HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA-10/17/1957 APPEAL BOARD MEMBERS Roberf W. C-,illbpie, Jr., Ch~irm~n Roberf J~ergen Herbeff Rosenberg Char!es ~recjonls, Jr. Sercje Doyen, Jr. SOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. Telephone SO 5-2~&0 Southold Town ~oard of Appeals October 17, 1957 A regular meeting of the S~uthold Town Board cf A~:rpeale was held at 7130 P.M. on Thursday, October 17, 1957, at the Town 01erkls office in Southold, N. Y. T here were present: Mr. R. W. Gillispie, Jr. Mr. Charles Gregonis, Jr. Mr. Herbert ~oeenberg Hr. Robert Bergen Also present: Absent: Mr. Howard M. Terry, Building Inspector Hr. Serge Doyen, Jr. PUBLIC ~A~.ING: Appeal No. 31 on application of EmmaandMartin Tschiember, 71-31 73rd St., Glendale, N. Y., for a variance of the Zoning Ordinance from decision~k of the Building Inspector to deny permit to use and'build on undersized lot in question, A~ticle III, Sections 303 and 306. Location of property: Lot No. 33, 50' front x 150t deep, on map of G.I.Tuthill, Bra~Avenue, Mattituck, N. Y. Letter to appellants advising of date of public hearing, application for variance ~ud special exception, legal notices with affidavits from two official town newspapers were read by the Chairman. Chairman: "Is there anyone present who wishes ~o speak for this appeal?" Mr. ~rederick Oetting~, Bray Avenue, Mattituck, N. Y.: ~Mr. Tschiember asked me to represent him. I am Just a neighbor. I have here a sketch of the plans of the proposed building and a map. Lot in question is No. 33, on the corner of Bray Avenue and a private road, which was purchased in July 1956. All the other lots in the aras are the same size." There being no one present to speak ~gainst this appeal, the board studied the plans and information given in application. It was the decision of the board that strict a.~plication of the Ordinance would produce undue and unique h~rdship, this being a corner lot purchased in July of 1956, and the variance and special exception, which was unanimously granted, would observe the spirit of the Ordinance since lots in the area are of the same size and in some cases buildings on the lots are much larger than the proposed size of the l~ilding to be erected on this lot. Southold Town Board of Appeals October 17, 1957 $~iN~.S, Cont iaued PUBLIC EEARING: Appeal No. 32 on application of llerman W. Johnston, Box 142, Cutchogue, N. Y., for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 303. Lot No. 16, 75t frontage on Eaywater Road, Fiehermante Beach, Nassau Point, Peconic, Letter to Mr. Johnston advising of date of public hearing, application for variance and legal notices with am~Adavits from two official town newspapers were read By the Chairman. Mr. Johnston, ~peaking for this appeal, presented a map of the lot in question, map dated February 6, 1931. He stated that he requested the variance to allow him to sell the lot for ~mmediate development. · oard ,,n~-imously agreed to grant this variance. Their decision was based on the reasoning that strict application of the Ordinance would produce an undue and umique hardship since the lot was held in single and separate ownership since 1944, and the variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinance aa other iota in the area are of the same size and the variance would not ch~ge the character of the district. Minutes of the October 3rd meeting were read. On motion made by Mr. Rosenberg, seco~ed By Mr. Bergen, and carried, minutes were approved. A motion was entertained By Mr. Rosenberg that the following become a part of the regaular procedure of the ~oard of Appeals: On Appeal, Variance or Special Exception applications to the Board of Appeals, the B~ilding Inspector is hereBy directed and authorized By the Board of Appeals to fix a time and place for public hea~ing of such applications, baaed on SEOTION 803 of the Ordinance, in conformity with Meeting dates of the Board of Appeals. On motion ma~e By Mr. Rosenberg. seconded by Mr. Gregonis, and carried, the foregoing procedure was approved. T he main p~z~oee of this authorization is to improve our services to the public. The next meeting will be held at the regular time amd place on October 25, 1957. Meeting adJourne~ at 11:50 P.M. Respectfully sub, nit t ed, Secretar~ '--~: