HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal expenditure reports Neville, Elizabeth From: Denis Meadows <Denis.Meadows@nysed.gov> Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2015 1:10 PM To: Neville, Elizabeth Subject: RE: 2014 LGRMIF Final Report Betty, We have your reports and Grants Finance's CF145 report for yesterday shows they received it from us on 9/2.There's a little delay on both sides here so that sometimes it's like two ships passing! - Denis From: Neville, Elizabeth [mailto:E.Neville(dtown.southold.ny.us] Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2015 1:05 PM To: GRANTSWEB Cc: Denis Meadows Subject: 2014 LGRMIF Final Report Importance: High Dear Sirs, I received in today's mail an"Important Notice"regarding Delinquent Final Expenditure Reports(FS-10-F) Please be advised that I filed my final Expenditure Reports on July 31,2015 by sending them certified mail with a return receipt to the NYS Archives Grants Administration. The following attachments contain copies of the reports I filed. Please let me know if you received them. Thank you, Elizabeth A.Neville, MMC Southold Town Clerk&FOIL Officer PO Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Tel.631765-1800,Ext.228 Fax 631765-6145 Cell 631466-6064 ............. ........ ... ............ ................ ............... Confidentiality Natio ... . . . ........ 1 ........ ............. . . ................................. ......... . ........... . iThis email.including ail attachments is confidential,and intended solelyfor the use of the individual or entity,to which it is addressed.This, ,1 ,communication may contain information that is protected from disclosure under State and/or Federal law.Please notify the sender immediately if you have received this communication in error and delete this email from your system.If you are not the intended"recipient ' you are notified that disclosing,copying,distributing or taking any.action.in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. .................. . . . . ...................... ..................... . ............ .............................................................. . ..... . . ........................... . 2 �I aEo°I O THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT►THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK/ALBANY,NY 12234 �o I Grants Finance �F��.t1~ Room 510W,Education Building Tel. (518)474-4815 Fax(518)486-4899 RECEIVED Email: GRANTSWEB@MAIL.NYSED.GOV 581005640067 SEP 2015 Town Of Southold 53095 Main Rd ;Southdld Town Clerk Southold, NY 11971 September 1, 2015 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer FROM: Grants Finance SUBJECT: Delinquent Final Expenditure Reports (FS-10-F) for Federal or State Categorical Grants Final Expenditure Reports (FS-10-F) for Federal Categorical grants are generally due within 90 days of project completion, while State Categorical grants have a 30 day deadline. These time frames are necessary to meet Federal and State Fiscal requirements and expenditure deadlines. According to our records, your agency has not submitted Final Expenditure Reports for the Federal or State Categorical projects listed on the reverse side, which are now overdue. All encumbrances established in connection with the projects should have been liquidated and therefore, Final Expenditure Reports should be submitted without further delay. Given the lateness of these reports, the option to use the FS-10-F (short) form for eligible programs is no longer available to your agency for these delinquent projects. All expenditure data must be submitted on the FS-10-F (long) form. A copy of the Final Expenditure Report/FS-10-F may be accessed at Grants Finance's website at www.oms.nvsed.itov/cafe/ under Forms. Failure to submit the Final Expenditure Reports within thirty (30) days will result in a stop payment being placed on all Federal and State Categorical grants awarded to your agency through the New York State Education Department If you are unable to meet this deadline, please contact Grants Finance. (SEE OTHER SIDE) CF325A:01/19/06 ss PROJECT, PROJECT # CONTRACT # END" DATE PROGRAM NAME BUDGET AMOUNT --------- ---------- -------- ------------ ------------- ',_,p 0580155463 ""'6/30/15" LOCAL GOVT RECORDS MANAGEME 99,970 J CF000 Neville, Elizabeth From: archgrants@nysed.gov Sent: Friday,July 31, 2015 4:24 PM To: Neville, Elizabeth; Neville, Elizabeth Subject: LGRMIF Final Report Submitted Your 2015 Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF)final report for project number 0580- 15-5463 has been submitted.The final report was submitted on Friday,July 31, 2015 by user elizabeth.neville.You will receive notification once your original FS-10F report,signed in blue ink, is received and reviewed. Visit the New York State Archives Online Grant System https://eservices.nvsed.gov/ldgrants New York State Education Department i ' Er as o ALBAFY ,� SOUTHOLD.MPO ; rnu. SOUTHOLD, New York ►Co 119711000 ^' .M1 Postage $ E o� =1:' 3548330971-0098 CerhfiedFee09 00- = "`07/31%2015 (800)275-8777 04:57:59 PM,, - r; ® Retum Receipt Fee ark Sales Receipt ''= 3 (Endorsement Required) re { � Product Sale Unit Final } r °Requ�o (� Ommel ;) / y Description Oty Price Price ru O 1(10 ' m _ = w Total Postage&Fees $ 7/31/21)15 �,_ ALBANY NY 12230 Zone-2 $1.86 First-Class Mail Large Env sent 0 4-.20-oz. ._ra ' o Irl NOYX;i Expected Delivery: Mon 08/03/15 M1 Ponro_ � It jaimlistratio-r- Y �.4 �' j Certified ail - #: $3.45- a � t�ra .. S�u� gene USPS Certified A Iba ►y y 12 70090820000178206491 n 230 ;f,' ;, ; Return-Receipt $2.80,, 4-= :rr Label -9590952106150181871909 > ;z Issue Postage: $8.11 f Total: $8.11 Cr Paid by: a5K °J VISA $8.11 su . _ -two= _ " 'Account 0: XXXXXXXXXXXX7730 ' `Va'�- - :+.'fie - - t "5i ' ;. �. Approval #: 02741C - _ Transaction #: 352 rRr ;3 0: g y 23903191724 ' For-tracking or inquiries.go to USPS'.com or call 1-800-222-1811. R=, 4 ; ,,,.�{ o� V;. _ Order stamps at usps com/shop or r, - `' �- cal 1;1,800-Stamp24. Go to usps.com/cl icknship to print - , v shipping labels with postage. For nu ;r,' other information call „ _ i ca ;y ' 9rZ ,r fi 1=800-ASK-USPS. '` - -;.- _ - � '�, i rtxaxx�rtzxxxxxxxxrrxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx '' '''. to , ' '-;� t, - ; A ` - xxitxurtriYcxxxrrxxxxxxxxxxxxtrrixxxxxxxxxx `t" • d lK:. `�, ;-=6_ El® Get your mai 1_when and where you -s a :: oo r _ :want _ J -it with a secure Post Office Box. ,Sign up for a box online at 3 "�A.r iz .Y--;Tix�,ltP.'�:: _ - �'e•�"`".,a>`u[:. 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Go to: https://Postalexperience.com/Pos Or scan this,code with your mobile ;. device. rlhte& FINAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY SUBTOTAL CODE PROJECT COSTS Agency Code 581005640067 Professional Salaries 15 $0.00 Project# 0580-15 -5463 Support Staff Contract# Salaries 16 $0.00 Agency Name Town Of Southold Purchased Services 40 $15,000.00 Supplies and 45 $72,302.00 Project 07/01/2014 06/30/2015 Materials Funding Dates Travel Expenses 46 $0.00 Employee Benefits 80 $0.00 From To BOCES Services 49 $0.00 Approved Budget $99,970.00 Minor Remodeling 30 $0.00 Total Equipment 20 $12,668.00 Grand Total $99,970.00 CHIEF ADMINISTRATOR'S CERTIFICATION FOR DEPARTMENT USE By signing this report, I certify to the best of my knowledge and ONLY belief that the report is true, complete, and accurate, and the Fiscal Amount Final expenditures, disbursements, and cash receipts are for the Year Expended Payment purposes and objectives set forth in the terms and conditions of the Federal (or State) award. