OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) xo// 'A'0'04.�p ������n . aec Z V"e Afress �� To: Mr. Fred J Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previo s commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection- Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) ±2 :% fJi oww Address om, / xx�xxxxxxxxx� �x �� � --------- To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a } quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature - Name (print) ��'Z1�'1 V Address To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUT F OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) STANLEY I RUBIN P.O. BOX 515 Address nQi€p�T 41y 11 QF7 ------------ To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) I— t 11 -DA- K �C2 Address _ ��.. ! t e i a To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, Me strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print)14�444 /,E 30 Al �4 A:2 27 -�Zlc- Address IV7 To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State (!f New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with A inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) S z _ } /6e 4 V/, Address �v � 393 �36 y",1-4- 6-9- 1 . (2R-iog-" 7 ,,j t R Z— To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) t�/V 1 gm QT( 0 Address ( 0 u 3 2 To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, Me strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this lieensa Sincerely, E Signature Name (print) �. �; � t Address / �— To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name—(print) f � L Address X 09.5_ y� �N C-S �1� 1� i2lL=fit! ( _�/ps- 7 T'C,.-& 3 1� To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license- Sincerely, Signature Name (print) ice✓ -_ '_ 1 I� l�) 1 l C 1'l i Address PD• �i ,i,kL 7 To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) Address � 5� � �/C ��i%�yv G�/,Jl� C? /�� iv /VY j' /�5"7 To: Mr. Fred J Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signatur Name-_(print) _X� C)Q Address V �� ��•�' To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature C � c�h V'-Wc Name (print)___± Address To:Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) . A. Mould Address POB 445 Viilacie Lane Orient, NY 11957 G- ,7-0 To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a .site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, SignaturezRp Name (print) v �. Address SILL PI ��z✓ ✓� ��, ti�;7( S��L� 0ltl�J i NEW Q,ei� /j cI - � i To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangero s intersection. Please revoke this licenses Sincerely, Signature Name (print) O i2 Q , /,z/«'S Address /� S /�•C/�S ��i lQ �l Q C% i(l/�/y, To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, Me strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name_(Print) i A 7-2�r�P ,�.� Address �rx7r�r x�rx v�*'kWyeWWWWW'ArX W*7*FW* r7*9c�F.kAF.ti�re*.kWW- WWWW c ye�rycYrycx xycvcxxxx�rYc y:yc To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this licenses Sincerely, .74 �" Signature (-,lG Name (print) Address��/ 0ia 7✓T To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no prehious commercialkhou�ic�nsey with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please reg Sincerely, Signature Name (print) 145 Z S S"7�v�'So „/ Address rlo� orz��.r lv ✓ Yo !i�5� . Gioffre, trusion into a rm Man D e strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits ial neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, et resident g inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this Sincerely, Signature Name (print) ` r lC17, Address 5 t To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, J. Signature Name (print) Address )2 cly- I' vin Oy\ �e V To: Mr, Fred J Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dea Mr. Gioffre, Strongly protest the award of the above license. Itermits a p n intrusion m quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous co mercial occupa cy with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this lice Sincerely, 1 Signature ) , 'i d`ej Name (print) r Z'/- Address LAddress /0 To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, UWe strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature / ✓ Name_(print) Address'sif' lz� To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, -I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, SignatureName—(print) Address a`)5 gt9C� �-•PsNE ' O Ct�?Z' , NLl \95 rl To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) Address To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) Address To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUIT OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) Cl- /14D Y S Address ' xx�rx�ryrxxxx:r•,e icyeyeyeycycx�t'�r�ex:bYcycycY:YCYc�Y�e-7e:YYeye�YYeeYYtYcYeYeYeYe9r 3e�&:Y-k:F�3c�:�:�Y4c3:3c9c k7c:F�L-:F�c�:4c�.4:�c To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) Address � 4i-Aj" (Z,v=o OrC i e *�e�k�e�r�k3r��r•k�k3c�c��c�c��e�c�c�e�c�klcue:F�•lc**•Ie�e�Y�c�r�e�c9e�k*�k��c�c•�:7rx�c�Y•k xyc�xxi��rxyc��c�•,�:.-r x x::...