HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 I r ALL NUMBERS IN THIS REPORT Please check one MUST BE ROUNDED TO THE X Component Unit NEAREST DOLLAR. Independent Special Purpose Unit FINANCIAL REPORT FOR COMPONENT UNITS (CUFR) OR INDEPENDENT SPECIAL. PURPOSE UNITS (SPUFR) RECEIVED FOR Orient-East Marion Park District Nome of Unit • FEB 2 8 1997 Town of Southold s Sallie Town Name of Primary Government (Component) FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED November 30, 1996 STATE OF NEN YORK OFFICE or THE STATE COMPTROLLER 1111 DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS ALBANY, NEW YORK 12236 In accordance with new reporting requirements pursuant to GASB Statement 14, a separate report must be prepared for each component unit in the reporting entity. Revised 1994 OPERATING FUND * BALANCE SUEET * AS OF November 30 (996 r , , ASSETS EDP CODE LIABILITIES AND FUND) EQUITY FDP CODE A Cash _ _1o0S $ 29009 _ Accounts Payable _ _200S $ 4 035 Investments105S Accrued Liabilities _ _205S Taxes Receivable (Net) _ _l1.OS Retained Percentages _ _210S Other Receivables (Net) 115S Notes Payable _ 215S •ate and Federal Aid _ _120S Other Liabilities _ _220S Receivables Due to Other Funds _ _225S Due From Other Funds _ _125S Due to Other Governments230S Due From Other Governments _ _130S Deferred Revenues _ _245S Inventories _ _135S Prepaid Expenses _ _140S Total Liabilities 4 035 Restricted Assets _ _145S I Fund Balance Reserved Encumbrances _ _315S • Special Reserves _ _320S Unreserved Fund Balance - 325S 24975 Total. Fund Equity TOTAL ASSETS $ 29010 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY $ 29010 The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. 1.. . 1 OPERATING FUND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND EQUITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED November 30 1996 EDPCODE Fund Equity - Beginning of Fiscal Year* _ _4O0S $ 32497 Add: Revenues and Other Sources s 17104 Deduct: Expenditures and Other Uses 2462 6 • Revenues and Other Sources Over (Under) Expenditures and Other Uses (7522) Fund Equity - End of Fiscal Year* _ _4O5S g 2497 5 • *Total includes Reserved and Unreserved Fund Balance. 2. OPERATING FUND - DETAIL OF REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES EDP CODE Real Property Taxes _ _500S R 16000 _ Real Property Tax Items _ _505S ' Non-Property Tax Items _ _510S Departmental Income _ _515S • Intergovernmental Charges _ _520S Use of Money and Property _ _525S 1104 Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss _ _530S Miscellaneous Local Sources _ _535S Interfund Revenues _ _540S State Aid _ _545S Federal Aid _ _550S • TOTAL REVENUES R 17 104 Interfund Transfers _ _555S Proceeds of Obligations _ _560S TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES S 17104 3. OPERATING FUND DETAIL OF EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES EQUIPMENT & CONTRACTUAL EDP CODE TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS OS 1S 2S 4S 8S FUNCTIONAL UNIT General Government support _ _600 $ 2462 6 $ $ $ 24 62 6 $ Education _ _605 Public Safety _ _610 Health615 Transportation _ _620 mic Assistance & Opportunity _ _625 _ Cu ure and Recreation 630 Home and Community Services _ _635 Employee Benefits _ _640.8S Debt Principal _ _645.6S Debt Interest650.7S TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 24 6 2 • Interfund Transfers655.95 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES $ 24626 4. • BANK RECONCILIATION CASH BY FUNDS, PER BALANCE SHEETS Include Petty Cash TOTAL CASH Operating Fund $ 29009 Enterprise Fund Capital Fund Trust and Agency Funds Debt Service Funds I 4111 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ 29009 BANK BALANCES Identify Bank Balances with Funds by Listing the Applicable Code Letters Fund Less Adjusted Name and Location of Bank Code Bank Balance Outstanding Checks Add Cash On Hand Bank Balance The Bank of New York 0 2914 258 S 2656 The Bank of New York 0 13584 13584 The Bank of New York 0 12769 12769 • Add: Petty Cash Funds Adjustments (Specify) TOTAL ADJUSTED BANK BALANCE AND PETTY CASH $ 29009 *These amounts must agree. NOTE: Bank certification forms are not required to be filed with this report. However, the Office of the State Comptroller may confirm bank balances directly with the bank. 26. • CERTIFICATE OF FISCAL OFFICER I, Alfred R. Norklun , certify that I am the fiscal officer of the Please Print Orient—East Marion Park Districtand that this report, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, is a true and correct statement of the financial transactions and fiscal condition for the fiscal year ended November 30, 10996 . Treasurer • Signa re Title Main Road—P.O. Box 317 ;2/),V77 Official Address Date Orient, New York 11957 Office Telephone No. PLEASE MAIL REPORT TO: IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS RELATING TO THIS REPORT, PLEASE CALL ALBANY: (518) 474-4014 State of New York Office of the State Comptroller Bureau of Municipal Research & Statistics Alfred E. Smith State Office Building Albany, New York 12236 410 27.