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent information, or the omission of any material fact, may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties for fraud, false statements, false claims, or otherwise. (U.S. Code Title 18, Section 1001 and Title 31, Sections 3729-3730 and 3801-3812). Date 7/31 /2015 Signature J- 6t-q Voucher# First Scott A Russell, Supervisor Payment Finance: Name and Title of Chief Administrative Officer Log Approved MIR pd4ml evaluati' on copy. visit http:/'/`pd4-,nl. .com LGRMIF Final Signoff Page 1 of 1 Archives Partnership Trust Office ol'Cultural Education Online Catalog I Search I Home AI Horne LGRMIF Initial Application Forms: Post-Grant Award Forms: Help Home Checklist Go I Final Report Signoff Final signoff help Final Report Signoff Sponsoring Institution: Town Of Southold Project Number: 0580-15-5463 .I hereby certify that all expenditures reported in the Final Expenditure Report(FS-10-F)are directly attributable to this project,and that the Final Project Narrative that has been entered is an accurate and complete account of the project. Date: Signed: Chief Administrative Officer Print Name: ,_.. ._.Scott A._Russell, Supervisor, Town of Southold Instructions The LGRMIF Grant Program Final Signoff Form must be printed and signed at the conclusion of your project.Then scan the signed form and upload the form to your application as an attachment.Attach the form as a document/attachment to your grant application.Please put"Final Signoff'as the description for your attachment. *For applicants who do not have access to a scanner,please fax the document to(518)486-1647 or mail it to: New York State Archives Grants Administration Unit 9A81 Cultural Education Center, Albany,NY 12230 View PDF version of Final Signoff Form Cultural Education Center,Albany,New York 12230.Phone: (518)474-6926 https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/lgApplicant.do 7/24/2015 LGRMIF Final-Statistics (New) Page 1 of 2 Archives Partnership Trust Office ol'Cultural Education Online Catalog I Search I Home t Hel Home HGoRMIF me Initial Application Forms: Post-Grant Award Forms: p Checklist Checklist mm � � r_._.y__.._w,_._ ...... ._.._e........ � _� _.._._.,__._..._.... ..,_..........._.........._._.. i. Go .1 I Go J Final statistics help LGRMIF-Final Statistical Report Project Number 0580-15-5463 Institution: Town Of Southold Provide quantitative data for your project where applicable,using whole numbers only.Text,commas,spaces, blanks,etc.are not allowed by the system,EXCEPT in the field"Other".If the project has quantifiable data but is not listed,please provide a brief explanation in the comment field below,where entering text is acceptable. Cubic Feet of Records Inventoried Cubic Feet of Records Destroyed Number of Images Digitized Number of Images Microfilmed g � i y IVi pAVPtl��' Cubic Feet of Historical Records Arranged&Described Cubic Feet of Inactive Records Moved to Records Storage Cubic Feet of Records Conserved Number of Documents Made Available Online -_ Number of Series Descriptions Produced Shared Services Grants Only: Total Startup Cost Avoidance N/A Shared Services Grants Only:Anticipated Annual Cost Savings $17,315. Other(Describe below) Z � s Annual cost savings is a very preliminary figure at this time. As new workflows are implemented savings will be substanti4aon, a continuing basis far into the future. ave .t https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/saveStatisticsLgNew.do 7/31/2015 LGRMIF Final Statistics (New) Page 2 of 2 Cultural Education Center,Albany,New York 12230.Phone:(518)474-6926 https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/1gApplicant.do 7/31/2015 2014 LGRMIF Final Report 1 What was the records management problem you were trig to solve? • The Town and Village are using a digital document management system that was implemented in 2001. While this system handles most of the elements of the Town and Village records management programs it does not handle records retention, disposition or the MU-1, NYS Office of Court Administration or internal Town and Village retention schedules. These elements are all currently managed outside of the digital document management system using office software including Excel and Word as well as paper forms that are filled out by hand. This results in inefficiencies in managing these elements of the records management program. For example, all hand written forms must be scanned into the system but since they are hand written OCR (optical character recognition) cannot be used to make the forms fully searchable which results in these forms not being able to be retrieved by standard searches. All retention schedules are currently maintained in Excel by entering information about the department, records series, retention schedule, disposal date, MU-1/NYS OCA information, current status/location on the digital document management system and, if applicable, the location of the physical records in the records vault. The Excel file can be sorted by disposition date to determine which records are due for destruction. Records due for destruction are then noted and the physical records pulled from the records vault for shredding and the digital records deleted from the digital document management system manually and one by one. This is a cumbersome and almost manual process that is very inefficient and time consuming. • The current Laserfiche database is organized in a way that is tailored to each department's specific needs. That is, each department organizes folders, subfolders and documents on the system in the way that best fits how they work and need to access their documents. Currently the retention schedules for these documents are maintained outside of Laserfiche but one of the purposes of this project is to integrate these schedules into Laserfiche which has the potential to cause some issues since Records Management staff needs the database organized differently for their purposes. For instance, they typically need to view the database by retention schedule which is very different than how departments need to view the database. In order for departments and Records Management staff to have their needs met a way to present multiple views of the database is necessary to avoid conflicts between departments and Records Management staff. • The Town and Village typically receive 2500 FOIL requests from the public per year. FOIL requests need to be properly documented and this is currently done by having the public fill out a paper form by hand. This often results in illegible writing which requires Town staff to spend time following up with the requester to clarify the records they need copies of. These forms are kept on file and manually counted by staff monthly in order to track the number of requests received in order to generate statistics required by management. • Currently there are four forms that are used to document and manage the Town's records. These forms are the transmittal form, record storage form, MU1 schedule destruction form and Court records destruction form. These forms are PDF forms that are available for all departments to use. These forms are either filled out on a computer and printed on paper or are printed and filled out by hand. These forms then must be signed by the appropriate department head and are then submitted to the records management office via interoffice mail. The records management officer must sign the forms and they are then scanned into the digital document management system to document the disposition of the records. In short, this process begins with a digital form that is then printed and eventually scanned into the system which is very inefficient compared to having a form integrated with the system and processed within