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5' TO 5' 'RO 'OSI=D GONDITIONS THAT THE DEGLARANT FOR THE PURPOSE OF CARRYING OUT THE INTENTIONS ABOVE EXPRESSED, H I G H G E D/�R TR SANITARY DOES HEREBY MAKE KNOWN, ADMIT, PUBLISH, COVENANT AND AGREE THAT THE PROPERTY HEREIN (TD BC RELOCATED 40 DESCRIBED SHALL HEREAFTER BE SUBJECT TO THE COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS AS HEREIN CITED, TO WIT: FROM SITE) SYSTEM #2 / EXTI� I. THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF PATRONS AND/OR VISITORS ON THE WINERY SITE 15 LIMITED TO 235 NEW WELL PEOPLE AT ANY GIVEN TIME. THIS LIMITATION DOES NOT INCLUDE EMPLOYEES OF THE WINERY, THE 4' HIGH STOCKADE FENCE - E�` T'6 / Y RELATED FARMING OPERATION (©FARMA), OR THE BED 4 BREAKFAST (©B$BA) LOCATED ON THE- SUBJECT HESUBJECT PROPERTY. THE LIMITATION ALSO DOES NOT INCLUDE GUESTS OF THE B$B THAT ARE NOT 6 ' HIGH STOCKADE FEN G� EX.I.. PRESENT AT THE WINERY SITE. 9 0 x 1 E 6' 9 - Q D� rrN � 2. THE VEHICLES USED BY VISITORS AND PATRONS TO THE WINERY MAY ONLY BE PARKED IN APPROVED > �, 5 1 W I I I I r h -- 31}- -- }- o- {} _ } y v 5 �0O �� G D (N��/ AREAS AS DEPICTED ON THE APPROVED SITE PLAN, THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SUCH VEHICLES z- --- ---------------- ------------ y1� - THE VEHICLES { { �{ { _ TTRRES PERMOF ITTED OOEN 5�E FOR THE WII�ERRY OPERATIONS, 15 39 THIS LIMITATION DOES NOT INCLUDE I v ""' ' _ "V O T7 AT ARE NOT PARKED N THE AREA DESIGNATED FOR WINERY PARKE5T5 OF THE BSB ----------- --------------- � i E OF 12' BUFFER ------�------ _ _ __ ----- ------ - v, OR VISITORS y ' t� INC ON THE APPROVED SITE PLAN <x I t LINE of I2' BUFFER THERE IS NO ADDITIONAL PARKING PERMITTED ON SITE OR ON ADJACENT PROPERTIES F LP �I _ PATRONS OF THE WINERY OPERATION. THE WINERY OPERATOR, ITS AGENTS, OR EMPLOYEES SHALL (GRASS PARKING AREA O ' LINE pf- !�BurFF NOT DIRECT PEOPLE TO PARK ON PUBLIC STREETS, INCLUDING GR48; lux -,--- V� I < 1 n Q I 1-1 G A R 5 NO PARKING EDGE OF GRAVELANYTIME" `� G1�A55 _T�' �- -I _� S. LIMOUSINES AND BUSES MUST PARK IN THE OVERSIZE SPACES ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE WINERY, ++- " - AND ARE PERMITTED IN THE FOLLOWING NUMBERS AND COMBINATIONS: _ AREA X GRAVEL P \ EDGE OF 6RAVF_L I � I � � "-� I �' `I I1 / L `1 --._�- ! N PARKING 45.0 I`,LP "ADDITIO 0 \ ? A. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF LIMOUSINES AT ANY ONE TIME 15 FIVE (5), N ' A a2 AREA I -� ii `' PARKING IN ASS AREA \ Q _ INLET 44.0 1 \`\ ii .;'� �� � �J B. WHEN 4 OR 5 LIMOUSINES ARE ON SITE, NO BUSES ARE PERMITTED; lux I / �� \ I ,v ED&EO GRAVEL '45P{-��LT ORAVEL PROP'D RPZ - � o I I 1 L HANDICAP ED. .F; AVrn AREA PA V I ( ° I I I i PARKING SI N { ED (8 \ T� yx -- +-- - - --__ _ I_ __! I AREA HOT BOX G. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF BUSES AT ANY ONE TIME 15 TWO (2); n7 JL J ----- \\ -!-_11-� - _. PER STALL \ 2 O I ----- -- - - _ _ - - - - - X I ` O - �` - - - - - - - -� .„g D. ONE LIMOUSINE 15 PERMITTED WHEN TWO BUSES ARE ON SITE; ` - Ux rn 1 17 � ELEGTRIGP�L SIERYIG - - - - - - - - II S.G.W.A. METER �� TEST VAULT E. UP TO THREE LIMOUSINES ARE PERMITTED WITH ONE BUS ON SITE. s.o W-I 4ii 1 =1 s I HOLE _ Z _ �� II 0 4. ALL VEHICLES MUST REMAIN ON SITE AT ALL TIMES WHILE THEIR PATRONS ARE ON SITE. NO DROP-OFF \ " II 182' - - #I 1 (� --I PERMITTED EXCEPT FOR RIDE SHARING, PUBLIC TRANSIT OR TAXI; II W_TER .. T WATER - x - W+R WATER WATER WATER WATER 5. APPROVED SITE PLAN; 72' PROPOSED i-I/2" DIA, WATER 5�ERVICE WATE I" WATI ' �1 PARKING IN DESIGNATED PARKING AREAS ONLY AS SHOWN ON THE N NEW EL 43.0 I /�,� V �� Y� 1 �' H.T. X41.0 �RUAAIRO P�?OP05ED �W a "No PARKIN wee Iro 20. fu 6. THE 1-7 GRAVEL PARKING STALLS FACING THE BUILDING ARE TO BE THE PRIMARY PARKING STALLS; cv IST FLR. - -F-, INERY ' ANYTIME" 165 -____ _ P �- 2ND FLR p �E F .' T IU MAX. 1 ` EL 45.0 �� 8 S.F. _ STRIPEDAREA u� "7. A TRAFFIC ROUTING PLAN IS REQUIRED TO BE DISTRIBUTED TO ALL DIRIVER/LIVERY COMPANIES AHEAD �'Roi�05 0 32' W/ 3,600%g ;g¢S,g�MENT -- OF TIME AND SHALL BE PROVIDED/D15PLAYED FOR ALL POTENTIAL PATRONS ON THE COt\fPANY K�"�/ / ' ��e Q ? O MIN. 5'-6" BETWEEN wEB51TE; D SANITARY Q i% �i/%i �� � � ®0� I 4P Z \ �D METER \/ADULT j// �, / , 0 F- 8. THERE SHALL BE NO MORE THAN 12 SPECIAL EVENTS, AS DEFINED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN GORE, I WING CONDITIONS: S1'STEIM [Y_ \ CRUSH PATIO N;/��� � � I AND HOT BOX AT THE WINERY IN A CALENDAR YEAR, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING <C PAD 832 S.F. j �,/�/� L NDSGAF'ED Uri aP ry W / ///'A 0 � � �\ ,� )< A. NOTHING CONTAINED HEREIN SHALL WAIVE THE REQUIREMENT THAT THE DEGLARANT MAKE AN UJ I 584 S.F. ;�%'���/;' 9�0 eike ISLAND / \ APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT A5 REQUIRED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE-; 17 --L NDSGA�PE B. THE COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS SET FORTH IN PARAGRAPHS C)IA THROUGH ©6A SHALL NOT _ ` x /L APPLY TO SPECIAL EVENTS AT THE WINERY FOR WHICH DECLARANT HAS APPLIED FOR AND �ASTING AREA � AREA �� - RECEIVED A SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT AS REQUIRED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE; \ O - r _-_ _--_--- W-I EL 43.0 � A - I jf 1� S� 173.81 , \� - I �7 G. NOTWITHSTANDING THE FOREGOING NOTHING CONTAINED HEREIN SHALL RESTRICT A BODY 1 1 81 �� I \ BOARD OR OFFICIAL RE-SFONSIBLE FOR REVIEWING AND/OR AFFROVING SPECIAL EVENT PERMITS Q \ AREA #I w I ____ BUS BARK I NG \ ��� --_ ��Y/ FROM RECOMMENDING AND/OR REQUIRING THAT ANY REASONABLE CONDITIONS BE PLACED I 4 I E'I X50' G R \ n�4P _,�� -------_ ON THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL EVENTS PERMIT THAT AN AFOREMENTIONED BODY BOARD OR L�_ INLET 4 v - --- jL1 \ \ 4.5 LO - _ _-__ _-.-i _ � �- \ Q/ `c= U� OFFICIAL DEEMS APFROFRIATE BASED ON THE SUBMITTED APPLICATION AND THE CRITERIA FOP, }� I II _---- T oe \ i AR A 3 REVIFNING SPECIAL EVENT APPLICATIONS SET FORTH IN THE SOUT'HOLD TONN CODE. Of D 2 DIA . (NATER SERViGE \ x � I BUS �'ARKING d I I 1 IN _T 39.0 ILL Imo,)" 1' X�J' O' I EDbE OF&RAVEL OF V I NE'r'ARD ry z -------- _ � \ x J --LJ �-- I e- ''r \c PARKINC6 WATER \ I �� WATER WATEP, -- WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER -- m (5) -l 'x2P]' ? 2 J' � � z" SHREDDED \ WATER WATER WATE r WA F2 WATER I WATER BARK MULCH 1z I WATER W TER WATER � Q � FINISHED SAUCER \ a"! �' •t �--- -- SC 1 .QA1.I GRADE _ _ \\ TA, R REMOVE EI LARE4 FROM A - TOPSOIL & FERTILIZERPROVIDE BACIKFLL2 HIGH BERM 15' UJOSTURBED SOIL2" 63 . 4 12 l Y ''i ^� 1 SIGN -l-� SP 0 _ t BACK fv I� _ ' ��� ROADWAY TYPE C.I. FRAME eMnIrNPEn PARKING � � � GRATE 2'-0" I.D. ��RL)� 1�I T PARKING I �L� (DISTRIBUTION POOL ONLY I'mm t ) � 51 TO 8 ' I �'R01P05�0 �00 FINISHED GRADE 1 _ GRADE EL. 38.0' \ HIGH CEDAR TREES MONIUMENT . 00 _ - 6 DIA. 6"DIA.OWN _ (TO B fi�.ELOGATED SIGN( ;n'1 DARK CONIC. z Q CONC. Z xQ 'V I ? DOURLE STRAND WIRE RUBBER CHOSE V COLLAR AS REQUIRED 'y' - X42 CALV. TWISTED TRUNK WRAPPING LOAM !SQ) POST � m POST F ROM S 1 TE E X T�G - I I -CONCRETE COVER - LO WHITE CEDAR OR i t� / � I` Z - LOCUST STAKES ABOVE OL \ " � CONCRETE DOME GROUND. LENGTH - 7-�3 \ 2" SHREDDED BARK MULCH EI-37.5' o 00 UTILITY X _ - �- ao co TREE. HEIGHT 10- MAX. SAUCER 15" RCP CLIV CONNECTIN FINISHED GRADE =I I E PIPE (ROOF DRAIN TO APPROVED BY FOLE � � a BE 6" P.V.C. SDR 35) ' I f if I ' CUT & REMOVE BURLAP 71 WITH THE FIRST TEN I - FROM TOP 1/3 OF BALI_ TOPSOIL & FERTILIZER BR PLANNING BOARD - _j EET AS CAST IRON. j-- BACKFILL SILT ML HANDICAP PARKING NO PARKING -I UNDISTVRBED SOIL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 111 4�A�r9.•_ EL.34.0' PARKING IDENTIFICATION SIGN _- PALE EXT I SCALE: N.T.S. 1 S" CLEAR OF FACE OF CURB i ` 1 I = 3'-0" ❑ ❑ ❑ � 0 0 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ DATE c Zp } � MIN. ❑ ❑ ❑ o o I� o ❑ ❑ ❑ - III TRS� i�I T XTP 6 \ AREA TO BE ASPHALT PAYED -BROWN ❑ ❑ ❑ C" .� ❑ ❑ ❑ _ FINE TO COARSE WELL =I I ❑ ClF I r7 ❑ ❑ (- COARSE SSWD ROADWAY-GRATE 2E0"I.I.DRAME 1L rSITE DATA (DISTRIBUTION POOL ONLY) o - _ MIN. EL. .0' - FINISHED GRADE - S ( T P A N 111 ( " - AREA OF SITE: 8,x428 ACRE(S) OR 389,551.89 S.F. _ EXT'G BUILDING AREA: 2,1(02.0 S.F. EL. 5.0' _ PRECA T CONCRETE = PROPOSED BUILDING AREA: 2,852.0 S.F. HIGHEST EXPECTED GROUNDWATER COLLAR RCP CLIV CONNECTING Z COLLAR AS REQUIRED SCALE: 1 ' =20'-0" FARK I NC5 DATA: = w DRAINA E RINGS _ cn (4000 .S.I.) TOTAL = 5,014.0 S.F. �I-r-CONCRETE COVER % OT" LOT OCCUPANCY 1.281% COMMENTS: PIPE (ROOF DRAIN TO IMIN. SPACE SIZE: 9' X 19' REQUIRED - I' x i9' PROPOSED -) _ BACKFILL WITH ZONING OF SITE, AG ZONING NO WATER ENCOUNTERED BE 6" P.V.C. SDR 35) z - - CONCRETE DOME - WITH THE FIRST TEN � �i (- TEST I-10LE FEET AS CAST IRON. M = MIN. AISLE WIDTH: 22' REQUIRED - 22' PROPOSED -I CLEAN COMPACTED EXISTING USE: RE51DENCE 4 WINERY SAND AND GRAVEL N.T.S. _ I DRA I NAO GALGULATI ONS 1'v11K REQUIRED NUMBER OF SPACES: - ONLY PROPOSED USE: RESIDENCE d WINT=RY PROVIDED BY: _I I I I I - 5.0.T.M. #: 1000-101-1-14.4 4 14.6 McDonald GEOSCIENCE N - _1 1fOTAL BUILDING AREA = 2 852 5F Box 1000 --- ,, -�I OPEN BOTTOM �- DATUM OF ELEVATIONS: NAVD IG188 SOUTHOLD, EXT'G YORK 11971 _I AREA-1 (ZONE) nZETAIL USE: 2,852 SF x 1/200 = 14.26 STALLS (631) 765-3677 - 1 L=1 ❑ ❑ o 0 0 ❑ ❑ i_ - --- -- I=- fi�AR LOT LIGHT SF' G I I GAT ONS DATED: 06-28-16 3 0 ❑ ❑ O Q p o ❑ ° _I I ROOF: 1,456 S.F. x .11 x 100; = 244.12 G.F. TOTAL PAP.KING STALLS REQUIRED = 15 STALLS M� ! PATIO: 832 S.F. x .11 x 100% = 141.44 G.F. TOTAL PROVIDED = 54 PARKING STALLS (INCL. 2 HG STALLS) 91_4" N ° 0 7 ° ° EI AND 5 OVERSIZED STALLS = TOTAL 31 STALLS W1 INDICATES D5XIN1 LED W/(1) 10 LED LIC-HT >=rlclrlt, rl ❑ r 9 ❑ I- TOTAL: 385.56 G.F. REGID 10'-0" TYFE TFTM OPTIC, 3OOOK, ® 1000 mA. P ! V 11L 3'-0" USE (I) NEW POOL(5) 8' DIA. x 10' DEEP = 422. 0 G.F. PROV'D IINTERIOR LANDSCAPING REQUIRED GROUNDWATER YIALL t✓i�D III AWVE C_-RAVE (4 PLACES) D l'9 t 42' LENGTH, STANDARD TRENCH E34 PARKING STALLS PROV D x 10 S.F. PER STALL = 5405.F. INDICATES DSXWI LED W/(2� 10 LED LIGHT ENGINE �! - RAIN TRENCH FRAME �- MIN. - (% W2 NOV Q 3 2017 COVER 18 MIN' _ J _ AREA-2 (ZONE) TOTAL PROVIDED = (,134 S.F. I � FOOL DETAIL ta" TY TFTM OPTIC, 30001:, �10o mA. a -- = WALT.. t-Ml ED 14 A�/E ,64;,' S?E (I PLAC ED ---- _ _ 1 1/2" TO PRECA T CONCRETE - ROOF: 1,456.0 S.F. x .17 x 100 244.12 G.F. Southold To vn - w DR INA'E RINcs = INDICATES DSXWI LED YV�(I) 10 LED LIGHT ENGINE, Planning Boar? (4000 .s.l.) --_ LANDSCAPING: 2,1-12.0 S.F. x .11 x 15% = 55.39 G.F. J�ANDSGAPE LEGEND QUANTITY REV. #11 10-05-11 W 3 -- TY>✓E Tl`FM OPTIC, 3P00K, @ 1000 mA / FLOW __ ' �� .I I _LIJ GRAVEL AREA: 3,690.0 5F. X .1-1 X 100% = 621.30 Cr REV. #16 01-20-11 WALL MOUNTED Ip' AEOVE (I FLACE) a _ BACKFILL WITH CRUSH PAD: 384.0 SF. X .11 X 100` = 65.28 GF AGER RUBRUM 'AUTUMN FLAME' - (RED MAPLE) 5 REV. #15 06-26-11 I I- I- I - CLEAN COMhACTED <a,. a . .a ^. II-I_ ..,' :;• .•. ..: _ - SAND AND GRAVEL I REV. #14 04-21-11 (ALL LIGHTII`1G SHALL BE ORIIENTED 50 THAT LIGHT SHIELDED ONLY TOTAL: 992.10 G.P. REQ D (3-I/2,I CALIPER) REV. #13 04-01-11 FROM ADJACENT PROPERTY ROADWAYS.) -I_ USE (1) NEW POOL(S) ca 12' DIA. x 10' DEEP = 1,005.8 G.F. PROVO EXI5TING CEDAR TREES RELOCATED 123 REV. #12 03-20-1-7 1=III_ I-I I OPEN BOTTOM REV. I1 03-08-11 SITE PLAN FOR DRAINPIPE CONCRETE: TRENCH I I i (5 TO 8 HIGH) REV. #10 03-03-11 �� t i' � `x SANK NO VINEYARD CROSS SECTION , I I I- IE-111 , I AREA-3 (ZONE) SPIRERA BUMALDA "LIME MOUND" 22 REV, #1 02-22-11 15175 COUNTY ROAD 45 CUTCHOGUE,NY LONGITUDINAL SECTION I1 a Z - �1 J. ' Copyright 2000 I P.EV. #8 02-21-11 APPROVED BY: 7'-4" �, � PAYING: 1,319.0 SF. X .11 X 100` = 224.23 OF (LIME MOUND SPIREA) 00 4 SCALE: AS NO oRAv�1 BY: J.TURNC-R Architectural GRAPHIC Starndards CD-ROM GRAVEL AREA: 18,361.0 SF. X .11 X 100% = 3122.40 GF " REV. #1 02-15-11 � John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, NY 8'-0. LANDSCAPING: 6 51.0 S.F. x .11 x 15,10 = 161.20 G.F. ILEX GRENATIA GONVI=XA - (DW(" HOLL7') 24 1 REV. #6 02-13-11 .' � U DATE: 06-22-I6 REVISED BY GROUNDWATERREY. #5 OI-I2-I1 PROVIDE WOOD CHIFS AROUND ALL SHRUBS AND TREES � „e, Architect TOTAL: 3,513.b3 G.F. REQ'D ;�3yIy�RSHIP SHALL BE MAINTAINED 1'OR FIVE (5) P.EV. #4 12-06-I6 Robert J. ��U��'� �`��r I I��'�'� TRENCH DRAIN DETAIL BOOL DATA YEARS. ANY PLANT5 WHICH DIE OR BECOME DISEASED REV. #3 11-01-16 571 476 Expressway Drive So. Medford, N.Y. 117G3 (631) 654-4949 USE (5) NEW POOLS n 12 DIA. x 12 DEEP = 3,631.68 G.F. PROVO DURING THAT TIME SHALL OE REFLACED BY APPLICANT. [�RAWNG NUMBER: N.T.S. TEST HOLE DATA REV. #? 00�_26�6 SIT �,, }�I SP-2 OF 2 `t P6, 2• of .11ey # 15-094 0.C)0 ()(tn . . . 1)_€f) i fit '(in7( .t } (.f ( , ) Uf .C! ' ? - C.t ) ).(t{) Q.,.i(} U(td 0_00 f).t)() 0.(}'.) .. ' n0 { ( ` )'} Cff} ('. 'f) d.rO0.( ) }f } tf) r ( t7tt.).f>);) (}t?p 0.00 0.00 0.00 U.Ot) 0,00 0.()0 (.}.Oa (s,()Q f VQ (1 0. ) 1),00 (1.t}r3 U.Of) (t s,) {).Of) f`-01t 1011)`.) ().*?r1 0(tr! 0 04) yO.Of) (}.r;;) 0.0Q (}.(11? o Oft O.f1€.' t),r}r) 00 0,(10 Oj)o (""'? 0.(10 v0.t")() 0.00 o. 0 (! � .t (. 0 0 .100 Y0.0(} Q.dO C).00 (}.t)0 '0.0i) 1111}() '().f?Q {}.Or') i}.(?{) U.f`€? 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O.UU X0.00 0.01 t..d1 *: � 'A 0.00 �0.f'0 V.t)+? 0.00 IV)() x0.00 0.(}0 f)010 0.00 0.0') 0-0" ().(!1) (1.00 flOn I),01"1 `(1,0(1 d r..'€) 'o.01 0.01 0.01 0.0'1 t.'nO 0,(}1 0.01 0.()10 0.00 0.00 ?<d.00 K 0.00 0.00 t?.t)() O.C)f1 0,10(? 40.00 0.00 X0.00" 0.00 '0.00 -O.dO 0.00 '[1100 X().dC) 0.{1t) YC).tyn {}f,t) vfS.t'0 o'1, v0.#)f) (1('(; ()t)(t } Xis(.,} (Y t'r't f°,rP J it€lf) !),f'rtt ()(P) 0.0 i 0.11Et, I. (`() (}.n') t).r'+) 0.(1x1 0.01) r)f„) 0.0) 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0,01 ~0.09 (),f`i) U.1,o �o'nIi )),l)0 U.0'.} ().t U O.C}() t E"() k (t(t (1(''f} (}(1'ti \'(;.f1'} ().(,0 i)1111 p(Ih t),,)) ) 11 () 3{i!; €7 f`r? 0 r,f} y(}€7 }ftrt n tyf) €,ti;} �'(}Syr} E)"r1 •.n(tit} f).0r1 0.(") (1-€tfl ,.0(1f¢ f),i`€? V€i,t';) (1(7€) Yt}(tfl {)r} v}(it 1 !) vft ) ft ) t .,€� X d.. C o. 0.00) f.,. t) (. .. p.... ( ) C.O., 00 (1:00 'O.00 t,.0. oxo 0.00 0.00 o.f)t 11.11•) 1.). r? O.Od 'U.dp X('.O(} (.+.no X 4 0.(10 t)-()€) -'o'f)f} 0.(.?(} ().t'D ().0t) 4(1.x:1} 0.(Pt) ) ) t ?t) v)(1" 0(,,f} (`r':i) t).(1) (t tf) (i.0'? (}?}0 (}.{v? "()of) f)'00 11.10(? (!.I") t).(Pf) 0 0U )tu} t?.C't 4d.(in ()00 f )? 1.111} 1 111 (}t1 () d Y) t} ' ) 'ti' ) f } ) n t,0 (.C. t. t ( ).0 ( (.(... () o'oo 0..0 C.C( 1 .11.1 I O,CO 0.)0 0.0( 0.00 0.0(. 0.00 0.00 0,00 NOTES ( � Designer 1.THESE LIGHTING CALCULATIONS ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE 10.04.. yO.C() 10.0) t, } t) n „i}(() {),f ri ()ttt) 11.11) (),()r! O.t)(t (;1111(? (},{1€! },f,€t (._1110 0.0t) 0.1?€? ('t}'i (}.01 0.C'(! O,tu) 0.0t? 11.0(1 tt.tyC) 10,00 40.00 t1.aU y0.nd ('.(}0 4(1.00 0.[10 = O.U() 0..00 X0.00 (1.00 40.('0 0.(`() '"` FOR INDEPENDENT ENGINEERING ANALYSIS OF LIGHTING SUITABILITY AND SAFETY. ECIC Perkins, �,C, M I ES O.f'€) ().0,? (?.t`() 0.(in (),U(' d,or. 0-f'10 11.00 0,00 40,00 n.00 x0.00 0.00 xo,0n 0.11(1 X0,0(? 0,00 "O,C€d ('OO v(?.('() 2.THIS PHOTOMETRICS LAYOUT WAS CALCULATED USING SPECIFIC CRITERIA,ANY DEVIATION FROM STATED STATISTICS ���`" PARAMETERS WILL AFFECT ACTUAL PERFORMANCE. '�t)oo o'00 '`f)oo ()01) Y(}oo nm �.(}or) O r}:1 vi'or') a('(' March 7t'1 2017 , Description Symbol Avg Max Min Max/Min Avg/Min s 3.ALL QUANTITIES ARE BASED ON FIXTURES; SHOWN IN THE ,,; : . :'< € ; 0.50 fc 2,86 fc 0.01 fc 286.0:'1 50.0:1 LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE D Q �] LIGHTING CALCULATIONS ONLY. - Seale, Symbol Label Qty Catalog Number Description Lamp File LLF Watts 4. THESE CALCULATIONS ARE BASED ON LISTED FIXTURES ONLY. Dow! 1'1(18-rtu U11" 0.00 fc 0.01 fc 0.00 fc N/A N /A NOV 0 3 ���� SUBSTITUTION OF THESE FIXTURES VOIDS ALL CALCULATIONS. - DSXW1 LED 10C DSXW1 LED WITH (1) 10 Bus P. Limn Barkin 1.2 fc 3,5 is W1 4 1000 30K TFTM LED LIGHT ENGINES, LED 3000K DSXW1_LED_ 1.00 38.8 APPi�OVED �� None 9 0.2 fc 17.5:1 6.0:1 South(iltl Town 5. ACUITY BRANDS LIGHTING RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WITHDRAW _ MVOLT TYPE TFTM OPTIC, 10C_1000_30K 3000K, @ 1000mA. _TFTM MVOL PLANNING BOARD Planning Board THESE COPYRIGHTED LIGHTING PLANS FROM PUBLIC RECORD IF Grass Parking Area � 0.06 fc 0.18 fc 0.01 fc 18.0:1 6.0:1 REV 3 SUBSTITUTIONS OCCUR. _ DSXW1 LED 20C DSXW1 LED WITH (2) 10 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD W2 1 700 30K TFTM LED LIGHT ENGINES, LED 3000K DSXW1_LED_ 1.00 45.7 SEE /`,L,I_ NOTES Gravel & Paved Parking Q 0.92 fc 3.53 fc 0.01 fc 353.0:1 92.0:1 MVOLT TYPE TFTM OPTIC, 20C 700 30K 6. ALL SUBSTITUTIONS REQUIRE NEW CALCULATIONS BASED ON THE _ TFTM_MVOLT. DATE �1Cy�rV Y ! 30001<, @ 700mA. fes � 1 I � �� 1� FIXTURES SUPPLIED. ::.': ':','( ;',.;s<:,., r.f.,f.. ,,, 0.23 fc 3.31 fc 0.00 fc N /A N /A DSXW1 LED 10C DSXW1 LED WITH (1) 10 FIXTURE QUANTITIES BY TYPE IN THIS STUDY MAY NOT EQUATE W3 1 LED 3000K DSXW1-LED 1.00 38.8 LJ 1000 30K TFTM LED LIGHT ENGINES, MVOLT TYPE TFTM OPTIC, 10C 1000 30K 7 X Q ( ) TFTM MVOL 4 ..s TO FINAL PROJECT COUNTS. Prof}(!rt�f tine X 0.01 fc 0.03 fc 0.00 fc iJ /A N /A @ _ _ 3000K, 1000mA. 1�57� - ••••xewwa�sxa•a�e..sur�xa�sxezn�__ _ "'� PROPOSED - SANITARY DIVERSION RIDGE REQUIRED SYSTEM #2 I WHERE GRADE EXGEEDS 2% 29S OR l GREATER i 1� IROADWAY ------""` 98. 93 ,? FILTER FABRIC BY PHILLIPS PETROLEUM --" --_. � o55 ��� " SUPAG 4NP OR APPROVED EQUAL ______ _________________ LINE OP 12' BUFFER -------- -- 1 �- (GRASS PA '.KING AREA '® I- I I� GARS Q � _ ' G R/4 5 S I- -► -1 +�- ED6E OF bRAVEL AREA I�' ,_�\ II �- - I �J J I�J GRAVEL 1 0 \r Ij j -P\\I EDGE OF bRAVEL ----' �_ -� 1LI v I PARKING \,LFR% ii f � 2"-3" COURSE AGGERATE MIN. 6" THICK 4 MAINTAINED _ AREA ASPHALTe DURING GONSTRUGTION HAND_ II EDGE pF bRAVEL /�' }� \/ nO, PARKKINGPSI �N ED6E'OP PAVED AREA /, PAVE I 1� !.L -- --- --1\ -- - - - -- - -- EL PER STALL AREA � � I 'Tr"`- PR SILT � NCE IL1 II �' I ATTACHED TO w-I II TEMPORAR ,. I .- it ii I I - !U \t GONSTRUGTI N FEND IJ1 ,�� •__•� H.T. PROPOSED �w- 0. ,--"NO PARKING 20' I ( jL K 41.0 c;I 1 ; IST FLR. ,s �;P-,Fy,WINERY SIGN PER I MAX. �� � \ 2ND FLR.�0012 `,�38 S.F. 8 i D _/�� W/ 5,600//5'Fj.;B;f� ENT - STF2IPED AREA I `\ w PROPOS } SANITARY '/�T"//�� .F. I SPILLWAY SANDBAG BERM OR Q /���'��% � 45.0' lh CONTINUOUS BERM OF SUPPLY WATER TO WASH SYSTEM / I j�,�.T10 ����/%%% EQUIVALENT HEIGHT CRUSH '�i�ii ii PAD 552 S P' �� i�//% L NDSGAP�D I WHEELS IF NECESSARY '� i�ii 1 X ISLAND 1 NOTE: USE SANDBAGS OR OTHER APPROVED OL METHODS TO CHANNEL RUNOFF TO I PROPOSEDBASIN AS REQUIRED. �AS'1"ING AREA - ---- - w-I --- - - �. -� -� ' ILI U . _�- - o� I z �� oDETAIL \ I 5 ARKING " �; - 3USP 15'1 x50 ' G '�` C--.,,0NST UGT 1 ON ENTT"` ANC=.,,E \ E3US ,fes _- �p - V Ir�'`RK I Nc� I 1 > > NOT TO SCALE - 01VINEYARD LJMO-----i-- ---------IJ I I o G PR 24 W x-15 L \ NOTES: PARKIN_ _ (5) I 'x28' I GON TRUGTIOiv ?�GG1=SS o� \ I. THE ENTRANGE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION THAT WILL i R0AE�j (SEE D)FTAIL) ® PREVENT TRAGKING OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAYS. THIS MAY REQUIRE TOP DRESSING, REPAIR AND/OR 6RA55 GLEAN OUT OF ANT MEASURES USED TO TRAP SEDIMENT. AREA PR SILT FF-NGC ATTACHED ���. Y'y r� 2. WHEN NECESSARY, WHEELS SHALL BE GLEANED PRIOR TO ENTRANCE / ONTO PUBLIC, ROGHT-OF-WAYS. TO TEMPORA RY N -1�� �� YY - p CONSTRUCTION FENGE �(` 0 ��T W/ 5. WHEN WASHING IS REQUIRE, IT SHALL BE DONE ON AN AREA STABLIZED I --o WITH CRUSHED STONE THAT DRAINS INTO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAP OR SEDIMENT BASIN. PR SILT FENGE ATTAGHED I PROPOSED �� �• MONUMENT 0. 00 4. PERIODIC INSPECTION AND NEEDED MAINTENANCE SHALL BE MY TO TEPORARK PROVIDED AFTER EACH RAINFALL EVENT. 4-9 (f,,ONSTRUGTION FENCE5166 I -� c �� EXT'6 UTILITY POLE �- u1 z I I-LI x 111 } 0- SITE PIAN !L SCALE: 1 ' =20'-0" O kn 61" MId1. FEIJCE POST SUPPOTTTING COMSTRUCHOH 10' O.C. - MAX_-- _64" IJIHI FFHC:E POSTS, : FEfICE I-'- DRI\EII I,t111. 16ItITO JL)II[) CONSIRLICTION FENCE�--` n -�\ ._ _......_.._..._, Ill..........___...................._... .................... ._. .......... III ,., ..._.,_ _ SILT FENCE TO EXTEP,D AROIJHD OES, R I PLANS PREPARED FOR EROSION ANDy�SEDIMENT CONTROL ENfIRE PERIMETER OF TOPSOIL SITE I INCLUDING EUT NOT LIMITi=p TO EllIhING, UTILITIES, _ WOVEN WIRE FENCE STOCKPILE:, OR TO EXTEND AROUND STORM, SANITARY, AND ELEVATION DATA SHONE FOR INFORMATION ONLY. 14 I 2 GA. ltlN.. LIAX. 6 MESH SPACING I1 I f JI } n J WIRE DOWNSTREAM F'URTIDII IF STOCkPILE IS / ) I.ILI._I[..........IL.....I,..., li 11......1 .....,11. ( i! II I II 11J.F1 rENCE O WITH FILTER CLOTH OVER \ :.:.' I ;.1111 I h 1 .l g ON SLOPE. � TO SITE PLANS. OF, APPROVED EQUAL :I .::' I I I.....I ......... ...'.`I 48" PAIN. uNDISTURBFD GzvuraD I ... .... . L.,..... ...... i I _.I�.... i... .i I APPROVED ..I i OR PAVEMENT [__...1!111..1[...,..11. II II_.. I 11.. 2 C n RACTOR I5 RE5PON51BLF- FOR INSTALLATION OF EROSION. J L.......I I I , BOARD I , I 1 f :''.. 1.... I i / \ CONTRD PRIOR TO STAR PLANNING i I I L MEA.URES T OF ANT' I 1�1�' ����''"�� CLEARING OF? EXCAVATION OA FLOW - - - ---- _ IF. ..110 rt. ;___� - _ -- � MEQ SOUTHOLD I I ( / ' �, ' r 1 ', WORK, AND MAI E of ALL EROSION �r�L. UNTIL FINAL -- - EI.fBED FILTER.cLOTFI _ - - _- __ STABILIZATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL NY$EEG AND TOB STANDARDS TOWN Of --- - - - - - - -_ \\ AND SPEGIFIGATIONS. MIN, 8" 11,110 GROUND - - =- = --'ruPsolL STOCK /` DATE 1 d( I201 � i ; 1C," MIN, I . I__ - - -- _ HEIGHT (',F FILTER c PR. 4" NIDE x tG' DEEP -. 1.- -_ ... -._ _ ti - �;...,,.:, 5. CONTRACTOR .HALL INSTALL THE R G�JIRED CONSTRUCTION Ft-NGE TRENCH FOR FENCE SUPPORTS -1 =I.-�,-1-- ..__ - 6" AI"I' .`.,;.f s"; ' "i. -"�- - - - AND GONSTRUGTIOWSI LT SGRL�N GOf-181 NAT(ON FEt`1GE 5) DETAI I ` PRIOR A.hIO E;:IBEDDED Ft[ CLOTH I I : _ I /:ir' ,•.;;., ( �-✓ SILT Z. TO CLEARING. SECTION �= AHI c' �- _ 8.' P111. \ D ' I - -_ 4. C4> TOR SHALLCDAND I NTA LL THE CONSTRUCTION TER CLOTH TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO - TO THE DETAIL PRO/�. NOVN Q 3 2017POSTS STEEL EIIHFR T OR U1. WOVEN WIRE FE14CE TO BE FASTENED SECURELY M TRA FFUR T FENCE POSTS WITH IRE TIES 0RST LES TYPE R 2" HARDWOOD VIEW 7E TIVE 2. FI WOVEN VIRE FENCE WITH TIES SPACED EVERY FENCE : WOVEN QUIRE, 14 1/2 GA. EXI STIIJG GRADE SURFACE S. FULL SITE CLEARING AND GRADING AGTIVITIE5 CAN COMMENOE 24" AT TOP AND MID SECTION. 6" KIAX. MESH OPENING SYMBOL SI IOINN 014 PLAN - UNE W1111 "CIRCLE" S(Iimol.. C�IJENT TO RECORD EtJGINEER INSPEGTI Southold Town 3. WHEN TWO SECTIOIIS OF FILTER CLOTH ADJOIN PROPOSED CHAIN LINK FEiICE SURROIJIJDING SITE IA01 ES. �! OF THE GONSTRUGTION Planning EACH OTHER THEY SIIALL BE OVERLAPPED BY FILTER CLOTH : FTI.TER X, I.IIRAFI IOOX, s. ENfRA r= AND �I FN,IE \ , -Y g Board - -{}- []------- 1EMPOL SI SIL S PLAN - LINE WITH ION FE is •,'rMBOL RE\/. I I I-01-I SIX INCHES At'ID F01_DED. srABIUFfI;A r1401J OR TEMPORARY SILT SCREEPI 8c CONSTRUCTION FEPICEi 1. AN ON-SITE DRAIhIAG[ SWALE SFIALL DF LOCAIEG BET,1EErJ THE 'FOSOII. SiOCKi'ILC AIJD 01 F-SI IE 4. MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PERFORMED AS NEEDED APPROVED EOUAL. _ X- X- SYMDOL SHOVJII GN PLAN - LIhIE U'ITH "X" SYP.IBOL_ PROhERTY. AND MATERIAL REMOVED VITEN "BULGES" DEVELOP -' 2. REFERENCE IS MADE 10 THE SILT FEIJC',E DETAIL FOR, MATERIALS .AIJU IhIS IALLAFIOrI METHODS. 6. ��Ea� NT TO REMOVAL OF TREES ON 'I}� 7Y 71-1 TOP IN THE SILT FENCE. PREFABRICATED lJN1T : GEOFAB, TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION FENCE OrILY-Nn SILT .;(;REFIJ* 3 IF 1HE STOCKPILE IS TD REMAIII FOR FnORE THAN 11 DAYS, IT SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH SDI FROM -�� �� ' �y,t� � �< 51TE PLAN FOR EFIVIROFENCE, OR APPROVED 'COIASIRUCTIOIJ FEIJCE IS REQUIRED ONLY IF CHAIII L SHALL BE STRIPPED O-E!D LIMIT OF THE PARKING LOT EQUAL. BURLAP MATTING OR SEEDED V'ATIIIIJ 7 DAYS OF COMPLE110H TO I�IIPIWIZE EROSION. LINK FENCE IS ,JOT SURROUIJDING_ SITE DORIIJG 4. IIISPECFIOIJ OF SILT FENCES SHALL BE AT LEAST ONCE PER WEEK AIJD AFTER RAIN E:V[WS III AREA AND EUILDING. Ti E TOP SOIL 5HAL.L EE TEWORARILY 5TOCKPILED ON �� a �� SANNINO YINEYARP CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. EXCESS OF 112 INCH. RI PAIR OR R[TI-ACEh1ENT SHALL BE MADE PROL,PTLY AS NEEDED. 51TE WITH AN E�'�05ION CONTROL SILT SCREEN BARRIER INSTALLED AT TFE; � ��+ G� 151115 COUNTY ROAD 45 CUTCHOLSUE,NY _ _ FENCE (� 5. SEDIMENT TRAP'PE'D L THE FEIJCE SHALL P.,E REMOVED AND PROPERLY DI51'05E:U OF 11NEPIEVER TOP OF 5TO KPILE (SEE DETAIL). TOP SOIL EXPORT 15 NOT PERMITTED �O , APPROVED BY DETAIL -- SILT FENCE W I T I-1 TEMPORARY C O N S�1 R U C T I O N FEN E SILT FENCE A I IAI 1t1LE MAI OCCURS �,r� SCALE: AS NOTED DRAVlN BY: ..TURNER - _ 6. SILT FENCES SNA(I_. BE PJAIr11Al11ED IN PLACE f_IEJTIL 14PSOIL. STOCI<F'ILE HAS BEEIJ ELIMINA IED FROM THE PRDPERI'Y, N.T.S. AND SHALI BE REMOVED 01,11Y WNEH DIRECTED B1' 11,E Et•1GIIJEER. } ' J DATE: 06-22-I6 REVISED BY REFER TO DETAIL_ PI.Y.S.D.E.C. 2005 FIGURE 5A.8 -1 WHEN ALL AREAS HAVE BEEN FINAL STABILIZED THE FENCE AND STOCKPILE DETAIL. SILT SCREEN SHALL. BE REMc�/ED, PRIOR TO R eAOVAL, REQ F:5T Robert ...!. C�r U b e r ~ Architect COIJTRACTOR TO INSTALL EROSION CONTROL 1.1EASURES AS SIIOWIJ IIJ THIS DETAIL l INSPECTION BY RC-CORD ENGINEER `��^y ' T 476 Expressway Drive So. Medford, N.Y. 11763 (631) 654-4949 ALONG ALL LIMITS OF NEIN CLEARING AS DEPICTED ON THIS SITE PLAN I � ' ---JJJ FJOI TO SCALE (l li DRAWING NUMBER: ELROS I Gig GONTROL PLAN Joel G 1 OF I � of �.- S 33°27'50" E AL VAH"S LANA 50.0Tl �c) , I ALVAH'S-- LANE 1 IIS , - coW ILI In I >lu I I IIS I X � I i Q 1 w I I ISI 4�� 9 X�1 w I I I I I IL O w I I Il I v ` SCALE: N.T.S. II I _ O I � I I I I II ILIA A � L 1 1 IQ _�._I � I � I _1 \1 � � � I SUBDIVISION MAP OI-= LAST GOAST FR > i L SU 1-0L K GOUNT�' FILE NO. �2�I��RTI�S I to w � I I EXT'(5 RA I W I 1J WELL a \ x O , I`u I f \ I .� I I � © � I I � � I I Iw to to I I O QUA IVS 33°03',20" HI6H CEDAR TREES PROPOSED I (TO BE RELOCATED SANITARY p I o _ _ -- FROM SITE) SYSTEM 02 EXT'G _ _ _ _ _ — �-- 45 HEN XT' UA O -" '�'-"'"•' 4'HIGH STOCKADE FENCE 6'HIGH 5 EXT'6 -j (EXT'GJ EDGE OF VINEYARD rOCKADE FENCE I _ — — _ _ -- — _ — _ — _ _ ,� �T �� �� -- �'� � � � � 1144.09' I S 3.�'ZQ'IO" Fi 9Q..9 s6 HIGN SOCK' E FENCE (EXT'G) EDG1= OF INEYARD 1 == - - - - - - - - - - - - - - __ t cKAD — — — — — — — — — -- — — -- — — — !� - - ( �"f z�sf )trigf ( 2655Q�" �+ DB.O D STREET =- _ — I - —I'-,ire yr Ir e.reR - - - o - - --'-------' ry _' . '-'�., 7 TREES k LOT 14.4 ( DEVEL07MENT R LOT 14.6 ( DEVE1.Ofi=MENT RIGHTS INTGT LI ry IGH r� - { ----- Q r.,._ ) �,� .r� -1 - - - _ w ry'0 °� (��. 5.2081 ,OGRES/ 22&,,5 6 TS I NTNG S.7S48 Gf ;L=s �, I6RA5511 CAKR96 AREA w'' b �nA ,: �- �.5 - t �{ G� L--�- +a r,Rao 5 _ n. �^ / 1 .J.�. _ W - \ �rnc I GRASC � /I, f V-JJ Z "Y �� 4.0 ..J.1 I / 162 6C��.� I JJ� ler a.:�_ 1 AREA \. � Y ° a I SK' I 6RAVCL reve m� .,m --i---�� �SI-I EE�2F1 0 I C I _-~i p) •�,, .n D' D 1�. // \ IK I ` fV PARKINe rm" Q'^� ISI Q �I- °V O L I I 20' MIN m �i wncr »-« nT I &RAVEL �IL ul U� ,.OT I I y1 - - F - - r R,° FTZOF'D Rr�z 4 O I I r - - RA scW yii -.,:' 1REA I HOT BOX ll1 f�\ �° V' I ili ixe 10 t- - r------------ o —5.G P DIA ''O' Ago �, �` rROPOSED,ELEGTRICAL EERVIG _ _ IT e - -- --- I • - _ vnfn—vn�u TVT VAULT 182vn vem n - ` IIll O G ° 1 �_ —vq"wixa I Rm 72. ! PROP09C0'I-I/1•DIA.MUTCR 9L•RVIGE v�'m I we vA u— U I • aAev P�LIi? I ear I sAa aA I 785' r u - ~ �. V PROPOSED qt D2' IV 1" r,;`!�r � j8 t I 1- I SANITARY • :� 1` I� MRI.5'-6"BETNC-EN Y I X /ice --.� l {K) �"p,'"`e, ii4i� .Nn� I I `G.�� a l� w (�1. I > CRUSH ii4� '= I �j AND HOT BOX W !� U KA SYSTEM #3 I /ee,. W. /riiii METER VAULT 1 4 Q PAD 592 5.F. _ AF'ED F A X +� Q° VI NE1' RD I LOT �) �_ I ` PATIO ._.. . , \ I� I _ _ 954 S.F. i iii ISLAND Bi ® " u ["'1 ��.". ° /C U 'Y EXISTING 45---(f 0..� 1 / LANDSCAPE I �vJ�`Y �7. x'/10 \�` SANITAR'I' `-I PROPOSED AREA 4/ \� I I `� -(� �A5TIN6 AREA �.✓� I y,.l A g ,1+1",6 O _—� D 661.0 SF �° p \ SYSTEM 1pl PROPOSED 2" DIA. WATER G �Us_R'APKIN6 `173,81, y _ �(\ ERVI�iE _ 4r �\ — I 90' C1� _ _ _ _ s"X A VEL vnm v.m \ 2" DIA. WATER SERVICE \ --� vnm—vAm—mru—m J' — �. PROP'b �•� BUS ARKIN6 I ~ '^-•,_ � � vATa— —vnTa—vn v,m—vATd—vAm—vnm_ 1� --- N HILL m f x50' v v,m— vA rM — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ' IN ras.o I I � vAm--vAm� _vnm—vnT ------ -- / b.—VA —VArtt--VAm—VATOI—V ^`\ Q 0 I -- .... Am=VAT[ll_^-Vnitlt—vnTG—Vnrd—V,iTA— --. -- —_ -- -- — — _--_ I _—. vAm—vAm—v,a—v,m—vr (PROP'D)EDGE OF VINEYARD — A.R—VATtR--rIATA_V,Tp--VATq— _-2-71, p I \\ — — vnm—vnrTw—vAm--vnra—vAm �} I q I +� R7 I � Ill n f �if r -.- -.� r•-�-�-�..� �� �_ vA�..��..�..,.. �_ \�--vAm—vA A I—�Ar61—vA'rn—vnm— �w...v..ra 32' vA a_vAm—w' I� PARK 6 A6 vAm.— vnm--vAm—vAm—v,m-_ Q z I N 33 32 2U \ T} — vA a vao, vAm \ � L---x25-J _ m� I S 25 \ �- m vn I ETA�CK 16~ -'1 o o J I � I F'Ro51DE I2 ys y�tif I I fi�LNTCD VINES AREA w I `� s3e.4�' N e8-40'40" # �'H}I{_HBERM �a r` \ r 1X S I I o GRIGULTUR,�L �RODUGTION I ` TOT A: � Tj 1 —, �L ARE � � 4o B' TO 8' PROPOSED Y�ooy 9, "'I HI&H CEDAR TREc5 I MONUMENT 200.0 EXT'G BARN 5.5624 �4GRES/ 155,181.67 S•1-, x 8.�fi428 , Gi�I=S/ 58�i,S51.8q S.I`. 0 I z r\ � (TO BE RELOCATED I SI&N HAS NO I \ (�J I I I D ul I I ��h0 45 FROM SITE) 4O EXT'& a u PLUMBING, '-°^�--� I I w UTILITY POLE RESIDENTIAL USE SAN I TARP , 34' , I I � ILI OR WATER 48 ACRES/ 5,000.0 S.I". I tV ExrG ILI d I WELL T W i DGE OF VINEY,4RD I �, 25' Y of tiVm I I w XQf o lump `D I I ( DEPARTMENTAL AFPROVAL 1 0 NOV 0 3 2017 k, N L — — (E— — EDGE — VINEYARD — — — — — _ — _ — — — — (EXT'G) EDGE OF �/IN)=YARD I � S.G.T.M. 1000-101-1-14.4 4 14.6 J Southold Town _' — -- SITE DATA 9 Plan Board N 31°25'20" T}r -- --- ...._�.""' -- -- APPROVED�O�E® �� EXT'6 397.75' w — — - PLANNING BOARD AREA OF SITE: 8.1428 AGs�E(5) OR 381,551.81 S.F. . WELL N/O/F JN I LL I AI„� W I GKHAM N 34°15'30" 7}'127.47' EXT'G BUILDING AREA: 2,162.0 S.F. (IRRI6ATION (VACANT) TOWN OF SOUTHOl.D PROPOSED E3UILDING AREA: 2,852.0 S.F. ONLY) `5% OF LOT' OGGUPANGY TOT 1.28-756 S F SITE PLAN DATE I , ��,-i ZONING Or- SITE: AG ZONING REV. #5 06-26-17 EXISTING USE: RESIDENGC 4 WINERY SCALE: '1' =50'_0" t` REV. #4 04-2-1-1-7 FROPO5ED USE: R'17 - 4 NINERY REV• #3 04-25-17 S.G.T.M. it: 1000-101-1-14.4 4 14.6 DATUM Or- ELEVATIONS: NAVD 1188 REV. #2 04-07-17 REV. #1 03-20-17 � ..� a :{, 517E PLAN FOR S,�rNNINO VINEYARD 151115 COUNTY ROAD 4f3 GUTGHOGUE,NY APPROVED BY: SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWN BY: JJURNER a DAIS: 02-15-1-1 REVISED BY Robert J. (5r�ubor� -- Architect ,awn + 476 Expressway Drive So. Medford, KY, 11763 (631) 654-4949 S.G.D.H.S REF# GIO-I6-0012 of �>,a I -T- FLAN I DRAWING NUMBER: Illy IORP, I. �. 7AN I 'I AF,)" SITE FJ.._ AN SAN-I OF 2 ,1(113# #1 15-014 PCS 5 ap 1 �' 1 c� �• PROPOSED HIGH CEDAR TREES (TO BE RELOCATED SAN I TART' � � I TY . FROM SITE) SYSTEM #2 � L- GROUND WATER MANAGEMENT ZONE: I\/ �" - - NEW / �/ T L AREA OF SITE - 8.�i428 ACRE(S) OR 35 1,551.8q S.F. 4' HIGFENCE -H STOCKADE . EXT'GVINEYARD AREA = - 3.5624 ACRE(5) OR 155,181.67 S.F. 6 ' HIGH STOCKADE FENGit �x AREA = 5.3804 AGRE(5) OR 23470.22 S.F. Y144 . 09 " 1 S 33'0240 1 i el0yl Ta (� (� 6 ' }SIGH STOGK'�D G GALGULATION5 EXGLUDES VINEYARD AREA " /r< . el' �' NG _ �(j /,� '�� „ E D (NEVN) 5.3804 ,OGRES x 600 G.P.D. PER ,°\GRE = 3,228.24 G.P.D. ,�,LLOW BLE iu o LL x 7 W '� fT^i �t� �1 ``fir '�, < -- - - - - -- t - J���y----_ � {/� ----------- ----------------- � "l � ��• oI STREET SANITARY FLO1N (ON1.._Y) a I ; LINE OF 12' BUFFER ------------ ----- - --- ;u .0 - 71 1 r li T vZ 'yV 'r\ v I yiZ 1< t1 t_r= _.n TRF_E5 ----- ---------- q_ X x c- LINE OF 12' vI ' 'w - ' SANITARY FLOW GALGULATION (EXT'G SYSTEM #I) 33q.28 GPD (GRASS 'ARKING AREA •'L I LINE O --.-- ,jt� ; 1 , EP , "NO PARKING 'J ER -' -, Q II 1"7 GARS �' ' � ,EPS; 6� I2 BUFF ' _ ., f- SANITARY FLOW CALCULATION (PP.OP'D SYSTEM #2) 1050.50 GPD n� LEAGHING 11 I �. I YANYTIME" I G 5�J I- _a J TOTAL SAN I TAP.Y FLOW 1! EDGE O�6RAVEL -Pool-s- _ _ PRO�/I DE I,38q.�� GPD 8' DIA x 13' D7� I.�` - �--- __ 4 AREA I- Q Inl O GR.°�\/EL , \ r'LP\\ NEW EDGE OF ERAVEL ----- 2' HIGH BERM X11 Q CV I PARI'INC 45.0 j\ �a 1� f CREASE TRAP \-"ADDITIO _`� e - LP SAN I TARP FLOW GALGULATI ON (EXT'O SYSTEM #I) AREA #2 AREA I \� \` S il�'� - 15001 GALSGDP. PARKING IN ASS AREA \ - vX I INLET 44.0 \ ASPHALT SpL� t > I Q / ' ^�`\ , I IE ' t� _. 3q.q £DGE of 6RAVEL 7r1L /� }� O u_ 2 0 MINI. 4O �• HANDICAP ED jt<Av£b Arie4 P �/ D T I 6RAVEL PROP'D RPZ 3 < y PARKING SI,N ` 1 ' RESIDENCE AREA NO. GPDLSF TOTAL AVG. �- Z --- -- ---- -- ; -- -�-- -� I' - PER STALL 'A`RE.4 HOT BOX �'"d �� GALLDAY O N w �_ - _ �� 50. FT. SEATS GPD SEAT SANITARY ONLY I = SEP IG TA - T� EPTIG TANK <� ,ti- - _ (EXT'G) HOUSE _ _ s I 1,200DI Gx 4C, P. �� \\\\\ '�, OO G 61 or GAP 40. `II �` 1 �' \ PROPOSED ELEGTRIGAL SERV IG - uj - - - - - - - - - - - - 300.0 \\ 111E - � ) -/ r_ .'_ - -- - - - - - - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - TEST S.G.W.A. METER (EXT'G) BARN x82.0 S.F - .04 51.28 GPD I w x 4 o IE IE IE \\\ n 40: \\�� MIN. 40.0 40.1,E \\ W-1 -45 ii I- II _J t J HOLE S .7_^ \/AULT • I � . � _ 331.25 GPD 11� - - I I I.2 11 z '�. ' 18 2' #1 x x x' HT H•I;-- - - WATER W+R WATER WATER WATER WATER WATE _ \ SANITARY FLOIAq GALGULATION (FROP'D SYSTEM #2) LEAGHING -�x 1 ', - x x � W_TER... :.. T`E 1 POOLS �` IE �V i - 40.6 E E45.0 IE �2 IE PROPOSED I-I/2" DIA. WATER SERVIG war I_ O' DIA x 12' DP \ \ I E ® TOTAL A Q� 04 z= NEIN 41.0 41.4 EL 43.0 U ' WINERY AREA JOyG' z `3q5;�� _-• 5 � H.T. 41.0 GUARD y\(_ --. - �r RAIL PROPOSED '�`"No PARKING- e Q K Ill GPD SF MIN. - c�I 1ST FLR �� Ism 20 � SEA GAL[DAY MIN. 2,E,�2 a,,��F�/YVINERY nNrnME" '� I S �P IL f- L5G2. FT. ___ TS GPD SEAT SANITARY ONLY EL 45.0 2ND FLR��OF7/ifz �8 S.F. SIGN PER ut MAX. L� IE _ W/ 3,6�p,�,.Fj,g; S MENT _-- �3 STRIPED AREA OFFIGE (2ND FLOOR) 438.0 S.F. - 06 26.28 31.4 4- 32 //%%% �� ')�� a 1 MIN. 5'-&" BETWEEI` RETAIL EDUCATION AREA 400 0 S F - .O3 33.18 - ` NEW �>.// // o-. \\ I �P D 0 F. 20 .� 100.00 S N I T RY G(�EASE TRAP //� F METER VAULT WINE PRODUCTION AREA 04 D EP , 8' DIA x 5' DP / ///i (1 45,0 / z -I _ SYSTEM #5 I 1500 GAL GAP, �'/ j j ?l�' N r'1 f AND HOT BOX 2� �{ FA /// / / CRUSH TL X TASTING AREA (SEATED 4 STANDING) 661.0 S.F. 44 10 440.00 PAD 832 5T>". ��.ii //� I �' �,aP` - I LNDSG/-SPED (� X f1_! WAREHOUSE (BASEMENT) 3,600.0 S.F. .04 144.40 uj \ 384 S.F, j J �" �+ I�.�LAND ¢ \ SEASONAL OUTDOOR SEATING (832.0 S.F.) 56 5 250.00 C,a / -- 0J� o� iOL 0 z 6,510.05.F. G.F.A. 1050.5 0 GPD fy- IL ;x LANDSCAPE AREA � KITGHCN/GRA"rLOAD FLOW CALCULATION (SYSTDv #2)�,ASTING AREA W-I EL 43.0 ���P� 1 D 661 .0 5F I\ int I - 7.'.81 ' �� I \ WINERY AREA NO. GPD 5F TOTAL AVG. • _ SQ, FT. SEATS GD/SEATAREA #1 BUS FARKING SANITARY ONLY 11J INLET 44.5 ---- 15'1 X50, I G R,�� L .Q �P - . ,,,\ r� --------___ �p TASTING AREA (SEATED) 661.0 S.F. 44 5 2.20.00 WINE EDUCATION AREA 400.0 S.F. 20 2.5 50.00 L R 0 1D DIA. W TER S R I G -1 � � ��� 1 �? ;/ AR A 34 SEASONAL OUTDOOR 5EAT1 NG 832.0 5.F. 5 \ 1 6 2.5 140.00 " W I BUS 1�'ARK I NG I � -- IN .T 39.0 1�J- I X 5O I £DGE OF 6RAVEL � � 410.00 GPD (PROF'D) EDGE OF VINEYARD x z - --- -- - f'1 � 5EPTIG TANK 1,460E50 GPD \\ 2 WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER - WA W �- � x V_ I--- ---- ----- I � ATER WATER WFlTE WA 1 (5/ GER g' I li' 25' � �i 1,460.50 GPD X 2 DAYS = 2,121.0 GPD REOV � WAITER � U� IO' I \ x= R WATER WATER W-TER WATEP, - I E IO DIA. X 6 LIQUID DEPTH l - --------J SETBA xp- C Q 3,000 G, L GAP. S1=PTIG TANS: \ AREA 2' HIGH BERM �� z � LEAGHING POOLS 63 ". 47 - 15 �i 1460.50 GPD = I.5 G/5F WALL AREA P.EG2'D 9 . r� �� �i�` MIZ 1 T S D 4040 �' 5y ---'" '� AA �,� �,,�, SET q� � � � \ q13.6�1 5F = 25.0 5F/VF = 3a.a5 REG2'D I< W � fY_ USE (3) POOLS g V D - ' EA. _ - ' I � iLl ( ) IA. X 13 DEEB' - 3�i Vf-P PROV D \ 5 ' TO 0FROPOSEDAPPROVED BY 6,REA5E TRAP HIGH CEDAR TREES MONUMENT '200. 00 < PLANNING BOAPD USE V DIA. x 5LIQUID DEPTH 1500 6AL GAP. 6REA5E TRAP (TO 5E R E L O G A T E D � � S I r--;,N � TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I � fi=RO M SITE) C X T'G �� � ►-- ` l 201 - -+ X DATE I PROLES S WATER G�4LG. (PROPOSED SYSTEM #3) UTILITY S7 I M'� TOTAL AVG. to C POLE AREA NO GPD AT HEAVY DUTY AND LOCKING 1�1-i WIN]=RY 50 FT VATS G 6AL/DAY CAST IRON COVER TO GRADE JANITAP.Y ONLY r , 'I ' (PROPOSED) WINERY (EQUIP. WASH DOWN) - 14 20 250.0 v7QL24:' QZ AL1 T E. "� N T MIN. ,4RE,� TO Bi= ASPHALT PAVED } EXT'67 40 0 �'N v 24 ID TRAFFIC BEARIIJG a a 20 MIN. .:' .,•, .; 20 MIN. SYSTEM IS DESIGN FOR 600 GPD 250.0 GPD NE INLET L I/�I E L L 14" OUTLET N 0_Y X41,- _ NOTE, 5EPTIG TANK 1/4"/F T. '� 6" FLOW LINE 4" DIA. SDR OR 14" 11- SYSTEM #3 600.0 GPD X 2 DAYS = 1,200.0 GPD REO'D EQUIVALENT SITE PLAN ' PITCH MIN. I.E. LP 15 OVERSIZED A5 PER APPLICANT USE 8 DIA, x 4 LIQUID DEPTH 1/4" PER FOOT 0 8 39,5 < a a DROP ^r 1,200 GAL GAP. SEPTIC, TANK E,L HIEAW DUTY AND LOCKING � "j SCALE. I =20'-O" E L HEAVY DUTY AND LOCKING CAST IRON COVER TO GRADE J < CAST IRON COVER TO GRADE 43,0 4" DIA. SDR OR 3.0 LEAGHING P00L5 EQUIVALENT PITCH MIN. 600 GPD _ 1.5 6/5F = 400.0 5F WALL AREA REGQ'D a Q w 1/8" PER FOOT a X L GRADE L. 38.0' 400.05F - 25.0 SF/VF = 16.0 VF i'�EQ'D ' S 4" s'-b" 3'-b" 4" � ' Z DARK USE (2) LEACHING POOL(S) (p &' DIA. X 12' DEEP EA. = 24' VFP PROVO 4'DIA. SDR35 DR o z 4`DIA, SDR35 ❑R 'In EQUIVALENT ' N EQUIVALENT �i _ PITCH MIN, e'-O" PITCH MIN. N v BROWN LOAM 1/8' PER FOOT MIN 0' 1/8" PER FOOT ,a0" OL GREASE TRAP MIN ' EL.37.5' USE 8' DIA. x 5' LIQUID DEPTH E C E SEPT I G TANK DETAIL I BROW14 1,500 GAL GAP. GREASE TRAP' SYSTEM #2 LE. 39,90- SILT NOV- a 3 201 SYSTEM #3 LE. 39,40 - \ -- �ET ,- (8' DIA. X 4' LIQUID DEPTH) Irk ET _�- X (1,200 GALLON GAPAGITY) x - - ML a 1/8"/FT. (SYSTEM #3) 1 8" FT. _ -EL.34.0 Southold Town HEAVY DUTY AND LOCY,IN(G S / / _ Planning Board CAST IRON COVER TO GRADE ,i _ III HEAVY DUTY AND LOCKING - III PALE �J'SITE DATA N 3'-O' - CAST IRON COVER TO GRADE S-O" BROWN _ N = MIIJ. - �' MIN. - FINE TO -I � - �X < z -1 0- COARSE AREA OP SITE: 8.83 AGfi'.E(S) OR 5f�l1555.41 S.P. Q SYSTEM #2 IE=41.2 �X r I.E. N� s ! TR MIN. I I SAND EXT'G BUILDING AREA: x w 24" ID iV 2 24" ID TRAFFIC (BEARING I I _I I( SW 2,16 .0 �• • ,I I1 SYSTEM #3 EL=40,6 ¢ z SYSTEM #2 IE=40.7 40,6 " PROPOSED BUILDIiyG AREA: 2852.0 S.P. - CUA 24' 20 MIN. 20 MIN. . > 1.28 "tJ � N SYSTEM #3 EL=40.1 INLET - = h EL. 21.0' TOTAL = 5,014.0 S.P. w - 4" DIA, SDR OR �- t4" 1- OUTLET N -` I- - .� OP LOT OCCUPANCY 8" 8" P1IN, TRAFFIC BEARING 1/4"/FT. 6" IA _ ' I NOTE: INLET & EQUIVALENT-,._ 20' FLOW LINE -- I 14'-0" '72'-0" 4'-0" lo" N 2'-O" 14'-O" 1O' -14'-4" 10" 5'_p" 2-OTV-4" S Ii I O O N I i 11 V I I I 11 V I I I I I UP �_ _ — �_ — — — 1 -1J—L_ L -L —I _� (PROPOSED GIRDER COLUMNS — _ �_ i dl BiA�SEME NT STORAGE / MEG•HANIGAL 5,600 S.P. S.P. I I 4 N �Y 1S' 10" UP -' FRE I CHI LIFT APPWIED By PLANNING BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DATE \ \ , � 111 NOV 3 2011 Southold'Town Planning Board NOT FOR GONSTRUGTION BUILDING FLAN5 FOR SANN I NO V I NE T ARD 1511-15 G.R.4b GUTG406UE,NY �0� SGALE: AS NOTED APPROVED BY. DRAWN BY,RK R0F05=D 5ASEMENT FLAN 600 S .F . . ;; r> DATE. 06-22-16 REVISED BY . (D Robert J. &ruber - Architect I3vv)71 416 Expre5!5way Drive 5o. Medford, N.Y. 11163 (631) 654-4Q4a T� or "• .'';� ' FOUNDATION PLAN D�T,�rILS DRAW(I6 NUMBER: REVISED 04.28.17 ^ ^ OF J ISSUED FOR ARB 05.01.17 (06 -7 0 F y� JoB, # 15-014 72'-0" 41_0" 5'-O —ug -- U MENS ;N01�%1�NS i TO I LST TO I LET p q - -----=--- -- �r-----� L,-----tom ----- ------- OT- 0000000 FLAT I DN CEILING I — 0 RETAIL AREA PLAT CEILING 1,106 S.P. \ / GO Y �RD IS OCCUPANTS o CRUSH PAD DN N 584 S.P. 0 i GO� R�D Q �r UNDER E I`tTR"r zZz NINE �� COUNTER 56 S.P. <K SINK PRODUGTI ON I I z z a AREA I I 0 lu Q J o N I PLAT_x d 685 S.P. O I CEILING 4 OCCUPANTS ( 0 tT1 d FLAT GEILINS UNDER O O DN I COUNTER U UP I SINK m J WINS I � — — — — — — — PLANTER BY OTHERS a TAST I NCS AREA o in 661 S.P. t v z HIGH 44 OCCUPANTS LL O v j l m PLAT lu o O U d GEILINS O IL W Q - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - \D - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -O LINE OP WALL ABOVE — — — — z lu � I m l - - - - j NINE o FAT 10 I EDUCATION — II to N 832 S.P. I I l 0AREA BLUESTON lu 1 I Q 20 OCCUPANTS I I la Illy l iz SLOPED I SLOPED GEII_IINS J I GEILINS N I Q O DN - FRE I OHT LIFT APPROVED BY PLANNING BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 52',0" 40'-0" DATE 1 k ` Ot '201-1 2N12 FLOOR OCCUPANCY GALGULATION IST FLOOR OGGUi= ANG't' CALCULATION AREA CALCULATIONS: SPACE AREA S.F. AREA PER OCCUPANT # OF OCCUPANTS SPACE AREA S.F. AREA PER OCCUPANT # OF OCCUPANTS D E c -� 2ND FLOOR OFFICE: 458 S.P. 100 S.P. PER OCCUPANT 4 OCCUPANTS WINE PRODUCTION AREA: 685 S.P. 200 S.P. PER OCCUPANT 3 OCCUPANTS FIRST FLOOR: 2,852 S.F. TOTALS: 430 S.F. 4 OCCUPANTS WINE TASTINS AREA: 661 S.F. 15 S.F. PER OCCUPANT 44 OCCUPANTS SECOND FLOOR: 438 S.F. NOV 0 3 2017 WINE EDUCATION AREA: 400 S.F. 20 S.F. PER OCCUPANT 20 OCCUPANTS TOTAL: 3 2�f0 SF RETAIL AREA: 1106 S.F. 605.1 . PER OCCUPANT IS OCCUPANTS S.F. Southold Town Planning(3varJ TOTALS: 2,052 S.F. 05 OCCUPANTS FRONT CO\/ERED ENTRY: 56 S.F. REAR PATIO: 032 S.F. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CO\/ERED CRUSH PAD: 304 S.F. BUILDING PLANS FOR BA5EMENT: 3,600 5.F. S NN 11N0 V I NAY RD 15475 G.R.48 GUTGHO&UE,NY APPROVED By, �j 00 ��, � SCALE, A5 NOTED DRAWN By. RK R O F O S D F I RST FLOOR PLAN c 2 a c�2 S .F . .� DATE, 06-22�16 REVISED BY i SCALE: I/4"=r-o° � t Robert J. 67rUber - Architect 416 Expre,55way Drive 5o. Medford, N.Y. 111(93 (631) 654-4g4q FIRST FLOOR PLAN 4 DETAILS D �2 OF 5 REVISED 04.28.17 °� �" 'ISSUED FOR ARB 05.01.1-1 P& <3 6G J-1-^Y SOB- # 15-0114 F- -LINE OF COVERED CRUSH PAD BELOW LINE OF WALL BELOW — I mI LLI FLAT �I QI I I of 0 CtILINGlu I NINA F'R0r2UGT I ON 0 OF=F I GE ARE /\I CEILING 455 S.P.l—'� CEILI OPEN To BELOW 4 OCCUPANTS O I w to DN I IL of 0 OF EN TO v z_ HIGH BELOW !L FLAT LL v CEILING z—z - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - Z 0 )w I I I I Q � I I II I II II II II WINS II WINE TAST 1 NC-7 II EDUGAT I ON I AREA AREA OPEN TO BELOW I ( OPEN TO BELOW I I II II ISLG�PED I I SLOPED G>"ILING I I CEILING I LL I I II II I I I I APM4vE D BY PLANNING BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DATE p E E NOV Q 3 2017 Southoli'Town Planning Loard NOT FOR GONSTRUGTION SU I LD I NS PLANS FOR SANN I NO V I NE-1'ARD 159'75 G.R.48 GUTGHOSUE,NY SCALE, AS NOTED APPROVED Br, DRAWN BY,RK F OFOSED SEC.,ONL�) FLOOR SCALE: I/4"=1'—O"45E) S .F. �f�j �' *. DATE, 06-22-16 REVISED BY � Rcber�t J. GrUl��r - Archltoct laoll + 416 Exprc55wciy Drive 5o. Medford, N.Y. 11163 (631) 654-4g4q T SECOND FLOOR PLAN $ DE:7AILS IDPAHIN6 NUMBER, REVISED 04.25.17 ^ ^^ OF 5 ISSUED rOR ARB 05.01.17 �� QF T.O. RLDGE _ GABLE END VENT COLOR: WHITE T.O. PLATE T.O. DOOR / WINDOW LLL , w. ARCHITECTURAL ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLE COLOR: RED .o _.,. COLOR WHITE _. . _." Y_._. 6" FRIEZE BOARD cV ............ ..». COLOR: WHITE — 5/4 X 8 FASCIA -_.. ----- COLOR: TE T.O. _2ND FLOOR - L WHI _.. . ...... ....._..,,.,. STUCCO SIDING T.O. PLATE _. COOR: LIGHT GREEN L R b.. TRIM COLOR. WHITE T.O. DOOR / WINDOW IRV 6" TRIM AROUND WINDOWS d DOORS COLOR: WHITE E WOOD WINDOWS 4 DOORS COLOR: WHITE it I 12 SQUARE COLUMNS O O I COLOR: WHITE -- - - - - a I FLAG STONE $ WATER TABLE n 3 COLOR: BEIGE BROWN i .,. ... - r CODE _ n+r' :: .. - , . . €• ,. ._==---.�•-'_- I II I COLOR WHITE " RAILING A5 PER jft II I f T.O. _IST FLOOR �. �'-.;...,. '.,t"' _t..,._. ;:, .r,,. .:, : I, I I I f ` � III —I�_— .._ .._...�:_,...._.._...:��:=:_:� �"��m:�._.._._.____._:::�_'.' '• APPROXIMATE GRADE BEYOND APPROXI MATE GRADE BEYO D I IL APPROXIMATE GRADE IL APPROXIMATE GRADE x I SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0" T.O. RIDGE _ 5/4 X 5 FASCIA COLOR: WHITE _.......... : ...,,.. L....,:.:.:.:. ........- . S" FRIEZE BOARD ... _.. _. . .. ....:. ".„. ._. -..,...».... .,.., „ ... „ _. , w COLOR: WHITE :.._ _. :::.....:"..:.r:»,: :.:::........ :: _:"..uL.:,::,;::: . APPROVED BY GABLE END VENT _ _.... _�� ,_-. ...,., ...,..._.,_ ..� ..n,.......- w ..,.M _ ., PLANNING BOARD COLOR: WHITE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DATE m „ . _»_........ ...:_;. ARCHITECTURAL __. _.. .. .....»,. " _ ., .... _. _ _... F SHINGLE ASPHALT ROOF N _.. COLOR RED II II -----IL II COLOR. LIGHT GREEN — / STUCCO SIDING T.O. PLATE - II ILL �I I I 6" TRIM - COLOR: WHITE T.O. DOOR / WINDOW _ 12" X 8" KEY ii COLOR: WHITE 0 0 I 6' TRIM WINDOWS 4 DOORS COLOR: WHITE AROUND -- —I --- WOOD WINDOWS 4 DOORS COLOR: WHITE 12" SQUARE COLUMNS -- -- - 1 -- COLOR. WHITE E f I x A t : : f 1•" , i) € d i " € 1. I T.O. 1ST FLOOR I , - CODE I ,I I I r 4 wv • I = _._._._ .",: . _ _ __ _. .... : _._ _: _... :. _._ . :._.»,_.. ...: , ,,,. . ':,,.. ... I I I _...:.. __.t •'-.,,!E ..... ;�:.=..r - -. :-.. - � +II RAILING AS PER r .. ... ... . ;, COLOR: WHITE FLAG STONE 4 WATER TA COLOR: BEIGE / BROWN 1l T I EE_ NOV 0 3 2 11 SCALE: I/4 - 1'-0" -.--' ' - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SoutholtlToa Planning E'cal I BU I LD I INC PLANS FOR 15115 G.R.48 SNN I �O l! I N I I"tR� GUTGHO6UE,NY t( SCALE: AS NOTED APPROVED BY, DRAWN BY. RK DATE: 06-22-16 REVISED BY . Ll m .r Robert J. Gruber• Arch item 416 Expre.55way Drive So. Medford, N.(. 11163 (631) 654-4g4q + FRONT 4 LEFT SIDE 10RAHIN&NUMBER: REVISED 04.28.1"i oa= ^^ ^^ O� 155UED FOR ARB 03.01.1-1 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS PCS jj) OC —111 JOB. # 15-014 T.O. RI_D6E _ _._..,_.,,..,....,... . _. ...... .... ............. ARCHITECTURAL ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLE COLOR: RED COLOR WHITE , G D VENT „ 12" X 8" KEY COLOR: WHITE 8" FRIEZE BOARD N ...._.,. COLOR: WHITE 6" TRIM COLOR: WHITE ---- T.O_PLATE _ .:: _ 5/4 X ,5 FASCIA COLOR: WHITE T.O. DOOR / WINDOW STUCCO SIDING I:I III I I II �I I II L-1 ----- ---- I ------ - -- ----�-- 1- COLOR: LI GHT GREEN RIM AR1U-__--- b" TP WIND O WS ff DOORS COLOR: WHITE WOOwINDS 8 DOORS COLOR: .�_,._.. . FLAG STONE $ W TER T A BLE _ ..,.E COLOR BEISE BROWN RAILING AS PER CODE COLOR: WHITE JL1L., a Iil �l Is T.O. 15T FLOOR _, yy i < I r i , a iv 12" SQUARE COLUMNS COLOR: WHITE SLIDING BARN DOOR COLOR: WHITE x I SCALE: 1/4'1= 1'-0" T.O. RIDGE 5/4 X 8 FASCIA COLOR: WHITE 811 FRIEZE BOARD „ _........... ......~:._..__..,._........,..._., ...,._~ .. w<. .. .. COLOR. WHITE GABLE END VENT COLOR: WHITE 1211 X 8" KEY COLOR: WHITE STUCCO SIDING COLOR. LIGHT GREEN _........ .... .,. ...._ „ ARCHITECTURAL „.. . ............. _,._...., .,._..,.. ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLE COLOR: RED 611 TRIM COLOR: WHITE ,. T.O. PLATE T.O—DOOR / WINDOW APPROVED BY PLANNING BOARD 6" TRIM AROUND WINDOWS B DOORS _o I JL — I COLOR: WHITE TOWN OF SOUTHOL D , WOOD WINDOWS a DOORS I O COLOR: WHITE ILrIj DATE ._ �p 12" SQUARE COLUMNS COLOR: WHITE I L„ I� ;> m AI INC AS PER CODE DOLOR WHITE , I_ i T.O. IST FLOOR _ Y 12" SQUARE COLUMNS- ;�n COLOR: WHITE D Ll FLAG STONE 8 WATER TABLE COLOR: BEIGE / BROWN NOV O 3 201/ I F;� 67H T S D E E L E V A T O Southold Town SCALE: I/4"= I'-O" Planning Board NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION BUILDING PLANS FOR SANN I NO V I NEYDAR �St. �•( J. �, �',,r�. 159'15 G.R.48 GUTGHO6UE,NY O®� x-19 5GALE: A5 NOTED APPROVED BY, DRAHN BY.RK DATE, 06-22-16 REVISED BY .,rte Robert �. Gruber - Arr hitoct t!7i ., 4165 Expre55wciy Drive So. Medford, N.Y. 111693 (6931) 654-4g4q DRAWING NUMBER: o ,s REAR � RIGHT SIDE 5SUED°OOR'AR'B 05.01.11 EXTERIOR ELE\/ATI ONS P6. 1:— c� � s 01= 4 �oB: # 15-O�f 4 OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex *rif SO P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtow-nny.gov CA* Ar" �`,reouri, PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 8, 2017 Mr. Anthony Sannino 7490 Alvahs Lane Cutchogue, NY 1-1935 Re: Site Plan Approval (Final): Sannino Winery Located at 7495 Alvahs Lane, ±490' s/w/o Alvahs Lane and CR 48, Cutchogue SCTM#1000-101-1-14.4 & 14.6 Zoning District: AC Dear Mr. Sannino: The following resolutions were adopted at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on November 6, 2017: WHEREAS, this Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 2-story building with a 2,852 sq. ft. first floor for wine production, wine retail area, and a wine education room, a 438 sq. ft. second floor for an office, and a 3,600 sq. ft. basement with thirty nine (39) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District, Cutchogue; and WHEREAS, on June 5, 2017, the Planning Board granted Conditional Approval to this Site Plan application; and WHEREAS, on June 22, 2017, Anthony Sannino, owner, submitted a request to modify the language of certain conditions approved by the Planning Board; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board, its staff and the Southold Town Attorney coordinated with Mr. Sannino and his counsel to provide a comprehensive list of conditions to be filed as Covenants & Restrictions with the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk; and WHEREAS, on October 19, 2017, the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) granted approval C10-16-0012 for "Mixed Use as per plan" @ 3,130.28gpd Total Flow— 2,850.28gpd Sanitary Flow + 280gpd Process Water Flow; and Sannino Winery 2 November 8, 2017 WHEREAS, on October 31, 2017, Anthony Sannino, owner, submitted proof of filed Covenants & Restrictions with the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk to the Planning Board; and WHEREAS, on November 3, 2017, Anthony Sannino, owner, submitted five (5) copies of the revised site plan, storm water/ sanitary plan and supporting plans; and WHEREAS, at their Work Session on November 6, 2017, the Planning Board reviewed the revised plans and compared them with their conditional approval from June, 2017; and WHEREAS, on November 6, 2017, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the revised plans and determined that they meet the Board's conditions, and that all applicable requirements of the site plan regulations in Southold Town Code, Article XXIV, §280 Site Plan Approval, have been met under the conditions listed below; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grants Approval with Conditions, listed below, of the site plan entitled "Sannino Vineyard" prepared by Robert J. Gruber, dated June 22, 2016, and last revised October 5, 2017, and authorizes the Chairman to endorse the site plan. Conditions: 1. A Suffolk County DPW Curb Cut Permit must be obtained and executed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy from the Building Department; 2. The maximum number of patrons and/or visitors on the winery site is limited to 235 people at any given time. This limitation does not include employees of the winery, the related farming operation ("Farm"), or the Bed & Breakfast ("B&B") located on the subject property. The limitation also does not include guests of the B&B that are not present at the winery site. 3. The vehicles used by visitors and patrons to the winery may only be parked in approved areas as depicted on the approved Site Plan, The maximum number of such vehicles permitted on site for winery operations, is 39. This limitation does not include the vehicles of employees of the winery, the Farm or the employees or guests of the B&B that are not parked in the area designated for wineryparking on the approved Site Plan., There is no additional parking permitted on site or on adjacent properties for visitors or patrons of the winery operation. The winery operator, its agents, or employees shall not direct people to park on public streets, including CR48; Sannino Winery 3 November 8, 2017 4. Limousines and Buses must park in the oversize spaces on the west side of the winery, and are permitted in the following numbers and combinations: a. Maximum number of limousines at any one time is five (5); b. When 4 or 5 limousines are on site, no buses are permitted; c. Maximum number of buses at any one time is two (2); d. One limousine is permitted when two buses are on site; e. Up to three limousines are permitted with one bus on site. 5. All vehicles must remain on site at all times while their patrons are on site. No drop-off permitted except for ride sharing, public transit or taxi; 6. Parking in designated parking areas only, as shown on the approved Site Plan; 7. The 17 gravel parking stalls facing the building are to be the primary parking stalls; 8. A traffic routing plan is required to be distributed to all driver/livery companies ahead of time and shall be provided/displayed for all potential patrons on the company website; 9. There shall be no more than 12 Special Events, as defined by the Southold Town Code, at the winery in a calendar year, subject to the following conditions: a. Nothing contained herein shall waive the requirement that the Declarant make an application for a Special Event Permit as required by the Southold Town Code; b. The covenants and restrictions set forth in paragraphs "1" through "6" shall not apply to Special Events at the winery for which Declarant has applied for and received a Special Event Permit as required by the Southold Town Code; c. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing contained herein shall restrict a body, board or official responsible for reviewing and/or approving special event permits from recommending and/or requiring that any reasonable conditions be placed on the approval of a special events permit that an aforementioned body, board or official deems appropriate based on the Sannino Winery 4 November 8, 2017 submitted application and the criteria for reviewing Special Event Applications set forth in the Southold Town Code. Please also note the following requirements in the Southold Town Code relating to Site Plans: 1. Proposed storm water run-off containment systems must be inspected by the Town Engineer at the time of installation. Please call the Southold Town Engineer prior to beginning this work. 2. Approved Site Plans are valid for eighteen months from the date of approval, within which time all proposed work must be completed, unless the Planning Board grants an extension. 3. Any changes from the Approved Site Plan shall require Planning Board approval. 4. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Planning Board must inspect the site to ensure it is in conformity with the Approved Site Plan, and issue a Final Site Inspection Approval letter. Should the site be found not in conformance with the Approved Site Plan, no Certificate of Occupancy may be issued unless the Planning Board approves the changes to the plan. A copy of the Approved Site Plan is enclosed for your records. One copy will also be sent to the Building Department and the Town Engineer/Highway Department. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Respectfully, F r Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman cc: Michael Verity, Chief Building Inspector James Richter, Office of the Town Engineer By signing this letter, the applicant acknowledges that there are conditions above that must be satisfied. nthony Sannino, Owner I CC# : C1741899 � e t 9q, y1 COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I, JUDITH A. PASCALE, Clerk of the County of Suffolk and the Court of Record thereof do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed with the original DECLARATION recorded in my office on 10/05/2017 under Liber D00012932 and Page 594 and, that the same is a true copy thereof, and of the whole of such original. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County and Court this 10/05/2017 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK JUDITH A.PASCALE SEAL SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DECLARATION Recorded: 10/05/2017 Number of Pages : 6 At: 01 : 03 : 00 PM Receipt Number : 17-0175363 LIBER: D00012932 PAGE : 594 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 101 . 00 01 .00 014 .004 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $30 . 00 NO Handling $20 . 00 NO COE $5 . 00 NO NYS SRCHG $15 .00 NO TP-584 $0 . 00 NO Notation $0 . 00 NO Cert.Copies $10 . 40 NO RPT $400 . 00 NO Fees Paid $480 . 40 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County Number of pages (._�� RECORDED of Oct. o, 01:03:iuu Ph1 UDITI-1 A. PA"CALE This document will be public :LEP.{-- OF record. Please remove all i_IFF01-1, CUNT', Social Security Numbers L prior to recording. P 594 Deed/Mortgage Instrument Deed/Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording/Filing Stamps 3 1 FEES Page/Filing Fee �V Mortgage Amt. 1.Basic Tax Handling 20. 00 2. Additional Tax TP-584 Sub Total Notation Spec./Assit. or EA-52 17(County) Sub Total Spec./Add. EA-5217(State) TOT.MTG.TAX Dual Town Dual County R.P.T.S.A. I� ' ,�� Held for Appointment Comm.of Ed. 5. 00 _ Transfer Tax Affidavit Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is CertifiedCopy or will be improved by a one or two NYS Surcharge 15. 00 family dwelling only. Sub Total ( YES or NO Other c� [ / Grand Total O CJ - `i 0 If NO, see appropriate,tax clause on page# of this instrument. 4 Dist. 10 3492293 G� ChC-� 14. 5 5 Community Pres`er'vation Fund Real Property P T SConsideration Amount $ Tax Service R LPA A IN 111111111111111IIIII� Agency 05-OCT-17 CPF Tax Due $ Verification Improved 6 Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Vacant Land TD Wickham, Bressler& Geasa, P.C. TD P.O. Box 1424 Mattituck,New York 11952 TD Mail to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 7 Title Company Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Co.Name www.suffolkcountyny.gov/clerk Title# 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached __ Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) The premises herein is situated in Agriturismo Sannino LLC SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK. TO In theTOWN of Southold Town of Southold In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of Cutchogue BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. over PT S . R LPA .A - Stat ID, X492317 05-OCT-17 Tax Maps District Secton Block Lot School District 1000 10100 0100 014004 MATTITUCK-CUTCHOGUE 1000 10100 0100 014006 MATTITUCK-CUTCHOGUE r DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS DECLARATION made thisa day of September, 2017, by Agriturismo Sannino LLC, a New York limited liability company, presently having an address of 7490 Alvahs Lane, Cutchogue, New York 11935, hereinafter referred to as the DECLARANT. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Declarant is the owner of certain real property situate on 7495 Alvahs Lane, Cutchogue, New York 11935, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, more particularly bounded and described in Schedule "A" annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as the Property); and WHEREAS, the Declarant has made an application to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for approval of a site plan application located on the Property, as shown on the site plan entitled Sannino Vineyard, prepared by Robert J. Gruber, Architect, and last revised June 26, 2017 hereinafter"the approved Site Plan" ; and WHEREAS, as a condition of granting said approval, the Town of Southold Planning Board has required that this Declaration be recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board reviewed this site plan application for a winery; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board found that there are potential impacts reflected in.the record for this Site Plan application from noise, parking, traffic safety, pedestrian safety,,and adverse impacts to the established character and value of the adjoining properties associated with the use of the Property; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board has determined that the covenants and restrictions contained herein are necessary and proper to address the aforementioned potential impacts and are necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare; and WHEREAS, the DECLARANT has considered the foregoing and has determined that the same will be for the best interests of the DECLARANT and subsequent owners of said lots. NOW, THEREFORE, THIS DECLARATION WITNESSETH: That the DECLARANT for the purpose of carrying out the intentions above expressed, does hereby make known, admit, publish, covenant and agree that the Property herein described shall hereafter be-subject to the covenants and restrictions as herein cited, to wit: - --- 1. The maximum number of patrons and/or visitors on the winery site is limited to 235 people at any given time. This limitation does not include employees of the winery, the related farming operation ("Farm"), or the Bed & Breakfast ("B&B") located on the subject property. The limitation also does not include guests of the B&B that are not present at the winery site. 2. The vehicles used by visitors and patrons to the winery may only be parked in approved areas as depicted on the approved Site Plan, The maximum number of such vehicles permitted on site for winery operations, is 39. This limitation does not include the vehicles of employees of the winery, the Farm or the employees or guests of the B&B that are not parked in the area designated for winery parking on the approved Site Plan.. There is no additional parking permitted on site or on adjacent properties for visitors or patrons of the winery operation. The winery operator, its agents, or employees shall not direct people to park on public streets, including CR48; 3. Limousines and Buses must park in the oversize spaces on the west side of the winery, and are permitted in the following numbers and combinations: a. Maximum number of limousines at any one time is five (5); b. When 4 or 5 limousines are on site, no buses are permitted; c. Maximum number of buses at any one time is two (2); d. One limousine is permitted when two buses are on site; e. Up to three limousines are permitted with one bus on site. 4. All vehicles must remain on site at all times while their patrons are on site. No drop-off permitted except for ride sharing, public transit or taxi; 5. Parking in designated parking areas only, as shown on the approved Site Plan; 6. The 17 gravel parking stalls facing the building are to be the primary parking stalls; 7. A traffic routing plan is required to be distributed to all driver/livery companies ahead of time and shall be provided/displayed for all potential patrons on the company website; 8. There shall be no more than 12 Special Events, as defined by the Southold Town Code, at the winery in a calendar year, subject to the following conditions: a. Nothing contained herein shall waive the requirement that the Declarant make an application for a Special Event Permit as required by the Southold Town Code; b. The covenants and restrictions set forth in paragraphs "1"through "6" shall not apply to Special Events at the winery for which Declarant has applied for and received a Special Event Permit as required by the Southold Town Code; c. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing contained herein shall restrict a body, board or official responsible for reviewing and/or approving special event permits from recommending and/or requiring that any reasonable conditions be placed on the approval of a special events permit that an aforementioned body, board or official deems appropriate based on the submitted application and the criteria for reviewing Special Event Applications set forth in the Southold Town,Code.' The within Covenants and Restrictions shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the DECLARANT, its successors and assigns, and upon all persons or entities claiming under them, and may not be annulled, waived, changed, modified, terminated, revoked, or amended by subsequent owners of the premises unless and until approved by a majority plus one vote of the Planning Board of the Town of Southold or its successor, following a public hearing. If any section, subsection, paragraph, clause, phrase or provision of these covenants and restrictions shall, by a Court of competent jurisdiction, be adjudged illegal, unlawful, invalid or held to be unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of these covenants as a whole, or any other part or provision hereof other than the part so adjudged to be illegal, unlawful, invalid, or unconstitutional. The aforementioned covenants and restrictions are intended for the benefit of and shall be enforceable by the Town of Southold, State of New York, by injunctive relief or by any other remedy in equity or at law. The failure of the Town of Southold or any of its agencies to enforce same shall not be deemed to affect the validity of this covenant nor to impose any liability whatsoever upon the Town of Southold or any officer or employee thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the DECLARANT above named has duly executed this Declaration the day and year first above written. DECLARANT: AGRITURISMO SANNINO LLC By: n �ino, mber STATE OF NEW YORK) ) ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) � , On thiS�f� s day of in the year 2017, before me personally appeared Anthony Sannino, known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public ABIGAIL A.WICKHAM .Notary Public State of New York No.52-4642871 Qualified in Suffolk Sept.oun 20>)� Commission Exp SCHEDULE A DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold at Cutchogue, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being Lots No. 1 and 3 as shown on "Map of Minor Subdivision Prepared by for Giora Hanogh&Harold Watts",filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on February 1, 1991 as Map No 9059,which are more fully described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument set on the Westerly line of Alvah's Lane at the southeasterly corner of land now or formerly of Keil Alvah's Lane Farm LLC and being 699.67 feet southerly from the northeasterly corner of land now or formerly of Catalano; RUNNING THENCE along said line of Alvah's Lane, South 33 degrees 27 minutes 50 seconds East 50.00 feet to land now or formerly of Frances Slezak and Alf Sommerstad; THENCE along said land South 56 degrees 32 minutes 10 seconds West 468.79 feet; THENCE continuing along said land and along land now or formerly of Tuthill South 33 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds East 1144.09 feet to land now or formerly of Piscano; RUNNING THENCE along said land the following two(2)courses and distances: 1. South 33 degrees 24 minutes 10 seconds East 98.93 feet; thence 2. South 26 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East 88.07 feet to the northerly line of Middle Road (C.R. 48); RUNNING THENCE along Middle Road(C.R. 48) South 61 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds West 195.81 feet to land now or formerly of the First Baptist Church of Cutchogue Long Island; RUNNING THENCE along said land the following two(2)courses and distances: 1.North 28 degrees 40 minutes 40 seconds West 200 feet; thence 2.North 33 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds West 638.47 feet to the southerly side of Lot 1 on said Map; RUNNING THENCE South 56 degrees 56 minutes 40 seconds West 194.25 feet to land now or formerly of WW Farms LLC; THENCE along said land the following two courses and distances: 1.North 34 degrees 15 minutes 30 seconds West, 127.47 feet; thence 2.North 31 degrees 25 minutes 20 seconds West,397.77 feet to land now or formerly of Keil Alvah's Lane Farm LLC; THENCE along said land North 56 degrees 32 minutes 10 seconds East 848.21 feet to the Westerly line of Alvah's Lane the point or place of BEGINNING. o" CC# : C17-41897 r Z >a M , COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I, JUDITH A. PASCALE, Clerk of the County of Suffolk and the Court of Record thereof do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed with the original DEED recorded in my office on 10/05/2017 under Liber D00012932 and Page 593 and, that the same is a true copy thereof, and of the whole of such original. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County and Court this 10/05/2017 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK JUDITH A.PASCALE SEAL SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEED Recorded: 10/05/2017 Number of Pages : 4 At: 01 : 03 : 00 PM Receipt Number : 17-0175363 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 17-08123 LIBER: D00012932 PAGE : 593 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 101 . 00 01 . 00 014 . 004 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $0 . 00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $20 . 00 NO Handling $20 . 00 NO COE $5 . 00 NO NYS SRCHG $15 . 00 NO EA-CTY $5 . 00 NO EA-STATE $125 . 00 NO TP-584 $5 . 00 NO Notation $0 . 00 NO Cert.Copies $10 . 00 NO RPT $400 . 00 NO Transfer tax $0 . 00 NO Comm.Pres $0 . 00 NO Fees Paid $605. 00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 17-08123 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County � ] Number of pages I RECORICE•i _017 Birt 05 F11:0-7:00 F'P1 TUC,ITH A. PPSI_ALE This document will be public iJF P ;�lFFi OLF iL� record. Please remove all L r,00 i1�,?;;_ Social Security Numbers P 59' prior to recording. CT# 17-08-12= Deed/Mortgage Instrument Deed/Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording/Filing Stamps 3 FEES Page/Filing Fee do Mortgage Amt. 1.Basic Tax Handling 20. 00 2. Additional Tax TP-584 Sub Total Notation Spec./Assit. or EA-52 17(County) Sub Total (J Spec./Add. EA-5217(State) TOT.MTG.TAX Dual Town Dual County R.P.T.S.A. i� � Held for Appointment Comm.of Ed. 5. 00 Transfer Tax Affidavit . Mansion Tax -- �� The property covered by this mortgage is -Certified Copy' or will be improved by a one or two __-_' family dwelling only. NYS Surcharge 15. 00 Sub Total YES or NO Other , l l Grand Total U If NO, see appropriate tax clause on page# of this instrument. 4 1 Dist. lR17033919 C4,)(`'d 14' on S Community PreservatiFund Real Property p T S Consideration Amount Tax Service R LPA A IIW�IWI WI IIW IIW IWI Agency CPF rI' Due S Verification 05-0CT-17 Improved 6 Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD& RETURN TO: Vacant Land TD Wickham, Bressler& Geasa, P.C. P.O. Box 1424 TD Mattituck,New York 11952 TD Mail to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 7 Title Company Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Co.Name www.suffolkcountyny.gov/clerk Title# 8 Suffolk Coun Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached Bargain & Sale Deed with Covenant made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Anthony Sannino and Lisa Sannino and The premises herein is situated in Agriturismo Sannino LLC SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK. TO In the TOWN of Southold Agriturismo Sannino LLC In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of Cutchogue BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. over P T S.. - Doc ID, -i 17033919 R. LPA A 5-OCT-17 . Tax Maps District Secton Block Lot School District Sub Division Name 1000 10100 0100 014004 1000 10100 0100 014006 MATTITUCK-CUTCHOGUE Standard N.Y.B.T.0 Form 8002-Bargain and Sale Deed,with Covenant against Grantor's Acts—Uniform Acknowledgment Form 3290 CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE,made the.,U14`�—'6ay of September, 2017 BETWEEN ANTHONY SANNINO and LISA SANNINO,husband and wife, residing at 7490 Alvahs Lane, Cutchogue,New York 11935; and AGRITURISMO SANNINO LLC, a New York limited liability company having an address at 7490 Alvahs Lane, Cutchogue,New York 11935, party of the first part, and AGRITURISMO SANNINO LLC, a New York limited liability company having an address at 7490 Alvahs Lane, Cutchogue,New York 11935, party of the second part, WITNESSETH,that the party of the first part, in consideration of Ten and 00/100--($10.)--Dollars, and other good- and valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part,the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold at Cutchogue,County of Suffolk and State of New York, being Lots No. 1 and 3 as shown on"Map of Minor Subdivision Prepared by for Giora Hanogh&Harold Watts", filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on February 1, 1991 as Map No 9059. THIS DEED is intended to merge the property described above into property currently owned by Anthony Sannino and Lisa Sannino know as SCTM# 1000-101-1-14.4 with property currently owned by Agriturismo Sannino LLC currently known as SCTM#1000-101-1-14.6, so that together the merged properties are described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument set on the Westerly line of Alvah's Lane at the southeasterly corner of land now or formerly of Keil Alvah's Lane Farm LLC and being 699.67 feet southerly from the northeasterly corner of land now or formerly of Catalano; RUNNING THENCE along said line of Alvah's Lane, South 33 degrees 27 minutes 50 seconds East 50.00 feet to land now or formerly of Frances Slezak and Alf Sommerstad; THENCE along said land South 56 degrees 32 minutes 10 seconds West 468.79 feet; THENCE continuing along said land and along land now or formerly of Tuthill South 33 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds East 1144.09 feet to land now or formerly of Piscano; RUNNING THENCE along said land the following two (2)courses and distances: 1. South 33 degrees 24 minutes 10 seconds East 98.93 feet;thence 2. South 26 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East 88.07 feet to the northerly line of Middle Road (C.R. 48); RUNNING THENCE along Middle Road(C.R. 48) South 61 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds West 195:81 feet to land now or formerly of the First Baptist Church of Cutchogue Long Island; RUNNING THENCE along said land the following two(2)courses and distances: 1.North 28 degrees 40 minutes 40 seconds West 200 feet; thence 2.North 33 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds West 638.47 feet to the southerly side of Lot 1 on said Map; RUNNING THENCE South 56 degrees 56 minutes 40 seconds West 194.25 feet to land now or formerly of WW Farms LLC; THENCE along said land the following two courses and distances: 1.North 34 degrees 15 minutes 30 seconds West, 127.47 feet;thence 2.North 31-degrees 25 minutes 20 seconds West, 397.77 feet to land now or formerly of Keil Alvah's Lane Farm LLC; THENCE along said land North 56 degrees 32 minutes 10 seconds East 848.21 feet to the Westerly line of Alvah's Lane the point or place of BEGINNING. i BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to Anthony Sannino and Lisa Sannino, husband and wife, by deed Liber 12448 cp 275 and to Agriturismo Sannino LLC by deed Liber 12839 cp 675. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: Anthon nino Lisa Sannino AGRITURISMO SANNINO LLC By: hony S ember BE USED ONLY P _'N THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN 1.__-`,York STATE State of New York, County of Suffolk,ss: State of New York, County of Suffolk, ss: On thday of� ,,�in the year 2017. On the day of �, � in the year 2017 before me,the undersigned, personally appeared before me,the undersigned, personally appeared ANTHONY SANNINO LISA SANNINO personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which instrument, he individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the=ineVdxecuteothe instrument. the i "b :2ated, e e ted t e instrument. (signatui and office of individual taking acknowledgment) -(signat r and office of individual taking acknowledgment) Notaryublic Nota ublic ABIGAIL A.WICKHAM Notary Public State of New York ABIGAIL A.WICKHAM No.52-4642871 Nowy Public State of New York Qualified In Sutfolk County No.52-4642871 Commission Expires Sept.301 20y'}� Qualified in Suffolk County ®emmission Expires Sept.30,20i/,/ TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW-YORK STATE State(or District of Columbia,Territory, or Foreign Country)of County of ss: On the day of in the year 200, before me,the undersigned, personally appeared personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(t) acted, executed the instrument,and that such individual made such appearance before the undersigned in the in (insert the City or other political subdivision) (and insert the State or Country or other place the acknowledgment was taken) (signature and office of individual taking acknowledgement) Notary Public BARGAIN AND SALE DEED SECTION 101.00 WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS BLOCK 01.00 Title No. LOT 014.004 &014.006 Anthony Sannino and Lisa Sannino, husband COUNTY OR TOWN Southold and wife and Agriturismo Sannino LLC TO Recorded at Request of Agriturismo Sannino LLC COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RETURN BY MAIL TO: STANDARD FORM OF NEW YORK BOARD OF TITLE UNDERWRITERS Wickham, Bressler & Geasa, P.C. Distributed by P.O. Box 1424 Commonwealth Mattituck, New York 11952 A LANDAMPRICA COMPANY COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY W U LL LL O (7 Z 01 O O U W Ir LL 0 W fA 0 LL W U Q a In rn x r W W rn W I l MAILING ADDRESS: ®� S(I P.O. Box 1179 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �®� yl® Southold,NY 111 971 DONALD J.WILCENSKI Chair OFFICE LOCATION: ' Town Hall Annex WILLIAM J.CREMERS 54375 State Route 25 PIERCE RAFFERTY � F~ �� JAMES H.RICH III (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR Ol��'®U � Southold,NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 6, 2017 Mr. Anthony Sannino 7490 Alvahs Lane Cutchogue, NY 11935 Re: Conditional Approval: Sannino Winery Located at 7495 Alvahs Lane, ±490' s/w/o Alvahs Lane and CR 48, Cutchogue SCTM#1000-101-1-14.4 & 14.6 Zoning District: AC Dear Mr. Sannino: The following resolutions were adopted at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on June 5, 2017: WHEREAS, this''Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 2-story building with a 2,852 sq. ft. firstfloor for wine production, wine retail area, and a wine education room, a 438 sq. ft. second-floor for an office, and a 3,600 sq. ft. basement with thirty nine (39) parking stalls on,two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District, Cutchogue; and WHEREAS, on August 25, 2015, Anthony Sannino, owner, submitted a Site Plan application for review; and WHEREAS, the two subject lots were created by the Planning Board in the 3-lot subdivision map of Giora Hanoch and Harold Wafts, filed map number 9059, February 1, 1991. The subdivision created a 110' x 110' building envelope for Lot 14.6 (aka Lot #3) setback 100' feet from County Route 48 and a common driveway with the adjacent lot to the west (aka Lot#2). The building envelopes and common driveway were created for a presumed future residential use, however the uses for the two lots are now a church and this,proposed winery Site Plan. Neither the building envelopes nor the common driveway are practical for the proposed winery and existing church; and I I I 2 June 6, 2017 Sannino Winery WHEREAS, the Planning Board has considered the original purpose of the common driveway and the building envelopes, as well as the new locations of the existing and proposed structures and found that any impacts are being addressed in this site plan process; and WHEREAS, on September 1, 2015, the Planning Board provided comments to the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) with regard to the requested area variances for file #6882 and did not process the application until a decision was rendered by the ZBA; and WHEREAS, on March 21, 2016, the ZBA issued a determination for file #6882 with three (3) conditions; and WHEREAS, on April 18, 2016, the Planning Board found the application incomplete for review and required additional information and revisions to the Site Plan; and WHEREAS, on September 14, 2016, Anthony Sannino, owner, submitted information and revised site plans for review; and WHEREAS, on(;September 27, 2016, Anthony Sannino, owner, submitted information and supplemental plans for review; and WHEREAS, at the Work Session held on October 3, 2016, the Planning Board accepted the application as complete for review; and WHEREAS, on October 3, 2016, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) 6 NYCRR, Part 617, determined that the proposed action is a Type II Action pursuant to §617.5(c)(3) "agricultural farm management practices, including construction, maintenance f nnciplesrm dofgs and structures, consistent with and land use changes generally accepted p farming" and, therefore, not subject to further review; and WHEREAS, on November 3, 2016, the Planning Board, pursuant to Southold Town Code §280-131 C., distributed the application to the required agencies for their comments; and WHEREAS, on November 7, 2016, a Public Hearing was held and determined to remain open for more information; and WHEREAS, on November 9, 2016, the Planning Board sent a letter to the applicant requesting certain information regarding the proposed Site Plan; and WHEREAS, on November 30, 2016, Anthony Sannino, owner, submitted information with regard to the November 9, 2016 Planning Board letter; and Sannino Winery 3 June 6, 2017 WHEREAS, on December 5, 2016, the public hearing was continued and then closed; and WHEREAS, on December 6, 2016, the Architectural Review Committee provided comments to the Planning Board that the application had been tabled due to insufficient plans and information; and WHEREAS, on December 14, 2016, the Southold Town Fire Inspector provided comments to the Planning Board; and WHEREAS, on December 14, 2016, the Southold Town Engineer reviewed the proposed application and required revisions in order for the proposed drainage to meet the minimum requirements of Chapter 236 for Storm Water Management; and WHEREAS, on December 15, 2016, the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coordinator reviewed the proposed project and determined it to be consistent with Southold Town LWRP policies with certain recommendations to the Planning Board to be implemented; and WHEREAS, on January 3, 2017, the Cutchogue Fire District determined there was adequate fire protection for the site; and WHEREAS, on;January 4, 2017, the Suffolk County Planning Commission (SCPC) reviewed the proposed project and considered it to be an action for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact(s); and WHEREAS, at their work session on January 23, 2017, the Planning Board reviewed comments from referrals with regard to parking and building location; and WHEREAS, on January 26, 2017 the Planning Board sent a letter to the applicant summarizing the determinations made by the Board regarding parking and building location and notifying them that review of the application with regard to Traffic Safety would continue at the next available work session; and WHEREAS, atitheir work session on February 6, 2017, the Planning Board continued the review of comments from referrals with regard to Traffic Safety; and WHEREAS, on February 8, 2017, the Planning Board sent a letter to the applicant requiring certain information and revisions to the site plan; and WHEREAS, on March 7, 2017, Anthony Sannino, owner, submitted a revised site plan and information requested by the Planning Board; and WHEREAS, on March 2.1, 2017, Anthony Sannino, owner, submitted a revised photometric plan and a traffic routing plan as required; and Sannino Winery 4 June 6, 2017 WHEREAS, on March 27, 2017, the ARC approved the Site Plan as submitted; and WHEREAS, on April 6, 2017, the Southold Town Chief Building Inspector reviewed and certified the proposed winery as a permitted use in the A—C Zoning District pursuant to ZBA file #6882; and WHEREAS, on April 10, 2017 the Planning Board re-opened the Public Hearing due to changes to the location of the parking and building on the revised Site Plan. These revisions included the relocation of the building sixty-five (65) feet closer to CR 48, and the relocation of the parking areas from the front of the building to the side and rear of the building. The Board found that a hearing on the revised plan was necessary to provide adjacent neighbors and the general public the opportunity to comment on these changes; and WHEREAS, on 'April 10, 2017, the Public Hearing was closed; WHEREAS, at their Work Sessions on April 24, 2017 and May 22, 2017, the Planning Board reviewed all input from the Public Hearing and staff recommendations were considered and'incorporated to the satisfaction of the Planning Board; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board has found that, as reflected in the record for this Site Plan application, there are potential impacts from noise, parking, traffic safety, pedestrian safety, and adverse impacts to the established character and value of the adjoining properties that must be adequately addressed in the Site Plan approval process, and that these issues have not been completely addressed in the Site Plan application referenced herein and the proposed Site Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board has identified revisions to the proposed Site Plan, and additional conditions for this site which address and mitigate these identified areas of concern and potential adverse impacts. These conditions and their expected mitigating effects are as follows: 1. The maximum number of peoplelpatrons on the winery site is limited to 235, not including the Bed & B location or employees; This condition (above) is intended to limit intense use and large crowds on site which can create traffic safety hazards, pedestrian safety hazards, and adverse impacts on the established character and value of adjoining residential properties to the east, the adjacent church to the west and noise pollution. 