�.. To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of.New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, Lo strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please reoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) Address C' xxxxxxxxxxxxxx�y;�Ye�Yv��kYcycYcyc�Y�k�ck�Y�hk�c9edr�F�t3e�k�c�e�c-1r�e�c-k�e�c-kde�k��c�Y�-k�Y�3r�e�*�k�c^k�e k�e�c To. Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature r Name (print) Address /110 Li }1 S ��' l nT- l 61 `J To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature 1 Name (print) �� � � _��� ac Address To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) Address f. "G�t-���t-~ c 1tic�-✓�� f�� �/ J� To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, UWe strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license- Sincerely, n Si ature t 4LL—&— T Name (print) cltl— Address 2 Z S To: Mr. Fred T. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please roke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) G G ✓� i i� �� l G L-� l f� Address 7-,5-Z /moi Y�/N ��Cl Ulm( t"r�'�" To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of'New York Licensing Services, I1 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, UWe strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature 2 y 4 f 43 U 6,1 Go Name (print) Address ��c�tycytYcYCYCYe 7c:k Ycycxxxxxxxxxxxx•Kxxxcxxxx xA..............„„„,.,..,,.,. ... . .. ........ _ __ _-- - r To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license Sincerely, Signature --- s Name (print) /rte �� �,�7 A/ y f 4 Address jr ._ �*9c�C•�k�•,��*��k�C�C�e�k9c�c'Jc�c�k**�k�Y�r�e�Y�k�C�Y�k�9cd.�e*�C�C�F�k�Y�k��c:hk�Y�eJe�e�Y��1C�C�c�F�c•,ti�E••t�xy:Yc�e�e�c�c To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, _ Me strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this licenses Sincerely, Signature t.t vrs Name (print) 1 + C AJ (' t� 1N S V R Address F. /, /s.'L N y To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, 7 Signature Name (print) /lV z rTZ-�- C f � Address �a " %��� x �'..-'t"f"C�c X'fk"X'xYC KYC X A�yCYCyC JC A':FYGYcyc'7FYc'�c)Y'iF�Cyl'YCx'YCYfYC'X3C�C X�C'�C�:'�F)l�Yc�7CYCyCYc�yc�FY:�x";:YC7c7tX�71'iC�'YC'Y:7C7c'Y: To. Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, Me strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) 2 0'((D 7?�I Address //OQ �� � � ,/✓�X i lJ.?i ;,j%�-- //o To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name rint Address � �_ ..-.. ....... ...... �� cx�c rycYcvrYc�YY 9c�^Iccd 4e3c� To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature , Name (print) a- iv IV sQ .-j Address To:Mr. Fred J. Gio�re, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license: It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license- Sincerely, icenseSincerely, Signature Name (print) 11"� cs Address ( VI U.-�-l;k�— cm nvj Cl. ..�.._..,.�,r,r,r,ru,►rh: *•k.k*4..r�rkir�rJr-k k - - - „-. ........._... i To: Mr. Fred J. Gio foe, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature__ Name (print) Address �/' y< <.1� L— -'�- / d 1 (,e 1 l pis �-- To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Semites, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, Me strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature yWOV- Tr-1171135 Name (print) N. ``'1�C�1' Address V� l.f� ��' � � , -Pb -6�,6Y l b0S I t-y\A To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, II Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature �I Name (print) /�-k o K� Address To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Mrs. Frances K. Demarest 29535 Main Road Signature ,/ Orient LI, NY 11957-1183 Name (print)�15� �}l��_ / ,l) �L Sx 7 Addressi��.2'�J *•'JC•`h'YCYC"T'IC'/:KTC"iC'iCYC'7C'/C`F"n-iCT.F'.....:"A'%..:h.n..K....."..rv'..'n"n. : ry it..n�'.. : is..•. ....::.. ............ ....... To: Mr. Fred J Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Semites, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, yWe strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) �/ �' / lk / Z 5 6 INI Address ,�� To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company It Dear Mr. Gioffre, VW strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, I Signature !� • Name (print) Address j p To: Mr. Fred J Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, i Signature -� Name_(print) / ✓ �. '�� Address To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this licenses Sincerely, r Signature- i Name-(print) EfL J. d Address To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of'Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, -I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, g G�iwc� Si nature Name (print)_ Ia- ,d E-j Address 10 ) `I '/I l To. Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, SignatureG — Name (print) Address cD 77�f To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, --T Signature ate, Name (print) , Address--& ' / ^7 To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, .ll Signature Name (print) (P Address r�� vr � J .,�.c-, �xx�r�rX Yt,4inir�k�ieahk�k-k ,ktiti,Y�tritr,t-k.�ied.�r,k,k�k�e/.