the system without the need for printing or scanning. Records submitted to the records management office end up needing two or three of the four forms submitted during this process and some of the same information about the records such as the records retention schedule and description must be entered on each form which creates redundant data entry compared to having the data entered once and the information automatically entered into each form. • Many Town and Village records being filed on the digital document management system contain standardized forms that are either scanned from paper copies or imported into the system from other computer systems such as the Town and Village's property management system. All documents in the digital document management system have metadata associated with them that contains key information about the document that varies by type of document such as tax map number, permit number, physical address, date, etc. This metadata facilitates searches and retrieval of documents giving'staff and the public an easy way to find the documents they need. The standard forms contain key information about the files that correspond to the information needed for the metadata. Currently this information is manually typed into the system by staff viewing the document after it has been scanned or imported into the system. This is very time consuming and often results in typos in the metadata which can cause problems with the ability of staff and the public to find documents using the standard search functions on the system. • Many records that are entered into Laserfiche involve documents that were generated by other Town and Village computer systems. Examples of these documents include building permits and purchase orders. These documents often contain information that is needed for the metadata in Laserfiche and printed copies are generated from the other computer systems and scanned into Laserfiche. Currently records management staff view these documents in Laserfiche after initial scanning to find any information needed for the metadata and manually enter it into Laserfiche which is labor intensive and can result in transcription errors. Since this data is already stored in other computer systems it would be much more efficient to have the ability to integrate Laserfiche with these other systems and extract the metadata from them directly. This would save time and increase accuracy by eliminating the need for staff to view and handle the data entry. • Many older Town and Village files are missing key information that is needed to find the files via searches because the information was not collected at the time the file was created. For instance the Town's Building and Planning departments and Zoning Board of Appeals were created in 1957 but at this time the County tax maps and tax map numbers did not exist. In addition street addresses at that time often did not include the street number and only listed the street name or in some cases the street name and which side of the street the project was on. Currently there are approximately 25,000 land use related documents on the system that do not have any tax map numbers associated with them and approximately 3,000 land use records on the system that do not have complete street information associated with them. Because of this these records will not be retrieved when doing searches on any field with missing information. The Town and Village have the ability to use their GIS to determine street addresses and current tax map numbers. However, to enter this information into the digital document management system is a time consuming manual data entry process that involves clerical staff reviewing the records, searching the GIS results for records that match a particular field of the metadata and then entering any missing information into the metadata. The Town and Village need a way to import this data into the digital document management system in bulk to eliminate the manual process. This will improve the ability of staff and the public to find records they need quickly and efficiently. • There are cases where the indexing needs of records change over time and it becomes important to expand the metadata associated with records to include additional fields. When this occurs it results in a new field that is blank for any records that were already on the system and these records end up being similar to the older records that are missing information discussed above. Often the new information is available in other computer systems and currently the only way to enter the information into the metadata is manually. Being able to perform bulk updates of metadata would resolve this issue. • Tax map numbers are a very important element of all land use records that are maintained by the Town and Village. These are entered into many records on the digital records management system including building permits, subdivisions, wetlands permits, variances, deeds and real estate transfer tax documents. Tax map numbers change over time as parcels are merged together, subdivided, set off, remapped, etc. Typically the tax map numbers entered into the digital document management system are the numbers as they were when the records were originally filed. Since the numbers can change over time this means that in order to find all records for a particular parcel multiple searches using different tax map numbers may be required. The current system allows entering multiple tax map numbers for a particular record but typically the only number known is the number as of filing. The Town is currently working with Suffolk County to obtain a database containing the history of tax map number changes over time covering the last 40 years. While this database will be a good resource to determine previous tax map numbers, in order to take full advantage of it on the digital document management system would require all of this information to be manually typed into the metadata on the system. With 40 years of history this will be a very lengthy and time consuming project. Since the data will be available digitally the Town and Village need the ability to import this data, as well as other similar data for other fields, automatically without rekeying it. Having this ability will greatly enhance the ability of staff and the public to easily find the records they need and increase confidence that they are not missing records related to their searches. • The Town and Village maintain many records series that involve various forms of agreements. These include documents such as leases, intermunicipal agreements, vendor contracts, insurance policies, consulting contracts, union contracts, benefit provider agreements and many others. Typically 100 new agreements are entered into each year and filed on the digital document management system. Since many of these are multi- year agreements there can be around 200 agreements in place at any one time. All of these agreements are filed based on the year they were executed. Since many of these are multi-year agreements this means that the currently active agreements can be spread out over many different folders and that these folders can contain both active,and inactive agreements. Many of these agreements can be renewed without the need for a completely new agreement via automatic extension language in the agreement and when this occurs the agreement is still filed by the original year it was executed. Many entities are involved in multiple agreements, either covering different topics or due to executing updated agreements over time. All of this causes access and retrieval issues for staff as well as the public. For example, when an agreement is automatically extended the public may hear about this and wish to view the agreement and search for it via the web or at one of the public terminals and not find it in the current year folder and have to follow up with staff requesting a copy of the agreement. In addition there have been issues where an agreement is on the system and based on this the Town has done work called for in the agreement despite the fact that the agreement itself had expired because the agreement in question-was found on the system but not reviewed in detail. The only solution currently available to these issues is to manually manage all of the agreements but with around 200 active at any one time this is too time consuming to be handled with current staffing levels. A much better solution that automates the filing of agreements and maintains active agreements separately from inactive agreements and'makes it clear to end users whether the agreement is active or not is needed. 