2. The maximum number of vehicles permitted on site is 39. There is no additional parking permitted on site or on adjacent properties. The applicant shall not direct people to park on public streets including CR48; This condition is intended to provide a fixed number of vehicles permitted on the site for the purpose of wine tasting. The rationale for this condition is based on the Sannino Winery, 5 June 6, 2017 number of parking spaces that can be safely accommodated at the site, and potential adverse impacts identified on the Planning Board's record (a summary of which can be found in the Planning Staff Reports dated January 23, 2017 and February 6, 2017). The safety of the public and the quality of life of the neighbors will be better served by controlling the amount of vehicles that visit this site. 3. Limousines and Buses; Limousines and Buses must park in the oversize spaces on the west side of the building, and are permitted in the following numbers and combinations: a. Maximum number of limousines at any one time is five (5); b. When 4 or 5 limousines are on site, no buses are permitted; c. Maximum number of buses at any one time is two (2); d. One limousine is permitted when two buses are on site; e. Up to three limousines are permitted with one bus on site. 4. All vehicles must remain with their patrons on site at all times. No drop-off permitted except for ride sharing, public transit or taxi; Town Code Section 280-78 H requires that parking for the use of the site be contained on site. Traffic safety hazards are increased as vehicles exit and enter CR 48, where traffic typically travels at 55 mph or greater, with no acceleration or deceleration;lanes at this site. This condition limits the number of times a large vehicle will exit and enter CR48. By preventing the drop-off of patrons, the condition also limits the impacts of limousines and charter buses that might otherwise park and idle in residential neighborhoods while they wait to be called to pick up their passengers, 5. Parking in designated parking areas only, as shown on the approved Site Plan; This is intended to minimize any parking conflicts between large vehicles permitted on site, i 6. The 17 gravel parking stalls facing the building are to be the primary parking stalls; This condition is intended to focus parking towards the building, away from the adjacent residential parcels, Sannino Winery 6 June 6, 2017 , 7. The Traffic Routing Plan provided is required to be distributed to all driver/livery companies ahead of time and shall be provided/displayed for all potential patrons on the company website; This condition is intended to provide a safe route to access the site that utilizes controlled intersections and avoids any U-turns; 8. No more than 12 special events, as defined by Southold Town Code, per year. This condition is due to the small size and shape of the site, which places the winery building and'activities within close proximity to adjacent residences and church, and will reduce the potential noise impacts to those neighbors; and WHEREAS, on June 5, 2017, the Southold Town Planning Board determined that all applicable requirements of the Site Plan Regulations, Article XXIV, §280 — Site Plan Approval of the Town of Southold, have been met with the exception of the conditions listed below; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that this proposed action, upon meeting the conditions listed herein, is consistent with the policies of the Town of Southold LWRP; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grants Conditional Approval of the Site Plan application entitled "Sannino Vineyard" prepared by Robert J. Gruber R.A., dated June 22, 2016 and last revised April 7, 2017, with the following conditions: Conditions: 1. The maximum number of people/patrons on the winery site is limited to 235, not including',the Bed & B location or employees; 2. The maximum number of vehicles permitted on site is 39. There is no additional parking permitted on site or on adjacent properties. The applicant shall not direct people to park on public streets including CR48; 3. Limousines and Buses Limousines and Buses must park in the oversize spaces on the west side of the building, Wand are permitted in the following numbers and combinations: a. Maximum number of limousines at any one time is five (5); b. When 4 or 5 limousines are on site, no buses are permitted; c. Maximum number of buses at any one time is two (2); Sannino Winery 7 June 6, 2017 d. One limousine is permitted when two buses are on site; e. Up to three limousines are permitted with one bus on site. 4. All vehicles must remain with their patrons on site at all times. No drop-off permittedexcept for ride sharing, public transit or taxi; 5. Parking in designated parking areas only, as shown on the approved Site Plan; 6. The 17 gravel parking stalls facing the building are to be the primary parking stalls; 7. The Traffic Routing Plan provided is required to be distributed to all driver/livery companies ahead of time and shall be provided/displayed for all potential patrons on the company website; 8. No more than 12 special events, as defined by Southold Town Code, are permitted each year; 9. Provide a solid 4' fence along the east property line, with proposed buffer screening on the inside, to extend from the existing stockade fence along the rear of property SCTM#1000-101.-1-15.1 and terminating to the north end of the proposed parking area; 10.Provide signage to delineate the grass parking area located to the east of the building to clearly indicate the limits of the grass area approved for parking; 11.Stormwater Requirements pursuant to §236: a. Provide erosion and sediment controls for the proposed project; b. Provide the Trench Drain at a minimum of eighteen (18") inches wide. The Cross Section shown for the Trench Drain has been loosely indicated as being 8" to 51" inches in width; c. The drainage calculations for the proposed gravel utilize a runoff coefficient of 50% for the gravel parking area and must be changed to 100%; the drainage design must then be amended accordingly; d. Th'e drainage calculations must include the areas indicated as the Patio and the Crush Pad; e. Provide certification from a NYS licensed engineer that stormwater from this site will not reach waters of the State. If this certification cannot be shown, then a NYSDEC Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) { Sannino Winery8 June 6, 2017 will be required if the area of disturbance for this site Ian is greater than I q p one acre; f. Alli',work within the Right-of-Way on County Route 48 must meet the minimum requirements of County Specifications. I 12.Provide at least five (5) prints of a revised Site Plan including the stamp, seal and signature;of the NYS licensed professional preparing the plan, with all the above condition's reflected on the revised plans; 13.Obtain SCDHS approval and a provide a print with the SCDHS approval stamp upon the current revision of the Site Plan to this department, and including the stamp and seal of the NYS professional preparing the plan; 14.File the lot merger and C&R's required by SCDHS; 15.Provide a, draft of the Covenants and Restrictions (C&R's), including conditions 1 through 8, above, to the Planning Board for review and approval (template to be provided by Planning Department); 16.File the C&R's (after the draft is approved by the Planning Board) with the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk and submit a receipt of the filing to this department including the Liber and Page number; 17.Include all C&R Liber and Page numbers on the final revised Site Plan; 18.Obtain a Suffolk County DPW Curb Cut Permit; and 19.The building envelopes and common driveway in the original subdivision creating the subject lots will need to be amended by a formal Planning Board resolution. The above conditions must be met and a Final Site Plan approval resolution completed prior to the Chairman endorsing the site plans, and prior to any building permits being issued. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Very truly yours,', Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman cc: Michael Verity, Chief Building Inspector James Richter, Office of the Town Engineer Laserfiche file for Minor Subdivision of Giora Hanoch & Harold Wafts (1000-101-1-14.1) Sannino Winery; 9 June 6, 2017 i By signing this letter, the applicant acknowledges that there are conditions above that must be satisfied. Anthony Sannino, Owner I OFFICE LOCATION: �, LING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex ' 50114 P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY www.southol dtownuy.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 21, 2019 Mr. Anthony Sannino 7490 Alvahs Lane Cutchogue, NY 11935 Re: Approved Site Plan for Sannino Winery 7495 Alvahs Ln., ±490' s/w/o Alvahs Ln. and CR 48, Cutchogue SCTM#1000-101.-1-14.8 Zoning District: AC Dear Mr. Sannino: The Planning Board has found that the requirements of the above-referenced Site Plan have been completed based on the site inspection made August 8, 2019 and the as-built survey submitted August 20, 2019, The site is now in conformance with the Approved Site Plan entitled "Sannino Vineyard" prepared by Robert J. Gruber, dated June 22, 2016, and last revised October 5, 2017. The Planning Board allowed the following as-built changes to the Approved Site Plan: • The as-built survey shows the installation of drainage swales in lieu of approved drywells. • The freestanding main sign was not constructed. The Planning Board reserves the right to review and approve the freestanding main sign should the design and/or size differ from the approved rendering. Please note that all required berm plantings and street trees shown on the approved plan must be installed no later than June 1, 2020. This letter does not condone any other changes from the approved Site Plan and approvals from other agencies; Planning Board approval is required prior to any significant changes to the site. Respectful , Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman cc: Michael Verity, Chief Building Inspector James Richter, Stormwater Manager OFFICE LOCATION: , LING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) wry �& Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 10, 2019 Mr. Anthony Sannino 7490 Alvahs Lane Cutchogue, NY 11935 Re: Approved Site Plan for Sannino Winery 7495 Alvahs Ln., ±490' s/w/o Alvahs Ln. and CR 48, Cutchogue SCTM#1000-101.-1-14.8 Zoning District: AC Dear Mr. Sannino: The Planning Board determined at their September 9, 2019 work session that the freestanding main sign schematic and rendering submitted on September 3, 2019 is acceptable; and, therefore supports the issuance of a building permit subject to §280-80 of the Southold Town Code. This letter does not condone any other changes from the approved Site Plan and approvals from other agencies; Planning Board approval is required prior to any significant changes to the site. Respectfully; Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman cc: Michael Verity, Chief Building Inspector P&1-H L,4Ml t►�C. Submission Without a Cover Letter RECEIVED SEP 0 3 2019 Sender: (' ' v `IJI�IL2"y- Sout old 7Qwn CcPlanning Board Subject: s �-� n t r\ o v� n V SCTM#: 1000 - Date: I l Comments: CX-I�l ('1 nc Sn n w cr) C � > o 00 m cn [!1L;Uj �I ���9 l�cr►�e�� S� '- • • - y•fir 5 Y a M l 1 �_ � ' ;iti, ., 'J4 y ` S�Y�'a � ,-� ��r�r♦ �;`� � .�. ' � - '^fir=�. � a ! tw 01 IF. y tZ �� s�+*f J f y. ..�"K rr� �F _ - .- _ e•-�' ,4.� 4 r - i j1 ',moi Grp. � ,p: •� _ . ! r-? "fee - • _ - _ .-'• ��. -- r- %. - -. � -k - r `�_� l - � �f!' mak., ' - .. -. r- w y � _ M _ _ �` �', ti• `tet` WORK SESSION AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, August 19, 2019 4:00 p.m. Southold Town Meeting Hall 3:30 p.m. Executive Session — Advice from Town Attorney 4:00 p.m. Applications w Project Name: Sannino Winery SCTM#: 1000-101-1-14.4 Location: 7495 Alvahs Lane, ±490' s/w/o Alvahs Lane and CR 48, Cutchogue Description: This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 2-story building with a'I 2,852 sq. ft. first floor for wine production, wine retail area, and a wine education room), a 438 sq. ft. second floor for an office, and a 3,600 sq. ft. basement with thirty nine (39) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8..94 acres in the A-C Zoning District. wli Status { Approved _ _................ a......... _. Action: Review Final Site Inspection Attachments: ; Staff Report A _ Project Name: Proj g gOregon Storage Warehouses SCTM#; 1000-83-3-5.3 Location: 11900 Oregon Road, Cutchogue Description: 1 This Site Plan is for the proposed conversion of an existing 797 sq. ft. garage to an office, the construction of six (6) self-storage buildings over the course of three phases: five (5) 1 - story buildings at 12,000 sq. ft., one (1) 1 - story building at 9,600 sq. ft., an existing dwelling to remain and 20 proposed parking stalls; all on 5.7 acres in the Light Industrial Zoning District _ Status:. New Application Action: Completeness Attachments: Staff Report _ .... . n _. on Subdivision . SCTM#. 1000-17.-4-16, 17.-6-14.2, 18- , 818.1 Project Name: , Tuthill Conservation Location, 21505 Rt. 25, 21070 Rt. 25, 26975 Rt. 25, 7685 Narrow River Rd., 8070 Narrow River Rd., Orient Description: This proposal is for an 80/60 Conservation Subdivision of four parcels SCTM#1000-17-4-16, 1000-17-6-14.2, 1000-18-3-30.3 and 1000-18-6- 17.3 (total area=112 acres) into 17 residential lots, with 94 acres to be preserved. This project proposes the transfer of yield pursuant to §240- 42 G of the Southold Town Code. Status: Pending Action: FEIS Discussion Attachments. Staff Report Southold Planning Department Staff Report Site Plan Application Work Session — Review for Final CO Date August 19, 2019 Prepared By: Brian Cummings I. Application Information Project Title: Sannino Winery Applicant: Anthony & Lisa Sannino Date of Final Approval: November 8, 2017 Tax Map Number: 101.-1-14.4 & 14.6 Project Location: 15975 County Route 48 Hamlet: Cutchogue Zoning District: A — C II. Description of Project Type of Site Plan: Agricultural Acreage of Project Site: 221,864sf (5.23ac) & 162,683sf (3.75ac) = 384,547sf or 8.98 acres Building Size 6,890 gross sq. ft. This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 2-story building with a 2,852 sq. ft. first floor for wine production, wine retail area, and a wine education room, a 438 sq. ft. second floor for an office, and a 3,600 sq. ft. basement with thirty nine (39) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District, Cutchogue; and III: Analysis With reference to the final site inspection conducted August 8, 2019: Conditions on the site plan: 1. A Suffolk County DPW Curb Cut Permit must be obtained and executed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy from the Building Department; Staff: completed; 2. The maximum number of patrons and/or visitors on the winery site is limited to 235 people at any given time. This limitation does not include employees of the winery, the related farming operation ("Farm"), or the Bed & Breakfast ("B&B") located on the subject property. The limitation also does not include guests of the B&B that are not present at the winery site. 1 3. The vehicles used by visitors and patrons to the winery may only be parked in approved areas as depicted on the approved Site Plan, The maximum number of such vehicles permitted on site for winery operations, is 39. This limitation does not include the vehicles of employees of the winery, the Farm or the employees or guests of the B&B that are not parked in the area designated for winery parking on the approved Site Plan., There is no additional parking permitted on site or on adjacent properties for visitors or patrons of the winery operation. The winery operator, its agents, or employees shall not direct people to park on public streets, including CR48; 4. Limousines and Buses must park in the oversize spaces on the west side of the winery, and are permitted in the following numbers and combinations: a. Maximum number of limousines at any one time is five (5); b. When 4 or 5 limousines are on site, no buses are permitted; c. Maximum number of buses at any one time is two (2); d. One limousine is permitted when two buses are on site; e. Up to three limousines are permitted with one bus on site. 5. All vehicles must remain on site at all times while their patrons are on site. No drop-off permitted except for ride sharing, public transit or taxi; 6. Parking in designated parking areas only, as shown on the approved Site Plan; 7. The 17 gravel parking stalls facing the building are to be the primary parking stalls; 8. A traffic routing plan is required to be distributed to all driver/livery companies ahead of time and shall be provided/displayed for all potential patrons on the company website; 9. There shall be no more than 12 Special Events, as defined by the Southold Town Code, at the winery in a calendar year, subject to the following conditions.- a. onditions:a. Nothing contained herein shall waive the requirement that the Declarant make an application for a Special Event Permit as required by the Southold Town Code; b. The covenants and restrictions set forth in paragraphs "1" through "6" shall not apply to Special Events at the winery for which Declarant has applied for and received a Special Event Permit as required by the Southold Town Code; c. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing contained herein shall restrict a body, board or official responsible for reviewing and/or approving special event permits from recommending and/or requiring that any reasonable conditions be placed on the approval of a special events permit that an aforementioned body, board or official deems appropriate based on the submitted application and the criteria for reviewing Special Event Applications set forth in the Southold Town Code. 1. Site plan elements: a. Winery building: Staff: constructed as approved with the following differences: different building materials, W addition of an elevator within approved footprint .. removal of one (1) interior wall b. Parking area: i. Gravel parking areas constructed as approved with drainage swales constructed for storm water drainage in lieu of drywells; ii. ADA parking stalls (2) constructed with asphalt paving, access to building, appropriate signage and striping; c. Exterior .L%ghtng i. Building exterior lighting constructed as approved; ii. Additional light fixtures (not Code compliant) were constructed in the area of the outdoor patio and were stated to be removed by the owner; d. Landscaping_,„ i. Five (5) street trees Staff: not planted; ii. Front landscaped berm: Staff: not planted; iii. Eastern Red Cedar plantings and fencing installed along property lines as approved; e. Exterior Signage, 7 i. Main freestanding sign not constructed; ii. "No parking anytime" constructed as approved iii. "Additional parking in grass area" constructed as approved V: Planning Board items to consider Support the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy (CO) with the following items: 1. Require the submission of the "as-built survey" showing the drainage swale design; 2. Require the completion of all landscape plantings by October 15, 2019; 4 Submission Without a Cover Letter . ...�............._ ... . � S ender: V A U,G 2 SII FIN: ii'ii ng Board Subject: VQ SCT #: 1000 - I u — l Date: (8A Comments: From: Cummings, Brian A. w.. Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2019 8:45 AM RECEIVED To: Michaelis,Jessica Subject: FW:Inspection Request JUL-'�Jjjdiold OMI P�anrOng Board -----Original Message----- From: Anthony San o [mailto:tonyvinol ct7 ail.co ] Sent: Monday,July 29, 2019 1:54 PM To: Cummings,Brian A.;Lanza, Heather Subject: Inspection Request Hi Brian and Heather, could I request an inspection for the end of this week or early next week? Salute, Anthony Sannino Owner&Winemaker San ° o Vineyard Style Contracting Inc. 631-767-1751 ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected Bails, 1 From: Lanza, Heather Sent: Monday, March 04, 2019 10:23 AM To: Michaelis,Jessica13C- Cc: Cummings, Brian A. Subject: FW: 15-094 Site Plan_11-SP-2.pdfREC'E:IVED Attachments: 15-094 Site Plan_11-SP-2.pdf,ATT00001.txt NflA R' 0 4 x(11 I Please print for incoming mail NnirHuiruaBoard -----Original Message----- From: Anthony Sannino [mailto:ton vinol mail.com] Sent: Monday, March 04, 2019 8:13 AM To: Lanza, Heather<heathe Oa nza(@ town.southolcN.n t s> Cummings, Brian A.<brian.cumn°ran s town southold.ny us Cc: riruberra@aol.com Subject: 15-094 Site Plan_11-SP-2.pdf Hi Heather, I had a great meeting with Jamie last week and he seams to be ok with this proposed change. Could you review and follow up with Jamie if you are ok with the attached proposal and let us know if any changes or additional info is needed. i NA .. -0- i is J�4 All !PMR isLL H wtil 8 RR pi it IL i I ED PAR 9t 4 .................. MH m4 4 �M Noom [lop 00 —00 Dob gin 1b < avow Yrl ,A1I X11/I iIf rauflv OT61 K-11 WATER 411 g, I Jig x t Aw L no I Z' 01 121 z oR n "W ..Xx -17d a< 1�M '16 ell LU EL iz—L-x ilx� T t r ---- --- Lu! X UJ lu > en ft. I . r' Submission Without a Covet Letter Sender:A,4,1 E C E ' 1 NOV 0 3 2011 Subject: � O mkK�V\ w�� Southold Town Planning Board SCTM#: 1000 - Ib( Date: (1/3/17 Comments: s �e pto^s c� Southold Planning Department Staff Report Site Plan Application Work Session — Review for Determination Date November 6, 2017 Prepared By: Brian Cummings I. Application Information Project Title: Sannino Winery Applicant: Anthony & Lisa Sannino Date of Submission: August 25, 2015 Tax Map Number: 101.-1-14.6 & 14.4 Project Location: 15975 County Road 48 Hamlet: Cutchogue Zoning District: A — C II. Description of Project Type of Site Plan: Agricultural Acreage of Project Site: 221,864sf (5.23ac) & 162,683sf (3.75ac) = 384,547sf or 8.98 acres Building Size 6,890 gross sq. ft. A. Proposed This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a two-story winery building with a first floor of 2,852 sq. ft. (wine production, retail area, wine education room), second floor of 438 sq. ft. (office) and a basement of 3600 sq. ft. for accessory storage, and thirty nine (39) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District, Cutchogue. On March 17, 2016, the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) granted an area variance under file #6882 for a winery located on a parcel less than the code required minimum of at least 10 acres devoted to vineyard or other agricultural purposes, with three (3) conditions: 1. The applicant shall merge lots 14.4 (aka lot 3) and 14.6 (aka lot 1) and submit written proof of same to the Office of the Town Attorney and the ZBA; 2. No building permit shall be issued by the Building Department for the proposed winery/tasting room structure(s) until the ZBA provides written confirmation to the Building Department that the merger was effectuated, 3. The applicant shall obtain site plan approval from the Southold Town Planning Board. Failure to do so will render the variance relief granted herein null and void. 1 l alo B. Existing • The application involves two adjacent lots totaling 8.98 acres o Lot 14.6 = 3.75ac ■ vacant o Lot 14.4 = 5.23 ac ■ house ■ B&B (permitted by Special Exception) ■. vineyard • The two subject lots were created through a 1990 subdivision. The subdivision created a 110' x 110' building envelope for Lot 14.6 setback 100' feet from County Route 48. The proposed winery has been relocated partially but not fully within this building envelope and an amendment to the subdivision map from the Planning Board for this and the driveway location would be required for the application as proposed; III: Analysis On June 5, 2017, the Southold Town Planning Board granted Conditional Approval of the Site Plan application entitled "Sannino Vineyard" prepared by Robert J Gruber R.A., dated June 22, 2016 and last revised April 7, 2017, with the following conditions: Conditions: 1. The maximum number of people/patrons on the winery site is limited to 235, not including the Bed & B location or employees 2. The maximum number of vehicles permitted on site is 39. There is no additional parking permitted on site or on adjacent properties. The applicant shall not direct people to park on public streets including CR48; 3. Limousines and Buses Limousines and Buses must park in the oversize spaces on the west side of the building, and are permitted in the following numbers and combinations a. Maximum number of limousines at any one time is five (5), b. When 4 or 5 limousines are on site, no buses are permitted; c. Maximum number of buses at any one time is two (2), d. One limousine is permitted when two buses are on site; e. Up to three limousines are permitted with one bus on site 2 4. All vehicles must remain with their patrons on site at all times. No drop-off permitted except for ride sharing, public transit or taxi; 5. Parking in designated parking areas only, as shown on the approved Site Plan; 6. The 17 gravel parking stalls facing the building are to be the primary parking stalls; 7. The Traffic Routing Plan provided is required to be distributed to all driver/livery companies ahead of time and shall be provided/displayed for all potential patrons on the company website; 8. No more than 12 special events, as defined by Southold Town Code, are permitted each year; Submitted: "Please see the "Filed C&R's" language below 9. Provide a solid 4' fence along the east property line, with proposed buffer screening on the inside, to extend from the existing stockade fence along the rear of property SCTM#1000-101.-1-15.1 and terminating to the north end of the proposed parking area; Submitted: yes; 10.Provide signage to delineate the grass parking area located to the east of the building to clearly indicate the limits of the grass area approved for parking; Submitted: yes; 11.Stormwater Requirements pursuant to §236- a. Provide erosion and sediment controls for the proposed project; b. Provide the Trench Drain at a minimum of eighteen (18") inches wide. The Cross Section shown for the Trench Drain has been loosely indicated as being 8" to 51" inches in width, c The drainage calculations for the proposed gravel utilize a runoff coefficient of 50% for the gravel parking area and must be changed to 100%, the drainage design must then be amended accordingly, d. The drainage calculations must include the areas indicated as the Patio and the Crush Pad; e. Provide certification from a NYS licensed engineer that stormwater from this site will not reach waters of the State If this certification cannot be shown, then a NYSDEC Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) f. will be required if the area of disturbance for this site plan is greater than one acre; g. All work within the Right-of-Way on County Route 48 must meet the minimum requirements of County Specifications. Submitted: yes; 12.Provide at least five (5) prints of a revised Site Plan including the stamp, seal and signature of the NYS licensed professional preparing the plan, with all the above conditions reflected on the revised plans; Submitted: yes; 13.Obtain SCDHS approval and a provide a print with the SCDHS approval stamp upon the current revision of the Site Plan to this department, and including the stamp and seal of the NYS professional preparing the plan, Submitted: yes, C10-16-0012 was approved 10/19/17 for a "Mixed Use as per plan" @ 3,130.28GPD of total flow (280GPD for process waters) 14.File the lot merger and C&R's required by SCDHS; Submitted: yes, the deed to merge the two lots was filed under Liber D00012932, Page 593, and a copy submitted to the Planning Dept. on October 31, 2017; The C&R's required by the SCDHS were filed under Liber D00012932 Page 595 and a copy submitted to the Planning Dept. on October 31, 2017; 15.Provide a draft of the Covenants and Restrictions (C&R's), including conditions 1 through 8 above, to the Planning Board for review and approval (template to be provided by Planning Department); Staff: yes, Draft was submitted, edited, reviewed and has now been filed under Liber D00012932 Page 594, and a copy submitted to the Planning Dept. on October 31, 2017. Filed C&R's: 1. The maximum number of patrons and/or visitors on the winery site is limited to 235 people at any given time This limitation does not include employees of the winery, the related farming operation ("Farm"), or the Bed & Breakfast ("B&B") located on the subject property The limitation also does not include guests of the B&B that are not present at the winery site 4 r �v 2. The vehicles used by visitors and patrons to the winery may only be parked in approved areas as depicted on the approved Site Plan, The maximum number of such vehicles permitted on site for winery operations, is 39. This limitation does not include the vehicles of employees of the winery, the Farm or the employees or guests of the B&B that are not parked in the area designated for winery parking on the approved Site Plan., There is no additional parking permitted on site or on adjacent properties for visitors or patrons of the winery operation. The winery operator, its agents, or employees shall not direct people to park on public streets, including CR48, 3. Limousines and Buses must park in the oversize spaces on the west side of the winery, and are permitted in the following numbers and combinations: a. Maximum number of limousines at any one time is five (5); b. When 4 or 5 limousines are on site, no buses are permitted; c Maximum number of buses at any one time is two (2); d. One limousine is permitted when two buses are on site; e Up to three limousines are permitted with one bus on site. 4. All vehicles must remain on site at all times while their patrons are on site. No drop-off permitted except for ride sharing, public transit or taxi; 5. Parking in designated parking areas only, as shown on the approved Site Plan; 6 The 17 gravel parking stalls facing the building are to be the primary parking stalls; 7. A traffic routing plan is required to be distributed to all driver/livery companies ahead of time and shall be provided/displayed for all potential patrons on the company website; 5 c 8. There shall be no more than 12 Special Events, as defined by the Southold Town Code, at the winery in a calendar year, subject to the following conditions: a. Nothing contained herein shall waive the requirement that the Declarant make an application for a Special Event Permit as required by the Southold Town Code; b. The covenants and restrictions set forth in paragraphs "1" through "6" shall not apply to Special Events at the winery for which Declarant has applied for and received a Special Event Permit as required by the Southold Town Code; c. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing contained herein shall restrict a body, board or official responsible for reviewing and/or approving special event permits from recommending and/or requiring that any reasonable conditions be placed on the approval of a special events permit that an aforementioned body, board or official deems appropriate based on the submitted application and the criteria for reviewing Special Event Applications set forth in the Southold Town Code. Submitted: yes; 16.File the C&R's (after the draft is approved by the Planning Board) with the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk and submit a receipt of the filing to this department including the Liber and Page number; Submitted: yes; 17.Include all C&R Liber and Page numbers on the final revised Site Plan; Staff: these will be applied with the Planning Board stamp for C&R's; 18.Obtain a Suffolk County DPW Curb Cut Permit; and Submitted: no. The Suffolk County DPW issues their curb cut permits when building permits are issued, after site plan approval; 19.The building envelopes and common driveway in the original subdivision creating the subject lots will need to be amended by a formal Planning Board resolution. 6 ag Staff: to be completed at tonight's public meeting IV. Staff Recommendations: It is recommended that all conditions to approval as detailed above have been satisfied and that all site plan requirements listed in §280-133 of the Town Code have been met. It is recommended that the above referenced site plan application be scheduled for determination by the Planning Board at tonight's public meeting with the following conditions: - A Suffolk County DPW Curb Cut Permit must be obtained and executed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy from the Building Department 7 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK oECE STEVEN BELLONE OCT 2 7 2017 SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE ' I Southold Town Planning Board DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES JAMES L. TOMARKEN, M , Commissioner PE121�IIT CONDITIOINI S Health Services Reference # (; 10 — 1(0= 0 012— Project Name �ArM(,vu LI L1A Y Inc, The attached plan, when duly signed by a representative of the department, in conjunction with these conditions, constitutes a permit to construct a water supply and/or a sewage disposal or collection system for the property as depicted. The applicant should take note of any conditions of approval, which n.ay be indicated on the plan or enclosed herein. Construction must conform with applicable standards including "Stgndards for Approval of Plans and Construction for Sewage Disposal Systems for Other than Serle Family Residences." Omissions, inconsistencies or lack of detail on the plan do not release;tfie - applicant from the responsibility of having the construction done in conformance with applicable standards. Issuance of this permit shall in no way relieve the design professional of responsibility for the adequacy of the complete design. The permit (plan) expires three (3) years after the approval date. Any modification which may affect the proposed sewage disposal or water supply systems requires submission of a revised plan and additional fees (if applicable) for reapproval prior to construction. No inspections will be,performed by the department on expired permits. Permits may be renewed, extended, transferred, or revised in accordance with the procedures described in Instructions to Renew, Extend, or Transfer an Existing Permit for Other than Single Family Residences (Form WWM-081). It is the applicant's responsibility to call the department in advance to arrange inspections of the sewage disposal and/or water supply facilities prior to backfilling. These include inspections of the sewage collection and disposal systems, water supply system components'and piping, and final grading as shown on the approved plans. In certain cases, inspections of the soil excavation may be required.to determine the acceptability of the soils for sewage disposal systems. The department must be notified at least 48 hours in advance to schedule an inspection by calling 852-5754; and excavation inspections must also be confirmed by calling 852-5700 prior to 9:30 a.m., the morning of the inspection. Article 'VII of the Suffolk County Code, "Septic Industry Businesses," requires that all installers of septic systems within Suffolk County shall possess a valid license from the Suffolk County Office of Consumer Affairs. This office can refuse to perform inspections or grant final approval for the construction of projects that are installed by an unlicensed individual. It is, therefore, in your best interest to utilize a cesspool contractor with a valid license to avoid substantial delays-in your project. Final approval issued by the Department is necessary prior to the occupancy of new buildings, additions to existing buildings, or for the use of sewage disposal or water supply systems. SEE PAGE 2 WWM-016 (Rev. 10/02/06) Page 1 of 2 HD Ref No. to - 16 ' yo(ZProlect Name �q*-b S GJA VIA VI"'TOCP CO,NhD,ITIONS FOR OBTAINING FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTED PROJECT As, a condition of this permit to construct, the following items must be completed as a minimum, prior to b'u'ilding occupancy fand'u'se of the sewage disposal system or water supply facilities. For further information concerning this, refer to Instructions For Obtaining Final Health Department Approval Of Constructed Projects For Other ThanSingleFamily Residences (Form WWM-19). 0' Excavation Iiispection*by the Office of Wastewater Management prior to installation of any leaching pools to determine acceptability of soils. (Call 852-5754 to schedule an inspection and confirm by calling 852-5700 prior to 9:30 a.m., the morning of the inspection.) ( Satisfactory inspection by Office of Wastewater Management of the sewage disposal system / sewage treatment system. (Call 852-5754 to schedule an inspection.) Sa 'sfactory inspection of the water supply system by: Office of Wastewater Management (Call 852-5754 to schedule an inspection.) ❑ Office of Water Resources, Water Quality Unit (Call 852-5810 for inspection.) ❑ S: ;�sfactory inspection by the Office of Pollution Control (Call854-2502for inspection.) '❑ Storage tanks ❑ Other: Application for a Food Permit to the Food Control Unit (Call 852-5873 for instructions.) _ ^ Four(4)prints of an As-Built plan "Tap letter"from water district (S(V4 7*P.S F&-Ar- -'Ac-9 wP1M1e_-4A1E — Se'Of WA4Fe- 14114S) Certifications from the licensed sewage disposal system installer: ❑ "S.-9 form" from Suffolk County Department of Public Works (SCDPW) ❑ Sewer district approval of sewer.line installation(for other than SCDPW districts). F-1 Well drillers certificate Water analysis 8 Ac-r�tR 7 � ❑ Certification of Sewage Disposal System Abandonment (form WWM-080) Design Professionals Certification of Constructed Works (form WWM-073, enclosed) for: ❑ Sewer lines and sewage collection system ❑ Retaining walls (approved as part of the sewage disposal system) ❑ Sewage pump station/valve chamber Sub-surface sewage disposal system ❑ Sewage treatment plant Water supply system ❑ Abandonment of Preexisting sewage disposal system and/or water supply ❑ Other: ❑ Other: WWM-016 (Rev. 10/02/06) Page 2 of 2 Submission Without a Cover Letter S ender:, ,&,n CO�v1) E C Ell, U E D . i Subject:soswlV\O �^r`�" I Ul 12 7 2 11 1u" 1 Southold Town I ' I Planning boaiG SCTM#: 1000 - �17� , Date: 1DJPA 11-7 Comments: ���5 A *oF so�lyQl Town Hall Annex Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road N -41C Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 G� • Southold,NY 11971-0959 Q BUILDING DEPARTMENT O c T 2 72017 11 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Southold Town Planning Board MEMORANDUM TO: Donald J. Wilcenski, Planning Board Chairman FROM: Michael J. Verity, Chief Building Inspector DATE: October 24, 2017 REQUIREMENTS FOR SITE PLAN ELEMENTS & CERTIFICATION Project: North Fork United Methodist Church Location: 43960 CR 48, Southold SCTM# 1000— Section 63- Block 01 — Lot 15 Date: November 30, 2015 Revised Date: July 31, 2017 1. ALL BUILDINGS AND USES SHALL COMPLY WITH CHAPTERS 144 AND 280 OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE. 2. OFF STREET PARKING BY AUTHORITY OF THE PLANNING BOARD. 3. ALL FENCING, SCREENING AND LANDSCAPING BY AUTHORITY OF THE PLANNING BOARD. 4. THE PROPOSED USE *Place of Worship IS A PERMITTED USE, BY SPECIAL EXCEPTION, IN THIS LB DISTRICT AND IS SO CERTIFIED. *See ZBA File No. : SE 6936 Michael J. Vty' Chief Building Inspector RJ 37ruber Rrch i tett - C. 476 Expressway Drive So. Medford, N.Y. 11763 D ECCE E OCT 2 7 2017 October 5, 2017 Southold Town Planning Board Mr.James Richter Town of Southold Office of the Town Engineer P.O. Box 1179 Southold,.NY .11971 Re: Sannino Winery,7495 Alvahs Lane,Cutchogue SCTM#1000-101-1-14.4&14.6 Dear Mr. Richter: This is to confirm that the above referenced Site has been designed to contain all storm water runoff and I, hereby,certify that storm water from this site will not reach waters of the State. Very truly yours, Ro //rtJ.Gruber x Architect >� srt ice', cp i N a" Tel: 631-654-4949 • Fax: 631-654-2101 E-mail: rjgruberra@aol.com CC # : C17-41901 COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I, JUDITH A. PASCALE, Clerk of the County of Suffolk and the Court of Record thereof do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed with the original DECLARATION recorded in my office on 10/05/2017 under Liber D00012932 and Page 595 and, that the same is a true copy thereof, and of the whole of such original. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County and Court this 10/05/2017 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK JUDITH A.PASCALE SEAL 0 III VIII IIII VIII VIII IIID II III VIII VIII VIII IIII IIII SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DECLARATION Recorded: 10/05/2017 Number of Pages : 5 At: 01 : 03 : 00 PM Receipt Number : 17-0175363 LIBER: D00012932 PAGE : 595 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 101 . 00 01 .00 014 . 004 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $25 . 00 NO Handling $20 . 00 NO COE $5 . 00 NO NYS SRCHG $15 . 00 NO TP-584 $0 . 00 NO Notation $0 . 00 NO Cert.Copies $10 . 40 NO RPT $400 . 00 NO Fees Paid $475 . 40 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County Number of pages F'EI_I iRC'EC' 2017 nct nF. ii1 i_17:00 FTI jUDITH A. F'ASIi AI._E This document will be public CLEM, O record:Please remove all MFF'Lf-- OUNTY Social Security Numbers L E,01-11-1 Z+7 prior to recording. F' 595 Deed/Mortgage Instrument Deed/Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording/Filing Stamps 3 FEES Page/Filing Fee Mortgage Amt. 1. Basic Tax Handling 20. 00 2. Additional Tax TP-584 Sub Total Spec./Assit. Notation or EA-52 17 (County) Sub Total Spec./Add. EA-521,7(State) TOT. MTG.TAX p� Dual Town Dual County R.P.T.S.A. �� yr Ulm ��� Held for Appointment Comm.of Ed. S. 00 s Transfer Tax Mansion Tax Affidavit _ ----•- '``��ll�� The property covered by this mortgage is Certified Copy L or will be improved by a one or two �.'3 / NYS Surcharge O family dwelling only 15. 00 Sub Total q YES or NO Other /� Grand Total v If N0, see appropriate tax clause on page# of this instrument. V) 4 Dist 3492317 C�`�-�c�c(hPd 4 & 14. 55 Community Preservation Fund RealProp p T S � Consideration Amount $ Tax Servic R LPA A I IillIIIIIIWII�IIIVIIII1II1 Agency 05-OCT-17 CPF Tax Due $ Verificati Improved Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Vacant Land 6 TD Wickham, Bressler & Geasa, P.0 TD P.O. Box 1424 Mattituck,New York 11952 TD Mail to. Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 7 Title Company Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Co.Name www.'suffolkcountyny.gov/clerk Title# 8 Suffolk Count ecording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached __ Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Anthony Sannino and Lisa Sannino, and The premises herein is situated in A riturismo Sannino LLC SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In theTOWN of Southold Town of Southold In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of Cutchogue BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BETYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. over (R )T Stat ID 3 ?93 Tax Maps District Secton Block Lot School District 1000 10100 0100 014004 MATTITUCK-CUTCHOGUE 1000 10100 0100 014006 MATTITUCK-CUTCHOGUE DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS THIS DECLARATION made this 201h day of March, 2017 by Anthony Sannino and Lisa Sannino, both residing at 7490 Alvahs Lane, Cutchogue, NY 11935, and Agriturismo Sannino LLC, a New York limited liability company with an address of 7490 County Road 48, -Cutchogue,NY 11-93 5-,--all parties heretofor aforementioned are--hereinafter-referred-to as the- DECLARANT, he DECLARANT, as the owners of premises described in Schedule "A" annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as the PREMISES) desires to restrict the use and enjoyment of said PREMISES and has for such purposes determined to impose on said PREMISES covenants and restrictions and does hereby declare that said PREMISES shall be held and shall be conveyed subject to the following covenants and restrictions: 1. DECLARANT has made application to the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (hereinafter referred to as the DEPARTMENT) for a permit to construct, approval of plans or approval of a subdivision or development on the PREMISES. 2. As a condition for the approval by the DEPARTMENT of such application, DECLARANT covenants that the PREMISES known as Suffolk County Tax Map numbers 1000-101.00-01.00-014.004 and 1000-101.00-01.00-014.006 as outlined in the site plan prepared by Robert J. Gruber and dated February 15, 2017 on file with the DEPARTMENT shall, by title, be forever deeded together to form one common parcel and shall never be deeded or conveyed independently of each other. The aforementioned tax parcels have been merged for density purposes under Article 6 of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code. Furthermore, the DECLARANT covenants that there shall be no subdivision of the merged parcel without approval by the DEPARTMENT in accordance with standards in effect at the time of application. 3. The DECLARANT, its successors and/or assigns shall set forth these covenants, agTeernentsi and declarations in any and all leases to occupants, tenants and/or lessees of the above described property and shall, by their terms, subject same to the covenants and restrictions contained herein. Failure of the DECLARANT, its successors and/or,assigns to so condition the leases shall not invalidate their automatic'subjugation to the covenants and restrictions. 4. All of the covenants and restrictions contained herein shall be construed to be in addition to and not in derogation or limitation upon any provisions of local, state, and federal laws, ordinances, and/or regulations in effect at the time of execution of this agreement, or at the time such laws, ordinances, and/or regulations may thereafter be revised, amended, or promulgated. 5. This document is made subject to the provisions of all laws required by law or by their provisions to be incorporated herein and they are deemed to be incorporated herein and made a part hereof, as though fully set forth. 6. The aforementioned Restrictive Covenants.shall be`enforceable by the County of Suffolk, State of New York, by injunctive relief or by any other remedy in equity or at law. -The 'County of Suffolk, to enforce the same shall not be deemed to affect the validity of this covenant nor to impose any liability whatsoever upon the County of Suffolk or any officer or employee thereof. See attached Schedule "B" — 'Cott8;gflt-of:Mortgagee/Lienor 7. These covenants and restrictions shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the DECLARANT, it-successors and assigns,-and uporrall persons-or entities claiming under them, and may be terminated, revoked or amended only with the written consent of the DEPARTMENT. 8. If any section, subsection; paragraph, clause, phrase or provision of these covenants and restrictions shall, by a Court of competent jurisdiction, be adjudged illegal, unlawful, invalid, or held to be unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of these covenants as a whole, or any other part or provision hereof other than the part so adjudged to be illegal, unlawful, invalid, or unconstitutional. 9. Local Law#32-1980 - The DECLARANT represents and warrants that he has not offered or given any gratuity to any official, employee, or agent of Suffolk County, New York State, or of any political party, with the purpose or intent of securing favorable treatment with respect to the performance of an agreement, and that such person has read and is familiar with the provisions of Local Law#32-1980. t Sannino Lisa Sannino AGRITURIS By: � Antho anni , ember STATE OF NEW YORK: :ss.. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: On thisa'Aday of March, in the year 2017, before me, the undersigned; personally appeared Anthony Sannino and Lisa Sannino,personally known to me or proved to me on the .basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signatures) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instru nt' otary Public Cheryl Simons Notary Public,State Of New York No.31-4970341 Qualified In Suffolk County . Commission Expires February 4,201� SCHEDULE "A" DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold at Cutchogue, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being Lots No. 1 and 3 as shown on "Map of Minor Subdivision.Prepared,by for Giora Hanogh &Harold _.. Watts", filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on February 1, 1991 as Map No 9059, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument set on the Westerly line of Alvah's Lane at the southeasterly corner of land now or formerly of Keil Alvah's Lane Farm LLC and being 699.67 feet southerly from the northeasterly corner of land now or formerly of Catalano; RUNNING THENCE along said line of Alvah's Lane, South 33 degrees 27 minutes 50 seconds East 50.00 feet to land now or formerly of Frances Slezak and Alf Sommerstad; THENCE along said land South 56 degrees 32 minutes 10 seconds West 468.79 feet; THENCE continuing along said land and along land now or formerly of Tuthill South 33 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds East 1144.09 feet to land now or formerly of Piscano; RUNNING THENCE along said land the following two (2) courses and distances: 1. South 33 degrees 24 minutes 10 seconds East 98.93 feet; thence 2. South 26 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East 88.07 feet to the northerly line of Middle Road (C.R. 48); RUNNING THENCE along Middle Road (C.R. 48) South 61 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds West 195.81 feet to land now or formerly of the First Baptist Church of Cutchogue Long Island; -RUNNING THENCE along said land the following two (2) courses and distances: 1. North 28 degrees 40 minutes 40 seconds West 200 feet; thence 2. North 33 degrees 32 minutes 30 seconds West 638.47 feet to the southerly side of Lot 1 on said Map; RUNNING THENCE South 56 degrees 56 minutes 40 seconds West 194.21 feet to land now or formerly of WW Farms LLC; THENCE along said land the following two courses and distances: 1.North 34 degrees 15 minutes 30 seconds West, 127.47 feet; thence 2. North 31 degrees 25 minutes 20 seconds West, 397.77 feet to land now or formerly of Keil Alvah's Lane Farm LLC; THENCE along said land North 56 degrees 32 minutes 10 seconds East 848.21 feet to the point or place.of BEGINNING. a SCHEDULE "B" CONSENT OF MORTGAGEEILIENOR OWNER; ANTHONY SANNINO and LISA SANNINO, fee owner by virtue of deed recorded in Liber 12448, page 275; as to tax lot 1000-101-1-14.4.; and AGRITURISMO SANNINO LLC, fee owner by virtue of deed recorded in Liber 12839., Page 675, as to tax lot 1000-101-1-14.6 Farm Credit East, ACA, by mortgage in Liber 22646 Page 802 H.D.REF. NO./PROJECT NAME: C10-16-0012, SANNINO BELLA VITA VINEYARD:` In the matter of the application of AGRITOURISMO SANNINO LLC, the undersigned, FARM CREDIT EAST ACA,.as holder of a mortgage or lien on premises described in Schedule "A" annexed hereto, hereby consents to the within covenants and restrictions on said premises and hereby subordinates its mortgage or lien on the premises described in said:Schedule "A". FAC TE T C. STATE OF NEW YORK: ss.. COUNTY_OF SUFFOLK: On the day of March, 2017, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared PATRICK WILES, personally known to me or proved to me on the` basis of satisfactory evidence to the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual, o the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. (KRISTIN CAMERON KRASZEWSKI Notary Public Notary Public, State of New York Registration #01 KR6264680 Qualified In Suffolk count i��mmission Expires July 2,20 Lo G F _ MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS OF S0 P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI ti0�� y�lO Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY G ® 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR �yCousm�� Southold, NY �Y Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 6, 2017 Mr. Anthony Sannino 7490 Alvahs Lane Cutchogue, NY 11935 Re: Conditional Approval: Sannino Winery Located at 7495 Alvahs Lane, ±490' s/w/o Alvahs Lane and CR 48, Cutchogue SCTM#1000-101-1-14.4 & 14.6 Zoning District: AC Dear Mr. Sannino: The following resolutions were adopted at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on June 5, 2017: WHEREAS, this Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 2-story building with a 2,852 sq. ft. first floor for wine production, wine retail area, and a wine education room, a 438 sq. ft. second floor for an office, and a 3,600 sq. ft. basement with thirty nine (39) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District, Cutchogue; and WHEREAS, on August 25, 2015, Anthony Sannino, owner, submitted a Site Plan application for review; and WHEREAS, the two subject lots were created by the Planning Board in the 3-lot subdivision map of Giora Hanoch and Harold Wafts, filed map number 9059, February 1, 1991. The subdivision created a 110' x 110' building envelope for Lot 14.6 (aka Lot #3) setback 100' feet from County Route 48 and a common driveway with the adjacent lot to the west (aka Lot#2). The-building envelopes and common driveway were created for a presumed future residential use, however the uses for the two lots are now a church and this proposed winery Site Plan. Neither the building envelopes nor the common driveway are practical for the proposed winery and existing church; and Sannino Winery 2 June 6, 2017 WHEREAS, the Planning Board has considered the original purpose of the common driveway and the building envelopes, as well as the new locations of the existing and proposed structures and found that any impacts are being addressed in this site plan process; and WHEREAS, on September 1, 2015, the Planning Board provided comments to the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) with regard to the requested area variances for file #6882 and did not process the application until a decision was rendered by the ZBA; and WHEREAS, on March 21, 2016, the ZBA issued a determination for file #6882 with three (3) conditions; and WHEREAS, on April 18, 2016, the Planning Board found the application incomplete for review and required additional information and revisions to the Site Plan; and WHEREAS, on September 14, 2016, Anthony Sannino, owner, submitted information and revised site plans for review; and WHEREAS, on September 27, 2016, Anthony Sannino, owner, submitted information and supplemental plans for review; and WHEREAS, at the Work Session held on October 3, 2016, the Planning Board accepted the application as complete for review; and WHEREAS, on October 3, 2016, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) 6 NYCRR, Part 617, determined that the proposed action is a Type II Action pursuant to §617.5(c)(3) "agricultural farm management practices, including construction, maintenance and repair of farm buildings and structures, and land use changes consistent with generally accepted principles of farming" and, therefore, not subject to further review; and WHEREAS, on November 3, 2016, the Planning Board, pursuant to Southold Town Code §280-131 C., distributed the application to the required agencies for their comments; and WHEREAS, on November 7, 2016, a Public Hearing was held and determined to remain open for more information; and WHEREAS, on November 9, 2016, the Planning Board sent a letter to the applicant requesting certain information regarding the proposed Site Plan; and WHEREAS, on November 30, 2016, Anthony Sannino, owner, submitted information with regard to the November 9, 2016 Planning Board letter; and Sannino Winery 3 June 6, 2017 WHEREAS, on December 5, 2016, the public hearing was continued and then closed; and WHEREAS, on December 6, 2016, the Architectural Review Committee provided comments to the Planning Board that the application had been tabled due to insufficient plans and information; and WHEREAS, on December 14, 2016, the Southold Town Fire Inspector provided comments to the Planning Board; and WHEREAS, on December 14, 2016, the Southold Town Engineer reviewed the proposed application and required revisions in order for the proposed drainage to meet the minimum requirements of Chapter 236 for Storm Water Management; and WHEREAS, on December 15, 2016, the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coordinator reviewed the proposed project and determined it to be consistent with Southold Town LWRP policies with certain recommendations to the Planning Board to be implemented; and WHEREAS, on January 3, 2017, the Cutchogue Fire District determined there was adequate fire protection for the site; and WHEREAS, on January 4, 2017, the Suffolk County Planning Commission (SCPC) reviewed the proposed project and considered it to be an action for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact(s); and WHEREAS, at their work session on January 23, 2017, the Planning Board reviewed comments from referrals with regard to parking and building location; and WHEREAS, on January 26, 2017 the Planning Board sent a letter to the applicant summarizing the determinations made by the Board regarding parking and building location and notifying them that review of the application with regard to Traffic Safety would continue at the next available work session; and WHEREAS, at their work session on February 6, 2017, the Planning Board continued the review of comments from referrals with regard to Traffic Safety; and WHEREAS, on February 8, 201.7, the Planning Board sent a letter to the applicant requiring certain information and revisions to the site plan; and WHEREAS, on March 7, 2017, Anthony Sannino, owner, submitted a revised site plan and information requested by the Planning Board; and WHEREAS, on March 21, 2017, Anthony Sannino, owner, submitted a revised photometric plan and a traffic routing plan as required; and Sannino Winery 4 June 6, 2017 WHEREAS, on March 27, 2017, the ARC approved the Site Plan as submitted; and WHEREAS, on April 6, 2017, the Southold Town Chief Building Inspector reviewed and certified the proposed winery as a permitted use in the A—C Zoning District pursuant to ZBA file #6882; and WHEREAS, on April 10, 2017 the Planning Board re-opened the Public Hearing due to changes to the location of the parking and building on the revised Site Plan. These revisions included the relocation of the building sixty-five (65) feet closer to CR 48, and the relocation of the parking areas from the front of the building to the side and rear of the building. The Board found that a hearing on the revised plan was necessary to provide adjacent neighbors and the general public the opportunity to comment on these changes; and WHEREAS, on April 10, 2017, the Public Hearing was closed; WHEREAS, at their Work Sessions on April 24, 2017 and May 22, 2017, the Planning Board reviewed all input from the Public Hearing and staff recommendations were considered and incorporated to the satisfaction of the Planning Board; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board has found that, as reflected in the record for this Site Plan application, there are potential impacts from noise, parking, traffic safety, pedestrian safety, and adverse impacts to the established character and value of the adjoining properties that must be adequately addressed in the Site Plan approval process, and that these issues have not been completely addressed in the Site Plan application referenced herein and the proposed Site Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board has identified revisions to the proposed Site Plan, and additional conditions for this site which address and mitigate these identified areas of concern and potential adverse impacts. These conditions and their expected mitigating effects are as follows: 1. The maximum number of people/patrons on the winery site is limited to 235, not including the Bed & B location or employees; This condition (above) is intended to limit intense use and large crowds on site which can create traffic safety hazards, pedestrian safety hazards, and adverse impacts on the established character and value of adjoining residential properties to the east, the adjacent church to the west and noise pollution. 2. The maximum number of vehicles permitted on site is 39. There is no additional parking permitted on site or on adjacent properties. The applicant shall not direct people to park on public streets including CR48; This condition is intended to provide a fixed number of vehicles permitted on the site for the purpose of wine tasting. The rationale for this condition is based on the Sannino Winery 5 June 6, 2017 number of parking spaces that can be safely accommodated at the site, and potential adverse impacts identified on the Planning Board's record (a summary of which can be found in the Planning Staff Reports dated January 23, 2017 and February 6, 2017). The safety of the public and the quality of life of the neighbors will be better served by controlling the amount of vehicles that visit this site. 3. Limousines and Buses; Limousines and Buses must park in the oversize spaces on the west side of the building, and are permitted in the following numbers and combinations: a. Maximum number of limousines at any one time is five (5); b. When 4 or 5 limousines are on site, no buses are permitted; c. Maximum number of buses at any one time is two (2); d. One limousine is permitted when two buses are on site; e. Up to three limousines are permitted with one bus on site. 4. All vehicles must remain with their patrons on site at all times. No drop-off permitted except for ride sharing, public transit or taxi; Town Code Section 280-78 H requires that parking for the use of the site be contained on site. Traffic safety hazards are increased as vehicles exit and enter CR 48, where traffic typically travels at 55 mph or greater, with no acceleration or deceleration lanes at this site. This condition limits the number of times a large vehicle will exit and enter CR48. By preventing the drop-off of patrons, the condition also limits the impacts of limousines and charter buses that might otherwise park and idle in residential neighborhoods while they wait to be called to pick up their passengers; 5. Parking in designated parking areas only, as shown on the approved Site Plan; This is intended to minimize any parking conflicts between large vehicles permitted on site, 6. The 17 gravel parking stalls facing the building are to be the primary parking stalls; This condition is intended to focus parking towards the building, away from the adjacent residential parcels; Sannino Winery 6 June 6, 2017 7. The Traffic Routing Plan provided is required to be distributed to all driver/livery companies ahead of time and shall be provided/displayed for all potential patrons on the company website; This condition is intended to provide a safe route to access the site that utilizes controlled intersections and avoids any U-turns; 8. No more than 12 special events, as defined by Southold Town Code, per year. This condition is due to the small size and shape of the site, which places the winery building and activities within close proximity to adjacent residences and church, and will reduce the potential noise impacts to those neighbors; and WHEREAS, on June 5, 2017, the Southold Town Planning Board determined that all applicable requirements of the Site Plan Regulations, Article XXIV, §280 — Site Plan Approval of the Town of Southold, have been met with the exception of the conditions listed below; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that this proposed action, upon meeting the conditions listed herein, is consistent with the policies of the Town of Southold LWRP; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grants Conditional Approval of the Site Plan application entitled "Sannino Vineyard" prepared by Robert J. Gruber R.A., dated June 22, 2016 and last revised April 7, 2017, with the following conditions: Conditions: 1. The maximum number of people/patrons on the winery site is limited to 235, not including the Bed & B location or employees; 2. The maximum number of vehicles permitted on site is 39. There is no additional parking permitted on site or on adjacent properties. The applicant shall not direct people to park on public streets including CR48; 3. Limousines and Buses Limousines and Buses must park in the oversize spaces on the west side of the building, and are permitted in the following numbers and combinations: a. Maximum number of limousines at any one time is five (5); b. When 4 or 5 limousines are on site, no buses are permitted; c. Maximum number of buses at any one time is two (2); Sannino Winery 7 June 6, 2017 d. One limousine is permitted when two buses are on site; e. Up to three limousines are permitted with one bus on site. 4. All vehicles must remain with their patrons on site at all times. No drop-off permitted except for ride sharing, public transit or taxi; 5. Parking in designated parking areas only, as shown on the approved Site Plan; 6. The 17 gravel parking stalls facing the building are to be the primary parking stalls; 7. The Traffic Routing Plan provided is required to be distributed to all driver/livery companies ahead of time and shall be provided/displayed for all potential patrons on the company website; 8. No more than 12 special events, as defined by Southold Town Code, are permitted each year; 9. Provide a solid 4' fence along the east property line, with proposed buffer screening on the inside, to extend from the existing stockade fence along the rear of property SCTM#1000-101.-1-15.1 and terminating to the north end of the proposed parking area; 10.Provide signage to delineate the grass parking area located to the east of the building to clearly indicate the limits of the grass area approved for parking; 11.Stormwater Requirements pursuant to §236: a. Provide erosion and sediment controls for the proposed project; b. Provide the Trench Drain at a minimum of eighteen (18") inches wide. The Cross Section shown for the Trench Drain has been loosely indicated as being 8" to 51" inches in width; c. The drainage calculations for the proposed gravel utilize a runoff coefficient of 50% for the gravel parking area and must be changed to 100%; the drainage design must then be amended accordingly; d. The drainage calculations must include the areas indicated as the Patio and the Crush Pad; e. Provide certification from a NYS licensed engineer that stormwater from this site will not reach waters of the State. If this certification cannot be shown, then a NYSDEC Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Sannino Winery 8 June 6, 2017 will be required if the area of disturbance for this site plan is greater than one acre; f. All work within the Right-of-Way on County Route 48 must meet the minimum requirements of County Specifications. 12.Provide at least five (5) prints of a revised Site Plan including the stamp, seal and signature of the NYS licensed professional preparing the plan, with all the above conditions reflected on the revised plans; 13.Obtain SCDHS approval and a provide a print with the SCDHS approval stamp upon the current revision of the Site Plan to this department, and including the stamp and seal of the NYS professional preparing the plan; 14.File the lot merger and C&R's required by SCDHS; 15.Provide a draft of the Covenants and Restrictions (C&R's), including conditions 1 through 8 above, to the Planning Board for review and approval (template to be provided by Planning Department); 16.File the C&R's (after the draft is approved by the Planning Board) with the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk and submit a receipt of the filing to this department including the Liber and Page number; 17.Include all C&R Liber and Page numbers on the final revised Site Plan; 18.Obtain a Suffolk County DPW Curb Cut Permit; and 19.The building envelopes and common driveway in the original subdivision creating the subject lots will need to be amended by a formal Planning Board resolution. The above conditions must be met and a Final Site Plan approval resolution completed prior to the Chairman endorsing the site plans, and prior to any building permits being issued. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Very truly yours, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman cc: Michael Verity, Chief Building Inspector James Richter, Office of the Town Engineer Laserfiche file for Minor Subdivision of Giora Hanoch & Harold Watts (1000-101-1-14.1) Sannino Winery 9 June 6, 2017 By signing this letter, the applicant acknowledges that there are conditions above that must be satisfied. Anthony Sannino, Owner Ala Southoid Planning Department State meport Site Plan Application Work Session — Request for Conditional Approval Date June 5, 2017 Prepared By: Brian Cummings I. Application Information Project Title: Sannino Winery & Tasting Room Applicant: Anthony & Lisa Sannino Date of Submission: August 25, 2015 Tax Map Number: 101.-1-14.6 & 14.4 Project Location: 15975 County Road 48 Hamlet: Cutchogue Zoning District: A — C II. Description of Project Type of Site Plan: Agricultural Acreage of Project Site: 221,864sf (5.23ac) & 162,683sf (3.75ac) = 384,547sf or 8.98 acres Building Size 6,452 gross sq. ft. A. Proposed This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a two-story winery building with a first floor of 2,852 sq. ft. (wine production, retail area, wine education room), second floor of 438 sq. ft. (office) and 3600 sq. ft. basement with thirty nine (39) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District, Cutchogue. On March 17, 2016, the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) granted an area variance under file #6882 for a winery located on a parcel less than the code required minimum of at least 10 acres devoted to vineyard or other agricultural purposes, with three (3) conditions: 1. The applicant shall merge lots 14 4 (aka lot 3) and 14.6 (aka lot 1) and submit written proof of same to the Office of the Town Attorney and the ZBA; 2. No building permit shall be issued by the Building Department for the proposed winery/tasting room structure(s) until the ZBA provides written confirmation to the Building Department that the merger was effectuated; 3 The applicant shall obtain site plan approval from the Southold Town Planning Board. Failure to do so will render the variance relief granted herein null and void. 1 .J� B. Existing • The application involves two adjacent lots totaling 8.98 acres o Lot 14.6 = 3.75ac ■ vacant o Lot 14.4 = 5.23 ac ■ house ■ B&B (permitted by Special Exception) ■ vineyard • The two subject lots were created through a 1990 subdivision. The subdivision created a 110' x 110' building envelope for Lot 14.6 setback 100' feet from County Route 48. The proposed winery has been relocated partially but not fully within this building envelope and an amendment to the subdivision map from the Planning Board for this and the driveway location would be required for the application as proposed; III: Analysis The applicant has requested conditional site plan approval prior to receiving SCDHS approval due to the requirement of the SCDHS to file the deed to merge the two parcels. A conditional site plan approval will provide the assurance necessary to merge the parcels. The conditions must be completed before Final Site Plan Approval is granted. Staff Recommendations The Planning Board has identified revisions to the proposed site plan, and additional conditions for this site which address and mitigate identified areas of concern and adverse impacts, and will ensure that the use of the premises conforms to the permitted principal and accessory uses allowed for wineries. These conditions and their expected mitigating effects are as follows: Conditions: 1. Obtain SCDHS approval and a provide a print of the original stamped plan (to be consistent with the current revised site plan) by the SCDHS to this department including the stamp and seal of the SCDHS and NYS professional preparing the plan; 2. File the lot merger and C&R's required by SCDHS; 3. File the Covenants and Restrictions (C&R's), as provided by the Planning Board, with the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk and submit a receipt of the filing to this department including the Liber and Page number The C&R's including, but not limited to, are for the purpose of ensuring no parking and/or idling on CR 48; and 2 J� 4. Provide at least five (5) prints of a revised site plan including the stamp, seal and signature of the NYS licensed professional preparing the plan; with the following: a. Solid 4' fence along the east property line, with proposed buffer screening on the inside, to extend from the existing stockade fence along the rear of property SCTM#1000-101.-1-15.1 and terminating to the north end of the proposed parking area; and b. Provide signage to delineate the grass parking area located to the east of the building to clearly indicate the limits of the grass area approved for parking; and c. Provide the Liber and Page references for the filed C&R's; and d. Obtain a Suffolk County DPW Curb Cut Permit; and e. Stormwater Requirements pursuant to §236: L Provide erosion and sediment controls for the proposed project. The site plan does not show, indicate or detail erosion and/or sediment controls for the project. This item must be installed as soon as possible and all County road drains must be cleaned due to the erosion and silt generated by the premature clearing of the site; ii. Provide the Trench Drain at a minimum of eighteen (18") inches wide. The Cross Section shown for the Trench Drain has been loosely indicated as being 8" to 51" inches in width, iii. The drainage calculations for the proposed gravel utilize a runoff coefficient of 50% for the gravel parking area and must be changed to 100%; the drainage design must then be amended accordingly; iv. The drainage calculations must include the areas indicated as the Patio and the Crush Pad; v. Provide certification from a NYS licensed engineer design professional that stormwater from this site will not reach waters of the State. - If they do, then a DEC Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will be required. The proposed cumulative disturbance resulting from proposed construction activities and grading of this site appears to have been greater than one (1) acre in area. This project site has already been cleared without erosion controls in place vi. All work within the Right-of-Way on County Route 48 must meet the minimum requirements of County Specifications; 3 f. Provide the following operating conditions on the site plan: i. The maximum number of people on site is limited to 150 (applicant has requested 235) Staff: a total of 150 is the sum of the following: 34 standard parking stalls containing 2.5 people per vehicle = 85 Two buses containing 30 people each = 60 5 additional people to account for ride sharing services, public transit or taxi; This condition is intended to limit intense use and large crowds on site which can create traffic safety hazards, pedestrian safety hazards, and adverse impacts on the established character and value of adjoining residential properties to the east, the adjacent church to the west and noise pollution. ii. The maximum number of vehicles permitted on site is 39. There is no overflow parking permitted on site, on public streets including County Road 48, or neighboring properties. This condition is intended to provide a fixed number of vehicles permitted on the site for the purpose of wine tasting. The rationale for this condition is based on the number of parking spaces that can be safely accommodated at the site, and adverse impacts identified on the Planning Board's record (a summary of which can be found in the Planning Staff Reports dated January 23, 2017 and February 6, 2017). The safety of the public and the quality of life of the neighbors will be better served by controlling the amount of vehicles that visit this site. iii. Limousines and Buses Limousines and Buses must park in the oversize spaces on the west side of the building, and are permitted in the following numbers and combinations* a. Maximum number of limousines at any one time is five (5); b. When 4 or 5 limousines are on site, no buses are permitted c Maximum number of buses at any one time is two (2); 4 ib d. One limousine is permitted when two buses are on site. e. Up to three limousines are permitted with one bus on site iv. All vehicles must remain with their patrons on site at all times. No drop- off permitted except for ride sharing services, public transit or taxi; Town Code Section 280-78 H requires that parking for the use of the site be contained on site. Traffic safety hazards are increased as vehicles exit and enter CR 48, where traffic typically travels at 55 mph or greater, with no acceleration or deceleration lanes at this site; v. Parking in designated parking areas only, as shown on the approved site plan; Conditions iii— v above are intended to minimize any parking conflicts between large vehicles permitted on site; vi. The 17 gravel parking stalls facing the building are to be the primary parking stalls. These parking spaces must be filled first before the grass parking area can be used; This condition is intended to focus parking towards the building, effectively away from the adjacent residential parcels, as a primary parking area; vii. The Traffic Routing Plan provided is required to be distributed to all driver/livery companies ahead of time and shall be provided/displayed for all potential patrons on the company website; This condition is intended to provide a safe route to access the site that utilizes controlled intersections and avoids any U-turns, viii. No special events as defined by Southold Town Code. (applicant has requested 12 per year) This condition is due to the small size and shape of the site, which places the winery building and activities within close proximity to adjacent residences and church. 5 r r Michaelis, Jessica d From: anthony sannino <tonyvinol@gmail.com> ��N 2 Z��7 Sent: Monday,June 19, 2017 1041 PM To: Michaelis,Jessica, <awickham@wbglawyers.com>; Cummings, Brian . Southold Town Subject: Re- Sannino Planning Board Hi Brian, I would like to have these language modifications be incorporated into the resolution. Conditions: 2. 39 vehicles for the site, add: not including the B&B, residence, employees or farm vehicles. 8. No more than 12 special events may be held at the winery location and yard area around it; special event permits issued by the ZBA will not be limited by the site occupancy, parking and bus/limo conditions set forth above, but shall be regulated by the Special Event permit process. On the last paragraph, will you be pursuing the subdivision map questions to a resolution, or do we have to do something - write a letter requesting that relief? Please clarify this for me. Thank you, Anthony On Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 11:52 AM, Michaelis, Jessica <jessicarn@southoldtowy n . ov> wrote: Anthony, Attached resolution and C&Rs for your review. If you have any questions, feel free to call the office. Thank you, Jessica Michaelis, Clerk Typist Southold Town Planning Department 54375 NYS Route 25 i WORK SESSION AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, June 5, 2017 4:00 p.m. Southold Town Meeting Hall 3:00 p.m. Executive Session 4:00 p.m. Applications Project Name- i Sannino Winery & Tasting Room I SCTM#: 1000-101-1-14 4 j Location 17495 Alvahs Lane, ±490' s/w/o Alvahs Lane and CR 48, Cutchogue Description- I This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 2-story building with a 2,852 sq. ft. first floor for wine production, wine retail area, and a wine education room), a 438 sq. ft. second floor for an office, and a 3,600 sq. i ft. basement with thirty nine (39) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District. Status* 1 Pending Action Status Update Attachments: ; Staff Report Project Name_.