�i�k�Y�k k k�e�r�r��e,kx�k�C,wr�k��x� WoKs-f To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner l- �,. S r'1/o�" , ,Fdr l Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Dea ft,jo I+� Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712;Orient CoffeeCompany 4o ka,jope4N f"of Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with C"��`'�• inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, n revs k-c Signature Name (print). MkR( ANNE 2 • U9:1 L OA-IJ Address .2. 6 oum-cos �rler ) v �Q= t � 7 ��k�-k�Y�k kk��i-4r�htc�keksti�Trvhk�F4r4e*�InksYokd k�Y�k�kx9a9i�F��k�k9F�hk,h�Y�hk�Y�frJc�k�+e�trk9e�kr9t�Y-A�k k�k-kdrk�e To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 100076 Re: License#SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company -P leer T-4s a tKt Dear Mr. Giuffre, Stew ' We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site:with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name_(print) ►J t A121'QTL�( �i Address 0 ad Or&t To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature f Name (print) ��o n �- , ,U( u �—L [ �tI tJ Address 3 S o ,Sc U A-1-r) l,r- a -w To: Mr. Fred J Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, L/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature L Name—(print)_ Address 1 ,01 7 TO: Mr. Fred J Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State qf New York Licensing Services, I I Park Place, New York NY 1000 7 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, IlWe strongly protest the award of the above license. Itpermits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with noprevious commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (prino--4 CII Address. --S To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) 4E L F—N PR o L) D AddressNJ To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an i'ytrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with ina a uate ar tng and odangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. incerely, Signature Name (print) Address o�`oZ� -� J1A,PC1 IV R) ZtNE U. To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP.1126712, Orient Coffee Company i Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking a n a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name_(print) i Address 3y� �D p C 7 y c Fo 7 } To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY.10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, FWe strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, SignatureA �^�-- Name (print) b►v.z �s.- ��•/ Address_�Q�C 7 N ��„ INSS"�] e*4r�e�dc�c9c�k�rroti�F�Y�'+k�c�k�de�Y�4ede�e��Y�k�E'�c�Y�Y�Y9e3e3t9t9e9e�e��t�Y�r'��'�dc'�Ye`�Yc'YCYt�FyFyF"ve xyer�'x iexxx-xxrcxxx-. To: Mr. Fred.I. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, I1 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, gSi nature _ Name (print) IVG�Gj��` f lj 0 Address ��� YI ( / pV (�V t -7,3 \/ J l /Jjs o Dear Mr. Gioffre, LIV strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) AddressD'�oZ To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature % Name (print) Address ri cxxxxxvtyeveyc�F�F ti�t�c�Y �Y�cee�tiy2" Yex F ., ,xxvcyc3ce �c�e�e3r�c To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, 1/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) �( Address /� Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature ��✓��/ Name (print) U Address To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, / i Signature Name ("print) Address To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, II Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUT F OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/4M strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this licenses Sincerely, Signature Name (print) Address fo . �X a , 06,.I, &1 /1110 W" r "914� -may — idi ttif- of W►ir� V.� Q6v7- r To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I1We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. e o C2 Sincere! Signature 0/V ��_� ten` \\\ Name_(print) �- _ :_ r l�,.� �`,� Address 17 To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signatu ' Name (print) U Address���� ;; 9e9c9e�k9nY�l•*�r�r�9c��r�e�c9r�r�r�r��e�k3c�Y��c�Y3e`3e��r�r-F9rdr3r��e�k�e�e3r�k;f k:E�r k-�3r�r�k�e�r�r��r��dr:t-��e�r�:�k�: To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature ''z--- Name rint Address To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (pr t) ��-bT 914 PA Address zb35 EFCA't c R3A> � "( (1`1S7 ---------- T To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) lU�l-d l�i ,q . (�i4 7 ,Address O . L�o (� L, i` 7 (�� , ( �1 � r� � �� -- ------------------- To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) Addressf�4 To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of-New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, UWe strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a sc e�with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate par ' g and n a dangerus intersection. Please revoke Ois license. Sincerely, ,- r Signature Name print).. Address To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUF'F OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature d Name (print) l v'1 h Address S 7 y'h f s t To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) Address Z-? 