2 How did you solve this problem, and what was the timeline for the project? Procure,Install and Configure Required Hardware The Town of Southold's IT Department procured and configured the server and server backup systems. Procure Required Software The Town's Records Management Officer procured the Laserfiche RIO software including Automated Workflow, Quick Fields, Records Mangement and Forms Automation. Install and Configure Software. Integration,Administrative Training General Code, the regional reseller of Laserfiche Rio, worked with the Town's GIS Coordinator to install and configure the software on the server. General Code worked with the Town's Records Management Officer, Records Management Assistant and GIS Coordinator to configure the Transparent Records Management module; create necessary workflows and assign retention schedules to all documents currently in the system. General Code worked with the Town's Records Management Officer, Records Management Assistant and GIS Coordinator to develop the online forms needed for the records management processes. General Code configured the automated workflows necessary for maintaining the retention schedules, and automating management of the agreements section of the database. General Code conducted training of the Town's Records Management Assistant, Records Management Officer and GIS Coordinator in the administration of the Transparent Records Management, eForms and Workflow modules. This training included instruction in how to use workflows to update metadata using data from other sources outside of Laserfiche. The Town's Records Management Assistant and GIS Coordinator began developing additional forms and workflows. Project Timeline September 2014- received 50% of funding for project September 2014- established capital budget for project September 2014-issued purchase order to General Code for Laserfiche RIO December 2014 - received W/MBE approval January 2015 - advertised for bids for server hardware January through April 2015 - server hardware bids all came in over budget, readvertised twice with same result. April 2015 -received acceptable bid for server hardware and issued purchase order. May 2015 - received second 50% of funding for project May 2015 - General Code installed all software and conducted all administrative training May 2015 - General Code configured Records Management workflows May 2015 - General Code and Town staff configured additional workflows and forms June 2015 - Town staff began developing additional workflows and forms and assisting users in the use of the system 3.What were you not able to accomplish? Due to the timing of the funding for this project some aspects of it have not been completed as noted below. However, all of these items are currently either scheduled or in progress. • Some online forms needed for the processing of records transmittals and dispositions have not been completed. • Automated FOIL workflow is incomplete. • Automated agreements and contracts processes have been developed and implemented but additional development is needed to fix some issues that have come to light. • Some departments still need in-house training in how to use the workflows and forms that have been developed. • Due to an unanticipated software licensing issue some departments currently cannot use the new systems. The Town is working with General Code to obtain additional licenses that will allow these departments to use the new systems. This will involve purchasing additional licensing and this will be accomplished with funding outside of the funds provided by the grant. • It is anticipated that as the workflows developed as part of this grant project are implemented and departments learn how to use them and become familiar with the capabilities of the new systems they will request additional workflows to be developed beyond those described in this grant project. 4 How did you support this project and how will you maintain the results long term? The following employees participated in the implementation of this project: Town Clerk Elizabeth Neville- project management. Records Management Assistant - received all training necessary for the administration of the new software modules; participated in the development of new automated workflows and online forms. IT Department- installed new server hardware and configured server backups. GIS Coordinator - received all training necessary for the adminstation of the'new software modules; assisted General Code with the installation and configuration of the new software; participated in the devlopment of new automated workflows and online forms. Planning Department- assisted in the testing and troublshooting of workflows and forms. Engineering Department- assisted in the testing and troublshooting of workflows and forms. These same employees and departments will continue supporting and/or using the new systems moving forward. Additional departments will begin using the new systems as additional workflows and forms are developed. Future capital budgets will be established to upgrade, maintain and keep current all records management systems as hardware and software upgrades become available. Operating budgets will be used to fund ongoing maintenance costs of the hardware and software installed as part of this project as well as other records management systems in place outside of this application. The Town will continue to maintain and use its digital document management system that has been in place since 2001. The Town's GIS Coordinator will continue to handle technical support for this system and capital budget funds have been established to upgrade and expand this system as needed. The Village will continue to have access to this system via the web. The Town will continue to maintain and use its land use/property management system that has been in place since 2010 and provide access to this system to the Village. The Town has a Records Management Officer and Records Management Assistant and the Village has a Records Management Officer who will continue to implement the Town and Village's records management programs. J The GIS Coordinator, Town Records Management Officer, Village Records Management Officer as well as all other departments will continue with our existing records management standards and procedures. Training funds will be budgeted for in the operating budgets to provide ongoing training of employees in all of the records management systems, procedures and policies. In addition, experienced Town staff will be available to train new staff as necessary. 