__ I North Fork SurgiCenter ( SCTM#: 1000-63-3-2 Location: 700 Boisseau Avenue, Southold ' Description- i This Site Plan is for the proposed conversion of an existing 5,564 sq. ft. 1-story building (formerly SCWA office) with a 2,333 sq. ft. basement for storage, to a professional office (medical) and 16 parking spaces on _ ! 1.15 acres in the Light Industrial (LI) Zoning District. Status New New Application Action i Completeness I Attachments: ! Staff Report Project Name 13400 Main Road Corp. CTM#: j 1000-114-11-9 6 i _— p. _ Location. i 13400 NYS Route 25, ±10' s/w/o Wickham Avenue & NYS Rt. 25, Mattituck Description. This proposed Site Plan, in conjunction with a pending Lot Line Modification, is for the addition of±9,258 sq ft. of land for ±23 parking stalls on 1 05 acres in the Hamlet Business Zoning District. -.-._._..------ -- --- ---- ---- ----------------------------------- ----... ------—- Status Pending Action 1 Revised Plans - -.._._..._...._._.__...._...._._.:..__... ._._...- _...__..._...__....--- - -- ._._... ----..._....-----..................................._.._............-------------....__...-..._. ._..----._.._._.._._.._....__.._..._._...._...._..: Attachments ; Staff Report ___ SCOTT A. RUSSELL �O� cOG JAMES A. RICHTER, R.A. SUPERVISORcz y� MICHAEL M. COLLINS, P.E. COD TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD vO, /Z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 Tel. (631)-765—1560 • Fax. (631)-765—9015 MICHAEL.COLLINS(a),TOWN.SOUTHOLD.NY.US JAMIE.RICHTERATOWN.SOUTHOLD.NY.US Kt to -( �! �a "T pC� CE � ��.._ . . i, OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD EMAY'2 ,6-20' Donald J. Wilcenski May 26 2 17 Southold Toa r -- Y , Planning Boarc Chairman - Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Sannino Winery Site Plan SCTM #: 1000-101-01-14.4 & 14.6 Dear Mr. Wilcenski: As per a request from your office, I have reviewed the Site Plan,for the construction of a new 2,800 S. F.Winery with parking and related facilities. This site plan has been prepared by the office of Robert J. Gruber, Architect and was dated 6/22/16. Please consider the following: 1. A Suffolk County DPW Curb Cut Permit must be obtained. 2. The proposed cumulative disturbance resulting from proposed construction activities and grading of this site appears to have been greater than one(1)acre in area. This project site has already been cleared without erosion controls in place. If the design professional certifies that stormwater from this site will not reach waters of the State then a DEC Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)will not be required. This certification should be received prior to final approval 3. The site plan does not show, indicate or detail erosion and/or sediment controls for the project. This item is required by Town Code Chapter 236 for stormwater management. This item must be installed as soon as possible and all County road drains must be cleaned due to the erosion and silt generated by the premature clearing of the site. 4. The Cross Section shown for the Trench Drain has been loosely indicated as being 8"to 51" inches in width. This dimension should be a minimum of eighteen (18") inches wide. 5. All work within the Right-of-Way on County Route 48 must meet the minimum requirements of County Specifications. 6. The drainage calculations indicated a runoff coefficient of 50%for the gravel parking area This must be changed to 100% and the drainage design must be amended accordingly. 7. The drainage calculations must also include the areas indicated as the Patio and the Crush Pad. 8. The parking area indicated along the westerly property line must maintain a minimum buffer strip of four (4') feet in width. Please keep in mind that County DPW may also require cleaning of their drains along County Route 48 under their curb cut permit because erosion controls have not been implemented as required by code. If you have any questions regarding this review, please ont t my I Sincerely .1a LG £'Z Jame Richter, R.A. PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law gftard 51020 Main RoadSouthold,New York 11971 Tel (631) 765-4330 Fax (631)765-4643 May 26, 2017 ATTN: Donald Wilcenski, Chairman Planning Board Town of Southold Main Road, Town Hall Annex PO Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 via email Re: Crossroads Atlantic LLC Premises: 32400 Main Road, Orient,New York SCTM No. 1000-19-1-14.9 & 14.10 Dear Chairman Wilcenski: With reference to the above conservation subdivision, please be advised that I am now representing the owner and hereby request that this matter be re-activated. Please confirm that the last correspondence is from our Department on March 11, 2014. Once confirmed, I will have the surveyor make the required changes to the plan. Thank you. Very truly yours, Patr6ciaC. Maare� PCM/bp encls. TYPESET Tue Mar 28 1408.20 EDT 2017 LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that,pursu- ant to Section 276 of the Town Law,a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, at the Town Hall, Main Road,Southold,New York on the 10th day of April,2017 on the question of the following: 6:01 p.m. Proposed Site Plan for Polak Ag.Barn,located at 57995 Route 25,South- old, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York.Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-55-6-34 6:02 p.m. Proposed Lot Line Change for Krupski&Zachariadis,located at 195 Little Neck Road, Cutchogue,Town of Southold, County of Suffolk,State of New York.Suf- folk County Tax Map Number 1000-103-5-5, 1 &97-8-31.2 6:03 p.m. Proposed Site Plan for Sannino Winery&Tasting Room,located at 7495 AI- vahs Lane, Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk,State of New York.Suf- folk County Tax Map Number 1000-101-1-14 4&14.6 6:04 p.m. Proposed Standard Subdivi- sion for Theodore C.Martz Jr.,located at 555 Broadwaters Road, Cutchogue, Town of Southold,County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-104-12-6.1 6:05 p.m. Proposed Site Plan for North Fork United Methodist Church, located at 43960 CR 48,Southold,Town of Southold, County of Suffolk,State of New York.Suf- folk County Tax Map Number 1000-63-1-15 Dated:3/16/17 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Donald J Wilcenski Chairman 2038310 - :Y._ q f 1 11 ;�Ll .3M�►l i � ����; � i � I l i �� - 4 _ --— - I I ' -14 Ile 4PG� t DREC� CD � C AUG 2 5 2015 i Souiho4d Town Planning Eloard 3Iv i fN�Sa a<9 ( � ' O A►y tit' >r��h -\ 4A r1 APPROVED BY: AWN RIIY F SCALE: DATE: IC? REV IS 1 i 1—V` CL -- ��� DRAWING NUMBER Michaelis, Jessica mn � From: anthonysannino <tonyvinol@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 10:41 PM To: Michaelis, Jessica; <awickham@wbglawyers.com>; Cummings, uth,ouil fim -' Subject: Re: Sannino Pdti HIIIn�g B uao-d Hi Brian, I would like to have these language modifications be incorporated into the resolution. Conditions: 2. 39 vehicles for the site, add: not including the B&B, residence, employees or farm vehicles. 8. No more than 12 special events may be held at the winery location and yard area around it; special event permits issued by the ZBA will not be limited by the site occupancy, parking and bus/limo conditions set forth above, but shall be regulated by the Special Event permit process. On the last paragraph, will you be pursuing the subdivision map questions to a resolution, or do we have to do something - write a letter requesting that relief? Please clarify this for me. Thank you, Anthony On Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 11:52 AM, Michaelis, Jessica<essicaingsoutholdtowan .gov> wrote: Anthony, Attached resolution and C&Rs for your review. If you have any questions, feel free to call the office. Thank you, Jessica Michaelis, Clerk Typist Southold Town Planning Department 54375 NYS Route 25 i Michaelis, Jessica t ► ..�- � , From: Cummings, Brian A. g Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2017 3:22 PM To: Michaelis,Jessica1 :� Subject: FW: Special work session meeting request lg�600 ��� � For mail please From: anthony sannino [mailto:tonyvinol@gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2017 3:14 PM To: Lanza, Heather; Cummings, Brian A.; <awickham@wbglawyers.com> Subject: Re: Special work session meeting request Hi Brian and Heather, we understand that an earlier meeting with the board is not possible. I had also requested a staff meeting which Brian felt would not serve to be helpful, so I told him I would follow up with an e-mail. We have been in agreement with most of your recommended site requirements and restrictions with minor changes, and once again in the spirit of compromise we are offering a solution to our differences. We would like to apologize if we have provided conflicting views regarding our discussions related to the site occupancy. As the chairman of the planning board mentioned at our last work session on Monday, these types of restrictions are newly developing to be imposed on our type of business, hence we believe requiring careful thought and discussion. We are willing to agree to some variation of limitations while understanding that whatever is agreed upon satisfies the concerns of the board, provides for the economic viability of our business and is a functional example to be implemented on future applications. On Nov. 30 2016 we submitted a response to 19 questions the board presented to us. The answer to question#5 was as follows, "The maximum number of people that will be on our site at any given time would be limited by the number of cars parked in our parking lot while taking into consideration that not all cars will have the same number ofpeople in them. A good estimate is 3 persons per car for a maximum occupancy on the site of 130 people. We expect this maximum number will be an infrequent occurrence."This was only our best estimate as we are not an authority on this subject and also displays that we would be comfortable with our total occupancy being dictated by our parking limitations and not a fixed number. Our letter to the board on April 24, 2017 states we would be OK with a fixed site occupancy of 235 people. As the old cliche states "your first answer is usually the correct answer" Site occupancy options: A- If the board chooses our site occupancy to be dictated by our proposed parking, we understand that overflow would not be permitted unless needed for a special event. With much thought we believe this method of controlling the site occupancy is the most reasonable to implement and operate with as a business owner. It would be easier to turn away cars when all designated parking is filled than to turn away and explain to guests they cannot be on our site when parking spaces are still available. B- If the board chooses to implement a fixed occupancy for the site we would accept as we mentioned before 235 people which would include the inside and outside combined. We would also need to designate an 1 area for overflow parking because it is possible that with the proposed parking spaces we would not reach full occupancy further restricting the economic viability of our business. An example of this possibility would exist if we are hosting a TIPS training class when industry employees arrive one person by car and our occupancy cannot be met because our parking lot is more than half full. Special Events: - We would accept only 12 special events per year. The chairman also asked what our business plan is? Our business plan has been to provide impeccable customer service, wine related knowledge, an unforgettable experience and most important to sell our wine to all our guests. We are sure that this plan will not change however the future is unknown to all of us and how our plan evolves needs to take into consideration the restrictions that are imposed on our business today. What we will accept: 1-The number of parking spaces proposed 2- The number of parking spaces for buses and limos no more than two buses or five limos or any combination of the two within those spaces (this will not preclude limos or buses which can park and maneuver in parking area when winery is closed to the public). 3- The placement of NO parking signs on CR48 to be arranged by town and county. 4- A restriction to have only 12 special events per year at the winery. 5- A restriction to have a maximum of 235 people on site during regular business days, excluding special events. (If the board selects a fixed site occupancy) 6- Overflow parking will be provided to accommodate site occupancy if a fixed site occupancy is applied (we propose 12 overflow spaces for this purpose) 7- If town code revisions allow for less restrictive use or conditions, they will supersede these C&R's, 8- Occupancy to be dictated by the number of designated parking spaces (if the board does not select a fixed site occupancy) We would like a conditional approval at the next scheduled public hearing in June with agreement to the final proposal of restrictions The only two remaining conditions for the approval should be the filing of the merger for the two properties and health Dep approval. 2- Can a draft copy of all of these restrictions be provided to us prior to the public hearing? Notes: 1- The planning board and staff has no quantifiable way to determine what number of people on a site provides for the health and safety of neighbors. An arbitrarily selected number of people for site occupancy does not provide for a sustainable method to be used on future applications similar to ours.(most of the listed restrictions already provide for adequate site controls) 2-Southold town Special events legislation was designed by an appointed committee involving New York State AG and Markets to help mitigate concerns and provide guidance for safe events on sites. Since this tool already exists, not allowing any special events on our site is overly restrictive for our business to be successful. 3- If the board chooses to impose a fixed site occupancy, we will need the ability to have overflow parking to meet the proposed occupancy limit otherwise the occupancy limit will be overly restrictive. 4- If the board accepts our site occupancy dictated by the number of proposed parking spaces, we will only need overflow parking for special events. (We prefer this option) Please let us know if you think a staff meeting would be helpful after reviewing this letter. Thank you, Anthony and Lisa Sannino On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 11:04 AM, Lanza, Heather<heather.lanza(i4town.so uthold.nv.us> wrote: As discussed at the last work session, please submit for the Planning Board's review the number of special events per year, and the total site occupancy (inside and out) at your earliest convenience. As for a special meeting, the chairman has indicated this will not be possible. The next meeting that you can attend with the Board will be June 5. By then the Board will have had time to review the numbers you send us. -----Original Message----- From: Anthony Sannino [mailto:tonyvinolacgmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 3:47 PM To: Cummings, Brian A. <brian.cummings@town.southold.ny.us>; Lanza, Heather ................................................................ Subject: Special work session meeting request Hi Brian and Heather, we would like to request a special work session meeting with the board members next week or sooner in hopes of reaching an agreement of our differences so that we can have a resolution at the June public hearing. We will follow up tomorrow with an email of our thoughts. Thank you, Anthony and Lisa Sannino 3 Sent from my iPhone Anthony Sannino Style Contracting Inc. Sannino Bella Vita Vineyard 631 734 8282 631 767 1751 cell 4 Michaelis, Jessica From: Cummings, Brian A. .mmm Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 3:47 PM To: Michaelis,Jessica Subject: FW: Special work session meeting request Sunohoir'l R°'Bmr'u iqj Board For mail -----Original Message----- From: Anthony Sannino [mailto:tonyvinol@gmail.com] Sent:Wednesday, May 24, 2017 3:47 PM To: Cummings, Brian A.; Lanza, Heather Subject: Special work session meeting request Hi Brian and Heather, we would like to request a special work session meeting with the board members next week or sooner in hopes of reaching an agreement of our differences so that we can have a resolution at the June public hearing. We will follow up tomorrow with an email of our thoughts. Thank you, Anthony and Lisa Sannino Sent from my iPhone 1 WORK SESSION AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, May 22, 2017 4:00 p.m. Southold Town Meeting Hall 3:00 p.m. Executive Session 4:00 p.m. Applications Project Name: East End Tick & Mosquito Pest Control I SCTM#: 1000-97-3-2 Location: [ 36570 Route 25, ±420' s/w/o of Skunk Lane. & Main Road, Cutchogue Description: This Site Plan is for proposed additions and alterations to a single family p dwelling with attached business office (pest control) with six (6) parking stalls on 0.24 acres in the Limited Business (LB) Zoning District. Status: Pendine Action: Final Review _ AttachmentsA Staff Re p ort Project Name: 1 Sannino Winery &.Tasting Room � ,SCTM#: 1000-101 1-1 ' 4.4 L Location: 7495 Alvahs Lane, ±490' s/w/o Alvahs Lane and CR 48, Cutchogue Description: This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 2-story building with a 2,852 sq. ft. first floor for wine production, wine retail area, and a wine education room), a 438 sq. ft. second floor for an office, and a 3,600 sq. ft. basement with thirty nine (39) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District. Status: Pendine f Action: Status Update Attachments- [ Staff Report F Project Name: North Fork SurgiCenter SCTM#: 1000-63-3-2 j Location. 700 Boisseau Avenue, Southold Description: This Site Plan is for the proposed conversion of an existing 5,564 sq. ft. 1-story building (formerly SCWA office) with a 2,333 sq. ft. basement for storage, to a professional office (medical) and 16 parking spaces on 1.15 acres in the Light Industrial (LI) Zoning District. Status: New Application Acti on: Completeness f Attachments: Staff Report Southold Planning Department Staff Report Site Plan Application Work Session — Request for Conditional Approval Date May 22, 2017 Prepared By: Brian Cummings I. Application Information Project Title: Sannino Winery & Tasting Room Applicant: Anthony & Lisa Sannino Date of Submission: August 25, 2015 Tax Map Number: 101.-1-14.6 & 14.4 Project Location: 15975 County Road 48 Hamlet: Cutchogue Zoning District: A — C II. Description of Project Type of Site Plan: Agricultural Acreage of Project Site: 221,864sf (5.23ac) & 162,683sf (3.75ac) = 384,547sf or 8.98 acres Building Size 6,452 gross sq. ft. A. Proposed This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a two-story winery building with a first floor of 2,852sf (wine production, retail area, wine education room), second floor of 438sf (office) and 3600 sq. ft. basement with thirty nine (39) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District, Cutchogue. On March 17, 2016, the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) granted an area variance under file #6882 for a winery located on a parcel less than the code required minimum of at least 10 acres devoted to vineyard or other agricultural purposes, with three (3) conditions: 1. The applicant shall merge lots 14.4 (aka lot 3) and 14.6 (aka lot 1) and submit written proof of same to the Office of the Town Attorney and the ZBA; 2. No building permit shall be issued by the Building Department for the proposed winery/tasting room structure(s) until the ZBA provides written confirmation to the Building Department that the merger was effectuated; 3. The applicant shall obtain site plan approval from the Southold Town Planning Board, Failure to do so will render the variance relief granted herein null and void. 1 B. Existing • The application involves two adjacent lots totaling 8.98 acres o Lot 14.6 = 3.75ac ■ vacant o Lot 14.4 = 5.23 ac ■ house ■ B&B (permitted by Special Exception) ■ vineyard • The two subject lots were created through a 1990 subdivision. The subdivision created a 110' x 110' building envelope for Lot 14.6 setback 100' feet from County Route 48. The proposed winery has been relocated partially but not fully within this building envelope and an amendment to the subdivision map from the Planning Board for this and the driveway location would be required for the application as proposed; III: Analysis The applicant has requested conditional site plan approval prior to receiving SCDHS approval due to the requirement of the SCDHS to file the deed to merge the two parcels. A conditional site plan approval will provide the assurance necessary to merge the parcels. The conditions must be completed before Final Site Plan Approval is granted. Staff Recommendations The Planning Board has identified revisions to the proposed site plan, and additional conditions for this site which address and mitigate identified areas of concern and adverse impacts, and will ensure that the use of the premises conforms to the permitted principal and accessory uses allowed for wineries. These conditions and their expected mitigating effects are as follows: Conditions: 1. Obtain SCDHS approval and a provide a print of the original stamped plan (to be consistent with the current revised site plan) by the SCDHS to this department including the stamp and seal of the SCDHS and NYS professional preparing the plan; 2. File the lot merger and C&R's required by SCDHS; 3. File the Covenants and Restrictions (C&R's), as provided by the Planning Board, with the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk and submit a receipt of the filing to this department including the Liber and Page number. The C&R's are for the purpose of ensuring no parking and/or idling on CR 48; and 2 4. Provide at least five (5) prints of a revised site plan including the stamp, seal and signature of the NYS licensed professional preparing the plan; with the following: a. Solid 4' fence along the east property line, with proposed buffer screening on the inside, to extend from the existing stockade fence along the rear of property SCTM#1000-101.-1-15.1 and terminating to the north end of the proposed parking area; b. Provide signage to delineate the grass parking area located to the east of the building to clearly indicate the limits of the grass area approved for parking; c. Provide the Liber and Page references for the filed C&R's; d. Provide the following operating conditions on the site plan: L The maximum number of people on site is limited to 150 and by the number of vehicles allowed to park on site; Staff: a total of 150 is the sum of the following:. 34 standard parking stalls containing 2.5 people per vehicle = 85 Two buses containing 30 people each = 60 5 additional people to account for ride sharing services, public transit or taxi; This condition is intended to limit intense use and large crowds on site which can create traffic safety hazards, pedestrian safety hazards, and adverse impacts on the established character and value of adjoining residential properties to the east, the adjacent church to the west and noise pollution. ii. The maximum number of vehicles permitted on site is 39. There is no overflow parking permitted on site, on public streets including County Road 48, or neighboring properties. This condition is intended to provide a fixed number of vehicles permitted on the site for the purpose of wine tasting. The rationale for this condition is based on the number of parking spaces that can be safely accommodated at the site, and adverse impacts identified on the Planning Board's record (a summary of which can be found in the Planning Staff Reports dated January 23, 2017 and February 6, 2017). The safety of the public and the quality of life of the neighbors will be better served by controlling the amount of vehicles that visit this site. iii. Maximum number of limousines at any one time is five (5); Limousines must park in the oversize spaces on the west side of the building; 3 iv. Maximum number of buses at any one time is two (2); v. Buses are allowed only if there are no limousines on the site at the same time. Conditions iii— v above are intended to minimize any parking conflicts between large vehicles permitted on site; vi. All vehicles must remain with their patrons on site at all times. No drop- off permitted except for ride sharing services, public transit or taxi; Town Code Section 280-78 H requires that parking for the use of the site be contained on site. Traffic safety hazards are increased as vehicles exit and enter CR 48, where traffic typically travels at 55 mph or greater, with no acceleration or deceleration lanes at this site; vii. Parking in designated parking areas only, as shown on the approved site plan; viii. The 17 gravel parking stalls facing the building are to be the primary parking stalls. These parking spaces must be filled first before the grass parking area can be used; This condition is intended to focus parking towards the building, effectively away from the adjacent residential parcels, as a primary parking area; ix. The Traffic Routing Plan provided is required to be distributed to all driver/livery companies ahead of time and shall be provided/displayed for all potential patrons on the company website; This condition is intended to provide a safe route to access the site that utilizes controlled intersections and avoids any U-turns; x. No special events as defined by Southold Town Code. This condition is due to the small size and shape of the site, which places the winery building and activities within close proximity to adjacent residences and church. 4 GI � Southold Town Planning Board w P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 2.LAhT Eoud Re: Proposed Site Plan for Sannino Vineyard Co. Rt. 48, Cutchogue, NY SCTM#1000-101.-1-14.6 & 14.4 Planning Board & Planning Staff: We would like to review the following with you at our work session on Monday, May 22, and incorporate the following into your conditional approval of our site plan: 1.Special events. There are several reasons we should not be precluded from having special events. First, we are not aware of any such limit imposed on any other winery. Second, in order to conduct a special event, we must apply to the ZBA chair. A limit on the events or attendees could be imposed by the ZBA chair in this process, as the application includes a description of the event, parking plans, and other relevant factors such as number of occupants proposed, hours for music, hours for event, date(s) for events, etc. This is how the Town has chosen to regulate this issue, supplemented by the noise ordinance. Third, while our current business plan does not include holding regular special events, the ability to do so is essential to the economic viability of the winery. We should not be hampered by restrictions that (a) are not provided for in the Code, and (b) do not apply to other businesses similar to ours. Lastly not all special events will have the need for music or enormous numbers of people or parking requirements. We may want to host one of our college alumni as a group, or host members of the New York Wine and grape foundation for a regional meeting neither of which require music nor be enormous crowds but may be defined as a special event under the code. 2._„Limosmmand busses. We have shown on our site plan where limos and busses may park. We have allocated room for up to two busses and up to 5 limos based on the dedicated spaces shown on the west side. We are willing to agree that we will not exceed two busses or S limos, or any combination of busses and limos that will not fit within such specified parking area (unless the parking area is closed in whole or in part to other vehicles as may be necessary). For example, in the dedicated west side area, if we have one bus, we may have up to 3 limos, or 2 busses and 1 limo. It is possible, in the case of a wedding, for instance, that family and guests will arrive by bus, but the bride may arrive and leave in a limo. Therefore, prohibiting busses at the same time as limos is neither practical nor necessary to maintain an orderly parking area. We believe the limited combination approach addresses the parking concerns. We do agree, consistent with the practice of many other similar wineries that no limos or busses may come without reservation so the appropriate parking allocations can be made. 3. Rt. 48 parking. We are without any authority to limit parking on Rt. 48 (a County highway) or to post it as such. The Town similarly lacks any authority to do so. We certainly do not think that type of parking is safe or appropriate, which is why we will provide adequate on-site parking for our guests. If the Town is concerned about the potential for parking on Rt. 48, perhaps it can approach the County with a request to post "no parking" signs. 4. Overflow parking. We think it is unwise and unreasonable to prohibit overflow parking. We are not aware of any such limitation on any other business in the Town. We have specifically designed parking to accommodate our site facilities and staff based upon certain assumptions, and our site plan meets the Code requirements for parking. If additional parking is needed, we should have the flexibility to include it. For example, if all of our visitors come one to a car, then we will only have 39 people on our site, and additional cars should not be turned away because we will still have ample building capacity. If we have a special event requiring ZBA approval, a parking plan will be submitted specific to that event. 5. Site occupancy limits. The imposition of site occupancy limits does not appear to be appropriate or manageable for three reasons. First, we are not aware that any restriction of this nature is afforded under the Code. Second, we are not aware of any restriction of this nature has been placed on any other business in Town. Third, practically speaking, it would appear to be an unworkable concept in this situation. As required by New York State law, our building has a specific limit for inside occupancy. We agree with Staff recommendation#3 a. "The maximum number of people on site is intended to be limited by the number of vehicles allowed to park on site" Therefore, a specific number of site occupants is not necessary. Thank you for your consideration. Anthony and Lisa Sannino Michaelis, Jessica From: Cummings, Brian A. �'�� Sent: Monday, May 01, 2017 9:20 AM - To: Michaelis, Jessica Subject: FW: update �w st:n.rtq OI'd I OYO"r Iijgjn19I J Bovd For mail From: anthony sannino [mailto:tonyvinoi gmail.com] Sent: Monday, May 01, 2017 8:32 AM To: Cummings, Brian A. Subject: update Hi Brian, can you provide an update regarding our last work session including the notes from the meeting and the next steps? I sent you an email regarding occupancy and we are in agreement with what Bob the architect and Bob the fire marshal have agreed with. It seams you, your department and the board have addressed your responsibilities related to safety concerns on the site by providing, 1-restricting the number of limos at one time. 2- restricting the number of buses at one time 3-not allowing buses and limos on site at the same time 4- restricting us from having overflow parking 5- restricting us from having special events ( we are not in agreement with this, we believe it is our right by town code to ka-v,o (his privilege and [lie zoning board should as ustial wcig i in on the decision when [lie option is exercised) 6- limiting us with the number of parking spaces We agree with the board that the remaining occupancy for outdoors should be limited to the restrictions already in place , ( number of parking spaces) We have been extremely flexible and understanding of all concerns however at this point any additional restrictions will not be acceptable by us and are clearly outside of the planning department responsibilities. We have had numerous public hearings and work sessions to address all concerns and feel it is time for the board to render a decision. Please let us know if we will have a decision next monday at the scheduled public hearing. Thank you, Lisa and Anthony Anthony Sannino Style Contracting Inc. Sannino Bella Vita Vineyard 631 7348282 631 767 1751 cell i MAILING ADDRESS: �C` P.O. Box 1179 PLANNING S �' � `�? 'zkw Southold, NY 11971 DONALD J.WILCENSKI Chair OFFICE LOCATION: LLAM J.CREMERS A Town Hall Annex WILY � d 54375 State Route 25 PIERCE RAFFERTY JAMES H.RICH III � .'' (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) RTIN H.SIDOR 00011 , Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE April 28, 2017 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Mr. Anthony Sannino 7490 Alvahs Lane Cutchogue, NY 11935 Re: Proposed Site Plan — Sannino Winery & Tasting Room Located at 7495 Alvahs Ln., ±490' s/w/o Alvahs Ln. and CR 48, Cutchogue SCTM#1000-101.-1-14.4 & 14.6 Zoning District: AC Dear Mr. Sannino: am writing with regard to the above-referenced Site Plan under review. The Planning Board determined the proposed action as Type II based on the following: According to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law, and 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7 of the State Environmental Orality Review Act (SECRA), the Planning___ Board has determined the proposed Site Plan Application a Type II Action pursuant to §617.5(c)(3) and, therefore, not subject to review. 617.5(c)(3) "agricultural farm management practices, including construction, maintenance and repair of farm buildings and structures, and land use changes consistent with generally accepted principles of farming" This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 2-story building with a 2,852 sq. ft. first floor for wine production, wine retail area, and a wine education room, a 438 sq. ft. second floor for an office, and a 3,600 sq. ft. basement with thirty nine (39) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District, Cutchogue. If you have any questions regarding this Site Plan or its process, please do not hesitate to call this office. Very truly yours, Brian A. Cummings "X Planner Michaelis, Jessica From: Cummings, Brian A. Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2017 9:41 AM To: Michaelis, Jessica ti Subject: FW: Follow up From: anthony sannino [mailto:tonyvinol@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, April 24, 2017 9:15 PM To: Cummings, Brian A.; Duffy, Bill Subject: Follow up Hi Brian and the Planning Board, thank you for an extremely productive meeting today. Lisa and I had a few thoughts as we are sure we all do after our occupancy discussion, so we would like to provide our recommendations. While we appreciate the occupancy being determined by parking spaces we believe it may create problems when one person can average that there should be 3 people per vehicle at 117 total people in our building and another person may consider the maximum of 8 people per vehicle at 312 people in our building for 39 parking spaces. The international Building Code (IBC) standard for standing space is calculated using an occupant load factor of 5 net square feet per person and a greater factor of 15 sq ft per person for a less concentrated use with tables and chairs. We believe our average use in our proposed building will be a combination of both types of uses , hence considering a factor of 10 sq ft per person. Our wine tasting area is 474 sq ft, wine education area is 400 sq ft, wine bar area 187 sq ft and entry display area is 293 sq ft for a total of 1354 sq ft. divided by a factor of 10 sq ft per person would be 135 total occupants in the building at one time. This does not include bathroom areas and other areas occupied by staff. We would be comfortable with 135 people being our ina imam inside the buildiia and would like to ask for an outside occupancy of 100 total __. people. This would be a total of 235 total people on our site at one time never exceeding 135 people inside the building at one time, this is also less than the total of 312 people if considering a maximum of 8 people per vehicle. Thank you for considering the drop off of Uber guests and taxi guests and perhaps we can distinguish them from those arriving with a Day Hire type transportation like limo's or buses where the driver is dedicated to their client or clients for the the entire day or several hours for multiple or single location stops. An Uber or Taxi serviceois a single fare/ single pick up or drop off with a vehicle not able to transport more than a total of 5 including the driver. Thank you for your consideration with this, Lisa and Anthony Sannino Style Contracting Inc. Sannino Bella Vita Vineyard 631 7348282 631 767 1751 cell a. WORK SESSION AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, April 24, 2017 4:00 p.m. Southold TownMeetinq Hall 3:00 p.m. Executive Session (Legal Advice) 4:00 p.m. Applications r Project Name: .. The Heritage at Cutchogue 20.15 , 1 TM#: 1000-102-1-33.3 _ Location: 75 Schoolhouse Road, on the n/w corner of Griffing Street and School i House Lane, approximately 1,079 feet n/o the Main Road, in Cutchogue Description: This proposed Residential Site Plan is for development of 124 detached I and attached dwellings, with a 6,188 sq. ft. community center, an outdoor swimming pool, one tennis court, and other associated site improvements, on a vacant 46.17-acre parcel in the Hamlet Density (HD)I y Zoning District. j Status: I Pending ( Conditional Site Plan Approval) Action: Architecture Review _._ w e .� _. _. _.. . Attachments. S taff Report Project rojcation:tame: _ x Northork Recycling (NF Sanitationy, CoxCutchogue SCTM#:I 1000-83-3-4.7 1 Ln., in Cutcho ue I - e cription: Tis it -lan-is-for-the-proposed-construction-of- 1-story-9 building for office use attached to a 1 Y2-story 6,000 sq. ft. building for warehouse space and no basement with 16 parking stalls on 5 acres in C the Light Industrial Zoning District, Cutchogue. Action: _Completeness Status: New Application Attachments: Staff Report Project Name: San'nino Winery,& Tasting Room � SCTM#: I1000-101-1-14.4 Location: 7495 Alvahs Lane, ±490' s/w/o Alvahs Lane and CR 48, Cutchogue Description: This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 2-story building with C a 2,852 sq. ft. first floor for wine production, wine retail area, and a wine f education room), a 438 sq. ft. second floor for an office, and a 3,600 sq. ft. basement with thirty nine (39) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C °? Zoning District, Cutchogue. Status: Pending Action: 1 Review Public Hearing Comments and Next Steps Attachments: Staff Report Southold Planning Department Staff Report Site Plan Application Work Session — Revised Site Plan Review Date April 24, 2017 Prepared By: Brian Cummings I. Application Information Project Title: Sannino Winery & Tasting Room Applicant: Anthony & Lisa Sannino Date of Submission: August 25, 2015 Tax Map Number: 101.-1-14.6 & 14.4 Project Location: 15975 County Road 48 Hamlet: Cutchogue Zoning District: A — C II. Description of Project Type of Site Plan: Agricultural Acreage of Project Site: 221,864sf (5.23ac) & 162,683sf (3.75ac) = 384,547sf or 8.98 acres Building Size 6,440 gross sq. ft. A. Proposed This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a two-story-winery building with a first floor of 2,852sf (wine production, retail area, wine education room), second floor of 438sf (office) and 3600 sq. ft. basement with thirty nine (39) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A- C Zoning District, Cutchogue. On March 17, 2016, the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) granted an area variance under file #6882 for a winery located on a parcel less than the code required minimum of at least 10 acres devoted to vineyard or other agricultural purposes, with three (3) conditions: 1. The applicant shall merge lots 14.4 (aka lot 3) and 14.6 (aka lot 1) and submit written proof of same to the Office of the Town Attorney and the ZBA; 2. No building permit shall be issued by the Building Department for the proposed winery/tasting room structure(s) until the ZBA provides written confirmation to the Building Department that the merger was effectuated; 3. The applicant shall obtain site plan approval from the Southold Town Planning Board. Failure to do so will render the variance relief granted herein null and void. 1 B. Existing • The application involves two adjacent lots totaling 8.98 acres o Lot 14.6 = 3.75ac ■ vacant o Lot 14.4 = 5.23 ac ■ house ■ B&B (permitted by Special Exception) ■ vineyard • The two subject lots were created through a 1990 subdivision. The subdivision created a 1 10' x 110' building envelope for Lot 14.6 setback 100' feet from County Route 48. The proposed winery has been relocated partially but not fully within this building envelope and an amendment to the subdivision map from the Planning Board for this and the driveway location would be required for the application as proposed; III: Analysis 1. The revised site plan, submitted on March 7, 2017, and the subject of a re-opened hearing on April 10, 2017 included the following changes: a._ Parking. 4 parking stall's (including 2_ADA) provided and 5 oversized stalls = total of 39 stalls (43 stalls were provided on the previous plan) • Parking was moved away from the front of the building as required by the Planning Board. A landscaped island and continuous turn around driveway has been provided in the front; • One of the new parking areas proposed on the east side of the property (17 cars) will remain as grass so that the everyday parking will direct vehicles to face the building instead of the adjacent residential parcel. A wooden guardrail is provided on the plan to protect the building from the vehicles. . • There is no overflow parking permitted, the maximum number of vehicles permitted on site is 39, and vehicles must park only in designated places as shown on the site plan; b. Oversized parking stalls are provided on the west side of the building for five (5) limousines or two (2) buses with the following notations: 1. Maximum number (#) of limousines at any one time is five (5); 2. Maximum number (#) of buses at any one time is two (2); 2 3. Buses are only allowed if there are no limousines on the site at the same time. 4. All vehicles must remain with their patrons on site at all times. (no drop-off); 5. Parking in designated parking areas only; 2. Public Hearing comments April 10, 2017: a. Winery is proposed on less than the required minimum acreage and shouldn't be permitted; Staff: outside of Planning Board purview at this point pursuant to ZBA file #6882 referenced above, which granted a variance for a winery on less than 10 acres; b. Relocating building (65') and parking areas does not mitigate the many adverse impacts the winery will bring to this community because there are serious traffic concerns; Staff: the building was moved closer to CR 48 in order to be more in line with the existing church building to the west and closer to the already- existing high levels of noise and activity of CR 48; c. Concerns for vehicles making U-turns to access the site and for vehicles exiting the property and trying to merge with faster moving vehicles in addition to church traffic; Staff: this concern was identified and deliberated throughout the site plan process in coordination with the SCDPW. Intersections in the area do not warrant traffic controls according to federal rules. Also, acceleration and deceleration lanes were not feasible in this location because the shoulder is wide enough here to allow for vehicles to pull over and slow down before entering the driveway, and to pull out and accelerate before entering the travel lane. To mitigate the concern over U-turns, especially for over-sized vehicles such as limousines and buses, a preferred Traffic Routing Plan has been provided and will be enforced as a condition to the site plan and required to be distributed to all driver/livery companies ahead of time; d. Parking is proposed in congested places, grassy areas affected by weather; Staff: the proposed grass parking area for 17 vehicles is to be the second- choice and overflow location for parking. The 17 gravel parking stalls facing the building are to be the primary parking stalls in order to limit interference with the adjacent residential parcels to the east; 3 e. Bus maneuvering in tight areas is a threat to people gathering and western properties; Staff: the design and layout of the front driveway area will provide an ample turning radius for large vehicles and buses maneuvering on site. To further mitigate this concern the number of buses and limousines will be limited to the number of oversized parking stalls on the west side of the building. Additionally, the driveway width was increased to 32' wide and the radius to CR 48 increased to 47'6"; f. Parking stalls facing adjacent property, ; Staff: The "Line of 12' Buffer" notation provided along east side yard is part of a requirement to maintain a double row of F-8' tall eastern red cedars between the 17 grass stalls along the property line. This could be bolstered with the addition of a solid fence on the east property line to extend from the existing stockade fence along the length of the parking area; g. Code Sections §280-142 & 143 were repeatedly referenced for "health, safety and welfare" concerns but are located in the Special Exception chapter which does not pertain to this application; h. Alvah's Lane currently experiences a large arnount of vehicular traffic frog residences, Sannino B&B and trucks from large farms in the area; Staff: Alvah's Lane does serve as an access point to Oregon Road and a significant agricultural area. The subject parcel and all adjacent parcels are zoned A-C (Agricultural — Conservation); i. Proposed building is outside building envelope created in 1990 subdivision; Staff: the location of the building is partially located within the building envelope created in 1990 (same as the adjacent church), and will require an amendment to the subdivision to adjust the building envelope; j. Concern for unlimited numbers of the public traveling to the site; Staff: The maximum number of people on site at any given time will be limited by the maximum number of cars permitted to be parked in the parking lot. There is no overflow parking permitted, nor is the drop off of passengers permitted. The maximum number of vehicles permitted on site is 39, and vehicles must park only in designated places as shown on the site plan; 4 k. Concern for amount of noise generated by cars, music and loud conversations; Staff: all activity must be in compliance with the Town of Southold noise ordinance; additionally, the Planning Board may want to consider prohibiting or limiting Special Events on site due to the small size of the property and its proximity to the church and the adjacent residences; I. Parking lot lighting and car headlights; Staff: Proposed lighting has changed from parking lot pole lights to lighting fixtures on the building only. Priority and direction of parking detailed above in item f; Staff Recommendations 1. Consider the addition of a solid fence along the east property line, with proposed buffer screening on the inside, to extend from the existing stockade fence along the rear of property SCTM#1000-101.-1-15.1 to the north end of the proposed parking area; 2. Consider how to mark the grass parking area with signage so that future code enforcement can clearly see where cars can park on the grass. It is recommended that signs clearly indicate the limits of the grass area approved for parking; 3. Consider the following operating conditions for the site plan: a. The maximum number of people on site is intended to be limited by the number of vehicles allowed to park on site. b. The maximum number of vehicles permitted on site is 39. There is no overflow parking permitted on site, on public streets including County Road 48, or neighboring properties. c. Maximum number of limousines at any one time is five (5); Limousines must park in the oversize spaces on the west side of the building; d. Maximum number of buses at any one time is two (2); e. Buses are allowed only if there are no limousines on the site at the same time. f. All vehicles must remain with their patrons on site at all times. (no drop- off); 5 g. Parking in designated parking areas only, as shown on the approved site plan; h. The 17 gravel parking stalls facing the building are to be the primary parking stalls. These parking spaces must be filled first before the grass parking area can be used; L The Traffic Routing Plan provided is required to be distributed to all driver/livery companies ahead of time and shall be provided/displayed for all potential patrons on the company website; j. Nospecial events as defined by Southold Town Code. A special event allows the site to exceed the parking and noise regulations, and this is not recommended here. This condition is proposed due to the small size and shape of the site, which places the winery building and activities within close proximity to the adjacent residences and church. 4. Consider the following condition to also be required as a Covenant and Restriction to run with the land and be filed with the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk: a. No parking on County Route 48 for this site; It is also recommended that the Planning Board monitor this situation and if parking begins to occur on County Route 48, that No Parking signs are added to the area as necessary. 5. Potential for conditional approval May 8, 2017. a. The applicant has requested conditional site plan approval prior to receiving SCDHS approval due to the requirement of the SCDHS to file the deed to merge the two parcels. A conditional site plan approval will provide the assurance necessary to merge the parcels. The conditions will include those specified above, as well as the following to be completed before Final Site Plan Approval is granted: i. File the lot merger and C&R's required by SCDHS ; ii. Obtain SCDHS approval and a provide a print of the original stamped plan (to be consistent with the current revised site plan) by the SCDHS to this department including the stamp and seal of the SCDHS and NYS professional preparing the plan; iii. File the Planning Board C&R. 6 Michaelis, Jessica . From: Anthony Sannino <tonyvinol@gmail.com> ` Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 9:00 AMw°`- --� .._.. To: Lanza, Heather; Cummings, Brian A.; Michaelis,Jessica I, Subject: Request for special Meeting IRanrr *n Board Southold Planning Board, I would like to request a resolution for a decision on April 24 . I would also like for the board to consider a conditional decision based on C&R's. Health department approval may be contingent upon merger of the two lots. If all requirements are met with the health department aside from the filing of the property merger,l would like the board to consider a conditional approval pending the filing of the property merger. Thank you for your consideration with this,Anthony Sannino Sent from my iPhone MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNINGS � P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENS r Southold, NY 11971 Chair k a OFFICE LOCATION: WILL J.CREERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY 54375 State Route 25 J ES .RICH III (cor. Main d. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR Southold, NY "`"•~ ��~.r+fit" Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtowuny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 12, 2017 Mr. Anthony Sannino 7490 Alvahs Lane Cutchogue, NY 11935 Re: Proposed Site Plan — Sannino Winery & Tasting Room Located at 7495 Alvahs Ln., ±490' s/w/o Alvahs Ln. and CR 48, Cutchogue SCTM#1000-101.-1-14.4 & 14.6 Zoning District: AC Dear Mr. Sannino: A Public Hearing was held by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, April 10, 2017 regarding the above-referenced application. The Public Hearing was closed. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Very truly yours, r Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman qq .. ryry d J... rµ� � � � ,�. �, `�'"�'^� '?CM°.�4� M �. ���„�^��s e , P moi..d.. 6 d' ”. .dam.. !.� m✓'��' . �d" .�*�"''V t.��` „� ✓ tltol#ille- Ziu m, .r�z 4te[ , C. z'4 vuz '. : ' '� .., , x air ` 0 ' a Wj ItA c m .,� ., u4i I/;r,v F a . rb ✓, . .., ,a , .e ,vX-4: Ut µ. (, vjvin ,ke'Aes��: ,.I M �! ON JA kv (-"Lto JUMP A �. J'k .,.12 ,,... r � op Via. 4 S- r CA.� .� •,��"fir »a .� AIL ry � �� �� .-�:� � ._ . 2"'1 X—. m ,., ,. Vic:'✓. " q qt) ._. ' µ r - � J ce- -41 °.� " w ° ., '. ...,� .. ,J ,a „ t 4�w ., r ' . , w 'IDYL wCO— eIP� -' - p .pry / ,,”, ,F µ•y � 4 *"4 1 . ,. r'ti.1 , . . ,c. ,,tto"v. 16 48 oo kk j 03 d ju . . a' _. . . ° " ; r ". r te ,, A,,4W -ela I�Aol - Nva Liz ','O- A . . ...� � . � , „ a. edue, J419 9 r-11 ” Atka.,.* �a 41, . .. � �. m " , .� ,. —64lo- , , ....�.�. I s ktiYVV1"9 4`�dxP483k4°�}� t4 Town of Southold Planning Board Office Re: Proposed Site Plan for Sannino Winery & Tasting Room 4/10/2017 Dear Board Members, My name is Stephen Pisacano and I own 16405 Route 48, Cutchogue- which is located adjacent to, and directly East of this proposed new winery and tasting room. I want to go on the record in support of this application; however, I have the following concerns. *The entrance to my home will now be- according to the amended proposal application, 65 feet closer then the previous original plan. *The amount of noise that will be generated by the cars, music, loud conversations. *Parking lot lighting and car headlights. Thank You m � Stephen Pisacano Michaelis, Jessica 7 TF fT T From: Cummings, Brian A. Sent: Tuesday, April 11 2017 9:04 AM To: Michaelis, Jessica ...„v. Subject: FW: Sannino Public Hearing ``������r"��� From: awickhamCcbwbglawyers.com [ma ilto:awickham@wb Iq awyers.com] Sent: Monday, April 10, 2017 6:00 PM To: Cummings, Brian A. Cc: anthony sannino Subject: Sannino Public Hearing Brian - I am unable to arrive at the public hearing in time to speak. Please advise the Board and include in the record that I have no objection to the revised site plan. I think the large front yard setback protects the policies of the Scenic Byways program, and allows an agricultural related use which is in keeping with the rural and agricultural nature of our area. Small viticulturally- based wineries such as this are necessary to make the farmland they support viable. The proposed parking area on the east is able to be buffered from the neighboring properties, whose homes are set quite a distance from the parking lot. Thank you for your consideration. Gail Wickham Wickham,Bressler&Geasa,P.C. 13015 Main Road P.O.Box 1424 Mattituck,New York 11952 631298-8353 631298-8565 (Fax) awickham@,wbglawyers.com This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. This communication may contain material protected by the attorney-client privilege. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the e-mail to the intended recipient,be advised that you have received this e-mail in error and that any use, dissemination,forwarding,printing, or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e- mail in error,please immediately notify the sender at 631-298-8353. 1. TYPESET: Tue Mar 28 14:08:20 EDT 2017 LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that,pursu- ant to Section 276 of the Town Law,a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, at the Town Hall, Main Road,Southold,New York on the 10th day of April,2017 on the question of the following: 6:01 p.m. Proposed Site Plan for Polak Ag.Barn,located at 57995 Route 25,South- old, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York.Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-55-6-34 6:02 p.m. Proposed Lot Line Change for Krupski&Zachariadis,located at 195 Little Neck Road, Cutchogue,Town of Southold, County of Suffolk,State of New York.Suf- folk County Tax Map Number 1000-103-5-5, 1 &97-8-31.2 6:03 p.m. Proposed Site Plan for Sannino Winery&Tasting Room,located at 7495 AI- vahs Lane, Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk,State of New York.Suf- folk County Tax Map Number 1000-101-1-14.4&14.6 6:04 p.m. Proposed Standard Subdivi- sion for Theodore C.Martz Jr.,located at 555 Broadwaters Road, Cutchogue, Town of Southold,County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-104-12-6.1 6:05 p.m. Proposed Site Plan for North Fork United Methodist Church, located at 43960 CR 48,Southold,Town of Southold, County of Suffolk,State of New York.Suf- folk County Tax Map Number 1000-63-1-15 Dated:3/16/17 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Donald J.Wilcenski Chairman 2038310 7014 1200 0001 6743 5711 --- ■ ■ u wt 76 n "kMk I i NOD 00 f 70 W N 0 2 to =r m W 7 um LT M CL r•r , O G Im ,' J.A N E-' �� t a lD rLi O C3 w C3 F m 13 m fn m 0° pC31 H F � tr -.-. ...... R. W Ln p-p p w m o � 3 ' O 't O BID a M q 311 3 13 W a S.+ O N* W Ww Ln CL C mwN � � � O + 3 m c w SIV , r•F N 5 7 Q N m A 6 C J a-�� c w � �� Z m a< � a � u g� 6.* LD c (D,, 0 CL o 7014 1200 0001 6743 5780 C3 p.� N9 0 CDF: � 0.� • aew w :.•.:. 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Cl ClPar'uDuai"O �auaroauaaurwn.u¢a�uwM d: aaauj a�uasuaOVaaC° �rouu�upupuuaa� w w "P'+' u� (.... �i� .................... u "'' I � awucrp.s (P(uulluabaau se-j 4dpaaa*u auulrgoli rig spire rfur;� .,..,u .....m__... r . ....m... ¢aa�u,rj I£tiLTT AN uo4Su4unH 'ON x Rt,')d10 -� Nr .. � aa�iuzu�s¢bre�l an!JQ a4eg 3 0£ --- , Dll wje3 auel syenly 118)1 U m � � � ; Ib u(i1a ¢apOa SO Va all. rYIN "m ............... ... (paauuOvu7uuu@8 tiauaaiusa) uuwlf^'Lu°jD O uuCP a»jI 111"Z110a�paay,pOurJULA III ... sasses p u (paaIlIn bo �auaauu a aua»p 3( C] amuuwl V ar'` wuapea»aph�L auui ulou Ire r .... D' w mm � � Ln w r n v N a rt 0 3 O -10 � u' o � s3 cw O D w R �; Town Hall AnnexTelephone(631)765-1802 t, 54375 Main Road Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 117 ,`'Ply 9 Southold,NY 11971-0959 ~, BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD � rw. MEMORANDUM TO: Donald J. Wilcenski, Planning Board Chairman FROM: Michael J. Verity, Chief Building Inspector DATE: April 4, 2017 REQUIREMENTS FOR SITE PLAN ELEMENTS & CERTIFICATION Project: Sannino Winery Location: 7495 Alvahs Lane, Cutchogue SCTM# 1000— Section 101-Block 01 —Lot 14.4 Date: June 21_2016-_Revised Date: February 15, 2017 1. ALL BUILDINGS AND USES SHALL COMPLY WITH CHAPTERS 144 AND 280 OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE. 2. OFF STREET PARKING BY AUTHORITY OF THE PLANNING BOARD. 3. ALL FENCING, SCREENING AND LANDSCAPING BY AUTHORITY OF THE PLANNING BOARD. 4. THE PROPOSED USE *WINERY IS A PERMITTED USE IN THIS AC DISTRICT AND IS SO CERTIFIED. *See ZBA File#6882 --------- - Michael J. i ily Chief Building Inspector i rw�trtr Elizabeth Thompson, Chairperson Town Hall Annex f ., Reynolds duPont,Jr. 4 ' " 54375 Route 25 Ronald McGreevy " ; PO Box 1179 Nicholas Planamento Southold,NY 11971 Stephen Geraci Patricia Butler Telephone: (631)765 - 1892 James Garretson �lJr Fax(631)765-6641 Q �l southoldtown.northfork.net Town of Southold 61 H L i kAT 1b- Architectural Review Committee Minutes IS 4:00p.m., March 17,2017 � MAR 2.7 2017 Town Hall Annex Executive Board Room Members Present: f1aa uijog Board Elizabeth Thompson, Chairperson; llsJames Garretson; Stephen GacPatriciaPatriciaBuerBrian Cum,,in ,Town Planner and ElizabethCantrell, � Secretary The minutes for the January 5,2017 meetings were approved. Introduction• All applicants will give a presentation consisting of drawings, exterior materials samples and other information required by the Planning Department to the Committee. The Committee will ask questions and make suggestions as part of a general discussion with each applicant. Final recommendations from the ARC will be presented to the Planning Board in the ARC Meeting Minutes,and be made part of the Planning file for that application. The Planning Board will consider these recommendations,together with all comments from other agencies, and provide the applicant with a comprehensive written list of its requested revisions. New Site Planet Applications: • POLAK AGRICULTURAL STORAGE BLDG. SCTM# 1000-55-6-34 No representative for the applicant was present at the meeting. Brian Cummings,Town Planner presented the Site Plan for a proposed 60'x40' (2,400sq.ft.) agricultural storage barn on 2.28 acres in the R-80 Zoning District,Southold. The Committee reviewed the application and is approving it pending a request for color samples for bldg. exterior walls and roof. Motion made and seconded. All Ayes. • SANNINO WINERY&TASTING ROOM SCTM# 1000-101-1-14.4 &14.6 Anthony &Lisa Sannino presented their application to the Committee for the proposed construction of a 2,800 sq. ft. winery (wine production, retail area,wine education room, basement) and forty (40) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District, Mattituck. ..... _..._.... _. . The Committee reviewed the application and is approving it as subinitted today. Motion made and seconded. All Ayes. 0 THE HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE SCTM# 1000-102-1-33.3 Glen R. Cherveny, AIA of GRCH Architecture, PC and Henry Alia,Project Manager from Rimor Develpment presented the proposed site plan. This proposed Residential Site Plan is for the development of 124 detached and attached dwellings classified in three types: 48 "Type A" units (1,999+/- sq.ft. livable area), 72 "Type B" units (1,599+/-sq.ft.livable area), and 4 "Type C" units (1,999+/-sq.ft. livable area). In addition, there are proposed the following: a 6,188sq.ft. community center with a +/-1,125sq.ft. outdoor swimming pool, one tennis court,284 parking spaces of which 256 are associated with the individual dwelling units and 28 are associated with the community center,and various other associated site improvements,on a vacant 46.17 acre parcel in the Hamlet Density (HD) Zoning District located on the northwest corner of Griffing Street and Schoolhouse Road,approximately 1,079 feet north of the Main Road in Cutchogue. The Committee reviewed the proposed project and is tabling the application as incomplete at this time. The Committee has the following comments: Housing Resilience: The ARC notes that the comments regarding housing resilience in the 1/21/17 minutes are still of concern and have not been adequately addressed. Entry/Gatehouse: The ARC suggests that an unattended gatehouse serves only to convey a message of exclusivity and separateness.This is antithetical to a sense of community appropriate for this central village location. ARC recommends replacing it with small gazebos that include seating,located to either side of the main entrance. Sidewalk around Greenspace/Drainage Basin: The ARC recommends moving concrete sidewalks that border the 2 greenspace/drainage areas to the residence side of the street,where they would be integrated with driveways similar to other areas on the site plan,so active pedestrian traffic will not have to cross the street.This location will reduce the total amount of impermeable pavement since sidewalks will overlap driveways. The present sidewalk location should be replaced with mulch paths,which are better for passive uses such as dog walking and jogging. Bike Racks A_Dempster Location: Planning Board Conditions of Approval items 12.h&i,page 20.The ARC does not see these items addressed on the site plan. Breez Connection between A Units: The drawings are unclear and conflicting in regard to the size of the breezeways and the ARC requests clarification and updated drawings from the Architect.The ARC questions how any vegetation would grow under this deeply shaded area, as well as the lack of intended use and function of the space. . ........... - 2 - The ARC recommends several alternatives; close the gap between the A/A-1 residences and thereby enlarging the side yards. (similar to duplex floor plans for Model C, dwg. A-6) create access door to the space directly from each unit, and/or enclose them to make useable space. close off the front with a low wall and add plantings to obstruct the view. It is recommended that the area between the garages have access from the rear only,and have side doors from each unit. Scale and Diversity of Housing Types: The ARC emphasizes the excessive roof massing and the lack of housing diversity. These are major concerns. Roof mass/height is particularly excessive on the main roof connecting B&B-1 units. These large roofs enclose vast uninhabitable attic space. Essentially,there are only 2 house configurations for 124 units and even these are segregated to separate roads. The ARC is concerned that this project is a massive snake rapping around the landscape. Planning Board Conditions of Approval-24.c, (page 12) has not been addressed. Designs are not informed by local/vernacular architectural history/regional design standards. Design appears to be a 'formula' suitable for any community nation-wide.The ARC encourages review of our guidelines and suggests more appropriate designs based upon the resource list ARC makes available. Chimneys and Caps: Gas fireplace chimneys are shown on"B" model elevations,but not on"A" model elevations. This needs clarification. Chimneys are better located along a roof ridge,rather than at an eave. The eave chiuruieys on Model B/B-1 elevations, dwg B-1, are too large in scale and yet shorter than they would be at a roof ridge,and therefore more prone to downdrafts as well. ARC recommends that gas fireplaces at eaves can have a side vent instead of a chimney. Chimney caps are oversized and not compatible with house design. 4EJi,, , th.Cantrell,A.R.C.Secretary 3 _ Submission Without a Cover Letter 11 ? Sender: c �V�\ VAO A4K>-I Subject: Son6 Y10 SCTM#: 1000 - ltl - I - Date: M a`C h 16 , od Comments: Plon ry,\ w� ��an SANNINO WINERY When heading to Sannino Winery from Western Long Island Recommended Route': Take Route 25/Main Road East Make a left on Depot Lane in Cutchogue At traffic signal make a left onto CR48 Destinationis on the right 3/ mile When heading to Sannino Winery from Eastern Long Island Recommended Route: Take County Road 48 East into Cutchogue Destination is approx. 500 feet west of Alvahs Lane MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS f. � OF soy ,, P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSHI � ,1. Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III ,7 ) (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H. SIDORCOUNTi 1� Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.s outhol dtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael J. Verity, Chief Building Inspector IMINC D T TONVN OF 3t 'uW)T'f From: Brian Cummings, Planner2D Date: March 21, 2017 Re: Request for Use Certification Proposed Site Plan for Sannino Winery & Tasting Room 7495 Alvahs Lane, ±490' s/w/o Alvah's Lane and CR 48, Cutchogue SCTM#1000-101.-1-14.4 The Planning Board has found this Site Plan Application suitable for determination pursuant to §280-131 F (1) and refers the application to you for final review and certification. This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 6,440 gross sq. ft. winery (wine production, retail area, wine education room and 3,600 sq. ft. basement) and thirty nine (39) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District, Cutchogue. Your certification is requested by April 4. 2017. Thank you for your cooperation. Encls: Site Plan Application Site Plan rzr � MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING S QF S / r P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY (; 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III ' yf (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR " ' cou N � Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.s ou th of dt ownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 16, 2017 Adjacent Property Owners Re: Re-open Public Hearing: Proposed Site Plan for Sannino Winery & Tasting Room 7495 Alvahs Ln., ±490' s/w/o Alvahs Ln. and CR 48, Cutchogue SCTM#1000-101.-1-14.4 & 14.6 Zoning District: AC Dear Adjacent Property Owner: The Southold Town Planning Board required revisions to the Sannino Winery & Tasting Room Site Plan regarding potential impacts from the proposed building/parking location and traffic safety. Revisions were required to mitigate these potential impacts as identified through public hearing comments and Site Plan review. These revisions included the relocation of the building sixty-five (65) feet closer to CR 48, and the relocation of the parking areas from the front of the building to the side and rear of the building. The Board has found that a hearing on the revised plan is necessary to provide adjacent neighbors and the general public the opportunity to comment on these changes. Please be advised that the Southold Town Planning Board has set Monday, April 10, 2017 at 6:03 p.m. for a Public Hearing regarding the Site Plan entitled "Sannino Vineyard", prepared by Robert J. Gruber R.A., dated June 22, 2016 and last revised February 15, 2017. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact the Planning Board office at 631- 765-1938. Thank you. Southold Town Plannin Board Notice to Adjacent Property Owners You are hereby given notice: 1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for a Site Plan; 2. That the property which is the subject of the application is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: SCTM#1000-101-1-14.4 & 14.6; 3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located in the A-C Zoning District; 4. This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 6,440 gross sq. ft. winery (wine production, retail area, wine education room and 3600 sq. ft. basement) and thirty nine (39) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres. The property is located at 7495 Alvahs Lane, ±490' s/w/o Alvah's Lane and CR 48, Cutchogue; 5. That the files pertaining to this application are open for your information during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the Planning Department located in the Town Hall Annex on the corner of Youngs Ave. & NYS Rte. 25, Southold (2nd FI., Capital One Bank). If you have any questions, you can call the Planning Board Office at (631)765-1938. Information can also be obtained via the internet: 1. Go to the Town of Southold website www.southoldtownny.gov; 2. Click on Town Records Weblink/Laserfiche icon located on the home page; 3. Click on "Planning Dept." folder; 4. Click on "Applications", then "Site Plans", then "Pending"; 5. Click on the SCTM# (tax map #) of the application (found in #2 above). Or by sending an e-mail message to: Jessica M(cDsoutholdtownny.gov; 6. That a Public Hearing regarding the Site Plan will be held on the matter by the Planning Board on Monday, April 10, 2017 at 6:03 p.m. in the Meeting Hall at Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold; that a notice of such hearing will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in The Suffolk Times published in the Town of Southold; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. Petitioner/Owner Name: Sannino, Anthony & Lisa Date: 3/16/17 Notice to Adjacent Property Owners Sannino Winery 7495 Alvahs Lane Cutchogue, NY SCTM#1000-101.-1-14.4 & 14.6 1. 101.-1-8.2 2. 101.-1-14.5 3. 101.-1-14.7 4. 101.-1-15.1 5. 101.-1-16.2 6. 101.-1-16.3 7. 101.-1-16.4 8. 101.-1-16.5 9. 101.-1-16.6 10. 101.-1-16.7 11. 101.-2-9 ,..wmo-«vr a rraaa +N'".a n- r r,I,"r9tir +ter • F, W zr..,.. r. ,� � r 1, r r w,., x ri r tidy` n 1` �ir r r /r r r rr ,a,,, r�w r h r�/f I l u i/, f F ri r /r r r � r a r I„art / rrr ! � 1� / Gk l!0//Iir„/in.... L2 0102- 9, 'd.Pl ... LINE ,,-.. r,at+I•;„✓""� ,aa ^n � „�," _ ,, '_,,r�lr�„� ,n;- ,.,��.r,i a,hr ..W „% /lid% A, 1 4 r;!, l MATCH ^---- ......._ ...v. ,r n' C.. - ., r .�, 9�y,Grfu 01111,29 0t su va,n�,��a_, .. �,f% .. xT t r•01 A: 41 02 ON iM5v 'I,,,,✓m FOR PARCEL NO. "y! .� ,/ ^va` ^^WP a' »ti w» ,1Pa 18.8 921804 SEE SEC.NO. f,/” „r ��aPoy "W v .r. ,y„ 12.6-8 !/'. " 'w M1re 1504 w r,.r”` 095-0&003.8 �� P`r °� a � wy`� "° tcourorvoF suFFOLK 'f' "" 4yp `' 'A DE VELOPMENTRIGHTSI z w ,,. ,v , w„v r r7 12 15-06 hl FOR PCL NO 'a SEE SEC,NO. r }aayy9 °" atM� 09 2l Od I =W.. auux-4 r " A \ a"" »w two 10,2212 I � " 2 r �P FOR PARCEL C o. I 102-01-002.1 � k� ......_ I FOR PARCEL NO. SEE SEC.NO. "` d '"..„• ', "M ra a ,�, a. `�.,� 111 O 100.04-8.2 a" r '3,,t,, wr(x� ��. ,"° 4R' •tiµp .. Z �o F p fi•,a y.!a tk ,Y ,,,/� Y l NARCEtl N .. SEES 1 a x,1:. / ✓ 10'2-oN14L78,3 a1 N w & I o r I Z �° n r BOA w Q^ ( y mr s 21 PECONIC LAND LVATIt2US dLkd'CR?MJ "5 "+�^df( 7A r (CONSERON in7k„MFb� ��Nl'F�"'�0bi 'P. r„tauRe"u a� • n7^w„w '�,J.y^d„`,+1+V p'f • ,q, .3 .I .... I v"" t •” 1G6 `'",."" -,sur .' `vv^4ya SUFFOLK So 2A(c) ' ^ (COUNTVOFSUFFOLK DEVELOPMENt'RIG T� xx 221 w222z.7.2 DA(=) N . I / 21.RA c ` EIAN Sr � 5.2A DroWN soUTNOusLORGn t•• DEVEL(TOOPOMES ITM4LO 18.1Aka _ Nglpy" 24.86 r"+ (COUNIYOEWN. 'r ppp DEVELOPMENT RIGHU6 T51 ✓ /' * ,r z 25 5 SAA do / I �ruwrNDrScauuNoau.d, 'r9p / ,y ` 1> � „ I DLVk7411F'dM'trTrdraatl:t.a� ,� �,"11cs / / 2.4 1.BA 3.7 . y 9.DA(C) O w� v"v, FOR PARCEI_IVO. � Z ,✓/ r, .� ra .( ar , SF_E SEC:. NO. y I' 10N 9-01-010 2 W H� w. m A 4 FO r'rm ''a. "'n� 4.7A gp I \1 91A (POwN OF.r^OUTI�fOP1A ,. 2 !.O frx T VELOP(N WRIOHTSp 30A(C} :":,. x FOR PARCEL SEE SC NO.. �'"�,��, ru-' FOR PARCEL SEC. � COU14TY `y . r�r,N�v FOR PARCEL.140 y'',� FSEEOR PSEC.ENOO 'N"'\ w`"",,,. ESTE.0119�t5. � .� or 0....,. SUFFOLK a //„�"'�, 10803 108-02-007 y 10501-010.1 � 908-02-007 1 ry ,'k......... ..- ..... .... LINE .,_., R.xr -- e 11CY� MKIC�@ .m._ N� MATCH _ ... MATCH UNEy, PTF v vd''� r'. SUFFOLK f V. . �,. ,°"rEE SEC NO 108 xu F'k'P't ..._..... .._K ..,r�F TOWN OF SOU ....... ^.-�— ..... .. ..,.._.-_ .....— -.__.._...,... ....— ......... ,. ,,,, ,,,-__ tl".a vF^ $ECT!®N•• ,_. �"'�� d THOLD - . ------ — - COUNTY OF SUFFOLK OC «, - xa,r>,u. tm rm. ry uNvn�,m - •,.rmortrx � ....+a mn ..: r I.rru:4 IaV&'YVV(..II...:. q E.kC'ly pp, E '�oMrv. o ew iawry u.lurs ",,,,, '.wm wr erwdrrox unv w;�.: i 3 P, LLACF OF E. r n �.."rY....., vawre„,,"�,.,.v.,"s27 o'i�.�rm.nn�,�c:.6 ... „-. . ...... M�nv .1 narviwrr:mraiwrv.a"iup::"+m�riaaor Nc�ieoi$IF. q� d' 4j�y Real Property Tax Service Agency Y sm "a rax w 101 w*,r. m a'�nn i�woo.ate,�, r { 7 (,. u '^ ro[�r,,o,M�� w ... ,,, wvu"ar . i IT,'•, rY-^.+a Country Center RlveMeetl,NY11901 1 ma _._ n'� ,,, "F' PI�tlPi pli.YT'IPkP�➢0.bl .o Pwn:n xn u. 0.iumm — ,••"...^, ..n n;b'n�muruiinxv 4iGni ,,,j,y GI, A ... uuircrc.l¢.a.er uvv ua�ac aoauroti mrrwliuv ra:Fi� 5 .�5 ar„a.nuioiw lr,rrv,Aua .uL A w;. 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M� „.`�� »d✓�d'vYF.. *,'#�' i *+fir ri �N,`.',. ,. 12.eA d41wf �9 6 O3 119a-0.1.. ,.”" » 09503.003®SEE SEC. 00. /� „b «•r. , ✓ � ”" fCOVNrvOF SUFFOLs 40.;107tl5 d" -” w DEvelOrue 1 • �I � �`”"� �` � ��h'F"" d) d J n 'tlX%4-p'D I�I,J FORPCL �9" W YN3 D OT � see sec.NO. �,. `r�,"V �)a,�,""'d' �y,w. dry "*' _ 10,22,12 mm, FOR PARCEL NO. . llJ� WWI �. - 1EC.NO. t wl U� 7020 SEES I s,2 -002.1 a u �Q Jf as Xy,. " , FOR PARCEL NO. A .,... ''• .~ �+:,�`�,,, \n:f 1 'o<w '/ rwA .. J'2 I�' g^' I SEESEC.NO. ® 10D-048,2 z 'A U I .�/ / �,' 0.l" a>3 d.� Y''G3R PARCEL Nd �i / '�''�.. "' 1'i SEC140, y I \ O'// 102-111-0034: �, p 0 y 8.3 \* •"`*ry,r �J ,vtx , w..J,+ I B,DA �C�" \x� �, vw,;w 'v���� �J D ufu aP` �� R PECONIC LAND YR Ui" tt.lfk rd-;.Gw^t, `'u (CONSERVATION TAA¢Mak ti wr b•MItllYId1.9 ^ ' " �� '�SlO➢FF k•'4Y21.3 50.2A(c) .lyI e .111` c"4�m �f (COUNTYOF SUFFOLK � "�, •=Id \90aQC) """, � DEVELOPMENTMGHTS) fl IN �"'�,. \ "ar°nM" ",.. 15w/�r •`� 1 I V T2 N. Ile 21.BA(c) 222 (70WNOF5OUTNOLU )b') \M 4p A y, m F"✓' DEVELOPMENT RM HTS) y ,� (TCVWN C'F RUNd'MN10.&'b =I / " w, � w4 ,) � dM>bX.kfAP•YMEN9 RKrrdl'�n�,b' 1<1 24.8 ,.... /v/ "* w �. ""w. (COUNTYOFSUR1GHT t DEVELOPMewrRrGHrs) � � �„ ^^.� /'""„::,� �i� � \� , �./ �'`\ SIT. �`� •,� W '"•w ®� '�wW'\ 'V0., ,>' ,. \`� ;T u\ \, 1t ra w.�r�aMvvf frqTS w� A;°`� 1> ksyl, ^yM ry�„�r �� "w,� q.., I^ �I a o I , 3.1 � r m 'r/ 2.5 / o r, FOR 3,2 PARCEL . / a,., ~M ,r,:n•”' j d t �» ``„, \ SEE E SEC NO. W ... ,+ :✓"" r"'w t0$-01-0932 w ra a.ra27 ^, nI (POVNN PJF.SOUTHC7IA 'P„ „,✓IW *ti:, `. bb `d 1 N v EVEl.OPM w raGHTS) 2 "'. __ ° a FOR PARCEL NO- D ^w°,+ FOR PARCEI.NO. m, 3.OA(c) ' / \, FOR PARCEL NO SEE SFC NO SCE SEP'.NO. FOR PARCEL_NO.. COUNTY \. ,,, rs'"pyo FOR PARCEL NO x I 100-04-004 F +. SEE�°EC. NO. OF ., ,�r, SF_F SF.C< N6 "+ -"_ � t09-Ot-011 SEF SEC NO. r- 1 BA(C) /,„, µ F, 900-02-007 1 `<y SUFFOLK �^n � f�`(<� 10803-007 109-01 010 1 ......... , \ ...m,.. .w_.. J” {'� ........ \...._. ........ ,. �"'....... ..... LINE d Q COUNTY •\,1 w MIATCII I%A°l ew\ r MATCH LINE OF SUFFOLK SEE SFC.NO.100 ,a, w,k v ... _ .,,,, ... ,,,,,,,, .,t. _..... m ,...,.�—• vowNoF .50UTHOLD,..--__ .. _. - COUNTY OF SUFFOLK __. ....... ,,,,, _ SECTION NO _ TxR'r P.W'i.,ml ':'.PdwW. Xmf W U k'.,G yd 1,_ k�PXL*, �Qa!:�': wJ..- E L ^wwm+Vl m•IY¢wq - ;w wmwurvavww Y..nl ww I':.rmncw:alnn,a .. '®•`.•' ""."" au:w:d:u�l!umlroMd wru _ uvl'Y'IO mrbV nr4u.. lnw Itl V,ux ll'l 10 VILLAGE OF .iv::m .� .._ _ r �„b.„„:I��,,:wx.n _ ^Y ,,..... .�b, Y .A� . ....., _ nn� �.:^� Qr"A� a ^%:,d"" Real Property lax Service Agency Y � . .:m c.mwYw»rm„mwm:nn a v..,. 21 I�I::a•.o.'mwom*u::: _.._ ..... nanoudrrrX alwurup.oe;'rl:ramm.wnv.r.Gox Ymra 1U1 E a'w:,,m.,,mm n.mm:rnm„a..::,. .. . a./ , d ( ) � ., ,,,,, �,ca,na .. ro�,nuuomo.rirucrhl OFArrowd"»dllauurdl✓'OFVr fla. ,,,........ '�/qy o-na,>a..mx rnwhvn..�. • ,`.h�l"—'-- 01 "� � � Count center Rlverhead,NY 19909 M rr. wrW,m.,Nrc.^Ael YOGH.._ 4n.9!� _...... .. rdxR00 nfi . Pl..ir CCVllI'N fV IfAM'.INAV"I"o l'13V.4111fo 11 k.:Cl '4 ""rr .•'yy Y ['Ixm nP G".M'nmwaviuwr LVIII„ ( yM 54:AIF IIV FEET: ..,,� F drn n'..iuxurvu.nwr .,I:. •,_. ,5 rvmew.n4.mr•rirea ry.............. INroX01._.. ,„Y,r -- Yiu!:0'xl?d ... ....,, ...... 'Ire:}11tl NFkltltltl OY l'P,.f11W10k;:"x0"40tl ern:r.1 *'� w lune -.._. n -. ... APegN A iUf& t011 1PA4,. DISTRICT NO 1600 ,,,,,.. ............,,,,,, :w xrmnrf,'r'axw ,.-+....... ..... ...... „arm uuq'..Hvmu:::ww,rn x;. mmonrt»u. I.E ...... Ah.Yyi.Y4!•v h vunl vV'rnsr n ,„ ...._,. ... d r - i I ....MNS'V 1 A""xw .ty�:w' ............,,, ...._... ,,.,,, PRCP...E.,.R,.,._rY. MAP P N 12 AtsPor va tN — . �_ .MG — 6.„aww.vxdmO:Mmwn r2 i Fv,l�',:b V Lew ^ - AGRICULTURAL DATA STATEMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD When to use this form: This form must be completed by the applicant for any special use permit, site plan approval, use variance or subdivision approval on property within an agricultural district OR within 500 feet of a farm operation located in an agricultural district. All applications requiring this form must be referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission in accordance with Sections 239-m and 239-n of the General Municipal Law. Applicant Name: Anthony & Lisa Sannino Address: 7490 Alvahs Lane, Cutchogue, NY 11935 Land Owner (if other than applicant): Land Owner Address: Description of Proposed Project: This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 6,440 gross sq. ft. winery (wine production, retail area, wine education room and 3600 sq. ft. basement) and thirty nine (39) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District, Cutchogue. Property Location (road and tax map ft 7495 Alvahs Lane, Cutchogue. SCTM#1000- 101-1-14.4 & 14.6 Is this parcel actively farmed? Yes No Names & addresses of any landowners within the agricultural district containing active farm operations located 500 feet of the boundary of the proposed project: SCTM#1000-95-3-12: Ernest & Barbara Schneider, 8095 Alvahs Lane, Cutchogue, NY 11935 SCTM#1000-95-3-11: Robert & Darice Clark, 8145 Alvahs Lane, Cutchogue, NY 11935 SCTM#1000-95-4-3.1: Mattituck Farm Holdings LLC, Attn: Belvedere Property Management, 11 Times Square FI. 37, New York, NY 10036 SCTM#1000-101-1-8.2: WW Farms LLC, P.O. Box 1424, Mattituck, NY 11952 SCTM#1000-101-1-8.3: WW Farms LLC, P.O. Box 1424, Mattituck, NY 11952 SCTM#1000-101-1-14.7: Keil Alvahs Lane Farm LLC, 30 E. Gate Dr., Huntington, NY 11743 SCTM#1000-101-2-8: Jerome Gristina, 38 Belden Hill Ln., Wilton, CT 06897 Attach a tax map or other map showing the site of the property where the project is proposed relative to the location of farm operations identified above. t :. Applica lArlent Signature Date Q Luau r , ,..,12I0tE r, ,.,r ./v/��.�..%_/r�,,,.✓i�,��,ui.li/.d,A.r/...r(oNI�n�N/�-_i�Ir�i�Lr��'/..,r::/:.�:.///, .r/`l1(lI,,��1. // /r N.I(jl x,J1/7./,.�fi J./r,d9.,u1F..I/IJYc,.�/ll 11�,/r%f/./r,iY/„",,p�rF..,,,N,r�!4; �;r ,,Y.fui.�r � ✓ _ _........ / e”.....Yrru 54:2&46- LINE WITCH ,r„t rn, ✓ ' 1 1.05,29 01MAT n,, CH rdvu IAl, - ------.. ..,..No.. tra nrut 02 0404 FOR PARCEL 02 1&04 SEE SEC,NO. y1, vd° ry.. �. w ,2.9A 11,504 I � �M ;✓' 09J03-003:8 ,�,. �y k' �1"' 1 " "N,, wm^yt d'��" IL,•OUNTY OF SUFFOLK t, :63.07-05 „j my ,✓ *Nv /"' mW' .,'W^ '� kA 7 DEVELOPMENT RIGMS) "" 17-06 �'v;�r I'll1 ,569 I FDRPGI N® « ,��,"��, SFE FC,NO. � �t � ,�#F�' `'i,. K :&t' 7 " a, I V „ N FOR PARCEL NO. . SEC. f .. 102-01-002.1 I o 211,JP/ "T �d « 1 _n ® FOR PARCEL NO. SEE SEC.NO. A01 O r ms / a' `i,,, ty wki p^°. .,M d' FOR PARCEL NU. n d %", ., SEE SEC.NO. ,' ;, 102-01-OIXi.4 r� 0 O D E yTRUS �y FANO rRh)S' av URCs 6 ® RM JE,PFT01S7D � t]A(cy rr l OS NSFRNK LMPLt @ w. ICOUNTY21.3 .I SUFFOLK 50,2A(c) 1y1J ICOUNT✓OF SUFFOLK DEVELOPMENTRIGHTS1 / ) C' 72 �a (MOWN OF SOurFK9LYJ 92A DEVELUPMENTRt6fdTS) ' �` (arGmuNeva=s�^xNrdL¢)arx9erorrrl sr daE.aPMN 3: V w 11 RIO F- 4n�aL24.9 qICOUNNOFSUFFCLJC „ //� ��'Naw �(�"�� ,✓ ��: ��'`� DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS)IV s ✓ / `w Xv II _ 8.1A "', "� 'y” �� 10.2A(C) I (S¢17VJA 17.4 BCIIJRMdC'NeK ':Kz,�. ✓'� ti� `"w, I / A'7 i � 1.8A 31 Gy B MI.) 1 1 ,Zuj �✓ d / \, ,^ °'r .�, I 0 T ,, °" ,� ,,«.'� "v, m`", FC7R PARCEL N4'Y. I . 1.91 ;r" „�:^ ., / "+.w SEE SEC. NO. I in / ! 