71r ;/tA /-11V 0 rz-L 6V l + I� To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, Me strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhod at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and ange'ous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) o Address Mr. Robert G. Schnnor 335 Soundview Rd. Orient, NY 11957 ------------- To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, II Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood,:at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signatu e ,� �'y�2a✓% �{ I l j Name (print) �-rvtiA�S C� L�,aC., �c� \^I :�-!�'; Address To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signaturejv� l� J Name (print) Address /G g, To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SU. F OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) `� �- •lam'(" Address co To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP.1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I1We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature r Name (print) _�<<.� L:, ( �"l<: Address r '.. �f`kYCxxx __ ,cycxxxx.. __ ._..- _..----•-__ "-..- _.-._._—__� �_._-_. xccxxxSFSk- r dc*7'�c�F�k -k9c9c9c9t�k�e To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, FWe strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature 4�4� Name (print) IOW6t' ,5;o l � 1 s AddresJ� To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUPF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license- Sincerely, Signature - Name (print) Address 02 7 I5 7 To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Depute Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUT F OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) David RitcheY P.O. Boa 572 Address (Ment ICY 11957 To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name_(print) 14,11 g hl,q `f lee Address� f�/ To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/1, strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature )- a-,L,, Name–(print)— Address ame (print)Address ;�r� / %�T% / � iL�✓ C�ci C-�-P.cw�c-u_2/ �i'vc/LC•7/✓���,-�-c_. ��,c.L.� .i-''L2 �"L(.,,c_.L�rc-C�L.�j �'`/ C?.ivv✓ ./fes•_-G.,--t/�,/���vC.a�; -�/`-C._ CZ�iGGv�-t:_it✓ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxcx ac ac c cnn n............n.................................................. _._ _ To: Mr. Fred J Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, Me strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) Address {�0jC 2 zs., �`f 0 L" To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) Address JIS ��� S To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUT F OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature c ----__ Name (prino-'r 1� 6�.�C-rC i Addressl�U � .��' lez-() To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, VWg,strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print)-Ro, L Address To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, UWe strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, { Signature -z r >2 Name (print) w1,-411." W/0/1(6e'-// 17) Address l >vJ� (/yam © I% 43;V% LA VS 7 74 Mr, William Mauceri 1265 Uhl Ln. Orient, NY 11957 To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, UWe strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, / Signature Name (print) Address //'�z6C la1-2C ( // 0I A To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUfF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature��� 2 Name (print) 1 ALc1:2L'7&-4-i071— i c--z6 &7L . TZ Address To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no preti�ious commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) c H �� I d rA M ,--IVe,, � I Address 3 20c. > . 4 aA To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, FWe strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature_' Name (print) Address rQ 13ox 3'-i r!i f %� ti� 1 l g ci .. 0 To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUT F OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, .I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature_ �;� �� j Name (print) Address e ) I-3ox 0.3 f a e-t17 To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, I1 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name_(Print) ��l✓R� j Address l� �� 3 (�L � ��S- 5 9 To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, C Signature 11C a Name (print) if s /� /l''-',671VA11 A44Y Address �d 6d k 7 All /617 1 u: LYlr. Lieu J. VbUfff'e, Lepuly Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place,New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, VWe strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) oCFO Address • To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, UWe strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature 'c'-G --- Name (print) �El PrL '�(� (� 14t>'l f�(`rc�S C~' l: Address To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, FWe strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, J�e� } Signature "'"" �- � U Name (print) �oN A-4A •Y �CE C'V M 1 NA Y LE Address o K � �j To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, Me strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) Gi(C:C K �' ICf GCU c� L-L.0YC4 MIC, U Address McGough 40655OOrcharchard St. P.O.Box 9 Orient,NY 11957 To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occu ancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please r e t is liven Sincerely, Signature Name_(print) I%b!