5. What are the anticipated future cost savings from this project? (Show cost savings calculations) • Cost and time savings resulting from the reduced work necessary to manage records retentions schedules. By implementing the Rio Records Management, Transparent Records Management and Automated Workflow features the Town and Village will reduce the amount of time that staff needs to spend on assigning retention schedules to records and eliminate the need to maintain separate documents outside Laserfiche documenting the records retentions. These features allow the Town and Village to set up their retention schedules by department and folder on Laserfiche and have the automated workflow assign the appropriate retention schedule to each document entered into the system as they are entered into the system without the need for staff to conduct any data entry. Integrating the retention schedules into Laserfiche also allows for automated workflows to be created that query the database for any records that are past their retentions and automatically move them to a special folder containing documents that are due to be destroyed. This allows these documents to be deleted from the system in one action instead of individually was the case previously. It is estimated that implementation of this project has reduced staff time needed for assigning retention schedules and deleting documents past their retetion periods from 10% of their time to 2% resulting in an 8% overall time savings. Based on a typical salary in the Records Management office of $66,000 per year this yields a yearly savings_of$5,280. • Cost and time savings resulting from the reduced work necessary to create and manage the records management forms used in the Town and Village records management processes. Implementing the digital signatures, forms automation and workflow features of this project allows the Town and Village to reduce the amount of time needed to fill out and manage the various records management forms associated with the transmittal, storage and destruction of records. Implementing digital online forms within Laserfiche that have the ability to be digitally signed will eliminates the need for the forms to be printed, signed, and then scanned as they are now. In addition making these forms available within Laserfiche eliminates the need for them to be distributed via interoffice mail. Data entry into the forms is reduced by using the online forms and workflow to automatically fill in information that is needed for multiple forms and using metadata already available within Laserfiche. The Town and Village currently process approximately 350 boxes of records each year. Newly filed boxes require two forms and boxes that have past their retentions schedules require one. Based on 2013 this resulted in approximately 500 forms. Each form ends up being partially filled out by both the department whose records are involved and the records management office. It is estimated that allowing for time to fill out the form, prepare it for interoffice delivery, print it for required signatures and scan it into Laserfiche each form ends up taking a total S of ten minutes to process. This means a total of 10 x 500 = 5000 minutes or 83 hours is spent handling these forms each year. These forms are handled by records management staff, other departmental staff and department heads at different points in the process. These employees have different pay rates but assuming a blended average of $50 per hour since department heads are involved yields ayearly-cost of $4150 per year. Implementing this project eliminated the need for printing the forms, scanning the forms and preparing the forms for interoffice delivery and reduced the amount of time needed to fill out each form and reduced the time needed per form to approximately one minute_ each or reducing the time needed by 90%which equates to a savings of$3,735_per year. • Time savings entering and increased accuracy of Laserfiche metadata and file names for all records that involve standardized forms by implementing the Rio Quick Fields and Scan Connect features. Rio Quick Fields has the ability to extract index information from digital images and automatically populate Laserfiche metadata and/or name files with information based on the location of the information on the form as they are scanned using the Scan Connect feature. This will reduce the amount of work necessary to name documents and enter metadata in Laserfiche by eliminating the need to review the digital image of the document in order to find the data needed to name the digital document and/or enter into the metadata. This will also help improve accuracy by reducing the number of transcription errors that occur when manually entering data. • Automation of FOIL process and improved accuracy and management of FOIL forms. Implementing online versions of FOIL request forms using Laserfiche Forms Automation and Forms Portal and making them available on the Town and Village websites and public terminals located at Town Hall reduces the need for handwritten forms to be processed and improves readability of the forms resulting in less follow up by staff with requesters. Usimg Automated Workflow to file FOIL requests on the system and route them to the appropriate department for responses will reduce the amount of staff time spend on scanning paper forms into the system and providing copies of the requests for the departments. Having all forms filed on Laserfiche will allow the requests to be counted by using searches or view folder documents counts which will eliminate the need for staff to manually count paper FOIL forms as they do now. It is estimated that it previously took staff 7 minutes per FOIL request to review the request, determine which department or departments are needed to fulfill the request, make copies of the FOIL forms for distribution to the departments, file the request and track when the request has been fulfilled. With 2500 FOIL requests per year this equates to 291 hours of staff time per year. Ata typical hourly pay rate of$40 per hour for staff involved in this process means .$11,640 are-spent each year handling the FOIL forms. It is estimated that automating this process as described reduces the amount of staff time needs to process and file the forms down to 2 minutes saving 5 minutes per request. This results in a cost savings of over $8,300 p-eryear. • As additional automated workflows and online forms are developed other similar cost savings will be realized. Stats page info Anticipated Annual.Cost.Savings at least$17,315-fat least because the number crunching was for specific workflows and it is anticipated that many others will be implemented resulting in additional savings). LGRMIF Project Budget Page I of 5 MMME Archives Partnership Trust I Office of Cultural Education Online Catalog I Search I Home 4 J1 "'Aa. Home LGRMIF Initial Application Forms: Post-Grant Award Forms: Help Home Lgh!eckhst Checklist I Go I IGoI 1. Professional Salaries 2. Support Staff Salaries 3.Purchased Services 4. Supplies and Materials 5. Travel Expenses 6.Employee Benefits 7.Purchased Services(BOCES) 8 Minor Remodelin 9.Equipment Institution: Town Of Southold Project Number: 0580-15-5463 Project budget help Project Budget 3.Purchased Services(Code 40) Eligible/Ineligible Expenditures and Other Required Forms Describe how each of the purchased services supports the project's activities and goals. Clearly explain and justify the consultant or vendor's role in and time spent on the project,and demonstrate that the consultant or vendor is qualified to conduct this work.List purchased services from a BOCES under Code 49. Final project budget help Description Service Provider Calculation of Cost eforms training General Code 1 day at 1155. Encumbrance Date(mm/dd/yyyy) Check/Journal