109-01-013.2 lN, 47A Lu z a r ® *^"✓d 31A � o. w "+ (rowN GF sou R KJ1. '''u>H, '• w O p , �:x�Q. •.,, ,W,,, p N FOR PARCEL NO GEUEt_OP raENT RtGHYsf �^r, N!„ SEE SEC.NO. 3 OA(r) , FOR PARCEL NO. .L FOR PARCEL NO .. COUN rY ,e'"n � FOR PARCEL NO L FOR PARCEL NO. "'`v„ SEE SEC NO ply ;r^" ., /'ry SEF SEC INO. � .�UFFOI_K � x � SEESEC NO �N, SEF SEC NO ,66-09 011 ..:._. _ 90004-G04 w .1�...... ,� ._ n°Fo- „; !� 100 03007 ,, m •r' 909-02-007.1 � r 909 01-010 9 _.. �UNYY m ,'d,� ar'... Id1YE"' Q f 1 MATCH M x_ w „ N11tr robs n'Ii� Ix Z .. ,.: MATCH r V..16V f..: OF NWCPl 2' 9, SUFFOLK t" �"',,,�:✓/ SEF SEC NO 100 ..: „... wr ..,, a'p•'P ..,,,.. ,,, ". wkm ......OUTHOLD SECTION NO N Kana NOF S --- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK C K }y ...._..�..:...,. "mmw,"u;mw m,b.d.w � c,,,....,,- bn..w,a Pkwx,F.wx ...- n Y.".I. r PPQ111 V4.11'::. �u.ana a1.S, E .. �., I_ r"ruNm'.rvu,nr«w^ — ,,,,,,,,,, a.l-dr.wa+r t. r� I:.v. Mwra..xwro v r u ro L—1 rt N;a LLAUE OF od mwapm ,"w 4 N;44 Real Property Tax Service Agency v 101 _....,.,. r, - - -. _ u,�„Iwp;l �LYBIUA r ,nll �I E ewn�mumv r:xxmxwr aomlam. -m^-- ..... dr.mnx mw ml ( } 01VIrxMIVION01 Ally'01M06401 r,orm.»m r,. 21 IM,.. 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SCE SEC.NO. r _. -' �`f "ver "*u.......... ,........ Se........ � wslh w'ACA w r" �Ypq 'a,.", C Llrrf ,4w do vud numf Nr Y7i G'aPPI d 9a 9610114.7 . - u .. rp m � ,'. � I��Mw' -. °, i°w,l I i L&NF,. .,... ,. 19 M,w r ..: atl q � �" ,✓'a SEE SEC.. NO 109 ''( ,✓� v'M•�,rf rw+V.•w"'w 9',�• ... ,rm-.. B"5....,.,�. TOWN OF a,ar9 s SECTION No a _. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © _ n gra Q,r 9 r 5 c � 0 �. ;.00,70 Iw,lranw,r;Ivawlv.P,nu.7¢.ran"n"IGAIw:nauCawnrerm RealPropeflyTaxSefVlCeAge y nuxl,««ua.,a:„c. .,_ ddM;' V erhead.NV19901 q 3 :. a Rlv ... L �.w�m�,�,w�,'rewomr�,:» „�r,µ,. ¢nlwuanuln�ln r�ucnlw cxr'nlwx lwcAP+llazlro cw loaf.... ,rwz °u..^... count c n9 r M n 21 2 „mr ... ,:,r: J.u.u,,,, „.n",� ......... z•nu v,::ura l u uv: ,r .... .........:.. ....... a"morn«M u'W .m u n ( } a,:.va .N,. ,.w:".,,,,..�,•. ,.. .. „„„„,.,„„„„,„ \ +,�,,m r, ua:w,, q°r-1+'�,",,,,,,, nu'r'etu.lrrt:xsuoua'rvvmx lrnm,l'=u;w P"rx¢nlalnvnu ru ;,: t ,, Yreaa nu aa'ion nua A ".',,..,.,,..,, •,.-,, y."..plsraoGP rao 1000 PF20PEfaTV MAP II101,OF 1,1,F .. u:.n�„.w u.'I• ..,.I n.,,,,,,;,w,.r, s .............. nuPARAaP&n1Y YwV PaN,MY',PI4G PS'Nm6M1V^_... ,.._-....,.- .,„.__...:..•- •.. 901,...._.m. ..__.r G)rA'N'dG'PN tiGWY U%M'tlP !flw.9A, x• .... v ou rvx .- . t N. 4aN 1.N 9C: r..rorry:„��. F . .....m�_ ,.. ........, .__...._ AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as San n t C ney t m by placing the Town's official poster notice(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remain d in place for at least seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on41 /171 1 have sent notices by certified mail — return receipt, the receipts and green return receipt cards of which are attached, to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is ac oss on Your Name (print) ' ) 'Mg nature 54s-76 a,o uk co A id Address Dale Notary Public Mfg AMF OOROSM eY�CVI�"'Jh" C tiC[ CV QCasaIV[i aV iui M;+.114 ;' w.C���.ur�C �� �CQDV1C41iTlfl�°a:ioiil EX�)V G''S��Q;°�Ub.k+V&�be " rr PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY. 12:00 noon, Fri. 4/7/17 Re: Pro osed Site Plan for Sannino Wine & Tastin Room SCTM#: 1000-101-1-14.4 & 14.6 Date of Public Hearing: Monday, April 10, 2017, 6:03 p.m. Notice to Adjacent Property Owners Sannino Winery 7495 Alvahs Lane Cutchogue, NY SCTM#1000-101.-1-14.4 & 14.6 nd1. 101.-1-8.2 WW Farms 2. 101.4-14.5 First Baptist Church 3. 101.-1-14.7 Keil Alvahs Lane Farm LLC )114. 101.-1-15.1 Stephen & Deborah Pisacano 5. 101.-1-16.2 Frances Slezak&Alf Sommerstad „ #6. 101.4-16.3 Roger& Digna Alvarez ,J), 7. 101.-1-16.4 S. Papathanasopoulos 8. 101.4-16.5 Andreas& Peter Kalapodis " 9. 101.-1-16.6 Michael Maleas w140. 101.-1-16.7 Donna Hagzan ,111. 101.-2-9 Suffolk County � MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS so P.O.Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI Southold,NY 11971 c, Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR " Southold,NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtow-nny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 15, 2017 Mr. Anthony Sannino 7490 Alvahs Lane Cutchogue, NY 11935 Re: Re-open Public Hearing: Proposed Site Plan for Sannino Winery Located at 7495 Alvahs Lane, ±490' s/w/o Alvahs Lane and CR 48, Cutchogue SCTM#1000-101-1-14.4 & 14.6 Zoning District: AC Dear Mr. Sannino: The following resolution was adopted at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, March 13, 2017: WHEREAS, this Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 6,440 gross sq. ft. winery (wine production, retail area, wine education room and 3600 sq. ft. basement) and thirty nine (39) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District, Cutchogue; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board required revisions to the Site Plan regarding potential impacts from the proposed building/parking location and traffic safety. Revisions were required to mitigate these potential impacts as identified through public hearing comments and Site Plan review. These revisions included the relocation of the building sixty-five (65) feet closer to CR 48, and the relocation of the parking areas from the front of the building to the side and rear of the building. The Board has found that a hearing on the revised plan is necessary to provide adjacent neighbors and the general public the opportunity to comment on these changes; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board sets Monday, April 10, 2017 at 6:03 p.m. for a Public Hearing regarding the Site Plan entitled "Sannino Vineyard", prepared by Robert J. Gruber R.A., dated June 22, 2016 and last revised February 15, 2017. Sannino Winery Page 2 March 15, 2017 If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office. Very truly yours, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman Encls. Southold Planning Department Staff Report Site Plan Application Work Session — Revised Site Plan Review Date March 13, 2017 Prepared By: Brian Cummings I. Application Information Project Title: Sannino Winery & Tasting Room Applicant: Anthony & Lisa Sannino Date of Submission: August 25, 2015 Tax Map Number: 101.-1-14.6 & 14.4 Project Location: 15975 County Road 48 Hamlet: Cutchogue Zoning District: A— C II. Description of Project Type of Site Plan: Agricultural Acreage of Project Site: 221,864sf(5.23ac) & 162,683sf (3.75ac) = 384,547sf or 8.98 acres Building Size 6,440 gross sq. ft. A. Proposed This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 6,440 gross sq. ft. winery (wine production, retail area, wine education room and 3600 sq. ft. basement) and thirty nine (39) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District, Cutchogue. On March 17, 2016, the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) granted an area variance under file #6882 for a winery located on a parcel less than the code required minimum of at least 10 acres devoted to vineyard or other agricultural purposes, with three (3) conditions 1. The applicant shall merge lots 14.4 (aka lot 3) and 14.6 (aka lot 1) and submit written proof of same to the Office of the Town Attorney and the ZBA; 2. No building permit shall be issued by the Building Department for the proposed winery/tasting room structure(s) until the ZBA provides written confirmation to the Building Department that the merger was effectuated; 3. The applicant shall obtain site plan approval from the Southold Town Planning Board. Failure to do so will render the variance relief granted herein null and void.. B. Existing • The application involves two adjacent lots totaling 8.98 acres 1 o Lot 14.6 = 3.75ac ■ vacant o Lot 14.4 = 5.23 ac ■ house ■ B&B (permitted by Special Exception) ■ vineyard • The two subject lots were created through a 1990 subdivision. The subdivision created a 110' x 110' building envelope for Lot 14.6 setback 100' feet from County Route 48. The proposed winery has been relocated partially but not fully within this building envelope and an amendment to the subdivision map from the Planning Board for this and the driveway location would be required for the application as proposed; III: Analysis A. SEAR: Type II B. Code requirements / Bulk Schedule (AC): 1. Lot Coverage ➢ Maximum: 20% ➢ Existing: 0% ➢ Proposed: 1.28% 2. Setbacks for the proposed building (AC) . ........ .�__ ----- - ........ . .. ... -------- Required Provided ... .m., Front yard 60' (winery is 100'J 165' (formerly 227') ............ .... ..... ,....... , e Side (E) 20' 76'5" (formerly 67'5") Side(W) 20' (45 comb) 56'9" (formerly 66') Rear yard. 75......_m , ..,m _ > 75 C. Staff Analysis: 1. Planning Board letter dated February 8, 2017: 1. Provide a sketch on the printed plan to include items required in the January 26th letter referenced above, with all dimensions clearly provided,- and rovided,and the following: • Increase the driveway width at the curb cut to CR 48 and provide the dimension on the plan. Please coordinate directly with the Suffolk County Department of Public Works (SCDPM on the maximum width allowed before providing the plan to the Planning Board, 2 Submitted: yes, the curb cut is now provided at a width of 32' with a radius of 47'5"; 2. Provide a draft Traffic Routing Plan that details a proposed access route to the subject site and doesn't involve U-turns; Submitted: no, as of 3/10/17; 3. Buses and limousines will be limited on site pursuant to the following: • 1 bus per day • 5 limousines per day By appointment only • Planning Board to approve a Traffic Routing plan that identifies specific routes for large vehicles to access and leave the site avoiding all U- turns from west and to the east; • Traffic Routing plan sent to driver/livery company ahead of time; Submitted: partially, the revised site plan provides oversized parking stalls on the west side of the building for five (5) limousines and two (2) buses with the following notations: 1. Maximum number (#) of limousines at any one time is five (5); 2. Maximum number (#) of buses at any one time is two (2); 3. Buses are only allowed if there are no limousines on the site at the same time. 4. All vehicles must remain with their patrons on site at all times. (no drop-off); 5. Parking in designated parking areas only; 2. Winery Building has been shifted 65' closer to CR 48 and ±9' west for a front- yard setback of 165'. Church building existing to west has front yard setback of 160'; 3. Parking: 34 parking stalls (including 2 ADA) provided and 5 oversized stalls = total of 39 stalls (15 stalls required) (43 stalls were provided on the previous plan) • Parking was moved away from the front of the building as required by the Planning Board. A landscaped island and continuous turn around driveway has been provided in the front; 3 • One of the new parking areas proposed on the east side of the property (17 cars) will remain as grass so that the everyday parking will direct vehicles to face the building instead of the adjacent residential parcel. A wooden guardrail is provided on the plan to protect the building from the vehicles. . o There is no overflow parking permitted, the capacity for maximum number of vehicles on site is as depicted on the site plan; 4. Lighting: Proposed lighting has changed from parking lot lights on poles to lighting fixtures on the building only. 5. Buffer Notation: "Line of 12' Buffer" notation provided along east side yard to maintain the double row of relocated 5'-8' tall eastern red cedars; 6. Water Service: Two (2) lines of water service from SCWA/CR 48 are now being provided to the proposed building and the existing dwelling as per SCDHS requirement; Staff Recommendations and Next Steps 1. SCDHS- obtain approval and a provide a print of the original stamped plan (to be consistent with the current revised site plan) by the SCDHS to this department; 2. Provide a Traffic Routing Plan as described above; 3. Provide the updated Photometric Plan that details the revised exterior lighting design pursuant to §172. The applicant stated this is currently being worked on by lighting company; 4. ARC — 3/9/17 meeting was cancelled because ARC was unable to provide a quorum and the ARC will meet this Friday, March 17th @ 3:OOPM in the Annex Boardroom; 5. Public hearing to be re-opened Monday, April 10th: WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board required revisions to the site plan regarding potential impacts from the proposed building/parking location and traffic safety. Revisions were required to mitigate these potential impacts as identified through public hearing comments and site plan review. These revisions included the relocation of the building sixty-five (65) feet closer to CR 48, and the relocation of the parking areas from the front of the building to the side and rear of the building. The Board has found that a hearing on the revised plan is necessary to provide adjacent neighbors and the general public the opportunity to comment on these changes. 4 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS " 'o _ P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI ° Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III (', (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR " a�� Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny,gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Memorandum To: Elizabeth Thompson, Chairperson Southold Town Architectural Review Committee From: Brian Cummings, Planne(g) Date: March 7, 2017 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Sannino Winery 7495 Alvahs Lane, ±490' s/w/o Alvahs Lane and CR 48, Cutchogue SCTM#1 000-101.-1-14.4 & 14.6 The Planning Board refers this Site Plan Application to your committee for review and comments. This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 6,440 gross sq. ft. winery (wine production, retail area, wine education room and 3600 sq. ft. basement) and thirty nine (39) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District, Cutchogue. Thank you. Encls.: Site Plan Application and Site Plan Elevations Submission Without a Cover Letter �h : r� i 0 '7 /�)'P � ri ,�� mtr�X Sender: - � � � ��,. Boud Subject: SCTM#: 1000 - Date, �,w Comments: Vf h, J °a AWLING DRESS: PLANNING BOARD ME ERS ' ' � P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSffi ��"� 1�r �,' Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS ^ %/ i%G %f �� r��f� Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY �' ��� �' � 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III ��� �����' "5 ` '- �' ,� � ,d`° �� (car. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR ��� �,J',� ." r Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 w,ww.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOAIRD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTOLD February 8, 2017 Mr. Anthony Sannino 7490 Alvahs Lane Cutchoue, NY 11935 Proposed ie Plan — Sannino Winerystip Located 7495 AlvahsL ., ±490' s1w/o, Iv SCTM#1 000-101.-1-1 14.6 ZoningDistrict: AC Dearr. Sannino: I am writing as a follow-up to the Work Session held on February 6, 2017 where the Planning Board continued their discussion regarding the above-referenced Site Plan Application, specifically, two primary concerns about potential impacts from the proposed building/parking location and traffic safety. The parking and building location were resolved at the January 23rd Work Session and detailed in a follow-up letter dated January 26, 2017. The Planning Board determined the following regarding traffic safety: 1. Provide a sketch on the printed plan to include items required in the January 26th letter referenced above, with all dimensions clearly provided; and the following: • Increase the driveway width at the curb cut to CR 48 and provide the dimension on the plan. Please coordinate directly with the Suffolk County Department of Public Works (SC ) on the maximum width allowed before providing the plan to the Planning Board; 2. Provide a draft Traffic Routing Plan that details a proposed access route to the subject site and doesn't involve U-turns; 3. Buses and limousines will be limited on site pursuant to the following: ® 1 bus per day • 5 limousines per day a By appointment only Sannino Wine!y February 8, 2017 • Planning Board to approve a Traffic Routing plan that identifies specific routes for large vehicles to access and leave the site avoiding all U-turns from west and to the east; • Traffic Routing plan sent to driver/livery company ahead of time; These items will be memorialized in a Covenant and Restriction (C&R) to be filed with the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk. Planning staff, under the guidance of the Town Attorney, will provide you with draft language for the C&R separate from this letter. You will be asked to review the language provided, fill in any blanks, and return the draft document to the Planning office for review (including any comments or requested revisions you might have). Just prior to Site Plan approval this document would be filed with the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk, and you would provide proof of filing, including Liber and Page, to this department. Due to the fact that site plan elements such as landscaping, lighting, drainage, etc., have not yet been discussed in full detail, revised site plans are not recommended nor required at this time. In lieu of a revised site plan and in the effort to facilitate a constructive process, a sketch of the relocated building, parking and interface with CR 48 is recommended. As always, you or your design professional(s) are welcome to contact us to review a draft of any plans prior to their submittal. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Very truly yours, Brian Cummings ° Planner MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS � � P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 DONALD J.WILCENSHI Chair tr�� ; OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS i✓,,��� % r, e � Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY � �1% �' 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III `'�' ` �... (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR �'rJ�G `U Southold,NY Telephone:631 765-1938 www.s outholdtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 8, 2017 Mr. Anthony Sannino 7490 Alvahs Lane Cutchogue, NY 11935 Re; Proposed Site Plan — Sannino Winery & Tasting Room Located at 7495 Alvahs Ln., #490' s/w/o Alvahs Ln. and CR 48, Cutchogue SCTM#1 000-101.-1-14.4 & 14.6 Zoning District: AC Dear Mr. Sannino: I am writing with regard to the above-referenced Site Plan under review. The Planning Board determined the proposed action as Type II based on the following: According to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law, and 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7 of the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA), the Planning Board has determined the proposed Site Plan Application a Type II Action pursuant to §617.5(c)(3) and, therefore, not subject to review. 617.5(c)(3) "agricultural farm management practices, including construction, maintenance and repair of farm buildings and structures, and land use changes consistent with generally accepted principles of farming" This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 5,672 gross sq. ft. winery (wine production, retail area, wine education room and 2800 sq. ft. basement) and forty (43) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File #6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District, Cutchogue. If you have any questions regarding this Site Plan or its process, please do not hesitate to call this office. Very truly yon j,rs, Brian A. Cummings Planner WORK SESSION AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, February 6, 2017 - 2:30 p.m. Southold Town Annex Board Room 2ND Floor, Capital One Bank Building 2:30 p.m. Applications _ .... � Project N .ame: Sannino Winery & TastingRoom SCTM#: f 1000-101-1-14.4 Location: 7495 Alvahs Lane, ±490' s/w/o Alvahs Lane and CR 48, Cutchogue ._ Description: This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 5,672 gross sq. ft. winery (wine production, retail area, wine education room and 2800 sq. i basement) and forty (43) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District, Cutchogue. Status' Pending. Action: Referral Review _ Attachments: Staff Report Project ocat on:Name: ...... Braun 1000 RSeafood Company Retail, Store SCTM# 1000-103-1-1 Route 25, Cutchogue I Description: This Site Plan is for the proposed conversion of an existing 1,128 sq. ft. residential dwelling to retail use on 0.4 acres in the General Business (B) Zoning_District. j Status: Approved Action: Review comments from Final Site Inspection. Attachments: Staff Report Project Name: New Cingular Wireless/AT&T at SCTM#: 1000-63-1-10 1040B Hortons Lane i Location: 1040B Horton's Lane, Southold Description: This proposed Site Plan is for a 75' high wireless telecommunications monopole to include six (6) AT&T panel antennas and two (2) empty 10' sections for possible future co-location (all concealed within the pole), along with 300 sq. ft. proposed within an existing building for associated ground equipment on 6.9 acres in the Light Industrial Zoning District. j Status: Approved i Action. ; Approval Extension Attachments: Staff Report Southold Planning Department Staff Report Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review Date February 6, 2017 Prepared By: Brian Cummings I. Application Information Project Title: Sannino Winery & Tasting Room Applicant: Anthony & Lisa Sannino Date of Submission: August 25, 2015 Tax Map Number: 101.-1-14.6 & 14.4 Project Location: 15975 County Road 48 Hamlet: Cutchogue Zoning District: A — C II. Description of Project Type of Site Plan: Agricultural Acreage of Project Site: 221,864sf (5.23ac) & 162,683sf (3.75ac) = 384,547sf or 8.98 acres Building Size 5,672 gross sq. ft. A. Proposed This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 5,672 gross sq. ft. winery (wine production, retail area, wine education room and 2800 sq. ft. basement) and forty (43) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.98 acres in the A-C Zoning District, Cutchogue. - On March 17, 2016, the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) granted an area variance under file #6882 for a winery located on a parcel less than the code required minimum of at least 10 acres devoted to vineyard or other agricultural purposes, with three (3) conditions 1. The applicant shall merge lots 14.4 (aka lot 3) and 14.6 (aka lot 1) and submit written proof of same to the Office of the Town Attorney and the ZBA; 2. No building permit shall be issued by the Building Department for the proposed winery/tasting room structure(s) until the ZBA provides written confirmation to the Building Department that the merger was effectuated; 3. The applicant shall obtain site plan approval from the Southold Town Planning Board. Failure to do so will render the variance relief granted herein null and void. I B. Existing • The application involves two adjacent lots totaling 8.98 acres o Lot 14.6 = 3.75ac ■ vacant o Lot 14.4 = 5.23 ac ■ house ■ B&B (permitted by Special Exception) ■ vineyard • The two subject lots were created through a 1990 subdivision. The subdivision created a 110' x 110' building envelope for Lot 14.6 setback 100' feet from County Route 48. The proposed winery is not fully located within this building envelope and an amendment to the subdivision map from the Planning Board for this and the driveway location would be required for the application as proposed; • Soils: Riverhead Sandy Loam (0-3% & 3-8% slopes) (steeper slopes near the north and south ends of the property). Haven Loam (0-2% slopes) at the north end. III: Analysis A. SEAR: Type II B. Code requirements / Bulk Schedule (AC): 1. Lot Coverage ➢ Maximum: 20% ➢ Existing: 0% ➢ Proposed: 1.27% 2. Setbacks for the proposed building (AC) .a. _ - . . _ ......... Required Provided_m _ .._.. ......... Front yard 60' (winery is 227' 100' Side (E) 20'__. 67,5„ Side�W) 20' (45 comb) 66' .....— 111 Rear yard 75' > 75' 2 C. Major discussion items 1. At the January 23, 2017 work session, the Planning Board discussed Impacts to Neighbors/Quality of Life/Community Character and required that the parking areas be moved to the side(s) and rear of the building to have less of an impact on the scenic byway. It was noted that the front area of the parcel had poor agricultural soils, and that the location of the building could be moved closer to CR48 to allow for the parking to be moved back without losing more ag soil area. ; 2. Discussion to continue — Traffic Safety a. Public Hearing Comments: • CR 48 ingress / egress • on-site function • dangerous u-turns at Alvah's & CR 48 for vehicles large and small • concern for emergency access b. Planning Board comments to ZBA on 9/1/2015 • Does not support variance for this project, in part due to the following ■ Traffic Safety ■ Health and safety of residents and visitors c. Southold Town Transportation Commission • Concern about limo's and buses trying to make a U-turn • Idea to route vehicles up Alvah's Lane, however there were also concerns about adding to traffic on this narrow street. d. Staff comments CR 48 is a four-lane highway with speeds in excess of 55mph. The intersection of Alvah's Lane and CR 48 is controlled only by stop signs on Alvah's. The common occurrence of oversize vehicles such as large charter buses and stretch limousines arriving in Southold Town to deliver visitors to wineries brings up the question of whether adding more winery uses to CR 48 calls for an increase in traffic safety protocol or regulations to better protect the public using this roadway. Ideas for acceleration and deceleration lanes were discussed with the SCDPW, however staff was told by a DPW traffic engineer they would likely not work due to design limitations at the site (not enough distance from the Alvah's Ln intersection's acceleration lane). The idea of a pass- through of the median there was also not recommended by SCDPW (nor the Town Transportation Commission). The SCDPW traffic engineer also 3 applied the turning template for a large bus to the Alvah's intersection, eastbound making a U-turn, and found that a large bus cannot make the turn in one motion. He said that although that was the case, the large bus can make what he termed a "broken" turn, as long as they don't impede the safe flow of traffic, and so his department couldn't require no U-turns at this intersection. The Town Board, however, may be able to do so after a public hearing and a resolution (and may also need approval by the SCDPW). Options to consider in the effort to enhance safety, especially where oversize vehicles such as stretch limousines and buses are concerned: 1. Prohibit buses and limousines entirely from this site (vehicles > ft. in length); 2. Limit buses and limousines (vehicles > ft. in length) a. 1 bus a day b. 5 limousines a day c. By appointment only d. Traffic Access Management Plan to identify specific routes for large vehicles to get to and leave the site avoiding all U- turns from and to the east and west. e. Access route sent to driver ahead of time. f. C&R memorializing this Staff: data are consistent with what was provided by applicant; 3. Same as above, but with the access being from Alvah's Lane (a turning study would have to be done to see if this is feasible given Alvah's narrow width). 4. Provide a Traffic Access Management Plan — this would consist of preferred routes for access to the site that avoid any u - turns and direct visitors to controlled intersections; 5. Provide a minimum 34' wide curb cut access to CR 48 and adequate turning radius for ease of access to large vehicles; 6. No U-turn sign at this intersection (needs Town Board approval) a. Must apply to all vehicles. b. May have unintended consequences for side streets 4 7. Consider recommending 'No U-turn' signs at all un-signalized intersections and pass-throughs on CR 48 (needs Town Board & SCDPW approval) a. Must apply to all vehicles 8. Idea relevant to but not directly related to this application that maybe the Wine Council could help fund and educate: a. Notice to all winery operators and livery services: CR48 preferred access routes; 9. Consider special events for this property and discuss with applicant the desire for special events and/or the proposed number per year; 10.Prior to a revised site plan being required, the Board should confirm if they are okay with 43 parking stalls being provided for this site (15 required). A condition may be included to ensure that 43 is the maximum permitted on site (no overflow); 11.Consider if the Board would like to see "no parking" signs on frontage along CR 48, and Right Turn only sign in the median and possibly at the driveway exit. 5 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ° P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS � :°u iTown Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III 0 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.s outho 1 dt ownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 30, 2017 Robert F. Hillman, Jr. Traffic Engineer III: SCDPW 335 Yaphank Avenue Yaphank, NY 11980 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Sannino Winery & Tasting Room 7495 Alvahs Lane, ±490' s/w/o Alvahs Lane and CR 48, Cutchogue SCTM#1000-101.-1-14.4 & 14.6 Dear Mr. Hillman: The Planning Board has identified traffic safety concerns regarding the above referenced site plan application and its interface with County Road 48 through its review of the site plan and comments from public hearings. The Board requests that your agency provide comments/guidance on the following: • U-Turn analysis for Alvah's Lane & CR 48 and the existing cut through west of the subject site, with the largest vehicle being a full-size bus; • Potential for deceleration and/or acceleration lane(s); • Potential for a traffic light/ controlled intersection at Alvah's Lane & CR 48; • Any other ideas for traffic safety, especially related to the access of this site by vehicles such as limousines and buses. If there are any questions, please contact us at (631)765-1938 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Respectfully yours, Brian Cummings Planner WORK SESSION AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, January 23, 2017 - 2:30 p.m. Southold Town Annex Board Room 2ND Floor, Capital One Bank Building 2:30 p.m. Applications Name: Matchbook DistillerySCTM# ; 1000-48-2-44 3 Location: 230 Corwin St, Greenport Description; Pro ect Nam This amended Site Plan Application is for proposed interior renovations to existing buildings (no footprint expansion) for a production distillery, formerly a warehouse facility, consisting of four (4) buildings totaling ±32,038 sq. ft. ±12,902 sq. ft. to remain as storage, ±18,979 sq. ft. distillery and ±2,257sq. ft. vinegar production with thirty-three (33) parking stalls on 1.5 acres in the Light Industrial Zoning District, Greenport. Status . Pendine Action; Referral Review Attachments: Staff Report Pr1.o'ect Lo ject 1Name: 13 3400 Main Road Corp. � SCTM#: [ 1000-114-11-9.6 400 NYS Route 25, ±10' s/w/o Wickham Avenue & NYS Rt. 25, �..: Mattituck .. Description: This proposed Site Plan, in conjunction with a pending Lot Line Modification, is for the addition of ±9,258 sq. ft. of land for ±23 parking stalls on 1.05 acres in the Hamlet Business Zoning District. Status Pending Action: Referral Review Attachments: Staff Report Project Name. Sannino Winery & Tasting Room SCTM#: 1000-101-1-14.4 Location: t - 8, Cutchogue r 7495 Alvahs Lane, +490 s/w/o Alvahs Lane and CR 4 Description: 1This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 5,672 gross sq. ft. r winery (wine production, retail area, wine education room and 2800 sq. ft. basement) and forty (43) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District, Cutchogue. Status: Pending Action: Referral Review ...... Attachments: Staff Report Southold Planning Department Staff Report Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review Date January 23, 2017 Prepared By: Brian Cummings I. Application Information Project Title: Sannino Winery & Tasting Room Applicant: Anthony & Lisa Sannino Date of Submission: August 25, 2015 Tax Map Number: 101.-1-14.6 & 14.4 Project Location: 15975 County Road 48 Hamlet: Cutchogue Zoning District: A — C II. Description of Project Type of Site Plan: Agricultural Acreage of Project Site: 221,864sf (5.23ac) & 162,683sf (3.75ac) = 384,547sf or 8.98 acres Building Size 5,672 gross sq. ft. A. Proposed This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 5,672 gross sq. ft. winery (wine production, retail area, wine education room and 2800 sq. ft. basement) and forty (43) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.98 acres in the A-C Zoning District, Cutchogue. - On March 17, 2016, the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) granted an area variance under file #6882 for a winery located on a parcel less than the code required minimum of at least 10 acres devoted to vineyard or other agricultural purposes, with three (3) conditions 1. The applicant shall merge lots 14.4 (aka lot 3) and 14.6 (aka lot 1) and submit written proof of same to the Office of the Town Attorney and the ZBA; 2. No building permit shall be issued by the Building Department for the proposed winery/tasting room structure(s) until the ZBA provides written confirmation to the Building Department that the merger was effectuated; 3. The applicant shall obtain site plan approval from the Southold Town Planning Board. Failure to do so will render the variance relief granted herein null and void. I B. Existing • The application involves two adjacent lots totaling 8.98 acres o Lot 14.6 = 3.75ac ■ vacant o Lot 14.4 = 5.23 ac ■ house ■ B&B (permitted by Special Exception) ■ vineyard • The two subject lots were created through a 1990 subdivision. The subdivision created a 110' x 110' building envelope for Lot 14.6 setback 100' feet from County Route 48. The proposed winery is not fully located within this building envelope and an amendment to the subdivision map from the Planning Board for this and the driveway location would be required for the application as proposed; • Soils: Riverhead Sandy Loam (0-3% & 3-8% slopes) (steeper slopes near the north and south ends of the property). Haven Loam (0-2% slopes) at the north end. III: Analysis A. SEAR: Type II B. Code requirements / Bulk Schedule (AC): 1. Lot Coverage ➢ Maximum: 20% ➢ Existing: 0% ➢ Proposed: 1.27% 2. Setbacks for the proposed building (AC) ..... Required Provided Front yard 60 (winery is 227' — 100') Side OE 20 — --- — 67'5. .. .- Side(W) 20' (45 comb) 66' Rear yard ................. _ __ 75' ' 75.'. 2 C. Major discussion items This application is at the referral review stage, however there are two major items that must be discussed prior to reviewing more detailed comments. 1. Impacts to Neighbors/Quality of Life/Community Character. This issue relates to the location and size of the building and parking area.. a. Public Hearing comments: ■ Noise (outdoor music, idling busses/large vehicles) ■ Parking visibility from Scenic Byway; ■ Dust ■ Light ■ Odor; ■ Adjacent to church; ■ Too many uses on not enough land (<10 acres), ■ too intense for a safe site design (Dwelling, B&B, Winery); ■ Concern for overflow parking on Alvah's (already witnessed with B&B parties); ■ Pesticide usage and application in proximity to dwellings; b. Planning Board comments to ZBA on 9/1/2015 ■ Does not support variance due to potential impacts to neighbors including 18 residences and adjacent to church: • Noise • Traffic • Quality of life, health, • Small size of parcel increases likelihood of conflicts between residential and commercial use. c. Staff comments In an effort to measure potential impacts and seek mitigation, an analysis was conducted that sited the proposed building in three different locations. Homes and other uses existing within 600' of each of these sites were counted. 600' was chosen as a distance based on existing sites within Southold Town of similar use where impacts were experienced by adjacent property owners. As the building is moved further north, it appears that fewer residences would be located near the use. Uses within 600' of thebu. ildin _ _ ....... . A .. ........... # # Vacant Homes Churches House Lots Building Location 1 10 2 7 3 ___ ... -------_____ -- (proposed) Location 2 10 2 4 Location 3 4 0 4 In 1992, the NYS Legislature identified CR 48 as a Scenic Byway. The transportation corridors are representative of the region's scenic, recreational, cultural, natural, historic and archaeological significance. The location of the proposed parking area would not be consistent with the CR 48 Scenic Byway standards and is recommended to be moved out of the front yard toward the rear of the proposed building to better screen it from view from the road. This is consistent with both nearby churches, where all of their parking is behind the building. d. If the Board requires the parking in the rear, and does not require the winery building to be moved farther north, moving the building closer to the road would be acceptable given the topography, and existing adjacent buildings. The building itself is modest in size and it would not be obtrusive if it was closer to the road than currently proposed. 2. Traffic Safety a. Public Hearing Comments: • CR 48 ingress / egress • on-site function • dangerous u-turns at Alvah's & CR 48 for vehicles large and small • concern for emergency access b. Planning Board comments to ZBA on 9/1/2015 • Does not support variance for this project, in part due to the following ■ Traffic Safety ■ Health and safety of residents and visitors c. Southold Town Transportation Commission • Concern about limo's and buses trying to make a U-turn • Idea to route vehicles up Alvah's Lane, however there were also concerns about adding to traffic on this narrow street. d. Staff comments 4 CR 48 is a four-lane highway with speeds in excess of 55mph. The intersection of Alvah's Lane and CR 48 is controlled only by stop signs on Alvah's. The common occurrence of oversize vehicles such as large charter buses and stretch limousines arriving in Southold Town to deliver visitors to wineries brings up the question of whether adding more winery uses to CR 48 calls for an increase in traffic safety protocol or regulations to better protect the public using this roadway. Ideas for acceleration and deceleration lanes were discussed with the SCDPW, however they would not work due to design limitations at the site (not enough distance from the Alvah's Ln intersection's acceleration lane). The idea of a pass-through of the median there was also not recommended by SCDPW (nor the Town Transportation Commission). Bob Hillman from the SCDPW applied the turning template for a large bus to the Alvah's intersection, eastbound making a U-turn, and found that a large bus cannot make the turn in one motion. He said that although that was the case, the large bus can make what he termed a "broken" turn, as long as they don't impede the safe flow of traffic, and so he couldn't require no U-turns at this intersection. The Town Board, however, could do so after a public hearing and a resolution (not entirely certain if they'd need approval by the SCDPW, too). Options to consider to enhance safety, especially where oversize vehicles such as stretch limousines and buses are concerned: (1) Prohibit buses and limousines entirely (vehicles > _ft. in length) (2) Limit buses and limousines (vehicles > ft. in length) a. 1 bus a day b. 5 limousines a day c. By appointment only d. Access route that avoids U-turns sent to driver ahead of time. e. C&R memorializing this (3) Same as above, but with the access being from Alvah's Lane (a turning study would have to be done to see if this is feasible given Alvah's narrow width). (4) No U-turn sign at this intersection (needs Town Board approval) a. Must apply to all vehicles. b. May have unintended consequences for side streets (5) No U-turn signs at all intersections on CR 48 (needs Town Board) 5 a. Must apply to all vehicles (6) Other ideas not related directly to this application, but maybe the Wine Council could help fund and educate: a. Large warning signs along CR48 to drivers of buses and stretch limousines that U-turns are not advised? b. Notice to all winery operators on CR48 to let drivers of large vehicles know they need to avoid all U-turns by taking an alternate route. 6 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ... .. t ��... STEVEN BELLONE SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE PlannIing Board DEPARTMENT OF FVBI.IC WORKS E. THOMAS G.VAUGHN GILBERTANDERSON,P,Ei, DARNELY,TYSQN, ER DEPUTY COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER 17EPUTY OOMM15510NE Tgnmsokl DATE: TIME: #OF PGS.(INCLUDING THr$ONE) , .�, TO! �. � rm /k COMPANY, _.. �W .. .. FAX NP.............. _..... ����. dr�a�rwaa����r����r� �r�,n��r�o-,,��a��r�r���a�ra����„ ��rw��ww��;awz �w�ra�e � ,r�rurc�w,�,,wrww������,w+�w� n,��ivrr�• w�a.� 4 COMPANY: SUFFOLK COUN)Y PT.OF PUBLIC WOR -PERMXT &TRAF C DIVISIONS (FAX#:of 85� "4079) (Traffic nho 631)852-40[31 (Permits hone 631 $524100 svrw�rw,�wrar�w,�mwa�vkwun��r�,�,u�«+awe,�saaa%�e��a�rkacwrM�•k�e�ww�,ti,r�,w�°«�n,n�a��nrzk�rvww^�x�vaywr�r�Wr�me �w RE; M-A—-------- COMMENTS: ....�_ �..,. W SUFFOLK COUNTY[S AN EQUAL OkPORTUNITY/A?V RHAUYZ ACrXON EMPLOW, M YAPiHANK,N.Y.11980 ■ (631)852.4081&852-4'100 335 YAI Y�IAN'K AVE' FAX(631)8524019 i COUNTY OF'SUFFOLK STEVEN BEL'LONE SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DARNELL TYSON,P.E. GILBERT ANDERSON,P.E. THOM"G.'V'AUCHN DEPUTY COMMWIONZsR COMMISSIO'NE'R DEPUTY COMMISSIONSk Date: 11/30/16 Town of Southold 54375 NY 25 Southold,NY 11935 To Whom It May Concern: This is our "Subsequent response" to our review of revised plans that an applicant known as Anthony Sannino has submitted to us m response to a previously "Disapproved" or "Approval Withheld"239f submittal. The original 239f was submitted b our Department to us on 11/4/16 ' � YY p of which we responded to you and the applicanton 11/14/16, CR#48 Project Name- Saanino Vineyard Applicant Name:Anthony Sannino Project Location:Cutchogue SCTNI# 1000-101-114.4 ® APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED [] APPROVAL wrnmi..D Pursuant to Section 239f of the New York,S trr n ipa " C4ht�1XU�B: .. Y 1 ia� A permit Brom this Department will be req ,ired um*t to Sewn '.136 of thef, away L�w folie' pnr SOGeSs and any improvements 11115 Department CmeAt deems JC er al ong the qf7. 7 �✓ F n f b a willial, Hillman,P. E. Chief Engi,we Vils response su er es any comments on this application,onr SUFFOLK COUNTY I6 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY I AFFM?4ATIV9 ACTION EMPLOYER (631)63Z•4010 335 VAPHANK AVENUE YAPHAN1C,N',Y,11980 9 FAX(631)9534150 SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HIGHWAY WORK PERMIT PERMIT 48-356 TYPE NU CR# CRO48 PROJECT NAME Sanuiuo Vineyard DATE ISSUED 11/30/2016 TAX MAP# 1000- REVIEW FEE $200,00 DATE PAID MAINT SEC DATE PAID SECURITY $5,000,00 DATE PAID PERMIT FEE $250,00 DATE PARI XMPACT FEE $0.00 DATE PAID RONDO CERTIFIED CHECK# MEDIAN ADOPTEE'S INS EXPIRES: LR t'ER OF CREDIT 9 PERMITTEE Anthony Sannino RETURN SECURITY TO THE FOLLOWING 7490 Alvah's bane (IF DIFFERENT) Cutehogue,NY 11935 PUAtSUANK"IO TILL PROVISIONS OF SECTION 136,ART.6,OF THE NEW YORK STATE HIGHWAY LAW,PERMISSION 1S HEREBY GRANTED TO THE PERMI19C TO: Construct a 28 ft.wide commercial street type access with full depth asphalt pavement. Install"Stop"sign @ intersection of access and County Road (R1-1-30"x30"). Install"One Way"sign opposite access on County Road(R6-1 (12"46"), Install thermoplastic pavement markings as directed. Restore the County right-of-way. All work shall be performed in accordance with the stamped permit plans and in accordance with this Department's most recent general,traffic and material specifications and as directed by the County engineer. Fxisting drainage structures in the County right-of-way must be covered during construction to prevent debris from entering the County's system. The applicant and/or their contractor will be responsible for cleaning any basins in the County right-of-way if evidence of construction debris is observed. Prior to the start of any work,the stamped permit plan and attached construction detail and notes must be provided to the applicant's contractor and said contractor must arrange a pre-construction meeting with Ken Dantzig at 852-4788 a minimum of 48 hrs, prior to start of work. Concrete can only be poured when the temperature will be above 32 degrees for more than 7 days after pour_ Asphalt and thermoplastic markings can only be installed when ground temperature is above 42 degrees. On CR 48, Middle Rd_,469 ft.west of Alvah's Lane in the hamlet of Cutchogue,town of Southold. Tlxe contractor is cautioned to the possible presence of underground utilities in the project area.Ander Rules set forth in APR ltpgaalata rue(� ._..® _....ode 753,the contractor must obtain a fall mark-out orundergrou.nd utitity lines by calling 811 at least 2 business days in advance but no more than 10 business days prior to the start of any work.Failure to do so may void the permit. IN THE HAMLET/VILLAGE OF: Cutchogue Ill'THE TOWN OF; Southold ASSET FORTH AND REPRESENTED ON THE ATTACHED PLANS,TYPICAL SECTIONS AND PURSUANT TO THld DEPARTMENT'S GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS The zoning and subsequent use of this property is under the authority of the town In which this development is located. Thereby, the issuance of this "Highway Work Permit"should not be construed as an approval by this Oepartmant for this development and/or associated land use. REVIEWED BY GILBERT ANDERSON,P.E. PATE GIGNkD: PERMI'1S ENCINEEA: COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS I1•yz , BY: William Hillman,FNS, (PcrmiltCe) ChiefEngiuuesr UPON COMPLETION OF WORK AUTHORED by THIS PERM IT,1PLEAS9 COMPLETE THE rOLLOWINOAND MURN TOTOM ripPA INT WORK AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT HAS BEEN COMPLETED,;REFUND OF PEPOSIT013OND 15 RS URSTEM . DATE SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE/AGENT DO NOT vWRI E 89l.000°1'1115 t�INR ALI.WORK Al1TI10Tt=D BY T1119 PERMIT IS.- COMPLETED, S:COMPLETED,REFUND DEPOSIT/BOND DATE: PERMITS INSPECTOR: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STEVEN BELLONE SUFFOY K COUNTY''EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DARNELL TYSON,P.E, Q LDERT ANDERSON,P.R. THOMAS G.VAVGflN DEPUTY COMMISSIONER COIvMSSIONER DEPUTY COMMISSIONER November 30,2016 Mr.Anthony$4nnino 7490 Alvah's Lane Cutchogue,NY 11935 RE: SUFFOLK COUNTY HIGHWAY WORK PERMIT#48.356,CR 49,Middle Rd. To Whom It May Concern; A permit from this Department will be required pursuant to Section 1.36 of the Highway Law for any improvements this Department deems,necessary along the County right-of-way frontirtb this parcel on,the above-referenced County Road. No work,is to be cornmenced upon the County right-of-way until this permit has been secured by performing the following: 1. SIGN AND DATE the permit application. Note any cbanse of the name or address as shown on the permit. Also indicate a 'telephone number where the applicant can be reached during business hours 2. A 239F REVIEW 1+'ER in the amount of$200.00 is required. 'lfiis fee is non-refundable and must be in the form of a certified check if-the fee is more than 5200.00. (Check to be made payable twthe SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPT.OF PUBLIC WORKS). 3. SECI_TRITY for this work is required in the amount of$5,000.00.This security must be in the form of one of the following: a) A certified check(payable to the SUFFOLK COUNTY COMPTROLLER)OR b) A bond(bond form enclosed)PR c) A Letter of Credit. This security will be returned to you upon satisfactory completion of the required work. 4. A PERMIT FEE in the amount of$250.00 is required. This fee is non-reMndable and must be in the form of a certified check if the fee is more Chun $200.00, (Check is to be made payable to the SUPPOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS.) 5. please include evidence of your GENERAL LIABILITY 1NSIIRANrE in the amount of 52,000,000.00 listing Suffolk County as the Certificate Halder and as the additional insured, as well as a copy of your declaration page of the policy. Evidence of worker's compensation inust be provided. See attached insurance requirmnrnts. Very truly yours, „—W1148,111 Hill � .. + hiaftngi "or w Daniel J.I1rerl 11,Jr. Directorof°In "f6c'Engitt ring Wfi: SUFFOLK COUNTY IS ANEQUAL OPPORTI /AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOXEX 335 YAPHANK AVENUE YAPHANK,N,Y.11980 (631)M7,4MI VAX(631)8524079 TOWNN)LLACEop NOV 0 ADDRESS _q 3 m P qy�w awh W i BUILDING DEPARTMENT pw C J SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPT,OF PUBLIC WORDS COMMISSIONER 335 YAPHANK AVENUE YAPHANK,NY 11980 �� 2016 Dear Sir: F In sccordsnco with Section 239f of the Gentmal Municipa Cud La s of the Salta of New York•this is to notify the Commissioner of P011c Works of the County of'Snffhlk I rtt. Name At Address aI'Alicant pp • has applied to the Town/Villape of o for the issuance of s permit in referenoc to Property located on the: L13)S E W side �� t 4 � C.R. plrtiinGC N S Eo Village Town As shown on the attaAad survey or Bite plan(3 copies needed),Mod a te,(�? w We shall withhold further aotion on this application for Ito (191 business days for the aforementioned Section 239f. Very Truly Yo" Building)nup Building Permits Only Dalc: APMOVED I DISAPPROVED,I APPROVAL MTRHUD to Ois Town/Village pu •nt to ft Geneial Munlcipni Law subject to the saW conditions; i G i . I SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPT.OF PUBLIC WORK$ CHARLES •BARTHA,P.E„COMMIMONER $y RICHAM 1,I.AVALLE,P,E, CP IEY ENGINMR Y .Yd E E DisrRICT . ah Y Irv�� f .. ........... .................................. .............. .. .. 260 N(-w �w uffol ��oa d, e..'utcho e, SAY 1 1.9 35 �, 're.,1e..ption.a.e^ (631.) 734 6907 - Fax (63:1.) 734 7079 Over 88 p�;...mcoaih caafl:1'a.l( opQe:aline:°.neQ Service December 29, 2016 � f4wnijigi I anarel Brian Cummings Southold Town Planning Bd. PO Box 1179 Southold NY 11935 Dear Mr. Cummings The Cutchogue Fire District is in receipt of your site plan concerning the Sannino Winery 7495 Alvah's Lane, Cutchogue for firematic review of the area. Basically we find that there is adequate fire protection for the site area and have no concerns at this time. Thank you for your consideration, we remain, Very truly yours, Board of Fire Commissioners Matthew J. Martin Fire District Secretary SCOTT A. RUSSELLr� � � ; JAMES A. RICHTER, R.A. SUPERVISOR MICHAEL M. COLLINS, P.E. � TOWN��9�"�itJ[�'A`B&(��G7,Nods"W Yt1pz .l 1971 TOWN HALL 765—1560 1 i - 53095 MAIN ROAD r Tel. (631)- � � ��I� �'^� Fax, (F�.1➢) 7��5_.�➢x)15 Iv�O��;;' tl 1 l'a1 4'b 1'd;, 4 1.1 6 Itl l �,"�I '.,1 ;, � "8 _� "U) ,�yd.V�r.4 JM s �N J I b����19,k u ` �1 LI .., . .. ....s. . .. � Q L OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PWining Board f 7 December T ��.�...� Donald J. Wilcenski . Chairman - Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Sannino Winery Site Plan SCTM#: 1000-101-01-14.4 & 14.6 Dear Mr. Wilcenski: As per a request from your office, I have reviewed the Site Plan,for the construction of a new 2,800 S. F.Winery with parking and related facilities. This site plan has been prepared by the office of Robert J. Gruber, Architect and was dated 6/22/16. Please consider the following: 1. A Suffolk County DPW Curb Cut Permit must be obtained. 2. The proposed cumulative disturbance resulting from proposed construction activities and grading of this site appears to have been greater than one(1)acre in area. This project site has already been cleared without erosion controls in place. If the design professional certifies that stormwater from this site will not reach waters of the State then a DEC Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)will not be required. This certification should be received prior to final approval. 3. The site plan does not show, indicate or detail erosion and/or sediment controls for the project. This item is required by Town Code Chapter 236 for stormwater management. 4. The Cross Section shown for the Trench Drain has been loosely indicated as being 8"to 51" inches in width. This dimension should be a minimum of eighteen (18") inches wide. Please keep in mind that County DPW may also require cleaning of their drains along County Route 48 under their curb cut permit because erosion controls have not been implemented as required by code. If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact my office. rely, .� ,1 mes A. Richter, R.A. Michaelis, Jessica VY5 i-A C From: Cummings, Brian A. Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 10:01 AM -, To: Michaelis,Jessica Subject: FW: Sannino Winery referrals For mail. Not sure if I had forwarded this to you From: Fisher, Robert Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2016 10:34 AM To: Cummings, Brian A. Subject: RE: Sannino Winery referrals Brian Yes I have concerns about an exit,from the winery, not entrance off of Rte 48. An exit on to Alvah's Lane makes more sense safety wise and traffic wise. I would totally support an exit on to Alvah's Lane. Bob Robert Fisher Fire Marshall, Town of Southold robert.fisher@town.southold.ny.us (W) 631-765-1802 - (C) 631-786-9180 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICA TION CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE' This electronic mail transmission is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information belonging to the sender which is protected byprivilege. If you are not the intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error,please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete the original message. From: Cummings, Brian A. Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2016 10:24 AM To: Fisher, Robert<Robert.Fisher@town.southold.nv.us> Subject: RE: Sannino Winery referrals Hi Bob, At this point there is no plan for a road through the vineyard for access off of Alvah's Lane; but,the Planning Board just closed the public hearing for this on Monday and have safety concerns with access on CR 48 and may seriously explore a secondary access/vineyard road during review. What is shown on the plan is the only thing that's being proposed right now, I'm sure the Planning Board would support your recommendation. Brian i From: Fisher, Robert Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2016 10:09 AM To: Cummings, Brian A. Subject: RE: Sannino Winery referrals Brian The site plan for Sinnano's vineyard looks good from my view point. Will there be a road thru the vineyard to the northern driveway and will it support emergency vehicles? Bob Robert Fisher Fire Marshall, Town of 5outhold robert.f isher@town.southo (W) 631-765-1802 - (C) 631-786-9180 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICA TION CONFIDENUALITYNOUCE: This electronic mail transmission is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressedand may contain confidential information belonging to the sender which is protected by privilege. If you are not the intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited If you have received this transmission in error,please notify the sender immediately by e-moil and delete the original message. From: Cummings, Brian A. Sent:Wednesday, November 23, 2016 11:26 AM To: Fisher, Robert<Robert.Fisher@town.southold.nv.us> Cc: Doherty,Peter<Pete rD @town.so uthol d.ny.us> Subject:Sannino Winery referrals Hi Bob and Pete, You should have received, or will shortly, a hard copy of the site plan for this proposal; but for now, you may use the directions below to view the subject file online. Please let me know if you have any questions. Bob, I have also copied the CFD referral for your convenience. Project Name: Sannino Winery&Tasting Room Address: 7495 Alvahs Lane, Cutchogue Tax Map#: 1000-I0I.-1-14.4 & 14.6 1, Go to the Town of Southold website www.southoldtownny.gov; 2. Click on the orange Laserfiche Weblink located on bottom left of the home page; 3. Click on Planning Dept. folder; 4. Click on Applications; 5. Click on Site-Plan; 6, Click on Pending; 7. Click on SCTM#"1000-101.4-14.6; 2 8. Click on Site Plan. Requested Action:This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 2,800 sq. ft. winery(wine production, retail area, wine education room, basement) and forty(40) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882)totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District, Cutchogue. Best, Brian Brian A. Cummings, Planner Southold Town Planning Department 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Phone: (631)765-1938 E-mail: brian.cummings@town.southold.nv.us 3 ��-�'��r� b �"" .' , QIP O. BoADD 11KESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �,Ov Southold, NY 11971 DONALD J.WILCENSKI Chair OFFICE LOCATION: LL J.CEES Town Hall Annex PIERCE FETY 54375 State Route 25 J S .RICH III C" (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) TI H.SIDOR ,CUUN 1 I hyo Southold, NY ^��:r�z,41,� Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Transportation Commission Members From: Brian Cummings, Planner z Date: December 13, 2016 Subject: Proposed Site Plan for Sannino Winery 7495 Alvah's Lane, ±490' s/w/o Alvah's Lane and CR 48, Cutchogue SCTM#1000-101-1-14.4 The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments and review, in the effort to make this intersection safer. This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 2,800 sq. ft. winery (wine production, retail area, wine education room, basement) and forty (40) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File #6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District, Cutchogue. Laserfiche: Planning, Applications, Site Plans, Pending, SCTM#1000-101-1-14.4 Thank you for your cooperation. MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS r P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI �� y so Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERSTown Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR R* . (� Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.s ou thol dt ownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 13, 2016 Mr. Anthony Sannino 7490 Alvahs Ln. Cutchogue, NY 11935 Re: Public Hearing Closed — Proposed Sannino Winery & Tasting Room Located at 7495 Alvahs Ln., ±490' s/w/o Alvahs Ln. and CR 48, Cutchogue SCTM#1000-101.-1-14.4 & 14.6 Zoning District: AC Dear Mr. Sannino: A Public Hearing was held by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, December 5, 2016 regarding the above-referenced Site Plan. The Public Hearing was closed. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Very truI yaL,rrs, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman ,r 4 [KC 0ii7(lI6 ....................... Po-b-�-c kc�r-,O Long Island Farm 13twire1,nf—Meinb rsfiip association of over 3,500 farmers, fishermen, agribusinessmen and individuals interested in a rural quality of life. Agriculture continues to be a leading economic driver in the town of Southold and provides the scenic background for Southold's rural quality of life. In order for agriculture to survive it is critical that farming remains economically viable. Southold town needs to recognize that agriculture continues to evolve and move towards direct farm marketing such as on farm processing and value added products, including, but not limited to jams,jellies, cheeses, potato chips, wine and other alcoholic beverages. As farmers generate better returns on their crops from retail sales, it is imperative we provide them avenues to operate their businesses in the most profitable ways. If farmers are profitable it is a greater incentive for them to continue farming, pass their farms down to a younger generation, and keep the prime agriculture soils in the town utilized as working farmland. Recently, the delays in approvals for projects unfairly penalize agricultural businesses. The length of time between site plan submissions and receiving final approval for agricultural operations cannot be dragged out for months. As seasonal businesses, agriculture is on a tight schedule and postponements ultimately cause farmers to miss the opportunity to complete new plans to support their livelihood. Farmers need to capitalize on the local interest in buying locally produced products and adjust their business models in a timely fashion. The agricultural community remains open to proactively addressing all issues with the town through working groups, code changes and other means that do not stall the growth and evolution of the industry. Long Island Farm Bureau encourages our local governments and residents to support farmers so we can help keep our industry strong and vibrant into the foreseeable future. Pb 0 Ucek, EC E v k [� 111 0r2W� PlanWng Board 1 w kCIA . .� ",u �� ����„�"�� ����-��.��.�r. ��:�„•"r�. � � �� ' �"��� �,. a ,"� �� -� .^�"..��'� .yaw � ,� ^, YWI api aq . ° s rt . . .. (_x. Md lea , 4.�) �. .� ..spa X 'reryou( 41,41 yN. az IT .. .. ' °M r ti.w� ,.� �i ... .w f a � r � ,a � � ro PP PA—4 c a:.�, �� u :... .. , .., je1 . v vo— lu _ Ad .. r � r� , , . w I ra .. 01, r ,�� r" m .m 0,j�,-c . >„ . 4 . �. WCC .,, ... ' " a ? ✓���°.��..^°�. '�B, fi'Ci��*-�w � ..��.. .., _ '' 700 CLI, 14"1 °..�4 } P� 9 &rrtU01 VA ,, _ d ✓d .� . ... ti �t Br 4,. . ' ..�. � . L fi F 41 W "�110 a t JL o- to, 17 ov w� 6 fit ' w.,. nl. Aso QW1 1) 111 a-,'1 16A-t Cv t 46,4 .� C ,:tk tipAl? 411_414�1 J kJ-e,, k (_er xu 6t cx_ c o YA, e r, 6"), _'Co-ro kl tk_) cIL 0 vc) (TY-UL P c �e'l) -,e �vk j"I 61 Let "t 41,0 YYIJ f) C-d /'tt kxdf (,I L 66 W o 'S � _�,��..f�-.m� �.� y�+ �.�rp ��..� �l ➢" R°. C Grp "�� 0.. .d � ^,.d,P.�; J w k d�.,. �1'i. ���rk�+"...�r�� � dJ'"^.�k.w ,P4'�..�"•� .�rg,.. C r�..,�«� � �� s LP �,�. „�„.'��".�^„, `:��.. �, +, :.....� ��,�,.Ad.,.p ppm"` � h, w��„�” ^%"'+�„"”..�, �✓.°) "..�,�`�."" ��. 0 m , � e , ° k �. . ,..m .y�,, ti q pp 61, �.0 d. .W. Cja e c. . �. kJ 4,o -µ �- � ° N ex L M fo e���� �....�.�.'� P�ww..,J°�..W.,} ,.,f`'.,.Mw•'W.�' C�..� 4 �. ..�''�Mm W,v",�.. .�.�'�....rW,„, �. H:4,..I� ry 07 j ' vt m� � CIA/) jr . ..� ...� .. �m m VA. WOO An ..� �. _c. x � ,�a �.� ,.; 1-&/Ll3 �4411_a �� �.. "', f A to 44t.� __ '' OL � v f l -t6 .., LAO 4, fir 4. a �.. aell r " r��.'.�b '"*,..,N.r��� .✓�`'°�,,,,,"IN�1.�4� �.d „�J.4a,�,�„�tlkAsn, &. I� �Wu. ,����w°. ��. ''�. r�`"tl ""��^r"4m � ,...d . -v ee ON ro, �" �.�, ., 4�.4. " o PL.0 4 W,_ "L e � � � ,r 'Yyl Cl �. .. w,, . .• . . � ,rr+c, kw. "� �'� � 46 k,t . -64N 'Von, KAI Czrv�h /A—o A'yam all ex Elizabeth Thompson, Chairperson 1� Vol Town 54375JRouten25 Reynolds duPont, Jr. r. 'a Ronald McGreevy , PO Box 1179 Nicholas Planamento Southold,NY 11971 Mark Schwartz Stephen Geraci t� Telephone:(631)765- 1892 Patricia Butler " ` 1' fax(631)765-6641 James Garretson ` " �.na .ayA3 southoldtown.northfork.net Town of Southold Architectural Review Committee Minutes r "� a��ro�CI��Gakt,d 6 rko f[ . .,November , Town Hall Annex Executive Board Members Present: Elizabeth o son,Chairperson,Ron McGreevy;Nicholas l a ento;Stephen eraci; James Garretson;PatriciaButler;Brian Cummings,Town Planner; and Elizabeth Cantrell, Secretary The minutes for the September 22, 2016 meetings were approved. Introduction: All applicants will give a presentation consisting of drawings,exterior materials samples and other information re uire by the Planning Department to the Corrunittee. The Co ttee will ask questions and make suggestions s part of a general discussion with each applicant. Final recommendations from e ARC will be presented to the Planning Board in the ARC Meeting Minutes,and be made part of the Planning file for that application. The Planning Board will consider these recommendations,together with all comments from other agencies,and provide the applicant with a comprehensive written list of its requested revisions. New Sitea lica i s: SCTM#1000-51-3-4.11 No - - - No representative for the applicant was present at the-meeting. Brian Cummings,Town Planner presented the Site Plan for the proposed construction of a 30' x 9 ' (2,652 sq.ft.) addition to an existing 71' x ' (6,422 sq. t.) wine production building to expand the current uses o wine production and storage (not open to the public) on a 0.76 acre parcel(SCT 1000-51-3-5) with an existing single a ly dwelling and nine (9) parking spaces.The subject parcel is proposed to be merged with an adjacent 2.7 acre reserve area (SCT 1000-51-3- °11)which is attached to±18.3 acres of far (SCT 1000-51.-3-4.14) with Development Rights held by Suffolk County in the AC Zoning District,Southold. The Committee reviewed the application and is approving it as submitted. Motion made and seconded. SANNINO WINERY &TASTING ROOM SCTM# :1.000•-101-4-1.4.4&1.4,6 Anthony & ]Lisa Sarinino presented their application to the Corrunittee for the proposed construction of a 2,800 sq. ft. winery (wine production,retail area, wine education room, basement) and forty (40) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District,Mattituck. The Committee reviewed the proposed project and is tabling the application as incomplete at this time. The Cornmittee has the following comments: The recommendation of relocating the proposed parking to begin further away from the main entrance/exit on C.R. 48. Submission of the approved State Traffic Report for curb cut of ingress and egress of driveways. Subrrdssion of more detailed project plans which are to include elevations,construction materials,and lighting specifications. Submission of a photograph(s) of the existing dwelling to assist the Committee with what the proposed structure will look similar to. Motion Made and Seconded. a SURREY LANE VINEYARD SCTM#1000-69-5-18.1 &18.6 No representative for the applicant was present at the meeting. Brian Cu s,Town Planner presented the Site Plan for a building with a 3,610sf footprint(retail of wine,no production),second floor,basement area for storage, and farm stand with 39 parking stalls (21 land- ked) on a 1.8 acre parcel (SCT 1000-6 -5-18.1) adjacent to±43.7 acres of farmland (SCT 1000-69-5-18.6; to be merged)with Development Rights held by Suffolk County in the AC Zoning District,Southold. The Committee is approving the application submitted with the following recommendation: — Create an ingress only vehicle access way located within the area west of the existing sign and through the overflow parking area which would lead out to Route 25. Motion Made and Seconded. i ,O beth Cantrell, A.R.C. Secretary 2 1V '[,j 1 : oukld Town d To the Southold Town Planning Board, P%Vlnu ng Bon, November 30, 2016 We are writing to you in order to help and encourage you to provide a favorable decision for us on Monday December 5, 2016. We have been patiently working with the Town of Southold since June of 2015 while willingly providing any and all information requested of us to help expedite this process. We are a small family run farm operation that began 10 years ago with enormous passion to help preserve the beauty of our farm community as well as the wine industry. Our current business operation is a proven example of a responsible and professionally run business that all of you are welcome to research in person or by way of documented reviews. We have raised 4 incredibly talented children in a beautiful environment and community that they wish to continue to be a part of. Two of our children are already in college; Miranda is at Cornell University studying Viticulture and Oenology with hopes of continuing with the family business. Marisa is studying Business with a minor in Sommelier at Johnson and Wales University also with hopes of continuing with the family business. The success of agriculture in our town can be supported by ensuring the next generation of farmers continues with the passion of their parents. Let's work together to continue providing our children the inspiration they need in a world that is already too challenging for them. Our current business supports almost 50 acres of farmland in our town. With our new location we will have the ability to cautiously and sustainably grow this number of acreage by increasing our production of wine and selling grapes to other producers in New York State. Our visitors arrive to our town with expectations of experiencing a culture that is romanced in many parts of the world and yet it is in most cases a car drive for them to get this experience. My wife and I are both children of parents born in Italy. We both grew up in a home in which wine was at the dinner table as is food or water. We both visited Italy at very young ages and experienced vineyards and wine as a culture. We both realized later in life that we could be part of developing this culture and not even have to travel to another country let alone anther state. Most of our visitors are yearning for the opportunity to experience the dream we have created. The intent of their visit is more about this experience than anything else. During the 10+years of developing our business we have a combined investment of close to 2 million dollars which includes our properties, home, winemaking equipment and vineyard equipment and now our children's education. All parts of this monetary investment are directly related to our dedication to our region and industry. Anthony is the person that does 90% of the tractor work for the vineyards and 100% of the wine making and instructions for educational classes and tours. Lisa supports scheduling of staff, oversees all clerical, fields all phone calls, educates staff related to customer service, and this list should probably continue for two more pages. Our current business employs 10 Southold residents and supports many local businesses including but not limited to print shops, laundry, technical support, mechanics, restaurants, etc. We would like to again encourage you to provide us with a positive decision based on our sound business practices (with never having negative impact on our community), a well thought out site plan that respects its surroundings and dedication to our region. Anthony Sannino 1 is annino NJ E. 3 0 rJ South' w r 1. How many vehicle trips per day/week are anticipated as a result the Mel tion? This should include the proposed business and deliveries of supplies. We can estimate that typically 4 times per year we will receive vineyard supplies including fertilizers,trellis hardware and chemicals, bottle or barrel deliveries in a larger than car size vehicle. These deliveries would be scheduled to take place when we are closed for visitors. The anticipated number of visitor vehicle trips will vary depending on the season, weather, and the day of the week. In season the number of vehicle trips may average 10 on weekdays and 35 on weekends. 2. How much wine is produced now? Where is the wine produced? The quantity of wine we produce varies from harvest to harvest and currently has ranged from 500-1500 cases. Our wine is currently produced in Peconic. 3. How much of the wine sold at retail will be produced at this site? All of the wine sold at retail will be produced at the proposed site. 4. What proportions of the grapes used in the wine that will be sold at this site are grown at this vineyard? At other vineyards in Southold Town? At other vineyards in New York State? At vineyards outside of New York State? The yield in tonnage can vary significantly from year to year depending on several factors including but not limited to previous years yield vs. nutrient requirement, excessive winter damage, spring frost episodes, excessive summer rain, tropical storm intensities and heat stress. In some years this site will yield more than enough for our production. We also grow on two other sites in Southold Town which enables us to supplement when needed or sell some in order to purchase other varieties we do not grow. What we purchase also comes from Southold Town. It is common in all wine grape growing regions that not all growers have every variety conducive to growing in their respective region under cultivation. The practice of farming on multiple sites is common for all types of agricultural crops in Southold town and throughout the world. Typically we expect the majority of the grapes used in the wine that will be sold at this site will be grown on site. 5. What is the maximum number of people that will be allowed on-site at any given time? The maximum number of people that will be on our site at any given time would be limited by the number of cars parked in our parking lot while taking into consideration that not all cars will have the same number of people in them. A good estimate is 3 persons per car for a maximum occupancy on the site of 130 people. We expect this maximum number will be an infrequent occurrence. 6. What is the gross floor area of the building including the basement? The gross floor area of the building is 2800 sq ft and the basement is 2800 sq ft. 7. What is the occupancy inside the building? Occupancy A-2 tasting room area=133 people Occupancy Group B office area =4 people Occupancy Group F-2 Production area =4 people. 8. What is the floor area of all patios? The floor area of all outdoor patios is 832 sq ft 9. What is the occupancy of the outdoor patios? Occupancy of the outdoor patios is 55 people 10. Will there be other outdoor areas where seating such as picnic tables will be provided, or where people can bring their own lawn chairs?If so, how large is this area?How many picnic tables? If we provide outdoor seating we will provide enough to accommodate approximately 75% or 97 people out of our maximum number of people on the site because we find it is common that people prefer to be outdoors among the vines on beautiful days. This outdoor seating may be a combination of small bistro type tables and chairs on our patio, picnic tables on a grassy area in front of the patio or instead of picnic tables we may have small serving tables and Adirondack type chairs. We will not permit our guests to bring their own chairs through our tasting room to our outdoor area. 11. How many ounces are provided per wine tasting? First and foremost we will be providing wine tasting according to the provisions outlined by our New York State Farm winery License. The purpose for tasting wines is for our guests to sample the various wines we produce while understand the various production methods we use while appreciating the winemakers style and our regional signature. Some people have a half ounce as a tasting of only one wine they are interested in. Some people may have as much as 5 one ounce tastes while not even consuming any of it because they use a spittoon provided on the bar or may even share the 5 one ounce tastes with their friend. A wine tasting could be described as a one ounce taste of only one wine or possibly 6 one ounce tastes of 6 different wines served as what is described to be a flight. A flight provides a guest to have a comparative tasting experience to better understand wines of the same grape produced by different methods, wines of the same production method but different grape varieties and or wines of various textures and sweetness. The ultimate reason for providing the tasting experience is to better sell our agricultural product (wine). 12. Will wine also be sold by the glass?How many ounces in a glass? We will sell wine according to the provisions outlined by our New York State Farm winery License. We encourage wine tastings in order to maximize our bottles to go sales. 13. Will bottles of wine be allowed to be sold and then consumed on-site? We will sell wine according to the provisions outlined by our New York State Farm winery License. We encourage wine tastings in order to maximize our bottles to go sales. 14. Will there be a kitchen on site? We do not have a kitchen on our proposed plans. 15. Will attractions such as live music and DJ's be provided on site? We may have live music while respecting the town of Southold noise ordinance.. 16. What food do you plan to serve, to be consumed on site? We will serve food that is accepted by our license like cheese platters or chocolate to pair with wines. 17. Will there be food trucks operating on site?if so, where will they park? We have not put much thought to this option of food trucks but if acceptable by The Town of Southold we may exercise this option and we would imaging that the food truck would have to park in our parking lot in one of the parking spaces. 18. Will there be buses and limousines allowed on site? Buses and limousines will only be allowed by appointment when adequate parking space is available and a specific group is visiting for a specific anticipated wine related experience. A. If so, where will they park? What is the maximum number that would be allowed at any one time? Please note we will not solicit visitors arriving by these means, unless they have a specific intended reason to visit. We do however appreciate that they are visiting in a responsible way while also helping to reduce traffic in our area. They will park where adequate space was reserved for them. We will not schedule more than one large bus at one time when no other larger vehicles are scheduled. We will not schedule more than 5 limousines at one time. We would anticipate the Limousines parking in the center parking area designated on our site plan utilizing two parking spaces per Limousine. It is our common business practice to provide our pre-scheduled guests a confirmation letter with details regarding their appointment. We will now go one step further and include for the very few large vehicle appointments a detailed recommended travel route that will avoid any need for u-turns. B. Show how oversize vehicles will navigate the nearby intersections, driveway and parking areas by illustrating the turning radius and providing a turning template for the largest vehicles allowed on site. The overlay drawing shows how the occasional large vehicle will negotiate ingress and egress into our parking lot. We reiterate that large vehicles will be invited to the site only when there is adequate parking and maneuvering room for them. As to the question of nearby intersections, we presume you refer to those crossing Route 48 upon which this property fronts. As Route 48 is a county road that now accommodates all manner of vehicles, commercial and private, we defer to the County regarding this inquiry. C. Due to our geography, many vehicles enter the area from the west. Please demonstrate the route that a large vehicle such as a bus or limousine would use to arrive from points west and enter the site. County Rout 48 accommodates striped access to U-Turns periodically along its extent. We imagine eastbound traffic will utilize these U-Turn access points as they do now for all the business and residential locations on the north side of Route 48. As noted earlier, for the very few large vehicles we accept they will receive a confirmation letter including a detailed recommended travel route that will avoid any need for u-turns. Design Controls and Criteria 2.44m 7.62m 2.13m 'ft]� 12.20 m ]25 ft] wft I ft � its 0 1 m 2.5m scale Path of front Path of left 0n ' e `- l (9 � � — � a 0 5 ft 10 ft ! I scale Path of right pD rear i,so Al '� 6 '�9ral� ward n 259,m d' r • Assumed steering angle is 410 . CTR=Gentedine turning radius at front axis Exhibit 2-7. Minimum Turning Path for City Transit Bus(CITY-BUS)Design Vehicle 25 � AIAILING DRESS: PLANNING BOARD E ERS q S yaw P.O. sox 1179 DONALD J.wILCENsxI Southold, NY 11971� ,� ChairW OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III -' (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR �µ. COUSouthold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.s outholdtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Suffolk County Water Authority (SCWA) From: Brian Cummings, Planner Date November 23, 2016 Re: Site Plan Application Review— Sannino Winery Request for Comments pursuant to General Municipal Law §239 (as a referral) and Southold Town Code §280-131, and LWRP Coastal Consistency Review The purpose of this request is to seek comments from your agency; please provide the following, as applicable: 1. Comments or requirements the Planning Board should take into consideration while reviewing the proposed project; 2. Issues of concern you believe should be evaluated; 3. Your jurisdiction in the action described below; and Project Name: Sannino Winery Address: 7495 Alvahs Lane, Cutchogue Tax Map #: 1000-101.-1-14.4 & 14.6 1. Go to the Town of Southold website www.southoldtownny.gov; 2. Click on the orange Laserfiche Weblink located on bottom left of the home page; 3. Click on Planning Dept. folder; 4. Click on Applications; 5. Click on Site-Plans; 6. Click on Pending; 7. Click on SCTM# "1000- 101.-1-14.6; 8. Click on Site Plan. Requested Action: This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 2,800 sq. ft. winery (wine production, retail area, wine education room, basement) and forty (40) parking stalls on Sannino Winery— Page Two — November 23, 2016 two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District, Cutchogue. SEQRA Classification: O Type I (X) Type II ( ) Unlisted Contact Person: Brian Cummings, Planner (631) 765-1938 Enclosures: • Site Plan Application Form • Site Plan 2 7.2 'ZZ° ILI DRESS: PLANNING BOARD E �� "'+, �w . Box 1 119 Southold, 71 DONALD J.wILCENSKI {� Chair yOFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY � 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III � , (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR CQUN Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.s outholdtownny-gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Scott A. Russell, Supervisor Members of the Town Board Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk cc: Town Attorney From: Brian Cummings, Planne(t) Date: November 16, 2016 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Sannino Winery & Tasting Room 7495 Alvahs Lane, ±490' s/w/o Alvahs Lane and CR 48, Cutchogue SCTM#1000-101.4-14.4 & 14.6 The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments, review, and a determination of jurisdiction, if applicable. This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 2,800 sq. ft. winery (wine production, retail area, wine education room, basement) and forty (40) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A- C Zoning District, Cutchogue. Thank you for your cooperation. (in Laser Fiche: Planning, Applications, Site Plans, Pending, SCTM#1000-101-1- 14.6) MAILING ADDRESS: So PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ( *� + � .x P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI "aSouthold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS c Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III , (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR � � °� Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Suffolk County Department of Health Services From: Brian Cummings, Plannel% Date: November 16, 2016 RE: Site Plan Application Review— Request for Comments pursuant to Southold Town Code §280-131 The purpose of this request is to seek comments from your agency; please provide the following, as applicable: 1. Comments or requirements the Planning Board should take into consideration while reviewing the proposed project; 2. Issues of concern you believe should be evaluated; 3. Your jurisdiction in the action described below. Project Name: Sannino Winery & Tasting Room Address: 7495 Alvahs Lane, Cutchogue Tax Map #: 1000-101.