-4 M (1'i t 1 , Address l c( y d U 1 t1�_G ��1Q —7 To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequa arking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Since el Signal b' Name (print) q✓ L,► , �,7�i:� �.�7rr T /�h/ Address 's To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a } quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, f Signature Name_(prc t) U S �} ., Address ri f �1 4 v� To:Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature �. � �u ✓" �z� arc. . J Name (print) Lo v 5 L /; C� W i L L/ y�, V Address 16 J^ i` . To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company 4 Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature tr' � Name (print) Address s. I D 0 �� T To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, - Sign Name (print) o Address CO 5�� � Q1L(JCr'1 ��i� (\�t'1 L /�� To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) S C SE Address %7 f 1r.�-.o?e-,xz,-S r Dear Mr. Gioffre, _ I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this li nse. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) Address �� 5— To: Mr. Fred J Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 1000 7 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, IlWe strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy,, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerel y 4L V, 0- Signature Name—(print)— Address 0 To: Mr. Fred J Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OPI 126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear.31r. Gio�ffjre, -�(*e trongly protest the award of the above license. Itpermits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no preWous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license Sincerely, Signature Name (prin t t) L t I e L Address To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUT F OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) J i'}^�� Ni Cyw iy D L L / �- l—/1 i�'vi"'91V LL y Address 5%LS 1 �u�� �2�- �d o5 �^/_`L, E5Diane Prank Connolly 45 Plum isla and I.n riantNY 1 1 957-1 309 To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate arking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerel , Signature Name (pri 7 A M 9'S V• G IZA C15 p w C 6 9 . 6!R.4 C Address j � o W t i'4 W LA , O� ► EN� , ^, � X95 y �1 To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signatures Name (print)) Addresses �' V To: Mr. Fred J Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parkin and on a angerous intersection. Please revoke this license Sincerely, Signature rV UI E� Name (print) r= i�f �� ��i�� 4�IV ��/ffi 4- Addresses T f /' %� r�► C!1� C /,. 7t� / l 1e/ 7 To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print)_ I�o f�Z �w %sr�•�' Address z S'l D (� Lv 1�r��� L �• u � f / y �yfo `3:.-``-:i.J-' 2' L'(/-.G-- //L CC-�-c�zf_. G' (/'tii_:: L�-�_�G.%✓.i'L-C 1. � � V--z'�v Yc_- �Z..C+-, �..'t'i-�-cx'.,E-tom.-"/�`.,� tG.N�.._.L.:..�.-( c..;�,6-��✓ _.�..��� �-'�c.�- .. "���i��''(,� rnjormattuft,yu.. �;��e�r3c����e�e k7t•:k�e�e3c�e���e��e�e�r��e3e�t�t�e k�-k�e3e3e3c Y�e�e�e�e�e3e9e k�e�:3:�e'k�e9e�:�Yx�^k�:�r�e�e�e9e�Hk�e�9e�e�e�e To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, UWe strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, r � Signature Name (print) Address To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) Jct ri L S�✓� i`{ C rU' +i �E�. Address 130y 7 f /�S G' f l��j. �Y l e�i To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 11267121 Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) OC�C� ( . C _(Prin Address / L L � 0 �E (' r J 57 To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, -4We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature4�7 - Name (print) 'J0{'1 � �P"'eG�'e m �Kr- � Address PC) fdc>,� �� 1 (� C� b Vi aic LGc. Ck��n/��1�(�/ To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Al Signature (/�, ����2 -�-- Ceti Name (print) Address �� ox 73( L 112 (fX47— a To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of'New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York:VY 10007 Re: License #,SUFF OP 1126712. Orient Coffee Compant. Dear Mr. Gioffre. I/We strongly protest the uward of'the above liCeli.se. ft permitsan intrusior: 1./110 a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous cornmerci:al occupancy, with inadequate par a and on. a ,� us intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature VV Name (pri.nt)_ Address �x To: Mr. Fred I Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 ,I Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company a Dear Mr. Gioffre, We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a 'i quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. i Sincerely, Signatureal1/L+�2� )(�r't Name (print) tM 0,A el�01 _._�)06(✓'e� Address �1- Y �Y ric•ieYe Ye��r•��e:i•Ye�e Yc�t ti:yc Yex;rx dcxxyc veycxycx:rxxxxac xxcn n...,....,.