Entry# 09/24/2014 125131 InstContribution AmtRequested ArntAwarded AmtAmended ExpSubmitted ExpApproved N/A $1,155 $1,155 $0 1,555 $0 Description Service Provider Calculation of Cost eforms installation General Code I day at 1155. Encumbrance Date(mm/dd/yyyy) Check/Journal Entry# 09/24/2015 F 125131 InstContribution AmtRequested AmtAwarded AmtAmended ExpSubmitted ExpApproved N/A $1,155 $1,155 $0 1,555 $0 Description Service Provider Calculation of Cost Transparent records General code 4 days at 945.50per day management installation https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/BudgetSelect?tab=5&p=lg 7/31/2015 LGRMIF Project Budget Page 2 of 5 Encumbrance Date(mm/dd/yyyy) Check/Journal Entry# ______ 09/24/2015 _ 125131 InstContribution AmtRequested AmtAwarded AmtAmended ExpSubmitted ExpApproved N/A $3,782 $3,782 $0 3,782 . $0 Description Service Provider Calculation of Cost Laserfiche General Code 4 days at 1013.50 per day Training Encumbrance Date(mm/dd/yyyy) Check/Journal Entry# 09/24/2015 125131 InstContribution AmtRequested AmtAwarded AmtAmended ExpSubmitted ExpApproved N/A $4,054 $4,054- $0 4,054 $0 Description Service Provider Calculation of Cost Laserfiche General Code 4 days at 1013.50per day installation Encumbrance Date(mm/dd/yyyy) Check/Journal Entry# 09/24/2014 _ 125131 InstContribution AmtRequested AmtAwarded AmtAmended ExpSubmitted ExpApproved N/A $4,054 $4,054 $0 41054 $0 Save Expenses I Purchased Service Totals(Code 40) Amount Requested Amount Awarded Expense Submitted Expense Approved $14,200 $14,200 $15,000 $0 Grand Totals for all Budget Categories Amount Requested Amount Awarded Expense Submitted Expense Approved $99,970 $99,970 $99,970 $0 5.Purchased Services(Code 40) Describe how each of the purchased services supports the project's activities and goals.Clearly explain and justify the consultant or vendor's role in and time spent on the project,and demonstrate that the consultant or vendor is qualified to conduct this work.List purchased services from a BOCES under Code 49.Eligible/lneligible Expenditures and Other Required Fonns Install and Con sure Software.Integration.Administrative Training General Code,the regional reseller of Laserfiche Rio,will work with the Town's Database Administrator to install and configure the software on the server and integrating the new server with the Town's existing records management server. General Code will work with the Town's Records Management Officer,Records Management Assistant and Database Administrator to configure the Transparent Records Management module, create necessary workflows and assign retention schedules to all documents currently in the system. General Code will work with the Town's Records Management Officer,Records Management Assistant and Database Administrator to develop the online forms needed for the records management processes. https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrantsBudgetSelect?tab=5&p=lg 7/31/2015 LGRMIF Project Budget Page 3 of 5 General Code will configure the automated workflows necessary for maintaining the retention schedules, processing the online forms developed for the records management processes such as transmittals and dispositions and automating management of the agreements section of the database. General Code will conduct training of the Town's Records Management Assistant,Records Management Officer,Database Administrator and Village staff in the administration of the Transparent Records Management,eForms and Workflow modules. Deliverable: The following deliverables will be completed under this task: Installation of Rio and all other software on the server. Implementation of Transparent Records Management Creation of workflows necessary for managing retention schedules and assignment of retention schedules. Creation of workflows necessary for managing agreements. Administrative training for the Town's Database Coordinator,Records Management Officer and Records Management Assistant. Note:the figures listed above for Laserfiche Rio base software,add-ons and support(budget code 45)and General Code Enterprise Content Management Installation,configuration and training(budget code 40) do not match the General Code quote attached to the application due to a software credit included in the proposal. The Town is entitled to this credit as an existing General Code customer and the credit applies to the overall quote. The numbers included in the above table were calculated by assuming that the credit applied proportionally to these two items based on their percentage of the overall project. The break down of budget code 40 Purchased Services for this project is as follows: Item DaysRate Per Day Total eforms training 1 $1,115.00 $1,115.00 eforms installation 1 $1,115.00 $1,115.00 Transparent records management installation 4 $945.50 $3,782.00 Laserfiche training 4 $1,013.50 $4,054.00 Laserfiche installation 4 $1,013.50 $4,054.00 Grand Total $14,120.00 Software Installation and Configuration and Training General Code is the regional reseller and support vendor of the software being purchased as part of this project. They have been installing and supporting this software since its initial development approximately 5 years ago and are experts in all elements of installing the software. Having General Code handle the software installation will save significant time compared to Town staff having to learn how to install the software and then install it themselves. In addition,since installation will only need to be done once and the system will be backed up on a regular basis there is little usefulness in Town staff learning the details of handling installations since even if the server crashes the software will be restored from a backup. General Code will also be configuring the software and integrating it with the existing Laserfiche system. With their expertise and knowledge of the capabilities of the software and experience in implementing it for many other customers they will be able to implement this project in the most efficient way and ensure that the Town and Village end up with the system configured the way they need it to be. During this process Town and Village staff will be working closely with General Code and gaining hands on training in all aspects of the software and its capabilities so that when the project is completed they will be able to handle administration of the software moving forward with General Code then handling typical remote technical support as they have for Laserfiche since 2001. Under the Town's procurement policy the installation,configuration and training services being provided by General Code are considered professional services and General Code is considered a sole-source vendor so three quotes are not required. They are considered a sole-source vendor because they are already providing the Town with software support services for Laserfiche as they have been since 2001 and this project is expanding the existing https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/BudgetSelect?tab=5&p=lg 7/31/2015 LGRMIF Project Budget Page 4 of 5 system. This has been confirmed by the Town Comptroller. General Code is a top 5 government reseller of Laserfiche in the United States,offering more than twelve years of experience,coupled with an industry-leading consulting service,integration,training and help desk team. Every system designed and implemented by General Code is designed to fit their customers' specific needs and requirements. General Code customizes solutions that reduce the time and additional resources required to maintain the solutions moving forward. General Code brings in-depth industry experience not only to the Laserfiche software implementation but to the organization and re-establishment of the role and responsibility of the Records Manager and view it as critical that there be complete synchronization between the establishment of the management of the growing electronic archive and the ongoing physical archives. Laserfiche Rio Base Software,Add-ons This software comprises the bulk of the project budget. The Town and Village are already using Laserfiche for their digital document management system which was originally installed in 2001. These modules are now part of the Laserfiche suite of products and were designed to integrate seamlessly with our existing system and provide additional functions that are not available in the current system. These modules provide specific functionality that the Town and Village require in order to enhance and improve their records management program as follows: Rio Named Users is the base software and licensing needed. 