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Department of Public Works
Monthly Report
Date: June 2015
Town Hall
- Installed chain in meeting hall on dais
- Planted flowers
Police Dept
- Installed smoke detector in back room of the basement as per safety
- Repaired door knob on downstairs door
- Repaired toilet in lobby ladies room
Parks/Beaches/Road Ends
- Repaired cleats at Klipp Park boat ramp
- Painted boat ramp guidelines at Indian Neck Boat Ramp
- Repaired guardrail at Klipp Park
- Swept up sand and repaired pot holes at Town beach parking lots
- Installed beach signs at Town beaches
- Repaired stairs at 67 steps beach and removed graffiti
- Installed life lines at sound beaches
- Clean up debris on all Town Beaches in preparation of summer
- Repaired lock on Tasker Park ladies room door
- Repaired leak in Klipp Park men’s room
- Mowed and trimmed back walking trails
- Opened and cleaned all Town Beach bathrooms
- Repaired water leak at main feed line at Town Beach
- Installed outfield windscreens and bumpers at Cochran Baseball
- Repaired concrete/asphalt on incline entry step from parking lot to
HRC sidewalk
- Planted flowers
- Installed smoke/CO detectors as per safety inspection
- Painted flag pole and installed flag roping and clip
- Repaired flag pole clip
- Prepared barn for demolition
Fishers Island
- Renovated office for State Police
- Installed new sheetrock & spackled bathroom, scraped and painted
damaged section of ceiling in living room, installed crown molding in
bathroom and cleaning entire area in Barracks