-1-14.4 & 14.6 1. Go to the Town of Southold website www.southoldtownny.gov; 2. Click on the orange Laserfiche Weblink located on bottom left of the home page; 1 Click on Planning Dept. folder; 4. Click on Applications; 5. Click on Site-Plan; & Click on Pending; 7. Click on SCTM# "1000-101.-1-14.6; 8, Click on Site Plan. Sannino Winery �- Page Two - November 16, 2016 Requested Action: This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 2,800 sq. ft. winery (wine production, retail area, wine education room, basement) and forty (40) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District, Cutchogue. SEQRA Classification: O Type I (X) Type II ( ) Unlisted Contact Person: Brian Cummings (631) 765-1938 Enclosures: • Site Plan Application Form • Site Plan • Environmental Assessment Form 2 xreMAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING � � �,. P.O. Box 1179 $A' Southold, NY 11971 DONALD J.WILCENSKI . �a Chair OFFICE LOCATION: LL J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III "� (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR Southold, NY mow, Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 9, 2016 Mr. Anthony Sannino 7490 Alvahs Lane Cutchogue, NY 11935 Re: Public Hearing Held Open — Proposed Sannino Winery & Tasting Room Located at 7495 Alvahs Ln., ±490' s/w/o Alvahs Ln. and CR 48, Cutchogue SCTM#1000-101.-1-14.4 & 14.6 Zoning District: AC Dear Mr. Sannino: A Public Hearing was held by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, November 7, 2016 regarding the above-referenced Site Plan. The Public Hearing was held open to the next Public Meeting set for Monday, December 5, 2016 at 4:30 p.m. To further help the Planning Board in their review of the application, please provide additional information as follows: 1. How many vehicle trips per day/week are anticipated as a result of the proposed action? This should include the proposed business and deliveries of supplies. 2. How much wine is produced now? Where is the wine produced? 3. How much of the wine sold at retail will be produced at this site? 4. What proportion of the grapes used in the wine that will be sold at this site are grown at this vineyard? At other vineyards in Southold Town? At other vineyards in New York State? At vineyards outside of New York State? 5-. -What is the-maximum number of people that-will be allowed on-site at any given time? 6. What is the gross floor area of the building, including the basement? Sannino Winery _P a e2 November 9, 2016 7. What is the occupancy inside the building? 8. What is the floor area of all patios? 9. What is the occupancy of the outdoor patios? 10. Will there be other outdoor areas where seating such as picnic tables will be provided, or where people can bring their own lawn chairs? If so, how large is this area? How many picnic tables? 11. How many ounces are provided per wine tasting? 12. Will wine also be sold by the glass? How many ounces in a glass? 13. Will bottles of wine be allowed to be sold and then consumed on-site? 14. Will there be a kitchen on site? 15. Will attractions such as live music and DJ's be provided on site? 16. What food do you plan to serve, to be consumed on site? 17. Will there be food trucks operating on site? If so, where will they park? 18. Will there be buses and limousines allowed on site? a. If so, where will they park? What is the maximum number that would be allowed at any one time? b. Show how oversize vehicles will navigate the nearby intersections, driveway and parking areas by illustrating the turning radius and providing a turning template for the largest vehicles allowed on site. c. Due to our geography, many vehicles enter the area from the west. Please demonstrate the route that a large vehicle such as a bus or limousine would use to arrive from points west and enter the site. 19. Please provide the traffic accident history at the intersection of Alvah's Lane and CR 48. Thank you for taking the time to provide this information. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. e truly yours, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman �"rte z � � � c g bio ¢ ¢ 6 > z u1�� o Ea o °r� ° zul o E 13 11 1313 ❑❑❑� �13 OQ E T, n F o n2aiu�i �S .m > 12 0 MA VHIM .9 � m 0000aoo� . r d M 00 (/1 r- N � a� o ' 6 l r s g ( s t °>. � f �gr ? ® a> o' E � ruL"?�� ''c crpcL r�� � dc �D o 401 0 to L Ir z co E 00 ® M mE 0O p g(L ¢ oEU , ■ ■ ■ � Ln a a $ ¢ o� 17'I '.' i♦ i♦ C l Ln i ■ Complete items 1 2 Agent and 3. w `r ❑Addressee ■ Print p our name and address on the reverse ❑ so that we can return the card to you. �w- •- or on the front if space permits. e, � tie�e p 6'`7RGceiv�zd b ref d Name) C Mate 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from Its _■ Attach this card to the back of the mal ec we... •• ........... m.i Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: No v " W N� pMill �� il� yl 3. Service Type ❑Priority Mall Express® N N p M II V% 1 1V ❑Adult Signature ❑Registered MaIITm ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑Registered Mall Restricted 9590 0880 183 4 2 ❑Certified Mail® Delivery ❑Certlged Mall Restricted Delivery ❑Return Receipt Tor _ ❑Collect on Delivery Merchandise kX t9r,da Ni�mhcr firr�aaNr r from service label) - ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 13 Signature Confirmation J Insured Mall ❑Signature Conflrmatlon 7 015 0640 0007 5065 0565 7 IonVeuread50MOall Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery PS Form 3811,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt 0o C e o ■ ■ ■ _ I- 'Ln ■ ■ Z)Q? 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Date ofDelivery or on the front if space perrni is � 8� �G� ry, _ 1. Article Addressed to �... Gires� imt from Item 1? Yes enter delivery yoAs below: ❑No \jP6 -I " PMail riority ® A•1 rt lGt rttura Restrict�Y�?�k+�tr5 ❑Reglstered Mall Restricted 9590 9403 0380 5163 5 15 CeltVditw '� 0 ",% Delivery ❑co,tir'ie Maiq i rq N D [we y ❑Return Receipt for ❑Collect on Delivery Merchandise 2s, „,,. „,r<„,Gulr ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery ❑Signature ConflrmatlonTM ❑Signature Confirmation 7 015 0640 0007 5065 0657 estricted Delivery Restricted Delivery PS Form 3811,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt o LA V 117 By Z y g \ a crow CD m OD CO ❑ \ a m =17 .dR U) 03 00 0 C3 C3 Q N O .+ 3 CL 3 06 OCL 3g (2 ME CNA A � w O � � A � w fT 5 Z Ln " _ �� 0 0 v �'' of QO v $ddb s �+� 0.0 O O._+ 6 ( O � � b pm • G Ln �` ro D' 4fn N C g Ln 6 c ^] o o m o � too❑❑❑r��u❑w ❑❑❑❑❑L�❑❑w �.. 85' ern �_' '� ° �,N dog �z .,.p � P... • KOW 0 o rc CL ro m m �� ' d a $ r � mOL a 4 z g �i4 • r e Cr 0 1313 ❑ ❑❑ .r 8 0 ❑ ❑❑❑ ' _ �+z— J ° gc�3m wp 3 �8o m$ 3 13 1-1 m El 13m El 13 OL •• ws ' , ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3. A° ldrlatatfe ■ Print your name and address on the reverse _ � 13 Addre ssee so that we can return the card to you.t ■ Attach aofDelivery this card to the back of the mailpiece t3 I C velvet by iI'rfrfe Name) CD or on he front if space permit 1. Article Addressed to: _ _D. Is delivery address different from item 11 Q Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No m . w rAfvlge at ❑Priority Mall Express® , t sl pal,,7 / ❑Registered Mall m Ll" dluit�(gnataare�f oatglo� d 9Bvery ❑Re gIstered Mall Restricted 8 9403 80 3183 6334 88 ❑WN A$pd fsl alh Dlivery ❑COa ;I t fill R" r lu c«p;y ❑Return Recelpt for ❑Co96sct on beAl�r�� , Merchandise ❑Collect on 17anlvtrl'y Ractrlcked Delivery 0 Signature ConflrmatlonTTM L5 0640 007 565 057 ElInsured Mall 0 Signature Confirmation - ❑gMlsuruttd MaIq Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery �,. 4 � � 4wam'"tWO PS Form 3811,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt Submission Without a Cover Letter „ Sender: rsaniiin Board s � wrl Subject: �O-a'ti�� YN- 0 V-) �� cl, T OL (S SCTM#: 1000 - Date: CIV A Comments: A-P" 0 AC) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as gym. r n ► " ci .: b placing the Towns official poster notices within 10 feet of the front ��ro pert y `Ap Y p g p ( ) p I Y i� .. line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained °n p ce for at least seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on I have sent notices by certified mail — return receipt, the receipts and green return receipt cards of which are attached, to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across on L n r) Your Naar (print) Signature < Vq Address 12 Date Notary Public Notary Flubfic,state of New York O u..�wgu�ed kirf(:A(Imu�nty Goinrres ApM 141,2f PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY. 12:00 noon Fri. 11/4/16 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Sannino Miner & Tastin Doom SCTM#s: 1000-101-1-14.4 & 14.6 Date of Public Hearing: Monday, November 7, 2016, 4:33 p.m. AGRICULTURAL DATA STATEMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD When to use this form: This form must be completed by the applicant for any special use permit, site plan approval, use variance or subdivision approval on property within an agricultural district OR within 500 feet of a farm operation located in an agricultural district. All applications requiring this form must be referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission in accordance with Sections 239-m and 239-n of the General Municipal Law. Applicant Name: Anthony & Lisa Sannino Address: 7490 Alvahs Lane, Cutchogue, NY 11935 Land Owner (if other than applicant): Land Owner Address: Description of Proposed Project: This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 2,800 sq. ft. winery and forty (40) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District, Mattituck. Property Location (road and tax map #): 7495 Alvahs Lane, ±490' s/w/o Alvah's Lane and CR 48, Cutchogue. SCTM#1000-101-1-14.4 & 14.6 Is this parcel actively farmed? Yes No Names & addresses of any landowners within the agricultural district containing active farm operations located 500 feet of the boundary of the proposed project: SCTM#1000-95-3-12: Ernest & Barbara Schneider, 8095 Alvahs Lane, Cutchogue, NY 11935 -� SCTM#1000-95-3-11: Robert & Darice Clark, 8145 Alvahs Lane, Cutchogue, NY 11935 SCTM#1000-95-4-3.1: Mattituck Farm Holdings LLC, Attn: Belvedere Property Management, 11 Times Square FI. 37, New York, NY 10036 SCTM#1000-101-1-8.2: WW Farms LLC, P.O. Box 1424, Mattituck, NY 11952/ 4SCTM#1000-101-1-8.3: WW Farms LLC, P.O. Box 1424, Mattituck, NY 11952 t/ 3SCTM#1000-101-1-14.7: Keil Alvahs Lane Farm LLC, 30 E. Gate Dr., Huntington, NY 11743 SCTM#1000-101-2-8: Jerome Gristina, 38 Belden Hill Ln., Wilton, CT 06897 Attach a tax map or other map showing the site of the property where the project is proposed relative to the location of farm operations identified above. tlAcient,Sigature � Date Notice to Adjacent Property Owners Sannino Winery 7495 Alvahs Lane Cutchogue, NY SCTM#1000-101.-1-14.4 & 14.6 1. 101.-1-8.2 2. 101.-1-14.5 3. 101.-1-14.7 4. 101.-1-15.1 5. 101.-1-16.2 6. 101.-1-16.3 7, 101.-1-16.4 8. 101.-1-16.5 9, 101.-1-16.6 10. 101.-1-16.7 11. 101.-2-9 I�, au mm IIIIIIIIIII „.iiiiiiiii m�i Ln oLn �yy y„�r7(Iptst@Yaui6W �'mayW� rm v Ln j nolu m Flwdo Q0ouu d opydC ]VIHIAIIMFIVNXO41111:WGCATwuOII °, w Q— d puhYM��'al�d M 0 ”""""' diu�il�v 1P$LilVll mVI�OtlNdV.WO'rri V l f' uuYllmP l'� ... n .... 5 ..P / N sa„96au�u�Ilu�uuVtl ttdm"mnaa I tr wwatt iy. ✓J w iRBr vGtswe 11�QaumumHti riaa^G U'»u uallllmY 0.47 ,) 1 /" /" 1 T"uw�rq k"mrttCnnq�u"uwrtttt6 V- $6.47 Ln ..., ."� O Vru�ntrP attra>�ap d.q+Crr vra <" , w q Ln mumu uuuu� � uuuu uiumi � Ln o �I of IJT; 0 Ln r ..G d rrk��drc;�6 B�aui9 Y w it � k r �n�o W.isa ii o�rtruicr aus"rrFrmiru µri ' - O Ln y,prrr °; !Udpu+Pwlrn 11�0sma a"hNpll Qvuwuu'PuIIttVdC 3 %WllAu;ndNdmanaluu� C3 I Adivltt*Cllgnattlluems 11�rcaquIll.V',Igt�lNoaNm Lj 7 r�a^S!Isd MRA Had utra,ma'�W Ur1n'hYlm Q br�u"IIuNN*uN+snugposufm VPam o,uluwmuq 6 4 i-n ur�rcltt ��m4 ............. 10/28/2016 0uvR;u�pR�'rv,w,klG4�rwPuawl�� 4�u �' _;. ....m .,I.w. 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I� m.�� a�,�HWu�If�N�au ��uo Q� m � "�. 04 a P �� , WrF�N.wrrwll+..Fb Pn Vt u,pr Fern t�d`aie ti r1N`rr r� .qRoun m�py�ry r t IN .d uFWVliMrr�stlVWwNamllll 111 ua^,rvYdNrnPgxW ll:gmnYllvmru „,W .� ri( Pay YAft'"r4ik J OPnwdWIMIIIMIOJmtl WdW"D _ �. d �ro pp i f= Moro � ulIX'surmuWuumum llWur,nullvwmaID N" ]Adu .. V� __--Pt�FY....3dW II a v.Illlw i+up zilT $0.47 l yl W�� .... .. ... " 6 � w"�"�FiMP P'�uum�aW�w�;m�Aw"a�q�'�am d III W� u— 'uFu'm F7rpvtirr ebrP ulr rrW dss rr m„ .paP °4 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS � P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI Southold NY 11971��,` �" �'��� �ro� Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY t 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR � � 6e�St Southold, NY jOti Telephone: 631765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 4, 2016 Mr. Anthony Sannino 7490 Alvahs Lane Cutchogue, NY 11935 Re: SEAR Classification & Set Hearing: Proposed Site Plan for Sannino Winery & Tasting Room Located at 7495 Alvahs Lane, ±490' s/w/o Alvahs Lane and CR 48, Cutchogue SCTM#1000-101-1-14.4 & 14.6 Zoning District: AC Dear Mr. Sannino: The following resolutions were adopted at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, October 3, 2016: WHEREAS, this Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 2,800 sq. ft. winery and forty (40) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District, Mattituck; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) 6 NYCRR, Part 617, has determined that the proposed action is a Type II Action pursuant to §617.5(c)(3) and, therefore, not subject to review because the proposed construction is for an agricultural site; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that this proposed action is a Type II Action under SEQRA as described above; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board sets Monday, November 7, 2016 at 4:33 p.m. for a Public Hearing regarding the Site Plan entitled "Sannino Vineyard", prepared by Robert J. Gruber R.A., dated June 22, 2016. The public hearing packet regarding the Town's notification procedure and the sign & post will need to be picked up at the Planning Board Office at the Southold Town Annex when you are contacted to do so. Sannino Page 2 October 4, 2016 Please return the enclosed Affidavit of Posting along with the certified mailing recei is AND the signed green return receipt cards before 12:00 noon on Friday, November 4 2016. The sign and the post need to be returned to the Plannin Board Office after the public hearing is closed. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office. Very truly yours, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman Encls. Southold Town Planning Board Notice to Ad'acent Property Owners You are hereby given notice: 1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for a Site Plan; 2. That the property which is the subject of the application is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: SCTM#1000-101-1-14.4 & 14.6; 3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located in the A-C Zoning District; 4. This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 2,800 sq. ft. winery and forty (40) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres. The property is located at 7495 Alvahs Lane, ±490' s/w/o Alvah's Lane and CR 48, Cutchogue; 5. That the files pertaining to this application are open for your information during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the Planning Department located in the Town Hall Annex on the corner of Youngs Ave. & NYS Rte. 25, Southold (2nd FI., Capital One Bank). If you have any questions, you can call the Planning Board Office at (631)765-1938. Information can also be obtained via the internet: 1. Go to the Town of Southold website www.southoldtownny.qov; 2. Click on Weblink located on bottom left of home page; 3. Click on "Planning Dept." folder; 4. Click on "Applications", then "Site Plans", then "Pending"; 5. Click on the SCTM# (tax map #) of the application (found in #2 above). Or by sending an e-mail message to: JessicaM(cDsoutholdtownny.gov; 6. That a Public Hearing regarding the Site Plan will be held on the matter by the Planning Board on Monday, November 7, 2016 at 4:33 p.m. in the Meeting Hall at Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold; that a notice of such hearing will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in The Suffolk Times published in the Town of Southold; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. Petitioner/Owner Name: Sannino, Anthony & Lisa Date: 10/4/16 Notice to Adjacent Property Owners Sannino Winery 7495 Alvahs Lane Cutchogue, NY SCTM#1000-101.-1-14.4 & 14.6 1. 101.-1-8.2 2. 101.-1-14.5 3. 101.4-14.7 4. 101.-1-15.1 5. 101.-1-16.2 6. 101.-1-16.3 7. 101.-1-16.4 8. 101.-1-16.5 9. 101.-1-16.6 10. 101.4-16.7 11. 101.-2-9 .,.:..:. ,..., ...... _ , r«.rerir lrr arIriKr Citi I ra/,ranr/l/iri/Nrar!a u,1h.v.6N.IIDJ1df.i 4 AYA u I«d Id wrrJ✓.r'.�r�r�.r<T/Iu JLr. v///��!�i�..G!ny,rrn/a�(J///ii/6(ftlrlra lrr✓//���.,rU(r,/L/,hr/,/i,n,r,r�!/!•.rI;�/�ll�1,//�/i.„.r.n..!�,✓Jr/r.r✓ <wll�(i�l/G//y Gl� ,/,/ �7�%/�iw/../ � � �%/ // /i / /�a��/ 2 07m oo SEE SEC NO 095 '� .'' SEE SEC NO 095 071701 I1 .n;:�ra ....___ t 1C;F4 LINE- /� MATCH / ........ LINE,✓n „ f ,. �aN,Atl G3{tl -. �,?! ,,, ... f.id3Rn OS 29 Ol 01 15 03 7,ir r .✓r r. 02 04 FORPARCEL SEC ENO O Al4, d " � P"✓'r""a / dn. fir^/ �✓""'' *•r 11 15 04.. Z 095.03-003.8 f..,•W`'•,... `W A/4010 /raL,... „n' ,rdn „ * ^o^�- R'"r„ /n,„n/ 12 BA ., +.. , 18 6 03 07 05 /f r' d,,a S k 15 fd8 �„'•,, "Y.: ,r P"' ml" prM, W (COUNTY OF SUFFOLK "* IMtr 91gY 1)( "+y FOR PCL NOd^. w,. r+' W ,#' yn f//� �/ ! MN ry ",.y„• "d DEVELOPMENTRIGHTS) /..?.� a�SEE SEC NO MO '� "A,.^ £,F r”` ,•/ ,q ,r' r�""" f�w,+.' 'w,, i �12 � u�'y`W '�.i��ea w. ,✓'"'/��✓ �~' % 'a r , 'a/ M" ,'"+� +" / urb+.q,,. ✓ r "4 hq w'1 w '"w"ti'l„, ,a °iArv.„,W r, /”' ra Nic. �,,�c�� n »„ergs/ W,�'' /n �,w�'« .�"`n ',,a �kry.�, ✓ G ;a ✓'� Oyo FOR �4 //� 00 SEE nW5 ��, � R PARCEL NO w„ 102-01-002 1 YS ,/�;/,,,,o,. n „w „. w;, d� ,�,+"n FOR PARCEL NOSEE 4 Nh. .`*.W ��, Y •—y— �, � too 04 es w '” '90 v "�W,� ,�✓'�`���"•�'��rcF"^' � -�( .y FOR F ARCF: 14F, w p ,��... #�%” n wM't 4 q+// dw`^..,,., '`•'^•. / r aw"V"'J" r•✓ {„„. f'Jf' SEE SEC NO �wrw +, / ,n 102-01-003.4 r�" "a %/('rro"y( •."M. Ile A0 ID ,. 83 OA < PECONIC LANG)rYAY,ILn,1w-�.•I)k IL!t Law C31W, wnb. rw // /� ,/ w (CONSERVATION in*4 fdN rNµ;) 1N Mw^L,Iw, wwM 'M H NA, \„ �n \ rva ^ F h ¢.WI rO 13 w4W w \\q, Py„M'A Y"A(M`p SUFFOLK 50 2A (COUNTY OFSUFFOLK 4 y 'd' iw„ •- I mak. !" / kry' W. "ti 1.,tl ^W yN4�Y "'wMW +'N'r" 'd....r^' h•I �rm"�f^' DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS) l \"2b ��'W,fy�^�r�, �✓>r'� ,y,✓" };µ„, M 72 e yp , "✓ / 2OA(0) _,.. I / •"y @a"" 21.8A(c) ^'+' "4, Q (TOWN OF SOUTNOID 0 7 "4rr.W y !' 22 2 OI / ! ..W *Ry D(TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NTR GHTS) ,,,VW rI�✓• p� / k DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS) M ' S 2A NN, „ v y�P�`� w N• �/� � la,e 16,1A / 24,8 �.a, el COUNTY OF SUFFOLK '14.,V .✓ F. // '^RW ',,,,W# ,dylh yR r4"1',4 ,✓' W „h,,.,.W 'a:, DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS) Y9„nW^ ZM II8.1A / \ \,�w "M 1. m pd'rcfrwklW'cu WL>UteK1d wa .,a� / „w” / , X DEVELOPMENT VdN"Idd Pu% 4 V `' XI 10 2A(.) ,!”. 'y • Lb 0 2.4 1 SIN 10 vv 11q/ 9 31 v, � / w " w f 2.5� ,per w v '„w ✓` - 2 "/ '^r, ✓`a'o- %" w, FOR PARCELNO z b n rw '. w ,,.✓'' +.0 ,"+"' a'aSEE SEC NO.. ... I ,� �� r „ W.yr "...a 109-01-013.2Lu Lu ....�.. ��y 2 7 ";µa w; 4 7A n "OO ai 9 1A nOWNOFSOUTHOLO q,f W 41 ✓"a 1", fy""• 1 ,qn V FI OPMENTRIGHTS) �I. 2 Y,r/ N ^' FOP.PARCEL`JO A ,l,•n, SEE SEC NO s `KA,""" 3 OA(C) U 100-04-004 , ,r FOR PARCEL NO. COUNTY ,^""'' �' FOR PARCEL NO "' �' SEE SEC NO ad OF FOR PARCEL NO FOR PARCEL NO 4= SEE SEC. NO. SEE SEC NO °•W SEE SEC NO 108-02-007 1 SUFFOLK A^ ,N 109-01-011 „ .+ 1 ,q 108-03-007 109-01-010 1 r 1 COUNTY , y, ;.•,„ a Y vam,�, ^kdJ4AC'f1.dM ..._ +,� .1.,. W / I u n,.uLP — _...,, q� e ._.. _.... ..... '4 Q A✓ / ..LINE MATCH.. � LINE .''w OF „ )"•I I:IYEI MJ51r,.V 1. .._._ _.._. .-.. ...-.. ... -.... _...... -. .. _....... .. - SUFFOLK ✓'"'• I +u Y r,,gr SEE SEC N0.108 4�11 1 ... ,,. ___ n oaa L Pp".—Li— Demetna ..._, At£EWTINTHE rouo�MN�c AsmItOPEBTIES NOTICE w)w tiY'n,l l,.�. aea ass SECTION NO e � �— ( ) .R�a,L� _.._N �v, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © K GWN OF SOUTHOLD aMJLrw --- ....,• SUEanwun ld No Blod LvnA """ OW L Sq1 DISTRIBUTION OF ANY PORTION OF THE `'M)"", mrl�., E t00 mlOp R HYDRANT-,,, .... of w ', Count Center Riverhead NY11901 �ryr,.A„r”, ........ ............. _.__..... wmnvlm Onnsug rb Z1 �I H FIFE WAD- MAINTENANCE,ALTERATION,SALE ORP �O� G _m o„a ebdNo � I, I _—w—_ �T— �'°°` ��IrL H,t>AANi , Real Property Tax Service Agency Y VILLAGE OF Esumi..wr La lYw ..... ---- ,02 .vram,slve ^...' ",. soba timentm n:i.. rnunrytm ...... .. ....... Krvt Xew rete r.a.. '.d i.kit rw ow T '(11i� SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP IS PROHIBITED r. rt.. Y r M N'. Ib�f 1. SE k - L rSCALE IN FEET D Pawl Na 22 nwaArw 121 A(a)w 121A iw.n L R ,,.....wvu ... vim w r ruw' ,.- REAL LJT MITTEN 1 SERVICE AGENCY IP,y - 200 0 200 G00 A ._._..... ......... ---...... l rmr:w ti w Nt,rvFlm 4 y„ ,_,_,.o-._.. - — 'V^�y i DISTRICT NO 1000 r.�nlaeA,m tz t Akl ""S' -. ... re' ,rc ' _ :........ .._. P ,CT rae Iw PROPERTY MAP CONVERSION DATE N 14 W12 AGRICULTURAL DATA STATEMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD When to use this form: This form must be completed by the applicant for any special use permit, site plan approval, use variance or subdivision approval on property within an agricultural district OR within 500 feet of a farm operation located in an agricultural district. All applications requiring this form must be referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission in accordance with Sections 239-m and 239-n of the General Municipal Law. Applicant Name: Anthony & Lisa Sannino Address: 7490 Alvahs Lane, Cutchogue, NY 11935 Land Owner (if other than applicant): Land Owner Address: Description of Proposed Project: This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 2,800 sq. ft. winery and forty (40) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District, Mattituck. Property Location (road and tax map #): 7495 Alvahs Lane, ±490' s/w/o Alvah's Lane and CR 48, Cutchogue. SCTM#1000-101-1-14.4 & 14.6 Is this parcel actively farmed? Yes No Names & addresses of any landowners within the agricultural district containing active farm operations located 500 feet of the boundary of the proposed project: SCTM#1000-95-3-12: Ernest & Barbara Schneide, 8095 Alvahs Lane, Cutchogue, NY 11935 SCTM#1000-95-3-11: Robert & Darice Clark, 8145 Alvahs Lane, Cutchogue, NY 11935 SCTM#1000-95-4-3.1: Mattituck Farm Holdings LLC, Attn: Belvedere Property Management, 11 Times Square FI. 37, New York, NY 10036 SCTM#1000-101-1-8.2: WW Farms LLC, P.O. Box 1424, Mattituck, NY 11952 SCTM#1000-101-1-8.3: WW Farms LLC, P.O. Box 1424, Mattituck, NY 11952 SCTM#1000-101-1-14.7: Keil Alvahs Lane Farm LLC, 30 E. Gate Dr., Huntington, NY 11743 SCTM#1000-101-2-8: Jerome Gristina, 38 Belden Hill Ln., Wilton, CT 06897 Attach a tax map or other map showing the site of the property where the project is proposed relative to the location of farm operations identified above. Applicant/Agent Signature Date SEE SEC NO 095 0/'UU "� SEE SEC NO.095 12 LINE" `'u, MATCH__ _ IWtl1L 1fiAp01 _... 4J' ..-„ LINE 0717-01 ,ray.. Mwrc,at 4 ! , 02 04 04� }� 1 01 16 U3 ,A '' FOR PARCEL NO ,� p1 'nW"'"' ,, ". �'' d gpyy" "'"q rgN7 ,� {p. 'Ma '4 18.8 02 1B O4 SWI., SEE SEC.NO.. 'V s ,+{�"' M �` 9• "',I< �✓ SEE SEC . 0'e` W °V nP ". �P ,{d" ' "`ya 12 BA 1115-04 w 095-03-003.6zi fro "^a /%''/�/ `'`� "4r gyp' /w, ,�✓:^'k'" 1030705 } "w,• f�; /'',,+' �^1 y„ Vµ �Pr W (COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEVELOPMENTRIOHTS) 121&OB ILII' 1'S, FOR PCL NO ^+. /xY '"•,Y.a "M f n� "'ry J !. ''„'y �b {/,. „y R' 06-05-07 SEE BE NO osz707 V 0..d,"Y k 2 ✓ R 10-22-12 V 0 "", , '�y 4 ^1""'1 „a'"� row'w, FOR PARCEL NO, SEE SEC NO 82 102-01-002 1 24 QA FOR PARCEL SECENO� "s r, "' '"„,* dV^ n. : 1w �� i�” {)..- •\w µ ,+" �y /""'"F.,{,"✓d I" In 1o0-oa-e z 90 / \ w 4w ww, w µ rn Ss U, 'tiy, FOR PARCEL Nd. W M IN u *. * "w, �w v w l%a ✓� SEE of aos o y 0 w a .>r ''� w w ^" I �" p ` z 0,4 Ba ''1w. w �1„. ,.w ,y" !_ 8 OA LU w < PECONICLAND 1H@jF:L'�r' �umim.N'" � 1.7Aro) ✓� / U) ar" ` F( \ 6OCV13C4FWANoOmffi ll3d MI MY' 'w ICMY"4M; w, Fy W s„F ^+;thy,+ { COUNITY z13 w 10 SUFFOLK wwyA” 502A(c) ,......__ •! / y4:M ^wu '`'+ ,.,, 1 OA(C),t �^ w°wroW Na "N 'h YV (COUNTY OF SUFFOLK O 169P�G\ D DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS) rr w 221 Q , .✓,. . V, / w ww . '6 h'y" a, w 2..OA(c) x / wro 'w21,BA(c) \ �"„, ”` waw, " 22.2 / X4,.yy (TOWNOFSOUTHOLD q 52A \ d DEVELOPMENT RIGHTSIp,,, / �^ wS `w, (DOWN OF SOUTHOLD "ggla /q ' DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS) { QI // , 1 wyM „F "„v?Pn ,1A ,✓ n"" ��P�or""w,,v , 24,6 P 16,1A a /� w`A 'r\,.L (COUNTY OF SUFFOLK � r��gtiFY� DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS) y w Zt„ ,1 v''�Iy,. "ry W� r,,. ( ✓ r,I +v,n e�. J 26 10 O e 1A r„ I / w " � zA e p7f}WNw-'Fou NCme �'"., w.,„ f:N'VM.FI.OPP"M&N"d dRYUPP�P,, 'v✓!' \ 31 y LU LU �N {� 1n 2.fin{ r row w / .w wy^r ,„„ FOR PARCEL NO. Z w „.9> "N ./r °y°.,,w ', SEE SEC NO of ✓ .: w {''"" ro { ✓?I 109-01-013 z 4 l� 2.7 4.7A (TOWN OF SOUTHOLD w r""4, "� ` N FOR PARCEL NO DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS) b(b v` wk „ z Oe roro h p;� N a 0A(c) { ,., FOR PARCEL NO. U SEE NO V^ o �„ µ,4N FOR PARCEL NO. 'y COUNTY �, ”{1, FOR PARCEL NO. FOR PARCEL NO +,,ro SEE SEC NO i 100-04-004 SEE SEC. NO " SEE SEC NO SEE SEC, NO r `„.„ 109-01-011 Ow„w„i SUFFOLK �N "'�y✓' ,✓ ', " ,108-03007 wy 109-01-0101 106-02-007 1 , ...... _ 1COUNTY , n .+,+ r "'" n "� „" ✓ T"+,,.,'MATCH ... ......... _ 1........-----ZZ_--- ,'�k.....— —�-- — LINEai NT'.4;,arr7 MATCH :..-LINE OF SUOFFOLK `^'.,., nn l91 MATCH _ .._. _ .. -.......LINY wluS SEE SEC.NO 108 I, D, ,,,, _.. ,,, ............ ..... ...... ....--,...- sa ,..� .m.,. .,.w.. ,,,,,,,, ,,,� ................. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,.,-. _. ., ,,,,,,,,,. .... „.,,,,.__ .... „„_-_ L>% SECTION NO _ ...... .......... ,,.-. ,,,,-, -... --._._ ,,,,-,.-. ... ,,,-.. ... TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ......... ,„,„--_.__ .... LPm�,ry.mu. ----- — ,,-,.d %dUmil _ _ �mmMU. -- — �d �L� ARENTINTEFIXLOALPROP N romp COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © K.. o,< � u h TG E F„c�n<tu� mm..amu LP. saloaL—M—SE No-ToROPERSEwER. ,. NOTICE Y",e�^lsF d•" E ,,.•,�r,..,,-.,. ^, ro. ,{ wd .. ..... b,xl ,. ..... UN FE2E....—_— ..... NVLwANi DISTRIBUTION OFTERATI ANY P TI SA OF THE ;A ,........ ^, ......... ��,,, Uw,�;,n 7 o"y (21) � + '4 1 Vy'p^y);p M9INTENANGE,ALTERATION,SALE OR P County Property Tax Service Agency Y lad ILLAGE OF C' s�,m..on Lol u�. -••- ^ '^”^m^•'u"e ”""" w ”"°` 'o 1.`� "` County Center Riverhead,N Y 11901 1 _ WE J 01 E slnamislun '-`��- -'"-` vnn wnw w., �uNr LX1° "" SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP IS PROHIBITED ^-- ^^^• L �. ^vr R. M ....... . LgMOmncl lix L AmpW„u O�IridLre- A IU 1 11EFU5 M , SCALE IN FEET qp N HHEu.• nov .,�..0 21m aao ,II .......�.. TNo 1000 .... ro.,,�U. P.n as,w Ln. -- w.t..,.�.,sena L«,.— wR-- rv„+uu nra.•e. a+.na:ar;*w a .. ra p"eL {•- `• .... p or 10 los PROPERTY MAP D Pa�No 23 oweNw 121 A(d).,121A -- �- r-Aa_ "®" "" REAL PROPERTY TAX SERVICE AGENCY 1"sw gv*N1 am 121 A(c) I.-U-,, .......,�, ..�.._— ... ...,.., ............... ... ..._ ......:...... . _ .,,. .. ,...,,,,,,,,,.._-.. .�.�p�.,.NATHOUT WRITTEN ......���,,,,.., 1 W,.,. ....... CONVERSION .. ,............ .,,,,.,. .... ON DATE Nev 14 2012 ....,,, ✓rAm////%i,/7""N, ;: ea / //o-;f,/ /,y,�% '%,^.vJ ,r r l�� �I y i,,, ca „icc////,i//ii %i o ,f/i/l%/i9//'///O t l f /JI(,1 Il /e/� r SEE SEC.NO,063 , lt ��lJ��iJ/����r, _ kA I d71'"u L.u3 hd;, MATCH w, `•,,.,,,, -- iw FOR a¢},.NO ,. ... ,,,, .. .,M ,,. ��;•% { 77 ';A1dl pikDJ ..�.,,,.__-_--�. 112 F 1 NO- i'01 L7 9.2 kd ro!tatM ..,.�., 083 03-0061 10 ,�h/ Z_ 671 mm �`^..,� 19,7A1c) 'hA 1,'I J+1"),Ip 4.3A a76 r]p oa I r *., w' � (TOWN OF FAT RIGHT, N4'",Ipr 0/1Y7(1rti `'«e�,. "k e p� M,.. WN RIOH75) rprP 1.1 `^h• IWfd4 Pl a-lP'Il Y'y., �A\� (B7 KV4 p°NV `"wr tw 4 %�'"' 11.3 51 2A(c) N Y"( 1 A 2AA(c) °"w1-. ,✓"" "w„ m 1d1 OT 10 � @ pa 100 25.3A(c) x 112 a a , ""`,,,,w ""«,� ivar4 p�11¢12 tl;16 «^,, »•.. ) c 23.7A( `*. 5660547 ,r 10.09-OB �..� '`~ry v.,rw� /r✓ 7 dwd „;,. FOR PCL.NO. ,1218-OB ' «'..«, �r ^,�..'"rM, {�"" � """.,, SEE SEC.2 10 NO. 096-01-00 03-04-15 �ry "',1 14.2 ,M '"n, ""^r, 8.9 w'°w, �^a «. �'� •,,. 0 314 � n�VI � I ,'N 54.4A(c) "'..,« �. 20_A '1".y ,Nr w Nro (TOWN OF SOUTHOID U 6 1tl .f DEVELOPMENT RIGMS) `11 "w. N,,,, . d, p vrtr 14.3 ~,.. SLS: la-C, NA �ro 7.2 „ 11nh , 082'4Y:"#703'? ^w,„ ..�« 26.54 O30.84 "*.,. (FOWN OF SOUTHOLD `*w„M 4 fir. Z `"+� ,,;r" .., 1 DEVELOPMENTRIGHTS) W, 8.6A(c) YwrTMA, w5.2 "",.,��r ''^; yl�.,,.r d w 23.7A W I 4.3OWN OF SOUTHOLD ..,.. F `..n N 32.3A �" DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS) ''r 7.1 ^ rh ,^, 62 2.24 \ ~v. ,r (TOWN OF SOUTHOLT '4.".'M" ""« «�' k«, fro OF WYJYJfIdi.M.f� DEVELOPMEM RIGHTS) y w„ ",, fw.wgs.cla Md'NP R'dY.P.h)T'wtl w•. ~w�»MJ ym ImI ,,'Mrw nJv k� wr,4 ~w ~* ",„+» 11 4'�,y5 131A(c) / 53 'k r�, *.r^,: 41,84 "°, " h0 ��"'" ^r.".«. """^, 12'vw 12.3A(c) /.� rT� 62A(cj 'S`„ �. {�• f" 'w„ (COUNTYOF SUFFOLK h � ARK AN, /^" °jm DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS) tlt%K..H6:9iYM;ITY, `". M "r 13 Al `II Vo- 'y�v 18.14 w`�,, 41 4:64 ,wM, ^In ... rovlta of >hl ti«.., ✓'r"' souTHOLD I ur 160143 1 ", IDA6 2.2A(e) A'i"r'� „. 16R ro� rr "¢". ;h ,, a ra Y� O r h, ✓" y I.IA .rp 18 O W tl"^ dRf:V Y �...„ .1 z A' 40.04 '««.wrv, :ntlYAx,r "° , I IC r ry .r'1 p .„,, " 3.1 '` @.11 1` d0 5:. r cry x., m`* 1 a M« A ✓ 18AG"Yv '• W' w..Jv P @'�" '�,, r'"' 10.10 d( ` 1.14 �,, 1 1ai..tl y 0 '✓ ' ary 4 . I" 'an FSrver" �'^�°fm a P FOM[IA; aml arx "A �r.i 29 d A 32 a� ,rw 0 1 Iurrnlat w w�u 16 (S ✓' a uam IN`r 1�I I» U 6.1 T' A 10 r a1 � � 4 l y , � 1-BA 54,6A(c) 34.1A(c) 109 h �,. i 1P6..IF aw Imar y � �U 411 1p, hew*',. 26.14 ° Ian ° 110 ». lyr w a 181 V " q0 P wr A 1N.14 11,� " VA 1B35 1636 ,A(c) u � a 9 p 1 BA c 4 1104 �,, alas G,F;.Ytl1' „ 33 2A c nY;y, T r� 1 1 4 ry:. 16,xE ,/185 r o * 3E Y RJ,d4d p.r � v ,y'' +' 10,39 / ...... ; lXLO N WOF ST FOLKI ^,,� !I ��, Y w. 3814 /` ,:^ *«, R PCIL NO. ✓ , 2 Cw"s: SEE SEC.NO.FOR PCIL NO SOEE SEC 9 j 16 t 104 9 OAgd.^) � .Q / _.�._ 1G1A " ;r � ,.ra 4 101-o1-14-7 r ---- 1D1-o1-o1s.1 --- r1Ad »"OAMATCH MATCH ONE .» 'hw e'0 SEE SEC NO. 101 u .. ."r ,Q ..,.,.,. _._..____..... ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,....... ...... .... __. ,..._ ,,,,"K m ....063 064 _ SECTION NO x . .... ,....._....._ M OF S THO D L FmpxryaRVLnr S�aL;�La� Ln1 _ �,�_ �L „ a _,t COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © . E tw.:e'a ....,„,, ,,, MAINTENANCE,ALTOERACION,SALE OR I n 1 ;dtl,1 kY OU L , UNLESS MUY.N RlJI PROPE Epp ........ � .... iN .1. -�- m,ra (z1) 2 F�� L1M o. Real Property Tax Service Agency Y a,ti;Mrr lu.». O .... CMNI 095 1IYWl VILLAGE OF 095 E ;, % 4 I 9 N11LA'1 ,k h M"- RTION OF THE 50100E _ TION OF ANY PO "'.., y,L Dlsiftlfiu I * County Center Rlverheatl,NY11901 M LKHT .... 1A 11J - SUFFOLK COUNTY TA%MAP IS PROHIBITED �., - SCALE IN FEET: w F..l. '..M _._._ a00 A AmeuYio Ucraa L ix- A-- sf ',.N m�rf rms Yr -u• •---� soya oinr.vbnv'�n ... LIu510tocl L:c .- t wW .,g4Y5 ,,,,, .._ ..... WITHOUT VNiITTEN PERMISSION OF THE byU(k.,a„d 1,. Za0 0 P C.ee Aoa 121AId1 or 1214 Tow,Li.. ,,• .... vsrra.aw CN�p Lam -vAv-- +'ri r.,+rf:., x^»^+y Y4W Lva Iv I y STRICT NO 1666 ...m..m-..... ,^^ .... D iry ri:ur Eux 23 PaniOmc Eno '_"" '" REAL PROPERTY TA%SERVICE AGENCY W 1'dY1�ll 101 II 39Yf,,., PROPERTY MAP Mllge 1.ne .L-....... ....__..5 ... CONVERSION DAT..,,..,,.�_ 1'ilau.e Arm 4J 1 nA��.p ......._..�.........,.......- ...._,. ..��,,,�-...m.,.,,,...._ �������,�. ................. .. .�,.��...�.. .,,,,,,� ..-.....,,.-.. ...�._�......�..,r_„,„,�„„....,..�_. E Mar 17.](115 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as by placing the Town's official poster notice(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for at least seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on I have sent notices by certified mail — return receipt, the receipts and green return receipt cards of which are attached, to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across on Your Name (print) Signature Address Date Notary Public PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY. 12:00 noon, Fri., 11/4/16 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Sannino Winery & Tasting Room SCTM#s: 1000-101-1-14.4 & 14.6 Date of Public Hearing: Monday, November 7, 2016s 4:33 p.m. Town of Southold PC/Codebook for Windows § 55-1. Providing notice of public hearings. [Amended 6-3-2003 by L.L. No. 12-2003] Whenever the Code calls for a public hearing this section shall apply. Upon determining that an application or petition is complete, the board or commission reviewing the same shall fix a time and place for a public hearing thereon. Notice relating to a public hearing on an application or petition shall be provided as follows: A. Town responsibility for publication of notice. The reviewing board or commission shall cause a notice giving the time, date, place and nature of the hearing to be published in the official newspaper within the period prescribed by law. B. Applicant or petitioner responsibility for posting and mailing notice. An application or petition, initiated, proposed or requested by an applicant or petitioner, other than a Town board or commission, shall also be subject to additional notice requirements set forth below: (1) The applicant or petitioner is required to erect the sign provided by the Town,which shall be prominently displayed on the premises facing each public or private street which the property involved in the application or petition abuts, giving notice of the application or petition, the nature of the approval sought thereby and the time and place of the public hearing thereon. The sign shall be set back not more than 10 feet from the property line. The sign shall be displayed for a period of not less than seven days immediately preceding the date of the public hearing. The applicant, petitioner or his/her agent shall file an affidavit that s/he has complied with this provision prior to commencement of the public hearing. (2) The applicant or petitioner is required to send notice to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across from any public or private street from the property included in the application or petition. Such notice shall be made by certified mail,return receipt requested,posted at least seven days prior to the date of the initial public hearing on the application or petition and addressed to the owners at the addresses listed for them on the local assessment roll. The notice shall include description of the street location and area of the subject property,nature of relief or approval involved, and date, time and place of hearing. The applicant,petitioner or agent shall file an affidavit that s/he has complied with this provision prior to commencement of the public hearing. 1 D = C/) C/) O N N cn O O '� 0OrEr m = � Z Z � * - O o02) r Z F 0 O z rqL CD =< =, O (p V -a 0 0 O 7v Z No , � C/) Z O O CL 4�6 > U 0 C O O z• . .p. z 1 - O � to _ — V CD n 9 z z � 0 O N m< O N -, •p — Qo � N � z � 0 C) M r n : -< Cl)„ FV . . 90 D co 00N Cl) • COio c� 406 091) X, 0 N S. 0 �: `C Z #13017 STATE OF NEW YORK) ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Karen Kine of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that she is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 1 week(s), successfully commencing on the 27th day of October, 2016. ....................._...........................�_�"'`, Principal Clerk Sworn to before me this mm day of2016. LEGAL led("ll°TCE Nodee of Public Hearing NC1'll'10E 1S FIEREE Y GIVEN that, �' INA VOLINSKI pursuant to Article XXV of the Code of NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK the bwrn of Southold,;a; public hearing will be held by the Southold"row n Plan- No, 01V06105050 nin8ftoard,at the TbwrnHall,Main Road, Quolifled In Suffolk County Southold, New York orn';the 7th day of My COMMMIon RAPIrea February 28,2020 November,2016 cern the,question off the following: 4031 prat.Proposed Site Plan for Purita Winery located at 5195 Old North Road, ±420's/w/o County Road 48&Old North Rd.,Southold,'lbwin of Southold,County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Pax Map Number 1 -51-3-5 4,11,4..12,4.13&4.14 4:32 p.m.Proposed Site Plan for Surrey Lane Vineyard located at 46975 Route 25, ±47'e/o South Harbor]Road and NYS Rt. 25,Sonuthold,Fow n of Southold,County of Suffolk,State of New York Suffolk Couun- ty'T°ax Map Number 1000-69-5-18.1&18.6 4:33 p.m. Proposed Site Plan ffor'Sarn- ttniuno Winery&'Tasting Room located at 7495 Allvahs dune, -1490' s/w/o Alvauh's Larne and CR.48, C;utchoBuue, Town of Southold,County of Suffolk,Slate of New+ Stark.Suffolk County'T'ax Map Number 1000-101-1-14.4 Er 14.6 Dated: 1.0/12/16 tt1 BYO ERC1p'THE SC9lJ7Cl-O LD"1'0WN PLANNING BOARD Donald 3.Wileenski Chairman 130174'x'10/27 _ MAILING ADDRESS:, PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS d d "` P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI �Q ,, Southold, NY 11971 Chair fl i OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS ', �' ,Y 4°r Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY �� , 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III '" , � f t' (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDORjj � � , � irl� Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Article XXV of the Code of the Town of Southold, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York on the 7t" day of November, 2016 on the question of the following: 4:31 p.m. Proposed Site Plan for Purita Winery located at 5195 Old North Road, ±420' s/w/o County Road 48 & Old North Rd., Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-51-3-5, 4.11, 4.12, 4.13 & 4.14 4:32 p.m. Proposed Site Plan for Surrey Lane Vineyard located at 46975 Route 25, ±47' e/o South Harbor Road and NYS Rt. 25, Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-69-5-18.1 & 18.6 4:33 p.m. Proposed Site Plan for Sannino Winery & Tasting Room located at 7495 Alvahs Lane, ±490' s/w/o Alvah's Lane and CR 48, Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-101-1- 14.4 & 14.6 Dated: 10/12/16 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman PLEASE PRINT ONCE ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2016 AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT TO THIS OFFICE. THANK YOU. COPYSENT TO: The Suffolk Times Michaelis, Jessica From: legals <legals@timesreview.com> Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2016 10:34 AM To: Michaelis, Jessica Subject: Re: Legal Ad for 10/27/16 Suffolk Times Good morning, The legal notice has been scheduled to be published in the 10/27 edition of the Suffolk Times, Thank you and have a great day! Best regards, REW w/ %i �IEDA G UP Phnd::�,:O,, oo iI(i:r„ "or 63 93,3 200 OXIL 2 35 63 35141112101 1 7 () From: "Michaelis,Jessica” <iessicam@southoldtownny.gov> Date:Wednesday, October 12, 2016 10:26 AM To: Lindsay Riemer<legals@timesrev!ew.com> Subject: Legal Ad for 10/27/16 Suffolk Times Please print the attached legal ad for the November 7, 2016PIanning Board Public Hearings regarding Purita Winery, Surrey Lane Vineyard and Sannino Winery &Tasting Room in the October 27, 2016edition of the Suffolk Times. An e-mail confirmation of receipt for our files will be appreciated. Thank you, Jessica Michaelis, Clerk Typist Southold Town Planning Department 54375 NYS Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Phone: 631-765-1938 Email:JessicaM@southoldtownny.gov 1 STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Jessica Michaelis, Secretary to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold, New York being duly sworn, says that on the 12th day of October, 2016, she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold New York November 7, 2016 Public Meeting: 4:31 p.m. Public Hearing for the proposed Site Plan for Purita Winery, SCTM#1000- 51-3-5, 4.11, 4.12, 4.13 & 4.14 4:32 p.m. Public Hearing for the proposed Site Plan for Surrey Lane Vineyard, SCTM#1000-69-5-18.1 & 18.6 4:33 p.m. Public Hearing for the proposed Site Plan for Sannino Winery & Tasting Room, SCTM#1000-101-1-14.4 & 14.6 Jessica Michaelis Secretary, Southold Town Planning Board Sworn to before me this day ofO j')�" ' 2016, A Notary Public LAME ClOROSKI NOTARY 6'6.1C1.6C,St[te 0 NewYo No01D0A16,,Je18-70 0(ia[iljed in Skffl lk CotiuitYV coal issim Expires,k�g�to rt�t:�;r bit�, ILINGADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD SOS P.O. Box 1179 MEMBERS f,"�` � �.; Southold, 11971 DONALD J.WILCENSKI �� Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE FERTY 54375 State Route 25 JAMES .RICH III y (cor. Main d. Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Article XXV of the Code of the Town of Southold, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York on the 7th day of November, 2016 on the question of the following: 4:31 p.m. Proposed Site Plan for Purita Winery located at 5195 Old North Road, ±420' s/w/o County Road 48 & Old North Rd., Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-51-3-5, 4.11, 4.12, 4.13 & 4.14 4:32 p.m. Proposed Site Plan for Surrey Lane Vineyard located at 46975 Route 25, ±47' e/o South Harbor Road and NYS Rt. 25, Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-69-5-18.1 & 18.6 4:33 p.m. Proposed Site Plan for Sannino Winery & Tasting Room located at 7495 Alvahs Lane, ±490' s/w/o Alvah's Lane and CR 48, Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-101-1- 14.4 & 14.6 Dated: 10/12/16 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman ` MAILING ESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS � ,� � P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI Cp" Southold, NY 11971 Chair LOCATION:OFFICE WILLIAM J. CREMERS � Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III (car. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H. SIDOR ,f Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 7, 2016 Mr. Anthony Sannino 7490 Alvahs Lane Cutchogue, NY 11935 Re Proposed Site Plan for Sannino Winery & Tasting Room Located at 7495 Alvahs Lane, ±490' s/w/o Alvahs Lane and CR 48, Cutchogue SCTM#1000-101.-1-14.4 & 14.6 Dear Mr. Sannino: am writing as a follow-up to the Work Session held on October 3, 2016 where the Planning Board accepted the above-referenced Site Plan Application as complete for review. The Planning Board, its Staff, Town Departments and relevant agencies will provide additional comments following full review. If you have any questions regarding this Site Plan or its process, please do not hesitate to call this office. Very truly yours, Brian Cummings ° Planner Southold TownwPlannwiwn_a Board Work Session — October 3 2016 Page 3 Project Name: Surrey Lane Vineyard SCTM#: 1000- 69-5-18.1 & 18.6 Location: 46975 Route 25, ±47' e/o South Harbor Road and NYS Rt. 25, Southold Description: This proposed Site Plan is for a 3,610 sq. ft. winery (including a tasting room, retail area, wine production area, case storage and farm stand) with 39 parking stalls (21 landbanked) on a 1.8 acre parcel (SCTM#1000-i 69-5-18.1) adjacent to ±43.7 acres of farmland (SCTM#1000-69-5-18.6; to be merged) with Development Rights held by Suffolk County in the AC Zoning District. Status; New Application Action: Review for completeness. Attachments: I Staff Report Project Name: Purita..., y Winer SCTM#: 1000-51-3-5, 4.11, 4.12, 4.13 & 4.14 Location: 5195 Old North Road, _420 s/w/o County Road 48 & Old North Rd., Southold Description: This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 30' x 90' (2,652 sq. ft.) addition to an existing 71' x 90' (6,422 sq. ft.) wine production building to expand the current uses of wine production and storage (not open to the public) on a 0.76 acre parcel (SCTM#1000-51-3-5) with an existing single family dwelling and nine (9) parking spaces. The subject parcel is proposed to be merged with an adjacent 2.7 acre reserve area (SCTM#1000-51-3-4.11) which is attached to ±18.8 acres of farmland (SCTM#1000-51.-3-4.14) with Development Rights held by Suffolk County in the AC Zoning District. Status: ( New Application Action: Review for completeness. Attachments: Staff Report Project Name: Sannino Winery & Tasting Room SCTM#: 1000-101-1-14.4 & 14.6 Location: 7495 Alvahs Lane, ±490' s/w/o Alvahs Lane and CR 48, Cutchogue Description: This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 2,800 sq. ft. winery & forty (40) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File #6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District. Status: New Application Action: Review for completeness. .. Attachments: Staff Report Southold Planning Department Staff Report Site Plan Application Work Session — Completeness Date October 3, 2016 Prepared By; Brian Cummings I. Application Information Project Title: Sannino Winery & Tasting Room Applicant: Anthony & Lisa Sannino Date of Submission: August 25, 2015 Tax Map Number: 101.-1-14.6 Project Location: 15975 County Road 48 Hamlet: Cutchogue Zoning District: A— C II. Description of Project Type of Site Plan: Agricultural Acreage of Project Site: 221,864sf& 162,683sf= 384,547sf or 8.83 acres Building Size 2,800sf This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 2,800 sq. ft. winery and forty (40) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District, Mattituck. III: Analysis 1. Proposed: Construct a 2,800sf winery -The application involves two adjacent lots totaling 8.83 acres -The two subject lots were created through a 1990 approved subdivision with detailed building envelopes; -A single family dwelling and B&B (permitted by Special Exception) exist on "lot 1)' A - On March 17, 2016, the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) granted an area variance under file #6882 for a winery located on a parcel less than the code required minimum of at least 10 acres devoted to vineyard or other agricultural purposes, with three (3) conditions: 1. The applicant shall merge lots 14.4 (aka lot 3) and 14.6 (aka lot 1) and submit written proof of same to the Office of the Town Attorney and the ZBA; 1 2. No building permit shall be issued by the Building Department for the proposed winery/tasting room structure(s) until the ZBA provides written confirmation to the Building Department that the merger was effectuated; 3. The applicant shall obtain site plan approval from the Southold Town Planning Board. Failure to do so will render the variance relief granted herein null and void. IV: With reference to the April 21, 2016 Planning Board letter: 1. Provide a separate Key Map showing the locations, names and widths of all rights-of-way within 500' of the subject site; 2. Provide a separate Key Map showing location and owners of all adjoining lands within 500 feet, as shown on the latest tax records, at a scale of one inch equals 100 feet; 3. Provide a separate Key Map showing all existing buildings and uses within 200' of the subject parcel and include key elements of those existing sites (e.g. buildings, curb cuts, parking area(s), landscaping, etc.); 4. Provide a comprehensive Photometric Plan for all proposed exterior light fixtures on the building and/or parking area, including supplemental cut sheets and fixture specifications. Examples of Photometric Plans for exterior lighting are on file in the Planning Department and can be provided upon request. 5. Provide a filed deed to the Planning Board, from the applicant or property owner on record, to prove that parcels SCTM#101.-1-14.6 & 101.-1-14.4 have been merged as required by the ZBA Decision File #6882; Staff: this is a condition of ZBA approval to merge the lot prior to issuing building permit 6. Provide nine (9) prints, (full size), at a scale of 1" = 20', of the proposed Site Plan, including the seal, stamp and signature of the NYS licensed professional preparing the plan. In order to provide a comprehensible Site Plan, additional pages may be necessary in order to provide detailed plans of proposed drainage, landscaping, lighting, etc. Please include the following: a. Proposed lot coverage percentage (max 20% in AC Zone); b. Location and calculations for proposed sanitary waste handling system(s); c. Parking calculations for a retail use and the number of employees; provide "required" and "provided" parking totals on the Site Plan; 2 i. Please keep in mind that in addition to the front landscaped area and any buffer area requirements, parking areas shall comply with the following minimum standards: 1. Pursuant to §280-78(K)(1), wherever a parking area of over five spaces abuts or is within 15 feet of the side or rear lot line of a lot in any residence district, said parking lot shall be screened from such adjoining lot by a substantial wall, fence or thick hedge approved by the Planning Board. Generally, such screen shall be not less than four feet nor more than eight feet in height; 2. Pursuant to §280-95(A), all uses required to provide 20 or more off-street parking spaces shall have at least 10 square feet of interior landscaping within the paved portion of the parking area for each parking space and at least one tree with a two-inch caliper for every 10 parking spaces or fraction thereof. Each separate landscaped area shall contain a minimum of 100 square feet, shall have a minimum dimension of at least eight feet, shall be planted with grass or shrubs and shall include at least one tree of not less than two-inch caliper. d. 25' front yard landscaped area; e. Provide planting details for proposed landscaping, buffering and street trees (min 5 required); including type, material, size, quantity and location. i. As discussed, please provide the number (and approximate size) of existing Cedar trees on site that are proposed to be relocated for screening purposes; f. Proposed building setback from property lines; g. Test hole information; h. Provide delineation of proposed paving/parking/driveway areas; i. Provide construction details and apron section for the proposed access to CR 48 (SCDPW Curb Cut Permit required); 3 Staff: all of the items listed above (with exception of#5) have been provided as required; V: Staff Recommendations It is recommended that the application be found complete for review, begin the referral process to the agencies listed below and set the public hearing at tonight's public meeting for next month (November 7, 2016 @ 430pm). Referrals: Cutchogue FD, Town Engineer, SCPC, SCDHS, Building Dept., LWRP, Fire Marshall/Code Enforcement, Town Board, ARC, SCWA, SCDPW. 4 If f Submission. Without a Cover Letter fSE 2, 7 2I)1p Sender: SoutE��uld Town Mam'fing Board Subject: I SCTM#: 1000 - Date: d J/ez�/I Comments: . sub Submission Without a Cover Letter (w` �w b , i . . Sender; Au z F Subject: SCTM#: 1000 - /o l Date: -7I/ell( 6 Comments: Submission Without a Cover Letter i�-L) �-L-T,e)c �J �,�� CI� LII yb Il I Sender: A �`cc__0 � .• AUG 0 9 2016 Subject: saVNV'�V-\C57NI1,77- larmijig Board SCTM#: 1000 - Date: glglfib Comments: I OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex ��� � r"9 P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 �w ' � �� Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold NYy Telephone: 631 765-1938 o-w w www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 21, 2016 Mr. Anthony Sannino 7490 Alvahs Lane Cutchogue, NY 11935 Re Proposed Site Plan for Sannino Winery & Tasting Room Located at 7495 Alvahs Lane, ±490' s/w/o Alvahs Lane and CR 48, Cutchogue SCTM#1000-101.-1-14.4 Dear Mr. Sannino: I am writing as a follow-up to the Work Session held on April 18, 2016 where the Planning Board determined that the above-referenced Site Plan Application is incomplete. Before the Board can commence its full review, it is necessary to complete the application by submitting the following directly to this department: 1. Provide a filed deed to the Planning Board, from the applicant or property owner on record, to prove that parcels SCTM#101.-1-14.6 & 101.-1-14.4 have been merged as required by the ZBA Decision File #6882; 2. Provide nine (9) prints, (full size), at a scale of 1" = 20', of the proposed Site Plan, including the seal, stamp and signature of the NYS licensed professional preparing the plan. In order to provide a comprehensible Site Plan, additional pages may be necessary in order to provide detailed plans of proposed drainage, landscaping, lighting, etc. Please include the following: a. Proposed lot coverage percentage (max 20% in AC Zone); b. Location and calculations for proposed sanitary waste handling system(s); c. Parking calculations for a retail use and the number of employees; provide "required" and "provided" parking totals on the Site Plan; i. Please keep in mind that in addition to the front landscaped area and any buffer area requirements, parking areas shall comply with the following minimum standards: Ssnninc Winery Tastinq Room Pse cf A riC 2 C2016 1. Pursuant to §280-78(K)(1), wherever a parking area of over five spaces abuts or is within 15 feet of the side or rear lot line of a lot in any residence district, said parking lot shall be screened from such adjoining lot by a substantial wall, fence or thick hedge approved by the Planning Board. Generally, such screen shall be not less than four feet nor more than eight feet in height; 2. Pursuant to §280-95(A), all uses required to provide 20 or more off- street parking spaces shall have at least 10 square feet of interior landscaping within the paved portion of the parking area for each parking space and at least one tree with a two-inch caliper for every 10 parking spaces or fraction thereof. Each separate landscaped area shall contain a minimum of 100 square feet, shall have a minimum dimension of at least eight feet, shall be planted with grass or shrubs and shall include at least one tree of not less than two-inch caliper. d. 25' front yard landscaped area; e. Provide planting details for proposed landscaping, buffering and street trees (min 5 required); including type, material, size, quantity and location. i. As discussed, please provide the number (and approximate size) of existing Cedar trees on site that are proposed to be relocated for screening purposes; f. Proposed building setback from property lines; g. Test hole information; h. Provide delineation of proposed paving/parking/driveway areas; i. Provide construction details and apron section for the proposed access to CR 48 (SCDPW Curb Cut Permit required); 3. Provide a separate Key Map showing the locations, names and widths of all rights-of-way within 500' of the subject site; 4. Provide a separate Key Map showing location and owners of all adjoining lands within 500 feet, as shown on the latest tax records, at a scale of one inch equals 100 feet; 5. Provide a separate Key Map showing all existing buildings and uses within 200' of the subject parcel and include key elements of those existing sites (e.g. buildings, curb cuts, parking area(s), landscaping, etc.); 6. Provide a comprehensive Photometric Plan for all proposed exterior light fixtures on the building and/or parking area, including supplemental cut sheets and fixture specifications. Examples of Photometric Plans for exterior lighting are on file in the Planning Department and can be provided upon request. Sannino Winery &Tasting Room Page 3 of 3 April 21, 2016 If you have any questions regarding this Site Plan or its process, please do not hesitate to call this office. Very truly yours, Brian Cummings Planner Southold Town Planninq Board . W_ ork_Ses sion Pro�ect Name: Harold R Reeve Sons, Inc. SrCil T18M#201160-00P-a14e0-21 -6 ------ Location: �Location: 1605 Wickham Avenue, Mattituck Description: This proposal is for a Standard Subdivision of a 5.1 acre split-zoned parcel into 4 lots located in both the R-40 and B Zoning Districts. A portion of this property is also being considered for a Change of Zone by the Town Board, where the zoning on proposed Lot 4 is proposed to change from the R-40 and B Zoning Districts to the LB Zoning District Status Conditional Sketch Approval Action Discuss Request for Proposals for SEAR Consultant Attachments: Staff Report _ ............. l Prosect Name: Sannino Winery & Tasting Room ( SCTM#: 1000-101-1-14.4 Description: Th This le Plan is for the 1 construction of a 2,80 C q. ft. ue vahs Lane, _490 s/w/o Alvahs Lane and CR 4 proposed 800 sq. ft. winery & 1. forty (40) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant l ! to ZBA File #6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District. Status ; New Application Action: Review for completeness. Attachments: ; S11 taff Re ort Rep _ Name: Craft Master SCT.. Project Nam 1 I M# 1000-108-1-1.1 ...... Location 10765 CR 48, ±1,400' s/w/o Wickham Avenue and CR 48, Mattituck Description: This Agricultural Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 120' x 60' (7200 sq. ft.) frame barn for agricultural storage on Suffolk County Development Rights land; 19.9 acres in the A C Zoning District. Status pll Action: Review completeness - - - .Attachments Staff Report Discussion: ❖ Local Law re: Amendments to Chapter 280, Zoning, and Chapter 144, Fire Prevention & Building Code Administration, in connection with Stop Work Orders ❖ Local Law re: Amendments to Chapter 280 Zoning and Chapter 34, Housing Fund, in connection with the Transfer of Responsibilities regarding Affordable Housing from the Special Projects Coordinator to the Government Liaison Officer Note: Code Committee Meeting: Tuesday, April 19, 2006, 2:30 p.m., Meeting Hall Agenda: LL/Amendments to Chapters 240 & 280, Affordable Housing Requirements Southold Planning Department Staff Report Site Plan Application Work Session — Completeness Date April 18, 2016 Prepared By: Brian Cummings I. Application Information Project Title: Sannino Winery & Tasting Room Applicant: Anthony & Lisa Sannino Date of Submission: August 25, 2015 Tax Map Number: 101.-1-14.6 Project Location: 15975 County Road 48 Hamlet: Cutchogue Zoning District: A — C II. Description of Project Type of Site Plan: Agricultural Acreage of Project Site: 221,864sf& 162,683sf = 384,547sf or 8.83 acres Building Size 2,800sf This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 2,800 sq. ft. winery and forty (40) parking stalls on two adjacent parcels (to be merged pursuant to ZBA File 6882) totaling 8.94 acres in the A-C Zoning District, Mattituck. III: Completeness Review See attached checklist for Site Plan Requirements. IV: Analysis 1. Existing: vacant/undeveloped. -The application involves two adjacent lots totaling 8.83 acres -The two subject lots were created through a 1990 approved subdivision with detailed building envelopes; -A single family dwelling and B&B (permitted by Special Exception) exist on "lot 1"" - On March 17, 2016, the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) granted an area variance under file #6882 for a winery located on a parcel less than the code required minimum of at least 10 acres devoted to vineyard or other agricultural purposes, with three (3) conditions: 1 1. The applicant shall merge lots 14.4 (aka lot 3) and 14.6 (aka lot 1) and submit written proof of same to the Office of the Town Attorney and the ZBA; 2. No building permit shall be issued by the Building Department for the proposed winery/tasting room structure(s) until the ZBA provides written confirmation to the Building Department that the merger was effectuated; 3. The applicant shall obtain site plan approval from the Southold Town Planning Board. Failure to do so will render the variance relief granted herein null and void. 2. Proposed: a. Construct a 2,800sf winery b. Forty (40) parking stalls (calculations provided are 1 stall per 100sf) i. "Twenty eight (28) stalls required" including two (2) ADA; ii. Parking stall dimensions provided at 10' x 20'; iii. Aisle width dimensions provided at 22'; iv. Parking area surface type specified but the limits of the parking area has not been defined; c. Landscaping i. Interior landscaping in the parking area has not been provided as required; ii. 25' front yard landscaped area has not been provided; iii. Cedar trees are referenced with depictions on the plan but there is no supplemental information that provides the total number, planting size, spacing, and any other additional plantings proposed as screening to the east and west; iv. Street tree requirement: CR 48 frontage ±195' = 4.8 or 5 trees required -One (1) "Birch" tree have been provided on the plan along CR 48 d. No exterior lighting proposed e. Signage: "sign shall be set no less than 15' from pavement, sign shall not be more than 24sf, top of sign shall be set 7' from grade and set between (2) 6"x6" wood posts; (no renderings provided) f. Storm water drainage: details/calculations provided for seven (7) drywelis at 8' x 12' deep; (no test hole provided) 2 g. Sanitary plan: system details/calculations not provided 3. Bulk Schedule/Code Requirements (AC zone) a. Lot Coverage i. Maximum: 20% ii. Existing: 0% iii. Proposed: unknown (not provided) b. Setbacks for the building (.. C)... �.. ._ ..W ... .. Re uired Provided ._... Front yard 100' Not shown .... _. �... .. Side (E) 20' Not shown Side(W) 20' (45 comb) ..__. Not shown Rear yard 75' Not shown V: Staff Recommendations 1. It is recommended the application be found incomplete for review due to items required by the town code having not been submitted. 2. The following must be submitted to comply with Town Code for a site plan application:: a. Separate key map showing the locations, names and widths of all rights-of-way within 500' of the subject site; b. A separate key map showing location and owners of all adjoining lands within 500 feet, as shown on the latest tax records, at a scale of one inch equals 100 feet; c. Separate key map showing all existing buildings and uses within 200' of the subject parcel and include key elements of those existing sites (e.g. buildings, curb cuts, parking area(s), landscaping, etc.). d. Provide four (4) prints of an existing conditions survey as required; e. Provide nine (9) prints (full size) at a scale of 1" = 20' of the proposed site plan, including the seal, stamp and signature of the NYS licensed professional preparing the plan, including the following: i. Building setbacks; ii. Proposed landscaping details; iii. Street trees; 3 iv. Test hole information; v. Interior parking landscaping; vi. Parking calculations including "required" and "provided" parking totals on the site plan; vii. Provide delineation of proposed paving and parking areas on the site plan for parking area(s) and landscaping; viii. Provide landscape area calculations (minimum 35%); ix. Provide the location and listing of landscaping, buffering and street tree plans, including type, material, size, quantity and location; x. Provide apron details for proposed access to CR 48 (SCDPW curb cut permit required); 4 Southold Planning Department Checklist for Site Plan Application Completeness - Section 280-133 Project Name: Sannino Winery & Tasting Room Completed by: Brian Cummings Date: April 18, 2016 Received Comment A. Submission of a complete site plan application shall consist of: (1) A completed site plan application form.. Incomplete info (2) The site plan review fee, as specified in Subsection B below. Editor's Note: See now § 280-138, Fee schedule for �l site plan applications. (3) A completed environmental assessment form. Short (4) Nine copies of the site plan. Need to be updated (5) Four copies of a property survey, certified by a licensed land surveyor, B. Standards. Site plan design shall include the following items: (1) Technical data: (a) The lot, block and section number of the property, taken from the latest tax records. �l (b) The name and address of the landowner on record: 1] The names and addresses of adjoining landowners. [2] The name and address of the applicant, if not the same as the landowner. (c) The name and address of the person, firm or No organization preparing the map, sealed with the X stamp/seal/sign applicable New York State license seal and signature. ature (d) Date, graphic scale and North point, whether true or magnetic; if magnetic, show the date of reading. �l (e) A survey prepared by a licensed surveyor or civil engineer. The site plan may reference a land surveyor's map or base reference map. All distances shall be in feet and hundredths of a foot. All angles shall be given �l to the nearest 10 seconds or closer. The error of closure shall not exceed one in 10,000. (f) The locations, names and widths of all rights-of-way within 500 feet of property lines. If none exist within 500 X feet of the subject property, indicate the distance to the nearest intersection with a public street. (g) A separate key map showing location and owners of all adjoining lands within 500 feet, as shown on the latest X tax records, at a scale of one inch equals 100 feet. (h) The location, width and purpose of all existing and proposed easements, setbacks, reservations and areas dedicated to public use within or adjoining the property. 1 Checklist for Site Plan Application Completeness Southold Planning Department (i) A complete outline of other existing easements, deed �l restrictions or covenants applying to the property. (j) Existing zoning, including zone lines and dimensions. (k) Site plans drawn at the scale of one inch equals 20 feet. If all required information cannot be shown clearly on No scale one plan, the information should be separated as X follows: [1] Alignment and schedule plan. [2] Grading and drainage. [3] Landscaping. [4] Other, e.g., site utilities. (2) Natural features: Received Comment (a) Existing contours with intervals of two feet or less, referred to mean sea level as per United States �l Geological Survey datum. (b) Boundaries of any areas subject to flooding or stormwater overflows, tidal bays, saltwater marshes, beaches and all freshwater bodies, including wetlands N/A and intermittent streams, perimeter boundaries of shoreline bluffs, dunes and beaches. (c) The location of existing natural features, including but not limited to natural drainage swales, watercourses, wooded areas and wetlands, as defined by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the Board of Trustees of Southold Town, marshes, ponds, dunes, bluffs, beaches, kettleholes, N/A escarpments, wildlife habitats, flood hazard areas, erosion-prone areas and trees of six inches in diameter at a point three feet above the trunk base. (d) The location of any existing cultural and historical features within 500 feet of the property boundaries. N/A (3) Existing building structures and utilities: (a) The locations, dimensions and outlines of all buildings, as defined in § 280-4 of this chapter, and all uses of the N/A site. (b) Paved areas, including parking areas, sidewalks and vehicular access between the site and public streets. N/A (c) The locations, dimensions, grades and flow directions of any existing culverts, waterlines or sewage disposal systems, as well as other underground and N/A aboveground utility poles and utility lines within and adjacent to the property. (d) The location and use of all buildings and structures, including curbcuts, within 200 feet of the boundary of the X subject property. 2 Checklist for Site Plan Application Completeness Southold Planning Department (4) Proposed construction: Received Comment (a) The location of proposed buildings or structural improvements, indicating setbacks from all property �l lines and horizontal distances from existing structures. (b) The location and design of all uses not requiring structures, such as off-street parking and loading areas �l and pedestrian circulation. (c) The location, direction, power level and time of use for any proposed outdoor lighting or public address X systems. (d) The location and plans for any outdoor signs must be in accordance with applicable sign regulations. X (e) The location and details of aprons, curbs, sidewalks, fencing (type and location), and grading, including existing and proposed topography with two-foot contours (on site and 200 feet beyond the property line) X and spot elevations for buildings and all structures, drainage calculations, details of drainage structures and watershed areas, where applicable. (f) Grading and drainage plans shall be based upon site stormwater retention, in conformance with Chapter 161, X Highway Specifications. (g) The location and listing of landscaping, buffering and street tree plans, including type, material, size, quantity X and location. (h) The location of water and sewer mains, electrical service, cablevision and telephone installations, ground transformers, fire wells and fire hydrants and/or any X alternate means of water supply and sewage disposal and treatment. (i) Building elevations for all facades and floor plans showing the proposed use of floor area. Notes: N/A = Not Applicable Site Plan Application elements waivers: § 280-133 C. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Planning Board shall have the discretion to waive any or all of the requirements of this § 280-133 by resolution at a duly noticed public meeting, for those applications involving modifications to existing structures with no substantial change to the existing footprint, where the Planning Board determines that such modifications or any change in use will not require significant changes to existing major site design features, as well as applications involving uses strictly related to agriculture (but excepting retail winery operations), if it determines such requirements are not necessary to protect and maintain the public health, safety, or welfare and to further the objectives set forth in § 280-129. 3 Checklist for Site Plan Application Completeness W, BOARD MEMBERS ,w Southold Town Hall so " 53095 Main Road•P.O.Box 1179 Leslie Kanes Weisman,Chairperson Southold,NY 11971-0959 Eric Dantes Office Location: Gerard P.Goehringer Town Annex/First Floor,Capital One Bank George Horning �" 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Kenneth Schneider COON � Southold,NY 11971 http://southoldtown.northfork.net ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS .. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631)765-1809•Fax(631)765-9064 I v.. FINDINGS,DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION MEETING OF MARCH 17,2016 ;1� ZBA FILE# 6882 NAME OF APPLICANT: Anthony and Lisa Sannino PROPERTY LOCATION: 15975 County Route 48 (aka Middle Road) and 7495 Alvah's Lane, Cutchogue,NY S.C.T.M. 1000-101-1-14.6 & 14.4. SEORA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type I1 category of the State's List of Actions, without further steps under SEQRA. SUFFOLK COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE: This application was referred as required under the Suffolk County Administrative Code Sections A 14-14 to 23, and the Suffolk County Department of Planning issued its reply dated July 31, 2015 stating that this application is considered a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact. LWRP DETERMINATION: The relief, permit, or interpretation requested in this application is listed under the Minor Actions exempt list and is not subject to review under Chapter 268. PROPERTY FACTS/DES.CRIPTION: Subject property consists of two adjacent parcels, to wit Lot 14.4 and Lot 14.6. Lot 14.4 is a flag lot and is improved with a single family dwelling, and is a conforming 5.2 acres located in the AC Zone District. It has 50.00 feet of frontage on Alvah's Lane, 848.21 feet along the northern property line, 397.75 feet along the western property line, 388.43 feet along the southern property and 477.47 feet along the eastern property line all as shown on the survey dated January 24, 2006 last revised July 21, 2015 prepared by John T. Metzger, LS. Lot 14.6 is located in the AC Zone District and is conforming with 3.7 acres of vacant land having 195.81 feet of frontage on the southern property line (Middle Road aka CR 48), 194.22 feet along the northern property line, 838.47 feet along the western property line, and 853.35 feet along the eastern property line all as shown on the survey dated July 16, 2015 prepared by John T. Metzger, LS. Combined both parcels measure 8.94 acres. BASIS OF APPLICATION: Request for Variance under Article III Code Section 280-13A(4) and the Building Inspector's June 17, 2015, amended June 23, 2015 Notice of Disapproval for a building permit for construction of a winery/tasting room, at: 1) winery located on a parcel less than the code required minimum of at least 10 acres devoted to vineyard or other agricultural purposes. RELIEF REQUESTED: The applicant requests a variance to build and operate a winery/tasting room on two adjacent parcels totaling +/- 8.94 acres (389,547 sq. ft.) where the code requires a minimum of 10 acres (435,600 sq. ft.) of property devoted to vineyard or other agricultural purposes. Page 2 of 5—March 17,2016 ZBA#6882—Sannino SCTMH1000-101-1-14.6&14.4 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I. The applicants ... .�.....m pp obtained a Special Exception Permit from the Board of Appeals to operate a one guest bedroom bed and breakfast use in their single family dwelling (ZBA File #6194, September 22, 2009) which was increased to the code permitted maximum number of guest bedrooms (five) on July 5, 2012 (ZBA File# SE6565). 2. At the public hearing on November 5, 2015 the applicants testified that they had the option of purchasing additional land adjacent to their existing lots from two different property owners so that they could conform to the code required 10 acres minimum. This expectation was verbally confirmed at the hearing by the Pastor of the adjacent church property and the agent for the owner of the residential lot. 3. Several neighbors attended the hearing who were in support of the application. Two neighbors from the same household testified that they opposed the application. 4. The development rights on both of the subject lots are intact. 5. In a letter dated November 19, 2015, Lisa and Anthony Sannino stated that their residence and B & B use occupies 5,000 square feet of lot 14.4. The remaining 221,864 square feet of lot 14.4 is in agricultural production or used for agricultural purposes. This information was confirmed in a plot plan by Robert J. Gruber,Architect, stamped by the ZBA as received on November 23, 2015. 6. The Board requested and received written comments on this application from the Southold Town Planning Board dated September 1, 2015. The Planning Board did not support the requested variance stating concerns about setting a precedent that could have town wide ramifications, and the proposed winery being in close proximity to residential properties. The applicant's agent objected to the latter point because "The Town Code specifically allows wineries in residential zones..." 7. On February 2, 1016, the Board received a written request from the applicant asking the Board of Appeals to proceed with rendering a variance relief determination because they had been unsuccessful in their efforts to purchase additional acreage from adjacent property owners so that they would conform to the code required 10 acre minimum. They also extended to February 18, 2016, the 62 day period from the date of closing of the Nov. 5, 2015 public hearing in which time the Board is required to render a decision. 8. On February 18, 2016 the Board of Appeals voted unanimously to re-open the hearing on the subject application for the sole purpose of entering into the record testimony and written information pertaining to the results of the applicants' efforts to purchase additional property in order to become code conforming. A public hearing was set for March 3, 2016. 9. On March 3, 2016 the applicant testified, under oath, that he had made offers to purchase five properties adjacent to the subject parcels, without success. A survey identifying those parcels and a mails from a real estate agent confirming rejection of the applicant's market rate offers were submitted to the Board. FINDINGS OF FACT/REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION:. The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on September 3,2015 (adjourned at the applicant's written request to November 5, 2015), on November 5, 2015, and on March 3, 2016, at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation, personal inspection of the property and surrounding neighborhood, and other evidence,the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant and makes the following findings: Requisite Acres e for a Property with aDwelling -and Winery;, In order to determine the minimum lot size for a winery, and in this case a property that also includes a dwelling, the following analysis shall be employed. 1. &280 Attachment 1 (Bulk Schedule). The first step in the calculation is to determine how much square feet of land is required pursuant to the bulk schedule: Density and Minimum Lot Size Schedule for Residential Districts. Page 3 of 5—March 17,2016 ZBA#6882—Sannino SCTM#1000-101-1-14.6&14.4 I. The minimum lot size in square feet for a one family detached dwelling in an A-C Agricultural Conservation zone district is 80,000 square feet of land. II. A non-residential use(as permitted) in the AC zone district requires 80,000 square feet of land. ITI. A residential use and a non-residential use, such as a winery,thus requires 160,000 square feet of land with development rights intact. 2. Development Rights Sold. In order for property to count towards bulk schedule requirements it must not be encumbered by restrictions that limit the use being sought, for example property proposed to be used in connection with a winery use cannot have had its rights to "process or retail merchandise"crops sold off. 3. 4280-13(A)(4)(b)-Winery Standard. Once you meet the minimum Bulk Schedule lot size, here 160,000 sq. ft., then you have to apply the following standard: "[t]he winery shall be placed on at least 10 acres (435,600 square feet)which are devoted to vineyard or other agricultural purposes and which is owned by the winery owner." 4. Minimum Acreaze Required. In accordance with the above,the minimum lot size for a winery(or one with other uses)=the Bulk Schedule Minimum Lot size+the §280-13(A)(4)(b)10 acres. Here,the Bulk Schedule requires at least 160,000 sq.feet plus 10 acres(435,600 sq. ft.)= 595,600 sq. feet or 13.6 acres. 5. "Vine yard or other A"rleultural P1rm ose" 1Jedncdion. However, in certain cases the requisite Bulk Schedule acreage may be used to satisfy thy, 10 acre standard so long as said acreage is being used for vineyard or other agricultural purposes. 6. Definitions of 28044). The term aet au gi( lmlzaa�l aur oses is not specifically defined by the Southold Town Code. Under§280-4(B), any weird or terrn riot noted, .shall be used with the meaning as defined in Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English language,unabridged (or latest edition). 7. Mcricwana "Webster"s Dellnitio� riclrull� Webster's Dictionary defines agriculture as"the science,art, or practice olcultivating the soil, producing crops,and raising livestock and in varying degrees the preparation and marketing of the resulting products". 8. The Dwelling. A dwelling does not fall into the definition of agriculture as defined by Webster. Thus,tlae portion of a property that is purely residential cannot be counted as part of the 10 or more acres devoted to vineyard or other agricultural purposes required to establish a winery. 11,as hese„ the subject property is irnproved with a dwelling, and a Bed and Breakfast special exception was granted iia corinectierl therewith, it is as purely residential use and shall not be counted as part of the 10 acres. Therci:"orc, the 5,000 sq. II. o1 residential/B&B use on the applicants' property must be subtracted from the existing acreage that can apply towards the 10 acres they need to establish a winery. 9. Milnira tx111 Lot Size ca uirt*d Ices"t ina:r.ra�d r r°(m�)tlrc�r 9r•i+��rrltural�l'ur" nose llerltaetion: Here, between the 1 � two subject lots the<appllic,arat has a totid 01"389,547 sq, feet. In order to have as dweiiiug aiid as winery the Bulk Schedule requires 160,000 sq. feet. along with the Winery Standard of 10 acres(435,600 sq. feet) for vineyard or other agricultural purposes, for a total of 595,600 sq. ft. The 80,000 sq. ft. required for the winery may be deducted from this total as it is being used for the preparation or marketing of the wine, along with the square footage devoted to the vineyard on the 80,000 sq. feet required for the dwelling,which as stated above is 75,000 sq. feet, as 5000 sq. feet is being utilized exclusively for residential purposes. Therefore,there is 384,547.5 sq. ft. (8.83 acres) in agricultural production on lots 14.4 and 14.6 combined. They need an additional 51,052.5 square feet(1.17 acres) of land in agricultural production in order to meet the code required 10 acres minimum(435,600 square feet) of land used for agricultural purposes in order to establish the proposed winery as of right. All as shown on a stamped site plan by Robert J. Gruber, Architect received by the Board of Appeals on December 17, 2015. 