25 licenses are being purchased based on the number of employees that participate in the records management processes,managing retention schedules and creating forms and workflows and will need access to the new modules being installed. These represent Records Management Office staff,support staff and one or two employees in each Town department. • Rio Public Portal is necessary to provide retrieval only access to the system for typical end users that only need access to documents and are not responsible for maintaining retention schedules,handling records management forms or administration of the system. • Rio Records Management and Transparent Records Management is necessary to integrate records management processes and retention schedules into the system and provide alternate views of the database for records and non-records purposes. • Rio Quick files provides the ability to extract form based data from documents as they are scanned or imported into the system and to automatically use this data to populate metadata and/or create document and folder names reducing the amount of manual data entry needed and increasing the accuracy of metadata. • Rio Integrator's Toolkit allows for the creation of import routines that will allow the bulk importing of metadata extracted from other systems into Laserfiche,reducing the need for manual data entry to enter metadata into the system and improving search capabilities by eliminating blank fields in the metadata. • Laserfiche Forms/Forms Portal provides the ability to create online forms needed to handle records management processes and integrate these forms with Laserfiche. • Automated Workflow is necessary to develop the automation needed to improve the management of the retention schedules and records management processes. This module will provide the ability to have retention schedules assigned within Laserfiche upon initial scanning or importing of documents and eliminate the need for manually assigning retention schedules in an Excel file as is done now and prepare all documents past their retentions for bulk deletion. It is also necessary to handle automatic filing of documents as is needed to improve the management of agreement records and to automate the generation and distribution of forms needed as part of the day to day records management processes such as records transmittals and records destructions. • Affinity is necessary to enable the Town and Village to integrate Laserfiche with other existing systems and allow data from these systems to be transferred into Laserfiche metadata without the need for the printing and scanning of documents from the other systems. The software being purchased as part of the project consists of modules developed by Laserfiche that provide new functionality that the Town and Village lack. These modules will build on the Town's existing Laserfiche system. General Code is the regional reseller of this software and has supported the Town's current Laserfiche system since 2001. Based on these facts the Town is not required to obtain multiple quotes for the software under its procurement policy and this has been confirmed by the Town Comptroller. https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrantsBudgetSelect?tab=5&p=lg 7/31/2015 LGRMIF Project Budget Page 5 of 5 Cultural Education Center,Albany,New York 12230.Phone: (518)474-6926 https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/BudgetSelect?tab=5&p=lg 7/31/2015 Archives Partnership Trust I Office Of Cultural Education I Online Catalog] Search Home �B�� Home Initial Application Forrnu'' Post-Grant Award Forms:� HeJR Home __ �� __-_ __' _---- __ -- -- - 'Cheok|is� Ch�ok|i�-t_____ _. 1.Professional Salaries 2. Support Staff Salaries 3.Purchased Services 4. Supplies and Materials 5.Travel Expenses 6.EmRloyee Benefits 7.Purchased Services(BOCES) 8.Minor Remodelin 9 Equipment Institution: Town OfSouthold Project Number: O58O'|5 '5463 Proiect budget help Project Budget 4'Supplies and Materials(Code 4S) Eligible/Ineligible Expenditures and Other Required Forms Dcxorihc bow all the xopphoe and materials requested will support the project uotivkjco and goals and why they are essential tothe project. Final project budget help Quantity Doaodpdou Dub9rioe Vendor l SymuntucBuoknp �55272 8Bllnt�na1ionul Exec 2012 � Purchase Order Date(oo/6J/y�yy) CbeckDoun,olEutg# - 04/2712015 125186 DuoKCootributou AntRegucoted AootA*o,dod AotAoucmdcd EzpSnbmitted BxpApyrovud N/A $552 $552 $0 549 -------- -- s0 Quantity Description OoitPrioc Vendor APC Sooart- l OPSSS}{1500 $651.00 SBIlutccou1iouoJ Duuk Purchase Order Date(nno/dd/yyyy) Cboo&Jonrnu1Eotg'# _` _--__- -- _ 04/27/201512518O luuKCoutribndon AmtReguoxted /\notArvu/dod AntAmeoded ExpSubooitted £zyApp»oved N/A $651 $651 $O 095 $O (}uuodty Description 0ni/phoe Vendor l $762.05 8Bl International htt»a://o3crviocs.oyscd.gnv/ldgruuto/BodgntSe}ect?iuh=7&p=lg 7/31/3015 LGRMIF Project Budget Page 2 of 3 NAS Server Buffalo TeraStation ES Purchase Order Date(mm/dd/yyyy) Check/Journal Entry# 04/27/2015 125186 InstContribution AmtRequested AmtAwarded AmtAmended ExpSubmitted ExpApproved N/A $762 $762 $0 804 $0 Quantity Description UnitPrice Vendor 1 Software $70,254.00 General Code Purchase Order Date(mm/dd/yyyy) Check/Journal Entry# 09/24/2014�-, 125131 InstContribution AmtRequested AmtAwarded AmtAmended ExpSubmitted ExpApproved N/A $70,254 $70,254 $0 70,254 $0 Save Expenses i Supplies,Materials Totals(Code 45) Amount Requested Amount Awarded Expense Submitted Expense Approved $72,219 $72,219 $72,302 $0 Grand Totals for all Budget Categories Amount Requested Amount Awarded Expense Submitted Expense Approved $99,970 $99,970 $99,970 $0 7. Supplies and Materials(Code 45) Describe how all the supplies and materials requested will support the project activities and goals and why they are essential to the project.Eli gible/lneliizible Expenditures and Other Required Forms Buffalo TeraStation Network Attached Storage The Town's current server backup scheme involves backing servers up to Network Attached Storage(NAS)devices that allow the Town to back up all data to the NAS as opposed to more costly solutions that involve tape drives and multiple back up tapes. The Town has standardized on Buffalo TeraStation NAS devices and will be installing another one as part of this project in keeping with the current standards and to provide additional redundancy of our overall back up scheme. The 12G model was chosen because it will be able to store multiple complete backups of the entire server even if the server is 100%full to capacity. Three quotes were obtained for this and the lowest quote was used for the budget. Copies of these quotes are included as part of this application. APC Smart