„..„,. ......... - _ -. -. _. - -- --- -," To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, II Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighbbMood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate papti.ng and,on-a dangerous in e,rsection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Sign ature -���.C__._ .�, Name (print)'K 'j Address a i i I Dear Mr. Gioffre, e strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a 11V quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with g and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license inadequate parkin 1 Sincerely, Signature , ry , Name (print) _ Address To: Mr. Fred J Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature A L=Z � Name (print) ���' /�� Ivt✓�����:07f /�,�,�it,� Address To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, 11 Signature/ Name (print) °�^ � i �ys""✓ ff � G �, � -.� ',-.v'IS,�y����v Address ��d G' Lc'Ce f/ ., /s �a✓1�� � ' To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature V-P7-1 Name (print) �h'' Address �V C{5 U i I 3iti4 roaLt i''V� fi 3 To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Set-vices, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License # SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, 1/We .strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a danger us intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature r Name rin (Pt) Address To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of'Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, 0strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature l >._L�e� )Name (print) �.�_c- =z�- — r J Address l•�ex9:•Jc�e��C•�l-�e•k-it�r�l•�e�l•x�t�x*�e�:��F*xx�Yie kxx•�:x7ex k�:ir�e7F:k�c�t�r�:�:x•ir*�F�e>:k k k�:�:��k�k A•;�kx�c�k�c To: Mr. Fred J Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, / I Park Place, New York N I o007 Re: License #SI.'FF OP 112671?, Orient Coffee Companv Dear Mr. Gioffre, IlWe strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely. Signature '� .Jk C>'y✓ f c '�C S =�-----fit 1 v Name (print) Address_ -- To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, 1 Signature i Name (print) l l Address LfCd,"' � y To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, Me strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dang ous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print)1` /G Li/1f1AL Les�- 2 2' he Address �. 60z %'S l 1) e( ISG ��s 2Cd .. . .. ........................,...:.... f:.:-....•,.xy:.;,c•sa^x>:: r..:•:Fyc��deyc9c�YycYr�c�t�e��oF��'��L-•l.-�F��c�F To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, f'e strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dan erous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) -6gip.1 Addressd / ii i ..-,cxxxxWYeW:e Yt'�cYtxxxx It3t�k .�F�t'�t ------------- To: xxx-xxxx--- -xa To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 .Park Placc, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. At permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, ,{ o Signature Name (print) Address / 370 -&,9,kn � ' To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name_(print) J r�e '`l b i�i r I 1 p Address ��d 01I1 c Got4 i To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a t quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license Sincerely, Signature Name (print) �s r Address To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous inters cti n. Please rev ke this license. Sincerely, Signatu -A��JA4... Name (print) Addres 60 --.-...--'...... ..................n-F xxxxxYtYtx7rxx---------- ��............'----.....---'-.... To.Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company . a 7 Dear Mr. Gioffre, a I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with noprevious commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name_(print) Tt ��E t'.4ZlC �/ FF2G/ a Address t'?)-(bx L 69 t EST l 195. #i a. �I r �3 To:Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License#SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) t �,%✓ r✓� nc✓i�� �. ' Addms �� �� C T `X' l�Y7ltxryfCX'XCYfyY7CTr7{•xxx�a..c......n......n a« cxxcxxxWWWWWxxxxxW----WW—WWWW—�..................•----- To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, II Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re.License#SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, IIWe strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signatures ezc/" Name (print)'�•, l�h rL 1. 3�>;.; � 2 c jt ccs I - Address PC), Boy 5 ,_ xxxxxxxxxxxxx�r�ryeerye�rYe�r�cwyeYc�k�F��k�F��F+k�edcdFeY4cs�e�Y�c*�k�k�nf•��ede�hk9c�F�k��e�^k,�e�Y��kok k�hk�Fde9c�e*fie To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, II Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License#SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license Sincerely, r Signature till /rirl/2�� Name nt) ,,fe-r^ e, t, 11�e&✓ v� � Address - k / f To: Mn Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re. License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, UWe strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) 5\4,v I#9 G {�, pf✓ Address 1 w j C) I 67IJ To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re. License #SUIF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neig rhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking a on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature V � j Name (print) o�2�0°� Address \bZ0,0�' 'L1.