10. Town Law §267-b(3)(b)(1). Grant of the relief requested, with the conditions imposed herein, will not produce an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. The Page 4 of 5—March 17,2016 ZBA#6882—Sannino SCTM#1000-101-1-14.6&14.4 neighborhood consists of single-family homes, agricultural properties, and a church. The applicant's property includes frontage on County Road 48 which is a major road, and the winery structure is proposed to be located on the subject property at a conforming front yard setback. Also, the applicants must obtain site plan approval from the Southold Town Planning Board which can impose reasonable conditions to mitigate any possible adverse impacts on the nearby residential properties. 11. Town Law 4267-b(3)(b)(2). The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance. The applicant has exhausted all currently existing options to purchase at least 1.17 acres (51,052.5 square feet)from an adjacent property owner. 12. Town Law §267-b(3)(b)(3). The variance requested herein represents 1.1.7% relief from the code, and, in the context of the 10 acre minimum requirement for a winery use, is substaritial, However,, the substantiality is mitigated by the subject properties' 195.81 feet of frontage on .Middle road (aka CIS 118, a imijor read) with a proposed front yard setback from same at 200 feet which is double the 100 foot ininiinum required by code; all other setbacks are conforming; and the fact that the subject property is sufficiently large to permit safe ingress and egress, parking and buffering from adjacent properties through the required site plan approval from the Planning Board. 13. Town Law 4267-b(3)(b)(4) No evidence has been submitted to suggest that a variance in this residential community will have an adverse impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood. The applicant must comply with Chapter 236 of the Town's Storm Water MManagetnent Code. Traffic will not be generated on Alvah's Lane, which is residential, because the winery will be accessed from CR 48, a major road. Buffers between the subject parcels and the proposed wincry/tasting room and the adjacent residential properties, can be established, as deemed appropriate, by the Planning Board to mitigate potential adverse impacts. 14. J'own Law ';267-b 311 5 . The difficulty has been self-created. The applicant purchased the parcel after the Zoning Code was in effect and it is presumed that the applicant had actual or constructive knowledge of the limitations on the use eat"tile parcel under the Zoning Coders in effect prior to or at the time of purchase. 15. Town Law 4267-b. Gra.rat of the requested relief is the minimum action necessary and adequate to enable the applicant to enjoy the benefit of al residence and a winery while preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood and the health, sat .ty and wel(tare of the community. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD: In considering all of the above factors and applying the balancing test under New York Town Law 267-13, motion was offered by Member Weisman (Chairperson), seconded by Member Dantes, and duly carried,to GRANT the Relief as Applied For subject to the following CONDITIONS: 1) The applicant shall merge lots 14.4 and 14.6 and submit written proof of same to the Office of the Town Attorney and the ZBA. 2) No building permit shall be issued by the Building Department for the proposed winery/tasting room structure(s)until the ZBA provides written confirmation to the Building Department that the merger was effectuated. 3) The applicant shall obtain site plan approval from the Southold Town Planning Board. Failure to do so will render the variance relief granted herein null and void. That the above conditions be written into the Building Inspector's Certificate of Occupancy, when issued. Page 5 of 5—March 17,2016 ZBA#6882—Sannino SCTM#1000-101-1-14.6&14.4 Any deviation from the survey, site plan and/or architectural drawings cited in this decision will result in delays and/or a possible denial by the Building Department of a building permit, and may require a new application and public hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals. Any deviation from the variances) granted herein as shown on the architectural drawings, site plan and/or survey cited above, such as alterations, extensions, or demolitions, are not authorized under this application when involving nonconformities under the zoning code. This action does not authorize or condone any current or future use, setback or other feature of the subject property that may violate the Zoning Code, other than such uses, setbacks and other features as are expressly addressed in this action. The Board reserves the right to substitute a similar design that is de minimis in nature for an alteration that does not increase the degree of nonconformity. Pursuant to Chapter 280-146(B) of the Code of the Town of Southold any variance granted by the Board of Appeals shall become null and void where a Certificate of Occupancy has not been procured, and/or a subdivision map has not been filed with the Suffolk County Clerk, within three (3) years from the date such variance was granted. The Board of Appeals may, upon written request prior to the date of expiration, grant an extension not to exceed three (3) consecutive one (1)year terms. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Weisman (Chairperson), Dantes, Horning, Goehringer. Member Schneider ►c' rtes ° hiinseo. This lie oltition was duly adopted(4-0-1). Leslie Kans Weisman, Chairperson Approved for filing /�/ /2016 W & avw g7 aallf T � � r " ru,yfi ,...n�_� ��r I �� Ov,BYd9,4 � •ua..arr�r RIdXa ilr I N C} I Wm Q I I Pry a W J I �w � M ppm U7 I J W I W I MAO . I W ^pi P GR.Paa�aw�adV' W� frrr�nruru-rolaw�y PIFF tll M�Pta9 F"_....... .. ,.".. CIO E. I Wy I E.- I"M Ck �..1V�N'I"Pm2itglSj I^II tb 4 I I APP u W .7i:: h\fY Iwk I"'? Auu rii I z l°:Jridf P"l.7PoYra) 1 I 4'vd/3`ES SI.3'akd4tkl.. W S 4 I I W Two xu n a I xx ::E/0/IV Submission Without a Cover Letter 1 41, 2016 I "Ll,u"�u�1V"ng B����ud Sender: �i� A.D,�O . Subject: �'f2 `�v (iy�s C,—V / 4 C� SCTM#: 1000 - II 1 rr ` `C • (p Date: Comments: gym. l�� S�'� �?°►� JO / 04- V,--e 'r 40-\ �fl-r'¢�c�� LAW OFFICES WICKHAM, BRESSLER&GEASA, P.C. ti 13015 MAIN ROAD, P.O.BOX 1424 MATTITUCK,LONG ISLAND ERIC J.BRESSLER NEW YORK 11952 WILLIAM WICKHAM(06-02) 6 ABIGAIL A.WICKHAM t JANET GEASA 631-298-8353 TELEFAX NO.631-298-8565 awickham@wbglawyers.com November 19, 2015, Haoo1sng Board Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals 53095 Main Road, Post Office Box 1179 Southold, New York 1)971 Re: Appeal #6882— Sannino; Rt 48 and Alvah's Lane, Cutchogue, NY Ladies/Gentlemen: I would like to address the comments made by the Planning Board in its letter dated Sept. 1, 2015to the ZBA with respect to the Sannino winery application. My family owns the 33 acre woodland and farm to the West. I feel that some of the Planning Board comments are incorrect with respect to the application of the Southold Town Zoning Code to the use of property for winery purposes. The Town has historically considered residential and agricultural uses as overlapping, and has not required double the amount of acreage for these two uses to be simultaneously conducted on the same parcel. Therefore, I do not agree with the Planning Board's comment that acreage allocable to the residence must be subtracted in computing the 10 acre farm size for a winery. A typical farm generally has a farm house as part of the operation, and it would be a strong departure for the Town to allocate the zoning code's minimum area for a residence in determining what can be done with the rest of the farm. The farmhouse and barns on a typical farm all contribute to agricultural production. The fact that the bed and breakfast use is included in the residence should not pertain to this consideration because it is an allowed use of the residence in this zone, by special exception which was granted by your Board. What I oppose most vigorously, however, is the Planning Board's statement that a winery is an incompatible use near residences. This is not a proper subject for Planning Board comment, and I believe it goes beyond the bounds of their jurisdiction. The Town Code specifically allows wineries in residential zones, and the Planning Board should not be recommending that your Board legislate around it. No one can deny the difficulties presented by a few wineries who have stepped far beyond the Code, but the remedy should be enforcement, not an end run to change the Code. The parcel is large enough for parking; the lighting can and should be controlled, and traffic patterns considered. These are the considerations with which the Planning Board is charged. For the Planning Board to suggest that this winery should not be here because it is near residences is inappropriate. Further, the applicant should under no circumstances have to show how far the residences are from the proposed winery and the other information requested. I would urge a reconsideration of how the vineyard industry has revitalized this area from an agricultural standpoint before maligning wineries as a general category of usage in a residential/agricultural setting. Thank you for your consideration. truly yours, M AA .!'�bil;rad A. " iciclaan ZBA/LtrSannino Cc: Southold Town Planning Board ����� w w�_ MAILING ADDRESS: I ERS ) ' , P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI � � Southold, NY 11971 Chair 4y , OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY tib 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH IIIA (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtowuny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Leslie Weisman, ZBA Chairperson Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals .. From: Donald J. Wilcenski, Chairman'V)r� Members of the Planning Board 11 Date: September 1, 2015 Re: Request for Comments for Sannino Winery, Inc. SCTM#1000-101-1-14.4 & 14.6 ZBA#6882 The Planning Board has reviewed the request for comments on this application referenced above for a winery use on a parcel with less than 10 contiguous acres in agricultural production. The two lots involved in this application were created in 1990 as part of a 3-lot subdivision known as Hanoch and Watts (Figure 1). A C&R was filed prohibiting further subdivision of the parcels. A common driveway to CR 48 between the subdivision's Lots 2 and 3 was required. In addition, prior to issuance of Building Permits, street trees and a fire well were required to be installed. The fire well location is on Alvah's Lane. The subdivision created a 110' x 110' building envelope for Lot 14.6 set back 100' feet from County Route 48. The proposed winery is not fully located within this building envelope. An amendment to the subdivision map from the Planning Board for this and the driveway location would be required for this application to move forward as shown. Sannino Winery, Inc. —August, 2015 '1000 101 � AM . . M 1@ ,a w " , ,n ai 1000-101-1-14.4wb �, % r t i b w�"♦B .., �4 e..tea,^. APPAOV D k ;� Gp � � u ��ra�mu rev drr pry, w � � .PC�ki°IV '� ,Nq � � ✓ � a baw m�y�t%g��'»�aww�a�«+�n�wrwa � '. Tom' m ry r a '� 'd l t% �u �� � 5 .r, n. m u �n�'�. 0 w,' """""° w w u�ry � � ✓� C �'� t.��k " ...� 1000-101-1-14.6 K N"6 p A N A, Owl ♦��� � b O F i a I� Figure 1. Subdivision Map and Subject Parcels 2 Sannino Winery, Inc. —August, 2015 The parcel in the north, SCTM#1000-101-1-14.4, is currently improved with a single family residence and accessory Bed and Breakfast use. The area around the existing residence should not be counted towards the ten acres required to be in agricultural use for the winery. The parcel in the south, SCTM#1000-101-1-14.6, is currently vacant and located east of a church (First Baptist— under construction) and west of residential lots. A total of 18 residences occur within 500' of the winery parcel. A total of 9 residences occur within 1000' of the winery location. Due to the proximity of the winery use to residences, it is expected that residential properties would be subject to noise, traffic and other impacts from the proposed use. The exact distances from the proposed winery to the residences should be provided by the applicant. /1/�� /I�� „'X r (���1��(���%� ��%�,:,� � '� ��� �)� � I p i I jY ..0+ii ��4�11I�PV'I���'��.➢Iu I... .' � Y I I of I X N °'I X 411��p� di I 'u i Figure 2. Buffer Map Showing Existing Land Uses 500' and 1000' from Winery Parcel Boundary 3 Sannino Winery, Inc. —August, 2015 pr e Gb(K'a �IAHs LN 1 63�1�'K)6..0 PdKD a , M s LF! I1d lriNRzM' 9 K19 1 5OQdaLYdHMS LN. 1 3f�'91K3DR�RD '.'5'A.d LtlIY 1(}.pKip. '8�s6¢uY A�9DKYLK:,RD p 4 15Ag0146KYC�,.E RI5 ?f pasuwrCA�IL�.I°P.pr .. 3ra3 aLu�11s 1,N 1,7tiror 11m K6 �ua /i i�� tl.KP aL0.;a;a 16890 MDDLE RD 13935 E RD .� 9569�LY9eH5 LN Figure 3. Proposed Winery Location (star) and Residence Proximity The church to the west is not currently occupied and is under construction. The future operations of the church are unknown and therefore potential conflicts from the proposed winery use and the church use are unknown. Additionally, there may be a New York State law that regulates the minimum distance a place serving alcoholic beverages can be located from a church. This requires further investigation. The Planning Board does not support the requested Variance due to the following reasons: 1. Locating a winery on a parcel with less than 10 acres in agricultural production sets a precedent that could have large ramifications town wide. The minimum acreage requirement lessens the probability of commercial use and residential use conflicts. 2. Incompatibility of uses —the Planning Board is concerned that the commercial winery use located in close proximity to residential areas could adversely affect the quality of life and ultimately the health, safety and welfare of Southold Town residents and visitors. Specific concerns include: a. Impacts from noise; b. Impacts from traffic. 4 Sannino Winery, Inc. —August, 2015 3. The proposed winery does not meet the building envelope restrictions established in 1990 by the Planning Board in the subdivision of Hanoch and Watts (Figure 1). The Planning Board has no comment on the accessory barn structure. Thank you for the opportunity to provide input on this application. 5 Southold Town Planning mBoard Work Session —August 31 2015 - Pagemm2 Project Name: Grace & Grit ............. 1000-62-3-8 Location; 55750 Route 25, ±64' n/e/o Hobart 11 Road & NYS Rt. 25, Southold I Description: This Site Plan Application is for the proposed conversion of an existing 1,021 sq. ft. retail store to a six (6) seat restaurant and two (2) parking spaces on 0.13 acres in the Hamlet Business Zoning District. Status: Pending:: Action:. Review revised Site Plan. Attachments: Staff Report Project Name: Southold Gas Station & Convenience Store , SCTM# 1000-55-5-21 Location 45450 CR 48, on the s/w corner of CR 48 and Youngs Avenue, Southold._[ Description: This amended Site Plan is for the proposed conversion of an existing 1 3,476 sq. ft. building (formerly for vehicle detailing, RV sales and servicing) to a convenience store and vehicle fuel sales, with: 6 fuel pumps (12 fueling stations), two canopies, one at 50' x 24' (1,200 sq. ft.) and the other at 50' x 50' (2,500 sq. ft.) and 29 parking spaces on 1.46 acres in the General Business (B) Zoning District Status: Pending Action: Discuss letter from SEAR Consultant. Attachments: Staff Report Discussion: ❖ Mattituck Parking Assessment Town Board Request for Comments re: • Amendments to Chapter 219, Shellfish & Other Marine Resources and Chapter 280, Zoning, in connection with Aquaculture Uses • Pawlowski Request for Change of Zone, 9300 Route 25, Mattituck, SCTM#1000-122-7-9 ❖ ZBA Request for Comments re: • Sannino Winery & Tasting Room, 15975 CR 48 & 7490 Alvahs Lane, Cutchogue, SCTM#1000-101-1-14.4 & 14.6 • Southold Farm & Cellar, 860 Old North Road, ±730' n/e/o Hortons Lane & Old North Road, Southold, SCTM#1000-55-1-7 SuYD � P�► L, +AT,9,c LqU Submission Without a Cover Letter ,)U �' ildt rr�R��iF��u Sender: 1 �0.� SC rl n k r\ Subject: say nk n o Ybe a0.. V l+O.- \/l rtes Ch.1-C, SCTM#: 1000 - 0 1 - � - � `� • Date: � I /i S� Comments: . (-Z�e4-3-J . N o CJ Ae-C- L-* 1-1--1(=t ©C) ((\JonQ� St -)e-- p ►mss }-� r� P1 C7csr, P 1 ou-\-1 �Hnn i 2) 0„ PLANNING BO SOUTHO LD NG ARD SITE PLAN APPLICATION FORM M thold�� r, u:11=,inn Board Site Plan Name and Location Site Plan Name w, � �. 1 r. , m .'a ^ Application Date: /_2q l 2Q_ ... Suffolk County Tax G�`lal)1,11000-,/o1 m.... �l_ -�Other SCTM#s Street Address: �r � � � � �g 4 ... ....� Hamlet: _ �� , . � ..... ... . — �........ W.. _r Distance to nearest intersection: Y/�m•... S..m_� Type of Site Plan: New Amended Residential Zoning District m Owners/Agent Contact Information Please list name,,tt cttltr s arc%lrrcer and l ho)e numberaJ�r the l�sc lty below. Property Owner I . .....�P n Street _. City....�,. � �;. � �° �� ��. State.m...�. .. Home Telephone ..6 3'L�A2 Other......... A plc r ii��ore //.. Street C"qty State ......... Zile Home _Other........ .... . v.......... .. Applicant's _��,.m... ....... pp b or Representative: 1A Contact Person(s)* Street City. State ® . ,--- Zip Office Telephone Other„_ *Unless otherwise [�:�(joested, correspondence will be sent oifly to the contact pens ti noted here Site Plan Application Form 211812010 Site Data Proposed construction type: N ew Modification of Existing Structure —Agricultural Change of use Property total acreage or square footage: Site Plan build-out acreage or square footage: ----ac./sq. ft, .......................-..-...... ...................... ......... ........................ ........... ............................................ ........... ...... Is there an existing or proposed Sale of Development Rights on the property? Yes_No If yes, explain: ............... .. ................................ Does the parcel(s) meet the Lot Recognition standard in Town Code §280-9 Lot Recognition? YXN__� If"yes", explain (and attach any necessary documentation-title repoll SLJlivlsion approval, etc.) . ........... ............ -—----- .................... Building Department Notice of Disapproval Date: L , ---L - Is an application to the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals required? Yes No If yes, have you submitted an application to the ZBA? Yes No If yes, attach a copy of the application packet. ................. -------......... Show all uses proposed and existing. Indicate which building will have which use. If more then one use is proposed per building, indicate square footage of floor area per use. List all existing property uses IQ I A ............—- ------------------................... .................. ............... List all proposed property usm �`Q 0( Y) c, S I n . . �j r , - "� V .11,11, Vin G Other accessory uses: .................. --------------...................................... Existing lot coverage: Proposed lot coverage: ,____ Gross floor area of existing structure(s):---------------a..........., sq. ft. Gross floor area of proposed structures)�--- .. ........... of existhig spaces: 0 #of proposed spaces: �O Loaditig Berth: Yes-. . ................. No LP-a im ings1t Data: .......... ......... ........... ......................................................... ........... Landscaping Details: % Proposed landscape covet'age� .............. ............. ......... -------- . ............I. . ..............------ ........ .... ............................................. ............. ..... .......................... . .. .......... Wetlands Is this property within 500' of a wetland area? Yes No Maybe ......................................... . ........................................... ............................... 1, the undersigned, certify that all the above information is true. ��2s Signature of Preparers Date: .. .. ............ 2 Site Plan Applicat ion Form 211812010 APPLICANT'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK bnnbeing duly sworn, deposes and says that he .. resides at .. --- ., in the State of New York, and that he is the owner of the above property, or that he is the of the (Title) (Specify whether Partnership � _ or Corp) which is hereby making application; that there are not existing structures or improvements on the land which are not shown on the Site Plan; that the title to the entire parcel, including all rights- of-way, has been clearly established and is shown on said Plan; that no part of the Plan infringes upon any duly filed plan which has not been abandoned both as to lots and as to roads; that he has examined all rules and regulations adopted by the Planning Board for the filing of Site Plans and will comply with same; that the plans submitted, as approved, will not be alter or changed in any manner without the approval of the Planning Board; and that the actual physical improvements will be installed in strict accordance with the plan as approved by the Planning Board. Signed. . _ .. �' �Vc Owner Signed........... ..._..,.,—. ............... (Partner or Corporate Officer and Title) Sworn to me this a clay of' 1 0'u )k �. . , ,. ib��, .`., ......., Notary Public MELANIE DORCISKI NOTARY PUBLIC,Stats of Newt Yb No, 0 I D04634870 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires Septerr►bor 30, - W, BOARD MEMBERS /� SOS , Southold Town Hall Leslie Kanes Weisman,Chairperson ' ��" " TS 53095 Main Road•P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Eric Dantes Office Location: Gerard P.Goehringer ¢ CAP. Town Annex/First Floor,Capital One Bank George Horning �" 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Kenneth Schneider ' .. , Southold,NY 11971 http://southoldtown.northfork.net ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS � . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631) 765-1809•Fax (631)765-9064 FINDINGS,DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION MEETING OF MARCH 17,2016 ZBA FILE# 6882 NAME OF APPLICANT: Anthony and Lisa Sannino PROPERTY LOCATION: 15975 County Route 48 (aka Middle Road) and 7495 Alvah's Lane, Cutchogue,NY S.C.T.M. 1000-101-1-14.6 & 14.4. SEORA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions, without further steps under SEQRA. SUFFOLK COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE: This application was referred as required under the Suffolk County Administrative Code Sections A 14-14 to 23, and the Suffolk County Department of Planning issued its reply dated July 31, 2015 stating that this application is considered a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact. LWRP DETERMINATION: The relief, permit, or interpretation requested in this application is listed under the Minor Actions exempt list and is not subject to review under Chapter 268. PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: Subject property consists of two adjacent parcels, to wit Lot 14.4 and Lot 14.6. Lot 14.4 is a flag lot and is improved with a single family dwelling, and is a conforming 5.2 acres located in the AC Zone District. It has 50.00 feet of frontage on Alvah's Lane, 848.21 feet along the northern property line, 397.75 feet along the western property line, 388.43 feet along the southern property and 477.47 feet along the eastern property line all as shown on the survey dated January 24, 2006 last revised July 21, 2015 prepared by John T. Metzger, LS. Lot 14.6 is located in the AC Zone District and is conforming with 3.7 acres of vacant land having 195.81 feet of frontage on the southern property line (Middle Road aka CR 48), 194.22 feet along the northern property line, 838.47 feet along the western property line, and 853.35 feet along the eastern property line all as shown on the survey dated July 16, 2015 prepared by John T. Metzger, LS. Combined both parcels measure 8.94 acres. BASIS OF APPLICATION: Request for Variance under Article III Code Section 280-13A(4) and the Building Inspector's June 17, 2015, amended June 23, 2015 Notice of Disapproval for a building permit for construction of a winery/tasting room, at: 1) winery located on a parcel less than the code required minimum of at least 10 acres devoted to vineyard or other agricultural purposes. RELIEF REQUESTED: The applicant requests a variance to build and operate a winery/tasting room on two adjacent parcels totaling +/- 8.94 acres (389,547 sq. ft.) where the code requires a minimum of 10 acres (435,600 sq. ft.) of property devoted to vineyard or other agricultural purposes. Page 2 of 5—March 17,2016 ZBA#6882—Sannino SCTM#1000-101-1-14.6&14.4 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 1. The applicants obtained a Special Exception Permit from the Board of Appeals to operate a one guest bedroom bed and breakfast use in their single family dwelling (ZBA File 46194, September 22, 2009) which was increased to the code permitted maximum number of guest bedrooms (five) on July 5, 2012 (ZBA File# SE6565). 2. At the public hearing on November 5, 2015 the applicants testified that they had the option of purchasing additional land adjacent to their existing lots from two different property owners so that they could conform to the code required 10 acres minimum. This expectation was verbally confirmed at the hearing by the Pastor of the adjacent church property and the agent for the owner of the residential lot. 3. Several neighbors attended the hearing who were in support of the application. Two neighbors from the same household testified that they opposed the application. 4. The development rights on both of the subject lots are intact. 5. In a letter dated November 19, 2015, Lisa and Anthony Sannino stated that their residence and B & B use occupies 5,000 square feet of lot 14.4. The remaining 221,864 square feet of lot 14.4 is in agricultural production or used for agricultural purposes. This information was confirmed in a plot plan by Robert J. Gruber,Architect, stamped by the ZBA as received on November 23, 2015. 6. The Board requested and received written comments on this application from the Southold Town Planning Board dated September 1, 2015. The Planning Board did not support the requested variance stating concerns about setting a precedent that could have town wide ramifications, and the proposed winery being in close proximity to residential properties. The applicant's agent objected to the latter point because "The Town Code specifically allows wineries in residential zones..." 7. On February 2, 1016, the Board received a written request from the applicant asking the Board of Appeals to proceed with rendering a variance relief determination because they had been unsuccessful in their efforts to purchase additional acreage from adjacent property owners so that they would conform to the code required 10 acre minimum. They also extended to February 18, 2016, the 62 day period from the date of closing of the Nov. 5, 2015 public hearing in which time the Board is required to render a decision. 8. On February 18, 2016 the Board of Appeals voted unanimously to re-open the hearing on the subject application for the sole purpose of entering into the record testimony and written information pertaining to the results of the applicants' efforts to purchase additional property in order to become code conforming. A public hearing was set for March 3, 2016. 9. On March 3, 2016 the applicant testified, under oath, that he had made offers to purchase five properties adjacent to the subject parcels, without success. A survey identifying those parcels and a mails from a real estate agent confirming rejection of the applicant's market rate offers were submitted to the Board. l ll&f 1NC.� ...OF FACT/I/,l :l 3N 1 Q 13O _f D r�,�;"1"[ON: The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on September 3, 2015 (adjourned at the applicant's written request to November 5, 2015), on November 5,2015, and on March 3, 2016, at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation, personal inspection of the property and surrounding neighborhood, and other evidence,the Zorirg Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant and makes the following findings: Requisite Acreage far a Pro e1 I with a Dwellin and Wine In order to determine the minimum lot size for a winery, and in this case a property that also includes a dwelling, the following analysis shall be employed. 1. &280 Attachment 1 (Bulk Schedule). The first step in the calculation is to determine how much square feet of land is required pursuant to the bulk schedule: Density and Minimum Lot Size Schedule for Residential Districts. Page 3 of 5—March 17,2016 ZBA#6882—Sannino SCTM#1000-101-1-14.6&14.4 I. The minimum lot size in square feet for a one family detached dwelling in an A-C Agricultural Conservation zone district is 80,000 square feet of land. Il. A non-residential use(as permitted) in the AC zone district requires 80,000 square feet of land. III. A residential use and a non-residential use, such as a winery,thus requires 160,000 square feet of land with development rights intact. 2. Development Rights Sold. In order for property to count towards bulk schedule requirements it must not be encumbered by restrictions that limit the use being sought, for example property proposed to be used in connection with a winery use cannot have had its rights to"process or retail merchandise" crops sold off. 3. §280-JjJAA4jLL))--Winery Standard, Once you meet the minimum Bulk Schedule lot size, here 160,000 sq. ft., there you have to apply Ilse bilowing standard: "[t]he winery shall be placed on at least 10 acres (435,600 square feet)which are devoted to vineyard chi°Waatlie.r a ricaaltaWia�l purposes and which is owned by the wincry owner." 4. Minimum Acreage Required. In accordance with the above,the minimum lot size for a winery(or one with other uses)=the Bulk Schedule Minimum Lot size+the §280-13(A)(4)(b)10 acres. Here,the Bulk Schedule requires at least 160,000 sq.feet plus 10 acres(435,600 sq. ft.)= 595,600 sq. feet or 13.6 acres. 5. `Vine marc or other A grlcu,ltuni Darrpose" T1oduction. However, in certain cases the requisite Bulk Schedule acreage may be used Io satisfy the 10 acre standard so long as said acreage is being used for vineyard or other agricultural purposes. 6. Definitions of 28044). The terrraothcu 1t r a lttlr�al laalilRsgs is not specifically defined by the Southold Town Code. Under§280-4(B), any woad or term not note("]...shall be used with the meaning as defined in Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English language,unabridged (or latest edition). 7. Merialn Webster's �Definit 2j of A r�� Webster's Dictionary defines agriculture as"the science, art, or practice of cultivating t11e soil, producing crop-s, and raising livestock and in varying degrees the preparation and marketing of the resulting products". g l ` €� e fined by Webster. Thus,tlae 8 It�e Clvwcllin =. � clw��lliia cls„�es aiot�fi�l a11tu ll�e�definition aaFa�riculta¢re as cl port ion ofa property that is purely residential cannot be counted as part of t11c 1(.)or iuore acres devoted to vineyard or a'rthea•d1g1°lcealt�aaral paarlaoscs ra.^gaaired tea esiaablisla za.wliiery. 1N", as lacrc,tlic sa11)iee p'1opa.aty 'is iriipi•oved witll a dwelling, and a Bed and Breakfast special exception was granted in connection therewith, it is a purely residential use and shall not be counted as part of the 10 acres. Therel'ore, the 5,000 sq, ft, of ucsidenlial/13 II use on the applicants' property must be subtracted from the existing acreage that can apply towards the 10 acres they need to establish a winery. 9. Minimum Lot "ur Se Deduction: Here,between the two subject hats ti ave ra dweIIing and a winery the Bulk Schedule requires l.6Ea;0(10 scl, feet.. a�lont� rvitl`u the 'Wiarery Standard of 10 acres(435,600 sq. feet)for vineyard or other agricultural purposes, for a total of 595,600 sq. ft. The 80,000 sq. ft. required for the winery may be deducted from this total as iine,, along with the square footage devoted to the vineyard on the 80,000 sq. feet required for the dwelling,which as stated above is 15,000 sal. reel, as 5000 sq. feet is being utilized exclusively for residential paurposcs I luerel re there is 384,547.5 scl. ft. (8.83 .acres) in agricultural production on lots 14.4 and 14.6 combined. They need an additional 51,052.5 squ<rre feet(1.11 acres) of land in agricultural production in order to meet the code required 10 waeIVs Millii111a111 (435,600 square feet of land used for agricultural purposes in order to establish the proposed winery as of right. All as shown on a stamped site plan by Robert J. Gruber,Architect received by the Board of Appeals on December 17, 2015. 10. Town Law §267-b(3)(b)(1). Grant of the relief requested, with the conditions imposed herein, will not produce an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. The Page 4 of 5—March 17,2016 ZBA#6882—Sannino SCTM#1000-101-1-14.6&14.4 neighborhood consists of single-family homes, agricultural properties, and a church. The applicant's property includes frontage on County Road 48 which is a major road, and the winery structure is proposed to be located on the subject property at a conforming front yard setback. Also, the applicants must obtain site plan approval from the Southold Town Planning Board which can impose reasonable conditions to mitigate any possible adverse impacts on the nearby residential properties. 11. Town Law §267-b(3)(b)(2). The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance. The applicant has exhausted all currently existing options to purchase at least 1.17 acres (51,052.5 square feet)from an adjacent property owner. 12. Town Law $267-1b(3)(b)(3). The variance requested liercin represents 11,7% relied"from the code, an(],„ in the context of the 10 acre minimum requirement for a winery use, is substantial, However, the substantiality is mitigated by the subject properties' 195.81 feet of frontage on Middle Road (a tjC 1. 48, a. major road) with a proposed front yard setback from same at 200 feet which is double [he 100 hoot naininaiana required by code„ all other setbacks are conforming; and the fact that the subject property is sufficiently large to permit safe ingress and egress, parking and buffering from adjacent properties through the required site plan approval from the Planning Board. 13. Town Law &267-b(3)(b)(4) No evidence has been submitted to suggest that a variance in this residential community will have an adverse impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood. The applicant must coniply witll Cliaapter 236 of the "1"own's Storm Water Management Code. Trak will not be generated on Alvah's Lane, which is residential, because the winery will be accessed from CR 48, a major road. Buffers between the subject parcels and the proposed winery/tasting room and the adjacent residential properties, can be established, as deemed appropriate, by the Planning Board to mitigate potential adverse impacts. 14. "'I"owvn Law '267-b3 b 'S , The difficulty has been self-created. The applicant purchased the parcel after the Zoning Code was aaa effect ct and it is presumed that the applicant had actual or constructive knowledge of the limitations on t lie use of the parcel under the Zoning Code in effect prior to or at the time of purchase. 15. Town Law 4267-b. Grant tial`the requested relief is the minimum action necessary and adequate to enable the applicant to enjoy the benefit of a resideaace and a winery while preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood and the health, sa Oy and welfare of the community. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD: In considering all of the above factors and applying the balancing test under New York Town Law 267-13, motion was offered by Member Weisman (Chairperson), seconded by Member Dantes, and duly carried,to GRANT the Relief as Applied For subject to the following CONDITIONS: 1) The applicant shall merge lots 14.4 and 14.6 and submit written proof of same to the Office of the Town Attorney and the ZBA. 2) No building permit shall be issued by the Building Department for the proposed winery/tasting room structure(s) until the ZBA provides written confirmation to the Building Department that the merger was effectuated. 3) The applicant shall obtain site plan approval from the Southold Town Planning Board. Failure to do so will render the variance relief granted herein null and void. That the above conditions be written into the Building Inspector's Certificate of Occupancy, when issued. Page 5 of 5—March 17,2016 ZBA#6882—Sannino SCTM#1000-101-1-14.6&14.4 Any deviation from the survey, site plan and/or architectural drawings cited in this decision will result in delays and/or a possible denial by the Building Department of a building permit, and may require a new application and public hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals. Any deviation from the variance(s) granted herein as shown on the architectural drawings, site plan and/or survey cited above, such as alterations, extensions, or demolitions, are not authorized under this application when involving nonconformities under the zoning code. This action does not authorize or condone any current or future use, setback or other feature of the subject property that may violate the Zoning Code, other than such uses, setbacks and other features as are expressly addressed in this action. The Board reserves the right to substitute a similar design that is de minimis in nature for an alteration that does not increase the degree of nonconformity. Pursuant to Chapter 280-146(B) of the Code of the Town of Southold any variance granted by the Board of Appeals shall become null and void where a Certificate of Occupancy has not been procured, and/or a subdivision map has not been filed with the Suffolk County Clerk, within three (3) years from the date such variance was granted. The Board of Appeals may, upon written request prior to the date of expiration, grant an extension not to exceed three (3) consecutive one (1)year terms. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Weisman (Chairperson), Dantes, Horning, Goehringer. Member Schneider r�Y'�"V himseXl. This kcw olotion was duly adopted(4-0-1). c. Leslie Ka 1u s Weisman, Chairperson Approved for filing /�/ /2016 (ep Qvoff �7QQrr� N�! ry 00 t #ro p ri r- N GJ Nim � ��"' a� wZ gfiN azz ! I n5! I W n I-- # # z-\ d^ovr m h # I I a a# Gaayv„tr�,P I oroi Polv7"?wire'rinea7 (9N!"#4Mtn I i P�t � C,:and P-'Y."Ma -xl`z t'I, 5,:::{:7NJ u"rwP„d::.i101hp ,� a r ' A,� � I F 'drmdf...Y =:sn 40 BOARD OF,,4PPEALS lae'vik co �Pnt$ fmal��t�vje SUBDIVISION MAP or EA57 r-OA57 PROPERTIES SUFFOLK r-OLJN7Y FILE No. cf225 L 66.35' 33 6__l'24'10 E E 96.93' 88,07' L.0714.6 (DEVELOPMENT RISH75 IN7AOT) (AKA 3.7347 ACPZ-5/ 162b83.55 5.F=. LOT 5) Q4 iI FIN Ot K, .2HINERY ,600 S.F. 638,47' A'28*40'. — 40" O 00' COMBINED FARMED ACREAGE: (LOT I + LOT 5) lu (LOT 1) 221,564 5.F. + (LOT 5) 162,655.55 S.F. qN 'z 141, J, 543'�'AORE5/ 554,547.55 5.F. 4& L 110 P loolo, OF NIM oftm. SITE PLAN 1-00 SCALE: 1 =1 00'-0" Submission Without a Cover Letter• P ha a rr r P�I Boa d Sender: L J� Subject: �����—"�� cz�� SCTM#: 1000 - —' IL4 . C45;0 Date: Comments: Jo 5,4 "w� � CUn'L�IPr _. � ��„ ,��� ��� . wC,��r� • 5 sem to p� e i Southold Planning Department Applicant Transactional Disclosure Form The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees, The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. Your Name:, �l �!5q �. Last,First,middle inion unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company. If so, indicate the other person's or company's name. Nature of Application: (Check all that apply) Subdivision or Re-subdivision Site Plan ,,... .. Other(Please name other activity) l)ca you personally(car through your company,spouse,sibling,j),arent or clidal)have a relationship with any officer or employee on.l�ae,rcrown of Southold? "Relationship include,by blood,marriage or business interest. "Business inicacst''paeans a business.,including a partnership, in whicia the,town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. Yes ._____No_)4 If you answered"Yes"complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of the person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant)and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A through D and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent or child is(check all that apply): _ A.the owner of greater than 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation); B.the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a noncorporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation); C.an officer,director,partner or employee of the applicant;or D.the actual applicant Description of Relationship-. r..... ... ........ Submitted this _shay of W Signature__ yy4 Print Name .._` ,,,,,, ,` ,.. --- 8 (j, Disclosure Form FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT SOUTHOLD, N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAI., TO: Anthony Sannino DATE: June 17, 2015 15975County Route 48 Cutchogue, NY 11935 Please take notice that your request dated June 1,2015 For permit for theconstr ctimi — - R ��fll"W-J.0-0-1-"YA Location of property: 15975County Route 48 and 7490 Alvahs Lane, ho Q��uNy County Tax Map No. 1000 – Section 101 Block I Lot 14,6 &W„14.44 spa s Lre, i a—gi, .1 leasu 3 5,a( s 14,6 1 'I, d'Ag-- —'71- L'especflK�'-jy' in the AC Qistrj.ct,_js jitt,��Lj pu!'�.'s -\ 'L w1lic S-g Ic L� F1 d or Axa 1 lc rote jjid which is owried 1-2y,ft lei' -7 Sftu1wLnw)yq-1j Ate tIorized'Signatair e Cc: File, ZBA, planning Town of Southold LWRP C NSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS I All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions inchiding Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant l is gpon the oastal M-ea, �yljic � incl�Mel�s,a,l1.o tholal p),.. 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes" or "no", then the proposed action will affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. T��r�s cacb answer rnusLbe a plaine(I in detail, 999- supporting facts. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net),the Board of Trustees Office,the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# PROJECT NAME The Application has been submitted to(check appropriate response): Town Board L`J Planning Board 121, Building Dept. ❑ Board of Trustees El I. Category of Town of Southold agency action(check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g. capital C ^� _.. .. construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) (b) Financial assistance(e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: Nature and extent ofa Boor n ..� 1 _ " ', 1 . ") �, ....,. ..� w. il M Location of action: , Site acreage: t Present land use ._....., .. Present zoning classification:,_ -C�_.... 2, If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided:. (a) Name of applicant:_.— e..a Mailing address: _� a... . c Telephone number: Area Code (d) Application number, if any;__ _w, _ Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes ❑ No LN If yes,which state or federal agency?_.___._ C. Evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzing how the project will further support or not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location,and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III–Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. Ryes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable )._ mW... ( " � t� �� ... � _ d ............. n ,. ......... �� ........... _. _._....___... , N ...... � ...� . ................... ........ ................ ............... ................ _ .....__...,.m- ..- .....M...e__ ................... Attach additional sheets if necessary ... ., ..__.... _.v _. m..... �__ Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria ..... Yes 0 No Not Applicable ........ ..... — Atta_ch—additiona——1 sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III-Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria 0 Yes ❑ No Not Applicable - - -- - - __ �. .--m ...... . ...���.w._._ _........._... �. _ Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III-Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria EI Yes ❑ No �0 Not Applicable .m-.- .._.... ... ..�._-........ .a._..... _... _ Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III -Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria D' Yes Im .� No 'N,,,u Not Applicable Attach additional slieets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III-Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. Yes No Not Applicable Attach additional sheets...u.... __�.�, ._...,� . ___m .. ... �, .. if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. I „ Yes ❑ No VQ Not Applicable _ ........ Attach additional sheets ifnecessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III--Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. I Yes ❑ No Not Applicable PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. 1-1 -1 Yes❑ NoIA Not Applicable Attach additiona� _—._.._ u.�..... . if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III-Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes [:1 No �&Not Applicable ............ ---------- .................... ------------- ................ ............... .......... ........... ........... .................. ........ ............ Attach-additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound,the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III-Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria, [1 Yes ❑ No P Not Applicable ........... ................... Attach .......................... .............-----------------............ ..................... ........... . ........----------.......... ................. additional sh—ect-s-i-f,n-cce-isary-- Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III-Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. VSL Yes ❑ No[:] Not Applicable .............. .......... .............. �1 -0 --"- U, ............... ................. ................. .......... -------............ ..... ........................ ... ............. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III-Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. F-1 Yes [:1 No 0 Not Applicable .................................................................. ------------- ............... .................. ...... ........... ........................... ................ ............... ..................................... .......... -----------.................................................. ...... -------------- ................ . - 11---1--.---....----............................ ........................... .... .......................... ........... ........................ ............................. ------- .............. T PREPARED BY ITLE DATE ............ Amended on 811,105 617.20 Appendix B Short Environmental Assessment Form 1118trlictions for Con, 1 WA—C hi il 9, Part I Project Information. "1"lie applicant or project sponsor is responsible for the completion of Part 1. Responses become part of the application for approval or funding, are subject to public review,and may be subject to further verification. Complete Part I based on information Currently available, If additional research or investigation would be needed to fully respond to any item,please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information. Complete all items in]"art 1. You may also provide any additional information which you believe will be needed by or useful to the lead agency; attach additional pages as necessary to supplement any item, Part I -Project and Sponsor Information Nati of Action or Pro'e J co Project Location(descrf—be,ana attac—ha'-1oca1jonm`ap): d 1-flucibs Brief Description of Propose Action: cf I .) o c 1\,hillle OfApplic,pmt or Sjponsor: Telephone: 4, Mail: V r)0 roo i Vo �dd City/po, q. . ..- _, _....._.._.. . ._... Zip Code: W, U,) jjq25 1.Does the proposed action only involve the legislative adoption—o—fa plan,—local law-,—ordinance, NO YaS administrative rule,or regulation? If Yes,attach a narrative description of the intent of the proposed action and the environmental resources that may be affected in the municipality and proceed to Part 2. If no,continue to question 2. 2, Does the proposed action require a permit,approval or funding from any other governmental Agency? NO YES If Yes,list agency(s)name and permit or approval, e of 3.a.Total acreage of the site of the proposed action? acres b.Total acreage to be physically disturbed? acres c.Total acreage(project site and any contiguous properties)owned or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor? 49q3acres 4—, (Check all land cuadjoining'nd----------- a—.------ ---- uses that oc � n, anear the proposed action. EUrban cl Rural (non-agriculture) 0 Industrial 1:1 Commercial 14 Residential(suburban) 0 Forest Agriculture 0 Aquatic 0 Other(specify): ________, ci Parkland Page ] of 5. Is the proposed action, er the N/A zoning re .._ ' a.A permitted use under g g ulations? b.Consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan? 6. Is theosed ro action consistent p ppT �ITonsistent with the predominant character of the existing built or natural NO _YES _ 7.�1s the site of the proposed ��__.� landscape? ' �a. 1 1 action located in,or does it adjoina state listed Critical Env:ronrnental Area? NO YES If Yes,identify n a substantial increase in traffic _ 8. a.Will the proposed action result i�,�. above present levels? NO YE b.Are public transportation service(s)available at or near the site of the proposed action? 14, __.._ c.Are any pedestrian accommodations or bicycle routes available on or near site of the proposed action? 1 Does action or exceed the state energy code requirements? NO YES proposed will exceedretirements,describedesign features and technologies: , ., 10. Will the proposed ���ctwoog connect__._._�.. � .....�...-..�..m._._.�,...- m�......to an existing public/lazirvate water supply? NO YES If No,describe method for providing potable water: 11. Will the proposed action connect to existing wastewater ... �� r_ mmutilities? NO ! YES If No,describe method for providing wastewater treatment: 12. a.Does the site contain a structure that is listed on either the State or National Register of Historic NO YES Places? - b.Is the proposed action located in an archeological sensitive area? - .-- 13.a.Does any portion of the site of the proposed action,or lands adjoining d'o' ing theproposed action,contain NO YES wetlands or other waterbodies regulated by a federal,state or local agency? y b.Would the proposed action physically alter,or encroach into,any existing wetland or waterbody? fi' Y q ._. I Yes,identify the wetland or waterbod and extent of alterations m square feet or acres: _ ��� ......_....„� 14. Identi the Kcal habitat es that occur or are likely to � � :w___�„�._..I. � Identify typical types �_..li y be found on the project site. Check all that apply: ❑ Shoreline ❑Forest P,'Agricultural/grasslands ❑Early mid-successional ❑ Wetland ❑Urban ❑ Suburban 15.Does the site of thean species ro osed action contain tats, P P y ecies of animal,or associated habitats, NO YES by the State or Federal government as threatened or endangered? 16.Is the project site located in the 100 year flood plain? O ...YES If.Will the proposed action create storm water discharge,either from point or non-point sources? I Yes, a. Will storm water discharges flow to adjacent properties? NO❑YES b.Will storm water discharges be directed to established conveyance systems(runoff and storm drains)? RA^ aIL, "r11 h YES I Yes brieflydescribe: �NO IP Page 2 of 4 18.Does the prop sed ac ion i retention pond,waste lagoon,dam)?activities that result in proposed action include construction or other actio' ' the i�rbl�ourlrin,ient:of NO YES water or other If Yes,explain purpose and size 19.Has the site of the ro osed action or an adjoining �.� P P � ' _ property—been the location of an active or close d NO� � � ������� � � solid waste management facility? YES If Ye ,describe Yes,describe: completed)for hazardous waste? g property_ m_ ..n _.,. 20.Has the site of the ro osed action or an ad'oininbeen the subject of remediation,(ongoing or NO YES P ) If Yes,describe PROVIDED ABOVEIS TRUE KNOWLEDGE AFFIRM THAT THE INFORMATION PRO AND ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF Y Applicant/sponsor name` . ti Date: Signature Part 2 e Impact Assessment. The]Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 2. Answer all of the following questions in Part 2 using the information contained in Part 1 and other materials submitted by the project sponsor or otherwise available to the reviewer. When answering the questions the reviewer should be guided by the concept"Have my responses been reasonable considering the scale and context of the proposed action?" No,or Moderate small to large impact impact may may occur occur 1. Will the proposed action create a material conflict with an adopted land use plan or zoning regulations? 2. Will the proposed action result in a change in the use or intensity useof mof of land? mmIT N ^> 3 Will the proposed action impair the character or quality the P P P q ity e existing community? ' 4. Will theose ro p p d action have an impact on the environmental characteristics that caused the establishment of a Critical Environmental Area(CEA)? 5. Will thero osed action result m an adverse P P se change in the existing level of traffic or affect existing infrastructure for mass transit,biking or walkway? 6 Will the proposed available inn: = conservation an increase or renewable ener, o n d �e�sc����r]proposed action cause an increase m the use of energy and rt fads to incorporate .._ ._.._. v!ola.. �.d. _ . 7. Will the proposed action impact existing: /� a.public/private water supplies? V✓ b.public/private wastewater treatment utilities? 8. Will the proposed action impair the character or quality ty o_..f important historic,archaeological], p architectural or aesthetic resources? 9 Willthe proiesposecoongroundwater,atilt inir an adverse and aa change o natral resources(e.g.,wetlands, waterbo Page 3 of 4 No,or Moderate small to large impact impact may may occur occur 10. Will the proposed action result in an increase in theotential for erosion,flooding o ._ _..... P r drainage problems? 11. Will the proposed action create a hazard to environmental P P resources or human health? ' l aa't .. I etea wr�rraatitara of slgrrrfia:arr;e e The Lead Agency Is responsible for the completion of]Part 3. For every question in Fart 2 that was answered °"nroderate to large irnpact may occur",or if there is a need to explain why a particular e;lerilent of the proposed,action may 01-will arta result in a significant adverse environmental impact,please complete Pail 3. Part 3 should, in sult`icient detail, idcsrrtif the,inrprrct,including rrny MearsuTes or desigr1 clements that have been Included by the pr9ject sponsorto avoid or reduce,impacts. Part 3 should also explain how the lead rageracy determined that the impact may or Nvill not be significant.Each potential impact should be assessed considering its wetting,probability of occurring, duration, irreversibility,geographic scope and magnitude. Also consider the poterrfial for shorMerrlr,Jong-•ternl and eumulaative impacts. [i Check this box if you have de.taar'r'rrincel,based upp on the information and arraalysr, airo+e,and any sorting documentation, that the proposed action may result in one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts and an environmental impact statement is required. Check this box if you have determined,based on the information and analysis above,and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. .,".�..�,_.. Nam.. Me..._ ...__.....�.___,_.... ...�.. .___m....__...�.._� ._ �.....�.... _.. ......�._......._._s._�_�_.__.��.�.... e of Lead Agency Date Print or Type yp Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer —. .... _... p s Re Signature of Responsible c Si g p �ble Officer m Lead Agency Signature of Preparer(if different from Responsible Officer) Page 4 of 4 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOAJ. RD O D M EMBERS � Q " Qf7 P.O. Box 1179 DONALr" Southold,NY 11971 Chair ' � OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY � �' 54375 State.Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR CQ(f��%� „( ' Southold, NY r.5i. ' Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtowuny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM, To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: August 25, 2015 Re: Check Please deposit the attached check into B691: Deferred Revenue. Fee is for a Site Plan Application not yet accepted by the Planning Board. Thank you. Project Name & Type Tax Map # Amount Check Date & Number Sannino Bella Vita 1-1 Vineyard 1000-10 y �- $700 8/25/15 - #1779 Site Plan Application 1 14.6 Sanninos Bella Vita Vineyard, LLC JAM - .;rAyWIA w w r.d ri lll8urr a ,1,, Att” 50-546/214 1779 SANNINOS BELLA VITA VINEYARD, LLC 7490 ALLANE CUTCHOGOEUE,N NY 11935 DATEI PAY TOTHE .,, I, d"% �............. .....,_._.: .' •V w 4`79,1 h d OF _, ,......,�I f„ P r.. ,,,,.,, ---- .. .. .......... i . �° ��'Vear.,tlYvuu SUFFOLK COUNTY NATIONAL SANK { =d'v 1 OOODPE]A110N5NINRREO00U BINNFAL� j go wwwscnb.com MEMO—V IVP Hyl A:0 2 140 54641: 101 00 2098 IPI 1779 ,..-,,,,xa ;cuma,.., +w a,v"tiWiJl.'arafrtMrg .':w.„:% ++ :.:. r+ ...,'.ta'”.,."5S'4&kYr! CSC*a llutC'iw;.[7L*Twp{iW,iiww.YMH;'tiRl riLRC6➢ 'hd5"iT#Y.Btik"C+�Ik 1� ,v."'f A:VIXa.M1:"!,u,;u.. Southold Town Plannin _Board Work Session - August 17„ 2015 - Page Project Name: Commercial Solar Energy SCTM#: 1000-96-1-17.5 Production System at Southold Town Landfill j tcho - ( gue . Location: 6155 Cox Lane, Cu Description: This proposed Site Plan is to construct a ground-mounted commercial solar energy production system consisting of 3,456 modules with an inverter and transformer along with associated ground equipment. Existing on site are ±25,000 sq. ft. of existing buildings including the Town transfer station and associated accessory structures, all on 61.2 acres in the Light Industrial Zoning District. Status: New Application Action: Review for completeness. Attachments Staff Report ... _ Project Name The Heritage at Cutchogue 2015 SCTM#: 1000-102-1-33.3 Location: 75 Schoolhouse Road, on the n/w corner of Griffing Street and School House Lane, approximately 1,079 feet n/o the Main Road, in Cutchogue. Description: This proposed Residential Site Plan is for development of 124 detached and attached dwellings classified in three types: 48 "Type A" units (1,999 +/- sq. ft. livable area), 72 "Type B" units (1,599 +/- sq. ft. livable area) and 4 "Type "C" units (1,999 +/- sq. ft. livable area). In addition, there are proposed the following: a 6,188 sq. ft. community center with a ±1,125 sq. ft. outdoor swimming pool, one tennis court, 284 parking spaces of which 256 are associated with the individual dwelling units and 28 are f associated with the community center, and various other associated site improvements, on a vacant 46.17-acre parcel in the Hamlet Density (HD) Zoning District Status:,111111 Revised Application Action: Review for completeness, and review timelines & process. Attachments: Staff Report Discussion: Comments to ZBA re: Southold Farm & Cellar, SCTM#1000-55-1-7, 860 Old North Road, ±730' n/e/o Hortons Lane & Old North Road, Southold " Sannino Winery & Tasting Room, SCTM#1000-101-1-14.4, 7495 Alvahs Lane, Cutchogue Southold Town Pianning Board Work Session_ August�6,,, 20154,- Page 2 Discussion: ❖ Town Board request for comments re: Local Law: Amend the Zoning Map by Changing the Zoning Designation of SCTM#1000-12-1-1.2 from R-120 to AHD Local Law: Amendments to Chapter 280, Zoning, in connection with Transient Rental Properties ❖ ZBA Request for Comments re: Sannino, SCTM#1000-101-1-14.4 & 14.6, 15975 CR 48 & 7490 Alvahs Lane, Cutchogue ❖ Comprehensive Plan Update —Timeline, remaining steps ❖ Draft Monthly Report for July 2015 ❖ Planning Board Training (if time permits) - Steps after a Positive Declaration in SEQR Town Annex/First Floor,Capital One Bank 53095 53095 Main Road 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 ��� ' �a Southold,NY 11971-0959 �'J http://southoldtown.northfork.net b ffL, LkT BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ��i 2 3 '0 Y1 Tel. (631) 765-1809 Fax (631) 765-9064So UtFj� - MEMO Pljii�iin Bmd TO: Planning Board FROM: Leslie K. Weisman, ZBA Chairperson DATE: July 23, 2015 SUBJECT: Request for Comments ZBA # 6882 SANNINO, Anthony The ZBA is reviewing the following application. Enclosed are copies of Building Department's Notice of Disapproval, ZBA application, current map on file. Your review and comments are requested at this time. The file is available for review of additional documentation at your convenience for reference if needed. APPLICANT TAX # ZBA# HEARING CODE DATE OF PREPARER ZONE DATE SECTION STAMPED OF SURVEY DIST SURVEY SANNINO, 1000-.. .M..._....__ .. _ ... �....... ------John ...._ .__. - .. .. 6882 September Article III July 21, Anthony 101-1- 3, 2015 Section 280- 2015 & Metzger 14.4 & 13 (4) (b) July 16, 14.6 2015 Your comments are requested 1 week prior to hearing date. Thank you. Encls. NO 095 SEE SEC NO 095 el MATCH LINE m F IX p 29 f 00 d' pu 24 OA � 10 KP v r w v� NA, w� BOA '�" `` �"P PECONIC LANE)TIRUSI .F,fflrio �'"*. `vy%�w h \\CONSERVATION kAnl,Na11I�V„I , \ �,91iA,lITI '•54• \ ',^� 'y `'rv\, `CooF J '"w "\\ SUFFOLK \\*•,'y�' 10 "\ \' O 72 (TOWN OF souTHOLD qI, 'p \,., DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS)In X'� „gym �w� �jip 5 10 s' P „! w �*' �r A l •, �et,Vl h l trt O) pry 14, A�) , loo&— lob - j- 1 ,q � 2 " )+ rylGL `10 l 101 (a i - I- IGS � I NO EL NO FOR PARCEL NO.. j ^ I ^ I 1 � ... SEE SEC.NO. ..� 10&02-007.1 "MATCH--_--_—�----- SEE SEC NO 108 ........ � C) � � � � 1(e, Age D2 1 „� 'I_ FORM NO. 3a TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 91..E@�.. 2 3 `,01,15 BUILDING DEPT 1"P EN " SOUTHOLD, N.Y. p goad crt NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: June 17, 2015 TO: Anthony Sannino ��1a �E> f �yi�d � a0��' 15975County Route 48 Cutchogue, NY 11935 Please take notice that your request dated June 1, 2015 Forpermit for the constrgetimi ol=`_a witrrtmylt�rs��ir;re3����lr.:r� �y ?.!�..a�l�u�����.....pi))j��ccess�a��°A�"_t�� (���,.,wip.�."rp�i�giol��a���,�� a barn structure accessory to a single family dwelling use at Location of property: 15975County Route 48 and 7490 Alvahs Lane, Cutcho u County Tax Map No. 1000—Section 101 Block 1 Lot,14.6& x14.4, l Er..,.l rcrlrcr �,i:...t z� �m rc,Cirrrr oro two colttiguoars 1, :r r� ,a r ���r.wrq;:d�g 75<1 e, 9 1. i) ¢a fl,54 4),. r sp t,ve.lyx ;r,r the C District, rs.._notivrinitt rl..1� sgy,!rt trr�w"1rlictc._l_l:l„ S ctiori 280 l .4'1,�..1�r1,.. :k�rc„kr States "The winery shall be on a parcel on_which„at least w10acres...are devoted to vineyard or other agricultural purposes, and which is owned by the winery owner.” $rte 111 11 a roval Roti the Srritttold._Town l 1amlrr J30al'(1.is also aeclr t��M rrt&rrrr ra;e(l`sr1,rlattrr Cc: File, ZBA, planning �A ¢ m y q �� ��.�.. _ .._ _W.... ... .. 1 YdtB. Ri o ��mt}4.Plbofd"1 idD d'U Fee:$ � Filed By: Asssgnment No � APPLICATION TO THE SO(J" FOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS AREA VARIANCE HouseNot_m '., aJ ': I :ttalel C 1 1 L7 1 ._. _.... SCTM 1000 Sectionlliw�c&�m L,ot.(s) ° � _ .,t�)t Size_K,—9-43 ., tone._ ALL I(WE) APl1EA1.,Tl1E WR.I7`1'EN D 1 ERN'NIINA1 1ON OF"1 R BUI IANC 1: !"I'(1 dill DA l la�l).. ._ " " �l E P1.,AN DATED :?.� ° w IIAI�II tN IATI' l+a / 1 Owner(s): .Mailing Address: I , �(.. �.�._ o.........La............... .... Telephone: I Faxi �"` � Email NOTE: In addition to the above,please complete below if application is signed by applicant's attorney,agent, architect,builder,contract vendee,etc.and name of person who agent represents: Name of lel.�rdst nta,t,tiv ,:� m mV mm m for( ) Owner( )Other: f Address: Telephone: X: Email: Pie a check to specify who you wish correspondence to be mailed to,from the above names: Applicant/Owner(s), ( )Authorized Representative, ( ) Other Name/Address below: (A WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR REVIEWED SURVEY/SITE PLAN DATED_ and DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED_-2,3-IS FOR: (�J Building Permit ( ) Certificate of Occupancy ( )Pre-Certificate of Occupancy ( ) Change of Use ( )Permit for As-Built Construction ( ) Other: _...._...... Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. (Indicate Article,Section,Subsection of Zoning Ordinance by numbers.Do not quote the~ 1,. code. � Article:: . ' &tion � � � Subsection: Type of Appeal. An Appeal is made for: ( A Variance to the Zoning Code or Zoning Map. ( )A Variance due to lack of access required by New York Town Law-Section 280-A. ( )Interpretation of the Town Code,Article Section,.. mITITITITmm� ( )R eversal or Other A prior appeal has, has rat ._ ��.. ........... . w. t _..o..._ made atg I lirt vitlra J � � �(s .UNDER Appeal Nos 7 (P..l.i.e.s aserbe �sure t to research before completing this question or call our ofcefor assa`s�a!ncq Name of Owner: ZBA File# APPLICANT'S PROJECT DESCRIPTION ' � (I C t ���.._. �"w� i ) V , ( DATE P PA D: _ APPLICANT: � � 1. For Demolition of Existing Building`Areas Please describe areas being removed: N I R II.New Construction Areas (New Dwelling or New Additions/Extensions): Dimensions of first floor extension: . ....... ..W.......... Dimensions of new second floor: Dimensions of floor above second level: Height from finished round to to of ridge): ....._.__ .._._.. Is basement o glowest being constructed?If yes, b)case pr(wide height(above ground)measured from natural e III.Proposed Construction Description (Alterations or Structural Changes) (Attach extra sheet if necessary). Please describe building areas: Number of Floors and General Characteristics BEFORE Alterations: / m� Number of Floors and Changes WITH Alterations IV. Calculations of building areas and lot coverage(from survey Existing square footage of buildings on your property: _. _ W�'R` Proposedincrease coverage:_.. � � Square footage of our Percentage of coverage of your lot by building arer V. Purpose of New f"onstrucliorr: � _ ...... __a ....._.._.�...�_......... ..__.....�_...� VI. Please describe the land contours (flat,slope %, heavily wooded, marsh area, etc.) on your land and how it relates to the difficulty in meeting the code requirement(s): ._... ...........____..... Please submit 8 sets of photos,labeled to show different angles of yard areas after staking corners for new construction,and photos of building area to be altered with yard view. 4/2012 � A ,... �������,�a� ��� � �` �s SBAFilef Name of Owner: � � '� 11 ,1" d" �' � � t" rrra�ixer��°rxl sheets may be used with preparer's 1 not be roduced in the CHARACTER of the neighbor or a detriment to nearby 1. An undesirable change wtl P properties if granted,because: 2.The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance,because: � P, C 3.The amount of relief requested is not substantial because: 4.The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district because: a, 5. Has the alleged difficulty been self created? { } Yes,or { N® y: this land? VNo ) yes (please furnish a copy) Are there any Covenants or Restrictions concerning { This is the MINIMUM that is necessary and adequate,safety a welfare of thed at te same tco e preserve reser e and protect the character of the neighborhood and t ized I,..... AgenttnjrM N10"ti of r tier"Au Authorization Agentowner) from O n } mm Sworn to r�r'Inc this drr)� o m . Notary Public tjotory Public,State of Mw York Iwdrr, ontmj"a 6% Qualifled tol County�. Reasons for Appeal 1. An undesirable change will not be produced in the Character of the neighbor or a detriment to nearby properties if granted, because: The structure we are proposing is designed to conform to typical North Fork architecture and the size proposed is reasonably small for the lot it will be built on. We have considered the types of activities that will take place on our premise and designed accordingly to protect our neighbors. 2. The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance, because the area variance we are seeking is minimal in scope and helps to create a more sustainable agricultural business in Southold. 3. The amount of relief requested is not substantial because the required acreage for a winery in Southold town is 10 and we are only 1/4 of one acre shy if we consider builder acres. 4. The variance will not have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district because it will be located on route 48 and there is only one residential property adjacent. This property will be screened with a 60 foot deep heavily planted area that is actually only adjacent to our parking area. We will have adequate parking for our business and since we are relocating from another location in the town of Southold we will not actually be creating additional traffic on the road ways but only changing locations for our patrons. 5. Has the alleged difficulty been self created? We do not believe that the alleged difficulty is self created we believe an overly restrictive code created in the past has created the difficulty. There is no other agricultural business in the town of Southold that is restricted by size of their land in order to operate. With that said we understand codes are created to be followed and hope that our request for relief is recognized as a minimum variance to the code. Southold Building, Planning, and Zoning Departments: We are requesting building permits to build an agricultural storage barn on our 5.25 acre current vineyard property and also building permits for a winery/tasting room building with an AG Pad on our new 3.7 acre property which is contiguous with our current property. The total acreage with the two properties combined is 8.94 full acres. The total acreage with the two properties combined if we were to consider builder acres would be 9.74 builder acres. (We hope the board will consider this option as the code is not specific and therefore a minimum variance would be needed.) Our site plan considerations include: 1- A 60 ft deep well screened buffer area abutting the only residential property with a dwelling close to our property line located to our south east. 2- We have also designed a winery/tasting room building that will also serve as a buffer to the residential dwelling to the east when our guests are using our patio. 3- A service entrance for deliveries to the west of the building as to minimize visible or audible activities for our two closest residential properties. 4- The floor plan for the winery and tasting room is only 2760 sq. ft., this is about half the size of the Baptist church on the adjacent equally sized property to our west. 5- We will be utilizing many of the existing cedars trees which are mature in size to create screening where noted on the site plan. We would like to obtain the building permits for the agricultural barn and AG pad as soon as possible if in doing so will not negatively affect the remaining process of obtaining permits for the Winery/tasting room. We were advised by the building department that we should provide in writing that we will be clearing our new property this summer 2015 in order to prepare for planting next spring. When doing so we will be saving some of the vegetation including the wild cedars for our new site plan proposal. We currently farm a total of 23+ acres of vineyards on three different locations in the town of Southold. We have lease agreements on 2 of these locations and the third is our home vineyard. The said property will be planted with almost 3 additional acres of grapevines to add to our total. In closing we strongly believe that with your approval of our plan our operation will promote and help sustain agriculture in the town of Southold. Most if not all of our B and B guests have a strong desire to visit our home for the agricultural experience. Our proposed winery and educational tasting room with a strong emphasis on viticulture and oenology will help to elevate tasting room experiences in Southold. Anthony and Lisa Sannino QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR ZBA APPLICATION A. Is the subject premises listed on tbP real -.40P market for sale? Yes _)(_No B., Are there any proposals to change or alter land contours? _*_No Yes please explain on attached sheet. C. 1.)Are there areas that contain sand or wetland grasses? 2.)Are those areas shown on the survey submitted with this application. w „ 3.)Is the property bulk headed between the wetlands area and the upland building 4)If your property..... p you o contains wetlands or and areas havee ountacted the Of c......_.. ...........mIT�mmmmmmmmmm Office of the Town trustees for its determination of jurisdiction? '—,----,-Please confirm status of your inquiry or application with the Trustees: oan ........ and if issued,please attach copies of permit with conditions dapproved surv�ITey. — D. Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the area of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea level? � E. Are there any patios, concrete barriers, btllk reads or fences that exist that are not shown on the survey that you are st l)iltltl ingl_ ) ..—.Please show area of the structures on a diagram if any exist or state none on the above line. F. Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your premises?_KJJIf yes, please submit a copy of your building permit and survey as approved by the Building Department and please describe: G, Please attach all pre-certificates of occupancy and certificates of occupancy for the subject premises. If any are lacking,please apply to the Building Department to either obtain them or to obtain an Amended Notice of Disapproval. H. Do you or any co-owner also own other land adjoining or close to this parcel? If yes,please label the proximity of your lands on your survey. I. Please list present use or operations conducted at this parcel __ and the proposed use ex:existing family,proposed:same with ..m.�• � g sin le g Y,P P h garage,pool or other) Authorized signature and DateV FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: Z-32546 Date: 08/22/07 THIS CERTIFIES that the building NEW DWELLING Location of Property: 7495 ALVAHS LA CUTCHOGUE (HOUSE No.) (STREET) (HAMLET) County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 101 Block I Lot 14.4 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot NO. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated MARCH 22, 22�06 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 31863-Z dated MARCH 22, 2006 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING WITH ATTACHED GARAGEL. COVERED FRONT PORCH & .............. WOOD DECK AS APPLIED FOR. The certificate is issued to ANTHONY & LISA SANNINO (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BEALTH APPROVAL R10-06-0010 _ 04103/07 E1ECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. 111494H _ 07/30107 PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED 08/12L07 ANTHONY SANNINO Aut Ori2ed Signature Rev. 1/B1 ......- ------ ...................... ...... .. .... ........... ......... ......................... ..... ........................ ...... .............. FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: Z-33732 Date: 05/2�2Y09 THIS CERTIFIES that the building ALTERATIONS Location of Property: 7490 ALVAHS LA CUTCHOGUE ----------- mm„ (HOUSE NO. ) (STREET) (HAMLET) County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 101 Block 1Lot 14.4 .......................... subdivision Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated JUNE _ 30 2008 pursuant to which ---. ............ .—.- Building Permit No- 33993-Z dated JUNE 19, 2008 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is ALTERATIONS TO AN EXISTING ONE FAMILY DWELLING (CONVERSION OF ATTACHED .....................................----................................. GARAGE ATTIC TO LIVING SPACE WITH BALCONY) AS APPLIED FOR. The certificate is issued to ANTHONY & LISA SANNINO (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF P N A ------------------------ ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO- 124052H 04/27/09 ... ........................................ PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED 05/22Z09 ANTHONY SANNINO thorized Signature Rev. 1/81 so rOffice'Loc tom: . 1 ; Town Annex/First Floor,Capital One Bank 53095 Main Road 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Southold,NY 11971-0959 0 , http://southoldtown.noMfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel.(631)765-1809 Fax(631)765-9064 FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS,AND DETERMINATION tttot Bowe "tet MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 22,2009 ZBA APPLICATION#6194 APPLICANTS/OWNERS: ANTHONY and LISA SANNINO PROPERTY LOCATION: 7490 Alvahs Lane, Cutchogue CTM S DETERMI ATI I : The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration In this application hnd determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions,without further steps under SEQRA. BASIS OF APPLICATION: The applicants request a Special Exception pursuant to Article III, Section 100-31B, subsection 14 of the Zoning Code, to legalize an as built Bed and Breakfast within their existing single-family dwelling, accessory and incidental to their residential occupancy under the Building Department's Certificate of Occupancy Z-32546 dated 08/22107. The existing one bedroom for lodging and serving of breakfast to the B & B casual, transient roomers was created through additions and alterations to the applicants'existing one family dwelling by conversion of an attached garage attic to living space with balcony under Certificate of Occupancy No.Z-33732 dated 05122109. FINDINGS OF FACT .0 The Zoning Board,'of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on August 27, 2009 at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation, personal Inspection of the property, and other evidence, and upon review of the code requirements set forth pursuant to Article III, Section 280.1313(14) to establish an Accessory Bed and Breakfast, the Board finds that the appli'dant complies with the requirements for the reasons noted below: 1, Anthony and Lsa Sannino,the applicants herein, are the owners of the property,a flag lot with an easement slothe northerly boundary providing access to Alvahs Lane. It is improved with a single-family Zwelling with an attached three-car garage and a vineyard, as shown on the survey by Peconic ,SUO" eyors, P.C. dated March 7, 2007. The ownerslapplicants will continue to occupy same as their"" principal residence while operating and managing their Accessory Bed and Breakfast. 'They`as-built guest room has a private exterior entrance to the house and interior connection wit. in the principal dwelling. 2. The applicants,plan to comply with the on-site parking requirements with a minimum of three (3) Page 2—September 22,2009 48A#6194-ANTHONY and LISA SANNINO PROPERTY LOCATION: 7490 AIvahe Lane,Cutchogue CTM 101-1.14.4 parking spaces, t (2) for the principal single-family dwelling use and one (1)for the Accessory Bed and Breakfast. The applicants comply with the requirements of a dwelling unit as defined in Section 280.12 of the Zoning Code. 3. The Accessory Bed and Breakfast, as applied for, is reasonable In relation to the District In which It is located,adjacent use districts,and nearby and adjacent residential uses. 4. The Special Exception Is accessory to the principal dwelling use and will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of adjacent properties. 5. This accessory use will not prevent orderly and reasonable uses proposed or existing in adjacent use districts. �, Y 6. No evidence has been submitted to show that the safety, health,welfare, comfort, convenience or the order of the Town will be adversely affected. 7. This Accessory Use is authorized under Zoning Code Section 280-13 (14) with Zoning Board of Appeals approval as noted herein, and with issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy as per Code from the Building Inspector before the Bed and Breakfast is occupied. B. No adverse conditions were found after considering Items listed under Zoning Code Chapter 280, Sections 280-142 and 0.143. RESOLUTION OF NE BOARD; In considering all of the above factors,motion was offered by Member Weisman,seconded by Chairman Goehringor,and duly carried to GRANT the Spatial Exception application for an Accessory Bed and Breakfast, to be used only in conjunction with tide applicaints-owners residence, and not as a separate independent use, as applied for, SUBJECT TO the following Conditions; 1. The Owneri shall occupy this single-family dwelling as their principal residence, i 2. There shalt be a flexible chain ladder properly installed for the second-floor bedroom area, 3. (A) An annual harvesting of grapes Is permitted,and (B) There 4hall be no commercial or retail uses on the subject property related to the manufacture of wine, including but not limited to wine tasting, educational programs, wine production, or*,sales, without application to and approval by the ZBA of an area variance for acreage relatea to a proposed winery (a permitted use)on the applicants' non-conforming 5.2081 acre parcel w,Nke the code requires a minimum of 10 acres for a winery with a retail component, and a Special>Exception for a Winery with site plan review approval by the Southold Town Planning Boa4( s per Code), 4. A Certificat-6 of Compliance or similar document will be necessary for Issuance by theBuild- Page 3—September 22,2009 A#61ANTHONY and LISA SANNINO PROPERTY LOCATION: 7490AIvahs Lane,Cutchogue CTM101-1-14.4 Ing I t r.'certifying that the promises to Chapter 280 (Zoning) Code before occupancy t use. Vote of the Board: .Ayes: Members Goehringer(Chairman ,Weis an,and Sc aider. (Absent Member ri .) This ll l ad ). ........ ............__ HIM 9/242009 proved for Filing ,o. Vwzz BOARD MEMBERS ?