UPS(Uninterruptible Power Supply)Tower The Town's standards for setting up application servers include connecting all servers to UPS units to prevent down time and protect the servers and their data from power outages and spikes. The focus of this project is a server that will run records management applications that will be needed by Town employees on a day to day basis and a UPS is necessary to ensure availability of these applications to employees. The Town has other APC units in service and has been very satisfied with their performance and wishes to stick with this brand for this project. The lowest of three quotes were used for this project budget and all three quotes are included in this application. Govt Express Backup Exec The Town has standardized on Backup Exec as it backup software solution and it is in place for all servers. Additional licensing will be necessary to back up the server being requested as part of this application. Three quotes were obtained for this software and the lowest quote used for the project budget. All three quotes are included as https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrantsBudgetSelect?tab=7&p=lg 7/31/2015 LGRMIF Project Budget Page 3 of 3 attachments to this application. Laserfiche Rio Base Software,Add-ons This software comprises the bulk of the project budget. The Town and Village are already using Laserfiche for their digital document management system which was originally installed in 2001. These modules are now part of the Laserfiche suite of products and were-designed to integrate seamlessly with our existing system and provide additional functions that are not available in the current system. These modules provide specific functionality that the Town and Village require in order to enhance and improve their records management program as follows: Rio Named Users is the base software and licensing needed. 25 licenses are being purchased based on the number of employees that participate in the records management processes,managing retention schedules and creating forms and workflows and will need access to the new modules being installed. These represent Records Management Office staff,support staff and one or two employees in each Town department. Rio Public Portal is necessary to provide retrieval only access to the system for typical end users that only need access to documents and are not responsible for maintaining retention schedules,handling records management forms or administation of the system. Rio Records Management and Tranparent Records Management is necessary to integrate records management processes and retention schedules into the system and provide alternate views of the database for records and non- records purposes. Rio Quick files provides the ability to extract form based data from documents as they are scanned or imported into the system and to automatically use this data to populate metadata and/or create document and folder names reducing the amount of manual data entry needed and increasing the accuracy of metadata. Rio Integrator's Toolkit allows for the creation of import routines that will allow the bulk importing of metadata extracted from other systems into Laserfiche,reducing the need for manual data entry to enter metadata into the system and improving search capabilities by eliminating blank fields in the metadata. Laserfiche Forms/Forms Portal provides the ability to create online forms needed to handle records management processes and integrate these forms with Laserfiche. Automated Workflow is necessary to develop the automation needed to improve the management of the retention schedules and records management processes. This module will provide the ability to have retention schedules assigned within Laserfiche upon initial scanning or importing of documents and eliminate the need for manually assigning retention schedules in an Excel file as is done now and prepare all documents past their retentions for bulk deletion. It is also necessary to handle automatic filing of documents as is needed to improve the management of agreement records and to automate the generation and distribution of forms needed as part of the day to day records management processes such as records transmittals and records destructions. Cultural Education Center,Albany,New York 12230.Phone: (518)474-6926 https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrantsBudgetSelect?tab=7&p=lg 7/31/2015 LGRMIF Project Budget Page I of 2 E Archives Partnership Trust Off=Of Cultural Education Online Catalog I Search I Home Lq Home LGRMIF Initial Application Forms: Post-Grant Award Forms: Help Home 1-7�'Check_hst W, Checklist I Go I I Go I 1. Professional Salaries 2. Support Staff Salaries 3.Purchased Services 4. Supplies and Materials 5. Travel Expenses 6.Employee Benefits 7.Purchased Services(BOCES) 8.Minor Remodeling 9.Equipment Institution: Town Of Southold Project Number: 0580-15-5463 Project budget help Project Budget 9.Equipment(Code 20) Eligible/Ineligible Expenditures and Other Required Forms Describe how the requested equipment will be used to support project activities and goals,and demonstrate why this particular equipment is critical to the project's success.Demonstrate how such equipment will be used on an ongoing basis after the grant to support records management. Final project budget help Quantity Description UnitPrice Vendor Server Dell $13,551.00 SHI International R720XD Purchase Order Date(mm/dd/yyyy) Check/Journal Entry# 04/27/2015 125186 InstContribution AmtRequested AmtAwarded AmtAmended ExpSubmitted ExpApproved N/A $13,551 $13,551 $0 12,668 $0 I Save Expenses Equipment Totals(Code 20) Amount Requested Amount Awarded Expense Submitted Expense Approved $13,551 $13,551 $12,668 $0 Grand Totals for all Budget Categories Amount Requested Amount Awarded Expense Submitted Expense Approved https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/BudgetSelect?tab=3&p=lg 7/31/2015 LGRMIF Project Budget Page 2 of 2 $99,970 $99,970 $99,970 $0 3.Equipment(Code 20) Describe how the requested equipment will be used to support project activities and goals,and demonstrate why this particular equipment is critical to the project's success.Demonstrate how such equipment will be used on an ongoing basis after the grant to support records management.Eligible/Ineligible Expenditures and Other Required Forms The Town has standardized on Dell servers for application server systems as this reduces support and server administrative costs compared to needing to support servers from multiple vendors. A new server is necessary for this project because all of the Town's existing servers were designed and sized to handle other specific applications and do not have the space or power to handle the new software being purchased. The server specifications are based on guidelines published by Laserfiche and recommendations of General Code based on their experience implementing similar systems for other customers. This server has been designed to handle the anticipated space and loading requirements needed to efficiently implement the new software modules being purchased and is expected to handle these needs for the next 5-7 years without the need for any upgrades. The server is designed so that it can be upgraded if needed in order to extend its useful life or improve performance if necessary. The pricing of this server is based on New York State Contract#PT64100 pricing so three quotes are not required for this application and one quote is included as part of this application. Cultural Education Center,Albany,New York 12230.Phone: (518)474-6926 https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/Budget_Select?tab=3&p=lg 7/31/2015