`' De'\G VT eL� ytxt, NIS Loll b 10: Mr. Pred J. GigffTe, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York`NY 10007 Re: License #SUT P OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) Address � Y 2, 3 To: Mn Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re. License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) STH i`1 ��TT£aC�,P Address ( 5 /� .o. y pp D,e 1 F.�vT x) /�9s- To: Mr. Frei'J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re:License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into ca quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature �--- Name (print) Address To:Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, II Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Lear Mr. Gioffre, e strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) _ t Address V, D �l�� To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 z Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, 1/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature x G, Name (print) Address J 5 c G x OA will forward them to the Authority (and keep a record of number of responses). For information,you may also call Freddie Wachsberger, VP of ;SCSR, at 323-_3501. �•�*�:A 1:�•�c*A•k�;-l.••:c r x•J.•k��l•w••k r:n`k x•k�;•r 7..•�';l-�l••';,' • r. YC%•n">:Y•Y,X:�."I.'X^.�.'i.'1',C iCY'�CX`n':<'i.'Y."n"iC>:`n'y'h':<J.'\n'•i:i'J:'A'K To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy- Commissioner Division o f.Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services. II Park Pluc•e, York :N 1' 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orienr Coffee Compan)) Dear Mr. Gioffre, 1/We strongly protest the award of'the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancv, with y inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license.' Sincerely, .Sig n atu re. _ Name (print)_ fin. fWi'r"',�li"?I " v Address F�;<<;_ R`� _ P�.`I` l��u, �.------- -� ••� Uy puna Keep a record of'number of•responses). For information,you may also call Freddie Wachsberger, VP of SCSR, at 323-3501. l-yl-•X9c*dere�e�Fie k�;��*�F�l•k�F�,•:k��;�e�r�e k�c�l•�FXye�c•�;�,�r kF�kr,k�i•h r^x�•x�k�F�3e�e�:7r k'Je�e:k�:•x k�F k�l-x��F7F k^x>; To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of'Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New .York IVY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, UWe strongly protest the award of^the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license Sincerely, Signature Name (print) Address �i r° I UA will forward them to the Authority (and keep a record of number of responses). or information,you may also call Freddie Wachsberger, VP of SC.SR, at 323-3501. **^kms*�Init�ir�ir4r•kde Ir de*de kdt�ak�h^k�rk3relr�l-��t•�r•k�k�Yx�r�4�r�t�hk•k�ir�k�r'1r�kiY•A'�t'Ank•k'k�'Ir•k•J•lr�'��r+lr ��kk•ikk To: Mr. Fred J Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, LlWe strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license- Sincerely, icenseSincerely, Signature Name (print) _ "Ti Address To: Mr. Fred J Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park .Place 'Vlow Fork NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orienr Coffee Company Dear Mr. Giuffre, I/We strongly protest the award qf the above license. It permits an r'.ntrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this licenses Sincerely, Signature �� Name (print) Address 1- }'b } OA will forward them to the Authority (and keep a record of number of responses). For information,you may also call Freddie Wachsberger, VP of SCSR, at 323-3501. To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of'New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) 414x Address ,-._; Z:5 To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mn Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) C 1 ► 1 Address { a -e L-cw To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, i Signature Name (print). Address ^ ( � .� C � ���is i� t� :� , ��. 0,13 a To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, IIWe strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature '��✓ NfAIAP� Name (print) Address 3,9--L..