` Southold Town Hall Leslie Kanes Weisman,Chairpersonrjv sod 53095 Main Road •P.O.Box 1]79 ' Southold,NY 11971-0959 James Dinizio,Jr. Office Location: Gerard P. Goehringer Town Annex/First Floor,Capital One Bank George Horning54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Ken Schneider aPOW Southold,NY 11971 http://southoldtown.northfork.net ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECEIVED Tel.(631)765-1809- Fax(631)765-9064 FINDINGS,DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION ZU MEETING OF JULY 5,2012 ul �l Town i) !k? . ZBA APPLICATION#: SE 6565 APPLICANTS/OWNERS: Anthony and Lisa Sannino PROPERTY LOCATION: 7490 Alvahs Lane Cutchogue,NY SCTM#1000-101-1-14.4 SE.QRA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions,without further requirements under SEQRA. SUFFOLK COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE: This application was referred as required under the Suffolk County Administrative Code Sections A 14-14 to 23, and the Suffolk County Department of Planning issued its reply dated April 17, 2012 stating that this application is considered a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact. LWRP DETERMINATION: The relief, permit,or interpretation requested in this application is listed under the Minor Actions exempt list and is not subject to review under Chapter 268. BASIS OF APPLICATION: The applicants request a Special Exception pursuant to Article III, Section280- 13B, subsection 14 of the Zoning Code, to expand an existing Bed and Breakfast within their single-family dwelling, accessory and incidental to their residential occupancy under the Building Department's Certificate of Occupancy -32546 dated 8/22/07. The four additional bedrooms, creating the maximum allowed of five bedrooms, for lodging and serving of breakfast to the B & B casual, transient roomers was created through alterations to the applicants' existing one family dwelling by conversion of an attached garage attic to living space with balcony under Certificate of Occupancy No.33732 dated 5/22/09 for the original one bedroom granted on September 22, 2009 ZBA File #6194. The additional four bedrooms exist in the dwelling and will be converted for the Bed and Breakfast use. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: During the hearing a neighbor presented their objection to the approval of this application. Additionally another neighbor was in support of the application. A letter of support was received from the president of the North Fork B&B Association. FINDINGS OF FACT The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on June 7, 2012 at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation, personal inspection of the property and surrounding neighborhood, and other evidence,and upon review of the code requirements Page 2 or3—July 5,2012 Z.BA File#6565-Sannino CTM: 1000.101-1.14.4 set forth pursuant to Article 111, Section 280-13B(14) to establish an Accessory Bed and Breakfast, the Board finds that the applicant complies with the requirements for the reasons noted below: 1. Anthony and Lisa Sannino, the applicant(s) herein, are the owners of the property, a flag lot with 50.00 feet of frontage on Alvahs Lane. It is improved with a single family dwelling with attached three car garage and a vineyard on 5.2 acres as shown on the survey prepared by Peconic Surveyors, PC, dated January 24, 2006, revised February 9, 2006. The owners/applicants will continue to occupy same as their principal residence while the Accessory Bed and Breakfast facility is managed and operated. 2. The applicants plans comply with the on-site parking requirements and provide for seven (7)parking spaces, two for the principal single-family use and one (1) for each of the Accessory Bed and Breakfast bedroom(s) 3. The applicants comply with the requirements of a dwelling unit as defined in Section 280-4 of the Zoning Code 4. The Accessory Bed and Breakfast,as applied for, is reasonable in relation to the District in which it is located, adjacent use districts,and nearby and adjacent residential uses. 5. The Special Exception is accessory to the principal use and will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of adjacent properties. 6. This accessory will not prevent the orderly and reasonable uses proposed or existing in adjacent use districts. 7. No evidence has been submitted to show that the safety, health, welfare, comfort, convenience or the order of the town will not be adversely affected. 8. This zoning use is authorized by the Zoning Code through the Zoning Board of Appeals as noted herein, and issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy from the Building Inspector is required by code before an Accessory use may be occupied. 9. No adverse conditions were found after considering items listed under Section 280-142 and 280-143 of the Zoning Code. 10. Submission of a Certificate of Compliance or similar document will be necessary for issuance by the Building Inspector certifying that the premises conforms to Chapter 280 of the Zoning Code for an Accessory Bed and Breakfast use. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD: In considering all of the above factors, motion was offered by Member Dinizio,seconded by Member Weisman,Chairperson,and duly carried to GRANT. the Special Exception permit for an Accessory Bed and Breakfast, to be used only in conjunction with the applicants-owners residence, as applied for and shown on the floor plans dated received by Board of Appeals on April 9,2012 and prepared by Robert J. Gruber,Architect and the survey prepared by Peconic Surveyors, PC,dated January 24, 2006, revised February 9, 2006. SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The Owners shall occupy this single-family dwelling as their principal residence. 2. (A) An annual harvesting of grapes is permitted, and (B) There shall be no commercial or retail uses on the subject property related to the manufacture of wine, including but not limited to wine tasting, educational programs, wine production, or sales, without application to and approval by the ZBA of an area variance for acreage related to a proposed winery (a permitted use) on the applicants' non-conforming 5.2081 acre parcel where the code requires a minimum of 10 acres for a winery with a retail component,and a Special Exception for a Winery with a site plan review approval by the Southold Town Planning Board (as per Code), Page 3 of 3-July 5,2012 Z8A File46565-Sannino CTM: 1000-101-1-14.4 3. A Certificate of Occupancy or similar document will be necessary for issuance by the Building Inspector certifying that the premises conforms to Chapter 280 (Zoning) Code before,Occupancy as an Accessory Bed and Breakfast use. 4. Each of the five required parking spaces for the B&B use shall be clearly identified with signage That the above conditions be written into the Building Inspector's Certificate of Occupancy, when issued Any deviation from the survey, site plan and/or architectural drawings cited in this decision will result in delays and/or a possible denial by the Building Department of building permit, and may require a new application and public hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals. Any violations of the conditions, occupancy or other requirements described herein, may require a public hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals to review potential action to revoke the Special Exception permit as granted herein. The Board reserves the right to substitute a similar design that is de minimis in nature for an alteration that does not increase the degree ofnonconformi(v. Vote ofthe Board• Ayes•Members Weisman(Chairperson), Goehringer, Dinizio,Schneider, Horning, This Resolution was duly adopted(5-0). N t. .......... Leslie Kanes Weisman, Chairperson Approved for filing /2012 AGRICULTURAL ZONING BOARD OF ALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WHEN TO USE THIS FORM: This form must be completed by the applicant for any special use permit, site plan approval,use variance, area variance or subdivision approval on property within an agricultural district OR within 500 feet of a farm operation located in an agricultural district All applications requiring an agricultural data statement must be referred to the Suffolk County Department of Planning in accordance with Section 239m and 239n of the General Municipal Law. L Name of Applicant 1 �.. i I�1 0 2. Address of Applicant: 1A 1 11 u� 1 3. Name of Land Owner(if other than Applicant):_ _ m. `......._.................._...—._...... ......... r 4, Address of Land Owner: 5. Description of Proposed CU �� Project. 6. Location of 111 o rd road annd"1 ax iap 7. Is the parcel ! m.. .�. . C.. t"r1 � ..�..�_. . .{, = ....." ___ .. ... number 1 within 500 feet of a farm operation? 04 Yes { } o 8. Is this parcel actively fanned? ( ) Yes { o 9. Name and addresses of any owner(s)of land within the agricultural district containing active farm operations. Suffolk County Tax Lot numbers will be provided to you by the Zoning Board Staff, it is your responsibility to obtain the current names and mailing addresses from the Town Assessor's Office (765-1937)or from the Real Property Tax Office located in Riverhead. NAME and ADDI(ESS Pfi E Pi(� � McIT i1� day , oo,2fl'75 6. (Please use the back of this page if there are additional property owners) ... Signature of Applicant... Date'. .. _ ....,. Note: 1.The local Board will solicit comments from the owners of land identified above in order to consider the effect of the proposed action on their farm operation. Solicitations will be made by supplying a copy of this statement. 2. Comments returned to the local Board will be taken into consideration as part as the overall review of this application. 3.Copies of the completed Agricultural Data Statement shall be sent by applicant to the property owners identified above. The cost for mailing shall be paid by the Applicant at the time the application is submitted for review. 617.20 Appendix B Short Environmental Assessment Form Instructions for Comaletin� Part 1 -Project Information. The applicant or project sponsor is responsible for the completion of Part 1. Responses become part of the application for approval or funding,are subject to public review,and may be subject to further verification. Complete Part 1 based on information currently available. If additional research or investigation would be needed to fully respond to any item,please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information. Complete all items in Part 1. You may also provide any additional information which you believe will be needed by or useful to the lead agency;attach additional pages as necessary to supplement any item. Part 1 -Project and Sponsor Information ...V N,S�e of" ._ ._.. �.. .mction orl'uo ......... � 4 (describe,and attach a location map): _ J H(6K ct Location de i t _... Brief Description of Propose.�')� .m.m ...... .......__,.m.�.,. �� _�.r— .A,..�..m......._ .._.. Action: a dName of Applicant or Sponsor: Telephone Za F-maul: A. CA I Adlq City/1"O. State Zup Code: GO .... m vvvvv._ �.._W_ WW......�. W_ .... ... _..._._.._....._vvv Q 1.Does the proposed action only involve the legislative adoption of a plan,loca1-1 aw,ordinance, NO YES administrative rule,or regulation? ....m. If Yes,attach a narrative description of the intent of the proposed action and the environmental resources that may be affected in the municipality and proceed to Part 2. If no,continue to question 2. 2. Does the proposed action require a permit,approval or funding from any other governmental Agency? NO YES If Yes,list agency(s)name and permit or approval: NQS I�► . aqnyuao �� ....QES ,� ... ... 3.a.Total acreage of the site of the proposed action? acres b.Total acreage to be physically disturbed? acres c.Total acreage(project site and any contiguous properties)owned or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor? acres 4. Check all land uses that occur on,adjoining and near the proposed action. ❑Urban ❑Rural(non-agriculture) ❑Industrial ❑Commercial JO Residential(suburban) ❑Forest $Agriculture ❑Aquatic ❑Other(specify):__mm, ❑Parkland Page ] of 4 _ NO � .. 5. Is the proposed action, YES /A a.A permitted use under the zoning regulations? b.Consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan? 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the predominant character of the existing built or natural NO YES .Y.� __._ ._. _._..... .._......._. landscape? 7. Is the site of the proposed action located in,or does it adjoin,a state listed Critical Environmental Area? NO YES If Yesidenti .__ .. .._,.,...mm, e .... ........... .. .....M ..� ...........m _............. ,.. 8. a.Will the proposed action result in a substantial increase in traffic above present levels? NO YES b.Are public transportation service(s)available at or near the site of the proposed action? c.Are any pedestrian accommodations or bicycle routes available on or near site of the proposed action? v_... 9.Does the proposedaction meet or exceed the state energy code requirements?If �e proposed action n will�exceed�req rv� � describe n features �technologics 10. Will the proposed action connect to an existing public/private water supply? NO YES If No,describe method for providing potable water: .. ........... 11.Will the proposed ww .....m.. � .._.�.ww.� ....�_.. ............. action connect to existing wastewater utilities? NO YES If No,describe method for providing wastewater treatment: _ 12. a.Does the site contain a structure that is listed monmeither the State or National Register of Historic NO YES Places? r b.Is the proposed action located in an archeological sensitive area? 13.a.Does any portion of the site of the proposed action,or lands adjoining the proposed action,contain NO YES wetlands or other waterbodies regulated by a federal,state or local agency? b.Would the proposed action physically alter,or encroach into,any existing wetland or waterbody? If Yes,identify the wetland or waterbody and extent of alterations in square feet or acres: 14. Identifyhabitat ..�. ..�__�..... .......�.._A the typical habitat types that occur on,or are likely to be found on the project site. Check all that apply: ❑Shoreline ❑Forest fi%Agricultural/grasslands ❑Early mid-successional ❑ Wetland ❑Urban ❑ Suburban 15.Does the site of the proposed action contain any species of animal,or associated habitats,listed NO YES by the State or Federal government as threatened or endangered? 6.Is the project site located in the 100 year flood plain? NO YES VJ 17.Will the proposed action create storm water discharge,either from point or non-point sources? NO YES If Yes, a.Will storm water discharges flow to adjacent properties? P NO❑YES b.Will storm water discharges be directed to established conveyance systems(runoff and storm drains)? If Yes,briefly describe ❑NO yl S ....� a � t .. .... _ . w_., a ,:� Vu4 Page 2 of 4 l 8.Does the proposed action include construction or other activities that result in the impoundment of NO ... __ YES water ooheliquids .gtention pond,waste lagoon,darn)? If Yes,exPlanPUrPose and mr__ m _....... ...... _.. ......... .... ....._ 19.Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the location of an active or closed��m. mmmmmm� m� � NO YES solid waste management facility? If Yes,describe:... ............... ......e..._ ...n._.................. 20.Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the subject of remediation(ongoing or NO YES completed)for hazardous waste? If Yes describe: �............................. �............... _.... �.. .._. __....._. ........... .............. _.._._. _._._...� I AFFIRM THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE AND ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE �� Applicant/sponsornarne: � �,. ....... 'I� �q V(, d L�.... ... Date: ... . �w�... w ....�. .._._. Signature: . ...... . r. t...� ....... . .. _ .. Part 2-Impact Assessment. The Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 2. Answer all of the following questions in Part 2 using the information contained in Part 1 and other materials submitted by the project sponsor or otherwise available to the reviewer. When answering the questions the reviewer should be guided by the concept"Have my responses been reasonable considering the scale and context of the proposed action?" .. ...... .. No,or Moderate small to large impact impact may may occur occur 1. Will the proposed action create a material conflict with anadoptedland use plan or zoning mmITIT ITITmm ..............._..... . ......__. regulations? .___........ _ ........ 2. Will the proposed action result in a change in the use or intensity of use of land? 3Will the proposed d action impair the character or quality of the existing community? ose�.� �. .m ....�.....�............_�.. ,��......_... 4. Will the proposed action have an impact on the environmental characteristics that caused the establishment of a Critical Environmental Area(CEA)? ...... ........................ ................. 5. Will the proposed action result in an adverse change in the existing level of traffic or affect existing infrastructure for mass transit,biking or walkway? 6. llthe reasonably available action cause i tnn p p use an increase in the use of energy and it fails to incorporate energy conservation or renewable energy opportunities. 7. Will the proposed action impact existing: ,/ a.public/private water supplies? m„............:' _ b.public/private wastewater treatment utilities? 8. Will the proposed action impair ._......_logo._ p p p ' he character or quality of important historic,archaeological, architectural or aesthetic resources? . _ _W. �_...� ....... ......... .. . 9. proposed _... _ . p posed action result in an adverse change to natural resources(e.g.,wetlands, waterbod es groundwater,air quality,flora and fauna)? Page 3 of 4 ....._. ._. ....._..._. .... . _.__.._ _.... ..�_...m....._._. .. ..No,or Mode. rate small to large impact impact may may occur occur 10 problems?Will the ro osed action result in an increase in the potential for or ...drainage proposed p r erosion,flooding or drainage o/� .... _.....__... _ . ............... __. ._ .. .... 11. Will the proposed action create a hazard to environmental resources or human health? '_v . Part 3-Determination of significance. The Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 3. For every question in Part 2 that was answered"moderate to large impact may occur",or if there is a need to explain why a particular element of the proposed action may or will not result in a significant adverse environmental impact,please complete Part 3. Part 3 should,in sufficient detail,identify the impact,including any measures or design elements that have been included by the project sponsor to avoid or reduce impacts. Part 3 should also explain how the lead agency determined that the impact may or will not be significant.Each potential impact should be assessed considering its setting,probability of occurring, duration,irreversibility,geographic scope and magnitude. Also consider the potential for short-term,long-term and cumulative impacts. ...... ............ ❑ Check this box if you have determined,based on the information and analysis above,and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action may result in one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts and an environmental impact statement is required. Check this box if you have determined,based on the information and analysis above,and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. wwww_.� ... _. .... _ ...._..._ _......... ,,...._. ..... _.... Name of Lead Agency Date Pe Name..... __.....W. . _ _ ..... ...._......... _. Print or Type of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer ,.. _ .. ._ ._. _ .��...... ....., . ...... Signature of Responsible g �p sible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Prep... � _arer if different from Responsible onsible Off ��c er) Page 4 of 4 APPLICANT/OWNER TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of1sthics M.-ohibits con tlicts of interest on tbe part of tov%qj officers and si wLlonnecs-T Lium—ri2sms( of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. C� YOUR NAME : (Last name,Writ:name,middle initial,unless you are applying in then me of-someone else or other entity,such as a company.If so,indicate the other person's or company's name.) TYPE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply) Tax grievance Building Permit Variance Trustee Permit Change of Zone Coastal Erosion ITT Approval of Plat Mooring Other(activity) Planning Do you personally(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent,or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold?"Relationship"includes by blood,marriage,or business interest."Business interest" means a business,including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the shares. YES NO If No,sign and date below.If YES,complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant/agent/representative)and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A)through D)and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent,or child is(check all that apply) A)the owner of greater that 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation) B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation) C)an officer,director,partner,or employee of the applicant;or D)the actual applicant DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP ............... Submitted this day of 20 Signaturet ............... Print Name as, _,LtL Town of Southold L CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM, A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area(which includes all of Southold Town). 1 If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes", then the proposed action may affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, the action should be analyzed in more detail and, if necessary, modified prior to making a determination that it is consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the LWRP policy standards and conditions. if an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCT #.........��............. 1........,,_........................... .................... I......� o 6 The Application has been submitted to(check appropriate response): Town Board Planning Dept... Building Dept. Board of Trustees I. Category of Town of Southold agency action (check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g. capital _r construction, planning activity,agency regulation, land transaction) .............. .� (b) Financial assistance(e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: Nature andrte"111 of,Jc, o11: � W ..... .................................. -- _ ......... ......... Location of action: 1591 Co u 03 4 , VId i- ----------- Site acreage- ... ........ .. .. .........................-.............. .......... .. .................................................. ..... ..........--------- Present land use., ag cv"d ............. .......... .i Present zoning classifcation: ........... ................. 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: + ...... l;❑� .................. L (b) Mailing address:.......... a, .......... . . ..... A �or ............ ......--------------I " -'(), .......................- ............ (c) Telephone number: Area Code ............ (d) Application number, if any Will the action be directly undertaken,require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? YesEl NoZ If yes,which state or federal agency?.._--. ............ ................ > DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section Ill-Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. Yes No [:] (Not Applicable- please explain) ..................... .............................. .......... .......................... -- - ------.......---.......... ....................................----------- .............---------- ........ ....... .......... ................11-111,11,.......... -11...............................---l'I........... ....................................... ............... ............ ...... .......... ............--------------- ............... ".......... ................ ........... ........... ..................... ............................ ...........-------------....... ..............---..................----.......... ............... ........... ................ ................. ...... .................. .............. .....----------- Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section Ill-Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria Yes [a No 1:1 (Not Applicable-please explain) .... ..........---- ........... ....................... ..... ..........-,-- ..... -------- -- .......... ... ............... ..................................... ................... ....................... . ............................. ...............--............ .................... ..........---------I. ..................... ................ ............. . ....... ....................--,............................. ....... ...........-.111 ........................-11 .....----------1111 1 ............-111 ................ ..................... Z w _ cn N Q � z� 4��ro w D R r CC W V r ` G" ...:. 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I; ,.I.ii, £L Iii r(I,it�u .I(MI61i 1ptill I"¢o Iaea% n.� I�Ij r p c�t�:s al•:➢. y Io7 i ijoolg 10 1 uotloaS—000 •oM duIN xeL Xjunoo AN an og5jnD auPg SgUAI ' 06tL Puu St,alno-g IunoO9L69i :Xj.Todo.Id jo uopBoo-I IB osn ZuIllomp liuml al uls u of Kiomoov ainlonals Uwq n N.r�Iwa 1 )11% c �i "r01,11mi p ,�o >c �.,z l,u d p�>ar��'�IA;�N. 4CE10i 1 c LI]ISMJj .K)M P,JO 1101 011JIS,110 t;1l ao� �iuz�ad zo3 S I OZ aunt palup Isanbw anoX Iugl aa><Iou a1ul aseald S£611 AN `ani?oilolnO St, alnoN XIunoOSL6SI poo�F�°��� .'q�Q Y1� outuu'tS xuogluv :O,L S I OZ `L I ounf :g LdQ 'IVAOHd(IVSIQ dO IDLLON F;Irl- -] V\4 -- u��t�Aupld ELI 00& A'N `CI IOH.LnoS J NHIN L dVdRa oNImifIg Z N 1 ' Q'ZOH,LfIOS 30 NMOZ 0� £ 'ON WHOA a a�� iiuTuuvid `dgZ `aiT3 :oD ain�tu�TS oar.► r� P [55,1111 0.r ()SfN, :,d I,.r►sa ►r ;►►r¢.'Id, k"IMM,[, JYJMJ Ni0 aul uzog Q►.n�;;�.► RI i►III(10)! a,r.rr,rcT `� is w urs got►pti .► da: 'qji;pun pea ,)y rl,Ioq rrir°►.ip pof 0s.��r�.a.►a;w;r.ara� rirw�p� rlgc��' ^ ► ties ►r � aui Xjjadojd"Xue T of lool lln► .iiorr .cao� ti,IIS �� ► p- ----------. lo' � ► � r �� rr.►o a tr .w ►.r►^ .... .►rs sa s,sr: : r a►act y..- M►cw a aiM aa— o tlol za►M.rtsuoc'a p;�r,a;��f� .rc t �a.►�►rrr'r rc r►►A ��'� I ' �N w<1a. l l 4 �a «aaumo Xjouim aul� q poumo sT.igoiyA"'pus sasoi rn—ir pI . .l. Nyy .,. li ffNE . � �r,rq� rUlI �►pp �►,�►l ayy ►. orrtl "r`� o .. rr � r s (y1 plJr cY " rro hxcrr rra s7a a'N:'►>�+, ) % l " r T ) "ilC . r .► ,rel l >i .�plsaa.r rr� JOU `ID JIST(I : 'V Orjl Ul "�JOAI13:)(C�,03 ")J." t lr�ar"3(a f.� .► rr ori►e r►�,�^.aero "r l ii.a►1( Sri��IN JIr►r e�. �i ► r►oil�i►.► ,nor g rso i ar T os,l'w:. fbi 8f.i.101 — ooig —101 uoT oaS—000 •o xuL Auno o � N an aping aueZ sut'nid 06ft put' St aino� lunoDSL6S i :Apodoad jo uoT�LooZ ju asn utllomp ITucul aI uts v 01 A.Ioss000u ainjoxuls tuvq 5 garrr: uu . r.rorla'wroao"i" oily of .10SSO M!pV'( prI.rt1j11101.r���.,"UI(X� red ►►rr .ro s d �� l > w „ jrr:r srrr>a oa{p ioj iTuz�ad zo3 S I OZ un f polup Isonbai anoX lull aaijou a)lB;asuaid 9E61 i AN `on2ouoinD St MON f4unoaSL691 ouTuut,S Xuouiud :OL S i0Z `L i aunt :g,LVQ 'IVAO'dddVSIQ,IO 93I.LON pee R1u�juel4i A'N `Q'IOHIfIOS 0 9 `w N'�f" INgW.LNVEIQ JNIQ'IIflg Q'IOH,LflOS AO NAkO L r1k al, Jja "°` �" £ ON Iii dod rkfT�a� P82) 011 � w� 1 i FOR INTERNAL USE UNLY i JUN � 0 20i5 JUN 1 6 2015 S4 PLAN USE DETERM(N TIO SoutholdTow Planning Board �. Date Sent:_LLf --���- Protect - U Project Address _J....� .�.... . OO ' Oni wg District: Suffolk County T;" x Map-No.:1000- _ - _ .... . of 6uildirtg Permit Ayplir ation and supporting _ do .��°rJ( ��tatton,as o (Note: Copy proposed use or uses should be sui:),11itted.) � initial DeternA41ation as to vhethel' use is permitted,- d,- I Ir Initial .1 _ Deternlinf bran as to Whether site p i plan is e I:J - �--�--wWW ector of Building nsp Signature , Punning Department (P.D.) (o �Q f_` Date of p,.D.Oate Received: w AWL GO W-17 ient _ -- s• *� 1e" W Signature o lrning i Stall Reviewer final Determiq-atLOt Date:_k/ Decision: nect nnatllrP nr n R111Idi a i.�.,.. __ � TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST BUILDING DEPARTMENT Do you have or need the following,before applying? TOWN HALL Board of Health SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 4 sets of Building Plans TEL: (631)765-1802 Planning Board approval FAX: (631)765-9502 Survey- SoutholdTown.NorthFork.net PERMIT NO. Check ............ Septic Form N.Y.S.D.E.6.................... Trustees C.O.Application ,F7LRI Flood Permit 20 Examined Single&Separate............... _ -7 26 1 Storm-Water Assessment Form Contact: Approved-. 20 40,:7L Disapproved a/c Phone: Expiration '20 Otago APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date 20 INSTRUCTIONS a.This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 4 sets of plans,accurate plot plan to scale.Fee according to schedule. b.Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises,relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas,and waterways. c.The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Pen-nit. d.Upon approval of this application,the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant.Such a permit shal I be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout t the work. e.No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in pan for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f.Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date.If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim,the Building Inspector may authorize,in writing,the extension of the permit for an addition six months.Thereafter,a new permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk County,New York,and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings,additions,or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code,housing code,and regulations,and to admit authorized inspectors on promises and in building for necessary inspections. (Signature Wapp"plican�torname�jf a corporation) (Mailing�addess of applicantp State whether applicant is owner,lessee,agent,architect,engineer,general contractor,electrician,plumber or builder Name of owner of premises Winn (As on the tax roll or latest deedl If applicant is a corporation,signature of duly authorized officer (Name and title of corporate officer) Builders License No. Plumbers License No. Electricians License No. Other Trade's License NO. 1. Locati and o 1 which pi-pposed,work v! I be done: ' on 10,1 0- ��i' C(-)I C h r 01 House Number Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section 0 0 � Blo dk� Lw Y Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy ,' b. Intended use and occupancy I 1' rr ) °'S+(1_.��` � . 3. Nature of work(check which applicable):New Building Addition Alteration Repair Removal Demolition Other Work (Description) 4. Estimated Cost o � Fee (To be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling,number of dwelling units blerofelling units on each floor _ If garage, number of cars v 1a1 6acluc.k16V3 6. If business,commercial or mixed occupancy,specify nature and extent of each type of use. r r d d ld 7. Dimensions of existing structures,if any:Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories 8. Dimensions of entire new construction:Front Rear ' Height Number of Stories ; 9. Size of lot:Front l (,! Rear /44/ Depth 10.Date of Purchase Name of Former Owner 11.Zone or use district in which premises are situated A G e- 12.Does proposed construction violate any zoning law,ordinance or regulation?YES_NO 13.Will lot be re-graded?YES_NO/Will excess fill be removed from premises?YES_NO 14.Names of Owner of premises Address Phone No. Name of Architect Address Phone No Name of Contractor Address Phone No. 15 a.Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland?*YES NO * IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES&D.E.C.PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b.Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland?*YES NO * IF YES,D.E.C.PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 16.Provide survey,to scale,with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17.If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below,must provide topographical data on survey. 18.Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property?*YES NO * IF YES,PROVIDE A COPY. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF ) Name of at widual signing contract)above namedbeing duly sworn,deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant si , (S)He is the w oe (Contractor,Agent,Corporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before me this —_ . day of1 )()C 20 —TRA0E`Y L.DWYER .... Notary P lic NOTARY PUBLIC,STATE OF NEW YMK_—v ppl:cant NO.01DW63MM QUALIFIED IN SUFFOLK COIMKY COtrI ASSIM MWIRESAM 30,2S2 FOR INTERNAL- USE UNLY Lel 0 2,.1 SITE PLAN USE TERM N "l, Bowd Initial Determination Date Sent: Project-Name._ . b Project Address:_�.� .� y 76 %_�/p/ _ g District: �--- Suffolk County Tax Map No.•1000=_� 4 Request �. Co of I�ut Permit, pl licatlon and supporting do+c�t1°��entation a to (Note. Copy proposed use or uses should be submitted.) v use is per��aittod:���__ . �. .. initial Determillation as to whether ,site plan ioiuired _ Inital-Determinationas to w�eti�o� .. Signature f Building pector planning Department (P.D.) i= eferr, - (o � �Q , (5 Date of Comment:�_�� . p,D,flate Received. — 10 hent � � Signature o � 'finning �o s�ff Reviewer g Final Determination — . Decision• �..�_.�._�_�..��w�._.��..� - nna111fP. of Rill__._. . .~ f1Rr1pct(lr _... �.,.. - iClina l P.[ m i V; 0 cra. Y, (b Z rm 70 Ln &NZ EA z mm 0. .......... 0 0 z z Fu NP co Q En pj! 7Z ,plj 0 0 z z frf 0 G) m m o 0 Lm� Z �l 0 > > 0 IL cn, V CD "X O bo M N p (D I Im P'A d W q' 0 v " n i •y s C3i � � p ry w p� N ' i IC3 ^ " G O ^ I X CD -n d V p ro C a.w ro N C h _ w rte, �D in ..............a > r i- � n W lLl � T A ..w n _ _ ala a m -n �. • �. co D mCD n � W � 1 � I 51 =� Southold Building, Planning, and Zoning Departments: We are requesting building permits to build an agricultural storage barn on our 5.25 acre current vineyard property and also building permits for a winery/tasting room building with an AG Pad on our new 3.7 acre property which is contiguous with our current property. The total acreage with the two properties combined is 8.95 full acres. The total acreage with the two properties combined if we were to consider builder acres would be 9.75 builder acres. Our site plan considerations include: A 60 ft deep well screened buffer area abutting the only residential property with a dwelling close to our property line located to our south east. We have also designed a winery/tasting room building that will also serve as a buffer to the residential dwelling to the east when our guests are using our patio. We would like to obtain the building permits for the agricultural barn and AG pad as soon as possible if in doing so will not negatively affect the remaining process of obtaining permits for the Winery/tasting room We were advised by the building department that we should provide in writing that we will be clearing our new property this summer 2015 in order to prepare for planting next spring. When doing so we will be saving some of the vegetation including the wild cedars for our new site plan proposal. Anthony-a,flcl LisaSannino � � i . H w2 2015D kms'Ff .d TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST BUILDING DEPARTMENT Do you have or need the following,before applying? TOWN HALL Board of Health SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 4 sets of Building Plans TEL: (631)765-1802 Planning Board approval FAX: (631)765-9502 survey—— SoutholdTown.NorthFork.net PERMIT NO. Septic Form N.Y.S.D.E.C. Trustees C.O.Application—..... Flood Permit Examined_- 20_ Single&Separate 20 Storm-Water Assessment Form J151 Contact: <— Approved —,20 Disapproved a/c Phone: Expiration 20_ Building Inspector APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date 20-J INSTRUCTIONS a.This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 4 sets of plans,accurate plot plan to scale.Fee according to schedule. b.Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises,relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas,and waterways. c.The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d.Upon approval of this application,the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant.Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e.No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f.Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date.If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim,the Building Inspector may authorize,in writing,the extension of the permit for an addition six months.Thereafter,a new permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of Building Permit pursuant to the BuMing Zone Ordinance ofthe Town of Southold,Suffolk County,New York,and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings„additions,or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code,housing code,and regulations,and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. r 11 � �— --a� (Signature 67(applicant or name,if a corporation) Alucik I czp, 6169 (Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is oCwner,lessee,agent,architect,engineer,general contractor,electrician,plumber or builder I Name of owner of premisesJ (S o 0 n+h 6 n t-i (As on the tax roll or latest deed If applicant is a corporation,signature of duly authorized officer (Name and title of corporate officer) Builders License No. Plumbers License No. Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. 1. Locat on cA iand o which d work i I be done: �ch n a Ue LL) I louse Ntin&-r Street Hamlet �J! AT�,W� County Tax Map No. 1000 Section Lot—ci Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy b. Intended use and occupancy ) } 0 �� 3. Nature of work(check which applicable):New Building Addition Alteration Repair Removal Demolition Other Work C (Description) 4. Estimated Cost '� "� Fee (To be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling,number of dwelling units b Lof elling units on each floor If garage, number of cars v1A-r-,�-RC1°"1:j vj i 0 '�l 6. If business,commercial or mixed occupancy,specify nature and extent of each type of use. --� -. 0a, 001 7. Dimensions of existing structures,if any:Front Rear__ _—Depth Height Number of Stories Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories 8. Dimensions of entire new construction:Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories 9. Size of lot:Front � er Rear / q Depth 10.Date of Purchase Name of Former Owner 11.Zone or use district in which premises are situated -m-�,,.oE'_ , 12.Does proposed construction violate any zoning law,ordinance or regulation?YES_NO 13. Will lot be re-graded?YES_NO /'Will excess fill be removed from premises?YES_NO 14.Names of Owner of premises Address Phone No. Name of Architect Address Phone No Name of Contractor Address Phone No. 15 a.Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland?*YES NO * IF YES,SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES&D.E.C.PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b.Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland?*YES NO * IF YES,D.E.C.PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 16.Provide survey,to scale,with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17.If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below,must provide topographical data on survey. 18.Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property?*YES NO * IF YES,PROVIDE A COPY. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF- . being duly sworn,deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of n iva-dllual signing contract)above named, V (S)He is the wOeg (Contractor,Agent,Corporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before nae this �... :.....__day of 20j5_ W TRACeY L.DWYER Notary P lic ag tur rplicant NOTARY PUBM,.STATE OF NEW YOA14 NO.01 DW6306M QUAL M IN SUFFOLK COMM CON&MM EXPIRES JUNE 2,Qa MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEM]BERSP.O. Box 1179 r DONALD J.WILCENSKI w� Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III "� J3 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H. SIDOR cou jfo Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: December 9, 2016 Re: Deferred Revenue The Site Plan Applications referenced below have been accepted by the Planning Board and the funds may be processed to Planning Applications Revenue Account B2115.10. Thank you. ' Tax Map—# � Amount Check ... Applicant/Project Name & p Date Sannino Vineyard 101-1-14.6 $700 8/25/15 -Surrey Lane Vineyard 69-5-18.1 $1,760.60 8/29/16 -Purita Wine Production 51-3-5 $1,000 8/2/16 -Matchbook Distillery 48-2-44.3 $250 9/23/16 JM : S 33027'50" E ALVAH'S LANE 50.00' .l O AL VAH'S LANA IIQ IIS _ I � ► ul �' �y a � I IjU- I X I I I I 11 I Ill � I W lu I IIS ;,0� I 4 q� 1 I X I �- 11.1 crl I I l I U�K 4- I I rI I I I i _i ,n � I I � � — � >�_ --� — I KAY MAS' I SCALE: N.T.S. lu � � ,w t1j CID I0 It-I SUBDIVISION MAI~' OF EAST COAST" PROPS SUFFOLK. (BOUNTY FILE NO. c1225 PROPERTIES I j o I _� I � I 0 I I v W EXT'G i IlU I < I ILZ WELL IL x I Q � \ I lu I a-. o I 179 ZIo lu Ia_I I I CID I I \ \ I I t17 I L S 3303'20" E y — — i0 GROF05ED 5'TO 8' z� i YSTEMR 2 HISH CEDAR TR i a5 5' # (TO BE RELOCATED �0 EX7'G Il I IES ` — — — — — PROM 51TW �ALLL �_ I CexT�) EDGE of VINEYARD - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ ,-' _.._ ». - __ i 1 S 332410 E� �o /. . I , I – I (EXT'G) EDGE Of uINEYARD - - I- -- - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - 474 34 \ 98.93' �' 288.00 , r w LOT 14.0 DEVC - - .� 4.4 4-4.4 4 4 �� „zT _ B8.o7' 50 _.- .— — .— - J lD 1a 1 I I < ry�� LOT 14.4 ( QIDEVr-LOPMENT RIC-,,HTS INTAr.,T _ I__- - - ��] -LO�'M�NT fi�lC�f�TS INTACT -- — — -i C I - �tc�,;.,RKI - �� �� ��A,...� �� ���� �� I ) EO- ) I �i ^` II6RA55 PARKING AREAin.-..t=_ ? ;� d .�- t�; ryo �� �;, �. I ACRES/ 22C,8C 4.0 5.1- 8i.8� 5.1=. I f, —SGA E �� ,� GRASS , l , F,�`j V I \\_z (AKA Q •DU.e.,, t1CN{) J !4 // �� 0 (AKA I Q N Nm`n ARPA AMM•N,w. '\� 1 TREE5 -i • N I PARKIN& •'ouMsq D // Q� I - &RAVEL •RXGTRN - ��«=�-- _ AREA STREET t u! _ / J / '� Q— I Illei a4v M f Ap pl1 f'1 I ' / I 20' MIN 1 Avga ILI I to � U (��v7 J / 4)(J LOT 1) I • 0 ARtALT GRAVEL FlOTBoxZ TN iNK ' N,e*T FROpb ILI 11 iu (�� Z• s 10 PROPOSED ELECTRICAL---- -------- - ---- - 1- t ------- ------ - r y` SIH - k - ____ �E =z o I I ''1I i ��� I e aA.lr cr L c�en �o �Z. .'qn _ .::�t� PR4P09ED'I-I/3'VIA WATER SERVICE vATu—_VATrn �v"r�/ alb l Q U `v I - 1— y' C .10 yy.�,laf PROP 'iV-. \ y �' I W u l o m z " ,r 5 g � V PROPOSED 0\ d,•v Ivve� 4� "l I 165' rI x < V I ` 1ND PLR I�B 9 u,V. Q w , U I v (AKA �5 'Z °°`r,,,,G X I X \\`� SANITARY 'soil Ne..Kwr „„ilii-F • MIN.5' IO S IU .J l Q CRUSH iiiG� J. I , xLLl I,EP; •w Trt”' ipi , o, '� I .V LT y 5GY'lA.METER rt 5Y5TEM #3 I -- law,w%ici. �ii AND F �1 �A, V � PATIO (/ I i • Box m VAULT �- �j � PAD 852 S.P. ���qq L{,FlDE.,GAPED w+` I / , VI NL o LOT 3) A X 1 \ 5B4 S.P. :i •s••s• I ISLANDI N _ I ell QQQ--- < I \ LANDSCAPE ,S^ ,�- 0 ,�� 0)' UVB, EXISTING 45— o, (7 iry oto � SANITAR r' -I ------ �/ �` �� PROPOSED AREA 4 I 7ASTIN6 AREA W-I INLET /} O 661.0 5F �-_—__ � .4,-j_'-1' •� !ll I la_ \ �—— \ 173.81' N�1 a9.0 _ \ \ „ 5 RARKIN6 SYSTI=M #I PROfi�05ED 2" DIA. WATER 15't X501 GRA VpL ^9 ' I�� ro � J \ _ PROP'D �" DIA. WATER 5ERVICE \ v vATu—vATu—vATAw—v � �t^� I- BUS1CrARKIN6 fill VAlril--- VAI"— YATtl1— Aipl—YATEN-- ATOI—VAIFIt--VAIQ•—VAIG--YATq---VAipl _— -- -- I yy_j x50' N --vAm—vAToi—vAro'- -vAlw—vA,vt—vATu—vATw- vATce —r— — — — — — — — — -- — — — -- — — — — — (PROP'D)EDGE OF VINEYP,RD -----•—' '-' �! TQ—YA,FA—VAt,A—VAIEA---VAIFA—VATR--VATfP— VATEA— -- �- '--' -- -- -- _ . _ VA1FA— VATnI--YAtFA—VAT,R—VATOl—VAiq— VATp WTU VAM VAIFA--VAIFA— -- vATr,a—vAt,a— v"nx—vATu—vAtrx—v \ L___ J I A VA R--VA FA —.VA A— VA A— AEA—.VA A vAu \ vAu— " I PARK N6 I ^, ~ •r 32 �'q g tf1 I N 3332'20\\f{' ----------- �.. ._ - _... -- _. ` _ �Y" --------YAC—YATa- Y�—YAa� I A X55 25' �/ Z �'�"'ti».. \ '+f J A SETBACK � ♦ ,♦♦ \\ o o� >O' > !) I \\ 63 \ ' 14, 4444 I 15, �S 1. �I 111 LANTLD VINES I \ r 8.4� N 28'40'40' 4 4 �ATl �o ill o A6RIGULTUR,�,- 'ROI�UGTION - �5 TOTAL AREA: \\ �y I A q /- {� Q 5' TC B' PROPOSED EXTG BARN ` l;a 5.5C 24 ACRES/ I55,i81.0CIEVAR TR 8. 42 V �4� �' `��/ ��J� ���I \ (TO BE RE OGAEED I SIGNUMENT ���.00' I I " c .., H-�5 NO I �^J I I I I I 8CI 5.�. �hy0 �S FROM 51TE) QO EXT'G I Iy X O _I ( lu UTILITY I A ul , POLE W I rig f LUMBING RESIDENTIAL USE I -9, -1 LCT 2011 SANITARY 34' I ,, 7 OR WATER — l_ ►- 1148 ,4GREs/ �,oao.a 5.1= N EXT'G _ 2 - - - - u WELL OI Southold Town W i DGE OF VI1!EY v ( Q Planning Board b � 25' � ti dz� uJ x<.- I 1 DEPARTMENTAL Afi PROV,A%L l� S.G.T.M. #: 1000-101-114.4 $ 14.6 N L ._ (>=XT'G) EDGE Oi= VIN)=Y�4RD I � Sr.a fir,,.• ,,: y y r ..,. _ — — ,— '�--��.�,., — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — �G� N3102520" iY `-�- --- .m..._. - � , 6 C ,,.: r . {}-�- 1.._......�..n ......:_.._.... _.�....,.�......,.._. .li d 11c3t d:'-1Fr;ni.� *d e,e.r.:?ip 9�dfE e`1; i'�kT tzv i+`:.9'd 96.£'�' SITE DATA gf'(t v,'A: r V EXT O N - V`I I L1�1 AM WIG 397.75' 34-15'30" , + � �-. EXT'& AREA OF SITE: 8.Q428 ACRE(5) OR 38a,551.8q S.F. N jY127.47 I s �.r r„ i°a,. U .-r,�/ 31�©• ' '"—� EAT G BUILDING ARI=A: 2,162.0 S.F. 1NEL1._ f:}-#Alm( ---- (IRI�IGATION (�/AGAN - b. _, _. �_r .:� � � l � PROPOSED BUILDING AREA: 2,852.0 S.F. TOTAL 5,014.0 S.F.ONLY) plian,; % OF LOT OCCUPANCY 1.28 SITE PLAN 796 kit;nary tpeYE yi°.6',: ,:ra' Iii s :��<. E::.�z ta. ZONING OF 51TE: AG ZON1116 a.:?a: EXISTING USE: RESIDENCE WINERY SCALE: 1 ' =50'-0" REV. #4 04-2-1-I-1 PROPOSED USE: RESIDENCE WINE7'Y f•t;+"Sa6iC 4`t.}f:t1:i.S9PSP.:ifL :fy+g,Ir::B'"•fes 5�.1?s't�t�!.' c.�l�[rS'S.Y'cT`tF:;'"zP:ugad �vg<:vtti'; fy, p v (ht:. 1.�'.�',:9;lit'•'l ef. ^i Yllc =kk+tJ`.,cin!' z%ip It-t ..�1=,yw3x$� '.x+ 1;,r, as��T. .• R��. #� 04-2�J—I� 1000-101-1-14.4 4 14.6 U DATUM OF ELEVATIONS: NAVD 1155 REV. #2 04-0-1-1-1 REV. #1 03-20-1-1 . SITE-PLAN FOR ���.1=U ����, S,hNNINO VINEYARD J. 15815 COUNTY ROAD 48 GUTCHo(sm,NY .�..t...,.A,...�A.�•A..�A»..�,.:Aa-. • Q� F,C`� '�'��j �'x APPROVED BY: .�..,..' w>r1�A�i ftrz LIINE(�} ��I,"{`� D� INSr'ECTr.D 1�3Y THI- �� ® SCALE: A5 NOTED DRAWIJ BY: .I,TURNER Ui'FOLK COUNTY DEPT. OF HEALTH SERVICES. k �. DATE: 1�,,„.0� 2-15-17 REVISED BY CALF. £52-57..154, 48 HOURS IN RQYANC' , 4L Robert J. (5ruber - -� Architect. T4 'CCtiEDULI: immccTION 476 Expressway Drive So. Medford, N.Y. 11763 (631) 654-4949 1 ^/72 Y)"� DRAWING NUMBER: S.G.D.W.S REQ# GIO-16-0012 qTF OF NE\N SAN I TAR%i/ S I Ti: FLAN 5AN-1 OF 2 JOB# # 15-0a4 I •pYLlilWi, PROPOSED DENS I TY SANITARY 5 TO 8 HIGH CEDAR TREES �� GROUND WATER MANAGEMENT ZONE: IV SYSTEM #2 (TO BE REL,OGATED I XTI� _ AREA OF SITE - 8.1428 AGRE(5) OR 381,551.81 S.P. FROM 151TE) J ELL VINEYARD AREA = - 5.5624 ACRE(5) OR 155,181.6-7 S.P. S 330;?4 110 E� �O o AREA = 5.5804 AGRE(S) OR 234,370.22 S.P. -- - - -- I I 1 -9144. 09 -' ' 26 55 , 9-9 CALCULATIONS EXCLUDES VINEYARD AREA x _ 98. 931 ®0 I � � 5.3804 ,OGRES x 600 G.P.D. PER ACRE = 3,228.24 G.P.D. ALLOWABLE ___F1' - -- _ \_ -- • 0 ;>, -' SAS I TARPLoV� (ONLY) - ---------_ � h I i LINE OF 12' $UPPER O - ------- - ---- - --- \ x _ -- -- - - - -'- - - LINE OF 12' BUFFER - �- SANITARY PLOW CALCULATION (EXT'& SYSTEM #I) 551.25 6PP x I ,' _ _ _ IC-7R�cCJcJ' P�RKJN�7 �RE�t ° I / L .--.\ j LINE \ "x o� 12' BUPP F- SANITARY FLOW CALCULATION (PROP'D SYSTEM #2) 1050.50 GPD 1-7 GARS \EP cp. EP ' _- - � � r .' i ER � , ;x J3 LEAGf11NG Lr �? \ ' GRA55 (NEV`l) 1 x 1=� = 1,381.78 GPD Ep6E OF 6RAVE� ,q QL13' DP I SIJ ' AREA TOTAL SANITARY PLOW GRA VEL -\/ \ '/LP\\ NEW EDGE OF bRAVEL STREET IL1 1\I I �s.o ii GREAS>= TRVP D SANITARY FLOW CALGU�AT�0N EXTIC3 SYSTEM #0 N PAR}�ING ,LP n \ B DIA x 5 DP -�'R��cJ � � ( ) (� (� AREA #2 AREAI� % 1,500 GAL GAP. �� TOTAL AVG. INL1=T 44.0 3�i.9 \\ /j' IE EDGE O GRAVEL ASPHALT ux , I IE 1 ' _ Cb s' 301.01 N I R A V E 1-_ PROP D RPZ RESIDENCE AREA NO. GPD SF O / \ I 40.1% t� ED Fi..AVEDARE,4 PAVED 1 - - - -� -- __ I \� ,L, 20 MIND ® G GAL/DAY - -1-- -NE ✓ ARE HOT BOX 50. --T. 5EAT5 GPD/SEAT SANITARY ONLY ;SEP""IG TA -7 - R\ EIf= TANK I u x d7 8' DI `4' P 1 / \�\ I ' DIA 6' DP \ - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - O \\ s ,I 10 / PROPOSED ELECTRICAL SERVIG _ \ (ExT'&) HOUSE 300.0 1LJ 200 GAL c P. �' oo G L cAP 40. - _ �- (EXT'&) BARN 182.0 5.F - 04 31.28 GPD IE MIN. ( �� - - TEST w q o IE IE z I >< - 31.4'-- 40.0 40.1, \� W-I i I �I a I HOLE 331.28 GPD \\ +�.oIt- �, Ij 41.2 11 _z ��, #1 1 1> Lx l 182' LEAGFIIhJv" x -x -�-�"x 1 � x x �� W�R, WATER WAT � � I 1u �, SANITARY FLON GALGULAT I ON (FROF' D SYSTEM #2) \ \ A1� - I ER WATER WATER WATER -- WATER --- WATER Pools , \N \ IE EL 45.0 IE IE PROPOSED 1-1/2" DIA. NATER SERVIGE WAT(y �7 o 8' DIA x 12 DP EL 45.0 r I u 1�1 TOTAL AVG. WINERY A !a ARE 1` . GPD 5F � 0o IE ��'� l� _; ��= 40.6 =_= IE NEW 41.0 2 41.4 Z `5,15,1 ,-' S ``, ,i � --- H.T. 41.0 GUARD PROPOSED W- a e d F- GAL/DAY \ ' MIN. 4 RAIL IST FLR `� 165' ��� 20 5Q. FT. SEATS 6PD/5EAT MIN. • 2,8j�✓ :1-��1^IINERY $ \ I w MAX. SANITARY ONLY 2ND FLR�O ,I.C/iz,4�u8 S.F. \ �' � K OFFICE (2ND FLOOR) 438.0 S.F. - ,06 26.28 IE \ EL 45.0 W/ 3,6C�0'�S:z;•:;E3�451=MENT PROPOSED 31.4 /-- 32 / / _ -_\- - O RETAIL AREA 1,106.0 S.F. .03 33.18 / /// FA ® MIN. 5' " BET (EEN \ 1 D - WINE EDUCATION AREA 400.0 S.F. 20 5 100.00 ,- \ NEW �T�T//i// METE V VLT �- S•G.W.A. METER SAN � TARY 11 ;50%`� GF�EASE TRAP i/\i%j��•F• � ®®� � WINE PRODUCTION AREA 685.0 S.F. - .04 27.04 ///i. I '\ EP ; a' DIA x 5' DP / ��" 45.0' a z -{ �-" SYSTEM $$5 I - 1,506,6AL GAP. �/ � � AND �f BOX � L0 �► X VAULT G R U S H ! / , /411 �° ��� LL %�7 111 TA5T)NG AREA (SEATED STAND I h1G) 661.0 S.F. 44 10 410.00 PAD 832 5"P. ����\\� � NDSGAPED (� - WAREHOUSE (BASEMENT) 3 600.0 S.F. .04 144.00 / / ®0� �e� ISLAND -��\ N SEASONAL OUTDOOR SEATING (832.0 S.F.) 56 5 280.00 (� \ 6,810,0 S.F. G.F.A. 1050.50 GPD 0, W-5 \-LANDSCAPE �' 1� PROPOSED ;;� x AREA KI TGHN C7RAY LOADLOV�I GALGULATI ON SYSTEM #2 `\ [L T\ASTING AREA W-I EL 43.0 O �' ( ) .--, .: ---- --- � �P AREA �3 �\ �( � 661 .0 SP F- x --- --- -_ - --- \ 173" INLET 39.0 I m WINERY AREA NO. GPD 5F TOTAL AVG. --� GAL/DAY SQ. FT. 5EAT5 6PD/5EAT \ I ___ ___BUS PARKING I \ �P��� Y J 5ANITARY ONLY LAREAI H - ---- - - - 15,� x 50' C�R f� Q / , �,, -J -------__-- C0 TA5TI NG AREA (SEATED) 661.0 S.F. 44 5 220.00 - - I- - -- - ---- \ / I �� WINE EDUCATION AREA 400.0 S.F. 20 2.5 = U� �\ X0.00 2 DIA • NATER S R V I G E " ;; I BUS 'A R K I N G P� '� �} SEA50NAL OUTDOOR SEATI N& 832.0 S.F. 56 2.5 140.00 Z I , 1 ul ,,rr�� Q 410,00 GPD " 15 II x 5 V ' I EDbE O�6RAVEi- --_-__-_,_ -- -._-__-_- ,-� EDC O� VINEYARD x = -- --- - -- - - -- �- ---I Z - ------I- ----- - P�� •. -I 1,460.50 GPD �= I PARKING SEPTIC TANK \\ x V 1 ' 1,460.50 GPD X 2 DAYS = 2,121.0 GPD REQ'D '. -- WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER \✓A7ER \ 'D I (5) 'X281 _\ GRAS,S 25' WATER WATER WATE \ WA RI USE IO' DIA, X 6' LIQUID DEPTH WATER WAITER WATER W TER WATER x� L_ - -- ---- -� � AREA ----- ---.- _ '�' 01 � �_ SETBACK • 3,000 GAL GAP. SEPTIC TANK LEACHING POOLS r -- M 15 \ `• 1,460.50 GPD : 15 615F 3.6 1 SF WALL AREA REOV ' �1 0`�g ' " �1 SETBACK -{ 1'73.6"7 5F = 25.0 5F/VF = 3�>.q5 REQID --_._ 40 USE (3) POOL(S) ® V DIA. X 13' DEEP EA. = 31' VFP PROV'D 5 ' TO 0 ' I P R O fi O s�l� �� 9 �C �,�,. V &REA5E TRAP HIGH CEDAR TREES MONUMENT �• �� �Il�. "USE 8' DIA, x 5' LIQUID DEPTH (T O 5E RELOCATED S I C-)N i (,�U �\'�J 1,500 GAL GAP. GREASE TRAP �� FROM SITE) �.0 EXT 'C� ;. IL, .�-' �' -` FROG ESS WATER" GALL. (FROFOSED SYSTEM #5) UTILITY -� X' ' 1 , -�" F O L E , r WINERY AREA N0. GPD/VAT TOTAL AVG. CAL DAY HEAVY DUTY AND LOCKING I • ;"\� "',y. CAST IRON COVER TO GRADE 111 �. SQ• FT. VATS SANITARY ON[-'T' (PROPOSED) WINERY (EQUIP. WASH DOWN) - 14 20 280.0 _ I LE, N� _ TRAFFIC BEARING AREA TO BE ASPHALT PAVED � �: ' �' 280.0 GPD 24" ID iV U % 24" ID • 2D MIN. ... ,..•.,. 2D MIN. _; :•: (� SYSTEM IS DESIGN FOR 600 GPD WE L L INLET ` 1/4 NLE "...1I ...I OUTLET N 1- NQ.�. SEPTIC TANK FLOW LINE 11- 5`1"STEM #3 600,0 GPD X 2 DAYS = 1,200.0 GPD REQ'D E DIA. SDR OR 74" S ITE PLAN EQUIVALENT O LP IS OVERSIZED A5 PER APPLIGAIIT U5E 8 DIA. x 4 LIQUID DEPTH PITCH MIN. e d L I.E. 1/4" PER FOOT `q wo e" 39.5 �� ,r\ 1,200 GAL GAP. 5EPTIG TANK DROP "r SCALE: 1 =20 -0 E.L. HEAVY DUTY AND LOCKING Q o E L HEAVY DUTY AND LOCKING " CAST IRON COVER TO GRADE LI_AGHING POOLS CAST IRON COVER TO GRADE I J '� �--4" DIA. SDR OR _ 43,0 43.0 EQUIVALENT 600 GPD _ 1.5 6/5F = 400.0 5F WALL AREA REOV PITCH MIN. 1/8" PER FOOT a X GRADE EL. 38.0' _ _ a Z •• 00.0 5F 25.0 5F/VF = 16.0 VF REOV 4'DIA, SDR35 OR Z 4" 5'-6" 8'-b" 4'DIA. SDR35 OR Tn DARK USE (2) LEACHING POOL(5) @ 8' DIA. X 12' DEEP EA. = 24' VFP PROV'D EQUIVALENT to EQUIVALENT- C; N 0 BROWN PITCH MIN. J3'-0" PITCH MIN: - - LOAM 1/8' PER FOOT 20" 1/8" PER FOOT 20' OL GREASE TRAP \ IIIN EL.37.5' USE 8' DIA. x 5' LIQUID DEPTH MIN I BROWN 1,500 GAL GAP. GREA-_E TRAP .1 SEPTIC, TANK DETAIL SYSTEM #3 I:E,. 39:40 = SYSTEM #2 I.E. 39,90 - SILT it LET \ (8' DIA. X 4' LIQUID DEPTH) _ (1,200 GALLON CAPACITY) VIE T ML 4 1/8"/FT. a /8"/FT. EL 3 0' ' I I (SYSTEM #3) " 1 CAST COVED;TO GRADE r r., HEAVY DUTY AND LOCKING - III- PALE I T 1°/ T` ` r` 3'-0" CA'3T IRON COVER TO GRADE LO 3'-D.. . BROWIJ _I N MIN. _ �X X W =I N MIN. = FINECOATO AREA OF SITE: 8.83 ACRE(5) OR 3801,553.41 S.F. OL a a z - LJ cV ; U" MIN. I �-' \ SAND EXT'G BUILDING AREA: 2162.0 S.F. SYSTEM #2 IE=41,2 �x X w I:E• 24" ID iv U 24" ID \RAFFIC BEARING LJ SW PROPOSED BUILDING AREA: 2,852.0 S.F. 1I I- Q _I-I SYSTEM #3 EL=40.6 `E a z SYSTEM #2 IE=40:7 40:6 III- A _ > cv Z 4. 20 MIN 20 MIN. ° - > - TOTAL = 5,014.0 S.F. \ SYSTEM #3 EL=40,1 � - = EL. 21.0' U _ iV INLET 14" �- 'OUi''�LET 1N - % OF LOT OCCUPANCY 1.2875Y Lj 4' DIA, SDR OR g" 8" MIN, TRAFFIC BEARING '74"7FT• e" Lll NOTE INLET & EQUIVALENTS 20' 4" DIA. SDR OR FLOW LINE N II L NQIEt INLET & HIGHEST EXPECTED GROUNDWATER EL. 5.0' ZONING OF 51TE: AG ZONING ILd OUTLET TO BE MIN. �4" I W OUTLET TO 13E MIN. (= 2400 CLASS PIPE PITCH MIN. FLOW LIN 6'DIA, SDR35 OR EQUIVALENT _ I - 2400 CLASS plpE EXISTING USE: RESIDENCE 4 WINERY I.E. 1 8 PER FOOT PROPOSED USE: RE5IDENCE 4 WINERY 1/8" PER F007 1/4" PER FOOT " \ PITCH MIN. � a 1- = COMMENTS: EQUIVALENT 1/4" PER FOOT � o o e" \ 4Ci,l � - j - ' - / " PITCH. 6T 0 1- 78" DROP "r I- PITCH. NO WATER ENCOUNTERED PITCH MIN. 1r, - 6' 4' 1/8" PER F❑❑T _ a" DIA, soR oR = DATUM OF ELEVATIONS: 1-14.4 14.6 NAVD 1x88 �-BACKFILL WITH 4" 5' 4„ EQUIVALENT { -� BACKFILL WITH TESN.T.S. OLE I- CLEAN COMPACTED " PITCH MIN. - 8•_0•. CLEAN CQMPACTED PROVIDED BY: SAND AND GRAVEL 7/-4# 1/8" PER FOOT - SAND ANIS GRAVEL McDonald GEOSCIENCE BOX 1000 ONLY I I I I ONLY SOUTHOLD, EXT'G YORK 11971 A SITE PLAN FOR SYS, ##3 EL. 27,40 �I 1- I - - _ I 5� "'ry SANNINO VINEYARD SYS, #2 EL. 26,90 (631) 765-3677 ER C 6" " i- I I I I I'�I I I I' - DATED: 06-28-16 �CC}� �� �, �+� 15875 COUNTY ROAD 48 GUTGHOGUE,NY 4" 4'-b '4'-6 4 '�I I I �__ I I I I I-- Q- �, E/ 1 �I��I Q� �r �`,� SCALE: AS NOTED APPROVED BY: DRAWN BY: J,TURNFR 3' MIN. ABOVE 3' MIN. ABOVE .,1 q NOTE: 101-0" NOTE: 8' DIA, DATE: O2-I'J-I� REVISED BY 6 MIN. OF GLEAN 511V%TA 6 MIN. OF GLEAN STRATA _ II (HIGHEST EXPECTED BELOIN POOL BOTTOM (HIGHEST EXPECTED BELOW POOL BOTTOM REV. #4 04-21-1-1 Robert J. C�ruk er - Ar��l �� GROUNDWATER) EL. 5.0 (5Y5TEM #2 4 #3) �R�,c�r�• � T'R,�}� SEPTIC, TANK DETAIL (SYSTEM #2) GROUNDWATER) EL, 5.0 REV. #5 04-25-17 } y s 135']1 476 Expressway Drive So. Medford, N.Y. 11763 631 654-4949 Sf1AN I TARP LEACHING FOOL (SYSTEM #3) (8 DIA. X 5 LIQUID DEPTH) (lo DIA. >< 6 LIQUID DEPTH) SANITARY LEAGH I NO FOOL (SYSTEM #2) REV. #2 04-01-1-1 �`JT� 01 P DRAWING NUMBER: (ENTIRE POOL TO BE IN CLEAN SAND & GRAVEL) (1,500 GAL. GAP.) (3000 GALLON CAPACITY) (ENTIRE POOL TO BE IN CLEAN SAND & GRAVEL) REV. #1 05-20-1-1 O> N SAN I TAR.)' 51 TE PLAN SAN-2 OF 2 . ,loB,y it 15-0014 72'—O" 4'—O'' CIO —oil 3'-0" _ 1.0 2' 1O" O4 Ip 3, p.. :5:'_4.. 8., I T -1 —I— FT -I ( . UP 11 I I I A I I • . 1 1 I I I — — ---e— — — — — — L J —I—L_ L J —o PROPOSED GIRDER COLUMNS � — — dJ I ( ry BASEMENT STORAGE ONLY 5,46a 5.P. 5.P. 12 OCCUPANTS u l0" — UP FRE I C HT LIFT `D Et REAR 0 7 2017 � 5au'.rlGid Town Flannia:i Board NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION BUILDING PLANS 1=0R 5.ANN I NO \/1 NEYA.RD. A..J.' � P _ 15q 15 G.R.48 U1TGH06UE,NY Q�4'� G' �� 'tloX SCALE, AS NOTED APPROVED BY, FOFOSED BASEMENT FLAN 5 /46 S .F . PRAHN BY, RK .k, " 'J� DATE, 06-22-16 SCALE: 114"=I —O REVISED BY , Robert J. Orubor ,, hite�t (D 416 Ex re5swa Drive 5o. Medford, N.Y. 11163 . (631) 654-04� ��` FOUNDATION PLAN $ DET ILS D IN6 NUMBER, C I ISSUED FOR ARB 05.01.17 JoB, # 15-0 14 - - I . . . - . . . I - .- I � . , � I . I . I I I 11 I I . I . ..1 I �. .I� � I I.. I - � . I-.� I � . . . ,I� 11 I. � . I I.. . . �. - . . �I . . . . . . . . . 1- I . .. . 1. 1. � . I I . � . I . I . . . I . 11 I I I . ,I . . . I . . . .. I I , , . I . I It .1 11 -,� .. � � I .. ' ' .1 I . - . 4'-O" 5'-O" I 11 16'-O" . - . . . 72'-O" . FEHEEEEEEI . . . . D � . I =1 -- II i i �I�.=,I.u.�I g..I I..I 9..I=.jI...i.lQI�ju.�I...I I:.-I I��_.I=_..-.1,.".>�*..-,-LI..I...�1�.�I-�..l.l..�II-,.I... 1 . 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OUQ - Od . . . . . ? b LiiNE OF WALL ABOVE - - - - .. -.-.I�I�....I IL.I..I:.I..���.II.��.I..I..I..Z.�I........--II.j..I..I.I I.........I��II..�.I.I.�.I.I.I.1��.....I I.....Ii.I.II.tI��I::!i�!��.iII.:i��;I�I.IIL:�I!II�II�!i;Fi�I.I,..I.I...I...;I�.I.I.�I.�.I I.I.IIII IL...I�......�....II......1 I II..II�..II.....I.L�..I....I..I.I I I. -.I...I.-.I�-.....I.-.......I..�...�....Z II I II..I...j�..I�j....u...I I�....--..//u�I1.--I-1.I...I.0..I..I..-I.tI....-........I....�..I-1.II.I-I.I 1 III.�I.:I..�..I..I�.I...�.�...�I..�..I II.....I.I��....�I I.I�,L.II..- .I...I.-.0.-I-.-�I.1.I.I...�I.�.�I.-...-��.�..�II,.I.I II-I..�.I I..�...I.I..I.�.I.I.I I..I�I...I���... I..I.I�..I.�. I.I I.I.�I....I I .I I F. LCI..I A.II T. I�.I...�.C-----�---).�..-- -I... . I L �.o. .I�.�:]. 1I. III. 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PER OCCUPANT 32 OGGUPAN'TS . I MAR Q 7 2017 . WINE EDUCATION AREA: 400 S.F. 20 S.F. PER OCCUPANT 20 OCCUPANTS TOTAL: 5,210. S.F. - __ Suuft! .iowf� WINE SERVICE AREA: S6 S.F. 200 S.F. PER OCCUPANT I OCCUPANT PIGr n ng Qu�rd WINE PREP E SERVICE AREA: 280 S.F. 200 S.F. PER OCCUPANT I OCCUPANT FRONT CO�IERED ENTRY: 56 S.F. WINE BAR AREA: 187 S.F. 20 SEATS 20 OCCUPANTS _ REAR PATIO: 832 S.F. NOT. 1-0R GONSTRUGTIO , ....` ENTRY / VEST: 293 S.F. 60 S.F. PER OCCUPANT. 5 OCCUPANTS COVERED CRUSH PAD: 354 S.F. . TOTAL OCCUPANTS: 86 OCCUPANTS BUILDING PLANS FOR . BASEMENT: 5,46q S.F. I SANK I NO /I NEYARD . . . „ 15115 G.R.40 . . . . '( J. ��` i GUTGHOGUE•NY .. 4 SCALE, AS NOTED APPROVED BY. DRAWN BY,RK ROPOSED F I RST FLOOR FLA - 2 ,552 S .F . I� DATE, 06-22 REViSEDBY, SCALE: I/4"=I'-O° .. - , : . . . Robert J. 3rubor • - . .., Architect 416 Ex re55wa Drive 56. Medford N.Y. 11165 '(651) 654 '4g4q DRAWING UMBER, . - ,.. -a(7`I- FIRST FLOOR PLAN � DETAILS 2 O 5 . al f" Z ,.S.. ISSUED FOR ARB 05.01.17 - ioB, # I5-O�i4 . . - - . ; 1 .. r LINE OF COVERED CRUSH PAD BELOW _ — -- — .— LINE OF WALL BELOW —L_ — . . . . . I I -1 . . . - � . , . II . W . . I . O . � , . .. II . . [� . I . . FLAT A C>=ICING . . . . — �- - - � • . . . .. - . . , . . , . NI N� . .- Idd. FRaDUGT I ON 0 Or I GE FLAT CEILING 438 5.F. OPEN To BELOW 4 OCCUPANTS . . . . KI , . . I . . o . I . � I DN I I , u— ... I . - = �° - JI . , OFEN TO 0 I . . v z HIGH BLOY `4 1T FLAT - .. - . O V CEILING . z — .= ,�, ��� z��� II . k �Q' . . I � II . II II I . II II II . . , . II WINE II JANE . . . ( TASTING I I EDUCATION . I . AREA AREA II OPENI TO BELOW I I OPEN TO BELOW , I I SLOPED I I SLOPED .. I , - , iGEILING CEILING II I , II . . I 1.I . . d. I—L = == = _= _ _ _��— - - - � 1 - - - -- -[ - _ - - -I . � � I . I . . i ,I � I . � . . . . I .� . � _ . . . ' I � d � d . d I I I . � . . . - I. ,� .. . d I . I I � � 1 5 % I , �.. - , �, ��{�aafl 5oatnafd Town. . P)annin;Goard' NOT FOR 'GONSTRUGT . ION I-:..�..d�.1.-II1 eI I II:..i.1..I..a.1.1p..4�,I..., . . . . � I . = . BUILDING PLANS FOR • SANN I NO \/INF--T'A :. i- . 1 15415 G.R.48 . , . GUTGHOCUE,NY . . OOSD SGON #�00 # — ® APPROVEDBY� moo; elp sGA�E A5 NOTED DRAwN BYE RK . ' X55 S .F . . °3 b 06=22-16 _ SCALE: 114°_I –O° f s a, DATE REVISED BY ? :rt , . Robert J. 3rUber . - r'G�l ItcGt . . 1 13 ?' 1, 476 �x re55wd Drive 50. Medford, KY:11-163 (631) 654=4a4q 4a - =` SFGOND FLOOR PLAN DETAILS DRAwi a UMER- 1= 5 . ISSUED FOR ARB 03.01.17 . JoB # 15-Oa4 . 4j' — T.O. RIDGE GABLE END VENT GOLOR: WHITE T.O. PLATE _ T.O. DOOR / WINDOW 1 w . I I : I ,. �.. ARCHITECTURAL ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLE - _ - � ` , COLOR: RED ... 12 tF X 8" KE Y COLOR:.WHITE N _ .,..__,..... w._.." ..,._..._.__.,...._.._.._ ___.,... c0 IEZE BOARD • _,.,,....,,.>._.>.._._,....._ ,._ COLOR: WHITE 5/4 X 8 PASGIA :�.• : .. .,,,.. .:•.. , ' COLOR: WHITE T.O. 2ND FLOOR __._•..._._ _ _...- ._._.__,.,.._._... .. _..._._.... .........",,..._. _.___._._ T.O. PLATE __.__.,,.._.._... .... _,... , _ G LOR• L16HT GREEN b. TRIM , CR T.O. DOOR / WINDOW J COLO RI TE . , b" TR N 1' II IM AROUND WINDOWS 4 DOORS COLOR: WHITE - II WOOD WINDOWS 4 DOORS - — - O G LOR• WHITE - II " I I 12n SQUARE COLUMNS - _ COLO • . R: WHITE FLAG STONE � NATER t— RTA , BLE S :3 COLOR: BEIGE , ., .... . .._ p _ . .. . ._ -•_"6..... .?},. : _... "�,..... _:^._-�- BROWN € € ,. . : . ,< :. } . : •_-='-'-- tE: 4," RAILING AS PER GO -.,..._.v,.,..�-;...� � I>. .._., _.., I • � IIS :- __ , .� _,:, M,.... ._ :1 _•. .,. ,_, , ,.., ... _ i ___ F : : ...- .• ,_-•-,_,-�•--.- { COLOR: WHIT .. ,. - .. T.O. IST FLOOK •- i ,..,.,-•,s. ••-'s.... ,. ._ :: ...: �. ..,._,. .•, , ,, ,.,:..•b ,x�...:: I — — — - ...,_' .. 1(arm..:-•S. n.. ., ;„: ,.._. E Y, . ..-�r; t£tC;.,. :: ":� �•M:' ... ..:.. .. ...:. I I ,. .__...., mm,..._., ;, .-_ - .... -- _ (MATE GRADE BEYOND DE R BEYOND APPROXIMATE G A _-.... _ €.._. ...:......_........� ._ , ... .. .. ... .. . .......... ._.,,.__ . t;., ,. I � __-__— ,, . _. ,:. . _,...::..�_. . ,. .: En. APPROXIMATE GRADE .. - _-- _ .�.::�_,�.��=�_<�:' i ... APPROXIMATE GRADE FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4''= T.O. IDLE 5/4x e, PASGIA COLOR: WHITE 8 ,FRIEZE BOARD __..._.,_ ... ............................ .,.................... COLOR: WHITE ...._.....____.._._..,_.....�._................... __ ..__......._ .,....-_. _...., _ ___.>.. _ GABLE END VENT COLOR: WHITE _ ti a I ' I' I r ,M .�. , Q CO N _. - _..............___w.,,_..___.__..._._.,._.,_ : . COLOR: RED' , COLOR: LIGHT 6REEN T.O. PLA TE N � € COLOR: I .. . . LO R• HTE T.O. DOOR / WINDOW , 11' u - - F-1 2 KEY i X8 COLOR: WHITE 611 TR IM AROUND WINDOWS t DOORS r — - G �( f „ . OLOR• WHITE II WOOD WINDOWS � DO , ORS , COLOR: WHITE I i A. __.._. ,..__._ ...._.._..._......_ ,,._._.„ ._r ,,.-.__ .S _ ._......._.. ..__.._.,,.. . __..._� _._._._-,_.. w_,-.- _ __. ,...�r _.... .._ ...._.... S •,E . _ SGUARE COLUMNS WHITE , , �„:__,-ter. •:.". .� .......... ............ .._, ..._.....,. ...... ....:.. .. 3. t it Y .. s. »!i„. .. y _ ^ .n w ^ g »> _.—,...,,,..,.JF _._...—.,.,«,.,..� .,... -_"„... _ .. .... ......vim+..s+x l,_..,..,...«,.,._...,_.. R..._...,._ ...._,..,.,,.......,..,' .,:,_».,_....-.. ,..—.,._.w..,,.,, h - __.... _.. ._._,._ ___ ....•.. -... '- .. RAILING AS PER E �' : •. rc: ._:.;....t I...:...; ..�::..,".� E.-::::Tt°,.,.re�..:._i �,,......,,._:,.".:.::'.. } I i •-'.__i�.�.. 4;--,:.I.�;;:.,_.....�''” i!. ._..z'...mm:.. .:.._€.--.,.ss_._.....p.;y__.w,>>.,,.�I GOLD ;. . . ' IF STONE 4 WATER TABLE COLOR: BEIGE / BROWN SCALE: 1/411= NOT FOR OONSTRUOTION.: BUILDING PLANS FOR isa7s c.R.40 CUTCHOGUE,NY � ,�� +4�1A SGALEI AS NOTED APPROVED BYI . DRAWN BY,RK �® }; DATE, Ob-22=16 „ . REVISED BY E • :,�,�. Roberti J: C�rUher �r�Oh itect 416 Expressway Drive So. Medford, N.Y. 11763 (631).654-04a D G WM13ERI FRONT: 4 , LEFT.SIDE 01=. ISSUED �oR ARB 03.01.17 ' ` EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS JQBI # 15-OQ4 T.O. RIDGE ARCHITECTURAL ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLE COLOR: RED GABLE END VENT COLOR: WHITE LLJ ...... 12" X 8" KE COLOR: WH TE FRIEZE BOARD dJ _...,__...... .. ........ __ _ OR GO • WHITE . . 6 TRIM '" COLOR- WHITE T.O. PLATE LATE :-. • : , ., r 5/4 x 8 1=ASGIA - COL OR: WHITE T.O. DOOR / WINDOWSTUCCO I b G COLOR: LIGHTGREEN 6" TRIM AROUND WINi70W5 4 DOORS COLOR: WHITE O I _ O ": COLOR: IWHITE S. „ I ND DOORS W - - - — - - - - - FLAG STONE 8 WATER TABLE m _ • DOLOR: BEIGE /. BROWN v . RA LI I NG A5 PER CODE , COLOR:L WHITE T.O. IST FLOOR ., ,. ,. .. ». i :., ��:.... :=.: :,�,,•"tet-.':,•-,., ,. • % E: a �•.:,.. ............:....:f � � �.a.,<...,. .«r.^. .t.. ,.e.n.,...m r;:A'„x.»a .T,, xt;...s'. mM.w- •..ra,� - � ,,,>.• _ ' 12” SQUARE COLUMNS COLOR: WHITE SLIDING BARN DOOR COLOR: WHITE REAR ELE X ATION SCALE: I/4"= I'-O" T.O. RIDGE _ 5/4 X 8 FASCIA COLOR: ,WHITE _ ._,_...... -..... 8 FRIEZE BOARD G WHI T .......... ............... _........_...... _._„._. GABLE END VENT COLOR: WHITE 12" X 8" KEY COLOR: WHITE STUCCO SIDING COLOR: LI&HT GREEN ' , : . ::......:.:w.:.:".:..:..-„_......._,......_w.: ...W.:,..._ ..._„.._.._..... .,-_...._..:.::.„....'...::.. :.:..::... :„:: _ : .::.:.....„...-._... ._. „_,.,Y...,,,_...... w _,.. ..:„. -..,,, _ ,"._,._..-,«: v:. ., .,.......� ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLE ARCHITECTURAL :.. � _,_.._. _ _. � _,„._,_ ._. ,____„,.• __ .. _..,_ COLOR RE _.. �_ ,_„____. _.,_,.,r�x�._,_..�_-„_.,-a.-_-w�,_._�r-•.�,.,-,-�-a--._,.,..,.„......„„�„,_..._.„,_»,._.�.�..___», ,_-trt,. ”. -- .__ .___.' .-..._„.«.^,_..,.__,,,„«.„_�..-..w,�...__�_ --,..:m�m. ...,M,„�-„"m„.¢__ ,__,,.,.� .y. ,_._"_.,M....,^_...�.,.,,_� .».�__-- '_�"^,.,_.,.".._,..._�.mm.__..,.T,_V_,_-,„_.w<.._.'..„,-..,__„_,..,..w.^T�_,„_...�_ � „-=,-`"_�;.�.:�”�__-,,...___,__.,._,___„-.W_____-�.,_.,,�,.m,,.--.»..-., __ .� ...._.��._.._.. .w,-_. '. . , , (01, TRIM : HTE , T.O. PLATE T.O. D 00R WI DOW 0LiLLJ 1 i „ MOD WINROWS 4 DOGR gCOLOR• WHITE6TRIMAROUND NINDON5 8D -- _ _ � - • x . . .': p IF HIE .,. . 12 SQUARE COLUMNS COLOR: WHITE r�t E G S PER CODE _ t ...,. ... _ ...� .:, .._.. -, „ „ ..... �:... .. a .. ..... ... ,_...,. _. .... ....... .... .,._.., •» ,. € I 3 L .t. E 1. Y t _I•' GD O HITE „ „., (,,._ .. > .. .. .__ 1 € .......,..E.. :. ,.. 1E ” r'a. w w- r .. , ,e ,, e� , e , ., u .e .s .. ., ... ...w„ .e n ':S" -IR ....... , ., ✓a.�...mw,sra.....w x..,?L � , .. }' t .. , t .. !, €f Er „ .t ? 3f »�tvwr• S ., ,.....1 .. .. ... , .. 1. •........... .......... .... ..... ....„.,,,,..,...... .__...,. ... .„i it tl 3. y .. .... .... ... .. .. ., :,. ... .. ,,....... ,. .... ... ..w.;:..aae., z. }. i wr. 1 ,, .. .,..............,.. .. f..x.,„,.w_...v..,..........-..,...,.,. .. s a,„, w-,....”.G.x..,, ,< ...,•a.,.N" x.i .:.w.„... .n,,,>«.....•,.we<... ..,s....., .. ..•.. .. .. _ .w r t�...... ..., , wf...., n rcw # "I „.. j T.O. IST L ,.: S.....I..L. ..,.... _L33 am.. tom”"-5 g _ 12” SQUARE COLUMNS f! Lor COLOR: WHITE -- ,,_...... FLAG STONE 4 WATER TABLE MAh COLOR: BEIGE / BROWI^1 0U4r1U`*Id'1pt°✓r rinrcI &HT SIDE ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4 1'-0” NOT AOR CONSTRUCTION BUILDING PLANS FOR jr 15TIS G.R.48 GUTGH06UEt NY' Q���� J. � �� SCALE: AS NOTED APPROVED BY: DRAWN BY:RK e p ATE: 06-22—I6 REVISED 13Y : d� Obert J: Gruber ; ArGhite�t 05 �xpre!5sway Drive 5a. MedFord, N.Y. iit5 (631) 654-4q4! e.N. 1a57C l� t� .�' REAR ' $ RIGH IT SID DRAWING NUMBER: �r IS — SUED .AOR ARB 03.01.17 EXTERIOR ELEVTI ONS -1013;' # 15 Oa4. .-� •, - ,. - .. AL VAH S LANE . ' �r,� - -- AL VAH S LANE t. r -- /— I I w - - - - _ - ______ - _ -� I . 1,2�f-1.�0 - - - - _ _ --_ - , in I 410 . Id I } Irr 1� z I a �� > I Q I `'4 I o I 1 I ;� . II I x . cn i I Q 1 w I fy1. "el Ill I I 111 �,' ►- I I I . . . . 7. . I., 0 . z IX I O w lw I O ! w I ( it I -� II I 1J_ Iv I 0 � ► I i kb ~ v z (L KEY MAF . wo I O -1 N - - . SCALE N. .S. . I. . � f- Li v I % . I I �I I1l! Q -I � U� I I .. . . I I II I I cn I .� I - i ---1 Q �- . I . . I 11 . -. . , . . W I �" SUi�DIYISION Mie CSI= . QST DOST fi�ROfi�ERTIES I > I W SUFFOLK GOUNTY FILE NO. 'l22E v I . I . I� I I . Io I I I 1. - ' I Q I WELL . . . I I > I U- . - z - II I Q � I - w . . .. Ix I Q IW I w " Z I Q Ip o z I Iw I io ' v . z I I t o I i _D . . I I . . w cn I I 1 I . 111 I I tri I I \ . . I %1. . . cn I L \ .I � 11.1 5 33°03'20" E _ - - I -- - - so O — — . — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —'i — HIGH CEDAR TREES �O EXT'G _ - 45 (TO BE RELOCATED WELL _ _ 1,1144.09' FROM SITE) S 33°24'10" Ej (EXT'G) EDGE OF VINEYARD - - - - - - - - -• - - - - - — "" — --. — �� I (n��/ (EXT'G) EDGE OF I - - - - - - T - - - - -= - - - - - _ * )k �Y � �t �t X(7 y8.93' 1 �`, AS 33°24'10 E l� Z I Q Q INEYARD - - - - -- - = -- - - -- _ _ - - - = - -- - - - - - i -kA� _-� Ar_�- - - - - �# �# r �'(' (4 � 4 �` � " 88.07 q o. -____--5p' LOT 14.6 ( DEVELOi=MENT RIGHTS I - - - - - - -- fl-;- �n. ;- kD 1�1 I �• LOT 14.4 ( DE�/ELOF - �Aer.a 1L! I `� ry �. �• MENT RIGHTS I NTAG I - 1• Io �x`c\ - - _ - � , A a /- lQ T I- SGT) �J bRAs9 PARKING AREA /r ' i \ a �„� � _ SO- S 1348 'OGRES/ 162,0 87.8q S.F. I Il GARS ,A.. ID s I I ,� o `�' 5.2081 ,OGRES/ 226,864.0 S.F. I < I i� ' reuA�rvr 0 '' , I GRASS w' -- x `z /jry ),\ IN �Y� � d SJC eRweL AREA STREET �N t W� �i / O _ (�K/ \ I I n I 0 k I - PARKING rw.•..DI D .. . ''II '' ` t+_ZGG I , >l7 1 < 1 �Uu�I/^�' '' �\\ lnoo O I a I �I I �Re� 20, MIN 0 ueo..au.r`er' A.r�T oISRAVEL PROPbTREERPZ '� 1. O /- V �� -'J� T 1) - O 51' - — f ARtA I HOT BOX I O A �y11 . 1L ILI> I �4 �~�. I I i! IriOe w © °^ w 10 ;,1 N _ PROPOSED LEC_TR_IGAL 5ERVIG --------- J4 �"1 Q 1 \D �� �'7 eC`� ��v I -� 6 I -•— — ti I �' I I ,ezI HOLE•---- N sQ Q I Q iW 4 �� �\, �o I mz L _ .�. _ . . O - — W N ry . I ORIGC \ vA --vnm--vnm--vnm ,v m v . "� I • Ye 6 .n 171L01•T i 1 nco►°xDl-I/4•DIA,wATtR SGRVIGC vnm—wm vnr� D' . .. . . ~ . _.00�r 185 �� � x X 1. P I Q V SANITARY «irxenw 2)840 9r.WIN[RY x .. j _ . PROPOSED MA 45 RAA ��J2' r,. X I x (-- ( K� SYSTEM ria I t0, K..w. neo►oxc MIN.9' •BE IO t �'` _ �I I V T 5.0.W.A.METER .. EPI r N rw YV Ob00�P, y F- w I 4� V//• ��0� vy- /Z I `�, _- �A��M!•I/T - AND BOX .. .. . < \ pp'sp PATIO y QPP. [ X vAULr \/ Y �-� L1 NDscAPED �U�- A I w Q \v Y INE 1 L/ I LOT �) a� 1 \ dwo " rt. I ISLAND aQ1; tr t�/+,r, U �y EXISTINCv 45— _ _ I \ De4 s.F. 832 S.F. LAND9.:APE I Q`�+�o `S• �j � o ® . (� ry � 1D \� SANITARY �� \ � \ wI AREA ' *� - o a \ w l �I -i---- 17J.81' . ,l'rINLErA#30. I ryi !� v 0 � I____ 115 PARKING \ 0%A' ' I A �` ��� p• �. SYSTEM #I PROPOSED WATER SERVICE Z I \45\ Q \ •'�,"' 16'xeo' s Q _ I WL — � - - ;�(D I RAVEL \ 0� •I ,� } 1-1 N — — _ — wem—vnm—vnm—vAm—vnm=wm—vnm—vnm—vnm—vAm—vAm—vAm—wm—vem—vAm—vA}u—v .� — — — — J- _ --- --------� - . II— PROPOSED WATER SERVICE \ \ ` •� Bus ARKINb ; \ I1 I ,^w —VAm _VAm—VAm-r nA —VAm—Vnm—vnm—Vnm�VAm—Vm�V q— -- -- _- -- , - -- — — — _ — _ _ (PROP'D)EDGE OF VINEYARD J, I ulMlo Yx w" n . / `` \ I I < � O vnm—vem--vAm—vAm—vAm—vnm—AiAm—wm—vAm—vem—vnm—VAM—VAm—vAm— VAm—VAm—v — — — — — — — — — J ,. - .. - .. " ,,�� vAm— Am—vnm—v I PARKINb '� 'i . vnm—vAm— .� L________J .f O try . 3 • /l� \`�T` v O I I � ILII s — �— .�. �� �.� — — nm—vn.q— vAm.—vAm vAm vAla—wm�—vAm_vAy-{wA28_J.Su—vAm— ' bRA85 2S• A .. _ _ ' 2 ��X — _ 1 a--vAm , [� .\�O V aq Z � I Lo !Y 33°32 ,) n Tor .� \ 1 AREA _ SETBACK I— ^`I FL,4NTED VINES N 2a 40 40 PP sE, .. g 'I . . ,. 11 ,� .: . , ,�11 I . I I �, . -I . . . . Sl I u- t� A . . \ Yana e, �I I I 0 AGRIGULTURAL f=RODUGTION I " TOTAL AREA: � s'To 8 1 . PROPOSED 2 I"1 Q "i 45 HIGH CEDAR TREES I MONUMENT 00.00 . EXT'G BARN ��` + y ZEA t . 5.5624 ,OGRES/ 155,181.67 5.�. x I 8.8428 ,OGRES% 58q 551.8 (TO BE RELOCATED I SIGN I q S.E. i 'J I I I Q W I I <� 45 FROM SITE) 4o EXT'6 a I- PL MBING, ``\� , I . POLE Iz A w 1w SANITARY 34,Q I I � RESIDENTIAL USE I I w OR WATER - ---� F- 1148 OGRES/ 5,000.0 5.1-. " EXT'(5 I x WELL arn- A.AJ W � Z LL " EDGE OF VINEYARD W 25• Q _ I. . J Q . � x1. I. r ( (� wmm rte. 1 - - . - i`" L�.. l.s .h - . '� . ' e 00 . . . � I I I o DEPARTMENTAL A I=FRO\/AL . , . . r - ' j 1. I. - MAR (� 7 2017. NI Lo I_ — — — (EXT'G) EDGE OF VINEYARD — _ — V ( 5.G.T.M. #: 1000-101-1=14.4 4 14.6 - u?no,;fT.� – - - - - - - - - - _ — - - - - - - - (EXT'G) EDGE OI•' _INEYARD �p — — — — — — — — J � I. 11 FlarninQ�oa;c3 ..�.-.- N 31°25'20" jy ---_._ _ — _. ____ — — _ �J T• ��tT�t EXT'G N/O/F WILLIAM N I G�{-I,� 3x7.75' N 34°15'30" W127.47' I AREA OP SITE: 8A428 ACRES) OR .38CI551.8G1 :S.P. . WELL M I EXT'G BUILDING�AREA: 2,162.0 S.F. (IRRIG,MTION (YAG�4NT) PROPOSED BUILDING,AREA: .. 2,840.0 S.P. :. TOTAL = 5,002.0 S.P.. '. ONLY) . . . p 55 OP LOT OCCUPANCY , 1.28495 SITE I L A N . . , ZONING OP SITE: AG ZONING . EXISTING USE: .'. RESIDENCE 4 .WINERY SCALE: � � =50�-O" PROPOSED USE: RESIDENCE 4 WINERY S.G.T.M. #: 1000-101-I-14.4 r€ 14.6 . " . . DATUM OP ELEVATI ONS: ., : . NAVD 1 q88 ` SITE PLAN FOR . �����[ 1.' 154is couNrY ROAL>as SINN I NO YI NEYARI7 curcHo6uE,NY ®�, SCALE: AS NOTED APPROVED BY: DRAWN BY: .1.TURNER . { L5 DATE: 02-15-17 .. I REVISED BY : . .' . . a . . . I - Robert . d Gruber architect l'r's 476 Expressway Drive So. Medford; N.Y. 11763 (631) 654-4949 . S.G.D.H.S REF# GIO-16-0012 C8 � DRAWING NUMBER: . . SAN I TARP 51 TE .PLAN SAN-I oP 2 . JOB# . # 15-01 �d..�...I-..b b.b d.I I Id.b:III I I:I:..I�.�...........I�.I.�I I�.bI..�I Id...b-..dII.II�......I.Ib...�..1 I.1.��.I.I�I b-.......I Ib.......b I..�II.�...I I...-.d�.�dIbI b.I bI I..�Id I......IIdI�.. I-..b b....-)-I.I..-IId d.�I-I.I d..�..-I.-.b.I I.dI..I�I....d�.I bd I.I II.�.d.I I.II..b I.II..d I.b.b-I.-d..�d.�.I.b-�...b.I II.I.��.III..I-...jI.-...�....d:d b.i.1II�..,.b I.,.�I.�.I;..Ib�1-....�b I::I�.�.,'II�..-...:111:I��b;.....I-.Zz-�....b�-)iI.r-.. . 1I141 1\I I- I DENSITY - . . 5' TO O' 40 GROUND WATER MANAGEMENT ZONE:. 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I'..T 1I�..I....I;I,II.4I".9���4,".-.u'.�.�-bI I 1.QI I.I-'1dI I.II I.d�I I.b..Z...d-b.I I �I bI-.I-..I I..I Z. Ib.-�. b.�b..I-III,/.�.�... �1�-W>.--d[N.-L I I.�.,..b I E-.�I.-.b.,.,..,-._ 4 I-(-.<I). I�I-.rr.:�..I..I..r�.,1.�1.E.�-m.,-I.1IIF�I.;II�:u:�.�0-<b L:iv�b1-IDc.I<IIb,I-\-.:I*...bI�.:b I�.b M.�.I-.I-..<.-�L..q..I r,-..b.I�...I..�.bI�,I II-.I I dIII I-I d b..:.b..I,I,b.:.I.I d:F.I.�IL..b�..-b1.-I9I.bI;-��,1��L, I.I0�..1.:I I.-,I d.:I..:'7Id- ....l.I�.I:-.':-I�- ,�I�b I..�l..I..Ib��.I �III.�,.�I..q.. 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PROPOSED WATER : 8' IIIA x 12',DP 1\ ` 40.6 ; / IE 1/4" DI WATER IE� . IE 2 < A. WATER ,�ERVIGE WAT n/ ® WINERY TOTAL'AVG. . CO ® _; ® ® t= NEW 41.0 I 41.4 EL 43.0 i- . . , ..I...-I.;,- ,'I , ^39,5'�\ FJ H.T. 41.0 GUARD i OFFICE W- a \ I Q 111 AREA NO. GPD SF GAL/DAY. . . - , MIN. d RAIL I b f 4� ro I 1= 50. FT. SEATS GPD/SEAT 1 ® / ' MIN. N LOFT ; 165. . 41� w 20 . .. 5ANITARY ONLY S.F. A 400.0 S.F . '--'400 - -JM X. OFFICE - 24.00 • EL 45.0 --------- N 06 F'R O i�O S E D a.4 32' :... I II RETAIL AREA 207.0 S.F. - 03 6.21 - `` NEW PROPOSED • 1 MIN. 5 - BPIEEN 1 WINE EDUCATION AREA 400.0 S.F. 20 . S 100.00 . SAN 1 TARP % -� . s. - "��*+ .. . :. ;''!.: , - ., ., I . z . � I I . . . I . .. . I . . I . - :, '. I . . :� , , �; , i :4:! , , .. : .. . - t'. % . 0 . . . - i Ir� \\ I .. 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EXT'6 BUILDIN(S AREA: : 2,162.0 S.F. ,: � �U / \` ,4 `/p '4 EXT'G BUILDING AREA: - 2,8"12.0 S.F. `\ / ., \ / _\` �rJ /.2. / _ . TOTAL . "4,4,162.0 S.F. 0 \' \_. 5� OF LOT OGGUPANGY 1.2�I55 �\ ZONING O- SITE: "\ Q�U _\ / _\` �,\ / �• \_ � / 4-y / . EXISTING USE: . . REVVENGE 4 WINERY \\ 'Y � PROPOSED USE: RE5IDENGE 4 WINERY . ``\ �\ �� `\ `� / / Y I. S.G.T.M. #: 1000-101-I-14.4 . . / \, . �\ , / DATUM OF ELEVATIONS: NAVO Ig88 ``\\� / �\ /'. 500 FT. RADIUS MAP FOR \,, / \` / ; � .,. . 5ANN I NO V I NE''ARD 'i4�10 ALVAHS LANE GUTGH06UE,NY \- �\ ` / �\ , `\\ ` �_\ / i ,�;�'// APPROVED BY: �`\ SCALE: A5 NOTED DRAWN By. J.TURNER "�\ \ / I It �`7--- - - \ . . DATE: 06-22-16 . , REVISED BY : , . . r-"\\SITE PLAN 1 . : Robert J. Gruber .,architect ,., . SCALE: '' =100'-0" 476 Expressway Drive So. Medford, N.Y. 11763 (631) 6544949 DRAWING NUMBER: REV: #I 06-22-16 S I TE PLAN ' SP- OI= I . . JOB#, # I5-0�i4 AL VAH'S LANE . ' - .18� I 1 - -- - - - -- - - - _ _ _ ALVAHS LANE - r, : . /- IN 11Q I QIP . . Iv WI I � I ' - . Iz 1) - a l6 > i v 1 '� lIo I � . I I I I x to I I , �Ip I w 1 4kml . u, 1 I �° F- I I 11, IF . z IX I O . I - . I �° w Iw . . I' 1 I I u� + w I I II I 11 O . . . _ � . . I � � ► ► I � . . I- -1 v . . O • 1 . . ; - KEY MAP . . . UA ry0 I I � z O w +i. N - SCALE: N.T.S. 11 I < -1 kf) OIj � I I � , . I I �I I N U._1 Q _I _l 1 . • . ro I I I L1 Q to 1 I cn 11 I SUBDIVISION �( 1. . I z I � SUI-1=0 i� 01- ST DO ST fi�ROi�ERTIES I . I � I v LK COUNTY FILE NO: �f22� . . I o 1 . . I . . . n< ' I1) I4 - . EXT G I : . �u I w I WELL Z -. > i!i I � I x Q Ix I a O I I > Iw I � I . dI. . . I I I F � z I � � , w I - 1. o , . 0 4 . �J 1 I I I I-o . . - I I co I . I I to I I I I w LI I I � ( i \ ` I . I - cn I L \I / I I . ql. . O to I S 33"03'20" E - - - ----.__ - - ,_ _ 50 - I - „�, - - �' / HIGH CEDAR TREES . . / EXT'G . ul O - - - - - - - - .�. / -� B'TOC' (EXT'G) EDGE - - - - - - _ _ _ � /� - _. I ' 40 . 45 (TO BE RELOCATED 1,i 44.09 FROM SITE) , S 33'1. 24'10" E�� \ �, o`WELL I lu � OF VINEYARD - - -. _ . nn// I r (EXT'G) EDGE OF VIN - - - - -I- - - - - - - - �� ' i�1f �Y '#. t 98.93 l '' �'N 3�3d410" �, � w 1� (� 1=YARD - - - - - - - = - O I �' �• LOT 14.4 ( DEVE' 1 -5p"�� LOT 14.6 ( DE - - = - - - - - - - - -C ��.a�.�e 88.07' O . . , L� I I �,y � /I. LOI=M NT RIGHTS IN - VELG)I�MENT RIGHTS IN I I. I -- r - Z4� I. 5.2 TACT) 50--i - 3 TACT) �! I6RA99 PARKING AREA o: �M.an _ 1 �j I I z ,� ryo �� 081 AGi�rS/ 226(19' ,864.0 5.1=. I - _ - . . 1348 ,4GR�'S/ 162,687:81 �� I` I �I I GARS I GRAs9 " �" !-J / /� n 8 e AREA S(NEN) I W H > ° ��` o AKA I I � i .�, . ry PA STREET a �(/ 11 ARTA TREES t(* - w < I 'c' (��UT 4 !q T I) I I y• t - - - - - K. ^ D 1 GRAVEL F z I� A : o O . I X IL > I UI �` o�� „ I � I jl -- -- ------------ ---------- ---- UI 4 �� .-.W I II O `:,fi"' PROP09ED LEGTRIGAL SERV IG _ " :.: _z w' I a Q ' 0 4; \/ -v.m_v 182' I Uf ' l2' E 41-ro-!!D -I/4'D A KA wm' vem v.m_v.m w „1 I TGR 9!R �^ /� z I IY ,^ /`C 7- I I-- < - ` r 'wL - LORI - `J VIG! y ryC �� OTIC! I ✓� \ I v^� ' 165. ��� l9 I - I 45 �_soo es I Q �� -. ,I.n�, __-_-_--J ,;Vit,.,,, t � _ ; - .. nwroxD MIN.6' •BE 0 E x /L� � I < 2Av 91600!l.WI P.R q I. V LT I S' SZ.H.A.METER I W 4� 0 /,. �( OC v �I n I �l (AKAL T 1 Q I \ - rAV /AxMCNr AND BOX �m)C VIWLT .. - �- t(' /�- (�' LJ I O I �> T� PATIO Fr. Li�NDS�GAPED /'' A IF- w .. ee4 S.F. t352 S.F. 6� 4aa' + • ' ISLAND Q.1 ® I VI NEY� n/ _ �I^'Lr 0� 'c// /' � 10 r� EXI5TINS ARD 45--< - _ aI�L I '0 LA"°9�GA PE I ' ��%�A y \ V/`�' O'�'n1D �C\` SANITARY }- `--\ - . `� O 1 \ I _ W-I h -f F3/3 0 7 y " O I - . I . 173,81' 4 INLET 30.0 I I I A „�,� �__�US_RAItKIN6 \ pqp ��. 0 SYSTEM #I PROPOSED WATER SERVICE Z I X45\ L '17- IOTAKK GRAVE f CN - _ �wm-wm-vm_v.m-vm-v.m-v.m_vm-v.m--v.m-v.m_vem-v.m- > - - - - - \ - PROII05ED WATER --- g-- _ L \ Q,' II'Y I n v.m-v.m-v.m-v r -- - � _ SERVICE \ •� U9 ARKIN6 , 1 .r -v"��-v.m_v.m�v.ta-v.m-v.m-v.m.-v.m��--v.m- (PRI,�P'DJ EDGE OP VINEYARD _ _ � •! LIMO__ I J Iw^ y vem-vem-vem-v.m-v.m-v.m_wm-vmm_v.m-vem-v.m-vem_wm-.m_v.m•-v.m--v.m-vem-v "� �; PARKIN6�-- o I*1 dpi I - - - - _ .m_v.m_v.m_�.m_� �m �m 1 q Q S IU - -' -'-�� - �. - m-v.m_ vela-v.m vem-v. v. TLert+( vha-vem- � 1 6RA59 I 25' � A - �� RLANTED VINE I _ _ ^ ! L----- --� m-v.m 1 AREA q. -\ ,$,x - I SETBACK O i Z 32 Q 'a' AGi�IGULTURAL 0 I N 33°32',')q" W - - T\ _ �'` J�z RODUGTION - 11 ° 'o• W I N 6 $.47' N 2840'40" W �f :-�'K >�r SEiBE'gCK I� \\ 0 S, .� 4 .. 1 15, <;? g . .1 . r- , ' - . �' I I L 5.0133 ACRES/ 221/864.0 S.E. � �� a. o �9 X1,1 I c � I o TOTAL AREA: ' \ PS'TO B' I PROPOSED , I� ^I 45 \, HIGH CEDAR TREES I MONUMENT 200.00 I . O ti. / 8.1428 AGRES/ 381 551.8 (TD BE RELOCATED SIGN XT'G BARN .. S.F.51- . _ . s�d• IU 1. 1. HAS NO I +� �y -/ I I I Q W I I ,�� 5 FROM SITE) 40 EXT'6 a 1- ' uTiurY, I m X POLE I W A W 'LUMBING, \.�� 11 w RESIDENTIAL USE SAN I TARP I 34'Q 1 I I , I )R NATER x .1148 AGRES/ 5,000.0 S.1=: . . EXT'G d rDGE OF VIN- - U w I I- Z WELL 0 25' EYARD .. . . I J Q I- . I x a o I co I I 5 W a' _: Ic\2 lu fn Q I I ; . . o DEPARTMENTAL" APPROVAL �' I ilAR 0.7 20.17 L �o _ . - N L - - (EXT'G) EDGE OP VINEYARD S.�i.T.T"�. #: 1000-101-1-14.4 .4. 14.6 p 1. S�uth6I io�rr,� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (EXT G) EDGE OF VINIZ:YARD - . Planni:ngprd N3125'20" __. -- ------ - ._ - _ - - - - - - - - -- - - - -� t _.. I,.-�•- � W - _. _ S I TE IDATA . - � . TEXT N/O/ WILLIAM W I GK}-{,� 397.75' N 3415'30" AREA OP SITE: , - .6.1428 ACRES) OR 361,551.61 S.F. .. . W127.47' WELL �( EXT'G BUILDING AREA: % r. 2,162.0 S.F.' . . 1. . (IRRIGATION (VACANT) : . PROPOSED BUILDING AREA: . . 2,640.0 S.F. ONLY) . TOTAL = 5p02.0 SI : :. . . . � OF LOT 000UPANGI' : . . -1 I1.264% . SITE PLAN REV. #, 02-15-I1 ZONING OF SITE: AG ZONING - . REV. #6 " 02-15-17 . EXISTING USE: RESIDENCE 4. WINERY . SCALE: 1 � =50'-O,� REV. #5 OI-12-17 PROPOSED USE. - RE5IDENCE 4 WINERY . . . REV. #4 12-06-16 S.C.T,M. #: 1006-101-1-14.4 4 14.6. ' REV. #5 11-07-I6 DATUM OF ELEVATIONS: NAVD 1x68 . REV. #2 06-26-I6 " ' - .. ., -. . . REV. #I 07-II-I6 . . I - i� t' . c r, SITE PLAN FOR , �I. , ��,� J. �" SANK I NO VINEYARD . :' . . . . Q® I" COUNTY ROAD 48 GUTGHOGUE,NY . �. i �' SCALE: AS NOTED APPROVED BY: DRAWN BY:' J.TURNER . ; =y ' . .. 4 DATE: 06-22-16 REVISED BY : . 1 ,� Robert J. Gruber,.,. - ' Architect . . , .4 476 Expressway Drive So. Medford, N.Y. 11763 (631) 654=4949 QF �� DRAWING NUMBER: 5.0.D.H.5 R)=1-# G10-I6-0012 . P- O - G - . . CITE P 1 AN ,IOE3# #115 O 4 I ROADWAY TYPE C.I. FRAME .. . . GRATE 2'-0" I.D. -__A�__m.4�_.IN4 I-:I 0_E._._.-I-L41I�>II I IL 0�I-I y. -ID->-9L y I- I*E� �I F.:t9�I�.I�__W_.1q-3_-��/_1-Uh� zId-]I_zI._I._eI, I.'I II.�.d..-1I I III I+d I;=....d..I�,.._IQ..���d 1,I�L I I.I I I..II�I1 4 C.�.I.��A..II I:I.�I I..A.I..�II..-I.Ig..II..1...7 I�,I.-.,x.dI..I..1I1�...�,.....I I.d.I��I�I_.-I.-.I I..).-..d,I'1�.I.Id.Q.I�+II.,..1 I,..*�r d,�.AI.��. .....I.I.-Iff.L..I DI.mIIO..�.d.,�,.�I�..d1�W.+..II�EI._.�L d�N.:�I.I.I�.I X.I...�.4.r.TI�I I.I�.I.'�+'�.dI,d.G.9�I'-.I.:.�...I�,II.-.�II�.d�1.II.IiI d.r d��..,.-��.��..p...I.I,.�...,..I�I.II.-..I,.r.