-72 i �S �7'�`On i OJ-7 Mr. Gioffre, Me strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please reiloke this license Sincerely, Signature Name (print)_�/t��j e7P4 Address ��e 0 A�M 0 7J" �-S s oc, w(Ttt Ftt 57" --0 aD-(U w,,f i'(2-0 A-)T- To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) r�o7h � 5 Address 6- -71-- z 1-1 r> r �— a -i Deputy Commissioner To: Mr, Fred J Gioffre, e Control York NY 10007 Division of Alcoholic Beverage 11 bark place, New York Licensing Services, Coffee Company New o N Orient'e n .f State i .f Sta f Re: License #SU�'F OP 1126712' Or Dear Mr. Gioffre, the above license. It permits an intrusion into awith ° I/We strongly protest the award fco ' hborhood, at a site with no previous mre1'oket his lic�nse. quiet residential nntg dangerous intersection. Please inadequate parking and on a Sincerely, -� f Signature Name (print) "J Address l Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license- Sincerely, Signature Name (print) 1 � -} Address r To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, u Commissioner re� DePt3' 1 Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, _New York NY 10007 !; Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company i a Dear Mr. Gioffre, U*e strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature C"� iz&�L Name (print) 0 C AddressAd i To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUT F OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. i Sincerely, Signature Name (print) Sal C 7�A /� /YI /A/, Address /DG © C 3 f { i t S i To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner I Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, Me strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name_(print) �/;Oluq /17_7/Crn i ,V �-/U/1 N N 4 C//tMr F/(FM Address T Dear Mr. Gioffre, r! I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) Address ��k'� � ,E.tr y - � 9c�Y��k,Y�c�c�F�F*k9c9c�k�c�c�k�c�c�c�k�F�e��Y�k�c��e3c k�c�F�F�e�rdr9c�k�cdc�e�9c�:3:�c-1c�c�F�c4c3:�k�Y��c�k�:Ic�dc3e�-3c�c k3:�c3ex { To: Mr. .Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control j State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, Me strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature :5A"/� 12--A , Name (print) �� N ` '� �-- Z Address A-i 1i (/`'t /y b Dear Mr. Gioffre, t the award of the.above license. It permits an intrusion into a 11we-strongly protes occupancy, with s*borh,aod quiet residential nei at a site with no previous commercial inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please ren,oke this license. lk Signature NameJprint) Address TO: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, DeP utj, Commissioner Division of'Alcoholic Beverage Control 4 State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, Z'Vew York NY goo 7 Re: License #SUFF OP 7126712, Orient Coffee Company Aear Mr. Gioffre.. LIW, e strongly protest the award oj'the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with noprevious commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license Sincerely, Signature V V EDW Ji 8MM,JR, Name (print) P.Q.BOX 430,4�YQUN0jBQ_____ ORIENT,NY 11957-0430 Address Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license- Sincerely, Signature Name (print) Address ox 1�j �'zC) To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license- I Sincerely, j Signature ?2. Name (print) Address 1'� 1—� �1� �f /Ll�� �� •S { i i To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company � r Mr. Gioffre, e strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print -�(���� Address O yS TE i I I r..-: is—ter..:r:T:�'.—h h -•._-. ... ... 1 To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner J Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control a State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUT F OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, r� Me strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature / Name (print) IItYC o Ad '72 dress N i . . ... ......................... To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) Address c- t_pct t 6+� — Y t t tit' To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control j State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 1 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company 1 Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with '! inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature �e , Name (print) ,n Address–lo la x 3 16 e b b �a I / F To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park PlCompany York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coff Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, Signature Name (print) ` ' D C)LL Address t� O max 5 � Or Lid... ttaS �- To: Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, I1 Park Place, New York AT 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, UWe strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license- Sincerely, Signature Name (print) Address J 'To:Mr. Fred J. Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY.10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a dangerous intersection. Please revoke this license. Sincerely, SignatureL{/V Name (print) Address 'To: Mr. Fred J Gioffre, Deputy Commissioner ,Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control State of New York Licensing Services, 11 Park Place, New York NY 10007 Re: License #SUFF OP 1126712, Orient Coffee Company Dear Mr. Gioffre, I/We strongly protest the award of the above license. It permits an intrusion into a quiet residential neighborhood, at a site with no previous commercial occupancy, with inadequate parking and on a danger us intersection. Please revoke this licenses Sincerely, Signature r Name (print) Ali L Address