�...d!.I..�,I.�.'.1....d.I...'d:I..-..��I.II rI CI I.r._...�...I�O..I..III..-I....I�I..I..I I N�LI I d'..�.-.I.II 1�II I:P.�...,...I..�II I.C.........,.II...r:,r.�.II.I,�..��.II.I..._�'.I.7.I..I...I:-..I�1.I.IIdII...I-I�.d.-...I I.I..I�r...I I It1�I..���II._:II.d,..I.I..�,..II." ..:._I�I..i..I I.�I 1.�.,d1�II I�I 1.1�I'...I�,.-�-.I..:.-��.:Id I,I"d.I�IL:r.-.I�,..,I...I i.I:..1�I�..,r.II.-.I..rI.Id....U:.�I I.-.,.�,d-1 I II I�d.I�,.�.I�.�...r.I6/,;.r..I�.�:I I..d1I,...II I.I..dI...I.'�I.I 1 I.I-.1rII.I II.,..,-1�.I,��II�L[1 r 99D.'�.Id I II I I.�.,I-I;r,.,.I:I I .I d...1�.�.I.Ir�.III 1I".I I.1.:.,:I7.,,..j�....r r r��I.I�.1.�.I I�I'��.�,I.d_I,,.,i 1.�..I..d II�.,.-,7�I:,%I.�.1.I�.I.,.d1 d�.,:1�I�.�.1 d.d.I.I..I.I��1...I I.�.II..,.,�I I"�r'-.I-.I,dII.I.1Id7I.�I1.I_'1�..-...�.I-r II-'I.I...I.I.9.:1�d�1�--1I I.+:I--.I.I�...i 1.1LI r..L.E-d I-._I4 I...�..-"I II-�I 0.I�I..I 1I.�..��1.I:Td..d 1 I1�I�I 1 I...I_�I-�Id..—_ IIiI:r-7-.'.I..I.0 I1L.�.,...I d 1 r,�d_I I1....� IL-_,I,-..III1��,7..�'.. I'.I.I I1....I..�I.��<II I I. :,I,�II\�I,,'�..1�I:1,�..".. .I,,1�.I I.7"I."1 1,. '�._. :..r.'.'-...:1..�.I-i'`I'1I.-II.,._r.'...�:�I�-..�.I.1.I.q II::.d.�.I,dI I....,,I�.�I,',."1.d�.'-'1�,...,1I�..",'..d. ..:.,,.'�'l..,,-�I�.....',.d�.. ..,:,...�l:�.,,.:'..I..*-..r...I.�...'..�.,,,"...I.,I�,'..L,:d,,�I,.:..'.�'B..-�,'*I I..:..I�.r'...'.��,-..I',d.........."I,I I'r�'..�1,'II,..1d I.I, -,,I,I":':I-"_�,.I!�I.":I.I.�.,I,:,�...,..I�.d,1—.�d.,-:�-1��".-,Id."%�,�. (DISTRIBUTION POOL ONLY) S' TO 8' GRADE EL. 38.0' FINISHED.GRADE ' • HIGH CEDAR TREES ' . . DARK I- . : . - . . (TO BE RELOOATED � EXT C7 . OL LOAM z COLLAR AS REQUIRED OL 15" RCP CLIV CONNECTING . _ I FROM SITE) 0 1 11 y-� I EL.37.5 PIPE (ROOF DRAIN TO I I ' r -CONCRETE COVER _ 91 /� S 3 �4 10 l BE 6 P.V.C. SDR 35) =- - CONCRETE DOME 1= `�-4. 0 9 ' lJl "O . . BROWN 1MTH THE FlRST TEN . _ I ?N330? ML FEET AS CAST IRON._ n _ -I x I`' EL.34.0' _I I I I I= �' J = I I I I :. ;' _ _ _ 4 _ - - _ - -11 ❑ oo 0 0 �' I : LINE OF 12' BUFFER ----------- PALE _ ❑ ED ❑ ❑ -------------- i, : BROWN I _ x I - --------- _ _ _ -II : . . = i � I LINE OF 12 BUFFER 4 }- COARSOE 111_ MI O" ❑ ❑ D. O Cl ❑ ❑ -) I. rI SAND ❑ ❑ '7 ❑ ❑ IGRASB PARKING AREA _ ^ ' LINE pF a I sw = o [� - ffd GR,�SS (NSW) x •II= 3-0" -I-IEL. 21.0' EDGE OF GRAVEL I J\ RE A z MIN. - f 1 f''t STRT J N _` 4 O GRAVEL I EDGE OF GRAVEL - .. .. - _ - ' \ /L I 'D N I PARKING as.o I • D HIGHEST EXPECTED GROUNDWATER EL 5.0 I _j I I . Q Z N AREA #2 AREA I ;\, 0_ TREES v � 1 ' _ ca-: PRECAST CONCRETE - �. .. - Ux I INLET 44.0 I ASP Fl COMMENTS: 1= W DRAINA E RINGS -II. d. 11 } _,\ I eD - P I �7 NO WATER ENCOUNTERED _ (4000 S.L) - I EDGE O GRAVEL HAL r G R A L PROP'D RPZ _ _ O ,� I - / \ - I *VE_.AREA'' VFD 1 c _ Y TEST HOLE :III J --� -- -- '\ ---� - -- I-- _ REA HOT BOX - - , I BACKFlLL' WITH (� o _ ^ �\ . -- '-,- :, .; N.T.S. I- =1 CLEAN COMPACTED ;'. �-' < I \\ X' . S E R V I G - - - - �- :PROVIDED BY: - - SANG AND GRAVEL I' \ - - - - - - - McDonald GEOSCIENCE - „K rn 17 :F- PROPOSED ELECTRICAL _ - - - - - - - ONLY., . � \\ -� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Boxl000 11 \\ V I o 1 \\\ r - ` -' ,z (6 165-3677 YORK 11971 .. II�II I I I . W-I OPEN BOTTOM `) b \\ . I- I ® - DAED: .06-28-16 I. \\ qp ► 1 " ,n , - . LX --x --x -x x -x -x -x \ 11 WATER WATE 182 vI -� 1 k . . . . R 1 EL 45.0 W R WAT R 11 _ ill ,T, I I I I -I I I I- . ' III o z ' - A E E WATER WATER WATER WATER - I PROPOSED -114'1 DIA. WATER SERVICE 72� I WAT f/ 0 „ ' iv NEYV EL 43.0 I 74V y 1 GUARD Of-'F I L E W' \ e < 1 K I_- s'-o" I�;,.:�.,,.I.".:.-;�I,.::�..,I%%".,�,..�-,,,I�''..I....I....,��...I;I 1 I6���W.I�I 3 d�11...-.1�.I.d 9I I,. �!::!!'�I:;..-8..d�I1���I-I,�_d'. - - N RAIL I LOFT i ': $ 163' P/� IL- GROUNDWATER.'`_ I II::-.--C;0I-iI,-�)-.--��-I_�_.\-I__I I1-,-__.-_...- - - �--4p0 S.F. ,I.��4��...�I7.�.,\�I;Ti1�:.:�P7.-;4S4�.4-.-\.I.L-,c\14-1:-�..;Q-DjI7.5I--L(: . . � w 1 EL 45.0 ----------- v� 32' pROr'OSE17 • MIN. 5'- II Bt �fEEN tY 1 . 2,840 S.F. WINERY b eye I - D - _ METE �/ �JLT z S.G.W.A. METER DR I �t '"tC� OOL DT \ W/ 3,600 S.F. e m AND H BOX 0 M X. . VAULT . . I BASEMENT e*• w - . CRUSH PAD PATIO N EL 45.0' e • L NDSGAPED \U. 4 in f- 111 - . X ROADWAY TYPE C.I. FRAME ") UJI I 384- S.F. 832 S :� •fie eke ISLAND �/ \ - GRATE 2'-0" I.D. . Q EL 45. • � . � . D STRIBUTI N - - _Z \ o / 3- O 1 ( I ON POOL 0 LY) .. (L } ". 40 W-3 I )�P z FINISHED GRADE _ o I L,4NDSG�4PE _ 999 . - . (Y 1L x AREA ,c,��/ ,,- -N - ..\II\I.4 I...I I/II./.� /�I d I,q.-LI 4.d� I.I.��I 4I�.d-d I _I-IDI I A�.d�. �;z,.,�r I-�I I.I d I I.4 I I/I�4-S-"WId'z.-I rI.-�..�d�_/4�R.--- I.*�.I4 I S�� II...Y,I"\.4 1'oN.. `\ o \ I ----- W_I EL 45.0 �e� AREA #3 I\\ O ' D ( z COLLAR AS REQUIRED -= _��<� � CONCRETE COVER. » \ 1 x ----- 173.81 ' 'Q INLET 39.0 - I m . 4 z - II T \ / ------I \\; - - CONCRETE DOME AREA #I w 1 ____ B_U S_P_ A R K I N G I \ Q��� Y ^\ ;,, 15" RCP CLIV CONNECTIN I. Q \ Q I5'I X50' G q 'AP --------- I - PIPE (ROOF DRAIN TO L___ R , \ _ CO SD 5 W \ I A� Lp� - . . . - - _ ------I----- �' `G,=', \ ,. U..) _ 9E 6 PVC R 3 ) - -------- 'Q Q \\ i -III = J WITH THE FIRST TEN III ,�, is EET AS CAST IRON. PROPOSED hIATER S RVIGE x0 I BU5 OARKING I , �P�� d . . - �y -------- 151' x50' _ ED&E OF&RAVEL _I - Z --- -� SIO ❑ ❑ ❑ ao oo ❑ ❑ ❑ ( ROP D) EDGE Or V I NE`rARD L ''1 O---I -DI \ ❑ ❑ ❑ o o c� o ❑ o 0 J ,-- ,�� III I I . . \ -- = �� ` ® -_ ❑ ❑ CI E- , 3 ❑ ❑ ❑ . WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER �- WATER WATE WA rzI (5) q 'X28' I _ WATER WAITER WATER BRASS 25' -rV "_ - W TER WATER I . _ AREA SETBA� II 3-O" II �< \ .. -1 I 0 MIN. i I- . , . . � - . . . . . Q . -_,,,_ L44 15' ' _ 0 PRECA T CONCRETE. , . �j ® \ . . . I w DRAINA E RINGS �� 1 d ,Q Y „ 1� SIGN Z > X ' - 0 (4000 .S.I.) - , . 4 CJ ® I _,_._ SETBACK . I I I.�I. I d.d��..+�.--......I.dI I�....I.I1 I,...I.......I......1 ..d -..�...I.d.II...=-�--.d�.�I....--..I1._r-..m_A.-I....�T.I.r-'I_.Ar..I-...I......=.I... I r�.I 1..I-d II�.=7 I..-.�.I1-.11..1.I-6d 1��..�d.�.-1I.1..,.11..�-.I:LI7d�I*�...AI...I.I...I.�._-��.._....,.-__.I-�I..�II/'d.-..Ld/..I d.I/......�I...I I�.'1._-_.v6 D*-I I.-I.I_d f..L.Uu<.UvC._.E..d�)..I�..�L.I.-.II 1.I.�...I�I.,d,I..."..-...'==I....I-.�'.-,5-j_..-7-r....._..a1-I...�I.I�.*.1,d I:I.II..-17...d...-.".I-r.��-t.I7I../oI I�.1..I.k.4-�.�<b.]. 4���---I".I.d�-".I. ,.:.�I.�..q.I I-Id.�.I...I--I4...I_l1-5.�.:1 I I.1.I 1_.-I...�..dd I I I4.-.I.4.R..II.1.65...11.\_I 1I_.I dIf=4�D�I�I I=�.1.-Id.-�.-I�I.I7,.. Id..�f II.,d A.II.-Id..\. \ "a & . . I ' C EANFl CO PACTED ' .. I JSAND AND GRAVEL 5' TO 8 ' PROPOSED ~ ONLY . NOTE: I 20®• 0 < ( I . . I. MAXIMUM # OF LIMOUSINES AT ANY ONE HIGH CEDAR TREES MONUMENT ® J K I- OPEN BOTTOM _i ,' ,. " . TIME IS (5) FIVE. (TO BE RELOCATED SIGN I : 11 O I ., -I I I I I I I I III I 11I-. I I " ' ,\ 2. MAXIMUM # OF BUSES AT ANY ONE TIME 1-R O M 5 I TE) EXT C� D I-- 1 15 (2) TWO. U T I L I T Y --I X ,0 9._4., iv 5. BUSES ARE ONLY ALLOWED IF THERE 'O L . ARE NO LIMOUSINES ON THE SITE AT THE z cltouNDwATER = R NO SAME TIME. I HVA . 00 PARKING �I . 'f r rx:ol: ANYi1ME DRA I I ` AGE . FOOL '.DETA I L ALL VEHICLES MUST REMAIN WITH THEIR PATRONS ON SITE AT ALL TIMES. (NO . XT C7 DROP-OFF) •.. . a- AREA TO 85 ASPHALT PAYED 6"DIA. . 6"DIA. .. WELL PARKING IN DESIGNATED PARKING AREAS . PO ST M M POST ONLY U- 51 T DtTA - 0 0 I0 (O 00 AREA OP SITE: -' 8.9428 ACRE(S) OR 389,551.81 ~S.F. . SITEPLAN kn EXT'G BUILDING AREA: 2,162.0 S.F. . SCALE: 20'-O" PROPOSED BUILDING AREA: 2,540.0S.=. TOTAL 5,002.0 S.F. \ F �1�6 � T HANDICAP PARKING NO PARKING % OF LOT OCCUPANCY . 1.254% PARKING IDENTIFICATION SIGN ZONING OF SITE: AG ZONING MIN. SPACE SIZE: 1' x la' REQUIRED - 9' x la' PROPOSED Ex15TING use: RESIDENCE d WINERY 2" SHREDDED MIN. AISLE WIDTH: 22' REQUIRED - 22' PROPOSED SCALE N.T.S. ". - - AUCE MULCH - � - FINISHED SAUCER . 18 _ CLEAR OF FACE OF CURB, �:_� . „ PROPOSED USE= .� RESIDENCE � WINERY '. . : . GRADE MIN. REQUIRED NUMBER OF SPACES: S.G.T.M. #: 1000-1014-14.4 14.6 CUT do REMOVE BURLAP DRA I NAISE GALGULAT 1 ONS I TOTAL BUILDING AREA = 2 5-12 Sr 1 DATUM OF ELEVATIONS: , NAVD 1988 . . FROM TOP 1/3 OF BALL , - . TOPSOIL FERTILIZER , RETAIL USE: 2,512 SF x . 1/200 = 14.36 STALLS - - - - UNDISTURBED SOIL AREA-I (ZONE) - fi ARK LOT .L 1 GHT 5FEC I F I G;ATI ONS _ 24" LENGTH STANDARD TRENCH e e ROOF: 1,436 S.E. x .11 x 100% = 244.12 G.F. TOTAL PARKING STALLS REQUIRED = 15 STALLS . . TRENCH FRAME TOTAL PROVIDED 34 PARKING STALLS (INCL. 2 HG STALLS) DRAIN 8" TO 51" INDICATES D5XWI LED N (1) 10 LED LIGHT ENGINE, COVER SHFZUB fi 1 T TOTAL: 244.12 G.F. REO'D AND S OVERSIZED STALLS = TOTAL 39 STALLS W TYPE T2M OPTIC, ® 1000 MA . 11/2" To USE (1) NEW POOLS) 8' DIA. x 6' DEEP = 253.44 G.F. PROV'D INTERIOR LANDSCAPING REQUIRED WALL MOUNTED II' ABo,IE GRADE(4 PLACES) , 2 34 PARKING STALLS PROV'D x 10 S.F. PER STALL = 340 S.F. W 2 INDICATES,D >04 LED W/ (I) 10 LED LIGHT ENGINE, . w _ TYPE T2M OPTIC 30O K, ® 1000 M . . - - AREA-2 (ZONE) _ _ : - • ,,11 _ TOTAL PROVIDED 1,134 S.F. .- ----� WA11 MOUNTED 14' ABOVE GRADE (I J _ _ . FLOW -I I I .. > ROOF: 1436.0 S.F. x .17 x 100% = 244.12 G.F. -ll . U L �' W3INDICATES I .d, -� '::' .;. : ,...: . . ---,-.. DSXWI LED N (1) 10 LED LIGHT ENGINE, a '.• III LANDSCAPING: 2,172.0 S.F. x .17 x 159G = 55.39 G.F. �.AND=J�iAPE L. LEND QUANTITY , I� TYPE T2M OPTIC, 5000K, ® 1000 meek . tI�AR ® 7 2017 GRAVEL AREA: 3,6x0.0 5F. X .17 X 50% = 313.65 GF WAIL 1 IJNTED 10' ABOVE GRADE (I - +. i J I,;,I I, , I, I I DRAINPIPE CONCRETE TRENCH 1 - TOTAL: 615.16 G.F. REO'D AGER RUBRUM 'AUTUMN FLAME' - (RED MAPLE) 5 Sar:�ilDlcaawn (ALL LIG!-!TING SHALL BE ORIENTED 50 THAT LICH SHIELDED CROSS SECTION (5-1/2" CALIPER) Planning0oard Y5.) _�T REINFORCED USE (I) NEW POOLS) @ 10' DIA. x 10' DEEP = 684.2 G.F. PROV'D FROM ADJACENT PROPERTY ROADWA LONGITUDINAL SECTION Co ri ht 2000 DOUBLE STRAND WIRE \ RUBBER HOSE EXISTING CEDAR TREES RELOCATED 123 ,p42 CALV. TWISTED PY 9 (2) WHITE CEDAR OR - Architectural GRAPHIC Standards CD-ROM LOCUST STAKES ABOVE - TRUNK WRAPPING ons Inc. New York NY GROUNHEI LENGTH O•O/3MAX. 2" SHREDDED BARK MULCH (5' TO V' HIGH) I�v' #10 O5-03-11 ANNI INE I Rl/ SITE PLAN FOR John Wiley & S snucER ��. s ,; `/ FINISHED GRADE ` - �� 4 ,,nom 159'15 COUNTY ROAD 48 S NO Y ` GUTGHOGUE�NY ' REV. #a o2-22-I"1 ,z\� AREA-5 (ZONE) SPIRERA BUMALDA "LIME MOUND" 22 REV. #8 02-21-1.1 r" •0 qI 6. , 1.4 SCALE: AS NOTED APPROVED. BY: DRAWN BY: .1.TURNER CUT do REMOVE BUR,L•,4P RAIN DETAIL - FROM TOP 1/3 OF �3A,LL PAVING: 1,519.0 5F. X .11 X 100% = 224.25 GF (LIME MOUND SPIREA) REV. #7 02-I5-17 11.1 TRENCH D BOACKOFILLaFERTILIZER , GRAVEL AREA: 18,367.0 SF. X .11 X 50% 1,561.20 GF REV. #6 02-13-17 " yw , i DATE: 06-22-16 REVISED BY ILEX CRENATIA CONVEXA - (DNF HOLLY) 24" 7 UNDISTURBED SOIL LANDSCAPING: 6,557.0 S.F. X .1- x 15% = . 167.20 G.F. �... - SCALE. N.T.S. REV. #5 OI-12-17 " . ,yR Robert .J Gruber ArG�11teG,t BAL y'c,. . s^ s" PROVIDE WOOD CHIPS AROUND ALL SHRUBS AND TREES : REV. #4 12-06-I6 . TOTAL: 1,952.63 G.F. REO'D SURVIVORSHIP SHALL BE MAINTAINED FOR FIVE (5) REV. #3 11=07-ib I ,J - �� 476 Expressway Drive So. Medford, N.Y. 11763 . (631) 654-4949 YEARS. ANY PLANTS WHICH DIE OR BEGONE DISEASED d , ,�:, - "" � DRAWING NUMBER: TREE= I T REV. #2 08-26-i6 �fi �� USE (5) NEW POOLS @ 10 DIA. X IO DEEP = 2,052.6 G.F. PROV D DURING THAT TIME SHALL BE REPLACED BY APPLICANT. C Crd N, ,d 51 "� PLAN SP-2 OF 2 . TEST HOLE DATA REV: #I 07-11-16 .,�:,,�,,- roe# # Is-094 - - - - - - _ ALVAH'S LANE I tu u� 0 KEY MAP LL _ Z � SCALE: N.T.S. z fL Z U] � —A ---1 111 LU U..1 Q W c1 �" K W tu SUED I VI S I ON MAP OP EAST COAST PROPERTIES SUFFOLK COUNTY FILE NO. cf 22S ►- z 1L w tL y Ii Z � 0 X I I I I w I E 45 9'TO 8' 40 I HI6H CEDAR TREES � (TO BE RELOCATED — — — "�' -- — — '• _ — — � , f FROM SITE) 33024'10" - - - - - - 1444.09 S ElI � OF VINEYARD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — — — — — — _ — 98.93' S 3324'10" / �k E w (EXT'G) EDGE OF VINEYARD 88 07, -5 LOT 14,6 ( DEVELOPMENT RI CGHTS INTACT) L POOL b i 4444 LOT LOT 14.4 ( DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS INTACT) +-—— 3 8'DIA x b' DP ry $°-- .7347 ACRES/ 162,685.53 5.1=. (ROOF DRAIN) ® I w j .'� o �, e 5.2081 ,OGRES/ 226,864.0 S.P, I �; o I f '��ry����' ooh (AKA I (�i n HOLE STREET • �i ,, C LOT I) I COVERED • OFFICE y, TREES U� I PATIO b Z• LOFT I ---• � Q' Q' Q- 384 S.F. 442 S.F. I Q� ev I .72' II I Iw I _ 6RA KINb _ �U\ �O I � 2' .�'-��"•�;;;.";:,�;` ARE l �lc I s 4TIO EL 46.0' 1 .t I K 83LEACHINSI� S.F. N ^:7,71 . Q LOT POOL \ 40' g I Tu (� Q/ I 8 'DIA x b' DP F AREA ® I �Q tv 45— (ROOF DRAIN) .M- .• ,' g' INLET 39.0 A02REA �� Y' �M '- T". -_ - x TRENCH GRAIN \ NlY•!' M' I a' Z I \T4s\ PROP( 5 \ - ffM� N \ ° ° VINEY�ORD > I WINERY \\ CIO - ISRA�/AL PA REARKIN& Q IL I \ 2,8"12 S.F. \ -g. - ° q Iw PL,ONTEDVINES wl \ - - --- _ - - - - - - - - \ �r� Z �OGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION W I F�- N 33032'\ w x 4 * 44 15 60.47' N 2840'40" yy 'K I 5.O�f 33 ACRES/ 221,864.0 S.P. � � � \� \ TOTAL AREA: \\ HI6H CEDAR TREES I '2 0.00' 21� I Q 45 8.g42q �4CRES/ 38q,555.41 (TO BE RELOCATED I EXT'6 0 w I S,P, 45 FROM SITE) 40 PROPOSED UTILITY Q �- I I _ MOSI&NUMENT I Z POLE i w I RESIDENTIAL USE � 34 X .1148 �4GRE5/ 5,000.0 5.1=. I d _ J w I J- z L YARD I O Q IL Iik i w . (EXT'G) EDGE OF VINEYARDI r' 2 7 2 0 16 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (EXTG) EDGE OF VINEYARD SEP E�p ' _ SITE DATA Southold Town ---- — _ Planning board 397.75' N 3415'30, w127.47' AREA OF 51TE: 8A4241 ACREW OR 58Q,555.41 S.F. EXT'& BUILDING AREA: 2,162.0 S.F. N/0/1- W I LL I AM W ICK}• AM EXT'& BUILDING AREA: 2,8-12.0 S.F. TOTAL = 4,x62.0 S.F. (VACANT) (7SITE PLAN % OF LOT OCCUPANCY 1.2,A5 ZONING OF SITE: SCALE: 1 ' =50'—O" EXISTING USE: RESIDENCE 4 WINERY PROPOSED USE: RESIDENCE 8 WINERY S.C.T.M. #: 1000-101-1-14.4 DATUM OF ELEVATIONS: NAVD M55 51TE PLAN FOR 5ANN I NO \/I NEYARD 1440 ALVAHS LANE CUTCH06UE,NY SCALE: AS NOTED APPROVED BY: DRAWN BY. J.TURNER DATE: 06-22-16 REVISED BY Robert J. Gruber - Architect 476 Expressway Drive So. Medford, N.Y. 11763 (631) 654-4949 REV. #2 05-26-16 DRAWINGNUMBER: OF 2 TEST HOLE DATA REV. #1 01-11-16 S 1 TE PLAN JOB# # 15-Oa4 45 E' TO 8 ' 40 DENSITY HIGH CEDAR TREES T O B E R E L O G A T E D GROUND WATER MANAGEMENT ZONE: ( I AREA OF SITE = 8.9429 ACRE(s) OR 389,553.41 S.F. 1 144. 091 FROM SITE) S 3 3 024 '910 -9-9 E 8.9429 ACRES x 600 G.P.D. PER ACRE =5,365.14 G.P.D. ALLOWABLE - 98. 93 ' I ���4 '1 ,, 88. 0 , SANITARYLOY�I GALGULAT I ON (SYSTEM 1) Iz STORES AREA NO. GPD SF TOTAL AVG. L E A C H I N G I SQ. FT. SEATS GPD/SEAT GAL/DAY FEDGE OF GRAVEL AREA ' I SANITARY ONLY FOOL V 8 ' DIA x 6 ' DP WINERY 2,872 S.F. - .04 114.9 N (ROOF DRAI ) Q01 � x � 114.9 GPD f� ; SEPTIC TANK (NEW) 0 114.9 GPD X 2 DAYS = 229.8 GPD REQ'D ( %5oq`I ��r=' I TEST STREET GRADE EL 225' USE 8' DIA. x 4' LIQUID DEPTH '� EP,/ i; ERED - �' ® � �i H�1E TREES ~ ROWN ,;, ,® # 1 1,200 GAL GAP. SEPTIC TANK \ �;` \ � � E OF GRAVEL AREA LOAM �- I ® r'0 , LOFT EDG I OL •5' LEACHING POOLS BROWN = I v • .4 4 .2 S .F . I SILT 114.9 GPD - 1.5 G/SF 76.6 SF WALL AREA REQ D \ I 76.6 SF 25.0 5F/VF = 3.1 REQ D 72 I EDGE OF GRAVEL 4'0 USE ( POOL(S) ® 8' DIA. X 12' DEEP EA. = 12' VFP PROV'D 1� I AREA U.J - () lf\v' II I EDGE OF,PAYED-AREA. G RAVEL F A�R K I N G Q I I I ------- I - A R E Q 32 ------ , _ ' , PALE BROWN DRA I NAGE CALCULAT I ONS ° F-Z COARTO SE C) • Q p SAND • • a ASP{�ALT' :_'.;'. (�. - _- - - I �� w sw AREA-I (ZONE) \ EL 46.0' • Q : `::'p;a," _ 1 17.0' A T I O CO ., • q� f H;, ,� ROOF: 2,872 S.F. x .1'7 x 100 = 488.24 G.F. 8 G. PERaNG'sGN 10 r p - COMMENTS: J • U N srAtL rn I z NO WATER ENCOUNTERED TOTAL: 488.24 G.F. REQ'D LEACHING \ • • • _ :.. . \ TEST HOLE 4 N.T.S. USE (2) NEW POOLS @8' DI A. x 6' DEEP = 506.9 G.F. PROV'D 0 I to FOOL \ �y' 0- PROVIDED BY: 8 ' D I A x 6 ' D -=' �j BOX 1000 GEOSCIENCE AREA-2 (ZONE) . '' I AREA #2 1 SOUTHOLD. EXT'G YORK 11971 (ROOF DRAIN) iii'' EDGE OF,PA(/gD AREA -_\ �� EDGE OF GRA (\. DATE :765-3677028- F VEL AREA `✓ 9 INLET 39.0 AREA #2 DATED: 06-28-16 PAVING: 28,691 5F. X XI X 100% = 4,878.5 OF rYP TRENCH DRAIN GONG. WALK: 150 S.F. x .17 x 100% = 25.5 G.F. "NO PARKING - _ _ - - 39.5 LANDSCAPING: 7,124 S.F. x .1"7 x 15% = 181.66 G.F. ANYTIME" \ SIGN PER \ i _ TOTAL: 5,085.66 G.F. REQ'D ® - - STRIPED AREA - k===-__i �` _ `�� USE (6) NEW POOLS ®10' DIA. x 15' D = 5,336.8 G.F. PROVDD N E R Y Q0 - - _ _ GRA EL PAR K � \ A N G ; Q� �f _ - R�� '�j>-,,��; % ^ FULLY SHIELDED 2 12 S .F . - _ `\ /,, o LIGHT FIXTURE LANDSGAFE LEGEND QUANTITY 23 _ \ °' rYP. -,s EDGE OF GRAVEL AREA r- \\\ �_- ' \ , SEE 1 ZELKOVA SERRATA - (GREEN VASE) 5 .� O I \ LIGHTING PLAN (3-I/2" CALIPER) 25' v� SETBACK p EXISTING CEDAR TREES RELOCATED 96 1^ A (5' TO 8' HIGH) V/ I EDGE OF GRAVEL \I i \ �A FACTORY-SUPPLIED A�r '�z 15' TEMPLATES MUST BE SPIRERA BUMALDA "LIME MOUND" 23 �j SIGN USE OR SETTING (LIME MOUND 5PIREA) `� 8. 4 7 5 40 40 -9-9 -� �. SETBACK ANCHOR BOLTS INSTALLATION REQUIRES ' ILEX GRENATIA GONVEXA - (DWF HOLLY) 24" 8 \ GROUT TO BE PACKED I UNDER BASE TO INSURE TO g .9 FULL CONTACT WITH --T- \ HIGH CEDAR TREES 00 FOUNDATION. PROVIDE WOOD CHIPS AROUND ALL SHRUBS AND TREES SURVIVORSHIP SHALL BE MAINTAINED FOR FIVE (5) REINFORCED \ ]� EXT'(5 #42 CALV. TWISTED 2'X2'x4' DP. YEARS. ANY PLANTS WHICH DIE OR BECOME DISEASED DOUBLE STRAND WIRE RUBBER HOSE (TO B E RE L O G A TE D P.CONC. FTG. DURING THAT TIME SHALL BE REPLACED BY APPLICANT. (2) WHITE CEDAR OR TRUNK WRAPPING 45 O 'R O O S E D LOCUST STAKES ABOVE FROM SITE) UTILITY 2" SHREDDED BARK MULCH GROUND. LENGTH - 2/3 PARKING AREA LIGHT TREE. HEIGHT - 10'-0" MAX. SAUCER 2" SHREDDED M O N U M E NT I FINISHED GRADE BARK MULCH F O L E FINISHED SAUCER N.T.S. PARKING DATA GRADE SIGN CUT & REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP 1/3 OF BALL TOPSOIL do FERTILIZER CUT do REMOVE BURLAP I II - " BACKFILL FROM TOP 1/3 OF BALLTOPS �} /� �} �} i UNDISTURBED SOIL BACKOFILL& FERTILIZER SITE PLAN MIN. SPACE SIZE: �' x 11' REQUIRED - �I' x 1�1' PROPOSED MIN. AISLE WIDTH: 24' REQUIRED 24' PROPOSED UNDISTURBED SOIL 1I rf 9" 9" DUTY AND LOCKING SCALE. I ' -2O'-O" CASHEAT IRON COVER TO GRADE MIN. REQUIRED NUMBER OF SPACES: 6" 6" 7RIE E T=I _r TOTAL BUILDING AREA = 2,872 SF 5HRUE3 f=17 �< a z 00 PARKING RETAIL USE: 2,8'12 SF x 1/200 = 14.36 STALLS AREA TO BE ASPHALT PAVED N� 8" MIN. „, ANYTIME TOTAL PARKING STALLS REQUIRED = 15 STALLS ROADWAY TYPE C.I. FRAME ROADWAY TYPE C.I. FRAME ' I.E. 24•ID C', 24•ID PMC . . GRATE 2'-0" I.D. GRATE 2-0' I.D. 38 88 U TRAFFIC BEARING (DISTRIBUTION POOL ONLY) (DISTRIBUTION POOL ONLY) 20 MIN. TOTAL PROVIDED = 43 STALLS (INCL. 2 HG STALLS) FINISHED GRADE FINISHED GRADE '/4/1 14" L- OUTLET E.L. HEAVY DUTY AND LOCKINGFLOW UNE 6"DIA. 6"DIA. INTERIOR LANDSCAPING REQUIRED CAST IRON COVER TO GRADE 4" DIA. SDR OR �. 14• r 42.0 EQUIVALENT L I E CONC. z Q CONC. z Q 43 PARKING STALLS PROVIDED x 10 S.F. PER STALL = 430 S.F. COLLAR AS REQUIRED z COLLAR AS REQUIRED PITCH MIN. o W s" POST POST z 15" RCP CUV CONNECTING X X r 1/4" PER FOOT I o 38,38 TOTAL PROVIDED = 754 5.F. I -CONCRETE COVER PIPE (ROOF DRAIN TO I I � -CONCRETE COVER - z o ,e• DROP •r o 0 " o z BE 6" P.V.C. SDR 35 z CONCRETE DOME - 4'DIA. SDR35 ❑R ;� o I co DO cfl GD CONCRETE DOME _ ) EQUIVALENT (V N J 4" DIA. SDR OR SITE DATA 15" RCP CUV CONNECTIN I WITH THE FIRST TEN PITCH MIN. EQUIVALENT PIPE"(ROOF DRAIN TO I FEET AS CAST IRON. I 1/8' PER FOOT °� 1/8 N. FOOT FOOT BE 6 P.V.C. SDR 35) - _ - MIN AREA OF SITE: 8.85 ACRES) OR 58x,555.41 S.F. 00 - - 4• s'-6' 91-61 4• EXT'G BUILDING AREA: 2,162.0 S.F. _ I WITH THE FIRST TEN I _ ET AS CAST IRON. III -) (III= a - -f _ I I I HANDICAP PARKING NO PARKING PROPOSED BUILDING AREA: 2,8-12.0 5.F. IIII - _ J - =1 I I = I T e�-o' PARKING IDENTIFICATION SIGN OF LOT OCCUPANCY TOTAL = 142,6%2.o s.F. 3'-0" ❑ ❑ ❑ D 0 O D ❑ 1111 I- - ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ - X ` N.T.S. 18 CLEAR OF FACE OF CURB '/8" SEFT 1 G TANK DETAIL ZONING OF SITE: IIII MIN. - I EXISTING USE: RESIDENCE 4 WINERY ❑ ❑ ❑ oo oo ❑ ❑ ❑ I I IIII= 30" ❑ ❑ oaao ❑ ❑ N 1000 C' � ❑ ❑ ❑ _ = MI ❑ ❑ C� '7 ❑ ❑ - I.E. 3' °" I I - (8 DIA. X 4 LIQUID DEPTH) �� ~`tm _I I ❑ ❑ 1-, 1-, ❑ ❑ I- =rl ❑ [� r1 ❑ _I N 35,30 :.' MIN' _ (1,200 GALLON CAPACITY) PROPOSED USE: RESIDENCE WINERY 2 0.Cz _ w S.C.T.M. 1000-101-1-14.4 Lw rn 3'-0" I 1- 3'-0" _ ( III w I I(I DATUM OF ELEVATIONS: NAVD l x88 I - - _ _ = J TRENCH MIN. 1= -I I J MIN. _ - w I= 24" LENGTH, STANDARD DRAIN 8 TO 51" __. TRENCH FRAME Q , - Q - I Ld PARK LOT LIGHT SPECIFICATIONS PRECA T CONCRETE _ PRECAST CONCRETE = I I I I NOIE: INLET & 1 1/2" TO w DRAINA E RINGS w - OUTLET TO BE MIN. INDICATES D5X0 LED YV/2O LED'S® I MA TYPE 3 w DRAINA E RINGS I w - 2400 CLASS PIPEKAKA 2" ,000 Baor�K - uwi (4000 S.I.) _ _ N (4000 S.I.) _ - I o I - 1/8' PER FOOT a :III N PITCH. •. U) 2A g MEDIUM OPrIGS, POLE MGUNTED 25 ABOVE GRADE BACKFILL WITH BACKFILL WITH CLEAN COMPACTED I- I CLEAN COMPACTED = I L = FLOW SAND AND GRAVEL - = SAND AND GRAVEL ` -III > ONLY - LL WITH ONLY I I CLEAN I OMPACTED ada.. I -_I �., ..:.. -, TING SHALL:. I 8-0" SAND AND GRAVEL (ALL LIGH a III REV. #2 OS 26-I6 FROM ADJACENT PROPERTYR& ROADWAYS.)T LIGHT SHIELDED - I I OPEN I BOTTOM - I 1 ONLY = _ = TEST HOLE DATA REV. 1 0-1-11-16 OPEN BOTTOM �_ -11 1- -- EL. 23.30 _ 11- I I I I,.,�1, , I,;,I I DRAINPIPE CONCRETE TRENCH SITE PLAN FOR o z - -„ I I �� �_�„ I I I - SANNINO VINEYARD ( IIII-I I I I I z -I I I �- I = LONGITUDINAL SECTION CROSS SECTION '1440 ALVAHS LANE CUTCHo6UE,NY a 3' MIN. ABOVE NOTE: Copyright 2000 SCALE: AS NOTED APPROVED BY: DRAWN BY: .J.TURNER, 10'-0" 8'-0" 6' MIN. OF GLEAN STRATA Architectural GRAPHIC Standards CD-ROM GROUNDWATER GROUNDWATER (SYS. #1) EL. 16.0 GROUND WATER BELOW POOL BOTTOM John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, NY DATE: 06-22-16 REVISED BY (SYS. #2) EL. 17.0 SANITARY LEACHING FOOL Robert J. Gruber - Architect TRENCH DRAIN D E T A I 476 Expressway Drive So. Medford, N.Y. 11763 (631) 654-4949 DRA I I `1AGE FOOL DETAIL DRA I NAGE �00L DETAIL. (ENTIRE POOL TO BE IN CLEAN SAND & GRAVEL) DRAWING NUMBER: G �I SP-2 OF 2 (1 REQUIRED) SCALE: N.T.S. SITE LAI`1 JOB# # 15-0a4 OV \ \ O .. roc Al, \ \_ 1 0� Nod / '\` % . Al rG US�J / _ fGE1' MAP SCALE: N.T.S. s \ N ;`� •� � \ l '(Y � �\ l , •q'\ J� •Z,�(� ko Q0 141 r? ko 00 N gi 00 \ RS ` h ` / �Upr/s r j -A� T C � ry # /000 os ,icy Ab CO* Ckt �0 dop lop .q / co / ' \ / QU �\ \ \ /' / \� SEP 2 7 2016 SITE DATA Southold Town Planning Board AREA OF 51TE: 8.x4201 AORE(5) OR 58x,555.41 S.F. EXT'CG BUILDING AREA: 2,162.0 S.F. EXT'CG BUILDING AREA: 2,512.0 S.F. TOTAL = 4,x62.0 S.F. % OF LOT OCCUPANCY ZONING OF 51TE: \ / \ EXISTING USE: RESIDENCE 4 WINERY PROPOSED USE: RE5IDENCE 4 WINERY S.C.T.M. #: 1000-101-1-14.4 DATUM OF ELEVATIONS: NAVO IcI88 200 FT. RADIUS MAP FOR SANNINO VINEYARD ?490 ALVAHS LANE GUTGH06UE,NY SCALE: AS NOTED APPROVED BY: DRAWN BY. LTURNER SITE PLAN DATE: 06-22-16 REVISED BY Robert J. Gruber - Architect SCALE: 1 ' =100'-0" 476 Expressway Drive So. Medford, N.Y. 11763 (631) 654-4949 DRAWING NUMBER: 51 TE PLAN sP-I OF I JOB/ # 15-oa4 �— ' �— �/ t Ire_ 1� z h. 4 \ \ S r/roc N \' \, fGY MSP SCALE: N.T.S. 00`q�04 4A, Fk Y `\` .111 , � ®Ov ' RFFNy ovS J \ ry / /L Z U) 4) \, / ' � 1U U 0 / 9 \ / ' \000 U / lv � 44 U , S Q / cr \ ofILI 0 / c.T� #�vTc,yoT c yUR40 � lvzo ♦` � �'per / /' � C�� /0 SEP 2 7 2016 Southold Town } c. ' `\ , , v /� J� � � � ' `�\, Planning Board U• ��� / \ / `\ / \�'\ s F � \''\ S I Ti= Z�ATA `\, � F G `\_, AREA OF 51TE: 8.9429 AGRE(5) OR 58x,555.41 S.F. op ;/ \' \\. ��/ _ �� /c,N's \_, EXT'G BUILDING AREA: 2,162.0 S.F. \ / �U �O \` `\ \`�\ 'gC O�/0% EXT'G BUILDING AREA: 2,8'12.0 S.F. / \ - '4�/T / TOTAL = 4,962.0 S.F. / p \, \ % OF LOT OCCUPANCY I Z7% ZONING OF 51TE: ' \ Q U' \� \ / \`_ EXISTING USE: RE5IDENGE 4 WINERY PROPOSED USE: RE51DENCE 4 WINERY _\ T S.G.T.M. #: 1000-101-I-14.4 DATUM OF ELEVATIONS: NAVD 1988 500 FT. RADIUS MAP FOR 5A�NN I NO VINEYARD 1490 ALVAiiS LANE GUTGHOF,UE,NY SCALE: AS NOTED APPROVED BY: DRAWN BY. J.TURNER 2 \ \ , \ •`\ ' — ``\ DATE' 06- 2-16 REVISED BY r--�s I TE PLAN 7 Robert J. (5ruber - Architect SCALE: 1 ' =100'-0" 476 Expressway Drive So. Medford, N.Y. 11763 (631) 654-4949 DRAWING NUMBER: SITE PLAN 5F-1 OF 008f # 15-094 % A tj x0.00 x0.00 x0.00 X0.00 x0.00 x0.00 X0.00 X0.00 X0.00 X0.00 x0.00 X0.00 X0.00 x0.00 X0.00 X0.00 X0.00 X0.00 x0.00 x0.00 X0.00 x0.00 X0.00 X0.00 x0.00 X0.00 x0.00 X .00 �(� �y►` M�J X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.00 Xo.00 Xo.00 Xo.00 Xo.00 Xo.00 Xo.00 Xo.00 Xo.00 Xo.00 Xo.00 Xo.00 Xo.00 Xo.00 Xo.00 Xo.00 .00 Xo.00 Xo.00 Xo.00 Xo.00 Xo.00 Xo.00 Xo.00 00 X0.00 Xbo Xo.00 Xo.00 X 00 PQ X0.00 X0.00 xd.do X0.00 X0.00H+� 0i �0fOD4�o T °E .do x0.00 x0.00 x0-00 X (TO BE RELOCATED c3 � 1 X0.00 X0.00 x0.00 x0.00 x0.00 0.0Cf_- a"eybl .qoT Elm x0.00 X0.00 X0.00 x0.01 X0.00 X0.00 x0.00 X0.00 X0.00 X0.00 x0.00 X0.00 X0.00 X0.00 x0.00 x0.00 X0.00 x0. 0 x0.00 X0.00 x0.00 X0.0 X0.00 X0.00 X0.00 x0.00 0.00 X0.00 .00 '0.q0_ X0.00 x0.00 X0.00 X 00 X X X X X x X 0.00 X 0.00 X 0.00 X 0.00 X 0.00 X 0.00 X 0.00 X 0.01 X O.d1 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.01 Q.Q1 X 0.01 k 0.01 X 0. 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Symbol Label Qty Catalog Number Description Lamp File LLF Watts 2.THIS PHOTOMETRICS LAYOUT WAS CALCULATED USING DSXO LED 20C DSXO LED with 20 LEDs 2A 2 1000 30K T3M @1000 mA , 3000K, Type LED 3000K DSXO_LED_20 1.00 144 Date SPECIFIC CRITERIA,ANY DEVIATION FROM STATED Poles MVOLT 3 Medium Optics C_1000 30K_T Per Pole PARAMETERS WILL AFFECT ACTUAL PERFORMANCE. 3M_MVOLT.ie Sept. 14th, 2016 3.ALL QUANTITIES ARE BASED ON FIXTURES SHOWN IN THE X LIGHTING CALCULATIONS ONLY. Ld Scale 4. THESE CALCULATIONS ARE BASED ON LISTED FIXTURES ONLY. SUBSTITUTION OF THESE FIXTURES VOIDS ALL CALCULATIONS. STATISTICS As Noted 5. ACUITY BRANDS LIGHTING RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WITHDRAW Description Symbol Avg Max Min Max/Min Avg/Min REV 1 THESE COPYRIGHTED LIGHTING PLANS FROM PUBLIC RECORD IF SUBSTITUTIONS OCCUR. Beyond Property Lines }< 0.01 fc 0.03 fc 0.00 fc N/A N/A See Notes 6. ALL SUBSTITUTIONS REQUIRE NEW CALCULATIONS BASED ON THE Parking Areas } 0.93 fc 4.13 fc 0.02 fc 206.5:1 46.5:1 FIXTURES SUPPLIED. Property Line AFG -F 0.02 fc 0.05 fc 0.00 fc N/A N/A D SEP 2'7 2016 1 of 1 Southold Tov,,,n Planning Board AL VAH'S LANE - - AL VAH'S LANE cc > Z I ,. I I II I X lu W I I 111 9 LU X I + "P w I w I Q O + •r:; w i l i l i O KEY MAP —1 _ Z SCALE: N.T.S. Xb I z Q 1 1 -A v V -a K cn O —1 N lu Q _t -A i I � Q 1 -A } I I UJI Iw I K 11.1 IIL I v SUBDIVISION MAP 01- EA I iw � � ST COAST PROPERTIES SU I I FFOLK COUNTY FILE NO. c1225 .- w i w I U- z I� I Q w Ix I Q Q > IW I z Q x I o 0 z 1 I Io I I flA OI S 3303'20" E — � — — — 50 'I ' — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —UJI 1: — — — — — 'Q . . . . iii — — 45 HIGH CEDAR TREES i0 J L 1 (TO FROM RELOCATED O — _ T 1'144.09' FROM SITE) S 3324'10" EI I (EXT'C-) EDGE OF VINEYARD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ��' — — — — �� — — MM -i '— 98.93' S 3324'10" I (EXT'C-) EDGE OP VINEYARD VINEYAR � LOT 14.4 ( DE�ELO I -_ LOT 14.6 ( DE YL0F1'I LEACHING ` `�'f 88 07 d DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS INTACT) 50--� -- ENT RIGHTS INTACT) POOL .....«w... ., t9 ry'�ryp�� x.2081 ACRES/ 226,80 4.0 S.E. 5. 547 ACRES/ IC 2,683 55 S E 8'DIA x b'DP I ® ti X~ • ry (^ ^ I OF DRAIN) 0 0 I Ql w U`V � pO �°°; 7 TEST STREET I TREES 4 I •�• � ,Z. �i y). LOT I) COVERED OFFICE HOLE ® ti 1L j I \4�i�,y-Q,0Q� I PATIO Z LOFT I -- -• � 0 �- v _ 584 S.F. �� 442 S.F. i P Q v � Q Q' �v 2- 0 .... I w i 4 1 U A, I (() Z ,; :;'_,`. 6RAVEL P�KING ' 'z=;�- ARE 5?- F� ^ 45 FF O x I U� j, I (AKA 851 TIO 5 F. N EL 46.0' LE6 \ 40, LOT POOL •:;. IW) (/ V 45 W DIA x b DP -'• rw. 9� INLET 59.0 AREA Y O U\ rY \ (ROOF DRAIN) i` TVP, TRENCH DRAM AREA I 02 IN �p��� (j I \\ \ ' . __ - --- 39.5 PROPOSED \ _ 0 0 k z l 45\ VINE-1--ARD SRA WINERY W __ N VEL PARKING `4 g, AREA 0 " -. I \\ • - - - ---- - - - - - - \ --w...., iYP.PL4NTED VINES 32 I -- _ SE7z I � ODUCTION �4GRIULTURL PRN3332 W •O�33 ACRES/ 221,864.0 S.E. 68.47N 2840'40, 4IL , S• �won 1 �i I W I � ti 9/ 21, I Q I 45 TOTAL ARA: \\ HIGH CEDAR TREES I 2 •OO' + �y� I Q W i I 8•a4.2q ACRES/ 38cf,5-3.41 C, �. 45 (TO BE RELOCATED SITE) 40 PROP05ED � UTILITY MONUMENT I z POLE I 34' Itu RESIDENTIAL USE � I j SIGN I � } Y J x .1148 �4GRES/ 3,000.0 S.E. I N z Q � rzj25' (EXT'C-) EDC- OF VINEAz D W I Q 1QL I w 00 oo SEP 1 4 2016 Z — — — — — — — —kO LU (EXT'C-) EDGE 01= VINEYARD_ — — — (EXT'C-) EDC-E OF VINEYARD I '� — — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --j Co ko Southold Town N 31025'20 W — — — . � Planning Board — — — — — — 51 Ti= DATA 397.75' N 3415'30" W127.47' AREA OF SITE: 8.x429 AGRE(S) OR 589,555.41 S.F. EXT'& BUILDING AREA: 2,162.0 S.F. /O/I` K LL I AM W I CKHAM EXT'& BUILDING AREA: 2,8'12.0 S.F. l TOTAL = 4,x62.0 S.F. K7�-(VACANT) W OF LOT OCCUPANCY 1.2"195 SITE P LAN SCALE: 1 ' =50'-0" ZONING OF SITE: EXISTING USE: RESIDENCE d WINERY PROPOSED USE: RESIDENCE d WINERY S.G.T.M. #: 1000-101-1-14.4 DATUM OF ELEVATIONS: NAVD 1988 SITE PLAN FOR SANN I NO VINEYARD 9440 ALVAH5 LANE GUTC4406UE,NY SCALE: AS NOTED APPROVED BY: DRAWN By. LTURNER DATE: 06-22-16 REVISED BY Robert J. Gruber - Architect 476 Expressway Drive So. Medford, N.Y. 11763 (631) 654-4949 REV. #2 08-26-16 DRAWING NUMBER: TEST HOLE DATA REV. #1 07-11-16 5 I TE FLAN SP—I OF 2 JOB# # 15-094 45 5' TO 8 ' 4o DENSITY HIGH CEDAR TREES GROUND WATER MANAGEMENT ZONE: (TO BE RELOCATED / AREA OF 51TE = 5A42q ACRE(s) OR 38q,553.41 S.F. 7 1 144. 9 FROM SITE) S 33024 '910 -1-9 E/ S.g42q ACRES x 600 G.P.D. PER ACRE =5,365.74 G.P.D. ALLOWABLE S� 3 8 04x'98. 93 1 , SAN I TARP FLOYGALGU 1) AT I ON 5`rSTEM- _ 88.�4 4 STORES AREA NO. GPD SF TOTAL A /G. LEAGHING GAL/DAY EDGE OF GRAVEL AREA I � � � I )- SQ. FT. SEATS GPD/SEAT SANITARY ONLY i�00L 8 ' DIA x 6 ' O - o WINERY 2,8'12 S.F. - .04 114.q (ROOF DRAIN) 1 CO ' � � � 114.q GPD 0 SEPTIC TANK to (NEW) TEST ° 114A GPD X 2 DAYS = 22q.8 GPD REQ'D i I EP I �,- STREET GRADE H OLE E`" �5� USE 8' DIA. x 4' LIQUID DEPTH F F I C E # TREES 1 DARK M 1,200 GAL GAP. SEPTIC TANK ® `\ \` I �• ® � L= ® F T EDbE OF GRAVEL AREA OL o , I LEACHING POOLS o -4 -4 2 S .F . BROWN 114A GPD _ 1.5 G/SF = '76.6 SF WALL AREA REQ'D 5 a -4 S .F . I u cn ML 76.6 SF - 25.0 SF/VF _ 5.1 REQ'D I 7 4 • � ' EDGE OF bRAVEL AREA I 1 4 Qr USE (1) POOL(S) 0 8' DIA. X 12' DEEP EA. = 12' 1/FP PROV'D �I I� I I ED,gE OF,PAVED AREA ,. '. GRAVEL PAIR< IN& 1 �----------- ARE a Q I 32 ----J PALE BROWN DRA I NAGE CALCULATIONS 3 1 : 2 5 , ►- FINE TO QCOARSE O • SAND •,�• � '45Rtfr�LT � - __ _ _ I �� w � sw AREA-I (ZONE) EL 46.0 ' • a p + N 1 17.0' -- _ _ 11 nn ROOF: 2,872 S.F. X .1-7 x 100%, = 488.24 G.F. F A T I O �O •*• od ,.A REA..., P� :.... 10 � p V COMMENTS: 8�� S.F . I N z \ NO WRIER ENCOUNTERm TOTAL: 488.24 G.F. REQ'D LEACHING ••• :;.2 -� X TEST HOLE USE (2) NEW POOLS @8' DIA. x 6' DEEP = 506.q G.F. PROV'D 40 I � FOOL \ 0 � PROVIDED BY- McDonald a ' DIA x 6 ' O - ►- BOX°10a100 GEoscIENCE AREA-2 (ZONE) ,AREA #2 1 SOUTHOLD, EXrG YORK 11971 ' DATE 765-3677 PAVING: 28,bg7 5F. X .17 X f 005Y� = 4,878.5 OF (ROOF DRAIN) „ Db,e OF PA _' iii VED'AIZEA'I:.'., :'`. •':, ( c-- ,__\ �, EDGE OF bRA ..\.s •..:, ...,. F VEL AREA 9 INLET 39.0 AREA #2 DATED: Os-28-16 TYP TRENCH DRAIN GONG. WALK: 150 S.F. x 39.5 .17 x 100% = 25.5 G.F. \ - NO PARKING LANDSCAPING: 7,124 S.F. x .17 x 159 = 181.66 G.F. ANYTIME" - '•� \ SIGN PER TOTAL: 5,085.66 G.F. REQ'D STRIPED AREA k===_- � O �� -- _- ., ' USE (6) NEW POOLS ®10' DIA. x 13' DEEP = 5,336.8 G.F. PROV'D - _ _ GSA VEL ;� - I \ G _ - - - ��� ' ,��\' / � FULLY SHIELDED 2 ,8) -7 .2 S .F . \ 9, ; ; ,,- , � LIGHT FIXTURE LAND5GAFE LEG D QUANTITY O T YP, - •�� 1 - EN VASE 5 \ � � i SEE ZELKOVA SERRATA (GRE ) bE OF BRAVE(.AREAIZV 25' LIGHTING PLAN :: _-�; (3-I/2 CALIPER) 4 EXISTING CEDAR TREES RELOCATED C16 O SETBACK 0 EDGE OF bRE RAVEL q \� i A � FACTORY-SUPPLIED (5' TO 8' HIGH) SL, TEMPLATES MUST BE 15 USE WHEN SETTING QD SPIRERA BUMALDA "LIME MOUND" 23 �l�o �� SIGN ANCHOR BOLTS (LIME MOUND SPIREA) � 8. 4 U 4040 �_ r SETBACK \ W INSTALLATION REQUIRES � ILEX GRENATIA GONVEXA - (DWF HOLLY) 24" 8 GROUT TO BE PACKED i UNDER BASE TO INSURE 5 TOFULL CONTACT WITH PROVIDE WOOD CHIPS AROUND ALL SHRUB5 AND TREES HIGH CEDAR TREES • 00 FOUNDATION. SURVIVORSHIP SHALL BE MAINTAINED FOR FIVE (5) odd odd REINFORCED \ EXT'G ,y42 CALV. TWISTED 2'X2'x4' DP. YEARS. ANY PLANTS WHICH DIE OR BECOME DISEASED DOUBLE STRAND WIRE RUBBER HOSE (TO B E RELOCATED DOUBLE FTG. DURING THAT TIME SHALL BE REPLACED BY APPLICANT. ��(( /( Q C� (2) WHITE CEDAR OR TRUNK WRAPPING `�`5 4 O F R O I OSE D LOCUST STAKES A_OVE FROM SITE) II- UTILITY PARKING AREA LIGHT GROUND. LENGTH 2/3 2" SHREDDED BARK MULCH TREE. HEIGHT - 10'-0 MAX. SAUCER 2" SHREDDED M O N U M E N T FINISHED GRADE BARK MULCH "may O L E FINISHED SAUCER / N.T.S. �'ARKING DATA: GRADE 5 1 G N +n�� CUT & REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP 1/3 OF BALL CUT n TOPSOIL do FERTILIZER FROM�TOPM/ 3 OF BALOVE L T - BACLL m 1 UNDISTURBED SOIL BACKOFILL� FERTILIZER SITTO E PLAN MIN. SPACE SIZE: q' x Iq' REGtUIRED - q' x Iq' PROPOSED MIN. AISLE WIDTH: 24' REQUIRED 24' PROPOSED UNDISTURBED SOIL SCALE. 1 ' 20'-O" DUTY AND LOCKING B• 9- CAST - IRON COVER M GRADE *12 *1?" MIN. REQUIRED NUMBER OF SPACES: s.. 6- Ti�'E E F'17 TOTAL BUILDING AREA = 2,872 SF 5HRU6 F 17 NO RETAIL USE: 2,872 5F x 1/200 = 14.36 STALLS ROADWAY TYPE C.I. FRAME '-'" AREA TO BE ASPHALT PAVED I E. m a z - ANrnME ARKING ROADWAY TYPE C.I. FRAME . . < . N� 24•ID iN 24• ID e•MIN. PNgI: GRATE 2'-0" I.D. GRATE 2'-0* I.D. 38.88 = TRAFFIC BEARING TOTAL PARKING STALLS REQUIRED = 15 STALLS (DISTRIBUTION POOL ONLY) (DISTRIBUTION POOL ONLY) 2D MIN. .::.-:;..,: :,. 20 MIN. ••;. ;,,:INLET TOTAL PROVIDED = 43 STALLS (INCL. 2 HG STALLS) --- FINISHED GRADE FINISHED GRADE 1/4 ,1 L OUTLET ' " INTERIOR LANDSCAPING REQU I RED E,L HEAVY DUTY AND LOCKING FLOW LINE 6 DIA. 6 DIA. CAST IRON COVER TO GRADE EQUIVALENT DIA. SDR OR 1�4- I,E' `r CONIC. Z_ Q CONC. Z 42.0 PITCH MIN. 7a " ¢ 43 PARKING STALLS PROVIDED x 10 S.F. PER STALL = 450 S.F. COLLAR AS REQUIRED z COLLAR AS REQUIRED 1/4" PER FOOT I b w e• POST POST z CONCRETE COVER PIPERCP C COIN TO TING I I _ s z / " a I o 38 38 o O O �-{--�----- CONCRETE COVER < w a o te•DROP •r TOTAL PROVIDED = 764 S.F. z I I III BE 6" P.V.C. SDR 35 - - CONCRETE DOME - 4'DIA, SDR35 OR ;� s o Y CONCRETE DOME ) - b = = 4" DIA. SDR OR � i WITH THE FIRST TEN - I EQUIVALENT N N � EQUIVALENT SITE DATA III 15" RCP CLIV CONNECIIN - "I PIPE (ROOF DRAIN TO I I FEET AS CAST IRON. I PITCH MIN. 0, PITCH MIN. BE 6" P.V.C. SDR 3O _ _ - 1/8 PER F❑❑T MIN 4 9-b "s' 4 1/8" PER FOOT AREA OF SITE: 8.83 AGRE(5) OR 38x,553.41 S.F. a0 WITH THE FIRST TEN = O1 = _ - EXT'G BUILDING AREA: 2,162.0 S.F. - -1 ET AS CAST IRON. I I I I I_ N - J I HANDICAP PARKING NO PARKING FROP05ED BUILDING AREA: 2,872.0 S.F. TOTAL = 4,4162.0 S.F. I T PARKING IDENTIFICATION SIGN ,- „ 000 ❑ ❑ p p p p ❑ ❑ I = OF LOT OGGUPANGY 1.2"f5K 1000 1=11=11 _ I - I X I �' ` N.T.S."'r's 18" CLEAR OF FACE OF CURB MI ❑ ❑ p p p p 11 11 = SEFT I G TANK DETAIL EXISTING USE: RESIDENCE WINERY E C E u E j ZONING OF SITE: I MIN. ❑ ❑ ❑ DD ❑ ❑ ❑ i IIII 3 0 II ❑ ❑ ❑ E-' � ❑ ❑ ❑ _ - - ~ - _ ❑ ❑ r' � ❑ ❑ �, I,E, = 3 (8 DIA. X 4 LIQUID DEPTH) =I I ❑ ❑ E, r7 ❑ ❑ _ =I I ❑ r 9 ❑ =1 N 35.30 MIN. 1= (1,200 GALLON CAPACITY) PROPOSED USE: RESIDENCE d WINERY SEP 14 2015 - I Ld I S.G.T.M. #: 1000-101-1-14.4 3-o" = DATUM OF ELEVATIONS: NAVD 1x88 _ w Southold Town MIN. MIN. _ > 24" LENGTH STANDARD TRENCH Planning Board vi - .I I v I W I CDRAIN OVER 8.. TO 51" TRENCH FRAME _II - < I �` PARK LOT LIGHT SPECIFICATIONS PRECA T CONCRETE _ 0 PRECAST CONCRETE _ II _ NOTE: INLET & � I " w DRAWTE RINGS I I_ w DRAINA ERINGS = W OUTLET TO BE MIN. 1 1/2" TO cn (4000 S.I.) _ _ N (4000 .S.I.) - - " I_ 2400 CLASS PIPE ". 2" INDICATES DSXO LED YV�20 LED'S ® 1,000 MA. 5000K TYPE 3 o - 1/8" PER FOOT a 2A , _I I :III BACKFILL WITH I N I PITCH. w MEDIUM OPTICS, POLE N(GUNTE� 25O1/E GRADE CLEAN COMPACTED I- =1 CLEAN COMPACTED _ FLOW �- b =III SAND AND GRAVEL - = SAND AND GRAVEL I BACKFILL WITH I I=I ONLY I ONLY I 8-0' CLEAN COMPACTED '�°'' <. =111 ��'' REV. #2 08-26-16 (ALL LIGHTING SHALL BE ORIENTED SO THAT LIGHT SHIELDED SAND AND GRAVEL OPEN BOTTOM 1- -1 OPEN BOTTOM 1- ONLY - _ _ TEST HOLE DATA REV. #1 01-11-16 FROM ADJACENT PROPERTY & ROADWAYS.) 1 -1 EL. 23.30 1- -I I-III,F. 1-ji , DRAINPIPE CONCRETE TRENCH SITE PLAN FOR 11-11 I I I I-IIII 1 I I " ' ° z ' IIII _I I I I_ III ' ' o -11111- -IIII 1=1 I I'I CROSS SECTION SANNINO VINEYARD = LONGITUDINAL SECTION -►aao ALVAHs LANE curoHoSue,NY 9'_4" a 7'-4" a 3' MIN. ABOVE NOTE: Copyright 2000 SCALE: AS NOTED APPROVED BY: DRAWN BY J.TURNER 10'-0" 8'-0" V MIN. OF CLEAN STRATA Architectural GRAPHIC Standards CD-ROM GROUNDWATER GROUNDWATER (SYS. #1) EL. 16.0 GROUND WATER BELOW POOL BOTTOM John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, NY DATE: 06-22-16 REVISED BY (SYS. #2) EL. 17.0 SANITARY LEACHING BOOL Robert J. Gruber - Architect I I TRENCH DRAIN D E T A I 476 Expressway Drive So. Medford, N.Y. 11763 (631) 654-4949 DRA I I `�A&E FOOL. DETAIL DRA I I `tAOE F001,,,, DETAIL (ENTIRE POOL TO �� N CLEAN SAND & GRAVEL) SCALE: N.T.S. 5 I -T� PLAN DRAWING NUMBER: SP-2 0 2 SOB# # 15-oa4 5 TO 8 HIGH CEDAR TREES J CTO BE RELOCATED FROM SITE) ~ 33 24 10 E330 ZD co 4 o.00 .00 o. o. 93 ' 0.01 0.0 0. 0.01 0.0 Je , � 071 a.o1 0. 0.02 0.0 0. 0.02 0.0 0. 0.02 0.0 .02 0.02 0.02 0.0 0.01 0.0 0, 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. tom• G0.EDGE Or GRAVEL. Amp 0.04 + :..}` : •' L) / 0.04 +0.04 +0.05 + + 0.01 \ �. ) D P 0.05 0.05 +0.05 +0.0 1 W + 0.02 ' < 0.06 + _ " 1 Zi I I N) 0.06 0.07 +0.07 +0.07 +0.07 +0.07 + + * " �' 0.07 0.08 _ /Ar +!" �u C 1 i ! i r 0.09 +0.10 *0.11 +0.11 +0.11 +0.12 +0.12 + + 0.02 W LEDCNEW) Snap Shot# 1 0.13 +0.15 +0.18 + + 0.13 0.15 +0.15 +0.15 TEST STREET 002 �---i W W O 0.20 0.21 +0.23 + HO#1 TREES 1 `-i � Z 01Scale 1"=20' 0.19 0.19 + + FRIENIDY )%, E D 0.17 +0.22 +0.27 +0.31 +0.33 + + 0.26 +0.27 +0.29 +0.29 +0.29 +0.29 ur 0.03 3 I-- J �� �'��'Amo � /� ^ 0 + 0.33 0.35 +0.38 +0.43 + + 0.24 +0.22 +0.21 = L.J.. LL J 0.22 0.29 +0.37 +0.46 + + 0.45 0.49 +0.53 +0.54 +0.51 + + 0 0.04 O F O J \ 0.52 0.54 +0.54 +0.58 + + 0.47 0.44 +0.40 +0.36 + ' 0.28 +0.37 + + 0.64 0.70 +0.78 +0.88 + + 0.34 +0.34 +0.33 + �c v J i i 0.47 0.60 +0.75 + + 0. 0 U 0.04 Z 2 0.90 0.82 +0.73 +0.67 + ►- W 0.61 0.56 � 1 X (D FD GE DP GAVEL OREA 0.82 +0.84 +0.89 +1.00 +1.15 +1.32 + +0.5 0.55 +0.50 + + W 0.05 I- z > 0.55 +0. 0 yU Vo1A�+ +1.14 + G R A V EL6 PAR NQ5 + + 0.42 p A �-L� J = p w Specifications 3 20.59 +0.76 +0.98 + + 1.14 1.18 +1.33 +1.54 +1.68 +�� A + + 0.88 0.84 +0.84 +0.81 +0.68 +0.53 +0.41 a 32 ¢ 0.06 � W J 1.26 1.48 +1.51 1.50 +1.73 + + 62 1.42 1.24 +1.16 +1.15 +1.14 +1.00 + + o O W J v III EPA 0.$� � 062A� �AL�T03 + � 1.89 1.88 +1.87 +1.90 + 0.81 0.62 +0.48 +0. � 0.06 ♦/ z �% �„� .3._ Q �. 0 • ; P �ED 1.30 b 3 + 1.82 1.60 + + �G 0 1.51 1.52 + + 0.51 0 O < 26' PATI 0 *LJ a 0.66 AREA 8 EA s 5 + 1.82 1 96 +2.0 +1.98 +1.98 2.01 + .00 + 1.38 1.10 +0.85 +0.66 + +0.39", 0 1 0.07 O 'L+ert�ryt7: � •�• ¢ PER STALL 1.90 g + 1.9 1.66 co 0 :9 1.80 006) 832 S.F. 1 1 V * Z 0.79 +1.02 +1.25 + 2.34 2 43 2.4 +2.44 +2.37 2.46 + + 1 1. 6 +0.90 +0.71 +0.54 +0.40 + 0.06 J 1 LEACHING 4 l�ka = 1.67 2!4 .42 2.4 +2.30 +2.04 1 + 0. 9 LL J ' '(33 JD a t) O 0.67 +0.88 +1.17 + + 2 'r` 1' 9 0.99 +0.76 +0.57 +0.41 + 0.06 Q LL U POOL 1.67 1.96 0• � O Z ^ 2 + 1.8 + �� DIA x 6' DP V +0.62 +0.81 + 2.39 2 4 p+2 q +2.44 +2.37a: +1. 3 1.12 +0.90 1 0.06 ry � J + GF 1.04 +1.31 + 7 _ 2.37 + H�� (17S cm) ROOF DRAIN) 0.13 +0.18 +0.25 +0.3 ED`'� GeAVEL Rea 1 1.84 +1 98 + 2.50 .45 +2.4 +2.33 +2.06 1 + INLET Q +0.35 AREA #2 U Weight 0.45 +0.59 +0..75 +0.98 + + 2'0 2.00 +1.99 2 + + 1 0 0.99 +0.76 +0.57 +0.41 + + O ,� ��S 0.06 TRENCH DRAIN � + _jj 0.13 +0.,7 + LL 0.24 + + 1.25 1.49 +1.55'NqY R + 1 P, 00 1.9 +1.81 +1.66 1.4 + + 0. 9 0 21 39,55 7 >�max): 0.32 0.42 +0.55 +0.72 +0.91 +1.10 + + SIGN PER 1.90 +1.88 +1.87 +1.90 +1.84 + 1 6 0.90 +0.71 +0.54 + 0.30 0 '^ U 0.40 21 UJ vCD +0.16 +0.21 +0.28 +0.37 +0.48 +0.61 + 1.17 1.16 S RIP D+qR q+1.55 +1.69 +1.71 +1.64 + + 1.63 1.53 +1.53 +1.38 +1.11 +0.85 +0.66 +0.52 +0.39 + 0.06 T7 0 PROPOSED o J +0.14 0.18 + 0.77 0.86 +0.85 +0.87 +0.9, +1.02 + 1.44 26 +1.16 + + .14 + 0 29 +0 21 z Z GRA'VEL ,5 +1.00 + WINERY 0 23 0 3 +0.38 +0.47 0.55 + + 1.16 1.34 +1.39 +1.26 +1.08 +0.97 + A R k I N�j 0.81 0.63 +0.48 +0.37 +0. 7 +020 0.07 Q + 56 0.5 + + p���� + � � � F- 0.60 � � � � ' � � 0.11 0.14 +018 + + ^ 0.2 0.28 + 0.65 0.71 + 80 +0.9 + + 0.53 + 0.07 W 1..1.. RJ 872 0.35 +0 35 +0.3 +0.39 + 0.93 0.85 0.75 +0 68 +0.6 + +0.85 +0.81 +0.68 + +0.42 0.32 +0.2 +0 O C 0.45 + 0.57 I- U G 0.47 0.55 + O X :2 � 0 .5 +0.55 +TYP 0.55 0 51 +0.4 +0.33 + 0.06 � � Ill 0.53 0.49 +045 + 0.26 0.20 + 15 Q 0.4 +0.37 + Z � � LI..I 74'� 71t 71t A-ti, 0.34 0.34 +0 33 +0.3 +0.25 + SE 0.06 r--� 0.20 0.15 +012 BACK O Z W Z Q A 0.05 �-I J z 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.07 � � O J 0.0 0. 0.0 0 0. 0. IM 09 ^^ NO 0.0 0 0 0 h 0.04 z I..L ,v; 8 4 0 ,4 0. 0.0 - LLJ V 0 o. a 0 0 (� J 0.0 0 0 0.03 0 N Q Q o. 0. U) N U 0.0 0. 03 5' TO 8' 200, 00 ' HIGH CEDAR TREES EXT'G CTO BE RELOCATED PROPOSED Z UTILITY FROM SITE) MONUMENT Lj POLE SIGN Li > NOTES Q Designer 1.THESE LIGHTING CALCULATIONS ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE LUMINAIRE SCHEDULEQ- FOR INDEPENDENT ENGINEERING ANALYSIS OF LIGHTING Eric Perkins, LC, M I ES SUITABILITY AND SAFETY. Symbol Label Qty Catalog Number Description Lamp File LLF Watts DSXO LED 20C DSXO LED with 20 LEDs 0 Date 2.THIS PHOTOMETRICS LAYOUT WAS CALCULATED USING 2A 2 1000 30K T3M @1000 nnA, 3000K, Type LED 3000K DSXO _LED_20 1.00 144 SPECIFIC CRITERIA,ANY DEVIATION FROM STATED Poles MVOLT 3 Medium Optics C-1 000 300 _T Per Pole PARAMETERS WILL AFFECT ACTUAL PERFORMANCE. 3M_MVOLT.ie Sept. 2nd, 2016 LJ 3.ALL QUANTITIES ARE BASED ON FIXTURES SHOWN IN THE Scale LIGHTING CALCULATIONS ONLY. I 4. THESE CALCULATIONS ARE BASED ON LISTED FIXTURES ONLY. STATISTICS x As Noted SUBSTITUTION OF THESE FIXTURES VOIDS ALL CALCULATIONS. Lu 5. ACUITY BRANDS LIGHTING RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WITHDRAW Description Symbol Avg Max Min Max/Min Avg/Min Preliminary THESE COPYRIGHTED LIGHTING PLANS FROM PUBLIC RECORD IF Parking Areas + 0.87 fc 2.91 fc 0.04 fc 72.8:1 21.8:1 See Notes SUBSTITUTIONS OCCUR. 6. ALL SUBSTITUTIONS REQUIRE NEW CALCULATIONS BASED ON THE Property Line AFG 0.03 fc 0.09 fc 0.00 fc N/A N/A ECEHE FIXTURES SUPPLIED. D SEP 14 201 1 of 1 Southold Town Planning Board ALVAH'S LANE 8. ALVA LAN. - . I II4 I wIL I I4\ Fni G X I I I 1 A w I I 11-1 „r y z I % I LU + ., . w 1 w I � 0 + Q I I II I - KEY MAP w I I I I 1-L_ 0 Z OL SCALE: N.T.S. � � I ► I � � I— -� v � xo i IZ O -J (yzQ-: w cv I I � � -A LLJ -0& I II I0 ftj I I II I N ft] - � � -A 1 Q I � Q LI < i I L1 Iz I � > I 111 10 I v SUBDIVISION MAP 01= E,4 I 1 w I < SU1-1= ST COAST PROPERTIES i I tu I OLK COUNTY FILE NO. w q22 w I 1-1– z I� i a � w x � l W 1 � Ori z w LU I � o z I I I co 1 I I x I O fu I S 3303'20" E — — S'To CEDAR 8' — � , �- (TO BE RELOCATED FROM SITE) � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ 1,144.09' S 3324'10" E LIJ 1: (EXT'G) EDGE OF VINEYARD '— — -- _ S 332 O — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ryM� —I 98.93 410" E n/ Z 1 (EXT'G) EDGE OF VINEYARD 4 1k 4 4 447 S A A, )k � )k )k 3 � * T � # � _ 88 07 a l� I I ry``� LOT 14.4 ( DEVELOPMENT RI OHTS I NT�4GT I LEAGHIN6 gar # POOL ® 1D 1 8' DIA x b'DP ,�!�ryp �� 5.2081 ACRES/ 226,564.0 S.P. 1 (ROOF DRAIN) O I JU, ,4 ry p (AKI � o 0STREE ms. 111 < 1 ��U �, a\\ �0 LOT 1) I COVERED rte, M OFFICE M f M TREES ® I to I Q y-Q'0 � �, I PATIO LOFT L- � QO v 584 S.F. -Z 442 S.F. Q I A, A? I j TOTAL AREA: `72 6RAVEL PARKIN6 Igo O I I ? N , �y 5 10 p �u 1 ? .�f42�1 ,4GRG/ 38�f X55.41 S.P. --------------- : ;: `;;..'.';f AREA l J "> -r I ,..;: � X ^ PATIO � '>i'�, .:::x �. �: X U.Z � I _J `l (AKA 652 S.F. N 'f' '•; `' ' o ® 0 IU i (� '� Q' LEAGHIN6 �,:.` N IF A r ��pQ-14 v //c I LOT 3 POOL 40' '- , , x � + Q e'DIA x b'DP W rV^ � '/CL•��•O`� �\� � IIi (ROOF DRAIN) M' AREA p U INLET 39.0 ®I I I AREAOTRENCH DRAIN awRZ PROPOSED o oVINE RD > WINERY co 6RAVEL PARKIN6 q 39.5 C14 o O (� IL 1 2,872 5.F. _AREA_ PLANTED VINES W I . `' w N TYP, Z$' 32' I z A&RICULTUR�AL PRODUCTION w 1 N 3332'20" W —' _ 4 4 � # � I 0*11 z �f :vco S.O�f35 ACRES/ 221,564.0 S.P. 638.47' N 2840'40" yy �k 21. I I ti 5'TO 8' 200, ' I 77 y dalu X I HI6H CEDAR TREES 6 \\ EXT'I I (TO BE RELOCATED III PORPOSED UTILITY FROM SITE)w MONUMENT I Z POLE SIGN I I w RESIDENTIAL USE j --� 34' 1 X w .1145 ,ACRES/ 5,000.0 S.P. 1 N } _ JW I z D � C� ��� � I w 1(EXT'G) EDG OF VINEYARD I O (� I O 25 I I j o MLL I I >n AUG 0 9 2016 cv eo I I t o co X Southold Town d+ Planning Board Z — — — — — — — — (EXT'G) EDGE 01= VINEYARD— — — — (EXT'G) EDGE OF VINEYARD 1 '� _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1 ko N 31 2520" W r— _. _ CID — — SITE DATA 397.75' N 3415'30" W127.47' AREA OF SITE: 8.9429 AORE(S) OR 389,555.41 S.F. EXT'G BUILDING AREA: 2,162.0 S.F. /0/p W I LL I AM W I GKHAM EXT'G BUILDING AREA: 2,812.0 S.F. TOTAL = 4,962.0 S.F. (VACANT) r---�-sl T E P L A N % OF LOT OCCUPANCY 1.2"155 SCALE: 1' =50'-0" ZONING OF SITE: EXISTING USE: RESIDENCE 4 WINERY PROPOSED USE: RESIDENCE 4 WINERY 54,.T.M. #: 1000-101-1-14.4 DATUM OF ELEVATIONS: NAVD 1988 SITE PLAN FOR 5,4NN I NO V I NEYA�RD 'i440 ALVAHS LANE CUTG}{p&JE,Mf SCALE: AS NOTED APPROVED BY: DRAWN BY: J.TURNER DATE: 06-22—I6 REVISED BY : Robert J. Gruber - Architect 476 Expressway Drive So. Medford, N.Y. 11763 (6 1) 654-4949 DRAWING NUMBER: SITE PLAN sP-I or- I JOB# # 15-094 r7 I L7 1`7 v L_1J/'•'t l� I It L_L-J (TO BE RELOCATED DEN51 TY FROM SITE) GROUND WATER MANAGEMENT ZONE: AREA OF SITE = 8.1421 ACRE(s) OR 38x,553.41 S.F. _ 1 , 144. 09 ' S 3 3 024 '10 " E 5.r-i42ct ACRES x 600 G.P.D. PER ACRE =5,565.14 G.P.D. ALLOWABLE 98, 93 -933 ?4 _ 88. SAN I TARP FLOW GALGULAT 1 ON (SY57EM 1) L E A CHINS XF11� 4 4 4 4 4 4 fL STORES AREA NO. GPD 5F TOTAL AVG. POOL EDGE OF GRAVEL AREA 50. FT. SEATS GPD/SEAT GAL/DAY a DIAxC 1 DP " I D SANITARY ONLY (ROOD DRAIN) Ln 1 I- WINERY 2,872 5.F. - .04 114.1 I< _ 0 1 j 114.1 GPD � LP SEPTIC TANK `t %50��1 �Yr (NSW) EP.% S T R T 114.1 GPD X 2 DAYS = 221.8 GPD REQ'D TREES USE 8' DIA. x 4' LIQUID DEPTH 0 1 1,200 GAL GAP. SEPTIC TANK P f�/ice,` 7 I 0 �� 1 L O F r EDGE Of GRAVEL AREA ��\� ��®� o Z LEACHING POOLS • 11 4 4 2? S •F • 114.1 GPD T 1.5 G/SF = 76.6 5F WALL AREA REQ'D u 7 d I 76.6 5F - 25.0 SF/Vp F = 3.1 REQ'D 1 I EDGE OF GRAVEL AREA I j 1 USE (1) POOL(5) ® 8' DIA. X 12' DEEP EA. = 12' VFP PROV'D ' Eb,SE OF.P N gvEDgREq GRAVEL PARKING A I 1 ----- AREA 32� ------ --� 0: 2 • DRA I NAGE CALGULAT I ONS • • o P I O Lo Q :`A� - - - - " Q AREA-I (ZONE) AT in - a S 2 S. •' • Q PAPoaNc sar O F�` N 1 ROOF: 2,872 S.F. X .11 x 100 = 488.24 G.F. N • . ^� N o s • • , z ~ TOTAL: C488.24 G.F. REQ'D LEACHING :; 5 f :: X POOL 40 USE (2) NEW POOLS @8' DIA. x 6DEEP = 506.9 G.F. PROV'D a ' D I A x D P 2 7 AREA-2 (ZONE) „ 1 DeE��.PAtiEc�;�..- `. AREA #2 (ROOD DRAIN) - „ EDGE OF R, REA N >' AREA 2 = F' 6 VEL AREA f- 1 O INLET 39.0 # PAVING: 28,697 5F. X .17 X 100% 4,878.5 OF Typ, TRENCH DRAIN GONG. WALK: 150 S.F. x .17 x 100% = 25.5 G.F. "NANYTIMENG - - - - _ 39 5 PARKING "1,124 S.F. x .1-1 x 15 = 181.66 G.F. SIGN PER AREA i O - -` STRIPED �__---J ,� TOTAL: 5,085.66 G.F. REQ'D _ 1 _ N G ,A U ��� � ___=_ \ � _--- 7\ USE (6) NEW POOLS ®10' DIA. x 13' DEEP = 5,336.8 G.F. PROV'D Vel I N E R Y - EL _ , c� - - �4RK �NG _ - _ - _ ��� \ ;' '�- � ^ FULLY SHIELDED S .F .F _ _ -� <� ` ,�' O LIGHT FIXTURE LANDSCAPE= LEGEND QUANTITY 2 /5 -72 10 �� \ 2 2 o T -,s' -- ' ^ l YP, - �v SEE ZELKOVA SERRATA - (GREEN VASE) 5 EDGE OF 6RgVEL AREq N III �-- ' � 11 % LIGHTING PLAN „ ; �_-��, 25' � \ � (3-t/2 CALIPER) . jn EDGE OF 6� L q�q 1 p SETBACK p EXISTING CEDAR TREES RELOCATED 96 -- ' (5 TO 8 HIGH) FACTORY-SUPPLIEDF TEMPLATES MUST BE SPIRERA BUMALDA "LIME MOUND" 23 y USE WHEN SETTING 6 3 S. 4 "! ' N �g �1 O ANCHOR BOLTS (LIME MOUND SPI REA) 40 INSTALLATION REQUIRES ILEX CRENATIA CONVEXA - (DAF HOLLY) 2411 8 "4 GROUT TO BE PACKED UNDER BASE TO INSURE �J" ' T O a ' �00. 00 FULL FOUND O ON.CT WITH WOOD CHIPS AROUND ALL SHRUBS AND TREE5 REINFORCED HIGH C E 1D A R TREE S SURVIVORSHIP SHALL BE MAINTAINED FOR FIVE (5) DOUBLE STRAND WIRE RUBBER HOSE #4 WHITE CEDAR OR TRUNK WRAPPING (TO R L O G A T D X2 x4 DP. YEARS. ANY PLANTS ADIE OR BECOME DISEASED #42 CALV. TWISTED EXT1G }}-� P.CONC. FTG. DURING THAT TIME SHALLLL BE REPALGED BY APPLICANT. LOCUST STAKES ABOVE O R P O S L D UTILITY GROUND. LENGTH - 2/3 2" SHREDDED BARK MULCH TREE. HEIGHT - 10'-0 MAX. SAUCER 2" SHREDDED PARKING AREA LIGHT FINISHED GRADE ` BARK MULCH FROM SITE) FINISHED SAUCER MONUMENT P O L E GRADE N.T.S. PAI <I I `G DATA: A: CUT 8e REMOVE BURLAP SIG N ro FROM TOP 1/3 OF BALL p�/� p� 11 TOPSOIL 8c FERTILIZER CUT O REMOVE BURLAP SITE PLAN MIN. SPACE SIZE: 10' x 20 REQUIRED - 10' x 20 PROPOSED ^-}- BACKFILL FROM TOP 1/3 OF BALL I II I I 1 I -il-- UNDISTURBED SOIL BACKOFILL� FERTILIZER A + UNDISTURBED SOIL MIN. AISLE WIDTH: 24' REQUIRED - 24' PROPOSED 1 DUTY AND LOCKING SCALE. I ' =20'-O" CAST IRON COVER TO GRADE Ti��E= PIT MIN. REQUIRED NUMBER OF SPACES: SH RU E3 P 17 - TOTAL BUILDING AREA = 2,872 5F 4.ROADWAY TYPE C.I. FRAME ROADWAY TYPE C.I. FRAME ' •"• AREA TO BE ASPHALT PAVED I E N< < Z s• MIN. DO PARKING RETAIL USE: 2,872 SF x 1/100 = 28.72 STALLS GRATE 2'-0" I.D. GRATE 2'-0" I.D. 24• ID N U 24• ID TRAFFIC BEARING ANYfIIvIE TOTAL PARKING STALLS REQU I RED = 21 STALLS 38,88 (DISTRIBUTION POOL ONLY) (DISTRIBUTION Pool ONLY) 2G MIN. .:.:.:,,:.• ;.' 2G MIN. .•, . TOTAL PROVIDED = 40 STALLS (INCL. 2 HG STALLS) FINISHED GRADE r FINISHED GRADE 1/41 TT 14" I- OUT ET ` _ E L HEAVY DUTY AND LOCKING FLOW LINE » » 4,2 O 6. CAST IRON COVER TO GRADE EQUIVALENT OR 14• N 6 DIA. X 6 DIA. X INTERIOR LANDSCAPING REQUIRED z COLLAR AS REQUIRED z COLLAR AS REQUIRED PITCH MIN. o 1 I,E CONC. z a CONC. ? a 40 PARKING STALLS PROVIDED x 10 S.F. PER STALL = 400 S.F. 15 RCP CLIV CONNECTING _ X 1/4" PER FOOT 1 a o 8" POST z I I ( CONCREIE COVER PIPE (ROOF DRAIN TO z I I _ ? 1e•DROP•r b O - 1 ' BE 6 P.V.C. SDR 35 _ CONCRETE COVER 4 DIA, SDR35 ❑R a x W a r T- 38'38 1 POST TOTAL PROVIDED = 764 S.F. CONCRETE DOME _ ) CONCRETE ;� DO 15" RCP CLIV CONNECTTN I WITH THE FIRST TEN I EQUIVALENT fV N � ~ 4" DIA. SDR OR PIPE"(ROOF DRAIN TO I- FEET AS CAST IRON. _ '� - I 1/8ITCH PERMFO❑T 01 PITCH MIN. OT S T DATA _ BE 6 P.V.C. SDR 35 - / ) _ _ _ MIN AREA OF SITE: 8.83 AGRE(S) OR 381,553.41 S.F. Willi THE FIRST TEN _ 1 4' 51-61 51-61 4' EXT'G BUILDING AREA: 2162.0 S.F. J ET TH CAST IRON. III -I I I I I. 1 - J - i I ' HANDICAP PARKING NO PARKING PROPOSED BUILDING AREA: 2,812.0 S.F. _ 81-01 PARKING IDENTIFICATION SIGN TOTAL = 4,162.0 S.F. SCALE:3'-0" 1000 D 0 D D 000 -I ❑ ❑ O 0 D D ❑ ❑ - I T ' OF LOT OCCUPANCY 1.2"IXi /$"/� SEPTIC TANK DETAIL N T� 18 CLEAR OF FACE OF CURB ZONING OF SITE: (� (� III MIN. ❑ ❑ ❑ � O 0 � ❑ ❑ ❑ I I IIII. MI ❑ ❑ DD DC7 ❑ ❑ = I � » ❑ ❑ ❑ � ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ -1 110 _ - N I.E. = MSN - (V DIA. X 4' LIQUID DEPTH) EXISTING USE: RESIDENCE 4 WINERY � E C E ❑ ❑ [� I '-7 ❑ ❑ _ =I I ❑ r r7 ❑ _I 35,30 •: I- (1,200 GALLON CAPACITY) PROPOSED USE: RESIDENCE 4 WINERY ,� 3'-0" 3'-0" I A I S.C.T.M. #: 1000-101-1-14.4 AUG d �� I MIN. - I I- MIN. I - w I DATUM OF ELEVATIONS: NAVD 1188 t n Uri _ vi =) I_ 24" LENGTH, STANDARD TRENCH Southold Tow I- -II � I I. DRAIN �° » TRENCH FRAME a - = I U COVER $ TO 51 Planning Board 0 PRECAST CONCRETE - PARK LOT LIGHT SPECIFICATIONS PRECA T CONCRETE w DRAIN A E RINGS I= w DRAINA E RINGS = = w = oODUTTLLET TO BE MIN. 1 1/2" TO 2400 CLASS PIPE ° / „ » v (4000 .S.I.) _ _ (4000 s.1.) _ -1 a I I; - 1/a" PER FOOT a 2 INDICATES 200 WATT LITHONIA KVF BACKFILL THIN =III BACKFILL WITH PITCH. ^ w MOUNTED ON 14 POLE CLEAN COMPACTED I- -I CLEAN COMPACTED _ - � �r Q INDICATES 400 WATT LITHONIA HI-TEK "TWH" WALL PACK FLOW -1T1 11 BUILDING MOUNTED. SAND AND GRAVEL - - SAND AND GRAVEL _ BACKFILL WITH _I 1 ONLY ONLY i 8,-0• ' CLEAN COMPACTED °°<' ° 4 =111 '<• (ALL LIGHTING SHALL BE ORIENTED SO THAT LIGHT SHIELDED SAND AND GRAVEL a a I I I_ BOTTOM OPEN I ONLY FROM ADJACENT PROPERTY & ROADWAYS.)OPEN BOTTOM L-717= 7 EL. 23.30 DRAINPIPE CONCRETE TRENCH SITE PLAN FOR 1111 Ilii ' I_I ( III z I �- LONGITUDINAL SECTION_I I I �_ z ;,I =IIII=1lilI'III-I CROSS SECTION 5ANNINO VINEYARD 9'-4" N 7'-4"� lv � GUTGf1p6UE,� 3' MIN. ABOVE NOTE "f490 ALVAHS LANE. Copyright 2000 APPROVED BY: 10'-0" 8'-0" 6' MIN. OF GLEAN STRATA Architectural GRAPHIC Standards CD-ROM SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWN BY. J.TURNER GROUNDWATER GROUNDWATER (SYS, #1) EL. 16.0 GROUND WATER BELOA POOL BOTTOM John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, NY DATE: 06-22-I6 REVISED BY (SYS, #2) EL, 17,0 SANITARY LAGHING POOL Robert J. Gruber - Architect DRA I NAGE POOL_ DETAIL_ DRA I NAGE POOL- DETAIL_ (ENTIRE POOL TO BE IN CLEAN SAND & GRAVEL) TRENCH DRAIN DETAIL 476 Expressway Drive So. Medford, N.Y. 11763 (631) 654-4949 DRAWING NUMBER: (1 REQUIRED) SCALE: N.T.S. 51TE PLAN ,Iae5P# 15-0c[4 2 ALVAH'S LANE "MINOR SUBDIVISION O AS CO ST PROPERTIES` SUFFOLK COUNTY I NIOIF A. 8 S. N10/F A.,H. 8 P. N/0/F M. MALEAS N/0/E D. HAGZAN I N/0/F D. 8 IS. PISCANO PAPA THANASOPO UL OS KALAPODIS S. 33.24 1 'x0" E. 98.93' S. 26.5 • S.. 33.03'20" E. / f 5 00 E. 88.07 000000000 000 o o 0 000 0 o 0 00000"0? Row OF CEDARS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I • • • • • • * i a t}' N PLANTI Ms 50 —m 1 DW 0 T2• v OUVEL O \ PROP. w"my ertcrr ODW V 1 N E Y A R D oM c PATW � i j ow a P R O P O S E D 40• I { #--� -4- 0 l! Q W © DM DRAW GRAVEL CY 36' ` zr j N Z ZD 25, A Q R PAD N CEDARS 10• 0 s co V ROM OF 2 00 000 O 00 O 000 0000 0 ' �s to 000 0OpO0ov v N. 28'40'4 \ 638.47.'- ----__- \ -- 0•--W--_ I N. 33 - .32'30' W. 200.0c�\ s ( \ FIRST FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF CUTCHOGUE LONG ISLAND �l LOT 2 I � • PARKING= 2800 SO.FT TOTAL WINERY 8 TASTING ROOM 2800/100 =-26 SPACES y0 NUMBER OF SPACES EXCEEDS MIN REOUIRED INCLUDES 2 H.C. SPACES APPLICANT SANNINO BELLA VITA VINEYARD EXTERIOR LIGHTING= C/0 ANTHONY SANNIND NO EXTERIOR LIGHTING REQUIRED OR PROVIDED 7490 AL VAH'S LANE CUT CHOGUE, N.Y. RAIN RUNOFF CAL CUL A TIOPIS WINERY SIGN TO BE,.-SET NO LESS THAN 15' FROM PAVEMENT 2' RAINFALL SIGN SHALL NOT BE MORE THEN 24 SO.FT. 3975 SO.FT. x I x 0.17 = 676 CU.FT. TOP OF SIGN SHALL BE SET 7' FROM GRADE 676/42.2 = 16 VF SIGN TO BE SET BETWEEN (2) 6'x6' WOOD POST PARKING (PERVIOUS) 27930 SO.FT. x 0.6 x 0.17 =2840 CU.FT. LOT NUMBERS ARE REFERENCED TO "MAP OF A MINOR 2840/42.2 =67 VF SUBDIVISION PREPARED FOR GIORA HANOCH 8 HAROLD PROVIDE 7 DWS - 8'0 x 12' DEEP WATTS* SUFFOLK COUNTY FILE NO. 9056 FILED FEB. 1, 1991 ZONING DISTRICT= AC D PLAN OF PROPERTY AT ,����°� " '110 AUG 2 5 2015 ca �T.MgTr "7` CU T CHO G UE Ccc Soumokf Town TOWN OF SOUTH OL D * � Planning Board f � SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. 1000 - 101 - 01 - 14.6 S. LIC. NO. 49618 Scale: 1" - 50' - E EYORS, P.C. July 16, 2015 P�011BOX 9Qg0 FAX-(631) 765-1797 CONTOUR LINES ARE REFERENCED TO THE FIVE EASTERN TOWNS TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS I23� TRAVELER -Q 1"RE�' SOl rHOL� . 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X X x x x x f X X x X 0.00 o.00 '0.00 0.00 0.00 o.0o `0.00 0.00 '0.00 0.00 'o.00 o.00 `o.4o 0.00,3; '0.00 0.00 '0.00 0.00 'a.do 0.00 2.THIS PHOTOMETRICS LAYOUT WAS CALCULATED USING SPECIFIC CRITERIA,ANY DEVIATION FROM STATED STATISTICS Date PARAMETERS WILL AFFECT ACTUAL PERFORMANCE. x0.00 0.00 '0.00: '0.40 x0.00 Voo xo.00 '0.00 x0.00 0.00 March 7th, 2017 Description Symbol Avg Max Min Max/Min Avg/Min 3.ALL QUANTITIES ARE BASED ON FIXTURES SHOWN IN THE LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE ? LIGHTING CALCULATIONS ONLY. P k of Bu. ;,=!'tq 0.50 fc 2.86 fc 0.01 fc 286.0:1 50.0:1 ! Scale Symbol Label Qty Catalog Number Description Lamp File LLF Watts ` 4. THESE CALCULATIONS ARE BASED ON LISTED FIXTURES ONLY. Beyond Property Lines 0.00 fc 0.01 fc 0.00 fc N/A N/A 1 SUBSTITUTION OF THESE FIXTURES VOIDS ALL CALCULATIONS. W1 4 10X031 LED M LEDDSXLI LED WITH (1) 10 LED 3000K DSXW1_LED 1.00 38.8 None 100030K TFTM LED LIGHT ENGINES, . Bus&Limo Parking i 1.2 fc 3.5 fc 0.2 fc 17.5:1 6.0:1 MVOILT TYPE TFTM OPTIC, 10C 1000 30K 5. ACUITY BRANDS LIGHTING RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WITHDRAW 3000K, @ 1000mA. _TFTM_MVOL REV 3 THESE COPYRIGHTED LIGHTING PLANS FROM PUBLIC RECORD IF Grass Parking Area 0.06 fc 0.18 fc 0.01 fc 18.0:1 6.0:1 DSXh.N1 LED 20C DSXW1 LED WITH (2) 10ji f SUBSTITUTIONS OCCUR. W2 1 LED 3000K DSXW1 LED 1.00 45.7 �` � .. SEE ALL NOTES 700 30K TFTM LED LIGHT ENGINES, Gravel& Paved Parking Q 0.92 fc 3.53 fc 0.01 fc 353.0:1 92.0:1 MVOLT TYPE TFTM OPTIC, 20C 700 30K 6. ALL SUBSTITUTIONS REQUIRE NEW CALCULATIONS BASED ON THE 3000K, @ 700mA. TFTM_MVOLT. Vt FIXTURES SUPPLIED. f•on t ,irkiftfl Gtor�, ! &G "s 0.23 fc 3.31 fc 0.00 fc N/A N/A l�resas DSX^,1I1 LED 10C DSXW1 LED WITH (1) 10 7. FIXTURE QUANTITIES(BY TYPE)IN THIS STUDY MAY NOT EQUATE W3 1 1000 30K TFTM LED LIGHT ENGINES, LED 3000K DSXW1_LED 1.00 38.8 VP MV0LT TYPE TFTM OPTIC, 1 OC 1000 30K TO FINAL PROJECT COUNTS. Property Line X 0.01 fc 0.03 fc 0.00 fc N/A N/A 3000K, @ 1000mA. _TFTM_MVOL 1 of 1 i 00 Z . t / �`i��T, N/F (wIEG LGY HwLL vINEY nap'. rile, �\\ \/ l '.';/•`�`\`� ! •'• 5, 3:) W 56'Se. '40 E. 144.t1• \ �✓� / v �/ �/ ao f Kr-1 nmp I GuG' WELL VCTNILS r i;EPIH L•f wE.0 bEl_a.':,1P"•^'F IiG �I'!":c CA�•rli Iris LU•l� -,rut•' rlA.naiKr _,!rra n.,Ew -f Vi.o 1:,OPLr;Isle! 1I /.'J h•�a.•'X='lOicv._C`"waY ru_ •.LLC`?.. / .-'tME wcE ' tv.1 j f eRM I - v 1s sP..,o t,1A771:uiA:'C.1..C•t:.t�i/.'`•g1.�ul i�frVE. Z SEPTIr:]iWk .HVR:N 1•:)4PUIJCIVYwrlis .0 1 -- � aKUPMns .I.S iPI" ^I.•i0 GFLLPIt c.E_,Ico Fce Z bwv3 ita.• i+\LL aRauH VI L n 4,0 6PLLou:: 9Go 6NLL�As PwE ro r 1000 Gr.uou SEVr,C TAUY WnY--e sr.Jo 0 L-EP1110-X P.—LL 9co 6'ILLLJ— 11 C -6 OtAra M r IV-CP L- CM6 M' LRCJVIr191[AP I M.yW!aLP OEosUtuCE A,E7,=S �+ i TES] NOLE UwTq W I 4iw'ISN rt r•!m, G1 BL / I 31 l I I 31 ' Lowrw u,,.w,•w,n,r Gvw.+i I I nr r ;3 '1 ` NOOURiv- VEGL7g71ow3 1 I •IIS VIUVS a,RGbC./EASILRV 4.111][PrsiE TJ SCtFEJJ.T�R!NG IfN�loiW2Y+ 'arAM L.LTt !.1]'Gi_•:C S .r .. Y) l„-'!'1 � , -- SEP]rL+sura Lcn ulrr,Gr Wwc � "� ID 14, ou I n . Szk `'+Atilt t � ! J�l u"nuAU'w — I q FLq� r ti Lt' 9' 2Y, x_14' 'IV �t2•' l 'Ir D'• LPnSOSCAPrNG NOT E: '� ^! ACT6T3%LA e-- •� ,1 ` uEWAVQ APla.Q U4 UEl StIINE \' lb.TV'lt PAV lurli/lsl .—_ / ,�•1� 87REET 7�F-E.5' '-)-CAt.1PHEV VG Gf, i. SY w*a..oPAPFPOY A[{P KIcaU_ RF_S 5wlLx PLAU„r.K 013 sOu'f:r Ai)V EA:.7 51� OF DVIL.DI,JC � `. TY Aft WuoacAPr nIG iw PYERIAL- RHOmaaEiloeJVS, 1 OD'/"'~ A, A7,ALL.1, YEWS -EAS PEAS, WIOYAUGEM.WLLY, .. t6, , 'N (P�j(P;'•��� I urn Olr Uum H91,A iwvwLi,Y SE PSoi) �t �u„Yu � �1 ' V II Y axWO,Ey \ ! 1 t14 Eoll�ln0:PnelLLaitlav,r nlnlnm rqulrns,oC,for p,itl 1 W 1/1 ince.,,.pMlk =j S PLkE '� ' � 1 D ,E,tillletl,c0�.dttl,011 �y'- 'pr, Imp:ro'{d9t:5"` \'P0. A_LC VLA-li Owl:+ Mot- US Vt-ACE OG -IORSNIP/PV17170RIUM I ,1 90. µ °QEF ,1. /� '.l•- '';.1: 1 U RGCJUIOL'6 I SPACE PER'l.;GATE s�E � � � ' /oue=rran�t^ +�„` (,.. \.= .• 300 5CA73-: </ 75 C'A0.KIiSG SPACE i 2"\ P slpu.i.fLma.E�L S' y 1' �tj, y ➢ D 6MWL APfa./ .'1111 t r.•yA,�' i 1.oz; HANDIC APPEo 5PACE1 TO 0E ASWIAL,PAVED Oin`iuF AY AT STVuE To,_L Vkutn fOR'4 FFn ilA E " 1 •L .;r,�e;l , R74 IRRIiINPGE CALC ULA-r1ON5 —5TOi2 AGE. aE(2Ulcto•APEP i Z'gAIUFPLL P 1 K ��� •r'O3'' 6Y�N Y ICUNOPF OEFFICIEN'I a T IS- r2 S- •r- tr.IFTr•• _ - RoGPED AREA 44303)P,x G.11* 1 1631 c9 �v rR ` �� •/ �• ' 1611<.P+ 314.16• 5.Z 611O'Q.'!H RIJ6S A '�! •' 1 ,�:_^,•� 2-700. 3959 C.F PAVEp w9,t,A• ZP•.]510E M PROYESLIY 1•` a LAWu ) aO ie• id ''� y3 .Z9 6igo S�i�s O.IJ r I IIIb I`.F :� 1\ f, �Tffii X � 7 6 PAU C-U 4LEP WE1,SIDE JL GQOPEQTY L swugyL /V ,iq�i." c�H 4973 SOG, G.I7 x 1' 760 C. (V V I PAV GO w'I-E P- SO VIN SrM OF Pa0Pt0.lY 4S, •1 5150 cn 0.17. l- 977 C.F. .-Gj14 GI _ 314.14 ' ZL) 10�*4 4 alilFjs W Y)1 Id QiY:N ' O -. / L.PPCXiuc uuq . igPPROVED BY L.•InO:Rr 1••''7 ....... ���'li. ;JiYao5.u6w / / =,�,\ D ING BOARD Tr N of SOlITF1olD Lc JWLILZ -Yc:l bx-r sllnr L 6 `` - PP°L YTr 0M Or H.—sOIYY:t,. aMI EA/M1A/ilLlr:%,// CLIrMP bIOLN .� :1 dLLPZ-2O97,a0 HOUR,IN AMR,",, 1 CueP.UC-1 AIL U'�'6Y� 's, 1 •• QQ yATJiw\:, �i Scx[oVLE lxSranloRlel. APmll_...._ -9LND1 PpWmB -5 ^� CJMPwL,tD ALlYp'- V ,: w; ` y�_�._P,LK pETA1L wi PIVRK VE6E'iAilOi3 --.._� �" mat 6T 7nr +,.Ya B[PY[I Rinei nEC1Nro1's / _ s0lrolt CNv,q',ir<.YaA 11953 !N - NMO'imaEPliRiYFMOEIFALY r ,'XCTM 1000-101-1.11.5 \_ - --- XCTM R oSpolirntl:F”Sp"CWYRIS(P-h.1- .. P-h.1[ n r �tl yy,1 118.IEFt1D. 1 P.O.Boa S7,,CYteep,wom Yah 11935 i 3`. PACK _ 616; •' a A.' Acbs V0i1W. l ' TYPE pl_p,p and 6i DI—A W4-Aia�wm P.O.BOR m.w'Rj6' lm B,sA SI,.•Ywt 11991 - '• 'OrOfdle vr.:J.nY.s�5.20O{xP.YR.V,[ea, MRly u.wi M/S,iart '""t _. ,.•eNr4Y^. byltwgw + •':7<'oaic AC"Airtd:N Ju.Y t SR' E.w. r sipkimA'r�a%1^Mdd bl"F_ ad.um S:[.gar to,w I V3.80 i prPo.J kWieY� 6FrI Md:SYxw,el.Rl,[6� 11401, _ i1�FC 04 Pwv *" ` ! ' RppoR E. OIBs'.dn1 '30M,4..nb - .. IM Ids ER16L,T 9wReUT:__ ^'.�'uET,.`-•- .., •. .- �' OMRF'q,r•:,a1 2 D'ISiRti'/o �-4ZOgb. I COU Nr'hItEMliC ';w.OiR..FEIY[A leIOY[i' 1 .u`a'Rr+., Ai1y-AQ{',lj.lfA._• c.:Ph,'�_',. ...,. --_. E,;4!'poCMP [1519x,la[ 4e`r) zNV.ais'vlluUrSY03]1/!0 1 - ,-,—,�`�..-...•.psi--. i' .dye 3.61,:x:,-1W500 SRSR,'60 IY71Imld3'. •• Plopcieq N.?kidp 6lY 6116 NI 6•Tr 1102 _ . Cl0-pZ'000.5 Sannino Winery f w�✓ a `S�, /\ s�hA r.,�} �'���}-:� Vis•, �� ,/ ` 14 h :•v �n � iir l !t .ar fes• r nnino Winer 600' buffer *. f A e �A• s a QFi� Y1.:T A mak,a tl p`4 \ate*,. •4 s rife /J/ _ `'v'"" -. d •da �V 4 S�.'�, y,' Y F •� ? r i - t N V a a flu," a r' 7 '�i Sannino Winery 600 buffer i r `t Sannino Winer 600' buffer �4 r lA 4 ,! 4 •+ . ti � � M l y. y s � ,`may T �c A �5 A Sannino Vinery r 1,V4& T /'Q°jr B �k s{ •� `V {11 3p J , n s f � ae14 �' f i Sannino Winery; Inc. August, 2015 1000-101.-1-14.4 }} V jj I i. r�• •lF` C t.�' ��• fTJd�:. y i#"f t 11 :. l7s 1 C i e nD L r' --'Ql �} � .s,+�, fit' �' .�'..1 ,✓•. t � !,� t. �1�� r �•/ �t4.... �. ��+'Y,4r.t�_..Y.�.a�.r•�, •Ylt �'�' . ` !'°.' ,�'" ' » � 1,r3 '�': - f ,.`t4���•s-`'�y +>r,. � i p � � ,r} ,¢ae;..�y!^,fa +� Dtr � �.� ,Wt. �;� '�i^t•.'d7►�' F �^ of�Y'4f+W4 1_ - + - '4 ���.{p� p,' .,�, i - t J',yyr"4t.-.*�t�a•�.�-.t ir�i'a�. ,?;.,. •+. �YY�"!." ��y" ..L ..tt:- _.tel ,., �`,`� .r t t ]r f0 < ._ r r'I''6`•1`1�At `Y ,�� •, - 7 1000-101-1-14.4 In � i , ii a �C!' «l. � •_�. r 7 otM.' }5 �tt� e� r •,, � C ►Jsrs. 'Do 4�' ..^{1'.�+r.• r.,:r,..t,[t v.,p,."«.. ADD7�Y,vGD.4i.'"! •�` •1. "t� • .�at . '�; r + .4►.�K'••++�• {r%,.. ,..pt,p�sm3�`�� -' '1• � �y,�,,�' �r�w .�, ,, .:.r. •iv` .,w �.,+� .r••COU[IV CYf SW, icf it� �„ya�,h► *�°' ,jbT�"1. 41' t" y Ak.Owed y �� �-+p •_X,J';�,y}.r"' •Cp �. � ti,- ,s.• n'-r if �tk ! � � 'till �• :�k� v4.' 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Too a by Jwt 30M qjRR.1. 01 ill 2sly, ` � | ' / / ! | � ( ^ i | i / ' � | � ` \ ••'/ /-� { N/F I.L'EGL{Y HALL VINEy nwpS INC. 7 �' /' � t 's' N5G•SG vD"E. 194.GI u x�/ r•� / KF.I ranP I LUQ' �i)ELl�JETAILS ao '-I"(•'1C L0.CIL•i Ills Lu'1M CRLLJ ' ,n UKP u•n'..lel.,y'LOW 1'1 CVC❑:NG* NO CVn.:J4A_:(:+v.•.CC ?'\•_Y lu_'•',10,I:'lH I,-'IrAE 44aC _ GL•L'1.I lawmY y4 A�iTF,WP,Ir.w•I-.ltiN..',_f I.�tA_'flr 0L Z DEPT,L TANIt iHUKCN I-�4PU/JCCVYA NTs TCP ayUPANYS .IS y",+' 'YiO GFLLOl:S I'.l�IGU FCR Z VPYS Ftw.' Full ORauN (f Z r.450 GPyLou: 9co GALLJNS rwG T4 1000 GAunJ SCV.'Ic TANe �CPv-`e sAuo (_J ' L.E•Y'It.,FaOLA 40O GALLONJ I, 00 .f!o1k Elk.t7:'—CP L•_ACIIIJG RIN61 , ala WATER F I ' LNCQ1N,94{V M.>blPLb BEO[u EYCE � I ' AJGUS7 Ll WA � � ]CST NOLs DATA v w,s II rl to L I 1 I 31 nr rlr }Fmp Y Y 3 it � NPOuRAI VE4E7PTION - F4.5 vwVS 5,0.00L�/FAST{0.0 W1117C P'I.0 TJ SCaE,EIJ..H`AKING 10<; liNl.b•• ��I.,AM'E',!A x 1].'br•�P S .l .. !•.� �FIr � , M"AS,CDU La C. ----- l-wE cw.l CONLvuTL S S_PTIL,nNIL LCPIM— "Ila LlvnTd. �` W I•r PaL3 I LY Sl IY' LI T,p SYwe 1 ❑❑' I ° ) 1 U U6M w� .. .j rl I,'VI - I `i �13 i1L4lL.u. L4 --- W—ye,4. Te 15* Lt' 14' °' z2' .+�IQ' <1°' u' 14• ❑ LPNOSC_PPIIIG NOYF_: N' I�PCTtb BLL - I w \ � I "GYf iO'II'NC � RIVEWPVQ PLLLQ U4 -- , L19a SIlu1C oovN ORp►b lt!'lE PAV WrIWN i STREE7 TAEES- '� CALIPHEP VG Gc. 'l /. 9Y�W.,OfAPYROu '-- ^I l TY, P-L'L-P KveRV•" vifO MA4LP�� j I � _ I ' �� 1 -$ WIIY.PLANTIIY. 00',OUT!' A!.)D IZKS-f=IWE f OF OUILOWG `` TYRC4 LAJO]GAP:n)G MRTG R,FL- RHOvaKNVRJJS, �� AZAlIj.1 YCWS 1uu•1-1A H'1 OrAu4ENs,H[LLY, .. !_ 2G' \ $ LIPGIS:UNn.,HON4 hNNUIi.J SE ASoN ♦ti iWR �� ) �I`(, Stlt 6ollwlnq tytCltl4k[Soa to Bolam[m941raMON EO[Hvtd - alevG'IGO Y u[K`��f -� Gd 3 tA4 1/3 laeCt9 apbtl't 3. 1/3 Semis bLOdti m •/ 1 .teablll[tl,eaaa�detl tall � ,I /y:� L� `G, � D Y1�4!i";;�:"• laL:ce'td�ti]' _.l.r,:1:� � / Y .Cd y 9 \'P0.K1lJS,.CALL VLATi(j-IJ_. PLACE OF LJOR541lP�PL/rJ 17ORIUm , 3J µ' mom' /' rt— ti G;kCOVIRL`O I SPACE PEA'!.;EP'fE a L Pr"v'.•/ PL-H m X00 SEATS 4 75 PARKING SPAC ELL ;1L \ P - ':FIPAYI.F.ImR.t;+L 5' y'L - •'/��, i i t D IT F'0.0UlOCL 7S PgRc,NG SPAC-e 3 �'lJj"% • NANoIC APPEv SPALLS TO eE PSPlIALT PAVCD 9 r.',uEi,.wY A7 Sill{-E•To h_C PgVEn rOR.YO A L— E ,nRAINPGE CALCVLA-rI ONS aLl ` - ''L`•% —�ToS°AGG ALQumto•APtEP v RNNCFF :.OEFFICIGNi 1 T ,a-w_ ROOFED Ar.4,A 4430 Sa F].0.171 I IG]l C.i r� -p m ' IG57<.F3 31V.16 5.Z 6)10'Q,'!'H RINGS a "� , •.� PAVED AAEP-PARKS NCi AKFA F L.9 �' � � ,'•,' � �',�:��`,�Y. :700 eo Gf.j 0.114 1 :5959 GF PAJEV Pkc-o- ZA:T SIDE OY PROPEL7Y • ``.•) �v'u:N 1Swri .•.Y'` Z4 l Y: b' n' 6 •Pt.::.. . 550 wiz Y 0.17.1 ' 1118 C.F _. < LAWU \ • .Lal' •=/' I F-c-O 4lEP W-S, SILO J% PYLOCC]V !• ice' ' lAucIYL v>a••' :• 4YTS So:, 0.1141' 760 C.F N ze 1 PAV CO ALEA- SOVI4 SIVC OF —.1eL11j J �\ 4L \ ,. '• '' 5150 OO.F,,0.17. l• 477 C.F. - i,YtCY 3114.16 ZZ) 10,4 eq 4 R,NGS 09J/ "y Q..9'N za AIPPROVED BY. P NNING BOARD T N OF SOUTHOID Ails 4--/- •,� __- :G-I I: LAWN ._— -�_ �' 1:, _ •- [(!)MU9T Bl INtPt [a TN[ FFM W. Or NEA,moBY i,6[tvNxt. 1 \y y �,,,<� // CLUAP bec N � 1 CALL =•103],AO MOVts IN AOrSNta, CU0.P..O_E_'lAlt E'FD'6YlLJ••a'dlLs,—,_ .' ,� � •4A7JV.l, �SCN[OYL[INSR[TIGNI'+1 v�r.aI'd.YNh /� ��:5.:. � �._.I�1 ,~~�T�_-\�.. •. .._..: VEGCUT � y4_oCw ALK GE7AlL W mi inr NA'fU9.P1 VEAE7A710N __'_-__` Bwld Oliwek of Caehta,e ] .� 15915 Co-W aaed AS..Cumiq{Im _. �-�._.--..____� '., ylpWCOLWn WAFrMENFOF F."AM BF3NIraD Sanblk CaaNy.New Yoh 11933 !V __ .APMOMFWCOW ql_r� Im0.101.1-11.5 >r lsdorwhNlliwtl:CYa BkW-L1 1.1pW.gs ,' _..r--•-��_�' 1W Jll'LT ILG,pFS�p. ' P.O.B.Sm j3.1,CuebolpN.NewYek 11935 I'•I �' 9'. 9H4R l Tali Clti►N mww 4'Dlett 1Laa1¢AIOi11UrY i.iL','AClw IICRua,,r (+Y `a N •. m►av�k1.Y'V 'b'r amleal'a .+F P.D.9.M.WeMtap,a!0—k NF,:Yak 1191 i�Y--�'• ]��! .L..IS i / RyaN sdsm a99b�tl1111-1m Wm0' 'OFr atda pmcJaer3,13.Tom.A}:M.•R me+ MM Ea.tm9i rA,l.tan __ ... __.. `'. _ p4dN�'Yp 9NGmF oeOl tYL nRmrd m�F171b?'�TIC! kbni.a 1 EQ +d9i�•IarMlam'to!s.lds. .& 2o'w 143:Bo 1b• !� .muPwt•Nad 6'Fim k463meYL Nwd,hslNar Yak t I;'P• -dW 9g0Fame Fm \ • l s.--] 3090 NPme kYY 4bPG OF PA k >Otf .. �. 'O/Bs-Af Le00,tpmiM ._ YN lcdgyp�tFF,vaaw z3m.Bn.bco - ��ROAp. / Cou�zy.Ci N.yNRr'N!�,. 433'q�t{a! �_,YL N<.4e O N9N tlLrUlsra 3J,J/p I d>,► �3w.ux,uralmter, _ _ '' ! `1-;sin 6116 NY 6-WUU 1.. lNnoo5no • „„ is 03AI3J3B'3ens CIO-Oz-0005 • , _ _ 1 �\ NdF WLGLEY HALL VINEYAapS INC. w15G,'S& v0 a Ig4.c1• 30 \� \'PP, I , KEI rn llC 1 .`,UO i WELL VETAILS ' ciEl'tN.F cu bEtu.':•rG .. i 1iG �.-.4LE,.` I, •nyxn -.„in i.TEx y�vi'-6 1'L^_..11:NG. 1 w ev'.•']Rw_'ro,u-CC TA.:rn lu_'••:1.0:,, l—"IME GuwDC _ ( 61:ar✓ LOwn.V ywuD U!A_a7�4�AYf.w,t•C:.Ii.N—"r:l-wLG.rlliu;. -- T—R. iHULo1Z.1 _ 5[FTrIL' 0.CN I->4PU�JrLVYwrr,s 1,. 'b 01'UP—S r I..4P - *UO Gw LLOW L I Ip IBry}•/ M140/CR L DA4s FIO,J F14L OM1Owa (n 1 Z n Y$O G .U'S 900 GNw PINE T° I Lowc•<swO b I .. 1000 1-4Gtr:IC TAN[ O L".WG POSLG 900 GALLONS 17 ,8 �IAMEYEIi r 17 .M9 UR41I1N6 RIN6S NV wwYrt. F. I ' GCOVM,•,[ED M.c0„'LD ¢EDSUENCe � I ' AVGUS,z7,UD j• I YCS7 NO,-e OA7P IY I 4 I J 1 — i! Lo 7 •a.lr r•, ��.L I ,� �, GE I I ,3 K 3 ` NPOUSLAL VeG,TA71oil Iv- Vl V+sY0.09C�/FA i1:.Ru 4,111,[P:uE Sl'.nEEIJ.TVpKING .. I OTIC LiNI-[•+ �i AM LY a.1'/.'DEEP X •: ,.i) '.� :� FV EASY CCN Cltt,t __..___ N--r, CL,.1 L•uYL 1 SCPYIC YnN,a LGA L,b r.w'. KING S» , , LI¢nrm T �' V eu yl'pp,-L I •aY a, • l y �AIj1'(AC'I F, '.L•-ei)LJ L. :CULT Lbtt,P LI TpN6M aC Pro 32 I L• nsw.e --- „WAD v. 74' J •\ � AC7teR`V,GfAVp ALL1V NG , L100 i}NC DRB�6 n:OE PA lurlNN1 l r� •- STRG'.7 7REti- '��CALIPHEV VG 0C. 'L ,Y�wRs..OfA9PADI, - ��1, P<{P G(uGvlVm ••Go MAG•LY�' ' 1 _ —'�� �J� 1 ) j'W 115E PLPN711,6 O,:SOU(!, AIV EA57:S-6S _ OF ZOILO14C � �.� ,1 ,lpr•�' �aWa 3l 7V P,C4 LAuosGFl•:w1G Mp,GMhL- RNOOO YUD 1. Q RILAS YEws, 1 11{y;NY OvANGEws,Ik LLY, -- �, �ry�$f;•���� 111R¢IK Nur.• HOL,h FNUUIs rl SE".0 .f..,. IaN R-k- LIWT ASN•..-1 e9 6llla. :welaa....at.l^sm[qul[as.oG ter P+vtl SO 1..�tl0 1/0 lecli..Wtti1t k / I ..e.6111[tl,c•ap�d,tl•ell '�'. L:7'. �PP0. N CALCVLA7i w1:: e:w` Pl_PCE OF LWRSH1P�Pva7170P1UM 1 'n 9O. 4 •10'rµ i I RCC7.VIRCO I SPACE PmL It.5EA'F t � n t4�'. 'ouE•S70AV 2)00 SL A7.3-1 i t:';14, ➢ D ¢Ra+.w sTAfe',/ .'iS'' •i. ' •ya,' qfk N0 C APPEV SPACES 70 e,E P.5Pal ALT PAVED F�< Q '4 OQIU l Al STP-EEl TO Ft G'AVCn fOR.YO rI yH E N `.' I R _• e, ori AINP GE CALCVLAtiloNSJ 1`fi —�7oli AGG REQUIRCO•AREA a Z'ryA1NFPLL n T � :ttll�N Y RUNCFF.:,UtFFICIeNy c ? FCOOF=o A 30 sD F7.0.17,11 1657 c.r ^car m '�'/' ./ .^.^.'•:�; �� :. 16!11 .vim 9W.16 5.: (.)10'd•'(HRIa65 'e a , '*- PAVCO APER-?NRKINGKP6 _ -9 �• 1 I •' A',�: • i -' I•yr'v4 ,t•r�'��•� .L. 'r� 1p,eD wRL-A- :EA:T SIDE OG rT.01 0L (aL. , , SSV ` 29 l•�' LAWU � e. IG ��1 .e W .: 4.550 30 F7. 0.11 n 1 IIIB U.F v Y L•xaGPa ` PP.UtD AtEF. Wes,SIC, Ja P".MlY �-' ' 8 'YYTS SCI:1 (" 'l4. J. �'- wY'(J. I .0.17„1' 7400.c 28 , I PAV CO wIEP• 30 VIN L,IX.OF P0.0PGAly � \ -r'I�va 1 '. •• •t .. ' � � :• S7 SO;. l' 977 C.F \. rau c.F =.314.1(F 2L) 10 N 4 4-AG. Y'rl f f'a d'a-v:N ' {�PVROVED BY. U.Hr ,} P NNING BOARD •hv' nfr�d..__— I T U _ —_ _ T OF SOUTHOLD U •yjlll�}I�— I I V. 'r RIS" DET.OF HE LT.5Br TN[ .r.lr W-siNY.�. Z6 \\ urrOt Nrr DEPT.Or H[.Lrx S[.nt[[, /� cLumP e,vcx ;1, \ Oyr/HurW NLf.; / .S~ n9l CALL 2'2037,An NOUNS IN C[ nWax , r�d.•r+H�. CUR--,OE7h,L EVF16rlLa_ ' •, n ,.` J •' y 4PTU.afa:, �5tx[ouL[INSHn,oxlal. —... (IMDIPB W, a SloewT�Ot7AIL _ t .',�. lilInr NP'tURAI VE6ETATIOa ! I59[3 C—w.R.d As.cldgPs +. \ W1FiWf W1MIY 0FPAMUERTOFHEKTeFFIKEI SWlbBCo° .Ncw Ye.k 11937 24 - - ,N1PIOMFOR vq .r SCfM 1006101-I•t/.9 _ •__..�^'_+ .. Ld.1 kWL Fb BWIPEE Cbndl•l'CINdbOor' 1,111101 tb J4A47 Iln.Rr110. Q P.O.Boa SOI,CWc6op�.N-.Yek 11935 TIrE I:(1apY•I>'a0Vd41'w.LYne1d.AA6ialtt ,yam wCN' Iiawur.I,.,�y r�Li,�Rµ �.i'.li / _ m►sovi+.lJa 'awE'e ��, P.O.Boa IM.:WmiOw,plm Barrh N[+Yod 1197E vT U,V ^ _ - 1<f ao.•IouR.tt rIWYIN6a,pIm,1 -'.'Dw•rdl,pY.:'0wtr1 u.mm.A.•tM.y,mer .f11,4:u;Pa.t. Iw.Y S,t..t 'LL _..-_. ___ __. ••-� _ a=911AM` a -a�o.�� Y .,kpin''[m•p&0A br BL•.1d 5rwiO,i•.rabc Z,j -Co 1'19: ti ': 'sl•IR GS I2c'w Iq�.50 6Fa Malw Sl,a[L Nwbr[G�N•r I W. '9f70 qun hnYUY 6bFG OF PAYE bNT :x ,:• •':'G I - SaKYIb 0ms,d.S )000 rP[1�6d lwuan..-_ ....-.• .. j 3s==.b, YN IOOL - ' PleeLr.;w1.m..�i.m ltadBYa' •l5 4,r ' �••✓+n'a4w•+ '. � •,.•�-�••�. '. --' -�-`,'v??�,W „ '�'. •�" 4O� 1MJH R»rlDlsrn]0 u,o � '• y����� I s7xnun m7r 1 .I.m,pes O.YRise.160-W aila.•'M 47�tll 7N f01A7'. _ .•�►EL1S!'�•.. PI�o89 W 41*6x '}! 61 WY 6- - :P?!ttmpWA+mmBb6w .. .... +?O, .� 03h1333B, a..-- -.... - I \ ` NIP LF:FL LlY HPLL uINEY AapS INC. 9 `\ / �' ^\ �, '✓ � .3J w15G•Sc. 40 E IR4.LIQ so I KL i amP I GU:i' PIH cf �� eEt�..':;,L •^ r I cO � :;..kLf.n` r w.n�)<n .,r),ran.7EN,4�L•)W 1'c^'f,r);.1G. /.�O IWn,•'UR'_'1:`Kr.GL !'\L'Y ru_'•t1 L! F IN!-yI N.EP G_•L'1.1 i _ 1 eRau.t I w.v y�q'�7LW n:'G w,c•L�lvhl_•_r I.vut F�lll?uv _ SLP'IIL 1-k :NuacN 1�5 tyPUIJCI.UYw44s V "A7 =UPwMl1 r I.S 41` ''L:O GFLLON t I _ r•Ei1GU tC¢ i vers Ft D,: i Lo¢ouJ (�I 2 w VJD 6a1Vu: 9OD GAtLDAf rWe lP IOOD GPu.DV �EP71c 7PNC p LBPCN,NG P.ggL4 900 GALL.- 'T .8 OIAr Llm i I7'OGCP L*FLIIr44 RrN65 µJ ww7Fw F UICpVNRNAD M.1YJNwLa DEP]G,FUCE 1 ' Nlr w it tta f. -1CSl A%e OAIA (N �wlsN rL ct Nl G I I I 31 Lorx, tc.w 6.xw A I I Ap I .L•�"•V" era ••r..Y 4n - '_ • I' P; ! D� L 3 K '1 Nk1U0.PL VL6C7PY1Owl I - X •11.5 PINUS]IROpC.IEPSIEAv'147C PII,E TP SCBF.EAI..TAVLKlNG 10r; L-awLLtr. �i,,,Aw l�'fLA x 1'/'G4.'_[` X •r .. '!� l�1 � , hM:A:.I CCv:u•IC ._.-.._. -V.t Lto N�VVTt D SOvirL+n.l.t LGA IH11 I,vO Llgnld r \' U DN 1•f ppF � 1 LN 14' ''.,ALJ I-IPC`! '_Y_�if Al i JLJ 4G S:.wLf LI TvowYaPN nC UYt[J 9,1 1 II � I o �`I a pL1AA.Dr.. V.aB I 1 '4.i. Ass '�• 4> / 1 1 4 1 j Aj 'j5+ Lt' 19' 9' rt' _x_14: '19• t2' 1 )�jd, LPNOSC_PPWG N07F_• Lw17Ds,IY �! aLulv..V�OMLIe-P UG -- �, LW ]I{wE 1 i t'RO►c 7u'lE PPU Iu1rNN 1' ;-'• - t'TRE^.7-TA6E5- '��CP,1IP4LEY '/0 cc. 'l 9YlwCa..rx•APfPOu - At:ZP t(Ut�0.V•'w iiF_O MAt�Ly� 1 1 _ y/� �I -5•wrCUC PLAN71I.0 06 SOV f!4 AND E4`.T_IDES m'buu.OWC. YV Tc4 LPNoacAP,NG mP7F 0.1FL- RHO�AIPAD:IS, Vim% �. a1Nt[,^ YEWS ,1u u11E[3,NY OvAwGEA3,HGLLI. vlwD,k UVn• H9.7P AuuUlS'v a[w30tJ �{ 4111 ) V. a1rWe7Ee �\ / wil-LD9 iPrrcltiaYtloe,,ie daln,m,rpulree,DCs[er pavtl _ r v 'F .49 'L pirtl�_;'sa� Gds A'. T i 1 11 1/1 laeb,a,spbtlb wlY ' 7 ad 13 Inch"bleb[' 'vu-�� 'ttj 11[tl,ra»FdCtl,OSl If 1,\>q0. hJG CALL VLA fi O4Y - ~,I,�m� " PLACE OF RtQuiRLO I SPACE PER I/, 'WOO SEATS=•H 75 PARII SPATE.,; a.,"\ A - :'By+Lw,FImR.E3V 5' '•/ -�; X55 L4 1 F'1�DUl0 CL IS PARk,"16 SPAC!` -E 3 y 1 J jy�., •• NANOIC APPCIq SPACES 10 BE ASP41ALl PAVED OA'IUGI ,v A7 aT 1Lu'To FL VAV CU fOR.40 F i' -J70Fl AGt. AEQUIRGO'AaEP k Z"aAI Nf PLL 7q1'. �' � `•']► - :Wt'fX AUNO3f.CP LF FICILM a T "-` ROOFEDAREA 'f430 SP IG FT.0.17 x I 37 C.i ..O �, a '�' ' ��:�.• , 1657 c 4-- 314.16 52 '&)'O'Q•'!'H RI"4 u :, PPVEo PAEA-PAAKI GAAFA _ t.9 n',T 4'•'� 227001 Oil.0.17w1 3959 C•F PAVtp 1¢t ZW:l SME O<Pxp PED-lY 1••) LAWN �_. .2O' IC �1 LNL`di�GP1..','...♦'-1 z9 438p SOii 0,17.1 1116 C.F �� 1\ � �• PAv6O AIL P• W[S7 s-, 3% PRDPt¢7Y •- NUP,yL /A .p e i 44735[1:+ 0.11 x l' 7410 C.I` N VN Paum PLLP SOV1A[11X.OF TaOMILIV fV \Tr uL 5150:pil.0.1.1 1 977 C.P - 7 [TGA ~'_ ••• - 1 ZZ) 106 N4 4 AIAGs U 'Y'11` 1 I Ia _ gPROVED BY S �!,1 D NNING BOARD [._ J I I ~A' a •+'� .fa r T� N OF SOUTHOLD AUG JET I ti •I \_ _ _ •,' l --� 0 :14 kr-uAv..•./ ZG _ - M!! urrOL WNiY D[Pi.DI M[LLix 5[IINCU, 'drrl N444U / / CLV1MP 6nCN �� !fit off{ CALL 2.703],AO HW9,IN ADV"MC[, wr�d,d.,r+h�:�' CVRPs50C---I P,L i'"�'�� 'S, _'_ ` •• ' _,4• 1 a •'4AlJ}tU:. D`+CN[OVL[INLirCiIONIII. ' �•I-.., F�w7 W'rltl +rbc -- - COnP KTEO OLEUP • 1 It1, .slocwALK oG7ALL -i1M01 PPWMl ,7w 4+9 inr NP-TURK VE6E7ATIpIa �__._-•--__` F•Fle BpYx Ours!P1Cadgv I _ VJFFWCWMDEPWr - SeBbIk C •q.N-YDA 11933' -- APPRO E- a Dk._✓ , ^.BCM IWD-I061-143 '� r "'^-- 1M 14.7 HB REF)ID. 6 P.O.H.SN,OltloDw.*.y k 11933 - 3'. .PHG6 r 4G /Y1E "c Cir't!�PLF�d b'DhellaelOrAIN11Ya ,_1 wthx Iiaxv,.t,•j�Ymsw�.b'a�'b rPriraa'e err[ P.O.BoN/BI,Wail,npon Beek Ne:'Yuk 11418 `71UTY __ _ Y!`I Y16Y' - .L..li �yWWIxM'�PN�r 98 sC' r afdFP�'JLeeR ll,30G7,PA�tx.4.OdT AF111L LB,xNB M7],faeL OLE '-�•_ ___ _• .• _ OrbOGb na_b �PLr1 23.. M44P¢IM .S:?bri AC'AylelmLl CPmr+Jm .�-6gP19L- `'l.",�Lo�09+.1p1 Yea b <��rsia'brml�.?wM^`'le^sMsel,•E.aem1�aB:.a3Pl �I:19:�•,u IVS;Bo 'IIs�Eal sFrt Mdn sb.L Rl..b.L6 Naw Yak I IYDI,.. toun1 ! 'R PDd Mrldk% 9QOtyrrta' FOFG of PwV61iAd64 _✓� .�.. ; a. 1 1t[Br�'PLq �IBOO,gou�M - � ,. VNIOO T .. .•. -r. � �... .. .. yAirLn._ - .m 7)DO•Bo,rlkP .ue .. COUNTY.]App;Lj: 4%. C.-_:: tve.t.,NLrir..'•.+..ei...61:w�dBlla' fIDeB�'PP�F � W� af"L" 4a� 1MJN a»Y>�t3ra 3JIJb I ���l�. Id y�).Y ioa-UD.7CD xF.r.M I 61-r6 Sl]I4- !N)r. •' 6 wvNF 6-W� PNyeLq lae411L 0x ' )aakoyil[ptkblk 33x i �� lau �1NIl0�Nl0llf15 - d :' '►. _p.°fle4°ckra)ml. .._.�_.... - +?„ � 173A13J3tl• 'ter-=�--�-7�eF� ' C10-OZ'000.5 •t��riz�.-cyt�.L-tom sUdW81FECEIVEO •. 1 COUNTY tw.r L`` 1 - _ .• J- ,ttLaww�w.oaeew,. .. MAX-9 - AM 9+19 I"r,'.. u.d.r.aro0Mr1- Ntmbwf . _ 1 •:trlouxLALnlsta/at wh• I wrrcLadsltzArccxtn} ' n.�n..m _ .!. ' Jr"a +t�- QbOI'n C., _� w.:..�:^� t 1r'19W anba fo yyyq a.te�tOS96 �aWPP19 pa0day. I . .. '.f' � • .• IU411 AWA-K.V vp.Sy'1w0;a(tW a>rd9 v.f19d v e'�' �• pg'sbl m ••esi�imrB'�.w�rtannv!a�aewwals b illi 'r oLL,aelrMleld�fa'„i j:'`':;';•il'. •' �m '02:b I.I°i, � >�L'a�c.•u.9'i urn'. Re!N^MAvAv d!!P�:�°, i f•aae! at+.vowawd'd.tfhw/1 - ,�wd�y..��-..-_�.. _ -- �-f2 vn'cbw 2ea'n vvr i!m-trxl.•�::�tDai'[j i.e,sS•++p�4P•n0''� .na tp a tern P wm ••4,Na�A 4 I!o�a>•as / -,.' 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I I I I a I W I � Iw I a w 99y tLt I w I I J I x f<E *r MAF wry SCALE: N.T.S. I I 11 1 1_l_-� CO I IQ I I 11.8 J I SUED Iw I IVISION MAf' Of= EAST COAST PROFER I � I vFF SUOLK GOUINTY FILE NO. c1225 TICS I 10j I I I ton</ Q I Q I IJ' WELL I w K I t_ ly I < OILI v I I I x1 _7 I I to I o ts) I L1 0 1LI �-S 33°03'20"I 6'TO 8' I — "-'�'-^—"- --- .-. — — O HIGH CEDAR TREES PROPOSED FROM SITE) SYSTEM k2 do — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- -- — — — (TO BE RELOCATED 5 A I T A R Y / 45 NEW EXT'S ( WELL I '-' — 4'HIGH STOCKADE FENCE 6'HISH STO6lSADE FENCt _ EXT'G) EDGE OF VINEYARD — —. _ _ — - _ _ _ -' _ I &'HIGH Exr'6 ,144.09' 1 S 33"24'10" E 9Q•9 5 �STOGkADE ENG J- I (EXT'G) EDC)= Oi- VINE— — — -- —I-- — - — — — — —--- — — — — — ��_#� 3tY �fFt- - ( [ c Iti 3�- 26�5'DO" E D (NEW) (� =YARD - — — — — — — — — — — -- — - - - - c �Y 3Y�3•' J.k`t Qf1.07'\ STREET 111 I I LOT 14.4 ( DEVE)ttj 9* _UPMERIGHTSI 5�- LOT 14.F� DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS INT,4GT) — — — — �I -� � p."�,�, / # TREES f- - T I NT,�GT) I-– -_ _ /Q Q �f }— �! 6RASs PARKING AREA m I _ rr I �"2a u- I K� 5.7548 AC RES/ I62,6a-7.5c, �.I P 1 lI I ! 17 GARS I a'°r"^cu C�� I GRASS � -- �- f I I H�J -�- INS) I I Wor,1n� 5.2081GI'?�= 5/ 22C,B�OQ-.O 5.1-. ^ I \ ry�� 1- �/ I ���/`W /� ° + (H I [V I PARKIN& ` 2 NI6N BERM - 1`v' � W M,a --11 /, Y ° "' 555 n �' fV � &RAVeL A- - AREA PP/T/IDE A �C F-O �. -'v // \� �A I N 'vaAa AREA rHwc H .s nza O 'l(• y (�'w��.•J�w�� /'LU IL \' O �. - -} -- - — -- rtn sru !-, _ is \_jii,:',,+,:.. , HOT EoK ® V U �/ O d� I �' I '" .a. "A`,Tn I GRAVEL FR.OP'D RPZ ARCA II I .- T��I [F't. _ FROP05ED 1f-'LEGTP.IGAL SFRVIG - ------ - 0 - —S.GYW METER 1-1� > I ,n (/j �`Q° '[j` \/ �r I if jl I�1 I w.l j _b \ _ __-_I _ � �, I =Z VnuL-'�T —vnm.—.vn v.ra—vn � �� •-\ � I L'—'—•-.•� — — — .a a .>... €��rROF'rseonl�-II/�'Dlh, 1B2'.a—vn,a W \v (� L — - 74 I WATER_ERVIGE —v; �ly V I NL nlC , ' 1W" np PNWa' ---�� I z Ei 1 re,MK er rur eRr s nr I 165' i�' I I F J IU I O , •� 5 d.an w e sKiG�K sn.m n•r.. I �` v 2N0 FLR'' I •t9t!9P. ;; 1 9a�rtn \ mi Q i PROPOSED 4 — az' ' I J (AKA p „s., I o p o X I X SYSTEM 5 K I PATIn �r iii Gf: • / `n ��" S -E—MIN._ b"BETWEEN LLI w (� c/ �U I J� J� t CRU5H 092 5.F. '/i �� '� X METER VAULT �I\J� iii • I '- lu A1ll7 HOT eox n' ° V I N j� nQ/ I LOT 3) I \ 554 SP. „ ¢ s P / u� Y •�'- Q YAR d- \ PAD o LI NDSGAFED ” A [ x W EXISTING `15— I \ PROPOSED /i a LA DS A PL 15LAND 'C I _ �\ �,A5TIN6 AREA ys�/ -.'� -® \ ��ry o�^� SANITARYo II _WI �}�' 661.0 Sr , i —i-------� —_'__� 17,3.81' - �' r I I m "'^1 d SYSTEM #I PROPOSED 2" DIA, WATER SERVIG)= _Z I I _��`� ___�US_RARKIN6 ryA �J A \ 4�\ IW L� _ \ ; .pis a O' ISix50' GPAVEL N �_ _ wnra—vara--vera—vara--vn \, — — — — \ — — — — — — — — — C — \ --- BV5 AP.KING I ra—vnm—vara—vera—vnm—vera—vnmi—v / \ FROP'D 2" \ ) --II / ✓I 3---� u� u I 1 / AR"A I•^ f� ra_vnrzn— _ver v r DIA. WATER SERVICE t ` �-/ a—+ r a.o era_vara—vn vnrtw—v k^ �' vnrvr—vnrcv—wmr—vera--vn,ni_vn,a— — — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — (PROP'D)EDGE OF VI \ i ! -- -15i xS0' ---'/.....v:.. Q [E vera n NEYARD lJh10 A XX /'� vnrvr_vnrtw—vema_vnra_vn.cw_vnra--vnrt.—vera—vara — — — — -- I \ \ Q / \ —vara--vara—vara—vnrtr—vnra_vnra—vara—vara_vn I -I OSA PLANTED VINES w I N 33° .------ .._ — — - a �na vea�-vnm_ver�1:� � n----- a— _�ea� � zs' �' 3a 20 -- — _ — vna_ �~ '- \ /{T --'—�' y, �i � I 6RAssrPnrk 3z' z GRIGULTUR \ —\ PRovirE * z ` Q ' �4L PRODUGTI ON Q I G3 , AREA 2'NIGH EERM 0 ib• I Q 5.0 q 55 I w V 8.4 7 N ?8'40'4 P1 I TOTAL p t1T / �� SET9ACk I , /.7-. 4.0 S.P. � � I I Xf/ �,w �, IL PRODUCTION I AREA: \ 5' TO 8' PROPOSED '- a� \ HIGH CEDAR TREES I MONUMENT �pp•00 � ? ��S 21. to 5.5624 AGRES/ 155181.67 S.F. � C Q XT'G BARN +� c\y �� UI y I �'�42` '°`�' `I—S/ 3��,�✓I.CJ� �„� — 45 (TO eE RELOCATED 41 SIGN HAS NO ( � J I I W u� I ( �s� FROM SITE) L UTILITY OLUMB I NG, I _ 1 J I ^ "\ UTILITY I F A u POLE RESIDENTIAL USE I I u 7P.NWATCR — �34'plll 1148 ,OGRES 5 I / ,000.0 S.F. (,I EXT'G 4 _ _ I I v WELL H U I {— O W i DGE OF ��/INEY/z4RD I D O � IL 25' � o � I I I +r LO DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL V- E_ N L _ — — (EXT'G) EDC-E- OF VINEY?RD I S.G.D.H.S REQ# NOV 03 2017 l — (1=XT G) EDGE OF VINE-�- — I �� '- -. - - - - -I v� S.G.T.M. #: 1000-IOi-I-14.4 $ 14.6 �� Southold Town N 31025'2011 jY -'- - SITE D�tT�t Planning Board EXT IG 397.75, 34-15'30" e " r THE UNDERSIGNED,PURSUANT TO SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE SECTION 1�1/O/ I I M I/�f /� N 34 1 30 f}127.47 280-131(1),ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE CONDITIONS OF THE STTE PLAN INE L L ' }I G K f�/�-'~;M APPROVAL SET FORTH IN THE RESOLUTION OF APPROVAL DATED REV. #1-1 10-05-17 AREA OF 51 TE: 8.1425 ACRE(S) OR 3£3l(,551.51 S.F. (IRF,IGATION (VAGANT) t 1! Imo+ ,/20 t 1 ARE ACCEPTED(SEE CON ONS ON RESOLUTION). REV. #15 06-26-1-1 EXT'G BUILDING AREA: 2,162.0 5.P. ONLY) PL E RINTNAIMELl 3 R M n n 1 ri-e) REV. #14 04-27-I, PROPOSED BUILDING AREA: 2,852.0 5.P. REV. #13 04-0-1-I-7 TOTAL = 5,014.0 S.P. V � �� � a„Ir,nn REY. #12 03-.20-1-7 `'� OP LOT OGGUPANGY AUTHORIZED S1C,NA1'URE TITLE DATEZONING O}= 51T1=: ?,G ZONI{�lG SITE PLAN REV. #-r 02-15-1`1 APPROVED REV. #6 02-13-I-1 EXI5TIN5 USC: RE5IDENGE d WINERY SCALE: 1 ' -50'_0" rFc TOWN oF -rrt�� ��Nc>�oARD I REY. #5 OI-12 PROPOSED USE: R -1-7 - L-SIDCNGE 4 WINERY 111.2 101-1 REY. #4 12-06-I6 S.G.T.M. #: 1000-101-1-14.4 14.6 CHAIRPERSON SIGNATURE ~ ATE REV. #3 H-0-1-161 DATUM OF ELEVATION5: NAVD I180 REV. #2 08-26-16 NOTE:The approved site development plan shall be valid for a period of eighteen(18) REV• #1 0-1-11-16 months from the date of approval as per code section 280-132A. �y -tis Tarn ofoolds6e,14 SITE PLAN POf' �i N'fiJ \ .rets Rwstrictions cm. «?�tR r-� ' c '% .•. SANN I NO �/1 NEYARD �. ���-j � ti7G� 4� � J. &•,z.`; 151115 COUNTY ROAD 48 GUTGFIOGUE,NY c �-' O cF SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWN BY: j.TURNER �`• `F�.�G� 5 3 p(�012�c32 � � APPROVED BY: 1. a of 8%0 wd DATE: 06-22-16 REVISED BY & SriC2�OtYS l tr ,L.. PAG 5114 _ Robert J. 6ruber Air chitect �000r3Z �� .3oTl ryy. 476 Expressway Drive So. Medford, N.Y. 11763 (631) 654-4949 OF SITE �� �� DRAWING NUMBER: GIO-16-0012 �� ,' D� do©y S#1150-0 4 .. 1. Endorsed Map